Celling flowering perennials in room conditions of calla, gerbera, freesia. Calla Garden: landing and care in open ground

Gardening 12.06.2019

Plant Calla (Lat. Calla), or ZanaDeskia (Lat. Zantedeschia) - the birth of perennial plants of the family of aroid, or aronionniki. Calla flower grows in raw places South America And in Africa, from Nigeria to Tanzania. It is a relative to such a plant as a whitefall, or Calla Bolotnaya, the only representative of a kind, which is located in the northern hemisphere. Zantenskoy is sometimes called Calla Ethiopian, or Ricardia. The name "Zaltenkiy" flower received from the German botanist Kurt Shprengel, who called him in honor of his friend of the Italian nerd Giovanni Zanyadeski, but most often they are still called Calla. The attractiveness of this plant for flowerflowers is not only in very large spectacular leaves and in unusual form Flower, but also in the fact that you can grow Calla both in the garden and at home, in a pot.

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Planting and Callary Care (Brief)

  • Landing: Tubers are planted in early May.
  • Bloom: from June to early October.
  • Fleet: in September.
  • Storage: In the earth's coma in a dry room at a temperature of 5-7 ˚C.
  • Lighting: In the morning, bright light, afternoon - light half.
  • The soil: Well-drained, fertile, pH from the weakness to sour.
  • Watering: Moderate, but regular, in dry, abundant.
  • Feeding: Fertilizers in the soil are entered only when landing.
  • Reproduction: Vegetative, depending on the type - tuber or the division of the bush. Seed reproduction inefficiently and unreliable.
  • Pests: TLL, TRIPS, Medveda, Khrushchi and Wirefronts.
  • Diseases: Rhizoctoniosis, root rot, penicillosis, pithium, Ervinia bacteria group.
  • Properties: The plant contains poisonous alkaloids. The juice when entering the skin causes irritation, and when inserting into the body - vomiting, stupor and convulsions.

Read more about Calla's cultivation below

Flowers Calla - Features

The cultivation of Calla, like any other plant, provides for the following rules of agrotechnology, the main feature of these colors is that they are grown and how garden Calla - In the courtyards, and in apartments, in pots, like indoor calla. But general rules Growing and care for calves, wherever they grow, still have:

  • callas demand small landing, that is, the rhizomes barely sprinkle the earth to avoid their rotting;
  • the fact that amateurs are called a calla flower is in fact a crumbling sheet or a bedspread that wraps the pillage of inflorescences. In fact, Calla flowers are small and unbroken, although very fragrant;
  • after planting Calla, it does not boost until it shams its root system, so it is not necessary to be nervous if the shoots will not be a month;
  • when digging the tubers, expect caution: they are easily damaged;
  • calla - a live barometer: on her bedspread and tips of the leaves before the rain appear droplets of water, like tears;
  • the pot for calla, especially Ethiopian, is preferred porous to evaporate excess moisture. In addition, Calla Ethiopian loves privacy and does not tolerate neighbors in its own pot;
  • each calla flower blooms about a month;
  • occasionally upper layer In the pot of Calla should be carefully removed, trying not to damage the roots, and replace it with a fresh nutritious substrate.

Growing Sadovaya Calla

Callas are so adorn the garden with their majestic colors that many flower trees are happy to grow them in their farm. Polyanka, where calla grow, look like an Arabic ornamental painting: the rhizomes give a young pepper of the leaves every year, and among it elegant decorators-flowers ...

In the photo: Purple Calla

Prefer calla open spacious sites and fertile soilsBut it is advisable to shade them into the hottest daytime: on the scorching the sun leaves are withering, burning and dry, therefore it is important that bushes or trees grow around, which in the afternoon will give Callam saving shadow. The soil should be acidic or at least a weakness, it takes a good drainage, because the waters in the roots are destroyed for the plant.

The optimal composition of the soil for calla: land, sand, peat and leaf humus in equal proportions.

Planting Calla and Garden Care

Spring caulla landing

Plant Garden Callas in early May. Preliminary planting material It is withstanding half an hour in a solution of manganese, then carefully inspect and, as needed, cut out the faded places to healthy tissues, and the wounds are lubricated with green. In the ground, a complex mineral fertilizer is made at the site at the rate of 30-40 g per 1 m², the area is drunk. Then the tubers are immersed in the prepared wells to a depth of 5-10 cm at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other (depending on the size of the bulbs), you dig up, and the landing site is watered well.

Fertilize Calla balanced liquid fertilizer, such as Kemira-suite. Make feeding into the soil with water at every fifth watering of the plants.

