How to permanently get rid of spider mites on indoor plants. How to get rid of spider mites: preparations and methods of struggle Room mites how to get rid of

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

The use of plants in the interior of the house is a long-familiar and beloved pastime by many. They decorate rooms, purify the air and delight the eyes of the owners. Florists make a lot of efforts so that their pets are not exposed to diseases and pests. However, this is not always possible, and one of the most dangerous insects for plants is the spider mite (the photo is present in the article). This small arthropod from the arachnid class forms extensive colonies with its own kind. Pests use the juice of the plant on which they settled as food. From their bites, tiny dots remain on the leaves, which turn into spots over time. From a lack of nutrients, a representative of the flora begins to wither, and if appropriate measures are not taken, it eventually dries up. What does a spider mite look like on indoor plants and how to deal with it? We will consider these issues later in the article.

Pest development cycle

The process of development of an arthropod is called "metamorphosis". It includes the following phases:

  • eggs;
  • prelarvae;
  • larvae;
  • protonymph;
  • nymphs in the breeding stage.

These stages may be partially absent in certain types of ticks. During each of the phases, the process of molting occurs.

What does a spider mite look like on indoor plants and how to detect the presence of a pest?

It is almost impossible to see insects due to their very small size. The maximum length of an adult is no more than 5 millimeters, and usually their size does not exceed even a millimeter. Most often, spider mites (a photo of pests is attached to the article) are green in color, but sometimes there are red, brown and orange individuals.

They often hide in leaves or soil. If there are too many pests, they will be quite noticeable. You should look not for individuals or their thin, barely noticeable cobweb, but for the skin that they leave after molting. You can find them on the back of the foliage, which is a favorite place for these arthropods.

Externally, the skins resemble small scales of dandruff and have a grayish or white color.

Signs of a pest

There are several clear signs by which it can be determined that a spider mite has attacked a green pet (control and prevention measures are described in the article):

  • the appearance of light or pale yellow spots on the leaves;
  • the presence of small scales on the wrong side of the sheet;
  • thin web on leaf plates.

If the cobweb completely covered the flower, then it can no longer be saved and it will soon dry out.

Types of pest

Spider mites on flowers come in several varieties:

  1. Ordinary. The most common and dangerous type. From prying eyes, ticks hide on the back of the leaves. When their number increases rapidly, plants that are close to the affected become victims. What does a spider mite look like on indoor plants? Insects are light in color, and spots and cobwebs appear on the leaves of an infected specimen.
  2. Red. A very dangerous, but less common tick. Differs in small size, and in his preferences - orchids, roses and lemon plants.
  3. False. Due to its miniature size, it goes unnoticed until the moment when the flower is already covered with cobwebs and begins to die.
  4. Atlantic. Likes high humidity and prefers exotic plants.
  5. Cyclamen. It hides in both tubers and leaves, is difficult to hatch, and can also form large colonies. As a rule, the florist discovers the defeat of this mite when the plant can no longer be helped.

Where do pests come from

Sadly, most amateur flower growers are well acquainted with these arachnids. Where do they come from? The most common way of infection is an infection brought from a store with a purchased flower. Therefore, when a new copy appears, it must be sent to quarantine, that is, put on a completely empty windowsill. There the plant should spend at least two weeks, and if nothing suspicious has happened, then you can transfer it to the "collective".

There is an expression: forewarned is forearmed. It is the best fit for this issue. After all, knowing some facts about the life of arachnids, you can simply avoid their appearance and spread:

  • for suitable living conditions, ticks need a warm environment with low humidity;
  • the life cycle of the female does not exceed 1.5 months, but during this period she manages to lay a couple of hundred eggs;
  • it is more effective to carry out poisoning at the time of the release of new individuals, since a very small amount of funds can cope with eggs.

So, we examined what a spider mite is on plants. How to deal with a pest with chemical and folk remedies? This will be discussed further.

pest control

Defeating an insect costs a lot of work and time, and methods of struggle can be both with the help of chemicals and folk remedies. Of course, it is more likely that special preparations will help to cope with this scourge. Although some flower growers are afraid of causing more harm to the plant and resort to folk methods. Not having received a sufficient effect, they still resort to chemical preparations, but sometimes it is too late.

After that, it would be nice to arrange a warm shower for the flower, flushing another part of the ticks into the sewer. Now you can choose the processing method.

