Saints female names January February. Names according to Saints for boys in January: meaning, origin, patron saint

Decor elements 23.09.2019
Decor elements

After reading our article, you can easily choose a name for a son born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Information regarding fashionable male names in 2018 will also be useful. You can find out what character traits are inherent in boys who were born in a specified year. In addition, the article gives recommendations on choosing a name for a boy according to the month in which he was born. So let's go.

The character of a boy born in 2018 Yellow Earth Dog

Craving for communication, sociability, ability to find mutual language with everyone - these qualities will become the hallmarks of boys born during the reign of the Yellow Earth Dog. They will not only have a desire to surround themselves with numerous friends, but also an incredible ability to unite all people, finding common goals for them. The guiding star of each boy will be the talent, like a magnet to attract others to him, causing them sympathy from the very first minutes of communication.

From early childhood, boys will strive to move. This will lead to the fact that their development, both on a physical and psychological level, will be rapid. In this they will overtake many of their peers. Hence the second main character trait - curiosity, which is one of the key components of high intelligence. Boys will learn to speak, stand, walk, read, count before others.

From the boys born in 2018, many outstanding athletes will grow up. Purposefulness, great fortitude and diligence will help them achieve brilliant results in sports. Some boys, on the contrary, will show more interest in scientific and teaching activities. A developed mind and innate intuition will allow them to easily perform tasks of increased complexity.

Boys born in 2018 are kind to their parents and other relatives. Particularly respectful attitude will be traced to the older generation. The positive qualities of boys born in 2018 include:

  • a responsibility;
  • courage;
  • the ability to keep promises;
  • brilliant organizational skills;
  • the ability to competently manage the work process;
  • easy adaptability to new circumstances;
  • self-criticism;
  • desire to acquire new knowledge;
  • sociability;
  • good nature;
  • the ability to quickly assimilate the information received;
  • justice.

There are no ideal people. Therefore, it is worth mentioning the negative traits that may appear in boys born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, if their development and upbringing will take place in adverse conditions. The following qualities may not be very attractive:

  • touchiness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • the tendency to "cut off the shoulder";
  • short temper:
  • vindictiveness.
  1. Start from the time of year in which the baby was born. Astrologers are sure that not only the year, day and time leave their mark on the boy's disposition, but also the month of birth.
  2. Make sure that the name matches the patronymic and surname as much as possible. That is, the full name should be harmonious, when pronouncing it should, as it were, “pour” and not be sharp for hearing.
  3. Do not forget to look at the Saints - calendar church holidays. It usually indicates who it is named after. According to the name of a certain Saint, a child can be named. It is believed that this Saint will help the child throughout his life, protecting and protecting him from all sorts of troubles.
  4. Some people believe that the most good option- choose a fateful name for the boy. To this end, it is important to clarify the meaning of each male name and, according to the information received, make a choice. First, decide what kind of person your son should grow up to be. Perhaps you want his character to be dominated by such qualities as quick wit, high intelligence, resourcefulness, the ability to get along with others and find compromises. Or maybe you want your son to become fair, kind and generous? The information below will help you choose a name whose characteristics are dominated by certain qualities.
  5. Many pay tribute to fashion in such a matter as choosing a name for their son. Today it is fashionable to call sons by foreign names, which are extremely rare in the countries of the former CIS. Astrology sees nothing wrong with this. But psychologists, on the contrary, do not advise doing this, since the child may have psychological problems with adaptation in society. Of course, these recommendations are conditional. However, if the name is so rare and at the same time dissonant for the inhabitants of our regions, peers can collectively offend and even humiliate the child. After all, children are so spontaneous!

Fashionable names for boys in 2018

Mark- this name has Greek and latin roots. Mark is smart, quick-witted and wayward. He does not like to lose and always strives to take a leading position among his peers. Boys with that name find it difficult to get along with people. Only those who have become a really close person for them will be able to arouse their trust and take possession of the heart. Mark studies, as a rule, well, shows special interest in the exact sciences. He feels lies very subtly, so experts do not advise parents to lie to their son, even with good intentions.

Kirill- from ancient Greek it is translated as "master", "ruler", and from Persian - "sun". Boys with this name are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything that happens around. They are beyond their years developed intellect able to quickly understand difficult situations. Cyril's favorite activities are sports and reading. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to send their son to some sports section and buy for him as much "correct" literature as possible. Cyril's key qualities are enormous willpower, impartiality, ambition, nobility.

Elisha- there are two versions of the origin of the name: from Greek name Odysseus and from the Hebrew name Elisha, which means "Salvation of God." Boys with this name are creative natures. In the depths of their souls there is a huge potential that needs to be revealed and realized from childhood. These are real dreamers and inventors. Many Elishas have a literary gift, so even at a young age they often write novels, poems, detective stories, and poems. A distinctive feature of the Eliseevs is their all-round development and purposefulness, sometimes bordering on stubbornness.

