Orthodox calendar of names for the year girl. Holy calendar names for boys in January: meaning, origin, patron saint

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Having a baby is very responsible and important for every parent. Of course, young mothers and fathers try to provide their baby with everything he needs in life, but this is not always possible. Some things for a child can be purchased at any specialized store - these are clothes, food, toys, etc. But the patronage of the Higher Forces will help to ennoble the fate and help the child become happier. Every year, during each month, sacred dates are celebrated dedicated to the great Saints, the name day in 2018 is the naming of a child in honor of a certain saint. In Orthodoxy, giving a baby a name in honor of the Saint is named - to give a name according to the calendar.

The tradition of naming newborns after the names of the Saints has come to us since ancient times. During the period of the Baptism of Rus, which was performed by Prince Vladimir, such an Orthodox tradition meant trust Higher Forces... Since then, believers have scrutinized names carefully before bestowing a specific name on their own newborn child.

Since ancient times, they have come to the present, in which all the name days of the Saints are spelled out. In any Orthodox sacred church, workers give good advice relatively the right choice nouns. If young parents have certain doubts in their souls, then they should turn to the clergy with their problems, the latter will surely answer them all their questions and give a practical hint.

It is believed that naming a baby according to the calendar is a sacred act. After all have been respected Orthodox foundations, the baby will receive a Guardian Angel as a reward from the Heavenly Forces, who will become both an assistant and a reliable protector for the child throughout his life. Believers are sure that the Guardian Angel is able to give strength to his ward, especially in moments of sadness and trouble.

Modern young parents prefer their child to have not only an Orthodox name, but at the same time a beautiful and fashionable name. It is quite possible to combine all these conditions, because the Orthodox name day calendar for 2018 contains many nouns in its data, which are very popular today. An important aspect in giving a correct and harmonious name to an infant is the comparison of the naming with its character. Let us designate which name days are found at the Saints in certain months, and how best to name a newborn who was born in the White World at a certain period of the year.

The harsh winter season brings severity and self-confidence to the temper of the kids. These kids always know what they want to receive from own life, they confidently head towards their own goal, overcoming various obstacles on their fateful path.

January is considered a very good period for the birth of babies, because it was in this month that Jesus Christ appeared on the White Light. The winter season is associated with other religious holidays, which are of the utmost importance in the life of every Orthodox Christian.

Children born in January will become happy, because there are only solid qualities in their character, and the Heavenly Forces and Patron Angels will become reliable helpers for such children. In January, there are plenty of beautiful names for both boys and newborn girls, so parents have a huge choice.

Name days in February 2018

The windy season is February. The frosty period is also very good for the birth of long-awaited babies. What kind of character will the February kids be like?

The main quality of such children will be purposefulness, they clearly represent their desires and always stubbornly move towards a meeting to fulfill them. February kids are good-natured and sweet, a happy fate awaits them, if their parents try to choose the correct church name for them.

It is important to remember that February children have such a negative quality as a craving for leadership, but it can be well corrected with the help of the naming chosen according to church calendar names.

Name days in March 2018

Springtime is the most wonderful time of the year. It is on these bright days that an active awakening begins in nature. Initial period The spring season is known for its inconstancy; cold nights and sunny days are equally often observed here. Young parents will definitely be prompted by the Orthodox name day calendar for 2018 by day, which naming is best to choose for a March newborn. It would not hurt to find out what qualities of character that Mother Nature gives to the children of March?

The kid, born at the beginning of the spring period, has a selfish but good-natured disposition. Such children always try to do everything in their own way, but such spiritual qualities as constancy, loyalty to everyone around, justice are completely alien to them.

Name days in April 2018

The brightly sunny month of April combines all the pleasant signs of springtime. In the Orthodox calendar of names, you can find the most popular and beautiful nouns for your children. How do the saints advise to name newborns?

Name days in May 2018

With the arrival of May, nature finally awakens, all living things become more active, and children born in this spring month are distinguished by self-confident and strong character traits. It is mistakenly believed that May is not a favorable period for the birth of babies, on the contrary, this season of the year is filled with joy, happiness and lightness.

It is necessary to tell a little about the nature of the children in May. Such kids are stubborn personalities, they always set specific goals for themselves and stubbornly achieve them. It is impossible to disappoint such a kid, but instantly turning into an enemy for him is as easy as shelling pears. May kids hate hypocrisy, lies and betrayal. If once they observed similar manifestations from a number of people around them, then they instantly lose confidence in such individuals.

Name days in June 2018

In June, you rarely notice a real heat, during this period of the year everything is consistent and systematic. Babies born in the initial summer month of the year have approximately the same qualities. For June kids, it is important to carefully select the correct naming, it is impossible for such kids to be present too soft sounds... There is firmness in the character of the June people, but they are too trusting and fickle. It is possible to correct such shortcomings with the help of a harmoniously selected naming, which is combined with Orthodox traditions.

