Why garden calla stretched out. Calla leaves turn yellow, what to do? Why doesn't calla bloom?

Encyclopedia of Plants 23.05.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Calla care - where to place. The place is necessary bright, but protected from direct sunlight. Once a week, the plant should be turned with the other side to the light for even leaf development. Although some manuals advise taking callas to the balcony in summer, it is better not to risk it, as they get burned very easily and it is difficult to get used to the dry air of the street. Any, even a slight breeze breaks fragile leaves.

Calla care - watering. When growth is just beginning, water should be moderate, increasing watering; when the leaves are fully developed, water should be plentiful, the ground should always be wet. When the inflorescences wither and begin to turn yellow, watering is reduced so that the earth is moist.

Calla care - humidity. Calla is very demanding on the humidity of the substrate and air. Therefore, starting from February, it is placed in a pot filled with warm water, which is added as it evaporates. Water is taken from settled tap water, slightly warmer than room temperature. Leaves, especially from the underside, are sprayed daily with warm water. Store bought plants should be sprayed at least four times a day. After a week and a half, they get used to room air. The highest suitable temperature for callas is +20 - +24 C.

Calla care - flowering. Duration about a month. If the pot is small, calla lilies may not bloom.

From February to May, the temperature should be +13 - +16 C. Kala blooms mainly in the second half of winter and spring. If fruits set, it is better to remove them so as not to deplete the plants.

Calla care - fertilizer. From the moment the buds appear until the end of flowering - every 2 weeks. Young specimens should be given fertilizers containing nitrogen - nitrate or ammonium sulphate (respectively 0.5 g and 1 g per 1 liter of water). For adult plants, a fertilizer consisting of mullein infusion (1:10) with superphosphate and potassium nitrate (2 g per 1 liter of water) will be useful.

Calla care - earth mixture. The soil for planting callas is preferably heavy - a mixture of soddy soil, humus and peat in equal parts. Transplants are necessary 1 time in 5 - 6 years.

Calla care is a dormant period. It starts in September and ends in mid-November. The leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, growth stops. At this time, the calla is taken out of the pan with water and placed on the window, where the temperature is about +15 C. Stop feeding, water very rarely. In December, with the advent of new leaves, put in a pot with water.

Calla care - reproduction. Mostly lateral offspring, which appear in abundance around an adult plant. They are separated during transplantation, after a period of relative rest, which occurs in late August - early September.

Seed propagation can be an interesting botanical experience for you. It is used for breeding new varieties - if you plant seeds, you will inevitably get some plants with the characteristics of the mother variety, and some with the signs of the father.

Calla leaves are often updated, old ones quickly turn yellow, and new ones grow. This is not a disease, but a natural phenomenon, yellow leaves need to be cut.

In all varieties of calla lilies, without exception, the cover becomes green after pollination, the original white color of the cover disappears. The fact is that this plant uses the bedspread as an additional source of photosynthesis products for ripening seeds.

Beautiful flowers, lush foliage on a thin stem - all this is room feces. She looks like a bouquet. Every person who has ever been given flowers will like this plant, because it evokes pleasant associations, touching memories. But sometimes the appearance begins to change, and not in better side. What to do if calla lilies wither and turn yellow leaves? Let's figure it out.

Main reasons

Perhaps the reason that the color of the leaves has changed, a yellow tint, spots, is due to improper care. The flower may get sick. Both options must be considered. Only the right conclusions, timely, relevant measures will help restore harmony on the windowsill.

Important! Each calla leaf lives on average for six months, turns yellow, dries up, falls off, and a new one grows in its place. Natural life cycle must be distinguished from disease.

Care rules

Proper care of callas is a simple task. True, sometimes things distract, it can be difficult to remember the features of each flower and a mistake is made, moreover, constantly. It will be easier to figure out why the leaves of room calla turn yellow if you remember the rules for growing it.

