Transfer to homeschooling schoolboy reasons. How to transfer a child to home schooling? Grounds for transferring a child to home schooling

Decor elements 15.10.2019
Decor elements

Greetings parents of young students! Literally recently, all mothers and fathers were absolutely sure that education, both kindergarten and school, can be obtained exclusively within the walls of state institutions. Our parents rushed in the morning to Kindergarten or to school, dragging us by the hand, sleeping on the go, and then rushing to work in order to have time to take our child back home after the end of the working day.

Today, as an alternative to educational state walls, paid elite kindergartens and schools are coming, where for a certain amount of money your child will be taught “on a different wavelength”. But such training also requires attending an educational institution.

Have there been cases in your life when absolutely healthy (I do not take as a basis the examples of children with handicapped) did the guys study and receive certificates without leaving their homes? What's happened home schooling, or fashionable today "homeschooling", and is it available to an ordinary student?

Lesson plan:

Does Russian homeschooling exist?

Home schooling without the direct participation of an educational institution has long been common in countries Western Europe and America. V Russian state Homeschooling is only gaining momentum. For domestic home education, there are not enough well-established scientific methods.

So far, the main experts in family education are only the parents themselves, as a rule, mothers and fathers, who, with their backbone, through their own trial and error, test an alternative form of education.

Trying on Western experience, Russian legislation since September 1, 2013 has provided in the new educational law the right of each individual cell of society to receive family education. The system of domestic homeschooling today allows you to choose the conditions for the education of the child. So, you can do this, either completely without leaving your home, studying in absentia, or in part-time form.

What does home education require?

Before you clap your hands from such interesting idea, when you can forget about such a boring school, you should think about the fact that the entire burden of responsibility for the educational process will fall on the shoulders of the parents. Are you ready to take on such a burden?

Indeed, very often mothers and fathers of elementary school students complain that they have to do homework with children in the evenings, and sometimes they are not at all able to explain the material to the child.

For home schooling, parents will either need to become “seven spans in the forehead” themselves, or they will have to fork out for tutors who are not even free, but will gladly come to the rescue.

We must be ready not only financially, but also morally. How do you imagine, will the dear school be delighted if you suddenly declare that the child will no longer go to classes, and teachers will have to take intermediate exams with him ?! So far I have a hard time seeing it.

According to the law, the educational institution has no right to interfere in the home educational process Therefore, parents will be able to choose and give tasks at their discretion. How moms and dads cope with teaching their children at home, the student's certification will show. Like all ordinary children, home students take the GIA and the Unified State Examination at the end of their graduation classes.

Only after successfully passing the exams will they be issued the coveted certificate.

Those who do not pass the quality control will be forced to return back to the school. Whether teachers will have an unbiased attitude during the examination of knowledge in order to show their place to “too smart” parents is difficult to answer. But I am absolutely sure that difficulties will not be long in coming.

How can you study at home?

Today, parents who want to give their student individual education have a choice of which of its types to do, taking into account the characteristics of the child.

family study

Such an educational process involves the acquisition of knowledge at home with the help of parents, or simply on their own. Home students come to school only to pass the certification.

Usually, children come to the family type of education, significantly ahead of their peers in intellectual development.

Those who are professionally involved in sports, music or something else study at home, when it is impossible to combine a serious hobby and school. Deciding to acquire knowledge without attending school, the children of those parents whose work is associated with frequent travel, and the child has to change educational institution several times a year.

There are also situations when religious or ideological reasons interfere with studying together with everyone else.

home study

This type of education is designed for children who cannot go to school for health reasons.

In Russia there are more than 600 thousand disabled people under the age of 18, and only about 25% of them receive education at home, receiving matriculation certificates. The rest, unfortunately, remain undocumented.

Children with disabilities study in one of two programs. The general one provides for the study of all disciplines and the delivery of control and examination papers, as in a regular school. Only lessons can be reduced to 20-25 minutes, or, conversely, combined together with a duration of up to 2 hours. In total, they teach from 8 to 12 lessons per week.

