Contribution of Pythagora into biology development. Opening an ancient Greek philosopher Pythagora

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Messages about Pythagora, ancient Greek philosopher and mathematics, the creator of the school of Pythagoreans are stated in this article.

Report about Pythagora

Brief biography Pythagora

Pythagoras was born about 570 before our era in Sidon Phoenician in the family of the Tirovsky rich merchant. Thanks financial condition His parents, the young man met with many sages of that era and absorbed their knowledge as a sponge.

At the age of 18, Pythagoras left his hometown and went to Egypt. There he stayed as many as 22 years, comprehending the knowledge of local priests. When persian king Conquered Egypt, then the scientist was taken to Babylon, where he lived for another 12 years. In the native edges, he returned at the 56th age, and the compatriots recognized him with a sage.

Pythagoras Donkey Southern Italy, Greek Colony - Crotone. Here he found a lot of followers and founded his school. His disciples practically deified their founder and teacher. But the Vse Respira Pythagorites led to the fact that the rebellion began and Pythagoras moved to another colony of the Greeks - Metapont. Here he died.

He was married to Feano's woman, in marriage from which the son of Tellavg and daughter was born, whose name is unknown.

Features of the philosophical teaching of Pythagora

The philosophical teachings of Pythagora consists of two parts - a scientific approach to the knowledge of the world and the occult lifestyle, preached by himself. He reflected on the liberation of the soul by physical and moral cleansing by secret teaching. The philosopher founded the mystical doctrine of the cycle of the soul resettlement. The eternal soul, according to a scientist, with heaven moved into the body of an animal or man. And she moves out of the body into the body until the soul deserves the right to go back to heaven.

Pythagoras formulated a number of instructions of his school - about behavior, cycle of human lives, sacrifices, nutrition and burials.

Pythagorians put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bquantitative patterns in the development of the world. And this, in turn, contributed to the development of physical, mathematical, geographical and astronomical knowledge. Pythagoras taught that the basis of the world and things is a number. He has developed a numerical relationship that has found applications in all human activity.

A person known to us as a great mathematician was still a philosopher, mystic, ascetic and the founder of the religious and philosophical school of his name. Pythagorean ideas had a noticeable effect on Plato, and through it to the whole Western philosophy.

Herodotus argued that Pythagoras was born in 570 BC on Samos - the Greek island in the eastern part of the Aegean Sea. His father was a jeweler according to one information, and a merchant for others. According to the legend, his pregnant mother received the prediction of the Delphic Pythy that he would give birth to a beautiful, wise and useful child mankind. She called the Son in honor of the predictor.

Diogen Lanertsky reported that Pythagoras traveled a lot and visited not only Egypt, Arabia, Fianch, Judea, Babylon, but even India. He collected knowledge about the nature of things and about secret mystical cults and gods. Plutarch argued that during his visit to Egypt, Pythagoras studied the priest of God Anubis. Xenophan wrote that he believed in the resettlement of the shower. A story is known when Pythagoras petitioned on behalf of the dog, which was beaten, stating that he recognized the voice of a deceased friend in her screams. He shocked listeners, arguing that he participated in the Trojan War.

Pythagora made many discoveries. In addition to the famous theorem and the theory of numbers, he succeeded in music - proved the connection between the height of the sound and the long string. In astronomy, created the theory of "music spheres" and recognized the shag-likeness of the Earth. The dogmas of Pythagorean medicine was studied by hippocratic. But together S. scientific research Pythagoras practiced fortune telling and prophecy. He fucked in a fancy tangle science and mysticism, creating, in fact, a new religious course.

Esoteric teachings, secret religious doctrines and customs, which undoubtedly occupied a prominent place in the Pythagorean system are associated with the cult of Apollo. Moderation in everything was the main platform of the school. His students have formed some semblance of the club, which included itself philosophical school, Religious fraternity, as well as a political association.

Residents of Croton, where Pythagoras was settled after the journeys, they walked him. They unconditionally followed him. Antique authors told fantastic stories, as after the eloquent speeches of the philosopher, the Greeks became real ascetias.

Few people know that Pythagoras was an ideologist of the destruction of Sibaris - the city of Sibarites, full luxury. Preaching his teachings, he called for Crotton to failure of frills in the peak of rampant Sibarites. The contradictions between the two polishes of Great Greece led to war and the crotones destroyed Sibaris. Pytyagora's disciples claimed that he was crushed on this, but historians ... Historians do not believe them.

However, after the destruction of Sibaris in the Crotone, excitement began. Pythagoreans have planted their order, but residents no longer wanted to be deprived and abstain. And now, in one tragic day for the Pythagoreans, the crotones set fire to their temple. Many adepts died, the survived ran away. Later, the followers of the teachings organized a selection of sects, but over time the Pythagorean school ceased to exist.

