Canapes on the festive table, recipes with photos - New Year's, children's, birthday. Fruit canapes for every occasion: for children, adults and sophisticated gourmets

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Almost every parent knows how troublesome it is to organize children's holidays. So, you need to decide on the venue for the event, with a festive outfit and a list of guests, as well as what goodies to offer to those invited. The treats will, of course, depend on the age group of those present, as well as their appetites. One of the best options will be canapes for children. They are small breads smeared with some yummy and beautifully decorated. They are usually served at the table in large numbers and variety, as they are designed to replace hearty meals. Children's canapes are often made on skewers to be able not to hold them in their hands, but immediately put them in their mouths. This is very convenient for children, since they will not get dirty with the filling spread on sandwiches. You can make canapes for children very original and interesting, we will consider their recipes today.

Canape "Penguins"

Ingredients: one can of large pitted olives, one can of medium-sized pitted olives, one carrot, two hundred grams of soft cheese.


Olives spread on a towel or napkin in order to glass the liquid. Large fruits are cut lengthwise and a wedge is cut out. Inside put one coffee spoon of cheese. Carrots are boiled and cut into circles, from which small triangles are then cut out in order to make penguin paws out of them. One triangle is inserted into a pre-made hole in a small olive tree. Thus, the beak should turn out.

We make further canapes for children, whose recipes are so diverse. So, a large olive is carefully placed on the carrot legs, and a small fruit with a carrot inserted is placed on top. Canapes are fixed with a skewer. Having made a lot of penguins in this way, they are placed on a large dish on the curd, from which “hills of snow” are first made, and served at the table.

Canape "Ladybugs"

Ingredients: 16 salted or plain crackers, 1 package of cream cheese, 8 cherry tomatoes, 9 pitted olives, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 bunch of parsley.


Such canapés for children, like "Ladybugs", are prepared very simply and quickly, since they are made on the basis of crackers that do not crumble. This snack has delicate taste and gives a summer mood.

So, first crackers are spread with cheese. Parsley greens are laid on top so that a clearing is obtained. We cut the tomatoes in half and make an incision on each half so that, by straightening them, we get wings ladybug. Tomatoes are laid out on crackers on top of greens and gently greased with vegetable oil so that they become sticky. Next, one olive is cut into very small pieces, each of which is placed on top of the tomatoes with a toothpick. The remaining fruits are laid out near each tomato so that a ladybug's head is obtained. Canapes for children are ready, now they can be served at the table.

Canape "Amanita"

Such canapes are very original, so every child will be happy to eat an edible fly agaric, which is located in a charming clearing.

Ingredients: one baguette, one package of cheese slices, ten quail eggs, ten cherry tomatoes, herbs and mayonnaise. For caviar: one small eggplant, one onion, half a carrot, two tomatoes, a garlic clove, vegetable oil, salt and spices.

Cooking caviar

Before you make canapes for children, you need to cook caviar. To do this, the eggplant is baked in the oven, the onion is chopped and stewed on vegetable oil before golden color. Next add grated carrot and cook until the excess moisture is gone. Then cooled and peeled eggplants are added to this mass, which are pre-cut into cubes, as well as crushed garlic. The finished caviar is laid out in a bowl and cooled.

Cooking canapes

Meanwhile, the baguette is cut and fried in oil until golden brown. For boiled and peeled eggs, the tops and a little of the bottom are cut off so that they stand well on the dish. Tomatoes are cut in half and put each part on top of the eggs. Spread caviar on a baguette, put a slice of cheese, put two eggs on top with tomatoes and mayonnaise, draw dots on the tomatoes. Parsley is beautifully laid out around. Well, the canapes for children are ready!

Round children's canapes

Ingredients: white bread, cheese and brisket, one boiled egg, one spoonful of butter, one fresh cucumber, skewers.


The egg is cleaned and grated, oil is added and mixed well until a creamy mass is obtained. Cheese, brisket, cucumber and bread are cut into slices of the same size and laid out on the table in the order in which canapes will be collected on skewers for children. And this, in turn, depends on the imagination of the cook. So, when the canapes are ready, they are pierced with skewers. Such products can be stuck in an apple or orange.