If a spider mite has settled on houseplants, how to deal with chemical means? Let's look at this later in the article.

Chemicals against pests

There is an extensive selection of special means against spider mites on the market. They were combined into one group called acaricides. They will help to cope with these pests that have settled on indoor flowers.

It is important that the result is obvious, follow all the rules and recommendations prescribed in the instructions, you can not conduct experiments with more frequent use or, conversely, ignore the repeated procedure. Also, you can not neglect the safety rules, as the funds are extremely toxic.


A poisonous chemical that has a contact effect on an insect. The essence of its action lies in the fact that it disrupts the process of feeding the tick and makes it impossible. Treatment for spider mites is necessary once every two weeks. The flower grower should put on a protective suit before using the drug and carry out the treatment on the street.


The drug is one of the most effective. When spraying, not only adults are destroyed, but also larvae with eggs.


It has a detrimental effect on spiders. The active ingredient in the composition is aversectin.


A toxic agent that destroys both adult insects and their eggs. Spraying is carried out once a month.


Has high efficiency. Just one spray is enough.

Terms of use

For a better result, in addition to treating the plant with acaricides, the following rules must be observed:

  • Alternating chemical treatments and hot showers.
  • If the mites have infested a large area of ​​the plant, then alternate use of different preparations is recommended.
  • It makes sense to process all the flowers in the house.
  • During the persecution of arthropods, it is imperative to clean the window or shelf where the plant lives. Use soapy water first, then alcohol solution.
  • Conduct soil disinfection during transplantation.

Folk remedies against pests

If for a number of reasons the grower does not want to use products with a chemical composition, then folk methods can come to the rescue. They are easy to prepare and use.

Before you fight spider mites, you need to prepare a flower. The first step is to clean it well by washing it in the shower. Next, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the windowsill and pot. This will help remove those ticks that may be hiding there. After all these manipulations, you can proceed directly to the processing of the flower itself. To do this, choose one of the folk remedies presented below.

Onion infusion

It is necessary to take about 5 liters of water and a husk from about a kilogram of onion. Then combine the ingredients and let it brew for 5 days. When the specified time has passed, the infusion should be well filtered - and you can begin to process the affected flower.

Infusion of garlic

This is a very effective and quick way to deal with spider mites, reviews of which are only positive. Take a few heads of large garlic and chop. The resulting garlic mass must be mixed with a liter of boiled water. Then tightly cover the dishes with a lid and hide in a cool place for 5 days. When the right amount of time has passed, the mixture can be used as a poison for ticks. But before use, the infusion should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

soap solution

You need to take any cute and process the flower along with the pot. The foam must be left for 3 hours, after which it can be washed off. Next, a plastic bag is put on the plant for a day to maintain the necessary humidity.


This is the most effective of all folk methods, but it is only suitable for plants with a dense leaf texture. Just take a cotton pad and soak it in ammonia. Next, all sheet plates are wiped. However, if ticks are wound up in places to which access is limited, then the remedy will not produce the proper effect. Also, a couple of drops of acetone can be added to the alcohol solution for greater efficiency.

Pest prevention

There are some measures that can save a flower from defeat:

  • constant inspection of indoor flowers;
  • compliance with the level of humidity, since the spider mite prefers dry air;
  • conduct a warm shower for the plant at least once a month;
  • newly purchased flowers must be quarantined for at least two weeks;
  • steam the soil, because insects can be hibernating there;
  • spray the leaves with clean water every day.

So, we looked at what a spider mite looks like on indoor plants and what are the main methods of dealing with it. It is quite possible to get rid of the pest, but you will have to approach the process thoroughly and wisely. You can not neglect the rules of re-baiting, processing neighboring plants and thoroughly cleaning the place where the affected specimen is located. Compliance with preventive measures and a thorough examination of the plant will help to notice and avoid the mass spread of the pest in time.

Plants, despite almost greenhouse living conditions, are no less susceptible to various infections and invasions than their outdoor ones. One of the frequent unwanted guests on green pets is a spider mite on houseplants.

What does a spider mite look like on indoor plants

The spider mite is a whole family of insects distributed throughout the world. Very small - 1-2 mm. and less, they cause great damage to typical indoor plants such as orchids, roses, tradescantia, geraniums. They suck the juices from the green parts of plants, as a result of which the leaves and flowers begin to dry and fall off, the plant gradually dies. It is very difficult to notice the pest with the naked eye due to its small size and color. Most often, spider mites are green in color, less often - yellow, orange or red.

