Luxembourg form of government and types of government. State Device and Luxembourg Political System

Reservoirs 21.09.2019

The law on individual labor contracts of 1980 requires that the dismissal of the employee was "fair", and not arbitrary. The law on collective dismissal of 1982 introduces their coordination with the bodies of the working office in enterprises. In 1987, a single pension system was established legally, covering not only employees, but also artisans, merchants, businessmen and farmers. Per last years Luxembourg adopted decisive legislative measures to protect the environment. In 1980, a law was published on the elimination of waste, aimed at preventing harmful effects on the soil, flora and fauna, to prevent the damage of the landscape, air and water pollution, to combat noise and other harmful effects on the body. In 1982 - The Law on the Protection of Nature and natural resources, in the development of which in 1986

Form of the Board of Luxembourg

The birth rate is slightly higher than the mortality rate, which in Luxembourg you can observe a slight positive increase. The level of infant mortality is a little more than 4.5 ppm.

The life expectancy in women is 83 years old, men - 76 years old. Most of the population are Luxembourbles. Health care health care system, as in most developed European countries, is at the highest level.

Equipment for clinics and hospitals allows to carry out complex operations and provide the public to the service of proper quality. Recently, the state parliament has adopted a law on euthanasia.
According to him, a deadly sick person gets the right to voluntarily leave the life after this decision will be approved by the Commission of Experts and two doctors. The Duke flatly refused to sign this law, after which the parliament had to limit some of the rights of the monarch in the Constitution.

State device. Luxembourg - Unitary State

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in the German Union and in personal union with the Dutch kingdom was formed by the decision of the Vienna Congress 1814-1815, which summed up the wages of the European coalition with Napoleonic France. In 1866, the German Union was eliminated, and 1867


The London Conference of the Five Powers - Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and France declared Luxembourg independent and "ever-neutral" state (an article about neutrality is seized from the Luxembourg Constitution in 1948). Personal Union of Luxembourg with the Netherlands ceased in 1890

From this time, the Board of Luxembourg carried out the duke from the Nassau dynasty. The current Constitution of the Great Duchy, the third in its history, was adopted on October 17, 1868. Eleven Heads of Basic Law are divided by one hundred and twenty articles.


Here, carved salaries were performed for books, decorated with plates from ivory. Starting from the 11th century, castles, romance drops, as well as basilica, cleaned sculptures and statues, were erected on the territory of the country.


Churches built in gothic stylewere popular in 14-16 centuries. They differed luxury interiors and abundance of decorations.

In the 16th century, Gothic replaced the Renaissance, and after - Baroque. Sports athletes representing Luxembourg participated in 29 Olympiads.
The National Olympic Committee of the country was founded in 1912. One of the French athletes who won "gold" in 1900 was by the nationality of Luxembourg. In addition, on the account of the athletes of Duchy, four medals: "Gold" in the race in 1952, "silver" in weightlifter and skiers. Climate Luxembourg is located in Western Europe And borders with such countries as Belgium, France and Germany.

State Device and Luxembourg Political System

Initially expressed the interests of large industrialists. The number of HSNP at the beginning of the XXI century. amounted to 9.5 thousand people.
Party Chairman - Francois Biltgen, General Secretary - Jean-Louis Shilts. Luxembourg Socialist working Party (LSRP) appeared in the mid-1890s. In addition to workers, it is currently supported by many middle-class representatives. In total, there are 5.5 thousand people in the party. Chairman - Jean Asselborne, Secretary General - Lucien Suite. In 1947, the Democratic Party of Luxembourg (DPL; Chairman - Claude Maysh, Secretary General - Agni Durdey), and in 1988 - Committee of Action for Democracy and Pensioners' Rights (Chairman - Robert Mellen, Secretary General - Ferdinand Graveyor). Both parties are currently represented in parliament. Founded in January 1921
Luxembourg is a unitary state. The country is divided into 3 districts, the county, in turn, to the cantons. There are no representative bodies in these administrative units, and the functions of the local administration are executed by senior officials appointed by the Government: in the commissocrants, in the cantons - burgomistraces. The current Constitution of Luxembourg was adopted on October 17, 1868. Since then, important changes have been made to it. So, in 1919 it was found that sovereign power comes from the people, all secret treaties were canceled, universal eligible right was introduced on the basis of a proportional representation. In 1948, a list of democratic rights and freedoms of Luxembourg citizens was significantly expanded. In particular, new socio-economic freedoms were proclaimed. Declaration on the revision of the Constitution of April 29, 1954

Luxembourg form of the state device

Each minister, as a rule, leads several ministries. For their activities, the government is responsible to the Chamber of Deputies.

In order to assist the government of the government, the Institute of Government Advisors has been established. In the structure of state bodies of Luxembourg, the State Council plays a very prominent role.

In its composition, the highest officials of the court and the prosecutor's office and the most high-ranking officials. Council members are appointed by the Grand Duke for life, but he has the right to remove them from office, indicating the motives for its decision.

The most important functions of the Council are the consideration and discussion of draft laws and administrative jurisdiction. Any bill before he arrives in the ward of deputies should be considered by the State Council.

Some vertices rise here on one and a half thousand and even more than meters, and in addition, there are many green pastures and forests. One of the most beautiful and the most ancient cities of the state is Echterna, lying in the lower reaches of the HR. A large number of attractions have been preserved here: the Basilica of St. Willibrora and the Abbey around it, the market square, the church of Peter and Paul, the ruins of the fortress walls, as well as the famous canyon with the colorful name "Wolf Palace". Very interesting is the city of Clervo, located on the bank of Clerf in a very picturesque terrain. This is a real medieval town with gothic architecture, abbey structures and a knightly castle. This can be called the way of all Luxembourg - a fabulous corner of the Earth, for which time stopped. State Device of Luxembourg: The Constitutional Monarchy Square Luxembourg is: 2586 square kilometers.

The amendments to the Constitution are accepted by Parliament at two meetings, the gap between which should be at least three months. In special cases, repeated voting is replaced by a referendum.

Changes to the text were introduced repeatedly. The head of state is the Grand Duke of the Nassau dynasty. The first in 1890 at the throne ascended the Duke Adolf (rules until 1905). Currently (from October 2000), the country is managed by the Grand Duke of Henri, born in 1955. The Constitution of 1868 gives the head of state the right of legislative initiative.

In addition, he considers all bills coming from parliament and carries out their promulgation. At the head of state, the State Council is functioning - the advisory body, which gives qualified conclusions on various issues, including on draft laws.


