Snacks and salads for treating colleagues. Design of a buffet table with your hands photo

Garden technique 18.10.2019
Garden technique

The buffet menu at work always includes a variety of snacks and salads - this is its basis that you cook the easiest. What can you come up with an ambulance hand and without much cost? Of course, any meat, cheese and fish cuts, decorated in an unusual way, or salads in tartlets or on wide chips. You can not forget about sandwiches that have a huge amount of varieties.

The main snacks on any buffet - sandwiches of all stripes: it can be both light and familiar options with crushing supplements and more multi-layered and unusual taste combinations. In addition, it is not always necessary to use bread as a basis: why not replace it with other flour or starchy products: crackers, chips, loaf? And on the surface there may be not just plastic bacon, but a whole small salad.

  • Would you like originality? The basis of the sandwich will be chips (large and wide, type LAYS), and will complement them from grated soft cheese, greenery, mayonnaise, ham and olives.

  • Need something very satisfying? Take the rye bread with sesame sprinkling, put on it folded four-solid bacon, place a leaf salad and parsley between the layers, put a half of the Cherry tomato on top.

  • Even easier? Drink a white baton slices in the oven, put a soft cheese layer, a tomato circle, crushed garlic cloth, a new cheese layer, and sprinkle with chopped green onions. Send to a hot oven for 10-15 minutes. So that the cheese sail is a little.

  • Change the usual shape? Mix your curd cheese with greens and chopped pear, put a dense layer on the pita, turn it into a roll and cut the slices of 1-1.5 cm thick.

The chef advice: even a simple cream-shaped stuffing, you can give a highlight, if you squeeze it on the surface of the sandwich from a confectionery syringe through a carved mold.

See also:

The simplest snacks for the buffet, which can be built on an ambulance hand from almost any products, of course, canapes: this is a peculiar subspecies of sandwiches, but in most cases they are made without bread. Canape has no foundation as such - it is just strung on a skewer or even toothpick small pieces of products. They are used as an aperitif to alcoholic beverages and absolutely do not quench appetite. The only rule-recommendation in creating such fast snacks is delicious, attractive and not multi-layered. What options can I come up with?

  • Take a cube of cheese (a fette or cheese will be especially good, but it is possible a solid cheese with large holes), to bore it with a sandpaper with bacon, prune, half of a cherry tomato or even dried cherry. Universal cheese, and a "tandem participant" can be any product. The most traditional union is cheese, olives and basil leaf.

  • More complex and satisfying canapes, almost like sandwiches: a piece of avocado, canned sprat, cherry tomato and quail eggs, with small leaf parsley. Or a roll-up salmon, capers, olives and mint leaves.

  • If there are sweet tooths among guests, you can make fruit canapes: from any pieces of fruit and berries, the addition to which will be lemon slices and nuts in a small peary.

Menu Furshet

The organization of the Furshet is one of the most popular ways of conducting corporate and secular events. This format of the feast has the following advantages.

  • Guests can move freely and communicate with each other.
  • The table looks colorfully and original.
  • The cost of organizing the holiday is minimal.

Menu options for buffet: colorful variety

The main features of the buffet menu are variety and originality. Dishes are quickly prepared and served in small portions. We will tell you what snacks most often come in the buffet menu.

Canape is the main dish that is included in the buffet menu most often. It is mini sandwiches. The basis for them is pieces of fresh or roasted bread. If the canape is prepared on the skewers, then the bread base is not made in some cases.
A variety of ingredients may include a variety of ingredients. For instance:

  • herring, salmon, salmon, pink salmon;
  • smoked chicken, buoyhenine, salami, ham, boiled sausages;
  • various types of cheese;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other vegetables;
  • prunes, olives;
  • cheese cream;
  • caviar;
  • patty.

Meat slices

Also often enter the buffet menu. When drawing up meat cuts use:

  • different varieties of sausages;
  • fat;
  • boiled or smoked meat;
  • ham;
  • bacon.

In many cases, cheese and other products are added. The main rule of cooking meat cuts - the ingredients need to slightly cut and beautifully decompose.

