Central Asian region. Central Asian Region

The buildings 25.09.2019
The buildings

Central Asia is referred to as the region, which covers a rather extensive territory, it does not have access to the Ocean, and its composition includes many states, some partially, some completely. Countries of Central Asia are very different in their culture, history, languages \u200b\u200band national composition. This region is allocated only as a geographical unit (as opposed to the Ancient East, which was a cultural region), so we will consider each territory separately.

What powers are part of the geographic area

So, for beginnings, consider all countries and the capital of Central Asia, so that a complete picture of what land is included in its composition. Immediately note that some sources allocate Central Asia and the central, while others are believed at this time that this is the same. Central Asia consists of such powers as Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Kazakhstan (Astana), Tajikistan (Dushanbe) and Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek). It turns out that the region is formed by the five former Soviet republics. In turn, Central Asian countries have these five powers, plus Western China (Beijing), Mongolia (Ulan-Bator), Kashmir, Punjab, Northeast Iran (Tehran), Northern India (Delhi) and North Pakistan (Islamabad), Also here includes the Asian regions of Russia, which are south of the taiga zone.

History and features of the region

For the first time, the countries of Central Asia as a separate geographical region allocated a geographer and historian Alexander Humboldt at the end of the 19th century. As he stated, there were three factors with historical signs of these lands. Firstly, this is the ethnic composition of the population, namely, Turks, Mongols and Tibetans, who have not lost their characteristics for centuries and have not been assimilated with other races. Secondly, the lifestyle that was inherent in almost every of these peoples (with the exception of Tibetans). For centuries, they conducted war, expanded the boundaries of their powers, but despite this, they retain the originality and uniqueness of their nation and traditions. Thirdly, it was through the countries of Central Asia that the famous silk path was held, which was the basis of the trade relations of the East and the West.

Central Asia or part of the CIS

To date, five former Soviet republics represent the region of Central Asia, in which the time of centuries were their culture, religion and peculiarities of being. The exception has always been only Kazakhstan, since completely different people always got along in these territories. Initially, when creating the Soviet Union, it was even decided to make this state part of Russia, but later it was still part of the Islamic republics. Today, Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia are a weighty part of the region, which is full of mineral resources, rich history and at the same time, many religions of the world get along. This is one of the few places where there is no official belief, and everyone can freely confess their Word of God. For example, in Alma-Ata, the central mosque and the Ascension Orthodox Cathedral are located nearby.

Other countries of Central Asia

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe region is 3,994,300 square kilometers, and at the same time most cities, even the largest, not very thickly populated. From the capitals and other important megalopolises of these countries, Russians began to leave the Union after the Union broke out, which resulted in a demographic decline. Uzbeks are considered the most common race of the region. They live not only in Uzbekistan, but also are national minorities of all other four states. In addition, Uzbekistan himself, against the background of all Central Asia, can be allocated for the presence of a huge number of cultural and architectural monuments. There are quite a few madrasa and Islamic colleges in the country, where they come to learn from all over the planet. Also on the territory of the state there are museum cities - Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara and Kokand. There are a lot of Muslim old palaces, mosques, squares and viewing sites.

Asia that extends to the most east

It is simply impossible to separate the region of Central Asia from the Far East on cultural and historical reasons. These powers were formed, one can say, in unity, they as wars with each other, and concluded various contracts. Today, the countries of Eastern and Central Asia support friendships, as well as characterized by similar racial signs and some customs. Eastern Asia itself includes such developed powers as China, Mongolia (a controversial issue - it is in the central part of the region, and in Eastern), Yu. Korea, Taiwan, DPRK and Japan. This geographical area is distinguished primarily by religion - here all Buddhists.


At the very end, it can be said that the countries of Central-East Asia are synthesis of cultures that mixed over the centuries. Here, representatives of a huge racial family - the Mongoloid, which includes many subgroups. We also note the little thing, but the fact - the locals are very loved by fig. They grow it and consume almost every day. Nevertheless, the finally united this geographical region did not. Each country has its own language, its own features and racial differences. Each religion has its own excellent direction, each type of art is also unique and unique. On the territory of Central and East Asia, the most interesting which spread throughout the world and became a symbol of these countries.

(Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, West Sichuan and North Gansu), Areas of Asian Russia South of the Taezhnaya Zone, Kazakhstan and Four (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan) of the former Soviet republics of Central Asia.

For the first time allocated Central Asia as a separate region of the world Geographer Alexander Humboldt ().

Central Asia is historically associated with its inhabitants of its expanses by nomadic peoples and the Great Shelkovoy. Central Asia performed as a region where people, goods and ideas came out from different ends of the Eurasian continent - Europe, the Middle East, South and East Asia.

In the USSR there was division into economic regions. The two economic areas (Central Asian and Kazakhstani) were usually mentioned together: "Central Asia and Kazakhstan".

From the point of view of physical geography and climatology, the concept of "Central Asia" covers not only the four these republics, but also the Central and South Kazakhstan.

"It is noteworthy common for all peoples of Central Asia rejection of Chinese culture. So, the Turks had their own ideological system, which they clearly opposed Chinese. After the fall of the Uygur Kaganat, the Uigurs took the manikenism, Karluki - Islam, Basmals and Onguts - Nestorianism, Tibetans - Buddhism in his Indian form, the Chinese ideology did not step over the Great Wall "..." Returning to an earlier era and summing up some results to the above, Note that, although Hunna, Turks and Mongols have spread very much, they all found themselves at one time the barrier held by the Natisk of China on the border of the steppes "

In the middle of the first to n. e. He began to function the steppe path extended from the Black Sea region to the banks of Don, then in the land of Savromatov in South Urthia, to the Irtysh, and, further, to Altai, to the country of Agripeiev, who inhabited the area of \u200b\u200bUpper Irtysh and about. Zaisan. On this path, silk, fur and skins, Iranian carpets, precious metal products were distributed. Nomadic tribes of Sakov and Scythians were involved in the spread of precious silks, through which the goods were dicked for that time went to Central Asia and the Mediterranean. In the middle of the II century. BC e. The Silk Road begins to function as regular diplomatic and trading artery. In II-V centuries. The Silk Road, if you follow from the East, started in Changani - the ancient capital of China and went to crossing the Huanhe in the Langzhou area, then along the northern threshings of Nan Shan to the western outskirts of the Great Wall of the Wall, to the Zasmian Gate cavity. Here, a single road branched it, barking from the north and south a desert Takla Makan. North walked through the oasis of Hami, Turfan, Beshbalyk, shoe in the valley of r. Or; Average from the Choch to Karasaru, Aksu and through the Poor's pass to the southern shore of Issyk-kul - through Donghuang, Hotan, Yarkdend to Bactria, India and Mediterranean is the so-called "southern way". The "Northern Way" walked from Kashgar to Fergana and then through Samarkand, Bukhara, Merv and Hamadan to Syria. In the VI-VII centuries. The most animated path of the way from China to the West through Semiruchery and Sogdian becomes the most busy. Sogdy language has become the most common in trading operations. Moving the way north can be explained by several reasons. First, in Semirchye there were rates of Turkic kagans that controlled trading paths through Central Asia. Secondly, the road through Fergana in the VII century. became dangerous due to internecakes. Thirdly, the rich Turkic kagans and their entourage became large consumers of overseas goods, especially from the Hellenistic states. Through the Silk Road, the main number of embassy and shopping caravans in the VII-XIV centuries went. During the centuries, he has undergone changes: some areas acquired particular importance, others, on the contrary, died, and cities and shopping stations were declining. So, in the VI-VIII centuries. The main route was Syria - Iran - Central Asia - South Kazakhstan - Talas Valley - Chui Valley - Issyk-Kul Mountains - East Turkestan. The branch of this path, more precisely, another route went on the track from Byzantium through Derbent to the Caspian steppes - Mangyshlak - ancestor - South Kazakhstan. He walked around the Sassanid Iran, when in contrast to him the trade and diplomatic union of Western Milk Kaganate in Byzantium. In the IX-XII centuries. This route was used with a smaller intensity than the one that went through Central Asia and the Middle East, a small Asia in Syria, Egypt and Byzantium, and in the XIII-XIV centuries. Revived again. The political situation on the continent determined the election of routes with diplomats, merchants and other traveling people. "

