Scenarios for the day of the disabled "kindness will save the world." A holiday for disabled children dedicated to Mother's Day

Landscaping 01.10.2019

Lead 1 - Good afternoon, dear guys, dear parents, guests, everyone present! It is with great joy that we welcome you to our hall on the holiday of childhood and creativity, talent and optimism. Today we have a wonderful holiday. A holiday that everyone was looking forward to: both adults and children.

Lead 2 - We hit a full hall

How many faces, smiles, laughter!

What will happen here?

Host 1 - Festival!

Lead 2 - The festival? What is this?

Lead 1 - This is a holiday, fun, success,

Music, songs, bursting laughter!

2013 declared the year of protection environment, and today our festival is dedicated to the protection of the environment of our home planet Earth!

Lead 2 - And what does it mean?

Lead 1 - And this means that the guys in their songs will talk about their love for animals, birds, about the beauty of nature .. And I am sure that today they will succeed, because music has magical power.

Music sounds, the screen goes down.

Lead 1 - - Quietly, we will sit next to you -

Music enters our house

In an amazing outfit

Multicolored, painted.

Lead 2 - And suddenly the walls will move apart -

All the land is visible around:

The waves of the foamy river are splashing,

Forest and meadow are lightly dozing.

Lead 1 - Steppe paths run in the distance,

Melting in a blue haze -

This music is urging

And leads us along.


(Slide 1) There is one planet-garden

This space is cold.

(Slide 2) Only forests rustle here

(Slide 3) Migratory birds clicking.

(Slide 4) Only on it you will see

Lilies of the valley in the green grass

(Slide 5) And dragonflies are only here

They look at the river in surprise.

(Slide 6) The sun, playing, in the raindrops,

It sparkles like a rainbow, leaving for the sky.

(Slide 7) Binds rivers together

Celestial bridge - rainbow-arc!

(Slide 8) On a clear morning on a quiet pond

Swallows briskly soar around,

Down to the water itself

Just touch the moisture with the wing.

(Slide 9) Clouds, clouds, illuminated sides!

You are like a miracle. Where are you from? What corner?

(Slide 10) Mountains,

(Slide 11) Plains,

(Slide 12) Forests

(Slide 13) And the fields -

(Slide 14) All this is our planet Earth.

(Slide 15) You will not find more wonderful in the world

(Slide 16) Our beautiful and kind planet !!!

(Slide 17) Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other similar one!

Lead 2 - Let me introduce the festival jury.

Jury President - ...


2. … .

Lead 1 - Our entire hall is applauding, we are opening the festival!

Lead 2 - Our festival is opened by a choir of children of preparatory groups.

Music and lyrics by N. Khmarskaya

Song "Ray of the Sun"

Lead 1 - And now the pupils of D \ s №56 are performing.

Moose. and sl. Alexey Voinov "Spring", song from the album "Multicolored Summer". Soloist Dasha Osetrova, 6 years old.

Lead 2 - In the morning the sun rose -
It became warm and light for everyone.
The beetle climbed onto the flower.
The bird perched on an oak tree.
The bunny jumped out into the meadow.
How wonderful everything around!

Ensemble of children performing junior group"Sun".

Song "Sun" muses. And sl. V. Kartushina.

Lead 1 - To continue the holiday
The riddle must be solved:
Yellow lumps squeak
These are all sons and daughters
Mom coughs: Ko-ko-ko,
Don't go far!
Don't play hide and seek with your mom.
Children who are her? ...

I invite the following participants of our festival.

Ensemble of children middle group"Okay".

The song "Chickens".

Lead 2 - He is loud, with a long nose.

The neck is like a question mark.

He goes for a walk in the meadows

And cries out: HA-HA-HA!

Ensemble "Businki".

Song "Two cheerful geese".

Lead 2 - A lot of people live in the poultry yard,
Naturally, they are all bird-like.

They go to our holiday

They flap their wings and sing songs.

On our stage there is the Solnyshko ensemble.

The song "Poultry yard" Muses. Isl. V. Kartushina.

Lead 2 - By your joyful eyes, warm smiles and good mood, we feel that you really like our extraordinary holiday. Do you agree? Then let's continue.

