Goddess enmiends in Greek mythology. The goddess of beauty - the names of the goddesses of love and beauty in various mythologies

Engineering systems 17.10.2019
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This is a list of the gods of ancient Greece for general development :)

Aid- God is the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead.

Antea- Hero of myths, Giant, Son Poseidon and Gay Land. The Earth gave her son to his son, thanks to which no one could cope with him.

Apollo- God of sunlight. Greeks depicted him in the form of a wonderful young man.

Ares.- God of a treacherous war, son of Zeus and Gera

Asclepius - God of Medical Arts, the Son of Apollo and Nymph Koronids

Borea "The god of the North Wind, the son of Titanids Astrei (starry sky) and EOS (Morning Dawn), Mosfir's brother and notched. Depressed by the winged, long-haired, bearded, mighty deity.

Bacchus - One of the names of Dionysus.

Helios (helium)- The God of the Sun, Brother Selena (Goddess Moon) and Eos (Morning Dawn). In late Antiquity I was identified with Apollo, the God of Sunlight.

Hermes - Son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most, many-valued Greek gods. Patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Holding a gift of eloquence.

Gefest- Son of Zeus and Gera, God of fire and blacksmith. Considered the patron of artisans.

Gins - Sleep deity, son of Nite (nights). He was depicted in the form of a winged young man.

Dionysis (Vacc)- God of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. It was depicted in the form of a fat elderly man, then in the form of a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on the head.

Zagre- God fertility, son of Zeus and Persephone.

Zeus - Supreme God, the king of gods and people.

Marshmallow - God of West Wind.

Jacl - God fertility.

Kronos.- Titan, the younger son of gay and uranium, father of Zeus. Rules the world of gods and people and was overthrown with the throne zeus ..

MOM - Son of the goddess of the night, the God of sorrow.

Morpheus- One of the sons of Hynosa, the God of dreams.

Nari. - Son Gay and Ponta, meek Marine God.

Notot - God of southern wind, depicted with a beard and wings.

Ocean- Titan, son gay and uranium, brother and spouse The phids and father of all rivers of the world.

Olympians - The supreme gods of the younger generation of Greek gods led by Zeus, who inhabited on top of the Mount Olympus.

Pan - Forest God, son of Hermes and Dribuses, a goatured man with horns. It was considered the coup-lem shepherds and small livestock.

Pluto - God of the underground kingdom, often identified with AIs, but unlike him, who did not hold the souls of the dead, but the wealth of the underworld.

Plutos- Son Demetra, God, giving people wealth.

Pont.- One of the senior Greek deities, the burden of gay, the god of the sea, the father of many titans and gods.

Poseidon- One of the Olympic Godheads, Brother Zeus and Aida, who owns over the marine element. Poseidon were also subject to earthly subsoil,
He commanded storms and earthquakes.

Proteus - Marine Deity, Son Poseidon, Patron of seal. He possessed a gift of reincarnation and prophecy.

Satiy - Goalongogenic creatures, fertility demons.

Tanatos.- Elimination of death, twin brother Holness.

Titans- Generation of the Greek gods, the ancestors of the Olympians.

Typhon - Stallowed dragon, born gay or hero. During the battle of Olympians and Titans, Zeus was defeated and concluded under Etna volcano in Sicily.

Triton"Son of Poseidon, one of the sea deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs holding a trident and vitua sink - horn.

Chaos"Infinite empty space, from which at the beginning of times the oldest gods of Greek religion - Nita and Ereb arose.

Chonic gods - Divine of the underworld and fertility, relatives of the Olympians. They treated as aid, hekate, hemes, gay, demeter, Dionysis and Persephone.

Cyclops- Giant with one eye in the middle of the forehead, uranium and gay children.

EVR (Heb)- God of southeast wind.

EOL. - Lord of winds.

Erebus- the personification of the darkness of the underworld, the son of Chaos and the brother of the night.

Eros (Eros)- God of love, Son Aphrodite and Ares. In the oldest myths - the self-refineral force contributing to the ordering of the world. Depicted in the form of a winged young man (in the Hellenistic era - a boy) with arrows accompanying the mother.

Ether- Divine sky

The goddesses of ancient Greece

Artemis - Goddess of hunting and nature.

Atropos - One of the three Moir, cutting the thread of fate and tearing human life.

Athena (Pallada, Parfenos)- The daughter of Zeus, born from his head in full combat armament. One of the most revered Greek goddesses, the goddess of fair war and wisdom, patroness of knowledge.

Aphrodite (Cafe, Uranium) - Goddess of love and beauty. She was born from the marriage of Zeus and the goddess Diona (on another legend - came out of marine foam)

Hebe - Daughter Zeus and Gera, Goddess of youth. Sister Ares and Ilfii. Served to the Olympians on the Peters.

Hecate - goddess of darkness, night visions and charo-acts, patron sorcerer of sorcerers.

Hemera- The goddess of daylight, the personification of the day born to Nikti and Ereb. Often it was identified with EOS.

Hera- Supreme Olympic goddess, sister and third spouse Zeus, daughter of Ri and Kronos, Sister Aida, Gesti, Demeters and Poseidon. Gera claimed a patronage of marriage.

Gestiya. - The goddess of homemade hearth and fire.

Gay- Mother Earth, Ramateria of all gods and people.

Demetra - Goddess of fertility and agriculture.

DRIADA- Lower deities, nymphs inhabited in trees.

Ilphia - Goddess-patroness of the feminine.

Irida- Winged Goddess, Help Hera, Herald of the Gods.

Callieopa- Musa of epic poetry and science.

KERS. - Demonic creatures, children of Goddess Nikti, bringing people of troubles and death.

Klio - One of the nine music, Musa history.

CLOTO ("Prying") - One of Moire, hiding the thread of human life.

Laisis. - One of the three sisters-Moyer, defining the fate of every person before birth.

Summer - Titanide, the mother of Apollo and Artemis.