Caring is:

  • soil selection;
  • top dressing;
  • watering;
  • lighting;
  • air temperature;
  • leaf irrigation;
  • transfer;
  • elimination of redundant parts.

Source of nutrients - soil

In the process of life, the plant consumes minerals, salts and other useful substances from environment, that is, from a pot. Incorrectly selected soil can cause the death of the plant. Yellowing of the leaves is the first symptom.

callam need sod land naya mixture, with humus, peat. If another was chosen, it is necessary to replace it and the plant will recover, it will feel comfortable in the future.

Important! Once every 5–6 years, the soil must be changed, since the stock useful substances is depleted in it.

Rules and subtleties of watering

Often the reason that calla leaves turn yellow is insufficient watering. The plant loves water and it is desirable that the soil is always moist. In February, on the eve of spring, you should place the pot in a pot with slightly warm water and maintain its level, add as it evaporates. Wet air is one of the advantages of the method.

However, the risk of excessive moisture should not be forgotten. If the soil is too wet, the cuttings may start to rot. A sure sign is a sour smell emanating from the soil.

Reduce watering for a while. It happens that you simply need to remove the plant from the pot, dry it for several days, then transplant it. At best, the sad page in the book of life will be turned over, the error corrected. At worst, the flower will have to be treated.

Important! In autumn and winter, calla growth slows down, a dormant period begins and watering should be reduced.


If choose good soil for planting, top dressing is not needed the first time. But callas constantly change leaves, they often bloom and grow quickly. Alas, in just a year or two general state, appearance may deteriorate markedly.

Due to the lack of nutrients, leaves can turn yellow en masse, dry out, flowers fall off without blooming, do not appear at all, new parts become smaller. These are warning signs. From now on, caring for a home plant should include top dressing.


  1. mineral fertilizers.
  2. organic elements.
  3. New soil.

Fertilizers are sold in any specialized store, applied in accordance with the instructions. organic matter- this is compost, everything that gives humus.

They are placed near the walls of the pot, having previously made recesses, then covered with a layer of earth. Can also be replaced upper layer soil in a pot periodically. This will avoid the occurrence yellow leaves that spoil aesthetics and harmony.

Lighting and air temperature

Drafts often cause calla lilies to constantly have a lot of yellow leaves. Optimum temperature air for her is from +20 to +24. AT winter period temperature is needed in the range from +13 to +16. The flower is sensitive to heat and frost and should be avoided.

Improper lighting sometimes results in yellow foliage. She does not like extremes, prefers moderation, medium intensity lighting.

Important! Provide the plant with regular, short-term sunbathing from direct rays. Only in this case the foliage will always be green.

Root damage

Often, if yellow leaves appear, one should expect a deterioration in the situation, since negative processes will soon affect or have already affected the root system. If the foliage is not removed in a timely manner, it can cause problems with other parts of the calla.

It also happens that it is the roots that provoke the withering of the aerial part. There is only one way to check their condition - to remove the flower from the soil. Rotten must be removed.

Pests and diseases

Calla leaves turn yellow and wither, except for improper watering, lighting, air temperature, top dressing, and can also be due to diseases and pests.

spider mite

The tick likes coolness and shade. Calla stalks are an ideal habitat. To get rid of him, you need to arm yourself laundry soap. It is necessary to carefully wash the plant, protecting the earth from drops, splashes, then rinse with ordinary water, repeat the procedure until the population is completely destroyed.

Aphids, scale insects are possible reasons that the leaves turn yellow and the plant wilts. The sooner help is given, the better, but these pests can be difficult to detect.

Important! A sure sign of the presence of pests is leaf curl and small spots that give a yellow tint.

The plant is treated with special preparations, which are often needed, are always on sale. It is advisable, in addition, to sprinkle the surface of the soil in a pot with hot ground pepper. A simple technique will lead to serious violations of the pest's life cycle, allowing it to be destroyed faster.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves in calla lilies. The main task when faced with this problem is to carefully examine the plant, not to lose sight of the details, important little things. The situation will quickly clear up if you treat what is happening responsibly. The solution will be found, the flower will be saved.