Benjamin- Russian name. But many experts are inclined to believe that this is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Benjamin - that was the name of the youngest son of Rachel and Jacob. All Benjamins have a multifaceted character. By psychological type they can be both introverts and extroverts. But, regardless of this, the Benjamins are eminently generous. These are sociable boys who strive to be in time everywhere, to be aware of all events. Most often, detailed, intelligent and rather conservative personalities grow out of them.

Bogdan- the name has Slavic roots and means "Given by God." Bogdan is often the only and long-awaited child in the family. Experts have noticed that parents call their son Bogdan, whose birth was associated with many anxieties and problems. In infancy, Bogdan can often be capricious, because his parents spoil him. But as he grows older, he becomes more calm and balanced. The main character traits of Bogdan are prudence, moderation, regularity. It should also be said that almost all Bogdans have a well-developed intuition.

Male names 2018

winter names

Boys who are born in winter time are endowed with excellent health. By nature, they have well-developed strong-willed qualities. Winter boys are purposeful and rarely retreat if obstacles appear on the way to achieving their goal. Very often, these are workaholics who, for the sake of a just cause, are ready to work for days on end. Increased activity and prudence allow winter boys to achieve a lot in life.


Vsevolod, Vasily, Athanasius, Gennady, Nikolai, Leo, Arseny, Valerian, Yaroslav, Klim, Gury, Spiridon, Innokenty, Gabriel, Stepan, Naum, Savva, Zakhar, Anton, Pavel, Foma, Arkady, Arkhip, Modest, Tryphon, Semyon.


Elizar, Prokhor, Adam, Trofim, Seraphim, Yakov, Efim, Yegor, Naum, Philip, Mikhail, George, Maxim, Nikita, Athanasius, Ivan, Emelyan, Valentin, Peter, Artem, Sergey, Nikanor.


Porfiry, Akim, Nikifor, Julian, Yakov, David, Yuri, Vsevolod, Pavel, Lavrenty, Philip, Vitaly, Leonty, Arseny, Peter, Konstantin, Alexei, Fedor, Cyril.

spring names

Even at a young age, boys are endowed with an adult-developed intellect. Very careful, any decisions are made only after a few careful fact checks. Perhaps this saves them from fatal mistakes and wrong actions. However, such caution often plays a cruel joke with them, making it difficult to be decisive and achieve outstanding results. Spring boys are endowed with "diplomatic" qualities: loyalty, flexibility, the ability to bypass " sharp corners and adapt quickly to changing circumstances.


Stepan, Nikanor, Rostislav, Nikifor, Yuri, Timofey, Trofim, Alexei, Viktor, Vasily, Ivan, Grigory, Anton, Philip, Alexander, Fedot, Makar, Leo, Danila, Ilya, Kuzma.


Plato, Tikhon, Khariton, Peter, Yegor, Foma, Semyon, Gabriel, Leonid, Benjamin, Sergei, Artem, Anatoly, Cyril, Terenty, Polycarp, Innocent, Jacob, Vadim, Mstislav.


Grigory, Denis, Vitaly, Leonty, Foma, Maxim, Nikita, Boris, Roman, David, Dmitry, Yegor, Valentin, German, Athanasius, Pakhom, Lavrenty, Fedor, Vsevolod.

summer names

In the summer, boys are born with a generous and kind soul. From childhood, they understand that there is no need to exchange small things. They always make grandiose plans, fantasize, think a lot. Sometimes it seems as if they are completely immersed in themselves. However, these boys have an amazing ability to quickly transform from a reserved person into a very sociable person. They also have such qualities as impressionability, impulsiveness, intemperance, readiness to act contrary to circumstances.


Ivan, Konstantin, Leonty, Semyon, George, Denis, Pavel, Leonid, Fedot, Timofey, Gabriel, Arseny, Matvey, Tikhon, Cyril, Nikifor, Gennady, Ignatius, Sergei, Dmitry.


Julius, Artem, Svyatoslav, Yakov, Valentin, Philip, Thomas, Alexander, Innokenty, Daniel, Vladimir, Anatoly, Gury, Terenty, Maxim, Demyan, Stanislav, Gleb, Alexey.


Galaction, Seraphim, Makar, Naum, Konstantin, Anton, Stepan, Leonid, Ivan, Miron, Pavel, George, Savva, Polycarp, Prokhor, Elizar, Roman, Ilya, Boris, Christopher, Nikolai, Fedor.

autumn names

Boys born in autumn are distinguished by a calm character and prudence. They have a clear mind, which allows them to quickly absorb new information and study well. The behavior of autumn boys is not devoid of prudence, thoroughness and some kind of adult deliberation. These are little pedants who try to complete any task as well as possible. This character of the autumn boy will remain forever, this is not at all childish maximalism! Among the others positive qualities boys born in autumn period, it should be noted prudence, foresight, responsibility, honesty.