You can use other fillings for children's canapes. It can be shrimp and avocado, sweet fruits, vegetables, cheese, cottage cheese and more.

Fruit canapes for children

Ingredients: one apple, pear, nectarine or peach, one bunch of grapes, one banana, kiwi.


All fruits must be cut just before serving, after sprinkling them with lemon juice. So, the products are washed, cleaned of seeds and peel, cut into figures. Then they begin to collect canapes in the order they like best. At the end, each sandwich is pierced with a skewer, placed on a dish and served.

On any holiday, whether New Year, or Birthday, I want to beautifully decorate the festive table. Of course, salads and various cold appetizers will give a festive look and whet your appetite. But if, in addition to this, stock up on patience and various fruits, then you can make truly beautiful masterpieces on the festive table. And the main thing that will attract the eyes of guests and quickly go for drinks is, of course, fruit canapes.

This simple dish consists of small sandwiches of various ingredients that are put on toothpicks or food skewers. They can be sent entirely to the mouth. It is noteworthy that in order to create beautiful composition almost any product can be used. And thanks to the small size, you can use delicacies.

So if you do canapes for children's birthday, the main ingredient may be fruit. And if you are just decorating a festive table, then you can use all kinds of options, and your imagination. Combining fruit and vegetable snacks, neatly arranged on a saucer, with pieces of bacon. As an example, we can get an option, as in the photo below ...

Photo 1. A simple version of the canape for the festive table

The most important thing is the combination of products. For sandwiches, various sauces and pastes are made to achieve an original taste. With the ingredients, making canapés is easy enough. It does not take a lot of time.

Below, in the photos you can see how to colorfully decorate the table with the help of these mini sandwiches. The design of the skewers is also important, especially if the canapes are intended for children's holiday. You can buy them at almost any grocery store. They different forms and even figurines. This will play out the appetite and excitement in children. The holiday will become more interesting!

A bright composition of various fruits will decorate a children's holiday, a romantic dinner, a small buffet at work. Here you can turn on your creative imagination, but for an example I will give the recipe below.


  • 2-3 pieces of watermelon (or victoria).
  • 1 piece of fresh kiwi.
  • 1 tangerine.
  • 1 piece of ripe banana.
  • 1 sprig of green and black grapes.

Cooking process

Watermelon pulp should be carefully cut into small cubes. The downside is that the berry is only available in August. But you can do without this ingredient. The taste of canapes will remain pleasant and refreshing.

Kiwi gives sourness to mini sandwiches. It is recommended to buy fruit by the piece, as they may be of poor quality in the package. If the fruit turned out to be unripe, then you need to hold it for a couple of days in a warm place. For canapes, kiwis need to be peeled, cut into thin circles, and then divided in half, as shown in the image below.

We cut kiwi

Peel the mandarin, carefully separate all the fruit slices, then cut them into several pieces, the size of which should approximately correspond to watermelon cubes and kiwi slices. Seeds are recommended to be removed.

Cooking tangerines for toothpicks or skewers

Banana is rich in vitamins and is satiating tropical fruit, so it must be in a small sandwich. Ripe fruit should be bright yellow. If the banana is unripe, then it is not recommended to use it, but wait a while when it ripens. To use it in canapes, you need to peel the fruit and cut into circles, about 0.5 cm each.

Cut banana slices

When all the ingredients are prepared, they must be put on skewers or long toothpicks. First of all, green grapes are planted, then pieces of tangerine, followed by green grapes, then banana slices, kiwi slices, and finally a cube of watermelon pulp.

We plant - fruit canapes on a skewer

A colorful composition is laid out on a flat plate. On the edges you need to lay out pieces of fruit, as some people have their own preferences for ingredients.

The recipe is quite simple, so anyone can prepare such mini sandwiches. Due to their refreshing and aromatic taste, they are recommended to be served in summer time. Also fruit canape will decorate any table.

