The name Daniel keep a smile on his face. What character can the boy Daniel have? Family and Children

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Forms of the name Daniel

Common name variants: Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danila, Danechka, Danchik, Danyushechka, Dan, Danka, Dan, Dann, Danny, Danil, Danill, Daniel, Daniel,. Synonyms for Daniel. Danila, Danilo, Danil, Daniel, Daniel, Danyol. Brief and diminutive options: Danya, Danechka, Danik, Danilka, Danusya.

patronymics: Daniilovich, Danilovich, Daniilovna, Danilovna; colloquial form: Danilych.

Name Daniel in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 丹尼爾 (Dānní"ěr). Japanese: ダニエル (Danieru). Zulu: ડેનિયલ (Ḍēniyala). Hindi: डैनि:ḍina). Danilo Greek: Δανιήλος (Daniilos) English: Daniel (Daniel)

origin of the name Daniel

The name Daniel is derived from Daniel. This name was borne by the prophet Daniel, who is the only bearer of this name in the Bible. The name Daniel literally translates as “God is my judge”, “God is my judge”, “God is a judge”. The original "Daniel" is two-base: "dan" (judge) and "el" or "eel" (God); and therefore allows for multiple interpretations. Most often, the name is translated as “judge”, “fair person”, “God's judgment”.

The feminine form of the name Daniel is Danielle. The diminutive address to the owners of these names Dana is also an independent name.

Daniel's character

Daniel is a decent person with excellent intuition, always conducive to communication. He never shows strong emotions, behaves quite calmly. He is not prone to haste in business. Everything is done slowly and thoughtfully. Even under difficult life circumstances, he will be able to maintain a positive attitude.

Daniel is kind, smart and hardworking. At first glance, he may seem inconspicuous in the team. But his positive traits and powerful charge of energy quickly set him apart from the rest. Family ties are very important to Daniel. The owner of this name always tries to spend all significant events in life and holidays among relatives. He loves his house very much. He always helps his wife with the housework. He welcomes guests with pleasure. Behind Daniel's calmness, not every woman is able to discern in him a real male core.

Daniel does not tolerate lies. Seeing that they are trying to deceive him, he is able to flare up. But, despite this, quickly departs. The owner of this name lives in his own world. He is respected in society. In addition, he has exceptional intuition, which he can always rely on. The only thing Daniel lacks is curiosity. He is an excellent analyst with a good imagination.

Daniel is quite a moral person. It often manifests scrupulousness, which is not appropriate.

The secret of the name Daniel

This name came to us from the Bible, and denotes a Hebrew prophet. Modern men with this name - balanced and sociable.
Autumn Daniels have a slightly selfish and pragmatic character. They are used to counting everything in advance, and therefore they will be able to achieve some success in their chosen profession.

Winter Daniels are talented. They are quick-tempered, but quickly move away and forgive their offense. Such men love loneliness, rarely find mutual language with others or willingly go to get acquainted. Such men are professionals in their field, love to travel, remain young until old age. In family life, they are not picky, they understand their wife and help her.

In the company of Daniel can drink, play a card game or sit up. He loves to dance and is good at it. Such men are good teachers, doctors, administrators, artists, entrepreneurs, engineers, builders, shoemakers, drivers.

General description of the name Daniel

From the Hebrew - "God is my judge."

In early childhood - a calm and smiling child, no more than all children. Daniil is like a mother, sympathetic, kind, but cunning. They like to play football, are fond of wrestling, tennis, gymnastics, but this is all just for health.

These men are very quick-tempered, jealous, often impulsive.

Those born in winter are talented, although it is difficult for them to communicate with others. "Autumn" - prudent, pragmatic and selfish. By profession, they are administrators, doctors, teachers, electronics engineers, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, as well as drivers, shoemakers, builders. Their marriage is usually successful. They love children, but usually they don’t help their wife around the house. They enjoy spending time in the garden. Protective and hospitable. They dance well, sing in company. Immensely kind to family and friends.

"Winter" - quick-tempered, but not vindictive, quickly depart and immediately reconcile. They love to leave and come home. Kind and responsive. They almost do not change with age, they only get fatter. They are not picky about food and will never make comments to their wife about a tasteless dinner. They don't carry things very neatly. Preferans.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color name: yellow
Radiation: 83%
Planet: Mercury
Stone-mascot: blue jasper
Plant: holly
totemic animal: sperm whale
Main traits character Daniel: morality, sociability, intuition

Additional name feature:

Vibration: 76,000 cycles/s.
Self-realization(character): 83%
Psyche: balanced
Health Daniel: you need to watch your teeth and intestines

The meaning of the name Daniel for life

Daniel is very quick-tempered, jealous, impulsive. Too energetic, too fussy. His energy is looking for a way out, and if he is not busy with a business that takes a lot of effort, he becomes irritable, dissatisfied. He must be constantly in the thick of things, in the cycle of life's vicissitudes. Cannot live without communication, has many friends. He chooses his friends carefully, he lets few people close to him. Very secretive, even with loved ones he never shares his secrets. Daniel marries after twenty-five years, usually his marriage is quite happy. Daniel loves children very much, and not only his own. Often with this name you can meet a pediatrician. Daniel is attached to the family, respects the opinion of his wife, although he rarely shares his problems with her, he tries to resolve everything himself. If there is a dacha, he is happy to tinker in the beds, likes to grow flowers. He is hospitable, cheerful in company, sings and dances well. Immensely kind to family and friends, easily finds a common language with the parents of his wife.

The meaning of the name Daniel for sex

Daniil tends to be overweight, with age he becomes obese, inactive. He is not picky about food, he is always satisfied with his wife's cuisine. Not very careful, does not save things. Azarten, likes to play preference.

