Sheffler from seeds. The postulates of successful breeding cheflers at home

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Sheflera (Schefflera) is an exotic plant of the Araliaceae family, characterized by unusual leaves in the form of umbrellas. From one stem grows from 4 to 12 elongated leaf lobes at once. In nature, there are more than 200 species. The most common are the eight-leaved, palmate, tree-like and star-leaved cheflers that are often found in our country. Species differ in the shape and length of the leaf, their colors. In room conditions, the plant will grow no more than 1.5 meters. With proper care, it will delight with beautiful rosettes of leaves. To make the bush look more magnificent and the trunk does not shine through, it is recommended to plant several plants in a flowerpot.

Sheflera breeding methods

The plant reproduces in several ways. The most popular is planting seeds and cuttings. A number of plants can give life to a new plant with the help of a leaf. The percentage that a sheflera leaf will take root, and a full-fledged plant will begin to develop from it, is low. The best time to propagate shefleur leaves is the end of January, February. In spring, all plants show the best growth.

Reproduction shiflera leaf

It is necessary to carefully tear off a strong leaf with a growth point, a "heel" from the bush. Add a growth stimulator to a small container with clean water and place a leaf in it. You can use cotton wool, it is placed in a container and filled with a solution of water with any stimulant. In the process of rooting, the plant needs to create a certain microclimate. To do this, the vessel is placed on the battery, and the sheet itself is covered with a transparent dome. It is ideal to use a specially designed plant dome with an opening top, you can buy it at a flower shop. A plastic bottle is also suitable, cutting off the lower part from it, you can make a mini greenhouse. By opening the cork, you will create the necessary ventilation. The temperature inside the "greenhouse" should be maintained within 22.24 degrees. After 2-3 weeks, roots may appear.

Soil preparation

The plant will need to be transplanted into the ground. The mixture is prepared from turf, humus soil and sand, in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, respectively. Drainage is poured at the bottom of a pot with a diameter of 10 cm. The earth in a pot must be put on the battery, where the sheflera leaf is located. The temperature of the water where the shoot is located and the temperature of the prepared earth should be the same.

How to position the chefler?

The best place for a tropical plant is a western window. You should not immediately remove the dome, you need to do this, gradually opening it, thereby allowing the plant to adapt. In the next 3-4 months, the temperature can be slightly reduced to + 18 - 20. The subsequent transplantation of sheflera is done as it grows.

Having grown a chefler bush from a leaf, you can create a tropical corner at home.

Video about the care and reproduction of cheflers

We also offer you an interesting video in which you will learn not only how to propagate shefler with leaves, but also how to care for her at home.

Propagation of shefflers by cuttings
Often, when breeding shefflers, flower growers have difficulties. How to propagate sheffler? Suitable methods: cuttings, seeds and layering. However, none of them gives guaranteed results.

The easiest way is to propagate shefflers by cuttings. For this, cuttings are used semi-lignified. Cut them off in the spring. Rooted in water or a substrate, for example, universal soil with the addition of sand, in a ratio of 1: 1. The sand you need is coarse-grained, it can be bought at a flower shop or an aquarium store. It is advisable to treat cuttings of cuttings with a root formation stimulator, because. they root hard.
If the stalk is rooted in water, then after the roots appear and develop sufficiently (for green shefflers after about 4 weeks, for motley ones later), the stalk is planted in the ground and covered with a bag with a hole for ventilation, in addition, the bag needs to be removed daily 1- 2 times to air the plant for 20-30 minutes.
If the cutting takes root immediately in the substrate, the bag is put on immediately, and ventilation is carried out in the same way, the bottom heating works well. The substrate must be maintained in a moderately moist state, do not overmoisten.
Rooted cuttings should be placed in a warm place, the temperature is not lower than 20 degrees.
Interestingly, green shefflers take root easier than variegated ones.
How to propagate sheffler seeds
Sheffler can be propagated by seeds. The purchased seeds (you won’t be able to get your own crop at home) are sown in winter, in January - February, but it’s not too late to do this in March. Soil requirements for sowing - it must be loose, airy and moisture permeable. You can use universal soil, commercially available with the addition of sand (a handful of sand per liter of earth), or you can use a mixture of peat and sand.
Seeds are buried in the ground by half a centimeter. Watered, covered with a film and put in a warm place, 22-25 degrees. The container in which the seeds were planted must have drainage and holes for draining water. The film is removed once a day for ventilation. Germination can last up to one month, then seedlings appear - already palmate.
Seedlings during this period should be placed in a well-lit place. If conditions allow, it is desirable to reduce the temperature of the content of degrees to 15-17.
With the onset of warm and hot weather, do not forget about spraying small shefflers from a small spray bottle with lukewarm water.
Reproduction of shefflers by layering
If you have a large specimen of shefflera and a desire to experiment, try the method of propagation by layering. To do this, in the spring, make an incision on the trunk of the plant. Wrap the cut with a layer of wet moss, then a layer of film. Keep the moss moist at all times. After a month or more, roots should appear, then the stem is cut below the new roots and planted in a mixture of soil or peat with sand in a ratio of 1: 1. When the plant takes root, new leaves begin to form in it, you can transplant the sheffler to a permanent place.

