History. Historical reference

Garden technique 22.09.2019
Garden technique



Kaluga region leads its official history from the date of education in 1944, but this region is much older. The territory of the Kaluga region in antiquity was settled with the Slavic tribes of Vyatichi. During feudal fragmentation Rus Kaluga land entered into the Chernihiv principality. The oldest city of Kozelsk (first mention in 1146). The territory of the principality was ruined during the Tatar-Mongolian invasion. In 1238, on the way, Tatar-Mongol, who returned from Novgorod, was the city of Kozelsk. According to the legend of the siege lasted 7 weeks. The fierce Tatars destroyed all the inhabitants. They called Kozelsk "evil city." The first mention of Kaluga refers to 1371. The Grand Duke Lithuanian Olgered Ghedeminovich in the letter of Constantinople Patriarch, Philofy complained about the seizure of a number of cities of Grand Prince Dmitry Ivanovich. In 14-16 centuries. Kaluga was part of the coastal defense system of the Moscow Principality from the Tatars raids along the rivers of the Oka and Ugra, called the "Belt of the Virgin". In 1480, the great standing of Ivan III troops and Khan Akhmat occurred on the Ugra River. It led to the end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. At the troubled time began 17 in. In Kaluga, Falsmitria I and Falsitriya II, Polish Interventory, the Peasant leader Bolotnikov acted. Kaluzhan participated in the Moscow militia of Prince Pozharsha and the merchant mining. In the 17th century Kaluga land with difficulty separated from the consequences of a vague time. At the same time, in the 17-18th centuries. Trade, crafts, art of iconography are developing here. The first plants appear. In 1715, the merchant of Demidov built a cast-iron plant in DuGne, and a local plant appeared near Kaluga in 1720. In 1719, the Kaluga province was established, which was part of the Moscow province. The Kaluga province was formed in 1776. In 1777, one of the first public theaters in Russia opened in the province. The Kaluga Dramatic Theater was called in Soviet times. Lunacharsky. During Patriotic War 1812, Napoleon retreating from Moscow was stopped at Maloyaroslavets. On October 12, a battle was held here, after which the French army was forced to begin an inglorious retreat on the old Smolensk road. At 19 in. most The population of the province was a little-earth peasant. Industry was poorly developed. In 18-19 centuries. In the Kaluga province referred to the former enemies of Russia. Here at the end of the 18th century. I lived the last Crimean Khan Shagin Gary, and in 1859-1868. - Imam Shamil. In 18-19 centuries. Kaluga province was one of the centers orthodox Russia. Here is the Borovsky Paftyev Monastery (1444), illuminated by Rev. Paphing. In 15-16 centuries. - There was a well-known icon painter of Dionysius. In 1666-1667. The monastery was sharpened by an ideologist of the Old Believers of the Avvakum Protopop. 3 km from Kozelsk is the most famous shrine of the Kaluga region - Optina Desert. The flourishing of the monastery fell on the 18-19 centuries, the miraculous strength of the optty elders was famous for all Russia. Historical monuments of optical desert: insertion Cathedral (1750-1751), Kazan Church (1805-1811), Church of Maria Egypt (1858). Great Russian writers came to the monastery: N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy and others. Historical monuments of the region: "Mojnish settlement" (4-13 centuries), the church of Ascension (1620, Kozelsk), St. Nicholas Chernoostrovsky Monastery (16-18 centuries, Maloyaroslavets), Wooden Church of Pokrov (17-18 centuries, village high, near Borovsk). During the Great Patriotic War, partisan and sabotage detachments operated on the territory of the region, including the detachment of D.N. Medvedev. The Kaluga region in its present boundaries was formed on July 5, 1944 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The region included: from the Tula region - the city of Kaluga, Babyninsky, Dtenkin, Duzninsky, Kaluga, Przemysh and Tusk region;

from the Moscow Region - Borovsky, Hupidniki, Maloyaroslavetsky and the Labor-Factory Districts;

of Smolensk region - Baryatin-sky, Dzerzhinsky, Dumynic, Westkovsky, Kirovsky, Kozelsky, Kuibyshevsky, Medynsky, Meshov-Sky, Mosalsky, Spas-Demensky, Sukhinsky and Yukhnovsky districts;

from the Oryol region - Skyatin-Sky, Lyudinovsky, Ulyanovsky and the Blacksmiths.

Life and creativity are connected with the area: Artists V.E. Borisov-Musatova and V.D. Polenova, writers A.P. Chekhov, A.N. Tolstoy, k.g. Paustovsky; Scientists K.E. Tsiolkovsky (native) and A.L. Chizhevsky, P.L. Chebyshev (native); Actor and director M.M. Yanshina (native), poets M.I. Tsvetaeva, N.A. Zabolotsky, B.Sh. Okudzhava.

The territory of the Kaluga region in antiquity was settled with the Slavic tribes of Vyatichi.


In antiquity, the territory of the Kaluga region was settled by the Slavic tribes of Vyatichi. The fact that the edge settled one of the East Slavic tribes, it is known through archaeological finds and from the oldest Russian chronicles "Tale of Bygone Years." It says that "Vyatko Sedge with his own on Ocea, Naznichi is nicknamed from him."

Earth Vodnya was a wooded and swampy. In the south-west, there were densefoliasty forests that were considered impassable. They separated from Kiev Suzdal Earth. In this place, the Kiev residents did not go on a straight road, through the land of Vyatichi, and the district - according to the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Volga. It is not surprising that one of the epic considers the feat of Ilya Muromets that he was the first of Murom in Kiev "dear straightened apart."

Merodities of Mergotic were usually located on capes. For one side, they went to the river, with two others were limited to lowlands, ravines or streams, the fourth side crossed the shaft or the RV. An example of such a settlement was found during the excavations from the village saved on the left bank of the Oka. The settlement was towering over the floodplain by 15 - 18 meters. This is a rectangular cape with steep slopes and a slightly palpable surface. The central part of the settlement is "Keynets" - 3 thousand square meters It is surrounded by a moat with a depth of three meters and a shaft of 6 meters high. Motchi's dwellings were built first rounded, and in the second half of the first millennium AD. - In the form of rectangular earthmings. They had stoves - Kamenka. The walls of dugouts were tinted with a tree.

The main occupation of the population was agriculture, first covered, later - fat. There were an iron ax, hoe and a large knife - "cospace" to the guns of the gravy. For climbing seeds in the ground, the harrow was applied - sukhatka. Cleared the harvest by iron sickle. From grain high yields Dawned millet, and from the root repairs. In the second half of the first millennium N. e. A pairs has come to replace the gravy farming. The main taste of labor becomes soha, first wooden and then with an iron coulter. Compared to other Eastern Slavic tribes, the development of the economy in Vyatichi occurs slowly. This is due to the repulsive position of their lands. Before the twelfth century, there were no cities here.

In the ninth century, Vyatichi, together with other Slavic tribes, paid tribute to Khazaras. In the second half of the tenth century, as a result of the campaigns of Kiev Prince Svyatoslav in the 964th and 966, Väzhichi's Volga Bulgarians were liberated from Khazar yoke and became part of the Kiev Rus. In the eleventh century, they begin to develop feudal relationships. Vytychi though they paid tribute to Kiev princes, for a long time retained their withdrawal and tried more than once to get out of the power of Kiev.

During the fragmentation of Russia, Kaluga lands were included in the Chernihiv principality. In 1146, the oldest city of Kaluga land - Kozelsk is first mentioned in the annals. Further, Serensk meets in the chronicles - 1147, Vorotynsk - 1155, Mosalsk - 1231 years old.

Like other East Slavic tribes, Vyatichi up to the end of the eleventh century were pagans. They had polygamy. Died faded burned. The adoption of Christianity among Vyatichi is associated with the preaching activities of the Kiev - Pechersk Hieromonach Kushshi, martyrs died in 1141.

As the feudal relations and dissemination of Christianity develop, the tribal features of Vodny are smoothed, and in the thirteenth century the name "Vyniki" disappears.

Tatar-Mongol invasion

Heavy 1237 has come. Tatar-Mongolian hordes of Khan Batya moved to Russian lands. Ryazan, Vladimir, Suzdal, Rostov, Moscow, Kolomna and dozens of other cities were destroyed. The next object of the attack was to become Novgorod. But the weakened and degraded troops of Batya unexpectedly turned to the south - for recreation and replenishment in Polovtsy steppes. The path of conquerors was lying around the territory of the current Kaluga region. Many cities of the edge were exposed to defeat. In the spring of 1238, Tatar-Mongols approached the walls of Kozelsk. Kozelsk was located in a small area and is surrounded from three sides with ravines, and with the fourth deep mo. In addition, it was charged with high earthen shafts with serfs built on them.

The Nikonovian chronicle of the 16th century reports that residents of the city on the Council decided not to take the cities: "Do not gather Batiev, but also heads their plans for the Christian faith." Seven weeks continued bloody siege. The chronicle reports that the Tatars, breaking the wall with trumpet tools, went to the attack. Four thousand invaders were killed by the walls and on the streets of the city, three sons of "Dathers", i.e. Commander of ten-thousand Tatars detachments, paid lives for the seizure of Kozelsk. The Tatars were not spared with big losses, all the inhabitants of Kozelsk were destroyed. According to the Nikonovsky chronicle, the juvenile prince of the city drowned in the blood.

In memory of Kozelsk, a memorable cross was later established during the defense of Kozelsk. The latter did the name of Kozelsk "evil city." Since 1240, Russia fell under the cruel tatar-Mongol yokelasting almost two and a half century.

The first mention of Kaluga

An association northeast Rus It happened in the situation of struggle not only with Tatar-Mongols, but also by Polish-Lithuanian feudals. In the fourteenth century, almost all of the Kaluga land was under the rule of Lithuania. At that time, the Lithuania was captured by Medical, Mosalskoye, Surchant, Kozel and other principalities. The border between Moscow and Lithuania walked across the ocean and threes. Even Vorotynsk 15 kilometers from Kaluga was ruled by Lithuania. The first mention of Kaluga accounts for 1371, when the Grand Duke Lithuanian Olgerend Ghedeminovich in the letter of Constantinople Patriarch Philofy complains about the seizure of a number of cities of Grand Prince Dmitry Ivanovich.

In 1380, united Russian troops under the leadership of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich made a campaign against the impending invasion from the Golden Horde. Despite the opposition of Lithuanians, detachments from many cities under the rule of Lithuania arrived at Moscow. In the ranks of Russian troops joined the militia and squads led by their princes from Tarusa, Obolensk, Borovsk. In the battle of Kulikov, Tarusk and Obolen squads were elected along with their princes Fedor and Mstislav.

After the victory in the Kulikov field, Dmitry Ivanovich no longer recognized the right of the right to dispose of the Grand Durability of Vladimirsky. He conveys him to the hereditary possession of his son Vasilya first. In the spiritual letter of Dmitry Donskoy from 1389, where ownerships between the heirs were distributed, the mention of Kaluga was found in Russian sources. This document says: "... and Kaluga and Grove Son to my prince Andrei."

Other reinforced points at Kaluga land - Maloyaroslawan and Borovsk - from the second half of the fourteenth century belonged to the hero of the Kulikov battle of Dmitry Donovsky to Vladimir Andreevich Herbrome - Prince Serpukhovsky.

Standing at the thief

In 1472, the Ordane Khan Ahmat with a big army moved to the Russian borders. But Tarua invaders met numerous Russian ruins. All the attempts of the Mongols crossed through OKU were repulsed. The hike ended in failure.

In 1476, the Grand Duke Ivan the Third ceased to pay Dani Khan a big horde, and in 1480 refused to recognize the dependence of Russia from her. A new attempt to enslave the Moscow state in the Khansky ulus was undertaken in 1480. Khan Ahmat, concluding a union with the Polish-Lithuanian king Casimir Fourth, in the fall of troops to Moscow. High hopes, the invaders pinned the third-party discord with his brothers. Ivan the third, in turn, entered into an alliance with Crimean Khan Mengly - Herée, the rival Akhmat - Khan and agreed with him about a joint speech against Casimir fourth. Russian troops moved towards the enemy. Not deciding to enter into a decisive battle, Ahmat turned up the Oka in Ugric in order to switch it to Brod. But they could not cross it: all the ways were occupied by Russian troops, which brod and transportation were occupied in a timely manner.

In battle on October 8-12, using artillery, the Russians reflected attempts by the Country of Mongol-Tatars to go through Ugric. Ahmat - Khan began to wait for the Casimir Fourth approach. To win time, Ivan the Third joined the opponent to the negotiations, which lasted until October 20. During this time, he came up with his brothers, strengthened the position of the troops and pulled the fresh strength, after which he interrupted negotiations. The Ordans tried to overcome Brody several times, but all their attempts were repulsed.

Meanwhile, Mengly - the heers attacked the Southern Polish-Lithuanian lands, which threw the performance of Casimir Fourth. In the troops of Tatar-Mongol began the disease, there was a lack of a proviante. On November 11, Han Akhmat began the removal of his troops to the south, and then from the limits of Russia. January 6, 1481 he was killed. The internecine struggle in a large horde increased, and in 1502 the Horde lost independence.

Standing in the thief marked the end of the 240-year-old Mongol - Tatar yoke.

Time of Troubles

In 1601 - 1603, Russia compreheged the disaster - cropped up. A terrible hunger began, thousands of people died. Hunger sharply aggravated social contradictions in the country. In different places, natural uprisings of the peasants broke out, including in the Kaluga region. The rebels throat the manors of the boyars and landowners. In 1603, the rebels killed the king's brother in Maloyaroslavets, the Godunov Seeds, one of whose Votchin was not far from the city.

Using the hard situation, the Polish king of Sigismund the third together with the Vatican attempted to dismember and deprive the independence of the Russian state. To this end, they nominated their defense box - the Samodmitria of the First, who called the name of the son of King Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Dmitry. In exchange for help in the struggle for the throne, Lhadmitry, the first promised to convey to Poland Seversk and Smolensk lands, the city of Novgorod and Pskov, to establish Catholicism in Russia.

