Care of anemonia in open ground, preparation for winter. Reproduction and autumn landing anemones who need to dig up for the winter

The buildings 14.06.2019
The buildings

Many novice flowerflowers are trying to stock up more tubers and bulbs, without thinking about how to properly prepare clubnelukovic and corruptous cultures for storage, and in the spring they discover that planting material Spoiled.

So that this does not happen, you need to evaluate your capabilities and desires: if you do not have a cellar, garage or glazed veranda, i.e. any room, where you can maintain a temperature of +5 ... + 8 ° С, you can not chase worth it. Make sure that tubers and bulbs designed for storage are completely healthy and caused. When storing the landing material, consider the features of each culture.

During the winter, all reserves are viewed at least once a month. If signs of mushroom diseases are found - rot, spotted, mold, - the affected places are cleaned and treated with a greenflaw or colloidal gray. Highly affected tubers and bulbs immediately remove so that they do not become the source of the spread of infection.

How do they prepare for wintering and stored clubs and bulbs of decorative-cooling plants?

Montstrance, or Crocosmia (Montbore, Crocosmia)

With this plant usually come true: at the end of September, the clubnellukovitsy dig up, dried for several days at room temperature, separated clubnelaukovitsa from the club. Store at a temperature of +5 ... + 7 ° C.

Another way is suitable: bushes dig a whole, the soil does not shake, do not separate the baby. Dried nests store in open containers. If there is a lot of tuberukovol, then you can risk and part of them to leave winter in the soil, inspiring the thick layer of peat (at least 15 cm).

Fudge Begonia (Begonia x Tuberhybrida)

The tuber of this plant must be crushed in the middle strip. To speed up the process, from mid-August begonia Start deleting all flowers. Dock tubers before the start of morning frosts.

The storage is most often prepared as follows: the stems are cut up to 2-3 cm, the tubers are digging a scoop, without cleaning the roots from the soil, put them in boxes and transfer them to a warm, well-ventilated room. After about two weeks, the remains of the stems are removed, the tubers are cleaned from the ground and old roots and arrange for storage.

You can prepare tubers in a different way: stalks to cut, leaving 5-10 cm of length, rinse tubers, treat a fungicide and lay on drying. In the dried tubers, dried stems are easily separated. Storage conditions - temperature +6 ... + 8 ° C, air humidity 80-85%. Tubers better suspend with peat or sawdust.

Georgin (Dahlia)

Georgina is usually digging at the end of September - October, when the bushes are scrambled after the first frosts. Before digging the stems are cut at an altitude of 8-12 cm from the root neck. Removing the coronalube from the ground, try not to damage the renewal kidney located at the root cake - without them, the tubers do not germinate.

Georgy's nests are laundered from the soil, carefully examine, cut off strongly damaged tubers, remove fine feed roots and are immersed for 30 minutes into a solution of manganese. Before laying on storage for 7-10 days, they are useful to hold them at low positive temperatures. During this time, there will be tested by peeling tubers that impede drying.

In the storage of tubers places on the shelves or in boxes. Optimum humidity Air 80%. In a dry room, tubers dry and shuffle. If the humidity is difficult to ensure, then the roots georgina Put in boxes and move sand, peat or sawdust. It is possible to protect them from drying out with the help of a clay batch, lowering the tubers into it and dried to the formation of a crust.

Sometimes the paraffinization is used. The tubers are divided into delays so that each has 1-3 renewal kidney. On the stove are arranged water bathParaffin melted in a suitable capacity and for a moment one after another lower tubers into it. When the film hardens, the procedure is repeated until the decenes are completely covered with paraffin. After that, they are folded into a rigid container and put storage.

A small amount of planting material can be saved to spring, wrapped in several layers of wet newspaper paper, then in kraft paper and placing onto the bottom shelf ordinary refrigerator. From time to time, wet paper needs to be replaced.

