What test to take for skin cancer. Is it possible to determine cancer by a general blood test? Methods for diagnosing skin cancer - how to determine the presence of a problem

Engineering systems 03.07.2020
Engineering systems

Oncomarker for skin cancer - an indicator of the presence of the development of the disease. In addition, tumor markers are able to timely report the onset of a relapse of the disease, as well as show the disease in dynamics. The analysis is performed in the laboratory, which determines the number of substances whose concentration in the blood indicates the development of a malignant tumor. To accurately determine the concentration of substances, enzyme immunoassay is used.

When is a study ordered?

To determine the oncomarker for skin cancer, there must be certain indicators.

The specialist may prescribe an analysis if the following factors are present:

  1. Cancer has been previously diagnosed.
  2. Asphyxia of the newborn.
  3. Alzheimer's disease.
  4. Damage to the skin.
  5. Angina and other heart rhythm problems.
  6. The presence of autoimmune diseases.

In addition, suspicion of melanoma may arise after receiving the results of a general blood test. Changes in this study are not able to indicate the extent and accuracy of the development of the disease, however, by indirect signs, the doctor may suspect a problem.

Skin cancer is difficult to diagnose at an early stage. Basically, tumor markers show melanoma when metastases have already formed.

The study is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, otherwise the results may be false.

On the eve of blood sampling, you must refrain from:

  • from carbonated drinks;
  • from fatty;
  • from salty;
  • from coffee;
  • from alcoholic beverages;
  • from physical stress.

In addition, you should refrain from smoking before donating the biomaterial, since nicotine that has entered the body can lead to a change in the results.

The specialist prescribes an analysis for oncomarkers if there is a suspicion of the development of oncology. And also the study is carried out to monitor the existing disease and check the development of relapse.

What leads to false results

The tumor marker of melanoma is the content of a certain s100 protein in the human body. False results can be caused by diseases that can change the concentration of protein in the blood and urine.

These diseases include:

  • oncology of other organs;
  • heart disease;
  • problems of the central nervous system (central nervous system);
  • inflammation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • complications after surgery.

With an increase in protein in the results of the analysis, it is necessary to re-analyze, especially if the recommendations for conducting the study were not followed.

If a repeated laboratory test shows an elevated S100 protein, then it makes sense to undergo a full examination and consult an oncologist.

At the initial stages of melanoma development, tumor markers show an increase in protein by 5%. If metastases began to actively spread throughout the body, then the increase in concentration is 12%. The farther metastases spread from the site of injury, the greater the concentration of protein in the body.

The presence of certain diseases in acute and chronic form can provoke an increase in protein in the patient's body. In this case, the development of melanoma will not be detected. In this case, a re-analysis is required.

Research accuracy

Studies on tumor markers are not always informative, since skin cancer is not always diagnosed at an early stage, because protein levels in the body may not be very high, while the disease is actively developing.

Early diagnosis of melanoma is carried out at the level of DNA and RNA. In this case, it is necessary to compare the results obtained before the disease and already during it. However, specialists do not always have samples of materials from a healthy patient.

In addition, false results can lead to:

  • colds;
  • cysts;
  • infections;
  • benign neoplasms.

To determine the development of skin cancer in the early stages, it is necessary to undergo preventive medical examinations. This is especially important for people who are at risk.

Usually, testing for prevention is necessary for people who:

  • There are a large number of moles.
  • Moles take on an uncharacteristic shape.
  • Incomprehensible spots appear on the skin.
  • Very light skin.
  • There are freckles.
  • There is a genetic predisposition.

In order to accurately establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to pass not only a blood test, but also a biopsy. It is a biopsy that provides complete information about the development of skin cancer. A biopsy will show how deeply the skin is affected and how metastases have spread throughout the body.

And ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the lymph nodes, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is also performed. Only a comprehensive examination of the patient will help to accurately diagnose and develop a treatment regimen. After completing the full course of treatment, it is necessary to take a skin cancer tumor marker in order to detect a relapse in time.

At the moment, only a comprehensive examination can give accurate results. Premature conclusions should not be drawn if the S100 protein is elevated in the blood test, which may indicate the development of skin cancer.

