Presentation of the lexical meaning of the word. Presentation lexical meaning of the word The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly dramatic

Garden equipment 30.06.2020

Option number 1

When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A30), put a sign in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

A1. In which word is the letter for the stressed vowel incorrectly highlighted?

1) maneuverable 2) oil pipeline H) lifted 4) long

A2. What word is defined incorrectly?

1) DRAMATIC - expressing strong feelings, full of drama.

2) REMINDER - an appeal reminding of something.

H) DYNAMIC - possessing great internal energy.

4) ECONOMIC - related to the management of the economy, to the economic production side of the matter.

1) (pair) boots 2) (pair) sock H) (pair) stockings 4) (many) eggplants

A4. In which sentence is the syntactic norm violated?

1) The doctor did not find any signs of illness in the patient.

2) It cannot be denied that there are positive aspects of work.

H) I don't often write letters to my parents.

4) None of us took part in the lottery drawing.

Read the text and complete tasks A6-A11

(1) And today more than one and a half thousand stars in the vicinity of the Sun have been studied and a total of 120 planets have been discovered next to a hundred of them. (H) But we know almost nothing about these planets. (4) As a matter of fact, we have not even seen them so far! (5) ... the discovery of planets in other stars occurs by observing the star itself: its weak wobble, caused by the attraction of the planet, betrays the presence of the planet itself, but nothing important about it does not report. (6) At this time, astronomers hope to create special "multi-eyed" telescopes in near-earth orbit, the analysis of the data of which will help to find out whether distant planets have an atmosphere.

1) The first true planet outside the solar system was discovered eight years ago.

2) Does the planet have an atmosphere?

H) Back in 1999, Semiletov and his colleagues discovered a mysterious anomaly.

4) After 1995, astronomers can quite accurately answer the question of where and why starships should be sent.

A7. Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the omission in the fifth sentence?

1) the fact is that 2) However, H) In addition, 4) Although

A8. What words are the grammatical basis in the second (2) sentence of the text?

1) studied 2) 120 planets studied and discovered

3) studied and discovered 4) discovered

A9. Indicate the correct description of the fifth (5) sentence of the text.

1) complex with a non-union and allied subordinate relationship

2) compound

H) complex non-union

1) The goose is known to be an important and reasonable bird. (I. Turgenev)

2) To teach a scientist only to spoil.

3) The rain is not a hindrance to the fisherman.

4) You are smart people, give me a hundred answers. (M. Gorky)

A20. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) Yellow, pink and bluish flowers dazzled a living carpet of grass, like scattered semi-precious stones. (D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

2) You have a brooch, sort of like a bee. (A. Chekhov)

3) Rich, good-looking, Lensky was accepted everywhere as a groom. (A. Pushkin)

4) Our path lay along a narrow and straight, like a ruler, country road. (A. Chekhov)

1) Hello, happy tribe! (M. Lermontov)

2) In general, I feel good here: I like the house and the neighbors.

3) Matvey Ilyich, however, was amazed when he learned that the relatives he had invited remained in the village. (I. Turgenev)

4) Misfortune did not change him at all, but on the contrary, he became even stronger and more energetic. (I. Turgenev)

1) Grandma loved poetry and books, trees and the sky. (K. Paustovsky)

2) Bright stars burned in the sky, sparkled and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. (V. Arseniev)

3) The sun shone both on the newly blossoming foliage and on the young grass. (L. Tolstoy)

4) A terrible sound swam closer and closer, and grew in its strength, sobbed and melted in black darkness.

1) It used to be that you ran your fill down the hall, tiptoeing upstairs, into the classroom, you looked - Karl Ivanovich was sitting alone in his chair. (L. Tolstoy)

2) One thing worried him, his heart was restless and somehow strangely fluttered in his chest.

3) What a wonderful question for an artist: have you seen beauty in your life, and how many times, and under what circumstances? (M. Prishvin)

4) I was not mistaken: at the sight of the money, the old woman stirred, her eyes opened even more, and she reached for the coin with her twisted fingers. (A. Kuprin)

A24. What numbers should be replaced by punctuation marks?

The sun had the form of an orange disk (1) so (2) that (3) it was possible to look at it (4) with the naked eye.

A25. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

The heavy velvet curtain rose (1) and (2) when the first sounds of music sounded (Z) Voronov suddenly saw the familiar little figure of the Countess (4) who also came to the premiere at the theater.

1)2,3,4 2)1,2,3,4 3)1,3,4 4)1,2,3

1) Rows of swamp and long lakes stretched along the coast of the sea and parallel to it, which were separated from each other by sandy ramparts.

2) Near the house there was a small vegetable garden on which rutabagas, lettuce and onions grew.

3) Subtle lightning flashed across the dark sky, which was strewn with thousands of stars.

4) The tiger, which lives in the Ussuri region, is larger than its Indian counterpart.

A27. Read the text.

The microlensing effect is as follows. If two stars line up roughly on the same line, then an Earth observer will see an increase in the brightness of a more distant star, since a closer one works like a gravitational lens, collecting its light. In the event that a nearby star has a planet, then we will see an additional increase in brightness, because the planet will also work like a small lens. The parameters of the brightness change of a distant star can be used to reconstruct the mass of lenses, including the planet.

1) The effect of microlensing is that when observing stars lined up approximately on the same line, an increase in the brightness of a more distant star is seen, since a closer one works like a gravitational lens.

2) The planet of the star works like a small lens.

3) The microlensing effect can be described based on observations of two stars.

4) If a nearby star has a planet, then an additional increase in brightness is seen.

(1) What a boundless, inexhaustible sea it is - human speech! (2) And the writer needs to know all the depths, it is necessary to study the laws that govern this element creatively.

(3) A poet who knows how to use all the energy of the word accumulated over the centuries is able to excite and shock souls with a simple combination of a few words.

(4) "The palace shone," says Pushkin, and these two words are quite enough for you to imagine a splendid feast of a pampered and autocratic queen.

(5) ... And still cloaks and swords,

Yes, faces full of belligerent courage -

only two lines, but how they convey the harsh and austere greatness of the twelfth year.

(6) If a poet lives in harmony with his native language, fully feels its structure, its origins, the poet's powers will multiply tenfold. (7) Words for him are not frozen terms, but living, playing images, visible, intelligible, born of reality and giving birth to reality. (8) His vocabulary is an orchestra.

(9) And we see this not only on the example of the classics of the creators of our poetic language.

(1O) After all, what sonority of the verse and accuracy of the image achieves our contemporary Alexander Tvardovsky in the description of an everyday winter morning at the front:

(11) ... With a noisy mitten clap,

Stomp on the virgin land

It's a normal early day

It started in the war.

(12) A timid smoke curled a little,

The fire came to life with difficulty,

Thundered into the smoky tank

Ice water from a bucket.

(1H) Burnt overnight,

There were fighters from all the dens

Bask in the run, wash in the snow,

Snow as hard as sand.

