Pros and cons of lstk frame houses, construction technology. What are lstk constructions? calculation, reviews, photos Construction technology lstk residential buildings

landscaping 13.06.2019

In a publication devoted to the construction technologies of low-rise residential buildings, specialists from the Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering - A. Prokopyeva and G. Ryazanova noted that houses built and continuing to be built in our country using traditional technologies are twice as heavy as foreign counterparts. The significant weight and, accordingly, the high cost of such buildings are explained by the fact that their vertical load-bearing and enclosing structures are built from heavy materials - brick or reinforced concrete. This increases the investment in construction up to 60% due to the need to build strong foundations * .

It must also be understood that in addition to reliability, such capital buildings must have good energy efficiency, and this is a whole range of significant investments that will pay off only at the operational stage.

It is possible to achieve the desired result - reliability, energy efficiency with economic feasibility by other methods, one of which is construction using the LSTK technology (light steel thin-walled structures). The technology was created in 1950 in Canada to quickly and inexpensively solve the housing problem in a country close to Russia in terms of climatic conditions.

The main reason for the emergence of this technology was the need to build a large number of low-rise houses for the middle class, corresponding to the country's climate. The LSTC technology quickly acquired the character of mass application, reducing (and completely eliminating in the suburbs and cities) the use of building frames made of wood, due to their high cost, susceptibility to decay and the effects of insect pests.

Today, for example, in Sweden and Japan, the share of individual residential buildings built from LSTC is 15%, in the USA - 6%, in the UK - 3%. In Russia, the construction of LSTK accounts for only 0.5%. In our country, the construction of LSTK began in 1990, but this technology began to be actively used only in the 2000s, when the Central Research and Design Institute of Building Metal Structures recommendations for the design of such buildings and structures were issued.

The LSTK technology involves the design and construction of buildings and structures from light steel thin-walled structures based on a frame using thermal profiles and profiles with a wall up to 4 mm thick: rack-mount, guides and lintels made of galvanized sheet steel. LSTK is used both in the construction of load-bearing and itself bearing walls new structures, as well as in the construction of interior and floors, roof systems, etc.

Today, three different construction technologies from LSTC are used.

The first and most widespread technology - element-by-element installation. Marked profiles cut to the required dimensions are brought to the construction site. The frame is assembled on the spot "from scratch" as a constructor.

According to the second technology the whole panel is produced at the factory. Windows are inserted into it, engineering communications are carried out, internal and external cladding is performed, after which the panels are ready-made brought to the construction site. The mass of 1 m 2 of a wall panel can be 40–50 kg, with a given thickness from 154 mm to 204 mm.

The third type of technology
- volume-block. Finished modules with a fine finish and wired communications are fully assembled in the production workshops. Then they are brought to the construction site and put together.

The LSTK technology has a lot of advantages in low-rise construction, with conditional disadvantages. Moreover, many of the advantages can significantly reduce the construction time of the building, and, therefore, affect the cost of the building.

Savings on foundation structures. Steel consumption during the construction of a one-story residential building using the LSTK technology does not exceed 30–40 kg / m 2, while the weight of 1 m 2 of the building itself is on average 150 kg. This allows the use of shallow foundations, which can be arranged in the shortest possible time - in 1-2 days.

Savings on heavy equipment. Since the mass of the elements is no more than 80–100 kg, heavy lifting equipment is not required for such installation.

All-weather construction. The profiles are assembled using the "dry" method - using bolts of various diameters (5-16 mm), self-tapping ordinary and self-drilling screws, blind rivets, mounting dowels, which are inserted into the holes. The absence of "wet" processes allows for year-round construction, which is essential in Russian climatic conditions.

Ideal building geometry. This is one of the most important advantages of the LSTK technology. All elements of light steel thin-walled structures are produced by specialized factories that guarantee the quality and dimensional and geometric accuracy of each part.
All profiles are cut and packed at the production stage. That is, builders are only required to assemble wall panels from ready-made, appropriately marked material.

It is worth mentioning here that not all LSTC designs can be of good quality, which is also typical for others. building materials. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous enterprises in Russia that deceive customers. The declared quality does not correspond to the actual one. Intentionally, in pursuit of profit, enterprises reduce the wall thickness of the profile and the zinc layer, and also use a steel grade lower than the declared one, which affects the quality and safety of the entire structure.

In such a situation, it is better to focus on well-known manufacturers with experience and an appropriate technological and design base.

High construction speed. The average assembly time for the frame of a house with an area of ​​100 m 2 is two weeks with the participation of a team of 3-4 people. The turnkey construction of the house will take two to three months. For comparison: for the construction brick house will take about 10 months. In addition, the building does not shrink, so finishing can be done immediately after the installation of the main structures. This further reduces construction time. Installation of a building using LSTK technology requires the involvement of qualified specialists and this can cause difficulties. On the other hand, well-known manufacturers have such installers. By the way, any domo building technology requires the involvement of qualified personnel, the same masons, if a brick house is being built.

Structural strength and operational durability of LSTC. Many years of experience in the operation of buildings built using the LSTK technology, including multi-storey and industrial buildings, proves the absolute strength of the structure, which is further enhanced by internal and external cladding. Many consumers have an opinion that LSTC can be bent or pierced with one blow. This is not so, since the strength of the structure is determined in the finished, assembled form, and not on a separate part.

