Stories about countless treasures and treasures of Stepan Razin - legends or reality? Legendary treasures of Razin's walls.

Decor elements 23.09.2019
Decor elements

In August, in the vicinity of the village of Novodevichye in the Shigonsky district, a significant part of which went under water during the construction of the Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station, underwater work began to search for the treasure of Stepan Razin.

According to the members of the expedition "Great Rivers of Russia", the legends about the golden treasures of Ataman Razin have a good reason. Meanwhile, Alexander SKUPCHENKO, a Samara researcher, claims that where the ataman arranged his caches, the riverbed practically did not change. This means that you need to look for treasures along the banks of the Volga, in numerous karst caves.


Razin's treasures really existed, and moreover, they were innumerable, the local historian is sure. Where is the gold and pebbles from? After all, historians know that the middle of the 17th century was a time of robbery, when great amount gangs of thieves (in some years up to one and a half thousand), who hunted by robbing merchant ships, which made their way from the upper reaches of the river to the Caspian Sea itself. Many historians even associate the name "Zhiguli" with the word "jigging" - to run away. Fugitive peasants and various other “tatis” hid in the mountains. So, Razin did not feed here alone. And not every attack on the ship was successful - along the Volga they carried not only money and jewelry, but also salt, wood, bread, fish. There are enough dark spots in the biography of the ataman, the local historian argues. It is interesting and incomprehensible, for example, why in 1667 he did not go up the Don, as another ataman Vasily Us did this a year before him? And why, having reached the Volga with fighting, did he not go up the river, where there were many rich cities - Saratov, Simbirsk, but began to make his way through the Astrakhan garrisons into the sea? Where did he go and whom did he intend to rob? Alexander Skupchenko claims that Razin sought to Persia. But why exactly there? Because everything around was already looted? Maybe there was another reason?

Kidnapping Razin style

The answer to the question that haunted the Samara local historian for many years, he found by chance. The phenomenon of the so-called angel from the library has worked, when a mysterious case puts the right book into the hands of a person who is purposefully looking for some information, the right book, and opens it on the right page. This phenomenon is inexplicable, but well known to almost every scientist. So, in one pre-revolutionary publication, Skupchenko found confirmation of the enormous wealth that Razin and his cronies got without much difficulty and risk, which seemed to him quite reasonable. The found fact also shed light not only on the not entirely clear behavior of the chieftain, but also on his unseemly deeds. - Studying the "Catalog of earthquakes Russian Empire. Notes of the Imperial Geographical Society ”, published in 1893 in St. Petersburg, I read about several earthquakes that happened in a row in 1667 in the city of Shamakhi (150 km from Baku) for three months,” Skupchenko tells about his archival research in the book “Unknown Treasures of Russia.

Here is the text from the catalog: “In 1667, there were constant earthquakes in Shamakhi for three months, and not only many buildings were destroyed, but also some mountains fell down; the roads were so spoiled that the caravans had to find new ways; up to 80 thousand people died.
Maybe that's why the chieftain was eager to go to Persia? After all, it is clear that a natural disaster forced the local population to abandon their homes, property, which became easy prey for gangs of marauders. In those very places, Razin, as you know, grabbed the Shemakhan princess, apparently hoping for a rich ransom. But either all the relatives of the unfortunate princess died during the earthquake, or they did not find out which of the robbers stole their relative, but Razin had to drag the princess behind him, to Russia. How he subsequently got rid of her - see the words of a famous folk song.

So it turns out that that campaign in Persia, which historians later dubbed as a campaign “for zipuns”, and after 1917 painted it in the tones of “class struggle”, was an ordinary predatory campaign. Though well organized.

Volga banks

Returning with booty from Persia, Razin smashed the Persian ships sent for him, and then successfully dealt with the archers near Astrakhan. And only in 1669 he succumbed to the persuasion of the king and took the oath of allegiance to the autocracy. Having stipulated, however, the condition that he would be released with the whole gang and loot. But, returning to the Don, Razin again took up the old ways and, having gathered an even larger detachment, went up the Volga. The hordes of the chieftain ravaged dozens of cities: Voronezh, Tula, Usman, Yelets, Alatyr, Kurmysh, Penza, Saransk, Upper and Lower Lomov, Saratov, Tsaritsyn. Well, what famous pirate or robber in the entire history of mankind could compare with Razin in the number of plundered cities and villages ?! So the robbers "earned" enough! Only at Simbirsk did the regular tsarist troops repulse the rebels. And Razin fled to the Don. Here are just traces of the military treasury at the same time lost. Where is the gold and silver looted over a few years left? The Samara researcher believes that Stepan Razin, a Cossack who once himself was in the state service, understood well: without money " big politics"You won't. Then "banks" were created - treasures intended to finance the upcoming "political" events. AND most of valuables of the military treasury ended up in grottoes and caves on the Samarskaya Luka.

