Twelfth holiday. All Twelve Orthodox Holidays

The buildings 15.10.2019
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In the Orthodox Church every day is marked by a memorable event. Surely everyone baptized person once in my life I heard the phrase "twelfth holidays." What does it mean? What church dates does this name refer to? And what a strange word - "twelfth"?

What is the Twelfth Feast?

This name arose from the Slavic "twelve" - ​​that is, "twelve". In the church classification, these holidays are the most significant after Easter, and they are celebrated with special triumph. All the twelfth holidays are dedicated to the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ and Holy Mother of God. In the Typicon (the statutory document of the Church, which regulates the rules and procedures for the celebration of divine services), they are marked with a red cross in a full circle, which also emphasizes their significance.

There are dates related to the twelfth holidays, such as fore-festivities, after-feasts and giving. In the first case, believers are preparing for a great event, they begin to celebrate in advance. In secular tradition, by the way, there is an unspoken sign that it is impossible to celebrate a holiday in advance, as well as to congratulate it. In Orthodoxy, the feast prepares a person for the celebration, reminds of events, helps to set oneself on a spiritual wave, from which he, perhaps, flew off due to being busy with everyday affairs.

afterfeast- This is a continuation of the holiday, which usually happens after a few days. BUT giving, you guessed it, is a “farewell” to the holiday until its next onset. The prolongation of celebrations in time, even if a person may not always be able to attend a divine service, helps, thanks to the presence of a calendar, to remember and live through the events of the holiday together with the whole Church, to think about one’s soul, the meaning of life, to mentally compare oneself with the “heroes” of memorable dates. This allows the believer to engage in spiritual self-development, because comparison with a saint will certainly show his own imperfection.

What Orthodox holidays belong to the Twelfth?

Here they are, many of them you are probably familiar with:

  1. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  2. Exaltation of the Holy Cross
  3. Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  4. Nativity
  5. Epiphany
  6. Meeting of the Lord
  7. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  8. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem
  9. Ascension of the Lord
  10. Day of the Holy Trinity
  11. Transfiguration
  12. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Why is Easter not one of the Twelve Feasts?

But you are probably gnawed by the question: why among these holidays there is no beloved Easter, the day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ? The greatness and significance of the events of Easter for Orthodox Christians is so great that this date, the day on which the Crucified Jesus Christ rose from the dead, rose from the tomb after a painful death, is usually put above the twelve holidays. The Resurrection of Christ, as it were, crowns these important memorable dates. By the way, on the icon of the Twelve Feasts, the fragment dedicated to Easter is traditionally depicted in the middle, while the events of the Twelve Feasts are placed along the perimeter of the icon.

Icon depicting the Twelve Feasts

Passing and non-moving holidays

The basis of the worship of the Orthodox Church is the annual calendar. It is he who determines the dates of celebrations and the order of service. The twelfth holidays are transitional (that is, their date always changes depending on the calendar instructions) and non-transferable (that is, they have a strictly fixed date).

Moving holidays include:

  1. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). Celebrated a week before Easter, and is always celebrated on different numbers because Easter is also a movable calendar date.
  2. The Church remembers the Ascension of the Lord on the 40th day after the feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, and, as we see, it also completely depends on this date.
  3. Holy Trinity Day falls on the 50th day after Easter.

Non-passing holidays make up the majority among the Twelve (in brackets - dates in a new, modern style):

  1. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin - September 8 (21);
  2. Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - 14 (27) September;
  3. Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos - November 21 (December 4);
  4. Christmas - December 25 (January 7);
  5. Epiphany - 6 (19) January
  6. Meeting of the Lord - 2 (15) February;
  7. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin - March 25 (April 7);
  8. Transfiguration of the Lord - 6 (19) August;
  9. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin - 15 (28) August.

Lord's and Mother of God holidays

Another classification of the twelfth holidays concerns their content. It has already been said above that the holidays are dedicated to the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos. Therefore, another division of them was called the Lord's and the Theotokos.

Lord's holidays:

  1. Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord;
  2. Nativity;
  3. Epiphany;
  4. Transfiguration;
  5. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem;
  6. Ascension of the Lord;
  7. Day of the Holy Trinity.

Holy holidays:

  1. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin;
  2. Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos;
  3. Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos;
  4. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  5. Meeting of the Lord.

How are the twelfth holidays different, besides to whom they are dedicated? Features of worship when it falls on a particular date, day of the week, or coincidence in date with each other. The feasts of the Lord, as well as Sunday - Little Pascha - will always have priority over the Feast of the Theotokos in the rite of worship.