He often changes partners, but prefers not to talk about his love affairs. He is capable of each of his many girlfriends, even if a short time to give happiness. However, he is not omnivorous: he prefers experienced partners, nevertheless he chooses one of two women: a primitive, uncultured professional or an inexperienced intellectual - he will certainly prefer the second, feeling a kindred spirit in her. He is fluent in the art of sex and always reaches orgasm at the same time as his partner, carefully listening to her erotic experiences. The crown of intimacy for him is the ensuing feeling of spiritual and physical satisfaction, deep gratitude to the partner. In the "summer" Daniel, the selfless heartfelt attachment to a woman is primary: she gives rise to passion, the desire for possession, sexual contact. First of all, he wants to be loved, to share all the joys and worries with his girlfriend, he knows how to live not only for himself, but also for her. "Winter" Daniel is not characterized by such deep feelings, intimacy sometimes comes down to his desire to relieve sexual tension, often it does not bring him moral satisfaction, psychological comfort, and sometimes even leads to disappointment. He attaches great importance to sexual harmony in marriage, therefore, when he is about to get married, Daniel pays attention to sexuality: his chosen one.

The name Daniel as a phrase

D Welcome
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Our, Yours)

AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
L People

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Daniel

Compatibility of the name Daniel and patronymic

Daniil Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yurievich is quick-tempered over trifles, but quickly departs, soft in character, especially with loved ones. With women it seems timid, but it is not. He just respects the woman very much, not pushy, courteous. Daniel is sexy, gentle, sensitive. He has many girlfriends, but even with a fleeting romance, he is able to make a woman happy for a short time. Endowed with great vitality, active and energetic. As a wife, he chooses a woman who is able to appreciate him. Strengthening his self-esteem, she receives in return a huge love, the sincerity of which cannot be doubted. Daniel is looking for a woman in whom his ideal wife would be embodied, but he does not really hope for success. However, Daniel never gets discouraged, and usually does. fears are unfounded. He always successfully marries, his marriage is stable and happy. Boys are born to him more often, but Daniel is looking forward to his daughter. Often in his family there are three children or more. Daniel himself is engaged in their upbringing, although he does not remove his wife from this.

Daniil Aleksandrovich, Arkadievich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Timofeevich, Fedorovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich easily succumbs to other people's influence, but it is difficult to give up their habits. He does not like to change his place of residence, he hardly gets used to new circumstances, to changes in life. He does not marry for a long time, he is afraid of the complications associated with this. He is not too demanding of friends, loves them very much, is devoted, cannot refuse their request, which many people take advantage of. Vulnerable, touchy, suffers from heightened self-esteem. Waiting for universal recognition, considers himself underestimated. He needs to have a friend nearby who will help him believe in himself, inspire hope in him. Such a friend for him becomes a spouse, whom he carefully chooses. He looks at his beloved for a long time, appreciates the sincerity of her feelings. Daniel marries once, no matter how his relationship with his wife develops, he does not go for a divorce.

He does not get divorced because it is difficult to adapt to new conditions, it takes a long time to rebuild psychologically, in addition, he is very attached to children, cannot imagine his life without them. Diverse children are born. In the family, he does not pretend to be a leader, but he does not allow serious issues to be resolved without his knowledge. He loves when his wife consults with him, even in small things. Then he allows her to do as she pleases, but his pride is satisfied.

Daniil Bogdanovich, Velyamovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is sociable, loves friends, what he expects from them. He has many partners, is in love, can meet with several women at the same time, but does not particularly single out any of them. He chooses a spouse for a long time, cannot determine which of his beloved he likes best. Sexy, attentive to women. Most of all, she appreciates good nature, meekness and wit in a woman. He himself has a subtle sense of humor, loves a good anecdote. Noble, never offend a woman. Faced with meanness, he is lost and does not know how to behave. Trusting, no one expects a dirty trick. Strives for constancy of feelings, which provides him with emotional balance, but achieves it only by acquiring a family. Daniel is a good husband, an attentive father. Peace and harmony reign in his house. He does not allow raised tones, knows how to control himself, although he is very quick-tempered. Children of different sexes are born, but more often - girls. An innate sense of justice lives in him, but in fact he is prudent and not inclined to take unjustified risks. He will not conflict in order to protect the offended, but he is very worried that he has shown cowardice. Daniil loves nature, often happens with his family outside the city, loves business trips. Easy to get up.

Daniil Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Denisovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is too emotional, but even more prudent and knows with whom and how to behave. Friends love him for composure, ability to quickly solve problems, for good advice. A favorite of women, he conquers them with sincerity and frankness. Very sexy, but never reassuring partner in vain. Relations are built on mutual freedom and independence. He chooses a life partner for a long time, while taking into account all her qualities. His wife should be good-looking, smart, witty, well-educated. But most importantly - it must be temperamental. Sex in Daniel's married life plays a paramount role. More often girls are born to him. Daniel is very affectionate husband and father, adores his household. He easily gets along with his wife's relatives, never forgets about his relatives. Daniel can have a love affair on the side if the spouse does not correspond to his ideas about sexual relations in the family. But more often than not, Daniel does not burden himself with the troubles associated with love adventures.

Daniil Alanovitch, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is firm in character, quick-tempered, stubborn, uncompromising. Amorous, loves beautiful, slightly overweight women. He becomes heavier with age. Gourmet, does not limit himself in anything. Selfish and selfish. Can't stand pressure. In the family, the leader does not allow his wife to control him, let alone lead him. Unrestrained and harsh. When drunk, he is very jealous, can make a scandal. Having sobered up, he torments himself with remorse. Easily asks for forgiveness and does the same again. Cheerful and cheerful. Despite all the shortcomings, Daniel is loved by women, he loves his spouse. He is witty, attentive, gentle. And his outbursts of anger, although unexpected, are short-lived. He is like a child - mischievous, guilty and mischievous again. Friends forgive him a lot, he is reliable in friendly relations, he will never refuse help. But most of all he is loved by his daughters. Daniil idolizes his children, spends a lot of time with them, goes skiing, hiking, takes fishing with him. He often happens with girls at the stadium when his favorite team plays football. Daniel's wife does not have to complain that he is a bad Master. Daniil does everything in the house with his own hands, loves to make things, easily copes with the repair of the apartment. He is very attached to his home and family.