Most often, spider mites can be brought in when buying flowers in pots. Plants in stores are not always treated properly, and "newcomers" are best quarantined alone to prevent other plants from invading.

Also, insects can be carried on cobwebs from the street with open windows. Mosquito nets do not save either, since the size of the pests is small, and they can freely penetrate the barrier. If the plants stand on an open unglazed balcony, the likelihood of infection becomes even higher.

You can bring insect eggs with forest or garden soil. Spider mite eggs are highly resistant and can survive in the ground for up to five years. Most chemicals, temperature fluctuations and dryness of the substrate do not affect them.

Types of spider mites

There are the following types of pests:

  • Spider mite ordinary. The most frequent "guest" in all regions of the world, and represents a great danger. Practically not picky in "food" and affects any green plants. Hiding on the wrong side of the leaves and on young shoots. Over a short life, the female lays several hundred eggs, from which, under suitable conditions, new insects hatch in a few days.

  • The red spider mite prefers orchids, lemon plants and roses. The most dangerous representative of its kind. It has a bright crimson-red body color. Occurs less frequently than usual.

  • The Atlantic spider mite lives in high humidity and temperatures above room temperature. Prefers tropical plant species. It is quite rare compared to red and ordinary, typical for hot regions.

  • The cyclamen spider mite is dangerous because it can affect not only the green parts, but also the roots and tubers. Forms large colonies that look like a net or dust adhering to the plant. Prefers high humidity.

How to identify the presence of a pest

A spider web does not necessarily indicate the presence of a pest. It is very difficult to see the threads of the web that the spider mite weaves, because they are too thin, and become visible to the human eye only in large quantities. Most often, signs of the appearance of insects are small yellow dots on the back of the leaves. These are the places where the tick bites, in which it sucked the juices from the cells of the plant. Affected leaves begin to curl and dry out.

Sometimes spider mites settle in buds, especially in roses, geraniums and orchids. The insect disfigures the petals, the buds lose their color and shape, when blooming, a strong deformation of both the petals themselves and the shape of the flower becomes visible. In this case, the appearance of the web is not typical.

Affected plants

The list of plants affected by the pest is very long. The common spider mite infects almost everything, up to cacti. Other species are somewhat more selective in their tastes, however, they settle in houses much less often. Most susceptible to injury:

  • azalea;
  • rose flower;
  • fuchsia;
  • ficus;
  • calla;
  • orchid;
  • dracaena.

General control measures

Pest control comes down to processing both the plant itself and its substrate, the container in which it is located, and the shelf or window sill. Since insect eggs are very resistant, the treatment is carried out with several repetitions, taking into account the development cycle of the spider mite on houseplants and the expected hatching time.

Chemical Methods

Modern chemicals are an effective means of combating the attack of the spider mite. Most chemicals kill both adult insects and their larvae and eggs. Pest control products are called acaricides, and they fight many types of pests:

  • Actellik acts on the digestive system of insects, making it impossible to digest food and causing their death. The chemical is highly toxic and must be handled outdoors or in a non-residential area using chemical protection measures;

  • Fitoverm has a neurotoxic effect on ticks, less dangerous for humans. They should also be processed in open space and with the use of chemical protection;
  • Neoron is a contact acaricide that destroys the shells of eggs and the chitinous shell of adult insects. The effect persists for several weeks, which inhibits the growth of hatched insects from preserved eggs;
  • Flumite has a detrimental effect for the most part on spider mite eggs, new individuals do not appear. It is best used in conjunction with other drugs that have less activity against eggs and insect larvae;

  • Apollo is a hormonal acaricide that acts on insect eggs and larvae; it is practically non-toxic for adult spider mites, so it must be taken with other drugs. Adults, along with this, are sterilized by the chemical, which stops the development cycle;
  • Akarin is an insecticide with a neurotoxic effect, insects die within 4-8 hours after treatment. When combined with acarin treatment with other drugs (having an ovocidal effect), it is highly effective. They are processed every 3-4 days three times. It is toxic to humans, so you need to work with it using gloves and a mask, in the absence of children and pets.