(14) Language reflects the deep knowledge of life and nature acquired by humanity. (15) And not only the special language of various professions - hunters, sailors, fishermen, carpenters - but also the national dictionary absorbed this rich and varied everyday experience. (16) In the living folk speech, so many observations and practical information accumulated over long centuries from those areas of knowledge that are scientifically called agronomy, meteorology, anatomy have been imprinted, therefore, taking possession of the inexhaustible heritage of his people, the poet receives at the same time what is contained in the word the experience of generations, the ability to find the shortest and surest way to depict reality.

(S. Marshak)

A28. Which statement most fully reflects the main idea of ​​the text?

1) What is this immense, inexhaustible sea - human speech.

2) The national dictionary has absorbed this rich and varied experience of life.

3) Taking possession of the inexhaustible heritage of his people, the poet receives at the same time the experience of generations contained in the word, the ability to find the shortest and surest way to depict reality.

4) The sonorousness of the verse and the accuracy of the image is achieved by our contemporary A. Tvardovsky in the description of an everyday winter morning at the front.

A29. What types of speech are used in the IV and VII paragraphs?

1) in IV - narration, in VII - description

2) in IV description, in VII description

E) in IV - description, in VII - narration

4) paragraphs contain both reasoning and description

AZ0. Which word has the wrong meaning used in the text?

1) a palace - a magnificent, magnificent room or building, a palace (proposal 4)

2) virgin land - cultivated land (sentence 11)

E) term - a word or phrase that is the name of a certain concept of any special field of science, technology, art (sentence 7)

4) feast - a large dinner party, a treat (proposal 4)


When completing the tasks in this part, write down your answer in answer form 1 to the right of the task number (в1-В8), starting from the first cell. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance

samples given in the form. Separate words or numbers with commas. Put each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when recording responses.

Write down the answers to tasks B1-B3 in words.

IN 1. From sentence 1, write out the word formed by the suffix method.

IN 2. Write out all the demonstrative pronouns from sentences 1-3.

AT 3. From sentence 6, write out the subordinate phrase with the CONNECTION relationship.

Write down the answers to tasks B4-B8 in numbers.

AT 4. Among sentences 14-16, find a complex one, which includes a relative clause. Write the number of this complex sentence.

AT 5. Find sentences with separate definitions among sentences 1-5. Write the numbers of these sentences.

AT 6. Among sentences 10-16, find a complex sentence with a heterogeneous subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence.

AT 7. Among sentences 6-9, find one that connects with the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.

Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in assignments A29-A30, B1-B7.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the spaces of the blanks. If you do not know which number from the list should be in place of the gap, write the number 0.

The sequence of numbers in the order in which you wrote them down in the text of the review at the place of the gaps, write down in answer form No. 1 to the right of the task number B8, starting from the first cell.

AT 8. S. Marshak, discussing the richness of human speech, never ceases to admire the sonority, accuracy, depth and expressiveness of his native language, in order to show the diversity and richness of the language, he uses such syntactic means as ______________ (“immense, inexhaustible in sentence 1; "Its structure, its origins" in sentence 6), ___________ (sentence 1). The brightness and persuasiveness of his words give

means such as ___________ (the hall in sentence 4), __________ ("deep" sentence 14, rich in sentence 15).

List of terms:

1) rhetorical exclamation

H) metaphor

5) rows of homogeneous members 6) rhetorical question

7) vernacular 8) emotionally colored words

9) obsolete words

Option number 2

When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A3O), put a sign in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

A1. In what word wrong highlighted letter denoting stressed vowel sound?


A2. The meaning of which word is defined wrong?

1) ADDRESS - the person or organization to whom the postal item is addressed.

2) ARCHAIC - obsolete, not corresponding to new views, rules.

H) FRIENDLY - friendly, mutually benevolent.

4) COMMANDED - a person on a business trip.

AZ. In what case does the form of a word not correspond to the norm of the literary language?

1) addresses (plural) H) locksmith (plural)

2) cakes (plural) 4) contracts (plural)

A4. In what case is the syntactic norm violated?

1) Listening to this exciting music, I imagine a raging sea.

2) Knowing about his arrival, we were able to prepare for this.

H) Approaching the city, a strong wind began.

4) Running down the slopes of ravines, streams rang.

A5. When is there a syntax error?

1) receive an award 2) pay for the goods

3) be based at the airfield 4) distinguish between truth and falsehood

(1) And it should be noted that the background, the so-called equilibrium, pressure is about 370 microatmospheres. (3) “In some parts of the coast, which are most susceptible to destruction, this pressure reaches four thousand microatmospheres,” emphasizes Semiletov. - (4) Even then, four years ago, we started looking for the mechanism responsible for these anomalies. Our current expedition has confirmed: the anomaly is associated with the removal of ancient organic matter into the sea during the destruction of the coast. (6) This extraordinary discovery contradicts all concepts of the carbon cycle of biological origin that have existed until now.

A6. Which sentence should come first in this text?

1) It was believed that organic matter, which is buried in the permafrost, no longer participates in any further transformations: it simply "falls out" into the Arctic Ocean in the form of stable and passive high-molecular compounds (lignin), and therefore does not affect modern ecological cycles ...

2) Back in 1999, Semiletov and his colleagues discovered a mysterious anomaly: the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater at some sampling points was several thousand microatmospheres.

3) An amazing expedition took place recently.

4) The following research by Semiletov is interesting.

A7. Which of the following words (word combinations)

must be at the place of the pass in the fifth proposal?

1) First of all 2) However 3) And now 4) In other words

A8. What words are the grammatical basis in the sixth (6) sentence of the text?

1) the discovery contradicts

2 it contradicts

3) contradicts ideas

4) extraordinary discovery contradicts

A9. Indicate the correct description of the FIFTH (5) sentence of the text.

2) compound

3) complex non-union

4) complex with a non-union and subordinate relationship

A10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristic of the word SUBJECTED from the third (3) sentence of the text.

1) noun 2) participle

3) short adjective 4) gerunds

A11. Write the meaning of the word ANOMALY in sentence 1.

1) deviation from the norm 2) opening

3) type of organic matter 4) pressure

1) crazy .. 2) hard .. 3) restless .. 4) horses. .th

A13. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) x. .odilnik, c. .kol, h. rny 2) ab. .ment, v. .lidol, f. .on the

3) to. Nose, h. To start, h .. to be clear 4) to.

A14. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

1) n. To write, n. . to build, etc. to decline

4) b. . go out, ave. thrive, ave. display

A15. In which row is the letter E written in the place of the pass?

1) hate..t 2) patience..m 3) 4) stele..t

A16. In which word is the letter I missing?

1) exaggerated. ... my 3) frag. .nost

2) paint. .vat 4) right. .shchy

A17. In which sentence NOT with a word is spelled separately?

1) (Not) a stupid act 3) (Not) depend on parents

2) (Not) dangerous substance 4) (Not) leave for a long time

A18. In which sentence is the preposition spelled together?

1) (B) We worked intensively throughout the day.

2) (C) in connection with the departure we were released early.

