Martyr Photinia prayer. Female name Svetlana - which means: name description

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The name Svetlana is considered unique, the origin of which is still ongoing debate. Previously it was thought that church name Svetlana means "bright". Scientists have expressed an opinion about the ancient Greek origin of this name. But this version did not find its confirmation. The name Svetlana was first mentioned in the poem "Svetlana and Mstislav" by A. Kh. Vostokov, which was written in 1802. Some time later, Svetlana's name day was included in the Orthodox calendar.

Patron Saints and Angel Day

Svetlana according to the church - Photinia (Fotina, Fatinia). The patroness of all Svetlana was Photinia of Palestine. Her path to faith began with a shipwreck in which only she could survive. Then the waves washed this girl to the island where the blessed Martinian lived. It was he who told Svetlana that he had been living on this island all alone for many years, but three times a year a shipbuilder came to him, who brought provisions. After this story, he blessed Svetlana, and he himself threw himself into the sea, where he was picked up by dolphins and was able to get to the shore with their help.

After some time, a sailor sailed to the island, but the girl refused to return to the world, after which she devoted all her time to prayers. After 6 years, she died, which was discovered by a shipbuilder who once again arrived on the island. The Monk Samaritan and Great Martyr Svetlana was buried in Caesarea of ​​Palestine, where on January 10, 1991 a temple was erected in her honor.

To the icon Reverend Svetlana in Orthodoxy, the righteous address with any problems of life, praying for well-being and health. Akathists in Latin are also dedicated to her.

According to saints Svetlana's name day according to the church calendar are celebrated three times a year according to the following biblical numbers:

  • February 26th.
  • 2 April.
  • November 16th.

If the child was born approximately on these Orthodox dates with a slight difference in days, then he must be given the name Svetlana at baptism.

Name characteristic

Svetlana are responsible independent individuals who are used to relying only on themselves. All the energy of this name is literally saturated with mobility, lightness, emotionality and fun. That is probably why it remains very popular among the Slavic peoples.

In their lives, these women are distinguished by sociability and goodwill, they adore cheerful noisy companies and new acquaintances. The lights fully justify their bright name, as they are unenvious and unforgiving personalities who can easily find mutual language absolutely with any opponent. They do not have any special stamina of character, nor the ability to complete the work they have begun, however, thanks to self-confidence, such women manage to convince the people around them that they have the qualities that they lack.

Kindness and authority can be traced in the character, inability to make decisions and perseverance, altruism and high self-esteem. The generosity and friendliness of such women does not prevent them from being a commander and leader, as well as firmly defending their opinions. Positive traits Svetlana are more pronounced than negative ones. They know how to ignore someone's public opinion, they even like it when people talk about them.

Lights are always quite difficult to cope with their emotions, they are very temperamental personalities. Their authority coexists perfectly with quickness. That is why it is easy to communicate with such women, even if they are in a bad mood.

If necessary, such individuals can easily change their lives, reconsider their priorities and views. Lights easily take on faith everything said by other people.

Fate is not always favorable to Svetlana, but a flexible psyche and good adaptability allow such women to endure setbacks.

They quite often need support, but they do not know how to ask for help at all, by nature they do not have sufficient determination to achieve some lofty goal that women set for themselves. Lights start to panic at the first difficulties, but it is not in their nature to ask for help. The indecision of these women makes them go with the flow, as well as follow a well-trodden path.

Despite all the absurdity of character, Svetlanas know how to make friends completely devotedly and disinterestedly. It is always cozy and light next to such people, and the wisdom that necessarily comes to them with age only enhances the attractiveness of women for communication. In such personalities there has never been and never will be self-interest and impudence.

Childhood and youth of Sveta

Little girls are mother's first helpers., they enjoy washing dishes, helping to cook and babysitting younger sisters and brothers. Lights are cheerful and sociable, they easily join any children's team.

They love to command and are always in the spotlight, but they lack self-confidence. They study well at school, as they have a good memory, but their knowledge is very superficial and limited by the information of textbooks. Parents need to instill in their daughters a love of reading from an early age, then diversified personalities grow out of them.