When handling chemicals, it is important to observe the concentration and apply chemical protection measures.

Folk methods

If you do not want to use chemicals or out of reasonable fear, you can resort to folk methods. However, it should be remembered that they are not so effective and have practically no effect on tick eggs, which is why the treatment must be carried out every 3-4 days for 2-3 weeks.

  • Soap solution is prepared from laundry or tar soap. Soap shavings are foamed, the foam is applied to the plant and left for several hours. Then the foam is washed off and the plant is covered with a plastic bag for a day to create the effect of a greenhouse and maintain high humidity.

  • Alcohol treatment is not suitable for all plants, but only for those that have dense leaf plates. Moistened with a cotton swab or disc, wipe the entire surface of the leaves, petioles, trunks and buds;
  • An infusion of garlic is made from two crushed garlic heads per liter of boiled water. The infusion is prepared within 5 days, applied diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:1;
  • Onion infusion is prepared from six grams of onion peel per liter of boiled water. Insist for four hours, then filter. Plants are treated with a solution from a spray gun, green parts of the plant and soil three times in five days.

Additional Methods

All additional methods are only in conjunction with the folk or chemical method of struggle and cannot be used as separate and independent. These methods can also be used as a preventive measure:

  • The mechanical method is to remove all affected leaves, rinse with soapy water and a hot shower. This method also includes increasing humidity by frequent watering and wrapping the plant in a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect;
  • The biological method involves the use of natural enemies of the spider mite, for example. At home, especially in winter, it is difficult to find them, but in summer you can leave the plants at an open window and put baits for ladybugs;

  • Bacterial method - the use of drugs that contain strains of bacteria that are detrimental to spider mites. These drugs include domestic Biotlin, Bitoxibacillin, foreign Trichodermin.

Prevention measures

The main prevention is regular spraying of the plant, since the common spider mite, the main pest, loves dry air. Humidity-loving red and Atlantic mite infestations are much less common.

Plants bought in a store or on an exchange are best left for a couple of weeks away from the bulk, wrapped in a plastic bag. Even if the "newcomer" shows signs of infection, it is much easier to deal with a pest on one flower than on all plants in the house.

It is better to process the collected land or purchased substrate in the oven on baking sheets or steam it, and also treat it with acaricides to kill insect eggs. In the same way, it is desirable to deal with expanded clay, stones and sawdust.

It is also possible to plant less beautiful parsley, dandelion, basil, aloe, calendula between ornamental plants for prevention. Their smell repels ticks both from the plants themselves and from their neighbors.

Some plants can arrange a hot short-term shower at a temperature of 36-38 degrees. You should not take such liberties with roses or orchids, but for some cacti, such a procedure will benefit.

Tick ​​on an orchid

Most often on orchids you can find a red tick. Insects gather in extensive colonies, braiding the lower part of the leaves with a thin web of white or whitish color. Small yellow dots appear on the leaves, then merging into a yellow pattern, the plant stops growing and flowering. Especially often, mites settle on young growing leaves, which contain a large amount of juice.

Infection occurs when buying orchids or when exchanging plants between flower growers. Also, a transplant into infected soil can serve as a source of insects.

Tick ​​control measures and prevention on the orchid

Since orchids are quite delicate plants, you need to be very careful when dealing with spider mites. When choosing chemicals, you should read the information on the packaging so that the chemical is suitable for use on orchids. Also, for effective control, several types of chemicals should be alternated to eliminate the formation of resistant insects.

Of the suitable chemicals, the most effective and in demand in the fight against spider mites are Apollo, Akarin, Sunmite, Tiofos, Kleschevik, etc.

Any chemical should be treated not only with the plant itself, but also with the soil, and containers with pallets, the windowsill and neighboring plants, to prevent re-invasion.

The spider mite on indoor lemon is a very dangerous and common pest. This insect is very small in size, almost invisible to the naked eye, so it is very difficult to identify and take timely measures to eliminate it. It feeds on the sap of the plant, its activity leads to starvation of the plant, drying and falling of the leaves.

Spider mite feeds on sap from a plant leaf

How to deal with spider mites on indoor citrus plants? What are the methods of effective treatment of homemade lemon and tangerine from a tick, how to prevent infection - we will share our experience. Evidence of activity spider mites on lemon leaves- is the appearance of yellow dots, yellowing of the tips of the leaves, folding of the leaves. In the later stages of infection, cobwebs may appear, at first single stripes, and in advanced cases, entire nests inside twisted leaves.