Host 1 (Opens the umbrella) -To us on a long wet leg
The rain is jumping along the path.

The rain pounds on the roof.
It drips into puddles behind the wall ...
Rain! We hear from home
Your water orchestra!

The song "Rain".

Performed by the ensemble "Droplets", middle group

Lead 2 - The rain was falling. And suddenly he lay down.
It turned out to be a trickle.

The song "Bul-Bul-Bul Brook".

Ensemble "Freckles". Moose. and sl. I. Zhabko

Lead 1 - The brook flows into the sea, there to frolic in the open.

Umbrellas float in the sea

Where the waves carry them

They burn like fire

Take care of your palm

Song "About jellyfish"

Ans. "Fireworks" .-

Lead 2 - The rain poured down the trees and grasses.
The rain isn't just for fun.

For the fruits to grow
All plants are waiting for water.

Dismissed the mustache peas ,
There was a commotion in the pod:
A whole brood of peas
Everything looks like a friend.

Song "Colored Peas".

Performed by the ensemble senior group"Rainbow".

Lead 1 - Cows are different: orange - yellow, red,
Wearing a bright holiday shirt, they save the harvest.
This is a useful insect and do not offend her!

Song "Ladybug".

Performed by: Liza Gorbatova, Anya Sychuk and Dasha Studenikina.

Lead 2 - Children of D / s No. 39 are invited to the stage. The choir of the older group will perform the song "My Russia", Muz. G. Struve, lyrics N. Solovyova

"Our Russia is Beautiful" Muses. and sl. Z Root performed by Bubble Arina

Lead 1 - Thanks guys for your talent! Now the most exciting moment has come. D To announce the results, the chairman of the jury is invited to the stage ...

Rewarding \ long fanfare.

Lead 2 - Dear guys, today we congratulate all the participants of our Festival. We want you to always be a winner in life.

MAUK "Uzhursky District House of Culture"


holding the Open Festival of Creativity

people with disabilities

"The soul is always free!"

Compiled by screenwriter:

Artistic director

MAUK "Uzhursky RDK".

Uzhur city, 2012

Prologue. On the projection, under musical accompaniment

Animation: Sand Drawings. Sounds offscreen text:

“Their eyes do not always reflect the sky

Their words are not always as sharp as a stylus.

But everyone has spiritual strength hidden,

Everyone wants support, hope, love.

And they conquer the peaks and gave,

Where an ordinary person is lost in an instant,

Their tenacity is worthy, their nerves are made of steel.

I kneel before them forever.

You are the same people as everyone in the world,

May heaven always be kind to you,

Each beginning is warmed with happiness,

Music sounds. escort .

Leading... Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you on the 2nd open festival creativity of people with disabilities, people who are very strong and very courageous, who, despite the difficulties, enjoy every minute of their lives. It is difficult to disagree with the words of the German writer Isolde Kurz: "Who can fill every moment with deep content, he infinitely prolongs his life!"

And, probably, it is no coincidence that the festival is called “The soul is always free!”, She is like a bird in the skies, knows no boundaries, and everything is subject to her!

Our festival is a holiday that allows people to reveal their talents, their inner world!

And now, allow me to grant the honorary right to open the festival to the head of the department of social protection of the population of the administration of the Uzhursky district, Yuri Nikolaevich Latypov.

Moose. accompaniment.

Leading. Our festival is an event that cannot leave anyone indifferent! From century to century, humanity has been trying to invent a model modern society- such that everyone can live well! There is a way out - spirituality, unification of people, all that is beautiful and light. And now you will hear the address of the rector of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the city of Uzhur, Priest Pavel Tretyakov.

After closing words leading - blackout. There is a video clip:

"Father Paul's word."

Leading. Any business on the shoulder when inspiration comes and the desire, skill and patience are applied to it. And our festival participants have a great desire to create.

On the stage, the star of the dance floors of the 80s, the idol of the public, musician, singer - Valery Bakulin!

Number . "In the land of magnolias."

Leading... The creative performances of our participants are soul, sincerity and, if you want, the skill of a person who knows the value of life much more than others.

Our next participant in the festival is a young talent, a wonderful, romantic image, a girl with a guitar - Marina Egorova! And your warmest applause!