An unpretentious and graceful houseplant with carved decorative foliage is a shefflera. Flower propagation is carried out in four different ways: cuttings, leaves, seeds and air layers taken from the mother plant. Sheflera is great for landscaping office space, apartments, houses and restaurants.

general information

Sheflera is a member of the Araliaceae family, which includes about 200 plant species. Its name was derived from the name of Jacob Christian Scheffler, a German scientist who lived in the 18th century and made a great contribution to the development of botany.

In its natural environment, the flower can be found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Australia, as well as on some Pacific islands. Wild varieties are shrubs, lianas or trees up to 2.5 meters in height.

As garden plants, low forms with variegated leaves are grown. At home, they began to contain sheflerra not so long ago. This exotic tree is considered a relaxer and is able to absorb all the negative energy accumulated in the house, as well as increase the humidity of the air and enrich it with oxygen.

Ornamental shefflera is called an umbrella tree because of its palmately dissected leaves, consisting of 4-12 lobes and collected in rosette umbrellas. A glossy sheet plate can be plain - painted in dark green, or variegated - with white and yellow spots, stripes, stains. Adult specimens look like small palm trees and are able to bring an exotic atmosphere into the house.

The plant has racemose, elongated inflorescences, some breeders even compare them with tentacles. But few people manage to admire shefflera flowering, as it occurs only in a natural environment or a botanical garden. But the plant owes its decorative qualities to foliage, which always remains green and does not crumble all year round.

Most often, indoor specimens are shaped like bushes or trees. Their shoots are quite thin, so if the plant has only one trunk, you need to build supports for it.

Shefler is classified as an unpretentious indoor crop, so its cultivation does not cause problems even for novice flower growers. However, it should be remembered that the flower emits substances that irritate the mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, you should be careful and keep children and animals away from the sheffler.

Reproduction at home

Many lovers of indoor flowers are interested in how to propagate a chefler at home in order to get a few more beautiful bushes from one. Like other green plants, Schefflera reproduces in generative and vegetative ways. The first method includes seeds, and the second - cuttings, leaves and air layering.

Since such trees do not bloom at home, their seed can only be obtained in greenhouses or flower shops. The remaining materials necessary for reproduction can be separated from the adult specimen. Therefore, flower growers prefer to use the vegetative method.

For successful reproduction, the air temperature should be 20-23 degrees above zero. Therefore, it is better to separate the necessary parts from the bushes in spring or early summer. At this time, rooting will be successful and young plants will take root well and go into active growth. Sheffler does not tolerate heat, so the optimal summer temperature for such a flower is 16-22 degrees Celsius, and winter - 16-18 degrees.

Pruning foliage and cuttings for planting will benefit the mother sheffler. It will stimulate the growth of fresh shoots, which will make the flower bushier and more magnificent.