Sexuality of the name Daniel

He seems very modest, sometimes somewhat timid, a woman does not immediately discern in him male power. Meanwhile, he is temperamental and in sexual relations quite active.

He often changes partners, but prefers not to talk about his love affairs. He is able, albeit for a short time, to give happiness to each of his many girlfriends. However, he is not omnivorous: of course, he prefers experienced partners, but if he needs to choose between one that is fluent in the technique of sex, but primitive, uncultured, and a woman who is much less experienced, but highly educated, in whom he feels spiritual kinship, - Daniel will definitely prefer the second one.

He knows the art of sexual love and, during intimacy, always reaches orgasm at the same time as his partner, carefully listening to her erotic experiences. The crown of intimacy for him is the feeling of spiritual and physical satisfaction, deep gratitude to his partner.

The “summer” Daniel has a selfless heartfelt attachment to a woman, and already she gives rise to passion, a desire for possession, sexual contact. First of all, he wants to be loved, to share all the joys and worries with his girlfriend, he knows how to live not only for himself, but also for her.

The "winter" Daniil does not have such deep feelings, intimacy sometimes comes down to his desire to relieve sexual tension, often it does not bring him moral satisfaction, psychological comfort, and sometimes leads to disappointment. He attaches great importance to sexual harmony in marriage, going to get married, Daniel pays attention to the sexuality of his chosen one. He is patient with his wife, tries to yield to her, cheating on his wife is practically unfamiliar to him.

Positive traits of the name: Concentration, desire for analysis, improvement. Danila does not ask questions in childhood, but tries to find an explanation for everything. He is diligent, calmly brings the work he has begun to the end. Danila is alien to rudeness, assertiveness, aggressiveness, strong emotions (both negative and positive). Negative traits of the name: Uncertainty in a society of unfamiliar people (afraid to look ridiculous), helplessness, internal conflicts, constant dissatisfaction, "self-flagellation". Choosing a profession by name: The ability to analyze one's own behavior and the movements of the soul disposes Danila to the profession of a psychologist, psychiatrist, spiritual shepherd. He has all the data to achieve great heights in art, scientific and research work. Danila is more disposed to work under the supervision of a strong and strong-willed person than to organize his own business. He is a reliable worker, an excellent performer. The impact of the name on the business: Danila does not know how to save money in reserve to insure himself for the future, so he needs a solid income. If Danila can realize his original ideas Having overcome the merciless criticism from others, he will succeed, great financial luck will fall to his lot. The influence of the name on health: Possibly. Danila may have diseases that are difficult to explain, and he can suddenly recover, as well as fall ill. Name psychology: Danila's parents should pay a lot of attention to him, support him in everything, instill in him confidence, determination, independence, artistic taste. Danila needs a Teacher (with a capital letter) for life, a spiritual mentor and religious education. Do not try to drag him into disputes and discussions. Danila does not impose his opinion on anyone, but he is not influenced by random people. He feels remorse for the insults inflicted on someone, so you need to forgive him for his misdeeds. Danila is happy to help people who command his respect.

