How to learn to read in English to the child. How to teach a child to read in English - Important rules and frequent errors in training

Decor elements 10.10.2019
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In English? This question is asking himself, probably not one family that plans to give the crumb into a children's educational center. The fact is that in the modern world without knowledge of English, it is necessary to fall out: and when the device for work is a good level of foreign ones will be a plus, and the opportunity to travel around the world will open. That is why many teachers believe that it is best in English when it is still very small. So the baby will be easier to master however, not only reading needs to be paid, but also to speaking, and the hearing. But in this article we will talk about how to teach the child to read English so that he has an interest in this language.

Newest technologies or old good books?

So, you decided to do anything to teach your baby English. What technique to use? Learn the child to read the letters or give him to remember the whole word entirely? Use books with rhymes or training, of course, before in English, there are a lot of questions. After all, it is important not to just teach the crumb to a mechanical reading, but to instill love and interest in the language.

Forget about alphabet

Do not force the child to memorize the alphabet. So learn to read English to children will be even more difficult for children, because, as you know, in this language many words are not read as they are written. Especially, why do you need to move the baby, explaining to him that A is, of course, "hey", but we read it as "e". Get magnetic letters, but not to memorize the alphabet with the baby, and in order for the child to be simply used to what the English letters represent. It is important for you to visually introduce crumbus with letters, and how to teach a child to read English, you will think a little later. Of course, the inquisitive kid may ask what is the letter in front of him. It is not necessary to read it isolated, explain to the child, how letters read, only on the examples of words.

We read by cards

Another of the common techniques in English is that you need to prepare colorful cards with the image of the subject and the word. For example, you must have a cat drawing and the English word "A CAT". Divide the cards on the themes: family, animals, vegetables and fruits, plants, clothing, furniture, etc. The words should not be too complicated, easily memorable and common.

Select a few minutes into English: For example, you want to explore a few words from the topic "Clothing". Spread the cards with the image of the desired things: dresses, trousers, shirts, skirts, tie. Passing by with the child, you are "nonsense" look at the words, read their baby and remove. Over time, the child will repeat after you: he will remember the word and his pronunciation. Next, repeat the words with it in another setting: Drive your finger for each letter and say the word entirely, i.e.: "CAT" - "K - E - T", "Milk" - "M - L - K". Subsequently, you can cut off the words from the pictures and ask for a crumb to decompose the names under the desired images. Also, the child must pronounce the word, the card with which takes into hand.

Talking toys

Many manufacturers assure that learning toys will help the kids to master reading. So, the child presses into the picture, and the toy utters its name in English. However, without additional assistance to parents, the child is not reading, but a hearing. The crude is still needed that you take your finger for each letter and uttered the word, without this, the child will simply learn to perceive the hearing language, which is also useful, but will not help in learning reading.

So, if you decide to help the baby from an early age to know a foreign language, remember that it is not necessary to formalize training, to everything you need to approach creatively and with interest.

For most parents, it becomes a big problem to teach the baby to read in Russian, to comprehend in this sense a foreign language is a real test for any child!

It is not necessary to hope for a kindergarten and school here, since not any educational institution boasts good English teachers or the presence of a sufficient number of student hours on this subject.

Therefore, parents are often deciding to teach a child to read English independently and it is precisely that it becomes a big problem for them - just as for their Chad, shocked by complex science.

Is it possible to teach the baby to read English at home? What learning techniques are better to use to achieve the best result? Finally, when it is worth starting learning and is there any benefit in early reading in a foreign language?

Why kid English?

It is no secret that the study of two languages \u200b\u200bof a native and "alien" (English) is a large load for the child. So why learn him at all?

  1. English improves speech skills and helps the baby to comprehend Aza as a foreign dialect and Russian language.
  2. He replenishes the vocabulary of the kid and helps him remember the letters of two alphabets at once.
  3. Subsequently, the child masters other foreign languages \u200b\u200bmuch faster.

When to start?

