Sliced ​​cucumbers in tomato sauce. We prepare delicious cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter

Engineering systems 17.10.2019
Engineering systems

Not so long ago I found out about an unusual preparation, namely about cucumbers in a tomato. This recipe attracted me because it takes a lot of vegetables. And the gherkins were closed, and the tomatoes were used. But it turns out that they can be made with tomato paste and even with ketchup.

The filling turns out to be very tasty and can be drunk separately, like tomato juice.

The workpiece itself can be prepared with or without sterilization. But, they say that without additional boiling on the stove, the cucumber remains crispy and elastic. And many people really like it.

And this recipe is also interesting in that you can take not only varieties for seaming, but use large overgrown salad fruits. Because they can be cut into circles and closed just as successfully. But you don't even need to cut them before serving. I just opened the jar and put the contents in a salad bowl.

The same option for snacks. Well, for example, serve with or baked potatoes. Everyone who cooked according to the recipes below unanimously claims that it turns out very tasty.

It is important to remember that vegetables are best removed in the morning before canning. After all, you and I water the beds in the evening, when it is no longer so hot and stuffy, and the sun cannot burn the leaves. During the night, moisture through the roots and stems saturates our fruits, and in the morning it is just time to remove them for harvesting.

Also, they must be soaked for at least half an hour. This will help the fruit absorb less brine and the liquid level in the jar will not change. And the cucumbers themselves will become more elastic and crunchy.

If you buy fruits, then I advise you to soak them first in a soda solution. This will help the nitrates to come out of the skin and pulp and not harm your body. Who knows how the greenhouses were treated with these vegetables during the cultivation process. For the solution, take 2 tablespoons. for 1 liter of water. You need to soak for at least 15 minutes.

It is also important to remember that about 0.5 liters of liquid goes to 1 liter jar of tightly rammed cucumbers. It is important to take this into account when calculating how many liters of tomato sauce you will need.

Before filling the jars with the workpiece, they must be treated with a high temperature so that they are sterile inside.

Let's start with the most common way to prepare canned food with sterilization. In other versions, we will not do this anymore, because we will preheat the cucumbers with boiling water.

You can use both homemade and store-bought tomato juice. Or you can dilute the paste. Indeed, in fact, it is a concentrated tomato pulp.

This recipe is for 4 liter cans. Therefore, if you have more gherkins, then the marinade and the amount of ingredients must be increased as many times as you need.


  • 4 cloves of garlic (1 per can),
  • basil,
  • 2 tbsp rock salt,
  • 200 g tomato paste
  • 200 g vinegar
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1 liter of water
  • a bunch of parsley and dill.

1. While the cucumbers are soaked for 3 hours, you need to sterilize the liter jars.

2. Put three sprigs of parsley and dill in each liter. A chive of garlic.

1 tsp each. add the basil.

3. Place the gherkins vertically.

4. Prepare the marinade: pour 1 liter of water, add granulated sugar, salt and 200 g of tomato paste. Stir and wait for the appearance of boiling bubbles.

5. After that, pour out the salt vinegar 9%. Immediately pour the boiling sauce into liters.

6. Cover the lid and set to sterilize. Put a towel on the bottom of the pan, put the jars and fill with warm water. As soon as it boils, we sterilize them for 20 minutes.

We close the lids, turn them over and let them cool naturally. We put it in the basement or closet for the winter.

Canned cucumbers in tomato sauce without sterilization

This cooking method is much faster than the previous one. And the fruits themselves then remain more green in color, and they crunch much juicier.

Let's close about 6 liters.

For 1 liter of juice:

  • 2 table. tablespoons of salt
  • 4 table. tablespoons of sugar
  • 4 table. spoons of 9% vinegar,
  • 2 cloves,
  • 4-5 peppercorns
  • 1 bay leaf
  • hot pepper,
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • Dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves.

1. It is better to pick cucumbers in the morning and soak in water for 1 hour.

2. Make tomato juice from cracked, large tomatoes. It can be obtained from the fruit using a blender, food processor, or meat grinder.

3. We measure the amount of the resulting juice and pour it into a saucepan.

4. For 1 jar we cut 3 cloves of garlic, an umbrella of dill, a piece of horseradish root or a leaf.

5. Cut off the tips of each cucumber and place it tightly in liters.

6. Put an umbrella of dill and a piece of hot pepper on top. We cover with boiled metal lids.

7. Heat the water to a boil and fill it for the first time with the contents of the liters. Cucumbers are warmed up for about 15 minutes. After that, we will salt the liquid.

8. In the meantime, let's go to deal with tomato juice.

Put a saucepan with tomato pulp on the stove and add seasoning.

We multiply the number of ingredients by the volume that you get.

