Country homemade construction. Homemade products for the garden and cottages: interesting ideas

landscaping 26.06.2020

All the owners of a summer house once think about decorating it, bringing something special into the atmosphere. Of course, you can go to specialized stores and buy whatever your heart desires. But if summer residents want their place of rest to be unique and inimitable, then it will be much more interesting to make decorations with their own hands. Jewelry made by yourself will give the owners both a creative mood and aesthetic pleasure.

We choose original ideas for giving

Each owner of a summer house, if desired, can find a lot of different ideas for decorating his site. For the manufacture of most scenery, only improvised means and minimal costs will be enough. And old, unnecessary furniture and interior items will inspire creativity even more. Often, seemingly completely useless and forgotten things can come in handy. Country designers use in their work everything that comes to hand: broken old furniture, unnecessary toys, various bottles and utensils, car tires, leftover building materials and much more.

Not a single summer cottage is complete without intricate interesting flower beds. You can add uniqueness to flower arrangements by planting them in old containers. It can be barrels, pots, and even carts. Many summer residents build various fences for flower beds.

Cosiness will always be added by original paths at their summer cottage. They are made from timber or stone. And the rest of the materials can always be used for the construction of the next composition.

Bottles and plastic jars are especially popular with country designers. From them it is easy and simple to build a lot of interesting sculptures, decorations for flower beds, borders. There are no limits for imagination here.

Be sure to place a bird feeder in the country. Children usually love to watch birds. And with a bird feeder, birds will be a frequent guest at their summer cottage. It can be made from a plastic bottle, and from an unnecessary block of wood, and from twigs.

Without much difficulty, you can make a variety of figures that will bring comfort and individuality to the country atmosphere. For their manufacture, you can use a variety of design solutions and materials. For example, polymer clay, remnants of mounting foam, gypsum and other building materials. One has only to start creative work and it will immediately become clear that nothing is impossible.

Crafts from improvised means

The most popular among improvised materials for crafts are bottles, various plastic jars and boxes. Before starting work, you should definitely think over the details so that the result is really beautiful, and does not resemble a bunch of plastic waste.

Plastic bottles are easy to cut, it is easy to give them the desired shape. And if you cover the result of the work with suitable paints, you get bright, unique decorations for giving. For example, you can make figures of animals (pigs, cows, bees) or fairy-tale characters. By making such decorations, you can unleash your creative potential, and each time the crafts will be more and more perfect. With a large amount of unnecessary plastic, not only crafts are made from it, but also pieces of furniture.

If there is a glass cutter among the tools, then you can make original pots from glass bottles. Such crafts look very stylish and easily fit into any design. Candle holders can be made in the same way.

Bottle caps can also be useful for decorating furniture, decorative fences, creating compositions and even curtains. You can also use chocolate egg toy containers.

The remains of natural stone are perfect for decorating a pond in the country. A small pond will bring a unique comfort to the atmosphere of the cottage. Around will look good flower beds, crafts or a recreation area. If the pond turns out to be large enough, then it can be decorated with an interesting bridge.

Every motorist will always have old tires. You can simply paint them and make bright bases for a flower bed out of them, or you can show your imagination and cut out various shapes.

Arrangement of a play area in the country

While landscaping and decorating a summer cottage, do not forget about the children. They need their own territory for games and entertainment. Children of all ages love swings. They can be made from ordinary boards and ropes, or you can use metal chains and old tires painted in bright colors. From improvised materials it is easy to build slides, swings, rocking chairs. The main thing is that everything is strong and reliable.

Toddlers will definitely need a sandbox. Her borders will look interesting from multi-colored bottles or wooden log cabins. The sandbox in the form of a ship or car will look original. It is recommended to make an awning over the sand to protect from the bright sun.

Children will certainly enjoy having their own playhouse in their summer cottage. Benches, a table or other furniture can be placed inside. Everything depends on fantasy. The house can be decorated with a bright flower bed or homemade decorations. Usually the guys themselves are happy to take part in decorating their territory.

Ideas for decorating a fence in the country

The fencing will best emphasize the uniqueness of the suburban area. The fence is not only the protection of the territory, but also the so-called calling card of the owners.

A simple wooden or iron fence is commonplace. It must be decorated. You can decorate the fence with a variety of materials: flower pots, crafts in the form of animals, painted landscapes and everything that is enough for imagination. For example, unnecessary bright-colored rubber boots will look original as pots.