Over the past centuries, of course, ancient dresses have turned to dust, corrosion must have destroyed the once-sharp steel blades and barrels of blunderbusses and pistols. But precious stones are unlikely to have suffered, as well as non-ferrous metal products. And although, due to the prescription of years, it is most likely now that it is impossible to determine to which of the robbers this or that treasure belonged (unless, of course, an inventory of things compiled by him himself is found on a pile of half-decayed junk or on a barrel of gold coins), Razin’s countless treasures are still waiting lucky ones. The chance to find several famous "hoards" is high for those who search along the banks of the river. After all, the construction of a hydroelectric power station did not significantly affect the geology of the Zhiguli ...

And then he said that he knew the secret of his brother's letters and treasures.

The execution of Frol Razin was postponed, but two days later he was severely tortured, and his testimony was reported to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who showed a lively interest in all sorts of rumors about treasures. After all, "according to the replies" of the governor, boyars and any other rich people, "the robber stole a lot of good things," and among other things was made by a nameless master from Ivory"Tsargrad", which Stepan Razin really liked. When the uprising was crushed, when the ataman himself fled to Kagalnik, he did not want to part with "Tsargrad" even in a moment of mortal danger and sent his brother for this treasure.

Razin treasures are countless. Along the banks of the Volga, where the ataman once walked with his dashing freemen, some hills have since been named: Table, Hat, Stenka Razin's Hillocks ... In Razin's "Knolls", according to popular belief, the famous robber hid his wealth in deep cellars, and now it lies "sworn" there. “Stenka Razin himself is still alive, sitting somewhere in grief, guarding his luggage,” the famous Russian collector of fairy tales A.N. summarizes the legends about them. Afanasiev.

Regarding the fact that Stenka Razin identified himself as a watchman, N. Aristov cites the following version: “Stenka did not put the treasures in order to take them back, but because there was no one to transfer them to savings ... Or, if desired, the treasures no one got it, especially an unworthy person.

It was as if Razin sensed that he was a great sinner, that he would not know death on earth, that the forces of the underworld would torment him with unheard-of torment. According to some legends, he suffers in the Zhiguli mountains; as if he had two woman's breasts and both were sucking snakes.

According to folk legends, the daring ataman was not a thief and a robber, but a defender of the common people. Violators of people's interests and rights (property and personal) were landowners and governors, therefore it is not surprising that many legends and tales say that the Razin treasure is buried for the poor and persecuted.

But although there are many stories about the treasures of Stenka Razin, not a single one of them has yet been found, although the exact places of their burial and even the "vows" on which these treasures are laid seem to be known. And they will not be found because S. Razin is a sorcerer and warlock. And Marina, his main wife, was also a sorceress, charmed and had her own treasures - gold and silver in charmed barrels, and Stepan Razin himself could not unravel her treasures.

“When Marina and his associates were caught, almost every one of them had a treasure. But Razin left and hid on the shore between the Oka and the Volga, and still lives there: he is all overgrown with moss, not knowing either lips or teeth.” And he does not die because mother earth does not accept him, he has sinned so much, he has committed blasphemy that he cannot descend into the earth. Stenka Razin left to guard his treasure, and will live as long as the treasure is alive, thereby he gained his robber immortality.

The legend that not only the treasures of the ataman are "spellbound", but he himself is a "spellbound" and invulnerable person, existed during the lifetime of Stepan Razin. As early as 1610, the Tsaritsyno voivode wrote to the tsar: "They take nothing from that ataman and Yesaul Razin, nor the saber." And the people said this: “Stenka, in addition to human strength, had another strength - from an early age he sold himself to the unclean, was not afraid of either bullets or iron; he did not burn on fire and did not drown in water. floats and suddenly rose into the air above her, because he was a warlock.

