The meaning of the word nobility. Nobility - what is it? Nobility and dignity

Engineering systems 03.07.2020
Engineering systems

moral quality that characterizes the actions of people with t. sp. sublime motives, to which they are dictated. It includes a number of more particular positive qualities (selflessness, loyalty to high ideals, courage, generosity, etc.). In different historical eras, the concept of "B." included different content. The moral consciousness of the exploiting society usually gave B. a class meaning, endowing predominantly the ruling classes with this quality. Thus, slave-owning morality considered baptism to be the property of only the elite, the aristocracy, and associated it with various forms of spiritual and political activity, opposing the base needs and way of thinking of the plebeians, slaves engaged in physical labor.

In the feudal society, as a result of the strengthening of class barriers, B. began to be understood as an innate quality of those who had a noble origin (this, in particular, is indicated by the initial meaning of the word “nobility” in the Russian language - a good birth), the baseness of motives was attributed to “black ” and those representatives of the “third estate”, whose activities in one way or another undermined the dominance of the feudal aristocracy. Bourgeois consciousness begins to interpret B. as an individual feature of this or that person. This virtue no longer has a purely class character. However, in a different form, the same exclusivity of the “noble person” is emphasized, which rises above the “crowd”, allegedly unable to rise to noble feelings and thoughts. In contrast to the class understanding of B., people of work and advanced thinkers of the past invested in it a universal content - humanity, honesty, incorruptibility, etc. It is this tradition that communist morality inherits, according to which B. is primarily understood as conscious, which has become a habit and propensity to serve people.

Nobility is an internal self-culture that many people are deprived of.

I don’t even know .. Nobility is determined on the verge of the subcortex of consciousness. That's how the look .. and .. posture .. and in general, a fleeting glance is often enough to identify a person .. Feel that wave of confidence and purity. Here I am writing and thinking - noble .. Right in front of me is a man, a proud posture, an aristocratic head posture .. A sharp intelligent look, from him a wave of confidence in any of his actions and words, i.e. all the same, a noble person, a person confident in himself and loving his surroundings, as if giving himself to him; this is the person who will not betray, help, explain .. Who gives more for others than he receives ..

And how can you call a noble person who once loved, and then tries to denigrate the same person in the eyes of others, just to get him out of the way? and this is a respected person among these people ... the nobility of a person is manifested under certain circumstances, as well as his baseness.
I think that a noble person should be honest, always ready to help in difficult times, tolerant of the shortcomings of others, condescending to stupidity and respecting wisdom.

NOBLE - good + kind - one can accept that this is a person who brings the good of his entire family, many generations, the good accumulated and multiplied. The origin doesn't matter. By virtue of circumstances, one can take a position, acquire a title, but ... Nobility is an inner fulfillment, circumstances cannot make a noble person. Noble - a person with a sense of dignity. Nobility - non-humiliation of another.
Nobility - the willingness to sacrifice oneself, the ability to put something above personal desires. A person with a certain inner core, eyes radiating confidence - is noble. The external nobility of appearance is only a consequence of the internal.
Nobility is not at all clothes and posture. A person is defined by his actions. Words are the wind. Clothing is the outer shell. Only actions reveal the true essence of a person, thereby determining the degree of nobility, as well as intelligence. A noble person must first of all be indulgent. Indulgent to the weaknesses and vices of others. The ability to forgive, although this does not mean at all that you do not need to be able to stand up for yourself. Whatever the origin and position, this does not humiliate another, that's nobility. Respect for people. Intelligence is a special case of nobility. Sacrifice. Generosity, and not only sincere.
Nobility is when you give people everything you can and at the same time forgive these people for not reciprocating this!

In general, deeds and deeds, deeds and deeds. And at the same time, less poking yourself in the chest, reveling in your nobility.

Acquired in the course of special education necessary to carry the responsibility assigned to him by virtue of his origin. It is mainly associated with the individual's concept of honor, which is now often referred to by the narrower term "self-respect".

