What are pedagogical technologies in dow. Modern educational technologies of preschool education tyumen

Encyclopedia of Plants 19.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a combined type No. 29 of the city of Yeysk, municipality Yeysk district

on the use of modern educational technologies in the educational process under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.

educator MBDOU DSKV No. 29, Yeysk

MO Yeysk district


    Application of modern educational technologies in the educational process.

      Technologies of civil-patriotic education.

      Non-traditional drawing techniques.

      Game technologies.

    Application of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

    Application of health-saving technologies in the educational process.




In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the development of preschool education is moving to a new qualitative level, which is aimed at preserving the inherent value of preschool childhood, developing creative abilities, shaping preschoolers' interest and need for active creative activity, therefore, an important condition for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process is to find ways to optimize the pedagogical interactions.

A fundamentally important side in pedagogical technologies is the position of the child, the attitude of adults towards the child. The use by the teacher of modern educational technologies focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities is an important condition for his work.

aim modern educational technologies is the creation of a structural-functional model designed on the basis of the integration of systemic, competency-based and differentiated approaches, aimed at mastering social, health-saving, communicative, activity, informational competencies by pupils.

Tasks application of modern educational technologies:

    upbringing and development of a comprehensively harmoniously developed personality, through improving the quality of educational work;

    providing the child with the opportunity to maintain health, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits for a healthy lifestyle;

    formation of motivation and maintaining the interest of children during organized educational activities.

The use of traditional and innovative educational technologies helps to achieve the maximum possible success in the educational process and contribute to the improvement of the whole organism.

    Application of modern educational technologies in the educational process.

Modern pedagogy is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for preschool children.

In the modern world, it is not enough to use traditional technologies when working with children. Increasingly, there is a need to search for new approaches, technologies and techniques that ensure the effectiveness and quality of educational work. The use of modern educational technologies is an important condition for the successful work of a teacher.

The purpose of pedagogical technologies: improving the quality of the educational process.

The main tasks of pedagogical technologies are:

    formation of a healthy lifestyle for children;

    protecting the life and health of children;

    ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child;

    implementation of the necessary correction of deviations in the development of the child;

    increasing motivation for organized educational activities;

    improving the effectiveness of educational work.

To increase the effectiveness of educational work in organized educational activities in kindergarten, along with traditional types of work, I use modern technologies: civil-patriotic education technologies, non-traditional drawing techniques, gaming technologies, non-traditional methods and techniques.

      Technologies of civil and patriotic education

At present, the interest of scientists and teachers in the problem of civic-patriotic education has noticeably increased. This can be seen from numerous publications and the appearance of documents at the state level.

Civil patriotic upbringing is a purposeful process of forming a social value attitude towards the Motherland, its people, its culture, language, and traditions. This attitude is manifested in the desire and desire to know the history of one's country, its national and cultural wealth, to actively participate in public life, to work conscientiously and creatively for the good of the Motherland.

The solution to the urgent problem of civil-patriotic education in the conditions of preschool education becomes obvious. Understanding the current conditions and features of the development and socialization of the future citizen allows the teacher to solve one of the main tasks of education - the upbringing of the "Citizen".

Working with pupils of senior preschool age, one must understand the need to form such values ​​as love for Russia, one's people, one's land, service to the Fatherland. It is at this age that children are characterized by increased susceptibility to external influences, faith in the truth of everything that is taught, in the unconditionality and necessity of moral standards, which creates the prerequisites for systematic moral education, the formation of citizenship and patriotic feelings.

The education of patriotism and citizenship has always occupied one of the leading places in pedagogical science.

The first feelings of citizenship and patriotism.

Are they available for kids?

You can give an affirmative answer: preschoolers, especially older ones, have access to a feeling of love for their native city, native nature, and their homeland.

Under the guidance of adults, elements of patriotic and civic feelings and social relations are gradually formed in children.

“The beauty of the native land, which opens up thanks to a fairy tale, fantasy, creativity, is a source of love for the Motherland. Understanding and feeling the greatness, the power of the Motherland comes to a person gradually and has its origins in beauty.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

What is patriotism?

Patriotism is love for the Motherland, nature, people, culture of one's people.

Patriotism is both devotion to one's Fatherland and the desire to do everything possible to preserve the cultural identity of each people.

Patriotism includes:





    And other qualities without which a person cannot take place as a person.

Patriotic education in kindergarten is closely related to mental, labor, environmental, aesthetic education.

citizenship- this is belonging to the permanent population of this state, endowing with a set of political rights and obligations.

Citizenship includes:


    Desire and ability to work for the good of the fatherland,

    Protect and respect the wealth of the Motherland,

    Aesthetic feelings associated with love for the native city, native nature.

The term "civic education" is relatively new for our country as a whole and completely new for preschool education and upbringing in Russia. Before the start of the reforms, the programs included the section "Introduction to the phenomena of public life", within which only the task of patriotic education of children was put forward.

Civic education does not provide for an unambiguously positive attitude to any sphere of life in the form in which it exists at a given historical moment.

Civil behavior implies the formation of certain personality traits: activity, independence, ability to make decisions, initiative, etc.

Target patriotic education is to instill love for the Fatherland, pride in its culture, and civic education consists in shaping the child's active social position as a participant and creator of public life.

Tasks of teachers and parents:

    Awaken, as early as possible, in a growing person love for his native land;

    To form character traits that will help to become a person and a citizen of society;

    Raise love and respect for the home, kindergarten, native street, city (settlement where the child lives);

    A sense of pride in the achievements of the country, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers;

    To develop interest in the phenomena of public life accessible to the child.

At present, the search and development of innovative approaches to patriotic education is of great importance.

Teachers should take into account that cultivating love for the motherland, hometown means linking educational work with the social life that surrounds the child. In your work, use the most interesting and effective forms of work- walks, excursions, observations, explanations that encourage children to various activities (game, verbal, productive, etc.).

Patriotic education permeates all types of children's activities in everyday life and in the classroom. It is necessary to form in children the need to participate in activities for the benefit of the people around them and wildlife, to help them realize themselves as an integral part of their small homeland.

Working methods

    Targeted walks and excursions.

    Observations (for example, the working life of people, changes in the appearance of the city, etc.).

    Explanations of the educator in combination with showing and observing children.

    Conversations about the native city.

    Holidays and entertainment of a patriotic orientation,

    Learning songs and poems about the homeland, proverbs, sayings, reading fairy tales, listening to music.

    Familiarization with the works of folk art (embroidery, painting, sculpture).

    Enrichment and stimulation of children's creativity.

    Attracting children to feasible socially useful work.

    Raising respect for veterans of war and labor.

Use a set of means (the immediate environment, visual activity, music, the man-made world of peoples) in order to form a personal attitude to the native city, to modern reality. Involve in the conduct of local history work, the study of the state of the environment. Stimulate activities to study the traditions, history and culture of their people and native land. Involve children in the protection of monuments of the historical and cultural heritage of the people.

Means of civil - patriotic education:


    Fiction and art,

    Practical activities,

    Visiting museums, exhibitions,

    Meeting interesting people

    Introducing children to family traditions, traditions and customs of their people, country, to art

The main provisions of the program for patriotic education in kindergarten.