Number. "Oh, curly mountain ash."

Against the background of the video clip: a drawing made of sand, voice-over text sounds:

“They have the same hearts, the same thoughts,

Such blood and kindness, the same smiles.

They deserve the same rights that we have in the world,

After all, an invalid is not a sentence, we are together on the planet.

And everyone is free to choose what he wants to do,

Where to go, where to fly, and what to enjoy.

So let each new day carry a share,

Support for life on earth, goodness, love and happiness.

Leading backstage. Lyudmila Igonina on stage.

Number. "Give me a handkerchief."

Video projection.

Leading. Loss of health, the inability to lead a habitual lifestyle interfere with mobility, lead to a narrowing of the circle of communication, but does not mean a lack of creativity and distinctive talents. And in this you, dear friends, now see for yourself. On the stage Sergei Belyanin.

Number. "I asked ash".

Video projection.

After the performance, the host invites Sergei to a waltz.

The waltz "White Dance" is played.

Leading backstage. Incendiary Anastasia Konovalova is on stage.

Number. Dance. "Love - stop!"

Leading. In our Center for Culture and Leisure, two wonderful teams "Sudarushka" and "Ryabinushka" are engaged. And these people don't need much for happiness. The joy of communication, the joy of meeting. They were all united by the song. Today they are holding hands, encouraging each other, smiling. And we love them and are proud of them!

The Ryabinushka ensemble is on the stage.


Leading backstage. We welcome the Sudarushka Russian song ensemble with thunderous applause.

Leading. Dear friends! Probably all of you, when you entered the foyer of our center of culture and leisure, noticed the organized exhibition of arts and crafts. All this is done by the hands of people with disabilities. And this proves once again that the desire to create wins a lot! Thank you!

But, and our festival program is continued by guests from the city of Nazarovo.

Number. "Pantomime".

Against the background of the video projection: "drawing from the sand", the voice-over text sounds:

“My soul is like a page,

Loses days, rushes around the world,

Hit her - she bares her teeth

Stroke her - she will pray.

Leading backstage. On stage Evgeny Ibragimov. Correctional boarding school №8.

Number. "Mom's birthday".

Leading. Such a guy lives, he is cheerful, sociable, despite the difficulties, he leads the usual way of life for a person. Goes in for sports, plays football. He has a dream - to learn to play the guitar, I think that his dream will come true. And today he came to our festival with a poem own composition... We will support the aspiring poet. Alesander Marchenko on stage.

Number. Poem.

Leading... Dear friends! Agree with me how sad and uninteresting our life would be if there were no dances in it. And the next participants in the festival are children from a special correctional boarding school №8. They are looking forward to their performance. And you prepare the warmest applause for them! On stage dancing collective "Smile".

Number. "Clap your shoes."

Leading. About what does not fit in words,

The soul takes care of itself.

She is, after all, a guardian who sacredly remembers the rights -

To store, to nourish something unsaid.

These lines were written by our compatriot, the poetess Olga Leontyevna Chervonnaya. Childhood disabled, sincere, kind, open. As she calls herself - a dreamy dreamer, loving life! I think with her work, many of you are familiar.

How fragile is the world of unexpressed feelings!

As secrets of life are vulnerable.

And know the key to them: ingenuous sadness

The motives of sadness are perceptible only in the heart.

Only sincerity is free to guess them

Not allowing hints of hidden falsity.

And I'm ready to give you poems

Love, and heart, and excitement of passion!

On the final lines of the leading, blackout.

There is a video clip - Olga Chervonnaya.

Leading. And even though Olga Chervonnaya is not around today, and even if she does not hear applause in her honor, I think she feels our warmth and gratitude at a distance!

And our festival continues. And now, on this stage, you will see a wonderful duet. Katerina Kharkova and Anastasia Ivanova. Correctional boarding school №8.

Number. "On the road of good."

Leading. It is not uncommon for people with disabilities to be spiritually richer than some of us, they are morally stronger, they know how to cherish every moment, to reveal their extraordinary abilities. Some of them find it difficult in the sense that they lack communication with others. Therefore, those holidays that happen in their lives are very valuable and energize for a long time. Like the next participant in the festival, charming

Fedor Evinyan.

