When is the name day for us in. What date is Anastasia's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

landscaping 15.10.2019

On January 4, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Witnesser. Read about the history of one of the most popular female names in Russia and St. Anastasia in our material.

The origin of the name "Anastasia" is connected with the ancient Greek language and in translation means "resurrection", "return to life". There is also a pair man's name with the same meaning, but it is not widely used in Russia.

About popularity female name Orthodox saints testify. In the Russian calendar Orthodox Church we will meet 15 saints with this name, most of them (10 people) are martyrs. One venerable Anastasia - the mother of the venerable Sava of Serbia, one Alexandrian hermit, who, according to legend, lived in monastery under the name Anastasius - a eunuch, one passion-bearer - the daughter of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, another nun and St. Anastasia of Latria.

No less impressive is the list of saints with a paired male name Anastasius - it has 20 Orthodox ascetics from different countries- from Egypt to Persia, Bulgaria and Russia.

Name Anastasia in different languages

The harmonious sonorous name has long been loved not only in Russia, but also abroad. In Britain we will meet Stacy (Stacy), in Germany - Nastja, Anastasija (Anastasia), in France - Anastasi, Naste (Anastasi and Nastya), in Slavic languages ​​​​variations of our Anastasia. In general, "Nastya" was loved throughout Europe - from warm Greece to cold Russia. Anastasia can be found even in China or Korea.

Nastya, Nastenka and other abbreviated and diminutive forms of the name Anastasia

A rare Russian personal name can compete with Nastya in a variety of diminutive forms. Tasya, Stasya and even Asya - all these forms in the modern dictionary of personal names are associated with the familiar Nastenka, and there is also Anastasiyushka, Anastaska, Nastasya, Nastya (Nasta), Nasya (Nasa), Nata, Naya, Nayusya, Nyusya, Nastya, Tyona, Nastya, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyulya (Nastulya), Nastyunya (Nastunya), Nastyura, Styura, Nastya, Nastyusha, Nastyakha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Syusha, Asyuta, Syuta. If a person needs to turn to some “Anastasia Ivanovna”, then it is worth remembering that this name has the same forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases.

Male name Anastasy

A male name with the same ancient Greek root is not often seen in Russia. Most people will only remember Anastas Mikoyan, the Soviet leader with short form name "Anastasy".

Mikoyan is now most often spoken of in connection with the meat-packing plant of the same name. In the 30s, Anastas Ivanovich was a people's commissar Food Industry and created the Soviet fast food. In particular, not without his participation, the famous “Doctor’s” sausage and the infamous “fish days” in Soviet canteens were invented.

Few people know that Anastas Mikoyan studied in 1916 at the Theological Academy, located in the Etchmiadzin Monastery.

In other countries, the male name Anastasius was more common; four Roman popes and two Byzantine emperors can serve as proof of this.

Pope Anastasius IV, who lived in the 12th century, entered the history of the Church as a Roman bishop with one of the most short terms stay in the pulpit of the eternal city. He was Pope for a little over one year - from July 12, 1153 to December 3, 1154, but during this time he transferred the relics of the saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Helena- the mothers of Constantine the Great were transferred to a modest shrine, and he prepared a luxurious antique sarcophagus, where the remains of the saint had previously been kept, for himself. In this sarcophagus he was buried in the crypt of St. Peter.

But among the female celebrities there was a sea - the tennis player Myskina, the heroine of Dostoevsky Nastasya Filippovna, the woman - the hero Nastasya Mikulishna, the daughter of the last Russian emperor Nicholas - this is just a short list of historical figures and literary characters with the name Anastasia. Anastasia was also the daughter of the Prince of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise - the Queen of Hungary. Her image can be found on a fresco Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. The fate of the queen herself was very difficult - from Hungary she had to flee with her children to Bavaria. One of her sons argued with Anastasia Yaroslavna and even raised his hand to her.