Gladiolus (Gladiolus), Tigridia (Tigridia), Atdanthera (Acidanthera)

These clubnelukovichnye prepare for the winter equally. In early October (if autumn raw - then before, starting from late September), the stems cut off, leaving 15-20 cm length. Plants are carefully removed from the ground, so that the kids do not appear: dug up and pull out the residue of the stem. After that, you can separate the baby.

The planting material is laid out in varieties and sizes in a pre-prepared container. Under the young club, the old, wrinkled tuberukovica, it is not separated, so as not to damage the bottom. The clubnellukovitsy and baby are washed first in water, then in the "Intavir" solution or "sparks" and again in water, and then immersed in the solution of manganese. You can use the drug "Maxim".

After processing the clubnellukovitsy lay out on newspaper paper and dried. For 5-7 days, a temperature of 25-30 ° C is maintained, providing good ventilation premises, then lean over a month at a temperature of +18 ... + 20 ° C. If the old clubnelukovitsa is easily separated, it means that the drying process can be considered completed. The dried residues of the stalks are cut off with scissors. Curving scales do not remove.

For storage use cardboard boxes or boxes with covers. Their inner walls are treated with an insecticide of dichlorophos insecticide (any, designed for household purposes). The dried clubnelukovitsa lay down in the varieties in the heading bags and placed in the boxes, cover them with covers and wrap with newspaper paper so that the insecticide is slower than evaporated. Optimal temperature Storage +1 ... + 5 ° C, relative air humidity about 80%.

Other approach and special storage conditions require freesia, anemonium crown, buttercup Asian.

Freesia (Freesia)

These gentle plants It is best to grown in containers. They bloom in autumn. So that flowering lasted longer, at the end of September, the containers with flowers are added to the room. Such a simple solution will allow the tubnelukovs to properly rush (outdoors in the conditions of the middle strip it is unattainable).

After moving the above-ground part of the clubnelukovitsa digging, washed, disinfected and dry slightly. Recommended storage temperature +26 ... + 30 ° С. Clubneelukovitsy are small, they are very easy to cut. Therefore, it is best to fold them into sterile, tightly closed banks and put it near heating batteries or pipes. There are other recommendations, but it is necessary to honestly recognize that no way of room storage guarantees high-quality flowering.

Annemon Coronaria (Anemone Coronaria), Ranunculus Asiaticus

Thickened rhizomes of these plants are washed after digging, processed in a solution of fungicide and dried to the state of "crackers". Store in any box or package at room temperature. Before boarding a day, swinging.

Anemones are a wonderful decoration of any garden. Tender beautiful flowers - Dream of any flower. Some varieties of this plant require special care, others are unpretentious. Planting flowers B. open soil It is possible even in autumn.

Exists great amount species. Some of them bloom in the spring, others on the contrary in summer or autumn. Some love shadow, others - the sun. Exist frost-resistant and thermal-loving species. Below are one of the most popular species.

Corn anemone

the most beautiful anemone. Flowers of this plant are quite large, as well as a variety of shades. But this type of plant is extremely demanding of the environment. Coronate recommend digging for the winter. In this case, the usual cycle is completely knocked down.

If in nature it begins to bloom at the beginning of summer. After flowering, her leaves completely dry out. And in the fall she blooms again. Then spring landing It blooms in the middle of summer, and the second bloom occurs with the frost and snow.

De Kaen grade belongs to the type of crowns. Flowers in the early summer. And in the autumn it is repeated. Flowers This variety is distinguished by a huge variety of shades. Kush lush, grows up to 45-55 centimeters Height.

Gentle - the plant is frost-resistant, unpretentious. Different with its small size. In height gentle grows up to 5-10 centimeters. Plant blooms in early spring. Flowers bloom together with leaves. Flowers are blue, white and pink. Flowers tender 2-3 weeks.

One disadvantage of the plant is bad germination of tubers. Of the ten purchased tubers can germinate only two or even one tuber.

White or oak - the smallest and unpretentious among other species. Flowers in early spring for 3-4 weeks. Height Kusty 20-25 centimeters, and flowers 2-3 centimeters in diameter. Dubravnaya meets most often with white flowers.