Great Duchy Luxembourg

Date of creating an independent state:1890

Area:2586 sq. M. KM

Administrative and territorial division:3 districts (Luxembourg, Diekirh, Grevenman), 12 Cantons, 126 Commune


Official languages:german, French, Luxembourg

Currency unit:euro

Population:462.7 thousand (2005)

Population density for square. KM:178.9 people.

The share of urban population:89 %

Ethnic composition Population:luxembourbles (90% of the population), immigrants from other European countries

Religion:dominates Catholic Christianity

The basis of the economy:industry

Employment:in the service sector - 51%; In industry - approx. 40%; In agriculture - approx. nine %

GDP:32.3 billion USD (2007)

GDP per capita:70 thousand USD

Form of the State Device:unitarism

Form of government:a constitutional monarchy

Legislature:single Parliament

Head of State:grand Duke

Head of the government:prime Minister

Party structures:multi-Parliament

Basics of government

Starting with x in. The territory of modern Luxembourg was part of The counties of Luxembourg, distinguished from the Frankish kingdom, and from the XIV century. - Duchy of Luxembourg, which, pounding the power of the Habsburgs, in the XV century. It became one of the provinces of the historical Netherlands. After the revolution 1566-1609. The Duchy of Luxembourg was left as part of the Spanish Netherlands, which as a result of the War of the Spanish legacy in 1714 passed to Austria (Austrian Netherlands). In 1794, Luxembourg was included in France. Great Duchy Luxembourgas part of the German Union and in personal union with the Netherlands kingdom, it was formed by the decision of the Vienna Congress of 1814-1815, which summed up the results of the European coalition wars with Napoleonic France. In 1866, the German Union was eliminated, and 1867, the London Conference of the five powers - Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and France declared Luxembourg independent and "ever-neutral" state (an article about neutrality was seized from the Luxembourg Constitution in 1948). Personal Union of Luxembourg with the Netherlands ceased in 1890. From this time, the Board of Luxembourg was carried out by the Duke of the Nassau dynasty.

The current Constitution of the Great Duchy, the third in its history, was adopted on October 17, 1868. Eleven Heads of Basic Law are divided by one hundred and twenty articles. The amendments to the Constitution are accepted by Parliament at two meetings, the gap between which should be at least three months. In special cases, repeated voting is replaced by a referendum. Changes to the text were introduced repeatedly.

The head of state is the Grand Duke of the Nassau dynasty. The first in 1890 at the throne ascended the Duke Adolf (rules until 1905). Currently (from October 2000), the country is managed by the Grand Duke of Henri, born in 1955. The Constitution of 1868 gives the head of state the right of legislative initiative. In addition, he considers all bills coming from parliament and carries out their promulgation.

When the head of state operates State Council- The consultative body, which gives qualified conclusions on various issues, including on draft laws. Members of the Council (twenty one) are appointed by the Grand Duke.

The country has a regime of parliamentary democracy. Parliament deputies (sixty people), which is called - the Chamber of Deputies, is elected for a period of five years through universal direct elections on a proportional representation system. Election law is provided to citizens who have reached eighteen years.

All completeness of the executive bodies belongs to the government appointed Grand Duke as part of the Chairman (State Minister) and ministers. The Constitution requires that the government consists at least three people. Currently, fifteen guidelines are carried out, including the Prime Minister.

The Office of the Counties is assigned to the Commissioners, the cantons - on the burgomyrs. The authorities of self-government in the commune are elected tips.

Judicial system

Luxembourg's judicial system is headed Supreme Court,which is subject to district (in a small state there are only two of them: one - in the city of Luxembourg, the other - in the city of Skirch) and world courts. Special courts that consider labor and administrative disputes, disputes on social insurance issues, are also included.

The supreme body of the administrative justice and at the same time advisory authority on the issues of law is Legal Committee of the State Council

Supervision of compliance with the principal law constitutional Court(Created in 1997).

Leading political parties

The political life of the country is determined by the Christian-Social People's Party and the Luxembourg Socialist Workers Party. They are usually creating coalition governments.

Christian Social People's Party(HSNP) is based at the end of the 1870s. Initially expressed the interests of large industrialists. The number of HSNP at the beginning of the XXI century. amounted to 9.5 thousand people. Party Chairman - Francois Biltgen, General Secretary - Jean-Louis Shilts.

Luxembourg Socialist Workers Party(LSRP) appeared in the mid-1890s. In addition to workers, it is currently supported by many middle-class representatives. In total, there are 5.5 thousand people in the party. Chairman - Jean Asselborne, Secretary General - Lucien Suite.

In 1947 appeared Democratic Party Luxembourg(DPL; Chairman - Claude Maysh, Secretary General - Agni Durdey), and in 1988 -

Committee of Action for Democracy and Rights of Pensioners(Chairman - Robert Melen, Secretary General - Ferdinand Graveyor). Both parties are currently represented in parliament.

Founded in January 1921 on the basis of the left wing of the LSRP Communist Party Luxembourg(CPV), although there is still no support for the voter. Her leader is Ali Reduket.

For the "Democratic Legal State", as stated in the program, since 2004 is struggling Free Party Luxembourg(SPL; Chairman - Jean Ersfeld), but she has not yet managed to achieve the confidence of the electorate.

Traditional for Europe Party Greenappeared in Luxembourg at the end of 1994. Chairman - Francois Bausch.

Grand Duke

From October 2000 - Henri Nassau

State Minister (Government Chairman)

Since 1995 - Jean-Claude Juncker (HSNP)

From book encyclopedic Dictionary (L) by Brocgauz F. A.

From the book of thoughts, aphorisms and jokes of outstanding women Author

Luxemburg Luxemburg (Luxemburg, before Lutzeiburg, even earlier Lucilinburch) - the capital of the Great Duchy of L., in a narrow beautiful valley r. Alzette, with strengthening, the biggest part carved in the rocks and in 1867 by destroyed. Magnificent Palace of Ernst Mansfeld, Spanish governor (1545 - 1604),

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Liu) author BSE.

Rosa Luxembourg (1871-1919), German Socalidem Claw faster and best study when you study others. * * * Freedom is always freedom for dissenters. * * * I hope to die in my post - on the street or in

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (MO) of the author BSE.

From the book of Europe at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries: Economy Problems Author Chernikov Gennady Petrovich

From the book Memo to the citizens of the USSR, leaving abroad Author author unknown

From the book abroad Author Chuprinin Sergey Ivanovich

From the book, philatelectical geography. European foreign countries. Author Vladitel Nikolai Ivanovich

From the book Encyclopedia Special Service by Degtyarev Klim.