With an auxiliary program, training planning is built individually and depends on the state of health and the complexity of the disease.

distance learning

It came about through the development information technologies and involves receiving education through the Internet and television. This type of home schooling is suitable only for those children who are able to work intensively on their own. The remote form is not tied to a specific place, communication with teachers occurs through telephone, e-mail and regular mail.

Although Russian law provides for the possibility of receiving education remotely, in fact, this form is present in schools only as an experiment. Moreover, in order to provide distance learning services, a school institution must be certified. Today there are no unified programs, special literature, technical means and skilled professionals.

So for an elementary school, distance learning is not the best way, but good way to get higher education.

What to do to study at home?

On a quiet evening in a warm family circle, you and your child decided that homeschooling is suitable option, and you can do it with a bang without school. The only important question at the first stage will certainly arise: how to go to it and where to run?

To switch to family education, parents knock on the regional Department of Education, which, after deciding on the possibility of taking such a step in its order, attaches a home student to an educational institution. This is done in order to pass intermediate certifications.

Of course, you can go directly to the director of a nearby school, but you can’t be one hundred percent sure that he will take on such responsibility without higher authorities.

An official paper will appear between the school and parents, which, in addition to the rights and obligations of the parties, describes the details of the study, including the deadlines verification work and attestations, a list of practical exercises for mandatory attendance.

Parents who want to teach their child in a family need to remember: school teachers are not required to go to your home, but the school must provide study guides and literature from

To transfer a child to home schooling, you will have to collect medical reports and submit them to the school at the place of residence. The educational institution appoints from among the teachers those teachers who will go home. Parents are given a journal where all teachers note the material covered and put marks. At the end of the school year, the magazine is handed over to the school.

Of course, homeschooling has its pros and cons. By approaching education on an individual basis, we set free schedules for children, but at the same time we give them the temptation to postpone their studies until later. In any case, to be among the pioneers or to remain a classic is the business of every parent, because no one knows the child's capabilities better than you.

I think that a story from the program “Morning of Russia”, which is dedicated to the topic under consideration today, will be an excellent addition to the article. Let's watch the video.

Would you dare to teach your student at home? I would like to hear the pros and cons of homeschooling. Your opinion is very important, because truth is born in a dispute!

Good luck to you and your little students in the new school year!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Increasingly, parents, trying to individualize the educational process of their children, are turning to the concept of “home schooling”. This is especially true for elementary school, when a child may be mentally and physically unprepared for a simultaneous change in lifestyle, high-quality assimilation of the flow of new information, the need for socialization and active competition among peers.

Some parents are still thinking possible consequences taking on the role of educators, while others are already actively involved in the work, making plans for the next year.

Homeschooling - what is it?

It is no secret that the ten-year school program can be studied much faster with individual approach to the educational process. Realizing this, parents choose homeschooling as a real opportunity to help their children save time and acquire broader and more useful knowledge in the modern world. Mastering standard subjects, the child simultaneously masters additional skills of an alternative orientation, gradually forming into a versatile personality.

Home training of a temporary or permanent nature is caused by a need: medical contraindications for a child to attend school. In this case, the student is officially assigned to an educational institution, and it bears full responsibility for his knowledge and successful certification.

But “family education” is just a synonym for homeschooling, providing for the detachment of the child from school and the imposition of responsibility for his preparation entirely on the parents. An educational institution can be only one of the parties to the contract in the case of certification - intermediate or final.

Legal norms for the preparation of students in full-time and part-time form

In 2012, the "Law on Education" was issued. Its essence is that children can now receive education in an organized manner: in and out of schools. Education in schools is divided into full-time, part-time (externship system) and part-time (at home, home). Preparing students outside educational institution is defined by the terms “family education” and “self-education”, with the meaning adequately invested in them.

A child, for medical reasons, has the right to individually developed parameters for teaching him subjects, in accordance with Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Education".

Homeschooling is provided by law in the following cases:

  • the need for long-term treatment;
  • disability;
  • surgery and subsequent long-term rehabilitation;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders (epilepsy, neurosis, schizophrenia).