Similarly, marmalade canapes can be made with orange slices. You can stick on plastic skewers, or toothpicks.

Another option is to pour melted chocolate over Victoria berries. It turns out very appetizing, and the kids will love it!

Canape for children's birthday

For a successful children's holiday, it needs to be supplemented with French small sandwiches. Children really like this snack, which has all the colors of the rainbow. Equally important are colorful and interesting skewers that will interest young children.

It is very important to use neutral ingredients that do not lead to an allergic reaction in children.

There are many canape recipes for a children's holiday. Let's take a look at one of them below.

To prepare one serving you will need:

  • 1 piece of ripe pineapple.
  • 1 pc strawberries.
  • Marshmallow confectionery.
  • 3 grapes.
  • 1 piece kiwi.
  • A piece of pear.
  • 1 tbsp coconut.
  • 2 tbsp puffed rice.
  • Several bars of dark chocolate.

Cooking process

The first step is to cut off the top with a green tail from the pineapple. Then cut off a circle, 2 cm thick. Using a thin and sharp knife, remove the peel.

By the way! Here is a great pineapple serving option:

Remove the seeds, cut out the core. After that, cut the pulp into even squares into 6 parts, and set them aside.

Wash strawberries thoroughly running water, cut off the ass. Put the berry on the skewer, and then a piece of pineapple. The first mini sandwich of the children's portion is ready.

Alternatively, you can put a treat on such toothpicks:

For the second skewer, you will need a green and a green grape. But you can use one grape variety. Put them on a skewer, then a piece of pineapple.

For the third sandwich, you will need marshmallows - a confection that is whipped in water from gelatin and sugar syrup. Put the sweetness on a skewer, then a pineapple cube.

For those who do not know - the composition is similar to bon pari sweets.

Marshmallow is very popular with children, so it can also be used in the fourth canapé. To do this, you need to plant a confection on a skewer, then a small piece of kiwi, and then another marshmallow.

To prepare the next mini sandwich, you need to first plant a confection, then a grape, then one orange slice, and finally a pineapple cube.

The portion ends with a canape with a piece of pear, a small circle of strawberries and a square of pineapple. Place all ingredients one by one on a skewer. The photo below shows another order. You can also make several different variations...

To make canapes even tastier, they need to be greased with melted chocolate, then sprinkled with puffed rice and coconut flakes.

It turns out such a portion for one child. Children will be very happy. It is not recommended to do more, as the guys will simply eat them in 5 minutes, which can adversely affect health.

Recipe with cheese and sausage

These canapes are a bit more difficult to make than regular sandwiches. But guests will like it, because it is a great snack.


  • 6 pitted olives.
  • 6 pieces of salami sausage. You can use another raw smoked product.
  • 6 pieces of fresh cucumber.
  • 6 squares of cheese.
  • Greenery.
  • Also prepare skewers or long toothpicks.

Cooking process

Cut the salami into thin pieces. Then you need to fold the piece in half and put it on a skewer. The image below shows how to do this.

You can improve the taste with greens. In our case, we use parsley. Therefore, after salami comes a leaf of a plant.

Rinse the cucumber thoroughly under running water, cut into thin slices. Plant in the same way as the sausage, that is, folding it in half.

This canape is suitable for a buffet table, buffet. They are also a good and convenient snack during a feast for adults.

Canape with salmon and black bread on skewers

This is one of the most popular types of mini sandwiches. Red fish is not only delicious snack, but also in combination with other ingredients it turns out very tasty. Such a canape will decorate any table, especially in holidays. Also, salmon can be replaced with herring. It also turns out very tasty and satisfying. In fact, there are many cooking options, consider one of them.


  • 1 bunch fresh dill.
  • 0.5 pieces of lemon.
  • 120 gr salted salmon.
  • 2 pieces rye bread.
  • 50 gr cream cheese.
  • 2 tbsp red caviar.

Cooking process

Rinse greens thoroughly under running water. It's great if it comes straight from the garden. Chop dill.

The lemon also needs to be washed, cut into thin circles, and then divided into 4 parts. Thanks to this ingredient, the canape acquires a slight sourness, which adds piquancy to the taste.

