Examples of foreign words in Russian. Russian language lesson "Foreign words in modern Russian language

Decor elements 10.10.2019
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    Examples of loan words: guest worker, motel, confetti, olivier, jam, latte, bulldozer. More examples look in the dictionaries of foreign words by L.P. Krysina, N.G. Komleva.

    Borrowing words

    The reasons for borrowing words from other languages ​​are associated with technical and technological progress - the appearance in the world of new technologies, inventions, objects, concepts, for which there are no words in the Russian language.

    When borrowing, other people's words undergo phonetic, morphological, morphemic and semantic changes. This is due to the "adjustment" of borrowing words to the prevailing features and rules in the Russian language. Some authors of school textbooks on the Russian language share the concepts of a borrowed and a foreign word. If the borrowed word comes into the vocabulary of the Russian language with changes, then the foreign word undergoes almost no changes, retaining its original phonetic, morphological and other features.

    In modern Russian, there are a lot of borrowed words. Most of them are strongly rooted in the Russian language, and for modern native speakers the words are perceived as primordially Russian. Etymological analysis shows their true origin.

    The process of borrowing words began in Old Russian language and is happening now. Words were borrowed from Latin, Finno-Ugric, Greek, Turkish, Polish, Dutch, German, French, English. The names of people, geographical names, names of months, church terms were borrowed. Some borrowed words have become obsolete: blubber, berkovets, tiun, grid, golbets and others.

    Borrowing morphemes

    In the Russian language, not only whole words are borrowed, but also parts of words (morphemes) that affect word formation and give rise to new words. We list some foreign prefixes and foreign suffixes, for each item we give examples of words.

    Borrowing prefixes

  • a- - immoral, amorphous, apolitical, arrhythmia, anonymous, apathy, atheist.
  • anti- - antiworld, anticyclone, antithesis.
  • arch- - paramount, archmillionaire, archbishop.
  • pan-pan-American, pan-Slavism, pan-epidemic.
  • de- - deheroization, degradation, decomposition, dismantling, demobilization, demotivation.
  • disinfection, disorientation, disorganization.
  • dis- - disharmony, disqualification, disproportion, dysfunction.
  • dis- - disassociation, disjunction.
  • counter-counter-attack, counter-march, counter-offensive, counter-revolution, counter-attack.
  • trans- - transatlantic, trans-European, trans-oblast.
  • ultra- - ultrasound, ultrashort, ultra-left, ultra-right, trendy.
  • other...

Borrowing suffixes

  • -ism - anarchism, collectivism, communism.
  • East - scuba diver, careerist, machinist, parachutist.
  • -isirov- - to militarize, mechanize, fantasize.
  • -er- - poacher, cavalier, trainee, suitor.
  • other...

Borrowing foreign words contributes to the development of the language. Borrowing is associated with close communication between the peoples of the world, a developed communication system, the presence of international professional communities, etc.

In many languages, the layer of loan words is extensive. Russian is no exception - every day we hear and use words that come from the most different languages... But more than a dozen lexical units passed from the Russian language to others.

The lexicon reflects both the history of the people themselves and the history of their interactions with others. Representatives different countries they trade with each other, fight, live in neighboring territories, monitor each other's political situation. All this is reflected in the language.

There are so many delicious things!

One of the most extensive groups of words that have passed from Russian to other languages ​​is the vocabulary related to cooking.
The English language borrowed the names of the famous Russian fish - beluga and stellate sturgeon. Etymological dictionaries of English language refer borrowing to XVI century- apparently, then, with the beginning of regular trade cooperation between the countries, the British "tasted" this fish and began to supply it to England. Now in English there is a synonym for the word "stellate sturgeon" - stellate sturgeon. "Beluga" is also in French - beluga. One of the Airbus aircraft models is also called the same word.
The word “sterlet” has also got into many European languages. It is sometimes considered one of the first borrowings from Russian and it is believed that it entered the English language already in the XIV century.
There is a “fish” word from the Russian language even in Japanese - “ikura”. It only designates red caviar as a dish. To designate caviar in general, the Japanese, who know a lot about seafood, use their own words.
Most famous example borrowings from Russian into many languages ​​- the word "vodka". It can be found in English, French, and German. Moreover, in German, vodka became a "man" - the word acquired the article male, der Wodka. And in French there are two words: "wodka" - for Polish and "vodka" - for Russian vodka. V Japanese word"Vodka" has about five spellings.
Of the soft drinks, only kvass is so popular - kvas in English, Spanish, Portuguese and many other languages. In some of the languages, this word entered, probably through other Slavic languages. Those peoples who, like the Russians, made kvass, often have their own names for this drink - kali (Est.), Gira (lit.).