3) (C) As an exception, today we do not write a test.

4) (C) due to the drought this year there is no potato crop.

A19. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) A wonderful person, Ivan Ivanovich. (N. Gogol)

2) The tiger is an extremely beautiful animal. (V. Arseniev)

3) An excellent position - to be human on earth. (M. Gorky)

4) Try is not torture, demand is not a problem.

A20. What digits should be in place of commas?

Through the low gates of the city we entered the field (1) and (2) after walking a hundred paces along the stone fence (3) we stopped in front of a narrow gate.

1)1,2,3 ,3 4)1,3

A21. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) Gerasim glanced sternly and quickly at everyone, did not leave the girl's porch, and seemed to guess that something unkind was being planned for him. (I. Turgenev)

2) In the evening, finally, the sun burst out of the clouds and flooded everything around with its light.

3) I went, as it seemed to me, straight to the sea. (V. Arseniev)

4) Spring has already come. (V. Arseniev)

A22. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) Thunder, laughter, songs were heard quieter and quieter. (J. Gogol)

3) Ridges of solid, gray clouds were getting cold, breathing in winter. (I. Bunin)

4) A clear winter day glittered in frosting attire, in a velvet robe of snow. (M. Gorky)

A23. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

A24. What numbers should be replaced by a punctuation mark?

The judge's nose involuntarily sniffed the upper lip (1) which (2) he usually did (3) before only (4) from great pleasure. (N. Gogol)

A25. What numbers should be replaced by a punctuation mark?

Large clouds (1) passed across the sky and then opened (2) then blocked the sun (W), which made the panorama (4) either cheerful (5) or gloomy. (V. Arseniev)

1)1,2,3,4,5 2)2,3,4,5 3)2,3,5 4)1,2,3

A26. In which sentence cannot the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced with a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The ridge along which we were now walking consisted of a row of bare peaks.

2) All around in the forest and in the field there was silence, which is broken only by the monotonous hum of mosquitoes.

H) Raccoon dog - an animal that takes the middle place between dogs, martens and raccoons.

4) The guide silently pointed to the patches of fog that appeared in the cities.

A27. Read the text.

In Pushkin's Tale of Tsar Saltan, the letter "f" occurs only three times, and all three times in the same word "fleet". But this word is not Russian; it is of international circulation: in Spanish the fleet will be "flota "(fleet), in English -"fleet"(Flit), in German -"Flotte"(Flote), in French -"flotte"(Fleet). An unexpected thing is revealed: every word of the Russian language, in which - at the beginning, at the end or in the middle - the letter "f" is written, in fact turns out to be a word not originally Russian, but one that came to us from other languages ​​that has an international circulation.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) In "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" the letter occurs three times in the word "fleet".

2) The words of the Russian language in which "f" is written came to us from other languages.

H) In Spanish, the fleet will be « flota"(fleet), in English - « fleet» (flit), in German - « Flotte» (flote), in French - « flotte» ( fleet).

4) The word "fleet" of international circulation.

Read the text and complete tasks A28-AZO; B1-B8; C1.

The Dome Cathedral

(1) Home. (2) House. (H) House ...

(4) Dome Cathedral with a cock on the spire. (5) Tall, stone, it sounds over Riga.

(6) The vaults of the cathedral are filled with organ singing. (7) From the sky, from above, floats now a rumble, now a thunder, now a gentle voice of lovers, now zones of vestals, now roulades of a horn, now the sounds of a harpsichord, now the sound of a rolling stream Sounds sway like incense smoke. (I0) They are thick, tangible. (11) They are everywhere, and everything is filled with them: soul, earth, world.

(12) Everything froze, stopped. (1H) Mental turmoil, the absurdity of a vain life, petty passions, everyday life - all this remained somewhere, in another place, in a different light, in another life that was distant from me.

14) Maybe all that came before was a dream? (15) Wars, blood ...

(16) Why do we live so hard and tensely on our land? (17) Why? (18) Why?

(19) House. (20) House. (21) Home ...

(22) Annunciation. (23) Music. (24) The gloom has disappeared. (25) Did the sun rise? (26) Everything is changing around.

(27) There is no cathedral with electric candles, with ancient molding, with glass, toys and candies depicting paradise life. (28) There is a world and I, subdued with reverence, ready to kneel before the greatness of beauty.

(29) The hall is full of people, old and young, Russian and non-Russian, evil and kind, vicious and light, tired and enthusiastic.

(ZO) And no one is in the hall!

(H1) Everything remained outside the threshold of the cathedral. (32) There is only my subdued, disembodied soul, oozing with incomprehensible pain and tears of quiet delight.

(ЗЗ) It is purifying itself, the soul is something, and it seems to me that the whole world is holding its breath, he thought too, this bubbling and formidable world, ready with me to fall with his withered mouth to the holy spring of good.

(34) And suddenly, like an obsession, like a blow: they are targeting, at this moment they are targeting this cathedral, this great music, into the human soul with guns, bombs, missiles ...

(35) It can't be! (H6) It shouldn't be!

(37) Dome Cathedral! (38) Dome Cathedral! (39) Music! (40) What have you done to me? (41) You are still trembling under the arches, you are still washing your soul, chilling the blood, illuminating everything around with light, but already a man in black comes out and bows from above! (42) A small man trying to assure that it was he who performed a miracle! (4H) A wizard and a songwriter, a nonentity and a god to whom everything is subject: both life and death ...

(44) Dome Cathedral! (45) Dome Cathedral!

46) There is no applause here. (47) Here people cry from the tenderness that overwhelmed them. (48) Each cry for his own. (49) But together, everyone weeps about the end, a beautiful dream subsides, and that magic is short-lived, deceiving into sweet oblivion.

(50) Dome Cathedral! (51) Dome Cathedral!

(52) You are in my shuddering heart. (53) I bow my head to your singer, thank you for happiness, albeit a short one, for delight and faith in the human mind, for the miracle created and sung by this mind, thank you, thank you for everything! ..

(V. Astafiev)

A28. What thought is reflected in the text?

1) The art of modern architecture evokes admiration and admiration.

3) The art of words is capable of awakening high feelings in a person's soul.

4) A person is brought up in a certain cultural environment.

A29. What is the style of the text and what type (s) of speech (s) does it represent?

1) scientific style; reasoning

2) journalistic style; reasoning

AZ. In what case does the form of a word not correspond to the norm of the literary language?

1) (in) nineteen hundred and eighty-fifth (year)

2) (nominated) one hundred and four (candidate)

H) (about) four million three hundred thousand (books)

4) (by) seventy (years)

A4. In which sentence is the syntactic norm violated?

1) Waking up the next day, I immediately thought about the upcoming campaign.

2) Assuming that this was the last train, I was completely upset.

H) Grabbing the child in an armful, the mother ran to the other side of the street.

4) Returning from the exhibition, he had to visit his parents.

A5. When is there a syntax error?

1) Twenty one students passed the exam.

2) Received a thousand books.

3) Ten years have passed.

4) These three cars drove in the same direction.