The Meaning and Meaning of the Twelve Feasts

Speaking about the twelfth holidays, their name, dedication and classification, one should not forget about their meaning. This is how it will become clear why these 12 events have special reverence among Orthodox Christians.

1. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

An important mission was assigned to rescue fallen humanity from the slavery of sin. It was through the immaculate Virgin, born of righteous parents, Joachim and Anna, that Jesus Christ was to come into the world. And so it happened. Old Testament prophecies warned about the birth of the Virgin Mary and Her appearance was predetermined. She became the Gate through which God came to people, becoming outwardly similar to them.

2. Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

In 326, in Palestine, during excavations by Empress Catherine of Constantinople and Bishop Macarius of Jerusalem, three crosses were discovered, the very ones on which Jesus Christ and two thieves were crucified. According to legend, when one of the crosses was placed on a sick woman, she received healing. Thus, a significant Christian shrine was identified. Cross in ancient world was considered an instrument of shameful execution, and thanks to the Lord it became a symbol of the salvation of the soul, showing that spiritual self-development, the desire for god-likeness will not be simple, but associated with unceasing work and even suffering. The name "Exaltation" is due to the fact that during the service, dedicated to the holiday, The cross is raised for viewing by all those who pray. This tradition goes back to the time when the shrine was found.

3. Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos

When Saint Mary was 3 years old, her parents fulfilled the vow given at birth: to dedicate the child to God. When the Girl was brought to the temple and placed on the first step, She suddenly overcame them on her own, which caused considerable surprise. And the High Priest Zechariah intensified this surprise: he led the little Mother of God into the very Holy place Temple in Jerusalem, the Holy of Holies, where only he could enter and only once a year. From then on, Saint Mary until the age of 12, when she was married off, lived in a secret temple room. This event also shows the role of the Mother of Christ in the fate of all mankind.

4. Christmas

The holiday of Christmas is familiar to many, and everyone is well aware that January 7 is considered the date of birth of Jesus Christ two thousand years ago. That is how, on this day, we already remember the arrival of the Savior in human civilization, who had to show with His life how a person mired in sin, infected with a terrible disease of death, can be healed and become like God. Righteous Joseph, the husband of the Virgin, was to come to the city of Bethlehem for the census announced by the Roman emperor. The family did not have the opportunity to stay in a hotel, so they spent the night in a cave. There, the baby Jesus was born to Mary. First, the local shepherds came to bow, and then the wise men with gifts. The Jewish king Herod learned about the birth of Christ. Fearing that the event was a real encroachment on his power, he sent soldiers to kill all the babies in Bethlehem. Miraculously righteous Joseph with Mary and Jesus were warned and fled to Egypt.

5. Baptism of the Lord

When in Russia they talk about the feast of Epiphany, in the Church also called the Epiphany of the Lord, ice holes in the reservoirs are invariably remembered, Epiphany water and swimming in the freezing cold. In fact, on January 19, the events of antiquity are remembered, when in the waters of the Jordan River, John the Baptist, better known as the Baptist, performed the rite of baptism over Jesus Christ. On that day, by the way, it was established as a sacrament and now all Orthodox Christians resort to it in order to become members of the Church. According to legend, the Holy Spirit descended on Christ from heaven in the form of a dove, and a voice was heard from heaven proclaiming: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17).

6. Meeting of the Lord

The unknown word "sretenie" from Slavic literally translates as "meeting". Who met with whom? As already mentioned, the Jewish tradition prescribed to bring their firstborn children to the temple for the dedication of the latter to God. As in the case of the Most Holy Theotokos, the parents did the same. Met the righteous Joseph and Mary together with the Infant Christ Simeon, a respected theologian-translator, who lived, according to legend, for more than 300 years. Simeon took Jesus in his arms, blessed and uttered the words that later became the famous prayer "Now you let go ...". The meeting of the Divine Infant with an old representative of the Old Testament Church symbolizes the meeting of mankind with God.

7. Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

The Feast of the Annunciation tells us about the events connected with the "good news". Archangel Gabriel appeared and announced that it was She who would become the Gate through which the Savior would come to human civilization. The angel said that it would be necessary to call the Son Jesus, and Holy Mary agreed with the high mission ahead of Her.

8. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

This day is popularly called Palm Sunday, and the branches of the tree are carried to the temple, consecrated and then kept somewhere in the house all day ... In Israel, there was no willow, but there was a palm tree, and it was the branches of this tree that were originally symbols of the holiday. A week before His death on the cross, Jesus Christ, already glorified by His preaching, miracles and good deeds, was on his way to Jerusalem. He entered the city on a donkey (although he could have done it on a beautiful horse and as part of a whole column), which gave people an example of modesty. The inhabitants of the city met Jesus as a king: the road along his route was strewn with just the same palm branches and glorified with the most enthusiastic words. In the Jerusalem temple, Christ dispersed the merchants who turned the House of God into a real bazaar, healed sick people and retired to the city of Bethany. It can be said that the events of Palm Sunday became a kind of pre-feast of Easter.

