The best layouts on tarot cards. How to guess on Tarot cards: choosing a deck, divination rules, layouts for a situation, love, future

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The layout of "Emigration"

  1. What stage of the process are you currently in?
  2. Who (what) hinders (helps)
  3. What else needs to be done
  4. Will the trip take place at all

The next part depends on the answer to point 4
If not, then point 5 - look at the reasons why the trip will not take place
If yes, then..

  1. How will the flight go
  2. Thoughts upon arrival
  3. Feelings upon arrival
  4. Arrival activities
  5. Financial condition (work) for the first time
  6. Housing conditions at first
  7. What can be a problem at first
  8. General ability to adapt to new conditions
  9. Result one year after arrival

The layout "Sign of fate"

This is a layout that could explain the meaning of the signs and dreams sent to us, because it often happens that you see the same thing many times, you hear, some phrase catches your eye all the time, etc. And this alignment will help to understand what the Universe wants to tell us.
The cards are laid out in one row.

1. What does this sign (dream) say for the questioner -

2. What the questioner should understand thanks to this sign (dream) -

3. How the questioner should relate to this sign (sleep) -

4. What was the reason that this sign (dream) was given to the questioner -

5. What should the questioner change in order to fully understand the meaning of the sign (sleep) -

Essay "My purpose in life"

1. What is my purpose
2. Am I following the right path? Will this path lead to my true mission?
3. What qualities should I develop in myself in order to be realized in life?
4. What qualities do I need to eradicate in order to be able to fulfill myself?
5. What or who can help me find my way?
6. What benefits and blessings can I get by following the path of my true destiny?
7. Considering this situation, these circumstances, how far am I from the happiness of self-realization, from my path of development?

"Situation" layout

1. Heart of the matter
2. The influence of the querent on the occurrence of the situation
3. The influence of the environment on the occurrence of the situation
4. How to behave to the querent in order to correct the situation in the way necessary for the querent. (Advice)
5. How not to behave so as not to aggravate the situation (Caution)
6. Outcome (result)
7. Expected terms for correcting the situation, if a positive card fell out in the 6th position (outcome). If a negative one has fallen out, it is not considered (or can be considered as additional to the results).

Alignment "Ankh - the key to all doors"

This is a layout that can help in finding not just answers to any questions, but to find the truth and essence of the problem.

1 - The personality of the questioner, what this question means to him / her
2 - Your environment
The state of affairs
3 – Health
4 - Personal life, family
5 - Material realm

What influenced and affects the state of current affairs:
6,7 - Your past
8 - Unconscious Factors You Don't Know About
9 - Conscious factors. What he/she thinks about, his/her plans
10 - the essence, the basis of his / her problem, the solution lies in it

Layouts for love, for relationships:

Alignment "How will my personal life develop in the next 3 years"

one). How will my personal life be in 1 year?
2). After 2 years?
3). 3 years later?
4). Will my personal life suit me?
5). What should I do to improve the situation?
6). What shouldn't I do?
7). What mistake am I making in relationships with men?
eight). Why do they like me?
nine). General trends in personal life

Alignment "Feelings for the year"

1. Relationship now
2. What does he think of you
3. How does he feel about you?
4. How will he behave with you
5. What does he expect from this relationship
6. How you should behave with him
7. Relationships in the next month
8. Relationship after three months
9. Relationships in six months
10. Relationships in a year

layout "New Man in My Life"

The alignment is suitable for nascent cordial and new business (working) relationships. X is the designation of the person being studied.

1. Characteristics of personality X;
2. "First impression" X (conscious assessments, thoughts);
3. What are the intentions, motives, plans of X in relation to the questioner;
4. Advice to the person being asked, taking into account the first three points, how to proceed at this stage (external manifestations), for the favorable development of acquaintance.
5. The most likely development of relations.

The layout "My chances in the triangle of relationships"

1. Characteristics of the personality of the person who is in the center of attention.
2. The main priorities in personal life (business), today (what thoughts are worried (concerned about) today).
3. His feelings for the questioner.
4. His feelings for a third party.
5. Why a person cannot or does not want to choose one of the parties (what is the true reason for this, what is behind this).
6. What gives a person a connection (relationship) with the questioner.
7. Also with a third party.
8. How he plans to behave towards the questioner (his intentions).
9. Also in relation to a third party.
10. The most likely development of relations between the central person and the questioner in the near future.
11. Also with a third party.

Layout "Palace Bridge"

The layout is designed to analyze two possibilities, relationship options and partner selection.

1. Querent card. situations. Problems.
2. Option 1, essence of the matter, person
4. Positive it.
6. Negative it.
8. Result when choosing
3. 2. option, essence of the issue, person
5. Positive it.
7. Negative it.
9. Result when choosing

The layout "The future of relations"

1 - The base on which relationships are built
2, 3, 4 - Her feelings in this union today
5, 6, 7 - His feelings
8, 9, 10 - What happens next
11, 12, 13 - How will she feel in this relationship
14, 15, 16 - How is he
17 - The result of the relationship (how it ends)
18 - Bottom line for her
19 - Bottom line for him

"Three blocks" layout

The first block is attitude and motivation.
1. The main motive of the relationship (partner to you).
2. What attitude does your partner show towards you "outwardly".
3. How your partner really treats you.

The second block is goals and aspirations.
4. What place do you occupy in your partner's life.
5. Is he serious about you?
6. The main purpose of the partner in your relationship.

The third block is development and results. (Deadlines are agreed in advance).
7.8. What development of your relationship does your partner expect?
9.10. Will you be satisfied with the development of your relationship.
11,12,13. The trend of development of relations in the planned period.

Love story layout

1. My main role in this relationship.
2. The main role of my partner.
3. What underlies the relationship.
4. My hopes in a relationship.
5. His hopes in relationships.
6. What worries me in a relationship.
7. What worries him about the relationship.
8. Council. What to do to improve (develop) relations.
9. The prospect of a relationship for any period.

Layout "Equation with three unknowns"

It happens to everyone that the behavior of a person (friend, colleague, relative, acquaintance, loved one, etc.) suddenly begins to surprise. There are suspicions, bewilderment and a logical question arises: what does he (she) actually want to get from you, what does he want to achieve and, in general, how sincerely does he treat you?

Positions 1, 3 and 5 - explicit, open, known to us. what they show us.
Positions 2, 4 and 6 - hidden from us, unknown.
Position 7 - total.

1 - Openly declared goals
2 - True Goals
3 - Openly demonstrated feelings
4 - True feelings
5 - What the person will do openly
6 - What the person will do behind your back
7 - Summary. That is, what a person needs, what he wants to achieve.

"Secret pocket" layout

1. Purpose in a relationship with a partner
2, 3, 4, 5 - attitude towards the partner (internal)
6, 7, 8 - actions in relation to a partner (external)
9, 10, 11 - what is going to be done in the very near future
12. What the partner is hiding (secret pocket)
13. What makes him hide? (motive)
There is another partner if there are cards in position 12: 3 of swords, Lovers, Queens for men, Kings for women, Judgment (pp), 3 of cups (pp), Knight of Cups (pp), Page of Cups (pp). Cards in position 12 and 13 can show difficult moments in a relationship or disagreement.

"Mask" layout

1 - Who is this person
2 - What does he think of the querent
3 - How he presents his intentions to the querent
4 - His true intentions
5 - What positive will this relationship bring to the querent
6 - What will bring negative
7 - Is this person capable of meanness towards the querent
8 - Is it a serious danger
9 - Advice on how to behave with this person
10 - The result, how it all ends

The layout of the "Stone in the bosom"

1 - General characteristics of your relationship with this person at the moment. What's happening?
2 - Your attitude towards this person.
3 - The attitude of the intended person towards you. Here is what the person is openly showing you.
4 - The subconscious attitude of the hidden person towards you. What is happening in the subconscious, sometimes not even the person himself knows. But it is these true motives that are the driving force of actions and hidden thoughts.
5 - Stone in the bosom. Is it true that this person is pure in front of you, like a baby's tear? Accordingly, negative cards will show what he is hiding from us, what he is doing behind his back. Gossip? meanness? Revenge? Anger? Fraud, fraud?
6 - Advice for us. How to behave, what to do, how to relate to what is happening.

Alignment " Secret Veil"

1. Does your partner really have a secret from you? (if the answer is no, then you should not continue the alignment)
2. What area of ​​life does it concern
3. Digging Deeper - The Heart of the Problem
4. Why does he choose not to tell you?
5. What is going on in his soul in connection with this?
6. Council. How should I deal with him?
7. Bottom line. How will the situation be resolved

Alignment to detect treason

1 - partner's feelings for the fortuneteller
2 - whether the partner is in a relationship with someone else
3 - what will happen next with the relationship of the fortuneteller and the person in question
4 - what is the reason for all this
5 - what to do in this situation to a fortuneteller
If in the second position it falls - Tower, Lovers, 3 swords, 2 cups, 3 cups, Devil, ladies for women and kings for men, Ace of Cups, that is, an opponent.

The alignment "Half the kingdom for the prince or how can I win him"

1) Why am I alone?
2) Why is he alone?
3) What connects us to each other?
4) What pushes us away from each other?
5) What kind of women are he attracted to?
6) What kind of women are he not interested in?
7) What does he lack in me?
8) His fears about me?
9) What can I do to make him want to spend time with me?
10) Will I be able to win him?
11) What are the prospects in our communication for the envisioned period?