Pour in the necessary seasonings, it is better to add vinegar after boiling. The mass must be mixed well so that the crystals of salt and sugar are not felt at the bottom.

When you add the vinegar, let the juice boil again, but for now we are going to drain the unnecessary water from the blanks.

9. Then immediately fill the jars up to the very neck with boiling sauce and immediately twist them.

And we wrap them in old warm clothes, there they will be cooked, and they will also change color and become olive.

So they will stand for 2 days. They can then be released into storage.

Spicy pickled cucumbers with chili ketchup in liter jars

To diversify the taste of approximately the same recipes, I advise you to use natural ketchup with hot pepper. We call these sauces "Chili". Honestly, I don’t like this kind of ketchup, just like in this blank, I prefer “Tomato” more and more. But it is in this blank that it is better to add sharper ones.

Please note that we are not using additional spices here, such as peppercorns or bay leaves. This is because they greatly enhance the shade of ketchup, and it feels less tender.

Read the contents of your purchases carefully. How natural you are buying the product. There should be no GMOs or additional preservatives.


  • garlic,
  • black currant leaves,
  • Dill,
  • 75 ml 9% vinegar,
  • 100 g sugar
  • 8 tbsp chili sauce,
  • 5 tbsp salt.
  • for 4 l cans.

1. Put currant leaves, dill, garlic at the bottom of the liters.

2. We cut off the butts of cucumbers and tamp them in containers.

3. Then we boil clean water and pour cucumbers with it. We warm up vegetables and cover with lids. We leave for about half an hour.

4. Making the pickle. Squeeze ketchup into a saucepan, pour vinegar and pour salt and sugar.

And in this mixture we drain the water from the cucumbers. Stir and set to heat up on fire.

5. As soon as it boils, pour it into the jars again. And roll up the covers.

We put it under a fur coat for natural sterilization of the salad.

The most delicious recipe with bell pepper in tomato juice

There is an interesting variation on this blank. Cut substandard fruits go into it. Therefore, this recipe is also very popular.

To enhance the taste, take a little bell and hot peppers.

It is better to take vinegar 9%, but you can also use essence, only its amount needs to be reduced by 3 times. So for a liter of juice, 1 incomplete tablespoon of the essence is enough.


  • cucumbers - 1.5 kg,
  • tomatoes - 1 kg.,
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.,
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml.,
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 tablespoons,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons

The output is 2 liters.

1. Soak cucumbers in water for 2 hours.

2. Peel the tomatoes. We cut each tomato. Scald them with boiling water, wait 2 minutes. We drain the water, and remove the peel from the fruits themselves.

3. Cut the pulp into slices and grind with a blender.

4. Pour the juice into a saucepan and put it on the stove for 15 minutes.

5. Wash the whole pepper, remove the seeds and chop the pulp in a blender. We need to get a mushy mixture from them, so we can grind it not only in a blender, but, for example, in a meat grinder.

6. After 20 minutes add peppers, sugar, salt and sunflower oil to the tomatoes. Stir and cook for 10 minutes.

7. In the meantime, cut the cucumbers into circles. Put them in tomato paste, let it boil and cook for 5 minutes.

8. Then push the garlic through a press and pour out the vinegar. Mix and cook for 1 minute. We taste it and, if necessary, add salt or sugar.

9. Remove from heat and place in sterilized jars.

10. Cover with boiled lids and roll up. We put it under a fur coat until it cools completely.

Video recipe for harvesting in tomato paste with garlic

Another interesting cooking option that uses tomato paste. I have selected a recipe for you in video format so that it would be clearer for you how to prepare such a fill.

You can put different spices. Starting from garlic and dill, ending with oak bark and tarragon. But for me, this recipe is very self-sufficient and does not require a lot of spices and additives.

Salad with sliced ​​cucumbers and onions in tomato sauce

Another unusual option for cooking with onions or tsibuli, as it is called in Ukraine. Here we are going to take a lot of vegetables and make a delicious filling from them.


  • 5 kg of cucumbers,
  • bell pepper - 3 kg,
  • tomatoes - 2 kg,
  • onions - 2.5 kg,
  • 1 head of garlic
  • salt - 3 tablespoons,
  • 200 ml of sunflower oil,
  • 0.5 tbsp. vinegar
  • granulated sugar - 200 g.

1. Wash the cucumbers and cut off the tips.

2. Cut the onion into rings. Cut the garlic into slices. Rinse the pepper, peel and cut into strips.

3. Grind tomatoes and peppers into porridge.

4. Put the tomato mass and chopped Bulgarian pepper on the stove, bring to a boil. Add garlic, coriander, pepper and lavrushka there. We boil the filling for 12 minutes.

