Extracurricular event "Smolensk Territory - Pages of History." Smolensk region. History of the Smolensk region

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1. Defense Smolensk 1609-1611.

3. Smolensk in the Great Patriotic War




Current city, warrior city, Russian glory city!

So Icestaries are called Smolensk. The second millennium is unshakably worth it on the steep Pridneprov hills, at the crossroads of many roads, honestly and courageously taking on all that he took him the story.

The great waterway "from Varyag in Greeks" was held here, connecting Scandinavia with a pool of the Black Sea. Overcoming in small rivers, lakes and land, watershed between Western Dnipro and Dnipro, commercial people on the banks of the river were repaired and smirled by shoes, put the shoes, clothing, sabs.

In 882, Smolensk lands were included in the ancient Russian state, which contributed to strengthening economic growth cities. Due to its favorable geographical position, Smolensk became a major trading and cultural center. In the IX-XIII centuries, he was a link in the trade in the Arab Caliphate and Scandinavia, an authoritative mediator in trade between European countries, Gotland Island and Russian principalities. Smolyan traded both their goods: flax, rye, wax, honey, leishes, fur, as well as horses and cattle. Archaeological excavations indicate a wide distribution in the Smolensky principality of various crafts. Smolyan was mastered by the secrets of the manufacture of heavy-duty brick, from which intensive construction of buildings began in the XII century.

At the turn of the XVI - XVII centuries, Smolensk, as an important strategic station, was reinforced powerful stone wall. September 13, 1609, seven years after the end of the construction of the fortress, the Polish king of Sigismund III approached with a huge army to Smolensk and besieged him. Defenders of the city, all his population of more than twenty months selflessly restrained the onslaught of the well-armed army of the invaders.

In the summer of 1708, troops approached the southern borders of Smolensk Earth swedish king Karl XII, it was through Smolensk that he threatened to go to Moscow. But Peter I arrived in the city, the most energetic measures were taken to repair the fortress and meeting the enemy on distant approaches. Stopping well-equipped strengthening, the victims of several major lesions and almost occasionally captured, Karl XII realized that it was impossible to break through Smolensk to Moscow, turned to the south, to Ukraine, where the famous Poltava battle (1709).

1. Defense Smolensk 1609-1611.

Twenty-month-old heroic defense of the city during the Polish-Swedish intervention in Russia began early XVII century.

Smolensk fortress was an important reference point on the western border of the Russian state, covering the way to Moscow. Her garrison under the command of Voevod M.B. Shein numbered 4-5 thousand people, had up to 200 guns of various types and calibers, considerable stocks of food and ammunition.

The Polish army, as part of which were the hired Hungarian infantry and Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, significantly exceeded the number of the garrison of the fortress. In September 1609, she approached Smolensk and took the first unsuccessful assault. From September 28 to October 4, he led the bombing of the fortress, after which he moved to a long siege.

Defenders of the city (garrison and Posad population) were in a difficult position. Speaking for the Deblockad Smolensk Russian army led by Prince D.I. Shuisky in June 1610 under p. Closhino suffered from the Polish troops of Hetman S. Zholkevsky.

In July, August and November 1610, Polish troops have repeatedly tried to master Smolensk assault. The attempt of the Polish command to inclust the defenders of the fortress to surrender was rejected.

In winter, 1610-11. The situation in Smolensk worsened: lacked salt and water, epidemics began. Help from the outside was not foreseen. Moscow was in the hands of Poles.

Polish command, receiving information about the state of garrison and fortress facilities, in June 1611, organized the fifth, most fierce storming fortress from three directions. By undermining the walls, the Poles broke into the city. The troops and the inhabitants were heroically resisted on the streets of the city, the powder warehouse blew up. Voivode M.B. Shein, heavily wounded, was captive.

The heroic defense of Smolensk was shot down by the main forces of the Polish king Sigismund III and gave time and the opportunity to deploy the national liberation movement in the country to form the first Russian militia, which freed the Moscow from the interventionists.

By July 22 (August 3), the 1st and 2nd Russian army, which resulted from Western borders, were united in the Smolensk area and after 4 days came to meet the enemy in the direction of Rudney, Vitebsk. To cover the city from the southwest to the city of Red, the 27th Infantry Division of General DP was sent. Neverovsky.

1 (13) August The main forces of the French army resumed the offensive and along the left bank of the Dnieper moved to Smolensk. The path of them was blocked by the University Division and, retreating with battles, detained the enemy for a day. During this time, the 7th Infantry Case of General N.N. managed to return to Smolensk Raja, who decided to defend in the city itself, using fortress facilities.

4 (16) August to Smolensk approached Murat's troops, Belie and Davu. They postponed the city, conducted a bombardment and began his assault. Thin battures were walking throughout the day, especially stubbornly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Royal Bastion, where heroically defended, turning into counterattacks, the 26th Infantry Division of General I.F. Passevich. All the enemy attacks were repulsed. By evening, the main forces of the 1st and 2nd armies were approaching and settled in the northern part of the city.

