Thermal circuit of the building. Closing the heat circuit

Encyclopedia of Plants 16.05.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

In individual construction, there is such a stage, which in professional slang is called "closing thermal circuit". Upon completion of this stage, turnkey finishing works begin. What is it and what processes are performed at this stage? This question is asked by those who decided to build a house on their own.

Vulnerable unfinished

First, you need to clarify this term and say that you do not need to look for some kind of literature, and read the details of this concept. This is a purely building dictum, not fixed by standards, but rather capacious so as not to take it into account when building a house.

What is included in the thermal circuit? Its bookmark is made at the very initial stage building a house. The foundation is being built, load-bearing walls are being erected, in fact, forming the basis of the so-called contour. It is precisely it that needs to be closed in order to protect from weather anomalies what has already been done, namely the frame of the house under the roof.

It is believed that in any unfinished house, the contour is considered open and this directly affects the integrity of the structure. The brick wall will crumble when the temperature drops, absorb moisture. If you leave the walls of a house without a roof for a couple of years and only after that time you complete the structure, carry out repairs and move into it, the microclimate in the room will be completely different. The walls will be damp, and the foundation, having gained moisture, will lose its bearing capacity and it is not known how this will affect the strength load-bearing walls.

A house with an uncovered thermal circuit experiences the most serious loads in the autumn winter period... In this regard, a brick wall is more resistant to changes in humidity and temperature, but it is still not recommended to leave even such buildings unprotected against bad weather and to equip the roof in a timely manner and carry out a full range of protective measures.

What can be done?

First of all, you need to lay the floor and install the roof structure. But that's half the job. It is necessary to put roofing material and close all technological openings from bad weather.

If the roof is covered, and you have already moved into the house, then untreated technological holes: chimneys, ventilation, antennas, etc. will be considered an open circuit. All exits and entrances must be sealed, otherwise the "thermal circuit" is considered uncovered, cold will enter the room, and as a result, the comfort of the internal microclimate will decrease.

Closing the circuit temporarily

The above was told about capital works, but what can you do if, due to financial difficulties, construction brick house need to freeze? First of all, you need to take care of the outer part of the facade of a brick house. Alternatively, you can plaster the wall with a rough layer, and when it is possible to carry out finishing work. In case of emergency, handle brick wall a hydrophobic solution that protects the stone from moisture. Be sure to install window blocks... When it is not possible to glaze, the openings are temporarily sealed with polyethylene, covered with plywood or other material.

If there are no plans for the construction of a roof before the onset of cold weather, then the brick box must be covered with lumber and closed with roofing material or polyethylene. Assembled roof, with rafters and lathing, also protected by any roll material... In general, it is necessary to close off any possibility of moisture access in inner space unfinished house.

Some builders refer to the "thermal circuit" and work on processing and insulation inside of load-bearing walls and partitions. Someone thinks that this is necessary, and some declare that such works are of secondary importance.

In fact, a brick is not very susceptible to temperature changes. But given the unfair attitude of many manufacturers to the selection of the consistency of the mixture in the manufacture of stone, the need to close the thermal circuit suggests itself. the main objective these measures, protection or at least reduce the likelihood of damage caused natural factors for building material.

In order to build your own house, you do not need to have special skills and education.

It is enough to understand the main aspects of construction and constantly be guided by common sense. A complex task is easily divided into small components, which, in turn, are much easier to understand than in the whole process at once.

Main aspects

There are three main aspects that require special supervision during construction. It:

  • Erection of supporting structures.
  • Organization of the thermal circuit.
  • Organization of roofs and gutters.

All other parts of the building can be modernized and altered during operation.

The thermal circuit is the basis of the indoor climate in a room. In simple terms, a thermal loop is a sealed box made of materials of low or zero thermal conductivity.

That is, along the entire perimeter of walls, ceiling, floor and openings, gaps in insulation or the absence of a heat-resistant insert are excluded. And installed doors with windows, as a rule, keep heat.

Materials will be considered only fibrous. The so-called "glass wool". These heaters have several varieties of density: soft, medium and hard. The material must be laid with an overlap of the seams of the previous layer.

For insulation, steam and wind insulation is used.

A special film that allows moisture to pass well in one direction and retains it in the other. The film also protects the cotton wool from being blown out by the wind.

The walls are insulated from the outside or from the inside. Inside, it is customary to use more soft insulation from the middle segment of densities. The vapor barrier is fixed on top and inward, respectively, with the moisture-resistant side outward.