In preschool age, the child is able to "absorb" any information like a sponge, and comprehend two or three languages \u200b\u200bat once. This does not mean that difficulties in learning will not arise, but in the future the baby will read books in English easily and with pleasure, surprising with its achievements of peers and teachers.

Despite the fact that in elementary school this read is given a certain attention, most of the kids constantly stumbles with reading long and intricate expressions. Therefore, learning children to read in English is needed somewhere in five years (psychologists consider this time ideal to comprehend a foreign language).

General Rules for learning reading in English

To make the process of mastering reading in English gently and confidently, parents must follow certain recommendations:

  • establish a sequence of learning that can be found in the educational literature;
  • do not hurry the baby: you will not achieve the result, jumping from the theme on the topic and spending strength on quarrels and conflicts;
  • every "lesson" to divide into parts and spend it no longer than an hour;
  • use gaming forms in the learning process.

Start with alphabet

Teaching reading skills in English begins with the development of the alphabet. Make sure that the baby does not confonse the pronunciation of letters and sounds, because in Russian and English they often coincide.

So, the letter "A" English and Russian are written in the same way, but are pronounced in different ways: as "A" and as "hey". Therefore, you will need to give special attention to transcription.

Two effective methods of mastering reading in English

After the alphabet has been studied, highlight a few days to repeat the material passed. Only now you can go further and choose one of the two teaching methods to read in English recognized by teachers most effective.

"From simple to complex"

Sounds of sounds

After the development of English letters, it is time for exploring sounds. The baby must clearly realize the Association of Letters and Sound. After all, he just recently studied the Russian language and does not understand why in English and Russian some letters coincide, but read in different ways.

Psychologically, it will be quite difficult to psychologically in this sense.

Pronunciation and writing

One of the main problems of reading in English is a mismatch in the pronunciation of words and writing them, therefore training should begin with reading words such as "POT", "DOG", "Box" (that is, lungs and one-room). Let your baby read in English, folding the letters in words.

Let's complicate the task

Go from simple words to more complicated, asking the child to memorize them entirely. Control the baby so that it is not confused and did not teach them in the wrong sound. To do this, use audio recordings and make sure that the child read offers with a speaker or repeated them for you - both intonation is better felt, and the sense of the sentence is captured.

Understanding read

In the process of learning it is very important to understand the read. Let the child retells you the content of each text in Russian. If the kid does not understand something, transfer it a difficult part of the text, breaking it into separate offers. At the same time, it is not necessary to chase the beauty and literature, it is much more important that the child felt grammar.

Also, do not pay special attention to the speed of reading: it is important to teach a child to be able to correctly read words, not a carpet pronunciation. It helps to facilitate the learning process by making it calm, smooth and bringing a guaranteed result as a result.

Education in Gaming

Poems and patterings

In order to start reading in English, you can offer the child an entertaining poems and patter. They improve diction and beneficially affect the understanding of the English dialect. To do this, you can start the game with cards: the kid reads the proposal and shows the words from the text from the text.

Games in English

For reading in English, another game helps well: for 5-10 minutes, the child chatting in English. It is not so important, whether words or entire proposals are individual - the main thing is that he understands what he says.

Translate fairy tale

Translation of a read fairy tale is another entertaining game for reading in English at home. Complex words that appear during the translation process should be recorded on a piece of paper and repeat regularly.

What else will help in the learning process?

In order for the child well to study, you need to follow some tips.

Interest in school

Any study ever bored even to the most enhanced child. The kid is not yet able to understand how English is important for him and what prospects he opens in front of him. Motivate the child game and encourage it to achieve it.

Special literature

Find a good book for learning to read in English - this is no longer a problem: even download on the Internet, even in the book shop buy. But it will be best to choose for the good case of ordinary "readers", taking reading in two languages \u200b\u200bimmediately.


Any achievement - let it be one rightly uttered sound - should be marked by praise. You need to acutely feel the mood of the child so as not to overload the stick in the learning process and do not cause rejection to school.

What is the benefit of early learning in foreign language?