For sick children, both conditions for learning at home and easing the requirements for attending school can be created: additional days off, exemption from lessons.

The number of load hours is determined by special standards depending on the class (usually from 8 to 12 lessons per week).

The law also provides:

  • conclusion of a contract between parents and an educational institution;
  • providing the child with the necessary equipment for the remote format of obtaining knowledge;

  • rules for admission of a child with disabilities to school;
  • change of educational institution;
  • standards of attestation and issuance of documents on education.

Getting ready for individual program, children master subjects in accordance with school plan, and also write control, independent, creative work pass intermediate tests.

In order to transfer their child to home schooling, parents provide the school with an application and a certificate issued by the medical board, on the basis of which the directorate issues an order and draws up a lesson schedule.

Preparation of sick children

In accordance with the diagnosis, teachers develop work programs for home education in all subjects.

Training according to such a system can take place both personally, through a teacher's visit to the child, and remotely.

Programs take into account:

  • achievement by the end of the process of certain tasks;
  • number of hours for each topic;
  • forms of knowledge control.

The main attention in the development of individual schemes for the preparation of sick children is given to the following areas:

  • the ability to express one's own thoughts;
  • mastering the terminology of a particular subject;
  • memory training;
  • stimulation of creative thinking.

An important role is played by the educational process: the development of willpower, sociability, responsibility, understanding the significance of the discipline being studied.

Family education: points of the law

Home education in Russia is also implemented as a form of obtaining knowledge outside of school.

Parents are required to notify local authorities and the directorate of the educational institution in writing that they take full responsibility for the further education of their children. To pass the intermediate and final certification, a contract is also concluded with the school on external studies. With these necessary procedures, the process of family education begins.

The presence of overdue academic debts is unacceptable. This may be a precedent for transferring to a full-time education system in a school without the possibility of choosing the method of training in the future.

The "Law on Education" regulates the legal norms of family education in the following articles:

  • Article 17 - about the types of educational process.
  • Article 33 - on the system of external studies.
  • Article 44 is about the rights of parents and children.
  • Article 58 - about unsuccessful attestation and its consequences.
  • Article 63 - on the need to notify self-government bodies.

There is also a letter from the Ministry of Education explaining how to switch to home schooling. Homeschooling in Russia, therefore, is regulated by legislative acts and fully implements the democratic rights and freedoms of citizens.

Why do parents decide to teach their children on their own?

The preparation of children outside of school is a serious step for the family and requires an understanding of the whole range of problems that may accompany the education process.

Reasons for choosing homeschooling:

  • ideological - unwillingness to raise a child within the framework of common system;
  • religious;
  • overload of the child in sports, music, art schools, caused by the main hobby and the planned future career;
  • psychological unpreparedness of the baby for adaptation in a large team;
  • the desire of parents to protect the child from the harmful effects of the school (stress, bad companies);
  • the opportunity to study far beyond the boundaries of civilization - in remote family estates, so popular in recent times;

  • the child can move with their parents to their places of work in different parts of the world;
  • family dissatisfaction with the quality of school education.

The advantages of homeschooling children completely depend on the reasons for the transition to it.

But the disadvantages include the responsibility placed on the family not only for the educational process of the child, but also for his subsequent adaptation in society, the possible lack of communication with peers and the lack of experience in building relationships with the system that exists outside the family world. The cost of the required private tutoring services can also be a factor.

Perhaps the cons are subjective and quite surmountable?

The history of family education, or "We all learned a little ..."

home preparation in various subjects - a long tradition of Russian society of the pre-Soviet period, which came from Byzantium along with Christianity. Then church books were studied: the Psalter, the Book of Hours, the Gospel.

In the Petrine era, the widespread dissemination of academic education initiated the desire for enlightenment in various circles of society. Foreigners were involved as teachers and tutors. A whole series of satirical works, ridiculing the principles of provincial education, reveals the squalor and narrow-mindedness of the petty nobility and the "teachers" they hire. Nevertheless, very talented people could also act as teachers, such as the fabulist Krylov or the poet Zhukovsky (the children's mentor of Emperor Alexander II).