From the book a large dictionary of quotation and winged expressions Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

From the book Worldwide History in the sayings and quotes Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Great Duchy Luxembourg Consular Embassy Department: Luxembourg, 1719, Beggen, Chateau de Bezgen, tel. 42-23-33 / 929 (around the clock), telex

From the book of the author

Luxembourg is to imagine that the authors from Russia also work in this tiny state is quite difficult. Nevertheless, if Marina Garber is poems in Russian poetry, then Russian literature exists

From the book of the author

Luxembourg (Great Duchy Luxembourg) Luxembourg. Grand-Duche de Luxembourggos in Zap. Europe. Terr. 2, 6 thousand square meters. KM.NAS. 360 thousand (1978), in the OSN. Luxembourbles. Capital - Luxembourg. State Languages \u200b\u200b- French and German. Luxembourg - Constitution. monarchy. In Sovr. borders exists from 1839. Up to 1890 V

From the book of the author

Luxembourg: Miniature, But the Terrible System of the Country Special Services: State Intelligence Service (SRDE - Service de Renseignements de L'etat); Higher Commissioner of External Security (HCSE - Haute Commissariat De La Securite Exterieure); Intelligence Bureau (Deuxeme Bureau de l'Arme) Ministry of Defense. Loud

From the book of the author

Luxembourg, Rosa (Luxemburg, Rosa, 1871-1919), the leader of the German and Polish Socylidemocrats 646 freedom is always freedom for dissenters. "Russian Revolution: Critical Assessment", 4 (1918; publ. In 1922)? Duden, S.

From the book of the author

Luxembourg, Rosa (Luxemburg, Rosa, 1871-1919), the figure of the German and Polish Social Democracy143Svoda is always freedom for dissenters. "Russian Revolution: Critical Assessment", 4 (1918; publ. In 1922)? Duden, S.

The modest size of Luxembourg, the proud title of the Great Duchy, can rightly be called the face of Europe, because in political and economic stability, security and the cultural level of the population, it can serve as an example for all other European states. Luxembourg borders with such European superpowers as Germany and France, as well as with a slightly more modest Belgium.

The capital, the city of Luxembourg is considered the main financial, educational and cultural center of the country. The largest cities are Ash-sur-alzet, Difjange and Dudeneja, their population varies from 15,000 to 25,000 people.

In addition to French and German, the state is Luxembourg language, which is a dialect of a German language with a strong influence of French. Often, on one page of the local newspaper, articles are adjacent to all three languages. Many residents are also beautifully engaged in English.

Interesting is the fact that more than 160,000 foreigners come to work in Luxembourg daily, which exceeds 30% of the country's total population.

Historically, Luxembourg was a major industrial center specializing in mining iron Ore And steel smelting, but today the foundation of the economy is the financial and banking sector, which has received rapid development, thanks to competent tax policies and liberal banking legislation.


Number of population

509,000 people

Population density

197 people / km²

luxembourg, French, German


catholicism, Protestantism

Form of government

a constitutional monarchy


UTC +1 (summer UTC +2)

International Area Code

Domain zone on the Internet


Climate and weather

The territory of Luxembourg lies in the zone moderate climate, smoothly moving from marine type to continental. In the winter months, the air temperature practically does not fall below 0 ° C, and only in the foothills, the ardennes occasionally have frosts, in some years reaching -15 ° C. The average summer temperature throughout the territory is kept at + 18 ... + 20 ° C.

The sediments are in the form of rain, snow, occasionally (in the valleys of rivers Moseland Sur). In the southern part of the country, the average precipitation per year is about 750 mm, in the north, where the area is more hilly, is 850-900 mm.

The best time for visiting Luxembourg is traditionally considered the period from May to September, characterized by warm comfortable weather, with a small amount of rain.


Despite its very modest sizes (approximately 82 km long and 58 km wide), Luxembourg boasts a variety of relief and amazing natural beauty.

Northern Luxembourg ( Esling) It is occupied by the foothills of Ardennes, characterized by a strongly dissected relief with arrays of 400-500 m height above sea level. The highest point of Luxembourg is a mountain Burgplatz (559 m). The slopes of the hills cover numerous forests, mostly broad-willed, consisting of beaks, oaks, nuts, cocks and holly, but in some places on the upper slopes of the hills there are fir and larch. South of the country ( Gutland.) It is the fertile echoed hilly plains on which gardens and vineyards grow. Emerald pastures are scattered throughout the country with cows lazily, creating an idyllic picture.

The largest rivers of Luxembourg are Sur, Mosellan, Alzettaand UR. - Rhine tributaries. In the rivers and streams of the northern part of Luxembourg there are trout. In the foothills, Ardennes, mountain rivers and streams form picturesque gorges, in some places with a circular waters, drowning in billions of splashes sparkling.


Luxembourg's sightseeing traditionally begins from the capital, who has a good-selling streets who meet their guests, which are rich in various architectural delights, who found a place at bridges deployed through rivers, on sharp spiers of churches, as well as on the facades and towers of the palaces.

The greatest interest is caused cathedral Notre Dameand Residence of the Great Duke. Many museums, art galleries, municipal theater, conservatory and other institutions of culture and art are located in the capital.

In the territory of Luxembourg, many locks and defensive fortresses based in the X-XII centuries are scattered ( castle Clervo, Ash-sur-Sur, Vianden, Burshid, Bohor and etc.). Some of them were renovated, and today they are museums under their roofs with interesting unique expositions telling about the historical events that took place in the Middle Ages Luxembourg.

Among the delicious attractions of Luxembourg, Mulle Terrace with its grocery streams and noisy waterfalls, surroundings, surrounded Groundhof, Lyarhlet and Constoref, famous for their painting. In the vicinity of the town of Echterns, unofficially referred to as Mini Switzerland, are magnificent stony gorges, emerald rocks covered with beech forests, and famous canyon Wolf Palace.


The culinary wealth of Luxembourg is an amazing combination of vintage peasant recipes and exquisite aristocratic cuisine, based on the traditional set of eats inherent in German, French and Belgian cuisine.

Luxembourg cuisine is famous for its delicious meat dishes. Everywhere in Luxembourg, you can try smoked pork ridges with beans or beans and the fascious piglet, so soft and juicy that the chef craps it into portion pieces with just a porcelain plate. Meat sub-products are widespread: dummy pork ears, hepatic dumplings with sour cabbage, fried blood sausage, bull tail soup, gentle calf heart with potatoes and cabbage and much more. Traditional Ardenne Ham and Zarable Roast in Luxembourgis is most popular among tourists. All sorts of vegetables are served on the side dish. Local chefs are considered real virtuosos in cooking river fish (perch, pike and trout) and crayfish. On the table there are always local cheeses, not inferior to the taste of French, Swiss or Dutch.