Annemon ordinary blooms early in spring. Flowers are like bells. It does not require special care. From planted seeds bloom only in two years. But then they will delight for many years and at the same time not to demand any care.

Is it possible to grow anemones in the open soil?

Flowers successfully grown anemones in open ground. These flowers easy to care, but demanding to soil. Colors required loose, "breathable" soil so that the moisture is not delayed in it. In order for the soil to make loose enough to mix it with sand.

It is also important to know that they are poorly growing in acidic soil.

When is it better to plant flowers?

The landing time may have to be for spring or autumn. It all depends on the region and climate in this region.

In southern natural zones Plants are better to plant spring. In the northern regions they are planted in autumnAnd the flowers are doing well. If you put them in several stages, it can extend flowering from the middle of summer by autumn. Played anemone in the winter can already be pleased with flowering.

Planting plants in open ground

In the spring, the anemone can be planted in the shade, or put on open place for sun ray. But in this case, it is necessary to remember that in the summer the rays of the sun can harm the plant. It is also required to choose such a place for flowers, which will be well protected from the wind.

Tubers are required to plant to a depth of 3 to 5 centimeters. The distance between the tubers should be at least 9-10 centimeters.

After landing, it is necessary to fertilize the soil by a humus or loose peat. So that they pleased lush blossomBefore the flowers are dissolved, it is important to fow the plants with complex.

Spring quickly grow and their need to liberate. It is necessary to do it as soon as they blend.

If they put them in the open soil in the fall, then they will bloom in early spring. It is important to plant anemones to frosts. It should be remembered that if the winter is famous for the harsh frosts, the clubs are better digging.

It is important to remember that if you put the anemone in the fall without drainage, they will be sick due to the overaffect of humidity.

Care after landing

It is easy to care for them. An important point This task is create proper moisturizing. The excess of moisture will lead to rotors and subsequent death.

  • If moisture is a little plative during buds, such a situation can harm growth and flowering.
  • So that the moisture was enough do not put a flower in a lowlandand it is also important to pay special attention Drainage.
  • After landing, it is recommended to cover the ground with leaves of trees or peat.

It is necessary to fertilize during flowering and autumn. Organic and complex fertilizer will fit as feeding. Do not like fresh manure, so it should not be used as fertilizer.

It is also required to loosen the earth and remove weeds. In addition, you should collect snails and slugs that feed on the anemons.

If the plant is ill, it is important to take appropriate measures on time. It is important to remove patients and not let it be acmine near the anemons. Flower bushes grow up. Therefore, it is important transplant and divided Bushes of plants that are already 4-5 years old.

Preparation for winter

Climate central region Russia does not allow you to leave tubers in soil. Therefore, it is important to learn them to prepare for storage before the onset of spring. Tubers drop and dried. The remaining leaves must be deleted. Tubers are stored in the sand or peat in a dark, cool room.

If we are talking about southern regions, where the winter is warm, the anemones can not dig. It is only necessary to cover them with foliage, peat or compost.

You should dig up in the fall for winter storage Only at the moment when the leaves of the plant were dried.


There are two breeding methods:

  • Seminal
  • Vegetative


Seed method quite complex. The difficulty lies in the fact that plant seeds must be fresh. Only fresh seeds can give shoots. But even freshness of seeds can not guarantee successful reproduction anemone.

Seeds need to sow in the box, and the box itself is necessary skip in soil. After the sprouts appear, the box is digging, and the sprouts are seated into the ground.

You can also soak pre-seeds so that they are swollen. After that, put in a pot with a prepared land. Then the pot takes to the street and bury into the ground.


A vegetative way of reproduction is considered more efficient than seed. For this spring dig a plant and separate tubers. It is important that at least one kidney remained in discharged tubers. To root better sprout, you can use any biostimulant.

Only the correct care and care will help to grow bright anemones. They will be from Spring to late autumn to decorate the garden with their own trees.