As for the fate of Pythagore itself, the opinions disagree. Some say that he died in the temple with his students, the other, that he ran on the ship to Metapont, and there he worry himself hunger.

His fragments of his teachings have reached our days. Scientists recognize Pythagora a great mathematician and astronomer, thanks to which the provision was included in mathematics about the need for evidence, which gave it the status of special discipline. Philosophers put Pythagora in one row with a Usarathtroy, Buddha, Confure and Lao Tzu. Mystics worship him as his great dedicated, clairvoyant and prophet.

Pythagora Samossky (570-490 BC) - an ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, founder of the religious and philosophical school of Pythagoreans.

Pythagorean's parents came from Samos Island. According to one source, the father of the scientist was Kamnerise, and on the other - a rich merchant. Pythagorean's mother was from a noble question of Anqua, who was the founder greek colony Samos. According to legend, the birth of a scientist predicted Pythia in Delphi. Note that the name Pythagoras literally means "the one who announced Pythia." The scientist was born in Sidon Phoenician.

Antique authors claim that Pythagoras communicated with many famous sages of their era (Greeks, Haldea, Persians, Egyptians). In particular, in his youth, he went to Egypt, where he met local priests. Some authors argue that he penetrated the sacraments that were forbidden for alien.

Then, Pythagoras, among the captives of the Persian Tsar Cambiza, got Babylon. Here he stayed for about 12 years until he returned to Samos in the 56th age. Antique authors noted that, on the objection to the homeland, compatriots recognized him with a sage.

But there is another version. In particular, according to Porfiria, the scientist at the age of 40 left his homeland, because he did not agree with the tyranny power of the polycrat. Thus, it is not known whether Mathematics visited Babylon and Egypt. Although modern historians argue that Pythagoras could leave Samos not so much because of disagreements with the authorities, how much of the desire to preach their teachings. If you stick to this opinion, then leaving their homeland, Pythagoras settled in Crotone (South Italy). Here he found a lot of followers who attracted his philosophy and lifestyle.

Pythagorean students formed a peculiar fraternity dedicated, which consisted of a caste of selected like-minded people who deify their teachers. For a long time he had a huge impact in the Greek Colony mentioned. But because of the antiphagorean sentiments in Croton, the philosopher was forced to move to the metapont, where he died. So, there is a legend, as if the depressed Pythahor cleaned himself hunger.

The followers of Pythagora tried to change the legislation in their cities. But the majority of the population did not share the ideals of the philosopher, which resulted in methers in Tarent and Crotone. Many Pythagoreans died in this skirmish, and others dispersed in Greece and Italy. Porfiry notes that the Pythagoras himself died during the antiphagorean insurgency in the metapont.

Philosophical Teaching Pythagora

Modern historians break the teachings of Pythagora into 2 parts:

  • religious and mystical lifestyle;
  • scientific approach to the comprehension of the world.

For example, Aristotle characterizes Pythagora as the founder of a sexeligious cult, prohibiting there be beans. But Plato treated mathematics with deep reverence. In fact, Pythagoras created a secret society that had not only political goals, but also worked on moral and physical purification. In particular, the Pythagoreans believed that the soul moves from heaven into the body of an animal or man until he deign to return to the sky again.

Among the merit of Pythagoreans should be allocated to promote the idea of \u200b\u200bthe quantitative patterns of peace development. Pythagoras believed that the universe was based on the universe. In his opinion, the knowledge of the world consists in the knowledge of the governing of them numbers. As a result, the Pythagoreans developed various numerical relations in many areas of human activity.

Scientific achievements

Now Pythagora is considered a great mathematician and cosmologist, but in early sources it is not mentioned about its merits. For example, Jamvlich writes that the Pythagoreans often attributed own discoveries Pythagora. In particular, the philosopher gives the authorship of the famous theorem. But many modern researchers adhere to the opinions that Pythagoras did not prove this theorem, but simply handed the knowledge known in Babylon long before his birth. Some attribute to Pythagora discovery that the Earth is a ball. But Diogen Laertsky claims that such a judgment expressed Anaximander Miretsky, who taught Pythagoras in his youth. Nevertheless, the scientific achievements of the Pythagorean school in cosmology and mathematics are indisputable.

Herodotus called Pythagora "the greatest Allenian sage."

Pythagoras did not leave own essaysAll information about his life and teaching are based on the writings of followers. The earliest sources about the teachings of Pythagora were created 200 years after his death.

As a result, one of his speeches Pyfagor acquired 2 thousand student. Together with their families, they formed a school where the laws and rules of the famous antique mathematics operated.