Read the text and complete tasks A6-A11.

(1) in the nuclear industry, but also in everyday life, with non-professionals. (H) Doctors who see patients with signs of radiation injury need answers to specific questions: what dose a given person received, how is it distributed throughout the body? (4) Both the prognosis and the treatment strategy depend on this. (5) Retrospective dosimetry, the field of radiation physics that determines dose, is looking for answers. on the contrary: according to the changes that ionizing radiation produces in living and nonliving matter.

A6. Which of the following sentences should be the first in this text?

1) For dose reconstruction, various methods are used: calculated, activation, biodosimetric.

2) It is bad if a person receives a dangerous dose of ionizing radiation, and even without having a dosimeter with him, and nevertheless, such cases occur.

3) One of the most powerful methods, EPR dosimetry, is based on the analysis of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of irradiated materials.

4) The professor recently conducted an interesting research.

A7. Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the second sentence?

1) Not only 3) Also

2) Since 4) In other words

A8. What words are the grammatical basis in the fourth (4) sentence of the text?

1) both forecast and strategy depend

2) treatment strategy depends

3) depend on this

4) depend

A9. Indicate the correct characterization of the third (3) sentence of the text.

1) complex with non-union and union compositional connection

2) compound

3) complex non-union

4) complex with allied subordination

A 10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word THIS from the fourth (4) sentence of the text.

1) demonstrative pronoun

2) attributive pronoun

3) interrogative pronoun

4) relative pronoun

A1 1. Indicate the meaning of the phrase RADIATION PHYSICS in sentence 5.

1) the science that studies radiation

4) natural science that studies the movement of objects in space

A12. In which answer is NN written?

1) vare. .th 2) is more powerful. third) puta. .th 4) more. .th

A13. What word is missing a letter?

1) peer. 2) korys. .ny 3) dangerous .. 4) lure. nt

A14. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) p .. write, n. . to build, etc. to decline

2) c. . to remember, ra. .description, chre. extraordinary

3) ave. Tell, ave. Write, ave. Cut

4) b. weekend, etc. to keep up, etc. to display

A15. In which word is the letter U missing?

1) rest. .schiy 2) hear. . living 3) breathing. 4) kind. .shchy

A1b. What word is missing the suffix - sk-?

1) daring ... 2) brother. .ii 3) German .. 4) Res. .ii

A17. In what case is it NOT written separately?

1) (Not) fulfillment of the plan.

2) (Not) deliberate, but impulsive act,

3) (Not) explainable, but interesting phenomenon.

4) (Un) lined glossy sheet.

A18. What word is hyphenated?

1) poultry (fishing) 2) agro (technique) 3) anti (folk) 4) chair (bed)

A19. How to correctly place and explain punctuation marks in a sentence instead of numbers?

Roads are (1) winding (2) truth (3) straight.

1) 1 - dash, because the predicate is a compound nominal.

2) 2 - colon, because the second part of the non-union sentence reveals the meaning of the first.

3) 3 - a dash is not put, because the predicate is expressed by an adjective.

4) 2 is a semicolon, because this is a non-union complex sentence.

A20. What numbers should be replaced by punctuation marks?

Haunting (1) pulling on (2) a yellow shirt (3) Tsyganok cautiously walked out into the middle of the kitchen. (M. Gorky)

A21. What numbers should be replaced by a punctuation mark?

Belinsky (1) undoubtedly (2) possessed the main qualities of a great critic (3) in criticizing him (4) absolutely (5) there was no one to ask (6) on the contrary (7) others obeyed him.(I. Turgenev)

1) 1, 3, 4, 6 2)3,6, 7 3)1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 4)2,3, 6, 7

A22. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) Not a single grass below, not a single leaf on the upper branch of the tree, moved. (L. Tolstoy)

2) The horses were surprised at the sound of the water, raised their heads, put their ears on alert, but steadily and carefully walked against the current. (L. Tolstoy)

3) A strange, intermittent sound came from somewhere in the distance.

4) Small stars twinkled in the light blue frosty sky. (L. Tolstoy)

A23. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) The sun comes out from behind the cloud - you feel the hot caress of light on your face. (I. Bunin)

2) The eye is looking for a new object in vain; no pillar, no haystack, no fence - nothing is visible. (L. Tolstoy)

3) Here the rain splashed, the dust flies, the rain pearls are hanging, and the sun gilded the threads. (F. Tyutchev)

4) Open only the window - this is how the branches burst into the room. (N. Gogol)

A24. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which the fifth should be in the sentence?

Beautiful trees (1) the trunks (2) of which (H) were surprisingly slender (4) on closer inspection turned out to be currants and gooseberries.

1)1,2,3 2)1,4 3)2,3,4 4)1,3,4

A25. What numbers should be replaced by punctuation marks?

Despite (1) the long distance traveled (2) my dog ​​was running all the time (H) looking for food (4) so ​​I had to feed her.

1)1,2,3,4 2)2,3,4 3)2,3 4)2,4

A26. In which sentence cannot the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced with a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) A large tree that lay on the ground blocked our way.

2) Entering a forest that stretches for several hundred kilometers, you involuntarily feel a sense of some shyness.

3) We heard a dull noise from afar, which imperceptibly approached us.

4) The road, which we often walked in childhood, was all overgrown with tall grass.

A27. Read the text.

It is necessary to remember once and for all a firm rule of linguistics: never confuse two completely different things - a letter and a sound. That's right: they are related to each other. But this connection is not as simple or as direct as we usually think. That is why people cannot write the way they speak and hear. That is why we need spelling lessons.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) Letter and sound are related to each other.

2) The connection between letter and sound is not direct. Therefore, people cannot write the way they speak and hear.

3) We need spelling rules, because due to the indirect connection between sound and letter, we cannot write the way we hear and speak.

4) Sound and letter are two completely different things.

Read the text and complete tasks A28-A3O; B1-B8; C1.

(1) The art style of the opera singer Leonid Sobinov was noble, because he himself was noble. (2) No tricks of artistic technique could he have developed in himself such a charming and soulful voice if he himself did not have this sincerity.

(3) Of course, one cannot explain his colossal success by the charm of a creative personality alone. (4) There was another reason - his hard work, hard work. (5) Preparing some role, he literally turned himself off from life and worked for ten, twelve hours, bringing himself to extreme fatigue. (6) He did not do anything at all somehow, halfway. (7) When he was invited to a tour of the Ukrainian opera, he - a native of Yaroslavl - almost an old man began to learn to speak and read Ukrainian, invited the writer Pavel Opanasenko as his teacher, studied Ukrainian grammar, syntax and eventually mastered this language in excellence.

(8) I remember his school notebooks, where he diligently inscribed in columns the conjugation of Ukrainian verbs:

"I bachu, you bachu, you bachu, we bachimo, bachu stink." (9) And then there is an example written in calligraphic handwriting: "Bachili very well, they bought it, if you want to twist it."