It is preferable to call the June boys Ignat, Nikita, Ivan, Konstantin, Victor, Makar, Leonid, Zakhar, Denis.

For girls, it is preferable to choose nouns such as Elena or Maria, Kharita, Sophia, Marta or Vera.

Name days in July 2018

When parents mistakenly choose the "wrong" names for their children, they, thus, dramatically worsen their fate. You can't give kids too newfangled names like Marionella or Leonardo. In Orthodoxy, they do not approve if a newborn is given a double name, thus the child becomes the owner double destiny, he may be unhappy in the future.

For July babies, names are selected taking into account the basics of the Orthodox calendar of names. Strong and solid qualities prevail in the character of the child, the negative character is only a craving for deception.

Name days in August 2018

The end of summer is considered a golden time in many cities.At this moment, nature is "covered" with unusual colors, and such beauty is appropriately reflected in the character of the newborn August babies. Such kids are fair, outwardly sweet and good-natured, they are purposeful, fair and loyal. August kids do not tolerate resentment and injustice, evil and vanity.

It should be clarified that for a child born in August, only a "solid" name is chosen. Girlish names should also contain solid sounds. The whole point is that the character of such babies is too kind, and the soft sounds in the naming will only further burden the naivety in the character of the baby, which in adulthood can cause a lot of unpleasant problems for a person.

Name days in September 2018

The month of September is wonderful. In Christianity during this period there is great amount important celebrations. The most significant holiday of Orthodoxy is the Nativity of the Virgin. Believers solemnly celebrate an important holiday; in honor of the main event of the year, a large feast is organized, where all relatives and friends are invited.

The name day calendar for 2018 offers parents a lot of options for choosing the right naming for a newborn.

  • Boys preferably called Alexander, Nikolai, Maxim, Vladimir, Moisey, Artem, Dmitry, Mikhail, Stepan.
  • For girls such names as Maria, Anfisa, Antonina, Vasilisa, Elena will become ideal.

Name days in October 2018

According to Orthodox customs, the sacred naming of a child is given on the date of his christening. The rite of Baptism is carried out strictly in Orthodox church... In exceptional cases, it is possible for the clergyman to leave the house. At Baptism by a priest, the baby is given a name that is pre-selected by the parents. It is important that it is suitable for the basics of religion and does not contradict church canons. It is undesirable to name a baby in honor of deceased relatives. It is also not recommended to give a child such a name that a person with an unhappy fate had.

There are many rules and basics in choosing a suitable name for a child, but by observing all of them, parents provide their child with a happy fate.

Name days in November 2018

The nature of November kids is very contradictory, such kids prefer to live according to the rules established only by them. They do not like to indulge the whims of the people around them and contradict their life rules. The church calendar lists the best names for November kids.

  • Boys can be called Athanasius, Valery, Ivan, Pavel, Denis, Yakov, Vasily, Leonid, Makar, Naum, Andrey, German, Stepan, Nikolai, Artem, David, Kuzma.
  • Girls it is good to give such names as Elena or Anastasia, Evgenia or Anna, Elizabeth or Dominika, Vasilisa or Alexandra.

Name days in December 2018

Many parents ask themselves how the church relates to what, for example, girls are given male names- Alexandra or Eugene. It is important to note that in the Orthodox calendar of names there is no distinction for male or female names, the names of the Saints have no gender distribution, but nevertheless, young parents should not choose from the list of names such names that do not initially suit their child.

If parents have questions, then in any church church the priest will answer them. And yet, the final decision remains with the parents.

Good names for December kids by Orthodox calendar are:

Families planning to have a baby in 2018 will be pleasantly surprised what wonderful qualities the patron of this year, the yellow earth Dog, will endow the newborn with.

The girl who was born at this time will turn into a real charm, kind and sympathetic, conquering the hearts of the opposite sex. It is possible that the girl will grow up in love with some kind of art: dancing, singing or painting. But every character trait that a Dog can pass on to a child will be to everyone's taste. Let's find out what character the girl who was born in 2018 will have.

Character of girls born in 2018 of the Dog

Lovely, kind and sympathetic girls grow out of girls born in the year of the Dog. They have a good memory and vivid imagination, are often fond of art, write music, draw or dance well. They are confident in themselves and quickly converge with other people. It will always be pleasant to be friends with such a person. Representatives of the fair sex, who were born, know how to imagine themselves in the place of another person, easily get into a position and help in trouble. However, they are very touchy and often think too much, which can put them in an unpleasant situation. They sincerely believe in their own invented fears, often exaggerate the tragedy of the situation. Such girls are offended for a long time, but they leave, and again turn into pleasant companions and faithful friends.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the church calendar

The most common and time-tested way of choosing a name for your baby is according to the church calendar or according to the Holy Calendar... If parents decide to prefer this method of choosing a name to a child, then they should go to church and talk to a clergyman who will help determine the appropriate name. According to the Holy Calendar, the name for the girl is chosen according to the date of birth. Names for girls Orthodox Church offers a lot, but at the same time, it is also allowed to remake male names, for example: Alexander - Alexandra, Evgeny - Eugene, Valentin - Valentina, Oles - Olesya, etc.

