School Literacy Day. Class hour "international literacy day"

reservoirs 29.09.2019

Methodical development for the middle school (for high school students - on), dedicated to the International Literacy Day. The holiday is celebrated according to calendar educational events dedicated to state and national holidays Russian Federation, anniversaries and events Russian history and Culture, for the 2018/19 academic year (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, April 27, 2018). The developments can be used in carrying out extracurricular activities, class hours and thematic lessons. The script is based on: Guidelines on working with dictionaries in Russian language lessons. A. D. Deikina, O. N. Levushkina, N. A. Nefedova "WORKING WITH DICTIONARIES IN THE SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM". M., 2016.

International Literacy Day is one of the international days celebrated under the auspices of the United Nations. It was established by UNESCO in 1966 on the recommendation of the World Conference of Ministers of Education for the Eradication of Illiteracy, held in Tehran in 1965. September 8 is the day of the grand opening of this conference. the main objective this Day - to intensify the efforts of the international community on Literacy, one of the main areas of action of UNESCO, as a tool for empowering individuals, communities and communities.

Since 1967, UNESCO has declared 8 September as International Reading and Literacy Day. On this day in different countries world various state and public buildings decorated with photo posters famous people reading books, newspapers and magazines; prominent cultural figures, charismatic leaders, famous athletes, etc.

In the first week of September, book exhibitions and fairs open, competitions and quizzes, conferences and seminars are held. In our country, Reading and Literacy Day has been celebrated since 2000 in Moscow, in the city of Rezh, Sverdlovsk Region, Yekaterinburg, where the Krapivin Readings were held, dedicated to the wonderful children's writer V.P. Krapivin, a native of this city.

In the mid-70s of the twentieth century, when this day began to be celebrated, “being literate” meant the ability to read and write. Then they began to talk about academic and functional literacy. The first is needed in order to study, and the second is to enjoy reading and writing every day in life.

The World Health Organization includes the literacy rate in the 12 most important indicators that determine the health of the nation. The UN considers literacy and longevity equally important

Characteristics of the life of the people. The International Monetary Fund has calculated that economic development country begins when the literacy rate exceeds 40%. And according to UNESCO, there are more than 700 million illiterate people in the world among adults, and among children this number exceeds 72 million. These are countries in which wars are being fought, countries of the “third world”.

  • 1 Globally, only 19 countries have higher literacy rates for women than for men. And out of 143 states in 41 countries, a woman is twice as likely to be illiterate as a man.
  • 2 Illiteracy flourishes not only in the poor, but also, as the UNESCO organization points out, in richer countries such as Egypt, Brazil, China.
  • 3 In 15 countries of the world, more than 50% of children do not even have a basic general education.
  • 4 In 1989, the King Sejong Award for work in this field was established in the Republic of Korea. The winners are awarded a prize in the amount of 20 thousand US dollars.
  • 5 World statistics have shown that a larger percentage of illiterates (37% of adults) live in India.

Quiz (for students in grades 5-8)

All participants are given sheets of red and green paper. The facilitator reads some statement about the language or literature, which may or may not be true. If the participant believes that the presenter told the truth, he raises green leaf. If you do not agree with the presenter - a red sheet. The correct answer in some cases may be "YES", in some - "NO". All correct answers advance to the next round, incorrect answers are eliminated. And so on until there is 1 (maybe 2) winner.

Sample: presenter approves: Strict literary norm forbids saying "two girls". Correct answer: YES. All those who raised the green leaf move on, those who raised the red leaf (i.e., those who disagree with the statement) are eliminated.

