Logical arguments that a person has more than one life - How many lives a person has. how many times do we live

Landscaping and planning 16.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Modern numerology offers a person answers to all the important questions of our life. This interesting science will help to tell about the character and fate of a person, to determine his inclinations, inclinations and goals, to find out the most important periods of life. Numerology stands on the borders real world and the world of mysticism. The connection between them is numbers. It was not for nothing that the ancient Egyptians believed that with the help of simple calculations one could see when a person's soul would return to live a new life.

Number life path each person has his own. It tells us about its purpose, gives out secrets, strengths and weaknesses.

The stages of complete calculations include the definition of the main periods (peaks) of life. From early youth to old age, our destiny is constantly undergoing transformations after the choices that have to be made every day. Your life can change if you know ahead of time what awaits you. Get hints from fate, because the Number and the Number are designed to bring help to people.

Numerology of life

Classical numerology answers the most important question: Who am I? If you are not yet completely sure in which direction you should move, what is predetermined for you, then refer to the calculations. The number of life, life path, the number of fate - this concept has many names, but the essence is the same - each person is unique, unique and the definition that numerology gives him.

Most often, to determine the most important traits of your personality, you need not so much: your date of birth. It contains a number code. This is what representatives of all the main currents in numerology think:

  • western (numerology of Pythagoras);
  • Eastern (Vedic);
  • Kabbalistic (mystical numerology).

They go different ways, but the interpretation of the numbers of fate is always about the same. Numerology has been around for thousands of years. From the earliest times it has been known that Number is the universal language spoken by the Universe. It is believed that representatives of other Planets would also understand the numerical code, so scientists sent an encrypted message to the Cosmos.

Your destiny is your life. You can follow the advice given by the numerological forecast, or you can ignore them. This is also part of your destiny - a choice that is made every day. If you decide, then learn simple calculations that will reveal the truth.

fate for everyone

The fate of each of us is hidden in the date of birth. It's all about the connection between Numerology and Astrology. When a person is born, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord, which he was connected with his mother, his independent life begins and his destiny is realized.

At the very moment when it becomes independent, the Planets and Stars, the Zodiac constellations line up according to a certain pattern. The Moon, Sun, Venus and Mars are in a certain position relative to the constellation of man. All this plays a huge role in his fate all his life. The zodiacal energy gives rise to the destiny of each of us, as it was 1000 years ago, so it may always be.

Do not be afraid of your fate, it is better to accept it and live in harmony with yourself. It is not always clear what the stars want to say. On our life path we meet with, at times, terrible losses, difficulties, misfortunes. Is our fate so unfortunate or are we just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Numerology thinks so. The number of fate gives a clear interpretation of how life will pass. It is best to keep it, because this knowledge was obtained by people in order to make life easier, not complicate it.

Different people - different fates. They intertwine, creating completely new combinations. Numerology for lovers is calculated for a couple, and not for individuals. So you can find out if you can strong alliance whether you can live peacefully in love and marriage for many years.

Simple calculations in numerology

The calculations are really simple. The number of your destiny is obtained by adding all the components of the date of birth.

For example, a person was born on 08/15/1986. How to find out his personal code, the number of fate? There is nothing easier, but it is better to use a calculator, because even a mistake by one will give you the wrong idea about this person.

Adding up all the ingredients:

1+5+0+8+1+9+8+6 = 38

We got the number 38, then this is not the end of the calculations. In numerology, it is believed that everything should be simplified to the final value, that is, the number 38 is complex. Pythagoras called "vibrating" numbers from 1 to 9. It is this vibrating number that we need to get. To do this, let's do the addition again:

The resulting number is also complex. We simplify it once again 1+1=2.

Now we have a value to work with. There is a definition for it that characterizes this person from all sides. You can learn more about everything related to character, hobbies, health, compatibility if you decompose the Pythagorean Square - a special numerological table.

Determine your number and you can better understand yourself

By the way, at the second stage of simplification, we got the number 11. In numerology, paired numbers carry special information. The numbers 11,22,33…99 don't come across very often. They appear only when a person has a special, spiritual destiny on this earth.

Path number

For each result obtained from 1 to 9 there is an interpretation. Calculate your life path number in order to find out or confirm this information About Me. By the way, in the same way you can find out everything about any person, you just need to know his date of birth, which is not difficult.