In October 1604, the impostor headed by 4 thousand Poles invaded the territory of Russia. Naive faith of the people, that Tsar Dmitry will be better than Tsar Boris Godunov, gave the opportunity for an impostor to attract the riming peasants to his side. Residents of the Kaluga Territory were the victims of this deception. During the campaign of the False Deadmithria, Kaluga and other cities of the region moved to Moscow on his side.

In June 1605, after the sudden death of Boris Godunov and the transition to the side of the impostor of the Russian army, Lhadmitryy first entered Moscow and took the royal throne. But he long lasted in Moscow. As a result of the conspiracy, know led by Prince Vasily Shui and the uprising of citizens in May 1606 the impostor was killed.

Wasily Shuisky who climbed at the royal throne took measures to suppress the peasant uprising. From September 1606, the center of the uprising has become the Kaluga region, where the rebel army of Ivan Bolotnikov entered, moving to Moscow. On the River Ugra Not far from Kaluga, the rebels broke the government troops trying to block the road to the capital. From that moment on, Kaluga, Kozelsk, beggar, Maloyaroslavets, Borovysch, Mozlyl, Serpene and other cities. But the siege of Moscow ended for the rebels unsuccessfully, and in December 1606, Bolotnikov retreated with the remnants of his army to Kaluga, where he met the support of the population.

From December 1606 to May 1607, the Kaluga period of the peasant war continued. In these months, the colonical talent of Ivan Bolotnikov was manifested with exceptional power. Repeated attempts by government troops to take storming or Izmor Kaluga failed. Dragged a number of defeats in May 1607, the royal army removed Kaluga's siege and moved to Serpukhov, and a significant part of it joined the rebel. After leaving Kaluga, the rebels went to Tula, where they were connected with the troops of the Terek and Zaporozhye Cossacks "Tsarevich Peter" - Ilya Gorchakov, who issued himself for the son of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich. Realizing all the danger of the situation and attending emergency measures, Shuisky brought the number of his troops to 160 thousand people and defeat the rebel on the River Voronene, on June 14, hesieved Bolotnikov and Tsarevich Peter in Tula. October 10, 1607, believing the promise of the king to preserve their life, the rebels surrendered. But Shuisky violated the promise and exposed prisoners of cruel execution.

Throwing all the forces on the suppression of a popular uprising in the country, the Government of Vasily Shuisky did not undertake the necessary measures to reflect the incessant Polish-Lithuanian invasion. A new impostor was put forward to the scene of the dead False Deadmitry, Lhadmitry The second, which in September 1607, at the head of the Polish-Lithuanian detachment, moved to the Oki Rover. The remains of the Army of the Bolotnikov and Cossacks were joined to him, who did not understand the true goals of the impostor. Some Western Kaluga cities, including Kaluga, passed on the side of the Falgeytria of the second.

In the spring of 1608, the self-shifted troops became a camping near Moscow in the village of Tushino. Contrary to his promises, Lhadmitry, the second continued the policies of strengthening of serfdom, distributed the lands with his adherents, severely straightened with the local population, mercilessly robbed the central regions of Russia, subjected to their details in favor of Poles.

The Boyarski Government Shuisky to fight the impostor requested for military assistance to Sweden, which was in a state of war with Poland. Using it as an excuse, Poland has opened direct military actions against Russia, after which he stopped supporting the Falgestmitria of the second. Abandoned by Poles Tushinsky Camp Self-Prosvanta collapsed under the blows of the Russian troops, and himself " tushinsky thief"Fight in December 1609 in Kaluga.

Taking advantage of the defeat of the royal troops under Klushino, in July 1610, Lhadmitriy, the second made a new campaign to Moscow at the head of Polish-Lithuanian detachments. Having achieved Borovsk, he met the strong resistance of the defenders of the pafunity of the Borovsky Monastery-Fortress. As a result, the monastery was captured. However, the small detachment of the monastery defenders under the leadership of Prince Volkonsky continued to fight until he was cut to the last person. The monastery and the city of Borovsk were brutal defeat. More than 12 thousand people were killed.

Having reached the village of Kolomenskoye, the impostor found out that the king of Vasily Shuysky will overthrow and proclaimed the king of the Polish kingdom Vladislav. Polish-Lithuanian troops left him and on returning to Kaluga in December 1610, Lhadmitryy was killed by his accomplice.

Polish intervention

After death in 1610, Feltmitry of the Second Polish Intervention against Russia moved into an open form. An attempt to lead to the oath to the loyalty to the Polish Korolev, Vladislav Kaluzhan failed. The residents of Kozelsk are refused to swear. For disobedience to Poles in September 1610, Kozelsk was looted and burned. About 7 thousand citizens died. Capture in the fall of 1610 by the Poles of Moscow and their arbitrariness caused hatred for the invaders. In the documents of the time it is indicated that in March 1611 among the militia of Russian cities, which moved to the liberation of Moscow, was the Kaluga detachment. Many residents of other cities of the edge have also entered the ranks of the militia. The militias stood for several months near Moscow, but success did not reach. In connection with the exacerbated contradictions, the troops of the militia began to decay. However, the squad of Prince D.T. Trubetsky, consisting of Cossacks and Kaluzhan, remained before approaching in 1612, the militia headed by Goat Mini and Dmitry Pozharsky. In October 1612, China was taken by the attack - the city, and at the end of November the Kremlin was released.

When the elections of the new king, in 1612, the elected from Kaluga spoke in favor of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova - Grandfather Peter First.

With the liberation of Moscow from the invaders, the war with Poland did not end. The fighting continued until 1618. To a large extent, they took place in the territory of the Kaluga region. In 1617, Polish troops under the command of Koriiccha Vladislav took a non-successive attack on Moscow. Two detachments under the command of Chaplinsky and Olinsky were sent to capture Kaluga, which was again at the main intersection of military roads. The leadership of the defenses of Kaluga carried out the Prince of Pozharsky, which in 1617 and 1618 under Mamochle and Vorotnsky defeated the invaders. In the spring of 1618, due to illness, the Prince of Pozharsky was withdrawn to Moscow.

The new trouble fell into the city, when after serving the Pozhal Kaluga, the Cossacks of Hetman Sagaidachnaya seized. At the end of 1618, Russian troops liberated the city. After signing the deulinist trucy on December 1, 1618, the war between Russia and Poland ceased, but Kaluga again became a border city.

Kaluga in the XVII-XVIII centuries

The end of the troubled time found the Kaluga region in ruin and decline. In which position, Kaluga could be judged by the humble diploma of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich dated January 4, 1620. It says that "at home and all the estates of the citizens were looted; residents were brought to such extremely scarcity," they asked the king to free from payment of filters for a while. The king agreed and gave them a benefit for 3 years.

In the subsequent peaceful time, Kaluga begins to recover and grow. In 1634, she already occupies the economic power of the 12th place among the cities of the state. The reunification of Ukraine with Russia and then followed the movement of the border to the south has a beneficial effect on the further development of the entire Kaluga region. By 1681, 1045 yards had already numbered in Kaluga. By this time, a good fortress was built. The contemporary reports that the length of the walls was about 735 meters, the same length was ditch, there were 12 towers. Trade developed well. On the trading area of \u200b\u200bthat time, not only Russian, but also foreign merchants could be found. The main object of exports were grain, forest, hemp. In addition, wooden products and dishes were famous, tips, felt was made, from which the saddles and the beam were seen. Industry developed. In 1715, a large cast iron plant was built in Duhane E. Demidov, and in 1720, a local plant appeared near Kaluga.

In 1719, the Kaluga province was established, which was part of the Moscow province. By 1720, there were 19 thousand courtyards and 158 thousand male people in the province. For fifty years, Kaluga's population more than doubled and reached almost 14 thousand inhabitants.

Empress Ekaterina The second visited Kaluga on December 15, 1775. Kaluzan prepared in advance to the meeting. Beautiful triumphant gates were built. In the evening of the same day, the Empress went to the linen. In memory of the visit of Catherine, the second Kaluga were cast two medals, on one of which it is depicted in the Kaluga dress, and the inscription reads: "Behao like Yu". This trip had important consequences for the edge. On August 24, 1776, the Kaluga province was transformed into province on the Imperial Decree. The provinces included 12 counties with a population of 733 thousand people. In Kaluga itself, at that time there were 17 thousand inhabitants.

The first governor in the new province was the General - Lieutenant Mikhail Nikolayevich Kechternikov. With its name, many useful transformations are connected. During his primestream, a huge two-story building "Present places" was built, the three-story building "Public Charity" was built on the donations of the nobility of the province, instead of old wooden shops built beautiful, made in gothic style, Seating courtyard. In 1777, the city received his first theater. The activities of Mikhail Nikolayevich Kechchenov was put by the end of the 18th century Kaluga among the most comfortable cities of Russia.

Patriotic War of 1812

Autumn 1812. The Borodino battle ended, Moscow left. But Napoleon's hopes for the victorious end of the war melting. Numerous peaceful proposals sent to the Russian king were left unanswered. Emperor Alexander I said significant words that "rather will leave with his people into the depths of Asian steppes, growing his beard and will eat in one potato than the world will conclude, while at least one armed enemy remains in Russian land."

The robbery of the burning Moscow made a strong demoralization into French troops, the partisan movement made it impossible to forage and content. The transmission army was noticeably decomposed on the Moscow Food ..

Leaving the field of the Borodino battle, the Russian army lost over half of its composition. Many characters killed. But martial spirit did not weaken. The brilliant maneuver of Kutuzov brought his troops to the village of Tarutino village, as a result of which roads were covered on Tula, which supplied army weapons and Kaluga, which was its main food warehouse. The twentieth of September troops occupied the Tarutinsky camp. 52 thousand people were raised in their ranks, not counting the militia. In the following two weeks, it almost doubled in its composition. From all over Russia in Tarutino, reinforcements were treated: trained replenishment trained - the second battalions of infantry regiments, separated for this in the spring, 15 thousand Cossacks came up from Don. The whole material part was properly, and the army, preparing for new fights, for the first time gained rest. .

The middle of September is the turning point of this war. Here the "Company of 1812" is erected - the martial arts of the Russian and French armies, and the Patriotic War begins - the war of all Russian people, raised to the conqueror. In less than two months, 300 thousand militia was exhibited and 100 million rubles were collected. The position of the Russian army in Tarutino was strongly fortified: the steep and high banks of the Nara River served as good defense, along the front, defensive structures were erected, the ruins were arranged in the forest. The main apartment of Kutuzov is located in the village of Verevka, in four versts from Tarutino on the way to Kaluga ..

The position of Napoleon in Moscow has become critical. 6 (18) October 107 thousand French, with artillery, with a huge route, leaving the fires of Moscow, moved on the way back. "I go to Kaluga. And the mountain of the one who will get on my way!" - said Napoleon. On the same day, at dawn, the Russian troops attacked the avant-garde of French Marshal Murat under Tarutin. In the proper battle of the opponent, losing 600 people killed, 1700 captives and 38 guns, was discarded ..

This ended the glorious Tarutin period of the Patriotic War of 1812. At this place in 1834, a 20-meter monument with the inscription was erected:

"In the seventh place, the Russian military under the leadership of Field Marshal Kutuzov, reducing, saved Russia and Europe" ..

Kaluga in the XIX century

Patriotic War of 1812 inflicted swipe According to the welfare of the city. The critical phase of the war, its fracture was made in Kaluga provincewhich was done, according to Kutuzov, "the zone of the invasion of enemies." At the same time, the province was the main supplier of food for the army. By virtue of military life, presence large number The troops, injured and prisoners, the townspeople were in a difficult position.

In 1813, the title epidemic broke out in the city. To support the citizens, the government was distributed among the population by 280 thousand rubles of food and 145 thousand rubles of cash benefits. With difficulty after a semi-annual alarming - tense life, the city is in a rings, with such a voltage established in the 18th century.

Gradually began to increase population population, and by 1857, 32 thousand people reached. But trade and industrial production did not receive their development. The turnover has decreased, the trading capital of merchants decreased almost twice.

On December 15, 1874, the opening of the Syzran - Vyazemsky site took place railwayhaving tied Kaluga with Tula and Vyazma. But it did not bring a noticeable revival into the economic life of the province, - on the contrary, the annulation of the eye and the appearance of the railway led to a decrease in river transport. By the end of the century, a number of old and traditional fishers completely disappear. The subject of the export is only rogger, bristles and leather. The main occupation of the residents of Kaluga is now becoming retail, crafts, as well as gardening.

Comparatively large enterprises were the Lyudinovsky Machine-Building Plant, where more than 2 thousand people worked. On three paper factories of the Medinsky county, 2,300 people were employed. The major industrial enterprise was the main Kaluga railway workshops Syzran - the Vyazemsky railway with the number of about 1000 people working.

Most of the procheries population was the peasants. There were 191259 peasant yards. The average size Earth on the farm was 9.2 decishes (about 10 hectares).

The everyday life and smooth flow of the city has made it a convenient place of reference to the political opponents of Russia. So in 1786, the last Crimean Khan Shagin Gury lived in Kaluga. Imam Dagestan Schamil, captible by Russian troops, captured by Russian troops on August 26, 1859, became the most noticeable figure of deposited for accommodation in Kaluga. On October 10, 1859, he was delivered to Kaluga, and his family arrived in January 1860. On August 26, in the building of the noble assembly in the solemn atmosphere, Shamil brought the oath to the citizenship and loyalty to the emperor. Later in 1868, Shamil left Kaluga and moved to Kiev, and 1870 went to Mecca, where he died in 1871.

At the beginning of the 20th century, 55 thousand inhabitants lived in Kaluga, there were 20 factories and factories, on which 665 people worked. There were three printed periodicals in the city. Education was engaged in seven urban and several private educational institutions.

The Great Patriotic War

June 22, 1941 fascist Germany treacherously, without a declaration of war, attacked Soviet Union. The Great Patriotic War began. In the first months of the war from Kaluga, 25 thousand of our countrymen took to the front. Plants and factories of the Kaluga Territory, let out peaceful products yesterday, began to produce armaments, ammunition, uniforms. Tens of thousands of residents of Kaluga and districts in August - September 1941 built defensive structures near Smolensk, Yelni, Roslavl, Bryansk, Eagle, Kaluga, Maloyaroslavets, Tula.