Quiz 1 Language norms (orthoepy, vocabulary, phraseology, grammar)

  • 1 The emphasis we call is correct. NO
  • 2 word shampoo male. YES
  • 3 We put on coats, but we put on headphones. NO
  • 4 On the Volga River - this is the right combination for literary language. YES
  • 5 The sender is the recipient of the message. NO
  • 6 Potemkin villages - this is how they call very deaf, abandoned places, something
  • distant and obscure. NO This is what they say about what is arranged, equipped for
  • creating the appearance of well-being.
  • 7 The prefix quasi ... means "imaginary, not real." YES For example, a quasi-scientist is not a real scientist. Quasi - the same as "pseudo".
  • 8 In the word butik, the stress on AND is also preserved in oblique cases. For example, opening a boutique is correct. YES
  • 9 The Russian Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion. YES
  • 10 I collect keychains - so you can say YES
  • 11 Permanent is temporary, impermanent. NO It's continuous,
  • constant.
  • 12 Eight hundred fifty-six - this is how the number should be declined. NO

Quiz 2 Spelling rules (spelling, punctuation)

  • 13 In the words gra (m / mm) ota and gra (m / mm) atika, a different number of letters M is written. YES
  • 14 In the word oduv (n? h) ik there is no soft sign YES
  • 15 Open the window Nastya (f?) - and here already soft sign there is. YES After adverbs hissing at the end, b is written, exceptions - already, married, unbearable.
  • 16 In the word silver (n / nn) th, one letter N is written. YES
  • 17 Moscow (g / g) state (u / u) university - all words must be capitalized NO
  • 18 If in a sentence, first the words of the author, then direct speech, then after the words of the author, a dash is placed before the direct speech. NO
  • 19 City of Aleksandrov, Vladimir Region. Correctly write under the city of Aleksandrov NO
  • 20 Make and (s / s? Under) tishka - here, after all, a hyphen is needed. NO
  • 21 Diploma issued to Anastasia - this is the correct spelling NO
  • 22 Access to (I/I) the Internet - in this combination, the word Internet/Internet can be written with both capital and small letters YES
  • 23 In the word chlorophy(l/ll) there are two letters L at the end. YES
  • 24 Combination ex Soviet Union written in three words. YES
  • Quiz 3 Fiction
  • 25 “At the Lukomorye there is a green oak…” – the famous lines from “Eugene Onegin”. NO "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
  • 26 Russian Language Day is celebrated on the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. YES
  • 27 "Shouldn't we take a swing at William our Shakespeare?" This popular expression
  • - from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus". NO "Watch out for the car."
  • 28 “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away” is the name of one of the novels by the author of the text
  • Total dictation of 2015 by Evgeny Vodolazkin. NO This is Alexei Ivanov.
  • 29 Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov told us about the journey on the frigate Pallada. YES
  • 30 The Man in the Case is a famous play by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. NO Story.
  • 31 “All unhappy families are alike” are the famous catchphrases of Leo Tolstoy from the novel Anna Karenina. All right? NO
  • 32 Onegin has the same name as Bazarov. YES Eugene
  • 33 The Adventures of the Good Soldier “Schweik” deals with the events of the First World War, not the Second. YES.
  • 34 The famous anti-Stalinist poem “We live without feeling the country under us” was written by Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. NO Osip Mandelstam.
  • 35 “Our mournful work will not be wasted, a flame will ignite from a spark” - these words belong to the Decembrist poet Alexander Odoevsky. YES.

In Russia, the holiday has not yet become widespread, but even now we can say about some emerging traditions.



Extracurricular activity:

International Literacy Day -

Explanatory note.

How good it is to be able to read!
International Literacy Day is celebrated on September 8th.
In 2002, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the years 2003-2012. Decade of Literacy.

This day is intended to draw public attention to the problems of literacy of mankind, because so many adults are still illiterate, and many children also do not attend schools due to lack thereof, or for other social and financial reasons. Moreover, even those who graduated from high school or other educational institutions cannot be considered literate, because do not correspond to the level of the modern world and an educated person.
On a global scale, the fight against illiteracy is still the most important task.
The UN system states that literacy is of the utmost importance. After all, this major step in basic education, which is essential tool effective participation in the life of societies and economic activity in the 21st century.