The layout "Friendship or love?"

1. what does he think of you
2. how it feels
3. how will behave with you
4. what he likes about you
5. what you don't like
6. what is expected of you
7. what kind of relationship between you can you count on
8. what you will never get from him
9. How long will the relationship last, if any?

The layout of the "future husband"

1. What kind of husband do I need.
2. What kind of husband will my chosen one be.
3. Will he value and cherish his family, i.e. how much he valued his family.
4. How well will he provide for his family (financially).
5. How economic is it, will it help.
6. His paternal qualities.
7. Is there a possibility of betrayal on his part
8. Advice of cards: is it worth marrying this man

Alignment " Possibility of marriage with a certain partner"

1. Is the partner ripe for marriage internally?
2. Material and social status, to what extent does it correspond to starting a family?
3. His attitude towards marriage in general?
4. His attitude towards marriage with this partner?
5. If the attitude towards marriage with this partner is positive, then why does he not propose? If negative, then what is the reason, how does he motivate himself for not wanting to have a family with this particular partner?
6. Can the querent somehow influence the situation, and if so, how?
7. Prospects for creating a family with this partner in the coming year

Alignment " Hot topic"

1. The essence of the “acute” question at the moment between the partner and the querent?
2. What is the partner's opinion on this issue?
3. What is the querent's opinion on this matter?
4. Will the querent and partner find a point of contact (compromise) in resolving this issue?
5. What will happen if you leave everything as it is, that is, let it take its course and not solve this issue openly?
6. The path of development if the partner agrees with the arguments of the querent on this issue and takes his side?
7. The path of development if the querent agrees with the partner's arguments on this issue and takes his side?
8. The path of development, if each of the parties remains in its own opinion when resolving this issue?
9. Bottom line, how will all the mess around this “acute turning point” and, in general, the result of relations be decided?

Alignment " Dealing with Breaking Up Relationships"

1. The main reason that destroyed the relationship.
2. How did you facilitate the breakup.
3. How he contributed to the breakup.
4. What is happening with the relationship now.
5. How do you feel about it.
6. How does he feel about it.
7. The most positive thing you both can do at the moment.
8. How do you behave in the future.
9. Future prospects for relationships.

"Family problems" layout

CARD 1: What is the situation of the couple?

MAP 2: What is the main problem in the couple, difficulties?

MAP 3: What unites and strengthens relationships?

CARD 4: Is there a future for the couple or should they get a divorce?

MAP 5: What needs to be changed in this relationship in order to turn the situation around?

MAP 6: Relationship prospects.

CARD 7: People who interfere in relationships.

MAP 8: What can I do to improve and strengthen relationships?

CARD 9: Result.

Alignment "Together: to be or not to be?"

1 - the nature of the relationship at the moment
2 - your attitude towards the possibility of staying together
3 - your attitude towards the possibility of breaking up
4 - partner's attitude to the opportunity to stay together
5 - partner's attitude to the possibility of parting
6, 7, 8 - how the situation will develop if you stay together
9, 10, 11 - how the situation will develop if you break up

Alignment " What will the partner decide?"

1. This is how, according to the partner, this relationship looks like.
2. Why the partner cannot, does not want to continue the relationship in the same format? Figure cards may indicate the presence of an opponent.
3. Would the partner agree to continue the relationship if both parties try to qualitatively change the relationship?
4. If yes, then what can be done for this, if not, how is it easier to survive the breakup.
5. The reaction of the partner to a possible attempt by the querent to discuss the prospects for a relationship.
6. Outlook for the year.

Alignment " Argument"

Significators: S1-querent, S2-partner
1- The situation at the moment, how much the parties are in conflict
2- Hidden causes of conflict
3- Clear causes of conflict
4- Feelings and thoughts of the querent to the partner at the moment
5- Feelings and thoughts of the partner regarding the querent at the moment
6- What should the querent do to smooth out the conflict
7- How will the partner behave and what is the partner going to do in relation to the querent
8- What Not to Do to a Querent
9- What Your Partner Won't Do
10- Near future relationships
11- What unites partners in this union
12- What separates partners
13- Further possible future of this union

"Reunion" layout

S - significator. You can do without it.
1 - Hidden cause of conflict
2 - Clear cause of conflict
3 - Current situation
4 - Situation in the near future
5 - Steps to be taken to mitigate the situation
6 - Things not to do
7, 8 - Degree of compliance of partners
9 - Possible further future

The layout of the "New Union"

This layout is used to find out if a single person will find a suitable partner in the near future (usually the next six months are meant).
The meanings of the cards in this layout are as follows:
S - Significator.
1. What would I like?
2. Will I meet a new partner?
3. If yes, will it satisfy me? / If not, isn't it better to be alone during this period of life?
4. If so, what good can I do for this partnership? / If not, what can I do to meet a new partner?
5. Map - advice for later life in search of a partner or for living together with a new partner.

"Half of a heart" layout

1. What kind of relationship do I want
2. What kind of man I want to meet
3. What do I do to meet him
4. And what should I do for this
5. The chance to meet such a man in a given time frame
6. Chance to build a relationship with him
7. How strong will this relationship be (the card will indicate the outcome of the relationship)
(c) Wilama

Alignment "Analysis of loneliness"

The meanings of the cards in this layout are as follows:
1. The state of the questioner, readiness for a meeting and how he sees himself in a future relationship.
2. What he wants to get from the relationship.
3. What is he afraid of (what does he not want to receive).
4. What should you strive for.
5. What you need to work on, what you need to get rid of.
6. What is willing to sacrifice.
7. What can not refuse.
8. What will help.
9. What will hinder.
10. Potential outcome - whether there will be a relationship.

Alignment "Attracting a man"

1. What kind of men do I attract into my life?
2. What is the first impression I make on men?
3. What second impression do I make?
4. What kind of man suits me?
5. What do men especially highlight in me?
6. What scares or repels them?
7. What kind of personality do they see in me?
8. What needs to be developed in oneself in order to win the heart of a man?
9. What prevents you from building harmonious relationships? (better get rid of it)
10. What should you pay attention to in your behavior or relationships with men?
11. The role of karma is that I can not build a long-term relationship
12. How will relations with men develop if I follow the advice of the cards?
13. The most important advice for me

Why did this person come into my life?

1. What caused your life lines to cross?
2. Is this meeting fateful? Will it bring about major changes in your life?
3. What changes has this person already made in your life? What groundwork for the future is being created here and now?
4. What experiences (both positive and negative) will you get from being under the influence of this person?
5. To what extent will the experience gained be in demand in your future life?
6. Karmic aspect - why did this person enter your life? What is the lesson to be learned?
7. Board cards

"Date" layout

1. What do you want from this date. What do you think should happen.
2. How will the date actually go?
3. What impression will you make on your partner?
4. What impression will your partner make on you?
5. What can push your partner away from you, or perhaps an embarrassing moment in a date.
6. The result, a forecast of events that will follow after a date.

Work breakdowns, finances:

The layout of "Work and money"

This alignment is used to analyze both professional and financial issues and to orientate how the situation in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife will look like in the near future.
S - Significator.
1-4 - current situation;
1 - something that affects the situation from the past;
2 - what is the current situation like?
3 - Is your current job satisfying?
4 - income and benefits that can be achieved;

5-8 - development of the situation in the future;
5 - is it possible to change?
6- what will the change bring?
7 - How will this affect income?
8 - How will the change affect life in general?

Layout "Employment"

This alignment is used in cases where the questioner is going to go to work for the first time or is currently unemployed and would like to know if there will be opportunities for professional activity.
The meanings of the corresponding cards:
S - Significator.
1 - the possibility of getting a job;
2 - decision on employment;
3.4 - working conditions and wages;
5.6 - group relationships at work;
7 - other possible circumstances at work;
8 - opportunities for promotion or income growth.

The "Decision to change jobs" layout

This alignment is used most often in cases where the questioner wants or needs to make a decision regarding a change of job. It allows you to consider in detail the pros and cons of the current job, and also shows the opportunities and problems that may arise in the new one.
S - Significator.
1 - current professional situation;
2 - what brings satisfaction;
3 - what you don't like;
4 - latent desires;
5 and 6 - what speaks in favor of changing jobs?
7 and 8 - what speaks for staying?
9 - what should be done?

New job layout

A simple alignment that allows you to assess the degree of readiness of a person to move to a new stage of development and, as a result, to a new job.

1 - What does my current job mean for me (for people who are still or no longer working - students, pensioners - an assessment of their current situation).
2 - My inner potential, revealed in the current work (situation), is "what I already have."
3 - My current period of life: change or stability (ie, is there an objective possibility or need to change jobs).
4 - The inner potential needed for a new job - perhaps "what I don't have yet".
5 - What will the new job mean for me.
6 - Council.

Career layout

S - Significator.
1 - the professional situation of the questioner as a whole at the moment;
2 - potential career opportunities;
3.4 - what should I do to be successful?
5 - you need to focus on this;
6.7 - this should be avoided;
8 - further future in the professional field.

"Promotion" layout

S - Significator.
1 - the possibility of my promotion;
2 - what changes in my professional activity will require a promotion?
3 - under what circumstances will my promotion occur?
4 - How will this affect my income?
5 - will it increase my prestige?

Business layout

The layout is used if you want to start a new business, your own business. It allows you to assess the prospects for its development.