Acquaintance with the environment, speech development, visual activity, musical development

Introduction to the social world:

Raising a sense of belonging with the life of the country (patriotic dates and holidays)

Careful attitude to what is made by people

Acquaintance with the events that took place in the country, give an idea about the country, the capital, the symbols of the state

Raising love for the native land, for the Motherland

Acquaintance with the sights of the city, with the name of the streets

Acquaintance with the subject world:

    Raising a sense of friendship towards people of other nationalities

    Raising respect for working people and objects produced by them

    Acquaintance with objects of folk art

Acquaintance with nature:

    Raising a love for the nature of the native land

    Raising respect for nature

    Raising a sense of the need for labor participation in the protection of native nature

Great importance should be attached to the enrichment of the subject-game environment in the preschool educational institution, state symbols, flora and fauna of the country. To develop the cognitive activity of children, mini-museums of the native land are being created. Products of folk applied art of Russia, souvenirs, books, videos about Russia are purchased.

Developing subject-spatial environment

Science Center:

  • Flag and coat of arms of Russia.

    Flag and Coat of Arms of the Krasnodar Territory

    Coat of arms and flag of your city

    Russian anthem.

    Anthem of the Krasnodar Territory

    President's portrait.

    Portrait of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory

    Albums:: “My family”, “My city”, “My district”, “Our army is dear”

    Thematic albums of military branches and military equipment

    Sets of postcards "Russian way of life".

    Cassettes with recording of fairy tales and patriotic songs

    Educational games of a civil and patriotic orientation "Zarnitsa", "Relay races", "Mysteries about the city", "Does it happen or not?" , "Patterns of the hometown", "Make no mistake", "Do you know?" (city celebrities), "Traveling around the city", "Where is the monument?", "The birds of our city" "The river of courtesy"

We introduce children to the rights and obligations, give an idea of ​​the Law.

Every child has the right:

    in name and nationality;

    For a family;

    On defense;

    For education;

    For medicine;

    For rest and leisure;

    For information.

The success of the civic-patriotic upbringing of children largely depends on the parents, the family, and the atmosphere that prevails at home.

Working with parents

    Meetings and consultations with parents

    Issue of a wall newspaper for children, parents "Friendly Family"

    Design of photo booths “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland!”, “Our pets”, etc.

    Family photo contest "The city where I live"

    Family exhibition of drawings (co-creation of children and parents) "There is no more beautiful land in the world", "My land".

    Civil-patriotic projects “I am a citizen of Russia!”, “A child has the right”, “My family”

    Family holidays

    Campaign "Let our city be clean!",

"Only one who appreciates and respects what has been accumulated and preserved by the previous generation can love the Motherland, recognize it, become a true patriot." S. Mikhalkov.

1.2. Non-traditional drawing techniques

The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Its development begins more effectively from preschool age. As V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child." According to many teachers - all children are talented. Therefore, it is necessary to notice in time, feel these talents and try, as early as possible, to give children the opportunity to show them in practice, in real life.

In the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the development of creative abilities in children is of particular importance. The ability to be creative is a specific feature of a person, which makes it possible not only to use reality, but also to modify it. The higher the level of development of a person's abilities, the more opportunities open up for his creative activity.

Creativity is inherent in man by nature. The main point is that the conditions of life, the presence of will give the opportunity to develop those abilities that are inherent in nature in a given person.

In recent years, the content and tasks of visual activity have changed. If a few years ago we put children in the framework of copying a model, showing the sequence and techniques of drawing, taught to depict objects of a realistic world, now, using new, innovative programs and pedagogical technologies, we are trying, without imposing our point of view on children, to realize our creative potential . This requires skillful and purposeful leadership of the creative development of children.

Preschool childhood is a very important period in the life of children. It is at this age that every child is a little explorer, with joy and surprise discovering an unfamiliar and amazing world around him. The more diverse children's activities, the more successful the child's versatile development is, his potentialities and the first manifestations of creativity are realized. Great potential for the disclosure of children's creativity lies in the visual activity of preschoolers.

Since I myself am a creative person, I teach this to my children in the group, with whom we perform various interesting and creative works. Not only children participate in this, but also their parents with pleasure.

In the dictionary of synonyms, the word "unconventional" means: extraordinary, original, in a new way, unique, individually, independently, original, non-standard, peculiar, in a new way, in its own way.

What does "non-traditional drawing" mean?

It is the art of depicting without being based on tradition.

Children from a very early age try to reflect their impressions of the world around them in their fine art. Adults (teachers) help the child in this. Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. The developing environment plays an important role in the development of the child. Therefore, when organizing a developing object-spatial environment, it is taken into account that the content is of a developmental nature and is aimed at developing the creativity of each child in accordance with his individual capabilities, accessible and appropriate for the age characteristics of children. Unusual materials and original techniques attract children by the fact that the word “no” is not present here, you can draw whatever you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and by emotions one can judge the mood of the child, what pleases him, what upsets him.

Conducting classes using non-traditional drawing techniques contributes to:

Development of spatial thinking;

Development of fine motor skills of hands and tactile perception;

Development of creative abilities, imagination and flight of fancy;

The development of memory, attention, perseverance, teaches to think and analyze, measure and compare;

Development of aesthetic perception and emotional responsiveness;

Removing children's fears;

Development of self-confidence;

Teaches children how to work with a variety of materials.

The success of teaching non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to the child, to form his knowledge, skills and abilities. In many ways, the result of the child's work depends on his interest, so it is important to activate the child's attention in the lesson, to encourage him to work with the help of additional incentives.

Such incentives can be:

Play, which is the main activity of children;

Surprise moment;

Asking for help (children will never refuse to help the weak);

Musical accompaniment; etc.

Mastering an unconventional image technique gives preschoolers true joy. They are happy to draw different patterns without experiencing difficulties. Children boldly take up art materials, they are not afraid of the diversity and the prospect of independent choice. They enjoy the process of doing it. Children are ready to repeat this or that action many times. And the better the movement is, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if demonstrating their success, and rejoice, drawing the attention of an adult to their achievements.

There are many non-traditional drawing techniques. Their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result, if their mastery is built taking into account the specifics of the activity and age of the children. I took those non-traditional drawing techniques that are more interesting and easier for children to cope with, and divided them progressively (from easier to more difficult). Drawing in non-traditional ways can already be started from before the pictorial period of drawing. I spend this kind of drawing with each child individually and in the afternoon.

    finger painting;

    hand drawing;

    foam drawing;


    cork drawing;

    drawing with cotton swabs;

    pencil - stamp;

    drawing in a way - "poke";

    decorating objects;

    grafting technique.

Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.


Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensations, confidence, emotions, orientation on a sheet of paper.

Material: gouache, a sheet of paper with or without a silhouette, a napkin.

Method for obtaining an image: the child dips his index finger in gouache and puts spots, dots on a sheet of paper.


Purpose: development of tactile sensations, imagination, emotions.

Material: gouache, colored or white paper, napkin. Method for obtaining an image: the child dips his entire palm in paint, leans it against a sheet of paper (leaving an imprint, the teacher finishes the details of the picture.


Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands, orientation on a sheet of paper, tactile sensations, emotions. Material: jar with gouache; a sheet of paper with a drawing drawn in pencil; a piece of foam rubber, a napkin. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips the foam rubber into a jar of paint and runs it over a sheet of paper from left to right, painting over the image.


Purpose: development of imagination, thinking, emotions.

Material: gouache, colored or blank paper, napkin.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips a brush or finger into the paint and, with chaotic hand movements, applies paint to a sheet of paper. The teacher asks the child questions: “What does your inkblot look like?” or "What is this?"


Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands, imagination, orientation on a sheet of paper, emotions.

Material: gouache of any color, a sheet of paper, corks from tubes of cream, toothpaste or a plastic bottle.

Method of obtaining an image: the child takes a cork with three fingers, dips it in paint and leaves prints on a sheet of paper.


Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands, imagination, color perception, orientation on a sheet of paper, emotions.