Anemones are herbaceous decorative flowering perennials Lutikov family. Their name comes from the Greek word anemos, which means the wind, so in the people the plant is often called the anemone. Despite the troublesomeness and complexity of work, if you dig up and correctly store the anemones in winter, then the plants will thank with its unique beauty and brightness of shades.

Digging anemone for winter or not

Although anemones and relate to independent, unpretentious plants, in care and attention they need no less than the rest decorative cultures. Anemones are characterized by species diversity, but not each of them requires digging up for the winter.

Attention! With moderate climatic conditions For the winter they can be simply covered to preserve heat and not worry.

As a shelter, you can use peat, sawdust or dry foliage. Flowers will be fine with cold and will delight the entire growing season with the magnificence of their flowering.

Some kinds of anemone bloom, form seeds and die away. Such a short vegetation period is explained by the cubic root system. Such belongs to the winds with langunevous rhizomes. They are sensitive to sharp temperature and cold drops, so they are not able to survive the cold period in the open soil, so they need to store them in winter in rooms with positive temperature indicators.

Favorable environmentIn which you can successfully store anemones, must comply with certain conditions, since:

  • with excessive humidity, the tubers are moldy and will not be processed on time;
  • dryness will lead to loss of moisture, as a result, the planting material will cry and dry completely;
  • excess cold will be the cause of the death of tubers;
  • with too warm conditions, the anemone ahead of time will go into growth.

Therefore, to increase the chances of survival of the plant in winterYou should know when and how to dig an anemone and which creating conditions for their safety for the winter.

When digging anemone

Anemones, preparation for winter which requires special attention and careful familiarization, it is necessary to dig up in time and create the conditions as comfortable for them in the cold season.

All types of plants with tube rhizomes have a short vegetation period. They are happy with their bloom, form seeds, after which their above-ground part is gradually drying out. It is important not to skip the moment when digging the anemone. Therefore, they need to dig up at a certain time, since then they simply will not be able to find them. The signal to extract tubers from the ground will be dry shoots and seeds. Time to dig them from the soil, different, depending on weather conditions Locality in which garden beauties grow.

Tip! You need to dig up in the period favorable for the anemone - the end of September is the beginning of October.

How to dig up

Anemones need to dig up for the winter That's right not to harm the plant. Therefore, the knowledge of all rules for digging clubs Anemone for the winter guarantees a successful event. Shower the tubers anemone better than forks, and when observing marginal caution, you can use the shovel. To do this, it is necessary to retreat 15 cm from the bush, and neatly crawling the soil, lift it up and pull the tubers with your hands.

  1. Clean the ground with tubers and trim the above-ground part.
  2. Inspect the planting material by sorting patients and fired instances.
  3. Rinse them and soak in a weak mortar solution for half an hour to destroy pathogens of various diseases.

Anemone, cleaning for the winter which occupies not as much time, must be in return after digging special conditions, while soil is not heated, and warm weather will not be installed.

How to save anemones in winter

Save the anemone to spring is a difficult task, since they react strongly to changes in temperature and humidity levels. In addition, all color blossoms are a gathering treat for harmful insects. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the organization of the place where the clubs are placed. It is important to take into account that the anemones must be stored in three stages:

  1. Disinfailed tubers decompose into one layer on drying room in a room with good ventilation and a temperature of 20 degrees. To do this, you can store on the veranda.
  2. After 3-4 weeks, it is necessary to store, shifting the planting material in wooden drawerfilled with peat, sawdust, sand and keep until October. You can also use paper bags or plastic containers, having done special holes in them so that cool air so that there. It is not completely filling the capacitance, because tubers may suffocate.
  3. The remainder of autumn and the entire winter period must be stored by tubers at a temperature of 5-6 degrees above zero.

In winter, it is necessary to carry out the audit of tuber anemone, inspecting the planting material for mold, rot, or drying. When detected by the affected tubers, you need to remove the dead copies, and the patients are put separately for subsequent processing and treatment:

  • the mold appeared to remove using the tissue material, after which the places to be processed by rotten coal;
  • snifferent foci to remove to a healthy fabric, applying a sharp disinfected knife, and process sections with the help of greenf.