Science and Art

According to the American historian Stephen Starr, in Central Asia in the Middle Ages, that is, for many centuries to the era of the same name in France, there was one of the foci of enlightenment. Sciences were developed, first of all, astronomy and medicine, as well as various arts. Because of frequent wars and political instability, there was a phenomenon of wandering scientists. Unlike medieval Europe, where scientists as a rule constantly lived in monasteries or in large cities, in Central Asia, scientists had to constantly move from place to place in search of the safest place to live and work.


Russian empire

XIX century

  • Jacinf Bichurin, whale. Trad. 乙阿欽特, UPR. 乙阿钦特, Pinyin: Yǐǐqīntè., Palle.: Jacinthe; In the peace Nikita Yakovlevich Bichurin (1777-1853) - Archimandrite of the Orthodox Russian Church (1802-1823); Polyglot's scientist, orientalist traveler, an expert of Chinese, history, geography and culture of China, the first professional Russian syanologist who received pan-European fame. The author of the most most valuable work on geography, history and culture of the peoples of Central Asia.
  • Peter Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shan (2 (14) January - February 26 (March 11)) - Russian Geographer, Botanist, Statistics, State and Public Worker. Investigated Tian-Shan and Lake Issyk-Kul district.


XIX century

  • Arminny Vibury, He is German Bamberger (1832-1913) - Hungarian Orientalist, traveler, polyglot; Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It came from the poor Jewish family. In 1861, taking the fictional name of Radis Efendi, under the guise of Dervisch - a bench-in-law preacher, made a research journey to Central Asia. In 1864 he returned to Hungary. The journey of the Arminian Nabury was one of the first European penetrations of the unexplored areas of the Pamirs. In 1864 issued a book about his journey.
  • Vladimir Myasnikov , Born in 1931, Soviet historian, orientalist, China, a specialist in the field of Russian-Chinese relations, the history of foreign policy, historical biography. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. Lecturer of the Military Diplomatic Academy in Moscow. The author of about 500 published scientific papers, books, monographs in Russian and English.
  • Alexey Postnikov Born in 1939, - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, specialist in the history of geography, cartography and geopolitics in Asia. The author of about 300 published scientific papers, books, monographs in Russian and English.
  • Okmik Agahahanyantz - Geographer, Geobotanik, historian of science, political analyst and specialist in the field of Geopolitical problems of Asia. Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University in Minsk. The author of about 400 published artistic, scientific and popular work, books, monographs on a number of languages \u200b\u200bof Europe and Asia. RUS.

"Big game"

At the end of the XIX century. The struggle between Britain and the Russian Empire for influenced by Central Asia And India, which the British researcher and writer Arthur Konolly called the "big game". According to observers, at the end of the XX century. A new round of "Big Game" began, to which many countries were joined - USA, Turkey, Iran, and, later, China. The "players" includes the former Central Asian republics of the USSR, which balanced between opposing forces in the desire to preserve independence.

see also



  • Description Zhungaria and Eastern Turkestan in ancient and current state. Translated from the Chinese monk Iacinf. Parts I and II. - St. Petersburg: 1829.
  • Historical Review of Oratov or Kalmykov since the XV century to date. Composed by monk Iakinf. - St. Petersburg: 1834. 2nd ed. / Prepared. V.P. Santchirova. - Elista, 1991.
  • China, its inhabitants, morals, customs, enlightenment. Essay of the monk of Jacinth. - St. Petersburg., 1840.
  • Statistical description of the Chinese Empire. Essay of the monk of Jacinth. Tom I and II. - St. Petersburg: 1842. 2nd ed. Under scientific ed. K. M. TORTITSKY, A. N. Khokhlov. - M., 2002.
  • China in civil and moral condition. Essay of the monk of Jacinth in four parts. St. Petersburg: 1848. 2nd ed. - Beijing, 1911-1912.