Unit: pioneer

The fate of this person is to move forward. He knows how exciting it is to be the first, to find, to discover something. Usually very successful in the exact sciences. He might become famous for one discovery, but that won't stop him. Always likes to start something from the beginning, even if the process is very difficult.

Two: thinker

He sees the beauty of the world, the souls of people, hidden and secret. For him, reasoning about the meaning of life is a favorite pastime. They are talented and very smart people who know how to captivate the interlocutor. Often make a career in the world of writing, cinema, philosophy. Get good results there. where no one clicks on them.

Troika: laughing

Highly positive people. They are often compared to children, because they have fun, come up with jokes, and are constantly involved in some kind of adventure. They cannot sit still, but they know how to charge everything around with their fun. Surprisingly, good workers. They know how to cheer up, but do not lose the meaning of life.

Four: careerist

Four is the number of elements. He is in harmony with all the elements, stands firmly on his feet. Such a person has chosen a career. He follows the path of achieving the goal, without leaving it. It’s hard to build relationships with a careerist, because work always comes first. There is no limit to perfection, there is only striving forward. This is not bad, but they themselves, at times, feel very unhappy.

Five: explorer

The explorer loves this world. Everything in it is of burning interest. He needs to get to the bottom of things. Whatever profession he chooses, he will not stop until he answers all his questions. From childhood, they overcame their parents with requests to show, tell, explain. It seems to be very important for him to know everything. But, getting answers to questions, such a person makes up his own picture of the world. It's interesting to participate in his research.

Six: leader

Leader number. Such a person greatly values ​​material values. He knows that the Leader must have authority. Since childhood, they are very headstrong, trying to make other children obey, do what they want. It is difficult in life with a leader, because even at home he will put his personality above all else. It is not easy for them either, but the chosen path requires sacrifice.

Seven: teacher

The teacher knows how to interest his students. It is important for him to transfer his knowledge, vision of the world to others. Most often. he looks at the world without rose-colored glasses - this is the main quality of a real teacher. He is completely objective. Such a person is ready to share his ideas, knowledge, thoughts. Do not neglect friendship with him, it will bring you only valuable knowledge.

8: Stealthy

Eights have a hard time in life, because they are very secretive. They have a fine mental organization, do not forgive insults. It is easier for them to be alone with themselves than in the company. They have friends, but they are very trusted people, literally 1-2 people. With them, the eight feels relaxed. It is worth such a friend to do something different, as he completely loses all trust and respect. Well, these are real introverts.

Nine: innovator

The number 9 is considered to be special, because it is rare. This man is an innovator. It brings light to people, helping to make their life easier, more interesting. Many inventors in history had the number 9 by fate. They are well versed in the sciences, on "you" with technology. Everything in their hands acquires unique properties. Someone calls the nines "messengers of heaven." Perhaps that is the way it is.

So, now we know how to characterize the person from our example. His number is two, which means that we have a thinker, a philosopher who knows how to appreciate the beauty of life. Who are you?

Everything is simple if you know how to find answers to questions. Numerology - open book. The calculations are not difficult, and the information they provide is invaluable. You can help yourself or your family, find out everything about an important person. In any case, life becomes easier when you know what language she speaks to us.

Would you like to know who you were in past lives? Modern equipment and professional psychologists work wonders! Now, if desired, anyone can remember their past lives. Someone remembers the language he spoke, someone of his former parents or children, and someone learns with horror for himself that in a previous life he was generally of the opposite sex. Few people remember their past lives. After all, the brain can specifically block negative information about past lives.

The only thing you can know about your past lives right now is how many. It is believed that the soul of a person comes to earth exactly nine times to pass the tests sent to it by Fate, and if the soul passes these tests, then it can go to the next Level, and if not, then it returns to the start again to live again nine lives and worthily endure all the trials of fate.

past lives. How do you know how many lives you have lived?

To find out how many lives you have lived, you need to write your date of birth on a piece of paper and add together all the numbers written on it. Now again write the resulting number and again add up all the numbers written on the piece of paper. Sum them up like this until you get single digit. For example, if you were born on December 17, 1986, then it would look like this: 1+7+1+2+1+9+8+6. We get 35. Now we continue to add the numbers 5 + 3 = 8 again. So, we can say that you have already lived 8 lives.

