How to make a cannon at home read. Do-it-yourself old cannon

Engineering systems 29.08.2019
Engineering systems

Sometimes for historical reconstructions or just for fun, you may need a more serious weapon than a sword or bow. If you wish, you can even create a cannon with your own hands, and decorate it with almost any historical weapon. Of course, it is not advisable to make a real firearms combat cannon in an apartment, but it is quite possible to make a small firework item or paper element.

And about how to make a homemade gun, our today's article will tell.

Instrument preparation

In the course of creating a military weapon, you will need materials such as:

  1. The hydraulic cylinder (car or tractor) is not large sizes with one plugged end and an outlet for the oil pipeline.
  2. Epoxy resin.
  3. piece of rope and
  4. Wooden rod.
  5. Pliers.
  6. Smoke powder or a homemade mixture based on saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal.
  7. A piece of thick cotton or linen fabric.

How to make a gun? Getting Started

In fact, a tractor or car cylinder will be a ready-made barrel for our homemade cannon. Therefore, no additional actions (welding, soldering, etc.) are needed with it. It is better to make an additional ramrod. To do this, you need to take a wooden rod and cut it along the length of the barrel, exceeding it by 50 centimeters, precisely fitting it to the inner diameter of the gun.

The powder mixture is poured into a separate tin can. With a branch or some other wooden stick at the base of the cylinder, the oil pipe hole is closed, and the barrel itself is installed vertically with the muzzle up. A powder mixture is poured inside it one centimeter above the level of the nozzle hole. Homemade "TNT" is further rammed with a ramrod.

But that's not all. How to make a cannon next? After that, you will need to roll up a few pieces and push it into the barrel until it stops. This is done using the same ramrod. They should also compact the charge by hitting the mixture a few times. AT this case a piece of fabric will perform the functions of a wad. After that, a wooden plug is pulled out of the oil pipe of the hydraulic cylinder.

At the next stage, an L-shaped bracket should be bent from a metal wire. As for the dimensions, the short part of this element at the outlet should be 2 times longer than the oil pipe and slightly sharpened into a cone. Ideally, the bracket fits into the hole without problems.

The long part of the wire (700-1000 mm) is supplied with an additional handle. It can be made in the form of a loop from the same wire.

Getting ready to shoot

Before the shot, the cylinder is set at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizon in a direction that is safe for people. Remember that there should be no other flammable objects in the line of fire. The gun itself is mounted on a wooden "slingshot", previously driven into the ground so that the device rests when fired at a stake.

The pointed end of the metal bracket must be heated on a fire and quickly inserted into the hole in the pipe. If the gun is launched for the first time, then it is best to do it from cover - although the device is homemade, it shoots no worse than its factory counterparts. Therefore, before doing dynamite gun always follow the safety rules. After firing, inspect the barrel for cracks and other defects. If none are found, you can safely proceed to decorative design guns. In this case, the barrel must be cleaned and degreased in advance.

Additional decorations

To make the cannon look more natural, wind a rope soaked with water around the hydraulic cylinder.

Even when decorating, you can create various thickenings or tides. After the resin has cured finished construction processed coarse sandpaper and painted bronze. This can be done with regular or bronze enamel.

How to make a paper cannon

In the previous method, we told you about how to make a real large firearm. Below we will look at how to make a small paper cannon. It should be noted that this will not decorative device- the product will shoot and fully function. Learn how to do it right now.

Before we make a gun, first we need to make a gun carriage. To do this, you need to take a few pieces of paper, and it is best to use thin cardboard. On it you should draw a scan of the gun carriage. The resulting pattern is carefully cut with scissors and glued together.

The roller is inserted between the side wall of the upper part of the gun carriage. Next, we will need to fix it - for this we take two carnations and drive in on both sides of the device. Thanks to this, you can independently direct the weapon up and down.

A coil is installed to the lower side elements of the carriage. It is important to remember that the edges of this part must be jagged. An elastic band is threaded through the coil. So you will not only direct the barrel of the gun yourself, but also set the wheels in motion.

A match is placed under the rubber band. Since it will rotate, secure it with pins. The second end of the gum is passed through a hole in the coil, and then through a ring of wax. Then it is threaded into the side hole of the gun carriage. Before you make a paper cannon, think about the lever that will turn the coil. To do this, a wooden hairpin is placed under the elastic band, and a nail is installed at the end of the coil, where the pins were stuck.