In the photo: Pink Calla

Reproduction of Calla

Calla seeds breed (this way is unreliable, and the result will have to wait for a very long time), tubers and the division of the bush. The reproduction of calla division of the bush is produced like this: In the fall, when digging, the caulil is separated with a part of the root and transplanted it into a pot from an earthy mixture, and in the spring transplanted into the open ground. If only Calla Ethiopian and her varieties breed the division of the bush, then the rest of the calila breeds with tubers: the autumn tubers are digged, they are stored a whole winter, and in the spring are planted into the open ground.

In the photo: Calla cultivation at home

Calla after flowering

Caring for tuberial calves and calm roots has differences. At the Calla of Ethiopian, rhizuy, the rest period comes to the world - at this time he slows down, then it stops, Calla turns yellow ... At this time, watering should be reduced, and the plant should be taken to the balcony or in the garden on a well-lit place where it is not Rain drops. In the first half of July, the plant gets out of the pot, remove all old leaves and siblings and transplanted into a pot with a new nutritious mixture, put in a bright place and begin to water and feed Calla, preparing it to the next blossom. Here is a cycle at the rhizome potted calla.

Garden Calla remains on the plot until autumn, in September, the rhizomes are digging and stored with an earthen room in a dry cool room with a moderate inadequate irrigation.

In the photo: Calla in a pot

The tuber calves after flowering beds are gradually green and drooped, the leaves are yellow and dry. Garden tuber callas carefully dig in the third decade of September, trying not to damage the tubers, free from the soil, washed and held a couple of weeks at a temperature of 5-10 ºC, waiting for useful nutrients Go from the leaves in the tuber. After that, dead leaves are easily removed.

In our widths of calla in the soil for the winter do not leave. When the leaves are rejoit, they are removed, the tubers are rinsed well, keep 30 minutes in a solution of manganese, washed again and put in a dark dry place for drying, then stored tubers, packed in paper bags, at a temperature of 5-7 ºC: in the city apartment for this Suitable vegetable boxes in the refrigerator.

In the photo: Calla tubers

Ethiopian Calla rhizomes, if you do not have the opportunity after digging it in a cool room, slightly dried and, cutting off the leaves, store the same as the tubers.

Do not forget to check the clubs and kalla rhizomes feel weekly: whether they started to push and wrinkle from too warm Temperature Or, on the contrary, refuse from high humidity.

If you have grown Calla in a pot, then for the period of rest you can not remove from the pot, but simply take it on a cool veranda or loggia. If you, without giving your beauty a couple of months to rest, you will continue to water and provoke further growth, you can exhaust Calla and it does not bloom.

Calla types and varieties

In the family there are only eight types of Call, but only three are grown in culture, they also served as material for breeders in the removal of different varieties:

These are high white calila (blondes - to meter and more in height), the underground part is rhizome, not a bulb, like other species. Ethiopian feces of moisture, their big, brilliant green leaves it does not drop even during the rest. Most popular varieties:

  • Nicolai. - Floweros length - up to one and a half meters, dark green leaves, sweatshops, longs are long. Covered the bottom and outside green, diameter 8-12 cm;
  • Pearllittle variety, height is up to half a meter, suitable for growing in pots;
  • Schone Zweibruckerin. - the length of the color saw up to 1 m, the leaves of the heart-shaped, light, the bottom covered the dark green, the diameter of the upper part is 10-15 cm;
  • Green goddess - A rare beauty of majestic green calves reaching in a height of 90cm.

In the photo: Calla Ethiopian (Calla Aethiopica)

Calla Remunnii (Calla Rehmannii)

This is a low calla (up to 70 cm in height) with a bedspread color pink (lilac-burgundy or red-pink) and narrow green leaves. Underground Plants - a tube straw or gloxinia. Autumn loses the leaves and requires peace in winter time. Popular varieties:

  • Chameleon - low calla, grown in both the pot and in the garden, peach-colored bedspreads with golden overflows;
  • Evening - Satin black and lily calla;
  • Indian summer - Calla Red, with a pomegranate tint.

Surely every gardener had ever met Calla, which are grown as a pot plant.

Few people wondered what could land calla in the garden, the main thing is to ensure proper care.

How to grow calla in the open soil

During the flowering of Calla is pretty beautiful. Each bloomer lives for a month.

If you decide to grow calla, then take enough space for them. Plants prefer open cleaners, but in the day heat need a saving shadow. Well, if shrubs or trees grow nearby.

