Agriculture of the Smolensk region. Soil cover in the Smolensk region

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smolensk Tilling Hydrology Agroecology

This research Deals with the study, description and use of soil - geographical zoning and characteristics of soil cover on the example of the Smolensk region. The work is relevant, because with the help of information obtained, we can solve issues related to land use in the region. To date, technology and the possibility of receiving the information you are interested in well developed and continue to be improved.

The object of study is the methods of studying and describing the soil - geographical zoning of the territory of the Smolensk region. And the subject of the study is an assessment of soils in agronomy, the preparation of geomorphological and soil cards.

1 . G.the ratio of the Smolensk region

The Smolensk region is located in the central part of the East European platform, on the western outskirts of the European part of Russia, on the border with Belorussia. Most of Located on Smolensko-Moscow Hills, the western part of the region is on the Eastern European Plain. The area extended 255 km from north to south and 301 km from the west to the east. Covers an area of \u200b\u200b49,786 km. Geographical position the region is largely peculiar and even in individual features Unique. It is located B. moderate latitudes, in the zone of noticeable influence of air masses from the Atlantic.

2 . Hapatterium factors of soil formation

2.1 Hydrology

The main river area is the Dnipro with coolant tributaries, gum, variation, Vyazma. The Volga Basin includes the Vazuza River and its flow to go, as well as the influx of Oaks of the UGR River. In the North-West, the short section of Western Dvina and her influx of the Kaspl River flows.

In the region several hundred lakes, of them are especially beautiful glacial in the north-west (more than 160 with an area of \u200b\u200bmirrors at least 1 hectares): Casply, Swadytsky, Great and others. The biggest among them is Akatovskoe (655 hectares), the deepest - Baklanovskoe ( 28 meters). The largest karst lake is Kaluginskoye.

Among the large reservoirs, you can emphasize the water-supplying water in the northeast, as well as coolers of power plants - the Smolensk reservoir in the north of the village of Lyzharny and the desnogorsk reservoir in the south of the region near the city of Desnogorsk.

In the depths there are about 40 aquifers. Shared resources of infiltration underground water Estimated at 4.75 billion mi / year.

2.2 Climate

The climate is moderate and continental. average temperature January? 9 ° C, July + 17 ° C. For most of the region, the differences in the temperature is small, only the southern areas have a higher temperature (about 1 °). Refers to excessively moisturized areas, precipitation from 630 to 730 mm per year, more in the northwestern part - where cyclones are more often passing, maximum in summer. The average annual number of days with precipitation from 170 to 190. The growing season is 129-143 days. A period of positive average daily air temperature continues 213-224 days. The average duration of the smokery period is 125-148 days. For the region, a significant variability of the atmosphere circulation is characterized during the year, which leads to very noticeable deviations of temperature and precipitation from medium perennials. The distribution of precipitation during the year is also uneven - the greatest number They are falling in summer (about 225-250 mm). During the year, the winds of the Western, South-West and southern directions. Also, the Smolensk region is characterized by high cloudiness (the largest number of clear days in spring - up to 10%).

In the territory of the region there are four meteorological stations of Roshydromet, the Smolensk aerological station operates.

2.3 Vegetation

2.4 relief

The relief is largely determined by the deposits of glaciers. Glaciers, which arrived from the North-West to the territory of the Smolensk region, left behind the powerful strata of glacial sediments - currency loams and soupies (moraine), various water-glacial sediments - soupes, sands and other breeds. In the creation of modern embossed forms, a significant role belongs to the processes of erosion. On huge spaces on the formation of the relief, the influence of sufficient processes.

3. Soil Pokrov

On the territory of the studied economy, with the help of numerous cuts, the character of soil cover was established. It was found out that soil Pokrov Presented typical for the entire Smolensk region, ferrically podzolic soils belonging to the subtype of moderately freezing. Along with the main and podzolic processes, a gloiy process takes place, leading to the population of the soil profile both from the surface and, in some cases, in all genetic horizons. Therefore, ferrically-podzolic surface-guequissed and, accordingly, sod-podzolic guery are formed among conventional squeezed soils.

The following is a list of eight dedicated to the degree of argue and depth of appearance of soil species encountered on the surveyed territory.

1. Basic section4 0 . Significant power (28 cm) of an existing arable horizon (A P), a decrease in the content of silica (A 2 - 81.2%, B 2 - 70.41%, BC - 72.5%) and an increase in the gross composition of the one-and-half oxides R 2 O 3, Cao and MgO down the profile starting from the horizon A 2, indicate that there is a delicate-podzolic soil. This corresponds to the acidic reaction of the soil, decreasing down the profile (A 2 -4.5; B 2 - 4.7; Bc - 4.8). Content in A P of physical clay (<0,01 мм) 21,1%, а в горизонте BC - 29,7% говорит об этой почве о легкосуглинистой на лёгком суглинке. Нижняя граница горизонта A 2 - 33 см, т.е. почва среднеглубокоподзолистая. Поскольку дневная поверхность почвы лежит между горизонтами с отметками абсолютных высот соответственно 180 и 200, то материнская порода - покровный моренный суглинок. Итак, общее название почвы - дерново-среднеглубокоподзолистая легкосуглинистая на покровном моренном лёгком суглинке. Индекс - П d. 2/4 PLL.

2. Basic section9 3 . The incision has similar diagnostic signs (A P - 25 cm, similar distribution of SiO 2, R 2 O 3, CaO and MGO by profile, the content of physical clay in the horizon A 2 16.2%), but differs in large silica (A 2 - 83 , 5%) and physical clay in the BC horizon (30.4%). The day surface lies above 200 m above sea level; The lower limit A 2 - 38 cm. This is a derelic-gravel-casual light-grazing soil on the cover-shaped mass-shaped medium loam (n d. 3 / 4LP L C).