5. Put onion, salt, pepper, unrefined oil and vinegar. Stir and let it boil for 8 minutes.

6. Put the cucumbers, cook for 15 minutes and put in jars.

Cover with lids and roll up with a key.

These are the recipes with whole and cut gherkins you can take on board. And after all, health, that you can use overgrown and not very beautiful fruits. We do not throw them away and do not save up on the veranda. For me, cucumbers in a tomato should already start when the most beautiful first vegetables were covered in a transparent marinade.

Cucumbers are salted in different ways, fantasies and recipes on this score are countless, but among your pickles and preparations for the winter, cucumbers in tomato juice will be a bright touch in a long winter. Cucumbers in tomato juice will be a real decoration of the festive table and not only!

For this recipe, only special varieties for pickling are suitable, it is better not to use cucumbers for salad, and if you do not have another variety available, then it is worth cutting such cucumbers either in large circles or in medium ones.

Cucumbers, of course, for pickling in tomato juice (and not only), need to be picked early in the morning, when there is dew on them, since they have been saturated with natural moisture overnight and will not have to be soaked for so long, as a result of which the cucumbers turn out to be tastier. And so let's start.


After picking cucumbers, as already mentioned, it is necessary to wash and hold in water, in the meantime, we will deal with tomato juice. Many recipes tell you that juicing is better and faster in a blender. That's how it is, but when you do it yourself, without simplifying the process, then naturally cucumbers in tomato juice will turn out to be much tastier and will look much more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

Cooking tomatoes

In every greenhouse or in the garden there are those tomatoes that can be called not marketable, that is, burst, overgrown, generally ugly, so we actually wake up from them to prepare juice for pickles. And so we cut the tomatoes into large pieces and put on a medium-intensity fire. It is worth noting that for each liter jar of cucumbers, half a liter of juice is needed from the volume of the proposed salting, it is necessary to take this amount of tomatoes.

After the tomatoes for the future juice have boiled for fifteen to twenty minutes, we wipe them through a fine mesh (sieve). Naturally, all unnecessary will be eliminated and now the actual juice is ready for making brine for pickling.

We put it in a jar

In the meantime, the cucumbers are wet and we will continue with them. We drain the water from them and either wipe it off, or put it on a towel and let it dry a little, but while this happens, we put the water (ordinary) to boil. Cut off the cucumbers from the cucumbers, put an umbrella of dill on the bottom of the jar (liter), two cut along the length of the chive, and also a cut horseradish root (about three centimeters). Now we put the cucumbers tightly and from above we repeat what is from below, only this time add bitter capsicum red, one ring three centimeters long, a kind of tube.

Cooking brine (juice)

We preserve

In general, everything is ready. The water has boiled, we pour it into jars of cucumbers (the jars must be sterile). Next, boil the juice again and let it boil by about one-fifth, put in it all the ingredients that are written above, with the exception of vinegar, let it boil for three minutes. We add vinegar at the last moment, a minute before cooking.

Drain the cucumbers and pour in tomato juice. Now it remains to roll up the jars (also with sterile lids), put upside down, cover with something warm and keep until they cool completely. Store in a cool place. Good appetite!

Crispy canned cucumbers are the favorite preparation for the winter of many people. Especially now, when many have their own summer cottages, and each has a greenhouse with its own plantings. Just a few bushes can produce excellent yields. And it is important to preserve this harvest.

We save by corking the grown vegetables in jars in various delicious ways. And one of these is cucumbers in tomato sauce, or in tomato sauce. Of course, what has already been done, or it also turns out to be delicious. But the advantage of today's recipe is that they are cooked together with tomatoes, which we will process into sauce, and you get a delicious tomato filling.

It can be drunk just like a delicious tomato juice, or used as a preparation for the first and second courses. That is, it turns out two in one, and the cucumbers are tasty and crispy, and the filling will not be lost!

And although it takes a little longer to tinker with them than with the previous ones, it's worth it. So let's cook them together. I harvest them every year. Not a lot, of course, but I try to do 3-4 banks. For a change. So that blanks of different tastes please us for a long winter time.

You can use both factory tomato juice and store-bought tomato paste for harvesting. But today we are going to cook using fresh tomatoes. There are a lot of them this year, too, so it's better to make them out of them. And how to make from tomato juice or paste, I will tell you some other time.

Cucumbers in tomato sauce - recipe without sterilization

We need (for a three-liter jar):

  • cucumbers - 1.5 - 2 kg
  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 1 head
  • black peppercorns - 20 pieces
  • allspice peas - 5 pieces
  • red chilli pepper
  • cloves - 6-7 pieces
  • horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, dill, tarragon
  • vinegar essence - 0.5 tsp
  • aspirin - 2 tablets


Try to choose medium-sized fruits for conservation, so that they have small seeds in the cut, and give priority to fruits of the same size.

