Presentation on the subject of the simplest mushrooms. Presentation for the children of the senior group on the topic

Engineering systems 30.06.2020
Engineering systems

Learning to recognize mushrooms

Educator "Ainalayn"

Harvest School

rh. Habit Musrepova,

Yanzzene Valentina Vladimirovna

Edible mushrooms

Strong, dense, very static,

In a hat brown and elegant.

This is the pride of all forests!

Real king of mushrooms!

white mushroom

Edible mushrooms

Under fallen leaves

mushrooms hid together.

Very sly sister

It's yellow ... chanterelles

Edible mushrooms

Sat down a mouse on ........

And ...... .. - Lipsky Mushroom,

Here is a mouse and adhesive.


Mom, mom, ditch!


Edible mushrooms

No mushrooms are friendly than these, - know adults and children, -

on hemp grow

like freckles on the nose


Edible mushrooms

I do not argue - not white,

i, brothers, simpler,

i am usually ragu in birch grove.


Edible mushrooms

I'm in a red hat ragu

among the roots of aspen,

I will find out for the vest,

I call me ...


Edible mushrooms

Love i'm freight white

I love black black,

But I am not interested in color -

I love them salty!

Edible mushrooms


Edible mushrooms


Fancy mushrooms

Gray manure

Merrogen White

Fancy mushrooms

Mushroom umbrella

Stroofaria blue-green



Poisonous mushrooms

Pale it stands

She has an edible appearance.

Bring home - trouble,

It is poison that food.

Know that this mushroom is a deception, our enemy - ...

death cap

Poisonous mushrooms

But someone's important

On a white leg.

He and red hat

On a hat - peas.


Poisonous mushrooms

Amanita Pantry

Amanita smelly

white Rellars

Poisonous mushrooms

Lost brick-red

Govitka is stuck

Sulfur-yellow false

Champignon redhead


Once - fees,

Two - Massel,

Three - Handsome-Borovik.

Here is a wave on the edge,

Champignon and raincoat.

Here is a changer-small,


Here is a waist and stitching,

And another boring.

Mokhovik stands on the leg,

Golden Golden and Ryzhik.

I'm not used to empty butt back I am home!

Edible mushrooms

Slides: 37 words: 1860 Sounds: 5 Effects: 16

Mushroom lesson

Slides: 11 Words: 316 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Theme lesson. The kingdom of mushrooms. Hat and mold mushrooms. Tasks of the lesson: Riddle: Geographic Station. Have you met with mushrooms and where? Where do mushrooms live? Where guys often meet mushrooms? Station "Research. In notebooks make the sketch of the structure of a hat mushroom. Station "Biological". What kind of mushrooms do you know? What is the name of the science studying mushrooms? In the old days, the mushroom circle was called "Witch Circle". What do you think guys why? Station "Medical". - School mushrooms: - Syadovy mushrooms: the station "Protection of Nature". What rules should we observe when we go to the forest? - Mushroom lesson .ppt.

Mushrooms Yagoda

Slides: 23 words: 1292 Sounds: 3 Effects: 176

The world of mushrooms and berries. Mushrooms. September brought us crop mushrooms. The richness with you is shared by the forest. Thank you for the joy of autumn miracles! Poisonous mushrooms. Poisonous mushrooms - mushrooms, the use of which in food can cause poisoning. Collect only the types of mushrooms you know. Unknown or dubious mushrooms can not be eaten. Ovens of a hat from below yellowish-white, on the leg ring. Edible. False Hat Opels Dark Dark, No Ring on the leg. Poisonous! Dangerous! A pale hat of a white hat is white, on the leg at the bottom of the torn sac. Very poisonous! False chanterelle hat of dark orange or brown-orange color. - Berry mushrooms.ppt.

Mushrooms grade 6.

Slides: 12 words: 196 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Crossword on the topic "Mushrooms". Wise Bearded Old Man, a resident of Bora - ... Think yet! On the hemp sit brothers. All - in the freckles of the chali. Near the forest on the edge, decorating a dark boron, grew by a pedestrian, like parsley, poisonous ... I do not argue - not white, me, brothers, simpler. I am usually ragu in birch grove. And the fire broken a smoky cloud from the dispute! - Mushrooms Grade 6.ppt

The kingdom of mushrooms

Slides: 12 words: 587 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Mushrooms. The kingdom of mushrooms. Upper growth. Holding the remaining foundation. Chitridomycetes. Types of mold mushrooms. Bruise. Blutch pine. Mokhovik is motley. Baked stamp. - The kingdom of mushrooms.pptx

The kingdom of mushrooms

Slides: 14 Words: 639 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Mushrooms Biology

Slides: 15 words: 212 Sounds: 0 Effects: 61

Travel to nature. Live. Non-fat. Nature. Plants. Animals. Earth has been drilled, left the root. He himself appeared on the light, covered with a hat. Riddle. White mushroom. Boost. Honey. Mushrooms. Hat. "Hat mushrooms." The subject of the lesson: the scheme of the structure of a hat mushroom. Hat. Leg. Fruit body. Mycelium. Hat mushrooms fruit body mushroom. Dictionary: Rules for collecting mushrooms. 1. Mushroom Carefully unscrew. The resulting hole sprinkle with leaves and cheese. 3. For example, do not break the mushrooms in vain: many animals feed and treated mushrooms. The value of mushrooms in nature: - serve as animal feed; - Mushrooms Biology.pptx