Mayan "Mountain Nymph, a senior of Seven Pleiad - Daughters of Atlanta, a beloved Zeus, from which hermes were born.

Melpomene - Muza tragedy.

Metida"The goddess of wisdom, the first of the three Zeus wives, which conceived by Athena.

Mnemosina - Mother of nine music, goddess of memory.

Moyry - Goddess of fate, daughter Zeus and Femids.

Music- Goddess Patronery of Arts and Sciences.

Niaja- Nymphs-keeper of water.

Nememida - Daughter of Nytch, Goddess, personifying,, noting the fate and retribution, which has karasery people in accordance with their sins.

Nered - Fifty daughters of spawning and oceanids Dorida, marine deities.

Nika - Personification of victory. Often it was depicted with a wreath spread in Greece with a symbol of triumph.

Nymphs - Lower deities in the hierarchy of the Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature.

Nicta. - one of the first Greek deities, the goddess - the personification of the pristine night

Orestiad - Mountain nymphs.

Ore. - Goddess Seasons, calm and order, daughter Zeus and Femids.

Pete "The goddess of beliefs, an Aphrodite companion, often identified with his patroness.

Persephone - Daughter Demeter and Zeus, goddess fertility. The wife of Aida and the Queen of the underworld world, who made the secrets of life and death.

Polygimnia - Muse of serious anthemnic poetry.

Tefida - Gay and Uranus daughter, Ocean's wife and mother Neremid and Oceanid.

Reia- Mother of the Gods of Olympians.

Sirena- Female demons, half-semi-semi-mounted half-sends, capable of changing the weather on the sea.

Waist - Muse comedy.

Terpsichore - Muse of dance art.

Tysiphon - One of Erinia.

Thai- The goddess of fate and the case of the Greeks, companion Persephone. She was depicted in the form of a winged woman standing on the wheel and holding a horn of abundance and a ship handling

Urania- One of the nine muses, the patroness of astronomy.

Themis - Titanide, goddess of justice and law, the second wife of Zeus, Mother Mountains and Moir.

Harita- Goddess of female beauty, the embodiment of the good, joyful and eternally starting life.

Evmendy- Another Ipoity of Erinia revered as the goddess of benevolence, preventing misfortunes.

Erida- Daughter of Nite, sister Ares, the goddess of discord.

Erynia- Goddess Mistings, generating the underground kingdom, which has been perightened and crime.

Erato- Muse of lyric and erotic poetry.

EOS.- Goddess of Morning Dawn, Sister Helios and Selena. The Greeks called her "Rosovo".

EVTERPA- Muse of lyrical chants. Depicted with double flute in hand.

And in the late test, what to find out what kind of you are


Who are you from the Greek gods?

Volcano - God of fire

In the world where so many deceivers, you are a true treasure. Perhaps you are not too attractive outwardly, but good heart attracts any woman to you. You have true maturity that you want to see and so rarely find all women in men. The mind and charm make you the man for which many ladies would like to marry. As for the bed, then here you shit with many talents. Your passion is a true volcano that only waits for your hour to spew. With you a woman - a violin in the hands of the wizard. The main thing is not to rearrange, it's not that partner can go crazy from happiness! One night with you enough to say - you are the God of Sex.

The names of the Greek gods and goddesses to hearing and today - we know myths and legends about them, we can use them to convey the image. Often in modern literary works mention some famous motives since the times of ancient Greece. Consider brief information about the Greek gods and goddeas, the mythology of this country.

Greek gods

Greek gods and goddesses There are many, we will dwell on those of them whose names are familiar to a wide range of people in our other:

  • Aid - the famous lord of the world of the dead, which in myths is often called the kingdom of Aida;
  • Apollo is the God of Light and the Sun, the most beautiful young man, which is still mentioned as a sample of male attractiveness;
  • Ares is an aggressive god of war;
  • Vakh or Dionysis - the ever-young God of winemaking (which, by the way, was sometimes portrayed in the form of a fat man);
  • Zeus is the Supreme Divine, the ruler over people and the rest of the gods.
  • Pluto is the God of the underground kingdom, which owned by the unable underground wealth (while Aid commanded the souls of the dead).
  • Poseidon is the God of the whole marine element that could easily dispose of earthquakes and storms;
  • Tanatos - God of Death;
  • Ela - Lord of the Winds;
  • Eros is the God of Love, the force that contributed to the emergence of an ordered world from Chaos.

As a rule, Greek gods and goddess were symbolically depicted by people living on Olympus, beautiful and powerful. They were not perfect, they were associated with confusing relationships and ordinary human passions.

The goddesses of ancient Greece

Consider the most famous ancient Greek goddesses. They are recruited quite a few, and each of them is responsible for something:

  • Artemis - the goddess of nature, patroness of hunting and hunters;
  • Athena is the famous goddess of wisdom and war, patronizing sciences and knowledge;
  • Aphrodite - the Goddess of Love and Beauty, was considered the benchmark of female perfection;
  • Geiba - the Deity of Eternal Youth, who participated in the Peters of the Olympians;
  • Hekata is a slightly less well-known goddess of dreams, darkness and witchcraft;
  • Hera is the Supreme Goddess, the patronage of marriage;
  • Gestiya - the goddess of fire in general and home the hearth in particular;
  • Demetra is a patroness of fertility that helps farmers;
  • Metida - the goddess of wisdom, the mother of Athens itself;
  • Erida is a militant goddess of parsing.

This is not a complete list of all Greek gods and goddesses, but here it included the most famous and recognizable of them.

Greek mythology has always attracted attention to its diversity. The names of the Greek gods and the goddesses began to appear in a variety of ballads, stories and movies. A special role was always paid to the Goddess of Eldlats. Each of them possessed its charm and a highlight.