The number is approximate, since there are more small fruits in the jar, and less large ones. I never measure quantities in kilograms. How much fits in the jar means so much is needed.

1. To begin with, we will deal with them. The fruits should be placed in a large container (for example, in a bucket) and filled with cold water. The colder the water, the better. If it is possible to use spring water, then this will only add advantages to our workpiece. They do not need to be washed before placing them in water.

Pouring cucumbers with cold water is imperative. As you know, they are 98% water. And even if we just plucked them from the bush, they still need soaking to replenish this composition.

Freshly picked fruits, soak for 4 hours. And if you bought them in a store, then there will be more water losses, and they are soaked for at least 6 hours.

If they are not soaked, then the voids in the fruit can start the fermentation process, and such blanks can "explode".

2. In the meantime, let's start preparing the cans and all the other ingredients. I have already repeatedly told how to wash and sterilize jars, and if you don’t know this, you can follow the link and read this. In this note, I will only remind you that sterilizing jars and lids is imperative.

3. Choose tomatoes ripe, red, fleshy. If you have your own tomatoes, it will be just great! Wash them, remove the stalk. And now we need to clean them from the rough skin. To do this, we lay them out in a small basin, you can make cruciform incisions on them. And pour boiling water. Cover and leave for 4-5 minutes.

4. Then drain all the water and remove the skin with a knife. At the same time, it can be removed easily, and only its top layer. All the pulp remains intact.

5. Cut the tomatoes into two or four pieces, depending on their size, and remove the place where the stalk is attached. Now the tomatoes need to be chopped to a puree juice state. We do this with a meat grinder or blender. I do this with a meat grinder, since in this case I have 100% confidence that the filling will turn out to be uniform and without tomato slices.

Ideally, grind the resulting tomato juice through a sieve to remove the tomato seeds. But I think this is superfluous. After all, we do not make tomato paste, where this procedure is required. Therefore, the seeds do not interfere with us in the process of using this product, and therefore I do not remove them.

Leave the cooked tomato sauce until time.

6. Wash all the greens, pour boiling water over the dill for 3 minutes and keep it covered with a lid for 3 minutes. We spread everything on a towel so that the glass is water.

7. Peel the garlic cloves. Cooking all the peppers, cloves. We try to prepare everything that is needed at once so as not to forget anything. And then my daughter, when she was still at a young age, managed to preserve cucumbers, forgetting to put salt and sugar there. And what do you think? Banks stood, did not explode. When they were opened, they received a surprise. Soaked, crispy samples of a special preparation! Any experience is an experience, but my daughter has learned to preserve!

8. When the soaking time has come to an end, wash them under running water and cut off the "butts" on both sides. And sometimes I only cut on one side, this is when they are very small.

9. We spread them on a towel so that the glass will have excess water.

10. Put a piece of horseradish leaf, a part of dill, three cherry leaves, a couple of currant leaves and two tarragon sprigs in prepared sterilized and dried jars. If any of the above is not there, then it's okay. The main ingredients are dill and horseradish. All the rest of the greens are additives that give the preparation a different taste. I have all of the listed ingredients grow in the garden, so it's easier for me with this, I went and plucked when needed.

It is clear that horseradish and cherry leaves give strength to cucumbers, do not allow the solution to grow cloudy. Dill, currant leaves give aroma and taste, but tarragon gives a slight hint of oak flavor. I specially grow it for salting.

11. Also put the cloves and all the peppers on the bottom. Add a 2 cm piece of red pepper for aroma and taste. It is not necessary that it be fresh, you can cut off a piece of dried one. Only dried peppers should be thoroughly rinsed and rinsed with boiling water. To remove accumulated dust from wrinkled areas.

12. Now we begin to lay out the fruits quite tightly, but still leaving room for the tomato filling. It will turn out to be not as liquid as water, and it will be more difficult for it to penetrate into all free areas. Consider this.

13. Arrange the garlic cloves in free spaces. Take a large head of garlic so that there are at least 10-12 teeth in it.

Sometimes cucumbers are laid out, alternating with bell peppers or tomatoes. This also turns out delicious! Do it if you want. The recipe is exactly the same! Tomatoes and bell peppers are added only to the jar.

14. Spread halfway, and in the middle lay another sprig of dill. Then we fill the jar to the top, but not to the very neck. Again, to make it convenient to pour the fill. Put some more dill, two cherry leaves and horseradish on top.

15. When the can is full, put water on the fire, bring it to a boil. And the tomato, which we also bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer over low heat, with a slight bubbling for 20-25 minutes.