The position at the fronts of the Patriotic War was becoming more severe, the front approached Kaluga. On October 4 and 7, Kaluga has undergone strong bombing from the air. On the night of October 11-1 on October 12, the Soviet troops left Kaluga. In the second half of October, the entire territory of the Kaluga region was occupied.

At the Kaluga land, the enemy met stubborn resistance. The cadets of the infantry and artillery school of the city of Podolsk, paratroopers 214 of the airborne brigade, the detachments of Yukhnovsky, Medynsky and Maloyaroslavetsky districts were fighting in the Ugrian area.

After capturing Kaluga, the Nazis began mass arrests and extermination of residents of the city. Many buildings, including the cinema "Central", they turned into a duct. A concentration camp was created in the cooperative village at Oka. On the Lenin Square, the fascists built the gallows on which patriots hung. In boasts, they gave each resident a dressing dressing on the sleeve - for the appearance without a dressing threatened shot. In the center of the village was installed gallows, at different times 150 people were hanged. In the village of Kudinovo, Hitlerovtsy burned 380 prisoners of Red Army. In total, in the areas of the region during the occupation, the fascists suffered 20 thousand of our compatriots.

The atrocities of fascist monsters were called anger and hatred in the Soviet people. The people rose to fight the enemy. The workers of the Dumynic plant were hidden and detached equipment, workers of Sukhininskaya MTS in response to the attempt of fascists to organize workshops on the repair of tanks, disassembled machines. An attempt was also raid an attempt to restore Condrovskaya, Trinity and Linen-factory paper factories, the CHP of the Kaluga Machine-Building Plant. Under the leadership of the party communities of the Smolensk, Moscow and Tula region, a partisan detachment was created in each area. In the chronicles of Kaluga partisans, the tank farm in Govardovo and Condrovo, destroyed bridges across the River Rese. Borovsky partisans brought 5 thousand Soviet soldiers from the environment. On the night of November 24, partisans under the command of Captain V.V. Zabo caused a blow to the headquarters of the German Army Corps in the Rights Plant. During the raid, more than 600 German soldiers and officers, more than 130 cars, four tanks, two warehouses with flammable were destroyed.

November 28, 1941 For the organization and strengthening of partisan struggle against the territory of Belarus, a reconnaissance and sabotage residue No. 4/70 of a special group under the NKVD, "Mitya", was transferred to the Kaluga Land. Commanded a detachment of the famous intelligence officer Dmitry Nikolayevich Medvedev. As part of the detachment fought the legendary hero Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov. Together with the Lyudin Undergrounders and Partizans, Medvedev's detachment inflicted an effective blow to the fascists during the famous operation "Night Before Christmas".

December 6 began defeat german fascist invaders under Moscow. Soviet troops of the Western Front commanded G.K. Zhukov. In order to quickly liberate Kaluga, the Commander of the 50th Army General I.V. Boldin created a mobile group as part of rifle, cavalry and tank divisions led by General V.S. Popov. On December 21, Soviet troops broke into Kaluga. Feed fierce battles. And only on December 30, Kaluga was cleared of the enemy.

In the first days of January, motley, Meshovsk, Kozelsk were liberated. From January 7 to January 29, Mosalsk, beggar, Condrovo, Sukhinichi, Ulyanovo, Metlevo were liberated. In the occupation, Yukhnovsky, Kuibyshevsky, Barstiovsky, Lyubovsky, Visdarsky, Baryatinsky and Spas-Demeni regions remained in the occupation. The guerrilla war continued in them. Wonderful feats were made by partisans of the Molesian district. For 22 months of hostilities, 9 thousand Nazis were destroyed by them, the 36 military echelons were fleeing. The heroes of the underground workers acting under the command of A. Shumavtsov in Lyudinovo, conducted intelligence on the instructions of the partisans and the headquarters of the Front. Using the reports of brave intelligence officers, Soviet aviation hit the German objects in Lyudinovo. According to the denier of the traitor, the group was captured and shot by the fascists.

After the defeat of the German fascist troops near Kursk and Eagle in September 1943, the region was finally released from the invaders.

More than 140 thousand Warriors - Kaluzhan gave their lives for their homeland during the Great Patriotic War. At Kaluga land, more than 250 thousand Soviet soldiers found their last shelter.

In order to faster restoration of the national economy and better service of workers, on July 5, 1944, the Kaluga region, which entered the Supreme Council of the USSR, was formed by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet, the territory of the Kaluga province existed before 1929.

An important work under the motto "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten," conducts Kaluga regional patriotic association of search detachments "Memory" - reburial of the remains of the fallen soldiers and officers at the Kaluga land, the establishment of personalities and the search for the remaining relatives who have fallen, parts of parts and connections Fought in our places, military-patriotic education of young people, the neutralization of the grenades remaining from the war, min and much more.

Russian civilization

Kaluga province during the Kiev Rus

Kaluga province in antiquity (IX century) was inhabited by Vänty. According to the Proven, the Lithuanian tribe, the Lithuanian tribe lived among Vyatichichi; There were also the Finnish settlements of the Merry tribe.
It was a wild and unwriting edge, an unusually wooded and swampy, with a rare population that was hiding in the forests. Earlier than the XII century. There were no cities here. The main occupation of the population was the hunt for fur animals, the furs of which it was paying tribute. In the late XI or early XII century. Kiev's Kyuksha Hieromona, apparently, native, enlightened, enlightened the Kaluga region with the light of Christianity, captured the preaching of the martyr's death.
As a separate volost, the land of Vyatichi acts only under Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (the son of Yaroslav Wise) Chernigov, from which time cities appear here. Under 1146, for the first time Kozelsk is mentioned: in 1155 Vorotynsk, in 1158 Gorodensk (now the village of Caluga is 12 hours from Kaluga), Mosalsk and others. "These cities are made by Princely, and in the XIII century. The current Kaluga province is crushed into a lot of small principalities, were the most important of the quota:
1) Mosalsky with Serena (now Selo not far from Meshovsk, "
2) Tusar and Obolensk (now the village),
3) Kozelsky,
4) Vorotnskoye, where were the descendants of Mikhail Chernigovsky,
5) Peremyshlskoe with the same princess line,
6) Mezetsk, or Meshovskoye.
The beggage belonged to Smolensk, and Borovsk, Maloyaroslavets and part of the Kaluga county - Suzdal. Thus, the region began to be animated and represented for princes a significant interest, why princely clashes took place. But this revival was struck by a strong blow of Tatars, devastated under the supervision of Batya in 1238. The region and destroyed Kozelsk. However, the remote position of the edge of the Tatars made it possible to recover, and he soon healed the same life again.

Kaluga province in the XV-XVII centuries.

In the XIV century, some of the Kaluga lands are already under the rule of Moscow; In the same century, Kaluga is mentioned for the first time. However, from Simeon, the proud clashes of Moscow princes with Lithuania gave almost all the edge of the Lithuanians. The tricky and Terrible Olgere took three times here at Dmitry Donskoy. And Vitovt has already owned by the Medansky, Mosalsky, Meshovsky, Visatar, Kozel, Pozlyl and Likhvin district, so the border between Moscow and Lithuania went on the ocean and threes. Even Vorotnsk, in 15 versts from Kaluga, and Lyutvi's authorities were ruled by Lithuania, and Kaluga and Borovsk were border cities. But from Vasily I begins the return of lost cities and the acquisition of others. In 1408, Vitovt lost to him Kozelsk and Launtsk (at this time of possession of the Northwest, there were controversial, and therefore part of half of the Way belongs to Moscow, and half of Lithuania, etc., this is explained why the same goal is simultaneously listed and Lithuanian and Moscow ) who were given in. Prince of his uncle Vladimir Andreevich Herbrom, and he moved to the children of him. From them these cities gradually moved to the dispod. Prince. Vasily II took the beggar from Lithuania. And Ivan III in the world of 1494 finally got moving, Tarusa, Obolensk. Vorotynsk, Serensk; The world with Lithuania 1503 returned to Moscow Serpeck, Mosalsk and Opakov. For Lithuania, only a minor part in the West of the province remained.
In general, the prince of Ivan III is a memorable and important in the history of the Kaluga region. Under it, in 1480-1481. Within the current Kaluga province, the liberation of Russian land from the Tatar yoke and the transformation of Moscow from the Khanskoy ulus to the sovereign state.
In the chronicle stories, Khan Ahmat, wanting to learn the proud Moscow Vassal, in the summer of 1480, counting on difficulties at the Moscow Western border (Livonian Order threatened recently affiliated Novgorod and Pskov) and Ivan's discord with brothers, joined Moscow limits, but met numerous ruins in. Prince near Aleksina and Taruza. Tatars were repulsed when trying to move OKU; The patient disease tried their disorder, and they quickly left. But in the following, 1481, Khan repeated his attempt to move OKU and get to Moscow. And this time he came across Russian shelves. Then he turned to his allied Lithuania, to r. Ugration and moved along the Lichvinsky, Pozlyl and the Mednicaury. Tatars attempts to cross through Ugric under Opakov (not far from Yukhnova) ended in failure, and the Tatars were expected when the river freezes. There was an end of the cold October, and the river began to be covered with ice, opening the path in the near future in any place. Then Ivan III took all his troops to an excellent position to the Kremenets, hoping to give the general battle near Borovsk. The retreat of the Russian troops from the Ugra was made very hastily and randomly, why Khan suspected in the actions of Russian military tricks and, in turn, fled hastily.
However, at the subsequent time, the Lithuanians did not cease to disturb the Kaluga region; Moreover, the Crimean Tatars were still joined to them, and the life in the edge of the flow was still anxious.
In 1508, in Vasilia III, under the contract with Sigismund, the unansigned part of the Kaluga province was departed, and the places taken earlier were approved for her finally. In the contractual literacy it is said that Sigismund argues for the servants of Vasily Ivanovich - Princes of Peremisli, Vorotnsky, Mosalskiy and others, from the generation of St. Mikhail all their faults and that he must not join Tarusu, Obolensk, Mosalsk, Vorotynsk and in the city of Lyutvsk (now the village down on the OK), and in Kozelsk, and in the people of Mosjusk (village.), And in Serensk and in all Kozel, and in Lyuda, and in Sale Places. But this agreement did not guarantee a relaxing existence to mentioned volathes. The border life was full of continuous quarrels and robbery of Muscovites and Lithuanians; Everyone was constantly on worship, and the city turned into highly fortified items.
The Crimean Tatars begin to disturb the Kaluga region from 1512. Allies of Moscow at Ivan III, they now change their tactics and open a number of raids at the Moscow limits, including Kaluga with her counties. To protect against the Crimeans through the Kaluga province, there was a street, stretching along the southeastern and southern border, almost to Surifes, 193 V. It was called Likhvin and Kozelian and shared on the plots called by the name of a die-cast gate.
The military character of the Kaluga cities has appreciated its seal on residents who have been little prone to civil order and quiet life. Kaluzan under the supervision of Dmitry Trubetsky by the principality, took part in the liberation of Moscow from Polyakov.
Upon joining the throne, M. F. Romanova Kaluga region was in a very sad position. In 1614, in 1617, during the first Polish war, new disasters fell on the Kaluga region. His brutally devastated the volatile squads of Chaplinsky and Optinsky, and then the Hetman Sagaidachnaya, Cavenly, and Kaluga herself ruined.
The deulief truce ceased trouble, but said Poland Syrpeaking, returned back in 1634. The above-mentioned relatively calm time, when the Kaluga land began to change, stretched until 1654, when the edge was devastated by the epidemic. For five months of the epidemic in some places, up to two thirds of the population.

Kaluga province in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

To Peter the Great Kaluga region flashed between different areas. Initially, under Peter, when in 1708, the province was formed, and part of Kaluga counties went to Moscow, and part to Smolensk. But the Kaluga province was established by reform of 1719, which was part of the Moscow province. All, counties, with the exception of Borovsk, Maloyaroslavets, Taruza and Obolensk, were attributed to Kaluga. Thus, Kaluga became the administrative center of the secondary value. The population has constantly grew, some subsidence numbered 5924 people. In the 30s. XVIII century She had more than 60 streets and lanes, 2431 yard and 13 1/2 thousand inhabitants. Kaluga grew very quickly despite the fact that in 1719 and 1720. The government transferred about 20 Poshess family with the amount of up to 80 male shower in the Gzhatskaya Pier. Do not stop the progressive growth of Kaluga and public disasters that still fell out on its share quite often.
In 1723 and 1733 Kaluga fasted hunger, kaluga suffered from another ordinary wooden companion - fires. She burned heavily in 1742, 1754, 1758, 1760 and 1761. During the fires, there were mass human victims: in 1754, 177 people died.
But especially many people died in 1771, when Kaluga captured the places of places in Russia.
Of the successors of Peter Great Kaluga in the XVIII century. I saw in my walls only Catherine Great. The Empress arrived on December 15, 1775 in the respect of the m. Plato and brilliant suite. Catherine's trip to Kaluga had its consequences to transform Kaluga from the province of province by decree on August 24, 1776. This moment was the most important in the history of the city. The provinces included 12 counties (with Serpene), which are now provincial. 733 thousand inhabitants of both sexes were considered in the vicarity. In Kaluga, at that time there were 17 thousand inhabitants.
Factories and plants in Kaluga were 120, from which 5 sailing was 1,400 workers. From the plants deserves the mention of sugar, on which up to 5 thousand poods of Sugar, 3/4 of which came true in Malorosia. Most of all was oil plants - 34.
Weekly in Kaluga there were three bargaining, which, from nearby villages, the peasants brought edible supplies. Her residents were rich, especially merchants.
On the eve of the XIX century, in 1799, Kaluga was allocated to an independent unit and in spiritual terms. It covered the diocese. Thus, the new century began happily for her.
In 1812, Kaluga played an important role, and her name is closely connected with the history of this war. The critical part of the campaign, its fracture, was made in exactly the Kaluga province, which was made by the "estimation of the invasion of enemies." Kaluga itself for several weeks is the main artery from which the nutrition and supply of our army with everything necessary.