Name Nastya

In the new millennium, you rarely find a school, institute or job where there would not be a girl or Nastya's girlfriend. In 1978-1981, 31 out of a thousand babies were called Anastasia, and this name was only in 11th place. But then the rapid growth in popularity began:

In the 80s of the last century, Yuri Antonov sang "Anastasia":

Life is wide open to me,
You came, spring is more beautiful.
Birds in the sky are chirping: "Nastya",
Herbs echo: "Anastasia."
Happy am I, conquered by power
Those eyes are cornflower blue.
Lips tenderly whisper: "Nastya",
The heart echoes: "Anastasia."

Since then, the popularity of the name has been constantly growing.

In 2011, 53 out of a hundred newborn Muscovites were named Anastasia. Several times over the past 15 years, this name has come out on top in popularity. In 2013, it was second, losing the championship to Maria in Moscow.

Name day Anastasia

Rare owners of the name can boast of such an abundance of patron saints. Nastya can celebrate name days on January 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, June 1, 5 and 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11 and 12, December 17.

Saints named Anastasia

In the Orthodox calendar, you can find at least fifteen saints with this name, let's try to tell a little about the most famous ascetics.

Among the ascetics with the name Anastasia, in the first place in terms of fame will be the patron saint of prisoners - the holy great martyr Anastasia the Unleasher. Her earliest life, which has come down to us, was compiled in the 6th century, so we know almost nothing about the life of this saint.

The Great Martyr Anastasia suffered in 304 during the cruel persecutions of Emperor Diocletian. It was an emperor who wanted to save the decaying Roman Empire. As the Christian writer Lactantius notes in his essay “On the Death of Persecutors”, the persecution for faith was total: “All people, (without distinction) of sex and age, were driven to the stake; and there were so many of them that they were surrounded not one by one, but in crowds, and put on fire; servants (same) were drowned in the sea, tying each to the neck of a millstone. . No less wild persecution touched other people, because the judges, scattered in all the temples, drove everyone to the sacrifices .. altars, so that those involved in the lawsuit would first offer sacrifices and, under such circumstances, speak out about their deeds.

Anastasia fearlessly visited Roman prisons and helped the sufferers. After the death of her teacher, she traveled through the provinces of the Roman Empire, where persecution raged. She visited Greece and Macedonia, alleviated the suffering of prisoners - brothers in faith. Soon she was seized and, as a Christian, was sentenced to be burned at the stake.

The Great Martyr was widely revered in the West as early as the 4th century. Its honest head was in the monastery of St. Anastasia, not far from Greek city Thessaloniki, but on the night of April 22-23, 2012, unknown people stole the relics of this ascetic.

Anastasia Roman or Roman

In 250 or 256 in Rome, after prolonged torture, another martyr named Anastasia was beheaded. Orphaned at the age of three, the noble girl was brought up in a Christian community near the eternal city. She was very beautiful, and at the age of 20, the rejected suitors gave her to the mayor Prov. He demanded to renounce Christ and marry some patrician. Anastasia refused, the enraged persecutor ordered her to be tortured naked in front of the crowd, but the saint continued to praise the Savior and was finally executed. Her body was found by local Christians and buried in the vicinity of Rome.

Anastasia Rimskaya

Apparently, Rome had a special attraction for the martyrs with the name Anastasia. After the sermon of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, one inhabitant of the eternal city accepted the new faith. During the persecution of Nero, Anastasia and her friend Vasilisa buried the bodies of dead Christians. After being tortured, she was beheaded as a Roman citizen in 68. (Roman citizens, as we can learn about, for example, from the Acts of the Apostles, had a number of privileges: they could demand the emperor's trial, so the Apostle Paul was taken to Rome, and he himself spent several years in prison awaiting trial. Roman citizens could not shameful executions were used (crucifixion or being eaten by wild animals in the arena), so they were executed with a sword.