(1O) He did not part at that time with Shevchenko's poems, studying them with the stubbornness of a diligent schoolboy. (11) And so he admired the musicality of Shevchenko's speech:

Early lies; rookie

We went outside the village,

And behind them, young,

T divcha one wrote.

(12) His high culture was manifested in all his appearance. (1E) He had a wonderful knowledge of literature in two or three languages, especially poetry. (14) I even composed them in great numbers. (15) Demanding of himself, he looked at his poem as an amateurish whim and did not attach any importance to it. (16) Among his poems there were many that showed taste, skill, and understanding of the poetic form.

(K. Chukovsky)

A28. What thought contradicts the content of the text?

1) The colossal success of L. Sobinov is associated not only with his charm, but with great diligence.

2) The high level of culture of L. Sobinov manifested itself in everything.

3) The success of an artist depends on the level of his talent, not on hard work.

4) Nothing can be done somehow, halfway.

A29. What is the style of the text and what type (s) of speech (s) does it represent?

1) business style; narration and reasoning

2) conversational style; description and narration

E) scientific style; description and narration

4) artistic style; description and narration

AZO. What is the meaning of the word CALLIGRAPHIC in sentence 9?

1) clear, beautiful

2) small, legible

E) clear and small

4) unclear and fuzzy


When completing the assignments in this part, write your answer on the answer sheet. T 1 to the right of the task number (B1-B8), starting from the first cell. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. Separate words or numbers with busy ones. Put each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when recording responses.

Write down the answers to tasks B1-B3 in words.

IN 1. Indicate the way the word hard work is formed in sentence 4.

IN 2. Write out all adjectives from sentences 1-2.

VE. Indicate the type of subordinate relationship in the phrase inscribe in columns(Proposition 8).

Write down the answers to tasks B4-B8 in numbers.

AT 4. Among sentences 1-5, find a complex one, of which a one-part impersonal sentence is a part. Write the number of this complex sentence.

AT 5. Among sentences 7-9, find a sentence with a stand-alone definition. Write the number of this

AT 6. Find a complex sentence with a relative clause among sentences 8-10. Write the number of this complex sentence.

AT 7. Among sentences 1-4, find one that connects with the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.

Read the snippet of the review based on the text you analyzed by performing tasks A29-A3O, B1-B7.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the spaces of the blanks. If you do not know which number from the list should be in place of the gap, write the number 0.

The sequence of numbers in the order in which you wrote them down in the text of the review at the place of the gaps, write it down in answer form 1 to the right of the task number B8, starting from the first cell.

AT 8. Sobinov quickly conquered the entire art world. He combined a captivating voice with an extraordinary stage presence. K. Chukovsky speaks with admiration of the talent of Leonid Sobinov. Emotionality of his speech is given by such syntactic means as ________ ("hard work, toil" in sentence 4; "taste, and skill, and understanding" in sentence 16), ______________ (* Early lies, recruit ... e in

Sentence 11). The richness and expressiveness of speech is achieved by such means as ___________ ("creative", "colossal" in sentence 3), ____________ ("noble style" in sentence 1).

List of terms:

1) high style words

2) rows of homogeneous members

H) rhetorical question

7) rhetorical exclamation

9) metaphor


Option 1


This, this

Native language


Option 2

Soulful, absurdity, forest, everyday

Depicting, subdued

They cry from tenderness, each about his own, which stunned them


Option 3

Impression, woodland. Gaiety, field

Not quite free


Option 4

Adding the foundations

Operatic. Noble, artistic, charming and soulful

Option 2
1. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted?
2. What word is defined incorrectly?
1.Dramatic - expressing strong feelings, full of drama.
2. Reminder - an appeal that reminds you of something.
3.Dynamic - possessing great internal energy.
4. Master's - related to the management of the economy and the economic, production side of the matter.
3. What word is defined incorrectly?
1.Corpus is a particle.
2. Anabiosis - adaptation of the organism to unfavorable conditions of existence.
3. Tactile - having a sense of proportion.
4. Diagnosis - definition of the disease based on the patient's research.
4. In what phrase is there a word used in a figurative sense?
1. eyeball;
2.sewing needle;
3.silver bell;
4. delicious pear.
6. In which word is the letter E missing?
1. hate_t;
8. Which of the indicated meanings has the word highlighted in the sentence None
the meeting, where Nozdryov was, was not complete without history?
1. Reality in its development;
2.Science of Human Development:
3. Storytelling, narration:
4. An incident, mostly unpleasant.
9. In which sentence is the lexical combination of words broken?
1. It is necessary to focus on the study of humanitarian subjects:
2. Tests of new technology had positive results.
3. Most of the time passes without a trace.
4. You need to go to the parent meeting with your own hands.
10. In which sentence is the lexical combination of words broken?
1. Local conflicts constantly arise in the world;
2. Today we are seeing a tremendous improvement in living conditions;
3. One of the symptoms of this disease is high fever;
4. He slept peacefully.
11. What group of words belongs to stylistically colored vocabulary?
1.sunny, filthy, shabby:
2.good, funny, new;
3. talk, walk, take care;
4.teacher, theater, football.
12. Which sentence contains stylistically inappropriate words?
1.The expression “look at the root” arose as an aphorism of Kozma Prutkov;
2. Members of the Union of Journalists of Russia may be professional journalists;
3. This disco club has energetically and noticeably taken root in the nightlife;
4. The nearest village was still ten kilometers away, and a large dark purple cloud was rapidly advancing towards them.

1) necrolOg. (all words ending in -log are stressed on this syllable, except for the exceptions - analogue)
3) 3 (tactile sensations)
the fifth is missed for some reason
6) lay (exception - shave, lay, etc.)
9) you need to go to the meeting, with your own hand - unnecessary
10) 2 (monstrous deterioration)
12) I don't like sentence 3. The word "rooted" hurts the ear. Probably because of this. This word can be replaced by a synonym for "penetrated")
but here I can be mistaken ...

1. The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly? Addressee - the person or organization to whom the postal item is addressed. Archaic - obsolete, not corresponding to new views, rules. Friendly - friendly, mutually supportive. A business traveler is a person on a business trip.

2. What word is defined incorrectly? Dramatic - expressing strong feelings, full of drama. Reminder - an appeal that reminds you of something. Dynamic - with great internal energy. Household - related to housekeeping.

4. What word is defined incorrectly? A scam is an unscrupulous, fraudulent enterprise, business, action. Briefing - Using False Promises. Delegate - A representative (elected or appointed). Design is a complex design and art activity.

5. What word is defined incorrectly? Consensus - an agreed opinion on controversial issues, developed in the process of discussion by the participants in negotiations, conferences, etc. Mentality - mindset, nature of feelings and thinking. Rating - the level of popularity. Force majeure - failure, failure.

6. What word is defined incorrectly? The right hand is the right hand. The palace is a magnificent, magnificent room, a palace. The confidant is a metal cap worn on the finger when sewing. Abusive (clothing) - woven with patterns (clothing).

