Is it possible to eat grapes on an empty stomach. Why You Shouldn't Eat Fruit on an Empty Stomach

reservoirs 30.06.2020

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information: "which anti-wrinkle cream is better after 50 years of advice from a beautician?" and discuss the article in the comments.

Usually, the age “after fifty” is associated in women with such an unpleasant condition as menopause. In addition to all the other "gifts" of this difficult period, not directly related to appearance, there is one that is difficult to hide from prying eyes. The skin begins to age rapidly, thereby causing a lot of unpleasant emotions in women.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Injections - the last century! The anti-wrinkle remedy is 37 times stronger than Botox...

This is due to the fact that the main substances responsible for the health and beauty of the skin, elastin and collagen, almost cease to be produced in the body. The level of estrogen decreases, which leads to a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands and drying of the skin. She loses elasticity, her cheeks and chin sag, the oval of the face changes its shape, “floats”. Many wrinkles appear. Those that were before become deeper and more noticeable. Eyelids drop. Under the eyes, circles or bags form or increase.

What to do? Give up on everything and live somehow on? This option is also possible if you are not particularly concerned about the appearance, and you are calm about the aging process.

  • plastic surgery (at this age they have a short effect);
  • visiting beauty salons (not everywhere they are).

A good result gives a face cream after 50 years. The rating of this product indicates its diversity. But the cream itself will not save the situation.

A lot can be done for your skin with the right care. Here are some tips for women 50-60 years old.

Facial care

  • Wash with cold water. Soap is better to replace the foam for washing.
  • Treat your face with a tonic marked 50+ after washing. It will restore the balance of pH acidity, enrich the skin with antioxidants.
  • Never leave makeup on your face.
  • You can clean the skin with a lotion bought in a store or prepared by yourself. Ice cubes made from water or herbal decoction.
  • Periodically (every three days) use face masks from fruits, vegetables, yeast, oatmeal, honey. These substances have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Learn how to massage your face.
  • Protect it from aggressive weather conditions (sun, frost, rain).
  • Nourish cleansed skin with creams every day.

What kind of cream do you need

Creams for facial skin care after 50 years should be used both day and night. They have different composition and functions.

Daytime should have a light structure, perform protective functions and serve as a base for make-up.

The night cream nourishes the skin cells, which are actively renewed at night while we sleep. It should contain extracts of medicinal plants and essential oils. It is supplemented with seaweed and minerals, amino acids. Effective cream with ginseng root and placenta.

Do-it-yourself anti-aging cream

If you do not trust your face to any purchased creams, but you still need to take care of it, you can make your own anti-aging cream.

To do this, melt the base substance (wax, hard oil) in a water bath. Mix with honey, glycerin, lanolin, liquid essential (for anti-aging) and cosmetic oils. Add vitamin capsules. Dilute with water. After removing from the water bath, beat thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Put the cream in a jar and store for no more than a month.

As you can see, many of the ingredients to create it need to be bought at a pharmacy. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is easier to buy a ready-made product.

Cream from the store

You can choose from the available arsenal of face cream suitable for you after 50 years. The rating of this product takes into account its effectiveness and price.

It also includes sunscreen. After all, at this age, tanning does not improve the condition of the skin. Therefore, protection elements are included in the best anti-aging face creams.

The rating is headed by the Japanese cream Kanebo Sensai Cellular Performance Cream. Within a few days after the start of application, you will see a decrease in the number and size of mimic wrinkles. Suitable for any skin. Apply twice a day with this non-greasy face cream for over 50s.

In her assortment there is also a face cream after 50 years. The rating highlights CC Cream Complete Correction SPF 30/PA +++. It performs five functions at the same time: prevents the appearance of wrinkles, moisturizes, creates a feeling of comfort, protects against exposure to sunlight, creates an even tone.

Eye wrinkle cream

The skin there is moisturized worse than other areas and is more prone to the formation of wrinkles. It is not without reason that after reaching the age of 22, a woman already needs to have in her arsenal a remedy for caring for this problem area.

And after 50 the situation worsens. Creams should remove not only signs of fatigue, but also swelling, smooth wrinkles. Also, don't hurt your eyes. Therefore, when choosing such a cream, give preference to products approved by ophthalmologists.

Japanese eye cream Shiseido Benefiance allows you to get and maintain the desired result.

Inexpensive, but quite effective cream "Bark" contains extracts of plants such as cornflower, parsley. It contains caffeine, shea butter and olive oil. But there are no preservatives.

Following simple but effective facial care rules and applying the cream that suits you will help preserve youthful skin for a long time.

Face cream after 50 years is a tool that will help prevent further aging of the epidermis. These cosmetic products provide complete care for the skin, corresponding to its age-related needs. Mature aging skin requires special attention and care. Only proper care with the help of the best creams will allow you to “throw off” a couple of extra years.

Interesting! At any age, the epidermis requires special attention. For young skin, sufficient cleansing and hydration is necessary, for mature skin - timely nutrition, and for aging skin, it is necessary to use anti-aging products.

Face creams at 40

Age changes at 50

At every age, the skin undergoes different changes. In youth, we are worried about acne, in adulthood - wrinkles. It is on the characteristics of the epidermis that the complex of necessary care products and the components contained in them depends.

When a woman crosses this age threshold, more pronounced and deep wrinkles appear on her cover, which are not at all easy to hide with ordinary cosmetics. A decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which are involved in the formation of the dermis elasticity framework, leads to dryness of the skin and its sagging in the most problematic areas - eyelids, cheeks, and chin. At the same time, the oval of the face changes significantly, and the circles under the eyes become baggy.

The complexion also fades because the dry and weakened epidermis does not receive enough substances to regenerate it. During this period, fatigue, lack of sleep, malnutrition and other factors affecting its appearance are more pronounced on the face.