Update: December 2018

In modern oncology, early diagnosis of the tumor process plays a huge role. The further survival and quality of life of patients depends on this. Cancer alertness is very important, since cancer can manifest itself in the last stages or mask its symptoms under other diseases.

Groups at risk of developing malignant neoplasms

There are many theories of the development of cancer, but none of them gives a detailed answer, why does it still occur. Doctors can only assume that one or another factor accelerates carcinogenesis (growth of tumor cells).

Cancer risk factors:

  • Racial and ethnic predisposition- German scientists have established a trend: melanoma occurs 5 times more often in white-skinned people than in blacks.
  • Diet Violation- the human diet must be balanced, any shift in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can lead to metabolic disorders, and as a result, to the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. For example, scientists have shown that excessive consumption of foods that increase cholesterol leads to the development of lung cancer, and excessive intake of easily digestible carbohydrates increases the risk of developing breast cancer. Also, the abundance of chemical additives in food (flavor enhancers, preservatives, nitrate, etc.), genetically modified foods increase the risk.
  • Obesity - according to American studies, excess body weight increases the risk of cancer by 55% in women and 45% in men.
  • Smoking - WHO doctors have proven that there is a direct causal relationship between smoking and cancer (lips, tongue, oropharynx, bronchi, lungs). In the UK, a study was conducted that showed that people who smoke 1.5-2 packs of cigarettes a day are 25 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers.
  • Heredity- There are certain types of cancer that are inherited in an autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant manner, such as ovarian cancer or familial intestinal polyposis.
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation and ultraviolet rays- ionizing radiation of natural and industrial origin causes the activation of thyroid cancer pro-oncogenes, and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays during insolation (sunburn) contributes to the development of malignant melanoma of the skin.
  • immune disorders- a decrease in the activity of the immune system (primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, iatrogenic immunosuppression) leads to the development of tumor cells.
  • Professional activity- this category includes people who, in the course of their work, come into contact with chemical carcinogens (resins, dyes, soot, heavy metals, aromatic carbohydrates, asbestos, sand) and electromagnetic radiation.
  • Features of reproductive age in women- early first menstruation (under 14 years of age) and late menopause (over 55 years of age) increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer by 5 times. At the same time, pregnancy and childbirth reduce the tendency for the appearance of neoplasms of the reproductive organs.

Symptoms that may be signs of cancer

  • Long-term non-healing wounds, fistulas
  • Discharge, ribbon-like feces. Violation of the functions of the bladder and intestines.
  • Deformation of the mammary glands, the appearance of swelling of other parts of the body.
  • Sudden weight loss, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing.
  • Changes in the color and shape of moles or birthmarks
  • Frequent or unusual discharge in women.
  • , not amenable to therapy, .

General principles for diagnosing malignant neoplasms

After contacting a doctor, the patient should receive full information about which tests indicate cancer. It is impossible to determine oncology by a blood test, it is nonspecific in relation to neoplasms. Clinical and biochemical studies are aimed primarily at determining the patient's condition with tumor intoxication and studying the functioning of organs and systems.
A general blood test for oncology reveals:

  • leukopenia or (increased or decreased white blood cells)
  • shift of the leukocyte formula to the left
  • anemia ()
  • (low platelets)
  • (constantly high ESR more than 30 in the absence of serious complaints - a reason to sound the alarm)

A general urinalysis in oncology can be quite informative, for example, in multiple myeloma, a specific Bens-Jones protein is detected in the urine. A biochemical blood test allows you to judge the state of the urinary system, liver and protein metabolism.

Changes in biochemical analysis indicators for various neoplasms:

Index Result Note
  • Norm - 75-85 g / l

it is possible to both increase and decrease

Neoplasms usually enhance catabolic processes and protein breakdown, non-specifically inhibit protein synthesis.
hyperproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, detection of paraprotein (M-gradient) in serum Such indicators make it possible to suspect multiple myeloma (malignant plasmacytoma).
Urea, creatinine
  • urea norm - 3-8 mmol / l
  • creatinine norm - 40-90 µmol / l

Increase in urea and creatinine levels

This indicates an increased protein breakdown, an indirect sign of cancerous intoxication, or a nonspecific decrease in kidney function.
Increase in urea with normal creatinine Indicates the decay of tumor tissue.
Alkaline phosphatase
  • norm - 0-270 IU / l