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If calla leaves turn yellow: what needs to be done

Many flower growers are wondering if calla leaves turn yellow, what to do in this case? This plant is considered not very whimsical for growing in room conditions. But for this it is necessary to carry out proper care behind him. And it is very important to notice the diseases of this flower in time and take appropriate measures. As a rule, indoor callas bloom in October. The flowering period of a healthy plant ends at the end of May. But sometimes the question arises: why don't callas bloom? Quite often quite mature plant for many years does not even think about releasing buds, although outwardly it seems quite healthy. But before starting to consider the causes of diseases that cause calla leaves to disappear and buds do not appear, it is advisable to pay attention to the life cycle of this type of plant. Typically, these problems arise when growing white callas. At the same time, people often confuse diseases with completely natural phenomena. It should be understood that, like any other indoor plant, the leaves of calla lilies gradually die off.

Calla is a whimsical plant and requires careful care.

Natural yellowing of leaves

In most cases, this applies to old leaves, which are located at the very bottom of the outlet. The life span of a leaf is usually six months or a year. And if after 5-6 months the leaf begins to turn yellow and fall off, you should not be surprised at this. Sometimes small leaves also begin to turn yellow. Often this happens due to damage to them. The skin of the leaves of this type of plant is quite tender. And it can easily be damaged when loosening the soil, especially near the outlet. You may not notice at first a small cut on the leaf, but after a while it will begin to turn yellow and eventually fall off. Quite often, calla leaves fall off in the fall if the plant does not have enough nutrients. First, their edges begin to turn yellow, then the entire leaf becomes yellow, as a result, it completely dies off. As a rule, this phenomenon is also accompanied by the absence of flowering plants.

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If the leaves turn yellow from diseases

In order to protect the calla from pests, it is necessary to wash it with laundry soap, and then rinse with warm water.

And yet most often callas get sick. And the causes of diseases can be both infectious and domestic in nature. Much depends on whether such plants are properly cared for, how often various diseases are prevented. In the event that the plant is in a cool room or near a draft, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This plant is quite thermophilic, and with significant temperature fluctuations, it already begins to hurt. It all starts with the root system. Yellowing of the leaves already indicates that the roots of the plant are also sick. In this case, you should get the calla from the ground, remove the diseased roots, treat the places of cuts with charcoal and transplant the flower into a new substrate. Immediately take care to put the pot in a warmer place without drafts, otherwise everything will happen again.

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Improper care

Direct Sun rays and excessive amounts of fertilizer in the soil can also lead to yellow leaves and lack of buds. At the same time, the active yellowing of the leaves, oddly enough, is accompanied by their growth. But as soon as new leaf fully open - so immediately begins to disappear. This is due to the fact that the leaves are simply burned. Moreover, if the cause of this phenomenon is the direct rays of the sun, then the roots usually remain healthy. And just enough to move the pot to a more shady place. In the case of excess fertilizer, it can also be affected root system. Then you need to get the plant out of the pot, inspect the roots, remove the bad ones and plant the calla in a new substrate. In this case, the first two weeks should slightly limit watering.

With temperature fluctuations, calla begins to hurt.

Sometimes the leaves begin to turn yellow and from the fact that the plant lacks moisture or, conversely, there is an excess of it. In the first case, it is enough to simply start shading the plant from the sun and ensure more frequent watering and spraying of the leaves.

If the calla leaves turn yellow due to excess moisture in the soil, then everything is much more serious. It is important here to save the flower in time. You should smell the soil: often in such cases it exudes a slightly sour smell. Then you need to get the calla from the pot and remove everything rotten roots and leaves. At the same time, you should not immediately plant the plant in a pot. For some time it is useful to hold the flower in a small amount of clean water, where to add an activated charcoal tablet. As soon as young white roots begin to appear, you can immediately transplant the calla into a pot with new soil. In this case, you should choose a small container, since the earth, which the roots do not immediately braid, will turn sour again and provoke yellowing of the leaves.