Number. "My dandelion."

Leading backstage. As a guest of the festival, on this stage, the chairman of the Nazarov Society of the Deaf, sign language interpreter Lyudmila Alekseevna Makashina, with the song "Roads of Russia".

Number. "Roads of Russia".

Leading backstage. We greet the next participant of the festival with the most sincere applause. Tatyana Pasheeva, the city of Nazarovo.

Number. "Mum".

Moose. escort .

Leading... We are once again convinced of how talented and wonderful our festival participants are. How much energy they have, which they sometimes charge us with, how much optimism and faith in the future are in them!

And now one of these will appear on this stage: the energetic, positive Avgusta Korneevna Vasko!

Number. The verse "Not an easy way".

Leading. Dances are a real decoration of any concert, especially a festival, and especially when they are performed by children. Let's support the choreographic collective from the special correctional school - boarding school №8 with applause.

Number. "Gnomes".

Leading backstage. For you on stage, the charming Tamara Lysenkova.

Number. "My land."

Leading. Today's festival shows that all our participants are stars. After all, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it! So it is necessary that at least one bright star lights up over the rooftops every evening! Meet one of these bright stars, our guest from the village of Kopyevo, Anton Ryabokon!

Number. "My home is Russia!"

Right after Anton's number, there is a blackout. Video clip: "drawing from the sand". Voiceover is played:

“Let's live, love and believe,

Let's build castles and bridges

In our souls we will open wide the doors,

We will entrust people with all our dreams.

No need to go into solitude

And hide souls behind seven locks,

We will find a destination for ourselves,

Let's fill the pain and emptiness with friends.

Fill the pain and emptiness with dreams

Having painted your world in bright colors!

Let's merge with songs and good verses

And now life is as bright as a rainbow!

The final song "Childhood" of children from correctional school №8 is played immediately without any announcement.

Leading. Vocal group "Sun". Special correctional school - boarding school №8.

The festival is over, there is a wonderful power in it!

The heat of hot hearts, everything that is dear is cute!

It's a rainbow of life and talents flying

This is the wings of the soul, a daring fiery take-off.

This is friendship warmth and kindness of hearts

Where there is light in the heart, beauty lives there!

See you again, dear friends, at the open festival of creativity of people with disabilities!

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    Scenario of the holiday for disabled children "We are more fun together"

    Date of publication: 05.05.17

    Holiday script

    for disabled children "We have more fun together"

    Targets and goals : Formation of universal human values: kindness, attention to one's neighbor, compassion
    Development of aesthetic taste, creativity
    Development of attention, memory, creative thinking, a sense of collectivism
    Formation of tolerance skills.

    Vedas: Good afternoon, dear guys, dear adults ...

    Hello everyone, everyone!

    Today on our holiday you are expected funny Games, quizzes, riddles, prizes, joy and fun.

    And, of course, for games we need good mood.

    And, now, we are distributing petals to everyone, which you must stick on the tree.

    Before that, you will make your cherished wish.

    This tree is not simple, but a magical tree.

    You must place your petals on it!

    We wish you all your wishes for this new year to come true!

    Guys, now let's check if you know what is allowed at the holiday and what is prohibited.

    1 chant game"What is allowed and prohibited on the holiday."

    I congratulate you on the holiday,

    I wish you happiness, joy.

    On the holiday:

    To dance, play, dance is ... (allowed)

    To frown and grumble severely ... (prohibited)

    Everyone laughing and joking is ... (allowed)

    But to be shy and sad is strictly ... (prohibited)

    Sitting in silence in a corner strictly ... (prohibited)

    Yes, you can't get bored with us

    So let's have fun

    And together, loudly, together let's say ... (yes). Well done!

    Musical number….

    Congratulations to you

    Gal Nick: Guys, in many books, friendship helps heroes cope with difficulties. Are you friendly? We will now check it out. I suggest you play the game "Hedgehogs". The game is simple: I say magic words and make different movements, and you repeat these movements after me, and then when I say: "Girls!", The girls answer loudly: "Girls!", And when I say "Boys!" then the boys answer. So let's check who is friendlier.