An increase in alkaline phosphatase over 270 U / l

Speaks about the presence of metastases in the liver, bone tissue, osteogenic sarcoma.
An increase in the enzyme against the background of normal indicators of AST and ALT Also, embryonic tumors of the ovaries, uterus, testicles can ectopic placental ALP isoenzyme.
  • ALT norm - 10-40 IU / l
  • AST norm - 10-30 IU / l

An increase in enzymes above the upper limit of normal

It indicates a non-specific breakdown of liver cells (hepatocytes), which can be caused by both an inflammatory and a cancerous process.
  • the norm of total cholesterol is 3.3-5.5 mmol / l

The decrease in the indicator is less than the lower limit of the norm

Talks about malignant neoplasms of the liver (since cholesterol is formed in the liver)
  • potassium norm - 3.6-5.4 mmol / l

An increase in the electrolyte level at a normal level of Na

Evidence of cancer cachexia

A blood test for oncology also provides for the study of the hemostasis system. Due to the release of tumor cells and their fragments into the blood, it is possible to increase blood clotting (hypercoagulation) and microthrombosis, which impede the movement of blood through the vascular bed.

In addition to tests to determine cancer, there are a number of instrumental studies that contribute to the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms:

  • Plain radiography in direct and lateral projection
  • Contrast radiography (irrigography, hysterosalpingography)
  • Computed tomography (with and without contrast)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (with and without contrast)
  • Radionuclide method
  • Doppler ultrasound
  • Endoscopic examination (fibrogastroscopy, bronchoscopy).

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is the second most common tumor in the population (after lung cancer).

  • Fibroesophagastroduodenoscopy is the golden method for diagnosing gastric cancer, it is necessarily accompanied by a large number of biopsies in different areas of the neoplasm and unchanged gastric mucosa.
  • Radiography of the stomach using oral contrast (barium mixture) - the method was quite popular before the introduction of endoscopes into practice, it allows you to see a filling defect in the stomach on the radiograph.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, CT, MRI - are used to search for metastases in the lymph nodes and other organs of the digestive system (liver, spleen).
  • Immunological blood test - shows stomach cancer in the early stages, when the tumor itself is not yet visible to the human eye (CA 72-4, CEA and others)

Diagnosis of colon cancer

  • Finger examination of the rectum - detects cancer at a distance of 9-11 cm from the anus, allows you to assess the mobility of the tumor, its elasticity, the state of neighboring tissues;
  • Colonoscopy - the introduction of a video endoscope into the rectum - visualizes the cancerous infiltrate up to the Bauhinian damper, allows biopsy of suspicious areas of the intestine;
  • Irrigoscopy - X-ray of the large intestine using double contrast (contrast-air);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, CT, MRI, virtual colonoscopy - visualize the germination of colon cancer and the state of adjacent organs;
  • Determination of tumor markers - CEA, C 19-9, Sialosyl - TN

Mammary cancer

This malignant tumor occupies a leading place among female neoplasms. Such disappointing statistics are to some extent due to the low qualification of doctors who conduct an unprofessional examination of the mammary glands.

  • Palpation of the gland - allows you to determine the tuberosity and swelling in the thickness of the organ and suspect the tumor process.
  • Breast X-ray (mammography) is one of the most important methods for detecting non-palpable tumors. For greater information content, artificial contrasting is used:
    • pneumocystography (withdrawal of fluid from the tumor and the introduction of air into it) - allows you to identify parietal formations;
    • ductography - the method is based on the introduction of a contrast agent into the milk ducts; visualizes the structure and contours of the ducts, and abnormal formations in them.
  • Sonography and dopplerography of the mammary glands - the results of clinical studies have proven the high efficiency of this method in detecting microscopic intraductal cancer and abundantly supplied neoplasms.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging - allow you to assess the germination of breast cancer in nearby organs, the presence of metastases and damage to regional lymph nodes.
  • Immunological tests for breast cancer (tumor markers) - CA-15-3, cancer embryonic antigen (CEA), CA-72-4, prolactin, estradiol, TPS.