Past lives leave their imprint on a person. It is believed that what more people lived lives, the wiser he is. But young souls who have lived only one, two or three lives, as a rule, are not yet experienced and are often dangerous. After all, it is among them that maniacs, thieves and murderers are quite often found.

Past lives can tell you about a person's character. You just need to know how many lives he lived.

One life.

People who have lived one life are usually very active, independent and emotional. Already with early years they show their character. These people tend to be leaders.

Two lives.

The most main feature these people are adorable. People who have lived two lives tend to have many friends. They are good at hiding their feelings. These people are very sociable, friendly, affectionate, dreamy and attentive. But often they are not confident in themselves and in their decisions.

Three lives.

People who have lived three lives are usually demanding of attention, proud, devoted, sympathetic, loving and witty.

Four lives.

People who have lived four lives are usually organized, independent, isolated, trusting, generous and reliable. They earn respect from other people. They hate it when their things are shifted to another place, but they love to be supported and encouraged all the time.

Five lives.

People who have lived five lives are restless, often destroy and break everything. Usually, they are physically very strong. These people are not very affectionate, but they are characterized by enthusiasm and energy.

Six Lives.

People who have lived six lives usually cannot stand loneliness, they just need to be in the company of friends all the time. They are caring, harmonious, charming and responsible. But they are not balanced and subject to frequent change moods. Often reach heights in life.

Seven lives.

People who have lived seven lives tend to be very calm, mysterious and insightful people. They firmly know what they want and go to their goal. They have extraordinary mental abilities, they are able to hide their emotions well, they need protection.

Eight lives.

People who have lived eight lives tend to be very domineering. They are charming, but at the same time very demanding and intractable. These people are energetic, self-willed, often act contrary to requests.

Nine Lives.

People who have lived nine lives are ideal, have versatile talents and a rich imagination, are inquisitive, sociable and serious. Although their seriousness is combined with mischief.

past lives. How do you remember who you were in past lives?

In order to remember your past lives, you need to engage in self-awareness and cleansing your thoughts of extraneous information. Our brain is built like a computer. Therefore, if there is no free space for new information in it, then it archives old files, in particular, and information about our previous life, the brain sends it deep into the subconscious. Therefore, freeing up space in your head, there is a chance that your brain will still unzip the files you need.

1. Moral preparation.

Before you remember your past lives, you need to mentally prepare for this. Your past lives may shock you. After all, you still do not know who you were in past life. Therefore, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Maybe you don't need information about your past life at all. If you still decide, by all means, to find out the truth, then go to the second paragraph.

2. Relaxation.

In order for your brain to unzip files about your past life, you just need to relax. It's important that you don't get distracted, so turn off your TV and unplug your cell phone and home phone. You can’t judge yourself for mistakes made in the past, because now you have changed! Moreover, with such thoughts you will not particularly relax. After all, you need to turn off all the thoughts in your head.

3. Exercise.

Settle down somewhere in a dark, quiet place. Preferably lying down, but in extreme cases, you can sit. Now relax and drive away all extraneous thoughts. Focus only on old memories. If you feel sleepy, then feel free to fall asleep, then, most likely, the images of previous years will come to you in a dream.

If you don't feel like sleeping, just close your eyes and relax. Forget about the daily hustle and bustle. Breathe deeply but slowly. This will help you get into a state of meditation. If you manage to relax, you will be in a trance. In this state, the brain reaches the alpha state. That is, the state of practical inactivity. When you are completely relaxed, your brain will go into the theta state. It is in this state that the brain opens access to the subconscious. The subconscious mind stores all the files we need.

It is advisable that you have a pen and a piece of paper in front of you. After all, memories are very fragile and after leaving a trance they are quickly forgotten. Therefore, they must be written down immediately.

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Would you like to know who you were in past lives? Modern equipment and professional psychologists work wonders! Now, if desired, anyone can remember their past lives. Someone remembers the language he spoke, someone of his former parents or children, and someone learns with horror for himself that in a previous life he was generally of the opposite sex. Few people remember their past lives. After all, the brain can specifically block negative information about past lives.