In Russia, the holiday has not yet become widespread, but even now we can say about some emerging traditions.
School quizzes and Olympiads in the Russian language timed to coincide with this day draw the attention of schoolchildren to this problem. Activists distribute leaflets with the rules of the Russian language, and literacy classes are held in libraries.


Choose the suggested word synonym (or a word that is close in meaning)different grammatical gender.

"Luck" is masculine.


"Photography" is masculine.

(Picture, frame.)

"window" is masculine.


"Disease" is masculine.


"Picture" is masculine.


"Smell" is masculine.


"Coquetry" is masculine.


"Torso" is masculine.

(Body, torso.)

"Tissue" is masculine.


"Success" is feminine.


"House" is feminine.


"Forest" is feminine.

(Grove, thicket, forest, taiga.)

Table is feminine.


"Venik" is feminine.


"Car" is feminine.


"Congestion" (road) female.


Competition - "Dialects"
V.I.Dal, composing " Dictionary living Great Russian language”, painted the map of Russia in different colours not according to the terrain, but according to the peculiarities of the language. The words that I will name are used in a certain locality. What are their names?
Task: determine lexical meaning dialectism. The answer is given by the first one who knows whether the scores are calculated by the jury or the counting team.
Legs - socks
Yunitsa - teenage girl
Izdyovlenok - joker, wit
Slippers - slippers
Shmygalo - a mobile person
week - week
Armrest - assistant (cf. assistant)

Competition - "Obsolete words"
No wonder Dahl noted that language is a living phenomenon. It is actually a developing organism. Why do they say so?
Task: name the modern names of body parts.

Eye - eye
forehead - forehead
Vyya - neck
Womb - belly
finger - finger
Percy - chest
Eyelids - eyelids
Lanites - cheeks
Mouth - lips
Ramo - shoulder
Hand - palm
Shuytsa - left hand
Hand - right hand
Loins - waist, hips
Jaw - face (arr. from the forehead + mouth)
Snout - nose
Metacarpus - palm with fingers

Competition - "Old - new"
L.V. Uspensky wrote: “Each word in the language can receive two, three and many more meanings; but some meanings are only temporarily and accidentally connected with words, while others are forever connected with them and give them a completely new meaning; they make them new words.” About such old - new words and will be discussed Further.
Task: determine the lexical meaning. The game goes in a circle, if the first team did not answer, the second one answers, etc.
Previously, this word was called the owner of the inn, now it is a worker who maintains order in the yard and on the street (janitor)
Previously - a merchant, merchant, mostly foreign; now - an acquaintance whom you receive in your house (guest)
Previously, a person who received accommodation and meals in a strange family for a fee; now - the one who lives on other people's means (freeloader)
Previously - an artist who painted buildings or walls, ceilings in a room; now - the one who wrote out any printed edition(subscriber)
Previously - unborn, belonging to the lower class; now - dishonest, low, treacherous (mean)
Previously - furs, fur goods; now - things that have become unusable, junk (junk)
Formerly - a rich women's dress for the ball; now - rough work clothes (robe)
Before - to lose a horse; now - to be confused by surprise, surprise, fright (to be taken aback)

Competition - "Foreign words"
Developing according to its own laws, the language sometimes rejects native words and replaces them with foreign ones. At one time, A.S. Shishkov proposed to replace the German "galoshes" with Russian "wet shoes". However, this word and many others similar to it did not take root in the Russian language, they were replaced by foreign ones, and we got used to them and no longer think about their origin.
Assignment: I name the word - the Russian name of something, you need to guess its meaning by sound or root. If the team answers correctly on the first attempt - 2 points, on the second - 1 point.

Soap - bath
Lyubomudr - philosopher
Disgrace - a spectacle
Beef - cattle
Toptalishche - sidewalk
Healing - medicine
Strength - mechanics
Wind blower - fan

Competition. .

Who, according to the Russian proverb, does the feet feed?

a) a horse
b) a runner;
c) a shoemaker
d) a wolf.