Andrei, Philip, Ivan, Alexander, Makar, Gennady, Gleb, Zakhar, Mikhail, Konstantin, Lev, Igor, Svyatoslav, Alexei, Roman, Ignat, Khariton, Dmitry, Efim, Stanislav, Evgeny.


David, Fedor, Oleg, Dmitry, Grigory, Sergei, Maxim, Zinovy, Yuri, Stepan, Ivan, Porfiry, Christopher, Karp, Evgraf, Alexei, Julian, Kuzma, Denis, Ignatius, Vyacheslav.


Yakov, Anton, Zinovy, Konstantin, Vasily, Alexander, Zakhar, Ignatius, Anton, Prokhor, Artem, Plato, Kirill, Stanislav, Yaroslav, German, Valery, Fedot, Orest, Athanasius, Yegor, Pavel.

Families planning the birth of a child in 2018 will be pleasantly surprised by what wonderful qualities the patron of this year, the yellow earth dog, will endow the newborn with.

The girl who was born at this time will turn into a real charmer, kind and sympathetic, winning the hearts of the opposite sex. It is possible that the girl will grow up in love with some kind of art: dancing, singing or drawing. But every character trait that a Dog can convey to a child will be to everyone's taste. We will find out what character the girl who was born in 2018 will have.

The character of girls born in 2018 year of the Dog

Lovely, kind and sympathetic girls grow out of girls born in the year of the Dog. They have a good memory and a vivid imagination, are often fond of art, write music, draw or dance well. They are self-confident and quickly converge with other people. It will always be a pleasure to be friends with such a person. The fair sex, who were born, are able to imagine themselves in the place of another person, easily get into a position and help in trouble. However, they are very touchy and often think too much, which can put them in an unpleasant situation. They sincerely believe in self-invented fears, often exaggerate the tragedy of the situation. Such girls are offended for a long time, but move away, and again turn into pleasant companions and faithful friends.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the church calendar

The most common and time-tested way to choose a name for your baby is on church calendar or according to the Saints. If parents decide to prefer this particular way of choosing a name for a child, then they should go to church and talk with a clergyman who will help determine the appropriate name. According to the Saints, the name for the girl is chosen according to the date of birth. Names for girls Orthodox Church offers quite a lot, but at the same time, it is also allowed to redo male names, for example: Alexander - Alexandra, Eugene - Evgenia, Valentin - Valentina, Oles - Olesya, etc.

Orthodox calendar of names for 2018 by months

Beautiful female names

Milana ("dear"), Pelageya ("sea"), Vasilisa ("queen"), Elizabeth ("God's oath"), Alice ("baby"), Praskovya ("Friday"), Elena ("bright"), Margarita ("pearl"), Olesya ("special").

Popular names in 2018 for girls in Russia

Natalia ("native"), Diana ("divine"), Eva ("life"), Victoria ("victory"), Marina ("sea"), Ruslana ("lioness"), Veronica ("faith in victory") .

Rare female names

Beatrice (“bringing happiness”), Alla (“column of light”), Larisa (“pleasant”), Zlata (“golden”), Clara (“bright”), Lada (“dear”).

See also: detailed by year of birth.

Female and male names (how to name boys and girls in December)

Name days in January:

1 - Boniface, Gregory, Ilya, Timothy.

2 - Anton, Daniel, Ivan, Ignatius.

3 - Leonty, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, Procopius, Sergei, Feofan.

4 - Anastasia, Dmitry, Fedor, Fedosya.

5 - Vasily, David, Ivan, Makar, Naum, Nifont, Pavel, Feoktist.

6 - Evgenia, Innokenty, Claudia, Nikolai, Sergey.

8 - Augusta, Agrippina, Alexander, Anfisa, Vasily, Grigory, Dmitry, Efim, Isaac, Konstantin, Leonid, Maria, Mikhail, Nicodemus, Nikolai.

9 - Antonina, Luka, Stepan, Tikhon, Fedor, Ferapont.

10 - Agafya, Alexander, Arkady, Vavila, David, Efim, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Nikanor, Nicodemus, Nikolai, Peter, Simon, Feoktist, Yakov.

11 - Agrippina, Anna, Barbara, Benjamin, George, Evdokia, Euphrosinia, Ivan, Lavrenty, Mark, Markel, Matrona, Natalia, Theodosius.

12 - Anisya, Anton, Daniel, Irina, Leo, Makar, Maria, Fedora, Fedosya.

14 - Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Plato, Trofim, Fedot, Emilia, Yakov.

15 - Vasily, Gerasim, Kuzma, Mark, Modest, Peter, Seraphim, Sergei, Sylvester.

16 - Gordey, Irina.

17 - Alexander, Andronicus, Archippus, Athanasius, Anisim, Aristarkh, Artemy, Athanasius, Denis, Efim, Karp, Clement, Kondraty, Luke, Mark, Nikanor, Nikolai, Pavel, Prokhor, Rodion, Semyon, Siluan, Stepan, Timofey, Trofim, Thaddeus, Feoktist, Filimon, Philip, Jacob.