These girls have a very plastic psyche., therefore, what values ​​will be laid in them by their parents and teachers in childhood, those will be the main ones for them. it is necessary to develop purposefulness in Svetlanas, otherwise, having become older, they will not want to study or work.

However, a strict upbringing is not suitable for the Lights, since in this case the volcanic sides of the girl's character may appear. After years of restraining emotions and feelings, they can be transmitted with a vengeance in the form of wild life and fun. Therefore, parents need to find a middle ground.

Health and sexuality

The main thing for such women - their moral and psychological state. They may often have a headache, especially when Svetlanas are very nervous. These individuals need to observe the daily routine, get enough sleep, otherwise migraine attacks may intensify.

Svetlanas always feel better in the company of men with whom they easily find a common language. These individuals have a superficial attitude to life, so they do not have any clear criteria for choosing a partner. If a woman likes a man, then she can easily agree to have sex.

At first glance, such natures may seem unapproachable and cold, but in fact they are terribly romantic and sensitive to signs of attention. Life without a man for Svetlana is aimless, they definitely need the person who will love.

Despite all this, sex does not play any important role in a woman's life. It will be much more important for her to find a spiritual connection, the ability of a man to provide and protect his woman. If the partner is passionate and gentle, then Svetlana will literally become clay in his hands, from which a man can mold a sensual woman.

Marriage and Compatibility

The spouse they choose carefully. For such women, early marriage is not typical, they are waiting for their prince for a long time, and they rarely make mistakes in their choice.

Home, children and family happiness - this is where Svetlana can find herself. They can leave their jobs without regret and devote themselves entirely to their families. They have been given an amazing ability to adapt to people, so Svetlana's husband will feel happy, since he will not have to change his habits.

Svetlanas are ready to let their spouse solve all financial problems, as well as all other life tasks. If a woman at the same time is forced to deal with all matters herself, then she will be unhappy in marriage. These individuals will gladly give the palm to the man, but will try to keep all affairs under their own tacit control.

Such women will provide maximum comfort and coziness to their children, all their actions will be subordinated to the interests of their children and husband. However, Svetlanas do not know how to spend money rationally, preferring to live only one day.

A successful marriage can develop with men named:

  • Vladimir;
  • Vadim;
  • Boris;
  • Oleg;
  • Basil;
  • Peter;
  • Alexei;
  • Edward;
  • Yuri.

Career and business

Throughout their lives, such women can change many jobs and professions until they find what they really like. They are industrious by nature., so they rarely reach any career heights. In addition, Svetlanas do not like to study, they often do not have a higher education.

They can make a good cook, salesman, bartender, administrator, waitress, operator, manager or copywriter. In addition, Svetlana - creative people, therefore, they can choose art, culture or music as their field of activity. With age, these individuals can engage in self-education, especially if the chosen business fascinates them.

Since these women are very fond of showing themselves as authoritarian and powerful individuals, they are quite handle leadership positions. But they will make a bad businessman. Svetlanas do not know how to bring all the things they have started to the end, they do not know how to make profitable deals.

Most often, these natures simply go with the flow, while not being too puzzled by building a career and business. These are people of mood, and a momentary impulse can make them radically change their place of work.

Talismans for good luck

Neptune and Mercury are the ruling planets.

The patronizing sign of the zodiac for Svetlana is Aquarius. If a girl who was born under this constellation is called Svetlana, then she will be naturally endowed with talents and abilities.

Winter is considered a good time of the year, and Saturday is considered a good day of the week.

Lucky colors for Svetlana are green, blue, red and brown.

totem plant: lily and birch. Birch is considered a symbol of innocence and beauty, it guards the gates that open the way to heaven. According to Christian traditions, the lily is an integral attribute of the Virgin Mary, it symbolizes the 3 main Christian virtues: mercy, hope and faith.

The main totem animal is the hare. The hare is considered a controversial symbol, which means, on the one hand, the fertility of love, and on the other hand, cowardice and licentiousness. The Slavs believed that this animal goes to its goal by cunning and deceit, but at the same time, the hare lying at the feet of the Virgin Mary is a symbol of victory over lust.

The talisman stone for Svetlana is black opal and rock crystal.