You can decorate the fence with old disks. They reflect sunlight and look interesting in any light. Different patterns can also be applied to the discs.

The fence made of wooden round timber, painted “under colored pencils”, looks spectacular. With such a fence, you can also fence off the children's territory in the country.

Any fence will look cozier if some climbing plants grow along it. There are various types that grow very quickly. For example, decorative beans or morning glory. You can plant vines. They grow much slower, but also look more expensive. Beyond comparison in this case, wild grapes. Grape leaves gradually change their color and retain their beauty until the frost. It looks original when the "grape fence" turns into a canopy. This design gives the fence an old look.

Flowering shrubs planted along it will become beautiful decorations for a low fence. You can combine plants with different colors and flowering times.

In the evening, different lanterns on the fence look beautiful. It is also possible to make them yourself from improvised materials. Or you can simply place candles in painted glass jars attached to the fence. The main thing is that the flame does not fall on the fence.

A lot of room for imagination will open up to those who like to draw. You can draw anything on the surface of the fence: nature, plots, cartoon characters, ornament, small patterns in the form of flowers, butterflies, ladybugs. It is easy to draw on any fence, but it is easier on a corrugated fence.

Compositions of caps, shells, stones, dishes look original. It is easy to make plastic flowers from the bottoms of bottles and paint them in rich colors - they will look beautiful on a wooden fence.

We make flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds will help transform the summer cottage and bring color to its atmosphere. When choosing plants, be sure to take into account their individual characteristics. First of all, it is worth deciding on the flowers "soloists", that is, the main plants in the flower bed. The choice can be stopped at three or four types.

The design of flowers with ornamental herbs and leaves of an interesting shape looks beautiful. With them, the flower bed will be original, even when the flowers do not bloom. But do not try to place a lot of different plants in the country. The territory of the site should look holistically and harmoniously.

Of course, it’s not enough just to plant flowers beautifully. The flower beds also decorated around look more original. The composition must be complete.

Flower beds can be decorated using any unnecessary items. The article has already said that it is easy to make small flower beds from old tires painted in bright colors. You can use a wheelbarrow, a cart, an unnecessary beehive, or even an old car. The main thing is that everything is done neatly and aesthetically. If desired, you can add decorations to the flower garden in the form of homemade bees, butterflies, interesting stuffed animals.

You can make a small fence around the flower bed. For its manufacture, it is possible to use plastic bottles or cups, a fence made of tyn, stones. The flowerbed smoothly turning into a lawn looks beautiful.

Setting up a recreation area

At the cottage, a comfortable place for outdoor recreation must be equipped. This issue must be approached very responsibly. It all depends on the preferences and desires of the owners. It can be just a laid out area with a table and comfortable chairs or hammocks placed in the shade.

At any summer cottage, a gazebo will look spectacular, which can be made from the remaining building materials. Arbors look beautiful, the walls of which are decorated with climbing plants. Bright soft pillows or blankets look cozy as decorations.

Swings can be not only for children, but also for adults. It will not be difficult to build a wide wooden swing for relaxation or make hinged ones somewhere in the shade of trees. For convenience, they can be decorated with soft pillows.

In the recreation area, you will definitely need a barbecue. It can be made, for example, from an old barrel. Flashlights can be provided for the evening and night time.

When making and decorating a summer cottage, it is worth remembering that a summer cottage is a place of rest from everyday life and bustle of the city. It should be comfortable and calm, and the environment should be pleasing to the eye. It is important not to overload the territory with crafts or some kind of design solutions, everything should be in moderation. Imagine, create, surprise!

All gardeners want their summer cottage not only to please with a harvest, but also to be attractive. It is not necessary to purchase expensive decorative items - good country homemade products can be made with your own hands from improvised materials, which for the most part we throw in the trash.

Useful crafts for the garden

As a rule, garden, suburban areas do not differ in large areas, and one can only dream of amenities in the form of a shower. Making a garden shower with your own hands is not difficult at all:

It is important to choose the right place to place the shower. It is better if it is an elevated place, then it is more convenient to equip the drain. Do not place the shower far from home so that you do not feel uncomfortable on a cool evening. Choose a site that is not covered by branches of shrubs and trees - the water will not heat up through them, and a lot of insects will fly in.