We noticed that the leaves of the houseplant calla (the flower is white, the leaves are green wide) become covered with rust, turn yellow and dry. Now it is blooming.

Most likely, you have white calla growing. Calla flowers appear from autumn - October to May, white color, in sunny weather emit a faint aroma of pineapple.

In callas, old leaves gradually fall off (dying off), and new ones grow. But your plant doesn't seem to dry for that. You should take a closer look at the reason. If it is sick with rust (and this is a fungal disease), then brown tubercles can be seen on the leaves.

This usually happens with abundant moisture, frequent watering of the soil. It is necessary to reduce watering, spray with foundation. It is better to isolate this plant from other flowers for two to three months.

Perhaps the plant asks for your care for other reasons. The leaves can wither and become covered with brown spots and with a lack of moisture, cooling of the roots, when it blows from the window, with drafts, sunburn, applying excessive doses of mineral fertilizers.

Calla does not like tightness. Her main enemy is spider mite. Parts of the leaves damaged by the mite are dotted with micro spots and then turn yellow and dry. It is very small and hard to find. It lives on the lower inconspicuous side of the leaves, braiding them with a barely noticeable cobweb. That is why the calla flower is oppressed and its leaves turn yellow.

If it is found, it is worth treating the plant with Actellik or every seven days with an infusion of onion or garlic, red, very hot pepper. There is also a recipe. About 100 grams of crushed citrus peels insist in warmth and darkness for 3 days, per liter boiled water, strain and wash the plant three or four times at intervals of 6-7 days.

If calla leaves turn yellow: what needs to be done

Many flower growers are wondering if calla leaves turn yellow, what to do in this case? This plant is considered not very whimsical for growing indoors. But for this, proper care must be taken. And it is very important to notice the diseases of this flower in time and take appropriate measures. As a rule, indoor callas bloom in October. The flowering period of a healthy plant ends at the end of May. But sometimes the question arises: why don't callas bloom? Quite often, a fully grown plant for many years does not even think about releasing buds, although outwardly it seems quite healthy. But before starting to consider the causes of diseases that cause calla leaves to disappear and buds do not appear, it is advisable to pay attention to the life cycle of this type of plant. Typically, these problems arise when growing white callas. At the same time, people often confuse diseases with completely natural phenomena. It should be understood that, like any other indoor plant, the leaves of calla lilies gradually die off.

Calla is a whimsical plant and requires careful care.

Natural yellowing of leaves

In most cases, this applies to old leaves, which are located at the very bottom of the outlet. The life span of a leaf is usually six months or a year. And if after 5-6 months the leaf begins to turn yellow and fall off, you should not be surprised at this. Sometimes small leaves also begin to turn yellow. Often this happens due to damage to them. The skin of the leaves of this type of plant is quite tender. And it can easily be damaged when loosening the soil, especially near the outlet.

Calla leaves turn yellow

You may not notice at first a small cut on the leaf, but after a while it will begin to turn yellow and eventually fall off. Quite often, calla leaves fall off in the fall if the plant lacks nutrients. First, their edges begin to turn yellow, then the entire leaf becomes yellow, as a result, it completely dies off. As a rule, this phenomenon is also accompanied by the absence of flowering plants.

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If the leaves turn yellow from diseases

In order to protect the calla from pests, it is necessary to wash it with laundry soap, and then rinse with warm water.