3. Basic section3 1 . In the context of this soil, not only the horizon A 1, but also a 2, which are involved in a n (arable horizon), with a capacity of 25 cm, which indicates the eroding. Other data - pH 5.2-4.7; The accumulation of silica at the top of the profile (A P is 80.0%, b 1 - 73.3%, Bc - 76.8%) and an increase in the content R 2 O 3, CaO, MGO down the profile, the physical clay content in A p 21 , 2%, in BC - 29.2%, talking about the ferrous-podzolic light-seated medium-grade on the coating Logish Suglink (day surface above 190 m above sea level). Index - P. d.lLL

4. Basic section6 7 . The structure of the profile is observed, similar to the previous one, where a n included the horizon A 2 (power 25 cm). The reaction of the medium is acidic (A P -5.2; B 1 - 5,1; BC - 5.4), a large amount at the top of the accumulated silicon profile (90.0), removal of one-time oxides, Cao and MGO down the profile , physical clay content in the horizon A p 12.6%, in BC 27.6%. Day surface below 200 m above sea level. This soil is a dernovo-podzolic sulace medium-dimensioner on the cover of the nasty aluminum Lekho Suglink (P d.fILE)

5. Basic section5 1 . This incision besides all the signs characteristic of ferrous-podzolic soils (the presence of a rather powerful horizon A 1 (15 cm), pH 4.7-4.6, respectively, A 1 and A 2 horizons, accumulation of silica, calcium removal, magnesium, semi-sink-oxides down According to the profile, the high percentage of humus in A 1 (6.72%), has signs of frights throughout the profile. The content of physical clay: A 1 G - 34.7%, A 2 G - 29.2%, the depth of the lower boundary A 2 g - 32 cm. This is a dernovo-medium-grained guery medium divided on a lightweight point of the soil (n dG 2/4 of the SGLG).

6. Basic section8 4 . A n turns on the horizon A 2 (power 28 cm), pH 5.3-4.5-4.7, respectively, for the horizons A P; B; BC; Remove Cao, MgO, R 2 O 3 down profile, SiO 2 accumulation in its top. The physical clay content for the horizons A P and Bc is 21.6% and 29.2%, respectively. The absolute mark of the flowing surface of the soil - above 185 m. The soil is derelicable-podzolnye light-seashed in the coating sea lung loam, the mixture is average (n d.lLL).

7. Basic section4 9 . There is no arable layer, the horizons are 1 (10 cm), A 2 lower bounding border - 26 cm); pH 4.2; 4.3; 4.0; 4.1, respectively, for the horizons A 1, A 2, B and BC. The first three horizons have signs of overflow. The distribution of silica, Ca, Mg and R 2 O 3 by profile is typical for the apodoline soils. Physical clay: A 1 g. - 23.0%; BC - 23.1%. This is a derelicroneglubocomposolous gluable light-seasy soil on the covering sea light loam (locked below 200 m above sea level). Index - P. dG 3/3 PLL.

8. Basic section6 0 . A p capacity of 25 cm, lower boundary of the horizon of a 2 39 cm; pH a n - 5.0; A 2 - 4.7; The BC skyline increases to 5.9. The content of SiO 2 in the horizon A 2 is 90.3%, in BC - decreases to 73.3%. Down the profile there is a significant decrease in gross Cao, MgO and R 2 O 3. The percentage of physical clay in A P - 12.0, in BC - 31.9. The soil of the delicate-strong-meglubokop-prolonged sulace on the cover of the nasty Middle Suglinka (n d. 3/3 UPS).

4 . Soil formation processes.

For all of the above species of soil, the manifestation of both delicate and podzolic processes is characterized. The essence of the turf process is active humulating and accumulation of a well-structured organic matter in the horizon A 1 under the influence of fairly well developed herbal vegetation. The high degree of branching of the root systems and their contact with the mineral part of the soil contribute to the flow of organic matter directly into the soil profile during the decomposition of the rhizomass and the consolidation of the generated humus.

If the turde process leads to the appearance of humus horizon A 1, then a podzolic process forms an eluvial horizon A 2 (flushing), in which under the action of chemically aggressive acids (forest-litter decomposition products) is destruction and removal of down the profile and beyond the limits of primary and partly secondary minerals. As a result, an illwall horizon (washing) is formed. It is these processes that the uneven distribution of elements on the profile in the vertical plane: in the upper horizons accumulates the most stable silica, and the acid-translated calcium agents, potassium, magnesium and other elements are focused in the illuvial genetic horizon.

The guery process manifests itself to varying degrees in a number of soil. It is associated with the formation of aggressive moving organic and inorganic compounds due to the destruction and restoration of primary minerals. This leads to the mineralization of the acidic compounds of iron and manganese, the emergence of mobile aluminum. For these floranible soils, it is necessary to speak rather about the elulvial-glying process flowing under the influence of seasonal excessive humidification, creating anaerobic conditions necessary for the vital activity of microorganisms that actively participate in the restoration of iron. The resulting organ-mineral complexes migrate with descending and lateral water flows. As a result, the illuminated and poor humus and power elements are formed. If the flock affects only the upper horizons and is represented locally, then they say the presence of soil gleyness.

All of the above processes proceed in the conditions of washing water regime. The water regime is largely determined by the nature of the relief on which the soil lies.

Three types of soil (1, 2 and 8) are most common on the territory of the studied economy, confined to water-seated surfaces, saddles, crowded. They are characterized by high and medium degrees of cultivation at considerable depth. On the steep and middle-grained slopes of hills and ravines, the processes of water erosion are developed on the nodes, therefore, medium and sheltered ferrous-podzolic soils are common here, in which the horizon A 2 (podzolic) is involved in a p. These soils (species3, 4 and 6) Characterized by a low-power profile not exceeding 1 m (although for a given subtype of dere-podzolic soils, a power of 150 cm and more - not uncommon). In intertwined depressions, the floodplain of rivers, the bottoms of ravines are formed soils with signs of flocks (types 5 and 7) and intense abolition. Such a regularity of the distribution of soils in the elements of the microrelief is in accordance with the law of similar topographic series of soils, according to which the dend-podzolic soils, being zonal, i.e. Genetically independent, form mainly on watersheds. It is on watersheds (placars) a podzolic process proceeds the most intense and dend-podzolic soils, being generally automorphic, are dedicated genetically to eluvial and elementary geochemical landscapes. These EGLs are characterized by the destruction of minerals, leaching and removal of water-soluble compounds in the conditions of washing water regime.

As an increase in the slopes of the slopes, erosion processes and the degree of primacy increases, i.e. The washed soils (3, 4 and 6) are formed in the trans-eluvial EGL, where the eluvial removal of mobile forms of substances with their surfactant transformation are combined. In accumulative egl, dedicated to the negative form of relief, where the orstate fraction accumulates and the substances are income in the composition of liquid and solid flow, and the groundwater is often closed with soils, semi-hydromorphic type soils are formed with signs of flocks (types 5 and 7 ).

On the territory of this farm there are two very characteristic soil-forming rocks - norny and loess-shaped coating loams (Supses), i.e. Two discharge of soils can be distinguished and, accordingly, two elementary soil ranges, the boundary between which is horizontally with a level of 200 m above sea level.

The structure of the soil cover of this area can be characterized as the mid-contrast mesocombination (variation).

5 . Agroecological characteristic Soil cover

To solve the problems of the most efficient and rational use of soil territory of this economy, it is necessary to produce an agricultural production group. It is presented in the table.