In general, homeschooling of children had the task of instilling manners, giving basic knowledge in mathematics, writing and foreign languages, teaching the expression of one's thoughts (oral and written), that is, preparing for the next stage of obtaining knowledge - academic.

Many famous people of Russia were educated in the family at one time: Pushkin, Bunin, and even those closer to the modern era, for example, the physicist Ginzburg, the founder of cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky, the designer Korolev, Marshal Rokossovsky, the creator of the hydrogen bomb Sakharov.

V Soviet period children could only be taught in schools. This allowed the state to regulate the educational process of the younger generation.

How about abroad?

Perhaps everyone knows the legend of Thomas Edison, whom school teachers recognized as incapable of science, as a result of which his mother was engaged in his preparation, and very successfully.

History knows other famous foreigners who received homeschooling: Franklin Roosevelt, Louis Armstrong, Charles Dickens, Walt Disney, Agatha Christie, Abraham Lincoln, Pierre Curie, Claude Monet, Charlie Chaplin.

All these wonderful examples only confirm that good homeschooling of children is the key to their successful future.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that homeschooling is a term of Anglo-Saxon origin, in most European countries, the legal process of family education of children, in fact, has many problems. Among them are obsessive control by inspectors, features of the organization of certification, deliberate underestimation of points during testing.

The most democratic approach to the system of family education in the United States. To enter a university, a child can submit a questionnaire filled out by parents with a list of subjects studied and take tests in the necessary sciences in the general stream. In other words, a state certificate is not needed at all.

How to build a family preparation process

After attaching the child to the school, which will conduct intermediate tests, it is necessary to move on to learning. Main preparatory stages consist in:

  • getting textbooks;
  • asking teachers for a list of necessary additional literature on the topics studied;
  • determining possible requirements for exams;
  • drawing up a home schooling program;
  • the formation of a schedule of classes with a list of disciplines for development.

How can a process be built:

  1. Reading and retelling a paragraph in a textbook, answering questions.
  2. Watch a video on the topic of the lesson.
  3. Performing a test or creative task based on the materials of the Internet.

There are usually 2-3 classes per day in different subjects. Free time you can devote to sports, the development of creative skills: music, dance, drawing, in-depth study interesting material, foreign languages, as well as communication with peers and walks on fresh air.

The advantages are obvious: you do not need to buy a school uniform, donate money for curtains, classroom repairs and gifts for teachers. In the conditions of home schooling, classes are held in the maximum comfortable conditions both in terms of the time of the event, and the choice of a comfortable posture, the admissibility of expressing any opinion, with the possibility of snacks and rest.

Compulsory tests are held in grades 9 and 11, as they require the issuance of documents on education. Knowledge can also be controlled primary school(after 4th grade). The rest of the exams are optional.

Studying at home is easy!

The information environment offers wide access opportunities for mastering not only school subjects, but also serious academic disciplines.

She is also full of:

  • thematic libraries;
  • video funds;
  • on-line courses;
  • distance learning resources in educational institutions;
  • various formats of wide communication.

Therefore, home training in manicure, hairdressing, knitting, carpentry, home renovation is a common practice for interested people who need practical knowledge.

Unfortunately, it is still possible to obtain a diploma only in accredited institutions, paying them the cost of training or testing.

The Future of Family Education

The modern world requires more agility from the school system, which has remained virtually unchanged for decades - standard set subjects with a constant number of teaching hours.

Meanwhile, in some countries, for admission to universities, it is required to pass tests in a limited range of disciplines: native and foreign languages, history, mathematics, computer science. It turns out that the rest of the subjects studied at school may be needed only if the applicant specializes in some subject.

Family education is currently striving to bridge the gap between the school system and the demands placed on it quickly. emerging technologies with a highly specialized focus. These processes are taking place all over the world.