The names of Greek goddesses

This list is quite wide and varied, but there are those goddesses that played a crucial role in Greek mythology. One of them was Aurora, whose name was more and more likely to give daughters. Daughter of Hyperion and They, the goddess of Dawn and the wife of Titan Astrey. Greek names of the goddesses and their images have always thought out and carried a special semantic load. Aurora brought people daylight to people and often depicted a winged. Often she squeezed on a chariot, harnessed horses in red-yellow popups. She was depicted over her head or a crown, and in his hands she kept a burning torch. Especially bright image described Homer. Rising early in the morning from his bed, the goddess was smelled on his chariot from the depths of the seas, illuminating the bright light of the whole universe.

The famous Greek names of the goddesses also include Artemis - wild and unrestrained young maiden. She was depicted in a firmly sublocked dress, sandals, with onions and a spear behind his back. In nature, she headed his girlfriends Nymph, and always accompanied their dogs of dogs. She was a daughter Zeus and Laton.
Artemis was born on the quiet island of Delos in the shade of palm trees along with her brother Apollo. They were very friendly, and often Artemis came to a hot beloved brother to visit, to listen to his magnificent game on the golden kifare. And with the dawn, the goddess again went hunting.

Athena is a wise woman whose image was the most revered among all Olymp residents that glorified Greek names. The goddesses of the daughters of Zeus a lot, but only she was born in a helmet and shell. She was responsible for winning the war, was a patronage of knowledge and crafts. She was distinguished by independence and was proud to remain the Virgin forever. Many were believed that she was equal to her father for strength and wisdom. Her birth was rather unusual. After all, when Zeus found out that a child who surpasses him in power could be born, he ate his mother who worn his child. After that, he overwhelmed his strong headache, and he called his son Gefesta to cut his head. Hephasta fulfilled the request of the father, and the wise warrior of Athena came out of the split skull on the light.

Speaking about Greek goddesses, it is impossible not to affect the beautiful Aphrodite - the goddess of love, awakening this light feeling in the hearts of the gods and mortals.
Slender, high, emitting incredible beauty, ramp and windy, it has power over everyone. Aphrodite has nothing but the personification of unfading adolescence and divine beauty. She has its own servants who comb her golden sparkling hair and dress in beautiful clothes. Where this goddess passes, flowers are instantly bloom, and the air is filled with amazing flavors.

The famous Greek names of the goddesses are firmly entered not only in Greek mythology, but also in the world history as a whole. Many make them names of their daughters, believing that they would acquire the same qualities that great goddesses possessed.

Who knows all the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece ?? ? (Name !!!)

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Gods ancient Greece
Aid is God - the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead.

Borea is the god of the North Wind, the son of Titanids Astrei (starry sky) and EOS (morning dawn), Mosfira's brother and notched. Depressed by the winged, long-haired, bearded, mighty deity.
Vakh is one of the names of Dionysus.
Helios (helium) - the God of the Sun, Brother Selena (Goddess Moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late Antiquity I was identified with Apollo, the God of Sunlight.

Highness - the Deity of Sleep, the son of Nite (Nights). He was depicted in the form of a winged young man.

Marshmallow is the God of West Wind.
Jacme - God fertility.
Kronos - Titan, the younger son of gay and uranium, father of Zeus. Rules the world of gods and people and was overthrown with the throne Zeus. .

Ela is the Lord of the Winds.

Ether - Sky Deity

Laria and Ruslan F

1. Gay
2. Ocean
3. Uranium
4. Hemera
5. Chronos.
6. Eros
7. Cyclops
8. Titans
9. Mus.
10. Reia
11. Demetra
12. Poseidon
13. Summer
14. Pan
15. Gestiya.
16. Artemis
17. Ares.
18. Athena
19. Aphrodite
20. Apollo
21. Hera
22. Hermes.
23. Zeus
24. Hekata
25. Hephest
26. Dionysis
27. Pluto
28. Antai.
29. Ancient brevony
30. Persephone

Nikolai Pakhomov

Lists of gods and genealogy differ from different ancient authors. The following lists are compile.
The first generation of the Gods
At first there was a chaos. The gods that appeared from Chaos - Gay (Earth), Nikta (Nyukta) (Night), Tartar (Cupid), Ereb (darkness), Eros (Love); The gods that appeared from gay - uranium (heaven) and Pont (inland Sea). The gods had the appearance of those natural elements that they embodied.
GEI children (Fathers - Uranus, Pont and Tartar) - Keto (Ladyman of the Sea monsters), Neri (Real Sea), Tavmert (sea miracles), Forty (Sea Guard), Eurybia (sea force), Titans and Titanides. Children of Nicks and Ereb - Hemera (Day), Hynzov (Sleep), Kerse (misfortune), Moira (fate), IOM (sickness and stupidity), Nemesis (Retribution), Tanatos (Death), Erida (Odor), Erinia (Mistiness ), Ether (air); Apata (cheating).