18 - Apollinaria, Grigory, Evgenia, Joseph, Lukyan, Matvey, Micah, Roman, Semyon, Sergey, Tatyana, Foma.

19 - Theophanes.

20 - Athanasius, Vasily, Ivan, Pafnuty.

21 - Anton, Vasilisa, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Georgy, Grigory, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ilya, Mikhail, Sidor, Feoktist, Julian.

22 - Antonina, Zakhar, Nikandr, Pavel, Peter, Philip.

23 - Anatoly, Grigory, Zinovy, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Feofan.

24 - Vladimir, Mikhail, Nikolai, Stepan, Terenty, Fedor, Theodosius.

25 - Evpraksia, Makar, Peter, Savva, Tatyana.

26 - Athanasius, Maxim, Nicephorus, Nicodemus, Pakhom, Peter, Jacob.

27 - Agnia, Adam, Andrei, Aristarchus, Benjamin, David, Yeremey, Ivan, Ilya, Joseph, Isaac, Makar, Mark, Moses, Nina, Pavel, Pafnuty, Savva, Sergei, Stepan.

28 - Varlam, Gabriel, Gerasim, Elena, Ivan, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Prokhor.

29 - Ivan, Maxim, Peter.

30 - Anton, Antonina, Victor, George, Ivan, Pavel, Theodosius.

31 - Alexander, Athanasius, Vladimir, Dmitry, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ephraim, Hilarion, Cyril, Xenia, Maxim, Maria, Mikhail, Nikolai, Sergey, Feodosia.

Church Orthodox holidays in January

Rev. Elijah of the Caves

On the first day of the year, the church celebrates the memory of St. Elijah of the Caves, nicknamed Chobotok. Elijah was a native of the city of Murom, folk and folk legend identified him with the famous hero Ilya Muromets, about whom Russian epics told.

The Savior was born in the reign of Emperor Augustus in the city of Bethlehem. During the census, everyone had to be in the place where his family originated. Arriving in Bethlehem, the Virgin Mary and righteous Joseph did not find free places in hotels and stopped outside the city in a cave intended for keeping livestock. At midnight, the news of the birth of the Savior from the jubilant angels came to the shepherds, who came to worship the God-man. The feast in honor of this event was established in apostolic times, but until the 4th century. it was connected with the celebration of the Epiphany.

Having learned from the Magi about the birth of a new King, Herod ordered to kill all babies under two years old, hoping that among them would be the Divine Infant, in whom he saw his rival.

On this day, according to the Old Testament law, the Lord accepted circumcision, which was established for all male babies as a sign of God's Covenant with the forefather Abraham and his descendants.

On the same day, the memory of the Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia is celebrated.

Basil lived in the IV century, in Constantinople and Athens, he received an excellent education. Returning to Caesarea, he taught rhetoric, then was baptized and embarked on the path of an ascetic life. Together with his friend Gregory the Theologian, he retired to the desert to devote his life to God. Subsequently, the saint was ordained a presbyter, during the reign of Emperor Valens, a supporter of the Arians, he became an archbishop and made great efforts to protect his flock from heresy. He composed the order of the Liturgy, wrote Discourses on the Six Days, on the Psalms, as well as a collection of monastic rules.

January 15 is the day of the repose (1883) and the second finding of the relics (1991) of one of the most beloved Russian saints among the people -. Having taken monastic vows at the age of 27, the monk labored until the end of his life in the Sarov monastery, or in the forest wilderness. For his prayer feat, he was honored with repeated visits to the Queen of Heaven. Saint Seraphim departed to the Lord during prayer before the icon Mother of God. The monk was glorified as a saint in 1903. After October revolution the relics of the saint disappeared and were discovered only in 1991, in the vaults of the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, which was located in the building of the Kazan Cathedral in Leningrad.

January 17 - Council of 70 apostles of Christ, chosen by the Lord to proclaim the gospel to the whole universe.

The memory of these apostles is also celebrated separately during the year, and this holiday was established in order to show the equality of each of the seventy and thereby prevent disagreements in their veneration.

January 19 is celebrated - the twelfth holiday, established in honor of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River and in honor of the appearance during this event of the Holy Trinity. The Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove. The next day, the Cathedral of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John is celebrated - the one who served the cause of the Baptism of Christ, laying his hand on the head of the Savior.

On January 24, we commemorate the Monk Theodosius the Great, who became the founder of cenobitic monasteries. He was born at the end of the 5th century. in Cappadocia. For about 30 years the saint lived in the Palestinian desert, fasting and praying. Those who wanted to live under his leadership constantly came to him, as a result, a cenobitic monastery, or Lavra, existed according to the charter of Basil the Great.

The Holy Martyr Tatiana is commemorated on January 25. Tatiana, the daughter of a Roman consul, refused marriage, wanting to devote her life to the Lord. She was made a deaconess in one of the Roman churches and served God, caring for the sick and helping those in need. During the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus (between 222 and 235), Tatiana was martyred for Christ, refusing to sacrifice to the pagan gods and enduring terrible tortures.