Orthodox calendar of names for 2018 by months

Beautiful female names

Milana ("sweetheart"), Pelageya ("sea"), Vasilisa ("queen"), Elizabeth ("oath of God"), Alice ("baby"), Praskovya ("Friday"), Elena ("bright"), Margarita ("pearl"), Olesya ("special").

Popular names in 2018 for girls in Russia

Natalia ("native"), Diana ("divine"), Eve ("life"), Victoria ("victory"), Marina ("sea"), Ruslana ("lioness"), Veronica ("faith in victory") ...

Rare female names

Beatrice ("bringing happiness"), Alla ("column of light"), Larisa ("pleasant"), Zlata ("golden"), Clara ("light"), Lada ("sweet").

See also: detailed by year of birth.

Naming according to church rites is a person's personal name, which is given to him in infancy and is assigned to him according to Christian customs. It is generally accepted that by naming a child according to the calendar, that is, in honor of the Angel, parents give him a chance to be protected from evil spirits and evil spirits. In Orthodoxy, they are very sensitive to the choice of names for newborn children, therefore, all Orthodox, as well as naming conventions for newborn boys, are scrupulously distributed in the Christian's calendar.

Orthodoxy traditions

From the earliest times, there was a Christian tradition that a newborn child was called by a certain name on the 8th day from the date of his immediate birth, white. In order to correctly and harmoniously choose a name, it was necessary to look into the calendar of Orthodox names - which Angel celebrates the name day on this day, the same name should be given to the baby.

In modern times, modern parents return to the origins of religion, so they carefully follow the foundations and traditions of Christianity, including giving the correct Christian name to their baby. Of course, in Orthodoxy, there are also certain nuances of the correct choice of an infant naming, and a clergyman can answer all questions that arise from parents. What is important to consider?

All Orthodox Christians by month and day for 2018 are included in the data. Parents should realize that for a child his name is the name of a righteous Angel, who throughout the life of the child will sanctify his life and protect him from various evils. In Orthodoxy, boys are often named after saints who have established themselves as defenders of warriors or courageous intercessors or patrons.

But girls, according to ancient church traditions, should be called by a clergyman. Of course, the parents were allowed to correct the opinion of the church minister, but such situations were rare.

  • It is not recommended that children's names have a double meaning, for example, Anna-Maria. Thus, the child receives a dual fate, which often becomes unhappy.
  • You cannot give names to children in honor of deceased relatives, even if they correspond to the calendar.
  • Choosing the correct and harmonious name, it is important to observe the traditions of religion. If the child's parents belong to different religions, then the baby is assigned the name, according to the religion of which he will be baptized.

List of girl names

What are the names by month for 2018 for girls marked in the calendar:

  • January - Anastasia, Julia, Emilia.
  • February - Seraphim, Anna, Maria.
  • March - Svetlana, Christina, Nika.
  • April - Svetlana, Vasilisa, Fedora.
  • May - Zoya, Alexandra, Nonna.
  • June - Pelageya, Nina, Antonina.
  • July - Matryona, Alevtina, Elizabeth.
  • August - Susanna, Eva, Elena.
  • September - Martha, Seraphima, Raisa.
  • October - Thekla, Iraida, Tatiana.
  • November - Olga, Stepanida, Glyceria.
  • December - Catherine, Barbara, Maria.

The calendar of names presents a wider selection of Orthodox names, so parents will always be provided perfect option that will fully satisfy their desires and comply with Christian customs.

Christian naming conventions for boys

In the calendar of Orthodoxy, names by months for 2018 for boys are also determined:

  • January - Alexander, Vasily, Stepan.
  • February - Savva, Peter, Vlas.
  • March - Denis, Daniel, Rostislav.
  • April - Ivan, Leonid, Anton.
  • May - Victor, Boris, German.
  • June - Tikhon, Nikita, Alexey.
  • July - Gleb, Andrey, Vladimir.
  • August - Elizar, Pavel, Fedor.
  • September - Afanasy, Arseny, Makar.
  • October - Dmitry, Yakov, Kuzma.
  • November - Artem, Rodion, Nestor.
  • December - Roman, Trifon, Yuri.

The choice of a name is given Special attention before the birth of a child. In the century modern technologies The gender of the baby is known in advance, so they have enough time to choose a name.
Some parents try to find something original, not similar to those we hear every day, modern names for children. Others prefer to name the boys after someone else. They can be relatives or famous people. At the same time, it is important to beautifully combine the first name with the patronymic and surname. Also, in the future, the boy himself should like it.