The only thing you can know about your past lives right now is how many. It is believed that the soul of a person comes to earth exactly nine times to pass the tests sent to it by Fate, and if the soul passes these tests, then it can go to the next Level, and if not, then it returns to the start again to live again nine lives and worthily endure all the trials of fate.

past lives. How do you know how many lives you have lived?

To find out how many lives you have lived, you need to write your date of birth on a piece of paper and add together all the numbers written on it. Now again write the resulting number and again add up all the numbers written on the piece of paper. Sum them up like this until you reduce them to a single digit. For example, if you were born on December 17, 1986, then it would look like this: 1+7+1+2+1+9+8+6. We get 35. Now we continue to add the numbers 5 + 3 = 8 again. So, we can say that you have already lived 8 lives.

Past lives leave their imprint on a person. It is believed that the more lives a person has lived, the wiser he is. But young souls who have lived only one, two or three lives, as a rule, are not yet experienced and are often dangerous. After all, it is among them that maniacs, thieves and murderers are quite often found.

Past lives can tell you about a person's character. You just need to know how many lives he lived.

One life.

People who have lived one life are usually very active, independent and emotional. From an early age, they show their character. These people tend to be leaders.

Two lives.

The most important feature of these people is charm. People who have lived two lives tend to have many friends. They are good at hiding their feelings. These people are very sociable, friendly, affectionate, dreamy and attentive. But often they are not confident in themselves and in their decisions.

Three lives.

People who have lived three lives are usually demanding of attention, proud, devoted, sympathetic, loving and witty.

Four lives.

People who have lived four lives are usually organized, independent, isolated, trusting, generous and reliable. They earn respect from other people. They hate it when their things are shifted to another place, but they love to be supported and encouraged all the time.

Five lives.

People who have lived five lives are restless, often destroy and break everything. Usually, they are physically very strong. These people are not very affectionate, but they are characterized by enthusiasm and energy.

Six Lives.

Many are familiar with the phenomenon of “déjà vu”, when it seems that something has already happened to you that you are actually facing for the first time. There is still no scientific explanation for this phenomenon. But there is a mythological explanation, according to which there is a reincarnation that operates on the basis of the law of Karma.
How many times do we live? How many lives are given to us?
Someone says - 9, someone - 47, the treatise "The Cup of the East claims - 350, and someone - counted 777 earthly incarnations from lower beings to man.
So how many times do we live? And where?

As a child, I remember a cultural trip to the Theater for Young Spectators to a performance based on the play by Radiy Pogodin “Step from the Roof”. I was then struck by the adventures of the protagonist in time, how he lived one life among primitive people, another among the musketeers, the third among the participants civil war, despite the fact that the problem situation was repeated, and the performers of the roles did not change.

Someone thinks that life is like a vacation, you should relax and have fun in it. And I believe that life is a business trip! Life is a gift given to us for self-realization and the fulfillment of what is intended.

Steve Jobs On the eve of his death, he said: “Death is the best invention of life, because it is the cause of change.” Steve Jobs was a Buddhist and adhered to the theory of reincarnation.

Reincarnation or transmigration of souls (metempsychosis) is a religious and philosophical doctrine, according to which the immortal essence of a living being reincarnates again and again from one body to another.
The immortal entity is called spirit or soul, "divine spark", "higher" or "true self". In each life, a new personality of the individual develops, but at the same time a certain part of the "I" of the individual remains unchanged, passing from body to body in a series of reincarnations.

Belief in the transmigration of souls is an ancient phenomenon. Some peoples of the North believed and still believe that the soul of a grandfather or another representative of the same kind enters a child.
The transmigration of souls was first mentioned in the ancient scriptures Hinduism - the Vedas and the Upanishads.
The idea of ​​the transmigration of souls was also accepted by some ancient Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato.
Belief in reincarnation is inherent in some modern movements, such as the New Age; and is also accepted by followers of spiritualism, adherents of esoteric philosophies.

The Buddhist concept of a series of rebirths differs significantly from traditions based on Hinduism and from the New Age movement in that there is no "I" or eternal soul that would reincarnate in it.

In most Indian religions, reincarnation is central. Belief in reincarnation has two main components:
1 \ the idea that a person has a certain essence ("spirit" or "soul"), which contains the personality of this person, his self-consciousness.
2\ this entity may be connected with the body, but this connection is not inseparable, and the soul can continue to exist after physical body died.