In general, the service life of LSTK buildings is at least 50 years.
In addition, all materials used in the construction are not subject to decay, the formation of mold colonies, fungi, etc.

The profiles used in LSTC have a corrosion-resistant coating, however, wooden structures also need to be protected from moisture, and the costs of both types of protective treatment are quite comparable.
We can say that the wooden frame is "greener". In fact, this advantage is relative, since wooden frames you also have to “sew up” with layers of outer and interior decoration. In addition, wood requires many impregnations - flame retardant, bioprotective. The question is, what will eventually remain of the "environmental friendliness" of wood?

Unlike wooden structures, LSTC never shrink and does not react in any way to changes in air humidity. This means that even after many years of operation, cracks will not appear in the walls of such structures, and the enclosing structures themselves will retain their exact geometric dimensions. All this provides the building with maximum thermal protection.

The framework from LSTK possesses relative fire resistance. It does not support combustion, especially if the inner lining is made of GSP (gypsum building board, former name- GKL (plasterboard sheet).

In this case, the entire structure is able to withstand fire for several hours.

Energy efficiency. The LSTK building is the same frame building as any other. Therefore, the enclosing structure is a "pie", including an effective insulation, and materials for external and internal cladding. At the same time, the use of profiles with perforation (thermal profile) increases the heat flow path several times, which practically eliminates the main problem of metal structures - "cold bridges".

The main features of frame buildings include the separation of functions in the design of the supporting base and the enclosing (facing) finish. The frame made of LSTK-profile performs a load-bearing function, and the enclosing function is taken over by the finish of the insulation, which is combined with windproof, hydro- and vapor barrier materials. Such a distribution of "duties" allows you to make frame houses from LSTK much warmer. To do this, it is enough to change the thickness of the insulation layer or its material itself, and not make any adjustments to the composition of the supporting structure of the metal frame.

Variability of architectural and planning solutions. Buildings made of LSTK have no restrictions on the configuration of volumes and methods of external finishing. Frame-type structures allow you to implement any planning scheme. In addition, using the LSTK technology, it is possible to erect structures without the use of intermediate supports with spans up to 12 m, and in the case of structural reinforcement - up to 15 m. In addition, LSTK provides the convenience of placing elements of communication systems and embedding various kinds of additional segments into walls.

The frame building, erected using the LSTK technology, gives the owners the widest possibilities in choosing the exterior finish. For example, the facade surfaces of the walls can be lined with decorative bricks. Usually they use facing (facing) bricks or clinker tiles imitating stone, brick, etc. To the category of traditional cladding materials frame house from LSTK include wooden lining or plastic siding, and perform plaster facade You can use the Knauf Aquapanel plate.

Environmental friendliness. Steel – environmentally friendly pure material, which does not emit volatile substances into the atmosphere and does not absorb anything from it.

Foundation and plinth arrangement

The most common foundation that is arranged for houses from LSTK is a columnar type. The pillars are laid in each corner of the building, at the intersection of adjacent walls, under the walls and supports of especially loaded girders at a distance of 1.5 m to 2.5 m from each other. Pillars can be stone, brick and reinforced concrete. For frame LSTK houses, they can also be arranged strip foundations. They are laid under all external and internal walls.
When constructing a columnar foundation, the structural elements of the basement are a grillage and a fence that fills the space between the foundation pillars. The pick-up can be made of plinth slabs, bricks or monolithic concrete. There must be ventilation holes in the basement to prevent the formation of dampness in the basement.

The device of floors and ceilings

For the construction of interfloor ceilings, galvanized C- and Z-shaped sections are used. Standard profile section width - 150; 200 or 250 mm. Profile wall thickness - 2–3 mm. According to Russian standards, beams are laid in increments of 60 cm, according to European standards - 35 cm.

The roof structure includes:

  • GVL floor;
  • bearing flooring;
  • galvanized steel profiles of C- and Z-shaped section;
  • slab insulation;
  • profiles for ceiling lathing;
  • GSP sheets for the ceiling.

The installation process begins with fastening along the inner perimeter of the guide U-shaped profile, in which the floor beams will be fixed. To increase the rigidity and strength of the structure, steel corners are used, which are fixed with screws into the rack profile of the wall panel into the floor frame - the beam.

After installing and fixing the beams, the ceiling is lathed. For the crate, a hat profile (omega profile) is used. A moisture-proof film is attached to the crate, and gypsum building boards (GSP) are placed on top. Insulation plates (mineral wool) are laid between the beams. Mineral wool boards with a density of 30-40 kg / m 3 are used as a heater.

From above, steel profiled sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws to the overlap of LSTC (the waves are arranged perpendicular to the direction of the beams). To improve the soundproofing characteristics, it is recommended to lay spacers of sound-absorbing material between the profiled sheet and the beams.

The final stage of the floor installation is the installation of a subfloor (GVL sheets are suitable for this), after which you can start laying the floor covering.

On device basement floor, along the grillage, waterproofing is carried out from one layer of roofing material or uniflex.

wall device

The design of the outer walls of buildings includes:

  • galvanized metal profiles made from a strip of thin sheet steel 0.75–2.5 mm thick, interconnected by screws and self-tapping screws in the plane of the panel. Vertical posts, horizontal guide profiles and connecting elements form the building frame;
  • insulation boards, tightly laid between the racks. The insulation must be non-combustible, environmentally friendly and provide high thermal parameters of the wall (mineral wool);
  • GSP for wall cladding from the inside;
  • vapor barrier and diffusion films;
  • external cladding, made according to the principle of "ventilated facade" (the air gap provides ventilation of the insulation).