Nobility - the sublimity of the motives of human behavior, their "affinity with the Good." According to ancient Christian religious ideas, only one God is good - see Matt. 19:17, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19. Usually under nobility means natural good manifestations of the inner essence of a person, not due to any laws, prohibitions, rules or regulations.

In Confucianism, nobility was seen as an important ethical component.

The lofty motives of human behavior are not necessarily associated with religions. The universal moral and ethical principles of mankind (kindness, compassion, striving for justice, etc.) exist regardless of specific religious teachings and are more often a product of the collective life experience of certain societies.

see also

  • Murza, literally Generous - a quality attributed to a person of noble origin among the Turks
  • aristocracy
historically related antonyms
  • meanness
  • Villain - the antonym of the word Noble (noble) among the British and French


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  • The nobility of the soul. Novels, Andrey Dneprovsky-Beztower (A.DNEPR). Novels by Andrey D. B. are a real pleasure to read, they are good and beautiful! Lyudmila Shershneva, General Director of Smolensk Television ...

Nobility- the loftiness of the motives of human behavior, their "affinity with the good." As a rule, nobility means natural good manifestations of the inner essence of a person, not due to any laws, prohibitions, rules or regulations.

Nobility: 1) High moral qualities; greatness, sublimity. 2) High dignity, grace, beauty.
Small Academic Dictionary

  • Nobility is condescension - to those who are less gifted.
  • Nobility is the understanding that everyone deserves justice.
  • Nobility is kindness - to those who need it most.
  • Nobility is spiritual purity, high morality and honesty.
  • Nobility is a willingness to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it, it is a strong will and strong faith.
  • Nobility is the ability and willingness to be responsible for your words, deeds and decisions.

Benefits of nobility

  • Nobility provides freedom - from base feelings, motives and actions.
  • Nobility gives strength - for good deeds.
  • Nobility ensures openness - a noble person has nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide.
  • Nobility provides independence - from the opinion of the crowd.

Manifestations of nobility in everyday life

  • Once, at a reception at the Duke of Gaston of Orleans, his favorite golden watch with a fight disappeared. Someone from those present suggested: "We must close the doors and search everyone!" The duke replied: “On the contrary, gentlemen, everyone is free. Soon the clock will start to strike and give out the one who appropriated it: it will be embarrassing for him ...” (historical fact, XVIII century).
  • Forgiveness. Forgiveness of guilt is always an act of nobility.
  • Charity. A person who does charity is doing a noble thing.
  • Religious rites. The rite of absolution after confession is a manifestation of divine nobility (mercy).
  • Correspondence of words and deeds. The words of a noble person do not diverge from his actions.

How to achieve nobility

  • Nobility is a combination of several high moral qualities of a person. To cultivate nobility in oneself, one must work tirelessly; improve yourself by developing your best qualities and suppressing your worst ones.
  • Refusal of condemnation. Refusing to condemn someone, a person acts nobly; he does not place himself in a higher position than the one he might condemn.
  • Help others. Helping others, not necessarily the weaker or needier, a person learns to give; this is one of the manifestations of nobility.
  • Thoughtfulness of promises. A noble person will not take on impossible obligations, so as not to let down the one who will rely on him.
  • Empathy. Sensitivity to others, willingness to empathize and support - the behavior of a noble person.

Golden mean

Baseness, betrayal | nobility antagonists


Snobbery, arrogance, pretentiousness | a game of nobility that has nothing to do with true nobility

Winged expressions about nobility

Truly noble people do not boast of anything. - La Rochefoucauld - A noble man worries about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty. - Confucius - A noble person does not remember the old evil. - Chinese proverb - He is truly noble who easily forgives people's mistakes, and at the same time is so afraid of doing something bad, as if he had never forgiven anyone. - Pliny Jr. - G. E. Vasiliev / The gift of nobility. Hermeneutics. Politics The author examines the virtue of nobility as applied to the spheres of politics, power, and administration. Albina Danilova / Noble girls. Pupils of the Smolny Institute A book about the fate of famous graduates of the Smolny Institute. A story about women endowed with the virtue of nobility and who changed the world for the better.

