Declination of numbers 40 90 100. Declination of numbers

Decor elements 30.06.2020

The declension of the numbers is 40, 90, 100.


1) educational: to create in students an idea of ​​the declension of the numbers forty, ninety, one hundred; learn to change numeral data for cases;

2) developing: promote the development of thought processes, for example, memory, attention; develop the ability to analyze the proposed educational material, give examples;

3) educational: cultivate an attentive attitude to the word.

During the classes

1. Following in the footsteps of homework.

1) The word of the teacher.

Today a fairly simple topic awaits us, so I decided to offer you, my dear children,competition , competition between boys and girls. So, the score is 0: 0! Forward!

2) Frontal work. Lexical duel.

Know as your ... fingers

look like ... drops of water

know how twice ... ...

What are these word combinations? In what sense are they used? Why can't you separate them?

Insert the necessary numbers. Tell us everything you can about them.

Give more examples of phraseological units in which numbers are used.

Make sentences with the resulting phraseological units. Which member of the sentence is the phraseological unit in your sentence?

Boys Girls

3) Individual tasks.

1. "I know everything!"

Forty eight rubles

six kittens

two thirds of an apple

fourteenth photograph

Tell everything that is possible about the given numerals, i.e. indicate the category by value and the category by composition (2 people at the blackboard, not seeing each other, work with combinations of words, it is desirable that the children are approximately equal in strength).

Boys Girls

2. "Cases have obeyed me!"

17 bicycles (in dates)

19 volumes (in creative pad.)

9 roofs (genus. Pad.)

11 boys (incl. Pad.)

30 discs (creative pad)

Note the numbers as numerals and write down the resulting phrases in the indicated case (2 people at the blackboard, not seeing each other, work with combinations of words, it is desirable that the children are approximately equal in strength).

The boys check the girl's work and the girls check the boy's work.

Boys Girls

3. "Address" cards.

4) Verification work and assignment for development.

18 kilometers (in genus pad.)

17 garages (incl. Pad.)

1 kitten (in genus pad.)

2 girlfriends (in dates)

20 hours (incl. Pad.)

Write down combinations of words in the indicated cases under the teacher's dictation. Where possible, indicate other grammatical categories of numbers.

2. Intrigue.

1) Frontal poll.

How do all the numbers change?

What kind of work are we going to do today?

3. The movement of the topic.

1) Analysis of examples.

Change by cases with children forty cooks and one hundred rubles.

Conclusion: when changing by case, the numbers forty, ninety and one hundred have only two forms.

2) Working with the textbook.

Self-reading of the tutorial article on page 152.

What did you not say today?

3) "I know that!"

40 heroes (born in pad.)

100 liters (in dates)

90 years (suggested pad.)

Write down word combinations in the indicated cases (2 people at the blackboard, not seeing each other, work with word combinations, it is desirable that the children are approximately equal in strength).

The boys check the girl's work and the girls check the boy's work.

Boys Girls

4) Syntactic minute.

It’s 40 minutes to go to my dacha.

My grandfather is 90 years old.

100 is an even number.

Write down the numbers in words, in the resulting sentences, emphasize the numbers as members of the sentence.


4. Outcome. D / z.

1) Bottom line.

Today, from my point of view, everyone won, more precisely, each of you, because new knowledge was taken away from the lesson!

2) D / s:- p. 152;

2. Collective numerals are combined with words of the following groups a) with masculine nouns ( two brothers, four teachers but you can't * three employees, two girls); b) with nouns calling persons ( three guys, four people); c) with nouns that have only plural forms ( four days, three scissors). Nouns belonging to the last group, in the nominative and accusative cases, do not combine with numbers that end in 2, 3, 4˸ cannot be read aloud constructions like 23 days, 43 scissors etc. Such phrases are possible only in indirect cases, for example about twenty-two days, about seventy-three manger and etc.
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Collective numerals in combination with animate nouns retain their forms in all cases, for example three brothers, three brothers(along with forms like three brothers, three brothers), and in combination with inanimate - only in the nominative and accusative, in other cases they are replaced by cardinal numbers˸ four days, four days and etc.

3. Word both changes by gender, more precisely, it has one form for the masculine and neuter gender ( both), and the second form is for the female ( both). This distinction holds true for indirect cases, for example both students, but both teachers.