The simplest type of shower is in the form of a rack mounted on a wall or vertical panel. All you have to do is supply water and drain wastewater.

Among other useful homemade products for a summer cottage:

  • A gazebo where you can have a good time on a summer evening.
  • Recreation area with barbecue.
  • Playground for kids: swing, horizontal bar, sandbox, small table with a bench.

Original flower beds

Flowers on the backyard are an indispensable element, with them the cottage looks attractive. An original flower garden can be made from various items - at least from an old wheelbarrow. Find a place for it in the landscape, fill it with soil and plant annuals. Lush multi-colored hats will attract attention with bright colors and fragrance.

You can turn an old bicycle into a flower stand. Place small planters with ornamental plants and flowers on it. It is better if they are different: low and medium in height, hanging down, of different colors and shapes.

On the fence or railings of an open terrace, verandas, you can place unusual flower pots, the role of which will perfectly play ... old teapots, bowls and pots. And the remaining single tea cups from the service can be hung obliquely against the wall: let the effect be created as if the flowers “poured out” of them.

In the garden, an old bathtub, a shabby wooden chair, a watering can can become the basis for a flower garden, even old shoes can become the basis for a planter. Such an unusual use of old things will delight the neighbors and your guests.

The original flower garden can be made from old car tires:

Paint the tire a bright color and hang it from a chain to a sturdy bough on a tree. Insert a planter with a flower inside the tire. Hanging flowering plants will look more effective.

Place the cover on the stand. Gently wrap it with thick jute twine so that each row fits snugly against the previous one. Fill the container with soil and plant flowers.

Original furniture for a summer residence can be made from wooden pallets. Sofas and benches, complemented by soft pillows, will make your stay comfortable.

On a Saturday evening, when you sit down to take a break from gardening, look around for material for original crafts for your site. Having shown imagination and making a little effort, you will turn your site into a cozy relaxation corner or a fairy-tale kingdom.

Photo of homemade products for summer cottages and gardens

It's no secret that today almost any goods for the garden plot are expensive in stores. So, for example, to purchase various accessories will cost, as they say - "a pretty penny". And if you make them from scratch, then you will spend no less, because you still have to buy the source materials.

So why not save money and organize do-it-yourself garden crafts from what you usually have at hand, or is it inexpensive? Moreover, everything can be done really beautifully and neatly. Plus, it's functional.

In this article, we will consider the most useful do-it-yourself homemade products for summer cottages and gardens, which are simple and original.

Beautiful "usefulness" for the garden and vegetable garden

It is worth noting one important point - you need to understand that only a small part of the list of crafts that can be done will be disassembled. Just these options are like a start, a “push” for fantasy.

After all, it is important to understand the very principle of how easy it is to organize everything, and then everything depends only on your imagination. So, let's start the review.

Pond from an old bath

If a small reservoir of this type is made on the site, then it will perform several functions at the same time - we will familiarize ourselves with them in the table below.

Agree, the task is worth it to implement it. Moreover, for this you need only an old bath, which in most cases is available on the site.

A pond is made according to the following scheme:

  1. We dig a hole with our own hands in the right place, which in its parameters should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the bath.

Advice: take the choice of place as responsibly as possible.
It is undesirable to arrange a pond too close to the dining table, for example.
The fact is that various midges, bees, etc. can periodically flock to the water.
And brushing off insects during lunch is not very pleasant, as you know.

  1. We lay several boards at the bottom of the pit- They will have a bath.
  2. We insert a bath into the pit and level it. We close its drain hole with a stopper. At the same time, it is desirable to treat the outer edges of the cork with silicone so that in the future there will be no leakage of water from the container.

  1. We fill with earth all the free space between the metal and the ground.

Well, then it remains only to decorate the structure. To do this, you can lay out beautiful stones around the perimeter or, for example, plant flowers. In addition, you can create an edging from boards or any wooden sheets, panels that are more or less resistant to moisture.

As for filling the tank, for this you can use both water from the central water supply and natural streams. For example, you can bring the edge of the gutter of the gutter system of the house to the bathtub and the pond will be filled with rainwater.

In principle, such homemade products for a garden can be slightly adjusted - use any tank, barrel, etc. instead of a bath.

Now let's look at another very handy craft.