Whether only people have a soul, or other (perhaps all) species of living beings, is decided differently in different worldviews. Agni Yoga claims that a person reincarnates only in a person. Theosophy - that a person must go through everything, be both a man and a woman.

Immediately after death, or after some time, or in the future world, the soul incarnates in another body. So life after life she takes better or worse bodies, depending on her deeds in previous incarnations.

There is an idea that the chain of reincarnations has some purpose, and the soul undergoes evolution in it. Moreover, in each new life, a person continues his evolution from the level that he reached in the previous life. The faster a person evolves, the shorter the gap from one life to another.

In the process of reincarnation, each time the soul in its new incarnation is given another opportunity for correction and improvement. Progressing in this way from life to life, the soul can be so purified that it finally breaks out of the cycle of existence (samsara), and, sinless, reaches liberation (moksha).

The cycle of birth and death is accepted as a natural phenomenon of nature. And for believers, reincarnation is a clear evidence of God's compassion towards living beings and removes from Him the unfair accusation of causing harm to people.

Hinduism claims that the soul is in a constant cycle of birth and death. Wanting to enjoy material world, she is born again and again for the satisfaction of her material desires, which is possible only through the medium of a material body. And although worldly pleasures are not sinful, they cannot bring inner happiness and satisfaction. After many births, the soul eventually becomes disillusioned with the limited and fleeting pleasures bestowed upon it by this world, and begins to search for higher forms of pleasure that can only be achieved through spiritual experience.

“The Indians came up with a good religion,” Vladimir Vysotsky sang. - That we, having given up the ends, do not die for good ...
Let you live as a janitor, be born again as a foreman
And then you will grow from foreman to minister
But if you are dumb as a tree, you will be born a baobab
And you will be a baobab for a thousand years until you die.
Your soul aspired upward
Born again with a dream
But if you lived like a pig
Stay a pig…”

The world - as we usually understand it - is like a dream. By its nature it is transient and illusory.
After a long spiritual practice, the individual eventually realizes his eternal spiritual nature - that is, he realizes the fact that his true "I" is the eternal soul, and not the mortal material body. When all material desires cease, the soul is no longer born and is liberated from the cycle of existence.

The Vedas say that the individual creature stays in two material bodies- rough and thin. When the gross body wears out and becomes unusable, the soul leaves it in the subtle body. The subtle body that accompanies the soul in the interval between death and the next birth contains all the thoughts and desires of a living being, and it is they that determine what type of gross body the living being will inhabit in the coming incarnation. According to the law of Karma, a living being enters a body according to his mentality.

According to the level of consciousness at the time of death, the soul enters the womb of a particular mother through the semen of the father, and then develops the body that was given to it by the mother. It can be the body of a person, a cat, a dog, etc. This is the process of reincarnation that provides some explanation for out-of-body experiences and also explains the ability to remember past lives.

The soul has a wide range of body types - 8,400,000 life forms. The soul can acquire any of them in order to fulfill its desires. Any form of life provides a certain kind of enjoyment and is given to the living entity to satisfy his desires.
In the process of spiritual evolution, the soul goes through a series of animal incarnations and reaches a human body, after which it never returns to animal life forms.

Reincarnation and Karma act as instruments of a loving God, and as laws of nature, the purpose of which is to teach the individual certain spiritual lessons. A person gets into similar problem situations until he finally solves his spiritual problem and learns something important, for example, to love, to love no matter what!

Buddhism also has the idea of ​​repeated births, since the awakened state cannot be achieved in one lifetime, it will take many thousands of years. But a person does not start his life from scratch. His past life, the family in which he was born and the place of birth determine his personality.
Man has free will and therefore he is responsible for his actions. Only human existence makes it possible to make a reasonable decision. Only a person can decide to get out of the cycle of suffering.

After death, vicious souls enter the world of demons, where they remain for a time that corresponds to the severity of their sins. Selfishly pious souls end up in the abode of the gods, where they enjoy heavenly pleasures until the favorable karma dries up, and this enjoyment is also associated with suffering - from the consciousness of the fragility of pleasure and the inability to make decisions.