Agrochetical grouping soils


Index of soil

P d. 2/4 LLL

P d. 3/4 lp l with

P d. 3/3 of UPS

Dernovo-middle-deep-podzolic legkosugenny-flock on sea loam.

Salnogluboko-podzolic light-seasy-flock on the coating Lesovoid Suglink.

Salnogluboko-podzolic su-sand on the boxed moraine loam.

Loving, sowing perennial herbs

Wheat, barley, flax, potatoes

P dG 2/4 SGLG

P dG 3/3 LLL

Dernovo-middle-deep-podzolic guery medium medium brisk-flock on lightweight clay.

Dernovo-strong-silt-sipopzoloid superficially glued light source-flock on sea loam.

Draisual amelioration with subsequent oculted

Vegetable crops

P d.lLL

P d.uP L L.

P d.lLL

Dernovo-podzolic light-seasy-mulware is medium-grade on a Logish-shaped Light Suglinka.

Dernovo-podzolic tube medium-grade on the sea loam (easy).

Dernovo-podzolic light grazing medium-grade on the sea lung loam.

Anti-erosive processing: contour plowing, pomaging, plowing with soil bump-lem; Landing shrub stripes on the slopes.


Overgraded beam complex

Melioration is not subject to

The first agrogroup is highlighted by ferrous-podzolic conventional soils (luggy and sandy). Soils do not require special agrotechnical techniques.

The second and third agrobroups need a special agrotechnology, which would allow to get rid of how much it is possible, from unwanted friction processes (2nd agrogroup) and erosion (3rd agrogroup).

The fourth agrogroup - the non-primary soils of the frozen-beam complex (OBC) are not subject to agricultural use.

In addition to the above agromerriances, all unin-podzolic soils need regular fertilizer with nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, since a podzolic process leads to the dining of soil with these essential nutrition elements. In addition, phosphorus is often contained in hard-to-reach for plants form. For soil with index n d. 3/3 SUCS requires cleaning from stones.

A comparative assessment of soil groups by set of indicators says that the 1st grouping can be attributed to weakly or medium-culture (the content of humus ranges in the range of 1.5-2.5%, a sparkular layer with a capacity of about 25 cm). The stared soils of the 3rd group are virgin (the humus content of 2.8-6.72%, A p is absent). The 2nd group is weakly cultural soils (the percentage of humus does not exceed 2-2.5%)


In general, it can be noted that the soils have good fertility and are suitable for a variety of agricultural activities. According to the classification of lands, turf-podzolic soils can be attributed to the lands of the 1st category (soils of waterproof surfaces, the first agro-project). The weak soils of the 3rd agrogroups located on the middle and steep slopes also belong to the 1st category, i.e. They are suitable for arable land (with special plowing techniques and anti-erosion events). Soils with signs of fluffy require an indulgence, fertilization and will be involved in crop rotation in only a few years with the right agro-productive events. The soils of the OBC exposing the reclamation is not cost-effective, they refer to the 4 categories. With proper exercise of agriculture, a rather high crop of various crops can be obtained.


1) D.F. Maimusov. Soils of the Smolensk region, their improvement and use., Smolensk, 1963;

2) Land Cadastre of the Smolensk Region., Smolensk, 1971;

3) Agrochemical characteristics of the soil of the USSR., Moscow: "Science", 1976;

four). VC. Pinsicles. "Outlining soils of the North-West", Leningrad: "Colos", 1977;

5) Podzolic soils of the West of the European part of the USSR. Scientific works Vaschnil., Moscow: "Kolos", 1977;

6) Classification and diagnosis of soils of the USSR., "Colos", 1977;

7) Soil science. Ed. I.S. Kauricheva, Moscow, Agropromizdat, 1989;

8) N.F. Ganzara, soil science, agroconsalt, Moscow, 2001;

9) G.V. Dobrovolsky, I.S. Urusvskaya, Geography of Soils, Moscow, Publishing House of Moscow University, 1984;

10) Drawing up and use of soil cards. Ed. HELL. Kashansky, Moscow, Agropromizdat, 1987;

11) Atlas of the USSR, Moscow, 1965.

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Page 7 of 12

Climatic conditions of the Smolensk region

The climate of the Smolensk region is moderately continental, is characterized by relatively warm, wet summer, moderately cold winter with a steady snow cover and well-pronounced transitional periods. The Smolensk region is located in the zone of sufficient moisture. Two thirds of the annual amount of precipitation falls in the form of rain, one third is in the form of snow.

A period of positive average daily air temperature lasts an average of 213 - 243 days. Perennial average duration of the smokery period 125 -145 days. The average monthly temperature of the warmest month (July) 17 - 18 ° C, the coldest (January) - from - 8 ° C to -10 ° C.

Almost every year significant deviations from average climatic characteristics are noted. In certain periods, the negative impact of adverse weather conditions for various sectors of the national economy, the production activity of which is closely related to the weather is closely pronounced.

In the second decade of March, warm weather with fogs and rains are usually installed, which contribute to the intense melting of snow. The final destruction of snow cover occurs at the end of March - early April. The steady transition of the average daily air temperature in + 5 ° C occurs in mid-April 3, after + 10 ° C - in early May.

Soil cover of the Smolensk region

Smolensk region is located in the non-black earth zone of the Russian Federation, entirely located in the subzone of the dend-podzolic soils of South Taiga (G.V. Dobrovolsky, S.I. Urusvskaya, 1984)

The relief is formed under the influence of the activity of the glacier, water-glacial flows, sea, lake, river waters.

The soil-forming rocks on the territory of the Smolensk region are represented by quaternary sediments of various genesis and composition, mainly ice and water-glacial origin (coating loams; carbonate lesid loams; sea sediments).

The covering loams occur very rarely and are dustless devaluable assorted surface sediments of yellow-brown and brown, prism-like structure, predominantly fervent, although there are also medium-sized, and light-coded varieties. A characteristic feature of covering loams is a predominance of a large-sleeve (0.01 - 0.05 mm) fraction (sometimes more than 50%). A significant proportion (up to 30%) in the fineness of these loams falls on the factories. The content of the sand fraction does not exceed 10%. For these rocks, the acidic reaction of the medium is characterized, the degree of saturation of the bases is about 80%. Suglinka is rather rich in mobile mineral compounds.

Carbonate Limsoid Sugglinks occupy the main position in the composition of the soil-forming rocks. These sediments, in contrast to the looming covers, contain (from the depth 100-120 cm, sometimes above) carbonates. The neoplasms of carbonates in these breeds, as well as within the soil profile, are presented in the form of carbonate contractions (believing), in the form of a solid carbonate impregnation or pseudomycelium.