After the collapse of the USSR, the former republics concluded a voluntary agreement on the Commonwealth of Independent States, the abbreviated CIS, which regulated and simplified some relationship between newly formed, independent countries.

Central Asia is customary called a number of countries in the south of the CIS, which includes such states as:

Among the countries of Central Asia, the exit to the sea has only Turkmenistan, this state from the western part is washed by the Caspian Sea. All other powers are considered intracerene.

Caspian Sea is washes the shores of five states - Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Iran

Central Asian countries are rich in natural resources: oil and gas are mined in Turkmenistan, in Uzbekistan, large deposits of brown coal, there is natural gas, and there are gold deposits, Kyrgyzstan is rich in ore and coal, and sulfur is mined in Turkmenistan. Since Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are located in the mountainous area, then as a result, they have a large energy potential due to the presence of mountain rivers.

Central Square in Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek is a clean and beautiful city with a pleasant architecture and, unlike many other capitals, with pure mountain air. All attractions and entertainment centers are located in the city center.

Kyrgyzstan is located between the mountain ranges, there are mountain ski resorts, and there are thermal sources in the Chui Valley. But Lake Issyk-Kul was a favorite resort place, from Soviet times they came here to relax and to become in healthy sanatoriums from all regions of the country. The lake is very beautiful and clean, while so much that is not visible to the opposite shore.

As for the state economy, it is based on industry and mining. As well as developing tourism annually brings about half a billion dollars to the country. But the situation with the economy complicates the external debt, which the power cannot pay any way. The main economic partners for Kyrgyzstan remain Russia, Kazakhstan and.


The territory of Kazakhstan is covered with deserts or semi-deserts, forests here are small, so they are careful and practically do not cut down the remaining forest belts. This is the largest state among those who have no way out to the World Ocean, the Power is held in the area 7th place in the world and 2 among the CIS countries, yielding only Russia.

Kazakhstan has overall boundaries:

  • Russia (North and Western borders).
  • China (Eastern Border).
  • Kyrgyzstan (southern border).
  • Uzbekistan (southern border).
  • Turkmenistan (southern border).

In Kazakhstan, the official capital - Astana, whose population is 700 thousand inhabitants. This is the largest city in the area and its improvement is striking visitors and attracts more and more tourists annually. In Astana, huge funds were invested, buildings and monuments of architecture were rebuilt, hit by their beauty and scale. The city attracts not only tourists, but also investors. This country has the most stable and impressive economy in the post-Soviet space, it is inferior only to Russia.

But Astana is not the only major city in Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata is recognized as the informal capital of the country, but, despite the smaller area, the number of residents is 1.7 million people, which is almost 2.5 times higher than the population population. There is a subway and the infrastructure is not worse than in the main city.

Kazakhstan cooperates with states, Arab states, as well as with China and Eurasia.

The population of the republic has 30 million people, with city inhabitants and inhabitants villages the same ratio. Square of Uzbekistan is 447.4 square meters. kilometer, which is much less than in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, however, the population is higher here. Borders the state with the following neighbors:

  • Kyrgyzstan (Eastern border).
  • Kazakhstan (northeast, north and northwestern borders).
  • Turkmenistan (southwestern and south borders).
  • Afghanistan (southern border).
  • Tajikistan (southeast border).

Tashkent is the capital and heart of the country, despite the fact that the city was completely destroyed as a result of the earthquake in 1966, he was restored. It is beautiful and attractive for tourists with its architectural research, monuments and landscaping. The capital is recognized as the most beautiful city of Central Asia. The number of its population is more than 2 million people, there is a subway and the infrastructure is developed. The lounge place of rest, the citizens became a Charvak reservoir, which is surrounded by snow-covered mountains.

Khst-Imam complex - Tashkent

In 2005, the UN resolution was adopted in relation to the UN country, the reason was overwhelmed by the brutal suppression of unrest in the city of Andijan by the local government, during which hundreds of people died.


- A developing country whose economy is built on an agrarian industrial basis. The state shows stable-positive indicators of GDP growth, the main points of development strategy is the achievement of energy independence, ensuring the food of the country's population, as well as overcoming transport isolation, the state does not have access to the world Ocean.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is small, amounts to 143 thousand square kilometers with a population of 8.5 million people. The Republic has common binds with the following states.

, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, West Sichuani and North Gansu), Areas of Asian Russia South of the Taiga Zone, Kazakhstan and the Four Former Soviet Represents Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan), Afghanistan, North-West part of India, the northern part of Pakistan, Northern Iran.

For the first time allocated Central Asia as a separate region of the world Geographer Alexander Humboldt ().

Central Asia is historically associated with its inhabitants of its expanses by nomadic peoples and the Great Shelkovoy. Central Asia performed as a region where people, goods and ideas came out from different ends of the Eurasian continent - Europe, the Middle East, South and East Asia.

Central Asia and Central Asia

In Russian geographic science with pre-revolutionary times there is a concept Central Asia.

In the USSR there was division into economic regions. The two economic areas (Central Asian and Kazakhstani) were usually mentioned together: "Central Asia and Kazakhstan".

From the point of view of physical geography and climatology, the concept of "Central Asia" covers not only the four these republics, but also the Central and South Kazakhstan.

At the same time, the concept of "Central Asia" was also used in the USSR, which included territories outside the USSR - Tuva, Mongolia, inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet.

"It is noteworthy common for all peoples of Central Asia rejection of Chinese culture. So, the Turks had their own ideological system, which they clearly opposed Chinese. After the fall of the Uygur Kaganat, the Uigurs took the manikenism, Karluki - Islam, Basmals and Onguts - Nestorianism, Tibetans - Buddhism in his Indian form, the Chinese ideology never oversail through the Great Wall ... "" Returning to an earlier era and summing up some results to the foregoing, It should be noted that, although Hunna, Turks and Mongols spread very much among themselves, they all found themselves at one time the barrier held by the Natisk of China on the border of the steppes. "

In the middle of the first to n. e. He began to function the steppe path stretched from the Black Sea region to the shores of Don, then in the land of Savromatov in the South Ursharist, to the Irta and Next to Altai, to the country of Agripev, who inhabited the area of \u200b\u200bUpper Irtysh and about. Zaisan. On this path, Silk, fur and skins, Iranian carpets, precious metal products were distributed. Nomadic tribes of Sakov and Scythians were involved in the spread of precious silks, through which the goods were dicked for that time went to Central Asia and the Mediterranean. In the middle of the II century. BC e. The flush path begins to function as regular diplomatic and trading artery. In II-V centuries. Silky way, if you follow from the east, started in Changani - the ancient capital of China - and went to crossing the Huanghé in the area of \u200b\u200bLanzhou, then along the northern grudges of Nan Shana to the western outskirts of the Great Wall of China, to the Jasm Gate Off. Here, a single road branched it, barking from the north and south a desert Takla Makan. North walked through the oasis of Hami, Turfan, Beshbalyk, shoe in the valley of r. Or; Average - from the Choch to Karashar, Aksu and through the Poor Powers to the southern bank of Issyk-kul - through Donghuang, Hotan, Yarkd to Baktriya, India and Mediterranean is the so-called south path. "The North Way" walked from Kashgar to Fergana and then through Samarkand, Bukhara, Merv and Hamadan to Syria. In the VI-VII centuries. The most promptive is the path held from China to the West through Semirchye and Sogdian. Sogdsky has become the most common in trading operations. Moving the way north can be explained by several reasons. First, in Semirchye there were rates of Turkic kagans that controlled trading paths through Central Asia. Secondly, the road through Fergana in the VII century. became dangerous due to internecakes. Thirdly, the rich Turkic kagans and their environment turned into large consumers of overseas goods, especially from the Hellenistic states. Through the silk path, the main number of embassy and shopping caravans in the VII-XIV centuries went. During the centuries, he has undergone changes: some areas acquired particular importance, others, on the contrary, died, and cities and shopping stations were declining. So, in the VI-VIII centuries. The main route was Syria - Iran - Central Asia - South Kazakhstan - Talas Valley - Chui Valley - Issyk-Kul Mountains - East Turkestan. The branch of this path, more precisely another route, went to the track from Byzantium through Derbent to the Caspian steppes - Mangyshlak - ancestor - South Kazakhstan. He walked around the Sassanid Iran, when in contrast to him was concluded by the Chamber of Commerce and Diplomatic Union of Western Milk Kaganat in Byzantium. In the IX-XII centuries. This route was used with a smaller intensity than the one that walked through Central Asia and the Middle East, a small Asia in Syria, Egypt and Byzantium, and in the XIII-XIV centuries. Revived again. The political situation on the continent determined the election of routes diplomats, merchants and other traveling people.