If during earthly life the main defilement of a person was passion, and good deeds balance and overpower bad ones, then he is embodied in a human body. human incarnation is considered the most spiritually valuable, although not the most comfortable.

Individuals who have been cleansed of sins in their past lives and improved their karma are successively reincarnated from one level to another until they eventually reach the stage of complete purification or until they undergo the process of forgiveness or absolution.

It is believed that the soul of the deceased, reborn in a new body, does not retain memories of previous incarnations, but can show the skills and talents acquired and manifested in a past life.

The phenomenon of the transmigration of souls is described in detail by Plato in the dialogues "Phaedo", "Phaedrus" and "The State". Drawn by sensual desire, a pure soul from Heaven (a world of higher reality) falls to earth and takes on a physical body. First, the soul descending into this world is born in the image of a man, the highest of which is the image of a philosopher. After the knowledge of the philosopher reaches perfection, he can return to the "heavenly homeland." If he is entangled in material desires, he degrades and in his coming incarnation is born in the form of an animal.

In the dialogue "The State" Plato tells the story of one brave man - Era, the son of Armenia, originally from Pamphylia - an ancient legend about a posthumous judgment for a life lived, and about a lot that had to be chosen in turn. It was possible to choose the life of any animal or from all kinds of human life. The soul will certainly change, one has only to choose a different way of life. For example, the soul of Odysseus remembered the previous hardships of wandering and chose the life of an ordinary person, far from business. The souls of animals could pass into people and vice versa.

Many do not believe in the transmigration of souls. And some recognize the theory of reincarnation for its logic and justice, since it explains why pious people and sinless children suffer or are innocently killed. If a good people should not suffer, so such people in a past life were sinners.

The idea of ​​the reincarnation of the soul of any living being (humans, animals and plants) is closely related to the concept of Karma. Karma is a set of actions of an individual, which is the cause of his next incarnation. Pious, highly moral behavior enables the individual to progress from life to life, each time experiencing a gradual improvement in the conditions and circumstances of life.
The cycle of birth and death driven by karma is called samsara.

In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, the belief in reincarnation is combined with the law of Karma, according to which the quality of a personal incarnation is determined by the merits and sins of a given person that took place in a previous birth.

Why are some people born healthy and others with serious illnesses? Why honest people who have done no harm to anyone suffer?
According to the law of Karma, troubles, illnesses, problems can be considered as a punishment, but it is more correct to consider them as warnings to a person about his departure from his destiny.

The laws of Karma work always and in strict accordance with the deed; redemption is impossible. Seeming injustice is justice, if you look from the Higher Plan, if you know all the information about a person, and not just the events of this life.

To some, the law of Karma seems unfair, since it restricts free will and makes one answer for the distant past.
But if people knew that life does not end after death and there will be retribution for everything they have done, perhaps they would be more responsible for every deed and for every word.

Karma can be compared to a rope: everything in life is interconnected, every cause has a consequence, "what you sow, so you reap."
Helena Blavatsky wrote about Karma: "Man is his own savior and his own destroyer."
A person creates good Karma not when he does nothing bad, but when he does good to people.
Agni Yoga claims that evil deeds can be atoned for by good deeds.

Another view of reincarnation is that the soul is reborn on the condition that it has not completed a certain mission. Followers of this view view reincarnation as a rare phenomenon, and do not believe that souls are constantly transmigrating.

Christianity does not recognize the possibility of reincarnation. But there is an opinion that the doctrine of reincarnation was accepted by the early Christians. The highly educated father of the Christian Church Origen in his work "On the Beginnings" (230) wrote: "Each soul comes into this world, strengthened by the victories, or weakened by the defeats of the previous life. Its position in the world is like a boat, which is destined for the path to honor or dishonor, determined by past merits and demerits. Her activity in this world determines the situation in the world to come.
But in 543, along with Origen's other claims, the theory of reincarnation was sharply attacked by the Byzantine emperor Justinian and was finally condemned by the Second Council of Constantinople in 553.

Under conditions of severe persecution by the Church, the doctrine of reincarnation could only exist in the deep underground. In Europe, it managed to survive only in the secret societies of the Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Kabbalists, etc.
Reincarnation was accepted by the medieval Gnostic sects of the Cathars and Albigensians, who considered each soul as a fallen angel, born again and again in the material world created by Lucifer.