    2 game: "Hedgehogs"

    Two tributaries (stamping their feet)

    Two claps (clap your hands)

    Hedgehogs, hedgehogs! (holding hands with palms towards the audience, squeeze and unclench fingers).

    Anchored, anchored (knock 2 times with a fist on a fist)

    From the site administrator: if you want to get acquainted with full text presented publication, you can download it from the site in full.


    Sometimes people are too cruel

    Indifferent to the troubles of others

    They do not accept other people's vices,

    Absolutely not seeing their own.

    But let's be kinder

    Mercy is our motto!

    Kindness is nothing kinder

    Life is so bleak without her!

    Good day! We are pleased to welcome all guests and representatives to this hall. public organization"Mercy", and students of our school. Hello! We welcome you openly and warmly, dear friends! With this word, we wish you health, prosperity and success.

    Hurry to start the day with good

    And your day will be good.

    Let only joy enter the door

    Open these doors!

    And there would be no bitter losses

    Completely in this world!

    May someone's dreams come true

    And all misfortunes will perish

    May there be a lot of kindness

    May there be peace and happiness!

    Hurry to start the day with good

    And your day will be good.

    Unfortunately, in life it so happens that sometimes we lose health due to circumstances beyond our control. In our country, as in the rest of the world, people with disabilities live.

    The state takes care of them, creating various societies teaching them on special techniques, attracting to feasible work, releasing special literature for them. Contests, competitions, meetings are organized among people with disabilities. Many of them are truly talented people. And, of course, they are all full-fledged members of society.

    We want to give you one piece of advice -

    Smile more often, smile

    Drive boredom and sadness away

    And do what you love.

    Let the rays of good go from you

    The heart beats clearly and rhythmically

    Let there be success in all matters,

    And health is only excellent!

    The purpose of our meeting is to draw public attention to the problems of citizens with disabilities.

    For the purpose of rehabilitation and social adaptation, social assistance centers and social rehabilitation departments for elderly citizens and people with disabilities are being created in Yamal.

    Do not stand aside indifferently

    When someone is in trouble.

    You need to rush to the rescue

    Any minute, always.

    And if someone, someone will help

    Your kindness, your smile,

    You are happy that the day was not lived in vain

    That you have not lived in vain for years!

    According to statistics, on average, 10% of the world's inhabitants have congenital or acquired disabilities. Every 4th family has a disabled person.

    Each of us has a little sun. This sun is kindness. kind person is someone who loves and helps people. Hurry up to do good deeds. Goethe said about this: “Not often people are given a reason for such high deeds! Hurry to do good! "

    I would like to shout to people:

    Be generous with affection

    The path of man is hard

    It looks a little like a fairy tale.

    In a world without affection, you know -

    Tears, rains, frosts.

    For adults and children, you know -

    A caress is needed, not a threat.

    Strive to open at least once

    The star of humanity in everyone.

    “Kindness is amazing. She brings people together like nothing else, she is the language in which everyone wants to talk to you. Kindness relieves us of loneliness, mental wounds, and unforgiven grudges. We will gain more than we will give if we more often remember that a person becomes a person only thanks to another person. "(V. Rozov)

    May there always be for you

    Good morning

    Day - joyful

    The evening is pleasant


    Life is always happy!

    As long as a person exists, this quality has always been appreciated. Even in the teachings of Vladimir Monomakh, we read: “And where you don’t go, where you don’t stop on the way, everywhere feed and give drink to everyone who asks ... You are doing well, do not be lazy about all that is good, do not pass by the person without greeting him, but say a kind word to everyone when you meet. "

    Good, no matter how small

    Much better than great evil.

    (Nizami Ganjeva)

    Philosophers believe that the realization of the good done is already a reward for a person. Simply by doing good, one should never expect gratitude. Mercy, benevolence, cases of attention to each other - all this is now written in the newspapers, talked on the radio. We know the names of the donors and the good deeds they have done. But you can also Everyday life show philanthropy.

    The person is benevolent, desiring the good of others and behaves accordingly. He cannot be angry, rude, cruel. His relationships with people are colored by friendliness, smile, expressions of attention and care. But not everyone can be kind. The path to kindness is not easy. This is a long journey, on which ups and downs, descents and ascents await a person. Therefore, a person should often stop and reflect on their actions.

