Dante hell structure. Hell's circles for the most terrible flour

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Landscape design and layout
Illustration of Gustava Dore to the song XXI "Hell. Edition 1900

In the fifth scatter of the eighth circle of hell (the 21st song), Dante and Vergili are celebrated by a group of demons. Their leader, Custice, says that there is no road - the bridge is destroyed:

To get out yet, if you please
Go through this shaft, where the mark,
And the closest ridge will come out freely.

Twelve hundred and sixty six years
Yesterday, five hours later,
Wheel since here there are no roads Hereinafter, the translation of Mikhail Lozinsky is cited, unless otherwise indicated..

The words of the demon are surprised by their exaggerated detail - why Dante and readers know about the collapse time of some bridge with an accuracy of an hour? Meanwhile, these stanzas contain the key to one of the main mysteries "God-nominal comme-diya" - the chronology of the Danut travel, which Dante is nowhere to go straight, but which can be reconstructed on the basis of the funds scattered here and there hints .

In the first tercin of "Hell" it is described that Dante was lost in the gloomy forest, "earthly life passed to half." It can be assumed that we are on-home in the region of 1300 from the Nativity of Christ: in the Middle Ages it was believed that life lasts 70 years See Psalm Tsar David: "Our days are seventy years old" (89:10).And Dante was born in 1265. We take away from 1300 of the year 1266 years old, about which Telvautach says, and it turns out that the bridge collapsed at-dimly at the end of the earthly life of Christ. Recall the Gospel, where it is written that at the time of the death of Jesus happened strongest earthquake - Judging by all, it destroyed the bridge. If you add to these reasons, the message of the Euro-helian Luke that Christ died at noon, and to count five hours ago, it becomes clear that the conversation about the bridge occurs at 7 am on March 26, 1300 - after 1266 years and five hours after The death of Christ on the Cross (Dante thought she had occurred on March 25, 34).

Taking into account all the other temporary instructions of the "comedy" (shifts of the day and night, the arrangement of stars), we can establish that Dante's journey to the afterlife lasted a week from March 25 to March 31, 1300 An alternative point of view binds it to the Easter Web 1300 - from April 8 to 14; But the principle of establishing chronology does not change, simply the countdown of ve -ed-smiling not from the "historical" date of the death of Christ, but from the church-calendar - a passionate Friday..

This date is not chosen. In 1300, the pope of Bonifami VIII announced the first in the history of the Church of the anniversary year: it was promised that every one hundred years each believer who had made a pilgrimage in Rome and visiting the cathedrals of St. Peter and the Apostle Paul would receive a full vacation of sins. It is likely that the spring of the anniversary of the year Dante went to Rome to visit the Mogi-Lians of the Apostles - in any case, the lines of the 18th song sound like an eyewitness description:

So the Romans to infiltrate the crowd,
Per year anniversary, did not lead to the drain,
Told the bridge to two trails,

And for the same people go to the cathedral,
Look reversing the castle wall,
And on the other go to meet, uphill.

There, in the anniversary Rome, and miraculously wonderful pilgrimage in the sobric world. The day of the beginning of the pilgrimage, March 25, carries a number of meanings: March 25, the Lord created the world; March 25, for nine months before Christmas, Christ was croped. In addition, in Florence it is from this day that the new year began.

Dante began a "comedy" a few years after the alleged yes-you follow-up (first sketches relate, perhaps 1302 go-du, but a full work on the poem continued from 1306-1307 to the Summary of the Poet). Working on the poem from the "Future", Dante fills it with the VPE-Chatlias, the prophecies and predictions.

2. Mystery of St. Lucia

Illustration of Gustava Dore to Song II "Hell". Edition 1900 THOMAS FISHER RARE BOOK LIBRARY / UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO

In the second song "Hell" Vergili says who sent him to the rescue of Dan-Those who died in the gloomy forest. It turns out that these were three wonderful women:

... in three blessed wives
You in Heaven found the word protection
And the marvelous path to you is prevalent.

Three blessed wives are Virgin Mary, Holy Lucia and Beatrice. Maria (she, however, was not named after) told about the misfortune of the Poet of St. Lucia, and she called on Beatrice. Beatrice is Beach Portinari, who deceased 10 years before the time of the comedy, the love of young Dante, which he dedicated a "new life" "New life" - The first book of Dante, I also write-sledge in the 90s of the XIII century, where the story of the love of the poet and Beatrice is told in the prose and stories.. Beatrice was not afraid to descend from paradise in the leb Limbo - The first Circle of Danovsky Hell, where the souls of unbreakable babies and virtuous people who have deceased to see the souls of Christ. To Vergi Liu and pray for his help. The attention of Mary, the main intercession for people in front of the Lord, to Dante is also quite understandable, but what's the Holy Lucia?