9. Ascension of the Lord

Ascension refers to the holidays celebrated after the Resurrection of Christ. The resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples for 40 days and talked about the Kingdom of Heaven. At the end of this period, he ascended to heaven, saying to the astonished apostles the famous life-affirming words: “I am with you all the days until the end of the age. Amen" (Matthew 28:20). This holiday speaks of deification, shows what fate a person who lives according to the commandments of God will be rewarded with.

10. Holy Trinity Day

This holiday can be considered the birthday of the Orthodox Church. Already on the 50th day after Easter, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven on the apostles, the disciples of Christ, supernaturally making them able to preach the faith, speak other languages, and teach people.

11. Transfiguration of the Lord

In Russia, folk tradition dubbed the holiday "Apple Spas". Jesus Christ ascended Mount Tabor, where he called the apostles Peter, James and John with him to pray. During prayer, the face of Christ suddenly shone with a bright light, and the clothes also became light. The prophets Moses and Elijah appeared before the apostles and began to talk with the Lord! After these events, Jesus forbade the apostles to talk about what they saw before His resurrection. But this incident showed the divinity of the origin of Christ, although until the very end of His earthly life, close people could only guess about it.

The twelfth holidays are divided into transitory and non-transitory. The dates of the moving holidays each year depend on the time of the celebration of Easter, which always falls on a Sunday. The date of Easter is determined according to the rule that was established at the First Ecumenical Council in 325 in the city of Nicaea. According to this rule, Orthodox Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the spring full moon.
There are three passing twelve feasts: the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), the Ascension of the Lord and the Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost)
Dates of non-transferable holidays do not change.

Twelfth non-passing holidays

The Nativity of Christ occupies a special place in the Orthodox church tradition and is one of the main Orthodox holidays.

Christmas is preceded by a long fast, which becomes especially strict immediately before the holiday.

The day of the strictest fast is the eve of the feast of the Nativity of Christ, called the Eve of the Nativity or Christmas Eve. There is a custom, as a sign of reverent expectation of the spiritual triumph of Christmas night, not to eat food on this day until dusk, until the first star appears in the sky, reminiscent of the star of Bethlehem, which once led the Magi and shepherds to the cradle of the Divine Infant Jesus.

The holiday is established in remembrance of the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ the Son of God from the Virgin Mary. From a dogmatic point of view, the Nativity of Christ - the incarnation of God the Word in human form - is the central moment in the history of Divine economy, the beginning of human salvation. At the same time, this is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies about the appearance of the Messiah, the Savior and the Heavenly King.

(January 19)

The Baptism of the Lord is also called Theophany and Enlightenment. Epiphany - because the Lord, after being baptized, spoke for gospel preaching, showing himself to the world as a savior and messiah, Enlightenment - because God is an eternal light that enlightens the world.

Like the feast of the Nativity of Christ, Epiphany is preceded by a day of strict fasting - the Eve of Theophany (Epiphany Eve), which testifies to the special significance of the beginning celebration.

On this day, the Orthodox remember the baptism of Jesus Christ, which he received at the age of 30 in the waters of the Jordan River. According to church tradition, on the feast of Epiphany, water acquires special healing properties. It is believed that baptismal water, which believers treat with special reverence, gives strength and gives health to everyone who touches it.

Therefore, for a long time, on this day, despite the frost, there is a tradition of swimming in the hole. Orthodox Christians believe that baptismal water brings bodily and spiritual health. However, according to the rules, you can swim only after the clergy perform the rite of the great blessing of the water.

Presentation of the Lord
(February, 15)

On the feast of the Meeting of the Lord, the Church commemorates an important event in the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ, when on the 40th day after his birth, the Divine Infant was brought to the Temple in Jerusalem. According to the law of Moses, a woman who gave birth to a baby was forbidden to enter the temple of God for 40 days.
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord ends the Christmas cycle of holidays associated with the appearance of the Savior into the world. On this day, believers go to churches and temples to bow to the Christ Child.

It is believed that winter meets summer on this day.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(April 7)

According to the Gospel, on this day, the archangel Gabriel descended to the Virgin Mary and said: "The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women," after which he said that the Holy Spirit would descend on Mary and the Son of God, named Jesus, would be born to her. According to legend, the archangel held a white lily in his hands - a symbol of purity and purity, which is depicted on almost all icons of the annunciation.