Necessarily paid Special attention corners and junctions with openings of windows and doors where the insulation in a full layer is brought close to the opening and connected to the frame of doors or windows.

Outside insulation is made with a denser insulation of medium density. The vapor barrier is placed only on top, the moisture-resistant side is out. The situation is similar for windows and doors.

The ceiling can be insulated both from the inside and from the attic. A soft insulation is used here and two layers of vapor barrier with a membrane outward. The guide beams, depending on the material of manufacture, are wrapped only in a film (wood), a thinner layer of insulation (concrete) and the same layer as the entire ceiling (iron).

The floor is insulated with dense grades of glass wool. The lags are enveloped or partially enveloped depending on the material. And the film is laid on top, with the moisture-proof side out.

The most important aspect! Always ensure tightness! Along the entire perimeter and openings, the insulation is connected to the thickness of the entire blanket!

Conclusion on the topic

Of course described here general provisions, and in each specific situation you should act accordingly, but having already an idea of ​​the subject and knowing the rules, you can safely improvise in a specific situation.

Cold bridges called the sections of the building envelope through which the largest occur, which leads to a number of negative consequences... Today we will talk about how to prevent the appearance of cold bridges in an insulated (attic) structure.

Cold bridges in insulated construction pitched roof cause many problems:

  1. Firstly, they reduce the efficiency of the building's thermal protection, which leads to an increase in energy consumption, which, in turn, results in an increase in the cost of operating the house.
  2. Secondly, in the cold season, condensation accumulates in the freezing zone, which leads to wetting and gradual damage, which is used to insulate the roof (which also worsens the thermal protection of the building).
  3. Thirdly, due to condensation, they can become moldy, rot and deteriorate over time. wooden structures roofs. Condensation often deforms the finish.
  4. Finally, fourthly, the condensate in winter can freeze and break the cracks and gaps that it filled.

Warming errors

What causes cold bridges? According to experts, in most cases this is due to errors in the construction of the insulating layer of the roofing "pie". Recall that the most common construction technology mansard roof involves the insulation of the slopes (which are at the same time the walls of the attic) with fibrous materials: plates and - less often - mats based on or.

Another node dangerous in terms of freezing is the junction of the roof with the gable of the building.

Valery Nesterov, general manager Dörken company:
“There is a very high probability of freezing at the junction of the roof with the gable of the building. To prevent it, in the West, there are special U-shaped elements made of extruded polystyrene foam, which are "put on" the gable wall. In our market there are special diffusion hydro-windproof membranes with an integrated layer of insulation 30 mm thick made of nonwoven fabric: they can also protect this area from freezing. However, the traditional solution is to fill the space between the extreme rafter beam and the gable wall with mineral thermal insulation (usually about 50 mm), the gap between the upper surface of the wall and the waterproofing film, and also lay the insulation along the upper edge of the wall. As a result, a continuous thermal insulation contour is created that covers the pediment and transfers the dew point inside the wall, thereby eliminating the possibility of condensation falling out in the thickness of the roofing insulation. "

  1. The first difficulty lies in the fact that often on the entire upper part of the inclined pediment wall there are ledges formed due to masonry (from bricks, blocks). To level the wall, often use "cold" cement-sand mortar, which becomes a cold bridge. It is better to use a "warm" solution with the addition instead. Or fill irregularities with thermal insulation.
  2. The second difficulty is to insulate this place with high quality. It is necessary to leave a distance of at least 50 mm between the rafter foot closest to the gable and the gable wall, filling this space with thermal insulation. In addition, it is desirable that the upper plane of the wall be 50 mm lower than the upper plane of the rafter legs, and then the insulation is also laid on top of the wall at the height of the legs, ensuring its tight fit to the insulation running along the rafter. If possible, the insulation is also mounted along its edge from the street side - with a layer of thickness equal to the thickness of the insulation on the roof slope.
Here you can use both fibrous thermal insulation and materials from. It is preferable to put the insulation on top of the pediment even before laying the hydro-windproof membrane - for the same reasons that we talked about just above.

Freezing through the rafters

The joints are still problematic wooden elements roofs (located between its warm and cold zones), as well as composite rafter legs, made by combining two beams into one. Cold bridges can appear here for several reasons: due to the loose fit of the elements to each other (caused, among other things, by their curvature), due to precipitation rafter system etc. To avoid this, the joints should be laid with sealing materials, for example, synthetic winterizer or foamed polyethylene. However, a number of roofers believe that the latter reduces the reliability of the connection of wooden elements. If you have to seal the joints after installing the rafters, then you can use specialized sealants, PSUL (pre-compressed self-expanding sealing strips) or polyurethane foam however it is not cheap and quite time consuming. This solution has one more significant disadvantage: the foam, being inelastic, can collapse when the wooden structure is upset.