However, even these processes cannot prevent a woman from looking attractive. At any age there are advantages, and proper skin care, proper lifestyle and successful makeup will help to give even wrinkles a special sophistication.

Important! Proper care of the skin from a young age will help to significantly transfer the aging process. The timely use of good creams will ensure the restoration of damaged cells and activate the renewal processes.

What creams are needed in 50 years

At this age, facial care should be complete and include the following steps:
  1. Cleansing is what a person needs in the first place. Mature epidermis cleanses keratinized and dead cells much longer and more difficult than a young one. Deep peeling, the use of scrubs and daily cleansers will provide better and faster renewal of damaged areas.
  2. Moisturizing is a stage that is necessary for any type of skin at a mature and young age. Dehydration and dryness lead to serious changes and premature aging. Among women after 50 years of age, the fatty type of the epidermis is less common, most often dry.
  3. Nutrition and saturation of cells with useful elements should occur daily. The use of night funds must be included in the stages of care.
  4. Anti-aging products can be a separate step in facial care or be included in the main complex of cosmetic procedures.
  5. Protection of the skin from the sun and free radicals at the age of 50 should be permanent. It is necessary to use sunscreen not only on hot summer days or while relaxing on the beach, but also in everyday life.

Interesting! Very helpful

homemade anti aging creams

Which are easy to make with your own hands. They do not require special ingredients for their preparation - it is enough to use the products that we eat. Very useful: sour cream, fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, honey and many other natural products available to everyone. Many masks, creams and even peels can be prepared from them.

Kanebo Sensai Lifting Cream

  • It is based on the traditions of traditional medicine;
  • Helps eliminate signs of aging;
  • Restores the skin at the cellular level;
  • Activates collagen production and strengthens elastic fibers;
  • Improves the appearance of the face, tightens its contours;
  • Enriches the face with a natural healthy glow.

Price: 14,000 rubles.

Lifting Cream Bark

  • Models the contours of the face and chin;
  • Contains a wide range of useful elements;
  • Saturates the skin with essential elements, replenishing the balance of missing substances;
  • Prevents sagging of the epidermis;
  • Fills and smoothes wrinkles;
  • Aligns the microrelief of the face;
  • Significantly improves the appearance of the face with regular use.

Price: 750 rubles.

Night cream Vichy Lift Active

  • Provides nutrition to the skin;
  • Has a lifting effect and smoothes wrinkles;
  • Contains nourishing oils;
  • Fills the cells with the necessary elements;
  • Increases skin elasticity by restoring fibers;
  • Gives the face an attractive natural glow.

Price: 2 000 rub.

Day Cream Black Pearl IDILICA

  • Suitable for women over 50;
  • Effectively fights age-related skin changes;
  • Supports the natural processes of cell renewal and repair;
  • Contains a complex of active amino acids, seaweed and pearl proteins;
  • Restores the lack of collagen and hyaluron.

Price: 250 rubles.

Lifting cream for the skin around the eyes Biocon

  • Provides intensive care for mature skin;
  • Tightens sagging epidermis around the eyes;
  • Eliminates puffiness and reduces the severity of dark circles;
  • Contains leech extract and a patented rejuvenating complex;
  • Tones and refreshes the epidermis.

Price: 300 rubles.


A face cream after 50 years should have special properties and intensively care for the skin. Age significantly affects the skin of the face, wrinkles are more pronounced and its color fades. Proper and timely care will prevent the rapid aging of the epidermis.

The opinion of cosmetologists is unequivocal: not a single cream will restore youth and will not “erase” wrinkles from the face, no matter how much it costs and no matter what miraculous components it contains. However, many good creams can improve the condition of the skin, make it more elastic and minimize existing age-related changes.

Criteria for choosing a good anti-wrinkle cream

What kind of wrinkles do you have?

Both cosmetologists and marketers divide wrinkles into 2 types:

  • Superficial wrinkles, or mimic, are caused by dry skin due to illiterate care or external factors, as well as active facial expressions. “Mimics” are future deep skin creases that you can and should start fighting as early as possible with the help of moisturizing creams and soft peels.
  • deep wrinkles, or static, are caused by age-related changes in the body. They affect the dermis, and, alas, it is impossible to cope with them with creams and serums alone. In this case, only the joint use of the means of a beauty parlor and supportive home care will help.

Not age, but a problem

Recall that age is not an indication (or contraindication) for the use of a particular remedy. If there are wrinkles, we will fight them at any age! The only difference is in use: stronger remedies at a young age are recommended to be used in courses, and not constantly. “Price Expert” advises paying attention not to the “age” marks on the packages, but to the active ingredients in the composition.

Active Ingredients of Good Anti-Wrinkle Creams

Anti-wrinkle cream is a comprehensive solution to the problem of loss of skin elasticity, so all the components recommended for moisturizing and protecting the skin will be relevant for it: vitamins C and E, other antioxidants, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, natural oils, etc. They do not reduce wrinkles, but significantly slow down the appearance of new ones and fill the skin with much-needed moisture. Due to the composition of the cream, anti-wrinkle rarely has a sunscreen, so sunscreen will most often have to be applied separately.