Carbonate coating loams are characterized by a neutral or weakly alkaline reaction, a very high saturation of the bases and a sufficiently high absorption capacity.

Carbonate lumbering loams are confined to flat weak-coined surfaces with a small development of the erosion network and a minor river river river, which is reflected in the modern structure of the soil cover. The less drained the territory, the higher the soil profile there is a carbonate horizon.

In the Smolensk region there are such soil-forming rocks represented by Morane Suglinkami. Moraine sediments are a cluster of unsorted chips of rocks carried by the glacier and then left on the place when melting. In the composition of sea sediments, unsorted currency loams are dominated, often with sand and sand lenses. Moraine loams of reddish or brown-brown color. The chemical composition of boulder loams is very diverse, since the composition of large fractions is diverse.

The granulometric composition of the deposit of deposits indicates a significant heterogeneity of the sea material. Medium predominant, but there are often light and heavy loams. Moraine loams are greatly incredible (the content of sand fractions (1-0.05 mm) is more than 40%, and large-sleeves (0.05-0.01 mm), as a rule, does not exceed 25%. Mary loams of this area are characterized by an acidic reaction, average The values \u200b\u200bof the absorption capacity (18 mG-eq per 100 g of soil) and the sum of metabolic bases, the average saturation of the grounds.

For the moraine of the drifting composition, the high density of addition (1.9 g / cm 3) and low porosity (24-43%) are characterized. The water permeability of loamy moraine is small, from 0.13 to 0.90 m / day. Hence the adverse properties of sea sediments as a soil-forming breed. Dense sea loams, underlying water-glacial sediments, create waterproof, contributing to the wiping of flat territories.

The soil cover of the region by 85% consists of various subtypes and species of turf-podzolic soils (including converted and wetlands), in the valleys of rivers - alluvial. In terms of mechanical composition, it is prevailing and medium divided (66%) among turf-podzolic soils. Sand and sandy make up about 33%.

Relatively small areas are occupied by turf - 0.6%, floodplain and swamp soils - 0.2%, which are significantly better according to the properties and level of fertility than ferrous-podzolic soils.

The most common in the territory of the soil area on Ledsoid Suglinka. At these rocks you can find almost all types of soil. Drunel-podzolic dominates. Among them, the largest squares (more than 30% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe region) are occupied by ferrous-medium-domicular, including those having signs of short-term convergence. They are common on the slopes, well and relatively well-drained surfaces of local watersheds. Weakly prolonged soils are common on flat, relatively slightly drained interflunes, in a number of small bearend.

Rarely on Limsoid Suglinka, you can meet the turf soils. Such soils are equally flown, are common in places close to the surface of the flow of carbonate rocks or exits of rigid groundwater. More often, these soils are found in the northeast of the region, where in a number of limestone places, the coal period is locked at a small depth.

In the zones of the finite-alone formations of the Dnieper and Valdai age, the bottom sediments of the Valdai Glacier often you can often find different types of soils, formed on the moraine, often grinding loams and squeeces. Medium-domicile soils on these sediments are usually located also on gentle slopes with normal moisture. In the conditions of more significant moisturizing on these mother breeds, strongly podzolic soils are developing (in stocks, at the bottom of the slopes, in the hollows, etc.). More often on these rocks, mainly due to the significantly larger than the relief, wetlands and swamp soil are presented.

On the sands of the Zandrovy Plains, the most widespread in the north-west, south and south-east of the region, were formed predominantly weakly pricious soils with a small and depleted humus horizon.

Taking into account the leading factors of the soil formation (relief and soil-forming rocks) within the region, three soil districts are distinguished: northwest, central and southern.

The territory is included in the North-West District, the formation of which is associated with the activities of the Valdai Glacier and its melt waters. The variety of relief forms, the composition and structure of the soil-forming rocks and associated differences in moisture cause the most significant variety of soil cover of this territory. In its soil cover, fine-alterability associated with the predominance of small form of relief, relatively frequent change of soil-forming rocks and the significant propagation of bicked rocks, is especially noticeable. Often for this reason and due to significant differences in moisturizing the contrast of soil micro- and mesochetics.

This territory stands out, first of all, the originality of the soil-forming rocks. There are also no widespread loafers in most parts of the area. Soils are developing mainly on the sands, sea loams, sands of lake-glacial and zundrow plains. Twisted rocks are very widespread, in which the lower layer is represented by moraine, and the upper - sandy, sands, light loams. Noticeably more of the marsh soils, presented are often common to the arrays. A higher degree of quicing of automorphic soils of this territory is noted, which is most likely due to a noticeable increase in the amount of precipitation to the northwest. With strongly pronounced mosaic, the contrast of soil cover is associated with the melk altitude of agricultural land, which significantly restrains the development of agricultural production and especially crop production. The size of arable land fluctuate here mainly from 2 to 5 hectares.

The central district takes almost the rest of the region with the exception of the extreme south. Almost all the territory of this district is within the Smolensk-Moscow Hills, which dominate the major positive forms of relief, overlapped by usually lumbering sublinks. Laming loams are noticeably dominated among other soil-forming rocks. Their share is significantly reduced only in the basins of the rivers of the rivers, gums, and the sizes, as well as on low-speed the role of fluviohydial deposits, sands, sands, is very significant in the formation of soil cover.

The restruting of the soil cover is noticeably less than in the first district and is due to the changes in the relief and the redistribution of surface waters associated with it. Noticeably more here in different degrees of washed soils, which is associated with a significant propagation of the slopes of large length, an increase in the share of arable land.

More in this district, the share of delicate-podzolic soils and less marsh. Wetlands are presented quite widely; The area is significantly increasing in lowlands, especially in Sychevskaya, where heavy breeds are dominated by the mechanical composition.

The greatest twllot of soil cover is peculiar to the territories, which presents finished-frozen education (Vyazemsky, Ryabsevsky, Roslavl-Acel ridges, etc.), and separate areas of the Moren-Zandrovy Plains (the pool of the Spirit, the left bank of the Ugra, etc.).

The Southern District is located south of the Roslavl belt of regional formations, i.e. occupies the extreme south of the region. This territory is an alluvial-zandrovy plain, where the basis of the soil cover is predominantly sands and sands, in some places close to the surface of the simulated by Morane. Along with the dend-podzolic soils of normal moisturizing, turf-podzolic glochy and gleying are widespread here. Their formation contributes to the plain relief, the presence of a dense glandular layer in the illuvial horizon (at a depth of 50-100 cm) or the Moraine.

The variety of combinations of various factors affecting the formation and development of soil determines the complexity and contrast of their distribution.