The treasures of Stenka Razin are special, they are hidden in the ground on a human head, or even on several heads. In order to get them, the “treasure hunter” must kill a certain “spellbound” number of people, and then the treasure will be obtained without much difficulty. Sometimes the treasure is buried on the "lucky one", but this happens very rarely. Then the "sign of the treasure" is a black cat or dog. In this case, you need to go after such a cat (or dog), and when it meows (or barks), you need to hit it with all your might and shout: "Scatter!". And then dig in this place ...

On the Volga, among the Cossacks, barge haulers and other people, there was a belief for a long time that at night Stepan Razin travels around all the places where he laid his treasures - through the settlements and caves, along the mountains and mounds, or even just along the Volga Mother - and checks. I saw him as if in a broken hat on a white horse, he would rush only him and they saw him. And then in a plow sails under white silk sails ...

The treasures of Stepan Razin are cunningly and safely hidden. It has already been mentioned above that the places of their location seem to be known (for example, that “a robber left a treasure under the roots of six birches”), even the “Testament” of Stepan Razin himself does not help to dig them out:

“I walked, Stepan Timofeevich, the son of Razin, from the city of Alatyr, the top of the Sura River and reached the Transleika River (30 miles from Alatyr) and asked Mordvin where to go beyond the Sura River, and crossed with all my army. I reached got into the mountains and found a key on the right side, and here we lived for a year and a half, but this place didn’t seem to us. and in the mountain the key flows at noon; in the upper mountain, two winter houses come out at noon ... three apple trees are planted in a small arrow (a cape between two ravines), in the half-mountain - crowbars, thorns, studs and a copper board, on the upper mountain - with a helmet. Here is a stump - an oak tree drilled through with a drill and boarded up with black oak, and trunks and bombs are laid here, and a way out is dug here, and made, covered, overlaid with oak plates, and the fraternal treasury, 40 copper coins, and mine - the merchant Babushkin, alatarskavo klyushnik, forty thousand, and his Ivan two chests of dresses, the third chest - cufflinks of precious pearls and all sorts of things and others. Another four pounds of special pearls and seven guns, and my gun is in the right corner, loaded and plugged, namely, with grass. In the middle stands an unappreciated image of the Mother of God, adorned with all sorts of diamonds.

Whoever finds this place, and there will be a shaking for one minute, and the distance from the hemp of the flight is fat (shafts); and having found it, distribute this treasury forty thousand on a white horse, and having distributed it, shoot from my Turkish and say: "Here you are, Stepan Timofeevich son Razin, eternal memory!" And cut off the horse's head ... First, say three prayers - to the Mother of God, to the Archangel Michael and Nicholas the Wonderworker, and then there will be three shakings.

The "Testament" does not say how to shoot and where to put the icon, but some legends indicate that you should shoot at the icon, and then take it on foot to Kiev. And only then can you take the treasure...


The publication was prepared by Olga YAROKHINA

The treasure hidden in the ground is not just coins and jewelry. As soon as the treasure is buried, according to legend, invisible security forces are formed above it. Therefore, usually \"wealth \" is put on bail, that is, its owner, before hiding the treasure, says or writes on paper a certain phrase that should predetermine the future fate of the jewelry. The vow contains information about who, when and under what conditions will be able to take possession of this treasure. When the hidden treasure expires, and they have not yet found the owner, the treasure becomes roaming and discovers its place of residence itself. It happens that treasures, especially in our century, are hidden completely without a vow. Such treasures also look for their own owner and are given into his hands. There are also such treasures that it is impossible to master at all ...

The first, Persian, campaign of the Cossack chieftain Stenka Razin began in the spring of 1667. Then he, with one and a half thousand Don scum, went to distant lands, to the Caspian Sea, from main goal:\"go after zipuns \", that is, loot more good and return to the Don with rich trophies. \"Oh, you guys, you, brothers, are unhappy, you guys will go for a walk in the blue sea, break ships with goods on the sea, and sink merchants and rich people in the blue sea \". So in a folk song Razin addressed his comrades.

On light plow ships, the Razintsy went down the Volga. The dashing cry of the Cossacks: \"We wave the oar - we will bring down the caravan \" — justified at Tsaritsyn, where they boarded merchant ships loaded with various goods. And when a huge detachment of Razin reached Persia, fabulous riches were waiting for him here.

The remote squad devastated the palaces of the Shah and the warehouses of Persian merchants,\"robbed to the skin \" the houses of the local rich. Thoroughbred horses were even taken from the stables of the Persian Shah.