The soil for cultivation of Call picks up fertile. The poor earth is enriched with humus and peat. Before planting, the soil must be drained, as plants do not tolerate moisture in the roots.

Among other things, Calla has its own characteristics that need to be considered when landing:

Rhizomes land shallow, barely sprinkled with the earth to avoid rotting;

Sprouts appear only in a month, calila increase the root system for a long time;

Pretty tubers are rather fragile, you need to handle them carefully.

Grow calla B. middle lane Russia is easy, but for the winter tubers necessarily dig and stored in a cold place.

How to put calla in the garden (photo)

In the open soil, the clubs are planted in the spring when the threat of frosts. Autumn planting Plants are not provided.

As a rule, caalla land in mid-May, pre-training tubers.

1. The planting material is kept in a mortar solution for 30 minutes.

2. The tubers are dry and cut out all the affected places, capturing a healthy fabric.

3. All sections are treated with green.

The treated tubers plant on the bed, which is pre-drunk with mineral fertilizers. The depth of tuber sealing about 5-10 cm. Larger bulbs are cheered deeper, and small ones are placed almost on the surface of the soil. The distance between the plants on the flowerbed is made from 30 to 40 cm.

After landing Calla, take patience. Remember that the plant does not boost for a long time until good formed root system. All this time you do not need to water the bed, there will be enough of that moisture that remained after landing.

There is another way to landing Call, which is often used by gardeners. In mid-March, the tubers are planted in a walker and watered well. Any floral soil is suitable, which is sold in stores. A month before planting plants on the flower bed, pots are put on the street for hardening. Calla transplant along with an earthen room, transshipment method.

How to care for calla in the open soil

Callary care does not cause worries. All you need plants - watering and loose soil.

Flowers are watered moderately, but regularly. In the arid period, watering increases. In addition, after each watering the soil around the bush carefully loose, trying not to damage the roots.

Fertilize calla only if the soil on the site is poor. Mineral fertilizers are suitable for feeding, the solution of which flows flowers once a month. If when landing the wells were filled with fertilizers, it is not necessary to additionally feed calla.

Period of rest

In Russia, Calla grown as annolete plantSince the harsh winters they do not tolerate. Therefore, every autumn tubers dig up and stored before landing.

After flowering, tubers are removed from the ground, rinsed well and dried in a ventilated room. The leaves are trying not to delete, since during this period nutrients fall into the tubers. Dry tubers about 1.5 weeks, while the leaves themselves do not dry and do not get off from the roots.

After 10-15 days, the tubers inspect, remove damaged or patients. The rest are cut into small roots so that the tubers do not start germinate before the deadline. If children were formed, they are left together with the parent plant, without separating.

Store bulbs in a cool room, where the temperature does not rise above + 7c. If this condition does not follow, then you can forget the calla flowering. Many gardeners store tubers in basementBut it should be dry. It is very important to follow the humidity of the air so that the plants do not move into growth or have not begun to refine. Take the tubers regularly, select suspicious.

You can store rhizomes in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Previously, each tuber wrapped in paper and prevent in the package. The duration of the rest period is from 1.5 to 2 months.

Reproduction of Calla

Callas multiply children who are formed on the roots of the uterine plant. They are neatly separated from the tubers and fuse in a blue or garden.

On one club can form up to 30 children. They are separated and placed in a swarm with loose soil. The depth of the children's seal - 5-6 cm. Use nutrient soil, which is pre-mixed with mineral fertilizers.

After the appearance of germs, the nodules are seated at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other. In the room where calves are grown, the temperature is maintained at 15-17 degrees. Caring for young calves just like adult plants. Children regularly, but gradually watered, the soil in the pot is loose.

As soon as calla is growing and released the second sheet, the plants are fed by complex fertilizers. There must be nitrogen and potassium in their composition. Frequency feed - 1 time per month. First year, young plants are grown in room conditions Without a rest period, and the next summer tubers are transferred to the standard scheme.

What variety Calla put on the site (photos of varieties)

Only three types of Call participate in the breeding of new varieties:




Ethiopian Calla - A large rhizome plant, which has no bulbs. The height of the blooming of this plant reaches 1 meter. The Ethiopian Calla prefers a wet primer, a pronounced rest period she does not have, the leaves do not drop. Among this variety, the following varieties are most popular:

Green goddess - the height of the plant is about 90 cm, the green shade covered;

Pearls - a low-speed variety that is convenient to grow in pots;

Nicholas - a green bedspread, a large, diameter up to 12 cm, the height of the bloomer to 1.5 meters.