Keep the anemone until the end of winter, and when favorable conditions You need to prepare anemones for disembarking. During this time, they will have time to turn into small wrinkled balls. After several months they will become beautiful flowers And they will delight the eyes of everyone by passing.

Before landing, the anemone must be mashed two to four hours. Next, place in wet wool or cloth, but ideally use the sphagnum. After germination, you can send the planting material into open ground.

Storage errors

Store anemones in winter at home It is simple enough, but many manage to make elementary mistakes and it is essential to harm the plant into a critical period for him. Before digging an anemone from an open soil and store in properly organized optimal conditions, you need to get acquainted with the Soviets experienced gardeners And follow them:

  1. Soil moisture. It is impossible to store the anemone club in too wet sand or peat, as it can provoke the awakening of the kidneys. If such a situation has already happened, the tubers must be placed in a compact pot and put in a warm well ventilated room. When the time comes to plant a plant, it is necessary to send it to the open soil with the soil.
  2. Air temperature. It is not recommended to store tubers in room conditionsThey need a smaller impact of heat and light, so the cellar is well suited for such purposes or even the last shelf of the refrigerator. Store clubs exclusively in room conditions follows after their preliminary drying to eliminate the possibility of rotting.
  3. Duration of drying.Do not stand hard tubers. In this way, you can enter them into a deep sleep stage, after which it will take a lot of effort and time to return to them for the previous life.

There is a way to not bother with annual troubles, namely, to dig up, nor storing for the winter and repeatedly do not put a landing - it is to buy tubers every year and a seaside way to plant them into the soil. And then this elegant beauty will bring the joy to real lovers of flowers.

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Spring B. flower stores Tubers are sold coronated Anemonerepresented by the queen among spring colors. Her flowers are very similar to poppies. I heard a lot that I could not germinate these tubers, and the most ever had a sad experience with the anemons.

Gardening of tubers anemone

It turns out that the tubers anemone must be soaked before landing, and the tubers themselves can not be lowered into the water: they absorb a lot of water, just like a sponge, and then hesitated.

Pour in a warm water saucer, add epine or zircon drop. You can use biological stimulants, for example, Aloe juice, as well as any other stimulants of root formation, for example, Riba-Extra. Watch the fabric in this solution, a little squeeze (water should not flow from the fabric). Tubers anemone Complete into this moistened fabric and place it in a plastic bag. In such a state, the tubers anemone must be no more than 5-6 hours.

While the tubers are shuffled, take a shallow dishes, put a little soil, mix with sand (you can take advantage of even one sand). An earthy mixture for the extension of the anemone should be lightweight. Lightly moisten the earth and lay out the clumsy tubers anemone straight on the surface. After that, the tank with the tubers of the Anemone cover the glass or put in the package and place in the cool place. Tubers Anemone must periodically check, the Earth should not dry, maintain it in a wet state.

After about ten days, roots and growth points appear on the tubers. Now it is already visible which side you need to plant the tubers anemone. If a small sprouting snapped on the club, then this tuber can already be put in a separate pot on germination. If there are no growth points - continue to moisten the soil slightly, and contain tubers in a cool place. With this method of germination, all the tubers anemone usually germinate if they did not rot, of course. In the pots, germinated by the anemone blossomed up on two heights of the tuber.

Landing anemone

After the tubers of Anemone put in the pots to grow, it is desirable that the temperature of the room does not exceed +12 0 C, otherwise, from the high temperature in the room sprouts, the anemone will be very chilly. However, not only anemons, but also to others garden Colors Reduced temperature only benefit. If the temperature is higher, the tubers anemone can be contrary. When the anemones root and give full-fledged sprouts, then the rise in temperature is not scary.

When the temperature on the street comes with the room temperature, the anemone can safely transplanted into the garden. It would be good to take them on the first days so that the spring sun did not burn gentle leaves.