Therefore, homeschooling will gain supporters, at least in the intellectual environment, and its volumes will increase over time, pushed by the processes of globalization:

  • facilitating movement between countries;
  • fast communication capabilities;
  • reducing the cost of information resources;
  • the spread of the freelance system as the most convenient in a number of economic areas;
  • the transition of trade to the main turnovers on the Internet;
  • development of distance learning forms;
  • restructuring the thinking of modern children from the process of memorization to the ability to find and structure the necessary information;
  • higher requirements for the specialization of knowledge in industry and national economy;
  • the growing desire of people for independence from the state and its institutions.

Family education is a promising system for preparing children, providing broad horizons for the development of creative potential, independent thinking, simultaneous completion of Russian and foreign schools with parallel certification.

The main thing is that it does not look like a satirical short film "Homeschooling", where the parents look like crazy people with crazy ideas, and the child is limited in communication with peers, leading the life of a hermit imposed on him.

Formally, it seems to be the same thing: the child studies at home. But in fact, it's completely different concepts. To avoid confusion, we will talk about the essence of each of them, reveal the advantages and disadvantages.

Home education

This is a way of organizing the educational process for children who are seriously ill. By law, home schooling is not a form of education.

With the preservation of the intellect, the child can learn in general educational programs but at home or in the hospital. For example, if it is necessary to give injections on an hourly basis or the school is not adapted for a wheelchair.

For students in need of long-term treatment, disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational organizations, training in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education is organized at home or in medical organizations.

Article 66 of the Federal Law "On Education".

A home-schooled child remains in the school contingent. He is given textbooks, he, like everyone else, writes tests and takes exams. If desired, he can attend some lessons at school, and if possible, study using distance learning technologies (more on that later).

The list of diseases that give the right to home education was approved by the Ministry of Health in 2016. To transfer a child to such training, a conclusion of a medical and social examination and a statement from the parents are required.

On the basis of medical documents and regulations of the subject of the Federation, the school issues an order to organize homeschooling. An individual curriculum, schedule is approved, teachers who will visit the child are determined.

Advantages of home learning

  1. Gives sick children the opportunity to study in ordinary, rather than specialized schools.
  2. Allows you to keep up with the school curriculum during long-term treatment or rehabilitation.

Cons of home learning

  1. You can not use if the child is in poor health, but there is no disability.
  2. The curriculum includes only the main disciplines. According to technology, life safety and other “optional” subjects, the child, most likely, will not be certified.
  3. Often, teachers have no material or personal interest, and they are not very conscientious about their duties towards homeworkers.
  4. Almost complete lack of socialization.

Distance learning

This is a way for teachers to interact with students at a distance. When a child communicates with a teacher via video link, does assignments online, or simply sends in electronic format some work. At the same time, certifications, as a rule, are given in person.

Legally distance learning is not a form of education. Children studying in this way are usually on a part-time basis and master the program using distance learning technologies (DET).

Distance learning technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teachers.

Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Education"

The procedure for the use of DOT is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science of January 9, 2014. In ordinary schools, they are most often used as an aid in teaching children with disabilities, as well as for conducting lessons in remote settlements.

Advantages of distance learning

  1. Allows you not to go to school every day. This is especially true for children who live far from it and have health problems.
  2. You can study without leaving home. The main thing is to have a computer and the Internet at hand.

Disadvantages of distance learning

  1. Not all schools work with DOT. Most often they are private and paid.
  2. The child is in the contingent of the school and must obey its rules: attend consultations and exams on strictly defined dates, complete tasks according to the established schedule, and so on.
  3. Live contact with teachers is usually minimal, most of The program is designed for self-study.

Family Learning

This is a form of education outside the educational organization. It implies a conscious voluntary departure from school and the education of the child by the forces of the family. At the same time, he, like all schoolchildren, receives a certificate, since he is obliged to pass the state final certification.

V Russian Federation education can be obtained in organizations that carry out educational activities; outside organizations engaged in educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Education"

The reasons for homeschooling are varied:

  • Parents and children are dissatisfied with the school. When they teach something and somehow or there are constant conflicts.
  • The child's abilities are above average and he is bored in ordinary lessons. The opposite is also possible when you need your own pace of training.
  • The child is a professional athlete or musician and does not have time to attend classes.
  • The family often moves or lives in another country.