Since Pythagoras believed that human souls could move in animals, he and his students adhered to vegetarianism. Although some of the requirements of the scientist are now perceived as amusing incidents. For example, the Pythagoreans did not allow swallows to arrange nests under the roofs of the houses and could not touch white roosters.

There is a mug that bears the name of Pythagora. It is also known as "Mug of greed. In the center of this usual, at first glance, there is a small column. Such a mug can be filled to a certain level. If you pour it to the edges, then the entire contents of the vessel follow. Thus, the "Mug of greed" helps not forget about the sense of measure. This is one of the most popular Greek souvenirs.

In honor of Pythagora, one of the craters of the moon was named.

The contemporary of Philosopher Heraclit believed that Pythagoras issued ordinary multimaluity and fraud for his own wisdom.

Pythagora had Feno's wife, the daughter of Mnya and the son of Telavg (for another version of the daughter of Arignant and the son of Arim Substrast).

Pythagoras - ancient Greek philosopher idealist, mathematician, founder of Pythagoreism, political, religious leader. His homeland was the Samos Island (from here and the nickname - Samos - where he was born about 580 BC. e. His father was a carver on gemstone. According to ancient sources, Pythagoras from birth was distinguished by amazing beauty; When he became an adult, he wore a long beard and a blasting of gold. His gifts also manifested itself at an early age.

The education of Pythagore was very good, the young man trained many mentors, among which were Ferkid Syros and Hermodamant. The next place where Pythagoras improved knowledge, became mite, there was a familiarity with Fales, scientists who advised him to go to Egypt. Pythagora had a letter of recommendation to Pharaoh himself, but the priests shared secrets with him only after the successful passage of difficult tests. Among the sciences, which he mastered well in Egypt, there was a mathematics. For the next 12 years he lived in Babylon, where he was also shared with his knowledge of the priests. According to legends, Pythagoras visited India.

Return to the Motherland took place in approximately 530 BC. e. The status of the semispril-semi-library under tyrann the polycrate did not seem attractive to him, and he lived in the caves for some time, after which he moved to Proton. Perhaps the reason for his departure was rooted in philosophical views. Pythagoras was an idealist, a commitment to the slave-owned aristocracy, and in his native IONI, democratic views were very popular, their adherents had a considerable effect.

In Croton, Pythagoras made the organizer of his own school, which was at the same time and political structure, and a religious monastic order with its charter and very strict rules. In particular, all members of the Pythagorean Union should not have been eating meat food, disclose others to the teachings of their mentor, refused to have personal property.

The wave of democratic uprisings in Greece and the colonies rushed at the time and colonies. After the victory of democracy, Pythagoras with students moves to the Tartage, later in the metapont. When they arrived in the metapont, there it raged people's uprising, and in one of the nights, Pyfagor died. Then he was a deep old man, he was nearly 90. Together with him, the existence and his school, students dispersed throughout the country.

Since Pythagoras considered his teaching of the secret and practiced only the oral transmission of his students, the collections of the works after it did not remain. Some information was still obvious, but it is incredibly difficult to distinguish the truth and fiction. A number of historians doubt that the famous Pythagore's theorem has been proven to them, arguing that it was known to other ancient peoples.

The name of Pythagora has always been surrounded large quantity Legends even in life. It was believed that he could control the spirits, knew how to protrude, knew the tongue of animals, communicated with them, birds under the influence of his speeches could change the vector of flight. Traditions attributed to Pythagora and ability to heal people, including with the help of excellent knowledge medicinal plants. His influence on the surrounding was difficult to overestimate. They tell such an episode from the biography of Pythagora: When he was angry with a student, he committed suicide from grief. Since then, the philosopher has regained the rule again never splashing his irritation on people.

In addition to the proof of the Pythagore's theorem, this mathematics is credited with a detailed study of integers, proportions and their properties. Pythagoreans owns significant merit in the giving geometry of the nature of science. Pythagoras was one of the first who was convinced that the Earth is a ball and the center of the universe that the planets, the moon, the sun move in a special, not like stars. To a certain extent, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Pythagoreans on the movement of the Earth was the forerunner of Heliocentric teaching N. Copernicus.

Biography from Wikipedia

The history of the life of Pythagora is difficult to separate from the legends representing it as a perfect sage and a great scientist dedicated to all the sacraments of the Greeks and Barbars. Herodotus called him the "the greatest Allenian sage". Interest sources in life and the teachings of Pythagora are the compositions of the philosopher-neopotonika Yamblich (242-306) " About Pythugorn Life"; Porphyria (234-305) " Life Pythagora"; Diogen Lanertsky (200-250) KN. eight, " Pythagoras" These authors relied on the writings of earlier authors, of which the student of Aristotle Aristotle (370-300 Gg. BC) come from a targer, where the positions of the Pythagoreans were strong. Thus, the earliest known sources about the teachings of Pythagora appeared only 200 years after his death. Pythagumo himself did not leave writings, and all the information about him and his teachings are based on the writings of his followers, not always impartial.