Bread and pies

The Finno-Ugric tribes neighboring with the Slavs borrowed more than a dozen words from Russian. Now, in both Finnish and Estonian, the words for bread have passed from the Slavs: leipä (Fin.) And leib (Estonian). The words lusikka (Fin.) And lusikas (Est.) Will seem familiar to a Russian person - both of them probably have a common ancestor - the word "spoon".
In English, there are also "pies" - pirozhki. True, there is a version that this word got into the language through the mediation of Polish, in which "pirogi" are, rather, dumplings with different fillings(sometimes fried). Polish also has "Russian pirogi" (ruskie pierogi) - dumplings stuffed with a mixture of cottage cheese and potatoes, served with fried onions, sour cream or cracklings.
The word "pies" in a meaning close to us turned out to be Japanese- "pirosiki". Moreover, this word was taken immediately in plural, and there is no equivalent in the singular.
The word “pies” also entered the “home” German language of the Volga Germans, taking the form of birocks or pirogen.
There are pies even in Greek - piroski, but this is the name for only deep-fried dough products, and not baked in the oven.

Grandmothers, nesting dolls, babalaikas and other symbols of Russia

If an Englishman calls someone babushka, then perhaps he does not mean age. He only indicates the way of tying the scarf - a knot under the chin. But the familiar Russian grandmother in a headscarf in English can also be called that.
The Japanese "babusika" is also connected with the scarf and kerchief. Many Japanese people are surprised when they hear the phrase "grandmother", especially if the grandmother does not wear headscarves.
Among the Greeks and some other European peoples, for example, the Spaniards, baboushka is a nesting doll. Australians also prefer this name. But in general, in most languages ​​"matryoshka" is matroesjka (Dutch), matriochka (French, along with poupée russe), matrjoska (Hungarian), and so on. An interesting Finnish name is maatuska, reminiscent of our word "mother". The Spaniards also have a similar variant - mamushka (in Spanish there are a number of designations for "nesting dolls").
No less popular is the word "samovar" - this object for boiling water is called so in most languages ​​(samovar or samowar - this word has hardly undergone any transformation).

Economics and politics

As soon as between the countries are established political and economic relations, there is a need to know what monetary units are in use there, what the authorities are called, what administrative-territorial units exist. English traders, diplomats and travelers from the 16th century wrote down Russian words, which were later used to describe the situation in Russia. This vocabulary includes rouble, copeck (penny), voivoda (voivode), boyar (boyar).
The Swedish torg, meaning "area", comes from the Russian "bargaining" (trading place), "to trade".
In the 17th century, a special language even developed between Russian and Norwegian fishermen and traders - Russenorsk, in which the vocabulary was divided equally between Russian and Norwegian, and the grammar was simplified as much as possible. The sentences went something like this: En voga mokka, så galanna voga treska - "One cart of flour for a cod ride." At the beginning of the 20th century, it almost disappeared; it survived only on Svalbard.

Tsars and apparatchiks

An unusual usage is given to the word tsar. Along with the designation of the tsar as the head of Russia in modern English, it is used as an unofficial name for the position of a person responsible for any important area of ​​work, something like an adviser. Even in the American White House there were "tsars", however, former president Obama didn't like the word.
Over time, “collective farm”, “perestroika”, “pogrom”, “samizdat”, “nihilist”, “apparatchik”, “special forces”, and “siloviks” passed into other languages. Basically, they remained tracing copies, used only to characterize Russian realities.
In French, there is the word bérézina, meaning disaster, total failure. One can easily guess that it appeared in French in 1812, when Napoleon suffered a crushing defeat on the banks of the Berezina River.
Frequent in many articles, the word "satellite" (sputnik), used as an example of the transition of a word to another language, in English did not become the designation of artificial satellites in general, but serves as the name of only that very Soviet system.
Many Russian words passed into the languages ​​of peoples that either were part of Russian Empire, and later in Soviet Union, or "focused" on Russia. Thus, the words “partisan” (palchhisan), “tractor” (tyraktori) and some others appeared in Korean. Now they are still used in the North Korean version.
Immigrants have brought many words from their native languages ​​to modern Hebrew. From Russian, among others, not even a word entered, but a morpheme - the suffix "nick", denoting a person belonging to a group, or a characteristic of a person (a kibbutznik is a resident of a kibbutz, a boring person is a bore, etc.).
Now the borrowing process continues - as from foreign languages into Russian and vice versa.

Language is the most universal remedy communication that responds in a mobile way to changing needs of society. Every day one or more new words appear, which are the result of simplification or merging of existing ones, but the largest number verbal novelties come from abroad. So, foreign words in Russian: why do they arise and what are they?

Primordially Russian vocabulary

The Russian language has evolved over many centuries, resulting in three stages in the genesis of the original Russian words.