Science and Art

According to the American historian Stephen Starr, in Central Asia in the Middle Ages, that is, in many centuries to the same age in France, there was one of the foci of enlightenment. Sciences were developed, primarily astronomy and medicine, as well as various arts. Because of frequent wars and political instability, there was a phenomenon of wandering scientists. Unlike medieval Europe, where scientists, as a rule, constantly lived in monasteries or in major cities, in Central Asia they had to constantly move in search of the safest place to live and work.


Russian empire

XIX century

  • Jacinf Bichurin (Kit. Trad. 乙阿欽特, Ex. 乙阿钦特, Pinyin: Yǐǐqīntè., Pall.: Jacinthe), in the world Nikita Yakovlevich Bichurin (1777-1853) - Archimandrite of the Orthodox Russian Church (1802-1823), Polyglot, Traveler-Orientalist, Sign of Chinese, History, Geography and Culture of China, First Professional Russian Syologist who received pan-European fame. The author of the most most valuable work on geography, history and culture of the peoples of Central Asia.
  • Peter Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shan (2 (14) January - February 26 (March 11)) - Russian Geographer, Botanist, Statistics, State and Public Worker. He explored Tien Shan and the district of Lake Issyk-Kul.


XIX century

  • Arminny Vibury, He is German Bamberger (1832-1913) - Hungarian oriental, traveler, polyglot, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It came from the poor Jewish family. In 1861, taking the fictional name of Radyde Efendi, under the guise of Dervisa - a beggar preacher, made a research journey to Central Asia. In 1864 he returned to Hungary. The journey of the Arminian Nabury was one of the first European penetrations of the unexplored areas of the Pamirs. In 1864, published a book about his journey.
  • Vladimir Myasnikov (Rod. 1931) - Soviet historian, orientalist, China, specialist in the field of Russian-Chinese relations, history of foreign policy, historical biography. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. Lecturer of the Military Diplomatic Academy in Moscow. The author of about 500 published scientific papers, books, monographs in Russian and English.
  • Alexey Postnikov (born 1939) - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Specialist in the field of geography, cartography and geopolitics in Asia. The author of about 300 published scientific papers, books, monographs in Russian and English.
  • Okmik Agahahanyantz - Geographer, Geobotanik, historian of science, political analyst and specialist in the field of geopolitical problems of Asia, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University in Minsk. The author of about 400 published artistic, scientific and popular work, books, monographs on a number of languages \u200b\u200bof Europe and Asia.

"Big game"

At the end of the XIX century. The struggle between the Britain and the Russian Empire for influence in Central Asia and India, which the British researcher and writer Arthur Conolli called the "big game". According to observers, at the end of the XX century. A new round of "Big Game" began, to which many countries were joined - USA, Turkey, Iran, and, later, China. The "players" includes the former Central Asian republics of the USSR, which balanced between opposing forces in the desire to preserve independence.