It looks like a spider mite on a leaf under a slight increase

Spider mite, description and photo

spider mite- an arachnid insect, ranging in size from 0.3 to 0.6 mm, depending on sex and fatness. Has 6 or 8 legs. Insects of red color and their dark green larvae most often settle on domestic lemons. They move very slowly, most often they live on the back of the leaf plate, but sometimes they can also be found on the outside. To the naked eye, they can be identified as small red dots.

Spider mite on the back of the leaf, barely visible to the naked eye

Almost any house plant can be inhabited by the worst enemy - the spider mite. What does he look like? How to deal with spider mites on any indoor plants? What harm can it do to a plant? Let's take a look in this article on how you can protect your favorite flowers from pests and prevent such a scourge in the future. Go!

Why you need to get rid of spider mites on flowers

The tick is not considered to belong to the insect group. Its dimensions are extremely small, it is impossible to notice with the naked eye. Some people lament that they did not notice his tricks in time and did not save the plant. However, knowing some of the features of the spider mite, you will be able to quickly detect this pest.

Contrary to popular belief, the spider mite does not always wrap its favorite plant with cobwebs. This usually happens when there are already too many mites, and the plant is on the verge of death.

Spider flare gradually destroys the shell of the surface of the leaves, thus disrupting the natural processes of photosynthesis. The plant stops receiving the necessary nutrition, and gradually fades. A damaged flower becomes vulnerable to many diseases.

Importantly, the spider mite can move from one flower to another. If one flower had a disease, for example, it was infected with gray rot spores, then when a tick settles on a neighboring flower, it will transfer this infection to him. Being not just a pest, but also a carrier of diseases, the spider mite can cause great harm to your flowers. How to get rid of spider mites on flowers?

How to get rid of spider mites on indoor plants

  1. Small dots appeared on the leaves of the flower. These dots can have a different shade: from light silver, red, yellow to red. This sign informs the owner of the flower that the dying process has begun in these places of the leaves and the plant needs help.
  2. Spots can also form under the leaves of plants. However, they are usually white on the underside.
  3. A thin cobweb. If there is a cobweb in some places, this means that the spider mite on indoor plants, the control measures for which are not always easy, has chosen your flower.

Advice! To make sure that this pest is not present, take a white sheet of paper and shake the flower over it. If there are mites, they will fall on the leaf and you will see them. The shades of the bodies of ticks depend on the color of the plant they feed on.

Although it is possible to fight a tick with folk methods, in some cases it may be useless. Alternative methods are effective either at an early stage of infection, or as a preventive measure.

The main chemical control methods are as follows:

  • acaricides;
  • insectoacaricides;
  • biological products;
  • synthetic means.

How to get rid of spider mites on flowers with special tools

Preparations of the Fitoferm series

This tool belongs to the group of insectoacaricides. Similar in effect and composition are also "Vermitek" and "Aktofit".

The advantage of these chemicals is that they are the safest of all acaricides. However, they effectively fight spider mites.

Important! No drugs of the acaricide group have any effect if the temperature in the room where the treatment is carried out is below 18 degrees. Even the reprocessing time directly depends on the temperature regime.

These drugs can cause relative harm to humans and plants, so they should be used with caution, applying protective measures.

We use Apollo
It has the same properties as the previous one. The advantage of this tool is that it successfully fights not only with active individuals, but also with spider mite eggs. Considered an acaricide.

Chemical means "Aktellik"
This substance tends to evaporate. It is not safe for humans and plants. Never use this remedy at home! It can only be used in outdoor protective equipment.

Despite its "harmfulness", "Aktellik" fights well with spider mites.

Advice! Never treat wet plants. This reduces the effectiveness of the drug, and can also cause additional damage to the flowers.

If you have a spider mite settled on indoor plants - how to get rid of it with folk remedies in the initial stages of infection?

Spider mite on indoor plants: how to deal with folk remedies

So, you are sure that you have a spider mite settled on indoor plants. How to deal with folk remedies with this "guest"?

Remember that in cases where the pest has spread greatly, folk remedies may not help. In this case, chemicals should be used.

Video: how to get rid of a spider mite on a rose at home

To clearly see how the processing of domestic plants goes, let's watch the video.