Indo-European vocabulary originated in the Neolithic era and was based on the basic concepts of kinship (mother, daughter), household items (hammer), food (meat, fish), the names of animals (bull, deer) and the elements (fire, water).

The main words were absorbed by the Russian language and are considered part of it.

The Proto-Slavic vocabulary, which was of high relevance at the border of the 6th-7th centuries, had a great influence on Russian speech. and spread to the territory of Eastern and Central Europe as well as the Balkans.

In this group, words arose related to the plant world (tree, grass, root), the names of crops and plants (wheat, carrots, beets), tools and raw materials (hoe, cloth, stone, iron), birds (goose, nightingale) , as well as food (cheese, milk, kvass).

Modern words of the primordial Russian vocabulary arose in the period from the 8th to the 17th century. and belonged to the East Slavic language branch. The mass fraction of them expressed an action (run, lie, multiply, lay), the names of abstract concepts arose (freedom, outcome, experience, fate, thought), words appeared corresponding to household items (wallpaper, carpet, book) and the names of national dishes ( cabbage rolls, cabbage soup).

Some words have taken root so firmly in Russian speech that they will not need to be replaced soon, while others have been brazenly ousted by more consonant synonyms from the near abroad. So "humanity" turned into "humanity", "appearance" was transformed into "image", and "competition" was called "duel".

The problem of borrowing foreign words

Since ancient times, the Russian people have led trade, cultural and political relations with native speakers of other languages, so it was almost impossible to avoid mixing vocabulary.

New words were introduced into Russian speech both from neighboring states and from distant republics.

In fact, words of foreign origin are so often and for a long time present in our speech that we are already used to them and absolutely do not perceive them as something alien.

Here are some examples of well-established foreign words:

  • China: tea.
  • Mongolia: hero, shortcut, darkness.
  • Japan: karate, karaoke, tsunami.
  • Holland: orange, jacket, hatch, yacht, sprats.
  • Poland: donut, market, fair.
  • Czech Republic: tights, pistol, robot.

Official statistics say that only 10% of words in Russian are borrowed. But if you listen to spoken language the younger generation, we can conclude that the contamination of the Russian language with foreign words has a more global scale.

We go to lunch at a fast food place and order a burger and milk shake. Having found free wi-fi, we will not miss the opportunity to visit Facebook to put a couple of likes under the best friend's photo.

Borrowing foreign words: the main reasons

Why are we so attracted by vocabulary from neighboring states?


Now let's look at the geography of borrowing.

The most generous country that has lent the Russian language part of its vocabulary is Greece. She gave us the names of almost all famous sciences(geometry, astrology, geography, biology). In addition, many words related to the field of education (alphabet, spelling, Olympiad, department, phonetics, library) have Greek origin.

Some foreign words in Russian have abstract meanings (victory, triumph, chaos, charisma), others characterize quite tangible objects (theater, cucumber, ship).

Thanks to the ancient Greek vocabulary, we learned how sympathy is expressed, got a taste of style and were able to capture vivid events in photographs.
It is interesting that the meaning of some words passed into the Russian language without change, while others acquired new meanings (economy - home economics, tragedy - goat song).


Do you think there are many words in the Russian language that come from the Apennine Peninsula? Surely, apart from the famous greeting "chao", nothing will be immediately remembered. It turns out that Italian foreign words in Russian are present in sufficient quantities.

For example, an identity document was first called a passport in Italy, and only then this word was borrowed in many languages, including Russian.

Everyone knows the tricks of the Sicilian clans, so the origin of the word "mafia" is beyond doubt. Likewise, the "carnival" has taken root in many languages ​​thanks to the bright costumed show in Venice. But the Italian roots of "vermicelli" surprised: in the Apennines vermicelli is translated as "worms".

Recently, it has become fashionable to use the definition for the press as "paparazzi". But in direct translation, these are not journalists at all, as one might think, but "annoying mosquitoes."


But France gave Russian speech a lot of "tasty" words: roasted nuts, jelly, croissant, canapes, creme brulee, omelette, mashed potatoes, stews, soup, soufflé, eclair, cutlet and sauce. Of course, along with the names of the French chefs, cooking recipes were also borrowed, many of which were to the taste of Russian gourmets.

A few more broad branches of borrowing are literature, film and the entertainment industry: artist, ballet, billiards, magazine, verse, play, purse, repertoire, restaurant and plot.

The French also became the inventors of seductive details of women's clothing (panties and peignoir), taught the world the rules of social behavior (etiquette) and the art of beauty (makeup, cream, perfumery).


German vocabulary is so different from Russian that it is difficult to imagine what words could take root in it. It turns out that there are a lot of them.