The reasons for Nero's persecution of Christians are briefly reported by the ancient historians Suetonius and Tacitus. The text of the latter in the XV book of the Annals connects the persecution of the followers of the new faith with the great fire of Rome and the emperor’s desire to shift the blame on the Christians: whom the crowd called Christians. Christ, from whose name this name comes, was executed under Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate; suppressed for a while, this malicious superstition began to break out again, and not only in Judea, from where this destruction came, but also in Rome, where everything most vile and shameful flows from everywhere and where it finds adherents. So, first those who openly admitted themselves to belong to this sect were captured, and then, according to their instructions, a great many others, convicted not so much of villainous arson, but of hatred for the human race. Their killing was accompanied by mockery, for they were dressed in the skins of wild animals, so that they were torn to death by dogs, crucified on crosses, or doomed to death in fire were set on fire after dark for the sake of night illumination. For this spectacle, Nero provided his gardens; then he gave a performance in the circus, during which he sat among the crowd in the clothes of a charioteer or drove a team, participating in a chariot race. And although the Christians were guilty and they deserved the most severe punishment, nevertheless these cruelties aroused compassion for them, for it seemed that they were being exterminated not in the form of public benefit, but because of the bloodthirstiness of Nero alone.

The relics of the holy martyr Anastasia are in Rome.

Anastasia Romanova

The youngest daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II was born on June 18, 1901. She was the fourth child in the family, from the age of 8 she received home education. The curriculum included French, English and German languages, history, geography, the Law of God, natural Sciences, drawing, grammar, arithmetic, as well as dance and music.

Anastasia Nikolaevna did not like grammar, she wrote with a lot of mistakes, and she called arithmetic "stinking". At the same time, Anastasia had a very kind character - she loved pets, adored sweets and sweets and willingly shared them with others.

Anastasia's teachers said that the girl had an easy character. She loved to play hide-and-seek, rounders, serso (a game in which you need to throw rings on a peg). She willingly climbed trees, loved to weave flowers into her hair and was affectionately attached to her brother Alexei, spending whole days with him during bouts of his illness.

Growing up, during the First World War in the hospital, she gave concerts for the wounded and helped her sisters and mother in their ministry of sisters of mercy.

Together with the rest of the royal martyrs, she was shot in the basement of the Ipatiev House on the night of July 16-17, 1918.

The legend of the rescue of Anastasia Romanova

After the execution royal family the story of the miraculous rescue of the younger children of Nicholas II, Anastasia and Alexei, was widely spread. The most famous false Anastasia was Anna Anderson, who claimed that she was saved by a soldier with the musical surname Tchaikovsky. The impostor was quickly exposed, and two genetic examinations conducted in 1995 and 2011 put an end to this issue.

Icons of Anastasia

On the icons of saints, you can often find objects associated with their feat.

Great Martyr Anastasia the Patterner is depicted with a cross (a symbol of martyrdom) and a flask with medicinal oil with which she alleviated the suffering of the prisoners.

Anastasia the Roman woman is often dressed in monastic robes as a symbol of chastity.

The iconography of St. Anastasia Romanova is notable for some portrait resemblance. The saint holds a cross in her hands as a symbol of suffering. On the most common icon of the royal martyrs on Anastasia's head, one can see a crown or diadem as a symbol of the royal

Orthodox names. Name choice. Heavenly patrons. Saints Caves Anna Ivanovna

Anastasia (Nastasia)

Anastasia (Nastasia)

Meaning of the name: Greek Anastasia- "resurrected, reborn to life."

Main features: nobility, warmth, simplicity.

Character features. Anastasia is everyone's favorite. She is loved for her kindness, gentleness, cheerful and meek disposition. As a child, the girl is dreamy: she imagines herself as a princess or a girl who, thanks to her industriousness, has become the wife of a prince. Nastya knows how to cook and needlework, but she does it reluctantly, only when she is in the mood. Nastya draws well. She loves to surround herself with beautiful and exquisite things, often making surprises for her family.

In her youth, Anastasia shows diplomatic inclinations, using which she can achieve a lot. Anastasia has few friends, but she is infinitely devoted to them and will do everything for them. Women with this name are created for marriage and family - in their life she will always come first. Anastasia is a good and faithful wife, a wonderful mother and mistress, a peacemaker in the family.

name day

November 11, 12 (October 29, 30) - Anastasia the Roman Thessalonica (Thessalonian), venerable martyr.

January 4 (December 22) - Anastasia the Patterner, Roman, Illarian, Great Martyr.

Celebrates name day 15 times a year:

  • 4 January.
  • March 23.
  • 5, 28 April.
  • 10, 28 May.
  • June 19.
  • 4, 17 July.
  • August 10.
  • November 11, 12.
  • December 17, 26.