At all times, nobility was considered as an important component in relationships with people. Even today, in our cynical age, this quality is appreciated. Nobility has become in demand, but it cannot be acquired without spiritual strength. People with this quality live according to the laws of decency, compassion and indifference. Nobility is a real gift that does not need rewards.

What is nobility?

This word consists of two others: good and kind. This implies not only a noble family, but also a good upbringing, as well as a sense of responsibility. In the modern world, this phenomenon also has a place: almost every person at least once in his life forgave someone for insults or helped those who needed him. Nobility can be considered any act, which is based on goodness.

Thinking about what nobility is, the meaning of this word is difficult to interpret unambiguously. For its manifestation, no prescriptions and laws are needed. A person does noble deeds only because it is characteristic of his essence. Fortunately, today you don't have to be to have this quality. It is actions that are highly valued, because they reveal the character of a person and his side. Despite their shortcomings, people can act noble: lend a helping hand, listen, keep a promise, or worry about the righteous path.

Nobility and freedom

Nobility is a certain moral code by which one must live. It aims at creation, not destruction. People with this quality love all living things and simply cannot pass by someone who needs their support and help.

Having decided to live according to the laws of kindness and compassion, a person feels more free: he no longer cares about public opinion or the noise of the crowd. He chose his path and overcomes it with dignity. Such a bold and firm position allows you to look to the future with confidence and not feel ashamed of your behavior. After all, a person who is proud of himself does not need public approval, he is self-sufficient and is responsible for his actions.

"Golden Rule

Nobility is a property that is inherent in a person who lives according to certain rules, which are usually called "golden". The main ones include:

What is dangerous lack of nobility?

People who are insecure and notorious subconsciously consider themselves not good enough to show nobility. They try to assert themselves at the expense of others, humiliating others. They are characterized by aggressiveness, vindictiveness, and their actions are destructive. As a rule, they strike all the blows on the sly and constantly weave intrigues.

Under the influence of a bad society, people lose in themselves such a quality as nobility. Therefore, it is necessary to educate virtues in children from birth and not to forget about human norms.

How to become noble?

Not everyone understands, its meaning is difficult to interpret unambiguously. In order to discover this quality, it is not necessary to belong to a noble family or be a deeply religious person. There are simple rules that help to cultivate nobility in yourself. A person will not only feel their benefits, but will also make his contribution to the relationship between people. Perhaps someone will want to follow his example.

How is nobility manifested?

Nobility is an internal culture, which, unfortunately, is not present in everyone. It cannot be expressed in clothes or posture. The inner core is manifested through actions, only they reveal the true. But respect for people, the ability to sacrifice one's interests and spiritual generosity can be developed if desired. always keeps his word, because he understands the full degree of responsibility to other people.


Nobility and dignity always go together. A person with these qualities adequately perceives his value. He understands that the main thing is to be, not to seem.

People with feeling do not prove anything to anyone, they already know who they are. They do not wait for approval and do not assert themselves at the expense of others. But they will always listen with interest to a different point of view and, perhaps, even endure something useful for themselves.

High self-esteem is manifested not in narcissism, but in self-respect and faith in one's own strengths. A person believes that he deserves a good life and knows how to defend his own interests without infringing on the rights of others.

Noble and not afraid of difficulties. They perceive them as a natural part of life. In any situation, they try to maintain self-control, not to humiliate themselves and not to humiliate others. The nobility of man also lies in equality. Comparing yourself to other people is not only useless, but also dangerous. Sometimes this causes an acute feeling of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with oneself, which is often completely groundless.

How can you awaken your self-esteem?

First of all, you need to treat yourself as a complete person. After that, the feeling will come. To develop this quality, you need to remember the recommendations of psychologists:

  • Know and appreciate your strengths.
  • Calmly refers to their own imperfection.
  • Collect your achievements and build self-respect.
  • Follow internal guidelines, not people's opinions.
  • Support and praise yourself.
  • Refuse self-digging and calmly admit your own mistakes and correct them.
  • Strive to be "real" and often repeat to yourself the words of nobility that are creative.

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