Notable people named Daniel

Daniel (a biblical prophet belonging to the so-called "great prophets", a descendant of a noble Jewish family. According to the Bible, Daniel had the gift to understand and interpret dreams, which made him famous at the court of Nebuchadnezzar, and after the fall of Babylon - at the court of Darius and Cyrus.)
Daniil Kharms ((1905 - 1942) writer, poet, prose writer, playwright)
Daniel (Daniel) Defoe ((c.1660 - 1731) English writer and publicist, best known as the author of Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is considered one of the first supporters of the novel as a genre. He helped popularize the genre in Britain and is considered by some to be one of the founders of the English novel. Defoe is a prolific and varied writer, having written over 500 books, pamphlets and magazines on various topics (politics, economics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology, the supernatural, etc.). He was also the founder of economic journalism. In journalism, he promoted bourgeois sanity, advocated religious tolerance and freedom of speech.)
Daniel Rutherford, Daniel Rutherford ((1749 - 1819) English chemist and physicist)
Daniel (Daniel) Jacob Radcliffe ((born 1989) British theater and film actor. His career began with the TV movie David Copperfield. However, he is best known as the performer of the role of Harry Potter in the films of the same name based on the works of the writer JK Rowling.)
Daniil Andreev ((1906 - 1959) Russian religious philosopher, poet and writer, author of the mystical essay "Rose of the World")
Daniil Granin ((born 1919) real name - Herman; Russian writer and public figure. Cavalier of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, Hero of Socialist Labor (1989), Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg (2005), laureate of the State Prize of the USSR and the State Prize of Russia, as well as the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art, the Prize of the Government of St. Petersburg in the field of literature, art and architecture, the Heine Prize and other prizes.)
Daniil Samoilovich ((1744 - 1805) real name - Sushkovsky; Ukrainian physician, military doctor, founder of epidemiology in Russian Empire, founder of the first scientific medical partnership in Ukraine. He was the first to prove the possibility of anti-plague vaccination.)
Danila Kish ((1935 - 1989) Serbian writer)
Daniello Bartoli ((1608 - 1685) Italian Jesuit, historian and writer)
Danilo Di Luca ((born 1976) Italian professional road cyclist. UCI ProTour winner (2005), Giro d'Italia (2007), Giro di Lombardy (2001), Amstel Gold Race (2005), Flesh Valogne (2005), Liege - Bastogne - Liege (2007).)
José Daniel Ortega Saavedra ((born 1945) political figure Nicaragua, one of the leaders of the Sandinista Revolution of 1979, which overthrew the regime of A. Somoza, President of Nicaragua (1985 - 1990, from 2006 to the present))
Daniel Austria ((born 1984) Russian-German violinist)
Daniil Khvolson ((1819 - 1911) Russian orientalist, historian, linguist, Semitologist, Hebraist, corresponding member of the Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences in the category of Oriental languages ​​(elected December 5, 1858). Works on the history of the East and peoples of Eastern Europe, on the history of Christianity, on the history of writing (Arabic, Hebrew, etc.), on the Hebrew language, on Assyriology, etc. One of the editors of the scientific translation of the Bible into Russian)
Daniil Zabolotny ((1866 - 1929) Russian and Soviet bacteriologist. President of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1928-1929), Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929))
Daniil Move ((born 1985) Russian race car driver)
Daniil Sagal ((1909 - 2002) Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1964). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1950. Member of the Great Patriotic War.)
Daniil Danin ((1914 - 2000) real name - Plotke; Russian and Soviet prose writer, screenwriter, literary critic, popularizer of science)
Daniil Cherny ((c.1350 - 1428) icon painter, monk, contemporary and collaborator of Andrei Rublev; Joseph Volotsky calls Daniil Rublev's teacher)
Daniil Shtoda ((born 1977) Russian opera singer (tenor), soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre, People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania)
Daniil Svyatsky ((1881 - 1940) Russian and Soviet astronomer, meteorologist. Svyatsky's largest work is “Essays on the history of astronomy in Ancient Russia"- was published only 20 years after the death of the author.)
Daniil Kramer ((born 1960) a well-known Soviet and Russian jazz pianist, teacher, composer and producer, known both for his regular and mass performances, and for his independently developed scheme of jazz music touring subscriptions in Russian philharmonic halls; Honored Artist of Russia (2012))
Danilo Nechay ((d.1651) Ukrainian military leader, associate of Bogdan Khmelnitsky)
Daniel-Francois-Esprit Aubert ((1782 - 1871) French composer)
Daniel Barenboim ((born 1942) Israeli pianist and conductor)
Daniel Bernoulli ((1700 - 1782) Swiss physicist and mathematician)
Daniel Mezotich ((born 1976) Austrian biathlete, bronze and silver medalist of the world championships in the relay race)
Daniele da Volterra ((1509 - 1566) real name - Daniele Ricciarelli; Italian artist and sculptor. It is assumed that Daniele da Volterra studied with Sodoma. Later he worked with Michelangelo in Rome and, thanks to his patronage, became his successor and curator of works in the Vatican. Michelangelo helped him with his advice and probably provided da Volterra with his sketches, for example, for Daniele da Volterra's masterpiece "Descent from the Cross" in the church of Trinita dei Monti in Rome. Other famous paintings by da Volterra are "Justitia" in the Palace of Priors of Volterra and "Bethlehem Massacre of the Innocents" in the Uffizi, Florence. The Louvre houses a double-sided painting by Daniele da Volterra on the same subject: "David cuts off the head of Goliath", written on a large slate panel. The images on both sides depict events that are separated by only one moment , like two separate frames in a movie.From the sculptures of da Volterra, a statue of Cleopatra has been preserved at the fountain in the corridor of the Roman Belvedere.From Fran Zionia da Volterra received an order for an equestrian statue of Henry II, but only managed to complete for her only a horse, on which the sculptural Louis XIII later sat in the Palais Royal in Paris.)
Daniel "Dani" Alves da Silva (Brazilian football player)
Danilo Kish ((1935 - 1989) Yugoslav poet, prose writer, playwright and translator)
Daniel Alfredsson ((born 1972) professional Swedish hockey player. Position - winger. Nickname - "Alfie".)
Daniel Fredheim Holm ((born 1985) Norwegian footballer, striker for the Norwegian national team)
Daniel Dumitrescu ((born 1968) Romanian professional boxer, medalist Olympic Games and European Championship)
Daniel Aranj ((1863 - 1945) Hungarian mathematician)
Daniel Olbrychski (Polish theater and film actor)

Positive traits of the name

Concentration, the desire for analysis, improvement. Danila does not ask questions in childhood, but tries to find an explanation for everything. He is diligent, calmly brings the work he has begun to the end. Danila is alien to rudeness, assertiveness, aggressiveness, strong emotions (both negative and positive).

Negative traits of the name

Uncertainty in a society of unfamiliar people (afraid to look ridiculous), helplessness, internal conflicts, constant dissatisfaction, "self-flagellation".

Choosing a profession by name

The ability to analyze one's own behavior and the movements of the soul disposes Danila to the profession of a psychologist, psychiatrist, and spiritual shepherd. He has all the data to achieve great heights in art, scientific and research work. Danila is more disposed to work under the supervision of a strong and strong-willed person than to organize his own business. He is a reliable worker, an excellent performer.

The impact of the name on business

Danila does not know how to save money in reserve in order to insure himself for the future, so he needs a solid income. If Danila can bring his original ideas to life, overcoming the merciless criticism from others, then he will succeed, great financial luck will fall to his lot.

The impact of the name on health

Possible metabolic disorder. Danila may have diseases that are difficult to explain, and he can suddenly recover, as well as fall ill.