During the Renaissance, the Italian poet and philosopher Giordano Bruno was condemned by the Inquisition and burned at the stake, including for the doctrine of reincarnation. In his final reply to the accusations brought against him, Bruno stated that the soul "is not a body" and that "it can be in one or another body and pass from one body to another."

In the Islamic tradition, a human being is a soul resurrected by the spirit. According to the traditional interpretations of the Qur'an, after death, lost souls go to the court of Allah, where they give an answer for every word and every deed.

As soon as we arrive in the world, we complete our ascent along the stairs of metamorphosis.
You became a stone from ether, then you became grass,
Then to the animals - the secret of secrets in the alternation!
And now you are a man, you are endowed with knowledge,
Clay has taken on your appearance - oh, how fragile it is!
You will become an angel, having passed a short earthly path,
And you will become related not to the earth, but to the heights of the mountains.

Arab and Persian theologians, like the Kabbalists, believe that the transmigration of the soul is the result of a sinful or failed life.

Voltaire said that the doctrine of reincarnation is "not absurd or useless" and that "to be born twice is no more wonderful than to be born once."

Goethe wrote: “I am sure that, just as now, I have already been in this world a thousand times, and I hope to return a thousand more times.”

Leo Tolstoy admitted: “Just as we experience thousands of dreams in this our life, so this life of ours is one of the thousands of such lives that we enter from that more real, real, real life from which we emerge when we enter this life and return when we die.”

The well-known psychoanalyst Carl Jung wrote: “I can easily imagine that I could have lived in previous centuries and encountered questions there that I was not yet able to answer; that I had to be born again, because I had not yet completed the task entrusted to me.

The father of anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, describes the human soul as gaining experience from incarnation to incarnation into different nations. individual personality, with all its weaknesses and abilities, is not just a reflection of the genetic inheritance.

In the process of reincarnation, the soul draws old emotional, mental and karmic images to itself and forms a new personality based on them. Thus, the soul, with the help of abilities developed in past incarnations and in the posthumous process of assimilation, is able to cope with those obstacles and shortcomings that it could not cope with in its past reincarnations.

Some New Age followers claim that they can remember their past reincarnations without much effort; they simply "see" their past lives.

And although scientists claim that there is not a single reliable scientific confirmation of the existence of the phenomenon of reincarnation, there are cases that defy scientific explanation.
In 1959, the American psychologist Ian Stevenson began studying the girl Svarnlata, who began to tell her parents about her "former life." The girl claimed that in her previous life she had been the wife of a man named Pandley and had the name Biya. In her former life, she had parents named Pandley ... The scientist came to the "former parents" and found out that almost everything the girl was talking about was true. And the girl had never seen them in her life. A "face-to-face confrontation" was held, and the girl independently recognized all the members of her " former family”, recalled a lot of details about Biya, which she was in a past life, and named a lot of details that no one else knew except the deceased.

Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev said that the final fate of the human soul cannot be decided in one short life on earth, especially if a person dies in young age. But he believed that the soul undergoes further evolution in higher planes. He did not recognize reincarnations on Earth mainly for two reasons: 1\ since according to the Bhagavad Gita there are an infinite number of reincarnations, 2\ reincarnation contradicts the idea of ​​a whole personality when a person does not remember his previous incarnations.

One can consider a series of incarnations as a series of separate lives, but it is more correct to look at the change of incarnations as one life. The spiritual being continuously moves forward along the long path of pilgrimage, with each life coming closer and closer to the completion of the process of self-realization and self-expression.

It is believed that children until about the age of five remember their previous lives. But any knowledge, if they are not worked with, is forgotten over time. A person may not remember the details, but skills, developments - positive or negative, remain in the subconscious.
The subconscious is basically the experience of previous lives, the conscious is basically the experience of this life. Conscious and subconscious interact with each other, influencing decision making.

If a person learns something easily in this life, it is most likely because he did it in a previous life, gained some experience, and in this life a person only remembers. Socrates said: "Knowledge is remembrance."