The date of the holiday was determined by counting nine months ago from the Nativity of Christ.

On this day, during the festive divine service, the Orthodox celebrate a special rite of the breaking of bread, after which the blessed "blessed" bread and wine are distributed to the parishioners.

The Feast of the Annunciation almost always falls on the days of Great Lent, but on this day, according to the church charter, it is allowed to eat fish.

According to the existing centuries-old tradition, work on the Annunciation is considered a grave sin. Hence the saying: "A bird does not nest on the Annunciation, and a girl does not weave braids."

(August 19)

The holiday was established in memory of one of highlights earthly ministry of Christ: during the prayer on Mount Tabor, at which the apostles Peter, James and John were present, Divine light began to emanate from Christ, striking the apostles and casting them down.

On the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord in all Orthodox churches a rite of illumination of apples of a new crop is performed - the apple Savior.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(August 28)

The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most revered in Orthodoxy. On this day, believers remember the deeds of the Mother of God and ask her for intercession. The Most Holy Theotokos, after the sufferings of the Savior on the Cross, according to His divine testament, lived in the house of His beloved disciple John the Theologian. Her glorious Dormition took place in the 72nd year of her earthly life. On this day at the Lady miraculously the holy apostles, preaching the Gospel in different parts of the world, gathered and buried her body in Gethsemane near the Mount of Olives. Three days later, the apostles, by common advice, opened the tomb, but the bodies Mother of God was no longer in it. On the same day, during prayer, the apostles saw the Mother of God in the air, surrounded by angels, in the radiance of heavenly glory. The Orthodox Church believes that the Lord resurrected Her and took Her to Himself with a holy body.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(September 21)

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary begins the annual cycle of great - twelfth - holidays. It is believed that this event is the boundary of the Old and New Testaments. The one who was to become the Mother of the Savior was born in the small Galilean city of Nazareth. The legend says: Her parents Joachim and Anna, known for their righteous life, were childless until their old age, which was considered a sign of God's wrath, but Anna made a vow to God: if He gives them a child, then it will serve in the temple of God. Prayers were heard: God's messenger Archangel Gabriel appeared and announced to them the birth of their daughter Mary (which means "Lady, Hope"), the future Mother of Jesus Christ.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross
(September 27)

The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord was established in honor of the appearance of the cult sign of Christianity - the Cross.

The persecution of Christians ceased only at the beginning of the 4th century, under the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. On the eve of the decisive battle, he and all his army saw in the sky the sign of the cross, made up of light, with the inscription: "conquer this." The next night, Jesus Christ himself appeared to the emperor with a cross in his hand and said that with this sign he would defeat the enemy, and ordered to arrange a military banner with the image of the holy Cross.

Emperor Constantine the Great, wanting to find the cross on which Jesus was crucified, sent his mother, Queen Elena, to Jerusalem in search. Three crosses were found on Mount Golgotha. To find out on which bottom the Savior was crucified, they alternately laid crosses on the deceased. When the Cross of the Lord was laid, the dead man came to life. The assembled Christians asked to raise, erect the Cross, so that everyone could, even from a distance, contemplate it.

In memory of the finding of the Cross of the Lord and His exaltation, the Holy Orthodox Church established the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. On this holiday, a fast is laid to deepen the reverent remembrance of the Savior's suffering on the Cross.

Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(December 4)

The entrance into the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos took place, according to the stories preserved by Tradition, as follows. The parents of the Virgin Mary, the righteous Joachim and Anna, praying for the resolution of infertility, made a vow: if a child is born, dedicate him to the service of God.

When the Blessed Virgin was three years old, the holy parents decided to fulfill their promise and gave her up for obedience to the Temple in Jerusalem. On December 4, on the Day of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Orthodox Church celebrates, as it were, the second, spiritual, birth of the Mother of God.

Twelfth Transient Feasts

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)

Palm Sunday celebrated natively a week before Easter.

This holiday is established in memory of the events described in the New Testament. A few days before Easter, Jesus Christ solemnly entered Jerusalem on a donkey. Neither the disciples nor the inhabitants of the city knew at that time that the Savior was moving towards the sufferings of the cross, death and resurrection. The townspeople, taking palm branches in their hands, greeted him with cries of "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, King of Israel!"

Since then, this day is called Palm Sunday, and palm leaves are considered a symbol of martyrdom and purity. In Belarus, as in Russia, where palm trees do not grow, and other trees have not yet blossomed at this time of the year, since ancient times there has been a tradition to consecrate willow branches.

FROM Palm Sunday connected many folk omens and belief. In particular, on this day, they tried to touch a person with a willow branch brought from the temple in order to endow him with health and beauty. It is believed that the consecrated willow has a special healing power and must be kept until the next Palm Sunday.