And yet most often callas get sick. And the causes of diseases can be both infectious and domestic in nature. Much depends on whether such plants are properly cared for, how often various diseases are prevented. In the event that the plant is in a cool room or near a draft, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This plant is quite thermophilic, and with significant temperature fluctuations, it already begins to hurt. It all starts with the root system. Yellowing of the leaves already indicates that the roots of the plant are also sick. In this case, you should get the calla from the ground, remove the diseased roots, treat the places of cuts with charcoal and transplant the flower into a new substrate. Immediately take care to put the pot in a warmer place without drafts, otherwise everything will happen again.

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Improper care

Direct sunlight and excessive amounts of fertilizer in the soil can also lead to yellow leaves and lack of buds. At the same time, the active yellowing of the leaves, oddly enough, is accompanied by their growth. But as soon as the new leaf is fully opened, it immediately begins to disappear. This is due to the fact that the leaves are simply burned. Moreover, if the cause of this phenomenon is the direct rays of the sun, then the roots usually remain healthy. And just enough to move the pot to a more shady place. In the case of excess fertilizer, the root system may also be affected. Then you need to get the plant out of the pot, inspect the roots, remove the bad ones and plant the calla in a new substrate. In this case, the first two weeks should slightly limit watering.

With temperature fluctuations, calla begins to hurt.

Sometimes the leaves begin to turn yellow and from the fact that the plant lacks moisture or, conversely, there is an excess of it. In the first case, it is enough to simply start shading the plant from the sun and ensure more frequent watering and spraying of the leaves.

If the calla leaves turn yellow due to excess moisture in the soil, then everything is much more serious. It is important here to save the flower in time. You should smell the soil: often in such cases it exudes a slightly sour smell. Then you need to get the calla from the pot and remove all rotten roots and leaves. At the same time, you should not immediately plant the plant in a pot. For some time it is useful to hold the flower in a small amount of clean water, where to add an activated charcoal tablet. As soon as young white roots begin to appear, you can immediately transplant the calla into a pot with new soil. In this case, you should choose a small container, since the earth, which the roots do not immediately braid, will turn sour again and provoke yellowing of the leaves.

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Pest infestation

So, if calla lilies used to bloom profusely, but recently they have not bloomed, and the leaves begin to turn yellow, then the cause of this condition should be immediately determined.

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Callas - growing problems, leaves dry and turn yellow

Many flower growers sound the alarm when calla leaves begin to turn yellow. This may be the result improper care(overdrying or waterlogging of the soil) or the plant goes to rest. novice amateurs indoor plants don't know what to do in this case. And most importantly, many do not understand the reasons why calla leaves turn yellow.

Why do calla leaves turn yellow?

Calla leaves may turn yellow different reasons. Experts will help you find out why callas start to hurt and how to cure them.

Callas were recently bought. Their leaves turn yellow and rot from the base. Reason: waterlogging of the soil. Possible reason: high level soil moisture and low temperature in the room where the flower grows. Regardless of the type of calla (tuberous or rhizome), she does not like waterlogging of the soil. The low temperature of the plant content can aggravate the situation.

Ways to fix the problem. If the calla leaves turn yellow and rot from the base, you must first normalize watering. You need to water the flower after drying the top layer of soil.

pink calla leaves turn yellow and wither

Next, watch the calla. If the leaves continue to turn yellow and rot, remove the flower from the pot along with the root system. Remove rotten parts of the tuber or measles system. Sprinkle the cut points with crushed activated carbon. Rotten leaves cannot be removed. They should turn yellow naturally.

Next, the plant is either planted in the ground, or sent to rest. If the rotting of the leaves and their yellowing occurs in September - November, then the vegetation from the calla is cut off, and the tubers themselves are placed in a plastic bag on the lower tier in the refrigerator. They can be obtained in 2-3 months. If calla leaves do not turn yellow during the dormant period, then rotten areas are cut off from the tuber of the flower and its root system, and the plant itself is transplanted into a smaller pot. The soil is used as follows: a mixture of perlite and peat 1:1. Be sure to normalize watering. Callas should be in this soil until new leaves are kicked out.