16. When the water boils, pour it into a jar under the very neck, cover with a lid and leave to warm up for 10 minutes. Place the jar on a rag and periodically rotate it from side to side. At the same time, air bubbles will actively rise up. That's good, we don't need air in the can. From it, the fermentation process can begin, which will lead to the lifting of the lid, and subsequently, if it is not opened, the jar will "explode".

But nothing like this will happen with us, because we do everything correctly and carefully.

17. After 10 minutes, pour the water through the lid - a sieve with holes back into the pan and bring it to a boil again. Boil water for 5 minutes and pour it back into the jar, again for 10 minutes. Set the kettle to boil in advance, because the second time you fill it with water, there may not be enough water. Therefore, we add it from the teapot.

We rotate the jar again so that all the air that has not yet come out comes out in small bubbles.

18. According to the rules, to make a filling, you need to add salt and sugar to the prepared tomato juice. But we do not know exactly how much the filling will take on the can. It depends on the size of the fruit and the degree of fullness. Therefore, we will do it easier and already for sure. The required amount of salt and sugar will enter the jar in full.

19. After the allotted second 10 minutes, pour the water into the pan. And we fall asleep on top of the prescribed amount of salt and sugar. And also crush aspirin tablets and add them on top.

I have added aspirin to all past similar recipes. Let me remind you that this does not affect the taste, but it also affects the safety.

For all the time that I have canned cucumbers and tomatoes, and this is probably already 35 years, nothing explodes with the use of aspirin! And this, you see, is a period!

Aspirin is an acid. And by adding it, you can add less essences as a preservative. In fact, I add the essence only for taste, only 0.5 tsp for a three liter jar.

Cucumbers are not sour at all, and what is important, not soft, but hard and crunchy! And of course the added herbs, spices, sugar and salt - delicious! Tomato juice also contains natural acids and is therefore also a natural preservative.

20. Fill with boiled tomato juice. It should be exactly boiling, not hot. It is important!

We look carefully so that there are no "air pockets" left. Pour in gradually, see if an air bubble has formed somewhere, immediately rotate the jar. If you then fill the jar to the top, then the bubble will no longer be expelled. Tomato is not water, it is heavy, and therefore the bubble cannot break through its thickness.

21. When filled with tomato filling to the top, leave 1 cm of free space at the top. Add vinegar essence, it is essence, not vinegar! Swirl lightly with a spoon to disperse it. And pour the tomato right up to the neck.

22. Cover with a sterilized metal cover. Let stand in this position for 10 minutes to allow air to escape if left.

Do not open the lid anymore!

23. After 10 minutes, tighten the lid with a seaming machine. Then we turn the jar over and put it under a blanket or blanket until it cools completely. Then we turn it over again and put it in an accessible place for 2-3 weeks for observation. During this time, the tomato filling should not become cloudy, fermented. The lid should also not rise.

If this happened, then such products should not be eaten!

Follow the step-by-step instructions carefully, and then this will not happen.

You can store the workpiece at room temperature, but try not to place them near heating devices. If you have a closet or basement, then these are ideal storage places.

We still have the water drained from the cucumbers. It is saturated with the aroma and taste of herbs, you do not need to pour it out. Add the required amount of salt to it, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per half liter of water, a little sugar, you can add dill, spices, and salt cucumbers in this brine. The next day they will be tasty and lightly salted.

Cucumbers prepared for the winter can be eaten like snack bars, serving them on a plate with any main course. And you can also add them to dishes when preparing various salads, pickles and any second courses. Tomato filling, which tastes like fresh tomato juice, only sweet and salty, you can just drink it, or also use it for cooking!

They are very tasty, crispy and aromatic. They remind of summer, cottage. It's so great that we raised them for ourselves with our own hands. And they not only ate their fill in the summer, but also saved them for the long snowy winter.

After all, such blanks as these definitely cannot be bought in a store. These are their own, home. We have grown, and harvested by us.

Therefore, grow, harvest and eat to your health!

Bon Appetit!

Harvesting cucumbers in tomato is one of the simplest ways to get flavorful snacks for the winter. The dish will be appropriate for an everyday and festive feast. It is eaten in different ways - in its pure form with bread, as a seasoning for the first and second courses, or as a snack for alcoholic beverages. The taste of pickled cucumbers in tomato juice is simply great. The most common way to prepare it is to add whole vegetables or cut into slices in a salad.

  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • Cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • Salt and sugar to taste;
  • Garlic, spices - optional;
  • Table vinegar - 1 spoon per jar.

To make tomato juice, you can take ripe tomatoes, even if they are slightly wrinkled or spoiled. Rinse the tomatoes well, trim off any excess, remove the skins and make tomato juice. To make the skin easier to remove from the tomatoes, you can put them in a double boiler for a few minutes.

