An abstract application for appliqués in the middle group on the topic: "Birds. Abstract Node on appliqués in the middle group "Migratory birds

Decor elements 29.09.2019
Decor elements




Abstract classes on unconventional technology Appliques "Birds on branches" (middle group)

- to analyze children to applive in the form of a bird; Use - Create an idea of \u200b\u200btheir name, features of the structure, body shape, wings, tail, distinctive features of different types of birds;
- Love and caring attitude towards birds;
- Create the ability to accurately use glue;
- Ride the shallow motility of the fingers.
- develop observation, attention;
Equipment: Color paper pattern, oilcloth, tassels, glue, watermelon seeds, peas, twig with leaves. Napkins. Image of birds on a branch.

Dictionary: We will do appliqué, we will do birds, plant on a twig, glue, stencil, seeds of watermelon, peas, what is it?

Travel course:
- We go on a trip to the forest glade. We will go on the car. How does he signal? (Entry of children in a group room in which the images of birds are attached in advance)
-Sut guys who sings so beautifully? (Birds)
-And where did they hide? Let's find it and see what is called a bird that so sings? This is grooves. Shouter jump. How is he twikate? Chicharik!
- Look, guys, what is this bird? Where did she come from here? It seems I know: this bird made children from another kindergarten and sent it to the world to see. True beautiful? (Showing the sample of the upcoming work)
- And I want to teach you to do such beautiful birds. And when you make them, we let go of them fly to other kindergartens to visit the guys.
- Tell first we will analyze, from which the bird will be. I will show, and you call parts.
- Head.
-There smoothly goes into the body.
- Ward. (Why do you need a wing?)
-Tail. (Why do you need a tail?)
-Lesk. (Why do I need a Glazik?)
-Convic. (Why do you need a keyboard?)
- And now show quietly, as birds fly. The birds flew, flying and quietly sat down at the tables, so as not to make noise on the forest clearing.
- Look, which lies in front of you on the table.
- Torch with your future birds.
- Themes Watermelon

Grains of pea
- The first thing we make, smear the glue torso and gently glue the seeds of watermelon on the body of the bird. The head of the bird is at the top, and the tail will be downstairs. Then glue the eyebound and keyboard.
Our pieces are ready, let's put them on a common tree, and they will sing for us ringing songs.
- How do birds melted loudly, what do they want? I seem to know. They offer us to play the game "Practice and car". (Game)
- What have you learned to do in the forest clearing?
- Did you like our journey?
"It's time to return home: you can admire the birds bye and sit down in the car.
-How it will signal?
-Bi - bi, go !!

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Every year we see how birds are going to flock and fly south. Traditionally, the appliqué "birds migratory" is included in a set of creative classes for kindergarten. In such lessons, children not only learn about migratory birds more, but also acquainted with new appliqué techniques, for example, making crafts from leaves, from bird feathers and so on.

A variety of applications on this topic will allow it to use it for classes with kids of different ages: younger guys will be interested in gluing prepared elements. The guys in the older group with hobbies will independently cut different in the form of the wings and the tails of the bird figures, and in elementary school it can be easily able to independently invent compositions for applications without using templates.

This article presents a master class on creating applications with children on migratory birds in various techniques.

Crafts from leaves

Make the fire-bird from the leaves is not at all difficult, just take:

  1. Dry leaves;
  2. Glue;
  3. Paints;
  4. Glue pistol;
  5. Cardboard for the base.

The first step is to prepare a cardboard for the base. You can paint it into the desired color or choose already color.

When the paint in the leaves dried, glue them to the base. Apply a thick layer of hot glue into cardboard, as well as put the points on each leafle to be glued well. We lay out the leaves on the cardboard as conceived, and we press well. You can use a napkin to remove the excess glue.

It is important to remember that hot glue is very quickly freezing, therefore, if prominent traces remain, they can be painted the same paint as the leaves so that the colors merge.

The next step make the body of the bird. It will take a dry leaf that is excellent in color from our selected for the tail. We glue it over the tail, we also press a tightly napkin so that the body is well glued to the leaves.

From a dark leaf or from cardboard, cut out the foot and eyes, we glue them to the body of the heat-bird.

Pernaya paper

You can make the applique of migratory birds from paper using:

  1. Colored paper;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Glue;
  4. Colors;
  5. Cardboard for base.

First prepare the background. It will be a blue sky with small clouds. For this we take blue and white cardboard. From white cardboard, cut out small clouds and glue them to a blue background.

When birds are cut out of colored paper, glue them to the cardboard. You can add the finished picture with trees at the bottom cut out of paper or hand-drawn.

Also from paper you can make the applique of "birds on branches".