The transition to family education is carried out as follows: notification of local authorities, selection of schools for passing intermediate (final) certifications and organization of the educational process.

The confusion between home schooling and home schooling arises because in both cases the child is at home. But home study is not a form of education, but a necessary measure for children with disabilities. The homeworker is assigned to teachers who receive a salary at the school. Family education, on the contrary, is a manifestation of freedom, and it is available to absolutely everyone. The organization of the educational process lies with the parents, it is not provided for in all regions.

Family and distance learning are confused due to the fact that parents often connect online schools for their children. This is really very convenient, since moms and dads do not need to deal with the guys themselves. For example, in home school Foxford lessons are held in the format of webinars, and they are conducted by professional teachers.

The benefits of family education

  1. This is a complete form of education.
  2. This is the most flexible form of education, giving maximum freedom - from choosing a program to choosing a school for certification.
  3. Available to everyone.
  4. Allows you to give the child high-quality knowledge, taking into account his interests and needs.
  5. You can study online at a convenient pace, without being tied to the place and rules of a particular school.

Cons of home schooling

  1. Not all children are able to learn without school supervision, and parents have the resources to streamline the learning process.
  2. Family education in Russia is still a novelty. I have to explain that you can study outside of school and that's fine.


  • Home and distance learning are not forms of education in the Russian Federation and are not suitable for everyone.
  • Family education is a form of education established by federal law. It is available to everyone.
  • Homeschooling is often confused with homeschooling because in both cases the child does not go to school.
  • Family and remote are mixed, because both there and there, training takes place remotely, using gadgets and various programs.

To make it clearer, let's show the differences. three types home teaching through the table.

The content of the article:

Most children aged 7-17 receive primary, basic general and secondary education within the walls of the school. But parents should know that by law, children can be educated at home. Let's look at the cases in which home education is carried out, and how it is organized.

Individual or home schooling

The education a child receives without going to school is called a form of individual or home schooling.

The modern system of compulsory education considers two ways of individual education:

1. For medical reasons - health problems do not allow the child to study within the walls of the school.

2. For family reasons - the decision of the parents to educate the child at home.

Today, individual learning is becoming increasingly popular and many parents transfer their children to home schooling, arguing that they can better organize the learning process than school.

Organizational measures for family education

For registration of this method of study, permission from the authority of the Department of Education is required. A positive decision can be made in cases where the student:

Regularly changes the place of residence, due to the frequent relocation of parents;

Is engaged in any kind of sport or other field of activity professionally;

Quite often it happens on the road - reviews, competitions, contests, etc .;

Assimilates the school curriculum, ahead of classmates.

The basis of the right to education at home is the federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation" N 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, as amended in 2015-2016.
Article 63, paragraph 2 "General Education" contains legal proof that parents (guardians, adoptive parents) can educate a child in a family. It reflects that education can be obtained not only in educational institutions, but also in the forms of family education and self-education. For 2018-2019, the situation has not changed and you can educate children in the family form of education at your request.

The principle of home education is built as follows:

1. The child is assigned to an educational institution.

2. Parents independently organize the educational process.

3. The child takes exams and tests at the assigned school.

They have the right to invite a teacher and a tutor for classes with a student, having previously agreed with them the cost of each lesson. Parents finance the teaching work themselves.

Homeschooling for medical reasons

The following category of children has the opportunity to study at home, namely, those who:

1. Has a chronic disease.

2. The protracted nature of the disease.

3. Long-term outpatient treatment.

The presence of one of the reasons listed above makes it possible to transfer a student to home schooling. In most cases, the child's doctor will recommend that homeschooling be considered. Sometimes, parents make this decision on their own.

In order to be able to teach your child at home, you will need to do the following:

Obtain a medical certificate issued through the Control and Expert Commission (CEC);

Draw up a written application addressed to the head of the educational institution;

Submit the completed application, attaching a medical certificate to it.

Consider in detail the above points of the plan.

Medical certificate

The letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1980, No. 281 and the Ministry of Health of July 28, 1980, No. 17-13-186 contains information on the list of medical indications for home schooling.