With the components actually against wrinkles, everything is somewhat more complicated. In addition to strong hydration, an anti-aging cream can provide an exfoliating (causing new cell growth) and filler-like (wrinkle filling) action. To date, the most effective anti-aging substances are recognized:

  • retinol(vitamin A) and retinoids(its derivatives). By itself, retinol is very effective as a substance that renews the skin and stimulates the process of producing its own collagen. However, experts are puzzling over how to preserve unstable retinol and bring it to the deeper layers of the skin. Therefore, many “smart” retinol derivatives have appeared: retinaldehyde, tretinoin, tretinol, adapalene and others.
  • peptides- very promising substances in the practice of rejuvenation. Short chains of peptides can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, bringing nutrition to the cells. Peptides have many forms and names and are still little studied, but the experience of application already allows us to judge their significant effectiveness;
  • AHA and BHA acids. Exfoliate dead cells, make them renew faster and increase the number of living skin cells, stimulate the skin to produce its own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. Acids are successfully used in creams for cell regeneration and wrinkle reduction. The most effective are glycolic (AHA) and salicylic (BHA) acids, but for the use of the latter it is better to consult a specialist;
  • Collagen hydrolyzed. In liquid form, it reaches the deeper layers of the skin, thickens and improves its elasticity. It has a pronounced moisturizing and wrinkle-filling effect, but its anti-aging effect is much lower than that of the above substances;
  • Ceramide NP and Agrireline are muscle relaxants that relieve tension from facial muscles and smooth wrinkles. They like to be added to elite creams. Boswellia and Centella asiatica have a similar effect.

Wrinkle Cream Manufacturers

Luxury cosmetics offers creams from the luminaries of "age" care cosmetics - Guerlain, Estee Lauder, Clarins, Clinigue, Dior. The creams of these brands are unequivocally of high quality and comfortable for the skin, and each brand offers its own “unique ingredient” against wrinkles. However, the evil tongues of experts claim that there may not be cardinal differences in a store-bought cream for 5000 and 500 rubles.

Pharmacy brands are not as advertised, but most of them have excellent anti-aging lines: Avene, La-Roshe Posae, Vichy, RoC, Nuxe and others. They are also not cheap, but the price of these products is much more democratic - on average from 1 to 3 thousand rubles (rarely higher - Lierac, for example), and due to the noticeable effect, it is the "pharmacy" that is often recommended for skin care with wrinkles. The mass market, as expected, did not give anything supernatural in terms of getting rid of wrinkles. Green Mama, Loreal, Garnier, Nivea, Natura Siberica and Vitex showed themselves better than others, but none of their products can be called revolutionary.

Often women after 35 (and sometimes even earlier) prefer professional anti-aging cosmetics, which provide excellent supportive care for aging skin. There are many “prof” brands, but they are available mainly in salons or specialized stores, and only a beautician can correctly advise the right cream. However, we will name some well-known brands: NeoStrata, SesDerma, SkinCeuticals, Janssen, Cristina, Magiray, etc.

Rating of the best anti-wrinkle creams: TOP-7

"Price Expert" identified 7 anti-wrinkle creams worthy of attention:

Cream name

Estimated cost, rub.


The best luxury wrinkle creams

Avene Ystheal 30 ml

best wrinkle cream for dry skin

Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face & Eye 50ml

effective anti-wrinkle serum

Gel-cream Acglycolic Classic Forte Sesderma 50 ml

one of the best glycolic acid creams

Vichy Neovadiol GF 45-60 years 50 ml

popular pharmacy cream for facial contours.

Best Inexpensive Anti-Wrinkle Creams

Green Mama "Golden Root and Vitamin F" 100 ml

effective and inexpensive anti-wrinkle cream

Cream-gel for eyelids KORA against edema and wrinkles with Shea butter 30 ml

high-quality and affordable anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes

Cream Laura Evalar 30 ml

domestic peptide cream

Best luxury wrinkle creams 1. Avene Ystheal
best wrinkle cream for dry skin


Average price in Russia for 30 ml: 1600 r.

Avene Ystheal is a good gentle retinol cream. A popular pharmacy cream designed to correct wrinkles and give elasticity to dry and sensitive skin. The active ingredient is retinaldehyde, which is converted into active vitamin A directly in the skin cells, which makes it especially effective. The cream has a very mild effect on the skin and, with regular use, visibly tightens and heals it. It can be used as a day and night care, but, like other products with retinol, it requires serious additional sun protection.


  • effectively fights mimic wrinkles;
  • improves complexion;
  • one of the safest products with retinoids;
  • without smell;
  • requires sunscreen;
  • convenient dispenser.

Minus: price.

Typical reviews aboutAvene Ysteal:

“I have been using Aven Isteal for the last six months, but not every day and only at night, alternating in the evenings with creams for oily skin. In the morning, the appearance of the face is very refreshed. The color of the cream is yellow-orange, the smell is neutral, the dispenser is very convenient.

“For dry skin, the most it is, it nourishes very well, in the morning the skin is rested, radiant and smooth. Mimic wrinkles are really smoothed out. Plus, it also relieves irritation, peeling and itching.

2. Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face & Eye
effective anti-wrinkle serum


Average price in Russia for 50 ml: 4300 r.

Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate is an expensive but effective wrinkle cream.

The manufacturer indicates that the cream restores cells “spoiled” by time in the very depths of wrinkles, due to which wrinkles become less deep. The active ingredient is soy polypeptides, which stimulate the production of proteins that promote the growth of healthy skin cells. However, there is a suspicion that the excellent result is reinforced by the presence of light-reflecting particles in the cream, which visually hide imperfections. But women like the cream, and this is the main thing!


  • the presence of peptides and argireline (muscle relaxant);
  • suitable for daily use, including under make-up;
  • convenient and hygienic dispenser.

Minus: price.

Typicalreviewsaboutcream Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face & Eye:

“Really good cream. The skin loves it - well-groomed, moisturized, smooth, healthy complexion. Minor skin imperfections disappear without a trace. One of the best value for your money."

“I use it for oily skin and it only gets better. Applies and absorbs great! A solid 6 on a five-point system - for the price and the effect.

3. Gel-cream Acglycolic Classic Forte Sesderma
one of the best glycolic acid creams


Average price in Russia for 50 ml: 4500 r.

Acglycolic Classic Forte Sesderma will provide the effect of a "beauty salon" at home.