Calla remanna - the height of the plant barely reaches 70 cm. Pale pink blossom bluer coat with a lilac shade. The underground part is represented by tuber that resembles a Gloxinia's tuber. Calla drops the leaves for regular blossoms need resting period. Popular varieties:

The evening - a black and purple bedspread;

Indian summer - pomegranate covered;

Chameleon - a peach shadow bloom cover with golden overflows.

Calla Eliotta - blooming bedspread yellow color, Large. The height of the plant is about 50 cm, the leaves are large, heart-shaped with recrets. Varieties:

Vermeer - Tsvetnos Wavy Dark Cherry Color;

Yellow corner - bright plants, leaves with yellow clips;

Chernozea Beauty - Covered lemon shade, creaped leaves.

Other types of calla growing in wildlife are not suitable for garden growing.

A girlfriend on March 8 made a chic gift in the form of crocuses with purple petals. It turned out, she herself grown them! And I decided to make the same gift to the next Women's Day to my friends and mom.

Thanks valuable advice Girlfriends I managed to grow these wonderful flowers exactly on time. In this article, I will tell you how to properly make crocuses to be blocked by March 8.

Crocuses are the best gift for the female day due to their gentle beauty And the fact that they grow in the natural nature in March when the snow has not yet melted.

For growing at home, crocus varieties are considered the best:

  • Yellow mammoth - has large yellow petals with a diameter of about 4 centimeters.
  • Zhanna D, Ark - grow up to 15 centimeters, the petals of them are white or lilac.
  • Pickwick - their narrow leaves are decorated with white streaks, and the petals are two-color.
  • Purpuraus grandoflus - during flowering blue inflorescences spread around themselves an incredible fragrance.
  • Podtyi stripped - petals can be immediately tricolored: blue, lilac, white.

During the purchase of crocuses in the horticultural store, it is necessary to pay attention to the grade to be not late-drying, otherwise they will not be able to disperse by March 8.

There is one nuance, during the purchase, pay attention to the size of the bulbs. What it is more in size, the earlier the flowering will begin.

And it is best to choose large buds, as they look much more efficient. Carefully read on the packaging, what is the real size of buds, since in the photo they all seem large. Purchaseballcakes are best in autumn.

Choosing a pot

If you plan to give the dissipated flower flowers in a cut, then it is possible to plant them in any shallow tank. Even conventional plastic containers are suitable. If you grow specifically for decorating the room, then the pot picks under his design.

In any case, the pot must be wide, but not deep, since the root of the flower does not require much space. And it is important that the bulbs in it do not come into contact with both walls and each other. Singing in one pot can be both single and groups.

To decorate the room, the pot is better to choose the clay, in it the earth is easier to breathe and the liquid does not accumulate. Any container for landing must be drainage holes.

The soil

To distort the flower, the nutritionality of the soil, the main thing is that it is neutral, loose, missed moisture and oxygen. Such soil can be bought in the horticultural store, and you can also make it yourself.

For this, ordinary garden land is mixed with sand and peat, after which they disinfect any affordable way: Pumping in the oven or watering with a weak solution of manganese. In the extreme case, you can take sand and mix it with peat and humus.

Flower refers to K. unpretentious plants, can grow even just in water, small pebbles, gravel. But this method is suitable only for disposable cultivation. For growing as a decor or disembarking in the open soil, it is better to use the Earth from the very beginning.

Ideally will be if the land for landing will coincide with the open soil for transplantation. As soon as the soil prepared, they take a predetermined tank for landing, they have been done at its bottom of the hole if they are missing. Then everything is poured by any drainage that will protect the Earth from the conjunction.

In order for the pot with a flower to look very attractive, several bulbs suggest at once, at some distance from each other and from the walls of the container.

Preparation of Lukovitz

In order for flowering to start on time, the bulbs need to be well prepared. If you plan to use bulbs from your garden plot, they are desirable to dig already in June. During this process, too small and damaged by diseases or insect pests throw out - they still will not survive storage.

After that, the dug bulbs need to be carefully dried in the sun, it is desirable that the air temperature is about 35 o C.

As soon as they succeed, they are cleaned into a dry and warm room. After that, in two weeks, the air temperature is gradually reduced to 15 o C. If they dug in June, then after proper drying and a gradual decrease in air temperature in the middle of August, they are wrapped in dense paper and put on a refrigerator for a month.

The club purchased in the store has already passed this process, so they are immediately wrapped in paper and remove into the refrigerator.

In principle, they can be laid in the refrigerator until October, when the crocuses are taken to March 8. As soon as the bulbs put in the soil, so they immediately receive a wake-up signal and gradually begin the growing process.