Lesson Kingdom Mushrooms

Slides: 18 Words: 359 Sounds: 0 Effects: 30

In the kingdom of mushrooms (lesson on the subject of the "surrounding world." 3 Class). The subject of the lesson: in the kingdom of mushrooms. Describe the value of mushrooms in nature and in the life of people. To form knowledge of inedible and poisonous mushrooms. Learn techniques for the proper collection of mushrooms. The reference points of the lesson. The kingdom of mushrooms, different from the kingdoms of plants and animals. Features of the structure of the mushroom organism (mushroom, leg, hat. Features of nutrition and habitat of mushrooms. Mushrooms. Mushrooms. Mushrooms - Non-colorful plants that do not have real leaves, stems, roots. The structure of the mushroom organism. Mushroom. - Lesson Kingdom Mushrooms .PPS

Biology 6 class mushrooms

Slides: 31 words: 1224 Sounds: 33 Effects: 10

Biology Kingdom Mushrooms

Slides: 22 words: 366 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

The topic "General characteristic of fungi". Purpose: Determine the place of fungi in the system of organic world. Riddle. BUILD. Plan: The kingdom of living organisms. Military talent. Nuclear talent. Bacteria. Plants. Animals. ? BUILD. Blue-green. Comparative characteristics of mushrooms and plants. Kingdoms. Mushrooms. They are not able to actively move. Suck nutrients. Unicellular and multicellular. They have chlorophyll. Organic substances are formed in the light, they allocate O2. Do not have chlorophyll. Use ready-made organic substances. Comparative characteristics of mushrooms and animals. - Biology Kingdom Mushrooms.ppt

"The Kingdom of Mushrooms" Grade 6

Slides: 32 words: 865 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The kingdom of mushrooms. Tasks lesson. Mushrooms. From the word "Mickle" received its name from the science of mushrooms - micrology. Types of mushrooms. The overall characteristics of the kingdom of mushrooms. All mushrooms have a kernel and are eukaryotes. Signs of similarities with plants. Signs of similarities with animals. The structure of the mushroom. Signs characteristic of only mushrooms. Types of food mushrooms. Saprotrofas. Reproduction of mushrooms. Spore mushrooms. Hats mushrooms. Edible mushrooms. Wave. Ryzhik. White mushrooms. Poisonous mushrooms. Rules for collecting mushrooms. Each mushroom grows under its tree. The mutually beneficial cohabitation of living organisms is called symbiosis. - "The Kingdom of Mushrooms" Grade 6.ppt

General characteristic of mushrooms

Slides: 12 words: 218 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The structure of mushrooms

Slides: 6 Words: 76 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

A variety of mushrooms. The structure of a hat mushroom. Types of hay mushrooms. Tubular mushrooms. Plastic mushrooms. Reproduction of hats mushrooms. Hint mushrooms are multiplied by dispute. Questions for repetition. Tell me what a haired mushroom consists of. How do mushrooms multiply? Draw in a notebook 2-3 mushrooms. - The structure of mushrooms.pptx

The development of mushrooms

Slides: 11 Words: 343 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Period: Archey and Proteroza. The water medium dominated. Very high geothermal activity. Active skills. The glaciation was replaced by the warming of climate. The atmosphere increased the oxygen content of up to 5-6% of the modern level. Period: Poleozoic era. Quite moderate climate, increased humidity. Susha split into separate continents, which were grouped by the equator. The formation of a large number of areas suitable for the settlement of living organisms. The rapid development of eukaryotov, and consequently both mushrooms. Silurian period of the Proterozoic era. The output of plants on land, due to the increase in land area. - The development of mushrooms.ppt.

The role of mushrooms

Slides: 21 words: 317 Sounds: 0 Effects: 53

Mushrooms and their role

Slides: 15 words: 255 Sounds: 0 Effects: 7

The role of mushrooms in the nature and life of a person. Examine the role of mushrooms in the nature and life of a person. Mushrooms, like animals, feed on ready-made organic substances. Mushroom saprophytes feed on dead organic residues. Mold Merkor Penicill Aspergill. Hat champignon with a raincoat and other mold mushrooms. Mushroom raincoat. Merrogen white. Champignon. Gray machine. Mushroom symbiontes are involved in the formation of mycorrhiza. Photography of mycorrosis. Tree roots. The roots of the tree, entered into symbiosis with the threads of the mushroom. White mushroom. Boost. Sreezhka. Mushroom symbiontes - food and medicine for animals. - Mushrooms and their role .PPT

Mushrooms in the forest

Slides: 31 words: 1911 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Amazing world of mushrooms. Mushrooms are extremely diverse in size, appearance, habitats. Mushrooms are a special group of living organisms. A variety of mushrooms. Puffy dew. Scab. Yeast. Edible mushrooms. Champignon. Boostry. Honey. Ryzhik. Podbirovik. Sreezhka. White mushroom. Massel. Chanterelles. Boost. Maslenok. Wave. Podberezovik. Growing in birch or mixed with birch forests throughout the forest area. It is found primarily by the colonies in pine bodies. Prefers to settle on sandy soils. Collected from late July to October. Grows on forest glades, by forest edges, in ravines and ditch. -

Presentation "Mushrooms" for senior preschool children

Maxue children with mushrooms.
Teach children distinguish edible and poisonous mushrooms.
Rail in children careful attitude towards nature. To acquaint with the rules of behavior in nature when collecting mushrooms.
Teach children to guess riddles.