Holy Lucia in the folk tradition was considered a patronage of sight and grated with eye diseases Such "" Holy is connected with the etymology of its name: Lucia is formed from Latin LUX, LUCIS - "Light".. Dante's special attitude towards St. Lucia is associated with serious vision issues that he received in his youth due to a diligent reading. Dante talks about it in Pira "PIR" -dante's philosophical treatise, stained approximately in 1304-1307.: "Tired by vision by hard reading, I looked so asleep my visual abilities that all the shines seemed to me surrounded by some kind of haze." It is possible that Beatrice was the admirer of St. Lucia: the house in which she lived after marriage, adjoined to the Church of St. Lucia. So the saint perfectly approached the role of an intermediary between Maria, ascended by Beatrice and Dante.

In the choice of this character reflected general principle "Comedy": Being a Grand dioological, philosophical and poetic web, it is at the same time a story about the individual life of the author, where every poetic decision is connected with its feelings, passions and the details of the earthly path.

3. Mystery Muslims

Illustration of Hustava Dore to the song XXVIII "Hell" Dante Aligiery. Edition 1900 THOMAS FISHER RARE BOOK LIBRARY / UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO

In the 28th song "Hell" Dante meets the Prophet Mohammed and the righteous Califa Ali, who endure eternal flour as "seats of contention and split": In the time of Dante, it was believed that Magomet was a Catholic prelace, who was breakdown from the truth faith, so for Dante he dissenter. The unflattering image of the Prophet (the description of his flour is one of the most physiological in the "comedy") earned Dante the fame of the enemy Islam ("comedy" is even prohibited in Pakistan).

Like a barrel without the bottom, through the strain -
From the mouth of the dotood, where the outcome of feces,
By the chute one of them was a disorder.

Guts between her knees peely hung
The heart and the stomach bag was visible,
Stuffed with chewing, saved in feces Translation of Alexander Ilyushin..

However, Dante's attitude towards Islam is much more complicated and thinner. In the limb among geroes and sages of antiquity there are famous Muslims: Saladine, Sultan Egypt and a wrestler with, Avicenna Avicenna (OK 980 - 1037) - Medieval Persian physician, philosopher and scientist. and Averroest Averroest (1126-1198) - Medieval Andalusian Arabic Philosopher, doctor and mathematician.. These three are the only of the inhabitants of the limb, born after the arrival of Christ.

In addition, it is believed that the whole structure of the poem can reflect the history of the night travel and the ascension of the Prophet (Isra and Miraj), during which Mohammed appeared before Allah, and also visited the paradise and hell, where he saw the righteous and flour sinners . In the medieval Arabic tradition, there were many descriptions of Miraja - their similarity with the "comedy" ahead substantiated the Spanish Arabist Miguel Asin Palacios in 1919. Later, the versions of these texts in Romanesque languages \u200b\u200bwere known, describing the prophet's trip in detail and spread over Europe from Arabic Spasii. These findings made a hypothesis about Datovsky acquaintance with this Arab tradition of much more believable - and today she is recognized by the Most Datovenov.

4. Mystery of Epicura

Illustration of Hustava Dore to the song X "Hell". Edition 1900 THOMAS FISHER RARE BOOK LIBRARY / UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO

All in the same Dante Limbe meets many ancient philosophers:

Then, looking at the low slope,
I saw: Teacher of those who know
The family is wider-friendly surrounded This refers to Aristotle..

Socrates to it all closer seats
And with him Plato; All Soms of Ovetynz honored;
Here the one who is a random to the world believes

Philosopher famous democritus;
Here Diogen, Fales with Anaksagor,
Zeno, and Empedocle, and Heraclit ...

There is no epicuris on this list, and it is no coincidence: he is in "comedy" a completely different place - Dante will see his grave in the sixth round of Hell, where heretics are:

Here is a cemetery for those who believed once
Like an epicurian and all who are with him
That the souls with the flesh are dying without refund.

Epicur (341-270 BC) lived before the appearance of Christianity and therefore could not be considered a heretic in the full sense of the word. The usual charges of epicuria in the worm for the Middle Ages take the beginning in the speeches of the Apostle Paul against Epicurery and continue in the scriptures of the first Christian apologists: so, the lactations picked the epicurus for the denying of the divine fishery and the immortality of the soul, for the destruction of religion and the preaching of the debauchery. This ana-chronism was consistent with the total medieval anti-historification: Middle Ages scattering historical characters in its sample, turning the ancient heroes in the knights, and the philosophers in Christian thinkers and washing the differences between the epochs. Not alien to Dante.