Pythagore's parents were Menarch and Partenida from Samos Island. Menarh was Kamnerise (D. L.); According to Porphyria, he was a rich merchant from Tira, who received self-country citizenship for the distribution of bread in a lack of town year. The first version is preferable, since the peasani leads the genealogy of Pythagore on the men's line from Hippas from the Peloponnenne Flunth, who fled to the Samos and became the Praded Pythagora. Partenida, later renamed her husband in Pyfaid, was from the noble kind of Anqua, the founder of the Greek colony on the self.

The birth of a child seemed to predict Pythia in Delphi, because Pythagoras and got his name that means " the one who announced Pythia" In particular, Pythia informed the member that Pythagoras would bring so much benefits and good to people as he did not bring and will not bring anyone else in the future. Therefore, on joys, Menarch gave his wife a new name of Pytipide, and the child - Pythagoras. Pyfaida accompanied her husband on his trips, and Pythagoras was born in Sidon Phoenician (on Jamblich) approximately 570 BC. e. FROM early years He discovered extraordinary gifting (also in Jamblich).

According to antique authorsPythagoras met almost all the famous sages of that epoch, Greeks, Persians, Haldea, Egyptians, I absorbed all the knowledge gained by humanity. In popular literature, Pythagora Olympic victory in boxing, confused Pythagora-philosopher with his task (Pythagora, Son Krattta from Samos), who won his 48 games over 18 years before the birth of the famous philosopher.

At a young age, Pythagoras went to Egypt to gain wisdom and secret knowledge from the Egyptian priests. Diogen and Porfiry write that Samos Tiran Polycrat provided Pythagora letter To Pharaoh Amasis, thanks to which he was admitted to training and is dedicated not only to the Egyptian achievements of medicine and mathematics, but also in the sacraments, forbidden for other alien.

Jamvlich writes that Pythagoras left the native island at the age of 18 and, having traveled the sages in different parts of the world, got to Egypt, where he stayed 22 years old, while he did not take it into Babylon, the Persian King Cammbiz, who won Egypt in 525 to N . e. In Babylon, Pythagoras stayed for another 12 years, communicating with the magicians, until finally was able to return to Samos at the 56th age, where compatriots recognized him with a wise man.

According to Porfiria, Pythagoras left Samos due to disagreement with the tyrannic power of the polycrate at 40 years of age. Since this information is based on the words of the aristochene, the source of the IV century BC. e., then considered relatively reliable. The polycrate came to power in 535 BC. e., hence the date of birth of Pythagora is estimated at 570 BC. er, if you assume that he went to Italy in 530 BC. e. Jamblich reports that Pythagora moved to Italy in the 62nd Olympiad, that is, in 532-529. BC e. This information is in good agreement with Porphyria, but completely contradict the legend of Jamvlich himself (or rather, one of its sources) about the Babylonian captivity of Pythagora. It is not exactly known whether Pythagoras attended Egypt, Babylon or Fianch, where she gained, on legends, oriental wisdom. Diogen Laertskaya quotes Aristochene, who said that the teaching of his own, at least about the instructions in terms of lifestyle, Pythagoras perceived the Delphic femitoclayer priestess, that is, not so distant for the Greeks.

Disagreements with Tyran Polycratom could hardly serve as the departure of Pythagora, rather he needed the opportunity to preach his ideas and, moreover, to implement his teachings to life, which is difficult to implement in Ionia and Mainland Hellade, where many people have lived in matters of philosophy and people's policies. Jamvlich reports:

« His philosophy spread, all of Ellada began to admire them, and the best and the wisest men came to him on the Samos, wanting to listen to his teaching. The fellow citizens, however, forced him to participate in all embassies and public affairs. Pythagoras felt heavily, obeying the laws of the Fatherland, simultaneously engaged in philosophy, and saw that all the former philosophers lived in a foreign land. Thinking on all this by going away from public affairs and, as some say, considering the insufficient low assessment of his teachings, he left for Italy, considering his fatherland, where more capable of learning people.»

Pythagoras settled in the Greek colony of Crotone in southern Italy, where he found many followers. They were attracted not only mystical philosophy, which he convincingly exposed, but also prescribed a lifestyle with elements of healthy asceticism and strict morality. Pythagoras preached the moral refining of an ignorant people, to achieve which is possible where the power belongs to the caste wise and knowledgeable peopleAnd which the people obey themselves unconditionally as children to parents, and in the rest consciously, obeying moral authority. Pyphagora tradition attributes the introduction of words philosophy and philosopher.