Aid is God - the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead.
Antey - Hero of myths, Giant, Son Poseidon and Gay Land. The Earth gave her son to his son, thanks to which no one could cope with him.
Apollo is the God of Sunlight. Greeks depicted him in the form of a wonderful young man.
Ares is a god of a treacherous war, son of Zeus and Gera.
Asklepiy - God of Medical Arts, Son Apollo and Nymph Koronids
Borea is the god of the North Wind, the son of Titanids Astrei (starry sky) and EOS (morning dawn), Mosfira's brother and notched. Depressed by the winged, long-haired, bearded, mighty deity.
Vakh is one of the names of Dionysus.
Helios (helium) - the God of the Sun, Brother Selena (Goddess Moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late Antiquity I was identified with Apollo, the God of Sunlight.
Hermes - son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most substantive Greek gods. Patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Holding a gift of eloquence.
Hephaest - son of Zeus and Gera, God of fire and blacksmith. Considered the patron of artisans.
Highness - the Deity of Sleep, the son of Nite (Nights). He was depicted in the form of a winged young man.
Dionysis (Vakh) is the god of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. It was depicted in the form of a fat elderly man, then in the form of a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on the head.
The borage is the god of fertility, son of Zeus and Persephone.
Zeus is the Supreme God, the king of gods and people.
Marshmallow is the God of West Wind.
Jacme - God fertility.
Kronos - Titan, the younger son of gay and uranium, father of Zeus. Rules the world of gods and people and was overthrown with the throne zeus ..
Mom is the son of the goddess of the night, the God of Zoralology.
Morfei is one of the sons of Hynosa, the god of dreams.
Neri - Son Gay and Ponta, meek Major.
Notes - God of Southern Wind, depicted with a beard and wings.
Ocean - Titan, Son Gay and Uranus, Brother and Spouse The phids and father of all rivers of the world.
Olympians are the supreme gods of the younger generation of the Greek gods led by Zeus, who inhabited on top of the Mount Olympus.
Pan - Forest God, Son Hermes and Dribuses, a goatured man with horns. It was considered the coup-lem shepherds and small livestock.
Pluto is the God of the underground kingdom, often identified with AIs, but unlike him, who did not have the souls of the dead, but the wealth of the underworld.
Plutos - Son Demetra, God giving people wealth.
Pont is one of the senior Greek deities, the generation of gay, the god of the sea, the father of many titans and gods.
Poseidon is one of the Olympians, Brother Zeus and Aida, who owns over the marine element. Poseidon were also subject to earthly subsoil,
He commanded storms and earthquakes.
Acto is the sea deity, the son of Poseidon, the patron saint of seals. He possessed a gift of reincarnation and prophecy.
Satires - goning creatures, fertility demons.
Tanatos - the personification of death, the twin brother of Holness.
Titans - generation of the Greek gods, the ancestors of the Olympians.
Typhon is a stallal dragon, born gay or hero. During the battle of Olympians and Titans, Zeus was defeated and concluded under Etna volcano in Sicily.
Triton is the son of Poseidon, one of the naval deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs holding a trident and twisted sink - horn.
Chaos is an infinite empty space, from which the oldest gods of Greek religion - Nikta and Ereb arose at the beginning of time.
Chonic gods - the deities of the underworld and fertility, relatives of the Olympians. They treated as aid, hekate, hemes, gay, demeter, Dionysis and Persephone.
Cyclops are giants with one eye in the middle of the forehead, the children of uranium and gay.
Evr (Heb) is the God of Southeast Wind.
Ela is the Lord of the Winds.
Ereve is the personification of the darkness of the underground world, the son of Chaos and the brother of the night.
Eros (Eros) is the God of Love, Son Aphrodite and Ares. In the oldest myths - the self-refineral force contributing to the ordering of the world. Depicted in the form of a winged young man (in the Hellenistic era - a boy) with arrows accompanying the mother.

Stories in which the gods of ancient Greece are valid are the great page of the Great Civilization. The gods are defenders, judges and organizers of the state, each action of which is imbued with a deep meaning. At the same time, they are endowed with human features, it makes them alive and close to those who created stories about the great gods.

Zeus - "King of Gods and People". It is also referred to as the founder, a fedler, a siletter, a thumb, a victorious, Zeus Cretan. For the Greeks, he is the impersonation of life in physical terms and a pledge of equilibrium in space. All other gods are responsible for certain sides of life, Zeus focuses on all sides of the deities.

It was Zeus who stopped the state of Chaos on Earth, dumbered the forces of nature represented by giants and titans. In a bloody battle, he together with other gods won his father - Titan Krona, Lfweng him into the Dark Tartar. After that, Zeus chose himself to stay heaven, one of his brothers, Poseidon, received the sea, Aida, another brother entrusted the underground kingdom with the souls of the dead. Earth remained in general ownership.

Great God - the guardian of contracts and oaths, the patron saint of the poor and homeless Those who have no roof over their head and who can hope only on the mercy of the sky. The temples dedicated to the thumbnail did not have roofs: the Greeks believed that in the closed place God would not see them and would not hear their prayers. The largest temple was called Olympion and was in Athens. As an organizer, he is a conventor of society, public laws and institutions.

In honor of Zeus Olympic in Elide, the Olympic Games were held. They participated in the Greeks of all tribes and all lands. Westing Zeus in all corners of Greece was so great that warriors, disputes and distribution stopped during the games.
Zeus is married to his sister heer.

Family Union Ancient Greek mythology attributes the appearance four children:

  • Ares - God of war;
  • Hephaesta - the Kuznez's God;
  • Geby - goddess of youth;
  • Ilfii is the help of the patroness of the feminine.

From other goddesses, nymph, mortal women at Zeus have more children. The most famous: Persephone, Apollo and Artemis, Hermes. Minos, Radamanf, Hercules, Dioskurs and their sister Elena, Perseus. He is the father of muses and harit.
In the art of Zeus was depicted in the form of a beautiful man in a heyday of years with a beard. He has long wavy hair, divided on the forehead. It will be immediately recognized by symbols: Eagle, Scepter and Gromot Arrell. Often Zeus was depicted accompanied by a winged goddess of Victory - Nicky.

Hera. Divine spouse of the greatest gods

Hera - sister and spouse Zeus. Known also under the names of the waib, Lilynoruk. If her divine spouse is the creator and guardian of public order, then she is the keeper of the family and the patroness of the Monogamy, a marital love, strong and numerous offspring.

The marriage of Zeus and Ges was long secret, and only after 300 years she climbed the Olympus Supreme Goddess and the legitimate wife.
Gera reigns at Olymp. As the main goddess she is given right to command rains, thunder and lightning. It can cause terrible storms and dark rain clouds and is considered a patronage of moisture. To her, the lady of nature, the Greeks turned to a prayer for the rain and a generous yield. Therefore, it often appears accompanied by Irida - Rainbow.

In the mythology of ancient Greece, Gera was given by a grumpy and jealous character. Often she opposes her husband at the meetings of the Olympic gods. Once, she even made a conspiracy with the aim of overthrowing Zeus and attracted Poseidon to his side. The conspiracy failed, and Gera was severely punished for treason.