    Being kind is not easy at all.

    Kindness does not depend on growth,

    Kindness does not depend on color,

    Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.

    Kindness Brings People Joy

    And in return does not require a reward.

    Kindness does not age over the years,

    Kindness from the cold will warm you.

    If kindness shines like the sun

    Adults and children are happy.

    Friends! A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. The game is fun, but there is a lesson in it. Every game, every fun competition opens in us some abilities or trains us and brings up certain qualities in us. Let's play with you.

    Literary game

    ♦ Griboyedov wrote the poem "Woe ..."


    From the mind

    From nothing to do

    ♦ Image of Bazarov:


    Equal to zero

    In Fadeev's novel "The Defeat" one of the main characters:



    Father Frost

    The protagonist of Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot"- it :

    Nicholas I



    ♦ Finish the quote: “I go out alone...»

    On the road

    To work

    On the bear

    ♦ "Life is given to a person ..."



    No wonder

    "My uncle is the most honest ..."

    Of the Rules


    And I could not have imagined it better

    ♦ "The stupid penguin is timidly hiding ..."!

    Body fat

    Lean brisket


    ♦ "And a star with a star ..."

    Is talking

    Not talking

    Sings a duet

    "To be or not to be- that's what ... "

    Mother gave birth



    ♦ Acid + alkali is a reaction ... ":




    We went to the North Pole on dogs:




    ♦ The uprising of Spartacus was:

    In 73 BC

    In 73 AD

    In 1973

    Song questions, you must select the desired option for the end of the song phrase.

    "Hanging on the fence, swaying in the wind:

    Crumpled leaf "

    Empty wallet "

    Leaky sock "

    “The main thing, guys:

    You can't fly with plywood "

    Have sponsors "

    Don't grow old with your heart "

    "From what, from what, from what

    Our sausages are blinded "

    Our tights are connected "

    Our girls are made "

    "Shorter in height only

    Gubin "

    Svetin "

    District Petrov "

    “But while I was singing a song

    Everything burned out in the frying pan "

    Five minutes have already flown by "

    All salary "flew away"

    “... Every mongrel, when I meet me at once ...

    Fights by the ears "

    Gives a paw "

    Yelling in your ear "

    “... And we are like that ...

    Eating "

    We light up "-

    We sunbathe "-

    “I'll go again ...

    And I'll go to my neighbor "

    I will stumble, I will fall "

    I'll find a pie "

    “He settled in our house ...–

    wonderful neighbor "

    hilarious esthete "

    primary school teacher"

    “And you are so ... -.



    good for nothing "

    from everything splendid "

    “And in the yard ... -.

    guitars and wine "

    everyone has been sleeping for a long time "

    Georgian one Vano "

    “And I'm like that, damn it, like that ...-..

    Angelica Varum "

    Madame Broshkina "

    Clara Zetkin "

    Milla Jovovich"

    We are with you!

    Life is always beautiful

    And everyone is gifted with something.

    May only joy be dominant

    And the light of hope is not defeated.

    In the maelstrom of all events

    Without groaning at the turn,

    Dare, believe, create,

    As commanded in the soul.

    Dear romantics and adventure lovers, if, of course, there are such people among us! Have you ever looked for a treasure? Not?! Then I provide you with this a unique opportunity... I will only disappoint you a little, since this treasure has already been found. I have seven keys, but only one of you will become the owner of the treasure, that is, the contents of the casket. So the first key is played.

    Before you is the word"Treasure hunter".

    The host shows a sign that says "Treasure Hunter".

    And I start an auction of the words that can be found in it. I ask you, dear friends, to name the words that consist of letters included in the word "treasure hunter". As the host, I'll start first. The word "treasure". Let's continue!

    You need to guess what is hidden behind the letter "K". I give three tips. You can name the variants of your answers after any of them. It is not necessary to wait for the third, last clue, since the one who is the first to give the correct answer receives the named prize and the key from the “treasure”.