All sorts of delicacies will allow sweet to feel in paradise. In Luxembourg, hundreds of cookies, cakes, cakes with filling, as well as literally melting chocolate chocolates are made in Luxembourg.

Luxembourg cuisine cannot be imagined without white wines from grapes grown in the Valley of the Moselle River since the times of ancient Rome (Elbling, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, Rivaner, Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Auxerrois). Popular drinks in the country are also beer, mineral water and various liqueurs.


In all the cities of Luxembourg, despite their very modest sizes, there is a place where you can spend the night. Tourist accommodation in the country is represented by hotels and hotels of various levels, modest apartments and chic villas, and, of course, budget hostels. In 3- and 4-star Luxembourg hotels, the cost of living will cost from 45 to 280 € per day for a double room. The average cost of renting an apartment or house is about 100-120 € per person per week, or 14-17 € per day. But it should be borne in mind that the apartments give up, as a rule, at least three nights, and the more guests, the cheaper the total price is obtained per person. The cost of the place in the hostels of the country ranges from 20.5 to 23.5 € per night.

Entertainment and recreation

At first glance, the prim and conservative Luxembourg will delight their guests a variety of offered entertainment for every taste.

Luxembourg is considered an excellent place for family holidays with children thanks to his soft climate and small size, because long-lasting moving is exactly what tires the kids most. Beautiful zoos are located in the towns Ash-sur-alzet (Gaalgebier Zoopark) and Bethhemburg (Miracles Park, or Parc Merveilleux), allowing to watch animal habits in conditions as close as possible to natural. In the Miracles Park, the most young visitors will meet the heroes of favorite fairy tales to play with them and show amazing ideas.

Youth in Luxembourg most attract extreme sports, such as rock climbing and riding on the most complex tracks of the premiums Ardenne on a mountain bike. The beloved place of the climbing fans are the surroundings of the town of Berdorf, where you can get a portion of adrenaline and at the same time admire the views opening from the top of the defeated cliff. Plateau near the town of Upgradang is a popular destination among flight lovers on Deltaplane.

Host Hosts will have to do therapeutic rest on the balneological resort Mondorf-les-BainSpecializes in the fight against intestinal and liver diseases, where, in addition to healing mineral waters, the latest technology in the field of healthcare is applied.

During the year, residents and guests of Luxembourg can take part in bright festivals and holidays: in the carnival Cavalcade de Diekirch, Emechen Emechen Festival in the city of Hornstick, accompanied by exhibitions and fairs of items of folk art, Festival of Fire, Festival Schupurfür (Sheep's parade), preceding wine festivals, conducted in the fall in all centers of winemaking.

Most nightclubs and discos are in the capital of the state and offer their visitors of the Show program from the best DJs not only Luxembourg, but also neighboring countries.


The largest shopping center of Luxembourg is, of course, its largest city and the capital of Luxembourg, where many shops are concentrated, representing both expensive world-famous brands and brands easier. Store opening is usually limited to a period from 9 am to 6 pm with a two-hour lunch break (from 12:00 to 14:00), on Saturday, stores are open no more than noon, and on Sunday most often the day off. Large supermarkets and shopping and entertainment centers work around 9 am to 10 pm without days off.

Prices for goods in Luxembourg are usually higher than in neighboring Belgium or Germany, it usually concerns clothing and shoes. It should be remembered that by buying anything in Luxembourg, you can return a part of the amount in the amount of VAT on the Tax Free system, taking the TAX refund cheque check-made Check check and assure it at customs.

In memory of his journey from Luxembourg, various souvenirs (magnets, mugs, jerseys, etc.) are brought from Luxembourg (magnets, mugs, as well as handmade ceramic dishes, created in an old-style and decorated with cute patterns or ornament. Among the "delicious" souvenirs, chocolate is most popular, manufactured here on unique proven recipes and in small quantities, and local amazing wines.


Luxembourg has excellent transport links with many countries in the world and within the country. In the only international airport Luxembourg-Findel Regular flights from many cities in Europe are performed. From the CIS countries, it is most convenient to get from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Vienna or Amsterdam, and from there direct flight to Luxembourg.

On the territory of Luxembourg, a high-speed international railway line Brussels - Basel with a stop in the capital of the state is held. Every day, both sides run about a dozen trains, which are often used by residents of neighboring states working in Luxembourg. Interior railway communication is established between the main settlements of the country.

Along the country, even in places where there are practically no settlements, the highest quality automotive road network is widely developed. The high-speed regime provides for the following limitations: in cities and villages - 60 km / h, outside the settlements - 90 km / h, on highways - 120 km / h. At any time, it is necessary to include the Middle Light, the beep is allowed to submit only in the most emergency cases. For violation of rules road Substantial fines are charged. Parking is allowed only in special places And on paid car parking.

The main type of public transport in Luxembourg is buses. Regular bus flights link to a country with many cities in Europe. Buses are the only type of urban public transport in cities.

In the city of Luxemburg a lot of taxis, which can be called by phone or take parking near the largest hotels in the capital.


Cellular communication in the country provides three operators: P & T Luxembourg, Tango Mobile (Tele2 AG), Orange Communications Luxembourg operating in the GSM 900/1800 range. Roaming in Luxembourg is provided by all major mobile operators working in the CIS countries.

Machines operating on a magnetic card can be found not only in the capital and small towns of Luxembourg, but also in the most unexpected places - for example, near the bus stop on the country road. With such telephones, as well as from post offices and from hotel rooms you can call abroad.

Free access points are provided in all hotels and hostels of Luxembourg, as well as in some cafes and restaurants in the country.


Every year, Luxembourg occupies leading positions in all sorts of ratings of the safest countries of the world, where not only such a criterion, as crime, but also the state of the environment, hospitality and friendliness of the local population, water quality and food, probability to infect viral diseases etc.

Business climate

Today, Luxembourg can rightly be called a bank power. The adoption of the laws in the late 70s guaranteeing the preservation of the secrecy of the contribution, as well as the financial and political stability in the country, led to the fact that branches and representative offices of several hundred of the most famous banks not only Europe were opened here, but also in the world.

Luxemburg is also distinguished by extremely liberal legislation in the field of commercial and corporate law. Attracting foreign capital is permitted in all sectors. Maintenance foreign business In Luxembourg, receives all the support from the state, because today tax system Luxembourg, according to European Venture Capital Association, is considered one of the best in the world for the development of the private capital investment industry. Enterprises registered on the territory of Luxembourg are obliged to pay income tax (20-34%), VAT (12%), real estate tax (0.7-1%), local taxes (business and communal), etc., but when This has a number of benefits for taxation of investment funds and holding companies.