8. What word is defined incorrectly? A corpuscle is a particle. Anabiosis is an adaptation of an organism to unfavorable conditions of existence. Tactile - with a sense of proportion. Diagnosis - definition of the disease based on the patient's research.

9. What term is defined incorrectly? Metaphor - the replacement of one word with another, contiguous in meaning. Amphibrachium is a three-syllable poetic foot with an accent on the second syllable. Inversion - the arrangement of the members of the sentence in a special order, violating the usual order. Allegory is an allegory, the expression of something abstract in a concrete image.

Replace each interpretation with one word. A short welcome speech at the table. Wall lamp made of one or more lamps. An auxiliary historical discipline that studies and describes coats of arms. Fired clay tiles for walls and ovens, covered with glaze on the front side. The art of making bouquets, common in Japan, as well as the bouquet itself, composed according to the principles of this art.

6. A poem, a piece of music created without preparation, at the time of pronouncing, performing. 6. A poem, a piece of music created without preparation, at the time of pronouncing, performing. 7. One who, together with someone else, is the author of something. 8. Rude, ill-mannered person. 9. Longing for the Motherland. 10. Living space in an attic with a sloped ceiling or sloped wall.

Replace the words used without taking into account the semantics, words with the appropriate meaning In the 14th century in Russia began a violent heyday of architecture. He is trying his best to draw attention to Sophia. Our class is considered economic, that is, we are future managers. The audience scanned: "Bravo, Salvini!" The entire audience was already in triumph.

Replace words used without regard to semantics with words with appropriate meaning. If I were the headmaster, I would pay more attention to the students. The stories that I could rely on were not yet published. They were just doing their job. After reading The Lay of Igor's Campaign, I received admiration. The woman went on credit for the time of raising a child.

Replace words used without regard to semantics with words with the appropriate meaning. In some textbooks on the literature, paragraphs contain quotations from the works of Pushkin, Yesenin, Gogol. If I were the headmaster of the school, then I would have arranged the rules of discipline and study, completely alien to today's. We must not forget that our goods are imported. A concert was performed in honor of those who came to the evening. One gets the impression that he is deliberately late for work every day.

Replace words used without regard to semantics with words with the appropriate meaning The children began to look for their way home. A teacher was intended for Masha. The expressions on the faces of the people were deplorable. Everyone listened to him attentively. The picture evokes a sad and wretched mood. Finally, the remains of the royal family have been discovered. An icebreaker set off for the long expanses of the Arctic. We express a feeling of compassion to the barge haulers.

Check yourself: task A-11 in the USE format Specify the lexical meaning of the word side in the sentence: We did not come to this city by chance: our relative lives here on the mother's side. terrain, space surface kinship line point of view

Ready-made presentations in Russian will be an irreplaceable assistant for teachers, students and their parents. Using the presentation in Russian helps in learning grammar, rules and exceptions, tenses and conjugations, cases and declensions. Vivid illustrations and beautiful slides will relieve tension in the classroom and draw every student into the educational process. The section "Russian language" contains high-quality unique presentations in the Russian language for grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, as well as presentations for preparation for the State Examination and Exam in the Russian language.

Lexical meaning of the word

Review and Preparation Lesson Material
to the exam in the Russian language (assumes the work of students with an explanatory dictionary)
Portal of ready-made presentations

1. The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly?

Addressee - the person or organization to whom the postal item is addressed.
Archaic - obsolete, not corresponding to new views, rules.
Friendly - friendly, mutually supportive.
A business traveler is a person on a business trip.

2. What word is defined incorrectly?

Dramatic - expressing strong feelings, full of drama.
Reminder - an appeal that reminds you of something.
Dynamic - with great internal energy.
Household - related to housekeeping.

3. What word is defined incorrectly?

Executive - diligent, with the goal of accomplishing something.
Selective - Partial.
Malicious - having a bad purpose.
Weekday - prosaic, monotonous.

4. What word is defined incorrectly?

A scam is an unscrupulous, fraudulent enterprise, business, action.
Briefing - Using False Promises.
Delegate - A representative (elected or appointed).
Design is a complex design and art activity.

5. What word is defined incorrectly?

Consensus - an agreed opinion on controversial issues, developed in the process of discussion by the participants in negotiations, conferences, etc.
Mentality - mindset, nature of feelings and thinking.
Rating - the level of popularity.
Force majeure - failure, failure.

6. What word is defined incorrectly?

The right hand is the right hand.
The palace is a magnificent, magnificent room, a palace.
The confidant is a metal cap worn on the finger when sewing.
Abusive (clothing) - woven with patterns (clothing).

7. The meaning of which obsolete word is defined incorrectly?

A pretender is an actor, a pretender.
Host - assembly, multitude.
Today - during the day.
Magus - sorcerer, sorcerer

8. What word is defined incorrectly?

A corpuscle is a particle.
Anabiosis is an adaptation of an organism to unfavorable conditions of existence.
Tactile - with a sense of proportion.
Diagnosis - definition of the disease based on the patient's research.

Slide number 10

9. What term is defined incorrectly?

Metaphor - the replacement of one word with another, contiguous in meaning.
Amphibrachium is a three-syllable poetic foot with an accent on the second syllable.
Inversion - the arrangement of the members of the sentence in a special order, violating the usual order.
Allegory is an allegory, the expression of something abstract in a concrete image.

Slide number 11

Replace each interpretation with one word.

A short welcome speech at the table.
Wall lamp made of one or more lamps.
An auxiliary historical discipline that studies and describes coats of arms.
Fired clay tiles for walls and ovens, covered with glaze on the front side.
The art of making bouquets, common in Japan, as well as the bouquet itself, composed according to the principles of this art.

Slide number 12

6. A poem, a piece of music created without preparation, at the time of pronouncing, performing.
7. One who, together with someone else, is the author of something.
8. Rude, ill-mannered person.
9. Longing for the Motherland.
10. Living space in an attic with a sloped ceiling or sloped wall.

Slide number 13

In the 14th century, architecture began to flourish in Russia.
He is trying his best to draw attention to Sophia.
Our class is considered economic, that is, we are future managers.
The audience scanned: "Bravo, Salvini!"
The entire audience was already in triumph.

Slide number 14

Replace words used without regard to semantics with words with the appropriate meaning

If I were the headmaster of the school, then I would pay more attention to the students.
The stories that I could rely on were not yet published.
They were just doing their job.
After reading The Lay of Igor's Campaign, I received admiration.
The woman went on credit for the time of raising a child.

Slide number 15

Replace words used without regard to semantics with words with the appropriate meaning

In some textbooks on literature, paragraphs contain quotations from the works of Pushkin, Yesenin, Gogol.
If I were the headmaster of the school, then I would have arranged the rules of discipline and study, completely alien to today's.
We must not forget that our goods are imported.
A concert was performed in honor of those who came to the evening.
One gets the impression that he is deliberately late for work every day.