Patron saints of Anastasia

Famous saints named Anastasia:

  • Anastasia the Patterner. Honored January 4th. She was born into a secret Christian and pagan family. She was given in marriage to a pagan, brought clothes, drink and food to imprisoned Christians. She was burned at the stake in 304 for belonging to the Christian faith.
  • Anastasia Patricia. Honored March 23rd. Born into a noble family, after the death of her husband she founded a monastery near Alexandria. Then she settled in a remote cave, where she spent last years your life in prayer.
  • Anastasia Rimskaya. Honored April 28th. Born into a noble family, after the death of her parents, she was brought up in a Christian community. For refusing to marry a pagan, she was subjected to cruel abuse, after which she died.
  • Anastasia Romanova. Honored July 17th. Grand Duchess, daughter of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia and Emperor Nicholas II of All Russia. Killed by the Bolsheviks on July 17, 1918.


The character of Anastasia depends on the time of the year of birth:

Winter - Restrained, smart, zealous, indifferent.

Spring - Romantic, emotional, sensitive, artistic.

Summer - Kind, naive, friendly, sympathetic.

Autumn - Strict, pedantic, restrained, principled.


Little Nastyushka is growing up as a very restless, curious girl. Her parents need an eye and an eye for her. He easily makes friends, always comes to their aid, loves to invent games. He loves to cook with his mother and help her household, but Nastya is too lazy to clean up after herself, this quality can be preserved for her even in her adult years. Despite the fact that there are many friends around Nastyusha, there are no relatives among them because of her inability to accept someone else's truth and superiority. Nastya is growing up as a very beautiful and attractive girl who is fully aware of this and loves to preen, spin in front of the mirror.

Restless Nastya at school studies well only in those subjects that are personally interesting to her. Likes to participate in school productions, performances. Thanks to his grace, he dances well. If she attends a dance school, she may become a famous dancer. In adolescence, he often falls in love, is popular with boys, but does not let them close to him. Due to excessive gullibility and kindness, she is often deceived, betrayed. Anastasia will forgive the offender, but she will not let him into her life again.

In adulthood, Anastasia charms those around her with her kindness, forbearance, easy character, ability to communicate and make friends. She always dresses with taste, skillfully combining clothes, monitors her hair and skin condition. Untidy Nastya is almost impossible to catch. Adult Anastasia is very suggestible, it is easy to terminate her. Anastasia loves to give original gifts to her friends and family, which she carefully selects. There are still many friends around her, but there are no relatives among them. Anastasia will never intentionally do evil to another person, she will not do a bad deed.


As a child, Anastasia often suffers from colds, because of her restlessness she often gets physically injured. In adulthood, Anastasia may develop a predisposition to be overweight, she needs to follow a reasonable diet.


Benevolent and gentle Anastasia will not be able to become a careerist, going over the heads of her rivals. A tough and strong-willed boss won’t work out of her either, it’s better for her not to create own business, there is a high risk that it will soon burn out. Anastasia chooses a profession, guided by her talents, the material side of her is of little concern. It will be great if the profession is connected with art and communication with people, where she will feel like a fish in water. For example, it will come out great designer, fashion designer, psychologist, teacher.


Anastasia, if she falls in love, then for a long time. For her, no one exists, except for the object of adoration, she gives herself all to him. V love relationships Anastasia is often unpredictable, emotional, passionate. Since Anastasia falls in love immediately and strongly, she does not notice the shortcomings of a man, because of which she then suffers greatly. She should listen to the words of loved ones who honestly warn about the shortcomings of her chosen one.


Anastasia, feeling the need for love since childhood, often gets married right after school. The appearance of the chosen one does not play any role for her, as long as he is strong and strong-willed. Anastasia will become his devoted and faithful wife, who managed to get along with her mother-in-law. She gives birth to children early and becomes a caring mother for them.

For everybody Orthodox Christian it is very important to know when is his angel day. Often this holiday is close to the birthday recorded in the certificate. Anastasia's name day is a holiday for all women bearing this name. On the day of the angel, many believers go to church to thank their patrons.