The property

Acquisition of housing in Luxembourg is a status and prestigious investment.

According to national legislation, the right to buy residential or commercial real estate has all foreign citizens. It is necessary to pay a tax in the amount of 7% of the amount of the transaction. If housing is purchased on the primary market, then the cost is further increased by the amount of VAT (15%). The design of documents is produced in a notary, which eliminates the likelihood of fraud. Notary check I. final decoration The required package of documents is 1,5-2 months. The agent receives a commission of 3% of the transaction amount. The high standard of living of the population has a beneficial effect on the quality of housing in Luxembourg, where it is an order of magnitude higher than in neighboring Germany, France and Belgium, which is definitely reflected in the price category of housing. The cost of 1M 2 in Luxembourg varies from 2,450 € to 10,000 €, depending on the quality and age of the construction, the location of the object and other factors. The average price for 1M 2 apartments is 4,800 €, at home - 3 375 €. Every year prices increase by 5-10%.

The search for real estate in Luxembourg is the most reliable exercise with the help of brokers running in Fedation International Des Professions Immobiliers.

Parking with most Luxembourg hotels is paid, and the parking space should be booked in advance. But to park near the nightclub or a large shopping center can be absolutely free and free.

There are many in the country natural facilitiesPrivate property. The introduction of private ownership is subject to large fines and can even lead to expulsion from the country.

The customs rules of Luxembourg prohibit the importation of chocolate and meat and making products to the territory of the state, with the exception of baby food in the calculation of no more than 2 kg per child. Otherwise, products confiscated and imposed a fine.

Luxembourg (The Great Duchy of Luxembourg) is a state located in Western Europe. The country is a member of the European Union, and also enters the Schengen zone. This is one of the small states of Europe. Luxembourg, together with the Netherlands and Belgium, is among the Benilyux countries. The capital of Luxembourg is the city of Luxembourg. In addition to the capital, others large cities There is no more in this small country. Cities with a population of more than a million people in the country are also not. Luxembourg is a very small country. From the east to the west, the country can travel by car for 50 minutes by the autobahn (90 kilometers), and from north to east, this tiny state stretches 130 kilometers. Luxembourg is included in the top five European countries in terms of living. In addition, Luxembourg ranks second in Europe in terms of income on a separate person, yielding only Norway. The population of the country is 550,000 people, which is quite a large indicator for a very small country. Luxembourg is located in one time zone. The difference with worldwide time is one hour.

Luxembourg together with Switzerland is traditionally considered a country of banks. Here are the branches of all the most famous global banks, and Luxembourg bankers, along with Swiss, are considered the best in the world.

Luxembourg has no way out to the sea. By land, Luxembourg borders with France, Belgium and Germany.

Despite high density Population in Luxembourg is quite a lot of forests. Forests make up 20% of the country area. All forest plantings are protected by the state, hunting is strictly prohibited.

From the mountains in this small country in the north there is a small array of Ardenne (Ardennes Mountains), which goes to Belgium. In addition to Ardennes, in Luxembourg there are several low vertices of the Rhine Shale Mountains, taking their origin in Germany. The highest point of Luxembourg - Mount Knife. Its height is 550 meters.

Little Luxembourg has several large rivers. The biggest one is the river Moselle. Other large rivers flowing through the country - Name, Blis, Alzet. All rivers flowing through the territory of Luxembourg flow to the North Sea. In Luxembourg, few lakes. The largest lake in the country is the top sur.

Luxembourg in the administrative plan is divided into three districts: Luxembourg, Diekirh and Greven Hamburg.



There are automobile and railways in Luxembourg. Through the country, the autobahn passes, connecting the capital of the country with Belgium and Germany. By train you can get to most cities in the country. Very developed bicycle transport. On the bike, you can cross the whole country for half a day.


Luxembourg, perhaps, keeps the championship in Europe by the number of transitions from one state to another. IN different times This small country was founded in the Holy Roman Empire of the Germans (German Predecessor), the Frankish Kingdom, Burgundy, Lorraine, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Austrian Empire, Austria-Hungary, the fascist third Reich.

Luxembourg in its own historical development Several stages passed:

but) Early History - the emergence of the first parking lots of the ancient people (35,000 years BC), the emergence of permanent settlements (5000 years BC);

b) Luxembourg as part of the Roman Empire - from the first century to our era;

c) Luxembourg as part of the Frankish Kingdom - from the VII century, the appeal of the country's population into Christianity,

d) Luxembourg as part of the Holy Roman Empire of Germanians (not to be confused with ancient Rome) - the middle of the VII century;

e) Luxembourg as part of the Kingdom of Lorraine - end of the VII century;

(e) Obtaining luxembourg full independence - 963 years;

g) Luxembourg as part of the Kingdom of Burgundy - from 1433, the loss of independence;

h) Luxembourg as part of the Austrian Empire (Habsburg Empire) - from 1477;

and) Luxembourg as part of Spain - from 1500;

k) Luxembourg as part of the Netherlands - from 1550

l) Luxembourg as part of France - 1579-1584;

m) Luxembourg again as part of the Austrian Empire (Austria-Hungary) - from 1790;

h) Luxembourg again as part of France - from 1796, Napoleon dictatorship, the oppression of peasants, mass folk uprisings against french occupants

o) Luxembourg as part of the Netherlands - from 1815, the country's deployment of large taxes, the hard rust of the Dutch Duke Villem II;

p) Luxembourg in Belgium - from 1839, the uprising against the Dutch rule, Luxembourg as part of Prussia - from 1842;

p) the proclamation of independence of Luxembourg - 1866;

(c) Occupation of Luxembourg Kaiserovskaya Germany - 1914;

t) Hitler's occupation - 1940, the persecution and destruction of Luxembourg Jews, establishing a cruel occupying mode;

y) the entry of Luxembourg to the third Reich - 1941, unfolding on the territory of the country of the troops of the Hitler's Wehrmacht, the unfolding of the partisan war against the fascist invaders;

f) Luxembourg's liberation from the German-fascist invaders of the Allied troops - 1944, restoration of the country's economy, return from the political emigration of the Government of Luxembourg and the Duke of Luxembourg;

x) the end of the neutrality policy, joining NATO - 1949;

c) Luxembourg in modern times.

Currently, the country of duchy institute nominally preserved in the country. The Luxembourg Duke has a huge impact on the policy of the country's official leadership, and the Parliament, the Cabinet of Ministers is always considered to be the opinion of the Duke. They love the duke and ordinary residents of the country, and the duke himself suits luxurious techniques in his palaces from time to time (you just need to pre-harmonize the purpose of your visit with the duke ourselves).