For example, we often use the German word "route", which means a pre-selected path. Or "scale" - the ratio of sizes on the map and on the ground. And "font" in Russian is the designation of the signs of the letter.

The names of some professions have also taken root: hairdresser, accountant, locksmith.

The food industry also did not do without borrowing: sandwich, dumplings, waffles and muesli, it turns out, also have German roots.

Also, the Russian language has absorbed several fashion accessories: women - "shoes" and "bra", men - "tie", children - "backpack". By the way, an intelligent child is often called a "prodigy" - this is also a German concept.

Foreign words in Russian they feel quite comfortable, they even settled in our house in the form of a chair, a bathroom and a tile.


The largest number of borrowed words come from Foggy Albion. Since English is an international language, and many know it at a fairly decent level, it is not surprising that many words migrated into Russian speech and began to be perceived as native.

Foreign words in Russian are almost ubiquitous, but the most popular areas of their application are:

  • business (PR, office, manager, copywriter, broker, holding);
  • sports (goalkeeper, boxing, football, penalty, time-out, foul);
  • computer technology (blog, offline, login, spam, traffic, hacker, hosting, gadget);
  • entertainment industry (talk show, casting, soundtrack, hit).

Very often, English words are used as youth slang, which is most influenced by fashion (baby, boyfriend, loser, teenager, respect, make-up, freak).

Some words have become so popular in the world that they have acquired a common noun meaning (jeans, show, weekend).

Everyone knows that cultural contacts with neighbors are vital for the normal development of any nation. Mutual enrichment of vocabulary, borrowing of words, terms and even names are inevitable. As a rule, they are useful for the language: the use of the missing word avoids descriptive phrases, the language becomes simpler and more dynamic. For example, the long phrase "Trade in a certain place once a year" in Russian, it is successfully replaced by one that came from German language word fair... V modern Russia, unfortunately, we often have to deal with the illegal and unjustified use of foreign words in everyday speech. All kinds of shops, consulting, marketing and leasing literally litter the Russian language, not at all decorating it. However, it should be recognized that even sweeping prohibitions can harm its normal development. In this article, we will tell you about the successful use of foreign words and terms.

Let's start with terms that are close and familiar to any teacher of Russian language and literature. Word poetry has become so firmly embedded in our language that we no longer even think about its meaning. Meanwhile, translated from Greek it means "creation"... Word poem translates as "creation", a rhyme"Proportionality", "Consistency", the word rhythm is cognate to it. Stanza translated from Greek - "turn", a epithet"Figurative definition".

Terms such as epic ("Collection of legends"), myth ("Word", "speech"),drama ("action"), lyrics(from the word musical), elegy ("The plaintive tune of the flute"), Oh yeah ("song"),epithalam("Wedding poem or song"),epic ("Word", "story", "song"), tragedy (Goat song), comedy (Bear holidays). The name of the latter genre is associated with the holidays in honor of Greek goddess Artemis, who coped in March. This month, the bears came out of hibernation, which gave the name to these ideas. well and scene- of course, "Tent" where the actors performed. Concerning parodies, that is - "Singing inside out".

If the Greeks took it upon themselves to give names to poetic and theatrical terms, the Romans took up prose in earnest. Latin connoisseurs will tell us that this short word can be translated into Russian by the phrase "purposeful speech." The Romans generally liked precise and short definitions. No wonder it was from the Latin language that the word came to us lapidary, i.e. "Carved in stone" (short, succinct). Word text means "connection", "compound", a illustration"Explanation"(to the text). Legend- this is "What needs to be read",memorandum"What to remember", a opus"Labor", "product"... Word plot translated from Latin means "Story", "legend", but in Russian it came from German with the meaning "plot". Manuscript- this is handwritten document, well and editor- this is the person who must "put everything in order". Madrigal- also a Latin word, it comes from the root "mother" and means song in the native, "mother" language... To end with literary terms, let's say that the Scandinavian word runes originally meant "All knowledge", after - "secret" and only later began to be used in the meaning "Letters", "letters".

But let's return to the Romans, who, as you know, developed a code of laws unique for that time (Roman law) and enriched world culture with many legal terms. For example, justice ("Justice", "legality"), alibi ("in the other place"), verdict ("The truth is spoken"), advocate(from latin "I urge"), notary – ("scribe"),protocol("First sheet"), visa ("Viewed") etc. The words version ("turn") and intrigue ("Confuse") is also of Latin origin. The Romans came up with the word lapse"Fall", "mistake", "wrong step". Greek and Latin descent has a majority medical terms... Examples of borrowings from the Greek language include words such as anatomy (Dissection), agony ("wrestling"), hormone ("Set in motion"), diagnosis ("definition"), diet ("Lifestyle", "mode"), paroxysm ("irritation"). The following terms are Latin in origin: hospital ("hospitable"), immunity ("Release from something"),disabled person ("Powerless", "weak"), invasion ("attack"),muscle ("Mouse"), obstruction (Blockage), obliteration ("destruction"), pulse ("push").