Tubers Anemone can be seated in open ground immediately after soaking. When landing in an open ground, observe the landing depth of the tubers anemone - it should not exceed 5 cm or two heights of the tuber anemone.

Care for anemonia

The anemones grow well at sunny places, but also in a half-door in the neighborhood with the host, the gamehria their bloom is not worse. The only thing that the anemone does not put up is with acidic soil, fresh manure, reduced areas in which water accumulates. All of these risk factors will lead to reinforcement of the roots of the anemone.

Anemones grow well in mild, loose, nutrient ground with neutral or alkaline reaction. To increase the pH of the soil, in the soil with autumn resistance you can make lime, dolomite flour. If the soil is on the plot of hard, loam - add to the landing site anemone sand, peat, compost or humus.

Anemones Coronated easily endure the lack of moisture in the soil. You can water the anemones and you only need during the period of growth and bootonization, if the weather is hot and dry, there is no rain at all. With precipitation of additional irrigation, the anemons are not required.

Anemones are responsive to feeding with complex fertilizers, especially during the bootonization period. Anemones are practically not amazed by diseases and pests.

For proper care The club is formed by subsidiaries, they are separated when they are separated and used for further reproduction of the anemone. Anemones breed and seeds, but they only bloom after 2-3 years. If you decide to multiply the anemone from seeds, then collect seeds only with flaky-colored flowers, because the anemones grown out of seeds have a larger color of flowers.

Preparation for winter, storage of tubers anemone

Annemon crown - too southern plant for our harsh winters, her tubers can be frozen even under the shelter.

After the leaves and stems from the anemone will dry out, carefully dug the tubers. It can be stored in a dry in paper bags or cotton bags in a substrate from sawdust, sand and peat to autumn at +20 0 C, from autumn to spring tubers anemone must be stored at a positive temperature to +5 +6 0 C. Paper or fabric They will be given to the tube, and the mixture of sawdust, sand and peat will prevent tuber drying.

But if you could not find the place where the anemones were planted (after all, there are different situations), do not despair: knowing an approximate place of landing anemone, try to cover it with a dry mixture from sawdust, peat, sand, and on top of all this is covered with a waterproof film, or other priests. The main thing is that no autumn sediments and spring flood water (well, it is rather a backup option). In the spring, at this place, you can make a small greenhouse, in order for the anemons as soon as possible. If you are lucky, and the tubers anemone will not freeze in winter, then the next year you can see the re-blossom of Anemone in the fall.

But if you want, you can make an anemone distress at home and get gorgeous flowering in winter.

The rights to images belong to Zenzer0zer0, Beppenob (Sometimes - A Volte), Ajadawn, Macgibbs61, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, JAM343, CILLA64

Tender spring Flower Annemon received his name from the Greek word "anemos", which means the wind. In the people, it is called it - anemone. To the anemone pleased you with its delicate blossom in the spring, it should be taken care of the autumn. And one of the main questions - when digging the anemone and how to store them in winter. Currently, more than one and a half hundred species Anemone are already found, and there are noticeable differences in their cultivation. This is largely due to the appearance of the anemone on the nature of the roots. All anemones can be divided into:

  • rhizuy
  • cheer-shaped.

Do I need to dig an anemone in the fall

Rhizome anemones. Not so spectacular during flowering, but also less capricious care. Digging them no need. IN middle lane In winter, they need to just cover them. This can be done using peat mulching, sawdust or hide to fall asleep foliage. In this case, the anemone perfectly pee and delighted you with your bloom already at the end of the next spring.

Study aeronautical anemones. In more detail we will focus on whether you need to dig up for the winter and how to properly store the planting material of the tuber-like anemone. In nature, such types of anemone are common in the south of Europe. They relate to plants with for a short time Vegetation. After flowering, they give seeds and die away.