Good glycolic acid creams are either professional (not for home use) or very hard to find. Nevertheless, we still advise you to look for this tool, because. it is available in online stores and professional cosmetics salons and has earned only positive feedback from women. A 10% acid concentration is safe for daily or course use. The gel-cream not only removes the keratinized layer of the skin, forcing it to be actively renewed, but also has a soothing, moisturizing and tightening effect on the skin.


  • noticeable skin renewal;
  • removes mimic wrinkles and smoothes deep ones;
  • safe at home;
  • there is a dispenser.


  • high price;
  • can only be bought in a beauty salon and online stores;
  • as a warning: the mandatory use of sunscreen with a high protective factor is necessary.

Typical Gel Cream ReviewsAcglycolic Classic Forte Sesderma50 ml:

“I used it at night for the first time - in the morning I was stunned by my skin - toned, light, pores are almost invisible, I did not expect such a quick effect.”

“Because of the price, I won’t buy often, but the cream is good, the skin is shiny, smooth and bright !!”

4. Vichy Neovadiol GF Restoring Skin Density Cream 45-60 years
popular pharmacy cream for facial contours.


Average price in Russia for 50 ml: 2100 r.

This anti-wrinkle cream provides quality daily care for skin after 45 years.

The cream acts in two directions: it stimulates the restoration and renewal of skin cells and significantly increases its density, due to which a visible improvement in the skin condition occurs. Especially recommended for women during menopause.


  • makes wrinkles less visible;
  • hypoallergenic, without parabens;
  • improves complexion;
  • There are options for different skin types.


  • relatively expensive, provided that you need to use it constantly;
  • packaging - a jar (but there is an option of 40 ml in a tube).

Typical reviews of Vichy Neovadiol GF 45-60 years:

“I saw a noticeable lifting effect after 4 weeks of daily use, the oval of the face became clearer, the skin smoothed out and looks hydrated and fresh.”

"Good cream. Makes the skin supple and dense if used for a long time. When use is stopped, the skin returns to a "dull" state.

The best inexpensive anti-wrinkle creams 5. Green Mama "Golden Root and Vitamin F"
effective and inexpensive anti-wrinkle cream


Average price in Russia: 250 r.

This cream has a good value for money for skin without obvious wrinkles.

The cream is saturated with valuable oils, vitamins A and E and plant extracts, which have a strong antioxidant effect and increase skin tone and improve blood microcirculation. The cream will not get rid of deep wrinkles, but it does an excellent job of intensively moisturizing and nourishing the skin with useful substances. It is recommended for the treatment and prevention of the appearance of the first wrinkles.


  • good composition;
  • affordable price;
  • packaging - tube;
  • light matte effect.


  • there is no sunscreen despite the fact that the cream is declared as day and night;
  • not effective for deep wrinkles.

Typical reviews of Green Mama "Golden Root and VitaminF":

“The cream is not greasy, my skin prone to oiliness really likes it, it even slightly mattes. It is difficult to find a good nourishing cream for such a price, but Aleut is certainly good.”

“The result is smoother skin, fine lines are less noticeable. I did not see any effect on deep mimic wrinkles. The value for money is excellent.”

6. Cream-gel for eyelids KORA against edema and wrinkles with Shea butter
high-quality and affordable anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes

Average price in Russia: 430 r.

Super-strong anti-aging agents (for example, retinoids) are not suitable for sensitive skin of the eyelids and around the eyes, but it needs increased attention. The Russian pharmacy cream Bark attracts with its composition (only oils, vitamins, plant extracts and caffeine to combat dark circles), delicate gel texture and excellent moisturizing and tightening effect, while its price is much lower than luxury products.


  • good antioxidant, soothing and firming effect on the skin;
  • light consistency - can be used under makeup;

Minus: the effect is visible only on mimic wrinkles.

Typical reviews of KORA anti-puffiness and wrinkle eye cream-gel with Shea butter:

“Ideal cream for owners of dry skin of the eyelids, including for winter! It does not remove wrinkles, but softens crow's feet well, making them less noticeable.

“I agree with the fact that it moisturizes, refreshes and tones. Only this action is not long-term.

7. Cream Laura Evalar
domestic peptide cream


Average price in Russia: 380 r.

Laura Evalar is an inexpensive anti-aging cosmeceutical.

The opinion of women was divided approximately in half: some scold Laura, others praise. Let's try to be impartial: the cream contains tripeptides (in second place after water!), Moisturizer - hyaluronic acid, wild yam extract (has no clinically proven hormonal effect and if not useful, then definitely harmless) and standard care ingredients (panthenol, glycerin, vitamins ). A decent composition for facial care, but whether it can defeat wrinkles, only your skin will answer.


  • affordable price;
  • good composition;
  • widely sold in pharmacies.


  • long-term use is required to obtain the effect;
  • It is recommended to use together with Lora tablets (consult your doctor!)

Typical reviews about Laura Evalar cream:

“I have been using it for 3 weeks. The cream is very pleasant, it is well absorbed, the skin accepts it well. I haven’t noticed any miraculous changes yet, but for such a price it’s very good. ”

“The first month did not give any clear result. But recently I noticed the almost absence of mimic wrinkles around the eyes. I think it's Laura's action."

What is the best anti-wrinkle cream to buy?

We have written about good anti-aging products more than once:

for skin from 25 years;
for skin from 30 years;
for skin from 40 years.

But even this impressive list will not reveal the full variety of good anti-wrinkle products. Of course, even the most worthy of them will not give a radical effect, but they can improve the condition of the skin, make wrinkles less noticeable and prolong the effect of salon cosmetic procedures. Look for your cream, do not neglect visits to the beautician and stay beautiful at any age!

Attention! There are contraindications, you need to consult a specialist

Home Beauty Face creams 50 years

For facial care at the age of fifty, folk remedies and home procedures are no longer enough. To really fight age-related changes, various creams will be required. This article will focus on which creams women over the age of 50 should choose.