S - Significator.
1 - real possibilities for implementing the idea;
2 - difficulties that can be encountered;
3 - the predisposition of the questioner to such activities;
4.5 - how to behave when starting this activity;
6 - development opportunities in the future;
7.8 - financial situation, profits and losses;
9 - necessary investments;
10 - workers and employees;
11 - further future.

Alignment "Prospects for career growth"

1. How do you rate your own work?
2. How things really are.
3. How does your immediate supervisor rate you?
4. What is the attitude of the team towards you.
5. What are your manager's plans for you?
6. Do you have career opportunities in this company?
7. Do you have internal resources to move up the career ladder.
8. What to bet on to get noticed.
9. Who can help you achieve this goal.
10. Career development prospects in the near future.

Alignment " Problems at work"

1 - description of your professional activity at the moment
2 - the obstacles you faced
3 - positive aspects of your current situation
4 - Circumstances conducive to staying in the same job
5 - circumstances that speak in favor of changing jobs
6 What can you expect in a new job
7 - advice

Alignment " money in your life"

1 - Shows the financial situation in the past
2 - Current financial situation
3 - Shows what worries you now and how you see your affairs today
4 - Possible future influences based on the current situation
5 - What you need to do to change your current financial situation, what to avoid
6 - What actions should be taken
7 - Potential financial situation, reads like a map of future events

Inverted Tau Spread

1. What is my current problem?
2. Do I spend a lot on myself?
3 Will I have money in the near future
4. Will I have a stable income
5. What can I change in my life to get rich

"Financial" layout

1. Financial situation today
2. A situation in the past that may affect the current situation
3. Are there any debts, unpaid loans
4. Trend for the near future, your plans
5. What is your mistake with money
6. How you can improve your financial situation
7. Perspective for the year

Layout "Old, new work"

1. Should the person accept a new job offer
2. Should the person quit their job
3. What happens if a person quits his job
4. What happens if a person stays at work
5. What is the salary of a person at an old job
6. What will be the salary of a person in a new job
7. What kind of relationship does a person have with colleagues at an old job
8. What kind of relationship will a person have with colleagues at a new job
9. What kind of relationship does a person have with superiors at an old job
10. What kind of relationship will a person have with superiors at a new job
11. Will there be career growth for a person in an old job
12. Will there be career growth for a person in a new job
13. Is the person happy with their old job?
14. Will the person be happy with their new job
15. Will a person's life change for the better in a new job

Job search layout "

1 - characteristics of the current state of affairs
2 - your potential opportunities
3 - characteristics of the qualities necessary for employment
4 - device prospects for a new workplace
5 - what awaits you at a new job

The layout "Professional prospects "

This alignment will help you evaluate your professional prospects, analyze the current situation, and identify areas of activity that could be most successful for you. You will find out whose help you can count on, and what you should beware of. The cards will also tell you about your material prospects.

1 - what my professional situation looks like now
2 - what opportunities and prospects do I have in this job
3 - who or what can help me
4 - do my abilities match the current job
5 - material prospects for this job
6 – what should I focus on (advice)
7 - what should I be afraid of (caution)
8 - further future

Alignment "Career Guidance"

The alignment of A. Klyuev, which helps to determine the creative abilities of a person, to find out in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity he is most capable.

Each position has its own ruler card. If it was SHE that fell out in it, then it means that in this area a person has OUTSTANDING abilities.

1. The sphere of material production (the ruler is the Chariot): how does this sphere affect a person?
2 HIS attitude to this area (the ability to make, solder, tin, interest in technology, bake pies, sew boots, etc.)
3. Organizational sphere (Manager - Emperor)
4 HIS attitude to this area (management, organization of trade, state power, politics, etc.)
5. The sphere of "human reproduction" (High Priest). How does it affect a person?
6. HIS attitude to this area (doctor, teacher, educator, priest ....), the ability to empathize, keep a distance, express group, collective interests.
7. Sphere of information. Its influence on a person (MAG)
8. HIS attitude to this area. Ability for creativity, for individual and independent activity, for science, for the production of information or symbols.
9. Growth prospects (World). The level that a person can achieve in career or professional excellence.
10. The level to which a person can reach on his own - as an individual, entrepreneur, businessman, etc. (Wheel of Fortune)

Layout for money "Full bowl"

1 - The main cause of financial difficulties in the present
2 - Situation, events or circumstances that will help you improve your financial situation
3 - What personal qualities or actions are needed to increase your material wealth
4 - What needs to be done to improve well-being

Layouts for the situation:

"Choice" layout

The Choice layout does not just answer “Yes” or “No” to the question that interests you. It describes at least two possible paths, leaving the choice up to you. With this layout, you can

The meaning of the positions

7 - Significator. It shows the background of the question (problem) asked or the attitude of the questioner to the upcoming decision.

3, 1, 5 - The sequence of events in the event that you act in this direction.

4, 2, 6 - Development of events in case you refuse to act.

If one of these Major Arcana appears in any branch, it will mean the following:

* Lovers VI - subconsciously the questioner has already made a choice in favor of the path indicated by this card.
* Wheel of Fortune X - the choice is limited. No matter how hard a person tries to change something, events will unfold exactly as this Arcana shows.
* World XXI - indicates the true destiny of the questioner.
* Judgment XX - this path will lead to a true treasure and will allow you to gain a very important experience.
* Star XVII - the future of the questioner is on this path.

The layout of the "Celtic cross"

The Celtic Cross is one of the most famous and oldest tarot card spreads. It is the most universal, that is, it is suitable for answering any questions, especially about how events will develop, what are the reasons for what is happening, what awaits a person, or how this or that situation arose.

  1. Meaning, the essence of the problem
  2. What helps or hinders
  3. Unconscious factors, or factors we are not aware of
  4. Conscious factors that we think plans
  5. Past that led to this situation
  6. Near future
  7. Asker's point of view
  8. Other people's point of view
  9. What the questioner expects or fears
  10. Prospects and results, likely outcome

"Problem Solving" layout

1 - problem, what is the essence of the question
2 - what prevents to solve the problem
3 - what or who can help in this situation
4 - where to start in order to solve the problem.
5 - what means to use
6 - How will the problem resolution process go?
7 - the result of the whole case

"Seven Questions" layout

1, 8, 15 - what led to the problem (situation).
2, 9, 16 - how does the situation look like at the moment?
3, 10, 17 - how can the questioner influence the situation?
4, 11, 18 - how do external factors influence the situation?
5, 12, 19 - what should be done in this situation?
6, 13, 20 - what not to do?
7, 14, 21 - what will the future look like?

Layout "Moving to another city"

The “Moving” layout allows you to evaluate the possibilities for moving to another city or country, you can also see how life will develop in its various areas in a new place, what are the long-term prospects for this step.

1. Perceived reason for the move.

2. True, unconscious motive for moving. Here it is necessary to look at how 1 and 2 relate to each other. If they are too far apart, then most likely the desire to move has not yet been formed and is spontaneous, or there is some kind of internal conflict.

3, 4, 5, 6 - Baggage cards. They indicate how ready a person is to move in material, emotional terms, etc.

3 - Financial, material condition.

4 - Emotional maturity.

5 - Physical capabilities (health, general condition).

6 - Karmic opportunities, degree of luck, as far as moving "according to fate." If the Major Arcana fell out - the “points” for the move are accumulated in any case, the move is fate. If the Minor Arcana - you have to make more efforts, more difficulties are possible than expected. In MA, you need to look at the digital value of the card, respectively, the higher the number, the better.

8 - Biggest acquisition since moving.

9 - Financial condition in a new place.

10 - Work in a new place.

11 - Housing issue in a new location.

12 - Health in a new place.

13 - Personal life (circle of friends, family) in a new place.

14 - What or who can help get settled.

15 - What or who can interfere with getting settled.

16 - In general, what will be the outcome of the move, a long-term perspective.

"Six What?" Spread

1, 2 - What do you want? - What goals a person sets for himself consciously, what image of the future he sees he aspires to with his mind, setting this to justify his actions.
3, 4 - What do you need? - The deepest needs of the querent, often not realized by the mind or forced out of it due to internal conflicts in ideological and psychological attitudes. Often, comparing the cards in this position with the cards in the previous one helps to find all those cockroaches of a person that prevented him from achieving happiness in this situation.
5, 6 - What can you do? - What actions can a person take in this situation in order to resolve it in accordance with the set goals.
7, 8 - What will you get? – Consequences of the above actions. If there are no actions, there will be no consequences.
9, 10 - What will you experience? - Tests, experiences, reflections, feelings through which the querent will have to go through during a given period. The nature of his experience is also described in this position.
11, 12 - What's left? – Resources, prizes (BUT NOT EXPERIENCE), wealth, skills with which a person will be at the end date of the period in question

"Three triangles" layout

S - Significator.
1, 2, 3 - is this a good solution?
4, 5, 6 - what will this decision bring me in the near future?
7, 8, 9 - what will this decision bring me later?
10, 11, 12 - what are the hidden sides of this decision?
13, 14, 15 - how will I benefit from this decision?