At such moments, future parents are under pressure from relatives and friends, who simply insist on their names, and all the proposals of the parents themselves are long and joyfully criticized. Choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar, you can make your task easier. Everyone is looking for only the best for their child. Therefore, fashion names for boys are now rare and beautiful.

Character of a boy born in 2018 of the Dog

The dog is a noble and valiant protector of the zodiac signs. She is always ready to protect in battle and close her chest with her unjustly offended and weak. She is smart enough, so she will be able to distinguish friend from enemy, pretense and falsehood. A boy born this year will acquire the same character traits.

In the event that in 2018, according to the horoscope of the baby, there are not many unfavorable aspects, then he will fully acquire the nobility and features of an affectionate patron saint. In the year of the dog, many famous and beloved famous personalities were born.

  1. Stephen King.
  2. Elvis Presley.
  3. Sylvester Stallone.
  4. Mother Teresa.
  5. Winston Churchill.
  6. Michael Jackson.
  7. Brigitte Bardot
  8. Sharon Stone and many others.

The boy will grow up to be a devoted son, husband and hardworking worker. And most importantly, such people are endowed with the gift of understanding others. Men born in the year of the dog have an intuitive sense of when to say the right phrase and give advice. They see the world as bright and positive. And due to the fact that they easily manage to memorize new information, they quickly adapt to new and even unusual conditions for them.

Such people know how to do their job efficiently and quickly. Therefore, their careers are always at their best. He will be a worthy, understanding, loving and beloved companion in life. This means that the name of such a boy must be given the appropriate one. But parents do not know which names to choose, whether they will be common names or new Orthodox Russian names for boys.

Rules for choosing a name according to the church calendar

It is important to know that there are certain rules, which must be taken into account when choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar. The name of the child must be given in honor of the saint, on the day of whose memory he was born. Often, no name available on this day is liked by the parents. Then you can choose from the names of the following days, or even from the names that are offered for the whole month. The calendar features popular names for boys in 2018.

Since ancient times, it has become customary that a boy named after a saint will always be protected. He will immediately receive a very strong guardian angel at birth. But it is also not worth calling it thoughtlessly. The kid can repeat the fate of the person in whose honor he is named. Therefore, the names of the great martyrs should not be given to children.

It is popular to give children two names at once. One is chosen for everyday (secular) life, and the second is given according to the Orthodox calendar, and the child is baptized with it. According to legend, a baby with two names is protected from envy and the evil eye, since the usual name does not allow getting to the church, taking on all the negative energy.

Many, despite the variety of options in the church calendar, cannot decide on a name in any way. When all options are rejected or parents are at an impasse, you can turn to a clergyman for help. He will tell not only what names are available for the baby on the day and month of his birth, but also what meaning is hidden in each name. In addition, the priest will tell you in detail how to correctly determine the day of the angel and answer other questions of interest. In any case, he will tell you the best and happiest names for boys.

Choosing a name

A name for a son should not only have good value but also sound manly. Therefore, all parents try to choose the "correct" name for their baby. Because of this, double names are now the most common. They are unusual, but very beautiful. Plus, they have great energy. Children are often named according to their zodiac sign, but the most popular are now on the church calendar.

It is difficult to guess the happy birthday of the baby. But the month is determined in advance. The software offers many different options names.