Ascension of the Lord

Ascension is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter. According to legend, 40 days after His Resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to his apostles for the last time, promising them that the Holy Spirit would soon be sent down to earth. Then the Savior led his disciples from Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives, blessed them, rising into the sky, and disappeared behind the clouds.

This event ended the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, who in his person raised human nature to the throne of God the Father and thus prepared it for the reception of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Trinity Day (Pentecost)

This holiday, celebrated seven weeks after Easter, is dedicated to the memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ. Therefore, the day of the Holy Trinity is also called Pentecost. As biblical sources testify, the sending of the Holy Spirit was promised by the Lord to his disciples before his Ascension. After that, they all received the gift of tongues - the ability to speak in various languages ​​unknown to them before, preaching about the great deeds of God. Therefore, the day of the Holy Trinity is also called the birthday of the Christian Church.

On the day of the Holy Trinity, from ancient times, Christians decorate churches and their homes with green fresh tree branches and themselves serve in churches with flowers.

The twelfth holidays are celebrated in honor of major events earthly life of Jesus Christ and his mother - the Mother of God. There are twelve of these special holidays, so they are called the Twelfth (from the Old Russian two in ten- twelve).
Twelfth holidays are organized orthodox calendar. They are divided into non-transitory, fixed by calendar dates, and passing, counted from the day Easter, the date of which changes and is calculated according to special tables - paschal. Easter is considered by the Orthodox holiday of holidays and is not among the Twelve Feasts. Russian Orthodox Church the twelfth holidays are celebrated on old style, therefore, in modern calendars, two dates are indicated - by new style and old style.
In the twelfth holidays are allocated Lord's holidays, Related earthly life Jesus Christ, and Mother of God holidays associated with the earthly life of the Virgin.
To Lord's holidays relate:- celebrated on January 7 (December 25) in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ. - celebrated on January 19 (January 6) in memory of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. Meeting of the Lord- celebrated on February 15 (February 2). Word Candlemas in Church Slavonic means "meeting". According to the Gospel, on the 40th day after birth, in accordance with the law, the baby Jesus was brought to Jerusalem. The righteous Simeon also came there, to whom it was predicted that he would not be able to die until he saw the new God - Christ. Simeon saw Jesus and thanked God that now he can safely leave this life.
As a "meeting", Candlemas in folk tradition associated with the change of seasons. By folk beliefs, on this day from spring meet, and if there is a thaw on Candlemas, then spring will be early and warm. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - celebrated a week before Easter in memory of the day when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, and the people greeted him with palm leaves. In Russia, on this day, instead of palm branches, believers decorate churches with branches. willow- the first shrub that blooms in spring. Consecrated willow bouquets are also placed at home. The holiday has a household name - Palm Sunday. Ascension of the Lord - celebrated on the 40th day after Easter in honor of the day when Jesus Christ completed his earthly life and ascended into Heaven, or ascended. Trinity(Holy Trinity Day) is one of the main Christian holidays. In Christian teaching, the Holy Trinity is God, one in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The holiday is established, according to legend, in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles on the 50th day after Easter. Hence the other name of the holiday - Pentecost. This event is interpreted by the church as the beginning of the wide spread of Christianity. On Trinity, churches and houses are decorated with birch branches ( cm.). Saturday Eve of Trinity Trinity Saturday) go to cemeteries and commemorate ( cm.) of the dead.
The trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit is reflected in the famous icon Andrey Rublev created by him for the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra Sergius of Radonezh. The Russian Church considers this image of the Trinity the best and canonical. "Trinity" Rublev is stored in Tretyakov Gallery. Reproductions of the icon are often placed not only in church literature, but also in secular books about Russian culture, one of the symbols of which is the "Trinity" is considered in our time. Transfiguration - celebrated on August 19 (August 6) in memory of the day when Christ, during prayer, was transformed in front of the disciples, revealing his divine essence: his face began to radiate radiance, his clothes turned white. At this time, the voice of God the Father was heard from heaven, who said: "This is My beloved Son, listen to Him." Transfiguration is not only a church holiday, it is one of the favorite Russian folk holidays. He is called Apple Savior. It is believed that apples ripen only by this day ( cm.). On this day, fruits are consecrated in the church, most often apples. Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Exaltation of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord) - is celebrated on September 27 (September 14) as a holiday in honor of finding the place of execution of Jesus, the Holy Sepulcher and cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The only one of the twelfth holidays that is not directly related to the earthly life of Christ.
To Mother of God holidays relate: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - celebrated on September 21 (September 8) in memory of the birth of the Virgin Mary - the Mother of God. Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary - celebrated on December 4 (November 21) in memory of the day when the three-year-old Virgin Mary was first brought to the temple by her parents to serve God. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - celebrated on April 7 (March 25) in memory of the day when, according to legend, the Virgin Mary received good(good, happy) news from the Archangel Gabriel that she would become the mother of the God-man. Isstari on Russia There was a tradition on this day to release birds into the wild. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 28 (August 15) is celebrated as the day of the death of the Virgin Mary. The holiday is called the Assumption (“falling asleep”), because the Mother of God died quietly, as if falling asleep. , taking place from August 14 to 27, is called the Assumption.
On the Twelfth Feasts, especially solemn divine services are held. These days churches and temples are visited by many believers.
The names of the twelfth holidays are often called temples ( cm., ), in which the central place is occupied by icons dedicated to the corresponding holiday: for example, in the Annunciation Cathedral Moscow Kremlin temple icon is the icon "Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary" (XVII century), in the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra - "Trinity" (XIV century) Andrei Rublev. The themes of the Twelve Feasts are also reflected in the paintings of the cathedrals. Icons depicting the twelfth holidays are usually holiday rank Russian iconostasis.
The themes and plots of the twelfth holidays occupy a significant place in Russian classical painting. Widely known: painting A.A. Ivanov "The Appearance of Christ to the People"(1855), murals of the Kyiv Vladimir Cathedral (1885–1893) V.M. Vasnetsov, mosaics and icons of the church Savior on Blood in Petersburg(1894–1897) M.V. Nesterov. About the place of the twelfth holidays in life Russians, holiday traditions are described in the famous book I.S. Shmeleva"Summer of the Lord" (where the word summer means 'year').
Willow - a symbol of Palm Sunday:

Palm Sunday on Red Square in Moscow. Palm market. Photo of the beginning of the 20th century:

Festive tier of the iconostasis:

Russia. Large linguo-cultural dictionary. - M .: State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .

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    twelfth holidays- 12 most important Orthodox church holidays: December 25 (January 7) Nativity of Christ, January 6 (19) Epiphany (Theophany), February 2 (15) Meeting, March 25 (April 7) Annunciation, a week before Easter Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem … … encyclopedic Dictionary

    twelfth holidays- a stable combination of the Twelve most important Orthodox holidays: Christmas / Christ / on January 7 (December 25), Epiphany / Lord's day / day on January 19 (6), Wednesday / February 15 (2), Annunciation / April 7 (March 25) , Entrance of the Lord / day in Jerusalem / m (Palm ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Twelfth holidays- the twelve most important church holidays after Easter. Some of them have fixed dates once and for all: Christmas on December 25 / January 7, Epiphany (Baptism of the Lord) on January 6/19, Presentation of the Lord on February 2/15, Annunciation ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary

Every day the church honors the memory of a saint or celebrates some event. Any church festival carries a deep meaning - this is how such celebrations differ from secular ones: they are always instructive, educate people, encourage them to good deeds and set them in the right mood.

To better understand what the Twelfth Holidays are, you should look for similar ones in the secular calendar. For example, can it be a similar analogue? Of course not - it's fun, albeit with a reason, but without a reason. Or New Year? This is a celebration loved by everyone, but empty - to sit at the set table, make some noise at night, and in the morning to collect fragments of dishes broken by guests from the floor - that's the whole point! The only event, perhaps, that is somewhat reminiscent of the twelfth holiday is Victory Day. This celebration inspires, gives life guidelines, instructs. The same thing happens in the soul of a believer during church festivities.

Orientation of folk traditions

Twelfth Orthodox holidays - special days, which are dedicated to the main events of the worldly life of Christ and his mother, the Most Holy Theotokos. There are twelve such celebrations in total, which is why they are called the twelve. A thousand years ago, the tradition of celebrating them arose, and now they are celebrated all over the world not only by Orthodox Christians, but also by staunch atheists. Such an interest is not accidental - it is church holidays (twelfth) that expressively and excellently reflect the customs and national culture of society. On the Slavic land, they were established step by step, sweeping aside demonic rituals and dark prejudices and being filled with elements of ancient Slavic traditions. Their development was long and difficult. Only thanks to the majority of such celebrations survived. It was she who, reviled, banned and persecuted for more than 8 decades of the 20th century, took the Christian faith under protection and saved the folk Orthodox heritage.