Melkoconttsera, the Mazaicheus of soil cover is characteristic of the entire area, but most of all for the northwestern part of it. The features of the distribution of soil are associated primarily with leading factors - relief and soil-forming rocks that determine the course of various processes and the main properties of soils (Fig. 21).

Fig. 21. Soil map of the Smolensk region

Having contributed to a large extent to the redistribution of moisture on the surface, relief significantly determines the development of individual soil processes. On well-drained tops of hills, a variety, steep slopes where moisture is not delayed, a podzolic process develops weakly, it is often observed washing soils. It does not occur here and the accumulation of a significant amount of humus. Soils in such places are usually weak-casual with a small humus horizon, often washed away.

Within the fields of gentle slopes, with sufficient drainage of surface waters, mainly weakly and medium-ololy soils with a more pronounced humus horizon are developing. In places of stagnation of surface waters, and at the bottom of the gentle slope and due to the close occurrence to the surface of the groundwater (less often the water type of the rigor), glue and even gley soils can be formed.

Diverse flow process processes on relatively smooth interfluids. Here they will be determined mainly by the conditions of outflow and filtration of surface waters, depth of groundwater. With sufficient drainage on such surfaces, usually formal-medium-domicular, less frequently uncerticular soils are formed. The difficulty of the outflow of water leads to the development of wetlands and swamp soils.

The strong-baseful soils are distributed there, where the washing mode is more pronounced (individual small bearendins, places of significant accumulation and relatively weak outflow of surface waters).

In places of considerable flow of water and their stagnation (large stocks, basins, individual hollows, etc.) are formed by swamp soils.

The nature of the distribution of soil is often noticeably associated with the mechanical composition of mother breeds, their chemical properties. Thus, the sands are most often formed in the sands, and on thin rocks, poorly transmitting water, the appearance is expressed intensively, which is associated with a longer exposure to water on the soil-forming breed. The presence of calcium carbonates contains the development of the process of appearance and promotes the development of the turf process.

A visual understanding of some peculiarities of soil spread gives the nature of the spread of natural vegetation. According to P. A. Kuchinsky, in the confession of individual types of forests in the northern part of the region to the types of soil there is a fairly clear dependence. So, spa pines are timed to the peat and peat-guery soils represented by horseradish, sphagnous fugles - to peat-podzolisto-gley, Elniki-Dolgovoshnikov - to Podzolisto Gleyev, Elanniki-Celebre - to Podzolic, Podzolistan-Glyheevat, Yelnik Kisser - To the turf-podzolic and solas are complex - to the turf forest soils.

The most common in the territory of the soil area on Ledsoid Suglinka. At these rocks, you can find almost all the considered soil types. Drunel-podzolic dominates. Among them, the largest areas (more than 30% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe region) occupy der-new-medium-domicular, including those having signs of short-term convergence. They are common on the slopes, well and relatively well-drained surfaces of local watersheds. Weakly acidic soils are found among them more often by small spots along the highest plots, steep slopes. The strong-baseful soils are spread more often on even, relatively weakly drained interflunes, in a number of small bearend.

Rarely on Limsoid Suglinka, you can meet the turf soils. Such soils, in different degrees of depleted, are common in places close to the surface of the location of carbonate rocks or exits of rigid groundwater. More often, these soils are found in the northeast of the region, where in a number of limestone places, the coal period is locked at a small depth.

In the zones of the finite-alone formations of the Dnieper and Valdai age, the bottom sediments of the Valdai Glacier often you can often find different types of soils, formed on the moraine, often grinding loams and squeeces. Medium-domicile soils on these sediments are usually located also on gentle slopes with normal moisture. In the conditions of more significant moisturizing on these mother breeds, strong-volume soils are developing (in stocks, at the bottom of the slopes, in the hollows, etc.).

More often on these rocks, mainly due to the significantly larger than the relief, wetlands and swamp soil are presented.

On the sands of the Zandrovy Plains, the most widespread in the north-west, south and south-east of the region, were predominantly weakly pricious soils with a small and depleted humus horizon.

The territory of the Smolensk region is located in the same taiga-forest zone of ferrous-podzolic soils, where all the processes of the soil formation are well expressed - the ferry, podzolic and swamp. Taking into account the leading factors of the soil formation (relief and soil-separating rocks) within the region, three soil districts are distinguished: North-West, Central and South.

The territory is included in the North-West District, the formation of which is associated with the activities of the Valdai Glacier and its melt waters. The variety of relief forms, the composition and structure of the soil-forming rocks and associated differences in moisture cause the most significant variety of soil cover of this territory. In its soil cover, fine-alterability associated with the predominance of small form of relief, relatively frequent change of soil-forming rocks and the significant propagation of bicked rocks, is especially noticeable. Often for this reason and due to significant differences in moisturizing the contrast of soil micro- and mesochetics.

This territory is allocated primarily by the originality of the soil-forming rocks. There are also no widespread loafers in most parts of the area. Soils are developing mainly on the sands, sea loams, sands of lake-glacial and zundrow plains. Twisted rocks are very widespread, in which the lower layer is represented by Morane, and the upper - sandy, sands, light loams. Noticeably more of the marsh soils, presented are often common to the arrays. A higher degree of quicing of automorphic soils of this territory is noted, which is most likely due to a noticeable increase in the amount of precipitation to the northwest. With strongly pronounced mosaic, the contrast of soil cover is associated with the melk altitude of agricultural land, which significantly restrains the development of agricultural production and especially crop production. The size of arable land fluctuate here mainly from 2 to 5 hectares.

The central district takes almost the rest of the region with the exception of its extreme south. Almost all the territory of this district is within the Smolensk-Moscow Hills, which dominate the major positive forms of relief, overlapped by usually lumbering sublinks. Laming loams are noticeably dominated among other soil-forming rocks.

Their share is significantly reduced only in the basins of the rivers of the Ugra rivers, the gums, the soul, that is, on low-cost, which is very significant in the formation of the soil cover, the role of fluviohydial deposits - soupes, sands.

The restruting of the soil cover is noticeably less than in the first district, and is due to the changes in the relief and the redistribution of surface water flow associated with them. Noticeably more here in different degrees of washed soils, which is associated with a significant propagation of the slopes of large length, an increase in the share of arable land.

More in this district, the share of delicate-podzolic soils and less -bodynasses. Wetlands are presented quite widely; The share of them significantly increases in lowlands, especially in Sychevskaya, where heavy breeds are dominated by the mechanical composition.

The greatest twllot of soil cover is peculiar to the territories, which presents the presence of frozen education (Vyazemsky, Ryabtsev-Sky, Roslavl-Acel ridges, etc.), and separate sites of Morane-but-Zandrovy plains (Sloa Pool, Left Bank, etc.).

