Dutch style in a modern interior - the charm of simplicity. Dutch style in architecture: description and photo examples Old Dutch style in a modern interior

Encyclopedia of Plants 29.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Ecology of life. Manor: The special atmosphere of the Dutch province fascinates lovers of traditional suburban architecture. Dutch houses may remind you of American ones, as in American culture big weight It was the Dutch colonists who had it (especially in the North-East of the country). So, the Dutch house is a bit like the house of the American dream, it is also built of wood according to frame technology and has attic floor as a level for bedrooms and bathrooms.

The special atmosphere of the Dutch province fascinates lovers of traditional suburban architecture. Dutch houses may remind you of American ones, since it was the Dutch colonists who had a lot of weight in American culture (especially in the North-East of the country). So, the Dutch house is a bit like the American dream house, it is also built of wood using frame technology and has an attic floor as a level for the bedrooms and bathrooms.

Even modern Dutch houses have a special energy of tradition, but they are more comfortable and functional, have an extended glazing format, which attracts lovers of modernity and minimalism.

High ceilings, narrow windows, elongated shape


This is how you can describe the main visual parameters of most Dutch houses. True, if they are especially large (estates, landhauses), they do not look as elongated as the project in the photo above. Houses in the center, for example, on the street near the canals in Amsterdam, also have an elongated shape.

​Traditional Style


A traditional Dutch attic house has one or two levels under the roof and the first main one - with two living rooms, a dining room and a kitchen. The house has only 3 to 6 bedrooms, it has a fairly large format with spacious rooms.

The facade of the house is painted in neutral gray, white, blue shades, the roof is gray, black, pale brown, there are shutters on the windows in white frames, siding is sometimes used for decoration along with plaster.

Modern style


V modern version used panoramic glazing in black frames, which is emphasized by the strict lines of the terrace and geometric landscape design. The facades are finished with plaster and decorative panels various types but neutral colors.

​Ultra modern style


Ultra-modern Dutch designs are moving away from attic type floor planning. Such houses retain only a neutral color scheme in exterior and interior design, but otherwise similar to many German or English designs.

A touch of gothic


V traditional style there is another variety with particularly sharp roofs that make the houses look like Victorians. Sometimes fachwerk finishing is used in the exterior. Such houses are usually located not in the province, but in the suburbs and have either the format of a townhouse or a detached house on a narrow plot.



Sometimes it happens that the old brick or frame house receives a new extension that repeats the main architectural elements.

Stylish modern


Art Nouveau in Holland always uses a neutral color scheme - with pale wood, pale gray shades, many undertones of gray-black, distinct white edges.

Minimalism and functionalism


In minimalism, we more often than in other projects in these climatic latitudes see floor-to-ceiling panoramic glazing.

​Traditional roofing


Also in new and old, newly built and reconstructed Dutch houses, we can find traditional reed roofing.

Towards nature

The Dutch style in the interior will definitely be appreciated by those who prefer not to choose complex designs, but at the same time want to see their home cozy and warm enough. The Dutch style is created using predominantly natural materials, which gives the rooms a special charm of the Dutch provinces.

The northern and for many mysterious country has always been known for its history of navigation and luxurious tulips, and therefore the interior of the house in dutch style must be filled with marine and floral elements and compositions.

Secrets of attractive style

Dutch design has one distinctive feature that can already be identified from the photo of rooms decorated in a similar style. This is the decoration of the house both outside and inside with red brick. Use this environmentally friendly pure material can be used to decorate separate areas in the kitchen, hallway, living room.

It is not recommended to use brick in the interior of a bedroom or children's room, as it muffles (and even neutralizes) the feeling of comfort. Another characteristic feature of the Dutch trend in the interior is the use of ceramic tiles of different sizes.

Dutch style can be used to decorate the interior of a country house or cottage. There will be no particular problems with the use of this direction in the design and arrangement of a city apartment. You can often see Dutch design in high-end restaurants and cafes. When choosing this style, it is necessary to proceed from considerations of comfort and coziness, but do not forget about practicality.

Color palette

In the Dutch style, there must be different shades of brown, burgundy, beige, yellow and blue. A Dutch-style kitchen looks great if you use brown tones for its design.

The bedroom involves the use of lighter, beige shades. The living room looks cozy if you decorate it in yellow and use brickwork to decorate the space by the fireplace, windows, separate areas that need to be highlighted.

The Dutch design of the bathroom is the use of tiles in shades of beige with splashes of blue or pink in different shapes and sizes.