The country is not fossil as its minerals. The main thing is how rich in the country is large stocks of iron ore. Copper, lead, slate slate, carboan sandstone, gypsum, combustible shale are also mined. Currently, the Gold deposits are underway on the territory of the country. In addition, Luxemburg is still famous for its numerous mineral sources. Many of these sources have good medical properties And well known throughout Europe. Strategic Energy - Coal, Gas and Oil - on the territory of Luxembourg are completely absent, the country is 100% dependent on the import of these energy carriers from other European countries. Due to the complete absence of strategic energy in the country and the high cost of their imports from other countries in the country is common wind power. Luxembourg keeps the championship in Europe by the number of wind power plants.


Luxembourg climate is moderate. Winter - soft and snowy, summer - warm, but not roast. As the country is relatively close to Sea Belgium, sometimes in the weather makes its own adjustments to the North Sea.

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LUXEMBOURG,Velikoegeretzogolsomemburg, the state in Western Europe. Area 2586 thousand square meters. km. Population of 422.5 thousand people (1997). It borders in the West and the North with Belgium, in the East with Germany and in the south with France. The capital city is also called Luxembourg, as well as the adjacent province of Belgium, which occupies a greater area than the Great Duchy. Since 1921 (with the exception of the period of the German occupation in 1940-1945), Luxembourg consists of an economic alliance with Belgium. The country is included in the Benilux Economic Union and the European Union (EU).


Southern half of Luxembourg - Gutland - is a continuation of the Larring plateau and is characterized by a wavy coastal relief. Here the system is expressed. Grocery and ledges gradually decaying to the east. Cultural landscapes prevail. In the north of the country, in Esling, busy against Ardennes, strongly developed relief with heights of up to 400-500 m. The highest point is Mount Burgplatz (559 m). The largest river Luxembourg - Sur (Sauer) - originates on the territory of Belgium and flows to the east, then after merging with Urom south-east and south and flows into Mosel. Alzet, the southern influx of Super, proceeds through the capital city of Luxembourg and the industrial cities of Ash-sur-Alzet, Mersh and Ettelbruck.

By climatic peculiarities of Luxembourg is similar to the Netherlands and Belgium. Summer warm, the average temperature of July 17 ° C. Winter predominates positive temperatures, but in the foothills, Ardennes sometimes have frosts - -15 ° C. For the year in the city of Luxembourg, 760 mm of precipitation drops, partially in the form of snow. In the north of the country, the average annual precipitation increases to 850-900 mm, snowfalls are more often. In the valleys of the Moselle and the lower houses, the surgeon often falls.

More than 1/3 of the territory of Luxembourg occupy oak and beech forests. They are focused in the essing and northern part of Gutland. IN upper parts Ardennes slopes appear larch and fir. Places there are vessels and peat swamps. In Luxembourg in gardens and parks, such thermal-loving plants cultivate such as walnut, Apricot, Holly, Samshet, Kizil, Barbaris.

Animal world is very depleted. On the arable land you can see the Zaitsev, and in forest rooms - separate individuals of roasted, sulfur and boars. There lives a lot of protein. From the birds there are Vykhiri, Coyki \u200b\u200band Kanyuki, as well as pheasants. The rare guest was the Hawk-revennator. In dense forest thickets, a rhykchik and woodland live. In the rivers and streams of the Esling there are trout.


Celts, francs and German tribes that migrated through this area before and after the invasion of the Romans are the ancestors of modern residents of Luxembourg. The country has its own language - Luxembourg, which is based on a dialect of a German language with numerous borrowings from French. French and German are also official languages countries. In addition, many residents speak English. The prevailing religion is Roman Catholic, but the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and in large cities there are small Protestant and Jewish communities.

The population of Luxembourg was 300 thousand people in 1930, 291 thousand in 1947 and 385 thousand on the 1991 census. The population in 2009 is estimated at 491 thousand. 775 people. During World War II, there was a sharp decline in population population, especially male, but this loss was compensated by population growth after 1950. Almost all increases - the result of immigration. In 1996 there were approx. 127 thousand people foreign origin (mostly Portuguese and Italians) - 33% of the total population of the country. Birth rate decreased from 31 per 1000 people at the beginning of the 20th century. Up to 11.92 in 2003, and mortality is 8.78 per 1000 person. The child mortality rate is 4.65 per 1000 newborns. The life expectancy in Luxembourg in men - 76, and in women - 83.

Most part of the population is concentrated in the southern part of the country. In the metropolitan city of Luxembourg, 83.8 thousand people lived (2007). Other cities with a population of over 15 thousand people - Ash-sur-alzet (27.9 thousand in 2004), Differdant (18.9 thousand in 2004) and Dudelange (17.5 thousand in 2003). Important tourist centers - Echterns and Mondorf-les-Ben.

Political system.

Luxembourg is a constitutional monarchy. The right of inheritance belongs to the Nassau family. The Great Duke Jean inherited the throne from the Great Duchess Charlotte in November 1964. In September 2000, Jean renounced the power in favor of his son Prince Henri. Council members take their posts to the end of life. Although the Council is the highest advisory authority under the Duke on legislation and law, nevertheless, the duke can amend the laws adopted by the Chamber of Deputies (Parliament), and even temporarily impose a veto to laws. The Constitution, adopted on October 16, 1868, was changed in 1919 and several times after 1948.

The Legislative Body is the Chamber of Deputies - consists of 60 members elected by direct voting for a 5-year term. Administrative power is mainly in the hands of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers. The party forming the government should have most places in the ward of deputies. All adult citizens are obliged to take part in the elections. Election rights were provided to women in 1919. The Chamber of Deputies is chosen according to the system of proportional representation from four constituencies. Luxembourg is divided into 12 cantons.

The largest in the country - the Christian-Social People's Party - Catholic, exists from the 1870s, protects the interests of the people of the population. The Luxembourg Socialist Workers Party - Social Democratic, was created in the 1890s, enters the socialist intermenimal and relies on the trade unions. Liberal political flow It was presented before the Second World War radical liberal, and from 1947 - a liberal party. Other political parties - the Communist Party of Luxembourg, Green, etc.

Armed forces.

Prior to World War II, Luxembourg in accordance with the terms of the London agreement 1867 had only border troops with a number of 300 people. Despite the international guarantees of neutrality, Luxembourg was occupied by German troops during the first and second (in 1940) world wars. Therefore, in 1945 the country has introduced a mandatory military service with for a short time Services, and in 1948 an article about neutrality was seized from the Constitution. In 1967 instead of mandatory military service A set of volunteers in the army, numbering 800 people, and the gendarmerie from 560 people was legalized. Luxembourg - UN member, NATO, EU and a number of other international organizations, has agreements on military cooperation with Belgium and the Netherlands.