Rooting cuttings

Owners of an exotic beauty definitely need to know how to properly root a sheffler with a cutting. Fans of indoor flowers consider this method the most convenient and easy.

This will require healthy and strong cuttings, without any damage and traces of disease. Semi-woody, soft stems with 6-7 leaves are considered ideal material for propagation. Such shoots are separated from an adult plant with a sharp knife, after which the lower leaves are removed from them. The cut should be oblique - this is important.

In order for the cuttings to give roots faster, they can be treated with special growth stimulant preparations, for example, root. The shoots are placed in a solution of the product and water for about 7-10 hours, after which they are planted in the soil.

But while future bushes are preparing for rooting, you should choose suitable containers for them. Since two years after planting, the sheffler will have to be transplanted, it is better to give preference to small pots with drainage holes.

When all the materials are ready, you can start planting in the ground:

Keep a close eye on soil moisture. Abundant watering of cuttings is not recommended, and overdrying is unacceptable. Therefore, just spray the soil with a spray bottle. Use soft warm water - boiled, settled or bottled.

Some flower growers prefer to first root the shoots and only after that they plant them in pots. To do this, the cuttings are soaked in a root solution, and then placed in containers with clean water.

Air layers

Only an experienced grower can propagate a plant using air layering, so this method is not so popular. Beginners prefer to use easy and affordable methods.

For the formation of shoots on the stems of adult and healthy shefflers, it is necessary:

The greenhouse creates a greenhouse effect necessary for the formation of air roots. They appear in about 1.5 months. After that, the top, along with the roots, is cut off and planted in the ground.

With the help of a sheet

The third way to get a new plant from a sheflera flower is leaf propagation. It is considered not as reliable as the rest, since the leaves take root worse than the twigs. You can increase the chance of success, for this the leaves are not cut off, but pulled out of the sockets so that a rather wide base remains on them. You should not worry about the mother flower, this procedure will not harm him.

The algorithm is the following:

If the leaf begins to rot, then it is necessary to cut off the affected area and change the water in the glass. You can not keep the planting material in the water, but immediately place it in a small pot with soil. This is done by slightly pressing the petiole of the leaf into the ground, because it cannot be buried, otherwise it may rot from the soil.

The plant is covered with a plastic cup, bag or film and placed in a well-lit place. Abundant watering of the leaf is not required, you need to keep the soil slightly moist. The main thing is to maintain the temperature necessary for the plant, if the room is cool, then it will not take root.

seed way

Some growers prefer to grow new plants from seed. If you buy high-quality planting material with high germination, then this method will not cause problems, but it will still take more time than the others.

Sowing is done in the last decade of February or early spring. For this:

  1. Soak the seeds in the root for 9-12 hours.
  2. Fill a shallow plastic container or wooden box with substrate.
  3. Plant the seeds and then cover them lightly with soil. It is not necessary to deepen, otherwise it will be difficult for them to hatch.
  4. Moisten plantings from a spray bottle with water at room temperature.
  5. Cover the box with plastic wrap, a plastic bag, or a piece of glass.
  6. Place the greenhouse in a warm, bright place. The ideal temperature for such landings is considered to be 22-24 degrees above zero.

When young plants have their first true leaves, they will have to be transplanted into small pots with fresh soil. The temperature of the content should drop to 18-20 degrees Celsius. When the seedlings completely develop and get stronger, they can be transplanted again.

A young sheffler needs regular care with foliar spraying, regular watering and top dressing.

Transplantation of adult plants

Schefflera stretches quite quickly and can add 30 centimeters in height every year, so it needs frequent transplants. However, if you transfer it to new pots only once every 2-3 years, nothing terrible will happen, the flower will simply grow more slowly.

The plant loves space very much, so it can be transplanted into voluminous and large pots for growth. The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn according to the following plan:

  1. Drainage material is distributed along the bottom of the new container.
  2. Pour the soil mixture and evenly distribute it over the pot.
  3. The plant is removed from the old planter along with an earthen clod and transferred to a new one by the method of transshipment.
  4. Sprinkle with earth, compact and water well.