Calla leaves at the base covered with mucus. At the same time, they became watery and lost their elasticity. Reason: waterlogging. Ways to solve the problem. Need to reduce watering. Callas are watered only after the top layer of the soil has dried. Next, you need to remove the soil from the place at the base of the calla leaves where rot is present. If the plant is bulbous, then the root crop may also be damaged. All rot from leaves and tubers must be removed with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed activated charcoal. Places of rot can also not be sprinkled with soil. It does not hurt to add Kornevin to the water for irrigation.

If calla leaves turn yellow, what should I do? Calla lilies can delt leaves from:

Soil waterlogging. In this case, it is necessary to normalize watering and check the tuber or roots for rot. If there are such areas, they are removed with a sharp knife. A plant with a large tuber or a medium-sized tuber is transplanted into perlite. In this case, the root crop is sprinkled with half. If callas have not grown a tuber and their leaves turn yellow, then the plant can no longer be saved.

Rest period. Between September and November indoor callas go to rest. Their leaves are turning yellow. Do not cut the leaves until they are completely dry. Once dry last page, calla is taken out of the pot and transferred to a dark, cold place for 2-3 months.

Why don't callas bloom? This is the result of improper care. Calla is not in color if:

  • for the previous growing season, she did not receive enough top dressing, the watering regime of the plant was violated, and the level of illumination was insufficient. In order for the calla to bloom, she needs the right care;
  • why not calla flowers? The plant did not have a dormant period or it did not last long. The dormant period of callas lasts from September-November to February-March. During this time, the plant is gaining strength. Callas need to be watered occasionally. Otherwise, the root system will dry out completely. You can not forcibly send the plant to rest and cut off the still green leaves. Calla leaves should dry on their own;
  • callas do not bloom if there are many baby tubers around the mother tuber. The latter take strength from an adult plant. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a flower transplant with the separation of children. This is done after the end of the dormant period of the calla. It is necessary to provide her with proper care and next year the callas will bloom;
  • Calla lilies do not bloom if the plant has had a disease during the previous growing season. The plant is given normal care.

Every year after dormancy In the summer 18-22, during the rest period 10-15 During the period of active growth and flowering - daily, during the dormant period - once every 10 days During the flowering period - 2 times a day Diffused lighting, partial shade A dormant period is required for flowering.


Calla - photophilous plant, but the lighting for its growth and flowering should be diffused. Does not tolerate direct sunlight.

The flower can be grown in partial shade, it can even tolerate a shadow, but such lighting negatively affects its flowering.

Poor lighting can be the reason why calla lilies do not bloom or bloom very poorly.

On hot summer days, it is especially important to protect the flower from the scorching rays of the sun. To do this, the pot can be rearranged on a floor stand and / or covered with a translucent curtain.

Good lighting is essential throughout the year. She prefers a long daylight hours, so in autumn and winter it is recommended to illuminate the plant artificially with fluorescent or phytolamps.


This is a plant with a pronounced dormant period, which lasts 2 months a year and begins after the end of flowering. From the beginning of the growing season, a stable temperature is needed with small average daily fluctuations.

It is best to keep the flower in a room at a temperature of 18-22ºС. This plant does not like heat; at temperatures above 27ºС, its leaves begin to dry out, despite the humidification of the air. The cold is also detrimental to him, although the Ethiopian calla can tolerate a short-term drop in temperature to 5ºС.

During the dormant period, the temperature of the plant should be in the range of 10-15ºС.


This is a marsh plant for which abundant watering is vital. When growing it in pots, the clod of earth in and flowering should never dry out. You need to water daily, but it is better from the bottom through the pan. When watering from above, care must be taken so that water does not fall on top of the tuber or at the growing point.

During the dormant period, water about 1 time in 10 days.. The soil at this time should be slightly damp. For watering the plant, only warm settled soft water is used.

Due to insufficient soil moisture, calla stops growing.