Pythagorean disciples formed a kind of religious order, or the brotherhood of dedicated, consisting of a caste of selected like-minded people, literally deifying their teachers - the founder of the Order. This Order actually came in Crotone to power, however, due to antiphagorean moods at the end of the VI century. BC e. Pythagora had to be removed into another Greek colony Metapont, where he died. Almost 450 years later, during the times of Cicero (I century. BC), in Metaponte, as one of the attractions showed a crypt of Pytagora.

Pythagora had a wife named Feano, the son of Telavg and Miya's daughter (according to another version of the son Arim Substrast and the daughter of Arignat).

According to Jamblich, Pythagoras headed his secret society thirty-nine years, then the approximate date of death of Pythagora can be attributed to 491 BC. e., By the beginning of the epoch greco-Persian Wars. Diogenes, referring to Geraklida (IV century BC), says that Pythagoras died peacefully at the age of 80, or at 90 years old (according to unnamed other sources). From this follows the date of death 490 BC. e. (or 480 BC, what is unlikely). Eusevia Caesarian in his chronography launched 497 BC. e. As the year of the death of Pythagora.

The defeat of the Pythagorean Union

Among the followers and students of Pytagora was quite a few representatives of the nobility who tried to change the laws in their cities in accordance with the Pythagorean teaching. This is the usual struggle of that era between the oligarchic and democratic parties In ancient Greek society. The displeasure of the majority of the population, which does not share the ideals of the philosopher, resulted in the bloody rebellion in Crotone and Tarent.

« The Pythagoreans formed a large community (there were more three hundred), but it was only a small part of the city, which was no longer ruled in accordance with the same customs and nuts. However, while the Crottonians owned their land, and Pythagoras were in them, retained state device, which existed from the founding of the city, although there were dissatisfied, who had expecting a convenient occasion for the coup. But when Sibaris won, Pythahor left, and the Pythagoreans, who managed the conquered earthly, did not distribute it along the lot, as the majority wanted, then the hut broke out, and many citizens opposed them ... Relatives of Pythagoreans treated with even more irritation to the fact that those served right hand only for your own, and from loved ones - only parents, and that they provide their property for common use, and from the property of relatives it is separated. When relatives began this hostility, the rest readily joined the conflict ... after many years ... regrettaling and repentance, and they decided to return to the city of those Pythagoreans who were still alive.»

Many Pythagoreans died, the survivors scattered in Italy and Greece. German historian F. Schlover notes about the defeat of the Pythagoreans: " Ended the perfect failure attempted to transfer custom and clerical life to Greece and, inherit about the spirit of the people, change it political device and morals according to the requirements of the abstract theory.»

According to Porphyria and the Pythagoras himself died as a result of the antiphagorean insurgency in the metapont, but other authors do not confirm this version, although eagerly transmitting the story that a leaning philosopher worked himself with hunger in the Holy Temple.

Philosophical doctrine

Pythagoras on the fresco of Raphael (1509)

The teachings of Pythagora should be divided into two components: a scientific approach to the knowledge of the world and a religious-mystical lifestyle, preached by Pythagore. The merits of Pythagora in the first part are unknown, since he later attributed to everything created by followers as part of the Pytagorism School. The second part prevails in the teachings of Pythagora, and it was she who remained in the minds of most ancient authors.

The poem of EmPedocle "Cleansing" gives fairly complete information about the pythagorean ideas about the resettlement of souls and based on them of food forbids.

In the preserved works, Aristotle never directly refers directly to Pythagora, but only to the "so-called Pythagorean." In the lost works (famous excerpts), Aristotle examines Pythagora as the founder of a polisheological cult, which forbidden to eat beans and had a golden thigh, but did not belong to the sequence of thinkers, the predecessors of Aristotle.

Plato treated Pythagora with the deepest reverence and respect. When Pythagorean Philolay first published 3 books that set out the main provisions of Pytagorism, Plato on the advice of friends immediately bought them for big money.

The activities of Pythagora as a religious innovator VI in. BC e. It was to create a secret society, which not only put the political goals (because of which the Pythagoreans defeated in Crotone), but mainly the liberation of the soul by moral and physical cleansing with the help of a secret teaching (mystical teachings about the coupling of the soul resettlement). According to Pythagora, the eternal soul moves from heaven in the briginal body of a person or an animal and undergoes a number of relocations until it deserves the right to return back to heaven.