Name psychology

Danila's parents should pay a lot of attention to him, support him in everything, instill in him confidence, determination, independence, and artistic taste. Danila needs a Teacher (with a capital letter) for life, a spiritual mentor and religious education. Do not try to drag him into disputes and discussions. Danila does not impose his opinion on anyone, but he is not influenced by random people. He feels remorse for the insults inflicted on someone, so you need to forgive him for his misdeeds. Danila is happy to help people who command his respect.

Daniel and pets

It is better for Daniil to start a St. Bernard, Collie, Chow Chow type.

Full mutual understanding will find with dogs by nicknames: Ass, Nick, Simon, Silva, Oscar, Renold, Isolde.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Daniel, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For 1000 newborn boys, this name was received (on average by periods, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (8th place)

Orthodox name day Daniel celebrates

January 2, March 1, March 6, March 17, March 31, April 20, June 4, June 26, July 23, September 12, September 25, October 4, December 11, December 12, December 24, December 30

Catholic Name Day Daniel Celebrates

Daniel name compatibility

For a happy marriage, Daniel is best suited

The origin of the name Danil is rooted in the distant past, history takes him to the lands of Israel and Biblical times. The name Daniel was given to the biblical prophet. It will be interesting for the owners of this name and his relatives to learn about the talismans that patronize Dana, and about the fate of a man in a career, love and marriage.

All Danilas can, no doubt, be proud of the name, and there are reasons for this. Today, as before, the name is an integral part of a person’s personality, therefore it is so important to know what it carries in itself, to know its translation and history of origin. A person hears it every day and several times a day, which cannot but affect his behavior and intentions.

To understand what the name Danil means, historians turn from its Slavic form to the Hebrew roots - the name Daniel. Its interpretation means God or God's judgment. The peculiarity of the abbreviated name Danya originates from the prophet Daniel, who at the court of the ancient kings was the main mystic and soothsayer.

The Russian naming system "Daniel" entered full form"Danilo" along with other Christian names, according to the provisions of the Orthodox canons and calendars. Despite the fact that the name originated in ancient Israel, Orthodox people accepted it and immediately fell in love with it for its melodic sound, giving it a righteous meaning.

It was the biblical roots that became the basis for the considerable popularity of the name Danil among Orthodox Christians, which today occupies a leading position in the ranking of modern names for boys.

Linguists call the following forms derivatives of Daniel: Danilka and Danya, Danya and Danechka, Dusya and Danusya. But if we turn to the history of other peoples, we can find other names similar to Danila:

  1. In France, it is Daniel or Dani for short.
  2. In Germany, there is a male Daniel and a female Daniela.
  3. On the territory of Serbia, Danilo and Daniel are popular for men, for women - Danila.
  4. The ancient Greek language gave us Daniel, Danielos;
  5. In Bulgaria, men's Daniel, Daniil and women's - Daniala are especially popular.

All of them have the same roots and origins. Nevertheless, all of them, due to linguistic forms and peculiarities of pronunciation, historical traditions, interpreted the very first Hebrew name of an Orthodox prophet.

The very first Orthodox patron the prophet Daniel is considered. He served as a soothsayer under 6 kings, carrying the word of God and faith in Christ, rejecting paganism. After the first prophet, other saints with the same name were elevated to the rank of saints.

According to Orthodox canons, the name day of all Daniels is often celebrated. In particular, Orthodox canons highlight the following dates:

  • in January - 2-3, 12 numbers;
  • in March - 1, 17, 31 numbers;
  • in April - the 20th;
  • in June - 4-5 numbers;
  • in August - the 30th;
  • in September - the 12th and 25th;
  • in October - 4 numbers;
  • November 25th.

This makes it possible to celebrate the name day as close as possible to the date of birth, which pleases every Danila and his parents.

Naming the boy Danila means giving him not only the favor of God, but also world fame.

Among the celebrities wearing it, the following personalities can be distinguished:

  1. Daniil Pevtsov is an actor of theater and cinema of Russia, the son of the famous people's artist Dmitry Pevtsov.
  2. Daniil Soldatov is a famous Russian actor.
  3. Daniil Strakhov - Russian theater and film actor, laureate of the Government Prize.
  4. Danila Kozlovsky is an actor of the Russian Federation, known to young people from the films “We are from the Future”, “Viking”, “Crew” and many other films.

Of course, this is far from full list celebrities and famous people named Daniel.

The Hebrew Daniel is multifaceted in character and definition. The very essence of it can be interpreted in different ways, changing depending on when the boy was born. For the most part, they are good-natured and calm people, friendly to everyone, with a considerable amount of optimism and sociability.

Early childhood

Danila's character in childhood is calm and balanced; for parents, this will be the quietest baby that does not cause them any special problems. Thanks to the good nature, responsiveness and gentleness that Danya inherited from his mother, he has many friends.

But in the process of education, parents should pay attention to the formation of his inner world: self-confidence, respect for his needs. If this is not laid at the very beginning, others will use his kindness.


In adolescence, this is a very active and inquisitive child. Not yet an adult, but no longer a baby, he takes on many things at the same time, while rarely bringing them all to their logical conclusion. His interests are very versatile, while they are superficial, so a teenager should understand everything and a little.

He easily adapts to change, but as a friend he is tyrannical, because he does not tolerate competitors around him. With his surroundings, he tries to behave courteously, with a considerable share of charm, and for this reason he is eagerly awaited in many companies.

You should not argue with men named Daniel - his equanimity can unbalance even the most calm and balanced person.

grown man

In adulthood, all Daniels are calm and balanced, very reasonable, distinguished by slowness in their every judgment. Pragmatism and cold calculation take the place of youthful temper, which has a positive effect on fate. Such people have others to communicate, they exude a real charge of optimism even in the most difficult life situation.

Danila's positive character traits include:

  • diplomacy;
  • correctness in communication;
  • sense of tact and courtesy.

With these traits, he successfully resolves every dispute peacefully.