Since then, she is trying to defeat the husband not by force, but a cunning.

Gera is hard to experience the treason of her husband. Without the opportunity to take revenge on him, she pursues his beloved women and illegitimate children. She is the cause of death Semale, Mother of Dionysus and the main enemy of Hercules, the son of Alcmen. She turned Io to a cow and Callisto to the Medleang.

Hera has two sons - Ares and Gefest and two daughters - heba and or orphia. Geiba, the personification of his youth, became the wife of Hercules, after his deification. Ilfia, the patroness of happy childbirth, wished to remain a virgin and helps the women in labor.

The appearance of the goddess is strict and majestic.

As a spouse Zeus and a virtuous mother, it is always shrouded in a cover, woven the daughter of Zeus Athena, only some of the neck and hands remain uncovered. She has a high height, a statist figure, proud posture, luxurious hair, big eyes. For it, it was nicknamed. She does not go, and proudly marching, its movement is leopard and measured.
The main symbols of the ger - bedspread, diadem, adorning the high forehead, cuckoo and peacock.

Poseidon - Lord of Marine Element

Poseidon - Brother Zeus and the second son of Titan Crown and Rei. Greeks gave him nicknames: hypiy (equestrian), pelagii (marine), Enosichton ("Earth oscillator"). In the fight against Titans, Poseidon accepted the side of Zeus, for which he received power over all the waters as a reward. Palace Poseidon is located in the Aegean Sea.

Numerous floods and earthquakes are the consequences of his anger. He is known for the intolerant character, which the Greeks tried to draw the sacrifices and the construction of numerous temples. Especially revered Poseidon residents of coastal cities, navigators and merchants. He was asked for a happy road, passing wind and protection against pirates and robbers.

In honor of Poseidon, once every two years, the Greeks arranged Eastian games at the Corinth Ist. The main competition was equestrian competitions. Thus, the Greeks were honored by the sea god, who was first told the horse.

Unlike his royal brother, the Marine God looks like his element. Like the waves, it is fast and troubled in movements, is distinguished by a wild view and disheveled hair. In his retinue, numerous marine monsters, oceanids, nonbeys, ready to obey him in the first call.

You can learn Poseidon among other gods by trident, horse and dolphin. A trident is a harpoon for catching sharks and whales. This image was especially read fishermen. Dolphin also provided Poseidon a big service, pointing to him the place where Amphitrite was hidden, in which he was in love. Since then, in a retinue, he takes an honorable place.

In marriage with Poseidon, Amphitrite gave birth to the Son of Triton and daughters and Balentykim. Just like the brother, Zeus, Poseidon did not differ in marriage. He is the father of the hero of the Tereus from Erf, the daughter of the Razensky Tsar, the Giant Antea from Gay (Earth) and the cyclopa of the polyfem from Nymph Foosa.

Demeter - Goddess, Reviving Native

Demeter - sister Zeus, daughter Crown and Rei. One of the oldest goddesses, as evidenced by the translation of her name - "Mother Earth". Known under the names Avenger, hot, earthly, underground, featherfora ("legislation"), mother sorrow.

The goddess of agriculture, the patroness of grain crops, agriculture and all the cultivation of the Earth. She cared not only about cereals, but also about improving the lives of people. It was she who taught the Greeks of agriculture, patronized legislation, state and legitimate marriage, helped those peoples who led a settling lifestyle. But she could be very harsh to those who do not worship her.

She had severely dealt with Erisikhon, daring to cut down a tree in her sacred grove. He was tortured by his death, the unfortunate hunger, in the end, unfortunately ripped his body into pieces.

The center of the demeter cult was located in the city of Eleusin, then the reverence of the goddess spread to all Greece. In her honor, Eleusinsky mysteries were arranged annually, symbolizing the awakening of nature after the winter.

Demetra was depicted in the form of a state woman with a soft feature of a face in long loose clothes.As a goddess of fertility, she wears a wreath of seeds or corona from the cores of grains. In the hands of the goddess holds a basket filled with ears. The plot in which Demeter holds a torch in his hands and is moving fast on the chariot, which the dragons (fertility symbols) are injected. 1 043.

Aid - God is the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead.

Antea - Hero of myths, Giant, Son Poseidon and Gay Land. The Earth gave her son to his son, thanks to which no one could cope with him.

Apollo - God of sunlight. Greeks depicted him in the form of a wonderful young man.

Ares. - God of a treacherous war, son of Zeus and Gera

Asclepius - God of Medical Arts, the Son of Apollo and Nymph Koronids

Borea "The god of the North Wind, the son of Titanids Astrei (starry sky) and EOS (Morning Dawn), Mosfir's brother and notched. Depressed by the winged, long-haired, bearded, mighty deity.

Bacchus - One of the names of Dionysus.

Helios (helium ) - The God of the Sun, Brother Selena (Goddess Moon) and EOS (Morning Dawn). In late Antiquity I was identified with Apollo, the God of Sunlight.

Hermes - Son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most, many-valued Greek gods. Patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Holding a gift of eloquence.

Gefest - Son of Zeus and Gera, God of fire and blacksmith. Considered the patron of artisans.

Gins - Sleep deity, son of Nite (nights). He was depicted in the form of a winged young man.

Dionysis (Vacc) - God of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. It was depicted in the form of a fat elderly man, then in the form of a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on the head.

Zagre - God fertility, son of Zeus and Persephone.

Zeus - Supreme God, the king of gods and people.

Marshmallow - God of West Wind.

Jacl - God fertility.

Kronos - Titan , Junior Son Gay and Uranus, Father Zeus. Rules the world of gods and people and was overthrown with the throne zeus ..

MOM - Son of the goddess of the night, the God of sorrow.

Morpheus - One of the sons of Hynosa, the God of dreams.