2. Who has to whistle on the mountain for something impossible to happen?

a) nightingale the robber;
b) the president;
c) cancer;
d) a police officer.

3. Who is smooth because he ate and on his side?

a) bedbug;
b) a wolf;
c) a bear;
d) a cat.

4. What berry is compared to a very good, free life?

a) strawberry;
b) raspberries ;
c) cherry;
d) gooseberry.

4. What plant exists?

a) Petka-and-Vasily Ivanovich;
b) Tom and Jerry;
c) Sasha-and-Masha;
d) Ivan da Marya.

5. What banks do milk rivers usually have?

a) cottage cheese;
b) sour cream;
c) jelly;
d) oils.

6. Which bunny jumped under the Christmas tree?

a) white;
b) small;
c) grey;
d) chocolate.

4. What breed of shepherd dogs does not exist?

a) Scottish
b) German;
c) Caucasian;
d) Antarctic.

© Depositphotos

International Literacy Day is one of the days celebrated all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations. The main goal of this event is to intensify the efforts of the international community to promote literacy, one of the main areas of UNESCO's activities, as a tool for empowering all people.


What kind common mistakes v colloquial speech do you allow? © Depositphotos

More than half a century ago, since 1966, UNESCO officially began to celebrate International Literacy Day on September 8th. The date was not chosen by chance. A year before, Tehran hosted the World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy, which recommended intensifying the efforts of society to spread literacy among the world's population.

In 2002, the United Nations General Assembly declared the United Nations Literacy Decade, which ran from 2003 to 2012. under the motto "Literacy for All". UNESCO acted as a coordinator for the stimulation and international revitalization of the activities carried out within the framework of the Decade.


International Literacy Day - the meaning of literacy

International Literacy Day 2018 © Depositphotos

What does literacy? It is not only the ability to write at the most primitive level. According to UNESCO, literacy for a person is equated with freedom.

One of the meanings of the word "literacy" is the possession of a whole range of socially necessary knowledge and skills that allow people to consciously participate in social processes, as well as to communicate freely in different languages and in different cultures modern world.

It could be assumed that in our 21st century, the time of the development of the latest information technologies, the problem of illiteracy is completely irrelevant. But, according to UNESCO, today over 260 million children do not go to school, and almost one in nine adults in the world is illiterate!

The problem is that many of the world's children and adolescents, despite being educated, are not up to the standard to be considered literate in today's complex and ever-evolving world.


Events dedicated to the International Literacy Day

UNESCO's literacy programs provide people with information about protection environment, about hygiene, about the dangers of drugs, and also teaches how to use and apply Information Technology. For this purpose, numerous programs have been developed: "Humanities Education", "Education and Human Rights", "Education and Information Technologies", "Education, Science and Technology", etc.

Every year, International Literacy Day is dedicated to various topics: "Literacy and Health", "Literacy Empowers Personal Opportunities", "The Importance of Literacy for Women", "Literacy and Peace", "Reading the Past, Writing the Future", etc. So International Literacy Day 2018 is held under the motto "Literacy and skills development".

Also on International Literacy Day, UNESCO is awarding individuals $15,000 in cash prizes for the most effective initiatives to combat illiteracy. First of all, these are projects in the countries of North Africa, South-East Asia, Latin America, in the United Arab Emirates, China. Usually largest number illiterate people are the poor, women and teenagers.

Most recently, the first school bell rang, left behind, and the students different ages sat down at their desks to start or continue the hard journey to the land of Knowledge. And already on September 8, the whole world will celebrate another date related to education - International Literacy Day.

History and traditions

The holiday owes its origin to the ministers of education of various countries (Russia, America, France, etc.), who half a century ago - in 1965 - gathered in Tehran for the World Conference to discuss the problem of illiteracy of the planet's population. By that time, the situation was deplorable: 44% of adults alone around the world remained illiterate. On September 19, the members of the conference that ended, prepared over 80 recommendations, among which was the establishment of a literacy day. And a year later, for the first time, International Literacy Day was celebrated on September 8th.