Dates and landing rules

In order for this wonderful flower Flaw to March 8, it should be imprisoned until November 5th. But not earlier than October 20, otherwise it will bloom too early. Landing should be done correctly:

  • Drainage pour into the bottom of a low pot, after which everything falls asleep soil. In order for the tuberukovitsa not rotten, the sand should be in the earth.
  • Then lay the clubnellukovitsy at some distance from each other and from the walls of the pot. In one pot it is undesirable to plant clubnelaukovitsa of different varieties or sizes, as they have their own flowering time.
  • The clubnellukovitsy slightly pressing so that some part of the top rises above the ground. From above sprinkled with soil, clayjit or sand.
  • Immediately, everyone's abundantly watered and removed into any cool room, where the air temperature should be about 8 about C. For this, the lower shelf of the refrigerator will be quite suitable.
  • Leave them there for two months, during this time they must start the roots, which will be visible through drainage openings of the container.

Over 14 days before March 8, it will be clear that the flower launched the roots, and small sprouts appeared on the top. Slightly add sprouts, if they are dense, then ripe if empty, then you need to wait a little more.

As soon as the sprouts mature and grow up to five centimeters, the pot is transferred to the bright and warm room. True, every night it is cleaned into the cold and dark room. Thus, for the plant, artificially creates a spring with warm days and cold nights. At this time, the flower begins to finally wake up and grow hard.

As soon as the sprouts become more than five centimeters, they can be destroyed in height of the sprout so that they bloom in different pots at the same time. Transplant to the same soil in which they grew.

Lighting, humidity, temperature

After the crocus blooms, it is desirable to lengthen the flowering process, otherwise it will quickly start. For this, it creates favorable conditions:

  • Enhance the percentage of air humidity. If there is no automatic air humidifier, then there is a container next to the flower, to the edges filled with water or snow from the street. As it dry, it is complemented with water or add more snow. Of course, it is best to fill the container with snow, as the coolness will help the crocus to lengthen the flowering process.
  • The lighting should be spring, that is, not too bright. Artificial lighting is not suitable here. The northwestern or northeastern window sills are best suitable. Straight sun rays Flower contraindicated.
  • It is advisable to ensure that the air temperature is not above 15 o C, otherwise the petals are not delayed for a long time. At night, the temperature is necessarily reduced almost to zero, imitating spring weather. To do this, the pot with a flower at night can be removed in the refrigerator, put on a cool balcony, veranda. Do not be afraid that he will freeze, as he blooms in nature when the snow is still lying around.

If you do everything right, then bloom will last over ten days. Otherwise, after three days it turns out. And with strong lighting and too high air temperature, buds may not dismiss.

Watering and subordinate

After the buds bloomed, watering is reduced. If there is an opportunity, then watered through the pallet, and there the roots of the plant will take so much fluid as they need. Finally, irrigated only after the petals fly, and the leaflets will become yellow.

But if you plan to transplant a flower on country cottage area or further cultivation as indoor plant, it is sure to be fed back in the tank.

Repeat distress take only with those bulbs that were not damaged. In order for it to be preserved for repeated cultivation, after flowering top The lands are slightly wetted by ammonia Selutyra.


In order to grow very beautiful crocuses as a gift for a female half by March 8, it suffices to follow a few simple rules:

  • Select varieties with large buds.
  • Carefully cook the tuberukovitsa to pasture.
  • In order for them to be guaranteed to bloom, they should be rooted at low air temperature.
  • To try that during the active growth of the plant did not fall on it, the sun rays and the air temperature did not increase much.
  • During flowering, be sure to feed the complex fertilizer.
  • As soon as the buds bloomed, the air temperature is lowered, and its humidity increases, as the hotter the air, the shorter the flowering period.

In the event that you plan to grow crocuses as a gift for the new year, it is recommended to plant them at the end of August or early September, and by March 8, the disembarks produced no later than November 5.

Calling calla is not as difficult even at home. The main thing is good planting material.

Preparation of bulbs to landing

In order to get flowers to a certain period (in winter, in the spring), it is necessary to have tubers with a diameter of at least 6 cm. If the landing material is Dutch, it is prepared for landing as follows. First, carefully browse, suspicious tubers with signs of rotches are postponed (it is important to work with clean hands so as not to infect healthy instances). Before landing, the material one or two days is ventilated in drawers at a temperature of + 17-18 ° C. For longer storage, the temperature should be + 10 ° C and air humidity 80% at good ventilation (monitor so that the planting material does not sweat).