  1. January.
    Timothy and Daniel. Common, but at the same time unusual names, also include Cyril, Pavel, Ignat. Niphont and Nikanor are quite unusual, so they are chosen as middle names. Nikolai, Yuri, Anton, Sergey, Veniamin, Peter - the boys under this name will become defenders. Afanasy, Proclus, Sevastian, Feoktist are also rare. Vasily, Ivan, Maxim, Nikita, Georgy, Philip, Egor, Stepan, Savva. Unusual names Adam, Prokhor, Sebastian.
  2. February.
    Valery and Alexander. Gerasim, Victor, Felix. Timofey, Dmitry, Stepan, Semyon. Leonty. Vitaly, Nikita, Zakhar, Pavel, Vsevolod, Glas, David will grow up especially hardworking.
  3. March.
    Alexey is usually the name given to babies who were born on March 30th. Irakli, Semyon, Mark, Venedict, Mikhail, Egor, Taras. Of the more popular ones, one can single out Cyril, Denis, Danila, Daniel and Ilya.
  4. April.
    April children can bear such unusual names as Samson, Aristarchus, Artemon, Niphon, Titus, Hypatius, Antip, Makar, David. There are also names that are more familiar to us, these are Stepan and Maxim, Andrey and Anton, Martin and Ivan. Gabriel, Cyril, Benjamin and Trofim, Thomas, Alexander, and finally Peter,
  5. May.
    Modest, Joseph, Severin, Kasian, Timofey, Eremey, this month offers more unusual names. From our usual ones, Pavel, Peter, Yuri, Arseny, Alexey, Vsevolod and Alexander, Valentin and Irakli.
  6. June.
    Karp, Sylvester, Julian, Eremey, Savely, Yan, Peter, Igor, Andrey, Dmitry, Valery, Khariton, Roman, Nikifor, Gabriel, Vladimir, Tikhon, Fedot. Also beautiful names for the boy are Nazar, Yuri, Fedor, Denis, Ivan, Mstislav.
  7. July.
    Safron, Samson, Emelyan, Galaktion, they are also used as middle names. The first ones are usually Stanislav, Efim, Arseny, Anatoly, Kuzma. Also, the calendar offers options such as Vasily, Mikhail, Alexey and Innokenty, German, Sergey, Julius.
  8. August.
    Markel, Frol, Nikanor, Ermolai, Valentin. In August, the names of boys by month for 2018 according to the Orthodox calendar are quite unusual, but beautiful. Gury, Clement, Kuzma, Christopher, Alexey and Elizar, David and Polycarp, Miron, Leonid and Stepan, Konstantin and Denis.
  9. September.
    Kondrat, Porfiry, Leonty, Pimen, Valery, Stepan, German, Thomas. Of the more familiar to us in the calendar, we can single out Maxim, Adrian, Benjamin, Nikolai, Alexey, Arseny.
  10. October.
    Nikita, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Ivan, Mikhail, Peter, Roman, Andrey. Of the more specific, Demyan Kasyan, Aristarkh can be distinguished.
  11. November.
    There are also more rare ones, for example, Nikon, Demyan, Illarion, Maximilian, Vincent. But this month you can choose from the more familiar to us, these are Fedor, Eugene, Pavel, Stepan, Afanasy, Mark, Artem, Denis, Kirill, Matvey, Maxim.
  12. December.
    The best names for this month are Semyon, Nikon, Modest, Mitrofan. There is also Vsevolod, Mark, Thomas, Paul, Naum, Savva, Gabriel, Sofron, Nikolai, Lev.

These are the most popular church names presented in the church calendar. For many parents, it is important that the name has a specific meaning. Here is a common new list names for boys. Plus, these are the most popular boy names in 2018.

Stepan - wreath, crown. Vsevolod is possessing, omnipotent. Daniel is just. Nikolai is the winner of nations. Andrey is brave. Maxim is great. Gregory is awake. Ivan - pardoned by God. Zakhar is not forgotten by God. Alexey is a guardian, protector. Leo is the heart or king of animals. Eugene is noble. Taras is a rebel. Semyon - heard by God. Savva is Saturday, sage. Tikhon is good luck. Basil is regal. Victor is the winner. Denis is a reveler, a merry fellow. Michael is asked of God. Alexander is the protective one. Anton is a challenger. Vyacheslav is the most glorious. Artem is unharmed. George is a farmer. Matvey is a gift from God.

Russian popular male names are divided by months of 2018.
Boys born in winter are personalities with a stubborn character, but insanely talented. It gives them a sense of purpose. They have a tough disposition, but at the same time they are quite persistent and strong-willed.

Spring babies are quite vulnerable. They have a good memory and a great sense of humor. Boys are always careful about how they look and can be quite selfish. Excellent diplomats grow out of them.

Summer boys are brave and risky people. In addition, they love creativity in all its forms. They are naive, but very kind.

In autumn, unhurried and reasonable boys are born. With such men it is easy in communication and in life.

Choosing a name for a boy, all parents are lost, and this is normal. Everyone around is trying to give advice, to indicate what names to call, forcing to listen. After all, the options of the parents themselves are often criticized, and sometimes ridiculed. Do not listen to anyone, and be guided by your own tastes. Also, don't choose names for boys 2018 that are too exotic. Otherwise, it can provoke other children to ridicule.

What name should you choose for your baby? Consider fleeting fashion or age-old cultural traditions? Answers in the article. As a bonus: a detailed table with the names of the boys and the indication of the patron saints for January.

The saints are not just a church calendar showing the days of remembrance of the saints and the circle church holidays... This is, first of all, Short story Christianity, since each name in this calendar is associated with some person or event that is important for Orthodoxy.
By naming your baby according to the Holy Calendar, you allow him to become a part of Orthodox traditions.

How to choose a name for a child according to the church calendar?

Many parents complain that the names in the Holy Calendar do not always correspond to the desired. In addition, many names in the Holy Calendar are quite dissonant (from the point of view modern man). But this does not mean that parents have no choice.
The name according to the Holy Calendar can be chosen based on several key dates:

  1. On the baby's birthday
  2. For dates between the date of birth and the date of baptism of the child
  3. On the date of the baby's baptism and several days in advance from the date of the baptism

Important: our ancestors considered the day of the child's naming the eighth day from the date of his birth.