On January 27, the church remembers the Enlightener of Georgia. She was born around 280 in Cappadocia into a noble, pious family. Once Nina saw in a dream Holy Mother of God who handed her the cross from vine and sent with the apostolic ministry to Iberia (Georgia). Nina came to Georgia in 319 and made a lot of efforts to enlighten this country - five years later Christianity was established in Georgia.

January 30 is the day of memory, the famous ascetic, the founder of hermitage, called the father of monasticism. Anthony was born in Egypt in 251. After the death of his parents, who inspired him with love for God and piety, he began an ascetic life. He had to fight the hardest temptations and attacks of unclean forces, but with God's help he overcame the tricks of the devil and went into the depths of the Thebaid desert to serve the Lord all alone. The saint spent 85 years in desert solitude, his example was followed by many of those who wished to spend their lives in an ascetic feat for the sake of the Lord.

Every parent knows how responsibly it is necessary to approach the choice of a name for a future baby, since it is no secret to anyone that a name can have a direct impact on the fate of a little person. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the approaching date of the birth of a small miracle, families are vying to argue whose name is most suitable for the child.

Some proceed from a harmonious combination with a surname and patronymic, while others, on the contrary, believe that an unusual and rare name will help a child succeed in adulthood. Still others choose a name based on family history - often babies are named after outstanding representatives of the family, known for their achievements, character or good fortune. And the fourth simply follow the lead of relatives and call the child a name that they like.

To avoid quarrels and dissatisfaction on the part of loved ones, many turn to the church calendar of names, which greatly facilitates difficult process choice - you just need to take a calendar and see which names are relevant for a particular month of birth.

As a rule, choosing a name using the church calendar is quite simple: the child is given the name of the saint on whose memory day he was born. In the event that parents do not like such a name (and it also happens that the baby himself begins to react badly to the sound of the chosen name), then you can give the baby one of the recommended names on the eighth and fortieth day from birth.

The main thing that parents should remember is that when choosing a saint who will patronize a future person, you should not name children in honor of the great martyrs, since there is a high probability that the child will repeat his fate

Name for a girl

Girls born in 2018 will be different high level optimism, balance and calmness.

As a rule, future parents are most reverent about maiden names, since the character of the girl will largely depend on the name. On the one hand, the name should be beautiful and rare, on the other hand, it should carry a good meaning.

Therefore, the church calendar can serve parents in good stead, giving the future girl exactly the name that suits her best and which she will proudly wear all her life.


Girls born this month will be distinguished by good health, a logical mindset and a rational attitude to life. In order to emphasize all the most best features nature, the church calendar recommends such names as Irina, Eva, Tatyana, Natalya, Uliana, Alexandra, Xenia, Polina, Maria and Valentina.


Those born in the last month of winter will have a persistent and purposeful character. Often, February girls have a penchant for creativity in general and art in particular, and an ambitious disposition will help them achieve success in any business they choose. The most suitable names are Anna, Valeria, Ekaterina, Natalia, Anastasia, Christina and Olga.


In the first month of spring, as a rule, very kind and bright people are born, who charge everyone around with their energy. Very often they have organizational skills and are able to find a way out of any situation. March girls are recommended to be named: Valentina, Camilla, Marianna, Barbara, Praskovya, Elizabeth, Irina or Victoria.


Those born in April are usually cheerful and very sociable girls who are drawn to others. However, at the same time, they are quite stubborn and proud, therefore, in order to soften these character traits, you need to choose names with appropriate meanings, for example, Sophia (wise), Alexandra (protector), Vaselina (cheerful), Polina (sunny), Anna (bringing good ).


May girls are pragmatic and have mercantile values. They look at the world without rose-colored glasses and do not like to rely on other people. However, for all the difficulties of character, they are quite constant and true to their choice. Such girls are suitable names - Louise, Irma, Valeria, Olesya, Victoria, Taisiya, Anastasia, Inessa, Uliana and Arina.


Girls born in June have a penchant for needlework, have high intelligence and good wit. An integral feature of their character is kindness, responsiveness, some frivolity and the ability to quickly adapt to life circumstances. It is advised to call such girls by the names Elena, Angela, Paulina, Ilona, ​​Emma, ​​Diana, Maria, Karina and Antonina.


From girls born in the middle of summer, born keepers of the hearth and hearth are born and family comfort therefore, it is not surprising that the main features of their character are the ability to support in difficult times, the ability to care and the desire to give warmth to loved ones. They recommend naming such people by the names of Angelina, Vasilisa, Inna, Alina, Ulyana, Christina, Olga, Pelageya, Martha, Olesya and Angelica.


In August, usually, girls are born with a strong and fighting disposition, self-confident and possessing female charisma, in fact, born leaders. At the same time, they are very straightforward and ambitious. To help my daughter in the future and emphasize her bright personality you should choose from such names as Anna, Milena, Iraida, Evdokia, Anfisa, Anastasia, Raisa, Agnia and Julia.