  1. Early development. Studying any language, a child learns to communicate with other people and work in a team, which has a beneficial effect on its communicative qualities.
  2. Good start for further learning in a foreign language. The child has a spontaneity of speech, favorably affecting further teaching writing and perception of words for rumors.
  3. Preparation for school. Babes, reading in English, behave more disciplined and not experiencing stress.

Summing up

Some particularly ambitious parents believe that their kid is simply obliged to grab everything on the fly and from the first lesson. However, read in English is a big job! Therefore, the result in this matter is to wait only after 1.5-2 months of study (and only if parents do not give pressure on the child).

So, if your baby cannot learn reading in English, do not rush it. Let the learning process becomes a pleasant occupation, calm and consistent, which in the end will lead it to a great result!

Your child began to learn English - at school, with a tutor, on courses. You feel that he needs to help, but do not know how - the English themselves never taught. It's time to start doing it together! We will tell you how to effectively learn the words where you can listen to English and what to read books.

Often parents appeal to me with a question: how to help the child in learning English? This is especially disturbing parents who have not studied the tongue.

So, the first rule is to stop afraid of an unfamiliar language, since this fear is transferred to children. The rule is the second - to believe in your strength and turn alone short-term solutions in an exciting game. The main thing is that the classes make pleasure. I am sure that any parent, even who does not speak foreign language can help his child to master the language, paying this no more than half an hour and about an hour at the weekend.

Let's consider a learning scheme for blocks, which is used in preparation for international English exams, as well as in preparation for the USE. Knowledge at the exams are checked for 4 skills: the ability to speak, perception of rumor (audience), reading and writing.


I believe that the most important thing in the ability to speak is the vocabulary. Even who does not own grammatical rules, but having a great stock of words, you can convey your thought before the interlocutor. Therefore, first of all you need learn words. To study words, I recommend making special cards. The list of words can be taken from the school textbook or, for example, on the website of the Examination Council of the University of Cambridge, in the section corresponding to the current level. The very first level, to hold which you can already give the exam for children of 8-11 years old, called Young Learner Starters.

If you do not have a lot of time, you can make a card by writing a word in Russian on the one hand, on the other hand in English. But if you allocate at least an hour a week and approach the question creatively, you can turn the process of making cards into the learning element and in an interesting occupation. How to do it?

For each word from the list, along with the student, find a picture on the Internet. Then print the finished sheet, and while you cut it on the cards, ask the child on the back of each picture to write an English word. While you are jointly prepare this manual, he already remembers a large number of words.

This preparation is better to carry out one of the weekends. For a week you will need 20-30 words, that is, the manufacture of cards will take no more than an hour. You will need to do on them 2-3 times a week.

In the study of words with cards, it is important to take into account several points. First, you do not need to "tool" words. You laure out the pictures cards (or Russian text) up. If the student remembers the word and correctly calls it - you turn the card English text up. If you do not call, then also turn over, but put on another stack. Then they do the same else in the other direction (translated from English to Russian) until all words in the other direction will not be pronounced correctly.

The next time, when studying words (in a few days), you add 10 more cards to old cards, thereby repeating the previously learned words and mastering new ones. Gradually, well-learned words can be postponed and returning to them after 2-3 months.

Another option - make Lotto. Create several playing fields with pictures (let's say, 8 pictures on the field) and cards with words in English. You can play this lotto together. Thus, in one game you can learn up to 16 words.

If you do not know English and are not sure that the child pronounces the words correctly, then at the time of the check, you can sit at the computer, open the online translator and listen to how the desired word sounds.

If learning 2 times a week for 10 words, in a month you can master 80-100 words. Of course, these words will not be included immediately into the active vocabulary, but the required minimum - 350-400 words are quite achievable. Namely, such a number of words is required for the basic vocabulary required for everyday communication. (Note, it is believed that on average, the native speakers use from 3 to 5 thousand words.)

This exercise will require no more 20 minutes a day (with a check in the online translator - up to 30 minutes).