The defeat of houseplants by spider mites is a fairly common phenomenon and is often not always immediately noticeable. But this is a mortal enemy for your collection of flowers and decorative "favorites". In a few days it may be too late, so the fight to destroy the spider mite must begin immediately.

Today, according to experts, there are no drugs that can get rid of the spider mite once and for all, but it is possible to prevent the death of the plant by using specialized tools in time that are guaranteed to eliminate this pest. But you need to know: he quickly "gets used" to the drugs and can return again.

One of the important rules for its destruction is a regular and thorough inspection of the plant.

There are certain symptoms and external signs that it is affected by this pest:

  • Discolored spots on the underside of the leaves;
  • Points on the underside of the leaves, either dark or faded;
  • Punctures on the leaves (initial stage);
  • Thin colorless gossamer;
  • The loss of the green color of the leaf, it turns red, a marble shade appears;
  • The leaves begin to dry, deform, curl;
  • White coating on various parts in the form of dandruff;
  • Layer of "dust";
  • growth retardation;
  • The accumulation of pests on the edges of the leaves (with a large lesion).

For inspection, it is better to use a magnifying glass and carry it out in daylight.

Unfavorable environmental factors for this pest are: cold, high humidity (more than 55%) and cool temperature (less than 25 degrees Celsius).

But even under such conditions, the guaranteed death of pests does not occur, because they have the biological ability to slow down all the processes of their vital activity (diapause).

During such a period, they seem to freeze without signs of life, stop moving, do not drink the juice of the leaves, and you might think that the fight against them ended in victory. But when the conditions suitable for them are restored, their attacks on plants resume with even greater force.

Types of spider mites

This species does not belong to the tick family, but is a member of the arachnid group. This is important, because in order to choose the right means for its elimination, you need to understand which drugs are suitable in order to cope with this particular category of pests.

Description, biological characteristics

  • Belongs to the class of arthropods, not insects;
  • The size of an individual is about half a millimeter, and it can only be seen using a magnifying glass;
  • Life time is 25-35 days, but during this period each female lays several hundred eggs, of which new individuals appear after 3 days. Within a few days they are ready for the process of increasing the population through reproduction. Eggs do not lose viability for about 5-10 years. 20 generations of individuals are formed per year;
  • The color may be brown, brown. The female is painted reddish, so it is much easier to distinguish it on the leaves;
  • The body is oblong, pubescent with villi;
  • They live in colonies on the wrong side of the leaf, with the advent of winter they can go deep into the soil up to 22 cm;
  • During diapause, they crawl into cracks in window sills, under skirting boards, chipped pots, and into recesses in window frames.

Certain types of ticks choose different flowers and plants, their attack on them is massive.

Type of tick Plants
gossamer common Fuchsia, balsam, ficus, roses.
Red Roses, all kinds of orchids, nightshade, lemon, azalea, camellia, cacti, carnation, calla lilies.
False Citrus fruits, orchids, passionflower.
Atlantic Palm, ficus.
Cyclamen Chrysanthemum, cyclamen, pelargonium, balsam, violet, dahlia, geranium, daisy, petunia, azalea.
Wide Anthurium, euonymus, ficus, oleander, cactus.
Clover Ficus, orchids, all bulbous.
Wide Balsam, hibiscus, dahlia, begonia, cyclamen, chrysanthemum.

Almost all types of these pests are omnivorous, but there are exceptions; plants with a fleecy surface and all varieties of aloe are not so often affected.

Especially often you can see its population on roses and orchids, many flower growers stop growing them after an unsuccessful struggle.

They not only destroy the plant, but also carry various fungal diseases.

If the defeat of the instance is strong enough, then it is better to destroy it as soon as possible.

Since the spider mite is not an insect pest, it is useless to use insecticides against it, they will not work. Against them, it is necessary to use preparations of the group of acaricides and insectoacaricides.

They are preparations specially designed for the destruction of this type of arachnid.

These products include substances that cause paralysis of the pest and their nutritional organs and components that cause sterilization of females and eggs.

They are divided into the following groups:

  • Contact - death occurs upon contact with the drug;
  • Intestinal - death occurs during nutrition;
  • Fumigants - death through toxic vapors;
  • Systemic - death through plant sap.