Currently, Latin is the language of science and serves as a source for the formation of new, never existed words and terms. For example, allergy"Another action"(the term was coined by the Austrian pediatrician K. Pirke). Christianity, as you know, came to us from Byzantium, whose inhabitants, although they called themselves Romans (Romans), spoke mainly Greek. Along with the new religion, many new words came to our country, some of which sometimes represented tracing paper - a literal translation of Greek terms. For example, the word enthusiasm ("Divine inspiration") was translated into Old Church Slavonic as "Madness"(!). This interpretation was not accepted by the language. More often, new terms were adopted unchanged. The original meaning of many of them has long been forgotten, and few people know that angel- this is "Messenger", apostle"Messenger",clergy"lot", icon case"box", liturgy"duty", deacon"Minister", bishop"Looking from above", a sexton"Watchman"... Word hero also Greek and means "Saint"- no more, no less! And here is the word that has become a dirty word filthy came to us from the Latin language and means only "rural"(a citizen). The fact is that pagan cults were especially tenacious in countryside as a result, the word became synonymous with pagan. Foreign in origin are also the words that are called representatives of the other world. Word daemon "Deity", "spirit"... It is known that Mikhail Vrubel did not want the demon depicted in his paintings to be confused with the devil or the devil: “Demon means“ soul ”and personifies the eternal struggle of the restless human spirit, seeking reconciliation of the passions overwhelming him, knowledge of life and finding no answer to his doubts either on earth or in heaven,- this is how he explained his position. " What do the words devil and the devil mean? Heck Is not a name, but an epithet ( "horned"). Devil same - "Seducer", "slanderer"(Greek). Other names for the devil are of Hebrew origin: SatanContradictory, adversary, Belial- from the phrase "Useless"... Name Mephistopheles invented by Goethe, but it is composed of two Hebrew words - "Liar" and "destroyer"... And here is the name Woland, which M.A. Bulgakov used in his famous novel "The Master and Margarita", has a Germanic origin: in medieval German dialects it meant "Deceiver", "cheat"... In Goethe's Faust, Mephistopheles is once mentioned under this name.

Word fairy is of Latin origin and means "fate"... The Welsh believed that fairies were descended from pagan priestesses, while the Scots and Irish believed they were from angels seduced by the devil. However, despite the centuries-old domination of Christianity, Europeans still treat fairies and elves with sympathy, calling them "a good people" and "peaceful neighbors".

Word dwarf invented by Paracelsus. Translated from Greek, it means "Inhabitant of the earth"... In Scandinavian mythology, such creatures were called "Dark alves" or "zwergs". Brownie in Germany they call "Kobold"... Later this name was given to the metal, which had "Harmful character", - made it difficult to smelt copper. Nickel called elf living by the water, a big joke lover. This name was given to a metal similar to silver.

Word the Dragon translated from Greek means Keen seeing... Interestingly, in China, this mythological creature was traditionally depicted without eyes. The legend says that one artist of the Tang era (IX century) got carried away and painted the eyes of a dragon: the room was filled with fog, thunder rang out, the dragon came to life and flew away. And the word Hurricane comes from the name of the god of fear of the South American Indians - Huracan... The names of some precious and semi-precious stones also have their meaning. Sometimes the name indicates the color of the stone. For example, ruby"Red"(lat.), chrysolite"golden"(Greek), olevin"green"(Greek), lapis lazuli"Sky blue"(Greek), etc. But sometimes their name is associated with certain properties that were attributed to these stones in antiquity. So, amethyst translated from Greek as "Drunk": according to legends, this stone is capable of “curbing passions,” therefore Christian priests often use it to decorate vestments, insert it into crosses. For this reason, amethyst has another name - "bishop's stone". And the word agate translated from Greek means "good" which he had to bring to his owner.

There have been cases when the same word came to our country from different languages ​​and different time resulting in different meanings... For example, the words colossus, shenanigans and machines- single-rooted. Two of them came to us directly from the Greek language. One of them means "Something huge", another - "trick"... But the third came through Western European languages ​​and is a technical term.

Sometimes words are formed as a result of combining roots belonging to different languages. For example: word abracadabra contains the Greek root meaning "deity" and Hebrew with the meaning "word"... That is "Word of God"- an expression or phrase that seems meaningless to the uninitiated.

And the word snob interesting in that, being Latin in origin, appeared in England late XVIII century. It comes from the Latin expression sine nobilitas ( "No nobility"), which was reduced to s. nob.: this is how passengers who did not have the right to dine with the captain began to be called on English ships. Later in English houses this word was put in the guest lists opposite the persons who should have been announced without a title.