Light snacks on the skewers

Without light snacks on the skewers, there is no practical buffet. The main thing when preparing them is to take into account the combination of products. We list the most popular options for light snacks on the skeins, which are often included in the buffet menu.

  • Shrimp and cheese.
  • Cucumber and crab sticks.
  • Cheese and olives.
  • Apple and salmon.
  • Bacon and Zucchini.
  • Ham, tomatoes and cheese.
  • Assorted pickled vegetables.
  • Sausage and cheese.
  • Ham and Brussels cabbage.
  • Cheese, pineapples and grapes.

When preparing light snacks on the skewers, products are usually cut by cubes.

Vegetable slicing

In compiling vegetable cuts, usually use:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • potatoes;
  • pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • eggplants.

Vegetables can be raw marinated, boiled, fried or grilled. In some cases, mushrooms add in cutting.

Cheese plates

As a rule, the menu is not a single buffet, no cheese plates. With their preparation, various types of cheeses are used. Among them: Dor Blue, Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Sheep and Goat Cheese, Parmesan, Gruyer, Masdam, Elel, Gaud, Edam, Mozarella, Shauget, Camembert, Ricotta, etc.

Based all the cheeses are investing in a circle. And its gentle cheeses begin, and the piquant are closed. Along the edges lay solid and semi-solid types of cheeses, and the center is soft.

In addition to cheeses, products usually add products that can correctly emphasize the taste of each of the varieties and improve the appearance of the dish.

Represent baked baskets in which salads and other snacks are put. We list the most popular fillings.

  • Salads "Tenderness", "Olivier", "Caesar" and "crab".
  • Sealed cheese with lemon juice / garlic.
  • Cheese, tomatoes and chicken breast.
  • Melted cheese, salmon, eggs, cucumbers and mayonnaise sauce.
  • Salmon, avocado, soft cheese, lemon juice, dill.
  • Red caviar.

The main rule of cooking tartlets - the filling should not be too liquid. Otherwise, the baskets are splashing.

What else is served on the buffets

Above, we talked about the main dishes that are included in the buffet menu most often. Next - we will list additional.

Stuffed eggs or vegetables

From vegetables usually take tomatoes or zucchini. The most popular filling is:

  • red game;
  • fillets of various types of fish;
  • sauces;
  • pies;
  • grated cheese with garlic;
  • canned fish with crushed bow;
  • etc.

Most often for the preparation of rolls as the foundation takes Lavash, bread or main ingredients (cheese, ham, bacon). Fools are very different. The choice depends on the desire and fantasy. The main thing is to take into account the combination of products.

They are usually unfolded by small portions on spoons or crews.


The buffet menu often includes pancakes with vegetable, meat, fish and combined fillings. Feed options are also several. It can be:

  • tubes;
  • envelopes;
  • bags;
  • rolls.

For mini piecakers, the choice of stuffings is also great. It all depends on the preferences of the guests. Mini cakes can be both snacks and sweet. The latter are served for dessert.

Hot dishes

Most often in the buffet menu include the following hot dishes.

  • Bird (Julienne, chops, fried wings / legs, kebabs).
  • Fish (kebabs, steaks, broaches).
  • From pork / veal (steaks, ribs grill, chops).
  • Grilled vegetables.


For desserts on the buffets, most often served:

  • sweet and fruit tartlets;
  • ice cream;
  • jelly;
  • small pastries;
  • brauni;
  • muffins;
  • etc.

Beautifully compiled assorted are popular.


When making a menu for buffets should not forget about drinks. At such events are usually served:

  • champagne;
  • various varieties of wines;
  • juices;
  • mors;
  • mineral water.

For desserts, guests are usually offered tea or coffee.

Where to order compilation menu for a buffet

As you can see, the buffet menu may contain a huge number of dishes. Do not want to spend time and strength on it? Order a bundle with delivery on the CATERME service. Specialists of a catering company or restaurant will make a list of dishes, taking into account the number of guests, the duration of the event, your wishes, budget and other important factors.