Travel layout

1. What do I expect from the trip?
2. Road there
3. Road back
4. Road warning: this is important!
5. What is the first thing to do upon arrival at the place?
6. People around me
7. What you need to be prepared for: unaccounted for circumstances
8. What not to forget there, on the spot
9. Weak Point of the Trip: Get Ready!
10, 11, 12. The brightest impressions
13. Summary: the feeling of the trip upon arrival home

"Trip" layout

S - Significator,
1 - will the trip take place
2 - how the trip "there" will proceed
3 - how will the trip "from there"
4 - the state of transport (if there are several units of transport, and a negative Arcana lies in this position, then one card must be laid out for each type of transport)
5 - pleasant surprises on the trip
6 - unforeseen circumstances that will arise during the trip (possibly trouble)
7 - the mood of the querent during the trip
8 - material costs for the trip
9 - the health of the querent during the trip
10 - TOTAL, how much the expected from the trip will coincide with the actual one.

"Crisis" layout

The basis of this layout was the Despair card - the Five of Cups. It depicts three overturned cups, in the layout - position 1: "What collapsed, ended, passed." Two full cups on the right side mean "What has survived is the basis of the future" (position 2). The bridge indicates the exit (position 3), and the mountain indicates a new goal (position 4).

1 - What collapsed, ended, passed - the same crisis
2 - What is preserved, the way to the future
3 - Out of the crisis
4 - Future goal and refuge

Interpretation of card meanings

First, figure out what exactly collapsed (Map 1) and what survived (Map 2). If any favorable card has fallen into this last position, then everything is very simple. If the map is problematic, difficult, then this most likely means that it will not be easy to get out of the crisis, the process of transformation is just beginning. Then understanding the meaning of this card becomes even more necessary.

The "Why?"

When the questioner is looking for an answer to the question of why something happened this way and not otherwise, where did this problem come from, what is the reason and what is the hidden meaning of the events, the "Why?" layout is used.

S - Significator
1 - the source of the problem
2 - what is blocking her solution
3 - the primary cause of this situation
4 - what influences the situation at present
5 - the hidden meaning of events
6 - what needs to be done
7 - next step
8 - surprises that will surprise
9 - end result

"Stagnation in business" layout

1. Situation today
2. Why it happened
3. How do I influence it
4. How loved ones influence this situation
5. Influence of Fate on the situation
6. What they are trying to warn me about
7. What you need to change in yourself
8. How to relate to what is happening
9. What will help to get out of stagnation
10. What to watch out for
11. Advice on what to do
12. Development trend coming soon

"One of two" layout

1 - characteristics of the first option
3 - your attitude to the first option
5 - the significance of the first option for your life
7 - negative aspects of the first option
9 - possible result when choosing the first option
11- advice for the first option

2 - characteristics of the 2nd option
4 - your attitude to the 2nd option
6 - significance of the 2nd option
8 - negative aspects of the 2nd option
10 - possible result when choosing the 2nd option
12 - advice for the 2nd option

"Decision" layout

7 - Why the person asks this question - his hopes and fears. Why he wants to make this decision, and also why he doubts.
1, 3, 5 - What will happen if the decision is made.
1 - how the situation will begin if the decision is made
3 - how to continue
5 - how it will end, what result it will lead to
2, 4, 6 - What will happen if the decision is not made.
2 - how the situation will begin if the decision is not made
4 - how to continue
6 - how it will end, what result it will lead to

"Horseshoe" layout

Card 1 is the past.
The card speaks of events in the past that are directly related to the issue.
Card 2 is the present.
The card reflects the feelings, thoughts and events associated with the current situation.
Map 3 - hidden influences.
The card reflects hidden influences that may surprise the questioner or change the outcome of the situation.
Map 4 - obstacles.
The card shows the questioner what obstacles, physical or mental, he will have to overcome on the way to a successful outcome.
Map 5 - environment.
The map shows the influence of the environment, the attitude of other people, characterizes the situation in which the questioner is.
Card 6 is the best course of action.
The card guides the questioner in the best way to achieve a successful result.
Map 7 - possible outcome.
The card speaks of the possible outcome of the situation if the questioner follows the advice of card 6, which tells him the best course of action.

Alignment "I want. I can. I must"

With the help of this alignment, you can consider any desire that has arisen, how feasible and useful it is for us.
We lay out three cards in a row with questions:
1) What I want -
2) What can I -
3) What do I need to do -

Alignment "Achievement of the goal"

1- potential in action
2- subconscious mood
3- conscious attitude
4- pitfalls, hidden difficulties awaiting the querent on the way
5- Open, clear obstacles to face
6- What will you have to sacrifice to achieve the goal
7- Ways and ways leading to business success
8- Ways leading to business failure, failure
9- General perspectives of the case, is the game worth the candle

"Gift" layout

If you received a gift, but you are not sure about the attitude of the giver towards you and whether this gift will bring good luck. The alignment is done on a full deck.

1. What were the goals of the person who made the gift? Does it come from a pure heart?
2. Secret intent of the donor
3. The true relation of the giver to the querent
4. What kind of energy does the gift itself carry?
5. Can a gift bring good or harm to the life of a querent?
6. What happens if you leave a gift for yourself?
7. What will happen if the querent gets rid of him?
8. Advice on what to do
9. Outcome if the querent follows the advice

Plans for the future:

Hourglass layout

1-3 - Grains of sand that have already fallen.
Past events, what has already happened and in one way or another affects today.
4-5 - What happened recently and is ready to leave your life.
6 The moment at which the sand passes through the narrow part of the hourglass. Here and now.
7-8 - What is ready to happen in the very near future.
9-11 - The potential for events in the next 6 months, what is ready to happen in your life during the next 6 months.

"Supreme Court" layout

This is one of the best spreads for a very detailed and accurate prediction of the future in all areas of life. It is used most often in cases where the client cannot clearly name one specific problem of interest to him, but wants to get a general picture of what awaits him in the future, and find out which areas of his life he should pay more attention to.

S1 - Significator.
1 - the identity of the questioner;
2 - material sphere;
3 - environment;
4 - questions concerning parents and family;
5 - entertainment and pleasure;
6 - health;
7 - enemies and rivals;
8 - significant changes;
9 - trips;
10 - professional questions;
11 - friends, employees;
12 - obstacles and difficulties;
13 - the influence of the past on the present;
14 - the influence of the present on the future;
15 - what is inevitable;
16 - the final result of the development of the situation.

The layout of "Feng Shui"

This spread uses a bagua, an octagonal card used in feng shui. The period is usually taken as the coming year.

1. Glory, public image, future.
2. Relationships, marriage, love.
3. Creativity, children, self-expression.
4. Useful acquaintances, friends, colleagues, travel.
5. Personality, individuality, work, purpose of life.
6. Knowledge, spirituality.
7. Society, family, neighbors.
8. Wealth, prosperity.
9. Health and well-being.

"Wheel of Fortune" layout

Made for the next year.

1 - What needs to be left in the past
2 - What to take into the future
3 - Talents and abilities to be developed
4 - Emotional state and sphere of personal life
5 - Financial condition, financial situation
6 - Relations with others, social sphere
7 - Career and work
8 - Health
9 - Small obstacles and small troubles that a person will have to overcome this year
10 - The greatest risk, what to fear, avoid
11 - Plans that are destined to come true within a year
12 - Discovery of the year
13 - Spiritual lesson and summary of the year

The layout of "Predestination"

S - Significator.
1, 2, 3 - inevitable events that will happen in the near future;
4, 5 - what will happen under our influence;
6, 7, 8 - inevitable events in the future;
9, 10 - future events that depend on us;
11 - predestination.

"Forecast for three years" layout

3 cards in each line, 15 cards in total.

1 row - personal life
2 row - professional sphere
3 row - health
4 row - relationships with family and friends
5 row - what a person does not know.

"Schedule for future events"

You can consider both a separate area of ​​​​life that interests you more, and everything as a whole. The time period is set individually at your discretion.

1,2,3) - the general background of future events
4.5) - what good thing will happen at the appointed time?
6.7) - what's wrong?
8) - what's unexpected?
9:10) - how will future events affect my life?

Layout "New Year"

1. I am on the threshold of the coming year. Significator drawn randomly from the deck.
2. What hopes, desires, accomplishments did I fail to realize in the past year?
3. What hopes, desires, accomplishments have been realized?
4. What do I carry with me in the coming year (hopes, desires)
5. Which of my unfulfilled desires are no longer relevant for me in the next year?
6. What do I remember about the outgoing year, what was it like for me in general?
7. The most pleasant surprises of the coming year.
8. Unpleasant surprises of the coming year.
9. Will I be able to realize my most cherished dream this year?
10. What do I need in the coming year, read as advice.

Spreads for health

Alignment "For well-being"

Alignment "State of health"

1. Condition of the circulatory system. Usually, the state of the heart, blood vessels and, oddly enough, the liver is characterized here.

2. The state of the respiratory system. As a rule, features of the functioning of the lungs, bronchi, and trachea can be expressed here.

3. The digestive system. This position indicates the state of the esophagus, intestines, gallbladder, and sometimes the liver.

4. Urination. This position reflects the state of the kidneys and bladder.

5. Endocrine system. As a rule, this position characterizes the state of the pancreas, thyroid gland and lymph nodes.

6. The human nervous system, sensitivity, movement functions, the presence of pain, neuroses.

7. Reproductive system. Most often, this position speaks of pregnancy, the ability to fertilize, the presence or absence of irregularities in the menstrual cycle, gynecology.

8. Head condition. Here, depending on other positions, cosmetic or dental disorders, the presence or absence of psychiatric diseases, eye diseases can be expressed.