thyroid cancer

Due to the increase in radiation and exposure of people over the past 30 years, the incidence of thyroid cancer has increased by 1.5 times. Basic diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound + dopplerography of the thyroid gland is a rather informative method, non-invasive and does not carry radiation exposure.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging are used to diagnose the spread of the tumor process beyond the thyroid gland and to detect metastases to neighboring organs.
  • Positron emission tomography is a three-dimensional technique, the use of which is based on the property of a radioisotope to accumulate in the tissues of the thyroid gland.
  • Radioisotope scintigraphy is a method also based on the ability of radionuclides (more precisely, iodine) to accumulate in the tissues of the gland, but unlike tomography, it indicates the difference in the accumulation of radioactive iodine in healthy and tumor tissue. Cancer infiltrate may look like a "cold" (not absorbing iodine) and "hot" (absorbing iodine in excess) focus.
  • Fine-needle aspiration biopsy - allows for a biopsy and subsequent cytological examination of cancer cells, reveals special genetic markers hTERT, EMC1, TMPRSS4 of thyroid cancer.
  • Determination of the protein galectin-3, belonging to the class of lectins. This peptide is involved in the growth and development of tumor vessels, its metastasis, and suppression of the immune system (including apoptosis). The diagnostic accuracy of this marker in malignant neoplasms of the thyroid gland is 92-95%.
  • Thyroid cancer recurrence is characterized by a decrease in thyroglobulin levels and an increase in the concentration of oncomarkers EGFR, HBME-1

Esophageal carcinoma

The cancer mainly affects the lower third of the esophagus and is usually preceded by intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia. The average incidence is 3.0% per 10,000 population.

  • X-ray contrast examination of the esophagus and stomach using barium sulfate is recommended to clarify the degree of esophageal patency.
  • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy - allows you to see cancer with your own eyes, and an improved videoscopic technique displays the image of esophageal cancer on a large screen. During the study, a biopsy of the neoplasm is mandatory, followed by cytological diagnosis.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging - visualize the degree of tumor germination in neighboring organs, determine the state of regional groups of lymph nodes.
  • Fibrobronchoscopy - is necessarily performed when cancer of the esophagus compresses the tracheobronchial tree and allows you to assess the degree of diameter of the airways.

Oncomarkers - immunological diagnosis of neoplasms

The essence of immunological diagnostics is the detection of specific tumor antigens or tumor markers. They are quite specific for specific types of cancer. A blood test for tumor markers for primary diagnosis has no practical application, but it allows you to determine the early occurrence of relapse and prevent the spread of cancer. There are more than 200 types of cancer markers in the world, but only about 30 have diagnostic value.

Doctors have the following requirements for oncomarkers:

  • Must be highly sensitive and specific
  • The tumor marker must be secreted only by malignant tumor cells, and not by the body's own cells.
  • Tumor marker must point to one specific tumor
  • Blood test values ​​for tumor markers should increase as cancer progresses

Classification of tumor markers

All tumor markers: click to enlarge

According to the biochemical structure:

  • Oncofetal and oncoplacental (REA, HCG, alpha-fetoprotein)
  • Tumor-associated glycoproteins (CA 125, CA 19-9. CA 15-3)
  • Keratoproteins (UBC, SCC, TPA, TPS)
  • Enzymatic proteins (PSA, neuron-specific enolase)
  • Hormones (calcitonin)
  • Other structure (ferritin, IL-10)

By value for the diagnostic process:

  • The main one is characterized by maximum sensitivity and specificity for a particular tumor.
  • Secondary - has little specificity and sensitivity, is used in combination with the main oncomarker.
  • Additional - detected with a variety of neoplasms.
cancer marker The rate of the indicator The neoplasm in which it is detected
Bence Jones protein norm - absent Myeloma (malignant plasmacytoma), B-cell leukemia
Alpha fetoprotein norm - less than 22 ng / ml Hepatocellular carcinoma, germinal cancers (cancer of the ovaries, testicles, and others)
Cancer embryonic antigen (CEA) less than 5 U/ml Colorectal tumors (colon cancer), breast cancer, lung cancer
SA-125 less than 30 U/ml ovarian cancer
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) less than 5 ng/ml
Chorionic gonadotropin (CG)
NSE - neuron-specific enolase 12 ng/ml Small cell lung cancer, neuroendocrine tumors
CYFRA 21-1 less than 2 ng/ml
Calcitonin 0-30 pg/ml

A clinical blood test is a broad and informative diagnostic method that shows changes in blood plasma and formed elements (erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes). However, the method is closely related to other diagnostic criteria and is not specific to a particular disease, with a few exceptions. A blood test for cancer can have a different degree of verification of the diagnosis - from almost 100% for hemoblastoses to almost zero for solid tumors.