A trunk is made from a hollow tube. An elastic band is attached to its front and sides. The barrel is mounted on a roller.

About the trigger

To make a trigger, take a thin twig and thread it into the barrel. Make a cutout at one end and put an elastic band. A pea is inserted into the trunk. To make the gun fire, insert a notch into the elastic band, pull it tight and release it.

To set the device in motion, wind the threaded elastic through the coil.


As you can see, making a homemade gun is not so difficult. It is enough just to have minimum set tools and some free time.

Everyone would like to have in the country, at home, something special. Something that passers-by, neighbors, friends would admire. In this article I will describe the process of making a decorative cannon. If I did it, then you can too. It is enough to have at least some welding skills, be able to handle an angle grinder (grinder), as well as a simple carpentry tool. The first thing you need to do is the cannon muzzle itself.

To do this, you need a pipe of different diameters. The diameter depends on the size of your cannon. I was doing overall length one and a half meters. The muzzle consists of three parts. The base is cut with a grinder (I cut it by welding), bent to make a cone. The middle part is straight, and at the end of the long one, a rim is made of a pipe. I made it from twisted, but a regular one will do.

Next, cut out a circle for the smallest diameter, and in it a hole for the inner pipe. The ratio of diameters is one to two. You can decorate the muzzle with a rolled strip, but a regular one will do. Weld tubes on the sides for fastening to the frame. This is basic. If you have a well-developed imagination, then you can come up with many more small parts. Next, we make the frame. I took metallic profile. But this is not necessary, a corner will do. Dimensions depend on the muzzle of the gun. Do not forget about the mount for it and for the wheels. The frame is upholstered exclusively with wood. If you do it like me, from a profile, then you need a strip for sheathing. It's easier to take a corner. My wheels are iron.

And the wooden ones made of oak look great. Upon completion of welding and locksmith work, we retrain as an artist. I painted with the so-called cast iron. And patterns for copper and gold. It turned out well. In general, look at the photos, get inspired and create unusual things yourself from simple objects.

Minecraft has devices that can play the role of guns, that is, artillery. They are completely immobilized, and their field of view is negligible.

An experienced player will be able to position the device as efficiently as possible, and the best masters- to make devices that facilitate the work with these tools.

Cannon in Minecraft

Cannons are designed to fire various projectiles at a distance. Most often, these are TNTs that can be launched using physical force. Often, the explosion of other TNTs is also used to launch.

The greatest range of uses for weapons is found in confrontations in the network mode of the game, but they are useful in other situations as well. Consider how to make a TNT gun in Minecraft.

Cannon making

Greatest Benefit guns are brought during sieges or defensive actions.

The design of the gun consists of two main components - the charge and the projectile. The charge is what propels the projectile. Often, several blocks of TNT are used for this purpose, which simultaneously explode with the help of red dust.

You need to be careful with projectiles, they should be activated after the charge, but before launch and explosion.

When deciding how to make a gun in Minecraft, take care of some supplies. To do this, use various solid blocks - grass, earth, cobblestone, boards - and any metal ones.

It is recommended that the materials be as blast resistant as possible - this will affect the durability of the gun. As practice shows, the most durable and at the same time available material is a stone.

The dimensions and structural features of the gun are determined by the number of charges. Usually an even number is used, but no more than eight.

Depending on the number of charges and their location, as well as the design of the gun, firing can be carried out different ways. In some cases, the shot will hit large area, in others the projectiles will go on a hinged trajectory, and in others the explosives will fly a long distance.

Based on the situation, players can upgrade the cannon in the following ways:

  1. Install an automatic recharge system.
  2. Provide correction.
  3. Provide for the possibility of launching projectiles of a different type.
  4. Set up fortifications.

In pursuit of aesthetics, the gun may lose performance characteristics. This should not be forgotten during construction.


We have considered a method that allows you to create a cannon in Maine that will fire TNT charges. This useful device will allow you to have fun.

Video: How to make a TNT gun in Minecraft.

What is a holiday without festive fireworks. It would be great if an artillery volley sounds on the birthday of your mother or grandmother. And there is New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 and other holidays, or you can just play pirates. So a salute gun in the house is necessary.