The little feast can be arranged on any reason and quite often (anniversaries, New Year, February 23 (I advise you to see ideas), March 8, successful completion of cases, and so on).

Before you immerse yourself in the preparation of the buffet, I will remind you that the site "Again the holiday" collected the most interesting proposals for holding small corporate holidays. If you decide to celebrate in the office or in a cafe ...

We are ready to organize an interesting holiday in the office, call!

If you do not plan to cook yourself, do not read on this article :-). Just call, we have prepared offers with one person's price (Moscow and MO). We will pick up the best option for you! Make a menu for your holiday, guests will be delighted.

We read on if your team loves and knows how to cook ...

I tried to choose proven and easy snacks, so throw an article in bookmarks to make this cheat sheet at the right time! My ideas will help you organize a holiday quickly and inexpensive.

What to cook for a buffet at work?

I do not quiet to cook all these snacks! Choose!

"For one tooth" - the collection "100 canape"

The first thing that comes to the head is small elegant snacks (canapes). All these ideas in the pictures collected long enough and replenish regularly, so you will definitely find suitable options (evaluate temporary and financial costs).

Attention! Everything words of red color

Consistently examine my articles:

I liked the idea of \u200b\u200bfeeding canape on a curly mirror. An unusual tray looks festively, and snacks in a view of 2 times more :-). Take a note!

Sandwich will be tastier if ...

... if the bread is lubricating cooked at home mustard oil (on 200 g of softened oil - 1 tablespoon of finished mustard from banks)

cook cheese cream(In the blender, beat 150 g of solid cheese, 150 soft cream cheese, 2 garlic cloves and several twigs of greens, 1/2 cup cream 20-22%)

... put a piece of sausage or buoy on Tartar sauce (In 150 grams of mayonnaise add 30 g of finely chopped marinated cucumbers, 1 tablespoon of crushed capers and green onions, cool 30 minutes, pour 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste).

The buffet at work prepares, as a rule, not one person, so you can distribute in advance between colleagues who can do in advance at home. Approximate design of sandwiches on the picture:

Meat for sandwiches It is better to do it yourself. Believe me, your colleagues will highly appreciate the natural home product, it is worth a little try! Meat is preparing simply -.

... just decorate the greenery twig:

Selenium oil (Fille one herring beat in a blender with 200 g of butter) or farshark (Scroll through the meat grinder of the fillet of one herring, a green apple without peel, a small bulb, a boiled egg, 70-100 g of butter, seasoned with black pepper) will require only a small jewelry of a slice of cucumber and dill sprigs. Curly bread can be done using molding for cookies.

Homemade chicken liver pate On the slication of bread with a thin straw from Bulgarian pepper - a wonderful snack for a buffet at work. Recipe: In a saucepan with water to put carrots and a bulb, boil to readiness, add 500 g of chicken liver to boiling vegetables. Cooking everything together 15 minutes, remove from the water and beat the blender hot, adding a gradually the broth in which the products were cooked, before receiving a homogeneous mass, similar to the deafness to the sour cream. Give a little cool, add 150 g of softened butter, salt to taste. This is a very cheap, but festive snack!

Cheese cream with garlic on bread. About how I already wrote it in this article is slightly higher (it can be used as a "pillow" under bezhenin and sausage). But the cream itself is unlikely tasty and beautiful, if you put it on the leaf of salad with the help of a confectionery syringe.

Pies da pancakes

Little yeast or puff pastry patties with the most traditional stuffing (meat, cabbage with egg, potatoes with mushrooms) have a constant success. Spread first! I will not describe in detail while just throwing the idea for a holiday in the office. The most important thing - little size, also on "One bite".

Another successful snack for a buffet in the office, which can be cooked at home and is cold - pancakes with fillings. Also tiny, of course. With red caviar or weakly salted salmon, for example. Look for Clerd in the team, someone will definitely cope :-)!

Founds at work: Are Salads are appropriate?

Yes, I declare boldly, since there are several ways to be the original feed!