The basis of the structural system of buildings made of LSTK is a supporting frame made of bent profiles of channel, C- or Z-shaped section of increased rigidity made of steel with a thickness of at least 0.75 mm.

The erection of walls is carried out in several stages. The frame of the LSTK wall panel is assembled in a horizontal position, after which it is installed in the design vertical position and fixed to the foundation or ceiling. Between the racks of the frame, a heater is laid from three layers of mineral wool boards "in a row". A layer of vapor barrier is laid on the inside of the wall and sheathed with sheet material. To ensure fire safety, strength and sound insulation, it is best to use Knauf sheets (GSP).

According to the standard, the inner lining is made of two layers. To do this, use Knauf sheets GSP-A with a PLUK edge. Gypsum building boards metal frame from LSTC they are fixed with the help of piercing self-tapping or drilling self-tapping screws (self-tapping screws) with a diameter of 4.2 mm or 4.8 mm, always with a countersunk head. GSP Knauf serves as an excellent basis for painting, wallpapering or finishing with thin-layer decorative plaster. The very process of interior finishing of a frame house made of LSTK is greatly facilitated due to the perfectly flat surface of the walls and the exact convergence of the panels at the joints.

The outer side is sheathed sheet material, for example, with Knauf Aquapanel cement boards, and is prepared for finishing (plastering or gluing clinker tiles).

In order for the insulation to retain heat well inside the building, it is necessary to cover it with a special windproof film from the outer facade sides. The direct purpose of wind protection is to preserve heat inside the building, prevent the destruction of the insulation layer and protect it from the effects of atmospheric phenomena. The function of the windproof layer is not to allow air and moisture to pass through from the outside, but also not to prevent the exit of water vapor from the inside, that is, this layer must have vapor and air impermeability. Membrane films of hydro and wind protection are laid on the surface of the insulation, and a gap is left between the outer skin and the wind protection layer, which allows you to freely exit moist air no condensation inside.

External finishing of the building from LSTC

The choice of material for finishing the facade depends not only appearance buildings, but also heat and sound insulation. It is possible to use wood materials - lining and block house. Vinyl or PVC siding has gained wide popularity. In some cases, facades are plastered. Sometimes facades are finished with various slab materials and fiber cement siding, facing bricks, natural or artificial stone.

Roof device

Roofing begins with installation truss system. The step of the rafter legs should be equal to 1.2 m or 0.6 m. Depending on the type of roof, a crate made of a hat profile (omega profile) is laid on the rafters. Roofing material is laid on the crate. A roof of any type must provide reliable protection for the house from the penetration of precipitation and withstand snow and wind loads.

Issue price

The cost of any home depends on many factors. Not the cost is affected by: the area of ​​the building, its decoration, competition among manufacturers and firms providing installation services, the proximity of manufacturers.

The final prices of houses can vary significantly even within the same region. "Journey" through the expanses of the Internet, showed a noticeable spread of numbers.

For example, in Lipetsk, at one of the firms, the price of a metal frame ** for a house with an area of ​​217 m 2 costs 690,250 thousand rubles. A set of the same house with installation for fine finishing of the facade with siding - 3.710 million rubles.

A house with an area of ​​77 m 2 - 1.208.4 million rubles.

In Novosibirsk, one of the companies offers a one-apartment two-story building with a total area of ​​163.8 m 2 . A set of metal frame - 580 thousand rubles. The turnkey house package for this building is 2.457 million rubles.

But what a picture is observed in the suburbs. The price of a metal frame for a two-story residential building with a total area of ​​​​112 m 2 is 435 thousand rubles.
The cost of a metal frame with installation is 652,500 thousand rubles.

There is also a comparison of the average cost of 1 m 2 of housing (with interior decoration) depending on the construction technology:

  • monolithic - 28.5 thousand rubles;
  • frame-panel - 19 thousand rubles;
  • timber - 32 thousand rubles;
  • LSTK - 18.5 thousand rubles.


*Prokopyeva A.Yu., Ryazanova G.N. Analysis of the effectiveness of fixed formwork for the construction of enclosing structures in low-rise construction. Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2015.

**Pricing formula for a metal frame kit (without installation):

  • 1 m2 weighs 40 kg of metal;
  • 1 ton of LSTC costs 80 thousand rubles;
  • the frame of a house with an area of ​​100 m2 (4 tons) will cost 320 thousand rubles.

LSTK technology- a method of construction from LSTK profiles (abbreviation: light steel thin-walled structures)

What do you want to know about LSTK technology?

Frame technologies in the construction of buildings have been used for a long time. However, earlier steel structures were not used as a frame material. Steel has a high thermal conductivity, so its use in the construction of load-bearing walls leads to the appearance of cold bridges. Such bridges are typical for structures with high thermal conductivity and lead to the loss of a large amount of heat, the formation of condensate, which has a very negative effect on both the structure itself and facing materials and indoor microclimate.