Filling up their ships with expensive goods and jewelry, the Cossacks headed for their native shores. The news of the unusually rich booty and the courage of the Don people rushed ahead of them. One foreigner who saw Razintsy in Astrakhan wrote: "The Cossacks were dressed like kings in silk, velvet and expensive clothes woven with gold." Another recalled that when Razin\"walked the streets, he threw gold and other coins he had stolen at the people, and that is why the people greeted him with friendly cries \". Razin generously granted the Astrakhan governor a fabulous price for a sable fur coat, and the governor - "a bunch of priceless things, especially pearls, beautiful horse harness, studded with amber and turquoise, as well as a large number of gold and silver \".

The Razintsy returned to the Don with glory and wealth. But the ataman did not stay long here and again with his huge army moved to the Volga. They took Tsaritsyn and Astrakhan. A lot of good was taken from the boyars, merchants and rich noble estates.

Of course, Razin could not help but think about the future, about how, for example, to ensure the continued existence of his\"band \". That is why he stuffed secret caves and secret passages with stolen gold and jewels...

As you know, the uprising was crushed in 1671. Stepan Razin and his brother Frol were taken prisoner and taken to Moscow under heavy guard. They were brutally tortured in the dungeons by order of the Secret Affairs: they were beaten with whips, raised on a rack, burned with red-hot iron, trying first of all to find out where the treasury of the rebels, gold and silver, was hidden. It was believed that Razin buried one landowner's property in his caches for 10 million rubles in gold. However, neither on the rack nor under the ticks, the ataman did not reveal his secrets. Razin was executed on Red Square by quartering.

In June 1671, the newspaper "Northern Mercury" was published in Hamburg. It contained the correspondence of the English merchant Thomas Hebdon, who was in Moscow. As an eyewitness, he described in detail the execution of Stepan Razin.

Hebdon wrote: \"The news has already spread throughout the world about how the rebel Stepan Razin a year ago became the leader of many Cossacks and Tatars, how he captured the city of Astrakhan and the entire Astrakhan kingdom, committed various other tyrannies, and how, finally, he tried in every possible way to attract on their side of the Don Cossacks to inflict swipe in Moscow. You should know that the aforementioned Don Cossacks pretended to agree with him. However, they did so out of cunning in order to trap the fox. Finding out that Razin and his brother had stopped in a shelter where he was not afraid of anything, the Cossacks attacked him and captured him and his brother. Last Friday, a thousand musketeers brought him here, and today, two hours before I write this, he was punished according to his deserts. He was placed on a wagon specially made for the occasion - seven feet high. Razin stood there so that all the people - and there were more than a hundred thousand of them - could see him.

A gallows was built on the wagon, under which he stood while he was being taken to the place of execution. A plank was nailed in the middle of the gallows to support his head; the arms were stretched out to the sides and nailed to the sides of the wagon, blood flowing from them. His brother was also in chains on his hands and feet, and his hands were chained to the cart, for which he had to follow. Frol seemed very timid, so the leader of the rebels encouraged him: \"You know, we started something that even with even greater successes, we could not expect a better end\". This Razin, as it was seen, was not at all afraid of death.

His royal majesty showed mercy to us, the Germans and other foreigners, as well as the Persian ambassador, and we were led closer, guarded by many soldiers, so that we could see this execution better than others and tell our compatriots about it. Some of us were even spattered with blood.

First they cut off his arms, then his legs, and finally his head. These five parts of the body were impaled on five stakes. The body was thrown out to the dogs in the evening. After Razin, another rebel was executed, and tomorrow his brother should also be executed.

And here, after the execution of Stepan Razin on Red Square, an interesting and mysterious action begins. After the executioner finished with Razin and his assistants dragged his brother, Frol Timofeevich, to the chopping block, he suddenly shouted in a voice breaking from exertion: "The sovereign's word and deed! \" And he said that he knew the secret of Razin's treasures. The execution was delayed.

According to an eyewitness-foreigner Konrad Sturtzfleisch-already turned into a bloody stump, Stepan Razin suddenly came to life and hissed:\"Shut up, dog! \" These were Razin's last words.

Frol Razin was brutally tortured two days later in the Konstantin-Eleninskaya Tower of the Kremlin. All testimony was immediately reported to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who showed great interest in Stepan's treasures.