5. The mystery of the broken vessel

At the beginning of the 19th Dante song retells a foggy biographical episode: shortly before the time of the comedy, he broke a vessel with baptizing water in the Florentine Baptistery of San Giovanni, saving a child's sinking in him:

Everywhere, and along the bed, and on the rocks,
I saw an innumerable series
Rounded wells in stone gray.

They are quite the same in sight
Like those in my beautiful San Giovanni,
Where the sacrament of baptism is creating.

I, exciting from suffering,
Recently, one of them broke ...

Indeed, in the time of Dante, in the Florentine Baptistery around a cre-stylish source, deepening were made, which were placed large clay vessels with holy water. According to Philologist Marco Santagata, this episode is inserted into the text of the poem for two reasons. On the one hand, Dante wanted to explain to his action, which may have caused a scandal (it is indicated by the words that he completes his story: "And here is the seal, in defense against whispering!" - What does it mean: let it evidence Dith people do not listen to false rumors).

At the same time, Dante's story resembles the Old Testament Protection of the Prophet of Ier - Mia and the Pretty Jug. Overall by the will of the Lord, the Prophet buys the clay pitcher and breaks it in front of the elders: Just as a man breaks the clay vessel, the Lord can crush the people of Israel if people violate the covenants of the Lord and worship idols.

Baking a jug with holy water, Dante reproduces the gesture of the prophet. Ier-Mia rebelled against the idolatry of the people of Israel, and Dante in the "comedy" rises against the modern idolatry - Simonia of the Church Simony- Purchase of church posts. IN wide sense Words are so called the pre-possession of material interests over do-khov-needles in the affairs of the Church.. In the 19th Dante song, the angry on dads, exchanging the spiritual on Mate-Rial and leading peace to death:

About Simon Mochv, about mapping sicks,
You, that the shrine of God, good
The bride is clean, in the horror alcbe

Crushed for Zlata and Srebra,
Now about you, executed in the third gap,
Ring the pipe appointed time!

Dante has already happened foggy to hint on his prophetic gift. In the "new life," reaching Beatrice's death, Dante refuses to talk about it: "I do not confuse to talk about it, since I would exal myself, which especially deserves the censure" (Dante hints at mystical vision , which happened to him at the time of the death of Beatrice). Modern Datown Mirko Towon brings closer to this episode with the message of the Apostle Paul to Corin Fianam: 14 years after the event, the Apostle talks about how he was "delighted" (that is, he was ascended) on the sky. Paul was silent about this miracle early, so as not to extol himself and not be proud of such a Divine-com. Dante is also endowed with a special gift and also does not want to talk about him straight, in order not to praise himself.

6. Mystery of living people in hell

Illustration of Hustava Dore to the song XVIII "Hell. Edition 1900 THOMAS FISHER RARE BOOK LIBRARY / UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO

In the 18th song Dante meets a friend:

While I went ahead, my gaze fell
For one; And I exclaimed: "Somewhere
His face I look already Putal. "

I became trying to recognize who it was
And a good leader, stopping with me,
I did not apply it to me.

Beat, hiding the appearance of his
Bowed man; But the work was wasting;
I pivy: "You, with a downstream head,

When the idle is not alien -
Wennediko Kachchaniiko. Than
Did you deserve the seasoning so cool? "

Wennediko Dei Kachchaniyichi - prominent political figure second half XIII. century, leader of Bologna Gutev In the XIII century, a fierce struggle for the Lord in the Italian Peninsula was laid between the papacy and German emperors. Supporters of Pope were called by Gutev's and pro-Ti-read the deaths, supporters of Impe-Raora. In 1289, after the Battle of Kam-Paldino, in which Dan-Those participated, the Diemblles were expelled from Floren and the city became a primary guvf. But political conflicts did not turn on it. Soon, the Guelphs themselves were divided into two fractions - white and black. White stirred to greater political and economic independence from the papacy, and black, representing the interests of the richest families of the city, supported papal interlaying in the internal affairs of Florence. After Dante's separation, jumped to white gutem.. It was after the arrival of his par-Tii Dante was forced to leave Bologna, where he spent several years of expellation Starting about 1295 Dante actively participates in political life Florence. In 1300, he is elected one of the seven members of the prior collegium. But the political career is expensive by Dante: when black gelephs come to power in Florence, he immediately sentenced to death penalty. Dante, who was at this time outside the city, never returns to his homeland.. This explains the personal dislike of Dante to Venediko.