What cream to choose for the face after 50 years

Most women, reaching adulthood, having given up on age-related changes, stop fighting them, but in vain. In stores, on shelves with “50+” signs, there are a huge number of tubes with anti-aging creams that can stop skin aging. Such creams perform several functions at the same time:

  • moisturize and nourish the skin of the face;
  • tighten cheeks that sag over time;
  • remove and prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  • delay the appearance of ptosis;
  • lifting effect cream makes the contours of the face clear and beautiful.

You can observe the first result from the use of such creams after two weeks of regular use. When buying a cream, be sure to pay attention to its composition.


This component helps to exfoliate keratinized scales, activates regenerative processes, slows down aging and gives the skin a healthy look.

Vitamin E

This element is also indispensable in the composition of the cream "50+". Its main purpose is to tone the skin and maintain its elasticity.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C fights pigment spots and also prevents their appearance.

Hyaluronic acid

Allows you to maintain elasticity while retaining the necessary moisture in the skin. Slows down skin aging.

Nourishing face creams after 50 years

Nourishing cream plays a big role for the skin at the age of fifty, so prepare it in advance for the procedure:

  • steam your face, or warm it with a warm compress;
  • soak a napkin with a decoction of chamomile or mint and put it on your face and neck.

After that, you can start applying the cream, this should be done in two stages:

  1. distribute the cream evenly on the skin of the face and neck;
  2. after waiting a bit, apply the product to the areas where the cream has already been absorbed.

L'OREAL Luxury Meals

This cream is one of the best among nutritious. Squalane is present in its composition - this expensive oil is inherent only in luxury brands. The cost of the cream is about 300 rubles.

Moisturizing face cream after 50 years

To moisturize the skin properly, it is enough to apply the required amount of cream on the face, and then, after twenty minutes, remove its remnants with a dry cloth. It will also be useful for the skin if, when applying the cream, you make a warm massage: gently move a spoon preheated in water over the face smeared with cream.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal

Unlike other moisturizers, this one is suitable for all skin types and does not cause allergies. The cost of the cream is about 500 rubles.

Russian face creams after 50 years: comparison

Most women prefer products of foreign origin, although domestic brands are no worse than the rest.

Natura Siberica

The black series "Absolut Anti-Age" will allow you to fight age-related changes. As the manufacturer promises, the effect of this series will not be long in coming. Serum for the face penetrates deep into the skin, retaining the necessary amount of moisture in it, making the skin supple. The manufacturer also promises complete safety due to the fact that there are no chemicals in the product formula. As a result of using this series, you will get fresh, even and radiant skin, and the number of wrinkles will noticeably decrease.

Clean line

Anti-aging series "Power of 5 herbs", which includes:

  • day and night face cream;
  • serum for face and neck;
  • cream with lifting effect for the eyelids.

All-natural composition fights age-related changes. After regular use, you will be able to observe a positive result:

  • the number of wrinkles will be reduced;
  • skin color will improve;
  • noticeable lifting effect;
  • the skin is smooth and elastic.

Black Pearl

Anti-aging BIO program allows you to give the skin elasticity and reduce the number of wrinkles.

  • The eye cream provides a lifting effect, making the skin smooth and your eyes fresh and radiant.
  • Serum for the face is suitable for both day and evening use. As a result, you will protect your skin from age-related changes.
  • The face cream successfully fights wrinkles, keeping the skin youthful.

Each of these brands promises to reduce wrinkles and make your skin smooth and firm. To verify the authenticity of the words of manufacturers, try the products on personal experience. Score 4.2 voters: 118

After 50 years, choose an anti-aging face cream, which includes not only components that slow down the withering of the skin, but also active substances for skin rejuvenation. As you know, already at the age of fifty, the tone of the facial muscles noticeably decreases, the skin becomes thinner and the layer of subcutaneous fat decreases, the water-lipid protective layer is slowly restored, the circulation of nutrients and oxygen slows down. As a result of age-related changes, the skin of the face after 50 years looks flabby, wrinkles become deeper and more pronounced, age spots appear, the lower eyelids with dark circles stretch and turn into bags under the eyes.

As part of a rejuvenating face cream must necessarily include components that stimulate active skin regeneration, so that collagen and elastic fibers are actively restored, hyaluronic acid is produced faster. If after 30-35 years it was enough to use a day cream with protective (SPF) functions and a nourishing, moisturizing night cream, then after 40 years our arsenal of cosmetics is replenished with serums to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, special patches with non-injection fillers, masks with lifting effect. Proper facial skin care at home will allow us to look much younger even at fifty, make wrinkles almost invisible, have a tightened face oval without sagging cheeks and without a second chin. This will be discussed in the article.

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antioxidants (coenzyme Q10, proanthocyanidins, astaxanthin, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamins tocopherol and retinol). These beneficial substances significantly accelerate the process of restoring the cells of the skin layers destroyed by free radicals;

Hyaluronic acid. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, enhances the effect of moisturizing substances in the cream;

Ceramides (ceramides). Protect the skin from irritation, help to quickly restore the water-lipid barrier;

Carbamide. Well protect the skin from UV rays, moisturize mature skin;

Peptides. Improve skin tone, strengthen capillaries and normalize blood microcirculation;

L-Carnosine (L-Carnosine). It has a lifting effect on fading facial skin in adulthood;

Panthenol. Deeply moisturizes all layers of the skin, improves elasticity;

Glycans. These polysaccharides normalize cellular metabolism, accelerate the process of skin regeneration;

Liposomes. Accelerate the penetration of active substances into the layers of the skin, reduce irritation, slow down the appearance of wrinkles;

UV filter. Protection of the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Substances are part of day creams (indicate the degree of protection SPF);

Extracts of the placenta, seaweed, as well as extracts from medicinal herbs.


moisturize the skin.