An effective way to prevent heat loss- to create an additional layer of roof insulation covering possible cold bridges.

On the picture:
1. On roofs of complex configuration, you inevitably have to cut the insulation slabs to fit them into the space between the rafters.
2. Mount vapor barrier film to the rafter leg.
3. Installation of the undercut slab in the ridge area.
4. The cracks in the insulation layer are caulked with fragments of the same heat-insulating material.

Freezing is also possible at the points of exit through the wall to the Mauerlat street, ridge or intermediate girders, on which the outgoing rafters rest. To prevent the movement of cold air here, you must first of all qualitatively seal the gaps between the beam and the wall, and also do not forget to seal (glue with glue or special tape) the places where the vapor barrier and hydro-windproof films bypass the beam.

The skylight area is another section of the roof where cold bridges can occur.

This is often due to the absence or insufficient thickness of the insulation layer around the perimeter. window frame and along the slopes. In order to prevent freezing, it is necessary to leave a gap of 20-30 mm around the frame, filling it with thermal insulation, which should be brought up to the roof insulation contour.

For ease of installation, window manufacturers offer ready-made kits for thermal insulation around the frame perimeter(for example, foamed polyethylene). Some companies produce windows with thermal insulation already provided on the frame. Note that window manufacturers categorically prohibit insulating the frame with polyurethane foam.

Marina Prozarovskaya, Chief Engineer Velux:
“Among the reasons for freezing in the area of ​​the dormer window is the lack of thermal insulation around the perimeter of the window box. This is often caused by too small mounting clearances between the frame and the rafters. Leave a gap of at least 30 mm around the frame perimeter, installing around it either a ready-made thermal insulation loop made of foamed polyethylene or a fibrous insulation. Foam can not be used for these purposes: it is inelastic and under the influence of periodic loads (roof draft, snow, wind load) crumbles, as a result of which cracks appear in the thermal insulation. If the width of the window is equal to or greater than the width of the rafter opening, then in order to ensure the necessary mounting clearances around the frame, the rafters will have to be adjusted, while maintaining their bearing capacity. Sometimes this can be done without special calculation according to the schemes specified in the instructions for installing windows. This usually involves the installation of an additional beam, the section of which coincides with the section of the rafter leg. "

In most cases, cold bridges are the result of condensation, leading to wetting of the insulation in the window area. There can be many reasons for its formation. In particular, the non-glued joints of the vapor barrier film with the window frame: water vapor has a high penetrating ability, and when it gets into the cold zone, it condenses. Often, condensation is a consequence of certain errors in the construction of the ventilation system of the roof structure.

For example, there are no conditions for air flow or its extraction, there is no counter-grill that forms a ventilation gap, or its height is insufficient to provide the necessary air movement under. However, unsealed joints and abutments of both under-roofing films, as well as insufficient ventilation of the under-roof space are errors that lead to condensation and freezing. not only in the window area, but also throughout the roof... It's just that in the window area it becomes noticeable first of all. Moreover, many mistakes cannot be corrected during the operation of the building without complete dismantling of the roof.

According to the calculations of specialists, in the conditions of the Moscow region every 5 cm of thermal insulation saves an average of 18 rubles on heating. for 1 sq. m of roof area per year.

A few more words about roof window... Problems arise and at incorrect installation drainage gutter over the window opening. This gutter removes water (leaks, condensation) from the window, which flows down the hydro-windproof membrane to the window. Before laying it, the membrane is cut, and then its edge is inserted into it, fixing it with a special clamp, after which the upper edge of the waterproofing window apron is brought under the gutter. If the gutter installation technology is not followed, leaks into the insulation are possible with all the ensuing consequences.

Certain pass-through elements - pipes, antennas, flagpoles, etc., become heat-conducting inclusions in the roof structure. Therefore, they must be insulated with high quality and a vapor barrier and hydro-windproof films must be sealed with them.

In order to minimize freezing through the walls, experts advise creating an additional thermal insulation belt with a height of about 250 mm over the standard insulation contour (that is, above the roof). To protect against precipitation, the belt must be covered with one or another apron.