4. Numeral one and a half also distinguishes between masculine-neuter forms ( one and a half) and feminine ( one and a half), but only in the nominative and accusative cases˸ a day and a half, a cup and a half... In indirect cases, this word, regardless of gender, takes the form one and a half˸ one and a half days, one and a half cups.

5. Numeral one thousand has two variants in the instrumental case - thousand and thousand, and the form of the noun depends on the choice of one or another˸ thousand books or thousand books... Recently, both in books and in colloquial speech, phrases like a thousand books, in which the noun is used in the genitive case instead of the required instrumental.

F Task 9. Write the numbers in words, put them in the appropriate case.

1 Option˸ 1) The work must be submitted by (December 28). 2) In accordance with all (90) clauses of the agreement, an agreement was reached. 3) During the reform period, the number of collective and state farms decreased from (935) to (665). 4) This bank lured depositors (200) with interest per annum. 5) More than (36.6) (thousand) enterprises engaged in foreign trade are engaged in wholesale trade. 6) He was absent 23 (day). 7) The ancient calendar cycle is measured in 6,936 days. 8) The proposal was adopted 375 (vote) against 44 (vote). 9) Soon we will be celebrating the 250th anniversary of our city. 10) The Trojan War took place between 1260 - 1250 BC.

2 Option˸ 1) In the ᴇᴦο work, it was about 326,174 unaccounted for minutes. 2) Many books have been written about the (100) days of Napoleon's reign. 3) We live in 2003. 4) He brought an album with 1,742 marks. 5) The village is located 187 kilometers from the city. 6) The corporation conducted a survey of 600 executives. 7) More than 856 people attended the meeting. 8) 400 deputies were given special powers. 9) Leap year equals 366 days. 10) The 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg will be celebrated in 2003.

Decline of numerals 40,90,100 - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Decline of numerals 40,90,100" 2015, 2017-2018.

3.4 Numerals one and a half, one and a half hundred have only two forms :

I. V. p. - one and a half, one and a half hundred; R.D.T.P.p. - one and a half, one and a half hundred

3.5 Cardinal one varies by gender, number, case: one day, one thought, one word.

3.6 Numbers thousand, million, billion, billion, trillion have gender, number, declined as nouns.

3.7 When declining fractional numerals change both parts and the noun stands in gender. case : three-fifths of a meter - three-fifths of a meter.

3.8 Ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives : the seventh day - by the seventh day.

When declining compound ordinal numbers only the last word changes: two thousand and twelve - in two thousand and twelve.


4.1 To personal pronouns 3 l. is added n after prepositions: without, in, for, to, on, on: above him, to her. No initial required after derived prepositions n:in spite of him, after them, like her. This does not apply to prepositions requiring gender. P .: in front of him, near her.

4.2 Pronouns you you associated with speech etiquette.

4.3 Pronoun mine often replaces possessive pronouns(mine, yours, yours, his, hers, etc.). Care must be taken to avoid ambiguity: He was told to take Irina's things to himself ( to Irina? to him?)

4.4 Pronouns must be consistent in gender, number and case with the words they replace. Not properly: The youth were afraid that they would not be understood.

4.5 You can not repeat demonstrative and personal pronounsA: When he was there, he saw a fox.

4.6 It is inadmissible to skip a reflexive pronoun in phraseological combinations imagine, good-looking: I can't imagine how it happened.

4.7 Pronoun form itself in wines. the item has two options:itself (book) and itself: to be afraid of itself, to love Olga herself.


5.1 It is necessary to use insufficient verbs correctly, which

there is no form 1 l .: win, convince, find yourself, feel, weird,

to dare, to play, to hum, to immortal, to nonsense, to play, to calve, to flow,

rust, etc.

5.2 Abundant verbs must be used correctly:rinse,

cluck, purr, drip, move, splash, prowl, sway,

splashing, etc. They suggest 2 forms of the present. time: rinse and rinse.

The first form is colloquial. Sometimes double forms express

semantic differentiation: sprinkles - sprinkles, sprinkles; splashes -

scatters drops, scatters drops.

Name: Declension of numbers.

Numeral- an independent part of speech, denoting the number, quantity and order of objects. Answers the questions: How much? Which the? Which?