Basic materials

When choosing a Dutch style for your home, keep in mind that preference should be given natural materials. For the floor, it is best to choose parquet made of natural dark wood. Laminate is considered cheaper options, but it should also imitate natural wood.

For the floor, you can also choose high-quality ceramic tiles with a surface similar to natural stone. Be sure to consider the main rule - the flooring should be as dark as possible, this will help create the necessary contrast with the furniture, ceiling and walls.

Compared to the floor, the walls are light when choosing a Dutch design. You can choose not only pure White color, but also the lightest shades of beige, yellow or blue.

Wall plastering is widely used, which recreates the effect natural stone. Especially popular with designers brickwork using dark red brick. With its help, you can also divide the room into zones.

The Dutch interior will not be fully sustained if you do not pay attention to the ceiling. Preferably on the ceiling wooden beams that match the color of the floor. This approach to design will give the interior a certain charm. You can deviate from this rule if the ceiling in the house is low. In this case, it is better to use a pure white color, which will help expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Whenever possible, when choosing a Dutch style, use as many natural finishing materials. Not only tiles and bricks are widely used, but also glass and wood of various species.

Furniture selection

Furnishing an apartment in style typical house Holland provides for the use of a little rough and extremely massive furniture of fairly simple geometric shapes. The severity of such furniture somewhat smoothes the use of leather and glass for its external design. The legs of the sofa, chairs and cabinets should be curved.

The main feature of the Dutch style is the obligatory presence in the room of a wooden cabinet for dishes, the shape of which was invented by the indigenous people of the country. Behind the glass doors in such a cabinet there must be plates and cups made of light blue porcelain.

In the ethnic version:

Imagine the greenery of gardens in the flat Dutch landscapes, and among this green splendor, whitewashed plastered facades of houses, fastened and supported by beams, posts and crossbars that have darkened with time.

Isn't it true that the picturesque works of the "small Dutch" immediately pop up in the memory, thanks to which the Dutch dwelling is so famous.

They made us see the ordinary, everyday beauty of seemingly insignificant, everyday trifles, and created such types of painting as domestic interiors and still life. Their canvases breathe comfort, and in the quiet life of things, a special meaning and simple beauty are revealed.

Interior features, decoration

Like all others, the Dutch style has a number of its own distinctive features, distinguishing it from a motley row of brothers. These characteristic features include:

  • A phenomenal combination of natural (wood and stone) and man-made (tiles, ceramics, bricks), but no less natural materials.

One of the most important elements Dutch style - decorative brickwork of unplastered walls. It looks great both outside and inside. interior decoration premises.

But if brick "nudity" is not to your liking, you can easily replace it with unpainted, unpasted wallpaper, wooden walls(panels), or simply paint them in shades of light ocher or pale blue.

Floor, ceiling and style furniture

The Dutch style floor is usually made of natural wood or stone, although they look quite in the spirit and ceramic tile, imitating natural stone, piece parquet and even high-quality laminate.

The ceiling is whitewashed and decorated with decorative or working crossbars made of wood that has darkened with time.

To match the ceiling crossbars and furniture. Rectilinearly strict and even a little rough chairs with a massive table self made, side by side with the invention of the Dutch - a slide for dishes with glass doors separated by a lattice, in the manner of classical Dutch windows"in 9 glasses", shelves, which are lined with a variety of white and blue dishes.

And darkened with time wooden dressers very organically combined with the simple forms of chairs, covered with leather or fabric and an openwork old bronze chandelier.


Of particular note is the Dutch style for its windows. As mentioned above, they are classically divided by a lattice into 9 parts, high and often up to the floor, crystal washed and completely devoid of curtains.

Although city life high density population, nevertheless made its own adjustments: in order not to embarrass the neighbors opposite the window, they began to curtain with a thin circled tulle.


The Dutch style acquires a special chic and aroma thanks to its inherent accessories:

  • the finest painting of stove tiles that adorn the center of the living room and an invariable attribute - a fireplace,
  • and the massive coarseness of the table of peasant work,
  • the wood of the shelves, darkened by time, and the boiling-white, lacy foam of openwork napkins on them,
  • old ceramic thick dishes and burning, polished copper teapots with elegantly curved handles.

Special gourmets of antiquity, of course, will try to find in antique shops an old Dutch clock with an organ fight, old or stylized as the XVII-XVIII century geographic Maps, paintings and engravings in simple black frames or an old globe. Well, behind the transparency of the window, a flower bed with tulips of all stripes will look extraordinarily "Dutch".