Short congratulations in verse

To congratulate Tatyana, you can use the following cool short verses for a postcard or SMS, which can be diversified with some picture with a guardian angel in a church style.

Verse 1:

May fate bless you generously

So that with a cool and fair wind

You walked your life path

Light, do not regret anything!

Verse 2:

Congratulations, Sveta, on your day!

Let it not get in your way

Evil people, obstacles and pain.

Be strong, iron will to you!

Highly beautiful meaning named after Fotinya - radiant, bright, carrying light. The word first appeared in the Greek language (φωτεινός) - it sounds like, and thanks to the spread of Christianity around the world, it became known. During the formation of the Russian state, women who wore it were not uncommon. It was preserved in the peasant environment until the 20th century.

Today, almost no one is called that way, although there is interest in such names. AT modern language"Svetlana" is recognized as a synonym.

  • Fotinya is common people.
  • Fotina - church.
  • Fotka, Fatka, Fatyuha - colloquial.
  • Fotyushka, Fotya, Fotenka - diminutive.
  • Photinia is the male version.


A girl named Photinia is almost always an idealist. Her tendency to put the person she likes on the pedestal she has built often plays a nasty trick on her. Few people correspond to the image endowed with a dreamer, and then she is disappointed. Her exactingness is not all good quality.

There is a strong desire for perfection in everything. He perceives very negatively any, even the most minor flaws loved ones. In general, the girl is friendly, sociable. He likes to get to know each other for profit, he has a very limited circle of friends. It easily calculates a liar, but there is no way for her to lie.

If he convicts a friend of hypocrisy, he parted with him without regret forever. Those whom she trusts will always support in a difficult moment, she will be devoted. A woman has a weakness that gives her a lot of trouble. If she sees that it is not easy for someone, she takes her under her wing, although sometimes she is not asked about it.

A feature that does honor to Fote is diligence. In the profession, in her studies, she always gets the most responsible projects. Vanity, which is sometimes too inflated, sometimes interferes with the implementation of plans.


To a girl with early years fortune is favorable. She hardly encounters difficulties, and what others get with all their might is given easily, without stress. However, the darling of fate does not like to sit idly by, she often uses all her talents multiplied by diligence and diligence to achieve high goals.

She is never alone unless she wants to be. Everyone loves her, she is sociable and can convince a person of her excellent disposition towards him, although sometimes he is unpleasant. This is done solely from rational mercantile motives. Despite her some arrogance, a woman will never go over the heads, but she will not lose her.

Miscellaneous characteristics and secrets

  • Talisman crystal - hematite, obsidian.
  • Numbers - 3, 9.
  • The ruling planet is Saturn.
  • Lucky day is Saturday.
  • Zodiac - Aquarius.
  • The metal is lead.
  • Totem - ant, mole.
  • The metal is lead.
  • Favorable plant: wrestler, cumin, pine.
  • Color: black, shades of dark gray.

According to Christian canons, Fotina's name day is celebrated

  1. 13(26).02. - Rev. Photinia.
  2. 26(11).03. – m. Photinia
  3. 20.03(02.04). - m. Samaritan Photinia.

All aspects of life

Love and relationships

Being a young lady, she is in an agonizing expectation of a prince on a horse. Almost from the cradle, she dreams of a magnificent wedding. In such dreams, she does not notice real contenders for her hand, sometimes very worthy guys.

If the prince still does not show up, the girl embodies her dreams with a young man suitable for these purposes. Often she simply smothers her chosen one with a wave of emotions and passion, if he folds in the first couple, then further development there may be no more events.

A family

The woman already knows in advance about what the family nest will be like and is moving towards the goal with a firm step. For her, it is often important that she conforms to her dreams, under which she diligently adjusts everything that is possible. She will play the role of a wife-housewife until she has played enough, then again she wants to change something

The attitude towards the husband will be even and respectful. The passions that boiled before marriage are no longer interesting to her. As a mother, she is ready to realize herself to the fullest. Loves children and doesn't mind having lots of them.

Professional side

Thanks to diligence and diligence, he can become a highly qualified doctor or a good economist. She will make good leader middle hand:

  • head teacher
  • head of the kindergarten
  • general sales manager, etc.