It is necessary to take colored paper, scissors, glue and cardboard for the base.

From paper cut out the details of the bird: a torso, tummy, wings, eyes, foot and beak. And also cut out a twig on which the bird will sit. When the details are ready, we glue them in order.

First we glue a branch to the cardboard, trail and tummy. Then the paws so that the bird is sitting on the branch. Next glue your head to the body, wings, placing eyes and beak. It is possible to decorate the picture of the picture at the request of the sun, berries on the branch, clouds, and so on.

Birds from feathers

From feathers you can also make excellent crafts of birds! For example, a handful of cones, paper and feathers will become an excellent decoration of the interior.

In order to make such a craft, we will need:

  1. Cone;
  2. Multicolored feathers;
  3. Dense paper for making head and paws;
  4. Adhesive pistol.

Before proceeding with the work, the cone must be dried in the oven for about 20-30 minutes. This will allow you to get rid of extra moisture and insects inside.

The dried bump can be painted with paints, and you can leave natural color and texture. To the shishke below glue cut-off retail paws, and also glue the head to the pointed end of the bump. You can stick to the head to the head, and you can draw them yourself. Now it remains to attach feathers. They are gently planted on glue. The more feathers will be, the bigger the bird's "Shevlyura" will turn out.

There is also another way of making birds from feathers.

We need:

  1. 2 sheets of cardboard (white and color of any color);
  2. Glue;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Feathers.

From white cardboard cut the silhouette of a bird. In our case, this is a firebird. Silhouette, starting from the tail, it is necessary to attach feathers. You can stick them to each other. Then we glue the cutting with feathers to the color cardboard. The picture can be inserted into the frame, it will be an excellent decoration of any room in your home!

Video on the topic

To secure the skills received during the master class, we offer to watch a video selection on the topic.

Abstract Applique classes in the senior group

Applique in the senior group on the topic "Snegiri on the branches"

Author: Shegurova Elena Anatolyevna, Educator MBDOU "Babinovsky Kindergarten No. 1 of the combined species", p. Big Elhovka, Lambirsky district, Republic of Mordovia.
Description of the material: I offer you an applique abstract (collective work) for the children of the senior group (5-6 years) on the topic: "Snegiri on branches". This material will be useful to educators of the older group. This is an abstract classes in artistic creativity, aimed at developing aesthetic perception and education of the ability to take part in collective work.

Integration of educational areas:

"Artistic Creativity", "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction."


cognitive, research, productive, communicative, motor.
Purpose:learning children to transfer the form of bulk, the features of the shape of the head and body, tail (cutting in parts of colored paper), observing the relative value. Transfer a staging color. Learning beautifully spaced images on a sheet. Fasten the ability to take part in collective work, find its image in the overall composition. Develop aesthetic perception. Developing: Develop creative abilities in children, the feeling of excellent, the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty and wealth of the surrounding world.
Educational: continue to teach children gently stick parts, use glue and tassel; fasten the names of geometric shapes;
Educational: Bring up careful attitude towards birds, love of wildlife and the desire to take care of birds; Accuracy and attentiveness.
Demonstration material: Illustrations with the image of winter landscapes, bullfding. Sample made by the educator.
Materials for the lesson: Large sheet of light tone paper with painted tree with widespread diverging branches, colored paper, scissors, glue.
Methodical techniques: Riddown of riddles, talk-dialogue, viewing illustrations and conversation on them, Fizkultminutka "Snegiri", productive activities, summing up.

Structure occupation

- Tell me, guys, what time of year is it?
- What kind of birds in winter on the street can we see?
- How can you call the birds that remain with us in one word?
- Well done! And now, guess the riddles. Ripping them, you will learn who we will make today.
Krasnogood, black,
Loves grains to peck.
With first snow on rowan
It will appear again.
Winter on branches apples!
Mostly collect them!
And suddenly apples suddenly felt
After all, it ... (bullfinches)
- Molders! Meet - this is a bullfinch. Show illustration. Bullfinch received his name for the fact that he flies to us with the snow, and lives all winter. Bullfinch is a beautiful, calm bird. Look carefully, and remember how it looks. The top of the head, the wings and tail is black. And breast, abdomen and cheeks are red. The beak at the bulk is short, thick.
2. Fizkultminutka "Snegiri"
I look at the branches, (clap yourself on the sides)
In the Red Takes of Snegiri. (Show breasts)
Divided the feathers, (hands slightly to the sides,)
Heat in the sun. (Shell fingers)
Head Vertimi, Vertim, (turns head to the right, left)
Flew they want. (Run in a circle, waving hands)
Kysh! Kysh! Fuck!
3. Sample viewing. Refinement of the sequence and techniques of performance.
4. Expert activity of children. Drawing up collective work.
5. Outcome.
- What is this bird called? (Bullfinch)
- Name, what is the bird? (Torso, wings, head)
- What color of these are shints? (Red and black)