Street anemones are very sensitive to low temperatures. They are afraid of frosts, can be contrary due to water stagnation, or even recycle due to temperature contrasts. Therefore, in the fall of the tubers anemone, it is recommended to dig and store indoors until spring. Let's focus more on the most famous species Cheerry Anemone, examined them from the point of view of frost resistance: Anemon Appeninskaya. Her homeland is the Balkans. But the flower is able to withstand frosts in minus 20 and below. Therefore, you can do without digging tubers for the winter. Be sure to cover the plant with a thick layer of mulch (up to 15 cm), sweet snap or spunbond. It is possible to the other at the same time.

Caucasian anemone. Grows in the Alps, in the Caucasus. It is enough cold-resistant, it can do without digging by tubers. It is enough, as with the previous variety, to carry out mulching and hiding foliage, sweetheart or special material. Anemone tender. According to experts, it is also capable, despite its name, walk in winter only by the shelter, remaining wintering in the soil. Annemon Sadovaya. But this variety of anemona must need to dig and store strictly indoors before the cold. Annemon sparkling. Motherland - Spain and France, so the plant is also not able to transfer low temperatures. Requires to dig tubers, and you need to do it in the summer, immediately after the ground of the ground part of the flower. The anemone crown. The most beautiful and tender anemone from all known. So it is called because of the flower in the shape of the crown, with bright, as if a felt-tip pen with colored petals, up to 8 cm in diameter. But it is this kind of anemone and the most capricious. It is absolutely not adapted to wintering in the soil.

In the greenhouses, the anememo crown grow round year. It is designed for cutting, and it can also be "expelled" for early blossoms in winter. Especially nice and unexpectedly blossoming anemone crown on the eve of Christmas, New Year or March 8th. For anemonon bloomed in January, it is planted in September; So that the flower appears in March, plant in October.

Best time to dig

Do it best in autumn. The best period for digging up the tubers anemona in the middle lane of Russia can be considered mid-September-beginning of October.

How to dig (highlights)

Carefully dig tubers with a shovel or forks necessarily in dry weather, shake off the ground, remove the remnants of dry roots and stems. Then soaked in a weak solution of manganese or foundazole for half an hour to destroy possible pathogens of diseases.

How to store tubers in winter (common mistakes)

The whole process of proper storage of muscular can be divided into 2 stages:

  • The washed tubers are laid out into one layer for drying about a month. The room temperature should be about 20 degrees. And it should be well ventilated.
  • You can dry the tubers on the cool veranda under the layers of the newspaper.

A month later, the skilled tubers are placed in a paper bag or a wooden box with the addition of sand, peat or sawdust. You can add them to plastic containers, having done the pre-hole for ventilation.

"Filling containers should be half so that the muscles can" breathe. " The optimal storage temperature in winter is plus 3-4 degrees Celsius. "

Storage errors

You can not keep in an excessive wet sand or peat - the kidneys can wake up. If this happened, drop the nodules in a small pot and put in a light cool room, occasionally moisten the soil in the pot. And with the onset of heat transfer the plant with a lore of the earth into open ground.

The best place for storage of tubers is a dark cool cellar. But it may be the lower shelf of the refrigerator. If you store the tugs to do at room temperature, then it is pre-needed to be addicted more thoroughly to avoid posting. Such dried nodules that have become similar to mummified balls, flower products are called "crackers". At a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius such "crackers" retain vitality to 2-3 years.

"At the same time, it is necessary to understand that if the tubers are forced, they will continue, but will be included in the stage of such deep peace, which will be difficult to" wake up "."

There is another approach. Since the preparation for the storage of anemone is a fairly troublesome, it is easier to buy relatively inexpensive tubers annually and land them in spring through seedlings.

Storage Anemone Koronchta

The tubers anemones are also large enough, up to 5 cm in diameter. They must be filled with autumn and store the same way as described above. If you plant tubers at the end of March-April, then pre-soaking will not need. If planted in May, pre-soaking is required.


If you comply with these simple demands, then in the spring you will get from the box of the tubers overwhelmingly in the warm anemone. And after a half or two months later, they will thank you with their bright and stray blossoms.

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