In 1300, when the action of the "comedy" unfolds, the historical Vienna-wild was still alive - he will die only in 1303. Dante writes this song about 1307-1308 - or either forgets the exact time of the death of Bologna, or a consumstically neglects the chronology to get together with his enemy.

But if this case allows a two-way interpretation, then in other places Dante COP-NO-SOME goes to some tricks to put people in hell during the actions of the "comedy" - at the end of March 1300 - still alive. For example, in the 19th songs, the poet drives bills with a dad-hated dad of Bonif-Qii VIII He supported black gelephids, so Dante believed that exile is a consequence of the political intrigue of Bonifation.who died only in 1303. Dante meets Pope Niko Laya III, tolerant eternal flour For the sin of Simonia, and turns to him. But the soul of sinful dad takes the poet for Bonifation:

As, Bonifami, - the one said
Are you already here, are you here so early?

Thus, Dante indicates that Bonifation's soul is already prepared in hell.

Another Live Dead is Branca Doria, a Genoese, which is paying for the guest's pre-taught. He also turned out to be in hell long before his historical Summary in 1325 (a few years after the death of Aligiery himself). The souls of such traitors will overthrow to hell immediately after the harvesting, and the demon is in the body. Therefore, it seems alive that "Branca d'Orya is alive, healthy, he eats, and drinks, and sleeps, and wears dresses."

7. Mystery Centavrov

Illustration of Hustava Dore to the song XII "hell." Edition 1900 THOMAS FISHER RARE BOOK LIBRARY / UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO

In the seventh round of Hell Dante and Vergili, the first part of the Guardians are held - receiving a semi-half-grained Minotaur:

... and on the edge, above the descendant to the abyss of the new,
Drawing down, lay a shame of critany,

Casual as an angle with an imaginary cow.

As a bull, secure is amazed to death,
River your arcan, but it is unable to run
And only jumps, pain stunned,

So the minotavr rushed, dick and malicious ...

Going even lower, they see Centaurs with their "double nature" and Garpius "with wide wings, with the Lick of the Master."

Presence in Christian Adu Dante Mythological Characters of the Antiquity Almost no longer surprises the reader, because the guards of the previous circles were the carrier of the souls of the dead through Styx Charon, King Crete Minos, the protection of the Gate of Hell Cerber, the God of Wealth Plutos. Dante again acts in medios - non-century, adapting antiquity to its needs: The pagan monsters turn into hell's demons, and on the map of hell The mythical rivers Aheron, Styx and Phlegeton flow.

But the Minotaur, Centaurs and Garpii are united not only by ancient badge: binds them also dual nature, combining man-velas and animal. Why is it important? Because Dante builds his hell, imitating aristotle. Recall the words Vergil at the end of the 11th song:

You really don't remember the sneaking
From ethics that the delicate of all
Three hated heavens of trimming:

Failure, malice, violentcasting?
And that failure is a smaller sin before God
And he does not make so punish him?

The first circles are assigned to sins of irrepresentation, then races are going, in the very same depth there are deceivers and traitors.

Antique hybrid monsters are in the seventh round, the circle of rapists, and are an allegorical image of the sins of this part of hell: the belly element that appeared in the vices of tomging sinners here, they are physically revealed.

This is only one of the many cases of Danovsky by Alla-Boria: Each element, whether it is a historical character or mythological monster, acquires, in addition to a specific poetic, additional allegorical meaning. This allegorism of Dante is typical for the Middle Ages, and yet his idea of \u200b\u200ba person anticipates the ideas of Neoplatonic Renaissance Neoplatonics - Italian Humanists of the XV century, which turned to the philosophical ideas of Plato, breaking with the aristotelism of medium-century scholasticism. The central figures of the disturbing Italian neoplane-tone - Martilio Fechino and Jo-Wan-Nor Pico della Mirandol.: A person is halfway between the belly and God and can approach the Divine Pole, relying on the mind given to him, or fall to the state of the animal (shows that adjective bestiale. - "Animal" - is used in Dante only in relation to human behavior and always in a very negative key).

IN " Divine Comedy."Dante Aligiery Hell is nine laps, the lower the circle, the more serious sins committed by man in life. In addition to a clear structure, in general, the concept reflects the Catholic ideas that existed in the Middle Ages.

Before the entrance is a miserable soul that did not work with good, nor evil, including the "Angels of a bad flock", which were not with the Devil, and not with God.

1 circle
Guard: Charon.
Punishment: Wearingless grief.
Typing: Non-love babies and virtuous non-Christians.

2 circles
Guardian: Minos.
Typing: Sweet Affairs (clouds and adulteurs, just passionate lovers).
Punishment: Crashing and torture storms.

3 circles
Guard: Cerber.
Typing: waters and gourmets.
Punishment: rotting under the sun and rain.