General characteristics of LSTC technology

When using the LSTK construction technology, thin-walled profiles with through slots made in a checkerboard pattern are used in load-bearing structures. Thus, the path of passage of heat flows in the design is significantly increased, which improves by more than three times thermal properties wall panel, as well as its sound-absorbing properties. Construction using the LSTK technology reduces material and cost indicators and significantly increases the speed of work.

Perforated steel thin-walled profiles are used as a frame.

Profiles are connected with bolts or self-tapping screws. Welding is not used during installation work with LSTK.

Precisely made profiles are easily mounted in wall systems, roofing, frames and ceilings.

1 sq. m frame of profiles to lead 20-26 kg, while the weight of 1 sq. m of the building itself is on average 150 kg


Wall panels are thermal panels with a standard width of 150 mm. The panels contain thin-walled profiles with a cross section of 0.7 to 1.6 mm. In addition, the panel includes sheets mineral wool or other heat-insulating material in order to protect the insulation from condensate, it is additionally protected with a vapor barrier film. outdoor finishing materials most often serve facing brick or siding, as well as stone materials.

Roof and ceiling

The roof and ceiling of the LSTK house are also assembled from LSTK profiles. What is needed for this, you can see from the following two diagrams.

I will not dwell on the types of profiles, since this is more of an overview article. It would be more logical for you to look at the assortment of profiles from Astekhome LLC By the way, if you order the construction of a house from them, then they will give you finished project at home!

Varieties of LSTK technologies

Today there are three different LSTC construction technology.

  1. First: element-by-element installation. Profiles are brought to the construction site, cut to the required dimensions and marked. The frame is assembled on site "from scratch" - panels are assembled, floor elements are connected. Since the mass of any element is no more than 80-100 kg, such installation does not require complex lifting equipment.
  2. According to the second technology, the whole panel is produced at the plant. Windows are inserted into it, engineering communications are carried out, internal and external cladding is performed, after which the finished panels are brought to the construction site. This method allows the use of industrial fastening technologies for elements, for example, compound rivets. Weight 1 sq. m wall panel is 40-50 kg, with a given thickness of 154 to 204 mm.
  3. The third type of technology is volume-block. The two halves of the building are completely assembled in the production workshops, they are brought to the construction site, connected together, communications are carried out, and in a day the house is ready for occupancy.

Advantages of LSTK

The LSTK system is modern and popular in many countries as a convenient technological and fast way erection of buildings.

Like any building technology, it has both advantages and disadvantages. .

  1. The main advantage of the technology is the speed of construction. Lightweight structures made of durable steel allow you to build a house of 100 square meters. m in two - three weeks, and with the efforts of one working team of 4 people.
  2. Such a quick erection of the structure does not prevent it from being durable and resistant to negative influences. external environment such as seismic activity, moisture, wind.
  3. The technology is quite economical. Its use implies a significant reduction in material costs. In addition, the LSTC technology requires a small amount of steel, which also reduces the overall cost of construction. Steel consumption during the construction of a one-story residential building using the LSTK technology does not exceed 30 kg.
  4. Since thin-walled steel profiles have high strength characteristics, the building structure is also very reliable and durable.
  5. "Dry construction" is how you can characterize the entire cycle of construction and installation work performed using this technology. The absence of liquid and pourable components and materials eliminates problems with moisture and, therefore, problems with dampness, fungi and mold.
  6. The structures are light in weight. This primarily reduces the cost of building powerful foundations, which significantly reduces the cost of construction. For low-rise buildings erected using this technology, a light shallow foundation is sufficient.
  7. The LSTK technology is a resource-saving one, since steel is consumed very economically.
  8. Fire resistance and environmental friendliness
  9. The essential difference between the LSTK technology and others, even modern ones, is that such structures have high fire resistance. Fire resistance is achieved by the presence of a frame made of metal profiles. There are no combustible materials in the frame. In addition, the LSTK frame prevents the spread of fire. The time of protection from ignition of the premises adjacent to the source of fire is about two hours. Exact time protection will depend on the materials of the wall panels and the frequency of the profiles in the frame.
  10. The designs are made on high-precision factory equipment, so they have t exact dimensions and are very stable, they remain for almost the entire period of the building's service life.
  11. The construction itself is very environmentally friendly. there is no garbage at the construction site, no technological waste is generated.

Today, not only new technologies are needed, but also new economic approaches to construction. It is necessary to use high-quality materials, cost-effective technologies, and precise engineering solutions at the same time. Construction using LSTK technology has all these requirements.