Special care after this procedure, the flower is not required. It is carried out in the usual way:

  • watering once every 2-3 days - at 20-24 degrees Celsius, once a week - at 16-19 degrees;
  • in spring and autumn, the introduction of organic fertilizers and top dressings containing potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus.

Schefflera is perfect for beginner gardeners to develop indoor plant care skills. This unpretentious bush will teach you how to plant, grow and plant new specimens, how to properly dilute fertilizer, as well as various watering options. This knowledge will allow you to prepare for the cultivation of more capricious decorative flowers.

The exotic beauty sheffler, an evergreen plant from the Araliaceae family, can often be found in the flower collections of home gardeners.

Growing in the form of a spreading tree or lush shrub, the culture looks great in both home and office interiors, thanks to glossy plain or variegated (striped or spotted) leaves.

The shape of each leaf, dissected into 6-12 plates, reminds someone of an umbrella, and someone the palm of a hand, there are varieties with leaves that look like tentacles of marine life.

Despite the fact that in nature shefflera grows in the tropical regions of Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, it is perfectly adapted to growing at home.

Growing this amazing tropical miracle on your own is not so difficult - the culture grows well in "captivity" and is unpretentious in maintenance, however, breeding shefflers at home is a troublesome process. To avoid mistakes, you must choose the appropriate method and familiarize yourself with the rules of the procedure.


The best and most common method is considered to be propagation of shefflers by cuttings. To do this, with a very sharp knife, several semi-lignified shoots are cut from the crown of an adult healthy plant. A procedure that is desirable to carry out in the warm season (late spring or early summer).

This process consists of several stages:

  • On the cuttings selected for rooting, 5-7 leaves are left.
  • The part of the shoot that will be immersed in water is completely freed from leaves, the rest is cut in half.
  • After preparation, the stalk is placed in a container with warm water or moist nutrient soil, for the preparation of which peat and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • At the time of rooting, the container is placed in a warm, bright place. It is very important that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the stalk. The soil surface should be slightly damp.
  • Roots appear after 14-18 days, which indicates that the plant is ready for transplanting into a separate container.

It is also allowed to root a leaf cutting, for which a young leaf with a growth point (thickening at the base) is taken and immersed in water with the addition of a growth stimulant. However, shefflera leaf propagation is rarely practiced, since the probability of a successful procedure is extremely low.

Growing shefflers from seeds

Schefflera seed can be purchased at the store, since at home the flowering of an exotic beauty is a very rare occurrence. Reproduction of shefflers by seeds begins in the second half of winter.

The following procedure is observed during the procedure:

1. At the bottom of the landing tank, which is a wide container with low walls, a drainage is laid to prevent moisture stagnation.

3. 7-12 hours before the procedure, sheffler seeds are recommended to be soaked in warm water with the addition of drugs that stimulate plant growth (Epin, Zircon or aloe juice).

4. Seeds are planted to a depth of about 1.5 cm, after which the crops are carefully moistened with a spray bottle so as not to wash out.

5. The container is covered with polyethylene (glass) and placed in heat. You can put a greenhouse on a central heating battery by placing plywood or thick cardboard under it so as not to “fry” the crops.

6. Seed germination can take up to several months. During this time, the greenhouse is regularly opened for watering and ventilation. The optimum temperature at this stage is from +22° C to +25° C.

7. At the stage of growth of the second pair of leaves, the seedlings dive into separate pots with a diameter of 4-5 cm. After weaving the roots of an earthen clod, the plants dive again in a container with a diameter of 7-10 cm.

Later on for young sheffleroy being courted the same as for adult specimens.

Reproduction of shefflers by layering

This technique is very popular with experienced flower growers, however, for beginners, reproduction of shefflers by layering is not always successful the first time.

Carry out the procedure as follows:

  • On the trunk of an adult sheffler, a small incision is made with a sharp knife, on which a piece of moss is fixed, and covered with opaque polyethylene on top.
  • Moss needs to be moistened regularly - dampness and the greenhouse effect under the film accelerate the formation of roots.
  • With the appearance of young aerial root shoots at the incision site, the top is cut off and a new plant is planted in a separate container.