General characteristics of the name

The roots of the name Anastasia stretch from Ancient Greece, where "resurrected" was translated as "Anastas". The feminine form of the name implies "the bride who resurrects". There is another interpretation, which says that this is regenerating life. Girls named Anastasia distinctive features are noticed from early childhood:

Saint Anastasia and celebrities

Among the Slavic population, this name is quite popular, it took second place among modern parents in Russia. In the 21st century, many famous names can be found on the front pages:

  • Volochkova (ballerina);
  • Stotskaya (singer);
  • Vertinskaya (actress);
  • Sushchenina (modeler of puppet outfits);
  • Even "Poor Nastya" (TV series) can be attributed to this list.

Great Martyr Anastasia Lebedeva, according to signs, is not only the patroness of pregnant women, but also an assistant in difficult childbirth. Her veneration day is November 11th.

After the death of her husband, she was left alone with three children. She became the head of the council at the church in the village of Guzhevo. During the establishment of Soviet power, a woman was arrested and sent to a camp. It is still unknown exactly the circumstances under which she died. Anastasia Lebedeva was canonized in 2000.

Still celebrating name days at Anastasia of Thessalonica, or Anastasia of Rome on November 11. She lost her parents early and was taken in by a monastery near Rome. Now in Christianity she is known as the Roman. Like many of her contemporaries, during the persecution of Christianity and the universal veneration of paganism, she was executed for refusing to recognize the pagan gods and sacrifice to them.

In the name of the Holy Great Martyr, a chapel was built in Pskov. Despite several attempts to recreate it from the ruins, it has not survived to this day. Now the Anastasiev Gate leads to Svyatogorov, reminiscent of the chapel that once stood nearby.

In the Orthodox calendar there is also an entry about the family of the royal martyrs of the Romanovs, whose memorial day is July 17th. Among the daughters of the last Russian Tsar was Anastasia, girls are baptized in her honor today. To whom this date is closer to the birthday, it can be considered the day of the angel.

Name days by date

As you know, every Orthodox Christian has an angel's day - this is the day when the memorial day of the saint is celebrated, whose name a person was baptized. Among the large list of days of memory of saints, the name Anastasia can be seen several times, but it will refer to different saints. In addition to the main dates set by the church, parents are often guided by the calendar when choosing a name for their child. It is possible to give a favorite name at baptism.

Anastasia's name day Orthodox calendar are noted:

In February, there is no veneration of any saints bearing the name Anastasia. This is due to the fact that none of the saints, martyrs or saints left in February earthly life. The same situation occurs in September and October. In a few months, the name is found not alone, even twice. Maybe this was the reason for the increased popularity of the name, so Nastya can have a name day more than once.

The very first Nastasya date of the year is the name day of Anastasia the Solver. According to legend, the ascetic, being a Christian, on the instructions of her father, married a pagan. After he learned that his wife, disguised, was helping the Christian prisoners, he punished her and locked her in the house. Only the holy teacher urged her to be patient. The imminent death predicted by him overtook her husband.

She mastered the art of medicine, after the death of her husband, she distributed all their property to those in need. For her ability to heal the sick and help the prisoners, she was called the Patterner. Faced with the choice that the priest Ulpian once gave her, to be rich or to be tortured, without a doubt, Anastasia refused gold. But the priest did not have time to start the torture - blindness overtook him before he could touch the saint.

She, along with her assistant, went to travel and help those who needed this help most of all. During her journey, Anastasia had to endure a lot of suffering, at the end she was executed. Since then, on her name day, they pray to her for healing and during childbirth.

The spring name day, celebrated on March 23, is associated with Anastasia Patrickia of Alexandria, a hermit who hid for 28 years from Emperor Justinian in a cave. After the death of her husband, Patricia founded a monastery near Alexandria. The truth about her life became known only after her death.

At the end of spring, the name day of Anastasia of Latria, about which almost nothing is known in our days. The August holiday is dedicated to the saint, unjustly accused of anti-Soviet agitation and and shot on the 10th.