4 circle
Guard: Plutos.
Tomesticated: Memorial and Distributors (inability to make reasonable spending).
Punishment: Eternal dispute.

5 circle
Stygian swamp.
Guard: Flyege - Carrier through a swamp.
Typing: angry and lazy.
Punishment: Eternal fight on the throat in a swamp.

6 circle
Walls of the city of dita.
Guard: Furi.
Typing: heretics and false leapsters.
The type of punishment: being ghosts in the grave cracks.

7 circle (It is divided into 3 belts)
Guard: Minotaur.
Tomesticated: committing violence,
1 - rapists over the neighbor and above its property (tyranny and robbers),
2 - rapists over sideways (suicides) and over their property (players and moots, that is, meaningless fighters of their property),
3 - rapists over the deity (blasphemes), against the nature (sodomitis) and art (Lucchimacy).

Punishment: Boiled in a bloody river. Those who are visible, raise the Ness (mythology) centaurs (mythology), chiron and odds.
1 - boiled in bloody river. Those who are visible, raise Centaurs Ness (mythology), chiron and foul.
2 - suicides, in the form of trees, are tormented by Garpia; Motov drive racing dogs.
3 - languish in the hot desert near the burning stream.

8 circle (contains 10 pvov, the most popular of circles)
Zlopazuhi, or evil slots.
Zlopazuhi are separated from each other shafts (ruling). In direction to the center, the region of evil slots shows, so that every next ditch and each next shaft are located slightly below the previous ones, and the external, concave slopes of each RVA above the internal, deposit. The first but the shaft is adjacent to the circular wall. In the center gambs the depth of a wide and dark well, at the bottom of which lies the last, ninth, circle of hell. From the foot of the stone heights, that is, from the circular wall, to this well go radius, like the spokes of the wheels, stone ridges, crossing the rs and shafts, and above the Rips they are bent in the form of bridges, or arches. In evil slots, deceivers who were deceived by people who are not related to the special bonds of confidence.

Guard: Gerion.
Typing: deceived not trusted:
1 - Summists and seductors;
2 - lets;
3 - tacitus, high-ranking spiritual persons who traded church posts;
4 - priests, gadels, star, sorcerers;
5 - Mzduchimtsy, bribes;
6 - hypocrites;
7 - thieves;
8 - fishing advisers;
9 - Schedules of discord;
10 - Alchemists, false witnesses, counterfeiters.

1 - sinners go two oncoming streams, tested demons;
2 - enclosed in the feces;
3 - the torso are climbing in the rock, the fire flows down;
4 - The head is turned on half the turnover;
5 - Boiled in the resin. In those who are visible, the devils are bugs;
6 - Caught in lead mantle;
7 - torments of reptiles (Kenhr, Amphisbena, Fari, Yakul, Echidna), mutual carrying with them;
8 - souls hidden (burn) inside lights;
9 - groaning;
10 - leprosy and deprive.

9 circle
Ice lake Kocit.
Belt Cain
Antenora belt
Belt toloma
Belt Judecca

Middle, center of the universe.

Guard: Giants (Breeches, Efialt, Antey).
Tomesticated: deceived trusted:

Traitors of relatives;
Traitors of the homeland and like-minded people;
Traitors of friends and sotraznikov;
Traitors of benefactors, the Majesty of the Divine and Human.

Lucky in the iceplace dit (Lucifer) torments in the three pastes of traitors of the Majesty of earthly and Heaven (Judah, Bruta and Cassia).

The kind of punishment: squeezed into the ice on the neck, and their faces are drawn by the book.
9 Dante hell circles

In his amazing, growing creation of "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery in the colors painted pictures of punishments of sinners. The expression "9 circles of hell" received bright visualization, which, undoubtedly, strongly affected the believers. And in our time, the product of Dante is studied and interpreted, because how much religion will exist, the same will be relevant for misconduct before God. Our article is devoted to the description of the circles of hell at a well-known work. We will also imagine a unique picture that extends before the eyes of the heroes of the Divine Comedy.

Generalized features of hell on Dante

Traveling through the terrible circles of hell, you can see the pattern. The first circles are eternal penalties for non-subsidiance. The farther, the sins of human are less materially, that is, affect the moral aspects of life. Accordingly, with each round of torture over sinners of terrible. The way Dante's readers did 9 circles of hell, causes a storm of emotions and, as we hope, and what the author of antiquity expects, will warn people from bad deeds.

The picturesque representation of the Dante about the geography of hell, of course, was not the initial information. The poet expressed the experience and theory of philosophers and predecessor scientists, having described 9 circles of hell. According to the Bible, a similar view is expressed in the seven cleansing sinners levels.