15 minutes after watering, all the water that has flowed into the pan is drained. This will prevent root rot.

After flowering, the regularity of watering for all species is reduced to 1 time in 7-10 days. After 1-2 months, colored callas must be stopped watering until the end of the dormant period (end of February).


For supporting necessary for the plant humidity, it must be sprayed frequently. In summer, in hot weather, you can spray twice a day - in the early morning and after sunset.

Calla responds well to wetting the leaves with a wet sponge or cloth.. During the dormant period, the plant is not sprayed, since it lives mainly due to the tuber, air humidity does not affect it.

Soil for callas need very fertile and acidified. In the ground with alkaline reaction they won't grow.

Peat in the composition of the substrate for calla lilies must be present.

The best earth mixture for their cultivation is the following: soddy land, peat, humus and coarse sand in a ratio of 1:1:2:1.

For white varieties, you can use a purchased substrate for flowering aroid plants. Another option is to prepare the earth mixture yourself by mixing one part of humus, sand and leaf ground, adding ¼ of clay and 2 parts of sod land.

For all types of callas per 3 liters of substrate, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate.

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Top dressing of the plant is carried out during growth and flowering. The plant responds very well to feeding with superphosphate twice a month. You can also use complex fertilizers for flowering plants. During the dormant period, the flower should not be fed.

Especially calla lilies need feeding with a lack of lighting.

Before flowering, fertilizers with nitrogen should not be abused. so that the intensive growth of green foliage does not drown out the formation of buds. After the appearance of flower stalks, calla can be fertilized with urea. Recommended during flowering organic nutrition infusion of eggshells.

It is useful to alternate root feeding with spraying on the leaf. It is important to ensure that drops do not fall on the flowers.


The marsh calla plant prefers high humidity in the range of 70-80%. It is not easy to achieve such a microclimate in an apartment. To increase humidity, the plant is sprayed at least 2 times a day..

It is also useful to put a flower pot in a deep pan with wet sand or expanded clay. The substrate should always be moist, but not wet, there should be no water in the pan.


Calla for long and abundant flowering must rest 2 months a year. The rest of the time falls on its growth and flowering. Plant dormancy begins at different time especially when kept in an apartment.

To organize a dormant period for the plant, it should be watered less frequently after flowering, and then almost stop watering. The leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry, it goes into a dormant state. Some flower growers do not stop watering and fertilizing after the end of flowering. So it is possible to achieve a second flowering in the season, but after that a dormant period for the plant is already necessary.

Callas usually have dormant periods in July and August or January and February.

Their dry leaves are cut off, and the pot is cleaned in a colder and dark place. After the end of the rest, they are transplanted into new land. Now it is important to properly wake up the plant so that it begins to grow intensively and bloom soon.

Experienced flower growers recommend waiting for the plant to wake up on its own., and immediately after transplantation it is good to water it with acidified lemon juice water. For 0.5 liters of warm water, you need a few drops of lemon juice. As a rule, new leaves appear after 1-2 weeks.

Trimming / Support / Garter

During the growth and flowering of the plant, yellowed and drying leaves can sometimes be removed. At the beginning of the dormant period, when all the leaves of the plant have dried up, they follow.

As such, pruning is not applied to callas. Only dried leaves are cut off. The procedure is carried out during the dormant period, when the plant does not bloom.

In most cases, the plant does not need support and garter.. However, if the calla has reached an impressive size or is very stretched out, you can carefully tie it to the support. This will prevent the pot from tipping over and injuring the flower.


Callas are susceptible to some infectious and fungal infections. Of these, the most common are: gray rot, root rot, wet rot and anthracnose.

With gray rot, a dirty gray coating appears on the affected areas of the plant. All parts of the plant are affected. You can fight this disease only by using special antifungal drugs (Vitaros).