Reproduction by layering allows you to quickly grow a full-fledged plant without any hassle.

Sheffler's flower does not impose serious requirements on the conditions of detention. For the proper development and comfortable well-being of the pet, attention should be paid to the main growth factors:

1. Temperature - for the native inhabitant of the tropics, the ideal values ​​​​are from + 18 ° C to + 23 ° C. During the wintering period, for forms with green leaves, the temperature is maintained at about + 15 ° C. Variegated shefflers hibernate at + 18 ° C.

2. Lighting - culture prefers bright diffused light. From the direct rays of the sun, which can cause a burn, pets should be shaded. With a lack of light, shefflera leaves (especially forms with variegated leaves) become very dull.

3. Watering - the soil under the plant should be kept moderately moist. In case of cold wintering, watering is reduced. When wintering in a warm room, the irrigation regime does not change. It is desirable to water the flower with soft settled water.

4. Ambient Humidity - Since the Schefflera prefers a humid atmosphere, it is best to keep the culture container in a tray filled with wet pebbles. The leaves of the plant should be sprayed frequently and dusted regularly with a damp sponge or cloth.

5. Top dressing - during the active growing season (from April to September), the culture is fed every 10-14 days, using complex mineral fertilizers and organic matter in turn. In winter, feeding is stopped.

6. Transplant - for a young sheflera is shown every 2 years. To do this, you can use ready-made soil mix for palm trees or home-made soil.

Under favorable conditions, an exotic pet grows as well as in its distant homeland, creating a mysterious atmosphere of real tropics in a city apartment or office.

one of the most common indoor plants of the Araliaceae family. Its variegated small leaves are clustered together around the base of a slender stem, giving them an umbrella-like appearance. This beautiful plant is not very whimsical to care for, however, the shefler flower requires a competent approach to reproduction.

Did you know? The plant got its name in honor of the German scientist Jacob Christian Scheffler.

Reproduction of cheflers using cuttings

Partially lignified cuttings must be planted in a mixture of peat and sand in the same proportion. Before that, they need to be treated with heteroauxin. Containers should be placed on the bottom heating.

Important! It is strongly not recommended to leave the planted cuttings next to the batteries.

Next, they need to be covered with polyethylene and provide diffused lighting. From time to time cuttings need to be sprayed. The recommended air temperature is 20-22 °C.

After they have taken root, the room temperature can be reduced to 18-20 ° C. Shefler is planted in pots with a diameter of 7-9 cm only when the roots completely braid a clod of earth.

Planting Sheflera seeds

The best time to propagate sheflers with seeds is January-February. At the same time, the soil must be loose in order to pass water and moisture in sufficient quantities. Commercially available universal soil, or a mixture of peat and sand, can also be used as sheflera soil.

Preparation of sheflera seeds consists in soaking them in a growth stimulator. This will greatly increase the chances of good seedlings.

Seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of about 0.5 cm. After that, they are watered, covered with polyethylene and provided with a temperature of 22-25 ° C. Once a day, remove the film for ventilation.

Important!The container with seedlings must have holes for drainage and water runoff.

After a month, young seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place and the temperature should be reduced to 15-17 ° C.

Reproduction of cheflers by air layering

In the presence of a large copy of cheflers you can try to propagate it by air layering. To do this, you need to make a large incision on the trunk. It is wrapped with a layer of wet moss, and then a film. About a month it is necessary to ensure that the moss does not dry out.

During this time, new roots appear. Then you should cut the stem below the roots and transplant the young plant into a separate pot. It will soon take root there. Further, caring for the chefler will not be difficult.

Reproduction of cheflers using a leaf

To propagate sheflers with leaves, one must be broken off with a “heel” (growth point) and placed in a container with clean water and any growth stimulant.

In order for the plant to take root faster, the vessel is placed on a battery, and the leaf is covered with a plastic bottle from above, cutting off its lower part. This creates a special microclimate. The optimum temperature for such a greenhouse is 22-24 ° C

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