If a person betrays him, Daniel simply cuts him out of his life.

Among other things, Danila often wonders if he is doing the right thing because of his strong-willed and strong character. Often such questions lead Danya to a negative answer, and therefore it is so important that he is surrounded by true friends who can support him in difficult times on the chosen path.

All Danilovs have had good health since childhood, such a child rarely gets sick. But this does not mean that health should be neglected, not taken care of yourself and do whatever you want.

All Daniels love very much harmful products and dishes that are consumed in in large numbers and therefore often suffer from:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • excess weight.

It is important for them to monitor their diet and join the gym.

At a more mature age, Danilas suffer from a tense rhythm of life, which leads to the development of chronic fatigue, which is difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is important for them not to bring themselves to overwork and relax more in nature, leaving the family to a seaside resort.

All men who bear the name Daniel do not strive for power and supremacy, rarely move up the career ladder. They prefer creative professions:

  1. Acting.
  2. Theatrical platforms.
  3. Journalism.

Due to the fact that Dani is excellent at communicating with people, professions are suitable for them:

  1. Psychologist.
  2. Lawyer.

AT own business Danila will show himself to be an excellent entrepreneur: the ability to find an approach to everyone, make well-considered and balanced decisions will make him a successful businessman.

A well-developed intuition and the habit of taking into account the inner voice will allow you to bypass many pitfalls and not make a mistake.


Daniel's sexuality is hidden behind a screen of calmness and poise, as he is afraid of appearing too assertive. In bed, they are constrained, but more experienced partners and mentors will help Dana cope with this.

In sex, for a man named Danya, not only the physiological side of the issue is important, but also spiritual unity - this is the only way they can reach the heights of bliss.

At the same time, it is important for them not only to satisfy their needs, but also to give joy to their partner.

Love and marriage for men named Daniel is not an empty phrase. In relation to every woman, he appreciates sincerity, putting it in the first place over carnal pleasures, as well as common interests and building a family hearth. For them, material wealth and the appearance of the spouse are not important, they are often happy in marriage.

Such a man chooses his wife at first sight unmistakably, becoming a devoted husband and a loving father.

Sex for the family Danila is in second place, and therefore he is unlikely to go left, although he is active and very temperamental in bed. He loves his children to the point of madness, but you should not expect help from him in the household.

Compatibility with female names

Danila can get along by virtue of her character with any woman. Nevertheless, if we talk about what is the compatibility of Dani with female names, then:

  • he can achieve special harmony with Anastasia and Irina, Lyuda and Augusta, Maria;
  • it will be harder for him with Zina and Ksyusha, Toma and Raisa.

But as they say, you can't command your heart. With harmonious relations in the family, Danila can be a faithful spouse and a loving father.

Like any name, Danila has its own astrological symbols. In this issue, one can following points:

  1. The talisman stone for all Daniels is bright blue jasper.
  2. The patron planet is Mercury.
  3. The element of life is water.
  4. Totem animal - sperm whale and squirrel.
  5. Totem plant - ash or buttercup.
  6. Lucky day is Wednesday.
  7. The ideal season is spring.
  8. Year - Pig.
  9. Color - blue or yellow

To believe in them or not is everyone's business. But all these symbols were selected from ancient times by astrologers of their times.

Name horoscope

For a boy and a man, the name Daniel is more suitable if he was born under the following zodiac signs:

  1. Sagittarius. It is Sagittarius who is able to embody in him the bright and pure energy of the child, mobility and generosity, openness to everything new.
  2. Fish. Pisces will make him more peaceful and calm, reveal his creative potential, revive his imagination, awakening a romantic nature in him.

Modern Danila, like his glorious ancestors, is an interesting and good-natured man, with good health, capable of reaching considerable heights in this life.

The origin of the name Daniel dates back to the fifth century BC. It is directly related to the prophet from Old Testament who was so named. Previously, the name sounded like "Daniel", which is translated from Hebrew as "God is my judge" or "God's judgment."

Since then, the name has changed its form more than once - in ancient times it was pronounced as "Danilo" or "Danila". It belonged to:

  • confessors,
  • governors,
  • martyrs
  • princes
  • archbishops and others.

Having found out the meaning of the name Daniel, you can move on to character. As a rule, the boy who was so named in childhood affectionate and calm.

  • He always obeys his parents and respects them, and he can easily get to know and communicate with children.
  • Closer to 10 years old, he becomes more active and cheerful, because of which he may want to go to sports clubs.
  • The name Daniel endows a person with dislike for lies - he does not tolerate lies from others, and he himself does not like to deceive. Therefore, parents and friends can fully trust his words, even if they seem absurd.

The characterization of the name Daniel is rather peculiar. Personality is full of contradictions that get along well with each other.

In adolescence the owner of the name Daniel is inclined to experience all the failures very much, so adults should pay enough attention to the boy.

  • He can dramatize various events and even make rash acts on emotions.
  • Studying is easy for him, although in some subjects he may not be in time, since a guy named Daniel is simply not interested in these disciplines. In this case, it is recommended to hire a tutor who will be able to interest in a particular subject.
  • The name Daniel endows a person with charm, so making friends is easy for a boy.
  • He can easily become the soul of the company, as he knows how to find an approach to anyone. However, sometimes the bearer of the name Daniel can be closed and unsociable, but this is only for a while.
  • He does not like loneliness and seeks to be in the center of events. Therefore, he will never become a recluse, even if he feels constant fatigue from society.

In adulthood Daniel becomes self-confident and reasonable. If he could be quick-tempered as a teenager, now he keeps his emotions under control.

  • He does not like to conflict, so he strives to solve problems peacefully.
  • Sometimes he wonders if he did the right thing in a particular situation, although intuition and a sound mind never fail him.