If there is no steamer at hand, put the tomatoes in boiling water, hold for two or three minutes and cool the rhinestone under running cold running water. You can make juice in a juicer, grate tomatoes, or use a meat grinder.

The resulting juice must be well boiled so that it stops foaming. Strain from seeds if necessary. Soak prepared medium-sized cucumbers for several hours in cold water.

Prepared cucumbers once again wash well, cut off the tails.

After that, you need to put the cucumbers in jars - we put them approximately to the middle of the jar, leaving enough space for the juice.

Boil the tomato juice, then fill it with cucumbers.

Please note that before preparing this blank, you need to very well sterilize the cans and lids with which you will roll them up. Cover the cucumbers and leave for 15-20 minutes, after which the juice must be drained back into the pan.

We cook the juice with the addition of salt and sugar, you can add ground garlic and black allspice. Usually we add vinegar directly to jars, but you can add it to hot juice as well. You need a little vinegar - try so that the juice is not very sour. Usually there is one teaspoon per liter jar of the workpiece.

Fill the cucumbers with accumulating juice, immediately roll up and turn over. Be sure to wrap the jars in a warm towel or blanket to cool the jars gradually. According to the recipe for pickling cucumbers in tomato juice, cucumbers are crispy and have a unique tomato flavor.

Recipe 2: pickled cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter

  • fresh cucumbers 0.5 kg,
  • tomato juice - 0.5 kg,
  • fine table salt 1 tbsp. a spoon,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • dill, parsley, horseradish leaf, 1 pc.
  • paprika (optional),
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 3-4 cherry leaves,
  • 3-4 pieces of black currant leaves,
  • 2-3 pcs. bay leaf,
  • 2-3 fragrant cloves,
  • 8-10 black peppercorns.
  • 4-6 allspice peas

For this recipe for cooking cucumbers in tomato juice, fresh green, freshly picked cucumbers of small sizes and the same elongated shape are selected. Pour the selected cucumbers with cold water for several hours.

In the meantime, we prepare the jars, rinse them thoroughly, and do not need to sterilize. We wash all the spices, that is, dill, parsley, horseradish leaves, cherry leaves, black currant leaves, hot peppers, bay leaves, peel the garlic (if desired, cut large slices in half).

Now we are preparing for the preparation of tomato juice. We wash the tomatoes, divide them into parts and pass through a meat grinder, pour the prepared juice into a saucepan and put on a low heat, let it simmer (I usually take fleshy tomatoes to make the juice thick, but this is optional). All this preparation will take some time. And just this time will be enough for cucumbers that settle in water. Why keep cucumbers in water for pickling for the winter, you ask? And in order for them to be saturated with moisture, this will not lead to fermentation of already rolled cucumbers in tomato juice. Then, after pulling them out of the water, rinse thoroughly with running, cold water.

We put 1/3 of the spices on the bottom of the jar (that is, two or three sprigs of dill and parsley, 2-3 peas of black pepper, 1 allspice, chopped horseradish leaves into large pieces, throw some of them on the bottom of the jar, one currant leaf, bay leaf, one cherry leaf, chopped garlic, two or three slices of chopped chilli pepper, add it at will, who loves what kind of spiciness), and then fill up to half the jar with cucumbers, I put cucumbers all while standing, tightly to each other, cut off the butts, then again the above layer of all the spices, then again orugtsy and so on until the jar is full. Spices in the amount in which I indicated, it is better to put only three layers in jars so that there is no overload with spices.

Then fill the cucumbers with boiling water, this must be done very slowly, in small portions, so that the jar does not burst, and to warm the bottom and walls of the jar, cover it with a lid and leave it for 10 minutes. At this time, add salt and sugar to the tomato juice to taste, I add 1 tablespoon of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar to 1 liter of juice, let it boil slowly.

Drain the water from the cucumbers and put it on the fire again, and after boiling, pour the cucumbers again and leave for 10 minutes, covering with a lid. We drain the water very carefully so as not to burn yourself. Now the most important thing is that our preservation does not ferment, we add 1 aspirin tablet to a liter can of preservation, i.e. acetylsalicylic acid (it needs to be crushed), which, in addition to everything, makes our pickled cucumbers in tomato juice crispy. And one hundred percent preserves your preservation, without any sterilization. There will be no smell and taste from one tablet, trust me. If you do not want to use aspirin tablets, you can add half a teaspoon of citric acid to 1 liter of preservation.

Then we fill the cucumbers with tomato juice, in which the sugar and salt have already dissolved. I advise you to make tomato juice yourself, you will be sure of the naturalness of your preservation.

We roll up cans of pickled cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter. Turn it upside down and let it cool. To cool them down more slowly, we wrap them with a blanket and leave them overnight. Store jars in a cool place (pantry, basement).