Numbers are divided into three lexico-grammatical categories:
1. Collective (both, two, five)
2. Quantitative (two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one)
3. Ordinal (first, second, hundredth).

At the same time, quantitative numbers include definite quantitative and indefinite quantitative numbers. The first denote a certain number of units (two, four, fifteen, one and a half hundred, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include the words a little, a lot, a lot, a little, as well as pronominal numbers a few, how much, how much, how much, so much.

Cardinal numbers denote the actual quantity, and collective- quantity as a set: there are four boys in the room, three have dark hair.

Declension of numbers five, six, seven, eight, nine is modeled on nouns of the third declension (night, shadow)

But: instrumental case: eight and eight.

-teen, such as eleven, twelve, thirty, and others, are declined as follows:

Numbers ending in -ty, such as fifty, sixty, etc., are declined as follows:

But: instrumental case - eighty and eighty

In compound numbers from fifty to eighty and from two hundred to nine hundred, both parts of the word are inclined.

The declension of the numbers is 40, 90, 100.

Declension of collective numerals both, both

Declension of cardinal numbers

All the words that form them are inclined in compound cardinal numbers, and nouns denoting countable objects in all cases, except for the nominative and accusative, agree with the number in the case.
For example: a series of tutorials with three hundred and sixty-seven drawings.
But: there are three hundred and sixty-seven drawings in the manual (sixty-three drawings).

The word thousand is inflected as a feminine noun in -а; the words million and billion are inflected as masculine nouns with a consonant stem.


The numerals forty, ninety and one hundred have only two forms: forty, ninety, one hundred (i.p., c.p.) and forty, ninety, one hundred (in all other cases). Therefore, it is correct: with ninety rubles, about forty students, with a hundred problems, and NOT * with ninety rubles, about forty students, with a hundred problems.

The numeral one and a half has two forms of the nominative case - one and a half (m. And s. P.) And one and a half (f. P.): One and a half liters, one and a half logs, one and a half life. The form of all indirect cases (except for the accusative) is one and a half. That's right: about a day and a half, NOT * about a day and a half, * a day and a half.

CORRECT: How long is the library open? It works up to so many, NOT * to how many, to so many.

CORRECT: 1,000 employees, 1 million employees, 3,000 employees (etc.), 1,000 employees, 1 million employees, 3,000 employees, 1,000 employees, and 1 thousand employees (etc.).
CORRECT: appeal to twenty-five thousand students, but appeal to twenty-five thousand one hundred students.


TOPIC: "Decline of cardinal numbers 40, 90, 100"

Purpose: to repeat the declension of cardinal numbers, to acquaint students with the declension of numbers 40, 90, 100, to continue working on the correct use of numbers in speech.

To bring up accuracy, independence.

Develop speech, thinking, memory.

Equipment: declension table of numerals 40,90, 100; chamomile with proverbs written on the petals.


1. Introduction to the lesson.

Write down the number in notebooks, great work.


About the face

Unprotected house:

Cha is a leg

Goes under the scrap.

The leg is treasured

Chi toyu feet

And personal wax

Cleans a boot.

Guys, before you is an encrypted comic poem. Look at the entry and guess which number to insert into the rectangles.

Read what happened.

So, the number one hundred is one of the numbers that we will study today in the lesson.

2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Write down the topic: "Decline of cardinal numbers 40, 90, 100"

Today in the lesson we will repeat the declension of the studied numerals, consider the features of the declension of the numerals 40, 90, 100, we will train in the use of numerals in speech.

3. Repetitive conversation.

Before starting on a new topic, let's review the material from the previous lesson.

Tell me, what do the cardinal numbers mean?

What question is being answered?

How do they change?

How do the cardinal numbers decline from 5 to 20 and 30?

(Decline like a noun bone 3 declensions).

How do compound numbers lean from 50 onwards?

(When declining complex numbers from 50 onwards, each part of the word changes. For example, two hundred - two hundred - two hundred).

Decline the number 375.

I. three hundred seventy five.

R. three hundred seventy five.

D. three hundred and seventy-five.

B. three hundred seventy five.

T. three hundred and seventy-five.

P. about three hundred and seventy-five.

4. New topic.

We begin to study the topic of the lesson. For the lesson, I asked you to prepare small messages about the history of the numbers 40 and 90.