The news that during the execution on Red Square, Stepan Razin's brother shouted:\"The word and deed of the sovereign \" and that the king wants to find out from him the places of the treasures, quickly spread among the people of Moscow, and then throughout Russia. Soon there were legends about the treasures of Stenka Razin and creepy stories about his charmed treasures buried in different places on the banks of the Volga ...

Whether they tried to find the Razin treasures at that time is unknown. The first attempt, described in the documents, refers only to 1893. Then the captain of the Gatchina regiment, Yascherov, undertook a search in Nizhny Novgorod province, in four of the twelve camps of the Razints along the Alatyr River.

The captain decided to try his luck and began to petition in St. Petersburg for permission to engage in treasure hunting. Permission from the Imperial Archaeological Commission was given to him, and in late autumn Yascherov and his assistants went to the Volga.

Alas, the search turned up nothing. Soon winter came, and the work had to be postponed until the summer. Meanwhile, the local police received information that in the area of ​​the Volga villages of Pechi and Mikhailovka, at a depth of forty meters, a spacious dungeon with solid oak doors locked with iron bolts and locks was discovered. The dungeon apparently had a ventilation pipe. The horse fell into this pipe with its hind legs during arable land. A hole was formed the size of an ordinary wheel. There were two daredevils who went down there on a rope. The first was dragged out, numb with terror. That very night he died. Another, a local reader, stayed in the dungeon for several minutes and also suffered fear. It was he who reported the doors he saw there ...

Only in 1904, captain Yascherov, now retired, again began searching for Razin's treasures. Some progress has been made this time. First, signs of the treasure were found: a stone with a sign carved on it, the remains of a dam, near which, according to rumors, there should have been a flooded boat with gold.

Perhaps Yascherov would have been able to find the treasure, but Russo-Japanese War. The retired captain went to extra-long service, left for Far East and died somewhere in Manchuria.

The last searches were undertaken in 1914, but already in Tsaritsyn, near the Church of the Holy Trinity. Then there was a hole four meters deep. At the bottom of it were coffins and skeletons. They remembered that there was an underground passage built back in the time of Stepan Razin and going from the church to the Volga. The planes of the formidable chieftain, laden with precious goods, came here. We started looking - and again no result.

There is another\"address\" treasure. This is the famous Tsarev Kurgan near the mouth of the Sok River, a tributary of the Volga - a huge high hill. It rises to a height of 100 meters. It has mysterious underground passages. Russian traveler I.I. Lepekhin, who visited this barrow in 1768, wrote: \"Signs make us think that this bulk is uprooted by human forces, and they say that the robber Stenka Razin, once glorious in the Volga environs, built this memorable bulk, which he in many cases, and especially in hollow water, served as protection and refuge \". In the Saratov province there was also the so-called Stenkina cave on the Uvekovka river. They found there coins and things of Tatar everyday life.

Finally, we can tell about one more episode. Member of the Great Patriotic War captain 1st rank G.I. Bessonov wrote that during the fighting in the Stalingrad region, after the raid of Goering's bombers, the banks of the Volga crumbled. By chance, one of the soldiers noticed that at the top of the cliff several old cast-iron cannons were laid bare, stacked tightly in a row. The muzzle of one of the cannons, which was heavily rusted, was chipped off, and gold bracelets, earrings, pearls, rings, silver and gold items poured out of it down the slope, which quickly went around. There was a rumor that this is a treasure \"Volga robbers\" of Stenka Razin himself. Some tried to extract the cannons from the frozen ground, but this proved difficult. In addition, the site was shot through by the enemy. And soon after the next bombing, the coast crumbled, it snowed abundantly. The fighting was heavy, and soon an offensive began on the Paulus grouping. The treasure was quickly forgotten.

Indeed, there is an important historical detail in the war veteran's story: it is authentically known that the chieftain hid part of the extracted jewelry in old, "spoiled" cannons, clogged the barrel with a gag, and buried it on the banks of the Volga; a memorial sign or landmark was put up, and the place itself and its description were entered in the \"letter \" so that, if necessary, this place could be found.

In 1989, new evidence suddenly came to light. The editors of the newspaper\"Komsomolskaya Pravda \" received a letter from a reader from the Vitebsk region. This reader (signed \"M.K.\") reported that in 1942 he became the owner of important documents belonging to a German officer. They talk about the treasures of the Golden Horde, once buried beyond the Volga, and indicate the exact places. \"In the same papers, I found, — wrote M.K., — the location on one of the islands of the Don treasures of Stepan Razin \".