On the night of 5 (17) August, the tired casing of Raevsky was replaced by the 6th Infantry Case of General D.S. Dashturov and the 3rd infantry division of General P.P. Konovnitsa; In the northern part - Battery General A.I. Kutaisova. In the morning of 5 (17) August, the opponent of the subcovery embraced the city: from the West - the corps of it, from the south - giving, from the east - understood. In the morning there was a fire fight, accompanied by mutual shafts of small units. In the afternoon, the bombardment of the city of 350 guns began, the enemy switched to a common attack, captured the suburbs of the city. Protecting Rachev's suburb, died General A.A. Scallen. Nikolsky gates fought the Division of Neverovsky. The most fierce battles walked at the mlower gate, the royal bastion, where they confronted the parts of the body of the province of the 3rd and 7th infantry divisions. For 3 hours, the enemy tried to break into the city, but all his attacks were repulsed. From a powerful bombing, the city was covered by a flame.

On the night of 6 (18) August, the troops, and with him and the population left the flaming city and destroyed the bridge over the Dnieper. Within 6 (18) August, the Dohturov Corpus, located on the right bank of the Dnieper, covered the departure of the main forces of the 1st Army (the 2nd Army went on the day before) and reflected the attempts of the French troops to cross the Dnieper in the city district. In the Smolensk battle, the French army lost up to 20 thousand people killed, Russian - 10 thousand people

Napoleon's plan to impose the Russian army, the general battle was rugged.

The events of this battle are immortalized by monuments and memorial plaques.

3 . Smolensk in the Great Patriotic War

Smolensk land, for many centuries, covered by Moscow and the eastern regions of the country from the attack of enemies from the West, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, turned out to be on the path of the main forces of the fascist invasion. The Hitler's command extended to the end of July 1941. To seize Smolensk, to master the Mezhdrachy Dnieper and Western Dvina and thereby discovering the so -hold way to Moscow. But the fascist strategists have calculated.

On July 10, one of the largest battles of the initial period began - the Smolensk battle, which lasted in a huge space until mid-September 1941, in it, the Soviet soldiers were heroically held back the onset of the shock group of the Fascist Army Center. Two weeks, they led the bloody fights on the streets of Smolensk. In the battles of underwear, who ended with the defeat of several selected enemy divisions and the liberation of the city, the Soviet Guard was born - the color and pride of our armed forces. (see Guard Soviet). The Nazis first experienced the volley of the new Soviet weapons - rocket artillery - the legendary Katyush (see missile artillery). The peaceful population of the region was most important to help the Red Army. According to the call of the regional committee of the party, tens of thousands of old men, women, girls and young men, who replaced the men who went to the front, participated in the construction of defensive fortifications, airfields, bridges and other structures, for the fight against enemy paratroopers, created 26 fighter battalions and about hundreds of self-defense groups .

As a result, the Smolensk battle of the enemy doctrine " lightning war"The first serious blow was applied, the attempt of fascists from the go to break through to Moscow failed. For the first time in the second World War, selected fascist troops, carrying huge losses, were detained for two months, which made it possible to the Soviet command to win time to pull up reserves from the depths of the country, the preparation of the Vyazemsky and Mozhaisk Defense lines, strengthen the defense of the capital (see Smolensk Battle of 1941).

For more than two years, the area was frontal. The Nazis stubbornly kept the occupied areas, considering them as a bridgehead for a subsequent attack on Moscow. The main reserves of the Nazi Group of Army Group "Center" were concentrated here, powerful defensive lights were created, nor for the day bloody battles with the Nazis were stopped. In addition to the Smolensk battle of 1941, the troops of the Red Army conducted 12 military operations in the territory of the region, which included in the history of the Great Patriotic War. These are operations: Yelninskaya 1941, Vyazemsky 1941, Sychevsko-Vyazemskaya 1942, Vyazemskaya airborne 1942, Rzhevsko-Vyazemskaya 1942, Rzhevsko-Sychevskaya 1942, Rzhevsko-Vyazemskaya 1943.

Defeating the German-fascist troops near Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk and others. Plots of the front, the Red Army in the summer of 1943 passed on the offensive Westway And on August 7 - October 2, he spent the Smolensk operation of 1943. The composite parts of it were operations: Savior-Demena, Yelninsko-Doroguzhna, Successional-Demidovskaya, Smolensk-Roslavl. During the fighting troops of the Western and Kalininsky fronts, there was a powerful defensive binding of enemy troops, liberated Yelnya, Yartsevo, Demidov, Dorogobuzh, the defendant, Smolensk, Roslavl and completely completed the liberation of Smolensk region, cleared of the Nazis part of the Kalinin region, laid the beginning of the liberation of Belarus.

Despite the unparalleled courage, manifested by the fighters of the Red Army, folk militiaAll workers in the course of the Smolensk battle of 1941, by October 12, the fascists managed to temporarily seize the entire territory of the region. In the captured areas, the Nazis installed a blood terror mode. They burned the villages, shot the peaceful population, subjected to patriots the most cruel torture. However, no atrocities and violence the fascists were able to shake the heroic spirit Smolyan, put them on their knees. From the very beginning of the enemy occupation, the operational rear of the Army Group of Army "Center" has turned into an isna of the mass battle of patriots against the occupiers.