In the 1990s, Luxembourg was one of the most wealthy countries of the West with a highly developed economy. The basis of the economy is primarily a developed sector of services, including in the financial field.

In 2002, the gross domestic product (GDP) was estimated at $ 21.94 billion, or 48,900 dollars per capita (against $ 26,556 in Belgium and $ 43,233 in Switzerland). Based on the purchasing power parity, the expenses of the population of Luxembourg were $ 1,827 in a showerful calculus (in the USA - $ 17,834). Annual growth in GNP in the early 1990s, averaged 5.5%, which is much higher than the average for EU member states.


The southern border of Luxembourg has rich deposits of iron ore belonging to the extensive Larring basin. In 1970, OK was mined. 5.7 million tondes, but production was quickly reduced and was finally minimized in early 1997. Then the last domain furnace was repaid. Significant steel production in recent years worked on the basis of imported ore imported mainly from France. Steel in 1952 accounted for a third GDP, and in 1994 - only 6%. For the period 1974-1990, the production of steel decreased from 6.4 million tons to 3.5 million tons, and the production of cast iron fell twice. The main steel concern Armbed, founded in 1911, was the largest industrial enterprise of the country. Currently, steel production is reoriented to the use of scrap metal as raw materials and smelting in electric hollow.

In the economy of Luxembourg, a banking occupies an important place, a significant attention is paid to creating telecommunication networks and the production of audio and video equipment. Release chemical products, Machinery, Plastics, Fabrics, Glass, Porcelain. Many new enterprises were created by major US firms. For foreign companies, a very attractive factor is that local workers know several languages.

Almost all the energy consumed in Luxembourg is imported, including oil, natural gas, coal.


Approximately a quarter of the territory of Luxembourg is processed, and another quarter is busy under the meadows and pastures. The main branches of agriculture are meat-milk animal husbandry and grain-feed crop production.

The average sizes of farms in Luxembourg are small - approx. 7 hectares, and in most of them a mixed economy is practiced. The soil is poor sandy, phosphoric fertilizers, by-product of metallurgical production are made to increase their fertility. The main cultures are potatoes, wheat, oats, barley, rye and clover for seeds. Grapes are also grown; In the Valley of Moset, high-quality white wines are made. The need for the import of food grain and certain types of forage grains increases. Crop crops are significantly lower than in Belgium and the Netherlands. The country's agriculture receives subsidies from the state and the EU to maintain a stable level of prices and direct payments to farmers. In 1995, agriculture accounted for 1.1% of GDP and 2.7% of the total number of employed (against 5.4% in 1980). Although the country's economy has greatly benefited from participation in the Belgian-Luxembourg Economic Union and in the Customs Union of Benilyuks, agriculture It was not upgraded at the level of other sectors of the economy.


Banking and Financial Services have become the main species economic activitywhich in 1995 concentrated 31.9 GDP and 9.2% busy. Luxembourg is one of their financial centers of Europe, and in 1995 there were representatives of 220 foreign banks, which were attracted by the most favorable banking laws adopted in the late 1970s, guaranteeing the preservation of the secrets of deposits. However, the harmonization of laws in EU countries conducted in 1993, somewhat levels the advantages of Luxembourg before other countries of the Union. In 1992 Total Auara financial organizations Luxembourg increased to $ 376 billion, most of the US dollars and German brands. In 1994, 12,89 holding companies operated in the country.

In the 1996 budget, incomes amounted to 159 billion Luxembourg francs, and expenses - 167, 2 billion. The share of indirect taxes accounted for 42% of all incomes, the share of direct - 48%. Total tax revenues were 45% of GDP - the highest indicator for EU countries.

Luxembourg treated Luxembourg Frank and Belgian Frank. The currency was produced by the Luxembourg Monetary Institute, which feces the financial sector. The Central Bank is the National Bank of Belgium.

From January 1, 2002, the currency of Luxembourg is Euro (EURO).

International trade

Luxembourg is connected with the foreign trade of Belgium, and the National Bank of Belgium implements international operations of Luxembourg. The state strongly depends on foreign trade. Most part industrial products It is exported, and 1/3 of it is metals and finished goods. Luxembourg fully imports energy resources for industry - stone coal and oil; Cars, fabrics, cotton, food and agricultural machinery are imported. Until the mid-1970s, the trade balance was usually positive and export received exceeded import costs, but the reduction in production has significantly changed the balance. In 1995, the cost of exports amounted to 7.6 billion dollars, and the cost of imports is 9.7 billion. The trade balance is reduced due to the large income of the financial sector. The main foreign trade partners of Luxembourg - EU countries.

Transport and communication.

Transportation of Luxembourg is different high levels development. The length of the railway network is 271 km, and automotive - 5100 km. Main meridional railway The lines of France and Belgium are connected, and the latitudinal links the Lines of Germany and Belgium. The only Findel Airport is 5 km east of the capital.

Luxembourg plays an important role in European broadcasting and television. Radio Tele-Luxembourg - Joint-Stock Company with a predominance of French and Belgian capital, owns one of the most powerful stations in the world serving many European countries. In 1988-1996, this joint stock company financed the launch of six Paneuropean Television Satellites Astra.


School learning is required for children aged 6 to 15 years. In the 1994-1995 school year, 27 thousand children attended primary schools. Medium schools, including professional schools, have 27 thousand students. Children study German and french, the first is in elementary school, and the second is in the middle. There are no higher educational institutions in the country.


Luxembourg, who was on the path of many conquerors, more than once fell under the power of German, French, Austrian, Dutch and Spanish rulers. Despite numerous changes in political status, he retained his face and gained independence.

What is known in the history of both Luxembourg includes the territory emerging for the modern limits of the Grand Duchy - the province of Belgium and small areas of neighboring countries. The word "Luxembourg" in translated means "Little Castle" or "Fortress"; Thus called the strengthening of the capital city, which was known as "Northern Gibraltar" in Europe. Located on steep cliffs, rising above R. Alzet, this fortress was almost impregnable and existed until 1867.

The Romans may have been the first to use this strategically important place and strengthened it when the rules in the field of Belgik in Gaul. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Luxembourg was conquered by Franks of 5th. And later became part of the extensive Empire of Charles Great. It is known that one of the descendants of Charles, Siegfried I, was the ruler of this area in 963-987, and at 11 c. Conrad, who assigned to himself the title of Luxembourg Count, became a density of the dynasty, which rules up to 14 V. The settlement of Luxembourg in 1244 received urban rights. In 1437, as a result of the marriage of one of Konrad's relatives with the German King of Albert II, the Duchy of Luxembourg passed to the Habsburg dynasty. In 1443, it was captured by the Duke of Burgundy, and the power of the Habsburg was restored only in 1477. In 1555, it moved to the Spanish King Philip II and, together with Holland and Flanders, fell under the power of Spain.