Material: cotton buds; gouache; paper.

Method of applying the image: the child dips the end of the cotton swab into the paint and, by swiping it or by poking, leaves an imprint on the image.


Purpose: strengthening the skills of drawing with a brush and paints, developing imagination, thinking, emotions.

Material: sheet with a painted silhouette, a brush with hard bristles, gouache, a jar of water.

Method of applying the image: the child, with the help of a brush, applies paint to the silhouette using the “poking” method (as if poking at a leaf).


Purpose: the ability to work with paints carefully, to select the right color for the object being painted, the development of thinking, creativity, emotions.

Material: a sheet of paper with a painted silhouette, brushes, gouache of different colors.

Coloring method: the child takes the paint of the desired color with a brush and decorates it.


The technique of "grattage" is also called "dagger-scratches"

Teach children to draw with a stencil.

Cultivate accuracy in the course of work.

To improve the skills of children in combining various techniques.

Develop speech and thinking

To acquaint students with one of the types of graphics - scratching

album sheet

Wax colored pencils

Black gouache

Liquid soap

Sharpened stick or stick of paste


My innovative work was done on one of the topical topics, since the problem of non-traditional drawing of preschool children is relevant today. In the changing conditions of modern society, acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques must begin precisely from preschool age - in childhood, the foundation of a creative personality is laid, it is then that moral norms of behavior in society are fixed, and spirituality is formed.

In the process of drawing, observation, aesthetic perception, artistic taste, and creative features of the child are improved.

The novelty and distinctive feature of the work on non-traditional drawing techniques is that it has an innovative character. The system of work uses non-traditional methods and ways of developing children's artistic creativity. Homemade tools, natural and waste materials are used for non-traditional drawing. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using familiar household items as original art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability.

The innovative pedagogical activity carried out by me has a sufficient theoretical justification based on the analysis of literary sources on the problem under consideration.

(V. T. Kazakova, I. A. Lykova, Davydova G. N, and others)

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​my work is to study the problem of non-traditional drawing techniques for preschool children. From many years of experience in working with children to develop artistic and creative abilities in drawing, it became clear that standard sets of visual materials and ways of transmitting information are not enough for modern children, since the level of mental development and the potential of the new generation has become much higher. In this regard, non-traditional drawing techniques give impetus to the development of children's intellect, activate the creative activity of children, teach them to think outside the box.

To implement the tasks set in my work, I used the following research methods:

Theoretical: study and analysis of psychological - pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature, programs, study of the state of the problem in the practice of teaching;

Empirical: observation of the pedagogical process.

Non-traditional drawing techniques are a real flame of creativity, it is an impetus to the development of imagination, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality.

I have selected illustrative material accessible to pupils, enriched the corner of productive activity, with the help of which I direct children to the development of imagination.

I have developed didactic games, such as: “What! Which! Which!" “What it looks like” “Transformer” “Pebbles on the shore”. "Merry Dwarf" "What does it look like". Children are invited to resolve such problematic situations as “What is common between,. ?”, “Where can it be applied,. ?”, “What does it look like?”, “Good - bad” and others.

All educational activities of the teacher are carried out in a playful way, understandable and interesting for children. Every day they are more and more involved in the learning process, but at the same time, educational activity remains a game, retaining its attractiveness.

Thus, the development of the creative personality of a preschooler in a preschool educational institution is possible due to the creation of a developing environment that contributes to the transformation of the spontaneous and direct activity of the child into creative activity and the readiness of the teacher, which manifests itself in providing conditions for the development of children's independence, initiative, creativity and the search for new, creative solutions.

1.3. Gaming technologies

Game pedagogical technology - the organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. This is a consistent activity of the teacher for:

Selection, development, preparation of games;

Inclusion of children in play activities;

The implementation of the game itself;

Summing up the results of gaming activities.

The main feature of a pedagogical game in gaming technology is a clearly defined goal of learning and its corresponding pedagogical results, characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation. The types of pedagogical games are varied. They may vary:

By type of activity - motor, intellectual, psychological, career-oriented, etc.;

By the nature of the pedagogical process - teaching, training, controlling, cognitive, educational, developing, diagnostic.

By the nature of the gaming technique - games with rules; games with rules set in the course of the game, games where one part of the rules is set by the conditions of the game and is set depending on its course.

For gaming equipment - desktop, computer, theatrical, role-playing, directorial, etc.

The main component of gaming technology is direct and systematic communication between the teacher and children. Its meaning:

Activates pupils;

Increases cognitive interest;

Causes emotional upsurge;

Promotes the development of creativity;

Maximizes the time of classes due to clearly defined game conditions;

Allows the teacher to vary the strategy and tactics of game actions by complicating or simplifying game tasks, depending on the level of mastering the material.

Game classes are very lively, in an emotionally favorable psychological environment, in an atmosphere of goodwill, equality, in the absence of isolation of passive children. Game technologies help children to be liberated, self-confidence appears. As experience shows, acting in a game situation close to real life conditions, preschoolers more easily learn material of any complexity.

Conceptual foundations of gaming technology:

The game form of joint activity with children is created with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of encouraging and stimulating the child to activity.

The implementation of the pedagogical game is carried out in the following sequence - the didactic goal is set in the form of a game task, educational activity is subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as its means; successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.

Game technology covers a certain part of the educational process, united by a common content, plot, character.

Game technology includes sequentially games and exercises that form one of the integrative qualities or knowledge from the educational field. But at the same time, the game material should activate the educational process and increase the efficiency of mastering the educational material.

The game, as a rule, is the children's own initiative, therefore, the teacher's guide when organizing game technology must meet the requirements:

The choice of a game depends on educational tasks that require their resolution, but should act as a means of satisfying the interests and needs of children (children show interest in the game, actively act and get a result veiled by the game task - there is a natural substitution of motives from educational to gaming);

Game proposal - a game problem is created, for the solution of which various game tasks are offered: rules and techniques of action);

Explanations of the game - briefly, clearly, only after the interest of children in the game has arisen;

Play equipment - must comply with the content of the game and all the requirements for the subject-play environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard;

Organization of the game team - game tasks are formed in such a way that each child can show their activity and organizational skills.

Children can act depending on the course of the game individually, in pairs or teams, collectively:

The development of the game situation is based on the principles:

lack of coercion of any form when involving children in the game; the presence of game dynamics; maintenance of the game atmosphere; the relationship between gaming and non-gaming activities;

End of the game - the analysis of the results should be aimed at practical application in real life.

In my practice, I use the following gaming technologies:

Game situations (during organized educational activities and during sensitive moments);

Surprise moments (during OOD and during regime moments);

Solving various problem situations (in a playful way).

This helps me to activate the cognitive activity of children, creates motivation for creativity, develops mental activity, helps my pupils to master figurative speech, teaches the correct construction of sentences.

Modern game technologies in the preschool educational institution assign the child the role of an independent subject interacting with the environment. This interaction includes all stages of activity: goal setting, planning and organization, implementation of goals, analysis of performance results. Developing education is aimed at developing the entire set of personality traits. Game technologies in the preschool educational institution allow the educator to develop independence, set in motion the internal processes of mental neoplasms. Using game technologies in the educational process, the educator must have goodwill, be able to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, encourage any invention and imagination of the child. The game is useful for the development of the child and the creation of a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults. An important feature of modern gaming technologies that I use in my work is that gaming moments penetrate into all types of children's activities: work and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities associated with the implementation of the regime and play.

With the help of gaming technologies, I develop children's creativity, creative thinking and imagination. The use of game techniques and methods in standard, problem situations forms flexible, original thinking in children.