Ekaterina Kolotushkina, product manager at Saint-Gobain CIS:
“To make the attic as comfortable as possible for living and to ensure the durability of the roof structure allows the creation of an additional insulation contour. The fact is that the wooden load-bearing elements of the roof are to some extent cold bridges. In addition, according to calculations, the thermal insulation layer in the central part of Russia should be 200 mm, however, the thickness of the most popular beams on the market used for the construction of rafters is 150 mm (and the insulation is placed in the inter-rafter space). Thus, it makes sense to create an additional thermal insulation layer that will provide the required insulation thickness and block the cold bridges that go through the rafters. This layer can be placed above and below the rafters by placing the insulation between the bars nailed across the rafters. Thermal insulation above the rafters is preferable, because in this case they do not freeze. "

Additional layer of insulation

Despite all the efforts of roofers, heat loss is inevitable in those parts of the roof, where the area of ​​the internal "warm" surface is less than the area of ​​the external "cold". These are mainly the corners of hip or hip roofs (in the zone of convergence of the ridge and eaves), the places where the slope adjoins to the pediment, etc. In addition, wooden rafter legs are also to a certain extent cold bridges. And it is difficult to insulate complex sections of the roof with high quality, where filigree pruning (valleys, ridges, abutments) is required. Finally, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer in middle lane Russia should be, according to SNiP 23-02-2003 " Thermal protection buildings ", not less than 200 mm... While the most popular material for the construction of rafters is still a section of 150 × 50 mm, which implies a thickness of the inter-rafter insulation layer - 150 mm. All these factors explain the need to create additional contour of roof insulation.

It can be mounted over the rafters and under them... In the first case:

  1. Stuff across the rafters wooden blocks the required section, between which the insulation plates are installed.
  2. A hydro-windproof membrane is laid on top of the bars.
  3. A counter-lattice, lathing or solid flooring is fixed on it, and roofing material is placed on them.
This option is effective in terms of thermal protection, because the entire rafter structure will be in the "warm" zone. However, it is not without its drawbacks:
  • Fixing the roof to the base is less reliable due to the additional wooden substructure.
  • In addition, when installing hydro-wind protection, the joints of the canvases may be on the insulation (and not on wooden base), and the installers will push the film, moving along the roof.
Therefore, the optimal technology is additional insulation under the rafters... In this case, from the side of the room, transverse bars are attached to the rafters, thermal insulation is placed between them, and then it is closed and finishing material attic.

There is another effective, but so far almost unused method of insulation - installation on top of the rafters solid flooring on which stone fiber slabs are laid high density, wood fiber, polyurethane foam. The roof is mounted directly on the slabs.

1. Rafter leg.
2. Additional insulation circuit.
3. Cross bar.
4. Finishing of the attic.

Let's note one more point. In the fight against freezing of the roof will help modern methods cold bridges detection- examination with a thermal imager or hot-wire anemometer. The cost of purchasing or renting these devices is less than the cost of repairing a frozen roof.

In most cases, it is more profitable for a private developer not to buy a thermal imaging camera, but to contact a specialized company that deals with the thermographic examination of buildings.

Types of heaters for a pitched roof

To insulate a pitched roof, plates (or mats) made of stone or glass fibers are most often used.
  • In our market, materials from stone fiber are represented by Rockwool (Denmark), Paroc (Finland), Nobasil (Slovakia), TechnoNikol, Isoroc, Knauf (all - Russia), etc.
  • Glass fiber heaters are offered by Isover (France), Ursa (Spain), etc.

Materials from extruded polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, although they have very good thermal insulation properties, are not fireproof: expanded polystyrene belongs to the group of highly combustible materials (G4), and polyurethane foam belongs to the group of moderately or slightly combustible (G2-G3). At the same time, fibrous insulation is non-combustible (NG).

The material was prepared by Alexander Levenko.

Any house, no matter what type of construction is used, in mandatory must have a high-quality thermal circuit. No matter how good and sound the walls are, if the heating circuit is made of low-quality materials, or without adherence to technology, the house will be blown out, cold, and with a high level of humidity.

Thermal circuit of a brick house, and a thermal circuit wooden house have their own differences. This is due to the fact that projects wooden houses, have their own implementation specifics. At first, great importance has the material chosen for the construction of a wooden house: carriage, rounded logs, glued beams or profiled beams. Secondly, construction technology is of great importance.