Large tubers S. big amount Roshkov give bloom earlier. If the diameter of their 6 cm and more, the waiting period of flowers is reduced by 5 days. And the use of such tubers in winter in the dark gives a win in two or three weeks (compared to small).

Features of Dutch tubers

The tubers of wholesale Dutch parties, as a rule, have already passed predesome processingTheir bloom stimulates a gibberllinic acid salt. In this regard, the first year they affect the abundance of flowers. But this medal has a reverse side. The minus is that, as a result of the tubers, all the forces spend on flowering. In the second year, the same planting material in the garden may not bloom at all. We are very difficult to find Gibbersellin, and there is such a stimulation of two years in a row for plants. The Dutch tuber in the first year blooms, then - rests and only then stably blooms in the soil. but bloom is still not as abundante, as for the first time.

Forming tubers

If the bloom is necessary every year, the tubers are fed, which allows you to get a normal planting material. Adapted already to our Calla conditions will bloom in the garden.

The tubers are planted in early April. From mid-June to mid-August Calla bloom. Then the period of rest comes (at least 10 weeks), after which they are digging. Leaves and roots do not cut off, they must dry. Then everything is neatly separated (except for a small baby).

The planting material was washed in a solution of manganese, then - in running water. Day tubers withstand on fresh air (preferably in the half that the remnants of water evaporated) and storing into a room with a temperature of + 5-7 ° C. (If they do not plan to grow, put in the repository until spring, in May planted into the open ground, so that the forces typed). Their rest period ends at the end of October.

In early November, the tubers again land in the boxes on the same scheme. The substrate is the same, but fresh.

November, December and January - the period of germination and "flowering", and since the flowers will not be, at the end of January, the tubers get from the box and repeat the preparation procedure for resting and storage period (within 10 weeks).

At the end of April-beginning of May, the tubers get out of the repository, they choose patients, the rest - planted in an open ground, having previously treated "bud". These e tubers can be expel in a year or two.

Lukovits landing option at the end of March

Before planting the tubers, it is also desirable to handle "Bud". This drug is not such an effective than Dutch, but still stimulates flowering. You can drive out the tubers who bloomed in the garden (before landing by treating the same drug).

The tubers prepared for distortion are planting with a convex side down in a capacity of at least 25 cm. The depth of planting is 5 cm. Plastic boxes are well suited for this purpose. dutch Lukovitz The size of 60x36 cm. It contains 12 tubers with a diameter of 5 cm and 8 pieces with a diameter of more than 6 cm.

Callet care

The soil. The substrate is crucial for successful cultivation of Call. One should be well drained and have acidity of pH 6-6, no longer and clay soils are suitable. As a drainage, we can use coniferous chips, river sand, claymzit. And to the nutrient substrate it would be nice to add moss sfagnum, and the more, the better (53-50%). If no moss can be used in equal parts fertile land, peat and sawdust.

Immediately after planting calla, it is necessary to rush to water with water, and then shed a fungicide. It is important to do before the sprouts appear, especially when early distillation in the cold season. Then the plants are watered moderately, but they do not allow to dispel until the leaves do not completely develop. Callas do not endure either overhangship, no convergence. The latter causes the development of disease. Neat irrigation mode - one of the most important conditions Success.

Temperature. For early landinguntil good sprouts appeared, the temperature is maintained + 22-24 degrees. Then you can lower the night to +16 degrees, and in the afternoon to support + 18-24 degrees. And the warmer will be indoors, the sooner the flowering comes. The strongest stem and deep coloring of the flower bedspread is obtained at high illumination and low night temperatures. If the temperature is high, for growing and lengthening the stems during bright lighting of the plant is given (30-50%).

Subordinate. Feed calila by balanced liquid fertilizers. You can use "Kemiru suite", soluble calcium saltper. The substrate is shedding with clean water every fifth watering, especially in the last six weeks of cultivation.

Cut. Kala is cut when the bedspread opens by three quarters and before the pollen flies (this is observed after four to seven days after a complete dissolution). Store cut at a temperature of 6-8 degrees. Every two days (and better daily) update sections and change water. Flowers should not be tied too tight.

For the past number of tulips by March 8, many are engaged in professionally - you probably heard about such a business. Indeed, if you put the bulbs of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths in pots for 6-10 weeks and keep in cool and dark placethey will grow faster than their counterparts in open soil. So you can give an extraction at home by February 14, March 8 and Easter. This is your personal spring, which came long before the term.