So, Dante in its work relies on the central structure of hell, where groups of circles are characterized by various severity of sins. As we have already noticed, the closer to the center, the hard sin.

Aristotle in his work "Ethics" classifies sins on discharges: the first - impostitousness, the second - violence over the other and over himself, the third category - deception and betrayal.

Now we will go on a journey around the world, where the punishment reigns, and for every misconduct it is fully paid - we start acquaintance with the circles of hell.

Circle first. Limbo

In the first circle of hell suffering sinners painless. The punishment here is the eternal grief, and it fell to the share of those who were not baptized.

So, among the mournful souls on Limbe there are righteous from (Noah, Abraham, Moses), ancient philosophers (among them and Vergilius). The charon's circle will wake - the very carrier of shower through further - about interesting, which contains the "Divine Comedy" of Dante, in other circles.

Circle second. Sweistance

In the second round, created for punishment during the lifetime inopegencies in love, sinners wakes himself that the very father of the monster of Minotaur. Here he also acts as a fair judge distributing the soul in the relevant circles.

On this circle, the constant darkness, in which the hurricane buffels. The souls of those who changed their spouse / spouse mercilessly throws the wind.

Circle Third. Gluttony

On the third circle of Hell Muk are those who were incorporated in food. The cutter waters cold rain, eternal dirt under his feet.

Guardian dog's dog with three heads of CERBER. Those sinful souls that come across to his paws, he glands. And we will continue to delve into how Dante 9 of the circles of hell.

Circle fourth. Greed

In the next circle, punishment becomes even tougher. Here are the souls of those who were Zhadala in different areas Life. The punishment looks like this: on an extensive plain, two masses of the souls pushed the huge stones towards each other. When the lines face, you have to diverge again and start working again.

At the guard of greedy sinners, Plutos is the wealth mentioned in the Homerovskaya "Odyssey".

Circle fifth. Anger and laziness

The fifth circle is a wide swamp. Brown and lazy souls are indispensably fighting, swimming in swamp water. The Flyege's terrible punishment is attached to the circle of terrible punishment - the Flyegeful Rogue Son, the son of Ares.

Circle six. Fitters and heretics

Anyone who preached other gods and introduced the peoples of misleading, hit the seventh (Dante) a circle of hell. In the flaming city there are souls of such sinners. There they suffer in open hot, like a furnace, graves. The guardian of their terrible monsters is the mythical sisters-fury with snakes instead of hair. Between the sixth and next circles, distinguishing foul language. Far areas begin, where they stretch for even more surprising sins.

Seventh round. Killers and rapists

Dante 9 of the CHA circles continued on the seventh - the place where the souls of the murderers are tormented miscellaneous Plan, including suicides, tyranans.

The killers and modern violence are in the middle of the steppe, over which the fiery rain flows. He is poured sinners, and here they are torn by dogs, catch and torment Garpia. Even in the trees, forever standing helplessly, turn murderers on the seventh circle of hell. Watching the terrible mythical mint of Minotaur who fulfilled tortured souls.

Circle eighth. Deceived

We have the most impressive of 9 circles of hell. According to the Bible Christian, exactly as in other religions, deceivers are subjected to one of the most severe penalties. Here and Dante had a place, so disadvantaged that only the immortal souls can exist here.

The eighth circle is zlopazuga - 10 pvov, in which gaders and predictors who guessed the positions of priests, hypocrites, sorcerers, false assides, alchemists go among the impurities of the priests. The sinners are boiled in the resin, beaten by the battle, they shook in the rocks and fill down the feet. Muritize their different reptiles and diseases. Guardian here is the Gian Gerion.

Circle ninth, center. Trait and traitors

In the center of hell, on the Poem Dante, the Kocyut Lucifer is frozen in the ice lake. His face is drawn down. He also tortured others famous traitors: Judah, Bruta, Cassia.

Among the hellish cold are suffering all the other who made the souls. Watchman their giant Antey, a traitor to Spartans Efialt and the Son of Uranus and Gay Brigree.


Finally, we left the Hello world created by Dante Aligiery. "Divine Comedy", the content of which we thus covered, "the work that has come down to us through the century thanks to its property to impress the minds of readers. The work is deservedly considered a classic, mandatory for reading.

Now we know, on the basis of which I created the legendary Dante 9 of the circles of hell, and that they represent. We note again that the pictures that face readers are striking the scale and content: as if all the fear of a man before death and was embodied into a single thought, expressed by the "Divine Comedy" poem. If you do not yet lie in the open book, 9 of the chalts are quite ready to place your soul ...