Myths about LSTK

Heat capacity and strength

  1. It is believed that metal profiles create cold bridges in the panels, which significantly reduce the thermal insulation properties of wall panels. Solving this problem is very simple, you need to use a thermal profile with longitudinal slots. Their presence significantly extends the heat flow, and thereby reducing heat loss through the walls.
  2. The second common myth concerns design. There is a common opinion that the design of such structures is a very time-consuming and lengthy process. In fact, the process takes no more than a week.
  3. The myth is perhaps the most common: if the wall is so thin, then it is very weak. Walls with steel inside cannot be pierced just like that. The material is not only high-strength, but also flexible and ductile, can withstand a significant shock load. If there is a fear that they will shoot at the house, it is enough just to brick the house from the outside. And close the windows with shutters.
  4. The cost is too high. Bent profiles are much more expensive than rolled profiles. This is actually true, the cost of a bent profile exceeds the cost of a conventional profile. However, it must be remembered that the amount of metal used in the construction of LSTK houses is much less than when using rolled profiles in construction. Thus, the constructions of the LSTK are also more advantageous in this respect.
  5. Insufficient service life. Houses assembled using the LSTC technology have an estimated service life of more than 50 years when using profiles made of high-quality cold-rolled steel C350 with high-quality zinc plating 25 microns thick (Zn> 350 g/sq.m.)
  6. Structures need anti-corrosion treatment, which as a result is too expensive. Wooden structures also need processing, and the costs of both types of processing are quite comparable.
  7. Transportation of such profiles is difficult, they are often damaged during transportation. For the transportation of profiles, it is necessary to use special simple devices. Knowledgeable skilled workers and superintendents are no doubt aware of their presence and rules of use.
  8. Living in a house with metal structures is unpleasant. Outdated, out of touch with reality views on what should be " right house"- one of the main deterrents to the wider distribution of buildings built using the LSTK technology

About the real shortcomings of LSTK

The construction technology using LSTC is very promising, but it has not only advantages, but also quite real disadvantages, which must be studied in advance and ways to eliminate them should be found.

Behavior on heaving soils

On the one hand, the light weight of the frame is a great advantage, and on the other hand, this can also be a negative factor.

With heaving soils, the LSTK building in winter during prolonged frosts can be deformed and warped due to the light structure being pushed out by the soil. To minimize this problem, you need to:

  • before starting construction and choosing a project, conduct geological tests on the ground;
  • accurately calculate the depth of the foundation, its required power;
  • take all necessary measures to reduce swelling during prolonged frosts.

The lightness of LSTK buildings is a possible disadvantage

The ease of construction leads to the fact that any violation of technology can become a problem during the operation of the building. For this technology, compliance with technological rules is more necessary than for any other

When designing, it is necessary to take into account such nuances as snow and wind loads, climatic conditions in the construction region.

Qualification of workers building an LSTC house

Since the structure is high-tech, the construction installation work should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists, independent construction buildings using LSTK technology is excluded.

Doubtful manufacturers of LSTC products

It is not uncommon for metal profile manufacturers to underestimate the performance of their products, for example, by producing a thinner profile than required by building codes, or by applying an insufficient zinc layer. Often used and insufficient quality steel grade.

Novelty of LSTK technology

LGSF technology is quite new for residential buildings. There is no clear data on the electromagnetic safety of a residential building using such a number of metal profiles complex shapes. It is likely that tension electromagnetic field in such a building will be significantly higher than the norm, which can negatively affect the residents of the house.

LSTK profiles can spring

With sufficient loads, the floor profiles can spring underfoot, which, firstly, causes negative emotions, and secondly, leads to peeling of interior decoration elements. Not everything is simple and with fire safety. Metal profiles do not burn, but unfortunately, when exposed to a fairly low temperature (about 180 degrees), after 10 minutes they significantly lose their strength.

profiles from LLC "Astekhoum"

The cost of building a house from light steel thin-walled turnkey structures includes a budget for the frame, a set of finishing and other materials, as well as a fee for installation work. This technology is characterized by short implementation times, as well as a favorable price for finished projects.

A residential building using LSTK technology is built according to the following principle:

  1. Design.
  2. Foundation laying.
  3. Assembly and installation of wall panels.
  4. Assembly and installation of roof trusses.
  5. Roofing.
  6. Arrangement of communications.
  7. Internal and external finishing works.

At the design stage, the main attention is paid to the calculation of the rigidity and strength of the supporting frame. The foundation for a light LSTK building can be absolutely anything. Wall panels and roof trusses are assembled from prefabricated perforated profiles made from galvanized steel at the factory. For covering the roof, traditional materials are used - corrugated board, metal tiles and so on.

The basis of the wall cake is a heater. From the outside, it is closed with wind protection and facade cladding, from the inside - with vapor barrier, drywall and finishing.

Benefits of LSTC technology

By giving preference to LSTK technology in housing construction, the user receives the following benefits:

  • low cost of materials;
  • compressed lines of construction;
  • the most favorable price when ordering turnkey construction;
  • flexibility in the choice and individual completion of projects;
  • You can build in any season;
  • the house has been serving for over 70 years without repair.

In addition, it is also worth noting the resistance of the galvanized metal frame to corrosion, fire, gusts of wind and seismic loads.

Housing from LSTK: the cost of standard projects

Below is a table with indicative prices for housing construction using LSTC technology. In particular, it is possible to visually understand what are the main components of the budget for the implementation standard projects Full construction.

You can learn more about the construction of housing from light steel thin-walled structures from the specialists of our company by contacting them at the specified phone number or through the feedback form on the website.

Approximate prices for the construction of typical housing from LSTK

The total area of ​​the finished houseHousing FeaturesThe cost of a metal frameThe cost of the entire set of materialsturnkey construction cost
90 m2Single storey Vacation home with four living rooms, a bathroom and a boiler room.250 thousand rubles1000 thousand rubles1500 thousand rubles
120 m2Two-storey cottage with a terrace, two living rooms and a bathroom on the first floor, three rooms and a bathroom on the second.500 thousand rubles1300 thousand rubles2000 thousand rubles
130 m2A compact two-story house, on the first level there are two full-fledged rooms, a bathroom and a toilet, on the second level there is a living room, a bedroom and a nursery, as well as an additional bathroom.460 thousand rubles1400 thousand rubles2200 thousand rubles
140 m2A two-story country house, on the first floor there are three rooms plus a bathroom, on the second floor there are the same number of rooms plus a balcony.450 thousand rubles1600 thousand rubles2500 thousand rubles
160 m2One-story residential building with an attic, the first floor is divided into four full-fledged rooms plus a bathroom, the attic floor is divided into two rooms.600 thousand rubles1800 thousand rubles2800 thousand rubles
The prices provided in the table are purely indicative, ask our managers for more specific data.