Character features

The character of each Nastya can already be judged by name. Girls named so are distinguished by willpower, changeability in mood, they are trusting, kind and hardworking. It will not work to persuade a bad deed - every Nastya always knows what she wants. These qualities need to be developed in childhood, then in adulthood they will develop into better ones. personal qualities. They say than closer date birth and name day, the stronger these qualities are manifested.

Nastya's mood is changeable: one minute she can be cheerful, and the next she can become extremely serious. Character traits are also changeable: from kind and open, she can become closed and strict. Basically, such changes are associated with the uncertainty present in any life situation. When Nastya feels some reluctance towards herself, she tries to be on her guard.

Another area of ​​uncertainty concerns self-realization. Not all girls are sure whether they chose the right profession, whether they married the right person, what they could do to make life different. To understand the subtleties of character, you can study the word "uncertainty" itself. Avdisky V. I. and Bezdenezhnykh V. M. joined forces in scientific work devoted to the exact treatment of uncertainty.

The intelligence of the bearers of this name is quite developed. It is not reflected in grades for subjects at school - the information in Nastya's head is learned only that which will be necessary in life. Thanks to their attentiveness and observation, many Nastyas become analysts.

The only thing that doesn't change with age is imagination. It is this that helps Nastya to become the soul of the company. Often, even the choice of profession depends on the imagination. All professions related to communication, understanding or compassion are the best fit. It can be both an artist and a teacher in kindergarten. A sedentary lifestyle will not work, because every Nastya is active and active by nature.

Anastasias are always open for communication, they are very friendly and know how to keep other people's secrets. They are great conversationalists and love to have a lot of friends around. In family life, only on condition that the spouse is strong and self-confident, Anastasia will become a faithful, loving and caring wife. The main character traits become less obvious if the girl calls herself Nastya.

The name Anastasia itself has a very strong energy. It perfectly combines both vital and divine principles, as well as tremendous willpower and life potential. The main thing is to send this data in the right direction, then they will be Nastya's faithful companions throughout her life.

How to congratulate on the holiday

It is worth congratulating the birthday girl when the date of the name day is as close as possible to the date of her birth. In the church, Anastasia's Day, no matter what date it is celebrated, is sometimes more important than a birthday, so congratulations are accepted the most sincere and warm, it is also customary to give gifts. They should preferably be made by hand. If this is a postcard, then it should contain several congratulations on Angel Day, both in poetic form and in prose.

A congratulation in the form of SMS is not excluded, but the originals can order a cake on which a congratulation or the name Anastasia will be written. Donated wardrobe items will be inappropriate. Orthodox Christianity allows as a gift church utensils or an icon with the face of a saint, on the day of which name days are celebrated. Such things will signify the importance of the date.

There are several examples original gifts which can be purchased in specialized stores:

  • A vessel in which baptismal water will be stored;
  • Candles that differ from others in design;
  • Shelves for icons, which are decorated with ornaments.

At all times the best gift considered a book. On the day of the angel Anastasia church calendar a book with a spiritual meaning is suitable, after reading which everyone will think about great and righteous deeds. V modern world a disc or a film can become an analogue of such a book. Expensive gifts are not excluded, such as a pendant or an engraved brooch.

Thanks to modern technologies you can make an unusual gift: a picture that has a special meaning, to which a verse is attached.

As you know, every girl is pleased to receive flowers. To make the bouquet special, you can ask the florist to write on each bud a letter from the name or initials of the birthday girl. Any personalized gift made from a pure heart will be received with delight.

Name day is a spiritual holiday, an event with a spiritual meaning. For everyone who participated in the celebration, only warm and pleasant impressions should remain.

Name days are a special day. As St. John of Kronstadt said, we celebrate the day of the angel so that our heavenly patrons remember us and pray to the Lord for the health of our soul and body. Name day is the most important day of the year, when you should direct all your thoughts to God and thank him for everything. It will be good if the day of the angel Anastasia takes place in the church. This the best time to reflect on the eternal and the transient. It is worth thinking about what is good for the soul, and what is not.