Slide number 16

Replace words used without regard to semantics with words with the appropriate meaning

The children began to look for their way home.
A teacher was intended for Masha.
The expressions on the faces of the people were deplorable.
Everyone listened to him attentively.
The picture evokes a sad and wretched mood.
Finally, the remains of the royal family have been discovered.
An icebreaker set off for the long expanses of the Arctic.
We express a feeling of compassion to the barge haulers.

Option number 1

When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A30), put a sign in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

A1. In which word is the letter for the stressed vowel incorrectly highlighted?

1) maneuverable 2) oil pipeline H) lifted 4) long

A2. What word is defined incorrectly?

1) DRAMATIC - expressing strong feelings, full of drama.

2) REMINDER - an appeal reminding of something.

H) DYNAMIC - possessing great internal energy.

4) ECONOMIC - related to the management of the economy, to the economic production side of the matter.

1) (pair) boots 2) (pair) sock H) (pair) stockings 4) (many) eggplants

A4. In which sentence is the syntactic norm violated?

1) Waking up the next day, I immediately thought about the upcoming campaign.

2) Assuming that this was the last train, I was completely upset.

H) Grabbing the child in an armful, the mother ran to the other side of the street.

4) Returning from the exhibition, he had to visit his parents.

A5. When is there a syntax error?

1) The doctor did not find any signs of illness in the patient.

2) It cannot be denied that there are positive aspects of work.

H) I don't often write letters to my parents.

4) None of us took part in the lottery drawing.

Read the text and complete tasks A6-A11

(1) ... (2) And today more than one and a half thousand stars in the vicinity of the Sun have been studied and a total of 120 planets have been discovered next to a hundred of them. (H) But we know almost nothing about these planets. (4) As a matter of fact, we have not even seen them so far! (5) ... the discovery of planets in other stars occurs by observing the star itself: its weak wobble, caused by the attraction of the planet, betrays the presence of the planet itself, but nothing important about it does not report. (6) At this time, astronomers hope to create special "multi-eyed" telescopes in near-earth orbit, the analysis of the data of which will help to find out whether distant planets have an atmosphere.

A6. Which of the following sentences should be the first in this text?

1) The first true planet outside the solar system was discovered eight years ago.

2) Does the planet have an atmosphere?

H) Back in 1999, Semiletov and his colleagues discovered a mysterious anomaly.

4) After 1995, astronomers can quite accurately answer the question of where and why starships should be sent.

A7. Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the omission in the fifth sentence?

1) the fact is that 2) However, H) In addition, 4) Although

A8. What words are the grammatical basis in the second (2) sentence of the text?

1) studied 2) 120 planets studied and discovered

3) studied and discovered 4) discovered

A9. Indicate the correct description of the fifth (5) sentence of the text.

1) complex with a non-union and allied subordinate relationship

2) compound

H) complex non-union

4) complex with allied subordination

A10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word DETECTED from the second (2) sentence of the text.

1) valid participle

2) passive participle

H) short adjective

4) perfect participle

A11. State the meaning of the word DATA in sentence 6.

1) information about an object obtained as a result of observation 2) initially known information

H) information 4) technical characteristics of the device

A12. In which answer is NN written?

1) wind ... 2) clay. .yi H) guests .. person 4) wood. .th

A1Z. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) b .. sickness, in..dit, z..rya

2) ist. .shenia, g. losovat, kryzh..vnik

3) c. .sleep, pl. bed, n. bed

4) gender. .government, conductor .р, f. .lud

A14. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

1) be. . ticket, ba. .sensual, and .. cooked

2) ra .. cough, ra. . give, ra. .to heat

H) pr. Unpleasant, b. .shaped, pr. coastal

4) pr. To be poor, pr. Bout, pr. Danoe

A15. In which row is the letter E written in the place of the pass?

1) screw . you 2) spacing. .. 3) want .. 4) overclocking. . is

A16. What word is missing the -SK- suffix?

1) rez..y 2) slippery 3) close. .ii 4) city. .Oh

A17. Which word is NOT spelled separately?

1) (Un) freezing pond 3) (Un) fledged chick

2) (Un) studied material 4) (Un) who to ask

A18. In which sentence is the highlighted word a union and is spelled as one?

1) Whatever happens, I will not leave you in trouble.

2) Every day, the same thing (SAME) is repeated.

3) We passed the exams as well as last year.

4) We hardly got to the house, AT (WHAT) took a taxi.

A19. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) The goose is known to be an important and reasonable bird. (I. Turgenev)

2) To teach a scientist only to spoil.

3) The rain is not a hindrance to the fisherman.

4) You are smart people, give me a hundred answers. (M. Gorky)

A20. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) Yellow, pink and bluish flowers dazzled a living carpet of grass, like scattered semi-precious stones. (D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

2) You have a brooch, sort of like a bee. (A. Chekhov)

3) Rich, good-looking, Lensky was accepted everywhere as a groom. (A. Pushkin)

4) Our path lay along a narrow and straight, like a ruler, country road. (A. Chekhov)

A21. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) Hello, happy tribe! (M. Lermontov)

2) In general, I feel good here: I like the house and the neighbors.

3) Matvey Ilyich, however, was amazed when he learned that the relatives he had invited remained in the village. (I. Turgenev)

4) Misfortune did not change him at all, but on the contrary, he became even stronger and more energetic. (I. Turgenev)

A22. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) Grandma loved poetry and books, trees and the sky. (K. Paustovsky)

2) Bright stars burned in the sky, sparkled and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. (V. Arseniev)

3) The sun shone both on the newly blossoming foliage and on the young grass. (L. Tolstoy)

4) A terrible sound swam closer and closer, and grew in its strength, sobbed and melted in black darkness.

A23. In which sentence is there a punctuation error?

1) It used to be that you ran your fill down the hall, tiptoeing upstairs, into the classroom, you looked - Karl Ivanovich was sitting alone in his chair. (L. Tolstoy)

2) One thing worried him, his heart was restless and somehow strangely fluttered in his chest.

3) What a wonderful question for an artist: have you seen beauty in your life, and how many times, and under what circumstances? (M. Prishvin)

4) I was not mistaken: at the sight of the money, the old woman stirred, her eyes opened even more, and she reached for the coin with her twisted fingers. (A. Kuprin)

A24. What numbers should be replaced by punctuation marks?

The sun had the form of an orange disk (1) so (2) that (3) it was possible to look at it (4) with the naked eye.

1)2 2)1 3)4 4)1,3

A25. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

The heavy velvet curtain rose (1) and (2) when the first sounds of music sounded (Z) Voronov suddenly saw the familiar little figure of the Countess (4) who also came to the premiere at the theater.

1)2,3,4 2)1,2,3,4 3)1,3,4 4)1,2,3

A26. In which sentence cannot the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced with a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Rows of swamp and long lakes stretched along the coast of the sea and parallel to it, which were separated from each other by sandy ramparts.

2) Near the house there was a small vegetable garden on which rutabagas, lettuce and onions grew.

3) Subtle lightning flashed across the dark sky, which was strewn with thousands of stars.

4) The tiger, which lives in the Ussuri region, is larger than its Indian counterpart.

A27. Read the text.