In the first circle of Dante, He is tormented by virtuous non-Christians and unresolved pagans, which are punished eternal life In the likeness of Paradise. They are in the palace with a seven goal, which symbolizes seven virtues. Here, Dante meets outstanding people of antiquity era, such as Homer, Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Hippocrates and Julius Caesar.

Circle second, adultery

In the second round of Hell Dante and Vergili, there are people who took possession of lust. Their punishment - strong windwhich circles them in the air. They do not have peace. This incessant wind symbolizes people led by the thirst for carnal pleasures. Here, Dante meets many famous people The left era: Cleopatra, Tristan, Elena Trojan and other sinners, whose vice was an adulter.

Circle Third, Czechoda

Having reached the third round of Hell, Dante and Vergili meet the souls of the womb, which guarded Monster Cerber. The sinners are punished there by being lying in a dirty mash under the incessant ice rain. Dirt symbolizes the degradation of those who abuse food, drinks and other earthly pleasures. Sinners-wedrogen are not seen next. It symbolizes their selfishness and insensitivity.

Circle fourth, greed

In the fourth round of Hell Dante and Vergili see the souls of those who are punished for greed. The sinners of this circle are divided into two: those who have copied the material benefits and those who spent them without measure. They pushed gravity, which symbolizes their attachment to wealth. Sinners guarded Pluto, the Greek god of the underground kingdom. Here Dante sees many priests, including dad and cardinals.

Circle eighth

The eighth circle of hell is inhabited by deceivers. Dante and Vergil get there on the back of Gerion, a flying monster. This circle is divided into ten stone pvs connected by bridges. In the first River, Dante meets summers and seductors, in the second - Lytz, in the third - perpetrators in Symmonia, in the fourth - false propelled and sorcerers. Corrupt politicians live in the fifth ditch, in the sixth - hypocrites, and in the rest - thieves, advisers, falsifiers, alchemists, fake and false witnesses.

Botticelli map of hell

Circles of hell described by the Florentine Visioner are narrowed. Therefore, the underworld is a kind of funnel set on the tip. He rests on the center of the Earth where Lucifer is sharpened. As they say from the author, the deeper hell, the already a circle, the terrible sin's worship.

9 Circles of Hell in the "Divine Comedy"

According to Dante Aligiery, before the very entrance to hell, you can find people who conducted boring life - they did not make any evil or good.

Dante is depicted by a copy of the "Divine Comedy" next to the entrance to hell, the seven terraces of the grid, the city of Florence and the spheres of the sky at the top on the fresco of Domenico di Miotino.

1 circle

The first circle of hell is called Lamb. He is guarded by Haron, who transports the souls of deceased across the river Stetens. In the first circle, adhesions are experiencing babies who were not baptized, and virtuous non-Christians. They are doomed to the eternal suffering of silent sorrow.

Alexander Litovchenko. Charon transports souls across the Stix River

2 circles

The second round of Hell is guarded by Minos - a disrespectful judge of the damned. Passionate lovers and adulterers in this circle of hell are punishable and tortured storm.

Llustrations to Dante "S Divine Comedy - MINOS by William Blake.

3 circles

Cerberu - the guard of the third round, in which heavenly waters are inhabited, lungs and gourmets. All of them are punished with rotting and decomposition under the scorching sun and torrential rain.

William Blake (1757 - 1827) Cerberus

4 circle

Plutos ruins in the fourth round, where buybacks, thumbs and wasteful individuals fall, unable to commit reasonable spending. The punishment of them is an eternal argument in a collision with each other.

Avaricious and Prodigal, Gustave Dore, 1890

5 circle

The fifth circle represents a gloomy and sullen place guarded by the son of the god of war Ares - Flyege. To get to the fifth circle of hell, you need to be very angry, lazy or dull. Then the punishment will be an eternal fight on the swamp styx.

Gustave Dore's Illustration of Dante's Inferno in Which The Narrator IS Crossing The River Styx in Hell

6 circle

The sixth circle is the walls of the city of diet, protected by furies - grumpy, brutal and very evil women. They mumble over heretics and false tets, the punishment of which is an eternal existence in the form of ghosts in the grave split.

Singer Sargent, John - ORESS PURSUED by THE FURIES 1921

7 circle

The seventh circle of hell guarded by the Minotaur - for those who committed violence.

The circle is divided into three belts:

- First belt Wears the name flagset. It falls violence over their neighboring, above its material values \u200b\u200band heritage. These are tyranny, robbers and robbers. All of them are boiled in a rock out of a split blood, and in those who emerge, shoot a centaur.