Kaluga region during the citizen of war

In Kaluga, the Soviet government was established on November 28, 1917 after arriving in the city of the revolutionary squad of the Porechensky regiment from Minsk.
In the implementation of the policies of "Military Communism" by the spring of 1919, 101 enterprise of large and medium industries were nationalized. After the end of the civil war, the economic crisis covered the Kaluga province. Of the 130 enterprises worked only 66 engaged in the main processing of agricultural raw materials and forests. In agriculture, the old peasant structure was destroyed, and the collective farm created as a result of the polling collectivization could not provide the city of food.
During the years of the first Soviet five-year period, industrial production increased 8 times, and the number of more than five works. The NKPS Machine-Building Plant first in the USSR began the production of authodresin, reels and steam boilers received earlier from abroad. The Kaluga Electromechanical Plant has mastered the production of the first Soviet letter-printing telegraphic devices and payphones, the foaming cast-iron plant has established the production of the first acid-resistant enamel apparatus, and the Pedoccian cast iron plant - gasoline-handouts for refueling cars. In 1935, the construction of the largest synthetic fragrant plant in Europe was launched in Kaluga.

Kaluga region during the Great Patriotic War

In the first months of the war from Kaluga to the front left 25 thousand people. Plants and factories of the Kaluga Territory, let out peaceful products yesterday, began to produce armaments, ammunition, uniforms. Tens of thousands of residents of Kaluga and districts in August - September 1941 built defensive structures near Smolensk, Yelni, Roslavl, Bryansk, Eagle, Kaluga, Maloyaroslavets, Tula.
The position at the fronts of the Patriotic War was becoming more severe, the front approached Kaluga. On October 4 and 7, Kaluga has undergone strong bombing from the air. On the night of October 11-1 on October 12, the Soviet troops left Kaluga. In the second half of October, the entire territory of the Kaluga region was occupied.
After capturing Kaluga, the Nazis began mass arrests and extermination of residents of the city.
In the chronicles of Kaluga partisans, the tank farm in Govardovo and Condrovo, destroyed bridges across the River Rese. Borovsky partisans brought 5 thousand Soviet soldiers from the environment. On the night of November 24, partisans under the command of Captain V.V. Zabo caused a blow to the headquarters of the German Army Corps in the Rights Plant. During the raid, more than 600 German soldiers and officers, more than 130 cars, four tanks, two warehouses with flammable were destroyed. December 30, Kaluga was cleared of the enemy.
After the defeat of the German fascist troops near Kursk and the Eagle in September 1943, the Kaluga region was finally released from the invaders.
In order to faster restoration of the national economy and better service of workers, on July 5, 1944, the Kaluga region, which entered the Supreme Council of the USSR, was formed by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet, the territory of the Kaluga province existed before 1929.

Kaluga region in the postwar years

Translation of enterprises to a new production system began here in 1966. In two years, the VIII five-year plan. The average annual increase in labor productivity in mechanical engineering is the leading industry industry industry - increased by one and a half times, reaching 6% against 4% in the previous five-year plan. However, in these years there was deficiency, half of the measures taken.
The period of the 1960-70s was characterized by the growing value of the agricultural sector of the economy, the social development of the village. On the one hand, the lag of agriculture from the industry has reached the critical level by this time, on the other, it was necessary to solve the urgent tasks of the village lifting accounted for the conditions of the demographic situation unfavorable. So, from 1959 to 1981, the number of rural population in the Kaluga region decreased from 588 thousand to 368 thousand. Only for the period from 1970 to 1979, the number of rural settlements decreased from 4138 to 3649, and less than ten people lived in 13%. In search of the optimal management structure and the organization of the economy, the way to transform the weak economic collective farms in state farms was elected. But even after the completion of this process, there was no significant improvement in production indicators.

Kaluga province during the Kiev Rus

Kaluga province in antiquity (IX century) was inhabited by Vänty. According to the Proven, the Lithuanian tribe, the Lithuanian tribe lived among Vyatichichi; There were also the Finnish settlements of the Merry tribe.
It was a wild and unwriting edge, an unusually wooded and swampy, with a rare population that was hiding in the forests. Earlier than the XII century. There were no cities here. The main occupation of the population was the hunt for fur animals, the furs of which it was paying tribute. In the late XI or early XII century. Kiev's Kyuksha Hieromona, apparently, native, enlightened, enlightened the Kaluga region with the light of Christianity, captured the preaching of the martyr's death.
As a separate volost, the land of Vyatichi acts only under Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (the son of Yaroslav Wise) Chernigov, from which time cities appear here. Under 1146, for the first time Kozelsk: in 1155 Vorotynsk, in 1158 Gorodensk (now the village of Caluga is 12 hours from Kaluga), Mosalsk and others. "These cities are made by Princely, and in the XIII century. The current Kaluga province is crushing on a lot of small principalities, most importantly from the quest were:
1) Mosalskoe with Serena (now Selo near Meshovska ",
2) Tusar and Obolensk (now the village),
3) Kozelsky,
4) Vorotnskoye, where were the descendants of Mikhail Chernigovsky,
5) Peremyshlskoe with the same princess line,
6) Mezetsk, or Meshovskoye.
The beggage belonged to Smolensk, and Borovsk, Maloyaroslavets and part of the Kaluga county - Suzdal. Thus, the region began to be animated and represented for princes a significant interest, why princely clashes took place. But this revival was struck by a strong blow of Tatars, devastated under the supervision of Batya in 1238. The region and destroyed Kozelsk. However, the remote position of the edge of the Tatars made it possible to recover, and he soon healed the same life again.

Kaluga province in the XV-XVII centuries.

In the XIV century, some of the Kaluga lands are already under the rule of Moscow; In the same century, Kaluga is mentioned for the first time. However, from Simeon, the proud clashes of Moscow princes with Lithuania gave almost all the edge of the Lithuanians. The tricky and Terrible Olgere took three times here at Dmitry Donskoy. And Vitovt has already owned by the Medansky, Mosalsky, Meshovsky, Visatar, Kozel, Pozlyl and Likhvin district, so the border between Moscow and Lithuania went on the ocean and threes. Even Vorotnsk, in 15 versts from Kaluga, and Lyutvi's authorities were ruled by Lithuania, and Kaluga and Borovsk were border cities. But from Vasily I begins the return of lost cities and the acquisition of others. In 1408, Vitovt lost to him Kozelsk and Launtsk (at this time of possession of the Northwest, there were controversial, and therefore part of half of the Way belongs to Moscow, and half of Lithuania, etc., this is explained why the same goal is simultaneously listed and Lithuanian and Moscow ) who were given in. Prince of his uncle Vladimir Andreevich Herbrom, and he moved to the children of him. From them these cities gradually moved to the dispod. Prince. Vasily II took the beggar from Lithuania. And Ivan III in the world of 1494 finally got moving, Tarusa, Obolensk. Vorotynsk, Serensk; The world with Lithuania 1503 returned to Moscow Serpeck, Mosalsk and Opakov. For Lithuania, only a minor part in the West of the province remained.
In general, the prince of Ivan III is a memorable and important in the history of the Kaluga region. Under it, in 1480-1481. Within the current Kaluga province, the liberation of Russian land from the Tatar yoke and the transformation of Moscow from the Khanskoy ulus to the sovereign state.
In the chronicle stories, Khan Ahmat, wanting to learn the proud Moscow Vassal, in the summer of 1480, counting on difficulties at the Moscow Western border (Livonian Order threatened recently affiliated Novgorod and Pskov) and Ivan's discord with brothers, joined Moscow limits, but met numerous ruins in. Prince near Aleksina and Taruza. Tatars were repulsed when trying to move OKU; The patient disease tried their disorder, and they quickly left. But in the following, 1481, Khan repeated his attempt to move OKU and get to Moscow. And this time he came across Russian shelves. Then he turned to his allied Lithuania, to r. Ugration and moved along the Lichvinsky, Pozlyl and the Mednicaury. Tatars attempts to cross through Ugric under Opakov (not far from Yukhnova) ended in failure, and the Tatars were expected when the river freezes. There was an end of the cold October, and the river began to be covered with ice, opening the path in the near future in any place. Then Ivan III took all his troops to an excellent position to the Kremenets, hoping to give the general battle near Borovsk. The retreat of the Russian troops from the Ugra was made very hastily and randomly, why Khan suspected in the actions of Russian military tricks and, in turn, fled hastily.
However, at the subsequent time, the Lithuanians did not cease to disturb the Kaluga region; Moreover, the Crimean Tatars were still joined to them, and the life in the edge of the flow was still anxious.
In 1508, in Vasilia III, under the contract with Sigismund, the unansigned part of the Kaluga province was departed, and the places taken earlier were approved for her finally. In the contractual literacy it is said that Sigismund argues for the servants of Vasily Ivanovich - Princes of Peremisli, Vorotnsky, Mosalskiy and others, from the generation of St. Mikhail all their faults and that he must not join Tarusu, Obolensk, Mosalsk, Vorotynsk and in the city of Lyutvsk (now the village down on the OK), and in Kozelsk, and in the people of Mosjusk (village.), And in Serensk and in all Kozel, and in Lyuda, and in Sale Places. But this agreement did not guarantee a relaxing existence to mentioned volathes. The border life was full of continuous quarrels and robbery of Muscovites and Lithuanians; Everyone was constantly on worship, and the city turned into highly fortified items.
The Crimean Tatars begin to disturb the Kaluga region from 1512. Allies of Moscow at Ivan III, they now change their tactics and open a number of raids at the Moscow limits, including Kaluga with her counties. To protect against the Crimeans through the Kaluga province, there was a street, stretching along the southeastern and southern border, almost to Surifes, 193 V. It was called Likhvin and Kozelian and shared on the plots called by the name of a die-cast gate.
The military character of the Kaluga cities has appreciated its seal on residents who have been little prone to civil order and quiet life. Kaluzan under the supervision of Dmitry Trubetsky by the principality, took part in the liberation of Moscow from Polyakov.
Upon joining the throne, M. F. Romanova Kaluga region was in a very sad position. In 1614, in 1617, during the first Polish war, new disasters fell on the Kaluga region. His brutally devastated the volatile squads of Chaplinsky and Optinsky, and then the Hetman Sagaidachnaya, Cavenly, and Kaluga herself ruined.
The deulief truce ceased trouble, but said Poland Syrpeaking, returned back in 1634. The above-mentioned relatively calm time, when the Kaluga land began to change, stretched until 1654, when the edge was devastated by the epidemic. For five months of the epidemic in some places, up to two thirds of the population.

Kaluga province in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

To Peter the Great Kaluga region flashed between different areas. Initially, under Peter, when in 1708, the province was formed, and part of Kaluga counties went to Moscow, and part to Smolensk. But the Kaluga province was established by reform of 1719, which was part of the Moscow province. All, counties, with the exception of Borovsk, Maloyaroslavets, Taruza and Obolensk, were attributed to Kaluga. Thus, Kaluga became the administrative center of the secondary value. The population has constantly grew, some subsidence numbered 5924 people. In the 30s. XVIII century She had more than 60 streets and lanes, 2431 yard and 13 1/2 thousand inhabitants. Kaluga grew very quickly despite the fact that in 1719 and 1720. The government transferred about 20 Poshess family with the amount of up to 80 male shower in the Gzhatskaya Pier. Do not stop the progressive growth of Kaluga and public disasters that still fell out on its share quite often.
In 1723 and 1733 Kaluga fasted hunger, kaluga suffered from another ordinary wooden companion - fires. She burned heavily in 1742, 1754, 1758, 1760 and 1761. During the fires, there were mass human victims: in 1754, 177 people died.
But especially many people died in 1771, when Kaluga captured the places of places in Russia.
Of the successors of Peter Great Kaluga in the XVIII century. I saw in my walls only Catherine Great. The Empress arrived on December 15, 1775 in the respect of the m. Plato and brilliant suite. Catherine's trip to Kaluga had its consequences to transform Kaluga from the province of province by decree on August 24, 1776. This moment was the most important in the history of the city. The provinces included 12 counties (with Serpene), which are now provincial. 733 thousand inhabitants of both sexes were considered in the vicarity. In Kaluga, at that time there were 17 thousand inhabitants.
Factories and plants in Kaluga were 120, from which 5 sailing was 1,400 workers. From the plants deserves the mention of sugar, on which up to 5 thousand poods of Sugar, 3/4 of which came true in Malorosia. Most of all was oil plants - 34.
Weekly in Kaluga there were three bargaining, which, from nearby villages, the peasants brought edible supplies. Her residents were rich, especially merchants.
On the eve of the XIX century, in 1799, Kaluga was allocated to an independent unit and in spiritual terms. It covered the diocese. Thus, the new century began happily for her.
In 1812, Kaluga played an important role, and her name is closely connected with the history of this war. The critical part of the campaign, its fracture, was made in the Kaluga province, which was made by the "enemies' invasion limit." Kaluga itself for several weeks is the main artery from which the nutrition and supply of our army with everything necessary.

Kaluga region during the citizen of war

In Kaluga, the Soviet government was established on November 28, 1917 after arriving in the city of the revolutionary squad of the Porechensky regiment from Minsk.
In the implementation of the policies of "Military Communism" by the spring of 1919, 101 enterprise of large and medium industries were nationalized. After the end of the civil war, the economic crisis covered the Kaluga province. Of the 130 enterprises worked only 66 engaged in the main processing of agricultural raw materials and forests. In agriculture, the old peasant structure was destroyed, and the collective farm created as a result of the polling collectivization could not provide the city of food.
During the years of the first Soviet five-year period, industrial production increased 8 times, and the number of more than five works. The NKPS Machine-Building Plant first in the USSR began the production of authodresin, motozos and steam boilers received earlier from abroad. The Kaluga Electromechanical Plant has mastered the production of the first Soviet letter-printing telegraphic devices and payphones, the foaming cast-iron plant has established the production of the first acid-resistant enamel apparatus, and the Pedoccian cast iron plant - gasoline-handouts for refueling cars. In 1935, the construction of the largest synthetic fragrant plant in Europe was launched in Kaluga.