The hazard class for humans and animals must be taken into account when using. Class 1 and 2 drugs are the most dangerous, class 4 drugs are considered completely safe, class 3 drugs have a differentiated degree of danger (bees, fish).

Name and action How to use,

Hazard Class


Intestinal, contact

Dilute 2 ml in 2 liters of water.

processing outdoors, fatal to animals and fish.


Contact, sterilization, destruction of eggs

5 ml is diluted with clean water in a volume of 10 liters.

Grade 4, safe for bees.



Dilute 50 g with warm water (10 liters).

Contact and intestinal

Use the finished product according to the instructions.

Class 4, dangerous for fish, apply once.


Intestinal, contact, fumigant

0.2 ml per 1 liter of aqueous solution.

Class 2, toxic to fish and bees.



2 ml per 1 liter of aqueous solution.

Contact, destroys eggs and larvae, sterilizes females

Dilute 1 teaspoon of powder in 8-10 liters of water.


15 ml is diluted with 10 liters of water.

Class 2 is dangerous for humans, class 3 - for bees.


Contact, sterilization, kills larvae

3 ml per 10 liters of aqueous solution.


10 ml per bucket of water.

Contact, destructive at all phases of development

1 teaspoon is added to 10 liters of water solution, mix well.


1 ml per 1 liter of water.

Contact, intestinal

0.15 ml per 0.5 liters of water.

Sterilization of females and eggs

2 ml per 5 liters of aqueous solution.

Contact, intestinal, does not work on roses

Dilute 1 ampoule with water (1 l).

Intestinal, contact

Dilute 5 ml with water, use 5 liters.

Spraying with substances of classes 1 and 2 is carried out outside the premises, on the street or on the balcony. For class 3 and 4 substances, the process is carried out in a bathroom with closed doors.

Preparations must be constantly changed so that addiction does not occur, since the spider mite tends to adapt and develop immunity against poisons very quickly.

If the treatment did not bring results before the onset of winter, then such a plant is a dangerous source of future infection. Since the females go into the ground deep into the pot for wintering, and none of the influencing substances act on them.

The scheme of plant treatment is directly "tied" to the biological cycle of development of the spider mite.

The first spraying is aimed at destroying the bulk of adults. Regardless of the drugs that are used, the bulk of pests (70-80%) will be destroyed.

The second should be carried out in a week, when new individuals hatch from the eggs.

The third spraying is carried out again a week later for final destruction.

Many experienced indoor growers add a fourth spray to eliminate possible remnants of the population.

How to properly process indoor flowers with drugs

The spider mite is a rather serious problem and its destruction requires methodical and correct implementation of all stages. It is not easy to eliminate such a rapidly spreading pest, so a number of important rules must be observed.

Processing rules

  • First of all, it is necessary to immediately destroy those specimens that are 80-90% affected by the pest, since it is better to lose one or two than the entire home collection;
  • All damaged leaves must be cut off and eliminated;
  • All plants should be disinfected, regardless of the presence of the pest;
  • It is necessary to disinfect window sills, skirting boards, window structures, pallets, the outer parts of pots with alcohol, you can use a strong solution made from laundry soap;
  • Wash the curtains in the room and bathroom, if disinfection activities were carried out there;
  • It is desirable to carry out the elimination of the population in the first half of the day in daylight;
  • Before processing, wash the plant in the shower with a solution of soap flakes. For plants for which “water procedures” are undesirable, a steam bath is prepared by turning on hot water (the drain is not closed).
  • Practitioners - flower growers do not advise using such a solution, it turns out that it clogs the stomata on the leaves, thanks to which the plant breathes;
  • Before processing, the plant must be dried.

The process involves spraying the trunk and the entire surface of the leaves on both sides with the selected preparation, moreover, they are shed so that the plant is completely wet. The soil mixture in the pot is also processed.

Put a plastic bag on the plant and leave it for 1-2 days.

Small indoor cultures can be processed by immersing them upside down in a container with a solution of the product.

If the spraying method is not suitable for the plant, use a cotton swab soaked in the preparation, which is placed on the ground in a pot and also covered with a plastic bag.

It is important to start the treatment process as early as possible, at the first manifestations of the presence of a pest.