Girls who were born in September can be impulsive, but quite non-confrontational. The naturally phlegmatic character makes them organized, punctual and executive, so the names of Adeline, Tatyana, Barbara, Kira, Serafima, Praskovya, Xenia and Vasilisa will best emphasize these qualities.


Girls born in the middle of autumn are very kind and sociable, quickly converge with strangers, and never get into trouble, as they know how to defend their position with arguments. At the same time, they are sufficiently susceptible to other people's influence, which means that they need additional protection. Therefore, the church calendar recommends choosing from the following names: Arina, Sofia, Agnia, Vladislav, Ustinya, Akulina, Juliana, Olesya, Polina and Vera.


In November, as a rule, purposeful, stubborn, ambitious, proud, and also very sociable girls are born, using which they can find a common language with almost any person who meets them on life path. To soften the hard and strong-willed character, names should be given based on the recommendations of the calendar - Elizabeth, Ilona, ​​Agatha, Anna, Elena, Renata, Evdokia, Victoria, Margarita and Inessa.


December girls are distinguished by strong emotionality and irascibility, often they have a rather explosive choleric character and a high desire for social activities. Such girls are born leaders, very ambitious and interested in self-development.

At the same time, it cannot be said that they are proud and ambitious, not at all - they are extremely responsible, and are very respectful of the people around them. The names Polina, Ada, Barbara, Ekaterina, Angelina, Valentina, Alice, Victoria, Sofia, Yana and Evdokia are most suitable for them.

Name for a boy according to the church calendar

Parents of boys, as a rule, face the same problem as parents of girls - the name of the future man should not only sound beautiful, but also have a noble meaning that will have an impact on the fate of the child.

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the number of Old Russian names. So, such names as Ratibor, Yaroslav, Yaropolk and Mstislav began to enjoy particular popularity.


Boys born in the first month of the year become polite and responsible young men who know what they want from life. They are highly intelligent and good health. To enhance these characteristics, the church calendar recommends choosing from the names Victor, Gregory, Daniel, Jacob, Konstantin, Prokhor and George.


In February, usually, boys are born energetic, active and with developed leadership qualities. Most often they take the position of the “gray eminence”, as they prefer to remain in the shadow of ongoing events and observe. The most suitable names for such children are Arseny, Makar, Peter, Nikolai, Fedor, Alexander, Lev, Viktor and Dmitry.


Boys born on the first day of spring can hardly be called fighters and hard workers. Moderately lazy and distracted, they nevertheless have an analytical mindset and strong logic that helps them succeed in many endeavors. It is advised to choose a name for such a boy from the following - Ilya, Felix, Roman, Nikolai, Arkhip, Evgeny, Yaroslav, Klim, Arseny, Vyacheslav and Pavel.


But the boys who were born in April can be called ambitious stubborn people who think only about their desires. Quite short-tempered and arrogant, they often misjudge situations and act recklessly. To soften character traits and add stability to him, the church calendar advises the names of Innocent, Miron, Plato, Zakhar, Ilya, Cyril, Benjamin, Yegor, Tikhon, Nikita and Grigory.


Boys who were born in the last month of spring no doubt claim the status of the most stubborn children, and it is often pointless to argue with them. Unlike April, they are quite calm and balanced, they never do stupid things. They prefer to achieve their goal consistently, slowly and without compromising their principles, therefore the names Anton, Viktor, Alexander, Maxim, Alexei, Vitaly, Ivan, Nikolai, Mikhail, Pavel, and Roman are best suited.


In the first month of summer, kind and energetic children are usually born, distinguished by a high level of intelligence, self-sufficiency, and determination. It cannot be said that they have pronounced leadership qualities, but they are always in the spotlight - they love noisy companies and heartfelt conversations. It is best to call those born in July by the names Timothy, Vasily, Alexei, Nikita, Mikhail, Fedor, Ivan, Peter, Zakhar, Mark and Konstantin.


Balanced young men grow up boys born in the middle of summer. Such children will not cause any special problems, but will support and support their parents. A distinctive feature of julyat is extreme emotionality, a tendency to experience and deeply analyze their actions. Most suitable for them are such names as Vladimir, Peter, Philip, Semyon, Leo, Arkady, Sergey, Dmitry, Savva, Andrey, Bogdan and Stepan.


A boy born in August will be successful in life and he will touch any undertakings. A persistent, ambitious and purposeful young man will be distinguished by amazing performance, and diligence, which is why he is simply doomed to achieve his goals. Character flaws to be prepared for are resentment, unreasonable outbursts of anger, and a painful perception of criticism. The most suitable names are Vitaly, Valery, Boris, Makar, Klim, Ivan, Maxim, Nikolai, Alexander and Ostap.