If you choose the usual salad (olive, crab, etc.) a little smaller than you are used to cutting for an ordinary feast, you can put it on a slice of bread or in a basket. Sometimes for salads use disposable glasses or the most ordinary glass glasses (wine glasses for martini, cremans). Here, as it looks like:

By the way, you can decompose into the cups and decided to throw a very pretty idea here! I saw in a magazine, immediately scanned for you :-). It will be very original to look (if your buffet at work organized under the New Year) or simply "Tree of happiness" from sweets, if you celebrate something else.

The word "buffet" comes from the French "fork" and means "joint meals". It is assumed that invited guests eat standing, serve themselves independently, freely choose drinks and treats, and use as the main table appliance. There are also strictly fixed for those present at the reception - it is also a distinctive feature of such events, and the buffet table is characterized by the absence of chairs.

When the buffet is organized

  • There are many guests, and there is little place.
  • Purpose is: active communication between people, not a feast.
  • Time limit for meeting.
  • Birthdays, anniversaries.

Characteristic differences

  • A wide variety of mini-snacks.
  • Small duration (usually no more than two hours).
  • No serving waiters (or one waiter per several dozen people).
  • More participants than on a banquet at the table.
  • Tables are higher than usual, placed so that they can be around, and are covered with special tablecloths.
  • For one guest, approximately 500 grams of snacks plus drinks are calculated.

Fryshot menu on birthday

The easiest and most common option: canape or tartlets with various fillings, a couple of light snacks, fruits and drinks. But the exquisite bundle menu includes up to 15 cold snacks! As well as a few hot, dessert, coffee, tea.

What is Canapes

One of the main attributes menu of the bunting table - Canape. So called small lambs of croutons with a variety of ingredients. They look elegantly and are ideal for filling the bundle table. Prepare fish canapes, as well as with caviar, with shrimps, with ham and cheese, with vegetables. Often apply a variety of pies, sauces, pastes. Here is the main thing - the ability to combine the products correctly.

For ease of use, the canapes are planted for small skewers, with which the product can be sent in the mouth of the whole. Sometimes small wooden sticks are applied. Sometimes sandwiches take their hands, but the skewers are still preferable. So the hands are not dirty, and the canapes are less occupying. Prepare such a dish for the menu of the bunting table does not represent any particular difficulties. It can be done literally in an hour, provided that all ingredients are in stock and prepared in advance! And even moreover, you yourself can invent or develop recipes already known to you: Canape loves fantasy.

Equally important is how to file and decorate these sandwiches so that they were and looking nice. This should be done as colorful, using greens, lemons, vegetables, exquisitely sliced. Not in vain, probably, Canapes love to shoot professional photographers! But we finally move on, and to the preparation recipes.

How to cook canapes

Small sandwiches consist, as a rule, from the base, fillings and decorations, bonded by a sgon (for example, a sail from a slicing of fresh cucumber). For the basics take bread, cookies, a piece of baking, a slice of cheese. The shape of the base may be square, triangular, diamond, rounded. Bread is usually dried or roasted slightly so that it gets the hardness outside, and the inside remained soft. Cut through the length of loaf on small slices, thickness - from 0.5 to one centimeter, diameter - up to four. Top puts filling and decoration.

Several recipes stuffing

  1. With cheese and salmon. Cheese three and mix with greens by adding a little lemon juice to a paste-like state. Fish weakly salting (fillet) cut into small slices. Cucumber cut down thin circles. Olives without seeds are used entirely. The basis of dry bread is smeared with cheese paste, covering the slicer of salmon from above. On the skeleton we ride the olive and the "sail" from the cucumber. Skapping itself stick in Canap. Ingredients: 300 grams of weakly salmon salmon, 200 grams of cheese, greens, a few fresh medium-sized cucumbers.
  2. With hepatic pate. Pickled cucumbers three on a grater and mix with pate. Eggs drunk screwing, cut into circles. Fresh tomatoes cut into circles. Olives without bones cut in half. As the basis, take crackers. Smear a patestone mixture. Top to put a piece of eggs, cover with tomato and oily. Fix with wooden or plastic skewer. Ingredients: 300 grams of liver pate, a pair of marinated cucumbers, a couple of tomatoes of fresh, olives, three eggs.
  3. With red caviar. As a basis, use black dried bread, cut slices for canapes. We smear the bread with creamy oil, cover the ring of the red Crimean bow on top, put a handful of a handful of red caviar on the top. Stick a skeleton.
  4. With lard and cucumber. For lovers of Ukrainian cuisine. As the basis - black bread. Cover it with a subtle piece of a sala carved in the size of the base. Top putting a mug of salt cucumber and stick a skeleton.