Nari. - Son Gay and Ponta, meek Marine God.

Notot - God of southern wind, depicted with a beard and wings.

Ocean - Titan , Son gay and uranium, brother and spouse the fades and father of all rivers of the world.

Olympians - The supreme gods of the younger generation of Greek gods led by Zeus, who inhabited on top of the Mount Olympus.

Pan- Forest God, son of Hermes and Dribuses, a goatured man with horns. It was considered the coup-lem shepherds and small livestock.

Pluto - God of the underground kingdom, often identified with AIs, but in contrast from him, who did not hold the souls of the dead, but the wealth of the underworld.

Plutos - Son Demetra, God, giving people wealth.

Pont. - One of the senior Greek deities, the burden of gay, the god of the sea, the father of many titans and gods.

Poseidon - One of the Olympic Godheads, Brother Zeus and Aida, who owns over the marine element. Poseidon were also subject to earthly subsoil,
He commanded storms and earthquakes.

Proteus - Marine Deity, Son Poseidon, Patron of seal. He possessed a gift of reincarnation and prophecy.

Satiy - Goalongogenic creatures, fertility demons.

Tanatos. - Elimination of death, twin brother Holness.

Titans - Generation of the Greek gods, the ancestors of the Olympians.

Typhon- Stallowed dragon, born gay or hero. During the battle of Olympians and Titans, Zeus was defeated and concluded under Etna volcano in Sicily.

Triton "Son of Poseidon, one of the sea deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs holding a trident and vitua sink - horn.

Chaos "Infinite empty space, from which at the beginning of times the oldest gods of Greek religion - Nita and Ereb arose.

Chonic gods - Divine of the underworld and fertility, relatives of the Olympians. They treated as aid, hekate, hemes, gay, demeter, Dionysis and Persephone.

Cyclops - Giant with one eye in the middle of the forehead, uranium and gay children.

EVR (Heb) - God of southeast wind.

EOL. - Lord of winds.

Erebus - the personification of the darkness of the underworld, the son of Chaos and the brother of the night.

Eros (Eros) - God of love, Son Aphrodite and Ares. In the oldest myths - the self-refineral force contributing to the ordering of the world. Depicted in the form of a winged young man (in the Hellenistic era - a boy) with arrows accompanying the mother.

Ether - Divine sky

The goddesses of ancient Greece

Artemis - Goddess of hunting and nature.

Atropos - One of the three Moir, cutting the thread of fate and tearing human life.

Athena (Pallada, Parfenos) - The daughter of Zeus, born from his head in full combat armament. One of the most revered Greek goddesses, the goddess of fair war and wisdom, patroness of knowledge.

Aphrodite (Cafe, Uranium) - Goddess of love and beauty. She was born from the marriage of Zeus and the goddess Diona (on another legend - came out of the sea foam)

Hebe - Daughter Zeus and Gera, Goddess of youth. Sister Ares and Ilfii. Served to the Olympians on the Peters.

Hecate - goddess of darkness, night visions and charo-acts, patron sorcerer of sorcerers.

Hemera - The goddess of daylight, the personification of the day born to Nikti and Ereb. Often it was identified with EOS.

Hera - Supreme Olympic goddess, sister and third spouse Zeus, daughter of Ri and Kronos, Sister Aida, Gesti, Demeters and Poseidon. Gera claimed a patronage of marriage.

Gestiya. - The goddess of homemade hearth and fire.

Gay - Mother Earth, Ramateria of all gods and people.

Demitra - Goddess of fertility and agriculture.

DRIADA - Lower deities, nymphs inhabited in trees.

Diana - Grade Hunt

Ilphia - Goddess-patroness of the feminine.

Irida - Winged Goddess, Help Hera, Herald of the Gods.

Callieopa - Musa of epic poetry and science.

KERS. - Demonic creatures, children of Goddess Nikti, bringing people of troubles and death.

Klio - One of the nine music, Musa history.

CLOTO ("Prying") - One of Moire, hiding the thread of human life.

Laisis. - One of the three sisters-Moyer, defining the fate of every person before birth.

Summer - Titanide, the mother of Apollo and Artemis.

Mayan "Mountain Nymph, a senior of Seven Pleiad - Daughters of Atlanta, a beloved Zeus, from which hermes were born.

Melpomene - Muza tragedy.

Metida "The goddess of wisdom, the first of the three Zeus wives, which conceived by Athena.

Mnemosina - Mother of nine music, goddess of memory.

Moyry - Goddess of fate, daughter Zeus and Femids.

Music - Goddess Patronery of Arts and Sciences.

Niaja - Nymphs-keeper of water.

Nememida - Daughter of Nytch, Goddess, personifying,, noting the fate and retribution, which has karasery people in accordance with their sins.

Nered - Fifty daughters of spawning and oceanids Dorida, marine deities.

Nika - Personification of victory. Often it was depicted with a wreath spread in Greece with a symbol of triumph.

Nymphs - Lower deities in the hierarchy of the Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature.

Nicta. - one of the first Greek deities, the goddess - the personification of the pristine night

Orestiad - Mountain nymphs.

Ore. - Goddess Seasons, calm and order, daughter Zeus and Femids.

Pete "The goddess of beliefs, an Aphrodite companion, often identified with his patroness.

Persephone - Daughter Demeter and Zeus, goddess fertility. The wife of Aida and the Queen of the underworld world, who made the secrets of life and death.

Polygimnia - Muse of serious anthemnic poetry.

Tefida - Gay and Uranus daughter, Ocean's wife and mother Neremid and Oceanid.

Reia - Mother of the Gods of Olympians.

Sirena - Female demons, half-semi-semi-mounted half-sends, capable of changing the weather on the sea.

Waist - Muse comedy.

Terpsichore- Muse of dance art.

Tysiphon - One of Erinia.

Thai - The goddess of fate and the case of the Greeks, companion Persephone. She was depicted in the form of a winged woman standing on the wheel and holding a horn of abundance and a ship handling

Urania - One of the nine muses, the patroness of astronomy.