This is due to the fact that oncology can affect absolutely any tissue or organ, and, for example, in case of a disease of the hematopoietic system, the laboratory assistant can see in the analysis the presence of specific altered cells, and in case of damage to a parenchymal organ (liver, lungs) - only general changes.

In this case, more in-depth analyzes will be required, which, in addition to the blood formula, show changes in biochemical agents. And the newest and most technological methods also determine the antigenic composition of cells, the presence of specific cancer antibodies and other chemical markers (tumor markers).

When to take blood tests

There are no strictly specific initial symptoms in oncology. The development of a tumor in the body proceeds individually and depends on many factors - the localization of the pathological process, the stage, the state of the body, and so on. However, there are several signs of cancer that most often make it possible to suspect the disease at an early stage:

Despite the fact that these symptoms can manifest themselves in various pathologies - from infectious to cardiological, when they appear, it is imperative to pass a general blood test. And after receiving the results, the attending physician will refer you to in-depth diagnostic procedures, if necessary.

What are the types of blood tests

All types of blood tests are divided into:

  • general clinical analysis. Shows hematocrit (color indicator of blood), hemoglobin level, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and blood formula (concentration of blood cells in plasma).
  • Blood chemistry. It examines such biochemical markers as liver transaminases (ALT, AST), bilirubin, creatinine, total plasma protein, C-reactive protein and, if necessary, glucose.
  • Hormonal profile analysis. The concentrations of various hormones are studied - the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, and so on. In order to determine how much the treatment of the pituitary gland in Israel or the thyroid gland will cost, a blood test is an essential procedure.
  • Blood clotting test or coagulogram. Among the indicators are platelets, the concentration of blood clotting factors and the time of formation of conglomerates.
  • Determination of the Rh factor and blood groups by erythrocyte antigens.
  • Serological blood tests. Examines the presence of antibodies to certain infectious agents - for example, hepatitis C, HIV, and the like.
  • Determination of various oncomarkers in the blood. At the moment, dozens of specific biochemical markers are known that are inherent in a particular type of oncology - bowel cancer, breast cancer, and so on.
  • Innovative genetic tests. In developed Western countries, special analyzes are carried out on the genetic profile of a cancer cell, which make it possible to identify the type of tumor, its resistance to treatment and the risk of subsequent relapses.
  • To determine thyroid cancer, the blood is tested for the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone. If the disease is confirmed, the support service will contact you and you will be able to find out the exact prices for the treatment of thyroid carcinoma in Israel.

So, can a blood test detect cancer? With a high degree of probability, it is possible if you use methods that correspond to the situation (signs of the disease, stage). And now let's look at how different types of analyzes look like for oncological diseases.

Complete blood count for cancer

In the general clinical analysis of blood, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) changes first of all. With the development of a tumor process at any point in the body, the adhesive properties of platelets increase, and the viscosity of blood plasma, on the contrary, decreases. Therefore, an increase in ESR is the first thing to pay attention to.

However, this criterion should not be overestimated in differential diagnosis, since it can change in a number of other pathological processes and is normal - with strong emotional experiences, diet, and so on.

Changes in the formula of blood cells will also be non-specific. In most cases of cancer, there will be an increase in monocytes and lymphocytes in the initial stages of the disease and their same decrease in the later stages and in metastatic disease. This is due to the fact that at stages 3 and 4 of oncology, the immune and hematopoietic systems are already exhausted.

An exception is hemoblastoses - oncological diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs (bone marrow). So with lymphomas and leukemias, young and immature blood cells appear in the blood in large quantities, which are normally absent or there are single cells. This sign in the blood formula is the leading and general determining one in making a diagnosis.