Letter in English

Once a week I recommend to conduct vocabulary according to the words that were learned. If you are not sure of your pronunciation, you can dictate the word in Russian and ask the child to write it in English, and then repeat the written words and check the pronunciation along with the computer translator. You can also diversify the classes: to offer the child to register words to you.

Usually it goes no more than 10 minutes (20 minutes with verification).

English perception

To learn to perceive English speech, she needs to listen. On the Internet you can find a huge number of cartoons in English. Nursery Rhymes Songs - for example, "Old Macdonald Had a Farm", "Mary Had A Little Lamb", "London Bridge Is Falling Down" and others can be found through the search system. Texts of a song , Looking through the plots with these songs on YouTube, suggest the child to sing the heroes, while holding the lyrics in front of you.

At the very beginning of learning it is better to master one vehicle. Then gradually remove the text and ask the child to repeat without a paper. If it does not work immediately, you can also find the so-called ABC Songs on YouTube. In these plots, the child sees and hears how separate words are pronounced, gets used to English speech. And besides, it will prepare it for reading, as it will remember how the letters are called and what sounds they pass.

On this occupation you can divert 2 times a week to 30 minutes.

English reading

Unfortunately, many modern children have problems reading not only in English, but also in Russian. First of all, the content of the book should be interested in a child.

It must be adapted literature. Now in bookstores for sale a huge number of children's books in English for different levels of ownership. For beginners to learn language is an Easystarts level. If the child has already mastered the initial stage, you can go to the BEGINNER level books. Usually at the end of books are tables showing the degree of complexity of texts.

One of the ways to bring pleasure to children is reading and playing the plot of roles. You can even buy a collection of simple plays. Those parents who do not own English can offer the following: let the child help translate and parental role, so that the parent can play it.

It can be left for it. 45 minutes 1 time per week.

Thus, the daily learning process will turn into a fascinating and useful joint pastime. English ceases to be something unfamiliar and incomprehensible, and will become the language of games. In addition, parents who have never studied English, will also be able to master the initial level. It is only important that the classes are systematic.

Of course, the study of English requires much more effort, but if you help the child overcome the initial stage, to love English classes, it will be a key to successful learning. So invent, invent and good luck to you.

Olga Rudakova psychologist teacher


Title "English with a child in 30 minutes a day." From the text "This exercise will require no more than 20 minutes a day" only at the first point. And four of them. Ha.
From the text "if you learn 2 times a week for 10 words, then in a month you can master 80-100 words." Are we about a child starting to learn English, or about a beginner genius with super memory? I have experience only two non-nell children with English classes 4 hours a week at school and half an hour at home every day. A hundred words knew by the end of the second class, i.e. After 20 months. I did not read further, the time regretted.

Comment Article "English with a child in 30 minutes a day. 4 Council Parents"

Problem with English .. Study of foreign languages. Education of children. The son believes that tooling 50 words to the lesson - a waste of time, better task to blend. Tell me how to help, can methods for quick memorization, or you need to talk to the teacher.


Lingualeo. There is a better simulator to memorize words. Really, I even got it, and I "solid nut";) there are 10 words to teach 10 words for free. Try. If you like - buy for a year, there are very often discounts. I played a few months, because I need to feed the lion with meatballs :) If there were such a powerful and interesting resource in my childhood !!! I would know English without any teachers. Son helped a lot in due time. According to my dictates, there is never below 5-ki. And now there so much new appeared that I want to try again to learn, albeit scary to my summer ...
Excellent development of our computer linguists. [Link-1]
Register and you will be peace and will :)

Lyceum 1367? If so, the son of the same teacher) with a firm "5" with another flew to "3-4". But the teacher is very pleased, I do not agree to the group.

Study of foreign languages. Education of children. English with diaper. Studying English in preschool age: existing myths and opinion of scientists about what age is really too much educational material - help to figure out!