Choosing a name for a boy according to the Holy Calendar

Agree, having at your disposal 30-40 dates with names, you can always choose a wonderful name for your baby. The main thing is that the fate and deeds of the saint, whose name you are going to name the baby, inspire both him and you to a life full of light, wisdom and creation.

The choice of a name for the youngest member of the family, as a rule, causes heated debate. The wise remark of Theophan the Recluse will reconcile all the relatives and friends of the baby: "Here it will be without any human considerations, as God willing: for birthdays are in the hands of God."

Rely on the wisdom of the Elder and open the Holy Calendar and continue reading the article. Below you will find names for boys corresponding to the Orthodox calendar for January. The tables also contain information about the meaning of each name, about its origin and about the patron saints of the name.

Boys' names according to the Holy Calendar - January: meaning, origin, patron saint

January is a harsh month and this cannot but affect the children born this month. Among the virtues of January babies: patience, determination and restraint. You can see the names in other months in the articles: , ,

Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Michael biblical Who is like God Holy Martyr Michael Bogoslovsky, presbyter
Nikita from greek winner Holy Martyr Nikita Belevsky, Bishop
Peter from greek stone, rock Presentation of St. Peter, Metropolitan
Prokop from the Greek Procopius naked sword Blessed Procopius
Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Holy Martyr Sergius Tsvetkov, Deacon (New Martyr)
Theophan from greek Epiphany Saint Theophanes, Bishop of Monemvasia
Filaret from greek loving virtue Saint Philaret, Metropolitan of Kiev
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Basil from greek regal
David from Hebrew. favourite Martyr David Dvinsky, Armenian
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Holy Martyr John Smirnov, Hieromonk (New Martyr)
Makar from greek blissful, happy Holy Martyr Macarius Mironov, Hieromonk (New Martyr)
Naum biblical comforting Saint Naum of Ohrid
Paul from latin small, junior Venerable Paul of Neocaesarea, bishop, preacher
Basil from greek regal Holy Martyr Basil Spassky, Priest

Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. V Orthodox traditions it is not customary to name children in honor of Jesus Christ. If you nevertheless chose the name Jesus for your son, then the holy righteous Joshua will become the patron saint of the baby (but the date of the name day will not be January 7!)

Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander Volkov, Priest (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Krylov, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Basil from greek regal Venerable Martyr Vasily Mazurenko, Hieromonk (New Martyr)
Gregory from greek awake Holy Martyr Gregory Serbarinov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
David biblical favourite Reverend David
Dmitriy from greek belonging to Demeter Holy Martyr Demetrius Chistoserdov, Archpriest (New Martyr)

from Euthymius,

from greek

pious Holy Martyr Euthymius of Sardis, Bishop
Joseph biblical God will increase Apostle Joseph Barsava
Konstantin from greek permanent, persistent Monk Constantine of Synadia (Phrygian)
Leonid from greek from a lion Holy Martyr Leonid Antoshchenko, Bishop of Mari (New Martyr)
Michael biblical who like god

1. Holy Martyr Mikhail Smirnov, Deacon (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Mikhail Cheltsov, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Nicodemus from greek victorious people Venerable Nicodemus of Tismansky, Romanian
Nikolay from greek winner of nations

1. Holy Martyr Nicholas Zalessky, Priest

2. Holy Martyr Nikolai Tarbeev, priest

Osip from the biblical Joseph God will increase
Jacob from the biblical Jacob on the heels
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander Tsitseronov, Priest (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Dagayev, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Arkady from greek resident of Arcadia Holy Martyr Arkady Reshetnikov, Deacon (New Martyr)
Dorotheus from greek God's gift Holy Martyr Dorotheos Melitinsky
Efim from the Greek Euthymius pious Martyr Euthymius of Nicomedia
Ignat from latin fiery Venerable Ignatius of Lomsk, Yaroslavl
Leonid from greek from a lion Holy Martyr Leonid Vmktorov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Nikanor from greek contemplating victory Holy Martyr Nicanor, apostle from 70
Nicodemus from greek conquering people Holy Martyr Nicodemus of Belgorod, Bishop (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Venerable John of the Caves, monk
Benjamin from the Hebrew Benjamin son of the right hand, beloved son Venerable Benjamin
Georgy / Egor from greek cultivator Saint George of Nicomedia, Bishop
Laurus, Lawrence laurel tree Venerable Lawrence of Chernigov
Mark from latin hammer Reverend Mark of Pechersk
Thaddeus Greek / Hebrew gift of god / praise Venerable Thaddeus the Confessor
Theophilus from greek godly

1. The Monk Theophlus of the Caves, recluse

2. The Monk Theophilus of Omuch

Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander Organov, Priest (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Trapitsyn, Archbishop (New Martyr)

Bohdan from the Greek Theodotus God-given Holy Martyr Theodotus
Basil from greek regal