Recipe 3: pickles in tomato juice

This recipe for pickling cucumbers in tomato juice assumes whole cucumbers. Composition for a 3-liter can:

  • 1.5 kg of cucumbers
  • 1.5 l tomato juice
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt
  • a bunch of dill (50 g)
  • 6-8 cloves of garlic
  • 10 g tarragon

The jar, cucumbers and dill must be washed thoroughly.

Put peeled and chopped garlic cloves, dill on the bottom of the jar. Place the cucumbers on top and squeeze the juice out of the tomatoes. It takes about 1.5 liters for a three-liter can. Bring it to a boil and dissolve the salt in it. Cool. Pour juice over a jar, cover with a nylon lid and put in a dark, cool place.

Pickled cucumbers cooked in tomato juice should be stored in a cool place such as a cellar or refrigerator. It is best to use the juice squeezed from tomatoes.

Recipe 4: cucumber salad in slices in tomato juice

A delicious version of the salad for the winter of crispy cucumbers with sweet peppers in a sweet and sour tomato sauce.

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
  • Tomato juice - 700 ml.
  • Sweet peppers - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 wedges
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon

  1. Grind the bell peppers with garlic in a blender.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into slices and place in jars mixed with pepper and garlic.
  3. Bring the tomato juice to a boil, add salt and sugar.
  4. Pour boiling tomato marinade over the jars and place in a large container to sterilize.
  5. Boil the jars for 17-20 minutes, then roll up and set aside to cool.

Now you will not be left without a snack for the winter - the cucumber salad in tomato juice is ready. Bon Appetit!

Canned cucumbers in tomato juice are corked in different variations, it is not so easy to list them. Cooking winter blanks takes a lot of time, but if desired and skillful, this can be done in a matter of hours. These recipes will delight women with their simplicity and speed. Everything is detailed, it will be impossible to make a mistake. If you prefer canning in tomato, then this article will be a godsend. A little patience and any recipe will be within your power.

Cucumbers without vinegar with tomato juice

No vinegar is used in the preparation. But you will definitely like the recipe for its taste.


  • cucumbers - 3.4 kg;
  • garlic - 9-11 teeth;
  • horseradish - 6-8 sheets;
  • peppercorns - 4-6 pcs.
  • pepper (sweet) - 5-6 pcs.;
  • tomato fruits - 3.2 kg;
  • pepper (paprika) - 1 pc.;
  • laurel leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • table salt - 120 g;
  • dill - 75 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. We wash the cucumbers and leave them in cool water for three hours.
  2. Wash and twist the tomatoes.
  3. Peel and wash the garlic and bell pepper.
  4. Cut the pepper into quarters.
  5. Put the tomato puree on the stove.
  6. Cook until the foam disappears.
  7. We wash the jars and put them on the bottom: bay leaves, garlic teeth, horseradish, dill, chili, Bulgarian and allspice.
  8. Putting in cucumbers.
  9. Pour tomato into jars and salt.
  10. We close the lids and do sterilization.
  11. After half an hour, we roll up the cans.

Canned Apricot Juice: Sunny Summer in a Jar

With vinegar and sugar

The recipe is old, but still popular. The classics will never be forgotten. This unforgettable taste makes you plunge into the past.


  • cucumber fruits - 1.7 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1.3 kg;
  • dill - 6 umbrellas;
  • fine salt - 3.5 tbsp. l .;
  • fine sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • diluted vinegar - 2.5 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic - 7 cloves.

Cooking steps:

  1. We wash the cucumbers and tomatoes.
  2. Pour cucumber fruits into cold water for 4 hours.
  3. Three tomatoes through a sieve, colander or meat grinder.
  4. Boil, salt and sugar beforehand.
  5. We sterilize glass containers.
  6. Put cucumbers into the jars.
  7. Fill with boiling tomato.
  8. Add garlic, dill and vinegar and roll up.
  9. We turn the cans over and insulate them.

In fill

There is nothing difficult in cooking. More butter, more sugar and this recipe will be your highlight.


  • medium fruits of a cucumber - 4 kg;
  • large tomatoes - 2.3 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 270 ml;
  • fine salt - 6.5 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 10 teeth;
  • fine sugar - 270 g;
  • vinegar - 6.5 teaspoons.

Cooking steps:

  1. We wash carefully cucumbers and tomatoes.
  2. Put the cucumbers in cold water. They stay there for 3.5 hours.
  3. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and grind them through a meat grinder.
  4. We put on fire, salt and sugar.
  5. Pour in sunflower oil.
  6. Cut the cucumbers into circles.
  7. Press the garlic in a garlic bowl.
  8. Pour cucumbers into the boiling filling, put garlic at the end and pour in vinegar.
  9. The finished product is poured into sterilized jars and sealed.