Salted salmon can be bought at the store, but it can be of poor quality, so it is recommended to purchase fresh fish and salt it yourself. Fillet cut into thin slices

Mix chopped greens in cream cheese.

Cut off the edges of the rye bread and cut it into square pieces as shown in the image below.

To prepare a mini sandwich, sliced ​​​​bread should be smeared with dill cream cheese.

On top of the bread, lay out pieces of salmon that correspond to the size.

The next layer will be cream cheese again. They need to lubricate the salted fish. Then lay out more pieces of salmon, smeared with a mixture of greens and cheese.

Such a sandwich must be cut into 4 parts.

The finishing layer is lemon and red caviar, which is laid out on each canapé.

After that, put the resulting mini sandwiches on a long toothpick or skewer. Top with a small sprig of dill, as shown in the image below.

The photo shows a variant of a ready-made salmon canape with red caviar and black bread

This appetizer is very tasty, so it quickly disappears from the table. The hostess is advised not to lay out all the sandwiches at once, but to bring them as they are consumed. Otherwise, the guests will immediately “destroy” them.

Canape with ham cheese and cucumber

On almost any buffet, on the table you can see small sandwiches with ham. The recipe is very simple, and the canapes are very tasty.


  • 150 gr of hard cheese.
  • 150 gr ham.
  • 3 pcs pickled cucumbers.

Cooking process

First of all, you need to cut hard cheese into small cubes of the same size.

Cut the ham into appropriate pieces. You should not save on this product, as a poor-quality product can lead to stomach problems, as a result of which the festive mood will be spoiled.

Cut pickled cucumbers into small circles.

When all the ingredients are ready, you can begin to form canapes. First of all, cheese cubes are strung, after which circles of cucumbers, and the ham sandwich ends. The image below shows what such a canape would look like.

If necessary, you can add 1-2 more ingredients. So experiment.

Video recipe: Herring canape with brown bread

As I noted above, mini sandwiches can be made from almost any product. The video below shows a recipe for making canapes called "boats". The main ingredient is salted herring.

Photo canape. What we found on Google

Do you make canapes? Or haven't had time to use these recipes yet?

Without canapes it is impossible to imagine any buffet table. These small sandwiches are so popular, they have many variations, a diverse combination of products, and you can cook them on any holiday table, including birthday parties, it will be especially pleasant to surprise your guests various types canape.

You can combine types of different breads - white, black, you can take a baguette or pita bread, you can experiment with meat stuffing Or add fish. Various vegetables and fruits will complement the whole taste, and will give guests a taste of new flavors.

Tip for every housewife - birthday canapes should be made at the rate of 8-10 canapes per person.

A huge plus of such an appetizer is the opportunity to experiment. And by the way, there are a lot of options for really satisfying canapes, which may well be provided for a separate dish.

How to cook birthday canapes - 16 varieties


  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Black bread - 1 b.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese "Yantar" - 1 pc.
  • Pickled champignon - 50 gr.
  • Dill - 1 tbsp. l.


Finely chop the dill, chop the mushrooms a little larger. Peel the herring from the bones, disassemble it into a fillet. Heat the cheese so that it reaches room temperature. Take a cling film and put the fillet in the form of a jack with its back down, cover with the other side of the film and beat off. Then put cheese mass, mushrooms, dill on the fillet. With cling film, carefully roll everything into a roll, so that then you get the shape of a sausage. Send to the freezer for a couple of hours. Cut the bread into slices no more than one centimeter thick and cut circles out of it with a glass. Leave the slices in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for six minutes. Remove the roll from the freezer and cut into slices no more than a centimeter thick. Spread the croutons with cheese mass, put the roll on top. Can be garnished with tomato or dill

Very original taste gives a combination of these products, everyone who loves the unusual should like it.


  • Kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • Yogurt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard - 0.7 tsp
  • Garlic - 10 gr.


Peel the garlic and kiwi. Pass the garlic through a press. Kiwi cut into circles. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Mix garlic with mustard and yogurt. Mix with curd. Put a well-mixed curd mass on kiwi mugs.