Pythagore contains ritual instructions in the Akommats (sayings): about the cycle of human lives, behavior, sacrifices, burials, nutrition. Akukommats are formulated concisely and accessible to understanding any person, they also contain universal morally. A more complex philosophy, in which mathematics and other science developed, was intended for "dedicated", that is, elected people worthy of secret knowledge. The scientific component of the teachings of Pythagora developed in V c. BC e. The efforts of his followers (architecture from the tarrant, Philola from Croton, Hippas from the metaponta), but it turned out to be not in IV century. BC E., While the mystical-religious component received its development and the second birth in the form of nonopipagorism during the Roman Empire.

The merit of Pythagoreans was the nomination of thought on the quantitative patterns of peace development, which contributed to the development of mathematical, physical, astronomical and geographical knowledge. At the heart of things is the number, taught Pythagoras, know the world - it means to know the number managers. Studying numbers, the Pythagoreans developed a numerical relationship and found them in all areas of human activity. The numbers and proportions were studied in order to know and describe the soul of a person, and navigating, to manage the process of resettlement of souls with the ultimate goal to send the soul to a certain Higher Divine State.

As I was noted by I. D. Rogs: "Despite the remnants of magical thinking, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bPythagora that the number or attitude of numbers is based on the basis of all things, it turned out to be very fruitful." As the Staves noted: "Apparently, the most of all (sciences) Pythagoras read the science of numbers, he promoted her forward, to bring it outside the use in trade and expressing, simulating all the things with numbers" (1, "Proyemia", 6, with . twenty).

Despite the occurrence of the fact that Pythacagogid would be a vegetarian, Diogen Lanertsky writes that Pythagoras occasionally ate fish, refrained only from arable bulls and from the rams, and the other animals allowed to eat.

As a critic of Pythagora, his contemporary Herclite was performed: " Pythagoras, Museum Son, engaged in collecting information more than all people in the world and, pondering for himself these writings, issued multimalimity and fraud for his own wisdom". According to Diogenes Laertsky, in the continuation of the famous greenery of Heraclitus" Multivissal Mind does not teach "among others and Pythagoras:" I would not have learned the Hesiod and Pythagora, as well as xenophane with hecatee. "

Scientific achievements

IN modern world Pythagoras is considered a great mathematician and cosmologist of antiquity, but early testimonies to the III century. BC e. Do not mention these merits. As Jamvlich writes about Pythagoreans: " They also had a wonderful custom to attribute all the Pythagora and not at all assign themselves the glory of the discovers, except maybe several cases».

Antique authors of our era give Pythagora authorship of the famous theorem: Square of hypotenuses rectangular triangle equals the sum of squares of cathets. Such an opinion is based on the information of the Apollodor-calculator (the person is not identified) and on the poetic lines (the source of the poems is not known):

"A day when Pythagoras opened his drawing famous,
Nice for him with the victim of bulls erected. "

Modern historians suggest that Pythagumor did not prove the theorem, but could transfer to the Greeks of this knowledge known in Babylon 1000 years before Pythagora (according to Babylonian clay plates with records of mathematical equations). Although doubt in the authorship of Pythagora exists, but weighing arguments to challenge it, no.

Aristotle affects the development of ideas about cosmology in the work "Metaphysics", but the contribution of Pythagore was not voiced in it. According to Aristotle, the cosmological theories were engaged in Pythagoreans in the middle of V c. BC e., but, apparently, not Pythagoras himself. Pythagora is attributed to the discovery that the Earth is a ball, but the same discovery is the most authoritative author in this matter, Feofrast, gives Parmeno. Yes, and Diogen Lanertsky reports that the judgment about the shag-formation of the Earth expressed Anaximander Miretsky, who studied Pythagoras in his youth.

At the same time, the scientific merit of the School of Pythagoreans in mathematics and cosmology are indisputable. The point of view of Aristotle, reflected in his unreleased treatise "On Pythagores", handed over to Jamvlich. According to Aristotle, the true Pythagoreans were Ausota, followers of religious and mystical teachings on the resettlement of souls. Akukomotics considered mathematics as a teaching, emanating not so much from Pythagora, how much from Pythagorean Hippas. In turn, Mathematics-Pythagoreans, according to their own opinion, were inspired by the guide teachings of Pythagora for in-depth study of their science.

Works of Pythagora

Pythagoras did not write treatises. From oral instructions for a simple people, it is impossible to draw up a treatise, and the secret occult teaching for the elected could not be entrusted with the book. Jamvlich comments on the lack of works of Pythagora:

« Their perseverance is also remarkable in non-disclosure of the exercise: for so many years before the generation of Philolia, it seems that no one faced with any Pythagorean essay. Philolay The first of the Pythagoreans published three sensational books, which, as they say, Dion from Syracuse bought for a hundred min to the direction of Plato, when Phillat fell in extreme need.»