Thus, modern gaming technologies cover a wide range of development of the abilities of preschool children, ensuring the efficiency of mastering the material. However, it should be noted that such an impact of gaming technologies on a child is achieved through the integrated application of the achievements of pedagogy and psychology.

    Application of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

We all know that the computer enters the life of a child from an early age, having both a positive and a negative impact on the formation of his personality. In terms of the impact on the child's psyche, modern information technologies are incomparable with other means.

Increasingly, teachers of preschool institutions began to point out the use of ICT in working with children as the main achievement. And I am no exception. Having mastered the work on the computer on my own, I apply my skills in working with preschoolers. But before me, like before many teachers, there is a question. How to do it right? To use or not to use ICT in kindergarten?

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand what ICT is and in what specific work in the preschool educational institution they are needed.

The combination of ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.

"Information technology is a set of methods, methods and means that provide storage, processing, transmission and display of information and focused on improving the efficiency and productivity of labor." At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer (computer technology).

Communication technologies determine the methods, ways and means of human interaction with the external environment (the reverse process is also important). In these communications, the computer takes its place. It provides a comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of communication objects. Combining information and communication technologies, projecting them into educational practice, it should be noted that the main task facing their implementation is the adaptation of a person to life in the information society.

It is absolutely clear that ICT is becoming the main tool that a person will use not only in professional activities, but also in everyday life.

The main goal of introducing information technologies is to create a single information space of an educational institution, a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and connected at the information level: administration, teachers, pupils and their parents.

Information technology is not only and not so much computers and their software. ICT refers to the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

I use my skills in my work:

With kids

With parents

With colleagues

In methodical, experimental, innovative activity.

First of all, I want to say that I do not use the direct work of children on the PC. I think that in preschool age this is not a priority. It is much more important for me to work on creating a single creative space in the framework of interaction with the families of pupils in the direction of solving the problems of child development in the modern information society. It is important to become both for the child and for the parents a guide to the world of new technologies, a mentor in the choice of computer games and to form the foundations of the information culture of the child's personality.

What are the main directions of ICT development?

Using a computer to familiarize children with modern technical means of transmitting and storing information.

ICT as a means of interactive learning that allows you to stimulate the cognitive activity of children and participate in the development of new knowledge.

ICT for parents of pupils. Cooperation with the child's family in the use of ICT at home, especially the computer and computer games.

ICT aims to implement the idea of ​​network management, organization of the pedagogical process, methodological service. This technology provides planning, control, monitoring, coordination of the work of teachers and specialists. In this case, the use of ICT helps to optimize the activities of preschool educational institutions.

I will present the main forms of using ICT in my work:

Selection of illustrative material for OOD, design of parental corners, groups, information material for designing stands, folders, sliders, (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation);

Selection of additional educational material for OOD (visual material);

Registration of group documentation (lists of children, information about parents, diagnostics of children's development, planning, monitoring of program implementation, etc.), reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the scheme once and only make the necessary changes in the future.

Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings. Moreover, the presentation can become a kind of lesson or event plan, its logical structure, i.e. can be used at any stage of the lesson.

The use of digital cameras and photo editing programs that make managing pictures as easy as taking pictures, easily find the ones you want, edit and show them;

Using a photo frame to introduce parents to the rich and interesting garden life of children;

The use of the Internet in pedagogical activities, for the purpose of informational and scientific and methodological support of the educational process in a preschool institution;

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers.

For in-depth discussions of pedagogical topics with colleagues and consultations with specialists, I use forums in online pedagogical communities. I am interested in network technologies of communication.

New activities contribute to the development of new competencies. These competencies, of course, are in the field of information technology:

Free possession of ICT tools on the Internet;

The desire to explore new tools, network services;

Mastering the constantly improving communication tools of the Internet.

Thus, the use of ICT helps to improve the quality of the educational process: teachers have the opportunity to communicate professionally with a wide audience of Internet users, and their social status increases. The use of EER (electronic educational resources) in working with children serves to increase the cognitive motivation of pupils, respectively, there is an increase in their achievements, key competencies. Parents, noting the interest of children in the preschool educational institution, began to treat teachers with more respect, listen to their advice, and actively participate in group projects.

    Application of health-saving technologies in the educational process.

In recent years, a steady trend has been revealed towards a significant decrease in the health indicators and development rates of preschool children, which is due to the deterioration of socio-economic and environmental conditions. In this regard, at present, such pedagogical technologies are becoming more and more in demand, which, in addition to the pedagogical effect, involve saving the health of children. There was a need to use new health-saving technologies aimed at studying the individual capabilities of the body, teaching the methods of mental and physical self-regulation.

In the process of upbringing and educational work of the teacher, the social and pedagogical importance of preserving the health of children increases.

Health-saving technologies influence the formation of a harmonious, creative personality and its preparation for self-realization in life based on value orientations, such as health.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education, the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

Health-saving educational technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of impact on children's health; it is an integral system of educational, health-improving, corrective and preventive measures.

Working in a correctional group, in which the contingent of pupils is made up of children with various psychophysiological characteristics, the use of health saving is simply necessary for them.

The effectiveness of the positive impact on the health of children of various recreational activities, which constitute health-saving technologies, is determined by the quality of the methods and techniques used, as well as competent use in the overall system aimed at the benefit of children's health.

In organized educational activities, I use both traditional and non-traditional methods of health-saving technology, including:

Articulation gymnastics;

Breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics;

Physical education minutes (dynamic pauses).

Articulation gymnastics for the development and improvement of basic speech movements. Articulation gymnastics for preschoolers is best done in a playful way. For this, small poetic forms are well suited. Articulation gymnastics in verses is not only an increase in the child's interest in a particular exercise, but also a countdown of the exercise time and determining the rhythm of performing dynamic exercises.


Tick ​​tock, tick tock

The clock is ticking - that's it!

Left tick,

Right so.

The clock is ticking - that's it!

Description: Open mouth wide. Slowly move the tongue horizontally from side to side, pull the tongue to the corners of the mouth. Alternately change the position of the tongue 4 - 6 times.


Let our tongue rest

Let him take a nap.

Description: The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip.

Breathing exercises.

Breathing is the most important function of the body. An important place in physical culture is occupied by special breathing exercises that provide complete drainage of the bronchi, cleanse the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and strengthen the respiratory muscles. Even the ancient oriental sages, the creators of various respiratory systems, attached great importance to breathing exercises. It was believed that in addition to oxygen supply with the help of breathing, the energy supply of the body also occurs. Proper breathing regulates the state of the human nervous system.

Let's listen to our breath

Target: to teach children to listen to their breathing, determine the type of breathing, its depth, frequency, and according to these signs - the state of the body.

Starting position - standing, sitting, lying (as convenient at the moment). The muscles of the body are relaxed.

In complete silence, children listen to their own breathing and determine:

where does the air stream of air enter and where does it come from;

what part of the body comes into motion during inhalation and exhalation (stomach, chest, shoulders or all parts - in waves);

what kind of breathing: superficial (light) or deep;

what is the frequency of breathing: often inhale-exhale or calmly with a certain interval (automatic pause);

quiet, inaudible breathing or noisy.

This exercise can be done before physical activity or after, so that children learn to determine the state of the whole organism by breathing.

We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly

Target: to teach children to relax and restore the body after physical exertion and emotional arousal; regulate the process of breathing, focus on it in order to control the relaxation of your body and psyche.

Starting position - standing, sitting, lying (it depends on the previous physical activity). If sitting, the back is even, it is better to close your eyes.