I propose to make an old ship's cannon. Cannons are loaded with ordinary firecrackers. Therefore, the main condition of our work is inner diameter the barrel of the gun should be slightly larger than the diameter of the cracker. I do not give the dimensions of the gun - it depends on your desire and capabilities.

For work you will need:

  • gun barrel mold
  • unwanted newspapers (or wallpaper)
  • PVA glue
  • stationery knife
  • putty
  • skin
  • wooden blocks or plywood
  • dye
  • cellophane film
  • packaging corrugated cardboard
  • crackers

The device of a real ship's gun

How to make a papier mache cannon

1 . Looking for the right base. You can take a pipe from a vacuum cleaner or a wooden handle from a shovel. And best of all - a cone-shaped leg from a coffee table.

2 . In order for our trunk to be well removed from the mold at the end of the work, we wrap the mold with cellophane film.

3 . On the form, mark the length of the gun and add another 2 centimeters on both sides.

We begin to glue the form with paper. You can take unnecessary newspapers, and if there is wallpaper, it will be even better. We cut the paper into strips 4–5 cm wide and begin to glue our shape. For work, we use liquid PVA glue or any wallpaper glue. We try to glue evenly, without folds. Let dry after 5-6 coats. And so we glue it to a thickness of 1 cm. For a greater resemblance to a real gun, we will try to give our barrel a conical shape.

4 . When the trunk reaches desired thickness let it dry completely. To achieve a smoother surface, use wood putty. After letting the putty dry, we remove the errors of our work with a sandpaper.

5 . Using thin strips of paper, we form belts and rims. And skin again. After cutting off the excess paper, carefully remove the barrel from the mold.

6 . An important element barrels are trunnions - they hold the barrel on the gun carriage and must be "strong". They can be made from wood and glued into holes cut in the trunk.

7 . Our trunk is almost ready. It remains only to paint it. You can paint with any paint. I painted it with spray paint from a can. Such paint lays down more evenly and dries faster, though it has a pungent smell, so it’s better to do it outside.

8 . It's time to think about the combat capabilities of our weapons, or rather, about ways to load it.

As a projectile, we will use firecrackers. As you know, they shoot when you hold the firecracker with one hand and pull the string with the other. Right hand we will pull, and left hand we have to replace the barrel. To do this, you need to come up with a locking device, or shutter.

If you decide to load the cannon through the barrel, as they were loaded in the old days, then you need to make sure that the projectile does not pull out along with the rope. To do this, in the back of the trunk, inside in a circle, glue a shoulder (a small ledge) that will not allow the cracker to jump out when we pull the rope.

9 . If you want to load the gun from the rear, "breech" part of the barrel, then you need to put the bolt. This method reduces the loading time of the cannon and makes it much easier. But for this you need to show inventive abilities.

In my gun, the shutter is made according to the principle of a hook, which is attached to the end of the barrel with a screw at one end, and is thrown onto the ledge located with the other end. opposite side. As long as it works properly.

And also very important advice. So that mom does not scold and does not force to clean the room after a salute salvo, you can modernize the cracker: carefully remove the safety paper and carefully pour the contents of the cracker (confetti) into the wastebasket. The effect of the shot will be preserved (even a smoky cloud will be), and there will be less debris or not at all.

10 . Now about the gun carriage.

The carriage can be glued together from wooden blocks - it will be more believable and reliable, for this we need a saw. But this is a tricky business. Let's look for something to replace the tree.

Let's take corrugated cardboard packaging. Better if you get a two-layer. In accordance with the dimensions of the trunk, we mark approximately the sheets of cardboard and glue them together. It is advisable to select cardboard so that the direction of the corrugations does not coincide: this will increase the strength of our carriage. When the workpiece reaches a thickness of 4-5 cm, we make the final cutting of the carriage parts and glue it. Do not worry about the strength of the carriage - craftsmen make furniture from such blanks.

For beauty, we glue it with paper with a wooden texture.

11 . And finally, we collect the gun. We connect the barrel with the gun carriage. We lay it on the trunnions in the grooves and fix it (you can use an overlay made of thick cardboard, or you can just paste it).

We charge and BA-BACH!!!

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