Diogen lists the names of these books attributed to Pythagora: "On Education", "About the State" and "On Nature". However, none of the authors in the first 200 years after Pythagore's death, including Plato, Aristotle and their successors in the Academy and Lyceum, does not quote from the works of Pythagora or at least indicate the existence of such works. First new era Antique writers are unknown by Pytagora's works, as reported by Tom Plutarch, Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200band Galen.

In the III century. BC e. The compilation of Pythagorean's statements, known as the "sacred word", from which the so-called "gold poems" appeared (sometimes they are believed to IV. BC er without good reason). For the first time quotes from these verses are quoted by Christpa in the III century. BC er, though, perhaps, at that time, the compilation has not yet developed into a finished look. Final passage from "Golden Pychs" Translated I. Peter:

You will firmly: the divine genus is present in mortals,
They, arrange, sacred everything opens up nature.
If not alien to you, you will perform punishas,
I will heal your soul and get rid of many disasters.
Disassembled, I said, leave those that I pointed out in cleansings
And guided genuine knowledge - the best willing.
If you, the body of leaving, you will pick up in your free ether
You will become imperishable, and eternal, and death is not knowledgeable.


The history of Pythagora's life is difficult to separate from the legends representing it as a perfect sage and the great dedicated to all the sacraments of the Greeks and Varvarov. Another Herodot called him "the greatest Allenian sage."

The main sources in life and the teachings of Pythagora are the compositions of the philosopher-neoplatonic of Jamvlich (242-306) " About Pythugorn Life"; Porphyria (234-305) " Life Pythagora"; Diogen Lanertsky (200-250) KN. eight, " Pythagoras" These authors relied on the writings of earlier authors, of which the student of Aristotle Aristotle (370-300 Gg. BC) come from a targer, where the positions of the Pythagoreans were strong.

Thus, the earliest known sources about the teachings of Pythagora appeared only 200 years after his death. Pythagumo himself did not leave writings, and all the information about him and his teachings are based on the writings of his followers, not always impartial.


Pythagore's parents were Menarch and Partenida from Samos Island. Mural was Kamnerise (Diogen Lanertsky); According to Porphyria, he was a rich merchant from Tira, who received self-country citizenship for the distribution of bread in a lack of town year. The first version is preferable, since the peasani leads the genealogy of Pythagore on the men's line from Hippas from the Peloponnenne Flunth, who fled to the Samos and became the Praded Pythagora. Partenida, later renamed her husband in Pyfaid, was from the noble kind of Anqua, the founder of the Greek colony on the self.

The birth of a child seemed to predict Pythia in Delphi, because Pythagoras and got his name that means " the one who announced Pythia" In particular, Pythiy informed the member that Pythagoras would bring so much benefit and good to people how many did not bring and would not bring anyone else in the future. Therefore, on joy, Menarch gave his wife a new name of Pytipide and gave the name of the child Pythagore. Pyfaida accompanied her husband on his trips, and Pythagoras was born in Sidon Phoenician (on Jamblich) approximately 570 BC. e.

According to the ancient authors, Pythagoras met almost all the famous sages of that era, Greeks, Persians, Haldea, Egyptians, I absorbed all the knowledge gained by humanity. In popular literature, Pythagora Olympic victory in boxing, confused Pythagora-philosopher with his task (Pythagora, Son Krattta from Samos), who won his 48 games over 18 years before the birth of the famous philosopher.

At a young age, Pythagoras went to Egypt to gain wisdom and secret knowledge from the Egyptian priests. Diogen and Porfiry write that Samos Tirara Polycrat provided Pythagore with a letter of recommendation to Pharaoh Amasis, so he was admitted to learning and is dedicated to the sacraments, forbidden for other alien.

« The Pythagoreans formed a large community (there were more three hundred), but it was only a small part of the city, which was no longer ruled in accordance with the same customs and nuts. However, while the Crottonians owned their land, and Pythagoras were in them, the state device was maintained, which existed from the founding of the city, although there were dissatisfied, who had expecting a convenient occasion for the coup. But when Sibaris won, Pythahor left, and the Pythagoreans, who managed the conquered earthly, did not distribute it along the lot, as the majority wanted, then the hut broke out, and many citizens opposed them ... Relatives of Pythagoreans treated with even more irritation to the fact that those served Only your right hand, and from loved ones - only parents, and that they provide their own property for general use, and from the property of relatives it is separated. When relatives began this hostility, the rest readily joined the conflict ... after many years ... regrettaling and repentance, and they decided to return to the city of those Pythagoreans who were still alive.»

Many Pythagoreans died, the survivors scattered in Italy and Greece. German historian F. Schlover notes about the defeat of the Pythagoreans: " An attempt ended in a perfect failure to transfer custom and clerical life to Greece and, inheritance of the people of the people, change its political device and morals according to the requirements of the opposite theory.»