Slow breath in through the nose. When the chest begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause as long as you can. Then a smooth exhalation through the nose (repeat 5-10 times).

The exercise is performed silently, smoothly, so that even the palm held up to the nose does not feel the air flow when exhaling.

Finger gymnastics and the development of fine motor skills.

In my work, I pay enough attention to the development of fine motor skills. Children are engaged in modeling, drawing, and, of course, doing finger gymnastics complexes for preschoolers. These classes are held in a playful way, often in the form of dramatizations of fairy tales familiar and beloved to children.

The key to success in the development of fine motor skills using finger gymnastics for preschoolers is the regularity of these activities. By devoting 5 minutes daily, you can achieve a good result in mastering oral speech. Such activities are a favorite pastime for children, especially if finger puppets are used along with gymnastics, which will diversify the game and attract more attention even to the most restless.

One, two, three, four, five…

One, two, three, four, five

Bend each finger.

We're going to look for mushrooms

The index and middle fingers of the right hand “walk” along the left palm.

This finger went to the forest

This finger mushroom found

This finger began to clean

This finger ate everything

Bend each finger

From that he got fat.

Show thumb.


Show me your hands

Right and left.

Quickly squeeze into a fist

Skillful fingers.

Open up, consider

And please tell me:

Why do we need children

Those nimble hands?

(put away toys, tie shoelaces, wash dishes, make a gift with your own hands, wipe dust, play ball, etc.)

"Sing along, sing along, I. Tokmakova

Ten birds - a flock.

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

sleepy head,

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a lark

gray feather,

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a cheerful siskin

Well, this is an evil eagle ...

Birds, birds, go home! (The fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. Having heard the name of the birds, the children open one finger at a time, first of the right and then of the left hand. At the last words, the fingers of both hands are clenched into a fist).

Back massage "Rain"

Rain runs on the roof - bom, bom, bom! (clap hands)

On a cheerful sonorous roof - bom, bom, bom! (tap fingers)

Stay at home, stay at home - bom, bom, bom! (beat fists)

Don't go anywhere - bang, bang, bang! (rubbing with the ribs of the palms)

Read, play - bang, bang, bang! (rubbing shoulders)

And I’ll leave, then walk - bom..bom..bom.. (stroke with palms)

(turn 180 * and repeat the massage)

After the rain, look, mushrooms have grown in the forest.

"Five sparrows".

Five sparrows sat on the fence,

One flew away, while the others sang.

And they sang until fatigue overcame,

One flew away, three of them remained.

The three of us sat and got a little bored,

One flew away and two remained.


Birds flew, flapped their wings

They sat on the trees and rested together.

Fizultminutki (dynamic pauses)

Physical education is a great opportunity for a child to make a transition between classes, relieve emotional stress, and also get to know their body. For children, the poetic form of such exercise games is most interesting. I choose several suitable physical education sessions, change them after 1-2 weeks or agree with the speech therapist teacher and choose the one that suits the topic.

Game "Drops":

- I will be a cloud mother, and you will be my droplets.

Melody 1.

It's time for you to hit the road. (Droplets jump, dance.)

They flew to the ground. They jumped and played. And soaked into the ground. And in the ground lay the seeds of different plants.

Seeds drank water and began to grow. They grew and grew and grew. Now dream up and tell me what kind of plant you have become?

"Smart nature".

We respect nature (children walk in a circle, holding hands),

We care and understand.

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds teach singing (chirp-chirp)

Spiders of patience, (fingering in the air)

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work. (z-z-z)

Reflection in water teaches justice (spring).

Us trees of all breeds (squeeze their hands in a handshake)

They teach strong friendship.

You need to learn from nature for a whole year (clap your hands).

What do sparrows sing about.

What sparrows sing about (we walk on the spot)

On the last day of winter? (hands to the sides - on the belt)

We survived! (clap hands)

We survived! (jumping in place)

We are alive! We are alive! (walking in place)

Here comes a big bird...

Here comes a big bird

Smoothly circles over the river (hand movements imitating the flapping of wings)

Finally she sits down

On a snag above the water (sit in a deep squat).

"The droplets go in a circle."

The teacher says that she is Cloud's mother, and the children are Droplets, and it's time for them to hit the road. Music sounds like the sound of rain. Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Droplets flew to the ground. They jumped and played. They got bored of jumping alone. They gathered together and flowed in small cheerful streams (droplets make up streams, holding hands). Brooks met and became a big river (droplets are connected in one chain). Droplets float in a big river, travel. The river flowed and flowed and ended up in a big, big ocean (children reorganize into a round dance and move in a circle). Droplets swam and swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Mama Cloud had ordered her to return home. And just then the sun came up. (The sun appears, dances.) The droplets became light, stretched up (crouched droplets rise, then stretch their arms up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to their mother Cloud. Well done, droplets, they behaved well, they didn’t climb into the collar of passers-by, they didn’t splash. Now stay with me, I miss you.

Health-saving technologies that influence the formation of a harmonious, creative personality, the problem of social adaptation of preschoolers, the development of the child's personality and preparing him for self-realization in life based on value orientations, such as health, help the teacher in a comprehensive and phased educational process.


A technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies, guarantees the achievements of a preschooler and further guarantees their successful schooling. The modern educational technologies used by me are used throughout the entire period of children's visits to a preschool educational institution in organizing various types of activities, joint activities of adults and children.

The use of modern educational technologies has given a positive growth trend in the development of pupils, which I track during systematic monitoring.

Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowing. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state. The use of a variety of modern educational technologies is an important condition for successful educational work. The upbringing and educational work carried out by me in these areas contributes to the effective upbringing and education of preschool children.

All of the above technologies that I use in my work give the child the opportunity to work creatively, promote the development of curiosity, increase activity, bring joy, form the child’s desire to participate in the educational process, preserve and strengthen children’s health.

The use of a wide range of modern educational technologies makes it possible to improve the assimilation of the program in all areas of work, as well as to achieve high results in the development of pupils.

Thanks to the use of modern educational technologies, the educational process becomes expedient, efficient, effective, economical, optimal, holistic, systematic, intensive, flexible, integrative, modern.


1. Dvorskaya N. I. The use of modern educational technologies that comply with the Federal State Educational Standards of Education in the educational process [Text] // Pedagogical excellence: materials of the VI Intern. scientific conf. (Moscow, June 2015). - M.: Buki-Vedi, 2015. - S. 47-51.

Modern educational technologies health-saving technologies; technology of developing education; technologies of project activity; information and communication technologies; personality-oriented technologies; correctional technology; gaming technology, etc.

Information and communication technologies The world in which a modern child develops is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This makes qualitatively new requirements for preschool education as the first link in lifelong education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive whiteboard, tablet, etc.).

ICT in the work of a modern teacher 1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation,). 2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarity with the scenarios of holidays and other events. 3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad. 4. Registration of group documentation, reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the scheme once and only make the necessary changes in the future. 5. Creation of presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent meetings. The use of a multimedia projector in the classroom, at teachers' councils, RMS.

Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is the organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process. (B.T. Likhachev)

Game technology Game technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational and upbringing work of the kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. Pedagogical technology for organizing directorial games in children Pedagogical technology for organizing role-playing games

Health-saving technologies The purpose of health-saving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits for a healthy lifestyle. Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the impact of a teacher on a child's health at different levels of information, psychological, bio-energetic.