LSTK designs are quite widespread today, the scope of their use is quite diverse. The abbreviation stands for light steel thin-walled structures.

Application area

The mentioned structures are actively used in the construction of public buildings, cottages, shops, as well as garages. Similar steel systems can often be found today at the heart of hotels, sports facilities, medical centers. Private builders have adapted such structures for the construction of attics, roofs, the latter of which have wide spans. In European countries, LSTC have been common for half a century.

Characteristics of LSTC

LSTC structures are built using a material whose thickness does not exceed 4 mm. In the works, it is used which is produced by the method of cold rolling, and is sold in rolls. The structures are based on profiles that were formed during the production process by a cold method. Their section can be open or closed. The peculiarity of LSTK allows them to be used in the construction of enclosing structures, among which walls and ceilings can be distinguished, but this is far from a complete list.

LSTC structures may include thin-walled profiles that were previously perforated in the wall area, they are also called "thermal profiles". Their main purpose is to improve the thermal performance thermal circuit buildings and ventilation in the heat insulator.

The described components are mated by means of screws, which are of excellent quality and require a self-drilling installation, and they are made of corrosion-resistant steel. As an alternative, carbon steel can be used for such products, which is coated during production with a cadmium or zinc composition. You can get acquainted with the range of profiles, for example, produced by Astekhome LLC, at

LSTC construction technology

LSTK structures are built using materials that do not contain metal, these can be drywall, gypsum plasterboard, etc. These coatings are installed on profiles, or, in other words, racks. This is done both outside and inside the buildings. The technology involves the rejection of wet work, which is very common today due to the convenience and speed of work.

This technology is also chosen because, as a result, the building is lightweight, so its mass is 30 kg / m 2. As for the two-story building, the weight increases to 38 kg / m 2. But this does not prevent buildings from being stable and durable. That is why LSTK are built in seismically hazardous areas, to the phenomena of which they are especially resistant. All this is combined with ease of assembly, which increases labor productivity by 2 times.

Consumer reviews

LSTC structures are quite actively used in private construction. Consumers, choosing this technology, note that with its help it is quite simple to build attic floors, which do not exert a significant load on the foundation. Many residents of seismically hazardous areas say that this has become an indispensable solution for them to build houses that are especially resistant during earthquakes. But when arranging a ventilated facade, one cannot do without steel structures at all. Their consumers choose much more often wooden ones. Buyers note that steel elements last for a longer period of time, do not require repair, and do not deform when wet. Buyers prefer if they are faced with the task of replacing flat roof on a slope.

Economy Reviews

Today, perhaps, there is not a single person who would not seek to save money during repairs and construction. If concrete is replaced with steel structures, as the owners of private houses and apartments say, then it turns out to save at the time of transporting the material, during its installation and subsequent operation, because concrete requires repair when the building shrinks, but steel elements do not. In addition, private craftsmen and professional builders claim that steel is more often chosen than brick and mortar, since the installation of the first material takes less time and does not require the use of expensive construction equipment.

Features of the calculation of LSTK

LSTC structures are calculated before design. Data on the loads that will affect the bearing structures. Why are the forces that will occur in columns, coverage runs, coverage trusses, and also, but this is not the whole list, determined. The next step is to calculate the cross section. It is also important to determine which profiles are supposed to be used, and then you can start designing elements.

Light steel thin-walled structures (LSTS) should be assembled using the simplest and most durable connections. In this case, bolts can be used, but the welding method is not held in high esteem, since there is a possibility of lack of penetration, which will weaken the profile section. When calculating, experts will take into account the external influence of the environment. This will reduce the influence of wind, precipitation, soil vibrations. In order to install a light building, a shallow foundation will be sufficient for it, while it should be taken into account that seismic phenomena in the construction area should be minimal.

Fencing LSTC

LSTK structures, reviews of which, as a rule, are only positive, can also be used as fences. LSTK can be used in tandem with ecowool-type insulation, which only improves the quality of the system. If we compare such a wall, which is 100 mm thinner than the one built from lightweight cellular concrete, then it loses heat less by 1.5 times. This suggests that the savings on heating in cold weather will be impressive. In addition, there is an opportunity to win free space in the premises of the dwelling. After all, it will be less.

Advantages of LSTC over structures made of other materials

Lightweight structures, the photos of which can be seen in the article, win the fight against the so traditional today and many years ago. They are quite often used in high-rise construction, since such enclosing systems greatly speed up the work, they have a much lower load, and for installation does not have to resort to the expensive help of professional builders. But private master, in addition, it will be able to avoid the need for wet work associated with the solution: its kneading and laying. Construction equipment may be needed only to make it possible to raise steel elements to the desired floor, which is completely irrelevant when conducting private construction. But if you are building a two- or three-story house, then you can exclude rent for lifting structures by using a winch.