The development of root rot is promoted by stagnant water in the soil, poor drainage. The tubers of the plant rot, and the ground part fades. The plant should be transplanted into another soil, drainage should be improved, and fungicidal treatment should be carried out.

Wet rot affects rhizomes, peduncles, leaf bases, which darken and become soft. Treatment of this disease has not been developed, diseased plants are destroyed.

Pesticides are used against pests

Anthracnose is manifested by the appearance of brown round spots on the leaves of the plant, which increase and lead to the death of the leaf. The ground part must be treated with a fungicidal preparation, and its diseased parts removed.

Callas are affected by aphids and red spider mites. These pests are destroyed by insecticidal preparations.


Sometimes for a long time it is not possible to achieve flowering of the plant. There may be several reasons for this. The most common is the lack of a rest period. It should be remembered that for the beginning of flowering the plant must rest for at least 2 months.

Calla may not bloom due to lack of top dressing. On the contrary, abundant top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers leads to blackening of the edge of the leaf plates.

Another common reason for the absence of flowers is low light. A plant that is starting to bloom may stop blooming if the air humidity is very low.

But even when high humidity if the air temperature is above 27ºС, the leaves and flower stalks of the plant may begin to dry out and wither.


calla babies that form on the tuber of the plant. They are separated during transplantation. To grow young plants, you need a shallow container in which you need to make good drainage.

An earthen mixture is poured into the container and young tubers are planted in it.. The distance between them should be at least 10 cm. The delenki should not be planted deep in the ground, their upper third should be on the surface. Young plants are watered abundantly, and the temperature is maintained within 20-14ºС.

Growing calla lilies from seeds at home is a very troublesome business, but it helps to preserve and improve varietal characteristics.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 5-6 hours in potassium humate - a growth stimulator. Then they are laid out in a container with a damp towel, covered with it and placed for a week in a warm place.

It is important to ensure that the seeds do not dry out at this time.. After germination, the seeds are sown in moist soil and placed in a warm place. Watering is carried out regularly. The grown seedlings are transplanted into individual pots.


Kallu to a new land after the end of the dormant period. It could be in early spring or early autumn.

The tuber of the plant is taken out of the pot, the earth is removed along with the old roots.. If babies have formed on it, they can be separated and planted in separate pots. Then the tuber is planted in the same pot in a new earthen mixture.

It is necessary to pour a drainage layer of fine expanded clay. The tuber of the plant is buried in the ground by about 2/3 so that all growth points remain on the surface. After transplantation, the plant is rarely watered - once a week until new shoots appear. After that, abundant watering is resumed.

Calla - flower of death

Sometimes you can hear that calla is. Where did such a statement come from?

One of the reasons is that in European countries there is a custom to bring white flowers to funerals. And often these are callas. Also, this plant can sometimes be found on the graves of the dead. However, other white flowers are also brought to funerals, such as lilies, roses, carnations, or chrysanthemums.

Some argue that callas do not look like real flowers, but rather like wax figures. Their yellow cob resembles a candle, and their white bract is a burial shroud. However, such statements are purely subjective opinion, not supported by substantiated facts.

Today, almost no one remembers that calla is a flower of death.. This myth has not been confirmed. Now they give flowers for various holidays, they are used to create bouquets, including bridal bouquets! These are universal flowers that can be given to both women and men.

Calla is a very beautiful, graceful flower that exudes a delicate pleasant aroma. It improves immunity, eliminates stress and depression. Gives vivacity and improves mood!

Description of the plant and species

Calla is a flowering member of the Aroid family, whose homeland is considered to be South Africa. The plant delights with its strict amazing beauty and many colors.

Houseplant calla has bare stems with big leaves, having the form of a heart or an arrowhead. Tall peduncles at the top turn into a single-petal flower, which consists of an ear and a bract in the form of a funnel.

Many varieties of calla lilies have been bred in a variety of colors, including even black. Popular types:

Now you know everything about growing calla lilies in a pot and caring for a flower at home.

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