Red fish will decorate the taste of any snack, and in combination with cream cheese it will also give a very delicate taste.


  • Black bread - a few slices
  • Fish slices from slightly salted salmon - 300 gr.
  • Cream cheese - 1 pack.
  • Dill - 100 gr.
  • Garlic - 1 clove


Mash the cream cheese with a fork, crumble the dill. Pass the garlic through a press, add to the cheese along with dill. Gently spread the curd mass on sliced ​​bread slices.

Fish should be taken not windy, tender orange color and no bad odor.

Cut the fish if it does not cut into thin long slices, roll each slice into a rosette and place on bread with cheese mass.

Delicate taste of melon will make any snack delicious and appetizing.


  • Melon - 400 gr.
  • Prosciutto - 90 gr.
  • Royal cheese - 90 gr.
  • Kiwi - 90 gr.
  • Olive oil- 1 tbsp
  • Lime - half fruit
  • Arugula - 50 gr.
  • Basil - 50 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Pepper - a pinch


Mix oil, lime juice, pepper, salt. The peeled melon is cut into cubes and marinated in a mixture of lime and oil for about ten minutes. Kiwi is peeled, cut into cubes, cheese is also cut into cubes. A folded leaf of arugula, cheese, arugula, melon is put on a skewer and can alternate. Another type of canape is made - it is put on a skewer and then prosciutto, melon, kiwi, basil can alternate.

A small gourmet dish, as you can call this appetizer, a wonderful combination of pineapple and bacon.


  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Beef bacon - 300 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Ground pepper - a pinch


Pineapple is peeled and cut into cubes. Then wrapped in bacon and fastened with a wooden skewer. Everything is laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment, sprinkled with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for fifteen minutes at 180 degrees.

A snack that not only looks great, but also has a pronounced Italian taste.


  • Cherry tomato - 18 pcs.
  • Mozzarella - 18 balls
  • Basil - 20 gr.
  • Dried tomatoes - 1 b.


Get the tomatoes, lay them out so that the liquid is glassed from them. String on skewers - a basil leaf, a ball of cheese, a leaf again, a sun-dried tomato, and then an uncut cherry.

Canape - rolls

View Japanese cuisine in one light snack, but absolutely everyone will like the taste.


  • Lavash - 1 pc.
  • Red fish - 200 gr.
  • Cream cheese - 100 gr.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Cherry - 20 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Greens - 20 gr.
  • Olives - 1 b.


Finely chop the greens, cut the fish into thin slices. Cucumber cut into thin slices. A piece of pita bread about 30x40 centimeters grease with cheese and sprinkle with herbs. Overlay not the entire surface with slices of fish. Then lay out the cucumber slices, carefully wrap everything in a roll. Wrap in cling film, put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Cherry and olives cut in half, lemon into small triangular slices. Cut the roll into thin pieces, fasten the roll with pieces of olives, cherry tomatoes and lemon with skewers.

A sweet snack option, no less tasty and colorful.


  • Melon - 1 kg.
  • Strawberries - 400 gr.
  • Marshmallow - 15 pcs.


The melon is peeled and two long sides are cut off to make a rocket tail. Strawberries are cut horizontally into three parts. A melon, strawberry, marshmallow is put on a skewer, then strawberries and marshmallows alternate so that a rocket comes out on a skewer.

The breast makes the appetizer rich and complete, so that even an appetizer can be a very good snack.


  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • Baguette - 8 slices
  • Cream cheese - 50 gr.
  • Grapes - 8 berries
  • Creamy softened butter - 30 gr.
  • Olive oil - 40 gr.
  • Chopped garlic - 1 clove
  • Chopped basil - 1 branch
  • Sea salt- pinch
  • Ground pepper - a pinch


Sprinkle the breast with spices, anoint with butter, add basil and garlic. Bake for twelve minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. After cooling, cut into thin slices. A baguette is fried in olive oil, cream cheese is laid on it. Grapes are wrapped with chicken slices and pierced with a skewer, and then put on a baguette.