The South District is located south of the Roslavl belt of regional formations. occupies the extreme south of the region. This territory is an alluvial-zandrovy plain, where the basis of the soil cover is predominantly sands and sands, in some places close to the surface of the simulated by Morane. Along with the dend-podzolic soils of normal moisturizing, turf-podzolic glochy and gleying are widespread here. Their formation contributes to the plain relief, the presence of a dense glandular layer in the illuvial horizon (at a depth of 50-100 cm) or the Moraine.

Within the considered soil districts of D.F. Maimusov allocates 16 soil areas, given the mainly geomorphological and lithological features of the device of the territory.

    History of Soil Development of Smolensk Region 10
    Soil classification 16.
    Erosion soil and fighting it 25
Conclusion 28.
References 29.


It is small in the territory of the Smolensk region, and yet it is one and a half more than once more Belgium and Luxembourg combined.
Smolenshchina is characterized by wealth and variety of rivers and lakes, meadows and forests, soils and peatlands. In its depths, except for brown coal, salts, gases and various building materials, fossil agricultural importance: phosphorites, viruses, limestone, dolomites and limestone tuffs.
As part of the soil cover, more than 70 different types of soil are highlighted. The diversity of soils and favorable climatic conditions allow us to cultivate various grain, technical and fruit and vegetable cultures, successfully develop public animal husbandry.
Smolenshchina flax and Sychevskaya breed of cattle is famous, the victims of the glory of Smolensk buckwheat are reborn.
To properly use every hectare of the Earth, you need to know the most important properties and features of the soils common in the territory of the region. After all, cultivate various agricultural crops are the easier, the better the soil conditions are known. Having comprehensive knowledge of the soil at all and its fertility in particular, it is possible to maximize the yield of crops as much as possible.
    Soil and its basic properties

Concept of soil and soil formation

Turning the soil is quite a deep section (1,5-2.0 m in a depth of 1.5-2.0 m), it can be found that its thickness is not homogeneous. Considering the pump wall of the pits, we note that it changes from the surface to the depth of color, the structure of density and other features.
We will see a dark painted layer from above. It is richly permeated with roots of plants. On the surface of this layer, the remains of plants are falling on the surface: dead leaves, stalks, bark, etc. It is enriched with an underground drop: the remnants of the roots, rhizomes, etc.
As a result of the decomposition of underground and overhead vegetable and animal residues, humus is formed, which stains the upper part of the soil in the dark color.
The soil profile is formed as a result of the dismemberment of the initially homogeneous maternal rock.
This is committed as a result of three major interrelated processes:
    1) weathelation (destruction) of rocks and the formation of various, new mineral compounds;
    2) the accumulation of dead plant and animal residues that are subjected to decay and transformity, as a result of which the humus part of the soil is formed;
    3) movement in the soil cooler of some mineral, organic and organic substances.
The development of these processes occurs under the influence of natural factors - soil formers. At the end of last century, V. V. Dokuchaev found that the soil formation factors are: climate, vegetable and animal world, terrain relief, properties of the maternal breeds themselves and the duration of the soil formation.
Therefore, the soil should be called surface layers of rocks, changed and constantly changing under the joint impact of climate (light, heat, air, water) and living organisms, and on the cultivated lands and human activity.

Causes of soil manifolds

Not only on large spaces, but in small areas you can observe various soils.
The change in the maternal rock, the conversion of it into the soil occurs mainly under the influence of vegetation and various microorganisms. Living organisms as if lead the whole process of soil formation. They involve a dead mineral substance in complex decay processes and synthesis, accumulation and movement (migration).
However, the role of living organisms (biological factor) is effective with the simultaneous participation of all other factors. The basis for their development is the combination of moisture and heat. Where there is more heat and moisture, richer vegetation and the animal world associated with it.
Smolensk region enters the zone of mixed forests. Therefore, here the change in mother breeds occurs under the influence of wood and herbal vegetation and related animals.
The change in maternal rocks under the influence of living organisms and climate is differentiated by terrain. If the equalization of moisture and heat distribution is expressed evenly, the northern and southern slopes of a garden, hills, beams and others, the forms of relief receive their different quantities. This is caused by differences in the vegetation cover.
The diversity of soil is also associated with the properties of maternal rocks. Since each maternal soil-forming breed is inherent in certain physicochemical properties, various soils are also formed on various rocks. At the same time, they always inherit those or other properties of mother breeds. For example, rubbish are formed on the sands, more connected soils on loams. Carbonate soils occur on limestone and carbonate moraine or loam.
Soil formation, as well as any other natural phenomenon, is performed in time. Therefore, soils vary by age. If in some places they already "aged", then in others there are still in the "youth" stage.
Modern soils of the Smolensk region were formed in the postlegal period. After the liberation of the territory of ice and the development of forest vegetation on it, existing soils began to form. Since the territory of the region was released from ice from about 16-25 thousand years ago, then our soils have the same age. Very young, very "young" soils are common on fresh nanos in the floodplains of rivers and mounds created by man's hand.