Love and family

As a teenager, a guy named Daniel dreams of eternal love that only happens in fairy tales. Therefore, it is common for him to idealize the chosen one, to whom, by the way, he is embarrassed at first to approach.

However, after a certain period, he gains confidence and takes a step. At this moment, the owner of the name Daniel is revealed as a passionate and strong man. No woman can resist this.

  • However, he does not know how to show his feelings, which can cause quarrels.
  • But this does not mean that he does not feel love for the passion. He just doesn't know how to show his true attitude.

As a wife, he chooses a gentle and sincere woman who is distinguished by loyalty and decency. He will not tolerate betrayal, since he himself is a faithful spouse.

The owner of the name Daniel almost does not pay attention to appearance, since personal qualities and inner world more important to him.

Getting married He tries to spend all his free time with his family.

  • He tends to help his wife with the housework and babysit the children.
  • His fate is going well, since the name Daniel is inherent in not scandalous people who respect the chosen one and do everything to make her happy.


Daniil Alexandrovich Strakhov (actor of theater and cinema)

The meaning of the name Daniel for a career is quite large and positive. boy with early years has a rich imagination, so it can succeed in creative professions. It can come out of:

  • psychologist,
  • journalist,
  • actor,
  • writer.

For this there are all the makings. However, if at school you instill in him a love for accurate and natural sciences, you can become a scientist or a doctor.

In work the bearer of the name Daniel shows himself on the good side.

  • He is able to fully immerse himself in the business of his life, thanks to which he achieves success in his chosen profession.
  • He tends to strive up the career ladder as high as possible, since a prestigious position is of great importance.
  • But it will be possible to take honorary and leadership positions only if the profession is really interesting to Danil.

It can come out of it great entrepreneur who will be lucky.

  • Relations with subordinates will be good, as Daniel is able to charm colleagues and at the same time gain their respect.
  • He is diplomatic and persistent, which also helps in personal business.


From birth, the owner of the name Daniel has good health and practically does not get sick in childhood. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be watching. general condition and do whatever you want.

  • Danil loves junk food, which he can eat in huge quantities. Because of this, bowel problems often occur, which lead to overweight. Therefore, it is recommended to eat right and exercise regularly.
  • Due to the fact that the bearer of the name Daniel prefers to lead an active and intense rhythm of life, chronic fatigue may appear. It will be extremely difficult to get rid of this condition, so it is better not to bring yourself to overwork.
  • Relatives should ensure that Daniel rests in a timely manner and at least once a year takes a vacation from work, which can be spent at home with his family or at some resort.

Daniel is the Russian reading of the Hebrew name "Daniel", which is translated into modern language means "God is my judge". Believers greatly revere this name, since it was worn by one of the Old Testament biblical prophets, as well as many Orthodox saints. In Russia, this name gained the greatest popularity in the 19th century, and mainly among the peasantry. At the same time, it "Russified" and took the form of Danil.

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    Psychological picture

    Daniel is a calm, sociable and cheerful boy. He adopts some traits from his mother, but by nature he is self-sufficient, thoughtful. Little Danya from an early age has a tendency to concentrate, think about actions and is not in a hurry to make decisions. Despite these qualities, he is not a passive child - he loves to communicate and play with other children, but in his activities he is not overly active or fussy. It is difficult to piss him off or offend him, but he cannot stand lies - he always remains honest and demands the same from others.

      The child grows inquisitive, strives to achieve success in the business he is engaged in. Thanks to his erudition and great creative potential, he is a good conversationalist and an excellent debater. But being very demanding of himself, he may have psychological problems or complexes in the future, especially in adolescence, when he has a special propensity for experiences.

      Danil likes to talk about his hobbies or discoveries. To the interlocutor, Danya is always patient and condescending, but having noticed incorrect moments in a person’s behavior, he will definitely say this directly - albeit very tactfully, since rudeness is not inherent in him.

      In the eyes of others, the boy always looks good-natured, has authority among his peers and can give useful tips due to his erudition.

      It is not difficult to educate Danil - he listens to the advice of his parents with pleasure and maintains warm relations with them for the rest of his life. It is important to support all his undertakings, to be able to discern his interests. Despite the fact that the boy is easy to study, in some subjects he may lag behind - so you need to motivate him to study these disciplines.

      The child usually has no health problems, only in adolescence, a deviation from normal weight (excess or lack) is possible. Exercise can help improve the situation proper nutrition.

      Differences in the forms of names from each other

      Despite the similarity of sound and spelling, some people believe that Danil, Danila and Daniel are different names. But pronouncing the name in different languages ​​leads to the conclusion that they have the same history of occurrence.

      But there are some features that distinguish these forms of the name from each other:

      • Daniel and Danil are full names used for official documents, Danila - diminutive form, appropriate only in an informal setting.
      • Numerologists believe that each letter of the alphabet has its own meaning, therefore, various forms of the name Daniel affect the character, temperament and behavior of the carrier of one of its variants in different ways.
      • Linguists talk about the different origin of the two names: the Danil variant is considered Russian, while Daniel is primordially Hebrew.

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      A man named Danil is kind, wise, smiling and hospitable, he appreciates the rich inner world in the people around him. This is a man with a stable psyche and a strong will. Never screams, not prone to a sharp drop in emotions. In moments of spiritual experiences, he withdraws into himself, without signaling about his problems and difficulties in public. Because of this, he has a well-developed intuition. He is not envious and not vindictive, but he experiences betrayal very hard and for a long time cannot forgive a person. Danil has all the "male" hobbies: hunting, fishing, sports. But doing a hobby, he does not seek to reach the most high level, since he is not interested in competition and competition, but only in his own pleasure.