Compatibility with men by name

Marriage and relationships for Foti will be successful with Nikolai, Grigory, Ruslan, Vadim, Stepan, Konstantin.

Difficulties will arise with Arseny, George, Artur, Vyacheslav, Nikita.

If the name of the chosen one is not in this list, then several scenarios are possible.

Personalities in history and modernity

Photinia the Samaritan

It is believed that she lived in Samaria, having once talked with Christ, she realized that her disorderly life was wrong. After that, all relatives, including sons, began to preach Christianity. During the period of Nero's persecution of 65-68, Photinia from Carthage, together with her son, was summoned to the capital, where the sovereign demanded that all those who arrived there renounce their faith.

After the torment, the emperor threw the whole family into prison and forgot about them. Remembering after 3 years, he sent slaves to visit them. they reported that the prisoners were in perfect health, unharmed. In addition, the place of their imprisonment became a place of pilgrimage. Enraged, Nero ordered the men to be crucified for three days, but they remained unharmed.

The guards, seeing the crucified, became blind, and the angel untied them and returned strength to the prisoners, who, having prayed over the slaves, made them sighted. So the servants of Nero became Christians when they saw a miracle. By order of the monster, the saints were flayed alive and beheaded, leaving Photinia to suffer more. She only laughed at the proposal to renounce Christ, for which she was thrown into the well, where she died.

Mother Photinia

A self-proclaimed church figure who is not recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church. Built a temple in Nizhny Novgorod region with their own money by selling the apartment. He leads the service, there are parishioners, he publishes his books. Today she calls herself Mother Mary.

Among many female names, there is also the name of Slavic origin Svetlana, which means bright and pure. Svetlana's name day Orthodox calendar marked twice. February 26 (13) is the day of remembrance of the Monk Photina (Svetlana of Palestine) and April 2 (March 20) of the Monk Martyr Photina (Svetlana) of the Samaritan of Rome.

Name day of Svetlana. The lives of the saints

The life story of these two saints is amazing. According to the gospel venerable martyr Fotina once talked with Jesus, who met her near the well of Jacob.

When celebrating Svetlana's name day, it is necessary to know the history of the saints with this name, who devoted their lives to serving faith in Christ.

Photina lived in Carthage with her younger son Josiah, and there she preached the Word of God. At the same time, her eldest son Victor was in the Roman army and fought against the barbarians. For good service, he was sent as a military leader to Attalia, a city in Asia Minor, where he converted the city governor, Saint Sebastian, and his servants to his faith.

Venerable Martyr Photina of Rome

These rumors reached the emperor Nero, at that time there were terrible persecutions of Christians, and then he ordered these Christian preachers to be delivered to him in Rome. But the Lord himself appeared to his people and said: "I will not leave you, Nero will be defeated, and all who serve him."

Saint Photina was also informed by the Savior that they would have to accept martyrdom in the name of faith. She joined the holy preachers and went with them to Rome. There the emperor ordered them to renounce the Christian faith, but they did not. Then it was ordered to crush their hands, but the holy people did not feel pain, and Fotina's hands were not injured. Next, Nero ordered that Saints Sebastian and Josiah be blinded and thrown into the prison cellar. And Saint Photina, together with her sisters, of whom there were five, should be sent under the supervision of their daughter Domnina to imperial palace. Saint Photina converted Domnina and her servants to the faith in Christ, as well as a servant who brought them a poisoned drink.

Three years later, Nero remembered the holy martyrs blinded by him and sent servants after them, who, returning, told that they were alive and well and continued to preach Christ even in prison. As soon as Nero tormented the saints, they remained alive, as a result, their legs were cut off, they skinned them from the living and threw them into the well. The sisters of Fotina were also prepared for martyrdom.

Saint Photina was also flayed and thrown into a well, then they dragged her out of there and kept her in prison for 20 days. Nero thought that after such terrible tortures she would renounce Christ and sacrifice to idols, but she refused, and therefore again ended up in the well, where she died. It was somewhere in the 66th year.