Kaluga region during the Great Patriotic War

In the first months of the war from Kaluga to the front left 25 thousand people. Plants and factories of the Kaluga Territory, let out peaceful products yesterday, began to produce armaments, ammunition, uniforms. Tens of thousands of residents of Kaluga and districts in August - September 1941 built defensive structures near Smolensk, Yelni, Roslavl, Bryansk, Eagle, Kaluga, Maloyaroslavets, Tula.
The position at the fronts of the Patriotic War was becoming more severe, the front approached Kaluga. On October 4 and 7, Kaluga has undergone strong bombing from the air. On the night of October 11-1 on October 12, the Soviet troops left Kaluga. In the second half of October, the entire territory of the Kaluga region was occupied.
After capturing Kaluga, the Nazis began mass arrests and extermination of residents of the city.
In the chronicles of Kaluga partisans, the tank farm in Govardovo and Condrovo, destroyed bridges across the River Rese. Borovsky partisans brought 5 thousand Soviet soldiers from the environment. On the night of November 24, partisans under the command of Captain V.V. Zabo caused a blow to the headquarters of the German Army Corps in the Rights Plant. During the raid, more than 600 German soldiers and officers, more than 130 cars, four tanks, two warehouses with flammable were destroyed. December 30, Kaluga was cleared of the enemy.
After the defeat of the German fascist troops near Kursk and the Eagle in September 1943, the Kaluga region was finally released from the invaders.
In order to faster restoration of the national economy and better service of workers, on July 5, 1944, the Kaluga region, which entered the Supreme Council of the USSR, was formed by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet, the territory of the Kaluga province existed before 1929.

Kaluga region in the postwar years

Translation of enterprises to a new production system began here in 1966. In two years, the VIII five-year plan. The average annual increase in labor productivity in mechanical engineering is the leading industry industry industry - increased by one and a half times, reaching 6% against 4% in the previous five-year plan. However, in these years there was deficiency, half of the measures taken.
The period of the 1960-70s was characterized by the growing value of the agricultural sector of the economy, the social development of the village. On the one hand, the lag of agriculture from the industry has reached the critical level by this time, on the other, it was necessary to solve the urgent tasks of the village lifting accounted for the conditions of the demographic situation unfavorable. So, from 1959 to 1981, the number of rural population in the Kaluga region decreased from 588 thousand to 368 thousand. Only for the period from 1970 to 1979, the number of rural settlements decreased from 4138 to 3649, and less than ten people lived in 13%. In search of the optimal management structure and the organization of the economy, the way to transform the weak economic collective farms in state farms was elected. But even after the completion of this process, there was no significant improvement in production indicators.

Kaluga has a thousand-year history, as evidenced by the three ancient settlements with the Kurgans, located within the modern city. And everything in the Kaluga land was about a dozen ancient settlements. Initially, they were populated by a patriarchal family, but over time, their population increased, and several settlements appeared next door to them. Footprints of them - the settlement near the village of Kaluchuga, the rivers of the jacket, the village of Gorod. The defensive system of the settlement over the centuries has continuously developed. The hills are carefully strengthened. With the vulnerable sides of the field, large trees were erected, in front of which deep rally filled with water. And on their ridge, a wooden fence-frequency was laid, a slope of the settlement from all sides. Paved wooden logs or cobblestone entry led to the flat top of the fortress. Such was Kaluga in the first millennium of his centuries-old history. Who were the inhabitants of Kaluga settlements? Archaeological studies shed light on the ethnographic affiliation of our ancestors in the earliest period of their history; They find elements of the ancient Baltic and threat-Finnish cultures. Later layers (X-XII centuries) belong to the chronicle Slavic tribes - Vänikam. The story of Vyatichi retained the names of Slavic tribes, known from the Old Russian "Tale of Bygone Years." She also calls our legendary ancestor Vyatko: "... And Vyatko Sedge with his native of Ok, from him the same nods." They were the main part of the first Kaluzhan. But when did Kaluga himself arose? For the first time in the chronicle sources, Kaluga Fortress is mentioned in 1371 in the letter of the Grand Lithuanian Prince Olgerdta Konstantinople Patriarch Philofy. The character of Kaluga in the first three centuries of its existence was explained by the strategic defense value of a minor fortress on OK, defending Russian lands from raids of Lithuanians and Tatars. But the ancient settlements of the Kurgan settlements in its surroundings existed here long before its foundation.

In the distant past, the territory of Kaluga was not land: 300 million years ago in the era of Paleozoic in her place were raised by the waves of the Ancient Sea, as evidenced by numerous petrified remnants of ancient organisms: corals, ammonites and whites, in abundance found in Kaluga careers. Hundreds of millions of years have changed the natural landscape of our area, the epoch replaced the epoch, the land took new spaces by the sea, the mountains and plains were formed, the climate changed, died and new types of animals occurred, and glaciers and only 15 thousand years ago, when melted The last glacier, the event has occurred the changed course of history: the territory of the Russian Plain began to settle the first people.

The favorable conditions for settling the territory of the Russian Plain first people were developed only at the end of the great glaciation - in the era of the late Paleolithic, about 15-10 thousand years ago. The last glaciation - Valdai not reached our places. But after the next warming, water flows from melting ice and glaciers, blurring sedimentary rocks on their way, formed the valley of the Okey River. In subsequent geological periods, the River River River has repeatedly deepened to a new level, as a result, the natural peculiar terraces were formed in the river valley. Only after the last warming of 10-8 thousand years ago, a relatively dry and warm climate was established on the Russian plain, the most approximate to the modern one. But the winter was then less severe than now and snow cover was therefore somewhat less. The hills at that time were covered with thick forests, and the swamps were extended between them, the pine, alder and birch. On these swamps were pastures of giant, covered with thick reddish-buoy wool mammoths. According to the paleozoology of fauna in that era was mixed: in our area there were glacier polar animals - mammoths, hairy rhilities, bison, sheeps and at the same time bison, noble deer, roar. So diverse was in that epoch of Flora and the fauna of Russian plain. For example, in neighboring Moscow recorded over 50 finds of bones of mammoths and other ancient animals. They are found in the jacket.

The Paleolithic era is marked by periodic cooling and the onset of glaciers, which caused the migration of primitive people. With the final retreat of the last glacier, the natural situation changes and our territory from Western Europe The Paleolithic tribes of the Sweater and Arenisburg crops begin to penetrate, from which the Bovic and Inevskaya mesolithic cultures are first developed in the local conditions, first allocated by L.V. Roltsov. Genetic roots of these ancient cultures go to Paleolithic.

Paleolithic era (Greek. "Palaios" ancient and "Lithos" stone) (2 million years ago - the III millennium BC. Er) is sometimes called the "bone century", since it is during this period a primitive bone processing technique and horns . In that distant era, the man led, mainly a nomadic lifestyle and entirely depended on nature, its seasonal cycles and climatic catastrophes. The main activity of primitive man was associated with hunting, collecting and fishing. Hunting fishery There were also large glacial animals - Mammoths. But in order to kill such a giant, it was necessary to present a special smelter and ingenuity. To do this, the deep pit trap was digging, the bottom of which was placed thick sharp stakes. Dozens of ancient hunters drove mammoth into a homemade trap, and then finished the wounded animal with stones. Bottling the meat of the future, a person could exist in this territory for a long time. Having exhausted the natural reserves of plant and animal food in one area, he was forced to develop new habitats, wiving all new territories. From late Paleolith, the man began to settle down not only in natural shelters, but begins to build the first earthlings. The skins of the killed animals served as the first clothing of primitive people. The man mastered the fire, learned to make stone and bone tools of labor, being on the threshold of the opening of pottery and weaving.

The ancient monument of the era of the Lower Paleolithic of the Kaluga region is the Ashhel Parking, located on the left bank of the Oka. Labor tools found there are presented by nucleus, skribs and stoves. Close in character The material was assembled near the villages of Puchkovo and Nekrasovo, on the right bank of the Oka.

The findings of the middle Paleolithic are also not a few. In the materials collected near D. Hordikovo, on the right bank of the Suda, the left influx of Oci, was found, an extended Mustiersky Pozrochney was found like found in the Crimea. In the career near D.Shatrich, two pointers were found and guns with recesses.

The remains of the Upper-Paleolithic parking lots were found near the village of Trinity, on the right bank of the Oka, near the damnity of the township, on the right bank of the R. Society, the right influx of Sudah, near D. Shatri, in Kaluga, on the territory of the microdistrict Annenki. At the parking lot at Dtreitsky began excavations, which gave a small material from the depths, fragments of guns and parts of nucleus.

Known in the Kaluga region and traces of the Mesolite ("Middle Agendic Century"), located in the Oka Pool: Gremyachevo, Bragino, Restet, Unwatched, Ladyzhino 1-3 and Red 3. The most early mesolitic culture in the Kaluga region is a springs associated with a monument of Gagarino Hotelo 2 and dated IX thousand BC Butovo Mesolithic Culture existed from VIII to the beginning. V thousand BC, Inevskaya - from VIII to the 1st floor. VII thousand BC. For these mesolitic crops, a well-developed lamellar technique for processing stone tools, represented by the tips of arrows, cylinder scrapers, knives, pounders, rods, babies, various liners and cutters.

The era of the "early agent" is Neolith (the end of the III of the Millennium BC. Er) is characterized by the Llanovsk archaeological culture from the name of neolithic settlements found by archaeologists near the village of Llailovo on the Klyazma River. The ancient hunters and fishermen inhabited by this terrain made stone tools from the natural mineral - silica - varieties of silica. The era of Neolithic was noted in the history of humanity by creating stone tools of labor, the invention of clay ceramics and the discovery of weaving. It was then that people learned how to build primitive wooden dwellings, make boats. The ancient technique of manual stone processing characterizes a fairly high skill of its grinding, drilling and sawing. As follows from the finds of neolithic, a certain value for a primitive man was not only the stone tools themselves, but harvesting and high-quality raw materials for their manufacture. This is confirmed by similar finds from the Neolithic parking on the River Desna. Mostly it is silicon, depregs, arms tips left by ancient hunters near the parking lot on the river bank.

By the time of the existence of Neolith, many millennia passed after the departure of the glacier; Established close to modern climate. But nature did not indulge the people. The river and forest were abounded by fish and game, but they could only take them hard. Outside the collective, a lone hunter or fisherman with its flint tools will inevitably die in the fight against nature. Hunting and fisheries were collectively - installed networks, special hedges were arranged - "clips" at the mouth of the rivers. In that epoch, the ancient people lived in the dugouts, over which the slashes rummaged with the stone hearth.

In addition to Llanovsk culture, several local crops other than Lyalovts have been found in our area. So in Neolithic in the Valley of Oki, the tribes of Belyvsky Neolithic culture in V-IIITIS. BC. They made stucco dishes decorated with ottisi rhombuses, large oval rings, different in the form of a pamph. Labor tools served stone massive dedups and plates. Monuments of this culture found in Kaluga, near the villages: Nekrasovo, Quag, Annenki, Nikolskoye, Timoshovka, Sand, Sands, Voronino, Visoryevo, Borshivovka, Karovo, Dunna, Trinity, Andreevskoye, Borovsky, Hunger, Mix.

On the tributaries of Oka, in the Basin of the Village of the village Red in IV-IIITI. BC. Examine culture existed, a plate technique of processing silicon guns of which is characteristic of preceding mesolitic crops. Ceramics ornamented by various holes, rhombuses, rowers.

Starting from Neolithic, primitive man mastered our locality. From the old Bezonovsky cemetery, under Maloyaroslavets, a huge and very beautiful panorama on the valley of the river riverside. From here you can see the exposures of limestone, reminiscent of those ancient times when the land here was a seabed. The hills of clay and sand, scattered huge boulders, the remnants of the mammoth found here - all this reminds of the Ice period. It is here that the parking of a primitive person was found in the flood of the river pudge.

Another parking of Neolithic - "Voroninskaya" is located on the left lowland shore of the Oka in the area of \u200b\u200bZharki-Karovo near the former Voronino village (Nikolayevka). Founders of the Neolithic tools found here: well-processed tools from stone: arrows, tips, bits, hammers, as well as stucco thick-walled ceramics with a pattern ornament, can be seen now in the Kaluga Museum of Museum. They give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe primitive farm and the classes of our distant ancestors.

Slightly lower by Oki, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Karovo, the local enthusiastic enthusiasts of the Ferzikovsky secondary school in 1958 another parking lot of the Novocamena Century was opened. The stucco ceramics of Neolithic still find in the radiation of the right inflow of Oki - River to speak, opposite the village of Bragino. Along with the subjects of Neolith, it is also possible to detect a later cultural layer, apparently the remains of the settlement of the settlement. Comparing the "Voroninskaya" and "Kovrovsky" neolithic parking lots, the Braginskoe settlement and settlement, it can be concluded that this area was well fond with the era of Neolithic.

At the end of the III millennium BC. e. - The first millennium BC. e. In our area came the era of bronze. It is characterized by the discovery of bronze tools of labor produced from copper alloys with non-ferrous metals - aluminum and nickel. The bronze era is represented in the archeology of the Kaluga region Fatyanovsky culture of the Volzhsko-Okrug interfluve, called from the village of Fatyanovo, near Yaroslavl, where people lived, who were known not only by stone, but also the bronze tools of labor. Fatyanovtsy were mainly in cattlemen who came to our area from southeastern steppes in the middle of the II millennium BC. e. They themselves did not make bronze guns, perhaps the latter reached them from the territories of the Upper Volga and the Mountain Urals abundant fields, but Fatyanovs have mastered the technique of manufacture of grinding guns like metal. The main sign of Fatyan culture is found near the dechino and d. Mikheevo polished stone guns and characteristic clay ceramics with the so-called "cord" and "geometric" ornament ", stone axes-hammers, silica tips of arrows, darts, knives, scrapers. Below The sculptural fierce of Fatyanovtsa, reconstructed by Professor Gerasimov and stored now in the Moscow State Historical Museum.