Varians are still a lot. Here, show your fantasy. The main principle is the combination of products!

However, the buffet menu consists not only from some canape. Tartlets are often used. What is it and what they are eating with? Well, since you decided to cook a bundle on the birthday, let's understand!


Roughly speaking, these are baskets baked from the dough. They are filled with a certain type of fillings. And baskets can be baked both with stuffing, and separately from it. It is said that this is a French invention.

Furst Menu: Tartlets Recipes

This dish has many variations of fillings. Consider only some of them. In the preparation of tartlets, the main principle, as in Canape, is the combination of products used for the fillings. The base for the dish, as a rule, remains steadily unchanged. The dough is preparing fresh (flour, water, oil, salt). Bakes in the oven (with or without filling) in special molds.

  1. The most simple. Finished baskets fill in any salad, already made in advance: "Olivier", crab, carrot, cheese. A very comfortable and fast prepared dish can be decorated with greenery sprigs, olives, lemon slices.
  2. With hepatic pate. Liver pate mix with a grated with a salt cucumber. Add a little chopped greenery. Fill the mixture of baskets. From above can be decorated with a mug of olives.
  3. Cheese. Three cheese and davim garlic. Mix these components with a small amount of mayonnaise. Fill with a lot of baskets, decorate the parsley greenery.

And you can still use fruit tartlets as dessert. The choice remains behind the hostess of the festive table, which prepares a bundle menu and manifests its imagination.

Do you want to organize a bundle table at work? This method of reception is very convenient, because you do not have to solve many organizational issues. On the buffet, guests are not sitting behind the tables, and freely move around the hall with small plates in the hands, which does not prevent them from feeling comfortable and communicate with each other.

Recipes for a meal for a buffet at work can be the most different. Usually, salads, snacks and desserts are served. And the soups and the main hot dishes in the traditional feed on such techniques are not offered.

How to cover a bundle table in the office?

We will describe in more detail what is better to cook for a buffet at work. You can offer Cold snacks: sandwiches, sandwiches, canapes, stuffed vegetables, tartlets, rolls and mini-rolls with various fillings, etc., and at the end there is fruits and desserts.

All dishes must be portion so that the invited did not have to cut or separate the dishes, trying to take a piece. Guests should be conveniently imposed in a dish for a buffet dishes, which is held in the office and there are them with the help of a plug alone (after all, La Fourchette in translation from French and there is a "fork"), do not serve knives.

A bundle table that is covered at work is not necessary without meat and sausage cuts, cheese plates, as well as fruit assortments. A cheese plateau looks very impressive: for this, several types of cheese are cut in different ways: solid cheese is cut by plates or triangles, and soft cheeses - cubes. The ingredients are beautifully laid out on a plate and are made up with nuts and grapes.

Snacks can also be copped with skewers so that they have better retain their shape. Pipes are riveted with meat cubes, pieces of ham and cheese, miniature pickled mushrooms and roots, cheese with grapes, various seafood - mussels, shrimps, and so on. You can serve separately ingredients for the compilation of canapes and in addition to them ships.

We offer a simple recipe for a buffet at work - canapes with salmon.

For 12 servings you need:

  • bread 6 slices,
  • salmon smoked sliced \u200b\u200bslices, 360 g,
  • butter creamy 6 h. spoors,
  • onion green 6 feathers,
  • lemon 2 pcs.,
  • greens of dill.