Themis - Titanide, goddess of justice and law, the second wife of Zeus, Mother Mountains and Moir.

Harita - Goddess of female beauty, the embodiment of the good, joyful and eternally starting life.

Evmendy - Another Ipoity of Erinia revered as the goddess of benevolence, preventing misfortunes.

Erida - Daughter of Nite, sister Ares, the goddess of discord.

Erynia - Goddess Mistings, generating the underground kingdom, which has been perightened and crime.

Erato - Muse of lyric and erotic poetry.

EOS. - Goddess of Morning Dawn, Sister Helios and Selena. The Greeks called her "Rosovo".

EVTERPA - Muse of lyrical chants. Depicted with double flute in hand.

Culture and religion in Athens were closely intertwined from time immemorial. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many attractions in the country that are devoted to idols and gods of antiquity. Probably there is nothing like this. But after all, Greek mythology became the most complete reflection of the oldest civilization. The gods and titans, the kings and heroes from the legends are all particles of life and the existence of ancient Greece.

Of course, our deities and idols existed many tribes and people. They personified the forces of nature, incomprehensible and frightening ancient man. However, the ancient Greek gods were not only of nature symbols, they were considered the creators of all moral benefits and the keepers of the beautiful and great strength of the ancient people.

Generations of the Gods of Ancient Greece

At various times there were various list of one ancient author differed from another, but still you can select the general periods.

So, during the times of Pelasgov, when the cult of worship of the forces of nature flourished, the first generation of Greek gods appeared. It was believed that the world's rules in the world, from which the first Supreme Divine appeared - Chaos, and their children - Nita (Night), Eros (Love) and Ereb (darkness). Full mess reigned on Earth.

The names of the Greek gods of the second and third generation are already known to the whole world. These are children of Nitty and Eber: God's air and the goddess of the day of hemer, Nemesis (retribution), Ata (false), IOM (stupidity), Kera (misfortune), Erinia (Revenge), Moira (destiny), Erida (discord). And also to take the twins of Tanatos (Herald of death) and hypnosis (sleep). Children of the goddess of the Earth Geers - Pont (Interior Sea), Tartar (Cupid), Neri (Real Sea) and others. As well as the first generation of powerful and destructive titans and giants.

The Greek gods that existed in pelagesties were overthow titans and a number of universal catastrophes, legends that were preserved in myths and legends. After them, a new generation appeared - Olympians. These are the human feature of the gods of Greek mythology. Their list is huge, and in this article we will talk about the most significant and well-known person.

First Supreme God of Ancient Greece

Kronos or Khronov - God and the keeper of time. He was the youngest of the sons of the goddess of the land of Geers and God of Heaven Uranus. Mother loved him, cherished and potakala in everything. However, the Kronos has grown very ambitious and cruel. Once he heard the prediction that his son will become the death of Kronos. But she decided to keep it secret.

Meanwhile, the Kronos killed his father and received the Supreme Power. He settled on Mount Olympus, which went straight into heaven. Hence the name of the Greek gods as the Olympians appeared. When Kronos decided to marry, the mother told him about the prophecy. And he found the way out - began to swallow all his born children. His poor wife Ray came to horror, but she failed to convince her husband in the opposite. Then his Third Son (Little Zeus) she hidden from Kronos on the island of Crete under the supervision of the forest nymph. It was Zeus and became the death of the Kronos. When he grew up, went to Olympus and overthrow his father, at the same time forcing him to bother all his brothers.

Zeus and Gera

So, the rulers of the world became new human-like Greek gods from Olympus. The father of the gods was the Thunderpiece Zeus. He is a collector of the clouds and a lady of lightning, creating all the living, as well as the establishment of order and justice on Earth. Greeks considered Zeus the source of good and nobility. Stublozzz is the father of the goddesses of OR, the ladies of time and annual change, as well as the MUZ, which give people inspiration and joy.

Zeus's wife was Hera. It was depicted by the grumpy goddess of the atmosphere, as well as the keeper of a homely hearth. Gera patronized all women who kept loyalty to their husbands. And also, together with his daughter, Iliad facilitated the process of childbirth. According to myths, Zeus was very loving, and after three hundred years, a married life rushed. He began to visit mortal women in a wide variety. So, to beautiful Europe was in the form of a huge bull with gold horns, and to Danae - in the form of star rain.


Poseidon is the God of the Seas and Oceans. He always remained in the shadow of his more powerful Brother Zeus. Greeks believed that Poseidon was never distinguished by cruelty. And all the troubles and punishments that he sent people were deserved.

Poseidon is a patron of fishermen and sailors. Always, before going into swimming, people pray primarily to him, and not Zeus. In honor of the Lord of the seas, the altars smoked several days. According to legends, Poseidon could be seen during the storm in the open sea. He was from a foam in a golden chariot, harvested by dashing hors, whom His brother Aid presented him.

Poseidon's wife was the goddess of the noisy sea Amphitrite. The symbol is a trident that gave full power over the sea underground. Poseidon had a soft, non-conflict temper. He always sought to avoid quarrels and conflicts, and was unconditionally devoted to Zeus, unlike Aida.

AID and Persephone

The Greek gods of the underworld is, above all, the gloomy aid and his wife Persephone. Aid is the God of Death, the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead. He was even afraid than the thumbnail. No one could go down to the underground world without the permission of Aida, and even more so, return. As Greek mythology says, the gods of Olympus were divided among themselves. And Aid, who got the underground kingdom, was dissatisfied. He was offended by Zeus.