Slide 1.
The boletus, he is Osinovik or Redogolovik. In the name of the mushroom, thanks to the close connection of his mushrooms with Osin, because it was in Osinniki mushrooms find most often. And also due to the explicit similarity of the color of the hats with the autumn color of the aspen foliage.

Slide 2.
The Mushrooms "Wall" received its name because of their nature of growth - stumps (hemp), and both alive and dead. But there are also a few species that grow on the meadows. They grow large families (tubers), although occasionally meet and lonely widespread.

Slide 3.
Mushroom Borovik - one of the most common types of families of the bolts. Among the most common types of Borovikov, a white oak mushroom is distinguished (sometimes it is called Borovik mesh), Borovik Bronze and Girl. All these mushrooms have long been used in food, and in our times are delicacy, since the halo of their spread has declined significantly.

Mushroom Collection Rules:You can only collect those mushrooms that you know for sure, and necessarily with adults. In order not to damage the fungouncing, mushrooms must be cut off gently with a knife. Poisonous mushrooms are better to go around the side and do not disrupt them: they are dangerous to people, and animals can come in handy. Do not put in the Cervichi basket, old, overripe mushrooms. In such mushrooms, poisonous substances are formed, these mushrooms can be poisoned! Never collect mushrooms in parks, urban squares, parisades, on boulevards. And also it is impossible to collect mushrooms grew up near the highways.
For a real mushroom hike behind mushrooms - a joyful meeting with the forest, an introduction to his beauty, his secrets. Every mushroom he not only gently cuts out, but also admire them, and then only put in the basket. He will not touch the unfamiliar and inedible mushrooms. Dry foliage and moss will not turn over, does not scatter. The real mushroom with the forest rejoices as a friend and mushrooms will not regret it. Let's not forget about these rules, going for mushrooms!

Presentation on the topic: Mushrooms

In the fall, mushrooms appear in the forest after the rain from the grass. Let's look at what they consist of.


Means of mushrooms ripen here




Sucks from soil meals and water

You can never forget that there are edible mushrooms and those that can not be unbearable.

Everyone knows Amanita and Pale Mustache.


But with edible mushrooms you can do anything. What do you think?

The most delicious edible mushroom - WHITE MUSHROOM . White it is called because if it is fed or dried, it will remain white. Still called him Borovik

There is a lukashka - a white shirt,

And the hat is hoping a chocolate color.

Bright stains throughout the forest scattered Lisuki . What do you think they call them so? Hats in chanterelles as a funnel, they look like inverted umbrellas.

Very friendly sisters - Golden chanterelles.

Going in redheads, autumn in the forest is brought in summer.

There is still a mushroom Grup , sadness will go out of the soul.

He look like a white funnel,

Often hides aside from daylight.

Gudes are white, yellow and even black. Grow in fir and fir forests. People often collect freight on the salin.

In pine forests, big families grow Oily . Their harvest can be collected from summer to late autumn. High mushroom with a large chocolate hat. They called the mushroom so because the hat is covered with a film and it seems that the mushroom is smeared with oil.

It is a boy,

Macely shapchonka.

Near dry stumps and around the trunks of trees, a friendly family is located Wood . In the raw form, these mushrooms are poisonous, but in the prepared a lot of vitamins and the necessary human substances.

And funny guys - tonogi

They attached near the stump and shout: "Look for me!"

In the people, this mushroom call Vanka-stand, and in scientific - Boosynovik or red head head. How do you think why? Boostry rarely grow apart. They can collect the whole Lukoshko only under one tree.

The parenchy under the aspen pennies.

Only a mushroom hat like a lighthouse for a sailor. (How do you understand this poem?)

Forest tracks have a lot of white legs,

In multicolored hats, published noticeable.

Collect, do not bag. It - Syrozhuya .

During the whole mushroom season, you can find multi-colored cheesegles. Hats from blue green to red-brown. Hat such mushrooms is very fragile.

There are mushrooms in Lukoshka.

Amanita red - mushroom dangerous,

Chanterelle - redhead sister,

Wave - Pink Ushko,

Crashchka - bearded old man,

Well, and this is white - eat it boldly.

Listen carefully and count

Help to gather in a basket only

Edible mushrooms

Check knowledge:

1. What are the fungus from the mushroom?

2. What is the name of the piece of mushroom hidden underground?

3. What animals like there are mushrooms?

4. What mushroom can be raw?

5. Under the aspen - the boletus, under the birch - ...?

  • What mushrooms grow around the stump?
  • What color are cheese?
  • What can be done with mushrooms?

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