The process of preparing a medical certificate giving the student the right to homeschooling includes:

1. A visit to a doctor observing a sick child to receive recommendations for CEC.

2. EEC issues a qualified opinion recommending home schooling for the child. Based on this, a medical certificate is issued. The document recorded the diagnosis of the disease, prescribed the duration of the recommended home training. The maximum period of study at home can be one year (academic), the minimum is a month (as a rule, for injuries and operations).

The accuracy of the information contained in the certificate is certified by a personal signature:

The doctor watching the child;

Head of the children's polyclinic;

Chief Physician of the Children's Clinic.

The document is stamped with the round seal of the polyclinic.

Application addressed to the head of the educational institution

V this document it is required to state a request for a possible transfer of a student to home schooling (individual learning). A mandatory annex to it is a medical certificate issued by the KEK.

Based on the submitted documents, the school administration cannot refuse to satisfy the request. The only condition is that the school must belong to the microdistrict at the place of actual residence of the child.

The management of the educational institution organizes the process of individual home learning. It is governed by the rules of the educational institution. The obligatory clause states that the educational process depends on the following features:

1. Mental and physical development of the student.

2. Ability to master the school curriculum.

3. Variations of the educational process. This implies the acquisition of knowledge by the child at school, at home, and a combined way of learning - at school and at home.

4. Flexible curriculum.

It follows from this that the student has a choice. With the normalization of the state of health, he can study within the walls of the school. This does not depend on the period specified in the medical document, but requires agreement with the school management.

Features of home schooling

There is only the possibility of home education for this there is a normative act: Letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated 11/14/1988 No. 17-253-6 “On individual education of sick children at home”. In this case, teachers come to the child only at home, he does not attend school at all.

In this case, the law regulates the number of training hours per week:

Students from grades 1 to 4 study for eight hours;

Schoolchildren from grades 5 to 8 have a load of ten hours;

Grade 9 students study for eleven hours;

Students from 10th to 11th grade - within twelve hours.

A study schedule is created for each child individual lessons. The school administration coordinates the curriculum with parents. The teaching service is provided free of charge. School textbooks and notebooks are provided by the school, just like regular students.

Features of blended education

When a child is homeschooled, there may be a shortage of teaching hours. If this happens and the child does not receive required amount knowledge on school curriculum Parents pay for additional hours of classes. Therefore, when improving physical condition it becomes possible for the child to attend school, and in this case, parents rush to take advantage of this. In addition, the child not only attends training sessions in the classroom, but also additionally studies with the teacher within the walls of the school. When the state of health worsens, teachers visit him at home again.

There is an option that provides for an individual study of subjects that are difficult for the student to perceive. The basis is the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2003, No. 27/2643-6. " Guidelines organization of activities educational institutions home learning".

Important! The method of obtaining the necessary educational knowledge is carried out according to the written application of the parents.

Distance learning method for children

Today, schoolchildren with disabilities are offered a remote way of gaining knowledge. First of all, this is due to the long course of the disease. And also, in some cases, such training is possible for healthy children living very far from school, as a rule, these are remote settlements.

In order for the child to receive school education remotely, you must have:

Safe intelligence;

The absence of contraindications to the use of a computer monitor;

Internet access and skype.

From the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2009, number 06-1254 "Recommendations for the organization of distance learning" follows:

1. The student is provided with a computer.

2. Establishing the necessary training programs.

3. Connect to the Internet and install Skype.

4. Maintenance of the delivered equipment in case of its malfunction.

The distance learning center is responsible for organizing the educational process. Classes are held on the basis of a comprehensive school or directly through the center. There are frequent cases when this species acquisition of knowledge is combined with home and combined learning.

Distance learning for schoolchildren is becoming the most popular type of education in recent years.

Lessons for 45 minutes five days a week in a school building are not the only option for obtaining a secondary education. Elena Gidaspova from Moscow already knew by the time her son Matvey was two years old that it would be better for her child to study individually, at home. About why this form of education was chosen, how it differs from the school one, what it gives the children, and what it gives the parents, Elena told “Oh!”.