Let's listen to them.

Students' speeches.

Here are some interesting information we learned about the numerals 40 and 90. Now let's get acquainted with their declension and declension of the numeral 100.

Consider the table.



How many forms do the numerals 40, 90, 100 form in declension?

Let's compare your conclusion with the information in the textbook. ("Theory. Paragraph 111. Page 121).

Working with the tutorial.

5. Fastening.

1) Decline phrases, highlight endings (by options).

Option 1 - ninety kilometers

Option 2 - one hundred rubles

Option 3 - forty trees


Guys, find a saying among the sentences you read and explain its meaning.

2) Exercise 480.

Option 1 - 1 and 2 sentences;

Option 2 - sentences 3 and 4.


6. Lesson summary.

So, today in the lesson you got acquainted with the peculiarities of declension of numbers 40, 90, 100, the history of numbers 40 and 90. You learned to use numbers in speech. Estimates ...

7. Homework: paragraph 111, find information about or Buisk district, where numbers are used. Write 6-7 sentences in the notebook.

Numeral ninety.

The numeral 90 is available only among the Eastern Slavs. It has been celebrated in monuments since the 14th century. For all Slavs, the number 90, like the name of tens from 20 to 80, was designated by a combination of words - nine tens, which has been preserved in most Slavic languages.

The Eastern Slavs inherited the name of the number 90 (ninth ten), it is believed, due to the fact that in ancient times they were considered nines. The remains of this account can be found in Russian fairy tales: in the distant kingdom, in the distant lands.

The name "ninth decade" has undergone significant sound changes in the East Slavic soil. It was influenced by other numerals. The first part of the word "ninth" began to sound like nine, and the second "ten" was brought closer to the number one hundred.

Numeral forty.

The word forty in ancient Russia was a noun. It meant bag. A bag of forty sables served. Four dozen sable or squirrel skins were put into one forty (that is, a bag), which made up a set for a whole fur coat. Thus, forty is first a sack, then a sack with forty sables (or squirrels) and, finally, the numeral forty.

Cardinal numbers indicate the number of objects (two notebooks, six students) or an abstract number (three, ten, forty-two).

Cardinal numbers answer the question how much?

They change in cases, but do not have gender (except for the words one, two) and numbers (except for the word one).

Cardinal numbers indicate the number of objects (two notebooks, six students) or an abstract number (three, ten, forty-two).

Cardinal numbers answer the question how much?

They change in cases, but do not have gender (except for the words one, two) and numbers (except for the word one).

Cardinal numbers from 5 to 20 and 30 are declined, like a noun bone of 3 declensions.

When declining complex numbers from 50 onwards, each part of the word changes. For example, two hundred - two hundred - two hundred.

Cardinal numbers indicate the number of objects (two notebooks, six students) or an abstract number (three, ten, forty-two).

Cardinal numbers answer the question how much?

They change in cases, but do not have gender (except for the words one, two) and numbers (except for the word one).

Cardinal numbers from 5 to 20 and 30 are declined, like a noun bone of 3 declensions.

When declining complex numbers from 50 onwards, each part of the word changes. For example, two hundred - two hundred - two hundred.

1. The station was at least forty ... miles away.

2. Do not look for article ... rubles, but look for article .. friends.

3.All the tents were occupied by ninety ... five tourists who had arrived at the camp the day before.

4. Forty ... the best graduates of the school were awarded certificates of honor.

5. The body weight of a red deer reaches one hundred ... ninety ... two kilograms.

1. The station was at least forty ... miles away.

2. Do not look for article ... rubles, but look for article .. friends.

3.All the tents were occupied by ninety ... five tourists who had arrived at the camp the day before.

4. Forty ... the best graduates of the school were awarded certificates of honor.

5. The body weight of a red deer reaches one hundred ... ninety ... two kilograms.

1. The station was at least forty ... miles away.

2. Do not look for article ... rubles, but look for article .. friends.

3.All the tents were occupied by ninety ... five tourists who had arrived at the camp the day before.

4. Forty ... the best graduates of the school were awarded certificates of honor.

5. The body weight of a red deer reaches one hundred ... ninety ... two kilograms.

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