9. The musculoskeletal system. Position expresses the condition of the spine and joints.

"Causes of general ill health" layout

1. My negative thoughts
2. Weather conditions (magnetic storms, phase of the moon, stay in geopathic zones, etc.)
3. Malnutrition
4. Intoxication of the body (drug, alcohol, constipation, etc. causes)
5. Stress and nervous tension
6. Lifestyle
7. Negative bioenergy effects (evil eye, damage, etc.)
8. Infections
9. What should I do?
10. And what will happen then?

"Operation" layout

1 - Will the operation change your condition for the better.
2 - How will your body react to the surgery.
3 - What are the possibilities of doctors (their professionalism, desire and ability to do everything possible for your benefit).
4 - Whether the timing of the operation is optimally chosen.
5 - How will the operation go (easy, difficult, complications).
6 - What awaits you next.

Alignment "For longevity"

1. Are you a long-liver by nature?

2. Have there been any accidents, injuries, incurable diseases, etc. in your life?

3. What can interfere or has already prevented your longevity?

4. What unhealthy event that does not contribute to longevity may occur in the future

5. Outcome

The layout of "Childlessness"

1. The main reason for childlessness at the moment
2. The natural way?
3. IVF with your cells?
4. IVF with DU (donor egg)?
5. IVF with DS (donor sperm)?
6. IVF with DE (donor embryo)?
7. Surrogate mother?
8. Adoption?

© Copyright: Gabriel-Harley (Niia)

The layout "No children, what to do"

1. The state of health of a woman, her level of fertility (the body's ability to fertilize).

2. The state of health of a man, his level of fertility.

3-6. Reasons for not having children.

3. The time has not come, everything is ahead.

4. Wrong way of life, bad ecology, psychological state of spouses.

5. Karmic and generic causes.

6. Energy causes (evil eye, damage)

7-9. How to correct the situation, what to do.

7. Urgently contact the appropriate specialist.

8. Change lifestyle and environment.

9. Live the same as before, using familiar methods.

Layouts for the analysis of a person's personality:

Personality sketch layout

We lay out the deck into 6 parts:

Major Arcana
Court Cards

Wands- how the querent realizes himself in society
Pentacles How does he earn money and how does he handle it?
cups- how he behaves with those whom he considers close
swords How to meet and overcome difficulties

Next step: Draw a Court Card.
This card characterizes the type of personality (the mask that is used to interact with society).

And the last: the Major Arcana - Essence.
This card shows the underlying motives, goals and objectives of the querent.

Note: The Minor Arcana cards show the general state of the current situation, it is worth remembering that people change over time.

Alignment " The current state of the person"

1. What's in your head. What thoughts in a person’s head prevail at the moment, what is important he thinks about, what is the person aiming at at the moment.
2.3 - How the world sees. How the world perceives, sometimes this look is turned inward, and not outward.
4 - Man in society, in society. What is his relationship with others, is he sociable or not, friendly or aggressive.
5 - What's on the heart. His feelings, emotional experiences, what worries him, what worries him.
6 - His needs. What he needs at the moment, what can make his life easier, please or satisfy him. (The card can be taken into account as advice or an approach to this person)
7 - Personal life. Describes the state of his personal life at the moment.
8 - Work. How are things going in this area?
9 - Finance
10 - Family
11 – Health

Alignment "Connection with the Universe"

1. who am I?
2. Why did you come into this world?
3. What is destined for me by Fate?
4. What role do I play in the universe?
5. where am I now? (at what stage of life)
6. my mission in this life?
7. where does this path lead?
8. How will my journey end?

© Wilama

The layout of the "Gift"

1. What was given to me from birth, my gift (qualities, talents)
2. What has been gained by your work in the course of life
3. What should be developed in yourself
4. What helps me develop myself
5. Scope of my gifts, qualities
6. The result that will be achieved as a result of the use of gifts, qualities

"Abilities" layout

1. What are my abilities. my gift
2. How can I develop it
3. Why was it given to me. How can I use it
4. What challenge will I have to face if I develop/use my gift
5. What will help me overcome the challenge of the fourth card
6. What will the use of my gift bring me in the long run?

The layout of the "Steps"

The alignment is used to determine the abilities of a person in ANY field of activity.

1. What will bring "renunciation" of this field of activity
2. How it will look like as a hobby
3. Is it worth it to devote life completely
4. What hinders development in this area (opportunities)
5. Obstacles from society, environment
6. What will be the material benefit from it
7. What is your ability level in general
8. Emotional benefit
9. What will this activity bring in the future?

The layout "Purpose"

Before the layout, ask the Tarot Arcana a question: “What is my purpose? What abilities do I have? What can interfere with me, and what will help me in the realization of my abilities and talents?

Positions of cards in the "Purpose" layout:

1. Naked woman - your openness to the world and people around you, your determination to realize your talents. Arkan in this position will tell you how ready you are to reveal your talents and capabilities, or about fears, restrictions that prevent you from doing this.

2. Golden rod - Your masculine side of personality is Yang, i.e. Your activity, your energy reserve.

3. The Silver Wand is your Yin feminine side. How developed is your intuition, do you listen to your inner voice, do you pay attention to the signs that the Universe sends you.

4. Angel - help from above, or obstacles in achieving your goals, realizing your abilities and talents. Those. what will help or hinder you.

5. Eagle - Your intellectual abilities, the ability to speak, to communicate that is connected with speech, with voice, with the sphere of information, the transfer of knowledge.

6. Bull - the ability to implement your ideas, your practicality, how much you know how to make efforts in one direction, i.e. whether you have perseverance and patience in achieving your goals.

7. Leo - organizational talent, creativity, new ideas.

8. Snake - your abilities that you can develop in this life, i.e. this is your purpose. A snake biting its tail forms a vicious circle, which means that you can realize only those abilities that were given to you from birth in this earthly incarnation.


The Destiny Tarot layout is best done with a mixed deck, i.e. and the Major and Minor Arcana.

If the Major Arcana of the Tarot falls in positions 5, 6 or 7, then in this area you have some outstanding talents or abilities that you want or not, you will have to realize in this life.

If the Major Arcana of the Tarot falls in position 8, then your destiny concerns not only you personally, you will somehow have to influence the world or make your contribution to the development of any areas of life, you have a high mission in this incarnation.

If you have already studied the basic meanings of all the arcana of the magic deck, it is time to get acquainted with the practical part of the ancient predictive science.

The main methods of divination on Tarot cards can be divided into two types: simple and complex layouts, which differ in their execution time. You need to start work with easier methods that require less time, and gradually, having learned to cope with them, move on to more complicated ones.

Simple spreads

This category includes predictions that use no more than five to seven cards. If you are still a beginner and just starting to get acquainted with the Tarot system, try to practice on the four layouts we have proposed.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards: alignment of the card of the day

To master this method of divination on Tarot cards, you will not need any special skills. All you need to do is wake up in the morning, pick up a deck and draw one single card at random from it. At first, it is best to use only the Major Arcana for this purpose - so you can get to know the meaning of each of them more closely. After pulling out the card, carefully examine it and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the basic meaning of this Arcana?
  • What feelings and emotions does it evoke in you?
  • Is it pleasant for you or causes anxiety, fear?
  • What does the card number mean?
  • What is its astrological and elemental correspondence?
  • What associations does it evoke in you?
  • What archetypes, myths, or stories come to mind when you look at a map?

At first, it is better to write down all the answers in a notebook specially created for this purpose. After the notes, carefully consider the plot depicted on the Arcana and retell it in your own words.

  • How do you think the figures on it interact?
  • What do the colors and symbols in the image mean?
  • If a card could speak, what would it tell you?
  • Try to come up with a fairy tale describing what is happening on the map
  • Imagine yourself inside this plot: how do you feel?
  • If several figures are drawn on the Arcana, try to imagine yourself in turn in the place of each of them and write down your emotions
  • If you can draw, try sketching the plot of the selected card in your notebook

After a comprehensive analysis of the Arcana that has fallen, keep this information in your head throughout the day, and late in the evening remember all the events that happened during the day and find the connection between them and the card of the day. Describe this connection in a notebook.

This simple exercise will allow you to gradually memorize the meanings of each card and create your own associations. When all the Major Arcana have been worked out, take the Minor Arcana and repeat the “Card of the Day” divination for several weeks, pulling out one of them from the deck.

Do not forget to carry out the same operations as with the Major Arcana. After the Major Arcana, analyze the curly cards in the same way. This alignment can be carried out in parallel with the development of other methods of fortune telling.

The layout of the attitude towards a person according to three cards

This simple divination will allow you to practice relationships. It will tell you about the true attitude of a person from your environment towards you. You need to think of a person who is of serious interest to you (it could be a friend, lover, relative, work colleague), and draw three cards at random from the deck, laying them out in a vertical row as in the picture.

Deciphering the layout

  1. The first position will tell you about the general impression that the intended person has about you.
  2. The second is about the feelings that the mysterious person has for you.
  3. The third will show his subconscious perception of you (something that a person may not be aware of).

If you use only the Minor Arcana for divination, the prediction will be short-lived, and if you work with the Elders or the full deck, then the forecast will be long-term. Do not get hung up on the same person: try to make layouts for different people and analyze the results.

Layout for analyzing the situation on five cards

This simple fortune-telling will be appropriate if you find yourself in a difficult situation, and you cannot find a way out of it on your own. This alignment will take a little time, but at the same time you will get fairly clear and concise answers to the questions asked.