In the 17th century Luxembourg was repeatedly engaged in the war between Spain and sabotaged by France. On the Pyrenean peace treaty 1659 Louis Xiv. Dailed the southwest edge of the duchy with the cities of Thionwill and Montmeni. During another military campaign in 1684, the French captured the fortress of Luxembourg and remained there for 13 years, until the terms of the Rubvik world, Louis did not make him return His Spain along with the lands captured by him in Belgium. After a long wars, Belgium and Luxembourg in 1713 moved to the authorities of the Austrian Habsburgs and had a relatively peaceful period.

He was interrupted by the French revolution. Republican troops entered Luxembourg in 1795, and during Napoleonic wars, this area remained under the authority of the French. At the Vienna Congress, 1814-1815, the European powers first allocated Luxembourg as a great duchy and transferred him to the King of the Netherlands Wilhelm I in exchange for the former possessions that were attached to Hessen's Duchy. Luxembourg, however, was simultaneously included in the Confederation of Independent States - the German Union, and Prussic Forces were allowed to contain their garrison in the fortress of the capital.

The next change occurred in 1830, when Belgium rebelled, which also belonged to Wilhelm I. With the exception of the capital, which the Prussian garrison held, all Luxembourg joined the rebel. Trying to overcome the split in the region, the great powers in 1831 were offered to divide Luxembourg: his western part with the French-speaking population became the province of independent Belgium. Such a decision was finally approved by the London Treaty of 1839, and Wilhelm remained the ruler of the Great Duchy of Luxembourg, heavily diminished in size. The great powers were made to clearly understand that they consider the duke as an independent state independent of the Netherlands, connected only to personal unia with the ruler of this country. In 1842 Luxembourg entered into Customs Union German states, founded in 1834. With the collapse of the German Union in 1866, the protracted stay of the Prussian garrison in Luxembourg began to cause displeasure to France. The King of the Netherlands Wilhelm III suggested selling his rights to the Grand Duchy of Napoleon III, but at that time a sharp conflict between France and Prussia broke out. The second London conference gathered in May 1867, and the London Treaty, signed in September of the same year, allowed the urgent contradictions. The Prussian garrison was removed from the city of Luxembourg, the fortress was eliminated. The independence and neutrality of Luxembourg were proclaimed. The throne in the Great Duchy remained the privilege of the Nassau dynasty.

Personal significance with the Netherlands was interrupted in 1890, when Wilhelm III died and his daughter Wilhelmina inherited the Netherlands throne. The Great Duchy moved to another branch of the Nassau at home, and the great Duke Adolf began to edit. After the death of Adolf in 1905, the throne took his son Wilhelm, ruled until 1912. Then the reign of his daughter of the Great Duchess of Maria Adelaide began.

August 2, 1914 Luxembourg was captured by Germany. At the same time german troops Entered into Belgium. The German Foreign Minister promised Luxembourg to pay reparations for the violation of its neutrality, and the country's occupation continued until the end of the First World War. With the restoration of independence in 1918, a number of change occurred in Luxembourg. January 9, 1919 Maria Adelaide replaced the throne in favor of his sister Charlotte. The latter received the overwhelming majority of votes on a referendum conducted in 1919 to address the issue of whether Luxembourg wishes to remain great duke with ruling home Nassau. At the same time, it began to conduct constitutional reforms in the spirit of democratization.

On Plebiscite 1919, the population of Luxembourg expressed a desire to preserve the independence of the country, but at the same time voted for the economic alliance with France. However, France for the sake of improving relations with Belgium rejected this proposal and thereby prompted Luxembourg to conclude an agreement with Belgium. As a result, in 1921, it was established by half a century railway, customs and currency union with Belgium.

The neutrality of Luxembourg was a second time broken by Germany, when the troops of the Wehrmacht on May 10, 1940 entered the country. The Great Duchess and members of Her Governments fled to France, and after the surrender of the latter organized the Government of Luxembourg in the exile, which was located in London and Montreal. For the German occupation followed by the accession of Luxembourg to the Hitler Rech in August 1942. In response, the population of the country declared a universal strike, which the Germans responded with mass repressions. About 30 thousand inhabitants, or more than 10% of the total population, including the majority of young men, were arrested and sent from the country.

In September 1944, the Allied troops liberated Luxembourg, and on September 23, the government returned to his homeland. The northern regions of Luxembourg were again captured by the German troops during the offensive in Ardennes and were completely released only in January 1945.

Luxembourg participated in many post-war international agreements. He participated in the UN institution, Benilyuks (also included Belgium and the Netherlands), NATO and the EU. The role of Luxembourg in the Council of Europe is also significant. Luxembourg signed a Schengen Agreement in June 1990, abolished border control in Benilyux, France and Germany countries. In February 1992, the country was signed by the Maastricht Treaty. Two representatives of Luxembourg - Gaston Thorn (1981-1984) and Jacques Santer (from 1995) - served as presidents of the EU Commission.

HSNP remains the largest Luxembourg Party since 1919; She headed all governments in the period before the Second World War. In 1945 - 1947, the country was ruled by a broad coalition with the participation of Christian-social folk, Luxembourg socialist working, communist parties and liberals from a patriotic democratic movement. Until 1958 and in 1964 - 1968, HSNP headed government offices in a block with socialists, in 1959-1964 and 1969-1974 in coalition with democrats. In 1974, Democrats and Socialists managed to remove HSNP from power, but the Left Centerrist Alliance lasted only 5 years.

Luxembourg at the end of 20 in the beginning of the 21st century

Political stability and banking laws guaranteeing the secret of deposits attracted major investments in the industry and the scope of Luxembourg services.

On the general elections in June 1999, the ruling HSNP and LSRP failed: they received 19 and 13 places from 60, respectively, losing 2 and 4 places. On the contrary, the Democrats strengthened their positions, taking 15 seats in parliament (3 more than in 1994). 7 seats received the association of pensioners, 5 - green, 1 - block left. After the election, a new government was formed from the representatives of the HSNP and the Democratic Party headed by Jean-Claude a UNCER, which was re-elected for this post as early as 2004.

In October 2000, the Great Duke Jean renounced the throne in favor of his son, Prince Henri.

In 2002, the country's state currency was the euro.

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