What do the twelfth holidays mean for people

These days for believers are the peaks of rejoicing in the year, the days of approaching Jesus, the days of salvation. They rejoice that the Lord turned His attention to people, that the Mother of God, being a person, the same as all of us, became in the Kingdom of Heaven, and everyone can turn to her with the words: “Save us.” Believers celebrate the fact that already here, on earth, a person can unite with God. Such celebrations give people hope, strengthen faith, awaken love in their hearts.

General concepts

Twelfth holidays are delimited depending on:

  • content - Lord's (Lord's), Mother of God, saints' days;
  • solemnities of the church service: small, medium, great;
  • celebration time: stationary, moving

For the glorification of Jesus Christ, eight days are set, for the veneration of the Virgin Mary - four, which is why some are called Lord's, and others - Mother of God. Easter does not belong to such celebrations - this is the most important and beautiful celebration. If the twelfth days are like stars that delight people with their twinkling, then the most holy Easter is like the sun, without which life on Earth is impossible, and before the brilliance of which any stars fade.

September 21 - Nativity of the Virgin

This date is the birthday of the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary. Little is known about the worldly life of the woman who gave salvation to the whole world. According to legend, the pious Anna and Joachim did not have children for a long time. Once, during prayer, they made a vow that if a child was born, they would designate him to serve God. After that, both dreamed of an angel at the same time, he announced that an extraordinary child would soon appear, and the glory of him would sound throughout the great earth. As the subsequent events known to everyone testify, this prophecy came true.

September 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross

This twelfth feast is dedicated to the worship of the Cross, on which the Savior accepted torment and death. This Cross, as well as the burial place of Christ, were found on the holy land by Queen Elena three hundred years later.

November 21 - Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos

When the Virgin Mary was three years old, the righteous parents decided that the time had come to fulfill the vow made to the Lord. For consecration to God, they left their only daughter in the temple, where she, immaculate and sinless, began to intensively prepare for the Motherhood.

January 7 - Christmas

This is one of the most important Christian holidays. It is officially declared the birthday of Jesus. The Gospel tells that Mary and Joseph - the parents of Christ - were forced to spend the whole night in a cave, where the baby was born. After his birth, the cave was lit up with light, and the brightest star suddenly shone in the sky.

January 19 - Theophany, or Baptism of the Lord

At 30 new era in the city of Bethabara, on the banks of the Jordan, on that very day, the baptism of the sinless thirty-year-old Jesus took place. He did not need to repent, he came in order to bless the water with himself and give it to us for holy Baptism. Then the Savior went to the desert for 40 days in search of divine enlightenment.

February 15 - Meeting of the Lord

This twelfth holiday is dedicated to the meeting, that is, the meeting of the God-receiver Simeon, who was looking forward to the Savior of the world, with Jesus, a 40-day-old baby, whom his parents first brought to the temple to be dedicated to God.

April 7 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Mother of God)

Apparently, in the history of the human race there are two primary events: the birth and resurrection of Christ. From the Archangel Gabriel on March 25 (old style) the Virgin Mary received the good news that she was destined to give birth to the Savior of the world. Hence the name - the Annunciation.

On the eve of Easter, on Sunday - Palm Sunday

After spending forty days in the wilderness, Jesus entered Jerusalem. On this date, believers are sad, realizing what kind of torment and suffering awaited Christ in the following days. Holy Week begins.

40 days after Easter, on Thursday - the Ascension of the Lord

The twelfth feast in honor of the day when Jesus ascended to heaven, but promised to return. Note that the number 40 is not accidental. In sacred history, this is the period when all feats end. In the case of Jesus, this is the completion of his earthly ministry: on the 40th day after the Resurrection, he was supposed to enter the Temple of his Father.

On the 50th day after Easter, on Sunday - the Holy Trinity

Sometimes the Trinity is called Pentecost. It was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and made them prophets. In this manifestation the mystery of the Holy Trinity was revealed.

August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord (Spas)

Christ, a short time before the torment on the Cross, together with his disciples John, Peter and James, ascended to pray. While Jesus was praying, the disciples fell asleep, and when they woke up, they saw that He was talking with God the Father. At this moment, Christ was completely transformed: His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became snow-white.

August 28 - Assumption of the Mother of God (Holy Mother of God)

This is a symbolic day (it is not indicated in the canonical texts) of the death of the Virgin Mary. The Mother of God lived a rather long life - seventy-two years by the standards of the first century of the new era.


All twelfth holidays have their symbolic images. The icon of any celebration, in honor of which the temple was consecrated, can be placed on the iconostasis in the second row from the bottom or in the local row. In churches where there is a complete iconostasis, icons of the Twelve Feasts are usually placed between the deesis and local rows.

Many people who are not so far from the church, if you ask them what are the Twelfth holidays Orthodox Church, fall into a stupor.