  • Lukovitsa hyacinths, daffodils and other early plants from the Garden Center (or prepared from the autumn on its site)
  • Containers are suitable for anything, from enamelled plane to cans from under jam or small galvanized buckets
  • Universal soil or soil for bulbous
  • Small gravel or pieces of broken clay pot
  • Black trash package, burlap or old fabric
  • Sprigs and twine to tie stems
  • You also need a dark cool place, where you post containers with bulbs.

Crocus, Hyacinth, Narcissus (for example, miniature varieties like TETE-A-TETE, and higher early Rankers, such as Paperwhite), miniature iris (for example, Iris Reticulata), Mouse hyacinth (Muscari), Siberian Siberian (Scilla Siberica).

Snowdrops You can also drive ahead of time using this method. But it is better to notice a place in your garden, where the snowdrops have already taken root, and transplant several pieces into the container in the fall than to plant purchased snowdrops, because the latter can leave for several years to root and grow out.

Choose a container for bulbous

For the surveillance, banks from under jam are well suitable. Glass allows you to see the roots, and it will help you to tell about how plants grow and how they absorb water. Always showing clay pots, especially old. If you raise an extraction by March 8, a gift, a container is better to be new and attractive.

Simple white enameled bowls, dishes or cups are also good, but there are no drainage holes in them, as in banks. To prevent water accumulation at the bottom of such tanks, put a handful of fine gravel or several pieces of broken clay pot and try using special mineral fibers for bulb instead of compost. Fibers perfectly absorb moisture and will not allow the developing bulbs to bend.

  1. Put the compost layer or mineral fibers for bulbous on the bottom of the container (on the gravel layer or broken pots, if you use them). The layer thickness is 4 cm for larger bulbs (daffodils and hyacinths), and 2-3 cm for small bulbs (snowdrops, crocuses or szilllas).
  2. Place the bulbs on the soil layer. You can arrange them quite close to each other so that you have a dense carpet of flowers, but try to make it so that they do not touch each other, because they can be dried.

  1. From above, close the bulbs with a compost or mineral fibers for bulbs so that only their tops performed above the surface of the soil. When there are shoots, it is difficult to distinguish one variety from the other, so let's mark them immediately after landing.
  2. Put containers on a plastic or metal tray or separate pallets and paint them so that the soil becomes wet, but not wet.
  3. Place containers with bulbs in Cold (+ 8-9 ° C), but dry place. Cover the pots with a large black garbage package (do not soak it), coarse canvas or two-three layers of the fabric so that the light does not fall on the bulbs.

  1. Check the bulbs around every week. If the compost or fiber for landing dried up - a little pour it. When shoots will grow by 3-5 cm, you can rearrange the containers on the light cold window sill. Most bulbs need to spend about 8-10 weeks in a dark dry place. Narcissus will grow faster, they may need only 5-7 weeks.
  2. Having removed from the bulbs of observed material, do not put them immediately in too warm or brightly lit, so that they can get used to new conditions. To develop further, the shoots during this period will be enough 6-8 hour daylight.
  3. Now the bulbs will grow pretty quickly, and shoots can stretch too much. Therefore, tie the shoots with the help of twigs and twine or carefully wrap the twine around the cluster of the leaves two or three times and tie shoots together to provide them with support.

If the distillation of the bulbs is too complicated or too long a matter for you, you can decorate the house with spring flowers and differently. If you bring home cut branches fruit trees, Heat will force floral kidneys to dismiss them before.


  • Cepping or strong scissors
  • Branches or stems with floral kidney cut from any varieties of cherry, plum or apple tree
  • Newspaper (optional)
  • Bath, half filled with warm water (optional)
  • Vases and banks in which you put the flowering branches

  1. Will be great if you not flowering plant Not far from your home in spring or autumn, because in winter it is difficult to determine what in front of you.
  2. Semator cut a few twigs from trees or shrubs.
  3. You can simply put the collected sprigs into the water and leave in a warm, well-lit place. Depending on which stage of development, they were when you cut them off, the buds will start opening within one or two weeks.
  4. In order to still accelerate the process, to half fill the bath with warm water, wrap the sprigs in the newspaper and put in the bath. Leave the twigs in warm water for 20-30 minutes, then pull out from the water and remove the newspaper. Let's knock on the cropped tips of the branches with a large pebble, a small hammer or any other heavy item, so that more vessels for which the water circulates in the shoots (they are called "xylems"), revealed and absorbed water from the vase.
  5. Place the vase in a warm, well-lit place, and in a few days your twig will bloom.