According to Porphyria and the Pythagoras himself died as a result of the antiphagorean insurgency in the metapont, but other authors do not confirm this version, although eagerly transmitting the story that a leaning philosopher worked himself with hunger in the Holy Temple.

Philosophical doctrine

The teachings of Pythagora should be divided into two components: a scientific approach to the knowledge of the world and a religious-mystical lifestyle, preached by Pythagore. The merits of Pythagora in the first part are unknown, since he later attributed to everything created by followers as part of the Pytagorism School. The second part prevails in the teachings of Pythagora, and it was she who remained in the minds of most ancient authors.

The merit of Pythagoreans was the nomination of thought on the quantitative patterns of peace development, which contributed to the development of mathematical, physical, astronomical and geographical knowledge. At the heart of things is the number, taught Pythagoras, know the world - it means to know the number managers. Studying numbers, the Pythagoreans developed a numerical relationship and found them in all areas of human activity. The numbers and proportions were studied in order to know and describe the soul of a person, and navigating, to manage the process of resettlement of souls with the ultimate goal to send the soul to a certain Higher Divine State.

Despite the encountered view that Pythacagugoran would be a vegetarian, Diogen Laerer writes that Pythagoras occasionally ate fish, refrained only from arable bulls and from the rams, and the other animals allowed to eat.

As a critic of Pythagora, his contemporary Herclite was performed: " Pythagoras, Museum Son, engaged in collecting information more than all people in the world and, pondering for himself these writings, issued multimalimity and fraud for his own wisdom" According to Diogenes Lanertsky, in the continuation of the famous greenery of Hercelit "Multivissal Mind does not teach" mentioned among others and Pythagoras: "And it would not have learned Gees and Pythagora, as well as xenophane with hekatee."

Scientific achievements

Coin with the image of Pythagora

In the modern world, Pythagoras is considered a great mathematician and a cosmologist of antiquity, but early testimonies to the III century. BC e. Do not mention these merits. As Jamvlich writes about Pythagoreans: " They also had a wonderful custom to attribute everything to Pythagora and not to assign themselves the glory of the discoverers, except maybe several cases.»

In the III century. BC e. The compilation of Pythagorean's statements, known as the "sacred word", from which the so-called "gold poems" appeared (sometimes they are believed to IV. BC er without good reason). For the first time quotes from these verses are quoted by Christpa in the III century. BC e. Although, perhaps, at that time, the compilation has not yet developed into a finished look. Final passage from "Golden Pychs" Translated I. Peter:

You will firmly: the divine genus is present in mortals,
They, arrange, sacred everything opens up nature.
If not alien to you, you will perform punishas,
I will heal your soul and get rid of many disasters.
Disassembled, I said, leave those that I pointed out in cleansings
And guided genuine knowledge - the best willing.
If you, the body of leaving, you will pick up in your free ether
You will become imperishable, and eternal, and death is not knowledgeable.


Sources and links

  • Yamblich, about Pythugorn Life
  • Diogen Lanertsky, Pythagora
  • Porphyry, life of Pythagora
  • "Gold Poems" of Pythagoreans in the library of Alexander Kobrinsky
  • Besonom, Pythagorovo Word


  • Zmmur L.Ya. Pythagoras and early Pythagoreans. M., 2012. - 445 p. ISBN 978-5-91244-068-7
  • Zmmur L. Ya. Pythagoras and his school. - M.: Science, 1990. - ISBN 5-02-027292-2
  • Zmmur L. Ya. Science, philosophy and religion in early Pytytagorism. - St. Petersburg., 1994. - 376 p. - ISBN 5-86050-066-1
  • Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1: from epic theocosmogonium before the emergence of atomistics, ed. A. V. Lebedev. - M.: Science, 1989. - with. 138-149.
  • Leontyev A.V. Tradition about Pythagore in Aristochene and Diekarch // Man. Nature. Society. Actual problems. Materials of the 11th International Conference of Young Scientists on 27-30 December 2000 - Publisher of St. Petersburg University. 2000. - P. 298-301.
  • Leontyev A.V. To the question of the image of Pythagora in the ancient tradition of VI-VEKS BC. e. // Mnemon. Research and publications on the history of the ancient world. Edited by Professor E. D. Frolova. - Issue 3. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  • Panchenko D.V. Pythagore Paradox // Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology - XII: Materials of read-in memory of prof. I. M. Tronsky on June 23-25, 2008 P. 355-363.
  • Sigachev A. A. Pythagoras (scientific and popular essay) // Electronic magazine "Knowledge. Understanding. Ability ". - 2010. - № 6 - History.

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