Choosing a project for building a house, an increasing number of customers prefer simplicity, functionality and comfort. The Dutch architectural style is also ideal for such requirements, combining the modest beauty of the exterior decoration and traditional interior comfort.

The history of the emergence of the Dutch architectural style

The Dutch style, as an independent trend in architecture, began to take shape at the end of the 16th century. The reason for its occurrence was the liberation of the northern part of the Netherlands from Spanish rule. The new state began to be called the Dutch Republic and went its own way of development.
The absence of the influence of Catholicism and the constant control of the Spanish rulers freed the inhabitants of the young country from the need to build luxurious palaces, and local religious rules did not allow temples to be too magnificently decorated. As a result, in early XVII century, the architecture of the new country was already noticeably different from its European neighbors.

Features of Dutch architecture

A number of factors had a significant influence on the formation of the Dutch architectural trend. This is both the political situation within the country and complex climatic conditions and rapid technological progress.
As a result, strength, practicality and beauty became the main criteria in the construction of houses, and as hallmarks The architectural style showed the following elements:

  1. high, large windows, divided into rectangular fragments;
  2. bright brick walls with white stone trim;
  3. acute-angled gable roof;
  4. facade symmetry;
  5. stepped or bell-shaped tong, crowning upper part the buildings.

The facade of a building in the Dutch style, as a rule, is not very large. With a rather narrow front part, the houses are usually elongated in length.

Materials for building a Dutch-style house

Brick has traditionally been the main material for the construction of Dutch-style buildings. V modern construction he also finds quite wide application, however, if desired, can be replaced by any available material. In this case, compliance with the chosen direction is achieved by designing the facade facing brick or its imitation.

Required attribute dutch house is a snow-white finish, giving the buildings a special flavor and some elegant solemnity. Initially, such decorative elements were made of stone or specially treated wood, covered with a layer of gypsum and lime.
However, the current range building materials allows you to choose more available options, for example - platbands and slopes on the windows can be made of polyurethane or wood-polymer composite, and the corners of the building will be adequately decorated with imitation stone or decorative facade plaster.

Dutch style house colors

Traditionally, buildings in the Dutch architectural style were made of red brick. Modern rules allow you to use any saturated colors for facade decoration, focusing on contrast with white decor elements.

Dutch style roof

The main requirement for the roof of a Dutch-style house is a height sufficient to accommodate living quarters under its arches. As a rule, this gable construction, allowing the use of any roofing materials.

Facade of a building in the Dutch style

The first thing that attracts the eye in a Dutch-type building is unusual shape the upper part of the facade (tongue). This section of the wall can be stepped, resembling the outlines of a bell or a regular trapezoid.

A snow-white finish is required along the edges, repeating the contour or emphasizing its individual elements. Such decor is usually made of stone or wood, but recently plastic has also been used.
For maximum compliance with the Dutch architectural direction, a stylized console can be installed in the upper part of the facade. And a beautiful old lantern will serve as a worthy replacement for the traditional hook for lifting loads.

Windows in the Dutch architectural style

Another distinguishing feature dutch architecture- large, tall windows of a simple rectangular shape, divided by partitions into smaller fragments. Depending on the preferences of the owner, they can be supplemented wooden shutters, sometimes - in half of the glazed space.
Relative to the center of the facade, the windows are arranged symmetrically. For framing openings, they are used as industrial platbands of a strict form, without curly carving and extra jewelry, and decorative trim stone, repeating the outlines of the window.

Dutch style doors

Particular attention in the design of the building in the Dutch architectural style deserve entrance doors. They are distinguished by an unusual design - their upper and lower parts can be opened both simultaneously and independently of each other. The first, as a rule, glass, consists of 9 vertical rectangles fastened with a frame. The latter can be made of metal coated matte paint, and from a tree array with the corresponding type of processing.
The entrance to the house, according to the Dutch tradition, is usually located on the side of the building, inside the courtyard.

Holland is famous not only for its outstanding sailors, beautiful tulips and windmills, another feature of this country is the unique style of home decoration. The Dutch style in the interior can be described in three words - simplicity, coziness, comfort. This is an incredibly home style in which you really want to relax and rest both mentally and physically.

Where is the Dutch style applicable?

  1. It is considered traditional to decorate private houses and summer cottages in the Dutch style.
  2. You can also use this style when decorating an ordinary city apartment, because it does not impose any requirements on the size of the home. That is, theoretically, the Dutch style can be implemented even in small one-room apartments.
  3. Cafes and restaurants are another great place to implement the Dutch style.