Probably the most sophisticated type of canape. At any buffet table, this appetizer will look very profitable and expensive.


  • Foie gras - 150 gr.
  • White bread - 10 slices
  • Cranberries - 150 gr.
  • Gelatin - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Sand sugar - 60 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Parsley - 10 gr.
  • Water - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 270 ml.


In 1, 5 Art. l. Soak gelatin in water, squeeze juice from cranberries, pour 250 ml of water on the peel, add salt and sugar and boil. Strain the broth, stir in the gelatin over the fire, but do not bring to a boil. Pour in the cranberry juice, mix, then pour into molds and send to the refrigerator to harden. Cut the bread into thin slices with a glass, heat in the oven. Puree the foie gras, cut the jelly into circles. Put jelly on slices of bread, then bread again, then squeeze out foie gras with a pastry syringe, garnish with parsley.

A very tender appetizer, it turns out so thanks to the combination of salmon and cheese.


  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.
  • Philadelphia cheese - 1 pack.
  • Mayonnaise - 50 gr.
  • Crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • White bread- 10 slices


Mix mayonnaise and soft cheese. Roll out the slices of bread into thinner pieces with a rolling pin and lay them out on cling film. Top with cheese-mayonnaise mass, lay out crab sticks, wrap. Do the same process, but put salmon instead of sticks. Send the rolls to the refrigerator for half an hour, then get, cut and pierce with skewers.

A very unusual and at the same time very satisfying snack option.


  • Boiled beef tongue - 200 gr.
  • Rye bread - 10 slices
  • Butter - 20 gr.
  • Gherkins - 200 gr.
  • Greens - 20 gr.


Make fried toast with rye bread. Cut the gherkins very thinly. Boil the tongue in salted water, cool, cut into thin slices. Spread butter on the toast, roll the slices into thin bundles, put a gherkin in the middle. Decorate with greens on top, pierce with skewers.

Most of all, this appetizer will appeal to the kids, as it has an amazing look, and in addition it is also delicious.


  • Olives - 10 pcs.
  • Olives (small) - 10 pcs.
  • Cream cheese - 30 gr.
  • Medium carrot - 1 pc.


Carrot cut into circles. Cut large olives lengthwise to the middle, fill the void inside the olive with cheese - this will be the body of the penguin. Cut a triangle out of a circle of carrots - these will be paws, make a nose out of a smaller one. Set the nose in a small olive - this will be the head. Now, with the help of skewers, you need to assemble the penguin - first pierce the head, then the torso and carrot legs.

Noble jamon in combination with a soft pear gives a sweet aftertaste to this appetizer, which makes it refined and refined.


  • Jamon - 7 slices
  • Large pear - 1 pc.
  • Goat cheese- 120 gr.
  • Butter - 20 gr.
  • Wine vinegar - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Cognac - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Dijon mustard - 2.5 tablespoons
  • Arugula - 1 bunch
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.


Peel the pears, cut into portions along, fry for a minute in vegetable oil. Then, together with oil, vinegar and cognac, simmer for about five minutes, at the very end put mustard. Cheese cut into slices. Put a pear, cheese, a few leaves of arugula on each piece of meat, roll into a roll, pierce with a skewer.

Salty anchovies and tender avocado - not primitive, but such a delicious combination.


  • Avocado - 3 fruits
  • Anchovy - 12 pcs.
  • Baguette - 3 slices
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 15 gr.
  • Olives - 5 pcs.


Peel tomatoes and onions, cut into circles. Take out the pulp of the avocado and mash it to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Spread on baguette slices. Lay the tomato, onion, anchovy, cut olives on top, pour over with oil.

It's not even a snack, but full meal, so it’s quite possible to eat such a snack.