Despite the fact that he never acted directly and openly, but there are a lot of examples in the legends when the God of Death tried in every way to spoil the life of his crowded brother. So, one day, Aid kidnapped the beautiful daughter of Zeus and the goddess fertility Dememers Persephone. He forcibly made her his queen. Zeus was not dominated over the kingdom of the dead, and chose not to get involved with an embittered brother, therefore refused a divergent demeter in the request to save daughter. And only when the goddess of fertility in Mount forgot about his duties, and drought and hunger began on earth, Zeus decided to talk to Aid. They concluded a contract according to which Persephone will conduct two thirds of the year on earth along with his mother, and everything else is in the kingdom of the dead.

Aid was depicted with a gloomy man, squeezing on the throne. On the ground, he traveled in a chariot, harvested by hellish horses with a burning flame with eyes. And at this time, people were afraid and prayed so that he would not take them into his kingdom. The favorite of Aida was the three-headed dog Cerber, who tirelessly protected the entrance to the world of the dead.

Athena Pallada

The favorite Greek goddess Athena was the daughter of the thunder of Zeus. According to myths, she was born from his head. At first it was believed that Athena is the goddess of the pure sky, which he accelerates all the black clouds with his spear. It was also a symbol of victorious energy. Greeks depicted Athen with a powerful warrior with a shield and a spear. She always traveled together with the goddess of Nick, personifying victory.

In ancient Greece, Athena was considered a defender of fortresses and cities. She gave people fair and right state orders. The goddess personified wisdom, calm and insightful mind.

Gefest and Prometheus

Hephest is the god of fire and blacksmiths. His activity was manifested by eruptions of volcanoes than very frightened people. Initially, he was considered only the God of Heavenly Fire. Since people lived on Earth and died in an eternal cold. Hephaesta, like Zeus, and other Olympic gods were cruel to the world of people, and gave them a fire was not going.

Everything changed Prometheus. He was the last of the Titans, who managed to survive. He lived on Olympus and was the right hand of Zeus. Prometheus could not watch how people suffer, and, kidding the sacred fire from the temple, brought him to the ground. For which he was punished with a thumbs up and was doomed to eternal flour. But Titan was able to negotiate with Zeus: he gave him freedom in exchange for the mystery of the preservation of power. Prometheus could see the future. And in the future Zeus he saw his death from his son. Thanks to Titan, the father of all the gods did not marry the one who could give birth to his son-killer, and thus forever secured his power.

The Greek gods of Athena, Hephaest and Prometheus became the symbols of an ancient holiday of running with burning torches. The progenitor of the Olympic Games.


The Greek God of Sun Apollo was the son of Zeus. He was identified with Helios. According to Greek mythology, Apollo lives in the winter in the distant places of hyperbedians, and in Elladu returns in the spring and again pours life into a faded nature. Apollo was also a god of music and singing, since with the revival of nature, he gave people a desire to sing and create people. He was called the patron of art. Music and poetry in ancient Greece were considered the gift of Apollo.

Thanks to his reviving ability, he was also considered a healing god. According to the legends of Apollo, with its sunny rays, I expelled all the blackness from the patient. Ancient Greeks depicted the god of fair-haired young men with harp in their hands.


The sister of Apollo Artemis was the goddess of the Moon and Hunt. It was believed that at night she wandered along the forests along with their companions with niada and irrigated the land of dew. She was also called the patroness of animals. At the same time, a lot of legends are connected with Artemide, where she brutally treated navigators. To lose her, people were sacrificed.

At one time, the Greeks called Artemis by the patroness of brides. The girls made rituals and brought the goddess to offerings in the hope of a strong marriage. Artemis Efesse even became a symbol of fertility and childbearing. The Greeks depicted a goddess with many nosses on the chest, which symbolized her generosity as the cormals of people.

The names of the Greek gods of Apollo and Artemis are closely connected with Helios and Selena. Gradually, brother and sister lost their physical significance. Therefore, in Greek mythology, the Sun Gelios and Goddess of the Moon of Selena appeared in Greek mythology. Apollo remained a patron of music and arts, and Artemis - hunting.


Initially, Ares was considered the god of a stormy sky. He was the son of Zeus and Gera. But the ancient Greek poets he received the status of the war of war. He was always depicted by a violent warrior, an armed sword or a spear. Ares loved the noise of battles and bloodshed. Therefore, he has always begun from the goddess of the clear sky of Athena. She was for reasonable and honest fight, he is fierce clashes and countless bloodshed.

Ares is also considered the Creator of the Tribunal - Courts of Killer. The court passed on the sacred hill, which was named after God - the Areopag.

Aphrodite and Eros.

Beautiful Aphrodite was a patronage of all lovers. She is a favorite muse for all poets, sculptors and artists of that time. The goddess portrayed a beautiful woman leaving naked from sea foam. Soul Aphrodite has always been full of clean and immaculate love. At the time of Phoenican Aphrodite contained two beginnings in itself - Ashera and Astarta. Ashecher she was when she enjoyed the singing of nature and love of the young men of Adonis. And Astarthta - when it was read, as the "goddess of heights" - the harsh warrior, who imposed on his obedients the vows chastity and protected marital morality. The ancient Greeks joined these two starters in their goddess and created an image of perfect femininity and beauty.

Eros or Eros - the Greek God of Love. He was the son of an excellent Aphrodite, her messenger and faithful assistant. Eros joined the fate of all lovers. He was depicted as a small chubby boy with wings.

Demeter and Dionysis

Greek gods, patrons of agriculture and winemaking. Demeter personified a nature that ripens and fruits under sunlight and heavy rains. She was depicted by the "Roma" goddess giving people a harvest deserved by difficulty. It is a demeter that people are obliged to science of barking and sowing. The goddess was also called the "Earth Mother." Her daughter of Persephone was a link between the world of the living and the kingdom of the dead, she belonged to both worlds.

Dionysis is the god of winemaking. As well as brotherhood and joy. Dionysus gives people inspiration and fun. He taught people to handle a vine, as well as wild and violent songs, which then served as the basis for an ancient Greek drama. God was portrayed by young cheerful young men, his body was pulled by a grape vine, and in his hands there was a jug with wine. Wine and vine are the main symbols of Dionysus.

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