In any case, no matter what room you choose, you need to focus on the simplicity, comfort and practicality of its design.

Room decoration

One of the strict requirements that the Dutch style puts forward is the use of natural materials. For instance, a large number of plastic in the interior will completely ruin your entire design.

Parquet is best for finishing the floor. However, given the cost of this floor covering, it can be replaced with a laminate. If you decide on such a substitution, make sure that the laminate is of the highest quality and similar to natural wood. The second option for flooring is ceramic tile, stylized as a stone. Both tiles and parquet must be in dark colors. It will well emphasize all the furniture and accessories.

The walls should contrast with the floor and be in light colors, such as beige, blue, yellow. The Dutch style welcomes the use of red brick for wall decoration, not only outside the house, but also inside. Such a red brick may well become part of the interior, moreover, with its help it is convenient to divide the room into zones. Walls free of bricks should be treated with plaster. No need to choose exquisite and decorative options. Coarse coarse plaster - perfect option, which will give the walls a raw look.

Ceiling beams are literally an indispensable part of the interior, even if you live in a city apartment. It is very important to match the color of the beams to the color of the flooring. Won't fit ceiling beams only for the smallest rooms. In them, the ceiling can simply be painted white to visually enlarge the room.

Another thing to pay attention to when decorating a Dutch style room is the windows. If you are building your house or summer cottage, try to make the windows as large as possible by “dressing” them in wooden frames. It will be relevant to decorate windows with stained-glass windows (for example, film). Bright stained-glass windows will make the whole room cheerful and joyful. But it is better to refuse curtains and curtains if possible. They are not commonly used in Dutch interiors. If you can’t do without curtains (your window faces a busy street), limit yourself to a thin tulle curtain.

Color and light

The Dutch style has five predominant colors - brown, burgundy, blue, beige and yellow. These colors should become primary and main, and other shades can complement them. Please note that each room of the house will be dominated by its own color:

  1. For Dutch cuisine, all shades of dark brown work best. For instance, kitchen set from natural wood dark woods will be able to decorate your kitchen well.
  2. For the bedroom fit all the most bright hues. That is, you can choose any paint from those proposed above, and use it not in a saturated, but in the most diluted variation.
  3. The main thing color rule for a Dutch living room - all colors should be warm. For example, saturated yellow will go well with red-red brickwork.
  4. In the bathroom, try to use beige. Its saturation will depend on the size of the bathroom (the larger the bathroom, the richer the shade of beige). Blue and pink can be used as color accents in the bathroom.

Light in Dutch design must be soft and unobtrusive. The main light source large window. The rest of the light sources should be point. For these purposes, you can use floor lamps, styling for street lights, lamps in soft lampshades.

Furniture selection

All furniture that you will use in the Dutch interior should be massive and simple (in simple forms). Furniture can also be even a little rough. The sophistication of furniture is betrayed by small, at first glance, insignificant nuances, such as curved legs at the table or chairs. For furniture decor, leather and glass are best suited.

Typical Dutch piece of furniture - wooden cabinet for dishes with shelves and glass doors. Behind the glass, beautiful tableware is usually flaunted, which is not only functional, but also decorative. As a rule, china plates and cups in light blue tones are put on the shelves. An equally important attribute of the interior is a fireplace, which should be finished with brick or ceramic tiles.

The remaining pieces of furniture are used in certain rooms. So, to decorate the living room, you need a massive old wooden (or artificially aged) chest of drawers. For the kitchen - a massive table, complemented by wicker chairs. For the bedroom - more elegant furniture, for example, a bed with curved legs and exquisite headboard and miniature bedside tables.

Dutch accessories

Whole dutch interior practical and calm, which is why understandable and beautiful accessories fit well into it, and exquisite paintings in the style of impressionism will look superfluous. Here are just a few examples of successful accessories for an apartment or house in the Dutch style:

  1. Paintings on the marine theme and other marine accessories (do not forget, navigation is in the blood of the Dutch).
  2. Paintings and engravings by Dutch artists.
  3. Flowers - live in pots and vases, as well as high-quality artificial ones.
  4. Ceramic vases. Pitcher-shaped vases will look especially good.
  5. Metal candlesticks.
  6. Geographic maps and globes. It is desirable to choose cards stylized under the era of great discoveries.
  7. Items of old Dutch life, for example, decorative spinning wheels.

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