At the end of the II - early I millennium BC. e. The Iron Age came to replace the bronze, the duration of which in the Kaluga region is almost two thousand years. The main occupation of people, apparently, remained cattle breeding. But they learned to produce iron from native ore, whose field is often found in the Kaluga region. True, the process of obtaining iron was very imperfect. Iron ore And the burning charcoal was covered with a small, folded stone and clay mountains with holes in the walls in which clay nozzles were skipped. Through them in a tightly closed on top of the mountain with the help of fur, air was injected. So there was a process of burning coal and restoring free iron from ore, which stamped at the bottom of the mountain in the form of small inxisted ingots. Then they were heated again and thoroughly twisted into the iron guns. The development of iron gave the opportunity to regret forests and shrubs, freeing all the large areas for meadows and pastures, as well as build housing from the logs instead of primitive shagas.

In that epoch, people lived in small generic communities, and for the settlement they chose the most favorable places, where it would be easier to protect against wild animals and rivals neighbors. The settlement from the open field, as a rule, was protected by deep milde and bulk earthen shafts, and half-logged frequencies were built at the top. The housing of people was small wooden houses with cone-shaped straw roofs and inside the hearth. At the same time, many settlements existed continuously hundreds and even more than a thousand years, as evidenced by the accumulated cultural layer at the site. Early monuments of this era relate to the relatively close to Yukhnovskaya and Verkhneoksky cultures that existed here in 8-7 centuries. BC. until the first centuries. AD

In the set preserved in the Kaluga region hills with remnants of earthen shafts and Rips, coated with coal-black earth - cultural layer. Archaeologists call the remnants of these ancient settlements with fortifications. The very name of the "settlement" is known in the people as a terrain, fixed behind the village or a waste, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations.

The first treasures of the "earlyline century" (End II - the beginning of the I Millennium BC. Er) found in the settlement at the village of Dyakovo on the southern outskirts of Moscow (now it is in Moscow). This ancient monument having the shape of a pyramidally towering hill with the remains of the shaft and ancient moat, received the folk name "damn settlement." Selecting the stone in the cripples of the hill. Local residents often met here the so-called "damn fingers" - fossil mollusks of Belemnitis, often came across and "thunder arrows" - stone tips of ancient arrows. In the 60s of the last century, the Russian archaeologist D. Ya. Samokvasov, when excavations, found the treasure of interesting metal jewelry from bronze V-VI centuries. n. E.: Massive cervical hryvnia with wire winding and intake hollow beads, vituya hryvnia, horseshoe buckle, bracelets, bells. It is curious that curved and broken hryvnia and bracelets were also among the items, apparently designed for melting, as well as a stone foundry. The latter testified that the decorations were made by ancient masters on the very fortune.

Singing D. Ya. Samokvasov and his followers showed that the settlement at the village of Dyakovo belongs to the "earlyline century" - the epochs when people began to extract and process the iron, learned to make iron tools, cast decorations made of metal, the samples of which are preserved in "Dyakovsk ". On this monument, the entire archaeological culture of the Epoch of Early Iron in the Oki Mezhdury and Volga became referred to as Dyakov. Archaeologists dating this period in the Kaluga region VII century. BC e. - VI-VII centuries. n. e. One of these bright monuments is "Pevkin Budgorm" is located in the Oka Valley under the village of Vaughty. Excavations produced in it in 1936 showed that there was a settlement of people "Dyakovsky culture".

While the northern part of the Kaluga region occupied Dyakovsky culture, in the I-III centuries. AD In the center and in the south there is a pillage culture under the influence of penetrating Zarubinetsky tribes from the middle subway. As scientists believed, the main culture has emerged at its base, which existed from 4 to 7 centuries. AD A bright feature of the mooring materials is the presence of the dishes. Many iron products, bronze. Pendants and clashes with a laid multicolor enamel.

About a dozen ancient settlements were located at the Kaluga land, for example, three settlements are known in the Kaluga itself. And the burial grounds and mounds were tested nearby nearby the ancient Slavic settlements. These include mounds on the shore r. Kaluzhai (XII centuries), in Kaluga Bor (XI-XIII centuries), near the village of Yakimovo (XI-XII century), Klimov of the plant (middle I Millennium N. e.), Gryshovo (XII-XIII century), der. Sequito (III-IV centuries. N. E.), Der. Tusnino (not defined), on the banks of the river Ugra, the rivers Unwit and others. How much can tell them the seeker of antiquities - an archaeologist.

The location of the ravine in the Valley of the Mozhaika River, near the village of Sekikotovo, many Kaluzanam, but only quite recently, scientists discovered the remains of ancient settlement on this place. It was located on the top of the huge hill, called the "Snake Mountain". If you rise to the top of this hill and carefully inspect the surrounding area, you can easily come to the conclusion that in the remote times the aqueous stream did not flow from the western side of the hill, as now, but from Eastern. Later, a big glacial landslide, who groaned from the east, blocked the path of the stream and sent it to where the stream flows - from the west of the "snake mountain." Due to this, a hill was formed, which is a typical remainder. In 1960, with the inspection of T. N. Nikolskaya Hill and the location adjacent to it, the layers of the cultural layer in the breakdown and a number of communities with the remnants of the ancient shafts and fortifications were detected. Later, in 1985, A. S. Frolov in this place were collected fragments of coarse stucco clay ceramics, iron sickles, the tips of the ancient arrows, knives, clay straits for spindles, objects from Kostya and the horns and many bones of domestic and wild animals. The latter indicates that residents of ancient settlement were mainly in beer. Research of archaeologists showed that the settlement was settled by a small primitive community inhabited here in the III-IV centuries. n. e. In the ravine, the deposits of coal and glacial periods with the remains of the fossil fossil mollusks-bellows, corals and spirifer, the beginning of the formation of new ravines, traces of landslides and karst funnels are traced. Today, the nature monument of local importance - Mozhaisky ravine is a natural natural section through quaternary and ninecalenant deposits. The exposure in Mozhaica is a good visual manual for studying the geological structure of the Earth, and the picturesque South Valley in the top of the ravine is named by the Nature lovers of Kaluga Switzerland. Not surprising, therefore, that this area was settled with deep antiquity, keeping the generation of people for many generations.

Significant scientific interest for archeology represents a small village of Klimov Factory, which is located 25 km away. From Yukhnova on the River Rudyanka. The remains of the "Yukhnovskaya" and "Verkhneokskaya" archaeological crops are located on its territory, and on the outskirts of the village there is a mounded grain of Vodnyh Middle I Millennium. e.

Traces of another ancient settlement, where people lived at the beginning of a new era, is on the high right bank of the Ugra River, near the village of Tents Yukhnovsky district of the Kaluga region. Presumably the name of the village comes from the Tents of Khan Akhmat. Here Mongol-Tatars tried to cross in October 1480 to the left bank of the Ugra River ("Great Standing on River-Ugra"). However, the history of the village is more ancient. Tents - the location of the ancient Russian city of Opakova, from which a settlement of steep slopes remained, dated the second half of the first 11th Millennium. e. It was a small fortified settlement on a protruding high terrace with steep slopes. And nearby is the mounded burial ground of Vodnyachi, which the locals called Kudyarovaya Yar in memory of the legendary robber.

Another ancient settlement is located near the village of Prudkov Kirovsky District, on the right bank of the River Unwind. Here along with the village early Middle Ages (XIV-XVI centuries), opened in 1987 by A. S. Frolov, found traces of earlier Slavic culture with the Kurgan grave of the XI-XIII centuries. At the same time, flint tools of neolithic and mesolithic were also found on the territory of the Seliya. The combination of such various archaeological monuments indicates that this territory and the locality adjacent to it were settled since a long time, periodically maintaining and resizing people in different historical epochs.

Archaeological studies of the Kaluga settlement shed light on the life and life of the ancient inhabitants of our area, allowed us to study their customs and culture. The settlements were originally populated by a patriarchal family, but over time, their population increased, and in the neighborhood, whole settlements appeared. The tracks of them are a settlement near the village of Kaluchuzhuz, the villages of the city, Cejotovo, a clima plant. Interesting architecture of ancient settlements. As a rule, the hills pretending to the settlement are carefully strengthened, and the fortification system has continuously developed for centuries. With the vulnerable sides of the field, large trees were erected, in front of which deep rally broke out, sometimes filled with water. On the ridge of the shafts, wooden frequencies were laid, the stools of the terraces on the steep slopes of a settlement, built for entry and access to the territory, while paved with wooden logs or a cobblestone entry led to the flat top of the fortress. In the territory of the settlement were public buildings, residential houses, agricultural buildings, storage facilities, cellar. In each housing, one part probably belonged to men, and the other - women and children. In the center of the house there was a hearth, covered by homemade bricks from burnt clay. Some families who lived in houses constituted one community, a single large patriarchal family, inseparable leading general farming. What treasures hid behind his shafts? First of all, it is cattle, since cattle breeding was the main occupation of the inhabitants of the settlers, the basis of their primitive economy. The development of cattle breeding and mastering of the metal largely contributed to the development of agriculture in the Kaluga region, which indicates iron products found on the settlers. Among the archaeological finds of iron products: sickles, braids, knives, arrows. An important role in the farm also played hunting and fisheries. Among the bones of animals found on the settlement, there were bones of wild and pets bear, boar, moose, foxes - so diverse was the fauna of the territory of the future Kaluga.

In everyday life of Kaluga settlements, the ancient metallurgy is firmly included: clay forms for melting metal - liaxium, forging, metal slags - waste production, cast bronze and iron products were found. It is skillfully made by an ancient master of women's decorations: temporal rings, bronze pendants, metal rings, brooch, miniature bells. They decorated festive women costumes. Whole brushes of such bronze suspensions were hanging from a female head. On the neck dressed up beads and hryvnia. On the chest and on the belt, even on the dresses, all sorts of plaques were idle. A characteristic male decoration was the belt blah. On the Kaluga land in that era, weaving and pottery have already been developed. At the settlements found an ancient coarse stupid dishes.

Excavations of the estimated ancient Kaluga at the mouth of the Kaluzhuchi river and the village of the village of Goroda, where the ancient Gorodensk, held in 1892, was confirmed by the Kaluga archaeologist I. D. Ferkin, confirmed that the inhabitants of the settlers were distinguished not only by clay dishes, but also There were skilled koslases - wonderful decorations found here bone handles of knives and amulets. They could engage and less laborious wood carvings, but time could not save them wooden products. Carved bone products were found in the tract Mozhayka at the ravine near the village. Sequito.

Who were the inhabitants of Kaluga settlements? Archaeological studies shed light on the ethnographic identity of residents of Kaluga settlements in the earliest period of their history; They find elements of the ancient Baltic and threat-Finnish cultures. Later layers (X-XII centuries) belong to the chronicle Slavic tribes - Vänikam. According to the language of the lingules, the name of "Vyniki" happened from the ancient, famous Romans names of the Slavs "Venta", from which the "valves" (Vyatichi) turned out. By this period, there is a characteristic clay ceramics, made on a pottery circle and natish semi-blass temporal rings. Among the Slavic finds of the Kaluga region are dozens of various objects and products from iron: coupling, plow lemmers, sickles and braids, knives and axes. This could be observed during the excavations of the ancient Russian Serensk. Among the many metal objects found in Senna Children, in the first place were household items. The tools of labor and agriculture took second place (5.7%), while artisans tools serving for metal processing, wood, leather, etc., - the third (4.1%). In addition, in the excavated ancient Serensk among the dozens of found items of life and economic activity, Written culture and cult is found and hollow cross-encpion for storing relics. He is the witness of the ancient Christian culture of the Domongolian period, which came to our edges from Ancient Kiev. About these cultural relations of the city of artisans of Serensk with Kiev, Chernigov and other cities of ancient Russia and testify archaeological finds.

The story of Vyatichi retained the names of Slavic tribes, known from the Old Russian "Tale of Bygone Years." This first Russian chronicle of the XII century. He calls both the legendary ancestor of Vyatko: "... And Vyatko Sedge with his native of his ocean, from him the same nods." Archaeological materials confirm that the Slavic-Vyatichi tribe occupied the pools of Oki and Moskva River, including directly the territory of the future Moscow. Their communities combined into a large breeding union at the head of which were standing by the elders (princes) from a birthday nobility, did not get together, so the settlements were usually surrounded by a wooden fence to protect against wild beasts. The remains of such settlements that do not have traces of earthworks are harder to detect on the ground. More often, they are revealed by chance, due to the intensive-black cultural layer preserved on their place and finds the clay dishes in it, made on a pottery, elegant in shape and decorated with a wavy or gear ornament. Thus were found to the Slavic settlements on the river Kaluga (XII centuries), near the village of Zhdamirovo (HP-XV centuries), in Kaluga Bor (XI-XIII centuries), Selishk at Simeon Site (XIV-XVI centuries). On the banks of the river Ugra, the remains of the settlements were also located, the lives on which several centuries lasted, until the beginning of the XVII century.

Arabic geographer of the beginning of X in. Ibn Rusta reported that "the land of the Vodnya Lested Plain, in the forests they live ... The bread most cultivated by them, - millet." The collection of wild fruits and berries, mushrooms and honey of wild bees played a prominent role in the farm. Written sources and archaeological monuments indicate that at the end of the I millennium N. e. Vnyachi still retained the patriarchal generic system. They lived in fortified settlements - settlements and have been engaged in cabbage agriculture. But then, later with the development of pasty agriculture, Vntychi was widely settled on unoccupied Selias.

Archeology allows you to clarify not only the territory of the mercy of Vyatichi, but also their main classes. The main economic activity of our ancestors was agriculture, so they more often settled near the rivers, among their field grounds. During archaeological excavations, seeds of cereals - rye, wheat, barley, millet were found in many places. From ancient times, man identified life with arable land and bread, and therefore called grain crops "Zhit". This name has so far been preserved in Belarusian and Ukrainian.