Personally, I believe in reincarnation more than I don't. I have a test "Who were you in a past life", which I tested on myself, and agreed with its results.
I have always been interested in my ancestors, because I could not find an explanation for many of my interests and aspirations. Why was I born in Russia? why since childhood I have such a passionate love for books? Why do I always "remember death"? It always seemed to me that I didn’t have time to do something in a past life, and therefore I want to finish in this one.
I will give one example. Having written more than half of my first novel, I went to Staraya Russa to show an excerpt from "The Two Jesuses" to the employees of the Dostoevsky Museum. When I asked the director of the museum what novel Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky would write if he were alive now, she replied: “About love, about love in spite of everything!” After these words, I showed her the fragment I had brought, where on the first page was printed the main idea of my novel: "Perhaps the purpose of life is to learn to love, to love no matter what."

Reincarnation is a matter of faith, and only faith. The truth is hidden from us under a thousand-year layer of myths, distortions and additions. It remains only to believe and try to feel what people could feel and comprehend many centuries ago.

But many prefer not to believe in reincarnation, or in God, or in hell. Because they do not want to accept responsibility for every deed, for every word, and even thought. They want to believe that nothing will happen to them. And meanwhile, every act gives rise to consequences, every cause has a consequence. "What you sow, you will reap"!

Stanislav Grof, a researcher of altered states of consciousness, writes in his book “A Man in the Face of Death”: “Currently, there is clear clinical evidence in favor of the provisions of religion and mythology that biological death is the beginning of the existence of consciousness in new form… A person must live his life, constantly being aware of his mortality, and his goal and victory in life is conscious death.”

The main question that torments a mortal person from the moment of birth is the problem of personal immortality.
In search of the meaning of life and the idea of ​​Eternity, man creates various religions and philosophies to make life bearable.

Very soon, the possibility of living almost forever will become quite real.
But for some, living forever is hell, for others it is heaven.
We must try to live not as long as possible, but as correctly as possible!

For many, immortality is the preservation of one's personality, the memory of the past. But is it good?
The hardest thing in life is memory. Especially if she is burdened with sins committed in her life. Living with a load of sins is unbearable. What a joy it is to forget!

Why change bodies and why live at all? Is it just to not die?
The body is mortal, and therefore it must serve an immortal purpose. People die, but their deeds live forever.

The theme of reincarnation is in demand by artists and writers. It is found in the works of Jack London, James Joyce, Hermann Hesse, Salinger, Balzac, Dickens and others.
In Richard Bach's popular novel Jonathan Livingston Seagull, we read: "Do you have any idea how many lives we had to live just to come to understand that life is more than food, fight or power over the Flock? Thousands of lives, John, tens of thousands! - And after them there are still hundreds of lives before we know that there is what is called perfection; and another hundred lives to understand that the purpose of our existence is to understand this perfection and manifest it.

“We come to this world as messengers sent on a long-awaited long business trip to a beautiful country. True, some perceive it as a vacation, as a time for relaxation, and indulge in pleasures. But life is not given for enjoyment. Although many cannot resist the temptations that this world is filled with, and, succumbing to temptations, begin to live exclusively in pleasure, wasting precious time and forgetting about the purpose for which they were sent to Earth.

The meaning of human history and human civilizations that periodically arise is the cultivation of a being suitable for life in a community of highly developed civilizations. Therefore, it is not so much the progress of mankind that is important, but the improvement of each individual soul.

Our planet is a testing ground for the education of souls. The soul incarnates on Earth in accordance with the law of retribution for improvement in order to acquire such a quality that will allow it to return to the family of highly developed civilizations. And it will reincarnate until it reaches the necessary perfection. Therefore, each subsequent existence begins with the experience that a person acquired in his past life, and the capabilities of the soul correspond to the capabilities of the provided body.

A person is not free from what is given to him from birth: the conditions of life and life, parents, abilities, body; but he is free to fulfill his destiny, for the sake of which life was given to him - to achieve spiritual perfection.

What can you ask for in the framework of a predetermined fate? It's just about getting to know her and obeying. To know oneself means to fulfill one's destiny halfway. Fate is the fulfillment of oneself, and the fulfillment of oneself is happiness!

Fate is the goal of the earthly incarnation, and it is destined as a task. A person may or may not fulfill his destiny. And if it does not, then it will again and again return to Earth until it reaches the necessary perfection.
And therefore LOVE TO CREATE NEED!”
(from my true-life novel "The Wanderer" (mystery) on the site New Russian Literature

How many times do you think we live?

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