Abstract Applique classes
On the topic "Winter birds".
(Middle preschool age)
Educator Gabak M. I.
An abstract classes on the topic "Winter birds".
Purpose: Teach children to transfer the image of bulk and cinema, features of the shape of the head and torso, tail (breaking in parts from colored paper), observing the relative value. Transfer painting birds. Develop aesthetic perception.
Developing tasks: develop creative abilities in children, the feeling of excellent, the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty and wealth of the surrounding world, develop visual attention and perception, memory, fine and common motility.
Educational tasks: Continue to teach children gently stick items, use glue, clarify and expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wintering birds, their structure. Form the concept of wintering birds. Clarify and intensify the dictionary
Educational challenges: to educate the careful attitude towards birds, love for wildlife and the desire to take care of the birds; Accuracy and attentiveness. Form the skill of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence.
Demonstration Material: illustrations with the image of winter landscapes, subject pictures, "Winter birds", pencil glue, colored paper, coloring with birds, sample, made by the educator. Materials for the lesson: Pencil glue, colored paper, coloring with birds, tape recorder ( Birdsong). Methodical techniques: conversation dialogue, viewing illustrations and conversation on them, Fizkultminutka "Forty Beloboka", productive activity, finger gymnastics "How many birds in the feeder flew", summing up.
Preliminary work:
1. Consider illustrations, characteristic, external signs (tail, beak, flowering feathers, size.
2. Conversations to children in the process of observing and feeding birds on a walk, about careful attitude towards birds.
3. This encyclopedic literature.
4. Usage poems about birds.
Organizing time.
Chlopai, chlocks do not yaw and give me a palm. Children take hands wishing each other positive attitude. We are with you all friends, we are with you one family.
Surprise moment: knock on the door, a letter from Leknivka and his friends.
The educator reads a letter: Dear guys wrote you a dunning and his friends. We live in hot countries and have never seen pancakes and bullfighters, they do not fly to us. They wanted to make the appliquéptice completely confused. I thought she had a yellow breast, and friends say that red. Guys help us please. I know your group of sparrows and you probably know everything about the birds.
Structure occupation
Educator: Well, that the guys will help melanchka. Responses of children.
Let's tell me a minor of the poem about our group.
Our group of sparrows,
Naughty guys.
We love we tweet,
Gracious pending;
And in winter cold
To you fly to the feeders.
- Speaker, guys, what is the time of year now? - And what birds in winter on the street can we see? - How in a word you can call the birds that remained wintering with us? - Talk we will talk about the winter birds today. Consider the pictures and name the birds.
Picture viewing
Educator: Embods pictures of the Winter Birds on Flanhegraph: Dove, Sinit, Sparrow, Crow, Woodpecker, Bullfinch.
"Of course, you know that with the onset of cold, many birds fly south. But not everything, there are also such that they do not fly away, but they live with us all year round (crow, dove, sparrow).
- And there are also those who fly to us only wintering (tits, bullfinches).
- bullfighting is called so because they fly to us with the first snow. Snegier has a red breast, a bluish-gray back and black head and wings.
- Sires are breast yellow, and black heads and wings.
- Tell me about the crow. What is she? (big, black, important, tricky).
- This bird is familiar with you. Who is it? Tell about Sparrow.
- What is he? (small, sulfur, smart, fast).
- This bird can be found in the forest. This is a woodpecker.
He often knocks on the tree, and you know why he does it?
- The woodpecker treats trees, extracting harmful bugs from under the bark.
- You will tell me about this bird. Who is it? What is he?
(Large pigeon, SIZY, VERGING.)
- What are these birds? Winter.
- Why are they called that?
Physical traffic.
Forty - Beloboka
Porridge cooked
Children fed:
This gave
With you gave this,
This gave
This gave
This gave.
Educator: Guys, and now let's go through the table and help melanchka, stick the applique of the cinema and bullfding.
Children pick up colored paper, tear it into small pieces, and apclication planets.
Finger exercise "Feeding"
How many birds in the feeder
our flew
We will tell:
Two Tits, Sparrow,
Six scoes and pigeons,
Woodpecker in Penter Pynes.
All enough grains.
Children perform appliqué. All work we collect in a large panel.
Educator: Guys, what we did today with you, what were we talking about today? What games played? What did you like best? Evaluation of children. 5.Detit your work and the work of comrades are called the birds, which were depicted, clarify their distinctive features, as well as what everyone unites them.
6. Working activities - cleaning the workplace.

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