Divide the deck into Major and Minor Arcana, mentally focus on the situation that worries you, and draw four cards from the Minor Arcana pile, placing them in their respective positions, as in the picture. The fifth card is drawn from the Major Arcana.

Deciphering the layout

  1. The unit in this scenario will show what resources and opportunities you have at the moment, which will help you get out of the impasse.
  2. The deuce will tell you about the obstacles that you have to overcome.
  3. Three will describe the reason that will help you make the final decision. Pay close attention to this lasso, because depending on the correct understanding of this card, the situation will be resolved in your favor or not in your favor.
  4. The four symbolizes advice from the Tarot, a hint that will help you in making a decision.
  5. The fifth card is the result of fortune-telling, what will resolve the situation that worries you.

This fortune-telling also belongs to the category of simple ones. Using it, you can figure out what kind of relationship there really is between you and the intended person, but in more detail than it was in the three-card layout.

You need to divide the deck into the Major and Minor Arcana, mentally imagine the person you are interested in, pull out the first card from the Major Arcana pile, and the remaining six from the Minor Arcana.

The cards are laid out as follows.

Deciphering the layout

  1. The left row (numbers 5,6 and 7) refers to you, and the right row (numbers 2,3 and 4) refers to the person you are interested in.
  2. The unit shows the general characteristics of the relationship between you here and now.
  3. Cards 7 and 2 describe the realm of conscious thoughts and feelings. The seven tells how you feel about the intended person, and the deuce tells how he treats you.
  4. Cards numbered 6 and 3 symbolize the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhidden feelings. These are the emotions that we experience deep down or on a subconscious level, but are not always aware of. The six will tell about your subconscious feelings for your partner, and the three - about him to you.
  5. Numbers 5 and 4 are the outer "facade", the ostentatious side of the relationship, what you openly demonstrate to each other. The five is about your behavior, and the four is about the behavior of the person you are interested in.

More complex layouts

These fortune-telling should be approached when you can already easily cope with deciphering simpler fortune-telling for three to seven cards. Once you have learned how to interpret small groups of cards, you can begin to work with larger spreads that require a lot of time.

At first, it will take you more than one hour to carefully analyze all the values ​​​​of the Arcana that have fallen out, but gradually, with experience, the speed of your work will increase. Try starting with the three spreads below.

This fortune-telling is universal, because it not only helps to decipher and analyze absolutely any events in your life, but also to find out their causes, and also opens the mysterious veil of the future.

For divination, a full deck is used. Mentally focus on the events that are happening to you, pull out nine cards randomly from the deck and put them as in the diagram.

After the layout, only 8 cards are opened, the ninth remains closed until the analysis of the rest is completed.

Deciphering the layout

  1. The cards that fell in the first and second positions will tell you about the main forces on which the events taking place with you are based. By correctly recognizing their meaning, you will already know for sure the reason for the current situation. Pay attention to how these two Arcana interact: do they complement each other or carry the opposite meaning? The cards in “friendship” or “harmony” explain why your business is moving so quickly and smoothly, and the “warring” cards will help you understand why you constantly encounter some kind of difficulties.
  2. Numbers 3, 4 and 5 symbolize the forces influencing the situation. The three talks about the tendencies that affect the events happening to you here and now, the four talks about the forces that will soon prevail, and the five determines the forces that are declining.
  3. The number 6 reveals a factor whose action you are not yet aware of. It is she who is the cause of your concern about the situation.
  4. Seven speaks of the side of events that you have already realized for yourself. Analyzing it, you will be able to once again evaluate the series of events that have taken place, look at them with a fresh look.
  5. Map 8 will show a possible perspective for the development of a problem situation.
  6. After a detailed analysis of eight cards, you can open the ninth, which means the root cause of the current situation. If the Minor Arcana is in this position, you can simply put it aside - which means that the true reason for the events taking place will remain hidden for you. If the Major Arcana fell out, it means that the Universe decided to let you in on its secrets, showing the true state of affairs.

This method of divination on Tarot cards is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one - in it we also understand difficult life circumstances. As in the past fortune-telling, you need to work on a full deck.

The alignment helps to analyze important events from your past that influenced the situation, carefully consider the present and see the prospect of events in the future.

You need to put the Major Arcana in a separate pile, and divide the Minor into four piles according to their suits: Wands / Staves - in one pile, Swords - in another, Cups / Cups - in the third, and Pentacles / Disks - in the fourth.

Mentally focus on the situation that worries you and lay out the cards as in the diagram, while the numbers 1, 2 and 3 must be taken from the Major Arcana, 4.5 and 6 from the suit of Swords, 7,8 and 9 from the Wands, 10, 11 and 12 from Cups, and 13, 14 and 15 from Pentacles.

After all the cards have been dealt as above, turn positions 4-15 face up. Cards 1,2 and 3 can be opened only after the interpretation of the remaining positions.

Deciphering the layout

  1. Four, five and six (Swords) will tell you all about the feelings and emotions of the people involved in the situation that concerns you.
  2. Seven, eight and nine (Wands) will describe how the current situation is reflected in the outside world.
  3. Positions under the numbers 10, 11 and 12 (Bowls) indicate how people treat you with whom you have to communicate and somehow interact in the course of events.
  4. Numbers 13, 14 and 15 reflect the financial side of the problem and the place you occupy in society.
  5. When interpreting, it is important to pay attention to the row in which the card is located. So, the first row (cards 4.7, 10 and 13) means the past, the second row (5.8, 11 and 14) is the present, and the third (6, 9, 12 and 15) is the future. Thus, we get four key aspects for each time period, each of which describes a specific area.
  6. After analyzing the above cards, you can open the Major Arcana - positions 1, 2 and 3. They describe the situation as a whole: one will tell about the past, two about the present, and three about the future.

For the layout, the cards are divided into five groups, as in the previous divination: one will have the Major Arcana, the other - the Minor Arcana of the suit of Swords, the next - the Suit of Wands, and so on. The stack of Pentacles can be put aside, it is not needed for divination.

This fortune-telling will tell you what you are as a person, help you analyze your expectations and real life, and also determine the further paths of self-development that you should follow.

You must relax, think about your inner world, and then draw four cards from the Major Arcana group, placing them in positions 1-4, then take four cards from the Swords pile, placing them in positions 5-8. Next, repeat the procedure for the stack of Wands, placing them on places 9-12 and the stack of Cups (places 13-16).

The whole layout should look like the image below.

Deciphering the layout

  1. It is best to analyze the result in groups of four cards. The first group will include positions 1.5, 9 and 13, the second - the numbers 2, 6,10 and 14, the third - the numbers 3, 7, 11 and 15, and the fourth - cards 4, 8, 12 and 16. The Major Arcana are key in this divination. They represent the main card in their group.
  2. The unit will show your subjective opinion about yourself, how you imagine yourself.
  3. The deuce will tell you what impression you make on others, the thoughts of these people about you.
  4. The three symbolizes your behavior in public - what you strive to demonstrate to others.
  5. Four will give an objective assessment of you as a person.
  6. Swords (cards 5,6, 7 and 8) indicate the scope of your emotions. The five will talk about what emotions are inherent in you in your own opinion, the six will show the opinion of others about your emotionality, the seven - about the impression you create (in terms of emotions), the eight will give an objective assessment of your emotionality.
  7. The rest of the groups are treated in exactly the same way. The Wands (cards 9, 10, 11, and 12) represent the material realm of your life in each of four areas: the nine is your thoughts about your own finances, the ten is what seems to others, the number 11 is what you are trying to demonstrate, and the number 12 is an objective assessment of your financial situation.
  8. The bowls (cards 13, 14, 15 and 16) will tell about your relationship with others, while the number 13 will show your personal opinion, 14 - the opinion of other people about it, 15 - the impression you want to make in this area, 16 - an objective analysis of your relationship with the environment.

Once you have mastered the basic methods of divination with tarot cards, you will be able to improve yourself in this area and begin to make your own layouts. Many experienced tarologists prefer to work with independently compiled individual layouts, when universal ones cannot very accurately reflect the questions of interest to the client.


The first thing you want to do after you have Tarot cards is to make some kind of layout on them. Sometimes even bypassing the study of the meanings of the arcana. Perhaps this approach is even not bad, the interest in the meaning of the lasso that you will have in the layout, in this case you will have not only theoretical, but also the most alive. Or perhaps you first studied the theory, and then just started practicing, and even got on the Internet and typed into the search engine the complex wording “Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation” in order to comprehend the depth of card meanings using the example of a more experienced fortuneteller.

If you study the layouts in this way, most likely you do not have a personal mentor who would show with examples how to properly start divination on Tarot cards and where to start. I will consider layouts for beginners using the topic of relationships as an example.

Where to start

First, you should decide on a fortune-telling deck, you should more or less know the meanings of the cards. Secondly, you should start with simple spreads, preferably with positional ones. The value of the map in this case will be refracted through the value of the position. Thirdly, for the first training with the predictive values ​​of the cards, take the situation that you somehow know.

The easiest layout for beginners

One of the simplest layouts is a layout for three positions:

  1. Past
  2. The present
  3. Future

Under it, we select the question on which we want to train. Of course, the details of the past and even the present are not so interesting and I want to quickly use the Tarot as a predictive tool, but in this case, these positions are important for us in order to understand whether we understand the meaning of the cards correctly (the events of the past must be known for this alignment, and we must compare whether they converge with the value of the dropped card) and whether we are approaching the layout in a working state (in the case of a non-working state, you will get little or no cards related to events).