    1. Essential for swimming, traveling.

    2. They predict the past, present and future.

    3. Thanks to them, someone remains a fool. (Cards.)

    The letter "L" is played, and you need to guess what is hidden behind it.

    1. The winner is very happy about that.

    2. A good helper in cooking fish soup.

    3. They don't eat raw, they throw away boiled ones. (Laurel.)

    So, the next lot is being played. Dear friends, attention, the letter "A" is at stake.

    Granddaughter of the legendary schooner.

    Poor cousin of the suitcase.

    The same as the shopping bag.
    (String bag.)

    The last letter "D" can bring good luck to someone today. So who will get the key and the honorable mention?

    The dweller of the lamp.

    Aladdin is his friend and master.

    One of the pirate drinks. (Genie.)

    The more keys you have in your hands, the more chances you have to become the owner of our treasure. Now pay attention to the contents of your pockets ... Only your private keys participate in the game. How much does anyone have in their hands this moment keys? You have two. Who has more?

    The owner of the larger number of keys is awarded a symbolic prize and a key.

    The seventh key is played out. And the number seven, according to many sages and soothsayers, is happy. Let us recall the proverbs and sayings with this number, for example: "seven do not wait for one" ...

    The winner of the auction will receive a prize and a key.

    Who is lucky today? We have only one treasure, and the key to the lock behind which it is hidden is also the only one. All owners of the cherished keys, that is, winners of previous contests, I invite to the chest.

    The owner of the "treasure" is the one who has large quantity keys.

    Delightfully witty, singing, acting members of the community. We are so happy for you! After all, if you are so cheerful, then life is still good.

    Great things are done not by the strength of muscles, not by the agility and dexterity of the body, but by wisdom, authority, decisions, restrictions on life activity do not deprive this ability.

    I want to end our program with the following words:

    May life be full to the brim

    No limits and no troubles.

    And so that happiness and health

    Enough for you for a hundred years.

    Your day is today.


    Do not give up positions in this life,

    Love and create and dare!

    Hope, the light of faith so that it does not go out!

    Target: shaping humane attitude to disabled children.


    • create a comfortable, welcoming environment;
    • shape aesthetic culture;
    • to educate in children feelings of empathy, mercy, tolerance for people with disabilities.

    Preliminary work.

    • With the pupils were conducted conversations on the following topics: "Is it easy to be different from everyone else" aimed at the development of spiritual and moral qualities (goodness, humanism); the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and feelings towards children with disabilities, towards people with disabilities.
    • Poster information for parents was prepared in conjunction with International Day persons with disabilities "International Day of Disabled Persons", the release of leaflets "We are becoming kinder."
    • Action "By the Way of Good" for the collection of toys for children with disabilities.

    When organizing and conducting events, we used various forms work with children:

    • Conversations (available preschool age level was told about people with disabilities, about children with disabilities)
    • Games (folk, round dance, mobile, role-playing);
    • Reading fiction, discussion


    • decorating the hall with balls, the necessary decorations for the event;
    • exhibition decoration creative works"Skillful hands";
    • charity event "By the Way of Good";
    • preparation of costumes, attributes;
    • selection of music.

    Event progress

    (to the song "The sun is shining for everyone" children enter the hall and perform the song)


    Good afternoon, dear guys, dear parents, guests, everyone present. Today we have a wonderful holiday. A holiday that everyone was looking forward to: both adults and children.

    1st child:

    On the first day of winter

    You have come here for a reason

    We want to say thank you

    Our good friends!

    2nd child:

    Let it not be summer outside

    Winter winds are blowing.

    A holiday of joy and light

    We called it "The Way of Good".

    How long have we been waiting for this day, preparing for it. After all, what is a holiday? This is a day of fun, a day of joy, this is when you can show yourself and look at others, and usually guests always come to the holiday.

    Fairy: Hello guys, hello guests!

    I am the Fairy of Kindness.
    I was in a hurry for your holiday
    And I sewed a beautiful outfit.
    Let's sing, dance together,
    Have fun and play.


    Hello Fairy, it's good that you came. Today we have a holiday of friendship and kindness, our guys have prepared songs about friendship and kindness.

    Fairy: Guys, you made me happy with your songs, I am very glad that I came to the holiday to such friendly and kind children.