Means without chemical ingredients, prepared from herbs and medicinal raw materials, are used in practice by those who would like to solve the problem with less damage to the health of family members. Usually, the damage to indoor plants by the pest is insignificant, or it’s just time to carry out regular prophylaxis. In addition, not everyone likes to use chemicals and prefer a milder effect on indoor flowers.

However, experts warn that folk options for dealing with spider mites are not effective enough.

For disinfection, extracts, mixtures of decoctions and infusions from various plants are prepared.

Compound How to cook
100 grams of alder leaves Boil in a liter of water for 35 minutes, leave for 10 hours.
50 grams of leaves or 30 - 50 dandelion roots Pour hot water, insist 3 - 4 hours.
100 grams of red hot pepper Insist in a liter of water for 3 hours.
150 grams of potato tops Insist in a liter of water for 3 - 4 hours.
80-100 grams of yarrow flowers Pour a liter of boiling water, leave for two days.
50 grams of tomato leaves Grind, brew a liter of boiling water, leave for two days.
100 grams of horseradish roots Pour a liter of water, leave for 60 minutes.
Onion Grind, fill the floor with a liter of water, leave for 6 hours.
Calendula Pour 400 grams with 4 liters of water, leave for about a week, strain through cheesecloth.
Datura Pour 100 grams of grass with a liter of aqueous solution, insist for a day, strain necessarily
rosemary oil Dilute 3-5 drops in a liter of aqueous solution
Sagebrush 80-100 grams are poured with a liter of water, insisted for two days, strain
Sorrel Grind 30 grams, dilute in half a liter of an aqueous solution, leave for 4-5 hours
Celandine 400 grams of fresh or 100 grams of dry pour a liter of boiling water, leave for a day, strain
25 grams of garlic Pass through a garlic press, pour in a liter of an aqueous solution, do not insist

Folk remedies are used every 5-7 days due to their low intensity of exposure.

There are also quite original folk remedies for combating this pest.

Oil from the nuts of the neem tree (margosa) perfectly destroys the populations of this pest, it can be bought in Ayurvedic stores. The advantage is that they do not develop immunity against this oil.

You can prepare a decoction at home, which, by its effect on them, will have a similar effect, which is obtained when treated with acaricides.

Decoction: ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp. spoon, ground cloves - 1 tbsp. spoon and 2 tbsp. spoons of any Italian seasoning pour a liter of water, boil and pour 2 tbsp into the cooled broth. tablespoons minced garlic mixture After filtering, you can spray the plants.

Biological measures against spider mites

The essence of biological control methods is that the destruction of the pest occurs naturally, without the use of chemical or folk remedies, but with the help of their natural enemies. For this, bioagents are used: predatory mites - phytoseiulus, metaseiulus, amblyseius and predatory bugs - macrolofus. Usually they can be purchased in specialized stores.

More often, such methods are used in industrial greenhouses and flower greenhouses. For indoor floriculture, they are used less frequently, although the results are quite impressive: one predator per day can eat 5 ticks or 10 eggs. Research work on the use of bioagents for the destruction of this group of pests is being carried out in some European countries and is considered a promising direction.

Preventive measures play an important role in protecting indoor greenhouses from spider mites. It can enter the house along with the air from the street, when buying soil, a new plant, even with a gift bouquet.

Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures, preventing the pest from settling in your indoor garden.

Mandatory activities:

  • Regular inspection of plants for the presence of adult pests, their larvae and eggs;
  • Weekly shower with warm water, temperatures up to 43 degrees are acceptable, as the pest does not tolerate moisture and is well washed off the leaves;
  • Regulate the level of humidity in the room to create uncomfortable conditions for the life of the tick. You can use humidifiers, climate devices;
  • in summer it is good to take them out to balconies and terraces for ventilation and exposure to sunlight;
  • Carry out "cleaning" of the plant from weeds, dried and fallen leaves;
  • Irradiation with ultraviolet light at least once a month;
  • For any new plant, quarantine for 2-3 weeks is mandatory.

Quarantine measures for a new plant should include a mandatory shower immediately after purchase and treatment with one of the means aimed at destroying possible pests. After processing, it is covered with a bag and removed no earlier than after 2 days. This must be repeated again. Without fail, the soil and drainage of the new “pet” are disinfected.

The plant is placed in a separate room, without contact with other specimens, contact is not allowed.

The spider mite can return even after the most thorough measures to destroy it, so you need to constantly keep your blooming garden under control.

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