Pedagogical technologies based on the humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations with a procedural orientation, the priority of personal relations, an individual approach, democratic management and a bright humanistic orientation of the content. The new educational programs "Childhood", "From Birth to School", "Rainbow", "From Childhood to Adolescence" have this approach. The essence of the technological upbringing and educational process is constructed on the basis of the given initial settings: social order (parents, society) educational guidelines, goals and content of education. These initial guidelines should concretize modern approaches to assessing the achievements of preschoolers, as well as create conditions for individual and differentiated tasks.

A technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies, guarantees the achievements of a preschooler and further guarantees their successful schooling. Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowing. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state. Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.

What are modern educational technologies and methods in preschool educational institutions? What are they needed for? First of all, each technology is aimed at the implementation of educational state standards in

A bit of theory

What does the word "technology" mean? The explanatory dictionary reports that this is a set of methods and techniques that are used in any skill, business, art. And pedagogical technology according to B.T. Likhachev is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine the set and layout of various methods, forms, techniques, as well as teaching methods, including educational means, that is, it is directly a methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process. At this stage, there are many technologies. We will consider the most popular areas in which preschool educational institutions are distributed. They received recognition from both teachers and parents.

Modern educational technologies and methods in preschool educational institutions

These include the following:

1. Health saving. The goal is to provide the baby with all the opportunities to maintain health, as well as to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits for a healthy lifestyle.

3. Person-centered technology.

4. Technology "TRIZ" T.S. Altshuller (decryption:

5. N.A. dice reading Zaitsev.

6. Technology of project activity. The goal is to develop and enrich the social and personal experience of children through their inclusion in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

7. Pedagogical technology M. Montessori.

Many other modern educational technologies and methods in preschool educational institutions are also distinguished.

A little about TRIZ

This technology was originally developed by T.S. Altshuller to work at the University of Radio Engineering. But, as it turned out later, some elements of this technique can be successfully used in a preschool institution. It is known that modern ones are aimed at imagination, ingenuity. TRIZ combines all the necessary elements for this. The technology of creativity, as it is also called, is aimed at managing subconscious processes in the development of creativity and logic of preschoolers. By the way, the well-known drawing technique “Monotype” also originates in TRIZ. There are many techniques that are successfully used by teachers in the classroom: a nine-screen, the brainstorming method (MMS), the "spyglass" method, and so on.

If we consider modern educational technologies and methods in preschool educational institutions, then we can say with confidence that TRIZ is one of the most effective and diverse in its content. It is not difficult to use it in your work, moreover, this technology always gives positive results, because all the elements and techniques are playful, which means that children are taught in the process of their leading activities.

Anna Kondratieva
Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions

« Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions» .

Today we will talk about pedagogical technologies and their effective use in a preschool institution. The term itself « technology» - from Greek it is art, skill, skill, a set of techniques and methods of obtaining, processing and processing of raw materials, materials. At present, the concept has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon "pedagogical technology» . Pedagogical technology- this is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process (B. T. Likhachev).

There is a classification of pedagogical technologies.

After the introduction of the GEF DO in the system of preschool education educational process; solve educational educational activities education; build educational

Today, any preschool institution, in accordance with the principle of variability, has the right to choose its own model education and design the pedagogical process on the basis of adequate ideas and technologies. The basis of the activity of all subjects of the pedagogical process is the model “I am learning myself, not being taught”, that's why contemporary the educator needs to master a whole arsenal of pedagogical technologies to stimulate the cognitive activity of the child. In addition, the teacher must be ready to respond flexibly to emerging changes in the content. education, adapt it to the emerging and constantly changing cognitive interests of children.

The development of new teachers by teachers is the key to the successful development of the child's personality.

Pedagogical technology- this is such a construction of the activity of the educator, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and suggest the achievement of the predicted result. Modern pedagogical research shows that the main problem of preschool education - loss of vitality, the attractiveness of the process of cognition. The number of preschool children who do not want to go to school is increasing; the positive motivation for classes has decreased, the performance of children is falling.

Based on the foregoing, there is a need to use a range of innovative educational technologies. In their professional activities, teachers of our preschool educational institution use the following technology:

1. Technology developmental education (D. B. Elkonina V. V. Davydova, aimed at developing the individual cognitive abilities of each child, at knowing oneself as a person, at self-determination and self-realization in the learning process;

2. Gaming technology in preschool:

3. Pedagogy of cooperation (K. D. Ushinsky, N. P. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy) ;

4. TRIZ technology(G. S. Altshuller, A. M. Strauning, aimed at the development of creative abilities;

5. Information and communication technology;

6. Health-saving technology(N. N. Efimenko) to improve the health of children;

7. When interacting with children, a personality-oriented approach is used (I. S. Yakimanskaya).

8. Technology problem learning (J. Dewey)

9. Technology project activities (L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina)

The teachers of our preschool educational institution, comprehensively solve the problems of the physical, intellectual, emotional and personal development of the child, preparing him for school, actively introducing into this process the most effective health saving technologies. Today we will focus on some of them.

"Health-saving technology in preschool»

The period of preschool childhood is the most important in the formation of personal qualities, the formation of the foundations of physical, mental, intellectual and social health.

Our preschool educational institution has developed a set of measures aimed at timely providing each child with adequate conditions for the age for the development and formation of a full-fledged personality, the preservation and promotion of health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Federal state requirements determined the content and conditions of the organization educational process for the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of preschoolers, ensuring their social success, the preservation and strengthening of health, and also highlighted the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of children educational areas. All these tasks must be solved by teachers in an integrated manner, ensuring the versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. Such integration is possible only under the condition of a real connection into a single whole of the processes of education, upbringing and development. In this regard, the integrated inclusion of health-saving technologies in the educational space of preschool educational institutions.

Under health-saving technologies is understood as a set of pedagogical, psychological and medical measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, the formation of a conscious and valuable attitude towards their health.

In our kindergarten, teachers and specialists use the following in their work with children: technology:

- Technology conservation and promotion health:

dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, respiratory gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics

- Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: Physical education rhythmic, biological Feedback(BOS).problem-game, communicative games, conversations from the series "Health", point self-massage,

Corrective technology: technology development of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavior correction, psycho-gymnastics.

The tasks of each of these groups are related to the general tasks of the health caregiver. education in our kindergarten.

Important place to use technologies maintaining and stimulating health in our preschool educational institution is given to teaching preschoolers to breathe properly.

In our institution, specialists and teachers have introduced methods into the system of physical culture and health-improving work that allow teaching children the correct nasal breathing: paradoxical gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova, sound breathing by M. L. Lazarev, breathing training according to the method of biological feedback A. A. Smetankina.

The various attributes used in the performance of breathing exercises also provide integration in the development of preschoolers. The importance of using unconventional material: snowflakes, ribbons, bright tubes, turntables, etc. cannot be overestimated, because a preschool child is characterized by visual figurative thinking. When using paraphernalia, children get a lot of impressions. This has a beneficial effect on their emotional mood, as well as on the whole organism as a whole in educational and educational and physical culture and health-improving process. The respiratory gymnastics complexes developed by the teachers of the institution are included in all types of activities of children in the daily routine.

Much attention is paid to stopotherapy-prevention of flat feet and maintaining posture. The use of various non-traditional equipment allows you to instill interest in performing these exercises. To achieve a positive result, the exercises are included in all regime moments. The use of health tracks, massage mats, gathering machines and much more increase the effectiveness of such exercises.

In connection with the growth of physical inactivity among children, the issue of including the technique of game stretching in the health work has become relevant.

Applied game stretching technique (or, in other words, stretching) is aimed at activating the protective forces of the children's body, mastering the skills of perfect control of one's body and psychoenergetic self-regulation, at the development and release of the creative and healing capabilities of the subconscious.