Indicators for blood cancer of hemoglobin, hematocrit, the concentration of neutrophils and macrophages are practically of no use for detecting cancer, and their decoding indicates an inflammatory process or other pathologies.

Blood chemistry

A blood test for biochemistry plays a smaller role than a general clinical one in the diagnosis of cancer. This is due to the fact that in the initial stages of cancer, almost all biochemical parameters of a person are normal, except for an increase in C-reactive protein. But this indicator is nonspecific and can increase in many conditions - systemic rheumatic diseases, infections and any inflammatory process.

Liver transaminases are almost always normal, except for tumors of the liver and gallbladder. In these cancers, ALT, AST, and bilirubin may be elevated. Creatinine can be elevated in stomach and pancreatic cancer.

Frequently asked Questions

When deciphering blood tests, patients often ask questions about how this or that indicator can change with cancer and what this can mean. Let's consider the most common of them.

Can a good blood test be detected in cancer patients?

Yes, it can, if the disease is detected in the initial stages or at the stage of compensation. In addition, do not forget that there are a huge number of varieties of blood tests and a situation may arise that there are no changes in the general analysis, and tumor markers were not detected.

Nevertheless, nevertheless, the situation when a general blood test for oncological diseases does not have any deviations does not occur so often.

Is it possible to determine the stage of cancer by a blood test?

Oncology is staged based on many criteria, and most of them are purely clinical - the spread of the primary tumor, the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes and nearby organs, and so on. Therefore, if a blood test can be compared with a stage, then it is very approximate, and such an analysis should be highly specific, such as genetic tests or the determination of tumor markers.

Is there a specific test for stomach cancer?

Tumors of the stomach cannot be detected by analyzing general blood tests. However, today there are innovative molecular tests that can detect gastric cancer and its antigenic set. This is the detection of REA-1 tumor markers and the Foundation One genetic test, which completely determines the antigenic profile of a cancer cell. This test will show the cancer as such and determine its aggressiveness.

These tests are not carried out in all clinics in the world and are expensive. At the Tel Aviv First Medical Center, the patient has the opportunity to order all the latest genetic and molecular tests.

Does a blood test detect cancer?

Most often, even general and biochemical blood tests will show changes in indicators in the presence of cancer. However, this does not always happen and these changes may be due to other causes - infections, stress, and so on.

Identification of specific tumor markers is a more specific criterion, but they can also be elevated in related pathologies. But innovative genetic tests will always give an answer - what type of tumor led to changes, whether it can be treated and show the degree of aggressiveness of atypical cells.

However, such tests are not performed in the CIS countries, so the answer to the question is no, there is no general analysis that determines cancer by blood.

What tests to take for blood cancer?

In case of hemoblastoses, the most effective will be a complete blood count with a formula of cellular elements and a detailed biochemical analysis with the detection of oncomarkers NSE and CEA-5

Deciphering a blood test for bone marrow cancer

In this situation, immature cells and progenitor cells, which are not normally present in the blood, will be present in the general analysis. With a tumor process in the bone marrow, they do not have time to develop to mature forms, enter the bloodstream and cease to perform their function.

Blood tests for uterine, lung, breast, brain and prostate cancer

As already mentioned, the specific localization of the tumor cannot be identified by general blood tests. But most oncological diseases have a corresponding marker in the blood, which increases with the development of the tumor.

In addition, in high-tech laboratories of the world, genetic molecular tests are carried out for the antigenic profile of cancer cells - Oncotype DX, Foundation One, Mammaprint, which determines breast cancer and others. In developed countries, these tests have long become the gold standard in oncology, and doctors do not manage only with general blood tests and the detection of tumor markers. These tests have greatly improved the efficiency of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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Useful information

I have questions

The incidence of cancer is constantly increasing. This is facilitated by poor ecology, the spread of bad habits, the use of substances that are carcinogenic in everyday life and in food products. But, at the same time, modern medicine is constantly looking for new methods of treatment, new, more effective methods for diagnosing this terrible disease. Many people are interested in what tests are given for cancer, how effective are they?

tumor markers

One of the most accurate methods for diagnosing oncological diseases is the analysis of oncomarkers.