The microlensing effect is as follows. If two stars line up roughly on the same line, then an Earth observer will see an increase in the brightness of a more distant star, since a closer one works like a gravitational lens, collecting its light. In the event that a nearby star has a planet, then we will see an additional increase in brightness, because the planet will also work like a small lens. The parameters of the brightness change of a distant star can be used to reconstruct the mass of lenses, including the planet.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) The effect of microlensing is that when observing stars lined up approximately on the same line, an increase in the brightness of a more distant star is seen, since a closer one works like a gravitational lens.

2) The planet of the star works like a small lens.

3) The microlensing effect can be described based on observations of two stars.

4) If a nearby star has a planet, then an additional increase in brightness is seen.

Read the text and complete tasks A28-A3O; B1-B8; C1.

(1) What a boundless, inexhaustible sea it is - human speech! (2) And the writer needs to know all the depths, it is necessary to study the laws that govern this element creatively.

(3) A poet who knows how to use all the energy of the word accumulated over the centuries is able to excite and shock souls with a simple combination of a few words.

(4) "The palace shone," says Pushkin, and these two words are quite enough for you to imagine a splendid feast of a pampered and autocratic queen.

(5) ... And still cloaks and swords,

Yes, faces full of belligerent courage -

only two lines, but how they convey the harsh and austere greatness of the twelfth year.

(6) If a poet lives in harmony with his native language, fully feels its structure, its origins, the poet's powers will multiply tenfold. (7) Words for him are not frozen terms, but living, playing images, visible, intelligible, born of reality and giving birth to reality. (8) His vocabulary is an orchestra.

(9) And we see this not only on the example of the classics of the creators of our poetic language.

(1O) After all, what sonority of the verse and accuracy of the image achieves our contemporary Alexander Tvardovsky in the description of an everyday winter morning at the front:

(11) ... With a noisy mitten clap,

Stomp on the virgin land

It's a normal early day

It started in the war.

(12) A timid smoke curled a little,

The fire came to life with difficulty,

Thundered into the smoky tank

Ice water from a bucket.

(1H) Burnt overnight,

There were fighters from all the dens

Bask in the run, wash in the snow,

Snow as hard as sand.

(14) Language reflects the deep knowledge of life and nature acquired by humanity. (15) And not only the special language of various professions - hunters, sailors, fishermen, carpenters - but also the national dictionary absorbed this rich and varied everyday experience. (16) In the living folk speech, so many observations and practical information accumulated over long centuries from those areas of knowledge that are scientifically called agronomy, meteorology, anatomy have been imprinted, therefore, taking possession of the inexhaustible heritage of his people, the poet receives at the same time what is contained in the word the experience of generations, the ability to find the shortest and surest way to depict reality.

(S. Marshak)

A28. Which statement most fully reflects the main idea of ​​the text?

1) What is this immense, inexhaustible sea - human speech.

2) The national dictionary has absorbed this rich and varied experience of life.

3) Taking possession of the inexhaustible heritage of his people, the poet receives at the same time the experience of generations contained in the word, the ability to find the shortest and surest way to depict reality.

4) The sonorousness of the verse and the accuracy of the image is achieved by our contemporary A. Tvardovsky in the description of an everyday winter morning at the front.

A29. What types of speech are used in the IV and VII paragraphs?

1) in IV - narration, in VII - description

2) in IV description, in VII description

E) in IV - description, in VII - narration

4) paragraphs contain both reasoning and description

AZ0. Which word has the wrong meaning used in the text?

1) a palace - a magnificent, magnificent room or building, a palace (proposal 4)

2) virgin land - cultivated land (sentence 11)

E) term - a word or phrase that is the name of a certain concept of any special field of science, technology, art (sentence 7)

4) feast - a large dinner party, a treat (proposal 4)


When completing the tasks in this part, write down your answer in answer form 1 to the right of the task number (в1-В8), starting from the first cell. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance

samples given in the form. Separate words or numbers with commas. Put each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when recording responses.

Write down the answers to tasks B1-B3 in words.

IN 1. From sentence 1, write out the word formed by the suffix method.

IN 2. Write out all the demonstrative pronouns from sentences 1-3.

AT 3. From sentence 6, write out the subordinate phrase with the CONNECTION relationship.

Write down the answers to tasks B4-B8 in numbers.

AT 4. Among sentences 14-16, find a complex one, which includes a relative clause. Write the number of this complex sentence.

AT 5. Find sentences with separate definitions among sentences 1-5. Write the numbers of these sentences.

AT 6. Among sentences 10-16, find a complex sentence with a heterogeneous subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence.

AT 7. Among sentences 6-9, find one that connects with the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.

Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in assignments A29-A30, B1-B7.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the spaces of the blanks. If you do not know which number from the list should be in place of the gap, write the number 0.

The sequence of numbers in the order in which you wrote them down in the text of the review at the place of the gaps, write down in answer form No. 1 to the right of the task number B8, starting from the first cell.

AT 8. S. Marshak, talking about the richness of human speech, never ceases to admire the sonority, accuracy, depth and expressiveness of his native language, in order to show the diversity and richness of the language, he uses such syntactic means as ______________ (“immense, inexhaustible in sentence 1; "Its structure, its origins" in sentence 6), ___________ (sentence 1). The brightness and persuasiveness of his words give

means such as ___________ (the hall in sentence 4), __________ ("deep" sentence 14, rich in sentence 15).

List of terms:

1) rhetorical exclamation

H) metaphor

5) rows of homogeneous members 6) rhetorical question

7) vernacular 8) emotionally colored words

9) obsolete words

Option number 2

When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A3O), put a sign in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

A1. In what word wrong highlighted letter denoting stressed vowel sound?


A2. The meaning of which word is defined wrong?

1) ADDRESS - the person or organization to whom the postal item is addressed.

2) ARCHAIC - obsolete, not corresponding to new views, rules.

H) FRIENDLY - friendly, mutually benevolent.

4) COMMANDED - a person on a business trip.

AZ. In what case does the form of a word not correspond to the norm of the literary language?

1) addresses (plural) H) locksmith (plural)

2) cakes (plural) 4) contracts (plural)

A4. In what case is the syntactic norm violated?

1) Listening to this exciting music, I imagine a raging sea.

2) Knowing about his arrival, we were able to prepare for this.

H) Approaching the city, a strong wind began.

4) Running down the slopes of ravines, streams rang.


When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1 - A31), put the sign "x" in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

  • Part 1 in-2 when completing the tasks of this part in the answer form No. 1 under the number of the task you are performing (a1 - a31) put a "" sign in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen


    When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1 - A31), put the "" sign in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

  • When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form number 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A24), put an "x" in the box


    When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A24), put an "x" in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

  • Part 1, when completing the tasks of this part in the answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (a1-a20), put a "×" in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen a1


    When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A20), put the “×” sign in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

  • Option 1 Grade 11 PART 1 When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A30), put a * x * in the box whose number corresponds to the number of your chosen answer A1


    When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A30), put an * x * in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

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