For example, we ask the following request to the cards: “Relationships with my husband in the past, present and future”, and then for each position (pre-determine the time period for each of them, for example, three months), we draw cards and check them for falsity and truth.

Relationship tarot spread for beginners

The layout of "partnerships"

If the most popular questions asked of Tarot cards by men are related to work and business, then for women the most frequent and most important questions are those related to relationships with the opposite sex. We will now consider a more complex (than a three-card layout) example of a Tarot layout for beginners for relationships, it will be with an interpretation.

The layout is called "Partnership", it is positional and consists of 7 cards and two significators. Significators are cards that indicate partners (for our example, these are a man and a woman) and their state at the moment in this relationship. They are laid out on the table first and are numbered 1 and 2, followed by all other cards. We will see in more detail on the example of the scheme.

Layout scheme

  1. The Significator of the Querent (the person asking the question)
  2. Significator of the Partner
  3. The current situation between them
  4. Thoughts of a partner in relation to the Querent
  5. Feelings of a partner in relation to the Querent
  6. Actions of the partner in relation to the Querent
  7. Actions of the Querent in relation to the Partner
  8. Feelings of the Querent towards the Partner
  9. Thoughts of the Querent in relation to the Partner

This alignment is good in that it reflects not only how a man treats a questioning woman, but also reflects the nuances of her behavior, which in one way or another affect the partner. In the case of, for example, accusations of a partner in a bad, in the opinion of the querent, attitude towards her, it is advisable to see if her actions are the cause of his negative behavior. Well, and vice versa. Sometimes it is enough to equalize the behavior of one side to bring the relationship to a harmonious state. But for example, we will take not an established couple, but a recently met and just starting relationship.

An example of the “Partnership” layout for Anna (41 years old, Sagittarius) and Andrey (38 years old, Capricorn)

  1. Anna's S - inverted

Anna in these relationships behaves outside of her gender, probably her behavior model is more masculine than feminine. In what exactly, in what deeds, words, actions this manifests itself - one could clarify on additional cards, but the surrounding cards show us that this is not her only problem.

  1. S Andrey - inverted

Andrei is currently more concerned about Anna's behavior, probably their rapprochement showed the woman not from the best side. Or he mostly notices her negative traits. The inverted Queen of Wands indicates that Andrei sees hypocritical qualities in Anna. And rather, the model of behavior that Anna (the Inverted Empress) demonstrates cannot but be reflected in him, she restrains any manifestations of his creativity in relation to her, he does not want to perform spontaneous actions for her sake.

Nevertheless, despite the gloomy cards that we will consider next, these people currently have the energy to overcome the difficulties that arise in relationships and, judging by the cards that we will consider next, everyone sees a difficulty in the behavior of a partner in these relationships. For some time, this fuse of energy will still be preserved, and their relationship on it can hold out. There is energy, but as we see further, the partners prefer not to spend it.

  1. Andrei's thoughts towards Anna. 21 lasso

He thinks about her in a peaceful way, even if her behavior globally does not suit him, but until he realizes this enough to think badly about Anna.

  1. Feelings for Anna

Andrey's feelings are sleeping and have not yet manifested themselves, and perhaps they will not manifest themselves. He does not feel love towards her, in simple terms. Yes, and more than friendly sympathy (based on the lasso of the World), his attitude towards her cannot be called.

  1. Andrey's actions towards Anna. 10 Swords

Andrei has now ceased any of his actions in relation to Anna. The main reason is the lack of feelings for her, and this is most likely dictated by the fact that she did not behave towards him in the way he would ideally like. Anna, probably, turned to Tarot cards because she expects activity from her partner in her direction and does not see her. And if we take into account that she herself does not manifest herself in this partnership, but only waits for activity on the part of a man who has not flared up in relation to her, then the situation looks rather sad.

Let's see what happens on the woman's side:

  1. Anna's actions towards Andrei.

With regard to Andrei, she uses the strategy of quietly hiding from this relationship.

  1. Feelings for Andrew 3 of Pentacles Reversed

The growth of Anna's feelings is suspended. She would like to see more material investments from her partner in her direction in order to open up to him. This card tells us that in order to grow her feelings, she was interested in Andrei's material resources and his investments in relationships.

  1. Anna's thoughts towards Andrey. Hanged Man Inverted

She realizes that the situation in the relationship is frozen. But he does not want to accept it, so the Hanged Man turned over. Her thoughts are disturbing.

Addition to the layout of the relationship

This Tarot layout for beginners is enough to understand with its interpretation whether it is worth counting on love at the moment. But if you are interested in the development of events in the future, it is worth adding three more positions to this scenario. Each of which will symbolize the time period specified by you. Usually for just starting relationships, this is a temporary length of three to six months. If you take a segment of three months, one position will symbolize one month. If six, then one position will symbolize a segment of 2 months.

By the way, about Anna and Andrey, their relationship, based on the forecast for six months, would end within the next two months.

An example of a prognostic Tarot layout for beginners with an interpretation of the fate of relationships for the next 6 months

  • 1st position (first 2 months) - 10 Swords lasso is duplicated). The Ten of Swords tells us about the end of this relationship model, in the best possible way, in the form in which it was.
  • 2 position (month 3 and 4) - Inverted. The magician here comes as a prediction that a new round in this partnership will not begin, most likely, this relationship will end in the previous two months.
  • 3rd position (month 5 and 6) - 6 Pentacles Reversed. Lack of support and investments.

What else is important to pay attention to in this scenario

This recommendation is suitable for both beginners and already confident practitioners. The cards in this layout are laid out in two vertical rows opposite each other. In decks a la Lenormand, sometimes they pay attention to the look and position of the character depicted on the card, to his movement. The same principle can be transferred to the Tarot deck, even if it is not classical. You can use it as an addition to complete the picture.

In our example (I used the "Universal Tarot"), the characters depicted on the arcana are static, with the exception of a man with 7 of Swords, walking towards Andrey. This suggests that the characters do not take steps towards each other, about the lack of dynamics in the relationship. Not a single card moves and is not turned to face (does not look at the partner), except for the card lying on the position of Anna's actions, who wants to hide from Andrey, but goes towards him, i.e. it says that her desire to hide - but this is a gesture in his direction so that he notices.

What is important to remember for both beginners and experienced practitioners

The example with Anna and Andrey was negative. Tarot, like any predictive system, never insists that if we saw the development of a bad scenario ahead, these events will certainly happen. We always have time to change our destiny, and it is important to remember this. The couple in our example would do a spread of recommendations to improve their relationship for Anna. And perhaps the bad scenario would not have happened.

There are a lot of tarot card layouts. This site contains the following tarot spreads - author's layouts of tarot cards, layouts for the development of relationships and love, layouts for mental and physical health, for work, layouts for predicting the future, for self-knowledge. There is also an online layout of the Tarot "One Arcana", this alignment will help in any situation, give advice. But before you proceed with the layouts on the Tarot cards, we strongly recommend that you study At the end of this page you can read an article about the layouts of the Tarot cards - learn how to interpret the layouts, which means the layouts in which there are a lot of Tarot Arcana of a certain suit or Elder Arcana, court cards, etc.

The Transparent Tarot Spreads (The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding):

  • This layout for relationships and love on transparent Tarot (The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding) will show the prospect of developing relationships. Transparent Tarot is interesting in that when analyzing the alignment, you can consider it in more detail from different angles, combining the Arcana with each other. This layout on a transparent Tarot with an example of analysis of the alignment.

Tarot card layouts - Forecast for the future:

  • This layout of Tarot cards is suitable for any situation for the future.

  • this spread of tarot cards will give the answer to any question, a very simple layout that can be done with a mixed and full tarot deck.

  • an alignment that will help determine at what stage of development a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife is. The layout of the Jester Tarot cards is very simple.

  • this is an astrological tarot spread, the layout is convenient for beginners.

  • this is a tarot card spread to determine the best opportunity when you are faced with a choice. The alignment will help to see the prospects for future opportunities.

  • this tarot spread is used to determine the most likely time for an expected event to occur.

  • This tarot card spread shows the past, present and future. The alignment was invented by Nostradamus.

  • this tarot spread will help determine the prospects of undertakings for the future.

  • This is the author's layout of Tarot cards for the coming year. The alignment is built on the symbolism of the Arcana Jester.

  • - This tarot layout gives an answer to any yes / no question. Only one Tarot Arcana is used in the layout. The layout is very simple, easy and suitable for beginners.

  • - This author's layout on Tarot cards for work, is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana 3 Denarius. The alignment will tell you whether to accept a new job offer or a new position.

Tarot Card Spreads - Situation Analysis:

  • this layout of Tarot cards is suitable both for answering a specific question and for a general reading of the future, but the layout gives the best result for clarifying the existing situation. Tarot layout "Celtic cross" One of the most popular layouts.

  • this Tarot layout is very interesting, it predicts an event and advises how to behave in this situation. The Tarot layout "The Way" shows a person what opportunities he has to achieve the desired goal.

  • this layout of Tarot cards is used if a person finds himself in a situation where he feels that fate puts "spokes in the wheels" for him. The alignment will help you understand what is wrong in your situation.

  • this alignment can be done to predict the development of any situation, problem, relationship. The alignment reveals the immediate and future prospects of the planned business and gives advice.

  • This layout of Tarot cards is convenient for analyzing a specific life situation.