Boys born in the first autumn month have a calm, balanced character and the ability to stand up for themselves and others. They are distinguished by a sharp mind, perseverance, determination and a creative approach to life. The church calendar advises naming such children Matvey, Ivan, Vadim, Pavel, Vladimir, Fedor, Nazar, Makar, Gennady and Ignat.


Born in October, they have a developed intellect and a craving for knowledge. Friendly and sociable, they are more drawn to books than to others, but at the same time they manage to be the soul of the company. The disadvantages of the temper of such boys include the inconsistency of actions and the optional fulfillment of promises, therefore, in order to smooth out negative features, it is recommended to give names such as Nikolai, Feoktist, Dmitry, Edward, Grigory, Leonid, Zakhar, Prokhor and Benjamin.


Boys born in the middle of autumn are endowed with a tough and unyielding character, and are almost unable to compromise. They will not be stopped even by the fact that everyone around them will be against them - they will still continue to bend their line and defend their position. Parents are strongly advised to choose softer-sounding names in order to level out negative traits - Arseny, Elisha, Ivan, Anton, Emelyan, Felix, Peter, Evgeny and Alexey.


Like girls born in the last month of the year, boys are distinguished by an extreme degree of emotionality and irascibility. It is difficult to find a common language with such children, but it is possible - despite the difficult nature, December children easily make contact. They are free-spirited, energetic and straightforward. In order to emphasize the merits and brighten up character flaws, the church calendar advises choosing soft but sonorous names, for example, Yakov, Boris, Gleb, Oleg, Yuri, Andrey, Yegor, Artur, Makar, Mark and Ostap.


The birth of a baby is a very responsible and important thing for every parent. Of course, young mothers and fathers try to provide their baby with everything he needs in life, but this is not always possible. Some things for a child can be purchased at any specialized store - these are clothes, food, toys, etc. But the patronage of the Higher Forces will help ennoble the fate and help the child become happier. Every year, during each month, sacred dates are celebrated dedicated to the great Saints, the name day in 2018 is the naming of the child in honor of a particular saint. In Orthodoxy, giving a baby a name in honor of a Saint is called - to give a name according to the holy calendar.

The tradition of naming newborns in honor of the names of the Saints has come to us from the most ancient times. During the period of the Baptism of Russia, which was performed by Prince Vladimir, a similar Orthodox tradition meant trust Higher Powers. Since then, believers have carefully looked through the names before giving their own newborn child a certain name.

From ancient times, they came to the present day, in which all the name days of the Saints are registered. In any Orthodox sacred church, workers give good advice relatively right choice naming. If young parents have certain doubts in their souls, then they should turn to the clergy with their problems, the latter will definitely answer all their questions and give a practical hint.

It is believed that naming a baby according to the holy calendar is a sacred act. After all are met Orthodox fundamentals, the baby will receive a Guardian Angel as a reward from the Heavenly Forces, who will become both an assistant and a reliable protector to the child throughout his life. Believers are sure that the Guardian Angel is able to give strength to his ward, this becomes especially true in moments of sadness and trouble.

Modern young parents prefer that their child not only have an Orthodox name, but at the same time a beautiful and fashionable name. It is quite possible to combine all these conditions, because the Orthodox name day calendar for 2018 contains in its data many names that are very popular in the present times. An important aspect in giving a correct and harmonious name to an infant is to compare the name with its character. Let us denote which name days are found among the Saints in certain months, and what is the best name for a newborn who appeared in the White World at a certain period of the year.

The harsh winter time brings strictness and self-confidence to the temper of the kids. Such kids always know what they want to receive from own life, they are confidently heading towards their own goal, overcoming various obstacles on their fateful path.

January is considered a very good period for the birth of babies, because it was in this month that Jesus Christ appeared on the White Light. The winter time is connected with other religious holidays, which are of the utmost importance in the life of every Orthodox.

Children born in January will become happy, because there are only solid qualities in their character, and the Heavenly Forces and Patron Angels will become reliable helpers for such children. In January, there are plenty of beautiful names for both boys and newborn girls, so parents have a huge choice.

Name day in February 2018

The windy time of the year is February. The frosty period is also very good for the birth of long-awaited children. What kind of character will the February children be?

Purposefulness will become the dominant quality of such children, they clearly represent their desires and always stubbornly move towards their fulfillment. February babies are good-natured and sweet, they will have a happy fate if their parents try to choose the right church name for them.

It is important to remember that February kids have such a negative quality as a craving for leadership, but it can be well corrected with the help of the naming chosen according to the church naming calendar.

Name day in March 2018

Springtime is the most wonderful time of the year. It is on these bright days that an active awakening begins in nature. The initial period of the spring time of the year is known for its inconstancy, here both cold nights and sunny days are equally often observed. The Orthodox name day calendar for 2018 will definitely tell young parents by day, which name is best to choose for a March newborn. It does not hurt to find out what qualities of character Mother Nature endows with March children?