  • Lavash - 1 pc.
  • Salmon - 100 gr.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Cheese - 130 gr.
  • Leek - 1 pc.
  • Walnuts - 1.5 tsp
  • Mayonnaise - 1.5 tsp


Lavash is cut into strips about three centimeters thick. The fish is cut into thin slices. Boil eggs, grate, along with cheese. Finely chop the greens. Mix with mayonnaise and nuts. Cheese paste is placed on pita slices, then a piece of fish, wrapped in a roll, tied with a thin strip of onion. If necessary, you can trim uneven edges. Pierce each roll with a skewer.

Preparing dishes for the celebration children's day birthday presents parents with non-trivial tasks: such dishes should be tasty, not harmful to the child's body, while arousing active interest and appetite in the child, and often also correspond in style to the theme of the holiday!

One of the dishes that will meet all of the above criteria is canape.

What is it? These are original miniature sandwiches of various thicknesses, often consisting of products strung on small wooden or plastic skewers. Moreover, bread may not be part of these sandwiches, but fruits can be used.

What is the attraction of this dish for a children's holiday table? Due to the miniature size, the portioning necessary for the child is easily achieved, and the high cooking speed makes this appetizer very convenient option for a buffet style celebration. You can serve a dish with canapes both in an apartment, and in nature or in a car. And thanks to the skewers, the sandwich will not crumble, which usually happens so often in children during meals. Another plus of the canape is that the child will not get his hands dirty, because there is no need to take on food. Even if he did not wash his hands before eating - in this case it won't be critical.

Snacks for every taste

Canapes can be made from almost any product, as long as they are not contraindicated for children. There are many recipes, but they can be roughly divided into the following categories:

1) Classic- more like sandwiches: bread is used, often spread with butter, pate, curd mass, jam or something else. There are also layers of sliced ​​cheese, ham, fish, etc.

2) Fruity- consist of combinations of various fruits. Bread is not used. Children like it the most.

3) Vegetable- the principle is the same as that of fruit, but vegetables (raw or boiled) are used.

4) Combined- Variations from any products are allowed. Such options are not always popular with children.

Canape "Ride like boiled pork in cheese"

Grocery list:

Cooking technique:

1) Bread cut into small square pieces is fried in a pan (using butter) or browned in a toaster.

2) Fresh or pickled cucumber is cut into slices, then one slice of cucumber is placed on each slice of bread.

3) Boiled pork and cheese are cut into slices, then squares.

4) A piece of cheese is placed on the cucumber, then boiled pork and again - a piece of cheese.

5) Sweet pepper is also cut into squares and placed at the top of the "pyramid".

6) All layers of canapes are fastened with a skewer, and you can serve them to the table.

Canape "Goldfish"

Grocery list:

  • White bread or loaf
  • Butter
  • Salted red fish (if possible golden)
  • Beet

Cooking technique:

1) The bread is cut into small triangular slices and covered with a thin layer of butter.

2) Boiled beets are cut into layers 1-1.5 cm thick.

3) The fish should be cut into oblong pieces, and then wrap the beets in it and lay on the bread.

4) All layers of canapes are fixed with a skewer, and the dish can be considered ready.

Canape "Tomato Fantasy"

Grocery list:

  • Tomatoes small varieties(e.g. "cherry")
  • Cheese (hard varieties, cheese or hard processed - you can take any)
  • Green basil or lettuce leaves
  • Sour cream
  • Lemon

Cooking technique:

1) Wash the tomatoes and cut in half.

2) Cover the inside of the tomatoes with a layer of sour cream.

3) Put cheese between the two halves of one tomato and put together.

4) Lay a green leaf of basil or lettuce on top of the tomato.

5) Squeeze the juice from the lemon, fasten the canape with a skewer, and lightly sprinkle with lemon juice.

Canape "Strawberry smile"

Grocery list:

  • Fresh strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Kiwi
  • Cream

Cooking technique:

1) Remove the green tails from the strawberries.

2) Peel the bananas, cut into pieces.

3) Peel the kiwi, cut into circles.

4) We string strawberries, bananas, and then kiwi onto a skewer.

5) With cream we draw “eyes” and a smiling “mouth” on strawberries - we get funny fruit canapes that children will surely like.