What about other languages? Did they contribute to the Russian vocabulary? The answer to this question is unequivocally yes. There are many examples.

So, the Arabic phrase "Lord of the sea" became a Russian word admiral.

Fabric name atlas translated from Arabic means "Beautiful", "smooth". Bondage- this is "Receipt", "Commitment",shackles"Fetters", "fetters" etc. Have long been perceived as Russian Turkic words scribble ("Black or bad hand") and toddler ("Like a watermelon"). About the antiquity of the word iron evidenced by its Sanskrit origin ( "Metal", "ore"). Weight- this is "heavy"(Persian), stage"Platform"(Spanish), coat of arms"inheritance"(Polish). The words bank(from "Put the ship on its side") and yacht(from "Drive") are of Dutch origin. The words rush ("Up all"- over all), bluff("deception"), velveteen("velvet") came to Russia from England. The last word is interesting because it is “ false friend translator ”: readers, probably, more than once were surprised that at receptions and balls kings and court ladies flaunt in corduroy suits and dresses. From the German language came the words cabin boy("boy"), tie ("scarf"), vane ("wing"), flask ("bottle"), Workbench ("workshop"). There are a lot of borrowings from Italian and French. For example, trampoline("hit"),career("run"), feint ("Pretense", "fiction"), stamp ("seal"), relay race ("stirrup") - Italian. Scam ("a business"), gauze ("Muslin"), balance ("scales"),compliment ("Hey"), negligee ("negligence") - French.

Italian and French have given birth to so many musical and theatrical terms. Here is some of them. Italian word conservatory("shelter") recalls the decision of the authorities of Venice to turn 4 convents into music schools (18th century). Virtuoso means "valor", word cantata derived from italian cantare"sing", capriccio- from the word "goat"(a piece with a galloping, "like a goat", changing themes and moods), opera"writing", tutti"Performance by the whole composition".

Now it's France's turn: arrangement"Tidying up", overture from the word "open", benefit"Profit", "benefit", repertoire"scroll", decoration"decoration", pointe shoes(solid toe ballet shoes) - "Spearhead", "tip", divertissement"entertainment", foyer"Hearth"... And in modern pop music, the word is very popular plywood which comes from German "Overlay"(voice to already recorded music).

Talking about borrowing from French, you cannot ignore the culinary theme. So the word garnish comes from the French "Supply", "equip". Glace- means Frozen, icy. Cutlet"Rib". Consomme"bouillon". Langet"Tongue". Marinade"Put in salt water". Roll- from the word "clotting"... Word the vinaigrette- exception: being French in origin (from vinaigre - "vinegar"), it appeared in Russia. All over the world this dish is called "Russian salad".

It is interesting that many dog ​​names popular in our country have foreign origin. The fact is that peasants in Russian villages could not often afford to keep a dog. Landowners, on the other hand, often kept dozens and even hundreds of hunting dogs in their country estates (and even took bribes with "greyhound puppies") and several lap dogs in city houses. Since the Russian nobles knew French (and later English) better than their native, they gave their dogs foreign names. Some of them have spread widely among the people. What familiar word could a peasant with a nickname, who does not know French, hear? Сheri ("Cutie")? Of course, Ball! Trezor translated into Russian means "treasure"(fr.), nickname Watchdog comes from the French word "bearded", a Rex- this is "Tsar"(lat.). A number of nicknames have come from foreign names. For example, Bobik and Tobik- these are variants of the Russian adaptation of the English name Bobby,Bug and Julia descended from Julie... And the nicknames Jim and Jack do not even try to hide their foreign origin.

Well, what about the great and mighty Russian language? Did he contribute to the development of foreign languages? It turns out that many languages ​​\ u200b \ u200bof the world entered Russian word man... Word Granny in English it is used in the meaning "Female headscarf", a pancakes in Britain they call small round sandwiches... Word vulgarity got into the dictionary of the English language because V. Nabokov, who wrote in this language, desperate to find its full-fledged analogue, in one of his novels decided to leave it without translation.

The words satellite and comrade known all over the world, and Kalashnikov for a foreigner - not a surname, but the name of a Russian machine gun. Relatively recently, the now somewhat forgotten terms have made a triumphal march across the world perestroika and glasnost. The words vodka, matryoshka and balalaika so often and inappropriately used by foreigners talking about Russia that they cause irritation. But for the word pogrom, which entered the dictionaries of many European languages ​​in 1903, is frankly ashamed. The words intelligentsia(author - P. Boborykin) and disinformation are not Russian "by origin", but they were invented precisely in Russia. From the Russian language that became their "native" language, they switched to many foreign ones and became widespread throughout the world.