Round-Up Even Starter is very hard for children for 7 years, for eight-year elegge. In general, this is one of the best grammar textbooks for children and adults. The best includes three more series [Link-1]

Round-Up and Vereshchagina reader, + add. Reading fiction

English 2 class - what studied. School. Child from 7 to 10. You see, today's program is not aimed at learning a language, only for familiarity with English for children: how to help the child to learn the language - English, tutors, native speakers.


English is not needed at all in secondary schools. Having worked out the first and last year at school, I was convinced of this finally, although I guess before. The Russian is not absorbed even at the minimum level, and here is English ... in. Language is not for everyone. No one is indignant that after school lessons, students do not establish records in sports. Want records in the sports school and fly from dawn to dawn half aim. Want a good in language - to language school: every day I have a language + long internship. It is funny to wait for some results from 2 times to 45 minutes at school in grade 2. Will not be them.

Section: School (how to help a child with English in grade 3). English in grade 3. Goodnight. Of course, the study of English requires much more effort, but if you help the child overcome the initial stage, love English classes ...


"She motivates his studies with his estimates," is there, where he deserved 5, puts 3?
"At the parent meeting, it turned out that we had everything in the classroom, who had not yet engaged in the tongue before, are engaged in tutors, i.e. the level of teaching is the other" What is your program? How many children in the group? How many hours a week is the language?

My IMHO - that the conversation will not help. I had a certain misunderstanding with the English teacher. Went, did not help. Now even if you have a daughter, they pronounce - that's not do, and then they go to complain. And those who are with a tutor or courses - they do, and do not know anything, everything in such a way expresses children. Disgusting.

English in grade 2. Education, development. A child from 7 to 10. We have a school with an in-depth study of foreign. languages. In grade 1, alphabet, letters, sounds, tsyfras, words (these are colors, animals, some objects, adjectives are large-small) ...


Ordinary school. Grade 2, English began. Biboletova. So far nothing about anything.

For the summer, the daughter passed 19 lessons on the textbook edited by Bonk, respectively, school tasks makes five minutes. Again coloring and learn songs. For the second year by Get Set Go. In the past there was an alphabet, school items, animals, colors, a pair of primitive phrases. Mostly endlessly drawn-paint. It seems like, should be engaged in the communicative technique, but I do not see that they somehow have come true. School - Progimnasia.

Help! The child is capable and studying at school perfectly in all the discents other than the English task she set up: to remove the disgust of the child to study English. The best option to instill love for the language of the child is to show what this one is ...


Purely our situation. I took the girl a student. The task of her was set: remove the disgust of the child to study English. We are engaged in the time a week since November. The result is striking. In the first quarter in English except the bobs in general there were no marks. In this quarter, it was already on the fourth. For 4 months I learned to read, write. Our girlfriend also becomes interesting with my engage, began to exercise on grammar already to do. Breakfast began to understand that all the same it was not in the very language, but in who he teaches him. I am very pleased with the result.

04/05/2007 12:58:12, Evgenia

Try the Goet Ready course! I like him the fact that there are very few designs, but they are all introduced through elementary songs.
For example, at the first lesson such (it really happens! Yes, on such a motive that children simply dug into brain%))
Hello, Hello, Hello,
hello, Hello, Hello,
hello, Hello, Hello,
I am Jack.
Hello, Hello, Hello,
hello, Hello, Hello,
hello, Hello, Hello,
I am Jack.

And on the second here is such a "song"
Good Bye, Jack and Sue
Good Bye, Jack
Good Bye, Sue
Good Bye, Jack and Sue
Good Bye, Jack and Sue

I bought my books a few years ago in the relay (
This is Oxford University Press, if I'm not mistaken.
I do not know whether this course is alive and today. Maybe that super-new appeared.
But pay attention to.

Learning English + speech therapy. Speech therapy, speech development. Baby from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting children's training English + speech therapy. Today I heard such a phrase: the children with speech therapy problems can not be trained in the second language, it is impossible to 6 years old ...