Vegetable canapes "Merry traffic light"

Grocery list:

  • Pickled or fresh cucumbers
  • Beet
  • Carrot

Cooking technique:

1) Cucumbers are cut into circles.

2) Beets need to be boiled and cut into circles of the same diameter as cucumbers. To get an even circle, you can use any hollow cylindrical solid object as a form.

3) It is advisable to choose carrots in such a size that the diameter matches the diameter of the cucumbers - in this case, all three components of the canapes will look harmonious. Carrots can be boiled, but if desired, you can use raw - just cut it into circles.

4) The sequence of products strung on a skewer must match the colors of the traffic light: beets, carrots, cucumbers. But, unlike a real traffic light, our canapes will always be lit green light- this means that children can eat them at any time!

One of the most beautiful and impressive dishes on a festive table or a buffet table is none other than a canape. canape meets different types, filling and execution, but always it is incredibly beautiful, tasty and exquisite.

In this article, the Site news portal has prepared for you several options for preparing and decorating fruit canapes.

Fruit canapes on any holiday table and buffet will be in place: whether it's a children's birthday, a wedding celebration, New Year's Eve, a youth party or an ordinary meeting with friends or girlfriends.

Creating such an amazing dish is a little troublesome, but the result is worth it. Fruit canape can be an excellent appetizer for white or red wine, alcoholic cocktails, champagne or liqueurs. Also, fruit canapes will look great next to a sweet dessert: cake, pie, pastries and ice cream.

So let's get started...

How to make fruit canapés?

You can use long wooden kebab skewers or short colorful plastic skewers to decorate fruit canapés. Some craftsmen even manage to use ordinary toothpicks as the basis for canapes. In a word, you choose.

The choice of the length of the skewer for a dense canapé will depend on what kind of fruit you will use, and what company your dish is designed for. If the company is planned to be large, then long wooden skewers should be preferred, because more fruit can be placed on them. If the holiday is for children, then on the contrary, it is better to arrange canapes on short plastic skewers, because little child it will be much easier to feast on a short skewer delicious fruits.

One of the most impressive design options for fruit canapés can be safely considered - fruit barbecue.

Fruit canape "Fruit Barbecue"

To make it you will need:

  • big watermelon;
  • wooden sticks for barbecue;
  • celery;
  • assorted fruits and berries.


Watermelon must be washed well and wiped dry. Then cut it in half. From the pulp of a watermelon, you can prepare fruit balls, squares for creating canapes.

At the bottom of the watermelon, make three small holes into which you need to stick the celery stalks - these will be the legs.

Then stick wooden sticks into the watermelon half (see photo) - this will be the fruit barbecue grill.

Put the berries and fruits inside the empty watermelon, and lay the fruit canape on the grate itself.

Such original design fruit canapes will not leave any guest indifferent.

Fruit Canape "Rainbow"

"Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits!" - everyone knows this fun rhyme, which is a great reminder of the order in which the colors are in the rainbow. Use this feature in the design of fruit canapes.

Select fruits by color and string them on a skewer in the order that the well-known counting rhyme speaks of. Incredibly colorful and bright dish you will be guaranteed.

Fruit Canape "Santa Claus"

If you are preparing a festive New Year's table, then a Santa Claus headdress can be an excellent option for decorating a fruit canapé.

To create such a fruit canape, you will need:

  • bananas;
  • white grapes;
  • Strawberry;
  • air marshmallow;
  • toothpicks or short skewers.

With such fruit canapes you can decorate any cold appetizer and desserts.

Fruit canape "Figured"

If you have a variety of molds for shaping cookies, then you can create curly pieces for fruit canapes in the same way.

Watermelons, melons, pineapple, apple and pear are great for creating stars, hearts, flowers and other shapes.

Fruit canape "Funny caterpillars"

This type of fruit canape is very popular with kids.

Use long wooden skewers and grapes to create a long caterpillar. Eyes can be made from drops of sweet glaze, yogurt and a piece of chocolate.

The news portal "site" wishes you not only tasty, but also healthy holidays. After all, fruit canapes are not only an exquisite and surprisingly beautiful dish, but also very healthy.

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