Gradually, the celebration of this day has its own traditions. At the world level, in addition to the annual conferences held at the headquarters of UNESCO, the prizes in the amount of 20 thousand dollars named after King Sejong and Confucius for the promotion of literacy are awarded.

And of course, various educational centers, exhibitions, film screenings are opening in different parts of the world. Master classes are held open lessons, contests, etc.

In Russia, Literacy Day is just gaining popularity. For example, since 2011 there has been an action that has already become international, "Total Dictation". In schools, universities and other educational institutions Literacy Day has also become one of the main ones. Quizzes, olympiads, KVN in various subjects are arranged for students, because literacy is not only the ability to write, count and read correctly. This is a whole set of knowledge and skills in various scientific fields that help a person be successful.

Classroom event

Most often, educational institutions choose such a form of event for the International Literacy Day as a classroom hour. True, even more often it comes down to a short monologue of the teacher about the need to learn. But in order for students (especially after 12-13 years old) to really have a desire to become a literate person, more interesting motivation is needed than just a “lecture”.

Literacy, functional, makes a person interesting, successful. People will be drawn to such a person. And now you have a choice: make every effort to reach this height or remain the one whose words will be laughed at. And remember that the main thing on the way to the light is self-development and self-education.

Event outside of school

You can make a scenario for the celebration of International Literacy Day yourself: not everything should be put on the shoulders of schools! Yes, and many have not studied anywhere for a long time, but they want to celebrate September 8th. In addition to a brief historical background, include in the script interesting contests and games - a holiday after all!

You can add to the script and various games on a literary theme, writing complex dictations or watching a suitable movie (for example, the short film “Love yourself with negative emotions”).

The holiday will be not only fun, but also useful: someone will remember the rules of the Russian language or the dates of history, and someone will understand that being literate is really great, and will begin their difficult path to knowledge!

Classroom hour for students in grades 1-4. International Literacy Day

Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher primary school MBOU School No. 47 Samara City District
Description: This material can be used by primary and secondary teachers to conduct extracurricular activities dedicated to International Literacy Day.
Target: Acquaintance of children with this holiday.
- to acquaint children with the holiday "Literacy Day";
- contribute to the development oral speech children, the ability to clearly answer the questions;
- contribute to the formation of the need and desire for knowledge.
- develop curiosity and interest in the processes and phenomena of a global scale.

Class hour progress

International Literacy Day has been celebrated by UNESCO since 1966 on September 8th. It is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world.
The society is making every effort to spread literacy in the world. Today we are holding a lesson dedicated to this date.
Guess the riddle:
They sow with a feather
They reap their eyes.
They eat with their heads.
Memory is digested.
What does it mean to you to be literate?
(children's answers)
1 reader
There is a day of literacy in the world.
So we will meet him.
He is dear to us, very much,
This day is the most important.

There is no doubt about it.
Everyone needs literacy.
Can't sign without her
This subtlety is so important!

We wish everyone in the world
Learn the rules of the mountain.
Let knowledge grow.
Time to open the book!
2 reader
V international literacy day
I wish you the best is not too lazy:
To replenish vocabulary,
Don't forget about your literacy!
Congratulations on Literacy Day!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
To have to face
With intelligent people!
3 reader
So that speech is always pleasant,
To make it sound complicated
And for the best to happen -
So that people know their

Always tried to increase
After all, it is easy for us to do this -
All you need to do is read more
Both speech and mind develop!

On the holiday of literacy now
We wish you not to make mistakes
Neither in words, nor in deeds in life,
Well, expand your knowledge baggage!

1 reader
What could be more important in the world,
How to communicate with your soul mate?
Words will be clear even to children,
After all, the rules of the code are still within our power.

No, literates will not be translated,
Although mistakes surprise everyone.

You can smile on this holiday.
We can overpower this nut.