If LSTK is used as the basis of the house, the enclosing structures, as well as the main walls, can be built from them, while it becomes possible to build a house with up to four floors. If you are just going to build your house, then a lot of concrete work can be replaced with technology based on LSTC. This will save on materials, speed up the process and eliminate the need for wet work, which requires the master to have certain skills that are not required when assembling a house from light steel elements. But it is preferable to entrust the calculation of the LSTK design to professionals.

Light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC)modern technology rapid erection of buildings and structures, which are made of steel building elements with a thickness of up to 3 ... 4 mm. Abroad, in Europe, this technology is called Light Gauge Steel Framing (LGSF).

What is LSTC? Where LSTC structures are used in construction

LGSF technology is an alternative to wood frame construction and designed to reduce the cost and speed up the process of building low-rise middle-class houses. Building elements from LSTK are used as self-supporting structures of low-rise buildings ( photo 1) or in combination with traditional technologies construction of buildings from standard building materials: wood, metal, brick, reinforced concrete ( photo 2).

Photo 1_Frame low-rise buildings from LSTK

Photo 2. LSTC building elements in combination with traditional technologies for building buildings from standard building materials

Enough great experience construction of light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC) have such countries as Canada, the USA, countries Western Europe, China. In Russia and Ukraine, as well as in other CIS countries, the design and construction of metal structures (MC) and light metal structures (LMC) were more practiced, which have significant differences from the LSTC technology.

Signs of LSTC

Consider the main features of light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC):

  1. The thickness of the steel from which the building elements are made does not exceed 3 ... 4 mm (0.7 ... 4 mm); steel yield strength 250 ... 350 MPa and more; relative elongation not less than 18%.
  2. For the manufacture of building elements, rolled cold-rolled steel is used. steel sheet with zinc coating, the weight of which is not less than 275 g/m 2 .
  3. The main elements of LSTK are cold-formed profiles of open and closed sections.
  4. Thin-walled profiles with perforated walls (thermal profiles) are used as building envelopes - walls and ceilings - they improve the thermal performance of building envelopes.
  5. Basically, LSTK elements are connected with high-quality self-tapping screws from:
  • of stainless steel;
  • carbon steel with zinc or cadmium coating;
  • carbon steel with cadmium coating.
  1. The design calculations from LSTK take into account the joint work of all building elements, including the work of internal, external skins and other non-metallic elements.
  2. The design of buildings from LSTC is carried out using computer two-dimensional and three-dimensional modeling (using the effects of spatial work of structures).
  3. All building elements according to the LSTC technology are manufactured at specialized enterprises, and at construction sites they are only assembled into a single structure.
  4. At the enterprise, strictly according to the working drawings, all elements of the frame and its sheathing are made, special holes are marked or drilled in the elements strictly in the right place to connect the elements into a single frame.

The main building elements of LSTC structures include profiled or perforated galvanized steel thin-walled profiles, from which racks, lintels, guides, girders, etc. are made, photo 3.

The basis of the building, built according to the LSTK technology, is a bearing rigid and durable frame, which is assembled from light steel thin-walled structures. Due to not heavy weight LSTK buildings often use a shallow foundation (on average, the height of the foundation is 0.6 m, the width is 0.2 ... 0.6 m).

Photo 3. Elements of the LSTK frame

Bent LSTK profiles are represented by 4 main types of cross section, photo 4:

  • U-shaped profile (channel);
  • C-shaped profile;
  • z-profile;
  • corner.

Profile height – 100…350 mm.

Photo 4. Varieties of LSTK profiles: 1 - U-shaped (guide) thermal profile; 2 - C-shaped (rack-mount) thermal profile; 3 - hat thermal profile; 4 - U-shaped (guide) profile; 5 - C-shaped (rack-mount) profile; 6 - galvanized corner; 7 - Z-profile

Connections between building elements of LSTK are performed using:

  • bolts (diameter 5…16 mm);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • special screws (self-drilling and self-tapping screws);
  • rivets;
  • powder mounting dowels;
  • pneumatic mounting dowels;
  • press connections;
  • plates;
  • hairpins.

The frame of the building from LSTK is sheathed with standard modules, photo 5:

  • roof panels, photo 5a;
  • Wall panels, photo 5b;
  • floor panels, photo 5c.

To improve the heat and sound insulation properties of the panels, a heater is installed inside them (most often it is mineral wool).

Photo 5. Standard building modules from LSTC: a) roof panels; b) wall panels; c) floor panels

For the construction of low-rise buildings using the LSTK technology, the outer walls can be made in two versions:

  • load-bearing walls from a frame including thermal profiles;
  • self-supporting walls made of prefabricated sheets or panels

What is LSTK thermal panels?

Thermopanels LSTK are made to order at specialized enterprises and are designed to fill the space between the building frame and the formation of external walls. LSTK thermal panels are used in the construction of residential and office buildings, hotels, hotels, cafes, shopping centers etc. The thickness of the panels is 15…25 cm (the reduced heat transfer resistance of the wall is 3.2…5.1 m 2 °C/W).