What is the conclusion? It seems that there is only one: no one has seriously searched for Razin's treasures. And although there are many stories about them, not one has yet been found. Historians also do not deny the facts of the existence of\"treasures of the robber Razin \". The rebels took several cities by storm, while expropriating significant material values, so the question is quite appropriate: where did all the wealth that fell into the hands of Razin go?

In the memory of the people, many places associated with the name of ataman Stepan Razin have survived to this day, especially on the right bank of the Volga. Tour guides often show Stenka hillocks to tourists. Standing on the deck of the ship, you can hear: \"Here Stenka stood encamped, here, according to legend, he left his hat. That is now the name of this place — Stenka's hat. For example, near the village of Bannovka, between the village of Zolote and the mouth of Bolshoi Eruslan ( Saratov region) the cliff to the Volga is called the Hill of Stenka Razin. According to legend, one treasure is hidden near the village of Shatromany in the Simbirsk province. Another treasure is located near the village of Peskovatovka in the Tsaritsyno district, and they say that there is a whole ship hidden in the barrow, filled to the brim with gold, brought there during the flood by Stepan's associate Us. They also talk about a treasure in the Saratov province, laid near the mouth of the Bolshoy Eruslan River under the Razin Hill. Or maybe the treasures were hidden where the ataman kept his captives - in the Datura gorge (or, in other words, Stenkin's Prison), not far from the city of Kamyshin. They also say that on the Don or on the Volga there is Nastya Gora - a mound where Stepan buried his beloved and buried countless treasures there ...

It turns out that they are still in hiding places, waiting for their discoverers.

The daring chieftain walked to glory, ruined many merchants and rich people, sank many of their ships in the blue sea. During the "campaigns for zipuns" the Razintsy stole a myriad of goods, most of which was later turned into treasures. The list of places where Stenka allegedly hid his fabulous wealth seems endless. We decided to “visit” the most popular ones.

Great sinner

According to legend, the largest treasure was buried near the village of Shatrashany in the Sursky district of the Ulyanovsk region (formerly Simbirsk province). According to legend, a sick barge hauler, taken off the ship, met an old man in the forest, to whom he asked for an overnight stay. At first he refused, but then changed his mind and agreed: “Stay, if you are not afraid?” What is a burlak to be afraid of? There is nothing to take from him, he is erratic. And the next morning the old man decided to introduce himself. Stenka says I'm Razin. Great sinner. “I don’t know death, and here I endure my torment for my sins.” And the old Stenka decided to give the barge hauler a letter with clear instructions on how, what and how much to take from the treasure. First of all, he ordered to distribute part of the treasure to the poor and in the church. And then take the charmed gun from the treasure, loaded with grass, with Stenka's death, shoot from it and shout three times: "Eternal memory to Stepan Razin!" At the same moment, the torment of the ataman will end and his soul will rest in peace. But the ataman trusted the wrong person. The treasure was not given to an illiterate barge hauler. He gave the letter to another, and the treasure from that one into the ground and left.

Travel time by car from Moscow to the village of Shatrashany will be approximately 15 hours.

Under the protection of evil

Stenka's freemen had so much good that they buried it along the mounds and along the hills. In the former Tsaritsyno district (now the Saratov region), not far from the village of Peskovatki, there is a mound in which, according to legend, Stenka hid a whole ship full of gold and silver. The ataman ran the ship aground on the water, and when the water left, he "marked the mound." I planted a willow for signs. The people knew that the treasure was hidden in the barrow, but they were only afraid to dig: at every attempt, all sorts of evil spirits jumped out, which, apparently, guarded Stenkino's good.

Travel time by car from Moscow to the village of Peskovatki will be about 13 and a half hours.

Hillock Stenka Razin

Not far from the village of Bannovka, at a cliff on the Volga, between the village of Zolotoy and the mouth of the Bolshoy Eruslan River, there is the so-called Stenka Razin Hillock. They say that there was an ataman's "office". Allegedly, Razin with his gang stood for a long time on the indicated hillock. At its top was a luxurious tent, upholstered in velvet and silk, there was also an ivory chair-throne, from which the ataman looked out for new victims on the Volga. The treasure here, they say, was buried fabulous, but so far nothing has been found except for human bones.