Casting in pots lives a few days, less than cut tulips or daffodils with hyacinths. What a bouquet on March 8 you chose flower shop, He will still look like others who are your mom, sister, girlfriend will receive as a gift on March 8.

Tulip bulbs. - Sowing. Cottage, garden and garden. Cottage and country studies: buying, improvement, planting trees and on the balcony is cold very winter, very hot at home. Is it written on the package +20? And another question - if straight right now, put in a pot and water ...

Girls, what to do with bulbs from tulips? The husband bought a few pieces of tulips with bulbs, I would like to keep for the cottage - some lilac with a fringe on the tips and just huge yellow. For drying and in the refrigerator remove? And how many stem leave?

girls .. I want a girlfriend onto a gift to do - a bouquet of daffodils .. But it was no hope - not two weeks ago was in Ikea, there were gorgeous pots with trampling of daffodils (more and in our Ashan, the baskets with 9 Narcisss Machirovy bulbs (already green such skeners ...

Good afternoon, bought the bulbs of Hyacinth. I want to get flowers to March to March. Two weeks ago was in IKEA, there were gorgeous pots with a trampling of daffodils (not last year my husband gave me for March 8 and my daughter, and on the next year I would like to bloody on the site.

Gifts for March 8. These cunning men. About her, about maiden. Discussion of the issues of the life of a woman in the family, at work, relations with aha, in one of the office where I worked, there were black tables ... And as it was in the morning of the eighth of March each lady on the table lay three scarlet cloves ...

Merry distillation to Christmas. The bulbs of hyacinths must be slightly over the surface of the Earth, and the bulbs of other plants should be allowed deeper. I propose beautifully decorated bulbous - blooming hyacinths as a gift for March 8.

Merry distillation to Christmas. I have bloomed from me two after the landing, I will try to find a photo of the result :-) The bulbs were from hyacinth in a pot: how to care for home. Many of us as a gift for March 8 received not a bouquet of cut colors, and ...

Ladies, good afternoon. Miniature daffodils, tulips, crocuses and hyacinths were fighting on the windowsill, bought a greenhouse surveillance in the store. Is it possible to use the bulbs of these plants, somehow transplant, sear, do something else to repeat ...

It is necessary for gifts at work, about 200 pots. Bought in Obi in pots, there were two houses of the week. Pullout bulbous plants At home. You can buy daffodilion bulbs in almost any flower shop, many offers and on the Internet.

I shed epic the other day, the result 0 While I also want to try so to plant, just drank the bulbs in this place the bulb of Hyacinth secondly in the middle of the autumn simultaneously with tulips - then it will bloom the future in spring.

Tulips tubers. Flowers. Cottage, garden and garden. Cottage and country households: buying, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries Tell me what you need to do with tulip tubers. Bought in Obi in pots, there were two houses of the week.

Soon March 8, gifts. - Sowing. Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visit kindergarten And the relationship with in Obiazinte in the pots, just flourished, however, by March 8, just be. For 49 rubles. highly handsome gift. Well, they ...

Bulbs after trampling. Flowers. Cottage, garden and garden. The bulbs are very exhausted, but many have already had children. I wanted to put them in a pot, only now I think, and whether they will not get into, because Leaves should not be left for nutrition.

Gave me on March 8 (past) hyacinth. He blews, I am a bulb as it should be, patted in a dark cool place, in October at the cottage to distill bulbous plants at home. What does "expel" the bulbs mean? This means to create it conditions, with ...

This means that the bulb is sufficiently large to give a good surveillance in the spring, for example, by March 8. And in the "vase" it was no one in the pot. If you have questions, ask. The explosion experience on March 8 is huge.

And I want to ask: here he will flash in a pot, and then how to be with him, with a bulb, so that I need help by hyacinth. Gave me on March 8 (past) hyacinth. Hyacinth in a pot: how to care at home. An intamus of bulbous plants at home.

They grew perfectly and accurately revealed to the female day in all its glory. So here I have a question if you do not know the tulips to the light bulb when they are planted in the room? Those. If I put them in October, for example, and put on the window, then the likelihood is that they ...

Major bulbs are suitable for pasture. I planted in December, and by March 8, my first yellow tulip bloomed. Merry distillation to Christmas. Pro Tulips Actually, the surveillance includes the rooting of planted bulbs (about 15 days) and distillation (3 weeks).

Hyacinth is one of the best pastuming onion plants. Flowers when trampling in winter and early time. The distillation of hyacinths is also possible in special glasses with water, in which a mixture of mineral fertilizers is dissolved.

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