      One of Danil's strengths is his analytical mind. As soon as he becomes interested in something, solutions begin to form by themselves. Any secret is revealed under the pressure of his intellect.

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      Manifestations in love, family and career

      Danilov likes kind girls, with a beautiful soul and interests that coincide with his. In love, he is inclined to idealize his chosen one, therefore at first he seems timid and modest, from the outside it may even seem that he lacks assertiveness. Gradually, Danil opens up, and the girl gets the opportunity to see his temperament, sensitivity and inner strength. A man becomes a support for her, but usually delays the wedding, because he listens to his feelings and tries to make right choice and don't make a mistake. But if this woman is his destiny, he understands it right away.

An alluring and promising future is the ultimate dream of everyone, but none of the inhabitants of the planet will be able to overcome time and penetrate the mysterious world. You should not be upset in advance and resign yourself to the fact that the dream will not come true - you can try to unravel the meaning of the name given at baptism, this will certainly allow you to partially penetrate the mysterious curtain of fate. Danil, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys - how important is it to study these details in order to help your baby grow up healthy and smart, make a career, find an ideal soul mate?

The meaning of the name Danil for a boy is brief

Some parents, even before the arrival of the long-awaited baby in the house, begin to argue about what name to choose for their child. You should not discuss about the names you like - the most right exit, which offers specialized literature - to study the secret meaning. This is what allows you to accurately determine the name, find out which country gave it to the world, whether the saints will patronize the child, how the future will turn out.

Danil, the meaning of the name, character and fate - this is what becomes the most interesting for the relatives of the crumbs. Often, a careful study of all the details allows you to find out even negative traits, and they are quite easy to correct as early as childhood.

The meaning of the name Danil for a boy can be briefly found in ancient books with myths and legends that the world got from a country famous for wise gods and great heroes - Ancient Greece. It says here what the name means - "God is my judge." secret meaning everyone can interpret in their own way, but most often it is believed that this means that only God can judge the correctness of certain actions and assign punishment for them. Even if it was not possible to answer for unseemly deeds in this world, after death, the Almighty will certainly pass his verdict and make him pay for serious sins. Most often, relatives do not have to worry about this - their son will certainly grow up as a deeply religious person, always ready to help those in need.

What does the name Danil mean for a boy according to the church calendar

Native crumbs should remember that it is important not just to study mythology different countries, in which you can find a lot of interesting information and even interpretations of names, but also find out what is said on this subject in Orthodox literature. The church calendar will tell you about the Orthodox interpretation in an accessible way, and in the calendar you can find out which patrons will follow the owner of this name throughout their lives. It is also recommended to find out the dates of the name day - this is necessary not only in order to congratulate the baby, but also to pay respect to the patron saint, offer him sincere prayers that will save and protect the child from difficulties and hardships.

What does the name Danil mean for a boy? church calendar? Differences between Christian literature and ancient Greek myths will not be found - in Orthodoxy it is also commonly believed that it means - "God is my judge." The secret meaning, according to Christians, is that only God can judge and punish, and it will not be possible to hide from punishment even after life.

The secret of the name Danil, name day, signs

What surprises are the secret of the name Danil? The first thing that the relatives of the baby should pay attention to is the date of his name day. The boy will be able to celebrate them several times a year:

  1. 20 April;
  2. July 23;
  3. December 30th.

The summer holiday enjoys special honor - it is on this day that not only herbs are considered healing, but even dew on them. That is why you should abandon household chores for the whole day, and start collecting plants that can be used to prepare decoctions, infusions and ointments - their impact increases several times.

Start stocking up on medicines early in the morning. To do this, they usually take a canvas, carry it through the grass wet from dew, squeeze it into clean dishes. You will have to work hard to collect a small amount of moisture, but it also helps, as healers testify, from almost every ailment. It is enough to add just a drop of dew to a home remedy to get a real panacea for serious diseases.

The origin of the name Danil and its meaning for children

What role will the origin of the name Danil and its meaning for children very soon play in the boy's life? Parents who are worried about this need not worry - the country from which the name originated is not able to influence the life of the crumbs. Regardless of whether the Greek, Jewish or Slavic name was chosen for the baby, you don’t have to worry - it will not affect fate in any way.

Does the meaning of the name matter? Even in ancient times, people believed that it depends on him whether the child grows up kind, honest, caring and faithful. That is why parents who are worried about their beloved child are advised to first figure out the meaning of the name, and only after that baptize the baby.

The consequences of the baptism of a child can be felt the very next day - he is much less capricious, wakes up at night, and causes trouble for his relatives. This is the main sign that the patron saint began to take an active part in looking after the child.

Daniel, the meaning of the name, character and fate - this combination, or rather, its careful and thorough study, will certainly help parents understand everything related to raising a child. Even from some character traits that cause anxiety, you will certainly be able to get rid of, and even in childhood.

The character of a boy named Danil

Should we pay attention to how the character of a boy named Danil is formed from childhood? As the experience of many parents testifies, he will not cause them any troubles or worries - positive traits he will have a lot, but there will be very few negative ones.

The advantages of the boy include:

  1. desire for self-improvement;
  2. seriousness;
  3. concentration;
  4. purposefulness;
  5. perseverance;
  6. the ability to bring what has been started to the end;
  7. peacefulness;
  8. calm.

One of the most remarkable traits of Danil's character is that he strives to achieve everything on his own. He will not ask for help, even if something does not work out, and will certainly try to complete the work with dignity. It is the same with studying - if any questions remain, he will definitely study the necessary literature, but will not ask the teacher to explain incomprehensible terms in more detail and in an accessible way.

The boy has only one drawback - shyness. He is lost not only in society strangers but also with close relatives. Parents should not try to deal with this deficiency - they will not succeed, but a child under pressure can become withdrawn and will certainly refuse further help.

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