How to cook this dish:

  1. From the slices of the baton, cut the circles with a thickness of 5 mm and lubricate them with creamy oil.
  2. Green onions need to be scattered, cut into strips and put on the surface of circles.
  3. Slices of salmon need to cut into stripes, put in the center of circles in the form of a flower.
  4. Make the canape the lemon slices and dill branches.

Recipes cooking dishes for a buffet at work

What can be cooked for office buffet? We offer a recipe for another original and delicious dish for a buffet in the office - canape with mushrooms and cheese.

For cooking 8 servings:

  • baton 1 pc.,
  • fresh or ice cream mushrooms 90 g,
  • creamy oil 85 g,
  • onions 1 Large head,
  • sharp cheese chips 200 g
  • cheese 50 g,
  • sweet pepper of different colors,
  • olives of different color without bones,
  • ground pepper,
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. With a baton, cut your crusts, cut it along wide slices with a thickness of 5 mm, cutting for cookies Cut the circles. Fry mug on
    Oil before the formation of a crispy crust.
  2. Mushrooms and onions are finely cut. Fry on the oil onions, add mushrooms and fry everything together for 15-20 minutes (the weight should turn out lush). Sung, pepper and add cropped chips.
  3. Lubricate the bread mugs with mushroom mass, place olives with chopped rings, pieces of pepper and sprinkle with grated cheese.

As already mentioned, stuffed meals are often served at such techniques. For a buffet table at work can be cooked eggs stuffed with mushrooms.

For 6 servings you will need:

  • boiled eggs 12 pcs.
  • marinated mushrooms 200 g
  • mayonnaise 150 g
  • parsley's greens chopped 4 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar 1 h. spoon,
  • salt.

How to cook this buffet dish:

  1. Eggs cut in half and remove the yolk.
  2. Piece of mayonnaise Mix with sugar and sprinkle. Mushrooms are finely torn, mix with mayonnaise and crawled yolks, postponing two yolks for decoration.
  3. Before serving a dish, sprinkled with chopped greens, put it stuffed eggs on it. Pour mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated yellowers.

Another recipe that can be used for a buffet at work - cheese balls.

You will need:

  • cheese 200 g,
  • eggs 3 pcs.,
  • garlic 2-3 teeth,
  • wheat flour 1-2 art. spoons
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt.

Prepare a dish on this buffer recipe is easy:

  1. Cheese rub on a grater, salt and pepper to taste, mix with eggs, crushed garlic and flour. You must have a sufficiently cool dough, if necessary, add flour to it.
  2. From the test, roll the balls and collapse them in flour or in breadcrumbs.
  3. Fry balls to ruddy crust on a pan with plenty of oil.
  4. We shift the balls into a colander or on a paper towel to an excess fat stack, and then lay out on the dish and decorated.

Another idea for a buffet table in the office is the feed of dishes in tartlets. These small baskets from a feet, fresh, puff or sand dough can be prepared by themselves, and you can buy in stores. Salad salads and pies, and berry jam, and custard, and fresh fruits are suitable for the filling.

Prepare a filling for tartlets from cottage cheese with greens is quite simple.

Per 100 g of cottage cheese (Feta, Almetea) Take 1 clove of crushed garlic, 1/2 cup of crushed dill. Ingredients Mix to homogeneous consistency, lay out in tartlets, decorate with slices of sweet pepper (better than different colors).

And in conclusion we offer you, perhaps, the most popular recipe that is used for the buffet at work - tartlets with salmon.

You will need:

  • slicing salmon
  • butter,
  • creamy cheese (can with greens),
  • sour cream.

This buffet dish is preparing:

  1. At the bottom of the tartlets, put a thin piece of oil, then put the fish.
  2. Creamy cheese Mix with a small amount of sour cream to the consistency of the thick mayonnaise.
  3. With the help of a confectionery synication, we place the middle of the creamy tartlets.

What else is usually prepared for a buffet in the office? You can offer small puff or yeast dough patties with a variety of stuffing, various fruits and portion desserts. As you can see, options for dishes for a buffet at work, and you can organize such a reception without unnecessary problems.

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