The baby, born at the beginning of the spring period, has a selfish, but good-natured disposition. Such children always try to do everything in their own way, but such spiritual qualities as constancy, loyalty to all those around them, justice are completely alien to them.

Name day in April 2018

The bright sunny month of April combines all the pleasant signs of springtime. In the Orthodox calendar of names, you can find the most popular and beautiful names for your kids. How do the saints advise naming newborns?

Name day in May 2018

With the advent of May, nature finally awakens, all living things become more active, and children born in this spring month are distinguished by self-confident and strong character traits. It is mistakenly believed that May is not a favorable period for the birth of babies, on the contrary, this season of the year is filled with joy, happiness and lordship.

It is necessary to tell a little about the character of the May children. Such kids are stubborn individuals, they always set specific goals for themselves and stubbornly achieve them. It is impossible to disappoint such a kid, but to instantly turn into an enemy for him is as easy as shelling pears. May kids hate hypocrisy, lies and betrayal. If once they observed similar manifestations from a number of surrounding people, then they instantly lose confidence in such individuals.

Birthday in June 2018

In June, you can rarely notice the real heat, during this period of the year everything is consistent and planned. Approximately the same qualities are possessed by children born in the initial summer month of the year. For June babies, it is important to carefully select the correct naming, it is impossible that too soft sounds are present in the name of such children. There is firmness in the character of the Junes, but they are too trusting and fickle. You can correct such shortcomings with the help of a harmoniously selected naming, which is combined with Orthodox traditions.

June boys are preferably called Ignat, Nikita, Ivan, Konstantin, Viktor, Makar, Leonid, Zakhar, Denis.

For girls, it is preferable to choose names such as Elena or Maria, Harita, Sophia, Martha or Vera.

Name day in July 2018

When parents mistakenly choose “wrong” names for their children, they thus drastically worsen their fate. You can’t give kids too newfangled names, such as Marionella or Leonardo. In Orthodoxy, they do not approve if a newborn is given a double naming, so the child becomes the owner double fate, he may be unhappy in the future.

For July babies, names are selected taking into account the basics of the Orthodox naming calendar. In the disposition of the child, strong and firm qualities predominate, the negative character is only a craving for deception.

Name day in August 2018

The end of summer in many cities is considered a golden time.Nature at this moment is “covered” with unusual colors, and such beauty is appropriately reflected in the character of newborn August children. Such kids are fair, outwardly sweet and good-natured, they are purposeful, fair and loyal. August kids do not tolerate insults and injustice, evil and vanity.

It should be clarified that for a child born in August, only a “solid” name is selected. Maiden names should also contain solid sounds. The thing is that the character of such babies is too kind, and soft sounds in the name will only further burden the naivety in the character of the baby, which in adulthood can cause a lot of unpleasant problems for a person.

Name day in September 2018

September is a wonderful month. In Christianity during this period there is great amount important celebrations. The most significant holiday of Orthodoxy is the Nativity of the Virgin. Believers solemnly celebrate an important holiday, in honor of the main event of the year a big feast is held, where all relatives and friends are invited.

The 2018 name day calendar offers parents a lot of options for choosing the right name for a newborn.

  • boys it is preferable to call Alexander, Nikolai, Maxim, Vladimir, Moses, Artem, Dmitry, Mikhail, Stepan.
  • For girls such names as Maria, Anfisa, Antonina, Vasilisa, Elena will be ideal.

Name day in October 2018

According to Orthodox customs, the sacred naming of the child is given on the date of his christening. The rite of Baptism is carried out strictly in Orthodox church. In exceptional cases, it is possible for a clergyman to visit the house. At Baptism by the priest, the baby is given a name that is pre-selected by the parents. It is important that it fits the basics of religion and does not contradict church canons. It is undesirable to name a baby in honor of deceased relatives. It is also not recommended to give the child the name that a person with an unfortunate fate had.

There are a lot of rules and fundamentals in choosing a suitable name for a child, but by observing all of them, parents ensure a happy fate for their child.

Name day in November 2018

The nature of the November children is very controversial, such kids prefer to live according to the rules established only by them. They do not like to indulge the whims of the people around them and contradict their life rules. The church calendar has a list of the best names for the November kids.

  • boys can be called Athanasius, Valery, Ivan, Pavel, Denis, Yakov, Vasily, Leonid, Makar, Naum, Andrey, Herman, Stepan, Nikolai, Artem, David, Kuzma.
  • Girls it is good to give names such as Elena or Anastasia, Eugenia or Anna, Elizabeth or Dominica, Vasilisa or Alexandra.

Name day in December 2018

Many parents wonder how the church feels about the fact that, for example, girls are given male names - Alexandra or Evgenia. It is important to note that in the Orthodox calendar of names there is no distinction between male or female names, the names of the Saints do not have a gender distribution, but still, young parents should not choose such names from the list of names that do not initially suit their child.

If parents have questions, then in any church church the clergyman will answer them. And yet, the final decision rests with the parents.

Good names for December kids Orthodox calendar are:

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