The composition of the soil

The soil is natural - the historical body of nature. Its mass consists of three main, interconnected phases (parts): solid, liquid and gas. The main mass is substances in a solid state, among which 95-98% accounted for mineral origin. This is due to the fact that the upper layers of the mother breed are included in any soil, more or less changed by the soil formation. The second part of the solid mass of the soil is represented by an organic matter, resulting from the vital activity of higher and lower organisms.
Mineral substance . Soil is a real mineral warehouse. It is highlighted in its composition primary and secondary minerals. Primary minerals are residual, which are part of soils from massively crystalline rocks. These include oxides, silicates, phosphates, etc.
The prevailing primary minerals of the Soils of the Smolensk region are quartz and field spatts, the content of which changes from 60 to 80%.
Due to weathering (decomposition, oxidation and hydrotation under the influence of temperature change) of primary minerals, new secondary minerals are formed. In the soils of the region developed mainly on the lessoidal and sea loams, hydrates of silicon, iron, aluminum, aluminum, hydroellis, one-and-a-half oxides, carbon dioxide, phosphate, and sulfur salts, magnesium, potassium, and sulfuric acids are reached from the secondary minerals of the greatest content.
The deposition and grouping of small particles of secondary minerals leads to the formation of mulling minerals in the soils: kaolinitis, haloup, montmorillonite, etc. The greatest accumulation is observed in the illusion horizons of soils. It was established that in the upper part of the soil, the formation of secondary minerals is associated largely with the role of living organisms. In the flowing layers, secondary minerals are formed at the expense of physicochemical processes.
Primary and secondary minerals determine the various chemical composition of the mineral part of the soil and have a great influence on their physical and chemical properties.
Organic . It is usually in three forms: a living, dead matter and humus.
The living substance is the underground parts of plants living in the soil various insects, worms, digging vertebrates, bacteria, mushrooms, actinomycetes, etc. Most of all the living agent in the upper horizons to a depth of 25 cm, it decreases sharply below. The number of bacteria in 1 g of soil reaches 1-3 million individuals.
The dead organic matter is dead parts of the plants, the corpses of animals and microorganisms, as well as organic fertilizers made into the soil, etc. Sooner or later, the dead organic matter is processed by microorganisms and turns into humus, or humus.
Soil humus is an extremely complex organic matter. Various soils differ not only by quantitative content, but also according to the quality of humus. According to I. V. Tyurin, the soil humus consists of a complex of specific groups of humus substances: groups of humic acids, groups of fulvocoslot (roll and apochenic acid), groups of soil humins (non-hydrolyzed residue) and waxamol (or bitumen).
The main groups of soil gumus substances are humic acids and fulvocions, which are in the amount of about 60-70% humus.
The more humus, and in it humic acids, the richer soil, since humus is a very significant supplier of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are consumed in the largest doses by plants. At the same time, Gumus serves as a major factor in creating an soil structure. He seems to be cemented, gluits soil particles in lumps and grains.
The factors of humusion formation, in ferry-podzolic soils are:
    making organic and mineral fertilizers;
    rational use of plant residues.
Liquid parts of the soil. In all the soil, there is one or another amount of water that enters it with rain, snow, hail and dew, as well as in the form of a pair of air. Water coming into the soil never remains clean. It dissolves mineral and organic substances, it interacts with soil colloids, alive "by the organisms and gases and as a result turns into a solution. By nature, liquid, part of the soil, or soil solution, like humus, is characterized by great complexity, and inhomogeneity of the composition. Soil solutions not only interact with solid and gaseous parts, but also participate in the exchange of substances and nutrition of plants. Therefore, the role of soil mortar in the life of the soil is compared with the role that blood in living organisms performs.
Thus, it can be concluded that the composition of the soil is very complex. All three components of the soil: solid, liquid and gas are inextricably linked, interact and experience constant changes.
Changes in the components of the soil occur under the influence of temperature, humidity, the influx of oxygen, soil solutions and the vital activity of microorganisms and plants.
However, the complexity of the soil composition does not mean that it is difficult to learn, learn. The benefits of this study is undoubted. Knowing the composition of the soil of its area, much easier to establish its proper processing, much more efficiently use organic and mineral fertilizers, etc.
    History of Soil Development of Smolensk Region

In the soils common in the region, the entire totality of the processes that took place in the past and now are reflected.
The development of wood vegetation in the region is determined by many millennia. This is evidenced by not only paleogeographic data, but also morphology and soil properties. The appearance of turf-podzolic soils, their morphology, the depletion of the upper parts of them or the particles indicate the duration of the development of a podzolic soil process. The results of this process are observed almost everywhere and in the intensity of development occupy the first place among other processes in the territory of the region. The beginning of the podzo formation on the territory of the Smolensk region can be attributed to the period of glaciation. These analyzes on numerous items indicate that in the interglacial epochs, wood vegetation was developed here with the participation of disintegration and moss. Such vegetation, a more severe and wet climate, than now, contributed to the development of podzolic and marsive soil formation. This is confirmed by buried peat and podzolic soils.
In the era of the latter for our region of Valdai glaced, the soil formation processes were suppressed, since the dry and cold climate led to the development of permanent. However, with improved climate, the revival of the soiling processes then took place. It is indicated by two horizons with traces of the soil formation, which are traced in alloy rocks lying on the buried podzolic soil.
In the postharday era (Holocene), a duration of about 12 thousand years (BC), the conditions of the soil formation were also close to modern. Against the background of the domination of a podzolic process, except for the development of marsh soil, in certain periods there was an amplification and a turf process.
Judging by the paleobotanical data, it can be argued that at the beginning of this era in the conditions of a wet climate under a canopy of fir-green-gross forests, a podzolic and marsh processing processes took place. Later in the conditions of a dry climate under pine-wide forests, along with podzolic, the turde of the soil formation was developed.
On average, Holocene (7000-2500 BC), in the conditions of dry climate, which caused the maximum distribution of broad forest, was even more pronounced to the turde and sodium-podzolic soil formation processes.
A new increase in the humidity of the climate at the end of the Valdai era (2500-0 years BC) leads to the change of large forests mixed coniferous-broad-willed forests. This affected the strengthening of the podzo formation and fearing the area of \u200b\u200bthe region. Thus, the post declarations took place climatic changes and related changes in vegetation and soil formation.
The climate change had a rhythm (phases) of a duration of 1800-1900 years, consisting of cool-wet and thermal phases.
Based on this, it can be assumed that in the cool-wet phase on the territory of the region there was an amplification of α-dying formation and a climate in the heat-dry climate phase - weakening of the podzolic and enhancing the turf process of the soil formation.
In addition to climate and vegetation, relief and mother breeds influenced the nature of the soil formation. With the retreat of the Valdai glacier, the settlement of the territory was at the same time wood and herbaceous groups.
Therefore, in the postradite era could immediately go podzolic and theft process of soil formation. And it is not necessary, as N. P. Remezov believes that podzolic soils develop from the tundra.
Relief and mother breeds led to differentiation of soil formation processes. On sandy rocks and sea loams, pine and fir forests with podzolic soils were formed, the development of which continues and now.
In the decreases of the plains, where a significant amount of moisture accumulated was accumulated, peat-cancer soils were formed. Their development continues from the beginning of the postradnik.
Increased plains that were overlapped with basic rocks, apparently, settled at the beginning of grassy (meadow) vegetation, which was a genus formation process. This was facilitated by the weak dismemberment of the territory and the physico-chemical features of basic rocks.
Subsequently, with strengthening, dismemberment of the territory of the local plains and leaching of carbonates, herbal vegetation is replaced by mixed forests that exist now. As a result of such a change in vegetation on powerful rays, there was an imposition of a podzolic process to the former Dernea process of soil formation, which led to the degradation of humus-carbonate soils. This is confirmed by the presence of ferrous-podzolic soils with two humus horizons, common areas in powerful rapid rocks of elevated plains. The second coal-black humus horizon of different power, located under arable, is the residual part of the humus horizon of the former humid-carbonate soil. The preservation of this part of the humus horizon is currently apparently due not only to the role of rigid groundwater on the microforms of the relief of the lessa plains, but also with the processes of soil erosion.
On the ramp and annular sands, as well as on looming sea loams, the sodzo formation has a greater duration than on basic rocks. Soils in these breeds are more changed by soda formation.
On the lesson plateau, the sodov formation was preceded by a turde. Therefore, the soils in these rocks are less leached and the results of a podzolic process are weaker. This is reflected in the fact that according to the composition and agricultural properties of the dend-podzolic soils of basic rocks are often better than similar soils of sea loam.
Along with podzolic and turf processes, the development of marsh and salt-formation processes was going on.
The modern era also has changes in natural conditions, which, undoubtedly, affects the nature of the soil formation. It has been established that the period from the XV century. until the XVIII century. There was a period of harsh climate with increased overall moisture. From the beginning of the XIX century. There is a decrease in the amount of precipitation: peatlands dry dry, the level of groundwater decreases and the moisturizing of the soil cover decreases.
Of course, climatic changes are affected on modern soil formation processes. However, the most powerful factor is human activity. Cutting the forest, swallowing the lands, a person changes not only the intensity, but also the direction of the soil-forming processes.
Various tools found by E. A. Schmidt in the excavations of numerous ancient settlements in the region, indicate that the farming and cattle breeding, people began to engage about 3 thousand years ago.
In this regard, the buried soils described by the author under the ancient Kurgans created by a person 2500-3000 years ago. For example, in the village of Zharyn, Roslavl region under a cultural layer with a capacity of 2 m, a strong-axolyoy soil is expressed on carbonate lessoidal sublinks. Approximately the same buried soil is described in the village of TVs of the Smolensk region. Currently, ferrous-medium-domicular subline soils are developed in similar areas of relief and breeds.
In the village of Baytei of the Smolensk region under the cultural layer with a capacity of 1.7 M of the settlement on the rosy ridge, the buried strong-axular sandy ground was found.
On the root shore of Oz. The discovery of the Demidov region under the cultural layer with a capacity of 1.2 m was installed sandy buried soil of the deroped-podzolic type. Currently, ferrous-podzolic soils are also developed in similar terrain and breeds.
Thus, more than 2500 years ago, a person began to reduce forests, master under Pashnya most (comfortable places: the slopes of the valleys of rivers, elevated plain parts of the watersheds, etc. The forest was burned, knocked, knocked, knocked residues and then produced a decay. Subsequently, when on the site The crops dropped sharply, the arable land was thrown, and new lands were mastered, not touched by a plow.
According to Ya. Solovyov, already by the period of the general survey (1776-1778), almost half of the territory of the former Smolensk province turned out to be plowed. The forests occupied a little more than half of its territory.
In the future, due to the information of the forests, the expansion of Pashnya Square continued. Currently, forest area is 30-32% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe region. With the hitch, and then the trapped agriculture system that dominated the current century, a person only violated the natural course of soil formation and most often for the worse. The legacy of this is the "baked" soils having low fertility
With the transition to permanent land use, the person began to actively influence the process of soil formation. Making organic and mineral fertilizers, it changes the podzolic soil so much that it over time loses signs of the original soil. As a result of human production activities, versions of aluminated turf-podzolic soils are created, and the initial soils change not only for the best, but also for the worse.
Only with a high level of agrotechnology and the rational use of the Earth, a podzolic process is removed and its replacement of its humusion formation. The results of this are expressed on early marriage, well-fertilized fields, old gods, near Ferm, etc.
A decisive role in soil ochylums belongs to organic and mineral fertilizers, limeting and proper processing. This is especially important now in connection with the introduction of new cultures in the farming: corn, sugar beet, legumes, etc.
Thus, in the territory of the Smolensk region, the same soil processes are currently accomplished as in past epochs. However, under the influence of a person, the strengthening of the humusion formation process is noticeably in the turf-podzolic soil.
Only knowing the origin, properties and history of soil development, a person can change them in the right direction and increase fertility.