John of Kronstadt said many wise things about prayer, a righteous life, and love for God. He advises everyone who turns to their patron saints for help to think more about eternity and try to lead a modest lifestyle, one might even say ascetic. Let the day of Angel Anastasia pass in thought about this. Don't forget to help others as well. John recommends that we all learn from our patrons sincere love for the Almighty, detachment from worldly fuss, proper prayer, fasting, selflessness. One should also pay attention to how the saints experienced illnesses, troubles and grief: they did not complain about their hard life, but with dignity got out of difficult situations.

Angel Anastasia Day falls on January 4, April 28, March 23, November 11 and 12. Name days are celebrated on the day that follows shortly after the birthday.

Saint Anastasia the Patterner

The saints give us an example, show us how to live. Let's remember the martyr Anastasia the Solver, whom the church honors on January 4th.

This great woman was born in Rome. Her father worshiped pagan gods, and her mother believed in Christ, but she did not tell anyone about it - in those days it was dangerous to talk about it. The teacher of the girl in her youth was the righteous and reasonable Chrysogon, who professed Christianity.

When Anastasia's mother died, her father forced the unfortunate woman to marry Pomplia. He was a pagan, and the girl was very bitter that she was forced to live with him.

pious deeds

Anastasia had deep compassion for the prisoners who were convicted for their faith in Jesus. She often put on rags so that everyone would take her for a beggar, and penetrated into the dungeons with her maid. If you bear the name of this saint, think about what you are ready to go for the sake of your neighbors. By the way, we already know when Anastasia celebrates the day of the angel. What date this holiday, we stipulated above. The girl brought food to the prisoners, treated them, and often redeemed them for considerable sums of money. When her husband learned all this from a maid, he beat her and forbade her to leave the house. But the girl found consolation in correspondence with her teacher, who asked her not to lose heart and more often remember the suffering that Christ endured on the cross. It was supposed to give her strength. The teacher wrote to Anastasia that her husband would die while traveling by sea. Soon Pomplius went to Persia, but never arrived at his destination - he drowned. Freed from the tyranny of her husband, Anastasia began to give away everything she had to the poor.

The saint began to wander around the world. Shortly before that, she acquired some medical knowledge, and then put it into practice, helping the prisoners. It was not for nothing that the saint began to be called the Setter of Patterns - she made great efforts to free many Christians who were in trouble from the bonds. On the day of the angel, Anastasia (the date, as we remember, is determined by the birthday) should pray that the heavenly patroness would save her from misfortunes.

Arrest and imprisonment

After some time, Anastasia met with the young and righteous Theodotia, whose husband had also recently died. The girl began to help the saint in her good deeds. But in those days there were persecutions against Christians, they began to be persecuted. Anastasia was captured while she was in Illyria. One day the guards decided to take her to the governor of the region. He, of course, invited her to renounce her faith and began to describe in colors what suffering awaits her if she does not. But everything was limited only to words, and soon the ruler of the region sent her to Ulpian, who at that time was the Capitoline priest. He was very cruel man, mocking people was a joy to him. He put the saint before a choice: in the case of renunciation of Christ - a chic life, wealth, countless treasures, best outfits, otherwise - terrible agony and terrible torture. But he failed to persuade Anastasia to betray her faith - she preferred suffering.

On the day of the angel Anastasia, one should reflect on the courage of this girl. What would you do in her place? But the saint was not destined to die so early - an incident occurred that extended her life. The priest was impressed by the beauty of the girl and decided to rape her, but he did not even manage to touch her - in an instant he lost his sight. A terrible pain in his eyes made him run out of the house screaming, he headed towards the pagan temple, begging the gods to heal him, but suddenly he fell to the ground and died. Anastasia and Theodotia thus escaped captivity.


The saint was not free for long, but soon they seized her again and decided to drown her in the sea. But again a miracle happened: people managed to escape, they went ashore. However, soon after this, the unfortunate were destined to die. Saint Anastasia was also executed: four pillars were driven into the ground, a fire was kindled between them, and the unfortunate woman was stretched over the fire.

Just as during her life the saint helped suffering people, so now she continues this good deed. Don't forget to pray on January 4th if you bear her name. Also on the day of the angel (name day), Anastasia should cover festive table and invite everyone who is dear to her to visit.

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