1. Saint Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia

2. Holy Martyr Basil of Ankyria (Caesarea)

Vyacheslav from Old Slavs. most glorious Holy Martyr Viacheslav Infantov, Priest (New Martyr)
Gregory from greek awake Saint Gregory Nazianzen the Elder (Theologian), Bishop
Eremey from Hebrew Jeremiah exalted by God / may the Lord exalt Monk Martyr Jerimiah Leonov, monk (new martyr)
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy

1. Holy Martyr John Suldin, Priest (New Martyr)

2. Holy Martyr John Smirnov, Priest (New Martyr)

Michael biblical Who is like God Holy Martyr Michael Bleive, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Nikolay from greek winner of nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Bezhanitsky, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Peter from greek stone, rock Martyr Peter of the Peloponnesian
Plato from greek wide Holy Martyr Plato (Kulbush) Revelsky, Bishop (New Martyr)
Trofim from greek breadwinner Holy Martyr Trofim Myachin, Priest (New Martyr)
Theodosius from Greek Theodosius God-given The Monk Theodosius of Triglia, abbot
Jacob from the biblical Jacob on the heels Holy Martyr Jacob Alferov, Priest (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Basil from greek regal Martyr Vasily Petrov (new martyr)
Kozma from greek world order, universe Saint Cosmas of Constantinople, Archbishop
Mark from latin hammer Reverend Mark the Deaf
Modest from latin modest, unpretentious Holy Martyr Modest
Peter from greek stone, rock Monk Peter of Rome
Seraphim from Hebrew fire Angel Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, miracle worker
Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Holy Martyr Sergius
Sidor from Isidore gift of isis Blessed Righteous Isidore
Sylvester from latin forest Saint Sylvester, Pope
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander, Bishop

2. Holy Martyr Alexander of Skalsky, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Aristarch from greek best boss Holy Martyr Aristarchus of Alamea, Bishop
Artem / Artemy from greek healthy, unharmed Apostle of 70 Artem Listriysky, bishop
Arkhip from greek chief rider Apostle of 70 Archippus
Afanasy from greek immortal Venerable Athanasius of Syandemsky, Vologda
Denis from the Greek Dionysus God of fertility and winemaking Holy Martyr Dionysius the Areopagite of Athens, Bishop
Efim from the Greek Euthymius pious Venerable Martyr Euthymius of Vatopedi, Abbot
Zosimus from greek going Monk Martyr Zosimus of Cilicia, hermit
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Apostle from 70 Joseph Barsava
Carp from greek fetus Apostle of 70 Carp
Clement / Klim

from Greek /

from latin

vine / gracious Apostle of 70 Clement, Bishop of Rome
Kondrat / Kondraty from greek square, broad-shouldered Apostle of 70 Kondrat of Athens
Luke from latin light Apostle from 70 Lucius
Mark from latin hammer Apostle of 70 Mark John Evangelist, Bishop
Nikolay from greek winner of nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Maslov, Priest (New Martyr)
Ostap from the Greek Eustathius stable Saint Eustathius the First of Serbia, Archbishop
Paul from latin small, junior Holy Martyr Pavel Filitsyn, Priest (New Martyr)
Prokhor from greek sang Apostle of 70 Prochorus of Nicomedia, Bishop
Rodion from the Greek Herodium hero, heroic Apostle from 70 Herodion of Patras, bishop
Semyon from Simeon listening

1. Apostle from 70 Simeon of Jerusalem

2. Apostle of 70 Simeon Niger

Stepan from Greek Stephen crown, diadem

1. Apostle of 70 Stephen the First Martyr, Archdeacon

2. Holy Martyr Stephen Ponomarev, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Terenty Roman generic name smooth, polite Apostle of 70 Terenty of Iconica, Bishop
Timofey from greek worshiping god Apostle of 70 Timothy of Ephesus, bishop
Trofim from greek breadwinner Apostle from 70 Trofim
Thaddeus from Greek Theodore gift of god Apostle from 70 Thaddeus
Philip from greek horse lover

1. Apostle from 70 Philip

2. Holy Martyr Philip Grigoriev, Archpriest

Jacob from the biblical Jacob on the heels Apostle from 70 James
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Gregory from greek awake Venerable Gregory of Akrit
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Martyr Joseph Bespalov (New Martyr)
Matvey from the New Testament Matthew bestowed by god Martyr Matthew Gusev (New Martyr)
novel from latin Roman