    Soil classification
As a result of the interaction and various combinations of the process of soiling expressed in the region, a large variety of soil arose. To understand this variety allows the classification of soil, which is a soil grouping system in common of their origin and development.
According to the individual counties of the former Smolensk province, and then the Western region, L. V. Abutkov, A. V. Kostyukhevich and other researchers were produced by the Western region.
For the Smolensk region, the classification of soil was made up by N. I. Budetsky, and later P. A. Kuchinsky. The latter on the territory of the region allocated 6 types of soils:
Within types, 25 soil subtypes are allocated. According to mother breeds, species are allocated, and for mechanical composition - species of soil. The grouping of marsh soils is reflected only in general terms, and the floodplain soils are assigned to alluvial.
This classification, being basically the right, currently does not reflect the entire amount of knowledge about the soils of Smolencins. This is not only connected with the fact that in recent years has expanded the knowledge of knowledge about the soils of the region, but also because now the main units of their classification are accepted by type and view.
For units of soil classification adopted: type, subtype, type, view and variety. Based on this, the soil of the region is grouped not only into large, but also in smaller units.
In the types, the largest units, the soil are combined on the process of soil formation and their combinations. In the subtypes, they are grouped according to the degree of severity and the peculiarities of the development of soiling processes, in childbirth - taking into account the mechanical composition of the soil-forming rocks, and in species - according to the characteristics of the structure of the soil-forming rocks. The soil varieties are distinguished by the nature of the soil transformation under the influence of natural processes and indulgence.
I Type - Derne Tillage
The turf soils are usually formed under herbal-meadow vegetation. In the conditions of the Smolensk region, they are most often found along the terraces of the valleys of rivers, slopes of ravines and beams, hills and a variety of different soil breeds.
Dernovo-carbonate soils are developed on carbonate rocks.
These soils have a well-pronounced humid and accumulative horizon with a turf, distinguished by high humus content. Below is the transitional horizon (B), which is replaced by a low-changed soil-forming rock.
II type - podzolic soil
These soils are formed under closed wood vegetation.
Podzolic soil has a humus horizon completely absent. Under the forest underlining (A0) there is a whitish podzolic horizon (A2), which is connected by the Red-brown illuvial horizon (B) and below the mother breed (C).
In this type, 4 soil subtypes are distinguished: weakly proclaimy, medium-brimular, strong-podzolistic and podzols.

III Type - Dernovo-podzolic soil

In the Smolensk region of the soil of this type, they occupy the main square and are found everywhere, where the meadow vegetation changed the forest, or herbal vegetation has grown or grown, herbal vegetation grown. Therefore, the distinctive feature of the turf-podzolic soil is the presence of a humus horizon under forest underlining (turinight), which is replaced by podzolic and below the illuvial horizons.

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