In conclusion, we will give several examples of the successful formation of new words that were invented by poets and writers and appeared in the Russian language relatively recently. So, the appearance of words acid, refraction, equilibrium we must M.V. Lomonosov.N.M. Karamzin enriched our language with words influence, industry, social, useful, touching, entertaining, focused. Radishchev introduced the word into Russian citizen in its modern meaning. Ivan Panaev was the first to use the word whip , a Igor Severyanin- word mediocrity . V. Khlebnikov and A. Kruchenykh claim authorship of the word crazy .

Of course, in a short article it is impossible to adequately and fully describe the meaning of words borrowed from foreign languages. We hope that we managed to interest our readers, who themselves will be able to continue the fascinating journey through the vocabulary of the Russian language.


Dolgorukov Alexander Igorevich

3rd year student, Department of ISE PSTU, RF, Yoshkar-Ola

Email: djinka[email protected] mail. ru

Bogdanov Anton Igorevich

scientific adviser, Ph.D. f. Sciences, Art. teacher PSTU, RF, Yoshkar-Ola

Nowadays, very often you can hear some foreign words in the conversation of people. This fact can be traced especially clearly in the communication of young people. At the same time, for sure, many people have a question: is it possible to say the same word, only in Russian? In most cases, this question can be answered in the affirmative. Then it becomes interesting, why use other words, because there are native ones that have long been used in Russian? It turns out that the topic is very relevant for modern society and it is necessary to define precisely, the benefit, and maybe harm, are brought to our language by such borrowings.

The purpose of this work is to study the arguments for and against words borrowed from other languages ​​in our modern speech.

Among the tasks of our research, we highlight the following: processing of various sources of information on this issue, acquaintance with the history of borrowings in modern language and analysis of the performed with the drawing up of conclusions about the study.

According to many researchers, the lexicon of our language has made a long way of development. Our vocabulary consists not only of ancient Russian words, but also words that have appeared as a result of borrowing from other languages. All nations live among others and in most cases have some kind of ties with them: for example, commercial, industrial and economic. As a result - the mutual influence of peoples on each other. Moreover, the more stable and long-term the connection, the stronger the influence. Foreign words replenished our language all the way historical development... But some borrowings were made in ancient times, while others - relatively recently. And what is the situation at the present time, our research will help us to find out.

The languages ​​of the contacting peoples have a mutual influence, since they are the main means of contact, a means by which international relations are carried out. The main form of the linguistic influence of one people on another is the borrowing of new words from other peoples. Borrowing enriches any language, makes it more stable and usually does not prejudice its independence, since it preserves the basic vocabulary of the language, the grammatical structure characteristic of a given language, and does not prejudice the internal laws of linguistic development.

Russians in the course of their history have had various ties with other peoples around the world. The result of these connections was a large number of foreign words borrowed by Russian from other languages.

A borrowed word in linguistics is understood as a word that came into the Russian language from another source, even if the morphemes of this word do not differ at all from the original Russian words.

The process of borrowing new words is a completely adequate phenomenon, and in certain historical periods even inevitable and necessary for the development of the people as a whole. Basically, learning a foreign vocabulary enriches the vocabulary of the current language. One can recall the great role played by the Greek and Latin languages ​​in Europe, the Old Slavonic language in the Slavic world, and Arabic in the Muslim East. The borrowing of words from non-native languages ​​was carried out, is happening and will continue at all times, regardless of the language of the people. If you count the borrowed words, you can get very interesting results. For example, the borrowings of the Germans fluctuate in the region of tens of thousands of words, and in the lexicon of the English language they make up more than half.

Thus, the borrowing of words from a foreign language into a native one is quite understandable, since the development of a people cannot occur without this borrowing. Moreover, in the world, perhaps, there is not a single language in which there would be no borrowings at all. The reasons contributing to the arrival of foreign words in the current language, we will consider in the next subheading.

The reasons for borrowing are divided into two groups: extra-lingual and intra-lingual.

The main reason for external borrowing is close political, trade, economic, industrial and cultural ties between representatives and native speakers. The most common form of influence explained by such connections is the borrowing of a word together with the borrowing of its definition or subject. For example, with the appearance in our life of such inventions as the automobile, conveyor belt, radio, cinema, television, laser and many others, their names, which were not originally native Russian, entered the Russian language.

Another reason for such borrowing is the attribution of meaning with the help of a foreign-language word to any special kind of objects or concepts that were previously called only one Russian (or borrowed before this new word) word. For example, the English word “jam” was fixed to designate jam (in the form of a thick homogeneous mass), which distinguishes it from the Russian variety. The need for a narrow meaning of things and definitions leads to the borrowing of most scientific and technical terms, for example, "relevant" - "essential," "local" - "local", "transformer" - "transformer", etc.