Travel time by car from Moscow to the village of Bannovka will take approximately 16 hours.

dope mountain

10-12 kilometers from the village of Danilovka, Saratov region, there is a mountain and a gorge, popularly referred to as Stenkin's prison or Datura. Mention of them can be found in the guidebook of the beginning of the last century. The treasure buried on Datura Mountain was tried to be obtained by the Danilov peasants, who received the treasure trove of one of the Razin Yesauls. Decided to look for Easter. They prayed and began to dig. And then the inexplicable began: at first, the peasants were almost trampled by a herd of mad cows, then a storm came up, from which three robbers with clubs jumped out. The frightened peasants threw down their shovels and gave up. When they returned the next day, they found only the imprint of a chest and traces of a German-made wagon.

Travel time by car from Moscow to the village of Danilovka is 14 hours 40 minutes.

Lizard treasure hunter

The captain of the Gatchina regiment Yascherov began his search in 1893. He knocked out permission to carry out work to search for the treasure from the Imperial Archaeological Commission in St. Petersburg. With assistants, he went to the Volga in late autumn, but the winter disrupted his plans. At that time, information appeared that a dungeon was found in the area of ​​the Volga villages of Pechi and Mikhailovka, the entrance to which was blocked by oak doors locked with bolts and locks. According to assumptions, the dungeon was equipped with a ventilation pipe, into which a horse plowed the ground fell through. Two daredevils descended into a hole the size of a wheel. The first was dragged out with a face contorted in horror. That same night he died. The second was a local psalmist, he stayed in the dungeon for several minutes and, despite the horror, managed to still make out those very doors.

A new attempt to find Razin's treasures was made by Yascherov in 1904. He was rewarded for his perseverance. They found a stone with a secret sign and the remains of a dam, next to which there was supposedly a flooded treasure boat. But again, the case of Yashchurov was interfered with - this time the Russo-Japanese War, from which the officer did not return.

Travel time by car from Moscow to the village of Pechi will be approximately 11 hours.

without losing hope

The story of a participant in the battles near Stalingrad, captain 1st rank Bessonov, has been preserved. According to him, as a result of one of the raids of fascist bombers, the Volga coast crumbled. The soldiers noticed the bare trunks old cannons, which were tightly stacked in a row. The muzzle of one of the cannons broke off, and treasures poured out of it: earrings, bracelets, pearls, rings, silver and gold items that quickly disappeared into the bosoms of the soldiers. It was suggested that these could be the treasures of Stenka Razin himself. Brief attempts to extract the guns from the frozen ground under enemy fire did not lead to anything. Soon the offensive began and somehow it became completely unreported. By the way, Razin liked to hide jewelry in damaged cannons, clogging their trunks with gags and burying them on the banks of the Volga. The place of the treasure was marked with a landmark, and the description of the place was recorded in the charter. But even under the terrible torture that Razin underwent before quartering, he did not name a single such place.

The execution of Stepan Razin, which took place on Red Square in Moscow, marked the beginning of the study of mysterious and enigmatic phenomena. When the executioner's henchmen dragged Frol, S. Razin's brother, to the chopping block, he suddenly shouted in a voice that broke from the effort: "The sovereign's word and deed!" And then he said that he knew the secret of his brother's letters and treasures.

The execution of Frol Razin was postponed, but two days later he was severely tortured, and his testimony was reported to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who showed a lively interest in all sorts of rumors about treasures. After all, “according to the replies” of the governor, boyars and all other rich people, “the robber stole a lot of good things,” and among other things there was “Tsargrad” made by an unnamed master from ivory, which Stepan Razin really liked.

When the uprising was defeated, when the ataman himself fled to Kagalnik, he did not want to part with Tsargrad even in a moment of mortal danger and sent his brother for this treasure.

Razin treasures are countless. Along the banks of the Volga, where the ataman once walked with his dashing freemen, some hills have since been named: Table, Hat, Hillocks of Stenka Razin ...

In Razin's "Bugry", according to popular belief, the famous robber hid his wealth in deep cellars, and now it lies "sworn" there. “Stenka Razin himself is still alive, sitting somewhere in grief, guarding his luggage,” the famous Russian fairy tale collector A.N. summarizes the legends about them. Afanasiev.

Regarding the fact that Stenka Razin identified himself as a watchman, N. Aristov gives the following version: got to no one, especially an unworthy person.

It was as if Razin sensed that he was a great sinner, that he would not know death on earth, that the forces of the underworld would torment him with unheard-of torment. According to some legends, he suffers in the Zhiguli mountains; as if he had two woman's breasts and both were sucking snakes.