Pallet bench

Surely at some point you will want to sit in the garden - near an artificial pond, for example. And here you will already need such a useful design as a bench.

Buying a new product is expensive. It is much easier to make a bench from a pallet - if it is not available, then, as a rule, a considerable amount of them is thrown out near large warehouses and industries.

The bench is made quickly.

  1. Make a transverse cut on one side of the pallet to the left of the reinforcing bars.

  1. On the other side, perform exactly the same operation, only on the other side of the bars.

  1. We divide the product into two parts.

  1. We insert blocks of bars between the boards, as shown in the figure below. We get the back and seat.

  1. We fasten the wood with self-tapping screws at all connecting points.

  1. We put the remaining wooden elements under the seat and use them to adjust the height.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Now you can paint the bench and mount other homemade products for the garden and cottage.

Now consider a very functional, original and cheap craft.

A hanger is a very necessary element. After all, you can hang not only clothes on it, but also a considerable part of various garden tools.

Of course, the “primitive” version of this design is ordinary nails or self-tapping screws. However, it looks rather nondescript, and besides, the nails tend to gradually loosen inside the holes into which they are hammered.

And loosening means that such "hooks" will periodically fall to the ground. We offer a more original and reliable solution - to make a hanger from an old rake.

All you need is the metal part, no wooden handle. Even if such an element is not available in the sheds, then acquiring it in the nearest market is not a problem. The price of a rake is acceptable for everyone.

The hanger is mounted like this:

  1. We tie the wire to the two edges of the line on which the teeth are fixed. In this case, a piece of wire should be one. That is, it turns out that the fasteners, in fact, resemble the way paintings or mirrors are hung on a string.
  2. We drive a large nail into the wall or in any desired place and hang a rake on it.

The hanger is ready - you can hang anything on the teeth of the rake: shoulder blades, caps, etc.

Now let's apply the old shoes, which are usually a lot in the country.

Flower pots from shoes

The ideal option is the presence of rubber boots, but in principle, regular leather shoes will do.

From such shoes you can make non-standard flower pots that fit perfectly into the style of almost any garden.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. We nail or fasten the boots with screws to the fence or to any other suitable plane.
  2. We fall asleep in each boot the earth.
  3. We make several holes in the soles - they are needed to release excess water.
  4. We plant flowers in pots and enjoy the appearance of the invention.

Any garden homemade products with your own hands can be "improved" indefinitely.
The main thing in this business is to correctly organize the “basic” thought, idea.
And you can decorate the invention with anything and as your heart desires - there are no restrictions.

Keep this simple rule in mind when planning "utilities" for your garden.

This concludes our review of useful and original crafts for the garden plot and summarizes the article.


As you can see, gardener's homemade products are quite simple, and you can make them from almost anything. We hope that this article will be a catalyst for your ideas, and you will be able to beautifully decorate your site. Well, if you want more information on this topic, we recommend that you also watch the video in this article.

Homemade products for summer cottages are a special pride for a zealous owner. To show ingenuity, practicality can not everyone. But take note, bring to life someone's useful experience, into a masterpiece, many can do it.

Original flower bed made from car tires

Used tires are a popular material for landscape transformation and practical structures.

Tire beds

Such homemade products for summer cottages and gardens have gained the greatest popularity. At the same time, the classic single flower beds receded into the background. Currently, you can see the following options:

Such homemade products for home and summer cottages with their own hands will take their rightful place in any landscape.

Playgrounds from tires

Grandchildren and children are frequent guests at the dacha. Therefore, they will appreciate the efforts of adults who decide where to place:

Options for playgrounds from tires
  1. and cartoon characters from tires. Bright little animals made of tires will be a special source of pride in front of friends and neighbors.
  2. Swing. You can find from ordinary hanging models to rocking chairs made of a semicircle with a board installed instead of a seat.
  3. Cars, motorcycles. Wheels of different diameters allow you to assemble original racing cars and bikes. Any boy will feel like a real racer and will appreciate the efforts of adults.
  4. Furniture. Chairs and tables for playgrounds and impromptu banquets are every little lady's dream.

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Installation of a gate in the country

DIY crafts for the playground will provide an active, interesting summer for the child.

Useful tire crafts

Tires are often used for the following designs:

Rubber crafts, homemade products for summer cottages are popular due to the availability of improvised materials and a wide range of applications.