Tarot Card Spreads - Partnerships and Love:

  • this tarot spread is for the most commonly asked tarot card question, "does he/she love me or not?"

  • This layout of Tarot cards reveals the relationship between people.

  • This author's layout on Tarot cards is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana of 10 Cups. The layout can be done if you decide to tie the knot with your partner, before the wedding, or if your relationship with your partner becomes more serious, for example, you are going to start living together with him.

  • - This author's alignment on Tarot cards is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana 2 of Cups. This love tarot spread will help you understand the prospect of a relationship if you have recently met your partner.

  • - This author's alignment on Tarot cards for relationships is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana 5 of Cups. The alignment is worth doing if you have a problematic relationship with a partner, and you can’t decide in any way whether you should part with your partner or should you keep the relationship.

Tarot card layouts - for self-knowledge:

  • This Tarot spread is an analysis of the physical and spiritual state of health.

  • this alignment on the Tarot cards to identify fears conscious and unconscious.

  • - this tarot spread to identify health problems. This alignment will tell you how to improve the condition of your body.

  • - this author's alignment on Tarot cards is built on the symbolism of the Arcana World. The alignment will help you find your purpose in this life, tell you what abilities and talents you can realize. The alignment will answer the question - do you have a high mission in life.

Tarot card layouts online for free:

  • this layout can be used if you need short and clear advice in any situation, or you want to know how you should behave at the moment, then the One Arcana Tarot layout is the best choice. The One Arcana Tarot spread is especially well suited for assessing a situation, for yes / no answers, for specific advice in a life situation. This Tarot layout will give you the answer online, without SMS, for free and without registration, immediately on the site.

How to interpret layouts on tarot cards.

When making layouts on Tarot cards, remember that in order to get a clear answer to any question, you must be completely relaxed and your thoughts should be occupied only with the situation that interests you, the question that you want to get an answer to. Before the alignment, let go of all thoughts, relax, in no case look forward to the result, do not think which Tarot Arcana should fall out in your layout.

It is best if you write down your question before the layout, take a deck of Tarot cards and shuffle the Arcana on the table, present your situation in detail, remember all the nuances of your case, or simply pronounce your question to yourself or aloud. Then you let go of all your thoughts and draw the Arcana Tarot for the alignment.

When you have made a layout, open one Tarot Arcana each. The first feeling from the Arcana will be the most correct. Then, when all the Arcana of the layout are open, look at the layout in general, are there many Major Arcana Tarot cards, or does a certain suit prevail in the layout, or are there many court cards? If there are many Major Arcana in the layout, then most likely in this situation you can change little, it is karmic and you need to get some specific lesson, which each Major Arcana will tell you about. If there are a lot of inverted Arcana in the layout, then there will be many difficulties in the situation and it will not go the way you want, you will have to make more efforts. If there are a lot of cards of the suit of Swords in the layout, then such a layout can indicate a tense situation, here you will need to make decisions logically, and not rely on intuition, there will probably be quarrels, a cold atmosphere, prickly relationships. If there are many cards of the suit of Wands in the layout, then the situation will develop faster, the relationship will be passionate, you will act decisively. If there are more cards of the Denarius suit in the layout, then the situation will develop more slowly, relations will be more stable, and something related to finances may also take place. If the layout contains many cards of the suit of Cups, then the situation may be related to emotions, emotional problems, romantic relationships, you can behave like a romantic, a dreamer. When there are a lot of court cards in the layout, it means that there will either be many participants in this case, or someone will help or hinder you, depending on the suit and whether the court cards are inverted or straight. Of course, each Tarot Arcana is important in the layout separately, but after the alignment, you should have a general picture of the situation.

Regarding the layouts on the Tarot cards, I would also like to say that you can use ready-made Tarot layouts, or you can come up with your own layouts. Only you must clearly formulate your question and understand what is the most important thing that you would like to know. How to make a small layout plan and identify the main aspects of your question.

You can watch the video layouts on Tarot cards - the layout of the "Cross" cards for the near future and another video about Tarot cards:

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A deck of Tarot cards is one of the oldest magical artifacts that have survived to this day. Tarot helps to know oneself and the secrets of the universe, they are used in meditation, and on a more practical level - for divination. Tarot spreads help to find answers to many questions, giving clues and pointing the way to solving the problem. Love and marriage, material problems, getting a new job - Tarot can answer many questions.

There are many different card divination techniques, some are used more often, others are extremely rare. Tarot specialists know many layouts, but for most amateurs it is enough to know a few layouts for beginners, which are convenient for getting answers to the most common questions:

  • how to choose the right path to solve the problem;
  • prospects for the future, near and far;
  • divination for love and betrayal, for women - for pregnancy;
  • questions about how to resolve a difficult life situation, make a choice;
  • questions, how to find or change a job, and so on.

The simplest layouts: one and three cards

If a tarot card reader has the most pressing question regarding the possible development of the situation, or suggesting an answer like “Good / bad”, sometimes one card is enough. In the same way, you can make yourself a prediction for the day that has begun and the very near future. You can simply draw a card from the shuffled deck, or place them face down on the table and pick one at random. The interpretation takes into account the direct and inverted position. For divination, only the Major Arcana are used. For simple yes / no answers, you can ignore the interpretation of a particular arcana, paying attention only to its direct or inverted position.

The Tarot layout “Three Cards” is very indicative and simple. The Major Arcana are shuffled, three cards are drawn one after the other and placed face down. The first of them means the Past, or the source of the situation. The second, middle - Present, or the current state of affairs or the deep meaning of what is happening. The third is the Future, the most likely outcome of the case, the result. Sometimes the third card can be seen as advice - what choice to make in order to resolve the situation. For clarification, you can also pull out the fourth lasso from the deck: it will show how events will develop, where the chosen path will lead if the fortuneteller accepts the advice of the Tarot.

On a less practical level, the cards mean the following:

  • 1 - the mental component of the problem;
  • 2 - its physical embodiment;
  • 3 - its spiritual essence.

The “Three Cards” layout is universal. You can use it for divination for a person, for the future, for relationships, choosing a path, and so on.


One of the simplest and most effective layouts for beginners when divining on cards, giving fairly clear answers to various questions. The layout is suitable for divination for love, for money, for health, etc. For this alignment, you can use the entire deck, but more often fortunetellers are limited to the Main Arcana. The positions of the cards in the layout mean:

  • 1 - the essence of the problem, its core;
  • 2 - what should be avoided;
  • 3 - what, on the contrary, should be done to successfully resolve the problem;
  • 4 - the most likely outcome of the situation if the fortuneteller makes a choice to follow the advice of the cards.

The interpretation begins with the first card, which can immediately give a good clue. This alignment for beginners is used for divination for pregnancy, its course and successful childbirth; on the betrayal of a loved one and on the future in a difficult relationship; to work and career, to love and marriage.

Breakdown of partnerships

This method of divination for beginners is much broader than simple divination “for love”, “for treason” and the choice of a loved one. Tarot spreads can help clarify other forms of human relationships. For example, you can get an answer to how reliable your business partner is, or help you understand the meaning and essence of friendships.

The first, central card of the layout is the so-called significator. It gives a definition of the essence of the relationship between the questioner and the one who is being guessed at. The remaining cards should be interpreted in pairs - the seventh from the second, the sixth from the third, the fifth from the fourth. Attentive fortune-telling with this alignment will help you understand why the partner behaves one way or another, tell you what he thinks and feels.

Alignment for the very near future: for a week

For the layout, 8 arcana are taken: the significator and one card for each of the days of the week. The peculiarity of the layout is that the cards each indicate their own day of the week, and not just the next 7 days. That is, the first is Monday, the second is Tuesday, and so on, regardless of what day of the week the fortune-telling takes place. The significator shows the general mood, the atmosphere of the week.

If an important event falls on one of the days, then you can take three more lasso from the deck to clarify the situation in detail. It happens that many important events are expected during the week: getting a job, a first date, departure. In this case, you can tell fortunes on the cards for each day separately. To do this, 3 cards are taken from the deck for each day - a total of 21.


Women use this method for fortune-telling for pregnancy and marriage, for a loved one, and men choose such fortune-telling on cards for work and career.

  • 1 symbolizes the present state of affairs, the essence of what is happening;
  • 2 - a possible scenario;
  • 3 - hint: hidden, forgotten or unnoticed circumstances that can positively influence the solution of a problem or relationship;
  • 4, 5 and 6 - the main factors influencing the situation; with the fourth card talking about thoughts, the fifth about physical aspects, and the sixth about emotions;
  • 7 and 8 - tips on what to do to achieve the goal as soon as possible, how not to make a mistake when choosing a path;
  • 9 and 10 - circumstances, actions and thoughts that should be avoided so as not to spoil everything.

Divination "Heart"

This way of looking into the future is used by single people to find out about their prospects for finding love. Usually fortune-telling covers a period of up to 8 months. The interpretation is as follows:

  • 1 - what personal qualities will attract a future heart friend;
  • 2 - how the partner will like the fortuneteller;
  • 3 - what is the most important thing in future relationships on the part of the questioner;
  • 4 - what important actions the partner will take;
  • 5 - the circumstances under which the meeting will take place;
  • 6 - what a partner can get from a fortuneteller;
  • 7 - what the fortuneteller will get from the relationship;
  • 8 - influence from outside;
  • 9 - the most likely variant of the development of relations and their deep meaning.

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