see also



  • Description Zhungaria and Eastern Turkestan in ancient and current state. Translated from the Chinese monk Iacinf. Parts I and II. - St. Petersburg: 1829.
  • Historical Review of Oratov or Kalmykov since the XV century to date. Composed by monk Iakinf. - St. Petersburg: 1834. 2nd ed. / Prepared. V.P. Santchirova. - Elista, 1991.
  • China, its inhabitants, morals, customs, enlightenment. Essay of the monk of Jacinth. - St. Petersburg., 1840.
  • Statistical description of the Chinese Empire. Essay of the monk of Jacinth. Tom I and II. - St. Petersburg: 1842. 2nd ed. Under scientific ed. K. M. TORTITSKY, A. N. Khokhlov. - M., 2002.
  • China in civil and moral condition. Essay of the monk of Jacinth in four parts. St. Petersburg: 1848. 2nd ed. - Beijing, 1911-1912. 3rd ed. Under scientific ed. K. M. TORTITSKY, A. N. Khokhlov. - M., 2002.
  • Geographical location of places on the map to the history of the ancient Central Asian peoples. Essay of the monk of Jacinth. - St. Petersburg: 1851.
  • Meeting of information about the peoples who lived in Central Asia in ancient times. In three parts with the car on three large sheets. The composition of the monk Jacinth, won by the Imperial Academy of Sciences of the Demidov Prize. - St. Petersburg: 1851. 2nd ed. Under scientific ed. A. N. Bernshema and N. V. Kuner. - M., L., 1950-1953. Reissue in Kazakhstan (Almaty): 1992, 1998, 2000.
  • Meeting of information on the historical geography of Eastern and Middle Asia / Compilers L. N. Gumilyov, M. F. Khvan. - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200b1960.
  • For the sake of eternal memory: poetry, articles, essays, notes, letters [Jacinf Bichurin] / Compiler and the author of Preface V. G. Rodionov. - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200b1991.
  • Zabelskaya I. D. The formation of Central Asian states: political processes. - M.: Aspect Press, 2009. - 208 p. - ISBN 978-5-7567-0570-6.
  • Myasnikov V. S. Russian-Chinese relations 1689-1916. - M.: Political literature, 1958.

Already switched to China's jurisdiction in July 1997

In the country under consideration, there are countries of different types and a different level of socio-economic development.

According to the economic and geographical typology, Japan refers to a group of economically highly developed states (ranked second in the world in the world in economic power). China and the DPRK are still socialist states, Mongolia is referred to as a post-socialist country, and Taiwan and the Republic of Korea () refer to the group of developing states (although in terms of its economic development, the Republic of Korea, according to many scientists, can already be attributed to the group economically) . Aomyn is a non-unauthorized territory.

Japan is the only highly developed state of this region - is a constitutional monarchy. According to the current constitution, the emperor is the "symbol of the state and unity of the people." The highest state authority and the only legislative body in the country is parliament.

In 1931, the Japanese troops occupied Manchuria, in 1937 they began a war against China. By concluding a union with the Nazi and Naziistan, during World War II on December 7, 1941 by his attack on Pearl Harbor (Hawaiian Islands, USA) Militarist Japan untied the war against the United States. In 1942, it was occupied by large territories in southey -: Peninsula, Malaya, Burma, significantly increased colonial possessions of Japan. But these territories were previously colonies of European states (Great Britain), that is, a calm situation in the region could not be - here in the Second World War were opened by open hostilities. It was during this period that the strength of local national liberation movements began to gain momentum.

Germany and its allies Second World War were played. On September 2, 1945, under the strikes of the Armed Forces of the Anti-Hitler Coalition countries, Japan capitulated. Post-war events unfolded as follows.

Under the conditions of a peaceful agreement with Japan Korea, independence was promised. Northeast China (Manchuria), Taiwan Island (Formosa) and other Chinese Islands, Japan-74 seeds, was supposed to be returned. South Sakhalin returned to the Soviet Union and the Kuril Islands were transmitted, which once belonged to Russia.

In the course of hostilities in the area, the Americans occupied everything, as well as those who were under the authority of Japan Carolinsky, and the Mariana Islands in (later on behalf of the US guardianship). The southern part of the Korean Peninsula (up to the 38th parallels) entered the American occupation zone (up to the 38th parallels), and North - was occupied by Soviet troops.

They concluded the so-called security guarantee agreement with Japan, granted them the right to keep their armed forces there and create military bases. In 1960, the United States and Japan entered into a new agreement on mutual cooperation and security guarantees that extended automatically.

Currently, two states with different political buildings are located on the Korean Peninsula: the DPRK and the Republic of Korea.