Svetlana's name day according to the church calendar

The story of St. Photina (Svetlana) of Palestine also surprises and delights. It all started with the Monk Martinian, who from the age of 18 lived in the desert near the city of Caesarea in Palestine. For 25 years he lived in an ascetic feat and complete silence, but the enemy sent him all sorts of temptations. Once a woman came to seduce him at night, disguised as a wanderer, but the saint did not succumb to temptation. This woman eventually repented and became a nun at the monastery of St. Paula, her name was Zoya.

Venerable Photina of Palestine

After this incident, Saint Martinian began to live on a rocky desert island. The shipwright brought him food. Once, during a storm, the waves carried the wreckage of the ship and the maiden Photinia to the shore. The hermit monk left bread and water for the girl and asked her to wait for the shipman, while he swam across the sea, and two dolphins helped him to swim to land. Since then he has been wandering.

And blessed Photinia did not want to leave the island, took upon herself the ascetic feat and lived there for 6 years, where she died. The shipbuilder, who brought her food, found her. He transferred her body to Caesarea of ​​Palestine, where she was buried with honor. The name day of Svetlana (St. Photinia of Palestine) and Zoya are celebrated on the same day - April 2 (March 20).

Question: “A 6-year-old girl died, she was christened Svetlana. Is it really allowed now to baptize with your own name, and not Photinia, as before?

Answer: Questions related to the name at Baptism are asked quite often. The reason for this is some misunderstanding that exists among the parishioners. There is an opinion that at Baptism a person is given some kind of “secret, ecclesiastical” name, which should be called only in the Church. Of course it isn't. In the Sacrament of Baptism, there is the rite of giving a name, which the priest, in agreement with the parents, proclaims by laying his hand on the baby. The fact is that, according to the teachings of the Church, every Christian at his Baptism is approached by a guardian angel who has been present next to him all his life. However, there is a pious tradition according to which if a baby bears the name of one of the saints of God, already glorified in holiness, then in addition to the guardian angel, the heavenly patron, whose name he bears, will also help him in life. It is important to understand that the baby is not baptized "in the name" of this or that saint. Baptism can only be performed in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, as the Savior commanded us: “Go, make disciples of all peoples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28:19). The presence of a heavenly patron does not arise “automatically”, this is not a “mechanical witchcraft action”. One must also turn to the saint whose name the baby bears, “get acquainted” with him, read his life, find out by what feat he was glorified in the host of God's saints. And be sure to pray to him. Of course, the saints are always ready to help us, but it is necessary that a person ask about it, say that he really needs help. For addressing the saints there are prayers, akathists, the Canons to the saints are especially good. And of course, there must be an icon of our heavenly patron, so that we know, see who we are addressing.

As for whether it is possible to give such names during Baptism that are not in the "Saints", then there are no strict canonical conciliar prohibitions on this. However, in our opinion, is it really bad if a newly baptized baby has a heavenly patron, an intercessor who can be turned to in difficult times for prayerful help and advice. It is only important that this appeal really be, and be conscious. Therefore, in the Russian Church (precisely in the Russian, in other Orthodox Churches, say, there is no such tradition in Georgian, Serbian, Greek), there is a centuries-old pious tradition to call the newly baptized those names that the saints bear. Therefore, at Baptism, priests usually follow this tradition.

Most often this question arises in connection with the Russian name "Svetlana". In our opinion, there is some confusion here. The name "Photinya" (Photinia, Fotina), Greek. Φωτεινή", is only a translation into Greek name Svetlana, or, rather, on the contrary, the name "Svetlana" is a translation from Greek into Russian of the name Fotinya. We believe that this is the same name, just pronounced in different languages, and not different names. Church Tradition informs us that this name was borne by the Samaritan woman, with whom the Savior spoke at the well, (John 4:4-42). Since ancient times, she was commemorated as Photinia, then in the 19th century the name was transferred and “Svetlana” appeared, but this is the same name. Now in publishing church calendars this discrepancy has been eliminated, and this is how it is indicated: “Photina (Svetlana) Samaritan of Rome” or “Svetlana (Photina, Photinia) of Palestine”. Therefore, you can commemorate with this and that, we repeat, this is the same name.