The thing is that language learning is traditionally and learning a language as a means of communication - these are two different things. If there are sounds in the lessons, words are learn, etc. - All that can be done bad for a 3-7-year-old child - already done. And if the child is studying the second language with natural rides (as he studied native !!!), then no difficulties and problems! These speech therapists operate according to the principle: Silence-riding-speaking. So, if a foreign language is to train children from 3 years of age, then you need to choose training techniques that adhere to the same principle. Children here begin to speak after repeated listening, when the correct image in the head has already been created and the child is ready to say it. I can advise to visit the author's seminar Valeria Meshcheryakova, who live in Moscow: September 10-12, the definition of "Peresvet" №1842, Large Georgian street, 67. The 10th beginning at 18.00. There, the author will tell in detail how natural means can be trained to the kids in foreign language without harm to the child and difficulties for parents.

09/04/2004 15:45:25, Olga Goncharov

We have in the garden in the speech therapy group of English and for additional paid classes from the speech therapy group, not with what persuasions are not taken. So your breath is true

03.09.2004 22:28:37, Yuli not from his computer


It is necessary to start, of course, it is necessary from the alphabet and sounds to get acquainted with Latin. Sounds must be given gradually because the pronunciation of English words is a separate big problem. It often happens: in the word 8 letters, and the sounds are pronounced less. It is also necessary to introduce a child with, because not everyone obeys certain reading rules. From simple sounds, gradually move to the combinations of letters and sounds and from one-strokes to multi-dimensional words.

The presentation of any reading rule must be accompanied by exercises so that the child has the opportunity to assimilate, to work out passed material, and also see that the rule actually "lives", works. Try to combine memorizing letters and sounds with the memorization of words and conversational formulas so that the process of learning the language has been conjugate directly with the process of communication. So the child will become more interesting: he will understand that it is not just a "incatch", unnecessary and painful, but an invaluable means of communication.

Try to make the process interesting for the child and on the other hand. Rules and exercises can even bother you, what to say about your Chad. Do not explain the child why he needs it, why should he learn English. He is not able to understand that this is one of the world languages \u200b\u200bthat they speak in many countries that, having learned him, a person will always have an advantage. To motivate the child it is best to clothe the learning process for reading the game form. So words and rules will be assumed by the child in the course of an interesting game, imperceptibly for him.

Do not neglect also special literature on the topic. Now, in the era of the rapid development of the Internet, when access to the worldwide network is almost in every home, the search for books for learning to read on a foreign one is not such a big problem. Try to focus your attention on special books for learning reading - the so-called "read papers". They exist as for learning reading on, there is also to teach reading.

Finally: when learning reading, it is necessary to praise and encourage the child for each, even the smallest achievement, because everyone loves if he is deservedly praise. Try to adapt to the mood of the child, do not bend a stick so that English does not associate with a swearing, discontent of the parents and something that he does not understand. Make the learning process as easy as possible for the child, because at an early age, children do not know how well to work and overcome difficulties as adults.

Video on the topic


  • teach a child read in English

English is one of the most important languages \u200b\u200bfor a modern person. In order to master the reading, experts recommend combining well-known methods that are suitable for adult, and for a four-year-old baby.

You will need

  • - Cards with pictures.
  • - Cashier letters or magnets and board.
  • - Children's books in English.
  • - Paints, markers, albums.


Phonetic method. The student meets with sounds, letters, then with syllables. There are various combinations. For example, how are vowels in an open syllable or closed, complex combinations in the words "a fhotographer", "Those" and so on. This method is good because the child is studying the skills of designing and deconstruating words to sound, memorizes the rules. And this will help him cope with new, using the theoretical material. You can play with the baby, folding out of the letters. An older child can write them or draw with one or another.

Method of a whole word. This requires bright beautiful cards on which there must be three graphic elements:, word, letter. The letter can be highlighted in the word other, but it would be better for it separately next to the picture. This method allows you to remember the words and relate them to specific objects and phenomena. Cards can be shown during the day. One word should be repeated ten or twenty times, but to do it so that the baby does not bother the game.

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