    Heroes of good fairy tales to us
    They are already in a hurry to visit the hall,
    To the wonderland, mysteries
    Invite the guys soon.

    Have you forgotten the fairy tales? Have you read them with interest?
    To remember our tales and heroes to meet,
    I ask you riddles, try to guess.

    (Fairy makes a riddle)


    Grandma loved the girl very much,
    I gave her a red hat.
    The girl forgot her name.
    Well, tell me her name!

    Children: Little Red Riding Hood.

    Enter Little Red Riding Hood

    Little Red Riding Hood: Hello! I am Little Red Riding Hood.

    Fairy: Oh, what a fashionista we have, a beauty. Guys, let's invite girls from speech therapy group for the Fashion Show (music score)


    On the life path of every person there are people who carry such a charge of positive energy that even after talking a little with them you feel yourself somehow in a special inspired, joyful way. It is to this category of people that the head of our kindergarten A.E. Oryatkina

    (after the performance, a demonstration of the video "One day in the life of a kindergarten")

    "I and the Sun"

    (musical composition performed by children from speech therapy group No. 2)

    - Good day! - you were told
    - Good day! - you answered.
    How two strings were tied
    Warmth and kindness.


    They wish us a "Good journey!"

    It will be easier to go and walk.

    Hello! - you tell the person

    Hello! - he will tell us in response.

    And probably won't go to the pharmacy

    And it will be healthy for many years.


    What do we say "thank you" for?

    For everything they do for us.

    And we could not remember

    Who was told how many times.


    These words are the most wonderful

    Everyone is very happy to hear

    Adults and children are getting kinder

    And they are in a hurry to smile at you.

    Host: (don't forget about sponsors)

    Dear guys, today we have guests who have come to your party. They have the floor.


    • Head of the Department for Education, Guardianship and Guardianship -
      Naumova Nadezhda Vasilievna
    • Deputy Head of the City District Administration social development- Elena Nikolaevna Zakuraeva
      Director of MBDOU " Kindergarten"Lukomorye" -
      Marina Kuchugurina
    • Deputy Director of MBDOU "Kindergarten" Lukomorye "-
      Ilyasova Natalia Alexandrovna
    • Director of GKU SO "Mikhailovskiy TsSON" -
      Vyazigin Andrey Alexandrovich
    • Director of the GKU TsSZN for the city of Mikhailovka and the Mikhailovsky district -
      Sbiralnikova Ekaterina Anatolievna


    Mothers have a holy office in the world -

    Pray for gifted children.

    And day and night in the invisible ether

    The prayers of our mothers are heard.

    One will be silent, the other echoes her.

    Night will change day and night will come again.

    But mothers' prayers never stop

    For a dear son or daughter.

    (flowers from Lyudmila Shvedova as a gift to a mother for a disabled child)

    Summing up the results of the handicraft competition.

    Host: There are winners in the skillful hands craft competition. The winners are awarded with diplomas.

    Host: Our holiday concert has come to an end! We want to wish you once again that you do not lose heart, set certain goals for yourself, believe in your strengths and achieve them no matter what! We wish you health and vitality. Let you be surrounded by close, understanding people. Good luck and help from the people around you!

    Presenting gifts for the Day of the Disabled

    (life-size puppet Mickey Mouse)


    The competition is over

    The meeting ended

    The hour of parting has come.

    We are all a little tired

    But we were warmed by the warmth of your eyes.


    Kind hearts are gardens

    Good words- roots,

    Kind thoughts are flowers

    Good deeds are fruits.

    (Apples are distributed to everyone present: sheets of paper with a glue base, feedback, opinion about what they saw. What did you like? What should you pay attention to ...)

    Mickey Mouse puzzle

    Fascinating business -
    Show soap bubbles!
    I saw a bubble -
    No windows, no doors!
    What a rainbow then
    Is it getting there ?!

    Soap bubbles show

    Host: We invite everyone to festive table for a tea party.


    • EN Kotysheva - "Musical correction of children with disabilities." SPb .: Speech; M .; Sphere, 2010.
    • Kolokolchik magazine No. 47-2011, St. Petersburg
    • Magazine "Musical palette" No. 1-2011

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