Another intra-lingual reason for borrowing, inherent in all languages, including Russian, is the replacement of a descriptive, consisting of several words, names with one-word ones. Because of this, a borrowed word is often preferred to an already existing descriptive phrase of several words, if both of them serve to define the same concept, for example, "sniper" - instead of a well-aimed shooter, etc.

It so happens that the tendency to replace native descriptive phrases with borrowed words is opposed by another, only on the contrary inhibiting the effect of the first. And it consists in the following: groups of names appear in the language that have the meaning of correlative concepts, and usually the names that form these groups are similar in structure: either they all consist of one word (most often found), or they consist of two words ( White bread- black bread, etc.). If the names that form the group consist of two words, then the replacement of one of the names with a borrowed word occurs very rarely.

So, with the advent of the “silent” cinema with sound, the German word “film” appeared in our language. But it could not become a part of the language due to the fact that there already existed a formed group of names consisting of two words: "silent cinema" - "sound film".

One more reason can be named that contributes to the appearance of foreign words. If borrowed words are strengthened in our language, which contribute to the appearance of a series, united by the similarity of meaning and morphological structure, then borrowing a new word similar to words inherent in this series becomes much easier. So, in the 19th century, the words gentleman and policeman were borrowed from the English language. Already in late XIX- At the beginning of the 20th century, an athlete, a record holder, a yachtsman were added here. As a result, a number of words appeared that have the meaning of a person and a common element - men. New borrowings began to join this small number, which today are already quite significant and often used: a bartender, a businessman, a showman, etc.

Among the reasons and conditions for borrowing, a certain role is assigned to the public assessment of the "foreign" word as more prestigious than a similar one. lexical meaning native: "presentation" instead of "presentation", "exclusive" instead of "exclusive", etc.

Thus, all the reasons for the appearance of borrowed words in the current language are divided into two categories, each of which is explained in the above text. These reasons once again confirm borrowing as a factor in the development of any language as a whole.

And what about the borrowed words (in relation to the quantity) in the Russian language now?

Foreign words in the vocabulary of the modern literary language may be and are quite numerous in the vocabulary, but still do not exceed 10% of the total vocabulary. In the general system of the language, only a small part is common to all styles of common vocabulary; most of them have a stylistically fixed use in speech and therefore are used in a narrow scope (terms, professionalisms, specific book words, etc.) /

There is no doubt that even when borrowing, our vocabulary still remains Indo-European-Slavic-Russian at the root. And this is an indicator of the preservation of the originality of the Russian language.

In fact, it is not easy to distinguish between concepts. Borrowing can develop in two ways: oral and written (through books). With written borrowing, the word practically does not change, with oral borrowing it often changes more.

Borrowings can be direct (from one language to another) and indirect (through intermediaries): "painter", "fair" - from German through Polish.

It is definitely clear that as part of the general literary language, a special foreign vocabulary does not lose its terminological character.

The normal process of borrowing is a creative and active act. It presupposes a high degree of independence, a high degree of language development. The effectiveness and meaning of linguistic contacts lie not so much in the number of borrowings, but in those processes of creative excitement, creative activity and strength that arise in the language's own means as a result of these contacts.

Thus, with regard to the permissibility of this or that borrowing, it is necessary to take into account that it is not the borrowed words themselves that are bad, but their misuse, unnecessary use without the need and taking into account the genres and styles of speech to which these words belong.

After analyzing the various opinions of experts, we can summarize the results of our work done.

It is worth emphasizing that there is nothing critical in the presence of native language I do not see new words from other languages, they are borrowed as a result of communication between different peoples. In addition, borrowings are an indicator of the normal development of the language and its integration into the international society /

In addition to the above, it is necessary to clearly understand and distinguish the meaning of the used foreign words, since in this case they can harm our speech and language as a whole, being applied in erroneous or inaccurate meanings. However, very often new foreign words that have come into the language make it possible to replace whole phrases with one new word, which cannot be evaluated negatively. In the case of using the wrong meaning of words, the meaning of their appearance in the language as a whole is lost.

As a result of the study, it is necessary to say that borrowed words play a positive role in modern speech, if you use them in the correct meanings and do not use the "dominance" of your own speech by them. In our information society, the influence of different languages ​​on each other is inevitable, therefore, this fact should be positively perceived, but not allow a foreign language to completely replace your native one.

I hope that in the current political situation, the Russian language will not die under the influence of external factors, and will continue to develop without violating its originality.


  1. Drovnikova L.N. Priority and alternative // ​​Russian speech. 1998. No. 5.
  2. L.A. Morozova Reflections on new terms // Russian literature. 1993. # 1.

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