And really, what are these days in general and what does the church celebrate in them?

Yes, and how many are there?

Twelfth holidays in calendar order

To begin with, I would like to clarify that the calendar year in the church does not begin on the first of January, which is familiar to people, but on the first of September. Also, according to the Julian calendar (new style), in order to understand the exact date celebration, you need to add thirteen days to the date according to the old style.

In many sources, there is a discrepancy in the dating of the celebration, so both will be indicated in this article.

The Orthodox Church, unlike the Catholic Church, celebrates all the twelfth holidays using the date of the new style. But there are exceptions, which are more preferable old style. It is worth considering this before going to the liturgy.

Generally, The Twelfth Feasts are festivals established in honor of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. They also include holidays relating to the Blessed Virgin Mary - the Virgin Mary.

Take into account: among them there are both fixed, whose date has been fixed for centuries, and there are also those that depend on others. For example, at least three holidays depend on Easter.

List of 12 Orthodox holidays

The list of holidays in the year is given below:

  1. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary begins both the calendar year of the twelfth feasts and the cycle of the Mother of God feasts, and is celebrated on September 8 ( September 21 according to new Art.). This is, in fact, the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary at St. Joachim and St. Anna. This event was captured on the icons of the same name, as well as in the Holy Scriptures.
  2. Second in calendar year the twelfth holidays are coming Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, which is celebrated on September 14 (September 27 according to new Art.). This feast is very important for all of Christianity, since around this day, several dozen centuries ago, the cross was found, which Jesus Christ carried to Calvary - the greatest relic christian church.After that, the persecution of Christians practically ceased, and peacetime began for several years.
  3. Equally important is Entry into the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary which meant that St. Joachim and St. Anna recognize the will of God and give their only daughter to Him to serve. This event in the church is celebrated on November 21 ( December 4 according to new Art.). Just like Christmas, the Introduction was reflected in icons, as well as in several works of literature.
  4. One of the most important holidays is considered to be Nativity, celebrated by the church on December 25 ( January 7 according to new Art.). On this day, according to Holy Scripture, was born in the cave Lord Jesus Christ. This event is depicted on many icons, and in literature it is even assigned separate place.When this holiday is celebrated, temples may hold their services throughout the night.
  5. Thirty years after his birth, the Lord was allowed to be baptized (earlier it was impossible to preach if the preacher was not baptized). This event - Epiphany- celebrated in the church on January 6 ( January 19 according to new Art.). It is included in the circle of the main festivities of the Orthodox Church, so special liturgies are served on this day.
  6. Earlier, on the fortieth day after the birth of a baby boy, his parents carried him to the temple in order to dedicate him to God. So in the life of Jesus Christ there was such a moment, now celebrated by the church on February 2 ( February, 15 according to new Art.) . Since he was the firstborn, Joseph and Mary without hesitation carried him to the temple, where for about three hundred years the elder St. Simeon the God-bearer.
  7. Some time after leaving the temple and living with the betrothed Joseph, an angel comes to the Virgin Mary, who announces to Her that the Savior of the world is in Her womb.
    As a rule, this holiday is celebrated on March 25 ( April 7 according to new Art.). Laudatory kontakions and prayers are said a few days before the holiday itself.
  8. On the last Sunday before Easter, the church celebrates Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which meant the voluntary coming of Jesus Christ to his death. There is no exact date for the celebration, it is a movable feast that depends on Easter. In another way this day is called Palm Sunday.
  9. The next holiday also depends on Easter- this is Ascension of the Lord. It is celebrated, as a rule, after forty days and is very important for the church. On that day the Lord ascended into heaven. From this day, the reading of the troparion "The Lord is risen from the dead ..." is stopped.
  10. Another, no less important holiday - Trinity Day("Trinity", in the people), otherwise referred to as the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles or Pentecost. It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ. The Church celebrates this day as a memory of the Holy Spirit, who descended on the Apostles and allowed them to carry the good news in many languages.
  11. August 6 ( August 19 according to new st.) in the church celebrates Transfiguration- the day when Jesus Christ appeared before his three closest disciples, praying on the mountain.
    People call this holiday Apple Spas. This day completes the circle of the feasts of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  12. Completes the calendar cycle of the Twelfth and Mother of God feasts Assumption of the Mother of God- the day when the Blessed Virgin Mary peacefully fell asleep and went to heaven to her Son. As a rule, this festival is celebrated on August 15 ( August 28 according to new Art.). This is one of the main holidays that every Christian knows.

The church has a lot of holidays in total - the days of memory of various saints, martyrs, reverends, holy martyrs are celebrated daily, but these twelve holidays are the most important in the Orthodox calendar year.

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