Useful crafts from plastic bottles

Another popular material for design and practical research. Useful homemade plastic bottles are widely used for country life:

Practical do-it-yourself crafts for giving with your own hands from plastic bottles are widely used due to the high availability of material and ease of processing.

Do-it-yourself homemade products for summer cottages and gardens not only perfectly complement the garden plot, but also help save a decent amount on this. Today, there are many useful devices for giving, simplifying everyday life. Usually, a large number of unnecessary things and materials are collected in the country house, which people do not use in their apartments. it takes up a lot of space. Any summer resident has the opportunity, by turning on his imagination, to make simple home-made items.

gardening tools

When visiting hardware stores, many buyers note that the quality of garden tools does not match their cost. Even an expensive and high-quality shovel is very easy to damage. One of the options is to personally make some kind of country tool that can perfectly replace the usual bayonet shovel. for example, a garden digger, which is not only very easy to manufacture, but also convenient to use. If we compare an ordinary shovel and this country tool, it can be noted that the latter is much easier to dig the ground, and it does not exert heavy loads on the human spine.

To make a digger for a garden with your own hands, you need those items that often lie and gather dust in the country. Must have:

  • metal sheet 2 mm thick;
  • metal pipe 0.5 inch in diameter;
  • 2 bolts and 2 nuts;
  • 2 engraver washers for bolts and 2 hours of free time.

You need to cut a metal sheet into 7 segments that look like stakes. That is, you should get a stake, wide on one side, and tapering to the other. Then, a pipe 43 cm long is taken, 5 mm is measured from the edge on it. The following marks are made every 6 cm. Another 5 mm should remain on the other end of the pipe, which should also be marked. Using a grinding disc on a grinder, you need to make cuts in the marked places to the middle of the pipe.

Cut out stakes are taken (they will act as legs), inserted into the grooves cut in the pipe and seized by welding. Then the remaining pipes are welded into a U-shaped handle and bolted to the workpiece. That's all, the kopalka is ready to use.

Garden decoration

We should not forget about the opportunity to become a designer of your own garden in the country. After all, you can make not only country tools, but also much more. And to add zest to a country house, you can lay out a beautiful and original stone garden path. Such a path will not only delight its owners, but will also become the latest trend, very popular among summer residents. For a stone path you will need:

  • a stone with which the path is laid out;
  • sand;
  • gravel and board 25-30 mm thick.

Work should begin with a preliminary measurement of the distance of the future track. To do this, four pegs are hammered, which are connected in pairs with a guide rope. After, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, or in other words, dig a trench. While working with a shovel, one should not forget about the level of the trench, since it is better to make it even in depth. This will help not only to use building materials correctly and economically, but also simplify subsequent work. Along the edges of the trench, you need to install boards, they will act as bumpers into which sand and stones are placed.

At the bottom of the recess, gravel should be poured first. It will not only perform a shock-absorbing function, but will also provide indispensable assistance in the drainage of groundwater. Next, the gravel is covered with sand, which should be moistened in advance - so it will lie more tightly. It is best to make a sand cushion with a thickness of 10 cm or more, and after that, you need to level the surface of the embankment with a board. Only after that you can lay stone or paving stones. It is necessary to calculate the thickness of the future path in advance so that you do not have to cut the stone once again.

Traps for mosquitoes

The invention does not fight mosquitoes, but their larvae. It hangs on tree branches. Mosquitoes lay their offspring in this device, which does not allow the born mosquitoes to leave it. For a more effective fight against bloodsuckers, you should make as many of these traps as possible. But even using this gadget cannot provide 100% protection against mosquito bites.

One of the easiest ways is to use an ordinary plastic bottle as a trap. It is necessary to cut off the upper part with the neck and insert it into the lower part so that the neck does not touch the bottom. Next, you should prepare a special solution that will attract mosquitoes. To do this, you need 15 g of yeast, 45 g of sugar and warm water. All 3 components must be mixed and pour the resulting solution into the trap. Then, the bottle must be darkened. To do this, you can use a dark cloth or thick paper. This trap is able to attract not only mosquitoes, but also cockroaches. Therefore, the owners of a house in the village have the opportunity to use it in a residential area.

These were only 3 of the most interesting and easily manufactured devices for summer cottages and gardens. Do not forget that a person can create something more useful and unique from improvised means, you just need to give free rein to your imagination.

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