When cutting a house, the thermal circuit has its own specific features, and these features differ from the thermal circuit of houses made of laminated veneer lumber and profiled timber. The thermal circuit includes the foundation, sub-floor, windows, doors and roof. That is, all those elements that are not walls. The walls, of course, bear the main thermal insulation load. But errors in the thermal circuit reduce all the qualities of the walls to zero.

For a wooden blockhouse made of rounded logs, the foundation is mandatory. Previously, of course, it was not done, but the log of the first crown very quickly began to rot due to the intense exposure to moisture. The foundation is poured in a standard way, according to how many levels are supposed to be made in the frame. After the foundation is completely ready, they begin to cut the walls.

The most main feature the technology of felling a log house is that the formation of a thermal contour begins only after the final shrinkage of the constructed log house. It takes six to twelve months to shrink. The drier the used log was, the faster and with less deformation the house shrinks.

According to how the projects of wooden houses are designated, the installation of the beam system is the only type of work that is carried out immediately after the walls are cut. And then, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for cutting the house so that during shrinkage there are no deformations of the beam system. These deformations are difficult to correct later. After complete shrinkage of the house, they proceed to the installation of the remaining elements of the thermal circuit: the subfloor, windows and doors. To one of characteristic features log house refer to the technology of cutting down a window opening. Almost all the technology for cutting a wooden house is based precisely on the shrinkage of the house, as already mentioned. Felling window openings must be done taking into account the percentage of shrinkage.

Also, the fastening of logs in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe window opening is of great importance. Combining Canadian and German technology house cuttings give a completely acceptable solution for a window opening. This technology allows you to avoid significant deformations, which subsequently not only interfere with the normal installation of the light-transmitting structure, but also violate the thermal insulation.

With regard to the thermal circuit, projects of wooden houses involve thermal insulation of openings using tow and moss. But also modern ones can be used for these purposes. thermal insulation materials inorganic origin. Building felt has proven itself well as thermal insulation of window openings. But its use, in view of its features, is possible only in those cases when the window opening fully corresponds to the translucent structure, without leaving deformed, uneven gaps.

For the thermal circuit of a wooden blockhouse, they use not only wooden windows and doors, but also metal-plastic. Moreover, both white window frames and stylized wood look look great. But it should be borne in mind that the windows in the frame must necessarily have a casing - this is the peculiarity of the cutting of the window opening.

The same applies to the doors of a wooden blockhouse. They can be made of any material, and the quality of door installation depends on the quality of cutting the doorway, as well as on the method of fixing the logs in the area of ​​the doorway. Therefore, projects of wooden houses necessarily contain information on how to cut down window and door openings.

The construction of the heating circuit is a basic set of volumes construction works... At the end of this stage, the house becomes a full-fledged structure, requiring only interior decoration and organizing the functioning of communications.

The thermal circuit consists of several mandatory elements:

  • Foundation;
  • Walls;
  • Roof;
  • Window;
  • Overlap partitions.
  • The thermal circuit is closed by installing windows and doors, which contributes to the formation of a microclimate in the premises of the house with a stable temperature and normal humidity required for high-quality finishing work. After the construction of the heating circuit, the house reaches the stage of readiness at which, if necessary, the construction site can be "frozen" on long time without damage to the home.

    ROTENSTEIN builds houses exclusively using the closed thermal loop method. Namely, by insulating the roof and installing windows and doors. These items are already included in the price of our houses.

    In the construction of the roof, only dried wooden beams... This allows you to cover and insulate the roof immediately, and also excludes deformation of the structure. And the installation of windows and doors makes it possible to suspend work, for example, for the winter, excluding the ingress of precipitation inside the house.

    Our specialists approach the installation of windows with particular scrupulousness, because it is they who often cause significant heat loss. Depending on your preference, you can choose two-chamber plastic windows(you can choose any shade of color coating), or put wooden double-glazed windows premium class. The whole the lineup windows are of exceptional quality, which our customers have already appreciated. Rotenstein houses are equipped with metal entrance doors with a safe lock and with two sealing contours, which in severe frosts excludes the formation of perspiration with inside doors. This solution reduces the need to design a vestibule, as well as to install an additional "internal" entrance door.

    The construction time for a closed heating circuit in our company is from 4 to 8 months. As well as the cost, the terms are fixed in the work contract. And are subject to revision only if it is impossible to carry out work due to weather conditions... We strictly adhere to the technology of masonry and all building codes, without exception, therefore, if frost occurs during work, construction is suspended until spring. At this time, the object is preserved according to the unique Wienerberger technology, which does not allow the influence of atmospheric conditions on the structure.

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