Thermal panels are mainly composed of the following components, photo 6:

  • exterior finish(may be brick, siding, wooden lining etc.);
  • gypsum boards (2 layers);
  • mineral non-combustible basalt insulation or glass fiber insulation in the form of plates;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • the supporting frame of the panel, consisting of jumpers, guides and rack-mount thermal profiles;
  • internal lining - made mainly of drywall.

The peculiarity of thermal profiles lies in their design. Galvanized steel elements of the thermal profile are perforated (notched) in the form of long holes arranged in a checkerboard pattern. With this arrangement of the perforation, a decrease in the thermal conductivity of the steel profile is achieved (the effect of increasing the length of the heat-conducting section through which heat losses occur).

Photo 6. Schematic diagram of a building device based on thermal profiles. Thermal panel device: 1 - external finish; 2 - gypsum boards (2 layers); 3 - mineral insulation; 4 - vapor barrier film; 5 - guide thermal profiles; 6 - rack thermal profiles; 7 - thermal profile jumper

LSTK thermal panels are manufactured at the enterprise and are installed in ready-made form directly at the construction site, photo 7.

Photo 7. Installation of LSTK thermal panels

The sequence of organization of construction according to the LSTK technology

  1. Determination of the design and size of the house.
  2. Execution of settlement and design work, on the basis of which project documentation, and is determined right amount construction elements of LSTC.
  3. Produced: manufacturing of building elements, drilling of technological holes and marking of all elements, according to assembly drawings. The production of all elements is carried out on average in 2 ... 5 days (depending on the complexity of the design).
  4. Delivery of all items to construction site disassembled or assembled main parts (panels). The set of parts that should be delivered to the construction site includes:
  • profile right size, according to the drawings;
  • connecting fasteners of nodes (fasteners and parts must be galvanized);
  • assembly drawings.

What are the advantages of LSTK technology?

  1. High construction speed. For 4 ... 5 months, you can completely build a medium-sized house.
  2. Lightweight construction. A building made of LSTK structures does not exert much pressure on the foundation or underlying structures. This property is especially valuable when making add-ons from LSTK of existing buildings.
  3. All-weather construction. Possibility of construction using LSTK technology in any weather all year round. In most cases, there are no “wet processes” during construction.
  4. Ease of construction. For the construction of a residential building, it is enough to involve a team of installers consisting of 3 ... 4 people. The weight of one LSTC part does not exceed 100 kg. The frame of the usual trade pavilion with a total area of ​​200 m 2 can be assembled completely in 3 days by a team of 4 people. There is no need to use heavy lifting equipment.
  5. Seismic resistance. In Japan, construction using LSTK technology has become widespread.
  6. Minimum heat loss of buildings built using the LSTK technology.
  7. Not difficult transportation of construction elements of LSTK.
  8. High quality. All elements are manufactured at a factory or a specialized enterprise.
  9. Relatively low construction cost. The cost of 1 m 2 of "turnkey" housing is approximately $400...500.
  10. Structural advantages. The LSTC structure is relatively easy to dismantle and install again in the right place, at minimal cost (it is possible to erect collapsible structures). It is possible to install different facade finishes on buildings made of LSTK: brick, siding, lining, profiled sheet, etc., rice, 8b.
  1. Safe build. Assembly (disassembly) of structures is carried out without the use of welding.
  2. biostable material. Mold and fungus do not take root on galvanized steel.

Photo 8. Advantages of using LSTK technology for building construction

What are the disadvantages of LSTK technology?

  1. The durability of the load-bearing structures of the LSTK and the building (structure) as a whole strongly depends on the quality of the production of steel profiles and the installation of the LSTK structures. In countries former USSR This technology has been used relatively recently, so the quality of materials and work does not always meet the requirements of this technology. Average durability load-bearing frames from LSTK in our conditions is 40 years (due to corrosion of the galvanized profile, the durability of LSTK is low, compared with stone, concrete and brick buildings; Lightweight steel elements are made of zinc-coated steel in two versions - up to 120 g/m 2 and more than 350 g/m 2 . In the second option, the thickness zinc coating reaches 25 microns, which reliably protects steel from corrosion and provides a higher durability of the structure).
  2. The manufacture of light steel thin-walled structures is carried out only at the factory.
  3. Calculation and design should be trusted to professionals, and preferably with extensive experience. Also, the installation of LSTC elements should be carried out strictly according to the drawing, since ignoring the details of the drawing can lead to disastrous consequences, photo 9.
  4. For construction in the CIS countries, there are practically no LSTC design standards. When designing LSTK in Europe, they are guided by DIN and Eurocode standards.
  5. Low fire resistance of the steel structures of the building frame (it is necessary to increase it by making fire-resistant protective sheathing.
  6. After a fire, the load-bearing structures of the LSTK frame cannot be restored and require a complete replacement.

Photo 9

Scope of LSTK

  • construction of enclosing structures in the construction of multi-storey buildings;
  • construction of low-rise buildings (cottages, townhouses) and ancillary buildings (garages, sheds, utility blocks, etc.);
  • construction of interfloor and attic floors;
  • construction of attic floors;
  • construction of warehouses, shops, garages;
  • arrangement of ventilated facades;
  • construction of office buildings;
  • construction of prefabricated and prefabricated buildings (structures);
  • execution of superstructures of existing buildings.

On the photo 10 examples of the use of LSTK construction technology are given.

Photo 10. Scope of LSTK technology

The publication was prepared by an expert

Konev Alexander Anatolievich

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