According to folk legends, the daring ataman was not a thief and a robber, but a defender of the common people. Violators of people's interests and rights (property and personal) were landowners and governors, therefore it is not surprising that many legends and tales say that the Razin treasure is buried for the poor and persecuted.

But although there are many stories about the treasures of Stenka Razin, not one of them has yet been found, although the exact places of their burial and even the “vows” on which these treasures are laid seem to be known. And they will not be found because S. Razin is a sorcerer and warlock. And Marina, his main wife, was also a sorceress, charmed and had her own treasures - gold and silver in charmed barrels, and Stepan Razin himself could not unravel her treasures.

“When Marina and his associates were caught, almost every one of them had a treasure. But Razin left and hid on the shore between the Oka and the Volga, and still lives there: all overgrown with moss, not to know either lips or teeth. And he does not die because mother earth does not accept him, he has sinned so much, he has committed blasphemy that he cannot descend into the earth. Stenka Razin left to guard his treasure, and will live as long as the treasure is alive, thereby he gained his robber immortality.

The legend that not only the ataman’s treasures are “spellbound”, but he himself is a “spellbound” and invulnerable person, existed during the lifetime of Stepan Razin. As early as 1610, the Tsaritsyno voivode wrote to the tsar: “They don’t take anything from that ataman and Yesaul Razin.” And the people said this: “Stenka, in addition to human strength, had another strength - from an early age he sold himself to the unclean, he was not afraid of either a bullet or iron; did not burn on fire and did not sink in water. It happened that he would sit in a felt mat, swim along the Volga and suddenly rise into the air above it, because he was a warlock.

The treasures of Stenka Razin are special, they are hidden in the ground on a human head, or even on several heads. In order to get them, the “treasure hunter” must kill a certain “spellbound” number of people, and then the treasure will be obtained without much difficulty. Sometimes the treasure is buried on the "lucky one", but this happens very rarely. Then the “sign of the treasure” is a black cat or dog. In this case, you need to go after such a cat (or dog), and when it meows (or barks), you need to hit it with all your might and shout: “Scatter!”. And then dig in this place ...

On the Volga, among the Cossacks, barge haulers and other people, there was a belief for a long time that at night Stepan Razin travels around all the places where he laid his treasures - through the settlements and caves, along the mountains and mounds, or even just along the Volga Mother - and checks. They saw him as if in a broken hat on a white horse, he would rush - they only saw him. And then in a plow sails under white silk sails ...

The treasures of Stepan Razin are cunningly and safely hidden. It has already been mentioned above that their locations seem to be known (for example, that “a robber left a treasure under the roots of six birches”), but even the “Testament” of Stepan Razin himself does not help to dig them out:

“I walked, Stepan Timofeevich, son of Razin, from the city of Alatyr to the top of the Sura River and reached the Transleika River (30 miles from Alatyr) and asked Mordvin where to go beyond the Sura River, and crossed with all my army. I got to the mountains and found a key on the right side, and here we lived for a year and a half, but this place did not seem to us. And we found a beekeeper, and he told us the place we wanted, and we walked for four days and reached the mountain - another mountain, and in the mountain the spring flows at noon; in the upper mountain, two winter houses go out at noon ... three apple trees are planted in a small arrow (a cape between two ravines), in the half-mountain - crowbars, spikes, studs and a copper board, on the upper mountain - with a helmet. Here is a stump - an oak tree drilled through with a drill and boarded up with black oak, and trunks and bombs are laid here, and a way out is dug here, and made, covered, overlaid with oak plates, and the fraternal treasury, 40 copper coins, and mine - the merchant Babushkin, alatarskavo a clubber, forty thousand, and his Ivan two chests of dress, the third chest - cufflinks of precious pearls and all sorts of precious things. Another four pounds of special pearls and seven guns, and my gun is in the right corner, loaded and plugged, namely, with grass. In the middle stands an unappreciated image of the Mother of God, adorned with all sorts of diamonds. Whoever finds this place, and there will be shaking for one minute, and the distance from the hemp is half a hundred fat (shafts); and having found it, distribute this treasury forty thousand on a white horse, and having distributed it, shoot from my Turkish and say: “Here you are, Stepan Timofeevich son Razin, eternal memory!” And cut off the horse's head ... First, say three prayers - to the Mother of God, to the Archangel Michael and Nicholas the Wonderworker, and then there will be three shakings.

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