In general, indulging in excessive reasoning on the topic “how to remember correctly, how to write, where to put a full stop, etc.” we thereby express implicit distrust of God and our Holy Church. The Lord knows all our names, everything about us, sinners, “your hair on your head is all numbered;” (Mt 10:30), this is what the Savior says. Therefore, God bless all our Svetlanas, Fotiny, Fotin, the living and the dead!

Priest Mikhail Makarov

The history of the Orthodox religion knows many examples of people who suffered severe hardships and torments for the sake of spirituality and the affirmation of faith. One of these is Photinia, a saint who preached Christianity at the dawn of its path, during times of severe persecution. The famous ascetic repeatedly showed the miracles of prayer and converted thousands of people to faith. Believers still turn to her image with requests for help and healing from serious illnesses.

Parable of living water

In there is a chapter that tells about the meeting of Christ with the Samaritan woman. In those distant times, Jews and Samaritans (immigrants from Mesopotamia) lived in cold enmity. Evangelizing the gospel, Jesus made his way through the Samaritan lands. Stopping near the city of Sychar, he wanted to drink water from Just at that moment a young woman approached. It was Photinia - April 2, according to a new style). Christ asked her for help, which surprised the woman very much, because he was a Jew. Jesus answered her that if she knew who she was talking to, she herself would ask Him for living water, which would become a source of eternal life. Christ spoke of the Christian faith. He also told the details of her life, pointed out her sins, and Photinia immediately recognized Him as a prophet. She returned to the city of Samaria and told everyone about the coming of the Savior, after which many Samaritans believed in the Messiah and converted to the Christian faith.

Emperor Nero

After this significant meeting, Photinia (Svetlana) went to Carthage (North Africa) to preach Christianity there. Despite the persecution of the pagans, she did it openly, fearlessly and selflessly. When Peter was also killed, Jesus appeared to her in a dream and ordered her to go to Rome, to the emperor Nero, in order to continue spiritual path predecessors. Together with five sisters, the ascetic set about fulfilling her mission. At that time, there were severe persecutions of Christians in Rome. Arriving at the palace, Photinia and her sisters were captured by the pagans. Nero ordered the women's hands to be cut off. But no matter how hard the guards tried, they could not do this, they themselves fell to the ground, writhing in pain. And those wounds that they managed to inflict on them immediately disappeared.

Temptation of Photinia

Then the cunning and arrogant Nero, not wanting to believe in Christ, decided to tempt Photinia and her companions. He settled her in the palace, regaled her with delicious, delicious dishes, surrounded by a hundred slaves for service. There was also the daughter of the emperor - Domina. Forty days later, he visited Photinia and was very surprised when he learned that all the slaves around her, including his daughter, had converted to Christianity.

Enraged, Nero ordered that Photinia be skinned and then thrown into a dry well. The same fate befell the sisters of the martyr. A few days later, Photinia was taken out of the well, she was still alive and did not give up her faith. Then she was locked up in a dungeon for another 20 days. And again, Nero summoned her to his palace, but even then he did not get her to bow down and accept paganism. Photinia just laughed and spat in his face. Then they threw her back into the well.

So I finished my earthly life Martyr Photinia. The saint did not renounce Christ before her death, striking the pagans with miracles of prayer. She was numbered among the holy great martyrs, who still patronize the needy and those who doubt their faith.


The gospel narrative of the meeting of the Savior and Photinia was reflected more than once in fine arts. Examples are a fresco in the church house of Dura Europos, made around the 3rd century (only the figure of a Samaritan woman has survived to this day), and a mosaic in the Ravenna church of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo (approximately the 6th century).

The memory of Saint Svetlana lives on in icon painting. The most ancient icons depicting a martyr date back to the 19th century. It is believed that her images help people to strengthen their spirit, overcome the temptations of sin, and gain firmness of faith, which Fotinia once brought to the Samaritans. Her icon patronizes not only women named Svetlana, but also all those who suffer.

Saint Svetlana protects Her image in the house - a pledge strong family, well-being and understanding between generations, protection from evil intentions and deeds.

Christian traditions claim that when meeting with the Savior Photinia, the saint received power over the water element. Therefore, she managed to survive when she was thrown into the well by the Roman pagans, and heal people with a fever. Saint Svetlana helps people with a similar illness.