Archaeological finds say that the southern lands of Eastern Slavs in their development ahead of the northern. This is connected not so much with the proximity of the south of ancient Russia to the then centers of the Black Sea civilization, but also more fertile lands. At the same time, environmental and climatic conditions have been a significant impact on the main farming systems of the Eastern Slavs. If in the north, in the areas of taiga forests, the so-called lit-firing agricultural system dominated (in the first year, the forest was cut down, in the second year, dried trees were burned and sowed grain, using ash instead of fertilizer), then a flute was dominant in southern regions (during an excess of fertile Lands for two or three years and more years, the same sites were sown, and then passed - "shifted" to new ones). The main workers of the Eastern Slavs were an ax, hoe, harrow-suits and a journey, whom the soil exploded. The crop was collected using a sickle, clapses threatened, and grind the grain with stone grains and hand mills. In close connection with farming was cattle breeding. Eastern Slavs bred pigs, cows, finely horned cattle. As working cattle in the southern regions used oxen in the forest strip - horses. For a more complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of the Slavs in ancient times, fisheries, hunting and bruntry should be added to the main economic classes (collection of honey of wild bees).

Among the exhibits of the Kaluga Regional Local Lore Museum are widely represented jewelry made of bronze, copper, billon (alloy copper and silver), silver, served by the decorations by our distant ancestors who lived in the windows of Oka. They found in the excavations of the archaeological Verkhneoka expedition, attributed these finds to the XII-XIII centuries. The results of the excavation struck specialists large quantity The Slavic and Old Russian ceramics found here, metal jewelry. Particularly valuable assembled in the excavations Individual finds: temporal rings, bracelets, cross, necklaces, pendants, robes, amulets, moonnica and beads, which gives reason to dating these finds of the XII-XIII centuries. Excavations of Kurganov gave many interesting materials For the characteristics of not only the burial rites of Slavs-Vyatichichi, but also their lifestyle, life and culture. In addition to Persdne, bracelets, carnelian and glass beats, almost in every female burial met characteristic temporal rings with elegant seminal plates.

Based on these materials and comparing them with finds from other places, an outstanding archaeologist-specialist V. I. Sizov was still in the last century, determined the appointment of temporal rings, in all likelihood that served to trim the hair with a tape. In the future, semi-blade temporal rings have become the most important characteristic sign of viscous graves, unlike other Slavic tribes who lived to the north to Moscow and the Klyazma River. Due to this, it was possible to quite accurately determine the boundary of the settlement of the Slavic-Vyatichichi, inhabited by the territory of modern Kaluga and Moscow. And when the archaeologist A. A. Spitsyn at the end of the XIX century noted the findings of the rings on the map, confirmed the truth of the reports of the Tale of Bygone Years. In the mounds on the river, women were buried in the journey with seven radical rings, and in the upper eye pool and the Moscow River were semi-blatant rings of Vynny. Other Vine Slavic Necklaces, found in the Vyatich Kurgans consist of scratched faceted carnelial and round crystal beads. The age of the necklaces is probably as ancient as the age of Kaluga itself, and the woman who wearing beads could be a contemporary of the legendary hero of Ilya Muromets. The chest pendants characterizing the cosmogonic representations of Vyatichi were found: some of them are "Lunnitsa", in the form of a crescent - symbolize the moon, others - round in the form of a disk with rays - the sun. The elegance of the shape and the subtlety of the treatment of suspension from the Kaluga Kurganov attracted the attention of artists; According to specialists, modern fashionists will not be refused from such decorations.

Much longer than the other Slavs, even a century after the adoption of Christianity, he kept the tongue custom of burials in the mounds. High earthen mounds, as a rule, located in prominent places, has long been attracted by the attention of residents. Their true origin has long forgotten and the human moloss tied the mounds with events of a later time: they were called "Lithuanian graves" in memory of the intervention of the early XVII century, and "French graves", "graves, sacrificed victims of the epidemic" and simply "bulbs" ( Passed land). The generation of generations were transmitted to the generation of legends about the inconspicuous treasures, allegedly covered in the mounds conquerors. Vyatichi believed in the afterlife, were convinced that in the next world would need things and the tools they enjoyed during life.

When excavations of the Kaluga Kurgans there are breastplate suspensions, characterizing the cosmogonic representations of Vyatichi and their pagan cult: some of them are "Lunnitsa", in the form of a crescent - symbolize the moon, others - round, in the form of a disk with rays - the sun. In the male burials of Kurganov, there were many instruments of labor. These findings tell about the exercise of agriculture, testify to the considerable development of the craft. In addition to other items in the mounds near Moscow, many bones of wild and domestic animals were found - bear, foxes, hare, wild boar and horses. And almost all the bones passed thermal processing. Apparently, the use of horses in food was usual for Vyatichi XII century. Perhaps this particular fact was meant the Kiev chronicler, saying that Vytychi "eats everything unclean," because in the ancient Russia, the horse in food did not use.

Old Russian chronicles of the XI century. Drawn by a petoral tribe separated from other East Slavic tribes with deaf forests (and the forests were so thick, that in 1175, during the princely, the two troops walking against each other - one of Moscow, another from Vladimir, was lost in the chains and "aftermath In the forests ", i.e. passed each other). The prince of Vladimir Monomakh, famous by the military values, tells in his "teaching children" about a well-trapped campaign through the land of Vyatichi at the end of the XI century. as a special feat. Another place is equally important in the same "teaching", where monomah reports two winter campaigns "in Vyatichi" against the elders of the walking and his son in Korudna. Princes from Rurikovichi Väniki in the XI century. They did not obey, and monomach does not report them on the conquest, or the case of tribute. But where could the chronicle city of Korudna be standing, what does the road mean to the finger?

Academician B. A. Rybakov on the map of the ancient cities of Vyatichi compiled by him, marked the estimated location of the current village of Carnades, northeast of Novosil Oryol region. Upon the assumption of the well-known researcher of our region V. M. Kashkarova (1868-1915), this city of Vodnyz was in the village of Corn at the mouth of a cigrinka stream in Rese. To which it was the land of Vodny, and the neighboring village of Vyatichino and the neighboring village. Past of this village and through the famous Brynsky forests took place from Kiev and Chernigov to the Rostov-Murom region. When the legendary Ilya Muromets asked about the straight road to the city of Kiev, the king told him: "We have a direct road to the city of Kiev on the forests of the Bryn." In the late 1980s - early 1990s in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Korn, the Mosalsky district held ameliorative work. And suddenly the workers stumbled upon something incomprehensible, dying in the ground the remnants of a wooden structure from a charred log. But the construction plan did not give them to deepen and, having put the trench, putting the pipes into it, they completed the object. Perhaps this was the part of the fortress wall from the charred moraine oak city of a cortish.

By the time of the formation of the state in the Eastern Slavs, the territorial (neighbor) community came to the change of tribal. Each community owned a certain territory on which several families lived. All ownership of such a community shared on public and personal. Personal property was a house, a native land, meadow, cattle, economic inventory. Earth, meadows, buds, reservoirs, forests and fishing grounds were in general use. Poskos I. arable land Shared between families. When the princes began to transfer the rights to the ownership of the land feudal, part of the communities fell under their power. The same communities who did not fall under the authority of the feudal, were obliged to pay state-owned provisions. Peasant and feudal farms were natural. Each of them sought to ensure itself at the expense of internal resources, without working for the market. But with the advent of surplus it was possible to exchange agriculture products for craft products. So gradually there were cities - craft centers, trade and at the same time - supporting points of feudal power and defensive fortresses from encroachment of external enemies. Places for the construction of cities were chosen with special care. Old Russian cities, as a rule, arose when merging two rivers, on the hills. The location of the city provided natural protection against the attack of enemies. The central part of the city washing the earthen shaft. The fortress wall (the Kremlin) was erected on it, behind which the courtyards of the princes and nobility were located, later - churches and monasteries.

According to the estimates of experts on the Kaluga land there are about a dozen of the ancient Slavic cities of the Upper Bay, on the territory of the current Kaluga region or next to its borders. According to the "Chronology of the Russian Chronicle" N. G. Berezhkova, from December 1146 to the first half of 1147 in the gravestics of Chernihiv Prince Iaslav and Vladimir Davydovich, with Novgorod-Seversky Prince, Svyatoslav Olgovich in the land of Vyatichi mentioned Cities Kerensk (Serensk), Kozhelsk (Kozelsk), Deadoslavl, Deviegnorsk, Forenis, Omsov, Lobyjansk in the mouth of the Protection, Floith, etc. According to the Chronicles, Svyatoslav Olgovich, becoming the prince of Chernigovsky, barking weights, including in 1155 the city of Grotnesk (Vorotynsk-Fortress in the mouth of the Ugra), Gorodensk, Bryn , Lyubotsk, Mezetsk (Meshchevsk), Mosalsk, Obolensk, Yaroslavl (Maloyaroslavets). Accurate data, who and when these cities were built are not available. But the fact that in the first half of the HP century they belonged to the Slavic tribe of Vodny, cannot be doubtful. And this testifies to the fact that Vytychi in the CS century owned crafts, they were erected by Selishche and cities, they knew how to build fortifications, defending their enemies.

This was confirmed by excavation of ancient Serensk, burned in 1231 by Prince by Novgorod Yaroslav and "Sons Konstantinov". About the craft and cultural flourishing of this city, they are evidenced by excavations held in the early 1980s, several dozen casting forms, clasp books, wrote, copper matrices and a spiral drill, iron mask (Lesakh) to protect the face of a warrior in battle and others. In the XII century, another ancient city People, which was located on the Berezui River 4 km from the village of Kurakino (now Griska). And nearby, on the banks of Berezuya, there is a mound burial ground and ancient settlement of the XII-XIII centuries.

In 1246, Tarusa is mentioned for the first time as a fortress city on OK, when pudded into it. Taruza, center of specific ownership of Tusque Prince Yuri, Son Chernigov KN. Mikhail Vsevolodovich. D. I. Malinin calls Tarusa one of the most ancient cities of the Kaluga Territory, built by even Vyatichi in the X century. The existence here in the XI-HP centuries. Settlements of Slavic-Vyatichi prove archaeological data. There was a place at the site of the Slavic Domongolian settlement and Peremyshl (Polish. Przemysl, Premisl). When examining the archaeologist M. V. Fechner in 1953, fragments of the IX-X centuries vessels were discovered near the Assumption Cathedral., Pottery ceramics with a wavy and linear ornament of the HP-XIII centuries was found. Menum is known since 1328 as a small fortress, protected by the sheer cliffs of the Oki and Slots and Surifers and in-depth terraces. Later the fortress occupied and opposite side ravine. A powerful earth shaft at the same time served as a defensive reservoir and platform for dislocation of reserves inside the fortification. As ancient and vorotynsk, located on the influx of Okey River Vassea. The first chronicle mention of him belongs to 1155, when one of the Chernihiv princes Svyatoslav Olgovich "was changed by the cities" with his nephew, the son of Grand Duke Kyiv (from 1139 to 1146) of Vsevolod Olgovich ("Taking dreams from him, Vorotynsk, Karachev and By giving him others for them "). According to the hypothesis, A. I. Batalina, based on toponymic and archaeological materials, the emergence of Vorotynsk with the preaching of Christianity in the land of Vyatichi. It was at that time at the place of the future city, the legendary hermals Boris and Protas are settled. Then, according to the researchers, there was a small worldly landing Voskresensk - the core of the future city of Vorotynsk. This time is given to the settlement on the southern outskirts of the city with the remnants of the fortress RVA and the shafts. Not far from this place, where r. Vasa makes the bizarre emitting was located ancient-Slavic settlement, a cultural layer on which reaches 3 meters. Here, along with the signs of the culture of the first half of the first thousand n. e. Many items of the Rannesian Culture and Middle Ages are found, tools, decorations, Tatar and Lithuanian copper coins, etc.

Foundry crucibles and furnaces, many objects of economic utensils, including metal hooks for fishing, a cruciform knife, rare beauty beads and earrings were found in the excavations of the ancient Sel. Benica of the current Borovsky district on the banks of the River Prove. In our history, this Selisk is known since 1150 together with the neighboring village of Bobrovnitsa from the authorized diploma of the Grand Duke Smolensky Rostislav Mstislavovich, who he instructed his bishopia again colonized villages of Vodnyachi: Drinensky and Yasenskoye, Benica and Bobrovnitsy. The villages of Benica and Bobrovnikov Borovsky District, retained their names to our time. P. V. Golubovsky, author published in 1893 "History of Smolensk Land", the village of Benica and Bobrovnitsya puts on a map of Smolensky principality as trading random centers. It is known that the Novgorod-Seversky Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich, along with the ally Yuri Dolgoruky, going to Smolensk, in the upper reaches of the Protection, "Luge Golly", enriching his squad of captivity. The modern scientist N. I. Smirnov in the article "On the issue of the outcast" notes that the grades of Smolensk biscures of 1150 - "the fact of transforming into land owners of Smolensk biscures of community land, not incoming to the composition of feudal land ownership" ... so inside The first signs of tribal differentiation appear for the free tribe of nodium differentiation. According to Kaluga Necklae-art historian V. G. Putsko in the "essay of the history of Orthodoxy in the Kaluga land", "their Christianization is associated with the colonization movement, which went from the Smolensk region of curvacres, and then from the southern subway."

However, not only Vntychi, but also their neighbors on the top in Burvichi and, obviously, the native population of the tribe "Nolly" had their cities. Neither chronicles nor historical researchers are not substantiated that the chronicle "Golyads" moved to the rigor of Oki, gums or Moscow rivers. V. M. Kashkarov in the article "On the issue of ancient population Kaluga province "writes:" In the Meshovsky district, in the place formed by the shift of the river Ugry in Oku, the memory of Goldi lives so far. According to legend ... On one of the mountains there was a robber in the robber, in others - Golyad. "Did not share the" Western "theory of resettlement and a wonderful researcher of the XIX century 3. Khodakovsky, arguing that" people or the people "ovaly" are the 14th of The number of Slavic regions, which are named by rivers and rivers, irrigating the villages of some names with them ... This is a tract - Golyadyanka, flowing into Moscow river. In the screening books of 1623, it is called a flaw.