We congratulate everyone on this holiday.
We wish you literacy - a whole feast!
We wish that, akin to buds in a vase,
She could fill our world.

2 reader
Letters are taught at school
At school, the rules are crammed.
It's important, everyone knows.
There is no need to hide your eyes.

Congratulations on this holiday.
We are quick to admit:
This rule is immortal!
We must conquer the mountains!
3 reader
We wish on the day that has come:
Don't be afraid of the words.
The power of our literacy
As usual, you're right here!
1 reader
In an email, or in a regular
Making mistakes is completely indecent!
So that everyone remembers these rules
There is a literacy day on our planet!
I congratulate everyone on this holiday
I wish you to write without mistakes with all my heart!
2 reader
Let the text be typed and written with a pen
According to the rules, and not just as it sounds!
Without a diploma, my friends, yes, yes, yes,
I tell you for sure - nowhere.
3 reader
Everyone wants to be literate and want to learn.
In this case, it is very important not to be lazy at all.
And then all the doors are just for you!
Smile gently, affectionately fate.
Anything you want, just don't be lazy
Life will offer you everything on a silver platter.
Continue the proverbs about literacy
Choose a book (as you choose a friend.)
Literacy to learn - (always come in handy.)
Gold is mined from the earth, (and knowledge from books.)

The world is illuminated by the sun, (and the world by knowledge.)
The illiterate is like a blind man (and the book opens his eyes.)
Good book- (best friend.)

And without what it is impossible to become literate?
What will help us in overcoming illiteracy? Solve riddles.
Jackdaws flew into the field
And sat down in the snow...
I will go to school -
I can understand them.

What kind of water is suitable for the literate?

On the page of the primer -
Thirty-three heroes.
Wise men-bogatyrs
Every literate knows.

By the wall is big and important
The house is multi-storey.
We are on ground floor
All tenants have already been read.

The wise men settled
In glassed-in palaces, in silence alone
Reveal secrets to me.

She herself is silent
A hundred friends can teach.
1 reader
Terribly interesting read:
You can sit, lie
And - without leaving the place -
Through the eyes of the book RUNNING!
Yes Yes! Read - WALKS WITH EYES:
Hand in hand with mom, after - themselves.
Walking - it's a trifle,
Don't be afraid to take the first step!
Stumbled once
And suddenly you
Read four letters in a row
And you went, went, went -
And read the first word!
From word to word - as if over bumps -
Rush merrily along the lines ...
And so learn to read -
How to run
How to fly!
I know soon across the page
You will flutter like birds...
After all, immense and great,
Like the sky
world of magical books!
A big problem stands before the world. This is the fight against illiteracy. In many countries, 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children are out of school.
Literacy is the degree to which a person has the ability to read and write mother tongue. Traditionally, the word "literate" means a person who can read and write or only read in any language. People who can only read are also called "semi-literate". Why is it important to be literate?
And many children and adults attend school, but they cannot be called literate. Since in the modern world, computer literacy has become no less important than writing and reading.
Literacy Day has become one of the most important in schools and higher institutions in Russia. Quizzes, olympiads, KVN in various subjects are arranged for students, because literacy is not only the ability to write, count and read correctly. This is a whole set of knowledge and skills in various scientific fields that help a person to be successful. . People will be drawn to such a person. And now you have a choice: make every effort to reach this height or remain the one whose words will be laughed at. And remember that the main thing on the way to the light is self-development and self-education.
I suggest you show your level of literacy.
Try to fix the errors:

To the words from the left column, you need to match the words from the right column with the appropriate usage.

Explain the meaning of phraseological units

3 reader
Let the diploma correct mistakes
And don't stop teaching her
Who learns, he learns a lot,
And it will be easier for us to live in Russia.
Work with punctuation more often
Sit down for a book in the evening, read,
May your life be more varied
Only knowledge, do not be afraid - absorb.

Presentation on the topic: International Literacy Day

We recommend reading