The technique of game stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which helps to prevent postural disorders and correct it, which has a deep healing effect on the entire body.

Movement is life

It's time for computers

It has become more difficult to live actively.

And children are like old people

Carry backpacks to school.

Movement is life and beauty,

Healthy mind and purpose clear:

Run away from laziness and disease,

Sports are healthier than all.

How to teach to be healthy

And love physical education?

Just do something yourself

And give everything to the kids.

In the eyes of glitter and ringing laughter -

How many joys for all.

Jump, run, throw at the target -

Everyone wants to be smart.

Comes the conclusion without a doubt:

"Health is life,

Life is movement!

"The use of game pedagogical technologies in the work of a kindergarten teacher. "

Currently in educational process, the idea of ​​self-development of the personality, its readiness for independent activity, comes to the fore. The functions of the teacher are changing. Now he is the organizer of intellectual search, emotional experience and practical action. To do this, it is necessary to master new pedagogical technology, forming the active role of the student.

Pedagogical technology must develop curiosity - the basis of cognitive activity; ability to independently solve creative (mental, artistic) and other tasks that allow you to be successful in different types activities: creative imagination as a direction of intellectual and personal development; communication skills - the ability to communicate with adults and peers; the ability to reflect - as one of the main personal qualities; understanding and self-awareness (actions, behavior, speech, feelings, states, abilities).

After the introduction of FGT into the system of preschool education the educator should be engaged in the development of the child, based on the complex-thematic principle of construction educational process; solve educational tasks not only within the immediate educational activities, but also when conducting regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education; build educational processes on age-appropriate forms of work with children.

Teachers mastering new technologies in preschool education- the key to a successful solution of the problem, the development of the personality of the child.

The purpose of gaming technologies is the solution of the series tasks: didactic, developing, educating, socializing.

Gaming technology are widely used in preschool age, since the game is the leading activity during this period. In the development of preschool children, developing games are used. technology B. P. Nikitin, V. V. Voskobovich, Kuzener, Gyenesh.

Technology of educational games B. P. Nikitina.

The game activity program consists of a set of educational games. In his books, he offers educational games with cubes, bricks, Montessori frames and inserts, plans and maps, squares, sets "Guess", etc. Tasks are given to the child in various form: in the form of a model, a flat isometric drawing, a drawing, etc., and so way introduce him to different ways of transmitting information.

Are there enough games and toys in our group? Quite: soft, plastic, with attributes of role-playing games; various designers, pyramids, fasteners and lacing; didactic and educational games, games, games, games. Many and different, all of them are aimed only at ensuring that the little man grows and develops.

So it's all right: each child finds for himself a worthy occupation. But manifold games does not exclude the fact that each toy and game performs a limited number of functions (most often 2 - 3).

But there is one game that should be discussed in more detail, and precisely because of its universality and simplicity at the same time - this is a complex containing a set of geometric shapes, each of which can be characterized by four properties: color, shape, size and thickness - and in a complete set, all these four features fully describe a specific figure. A thin, large, red circle is only one, there is no other like it.

These are Gyenes logic blocks.

Logic blocks were invented by the Hungarian mathematician and psychologist Zoltan Gyenes. Games with Gyenes blocks are accessible, on a visual basis, they introduce children to the shape, color and size of objects, with mathematical representations. I have been using them in my work for 7 years already, I released a group of children in whose education I used logical blocks and their standards.

What are Gyenes blocks?

Gyenes Blocks is a universal educational game.

Gyenesh logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric figures:

a) four forms (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles);

b) three colors (red, blue and yellow pieces);

c) two sizes (large and small figures);

d) two types of thickness (thick and thin figures).

The most interesting thing is that there is not a single identical figure in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four signs: shape, color, size, thickness.

What do Gyenes blocks develop?

Blocks develop logical and analytical thinking in children (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization, creativity, as well as perception, memory, attention and imagination. Playing with Gyenes blocks, the child performs various substantive actions (groups by attribute, lays out rows according to a given algorithm).

At what age can you play with blocks?

Gyenes blocks are designed for children from three to 10 years old. In practice, you can give blocks to children from 2. years. Using the album for the little ones.

To begin with, I introduce children to blocks. I lay out the set in front of them and let the children play with details: to touch, sort out, hold in hands.

1. Find all shapes of the same color (not the same color as this one) (show, for example, a yellow figure). Then you can ask the child to show all the blocks of a triangular shape. (or all large figures, etc.).

2. Give the bear all the blue figures, the bunny - yellow, and the mouse - red; then we distribute the figures by size, shape, thickness.

3. What color (shape, size, thickness) is this figure?

4. Several figures are laid out in front of the child that need to be remembered, and then one of the figures disappears or is replaced by a new one, or two figures are swapped. The child should notice the changes.

5. All figures are put into a bag. Ask the child to touch all the round blocks. (all big or all fat). It is also possible to characterize all the figures according to one or more features. Or he names the shape, size or thickness without taking it out of the bag.

6. Lay out three shapes. The child needs to guess which of them is superfluous and by what principle (by color, shape, size or thickness).

7. Find the same figures in color, but not the same in shape or the same in shape, but not the same in color.

8. Continue the chain, alternating blocks by bloom: red, yellow, red, yellow (can be altered in shape, size and thickness).

9. We lay out the chain so that there are no figures of the same shape and color nearby (by color and size; by size and shape, by thickness and color, etc.). You can also lay out the figures so that each differs from each other in color, shape, size

10. We lay out the chain so that there are figures next to each other of the same size, but different in shape, etc. Or we lay out the chain so that there are figures of the same color and size, but of different shapes (same size but different color).

I gave only a minimum of games with these blocks, in fact there are a very large number of games. I use blocks both in the classroom and in individual work with children.

V. Voskobovich and his "Fairy Labyrinths".

Vyacheslav Voskobovich is an inventor who came up with more than 50 benefits for the development of the mental and creative abilities of a child. During the perestroika, looking for some educational toys for his two children in stores and not finding anything suitable, he decided to invent and make a game himself. He beat and pounded everything by hand. He did not copy someone else's, and therefore his new games aroused such interest. The first developments of Voskobovich were constructive in nature - it was a search for some kind of zest. Realizing that tasks and exercises are not as interesting for children as a game, he approached the matter creatively and combined his ideas with game moments.

His games teach to model, correlate the whole with its part, develop thinking, memory, attention, and creativity. Vyacheslav Vadimovich not only contributed to alternative pedagogy, but created a new era of educational games. Now a large number of children's institutions have been created that work on its basis. technology.

What distinguishes Voskobovich's games from all the others?

Voskobovich's educational games have a number of features:

1. Wide age range of game participants.

With the same game, children of 3 and 7 years old, and schoolchildren, can play, because a system of constantly becoming more complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks joins the simple physical manipulation.

2. Multifunctionality of games.

Can solve a large number educational tasks Unbeknownst to himself, the baby masters numbers and letters, remembers color and shape, learns to count, navigate in space, trains fine motor skills, improves speech, attention, memory, imagination.

3. Variability of game tasks and exercises.

Each game has a large number of diverse game tasks and exercises aimed at solving one educational task.

4. The creativity of each game.

Educational games provide an opportunity to invent and translate what was conceived into reality for both children and adults.

Technology resolves the following tasks:

The development of the child's cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things.

Development of observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.

Development imagination, creativity of thinking (the ability to think flexibly, think in an original way, see an ordinary object from a new angle of view).

Harmonious, balanced development in children emotionally - figurative and logical principles.

Formation of basic ideas (about the world around, mathematical, speech skills.

Building a pedagogical process that contributes to the intellectual and creative development of children in the game.