Moisturizers help not only to eliminate peeling and prevent the development of inflammatory processes. Cells receive additional moisture, which helps to normalize their metabolism and thereby accelerate the regeneration of fibers.

There is no need to wash your face often, as you are constantly washing off the fatty film that protects the skin from moisture loss and irritation. Wash your face with warm soft water and avoid using alkaline cleansers. Do not use foams and lotions containing alcohol in their composition for make-up removal.

Protect your skin from ultraviolet rays - day creams should contain not only moisturizing, but also protective (SPF) components. It is advisable to wear sunglasses in sunny weather.

In addition to cosmetics, use homemade moisturizing masks, which include oils (linseed, camellia, sesame, grape seed) and 5-6 drops of vitamin E.

gradually get rid of deep wrinkles, prevent the appearance of new ones.

Every year there are more and more new anti-aging creams and other innovative anti-wrinkle products. Remedies against existing wrinkles with retinoids, pentapeptides, tretinoin or aminoxin in the composition have proven themselves well. To prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, you can choose a cream with copper peptides or with alpha lipoic acid in the composition. But before choosing an anti-aging product, be sure to consult a dermatologist so that he assesses the condition of your epidermis and helps you choose the right option. By the way, some products to improve the condition of aging skin are sold only in pharmacies.

increase the level of sex hormones in the body.

A dosed increase in the content of progesterone and estrogen in the blood of women after 50 years of age contributes to the process of rejuvenation, accelerates skin renewal and smoothes wrinkles. But you can take special drugs only after examination and consultation with a doctor!

peeling (exfoliation).

Of course, you know that the surface of the epidermis roughens over time due to the thickening of the layer with keratinized particles of dead cells. This layer slows down the renewal of the skin and makes wrinkles even deeper. It is good if you regularly exfoliate this layer with homemade scrubs. But .. after 50 years, it is often impossible to do mechanical peeling (it can cause irritation and the skin becomes thinner).

Choose more gentle homemade scrubs (oatmeal scrub or soft gommage, for example) and exfoliate dead cells no more than once a week. In addition, 2-3 times a month it is useful to go to a specialist cosmetologist for peeling the skin of the face with suitable fruit acids.

remove age spots.

In adulthood, many women face such an unpleasant problem as the appearance of focal hyperpigmentation on the face. Uneven pigment spots on the skin, dark brown lentigo may appear. To eliminate the uneven accumulation of melanin in the upper layers of the skin, you can use homemade whitening masks and special brightening creams with substances such as retinol, betoin, hydroquinone, glabridin.

doing facial massage.

Home facial massage has a beneficial effect on the skin - improving blood microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, leveling the relief and color of the epidermis. You can do honey massage, massage your face with tablespoons and vacuum jars. It is sometimes useful to make an appointment with a specialist in Japanese massage zogan (asahi) or be like a point shiatsu.

doing facial exercises.

Many facial muscles practically do not receive a daily load, and with age they begin to atrophy faster. The tone of the facial muscles weakens and the skin looks more flabby, wrinkles become more pronounced. By strengthening the muscular frame of the face, we improve the elasticity and tone of the skin. At home, you can regularly

Face creams after 50 years will prevent further aging of the epidermis. Cosmetics marked 50+ will provide complete skin care that meets its age-related needs.

At any age, the epidermis requires special attention. For young skin, sufficient cleansing and hydration is necessary, for mature skin - timely nutrition, and for aging skin, it is necessary to use anti-aging products.

Face creams at the age of 40 contain a special set of substances that help maintain the correct facial contours and hide wrinkles for as long as possible. At the age of 50, it is necessary to use a different set of cosmetic products that emphasize the beauty of well-groomed skin.

Age changes at 50

As we age, the skin undergoes various changes. In youth, we are worried about acne, in adulthood - wrinkles. It is on the characteristics of the epidermis that the complex of necessary care products and the components contained in them depends.

When a woman crosses the age threshold of 40-50 years, more pronounced and deeper wrinkles appear on her skin.

Skin aging is associated with a deficiency of important components in skin tissues. One of the main factors is a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which are involved in the formation of the dermis elasticity framework. The lack of these components leads to dryness of the skin, its sagging in the most problematic areas: eyelids, cheeks, chin. The oval of the face also changes with age, and the circles under the eyes become baggy.

The complexion also fades because the dry and weakened epidermis does not receive enough substances to regenerate it. During this period, fatigue, lack of sleep, malnutrition and other factors affecting its appearance are reflected on the face.

However, even these processes cannot prevent a woman from looking attractive. At any age there are advantages, and proper skin care, proper lifestyle and successful makeup will hide wrinkles and signs of aging.

Proper skin care from a young age will keep it young and attractive. The use of high-quality cosmetics will prevent early aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

What creams are needed in 50 years

At the age of 50, facial care should be complete and include the following steps:

  1. Cleansing is the care that a person needs in the first place. On the surface of the mature epidermis, keratinized and dead cells accumulate. Deep peeling, the use of scrubs and daily cleansers will purify the skin and speed up its renewal.
  2. Moisturizing is a stage that is necessary for any type of skin at a mature and young age. Dehydration and dryness lead to serious changes and premature aging. Among women after 50 years of age, the fatty type of the epidermis is less common, most often dry.
  3. The skin needs to be nourished daily. Include a night cream with nourishing and regenerating components in your skin care complex.
  4. Anti-aging products can be used as an additional stage of facial care or replace regular day cream with anti-aging cosmetics.
  5. At the age of 50, daily protection of the skin from the sun and free radicals is required. It is necessary to use sunscreen not only on hot summer days or while relaxing on the beach, but also in everyday life.