- Second belt - Forest suicides. There are suicides in it, as well as those who meanlessly squandered their condition - gambling players and moots. Transzhir torture hounds of dogs, and the unfortunate suicides are torn on Garpiy's blocks.

- Third belt - combustible sands. There are blasphemers who committed violence against deities, and sodomites. The punishment serves as a stay in an absolutely fruitless desert, the sky of which drips on the head of the unfortunate fiery rain.

Lucifer, King of Hell; Canto XXXIV of the Inferno, by Dante Alighieri; Illustration by Gustave dore

8 circle

The eighth circle of hell consists of ten pvov. The circle itself is called evil slits, or mallezhah.

Guerial is Gerion - a giant with six hands, six legs and wings. In evil slots carry their hard fate of the deceivers.

Inferno, Canto XVIII 1480s - Sandro Botticelli

The first ditch is filled with seductors and pivots. All of them go to the two columns towards each other, while they constantly defeat the demons.

The second languages \u200b\u200bare lestings. Their punishment are silent feces in which lovers of facing mired forever.

The third ditch is engaged in high-ranking spiritual persons who traded the posts of the Church. The punishment for them is the sharpening of the body into the rock, head down, the stained lava flows along the feet.

The fourth ditch to the edge is filled with asteropolots, sorcerers, gadels and priests. Their heads are turned on half a turn (towards the back).

In the fifth there are bribes, whom the demons are boiled in the resin, and those who are visible, they pierce with the battle.

The sixth moats filled with hypocrishes chained in lead mantle.

In the seventh there are thieves, with which earthy reptiles are copulating: spiders, snakes, frogs and so on.

In the eighth ditch, there are custodial advisers, the souls of which are burning in hellish fire.

The ninth ditch serves as a challenge for stripping of discord. They are subjected to eternal torture - gutters.

In the tenth ditch falls false witnesses and counterfeiters. The false witnesses run, beyond the rage, and bite all those who will meet. Fakes are dishonored by water and die from constant thirst.

9 circle

The ninth circle of hell is an ice lake cozit. This circle is guarded by the harsh guagants named Efialt, the son of gay and Poseidon - Antey, semi-born, half-mite - Brianars and Lucifer - the guard of the road to the fitting. This circle has four belts - the belt of Cain, the belt of the antenora, the belt belt, the belt of Judecca.

In this circle, languages \u200b\u200bJudas, Brut and Cassius. In addition to them, traitors are doomed to this circle - homelas, relatives, loved ones, friends. They all squeezed into the ice on the neck and experiencing eternal flour with cold.

Gustave Doré "S Illustration of the Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto 34. The Hideous Dis, OR Lucifer, Once God" S Most Beautiful Angel, Frozen in the Lake at the Pit Of Hell.

- in greek mythology Shower carrier dead across the Styx River (Aheron). Son of the ereb and nukty.

- Dante Demon with a snake tail, whipping a well-appropriate soul and pointing the circle of hell, to which the soul is descended.

- In Greek mythology, the production of tables and echidna, a three-headed dog, whose paste flows a poisonous mixture. Guards the exit from the kingdom of the Dead Aida, not allowing the dead to return to the world of living. The creature was defeated by Hercules in one of his feats.

- a beastly demon, protecting access to the fourth circle of hell, where the bills and worshipers are executed.

- In the ancient Greek mythology, the son of Ares - God of war - both Christ. Flyegegia burned the temple of God Apollo and the punishment for it was killed by his arrows. IN underground kingdom It was condemned to the eternal execution - sit under the rock, ready to hit every minute.

- City of Aida, God of the Underground Kingdom.

"The monster with a human body and a bull's head that happened from the unnatural love of Pacifia, the wife of Tsar Minosa, to the sent Poseidon.

- In ancient Greek mythology, the Giant from the island of Eraphia, who had six hands, six legs and wings, and the body consisted of three human tel. Holded three spears in three right hands and three shields in three left, on the heads three helmets.

- The son of Poseidon and Iphimedi, had inhuman power and violent temper.

- The ancient Greek Goddess of the Earth, the mother of everything that lives and grows on it, as well as the mother of the sky, the sea, titans and giants.

- In the ancient Greek mythology, the God of the Seas, one of three main Olympic Gods together with Zeus and Aid.

- In the Greek mythology, the son of the sky of uranium and the goddess of the earth of Gay. Monstrous creature with 50 heads and hundreds of hands.

- Fallen Angel, identified with the devil.

Brut Mark Yongy
- in Ancient Rome He headed (together with the Cassion) Conspiracy in 44 g. BC. e. against Julia Caesar. According to legend, one of the first strikes him a dagger.

Cassius Guy Longin
- The killer Julia Caesar, organized an attempt on his life.

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