How We Learned About Homeschooling

Even before the birth of our son, we bought educational materials, read various literature, and at the same time we learned about. When Matvey was born in 2003, we began to look for even more information on this topic. Viewed great amount forums, registered on some of them, began to communicate, learn something new, special techniques.

After a couple of years of our studies, it became clear that Matvey was developing “out of the box”. He is ahead of his peers, and he is not very interested in communicating with them. He is a contemplative by nature: he likes to thoroughly study the process, before the smallest details. And if he owns a topic, then at a very high level, almost like a specialist. A gives average knowledge, focusing on the average abilities of a person. When there is an opportunity to engage in taking into account the individuality of the child, why not take advantage of this?

Trial and error method

At the beginning of the journey, we faced a problem: there were no like-minded people around us, people with whom we could discuss some important points to understand where we are going. This does not mean that we did not have understanding in our inner circle: our relatives supported us and certainly did not interfere. But we needed a space for creativity, a space for ideas. And in those years, it was just beginning to take shape. The interview of one of the first practitioners of Russian family education, Igor Chapkovsky, turned out to be very important for us. We realized that his theses are close to us, we learned about how the educational process is organized in his school. But for a number of reasons, it did not suit us. And we had to go down this path on our own, making mistakes and correcting them. And this path was full of challenges that had to be answered. We did not have time to reflect on whether we are doing the right thing, whether we are moving in the right direction. We just needed to keep moving.

Another learning philosophy

Many are interested in whether a parent in the role of a teacher will be able to maintain discipline in the “class”. We never had this question: we did not turn the house into a school. Home education, in our understanding, does not involve a schedule, changes and calls. It's a completely different philosophy of learning. Understand the world you can in the park, in the forest, for a walk, in the village with your grandmother, and - when shopping in a store. Matvey also went to a mathematical circle, studied with a tutor foreign languages like other kids who go to regular school.

There is such a stereotype that a child at home schooling has a lack of communication. This is not so: he does not sit at a desk in the circle of his peers, but this does not mean that he has undeveloped communication skills and does not communicate with anyone. Matvey studied at music and sports schools, participated in concerts, competitions, studied at the scientific and educational center, where they teach chemistry, physics, computer science, auto business. And once the son even gave an interview for television. And in all these cases, he had no problems with communication.

This type of education has an important advantage for the whole family: there is no attachment to the place, you can go even to the country, even to another country. . You can independently regulate the load, take an increased program somewhere, and somewhere be content with the base. The child has the opportunity to develop according to interests and abilities. The downside is that you can't shift the responsibility to other people, send the child to school and… forget. Motivating a child is also a separate, big job. Yes, parents need motivation too. After all, sometimes you have to dive into material that is obviously not interesting to you.

Legal aspects

A homeschooled child must undergo regular assessments. At first it was at the district school: every quarter Matvey wrote test papers on the main subjects. The difficulty was that we had to synchronize our classes with school ones. It was necessary to study according to the same textbooks, according to the same methodology as the class to which Matvey was attached. The controls were adapted to this program. So it turned out that we wanted to develop in a system of interests close to our child, but we had to adapt to a standardized program.

At some point, the school was obliged to take exams for those who are on alternative forms of education, according to the standards of the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education. These were flawed tests, a bizarre mixture of different programs. It was very difficult to prepare for them, because we did not know what could be caught on the exam. I had to use pre-examination materials in my preparation. Classes on them took a lot of time and effort and were more like coaching. That is why we had to abandon cooperation with the district school and switch to online education, which is allowed by law.

At the same time, we did not have any legal problems in connection with this form of education. No one in the education department interfered with us, and unnecessary questions did not occur. For a couple of years we even received a small monetary compensation which went to additional education. Then the compensation was canceled, and we were forced to change the status from family education to part-time education.

I hope our experience will be useful to parents who. This option can hardly be called an alternative, because it is independent, everyone has their own path and their own methods. And it is very difficult to say in advance whether this way of getting an education will suit your family. But who's stopping you from trying and deciding?

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