Photinia had two sons - Joses (Joseph) and Victor. The first helped his mother in preaching the Gospel, the second was the Roman military commander. They also had deprivations and temptations of faith in their lives. However, the wise guidance and prayer of the mother helped them overcome all this. Today, turning with sincere faith to the image of the Great Martyr, many mothers find consolation and resolution of problems with their children. Saint Photinia (prayer to her inspires believers, gives confidence in own forces) teaches not to be afraid of difficulties. Therefore, you can turn to her with a prayer not only on the days of memory, but every day:

"Pray to God for me, holy saint of God, great martyr Photina, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul."

Miracles of Healing

There are cases when appeals to the image of Photinia helped to recover from serious diseases of the skin, the musculoskeletal system, and beat the fever. Today, her image reminds believers that you need to do good and believe with all your heart, despite all trials.

When the Roman executioners tortured the martyr, thanks to the power of prayer, she remained unharmed, her wounds healed quickly and without a trace. With her life, Saint Photinia proved that miracles are possible when you believe in them and work them yourself with the power of faith.

Holy places

The biblical story about the meeting of Christ and the Samaritan Photinia has a real geographical confirmation. In Israel, one of the most beautiful and picturesque places that attracts thousands of pilgrims is the Well of Jacob (Jacob). Next to it is an ancient temple, which was destroyed three times and rebuilt again. The well itself reaches 40 meters in depth. The water from it is considered healing.

The relics of Photinia the Samaritan woman are kept on the island of Crete, in the village of Fodele, in the convent named after the Great Martyr. Streams of pilgrims annually come here to strengthen their faith and ask for help in resolving spiritual problems.

On the territory of the CIS there are many temples of St. Photinia, where her Christian deed is revered and miraculous images are located. One of these is the Church of the Great Martyr in Dnepropetrovsk.

Photinia Palestine

In Christian sources, there is a story about another ascetic of faith with the name Photinia (angel's day - February 26, according to a new style). She was originally from Caesarea, therefore she received the prefix Palestinian. During a storm, the ship on which she sailed with other passengers was wrecked. Clinging to the plank, Photinia was the only one to escape and swim to the island, where Blessed Martinian was in prayer and fasting. He converted a woman to the Christian faith, and he left the island. Three times a year, a ship came to the island and brought food. Photinia of Palestine remained to live on the rock and continued the asceticism of Martinian. For six years she remained in fasting and prayer, and then she died and was buried in her native Caesarea.

Saint Photinia (her life dates back to the 5th century) helps people gain faith, improve their spiritual and physical health and also patronizes sailors.

Photinia of Cyprus

There is another legend about Photinia of Cyprus. Her life dates back to about the 15th century. She was born in Karpasia (eastern part of Cyprus) in a pious family. In her youth, she decided to become the bride of Christ and left her father's house. Photinia settled in a cave, indulging in fasting and prayers. Soon the virgin was filled with the grace of God and began to perform miracles of healing. The news of this spread throughout the island and beyond. Many Christians turned to her for advice and to maintain spiritual strength.

Today, the cave where St. Photinia once labored is a place of pilgrimage. There is an altar and a deep spring in it, the liturgy is read. Every new moon, water rises in the spring with a thin film of sand. It is believed that water grants healing from many diseases, and sand is smeared on the eyes of the blind for insight. The cave is located near the Cypriot village of Agios Andronikos. And the relics of the ascetic herself are placed in the temple of the Apostle Andrew. The day of memory of the saint falls on August 2 (according to the new style).

Thus, there are three days a year when all Svetlanas celebrate name days. But this is not an ordinary holiday, but a day of remembrance deep in the spiritual sense. Here business is not limited to a feast and gifts. According to Christian tradition, on the day of St. Photinia-Svetlana, they go to church, confess, partake of the Holy Mysteries. They also turn with a grateful prayer to the Lord and the patroness.

Saint Photinia (of Samaritan) is also remembered on the fifth week after Pascha. At this time, the liturgy is read, thanksgiving and laudatory prayers are offered for the martyr's feat in the name of the Christian faith.

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