Tumor markers are specific proteins that can be found in the blood and urine of people with cancer. Malignant cells produce and secrete tumor markers into the blood from the moment the neoplasm appears. Thanks to this, it is possible to diagnose cancer even at an early stage.

In addition to the fact that with the help of analysis for oncomarkers it is possible to detect an oncological disease, its use makes it possible to monitor the success of the therapy. If, in the presence of oncology, a person is tested for a tumor marker, it is possible to foresee the recurrence of a malignant tumor several months before the onset of symptoms. In addition, given the specificity of each protein (tumor marker), it can be assumed where the focus of the disease is located.

There are tumor markers, the deviation of which from the norm clearly indicates the defeat of a malignant tumor of certain organs. Other proteins are found at different locations of the tumor. In such a situation, a comprehensive examination is carried out. Therefore, other research methods are used in the diagnosis of cancer.

Where to get tested for tumor markers? Such studies are usually carried out in specialized clinics, diagnostic centers, laboratories at oncological dispensaries and departments.

Types of tumor markers

Each neoplasm produces a specific protein. Currently, about 200 tumor markers are known. But no more than 20 of them are used to diagnose diseases.

Most often, doctors prescribe tests for oncomarkers of the following types:

  1. Tumor marker Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). An elevated level of this oncomarker may indicate primary liver cancer, embryonic cancer (testicular, ovarian), metastases of some cancerous tumors to the liver. But the level of AFP sometimes rises in some benign diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver).
  2. Oncomarker Beta-2 microglobulin (B-2-MG). An analysis for this tumor marker is prescribed for suspected lymphoma, B-cell lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma. At the same time, an increase in its concentration in the blood occurs with renal failure.
  3. Tumor marker prostate specific antigen (PSA) and tumor marker free prostate antigen (fPSA). These are the most sensitive and specific antigens to detect prostate cancer.
  4. Oncomarker cancer embryonic antigen (CEA). Characterized by an increase in the level of CEA in malignant tumors of the stomach, rectum and colon, lungs, uterus, ovaries, mammary glands, prostate. A slight increase in this oncomarker occurs with liver diseases, tuberculosis, and chronic renal failure.
  5. Oncomarker CA 125. It is recommended to take an analysis for oncology using this marker for patients with suspected cancer of the ovaries, uterus, and breast. Often, an increase in this tumor marker is detected in women suffering from endometriosis.
  6. Oncomarker mucin-like glycoprotein (CA 15-3). It is a standard tumor marker for breast cancer.
  7. Oncomarker SA 19-9. It is used in the diagnosis of cancer of the pancreas, rectum, colon, stomach, gallbladder. In addition, analysis for the tumor marker CA 19-9 is used to monitor therapy.
  8. Marker human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Its increase in the blood indicates the development of a malignant process in the body, most often testicular cancer, trophoblastic tumors. Normally, this hormone rises in pregnant women.
  9. Oncomarker CA 242. If oncology is suspected, an analysis for the CA 242 tumor marker is prescribed in case of a risk of developing cancer of the pancreas, rectum and colon. The use of this marker makes it possible to predict the recurrence of cancerous diseases of the digestive system in a few months.
  10. Tumor marker UBC. This marker is specific in the diagnosis of bladder cancer.

In addition to tests for tumor markers, there are a number of other studies used in the diagnosis of cancer.

The presence of malignant tumors can be indicated by some indicators of a biochemical blood test. With the growth of malignant cells, a protein is intensively formed, which is carried by the bloodstream throughout the body. This protein can be detected in a biochemical blood test. In addition, with tumor lesions in a biochemical blood test, the following changes in indicators are detected:

  • in prostate cancer, acid phosphatase activity increases;
  • primary and metastatic bone tumors contribute to an increase in the content of alkaline phosphatase;
  • in the presence of leukemia or tumors with metastases in the blood, the level of lactate dehydrogenase increases.

The most reliable and common test for cervical cancer in women is a histological examination of the affected tissue, which is obtained from a biopsy. The study of flushing, scraping, prints from the affected surface makes it possible to determine the cellular composition and cellular ratios of cervical and vaginal discharge. The tumor marker for cervical cancer analysis is squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) antigen. However, its level also increases with cancer of the ear, nasopharynx and other organs. Screening for human papillomavirus is used in the early diagnosis of cervical cancer.