Korea is one of the most ancient states of East Asia with a peculiar history and culture. The first information about it belongs to the II millennium BC. The uniform feudal state was formed in the VII century. The last royal dynasty existed from 1392 to 1910 during the Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905. Korea was occupied by Japan. After World War II (in 1945), the country was divided into the 38th parallels, which became a distinctive line between the Soviet and American troops.

In 1948, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), V, Korean People's Democratic Republic (DPRK) - North Korea was officially proclaimed in Seoul. In 1950-53 The peninsula was walking war, which became the result of the acute confrontation of the two republics on the issue of the association of the country. The post-war truce agreement is still preserved. An important event was the introduction in 1991 of both Korean states in the UN.

Mongolia is a country having a long history of its existence. The founder of the first single state at the beginning of the XIII century. Was Genghis Khan. Later, in the XVII century, Mongolia in parts was conquered by Manchules and until 1911 was located as part of the Qing Empire. Then the independence of the country was proclaimed and the national statehood in the form of unlimited feudal-theocratic was restored. In 1915, the status was limited by the framework of the broad autonomy under China's suser flight and the patronage of Russia (Chinese troops were introduced later to the territory of the country).

In 1921, as a result of the struggle of the Mongolian people, the victory of the People's Revolution was proclaimed for liberation. Mongolia became the People's Republic (MNR) and many years developed in close cooperation with the USSR. Foreign trade was on member states of the Council of Economic Communications (CEA), and the Soviet Union was the main trading partner.

Currently, Mongolia (Mongol Uls) is a "post-socialist state", a republic with a presidential form of government, an agrarian-industrial state. In the early 1990s, former socialist associations were transformed into joint-stock companies, the privatization of livestock was mainly completed. There are transformations in the country to move from a planned system to a market economy.

China is one of the oldest, which arose in the XIV century. BC e. In its territory, centralized empires, decorated with independent principalities, have repeatedly appeared in the slave-owned and feudal periods of development. From the XVII to XX centuries. In the country, the rules of the Manchurian dynasty of the Qing, with its policies, which brought the country to the position of the semi-colonial state. In the XIX century China has become an object of colonial expansion of a number of imperialist powers (Great Britain, Japan, Germany, etc.).

A large event in the newest history of China was the Xin-High Revolution (1911-1913), who overthrew the Manchurian monarchy and proclaimed the Chinese Republic. During the war years against Japanese aggression in China (1937-45), the USSR provided great help to the Chinese people. In 1949, after the defeat of the Japanese Quantong Army and the completion of the People's Revolution, the People's Republic of China was formed on the mainland of the country.

And the island of Taiwan (or the island of Formosa - the ex-possession of Japan) was fled to the remains of overthrown in the country of the Go-Mintan regime. There was created "Government of the Republic of China". According to the Constitution current in Taiwan, the Taipei regime is the republic led by the president. The highest representative body is the National Assembly. Currently, the Government of Taiwan claims a representative office in the world community on behalf of the whole China, the mainland part of which, according to Taipei, is "temporarily occupied by the Communists." For its part, it believes that Taiwan must recognize the PRC government and offers the formula "one state - two systems" (that is, Taiwan becomes a special administrative area under China's jurisdiction). Taipei also offers 76 her formula - "one country - two governments." Situation for many years does not change.

Now Taiwan refer to the group of "new industrial countries" - "four small economic dragons." Along with the Republic, he plays an increasingly important role in the economy of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

In the PRC, in recent years there is a very significant economic lift and a political course is adjusted. In 1992 (at the XIV Congress of the Chinese Communist Party), the course was proclaimed for the further deepening of economic reforms and the translation of the economy on the rails of the "socialist market economy". Promotes open foreign economic policy. The country enters the advanced frontiers in the world - in terms of growth rates and the volume of GDP, the smelting of cast iron and steel, etc. However, all socio-economic indicators per capita are still very significantly inferior to the relevant indicators of economically developed countries of the world.

In July 1997, Hong Kong suffered under the sovereignty of China - the former colonial ownership of the United Kingdom (as well as Taiwan belonged to the group of "new industrial countries"). The PRC guarantees Hong Kong to preserve the special economic and legal status for the next 50 years. As events actually unfold - will show the future.

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