Homemade anti-aging creams that you can make at home are helpful. No special ingredients are required for their preparation - it is enough to use food. Very useful: sour cream, fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, honey and many other natural products available to everyone. From them you can prepare masks, creams and even peels.

Video review on skin care after 50 years:

Rating of 5 good face creams in 50 years

Kanebo Sensai Lifting Cream

  • It is based on the traditions of traditional medicine;
  • Eliminates signs of skin aging;
  • Restores the skin at the cellular level;
  • Activates collagen production and strengthens elastic fibers;
  • Improves the appearance of the face, tightens its contours;
  • Enriches the face with a natural healthy glow.

Price: 14000 rub.

Lifting Cream Bark

  • Models the contours of the face and chin;
  • Contains a wide range of useful elements;
  • Nourishes the skin, replenishing the supply of missing substances;
  • Prevents sagging of the epidermis;
  • Fills and smoothes wrinkles;
  • Aligns the microrelief of the face;
  • Improves the appearance of the face with regular use.

Price: 750 rub.

Night cream Vichy Lift Active

  • Provides nutrition to the skin;
  • Has a lifting effect and smoothes wrinkles;
  • Contains nourishing oils;
  • Fills the cells with the necessary elements;
  • Increases skin elasticity by restoring fibers;
  • Gives the face an attractive natural glow.

Price: 2 000 rub.

Day Cream Black Pearl IDILICA

  • Suitable for women over 50;
  • Effectively fights age-related skin changes;
  • Supports the natural processes of cell renewal and repair;
  • Contains a complex of active amino acids, seaweed and pearl proteins;
  • Restores the lack of collagen and hyaluron.

Price: 250 rub.

  • Provides intensive care for mature skin;
  • Tightens sagging epidermis around the eyes;
  • Eliminates puffiness and reduces the severity of dark circles;
  • Contains leech extract and a patented rejuvenating complex;
  • Tones and refreshes the epidermis.

Price: 300 rub.


A face cream after 50 years should have special properties and intensively care for the skin. Age significantly affects the skin of the face, wrinkles are more pronounced and its color fades. Proper and timely care will prevent the rapid aging of the epidermis.

Selection based on your interests:

  • Rating of the 7 best face creams after 40 years - how ...

At the age of hormonal aging, which occurs around the age of 50, the skin dries first. It becomes dehydrated, becomes thinner, weakens and loses its elasticity, weakens, especially in the lower part of the face. The amount of collagen fibers located under the top layer of the skin decreases every year from 1 to 2%.

This is especially noticeable after the onset of menopause and in the absence of compensatory hormonal treatment.


You can look good even at this age, you just need to know the rules of self-care and not be lazy to put them into practice, regularly and carefully. A lot depends on how each woman personally perceives herself and age-related changes in her body, whether she is determined to maintain a good shape.

On the dressing table of a woman at this age, along with the usual matting cream, there are gel and serums to eliminate wrinkles near the eyes, rejuvenating patches with non-injectable hyaluronic acid fillers and masks with a lifting effect.

Be sure to get advice from a gynecologist regarding the hormonal background of the body at this age. The opinion of a specialist is extremely important in order to maintain the level of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) at a favorable level for the body.

Wrinkles are not always the result of age-related biological changes. Excessive stress also negatively affects the appearance. If there are constant conflicts in the service, it is worth changing jobs. And if scandals periodically occur in the house, you need to try to extinguish them.

In order for the muscles of the face to atrophy less, it is worth doing special facial gymnastics - facebuilding. When we strengthen the muscles of the face, which serve as a framework for the skin, we improve the tone of the skin.

Basic principles of care

The biological age of the skin does not depend on us, it must be taken into account and we must be able to adapt to it. Therefore, it is not worth spending money on creams designed for young skin. At best, they simply won't work. At worst, they can cause allergic reactions, inflammation, swelling, and even an increase in wrinkles.

The traditional three-step skin care regimen (cleansing, toning, moisturizing) deepens somewhat.

gentle cleansing

Most women over 50 tend to have drier skin than they did in their younger years, so they need to use gentle cleansers. Choose anti-aging creams or lotions that are easy to rinse off, as they maintain the water-lipid balance.

Scrubs for mature skin should be used no more than once a week, preferably at night. Peelings - additionally two to three times.

Serum use

Serum is more concentrated than cream. Use it every day before night cream. Incorporating a good quality serum into your skin care regimen will address a variety of individual concerns such as reducing pigmentation and wrinkles, evening out skin tone, and improving elasticity and firmness.

Effective remedies

Against wrinkles, it is best to use products with retinoids (vitamin A), moreover, they also increase cellular activity in the deep layers of the dermis, increase collagen synthesis and nourish the skin, make it elastic - in a word, an excellent anti-aging set.


When toning the skin, you should avoid products containing alcohol. The best option would be tonics, which contain silk proteins, collagen and wheat extract.

More moisture

One of the most important steps in the care of aging skin is moisturizing, since after fifty years the amount of lipids responsible for moisture saturation decreases.

The best anti-aging day creams or serums include: vitamins such as C and E; as well as antioxidants, such as green tea; exfoliators (alpha hydroxy acids - AHA); active moisturizers such as hyaluronic acid; as well as SPF. For the night, products with retinoids and alpha hydroxy acids that improve skin tone are suitable.

Pigmentation can be overcome with fruit acids, creams with hydroquinone and vitamin C, which increases collagen synthesis. Acids help to clean and narrow pores, in addition, they regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, even out the tone and relief of the skin, and prevent the appearance of dullness. Do not forget that products with acids cannot be used in summer and spring, this can increase pigmentation.

To protect against sun exposure, it is necessary to use daytime products with a mineral-based UF filter that have a protection factor of at least 50.

The principles of home anti-aging facial care - in the video below.