1. Venerable Martyr Roman of Karpenisia

2. Holy Martyr Roman Lacedaemon

Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Holy Martyr Sergius Lavrov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Thomas biblical twin Saint Thomas
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Anton Greek or Latin Holy Martyr Anton of Egypt
Victor from latin winner Holy Martyr Victor Usov, Priest (New Martyr)
Vladimir from Old Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Pasternatsky, Archpriest
Georgy / Egor from greek cultivator Rev. George Hozevit
Gregory from greek awake Reverend martyr Gregory of Pechersky, miracle worker
Dmitriy from greek belonging to Demeter Holy Martyr Demetrius Plyyshevsky, Priest
Evgeniy from greek noble Martyr Eugene
Emelyan from greek affectionate, flattering Venerable Emilian of Cyzicus, Venerable
Ilya biblical My god is yahweh Venerable Elijah of Egypt
Michael biblical Who is like God Saint Michael Rozov, priest (new martyr)
Julian / Julius Roman generic name Holy Martyr Julian of Egypt, Abbot
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Zakhar from the biblical Zechariah memory of the Lord / man Martyr Zechariah
Paul from latin small, junior Holy Martyr Paul Nikolsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Panteley from greek all-merciful Holy Martyr Panteleimon
Peter from greek stone, rock Saint Peter of Sebastia, Bishop
Philip from greek horse lover Philip II (Fedor Kolychev) Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Anatoly from greek resident of Anatolia Holy Martyr Anatoly Grisyuk, Metropolitan (New Martyr)
Gregory from greek awake Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop
Zinovy from greek one who lives by the will of Zeus Holy Martyr Zenobius (New Martyr)
Makar from greek blissful, happy Venerable Macarius of Pisemsky
Paul from latin small, junior Venerable Pavel Obnorsky (Kovelsky)
Peter from greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter the Assumption, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Vitaly from latin vital Reverend Vitaly Gazsky
Vladimir from Old Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Fokin, Priest (New Martyr)
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Saint Joseph of Cappadocia
Michael biblical Who is like God Saint Klopsky (Novgorodsky)
Nikolay from greek winner of nations Holy Martyr Nicholas Matsievsky, Priest (New Martyr)
from Greek Stephen crown, diadem Holy Righteous Stephen
Terenty Roman generic name smooth, polite Holy Martyr Terenty
Fedor from greek God's gift Holy Martyr Theodore Antipinus, priest
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Afanasy from greek immortal Holy Martyr Athanasius
Maksim from latin greatest Venerable Maxim Kavsokalivit
Nikifor from greek the one who brings victory Venerable Nicephorus
Peter from greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter Absalomite (Ani)
Jacob from the biblical Jacob on the heels Venerable Jacob of Nisibia, Bishop
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Adam biblical human Reverend Adam
Andrey from greek courageous Righteous Andrew
Aristarch from greek best boss Righteous Aristarchus
Benjamin from Hebrew Benjamin son of the right hand, beloved son Venerable Benjamin
David from Hebrew. favourite Reverend David
from biblical John God's mercy Confessor John Kevroletin, hieroschemamonk (new martyr)
Ilya biblical My god is yahweh Reverend Elijah
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Venerable Joseph of Raifsky (Analytin)
Isaac biblical he will laugh Reverend Isaac
Makar from greek blissful, happy Venerable Macarius
Mark from latin hammer Reverend Mark
Moses biblical the one who was taken out of the water Reverend Moses
Paul from latin small, junior Rev. Paul
Savva from Aramaic old man Reverend Savva
Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Reverend Sergius
Stepan from Greek Stephen crown, diadem Reverend Stephen
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Varlaam from the Chaldean God's Son Venerable Varlaam of Archangel (Keretsky)
Gabriel from the biblical Gabriel God is my strength Monk Gabriel of Serbia
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Venerable John Kuschnik
Michael biblical Who is like God Holy Martyr Mikhail Samsonov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Paul from latin small, junior Venerable Paul of Thebes
Prokhor from greek sang Rev. Prokhor Pshinsky
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Anton Greek or Latin engaging, opposing

1. Venerable Anthony the Great

2. Venerable Anthony Dymsky

3. Venerable Anthony of Krasnokholmsky

Victor from latin winner Holy Martyr Victor Evropytsev, Priest (New Martyr)

George /

from greek cultivator Martyr George
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Saint John of Rostov, Bishop
Paul from latin small, junior Holy Martyr Pavel Uspensky, Priest (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron saint
Alexander from greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander Rusinov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Afanasy from greek immortal

1. Prelate a \ Athanasius the Great

2. Venerable Athanasius of Sandem

3. Righteous Athanasius Navolotsky

Vladimir from Old Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Zubkovich, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Dmitriy from greek belonging to Demeter Reverend Dmitry
Evgeniy from greek noble Holy Martyr Eugene of Isad, Priest (New Martyr)
Emelyan from greek affectionate, flattering Reverend Emelian
Ephraim from Semitic Ephraim prolific Saint Ephraim of Milassky, Bishop
Illarion from greek happy Reverend Hilarion
Kirill from greek Lord Saint Cyril of Radonezh
Maksim from latin greatest Saint Maximus the New
Michael biblical Who is like God Holy Martyr Mikhail Kargopolov, Priest (New Martyr)
Nikolay from greek winner of nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Krasovsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Sergey from Etruscan highly esteemed Holy Martyr Sergius Lebedev, Priest (New Martyr)

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