It is said that in the names of cities and villages, rivers and a boricity is captured by our story, they recorded the Land of the Earth. So in the title of villages of the Kaluga region, the Earth tells its historical language. Vyatichino village or Vyatskaya say that Vytychi lived here; Cretan - Crivichi, and Glyadovo (the old name of the Goladovo Borovsky district) - Golyady. The echoes of the old inhabitants of these places are heard in the name of Goltyaevo village, Golenki, Golichevka, Goliukhino, Golot, Golkun. In the neighboring Moscow region before the beginning of the 20th century there was a tract of the Nachini Golot. A number of names are known for the names of the historic villages of the Kaluga and Tula province, belonging to another neighboring Vytyach and the Golyadam of the Merry tribe. Perhaps "Golly", and "Merry," to drain with Vyatichi, also had their own moisture. No wonder the ancient Scandinavians, the northern neighbors of the Eastern Slavs called the Detamental Rus "Gardarik" - the country of cities. According to scientists, there were at least 24 major cities with fortress facilities before the invasion of the Horde in Russia.

The exact dates of the foundation of many cities are unknown, and the year of foundation is considered the first chronicle mention. Obviously, they no longer existed before they mentioned the first Russian chronicler. But can we trust chronicles? For example, it is not known what genuine sources used a well-known scientist, an ancient list "Words about Igor's regiment" A. I. Musin-Pushkin, putting on the map "European part of Russia to the invasion of Tatars" together with the chronicle cities of our region of Kozelle, Mamolemb, Lyubey ( Chronicle Lobybsk) and flavum? The map of the historical Atlas of Poland, compiled in German and reflecting Poland's geographic borders for 1370, is also doubtful. Atlas in our time published in Minsk. However, it is not known what kind of origin is this map. If on an ancient script, then the card deserves confidence. Among the cities that bordered with Lithuania, Mozhaisk, Koluga, Peremyshl, and others are listed on the card, the message of the Grand Duke Lithuanian Olgere, relating by 1371, in which he mentions a flavum as a city taken away from him, did not have a legal soil. And on the Voskresensky List of the Chronicles of the KUGU did not flow among the "Gradov Lithuanian".

But the genuine ancient city of Launtsk is known on the right bank of the Okey River 4 km below the l. Duzna, which from the IV century belonged Lithuanian principality, being his advanced fortress. This is evidenced by the ancient settlement belonging to the IX century. On him, the Church stood to the Great Patriotic War, in ancient times, obviously, fucked from the Watchdog Lithuanian Tower. The settlement is limited to the south of the steep bank of the Oki River, and from the East and the North, the streams of love flowing. By spacious and deep beam. On the western side of the settlement, the shaft was preserved up to 30 m high and more than 100 m long. In 1372, the Grand Duke Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskaya) stopped the Lithuanian Prince Olgerd here, who was walking with the army. Nikonovsky chronicle tells this way: "And they grottoed near the city of Lyubugovsky and the prejudice of all Muscovites of their stroke of the regiment Lithuanian and Bisha them, and the prince of Olgird himself is avoided in the old man, and their enemy is steep and deep. And there is a lot of enemy Days, and dying, and Poroshos Rosen with the world. " Some historians believe that the participants of the Kulikov battle of Rodion obsaed and Alexander Peresvet before his tonsion to the monks were lovely boyars. Lyubutsk remained the Lithuanian fortress until 1396. Then, by the world, 1406 moved to Moscow and became the lot of Vladimir Andreevich brave. However, in 1473 it was under the authority of Lithuania. In 1460, Launtsk is referred to as the item that Han Ahmat has reached during the Lithuanian lands to Moscow. Finally, the city has passed under the power of Moscow only in 1503. Ivan sh off his son Andrei. In the XV century, Launtsk ceases to be a fortress on OK and becomes possession.

As for the other Slavic cities of the upper bit, then in the CP-XIII centuries, their growth was caused by the reinforced population of the population, as historic W.O. Klyuchevsky, "From the Central Dneprovskaya Rus ... and this tint was marked by the beginning of the second period of our story, just as the previous period began with a tide of Slavs in the subnet." Indeed, not only Moscow, but also Kostroma, Golden on the Volga, Starodub on Klyazma, Galich and Zvenigorod, Vyshgorod on Baria, and others become known with the prince of Yuriy Dolgoruky, Golich and Zvenigorod, Vyshgorod, and others. To the ancient Slavic cities. Vorotynsk (1155), Gorodensk (1158), Bryni and Lyubutsk are added Syrpeaking, Meshovsk, Mosalsk, Obolensk, Yaroslavl (Maloyaroslavets), Puddres, Borovsk, Beat, Sukhowdrovl, Kaluga.

Of course, Kaluga as the city has developed significantly later than other Slavic cities. For the first time in Kaluga sources, it is mentioned in 1371 in the letter of the Grand Lithuanian Prince Olgerdta Konstantinople Patriarch Philofy on the Metropolitan of Kiev and Russia Alexy and the governor of the Grand Prince Vladimir-Suzdalsky, the future of Don. The character of Kaluga in the first three centuries of existence was explained by the strategic defense value of the commodity fortress. But the ancient settlements in its surroundings existed here long before its foundation. In 1892, the Chairman of the Kaluga Scientist of the Archaeological Commission, the Archaeologist D. I. Quirkin examined 12 Kurgans near Kaluga and on the shores of the Kaluchuchi river, taken by the I Millennium. e. The excavations of the settlement on the right bank of the Kaluzhuzka's river near the former village of Kaluchi (now with. Zhdamirovo), presumably initial location of Kaluga revealed fragments of clay ceramics, arrows, slate spicy, bone ring, iron keys that date the HP-XV centuries. Probably, the established settlement belonged to the patriarchal community of the East Baltic tribes, attributed to the archaeologists to the so-called mooring culture (according to the first fortune of the village of Mosalsky district found for the first time). Settlement area with remnants of earthen shafts and pvov: southern facing river. Oka and Western - to the Kaluga River is about 3 thousand square meters. m. Rips from two other sides are strongly destroyed. The height of the artificial shaft reaches 6 m, and its depth - 3 m. From this place, our city, for unknown reasons, was later moved to 6 versts below, to the mouth of the Kaluchi river, when it was shifted in OKU, where there is another settlement with traces Earth shaft and moat.

Even at the beginning of the XVII century, the mouth of Kaluzhuzh is called the "old township" belonging to the "Kaluga pumps" in the old tubing books. According to the description of Academician V. Zuev in the XVIII century, the place was surrounded by a deep moat, from which almost straight walls were climbed by a high shaft, a slope of the settlement on three sides, while from the side of the Okey River, the town was opened by Jar. At the corners of the main shaft, there were hills with rollers, on which, apparently were wooden towers. In addition, from these artificial communities in the rock was still rudders and, finally, the same bunds are still the same bugs, perhaps for secondary towers. The length of the shaft from the Kaluchka side was 100 steps, from the side of the field 230 steps. The settlement at the mouth of the Kaluchka attracted the attention of researchers.

At the end of the XIX century, I. D. Quirkin produced an excavation on it, finding traces of fires, numerous bones of animals and fragments of pottery dishes. Having supported the assumption V. Zuev, that the first Kaluga stood here, having gathered new historical and ethnographic evidence, he put forward a new version of the reason for her transition from the shores of Kaluzhuzhka to Yacken. In his opinion, the ancient look at Kaluga, as well as neighboring the fortress of Gorodensk, referred to the leadership of Yuri Dolgoruky 1158, stood on fire, covering the road to Aleksin and Tula. In 1911, the students of the Kaluga branch of the Archaeological Institute conducted new excavations, the result of which disappointed researchers: the age of the items found here was dated XVI century. KraVoremad D. I. Malinin suggested that some reason by the seaside voltage of 1386 and 1419 or the location near the big road and raid the enemies, forced the inhabitants of Vasily I or Vasili II again to move to a new place - on the pillar farther - on the shore of River Yacken , near the Mironositsky church. It was, at the Kaluga specific prince Simeone Ivanovich (1487-1518), the son of the Grand Duke Ivan, at the beginning of the XVI century Kaluga was on the site of the former Simeonovo fortish, on which, according to legend, stood the palace of this prince. Later fortress from the shore r. Yachenka (moved) was moved to the bank of the Oka River to the territory of the city park. Before his death, Ivan III (1505) was divided between five sons: Vasily, Dmitry, Simeon and Andrey. Simeon, he bequeathed Bezhetsky, Kaluga, Kozelsk and Kozel's volost. From 1505-1518 Kaluga becomes the center of the princess led by Prince Simeon Ivanovich. In 1512, Crimean Tatars (Agaryan) attacked Kaluga. Simeon fought with Tatars on the Oce and won the victory over them, according to legend, thanks to the help of the assistance of the Yurodynaya Lawrence of Kaluga. For this feat, Prince Simeon and righteous Lawrence became local saints. However, local historians M. V. Ferehner and N. M. Maslov believed that Kaluga's fortress laid the Grand Prince Moscow Simeon Ivanovich Zachenka (Mind. 1353).

Neighner with the Simeon Settlement, the ancient Pyatnitsky cemetery resembled ancient times and the fortune. According to the plans and cards of the general interactions of Kaluga in 1776, Academician Zuev found out that the second ancient cemetery in Kaluga was only a necropolis of the Lavrentian Monastery, where the priests and especially revered citizens of Kaluga were buried. Symeonov's area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement, adjacent to the old cemetery, was called "old town" and on the script books of the XVII century, four decades. Around it were arrangements of yamchikov.

The first studies of the Simeonov settlement produced in 1781 academician V. Zuev. The fortification was once surrounded by a high earthen shaft with a gate and deep moat on the east side: from the south, the town defended the deep Serebryakovsky ravine, from the north-Semenovsky, from the West - a steep skate to the Rachenka river. The length and width of the settlement was 310 and 150 meters. The location itself between the two deep ravines and still noticeable bulk shaft allowed to assume that a small fortress with angular senties could stand here and entrance gate. Only on the east side led to the settlement the road on the outbreak of the wound out of the outskirts. Through this mooring could have been transferred before throwing a bridge, which if necessary, climbed or dealt. In addition, the remains of the economic pits and cellars are preserved. By examining the entire area and its surroundings, V. Zuev came to the conclusion that it was here from the shore of the Kaluga River and moved Kaluga, and the Kaluga Prince Simeon Ivanovich could be the founder of the fortress. Archaeological excavations of 1956 discovered a minor cultural layer. The archaeological expedition of the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1956 made a deep break of the least victim from the destruction of the serf tree and found that at the end of the 15th century there was an old fortification (Zapowa).

A variety of data on the ancient inhabitants of our places is collected by archaeologists. But the real historical appearance of the distant era give genuine portraits of Vyatichi, recreated by a wonderful scientist-anthropologist M. M. Gerasimov, according to the turtles from the Vyatich Kurgan burials of the Moscow region. The sculptural reconstruction of Professor Gerasimov and his students received wide world appreciation. He was the first to set a direct relationship between the shaft bone form and a soft facial cover, found the standards of cover thickness in various places of the head, with the help of which the individual features of the person face are recreated along the preserved skull. The method of plastic reconstruction is documented, and its accuracy has been repeatedly tested by practice, including criminalistic.

Today in the State Historical Museum in Moscow you can see a reconstructed documented sculptural portrait of a young girl from Vyatichi tribe. She, according to Academician A. G. Vexler reminds women on the frescoes of Andrei Rublev, paintings V. M. Vasnetsova and M. V. Nesterova: ... "It was such an image of the" Red Device "inspired the ancient teachers - to say in a fairy tale, Neither the pen describes the young face with thin gentle features. Head is decorated with a tribal tide - a bandage with an openwork silvery rings woven into the hair with seven diverging blades ... ". By tradition, every woman wore such rings. Twisted wire hoop - hryvnia and necklace decorated the chest and neck. Metal decorations in combination with stone beads and embroidered with different color shirt gave the girl an elegant look.

Another restored sculpture is a forty-year-old man-peasant. "According to the annals and epic, archaeological and ethnographic data, it is possible to imagine the harsh life of this person, - writes A. G. Veksler, - ... With an ax and hijah, he worked on a small stretch of his plot. More than once, the militia -" War " , with the same ax in his hands I had to defend my native land ... He lived in the tiny cutting "Istba", which was treated in black, as it was said about such a hussy in the ancient Russian manuscript "Word Daniel Sharpening": Surveys are notpiered, heat Do not see. " During one of the cruel marines, the disease dumped in this mighty and the glory (and his growth exceeded 190 cm.) Human. Announced the ancient Russian epic bogatar Pakhaar Mikula Selyaninovich, who surpassed in force and dexterity all the princely squad out of 30 dashing men, and the prince of Volga himself "... The sculpture is depicted a courageous, beautiful person's face. He has a straight-planted head, thinly outlined nose , Energetic, strongly protruding chin. A wide-end forehead is cut through wrinkles - traces of deep thought-out, grave experiences. Man is depicted in Rube - a simple peasant shirt, decorated with embroidery and fastened small puments. Such a bubble fastener and clothing remnants with embroidery elements were discovered In the excavations of the Moscow region of the Kurgans. Hairstyle - the hair "under the pot", the mustache, a digestible beard - all this restored the miniatures of the Old Russian Chronicles. Thus, the peasant-death of the XII century looked like this, the contemporary of Yuri Dolgoruky. Thanks to the reconstruction method restored and exterior appearance Fatyanovets who lived about 3.5 thousand years ago. Scientists agree that all portraits are as close as possible to reality, documented and at the same time artistically expressive.

So gradually step by step opens the most ancient horizons of human history and our territory is especially rich in these finds, which has become a treasurer of a wide variety of historical and archaeological monuments. The study of local attractions indicates that the territory of Kaluga and the locality adjacent to it were settled from the neolithic period, periodically preserving and resizing people's settlements for the next few millennia in various historical era. Foundations in the excavations of local monuments, antiques and art objects are important for the study of the oldest Kaluga settlements. The uniqueness of the historical and archaeological monuments of our region requires adopting the most decisive measures to save them for descendants.

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