Rating of the best funds

Consider the cosmetic preparations offered to eliminate the problems of aging skin.

Ruboril Expert

Ruboril is a line of cosmetic products of Isis Pharma.

“Cream Isis Pharma Ruboril Expert S 50+” is a specialized anti-couperose agent that should reduce the vascular “mesh” on the face. The tool has the function of protecting the skin from the sun, and evens out the complexion.

The basis is water, many natural ingredients (almonds, shea butter, borage, etc.), there are substances of synthetic origin (butylene glycol, propylene glycol, dimethicone).

Sold in pharmacies, the price tag is within 1000 rubles, in a tube of 30 ml.

Anthelios XL

Manufacturer brand La Roche-Posay, offers sunscreen "Anthelios SPF 50+ Fluide Extrême teinté".

This cream is recommended for problematic and aging skin, as it has the highest degree of protection against UV rays, few synthetic ingredients, parabens and perfume compositions and is resistant to rinsing. Also this cream contains thermal water with silene.

The cost is 1100 rubles for a 50 ml tube.


In the series of creams of the brand LibreDerm there is a "Rejuvenating Collagen Cream for the Skin of the Eye Contour".

Promises firmness and elasticity, the disappearance of visible signs of aging. To see the anti-aging effect, you need to use this remedy for a month and a half.

The cost of a 20 ml tube. is 400 rubles.

"Black Pearl"

This manufacturer offers a series of "Self-rejuvenation".

Cream "Anti-aging Bio-care 56+" is positioned as a universal care product that should be used in combination with other products of the bio-program. A noticeable improvement in the condition should occur after about half a month of its use.

The cost is approximately 300 rubles. for 50 ml.

Faberlic ETNO-botanica

Faberlic brand offers Cream "ETNO botanica Day 40+".

The manufacturer promises to improve skin elasticity and stimulate cellular renewal. Contains argan oil, camellia extract, noni, and other natural ingredients. Approximately half of the ingredients are of synthetic origin.

The cream is quite budgetary, 50 ml cost 109 rubles.


Eveline offers an anti-aging line consisting of meso creams, lifting night cream, anti-ageing anti-wrinkle serum creams, as well as creams containing ginseng and argan stem cells. The series also includes roller gels - fillers for the eye contour and lifting gels for the eye contour.

They are designed to fight age-related problems, ranging from 30 years old to 60 years old, the results should be visible in about a month.

There are funds from Eveline starting from 100 rubles, and ending with 400 rubles. for 50 ml. cream.


This is a cream from the Librederm series, it is designed to refresh the skin and protect it from premature aging, even out the tone and give the face radiance.

It does not contain fragrances, many natural substances, but the composition contains synthetic components: propylheptyl caprylate and phenoxyethanol, which can cause irritation on the skin.

It costs about 180 rubles. for 50 ml.

MEZO-complex Bielita-Vitex

The brand of Belarusian cosmetics Belita produces masks with a hydrolifting effect, alginate masks - skeletons, hyperactive masks and creams, fillers and tonics that are part of the MEZOcomplex line.

One of them is "MEZOcomplex Day Deep Hydration", designed for ages 50+. The cream should restore the water balance of the skin and protect it from aging.

The manufacturer indicates the presence in the composition of the active recovery formula Matrigenics 14G, which can cause discomfort in the form of tingling. Also present are hyaluronic acid, a cocktail of the most active amino acids and avocado and cocoa oils.

The cost is approximately 400 rubles. for 50 ml.


The Polish cosmetics manufacturer Dr Irena Eris offers a 50+ series, it includes regenerating creams with a lifting effect, as well as anti-aging masks and peels.

Face Cream Lirene "Honey and Lemon" has a lot of synthetic ingredients, but there is honey, lemon and shea butter.

The cost is about 200 rubles. for 50 ml.


This brand has developed several lines of anti-aging products, including fillers, cream and Age Expert serum. The products are hypoallergenic, despite the synthetic components and silicones.

Day cream "Revitalift filler Anti-aging care". The manufacturer promises increased elasticity, healthy skin and reduced wrinkles.

The price tag is 800 rubles. for 50 ml.


The Japanese company Shiseido offers products for aging skin based on bio-synthesized hyaluronic acid. These are night and day creams, as well as moisturizing serums belonging to the Trio complex for restoring skin youth.

A short translation of the name Bio-Performance Advanced Super Revitalizer (Cream) N. is a super regenerating cream. The technology by which it is developed is patented by the company, the product offers a revolutionary complex for the fight against age wrinkles.

The composition was not without parabens and silicone.

For a 50 ml jar. will have to pay about 4500 r.


This brand presents a line of aging skin care, consisting of spa masks, lifting creams, tonics, revitalizing creams and serum creams.

Face cream Bark "MATRIX" offers the so-called "botanical lifting" due to extracts from herbs.

The cost is 540 rubles. for 50 ml.

homemade recipes

An effective cream for aging skin can be prepared at home.

For example, from honey and avocado, for which you will need:

  1. Avocado: ¼;
  2. Natural honey: 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method: put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Apply to the skin, leave for about an hour, then rinse with water.

Homemade anti-aging cream for dry skin can be made with just one ingredient - natural honey.

After washing your skin, apply natural honey on your face, leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Moisturizing the skin, it also draws out impurities, leaving it clean and radiant.

Almond Sugar Anti-Aging Facial Scrub:

  1. Fresh milk: 2 tablespoons;
  2. White sugar: 1/2 cup;
  3. Brown sugar: 1/3 cup;
  4. Ground almonds: 1/2 cup;
  5. Olive oil: 2 tablespoons.

Mix all ingredients. Apply in circular motions for 2 minutes on a dry face. Rinse your face with warm, then cool water. Store the scrub in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

You can see the anti-wrinkle cream recipe below.

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