By solved educational problems, all Voskobovich games can be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

Games aimed at logical and mathematical development.

The purpose of these games is the development of mental operations, and game actions - the manipulation of numbers, geometric shapes, properties of objects.

Games with letters, sounds, syllables and words.

In these games, the child solves logical problems with letters, composes syllables and words, and is engaged in word creation.

Universal game learning tools. They can be material for games and didactic aids. Game teaching aids create comfortable conditions for the work of the teacher and give pleasure to children.

To organize games, you can use the fairy tales-methods of the Purple Forest or adapt well-known fairy tales. Tasks are set not by an adult, but by a fairy-tale character. The plot may include one game or a combination of several familiar games. Voskobovich's games can be used in joint, independent activities, as well as integrated with other activities. The learning task is set in the form of a game. In the situation of a developing game, there is an internal need to acquire new knowledge and methods of action.

In educational games (this is their main feature) manages to combine one of the basic principles of learning - from simple to complex - with a very important principle of creative activity independently according to abilities, when a child can rise to "ceiling" their possibilities.

Educational technology I have been using it in my work for a long time, I released a group of children, in whose training I used logical blocks and their standards, developing the games of B.P. Nikitin, V.V. Voskobovich. Educational games do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

"Music therapy in kindergarten."

Today there is a sharp increase in the number of children with various forms of disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere. Closing themselves on TVs, computers, children communicate less with adults, peers, and it is communication that enriches the sensual sphere.

Having studied the methodological literature, we concluded that communication with music is also very necessary for children.

Music therapy is one of the most promising areas in the life of preschool educational institutions. It contributes to the correction of the psychophysical health of children in the course of their life, makes it possible to use music as a means of harmonizing the state of the child, relieving stress, fatigue, and increasing emotional tone.

In our kindergarten we listen to music all day long. This does not mean that it sounds continuously. Music is listened to dosed depending on the time of day, type of activity, mood.

In the morning we turn on sunny, major classical music, good songs with good lyrics.

For relaxation, stress relief, pleasant immersion in daytime sleep - calm melodic classical and modern relaxing music, sounds of nature, the sound of the sea.

Children subconsciously calm down and relax.

Quiet gentle light joyful music helps awakening.

It is easier and calmer for children to move from a state of complete rest to vigorous activity.

Distinguish active (motor improvisations to the appropriate character of the music) and passive (listening to a soothing melody or as background music)

Hearing right selected music with the performance of psycho-gymnastic studies increases the immunity of children, reduces tension and irritability, headache, restores calm breathing, promotes healing, improves well-being, and lifts the mood.

How to reduce feelings of anxiety and insecurity?

Major melodies, below average tempo will help you with this. Ethnic compositions and classic: Chopin "Mazurka", Strauss "Waltzes", Rubinstein "Melodies".

How to reduce nervous excitement?

Hyperactive children often benefit from listening to calm, quiet music for a long time. Bach "Contata 2", Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata", etc.

Do you want peace?

Flute sounds, violin and piano playing have a relaxing effect. The sounds of nature have a calming effect.

Classic: works by Vivaldi, Schubert "Ave Maria", Brahms "Lullaby".

To reduce aggressiveness and disobedience.

Classic: Bach "Italian Concerto", Mozart "Symphony No. 40", Haydn "Farewell Symphony"

V. F. Odoevsky

slide 2


Updating the content of education requires teachers to develop such competencies that would help them build the entire educational process in accordance with the requirements. This means using modern methods, forms of education and upbringing, modern pedagogical teaching technologies in their work.

slide 3

Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art.


Basic requirements of pedagogical technology:

  • Conceptuality
  • Consistency
  • Controllability
  • Efficiency
  • Reproducibility
  • slide 4

    Modern educational technologies

    • health-saving technology;
    • technology of project activity;
    • research technology;
    • information and communication technology;
    • personality-oriented technology;
    • gaming technology, etc.
  • slide 5

    Health saving technology

    Purpose: Providing the child with the opportunity to maintain health, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits for a healthy lifestyle.

    Classification of health-saving technology:

    • medical and preventive;
    • physical culture and health;
    • ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;
    • health care and health promotion
    • teachers;
    • educational;
    • healthy lifestyle education;
    • pedagogical technology of active
    • sensory-developing environment.
  • slide 6

    Technology of project activity

    Purpose: Development of the free creative personality of the child. The core of the technology of project activity is the independent activity of children - research, cognitive, productive, during which the child learns the world around him and embodies new knowledge into real products.

    Project types:

    • research and creative;
    • role-playing, gaming;
    • introductory and indicative (informational);
    • practice-oriented (applied);
    • creative.
  • Slide 7

    Research Technology

    Purpose: To form in preschoolers the main key competencies, the ability for an exploratory type of thinking.

    Methods and techniques for organizing experimental research activities:

    • posing and solving problems of a problem nature;
    • observations;
    • modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);
    • experiences;
    • fixing the results: observations, experiments, experiments, labor activity;
    • "immersion" in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;
    • imitating the voices and sounds of nature;
    • use of the artistic word;
    • didactic games, game training and creatively developing situations;
    • work assignments, actions.
  • Slide 8

    Information and Communication Technology

    Purpose: Improving the quality of the educational process through the improvement of information culture and the active use of computer technology.

    The use of computer technology helps:

    • attract passive listeners to active activities;
    • make educational activities more visual and intensive;
    • to form an information culture in children;
    • activate cognitive interest;
    • implement student-centered
    • and differentiated approaches to teaching;
    • to form the interest of the educator in the work;
    • activate mental
    • processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.)
  • Slide 9

    Person-Centered Technology

    Purpose: Development of the personality of the child, his individuality and uniqueness; the maximum development (rather than the formation of predetermined) individual cognitive abilities of the child based on the use of his life experience.

    • Principles of student-centered technology
    • Building a trusting relationship with your child.
    • Communication with the child on an equal footing.
    • Respect for the personality and dignity of the little man.
    • Building education in such a way that the individual characteristics of each individual child are taken into account.
  • Slide 10

    Gaming technology

    Purpose: Disclosing the personal abilities of children through the actualization of cognitive experience in the process of playing activities.

    The most important functions of games:

    • entertaining (the main function of the game is to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, arouse interest);
    • communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;
    • self-realization in the game as on the “field of human practice”;
    • therapeutic: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life;
    • diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;
    • correctional: making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators;

    international communication:

    • the assimilation of socio-cultural values ​​that are common to all people;
    • socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human society.
  • slide 11


    The effectiveness of the use of pedagogical technologies depends on the initial level of special knowledge and skills in the development and implementation of technologies, on the level of formation of general pedagogical skills, methodological culture, and the professional development of teachers in general. This implies the individualization and differentiation of training both in content and in its organization.

    slide 12

    Atemaskina Yu.V. Theologian L.G. Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Childhood-Press", 2011.

    Veraksa N.E. Project activity of a preschooler: Library of the program: methods. / NOT. Veraksa, A.N. Verax. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.

    Salnikova T.P. Pedagogical technologies: Textbook / M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

    Selevko G.K. Modern pedagogical technologies: textbook. - M .: People's education, 1998.

    Khabarova TV Pedagogical technologies in preschool education. - St. Petersburg. : LLC "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD-PRESS ", 2011.- 80 p.

    Internet resources


    slide 13


  • Slide 14


    A child is brought up by various accidents surrounding him. Pedagogy must give direction to these accidents.

    V. F. Odoevsky

    Completed by: Cherkasova O.V., teacher of MDOBU "Kindergarten No. 17"

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