Canned cucumbers in tomato juice with onions: a step-by-step recipe

Onions contribute their interesting taste. The main advantage of this recipe is that you do not need to sterilize the jars. Save time and get delicious preserves.

Top 6 recipes for canned cucumbers with aspirin


  • Cucumbers - 1.2 kg;
  • onion - 1-2 pcs.;
  • black pepper - 10 g;
  • tomato - 500 ml;
  • fine sugar - 8 teaspoons;
  • table salt - 6.5 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • vinegar essence - 5.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps:

  1. We wash cucumbers and tomatoes thoroughly.
  2. We process the tomatoes in mashed potatoes and set to cook.
  3. Salt, sugar and pepper. At the end, pour in the vinegar.
  4. Peel and rinse the onion. We cut in the form of rings.
  5. We also peel the garlic, wash it. We cut into large pieces.
  6. Put the cucumbers in jars and pour in boiling water.
  7. We keep it this way for 10 minutes.
  8. Pour out and let it boil again.
  9. We pour into the jars a second time.
  10. When 10 minutes have elapsed, you can pour out the water completely.
  11. Put chopped garlic and onion in jars.
  12. Pour tomato juice into jars with cucumbers and cork.

Banks do not need to be turned over or insulated.

Canned cucumbers with spices in tomato juice

For spice lovers, we present this recipe for canned cucumbers.


  • cucumber fruits - 4.7 kg;
  • marjoram - 10 g;
  • parsnip - 1.5 pcs.;
  • tomato juice - 1.7 l;
  • dill - 160 g;
  • garlic - 4 teeth;
  • currant foliage - 4-5 pcs.;
  • grated horseradish - 10 g;
  • salt - 65 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. We wash the cucumbers under cold water and leave for two hours.
  2. We put pure herbs and spices in sterilized jars.
  3. Salt the boiling tomato juice and pour it into jars.
  4. We set to sterilize for fifteen minutes.
  5. We seal it, turn it upside down and insulate it.

With cloves

This aromatic canning beckons to taste it. Recipes with cloves are always delicious.

Cherry Jam: 6 Incredible Recipes for the Winter


  • cucumbers - 1.7 kg;
  • ready-made tomato juice - 500 ml;
  • fine salt - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • cloves - 10 g;
  • medium garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • allspice and black pepper - 10 g each

Cooking steps:

  1. We wash the cucumbers. Fill with water for three hours.
  2. Add allspice and black pepper, salt, garlic and cloves to the tomato juice, which is boiling on the stove.
  3. We put cucumber fruits in jars that were previously sterilized.
  4. Pour tomato juice into jars and set to sterilize for twenty minutes.
  5. We seal up.

Cucumbers and zucchini in tomato sauce

If you've grown zucchini and cucumbers, why not canned them together? Use tomato juice as a sauce for these vegetables.


  • zucchini - 1.2 kg;
  • cucumber fruits - 1.2 kg;
  • paprika - 2 pods;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • dill - 120 g;
  • sunflower oil - 240 ml;
  • table salt - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • fine sugar - 230 g;
  • ready-made tomato juice - 450 ml;
  • vinegar - 100 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. We wash the fruits of zucchini, cucumber, pepper.
  2. We clean the garlic and pepper.
  3. Cut the courgettes and cucumbers into pieces.
  4. Cut the pepper into rings.
  5. Finely chop the dill and garlic.
  6. Put the tomato juice on the stove, add salt, add sugar, pour oil and vinegar.
  7. Add chopped zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, garlic and dill.
  8. We boil for twenty minutes.
  9. We put it in jars and roll it up.

The workpiece must be wrapped before it cools.

Adjika recipe

Do you have cucumbers in your own garden, and adjika on the shelf? Then start preparing a new cucumber savory treat.

Cucumber lecho


  • cucumbers - 900 g;
  • bell peppers - 4 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 400 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • chili pepper - 1 small pod;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • vinegar - 45 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 45 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. We wash the vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Peel the carrots and chop finely.
  3. We clean the pepper and cut into strips.
  4. Fry over low heat in sunflower oil.
  5. Scroll tomatoes, chili and garlic in a meat grinder.
  6. Cut the cucumbers into medium pieces.
  7. Combine all the ingredients and simmer for half an hour over low heat.
  8. We steam and dry the cans.
  9. Put the finished lecho into jars and roll it up.
  10. We insulate.

Cucumbers in spicy tomato sauce (video)

Each recipe is original and mesmerizing with its unsurpassed taste. Find the right composition for you and your loved ones. Once you try it, you won't be able to give up this recipe for long. You can make your own corrections (amount of salt, sugar or spices). Bon Appetit!

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