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There are many specific and general methods for diagnosing skin cancer, including the analysis of superficial lesions and the study of deep metastases. In each case, an oncologist, dermatologist or other specialist who suspects cancer prescribes a strictly individual examination program.

In addition to the presence of the tumor itself, the doctor needs to determine the type of malignant neoplasm, since this greatly affects the speed and direction of the spread of the process. The next task is to obtain information about the involvement of surrounding tissues in the pathological process, the presence of metastases (graduates) of the tumor in neighboring and distant organs from the tumor source.

To create a complete picture of what is happening, oncologists, laboratory assistants, immunologists, functionalists, radiologists and radiologists, as well as specialized specialists in the affected organs (ophthalmologists, gynecologists, etc.)

Medical examination of skin neoplasms

The oncologist and dermatologist have vast experience in this matter, and can be suspected almost immediately based on visual data. In addition, the stages of the development of the process are important in the diagnosis of skin cancer, so the doctor should ask the patient in detail about the formation itself, its changes and concomitant manifestations of the disease.

There are so-called. "small signs" of the tumor process, allowing to suspect the formation of this type of pathology:

  • general weakness, fatigue(atony, manager's syndrome, etc.), immunodeficiency;
  • weight loss not associated with diets or endocrinological diseases;
  • decrease in hemoglobin, manifested by pallor and shortness of breath;
  • depression.

After the interview, a complete examination of the patient's body is performed. Do not be surprised if, with a focus localized in the eyebrow area, you are asked to completely undress. The doctor should examine the superficial lymph nodes, because. this helps to determine the prevalence of the process. In addition, the mucous surfaces are examined, and the liver, genitals and mammary glands are also palpated. This is due to the fact that melanoma (the most aggressive skin tumor) actively metastasizes through the lymphatic and circulatory pathways.

The study of skin elements is carried out using a magnifying glass, or a special device - a dermatoscope. The doctor evaluates the quantity, color, consistency, arrangement of elements to determine a preliminary diagnosis.

LED dermatoscope
is a relatively new device. It gives a high-quality image, and reduces the likelihood of medical errors in the differential diagnosis of various skin formations. Allows you to determine the nature at the earliest (asymptomatic) stages of the process. In addition, the obtained images are stored in the memory of the device, which can help with further management of the disease, and increases the personal responsibility of the attending physician. The test itself is completely painless.

Determination of the cellular composition of suspicious tissue areas

Any changed tissue area is examined “on the cyto”, which means that the cytological (cellular) composition is determined. Without this study, the diagnosis of cancer is not made. By the way, it is tumors of the skin (epithelium) that are considered cancer, it is illiterate to call other malignant neoplasms that way.

Biopsy- removal (biting) of a small piece of tissue. If in order to get to the source of the alleged tumor, a probe (needle) is used, this is a puncture biopsy.

Suspected melanoma is not biopsied because the tumor responds too quickly to any mechanical trauma or scraping.

Thermography of the skin

There is a device that captures infrared (thermal) radiation from the surface of the skin. Color display allows you to accurately identify areas affected by skin cancer. This study is especially effective in skin melanoma, breast cancer, and malignant thyroid gland.

X-ray diagnostic methods

annual x-ray examination makes it possible to detect metastases of skin cancer in distant organs, which in some cases makes it possible to preserve or prolong the life of such patients.

effective in the localization of the oncological process on the neck and skin of the mammary glands. It is a type of soft X-ray. The study is convenient because it allows you to detect even small malignant tumors. The name cancer, by the way, is due to the fact that the tumor, as it were, pulls the skin towards itself, on the mammary glands this is manifested by the symptom of "lemon peel".

Computed tomography, MRI, sonography allow to detect deep lesions of organs (for example, the liver), to create a spatial picture of the spread of the tumor. These studies are mandatory prescribed for skin tumors prone to metastasis - melanoma and squamous cell skin cancer.

Endoscopic method

Serves for finding and distant metastases of skin cancer in hollow organs - the stomach, esophagus, intestines, trachea, pleural cavity and peritoneum.

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