On the territory of the Smolensk region during its full occupation, a wide network of underground party bodies and organizations was created. KVP (b) led by the KVP (b) commissioners, fulfilling the directive of the Central Committee of the Party, they stood at the head of the patriotic resistance of the people, ensured its unprecedented scope, successfully led by all forms people's struggle against fascist conquerors. The most centralized and effective was the actions of partisan forces. By actively interacting with the regular parts of the Red Army, by the spring of 1942 freed from the enemy in his rear 25 of the 42 occupied areas, in which partisan edges arose - powerful bases for the upcoming red army and action partisans. Under the leadership of the western staff of the partisan movement created in the summer of 1942, they launched active sabotage activities on the communications of the enemy, disappeared the use of weapons, ammunition and other military-technical assets to the front, did not give an invaders to export food, raw materials from the captured territory, raw materials, resoli The hijacking for focusing work in Germany, conducted intelligence in the interests of the Red Army, distracted from the front and were syrupted significant enemy forces.

Significant damage to the German fascist invaders applied underground groups and organizations in cities, etc. settlements. The underground workers acted in Smolensk, Roslavl, Vyazmma, Cardima, Rudne, Demidov, and other places. They collected and delivered intelligence information, participated in siversities, detained the equipment of enterprises, collected weapons, arranged the shoots of prisoners of war and sent them to partisan detachments, distributed leaflets, informed the population about the actions of Soviet troops, etc. The most popular was the struggle of the population for the disruption of political, economic and military plans and events of the German-fascist occupiers. Smolyan sabotized food supplies, did not go to work, did not pay taxes, evaded the mobilization, caused huge damage to the invaders. All forms of the People's Fight in the rear of the enemy were interrelated with each other. Partisan formations were widely used underground methods, interacted with underground. In turn, the underground workers, when this was required by the situation, moved to open-air combat actions or poured into partisan formations. The struggle of the people per failure of occupiers rose to the level of diversions. Frequency and strengthening each other, all these forms of struggle and constituted the mighty movement of the people.

In scale, political and military results, the nationwide struggle in the rear of the enemy acquired the importance of an important military-political factor in the defeat of fascism, having enormous assistance of the Red Army, which played a decisive role in the victory over the fascist invaders.

Smolyan fought with Nazis not only in the territory of their field. They were among the defenders of the Brest Fortress, participated in the defense of Moscow, they fought under the walls of Stalingrad, the enemy was hung under Eagle and Kursk, forced Dnipro, Vistula, Danube, and others. Water frontiers were freed from the country of Eastern Europe, Berlin stormed from the Nazis. Fighting on the fronts, in the partisan detachments, underground, they proven to the glory of their ancestors. Motherland highly appreciated their fighting feats. Tens of thousands of Smolyan were awarded orders and medals, more than 236 honored the title Hero Soviet Union, 44 became full cavaliers of the Order of Glory. Among them, the pilots A.I. Koldunov and V.D. Lavrinenkov - twice the heroes of the Soviet Union; MA Egorov, licked the victory banner over Reichstag in Berlin; S.V. Grishin, commander of the partisan compound; General Army P.A. Kurochkin; Colonel-General I.T. Grishin; Marshal of armored troops O.A. Leather. For courage and resistance shown by the defenders of Smolensk, the active participation of workers in the partisan movement and the success achieved in the restoration of the city and development national economySmolensk was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the I degree and the Order of Lenin. The Order of the Patriotic War I degree was also awarded the city of Yelnya. On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the victory over the fascism for the courage and the resistance of the defenders of Smolensk, the mass heroism of workers in the fight against the German-fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War, Smolensk was awarded the honorary title "City of the Hero" with the presentation of the medal "Golden Star".

The German-fascist invaders for the period of their hostess committed tremendous destruction and unheard of atrocities caused tremendous damage to the economy and culture of the region. They almost completely destroyed 12 cities, including Smolensk, Vyazma, Roslavl, Yartsevo, Dorogoguz, Rudnoye, Velij. Five working settlements, district centers shoot, prechoe, subloboda and hundreds of villages were erased from the face of the earth. Fascists destroyed and plundered 935 industrial enterprisesMore than 3,000 cultural and health facilities, burned almost 250 thousand houses of rural residents, selected 1.5 million heads from the population and collective farms. Material damage caused by the national economy exceeded 40 billion rubles. But the greatest damage caused by the Nazis was that the war was unleashed by them carried millions of human lives. Many thousands of Smolyan died on the fronts and in partisan detachments. Tens of thousands were tortured by Nazis. During the occupation, it was shot, hanged, burned, buried alive, poisoned by poison and in the orthoworks, tortured in the dignitaries of SD 151319 civilians and 230137 prisoners of war, 164630 people fascists hijacked to fascinated work in Germany. Compared to a pre-war time, the population of the region decreased by half, and many areas literally deprived. The invaders sought to leave the "desert zone" to undermine the economic power of the Soviet Union, weaken the upcoming red army, to persuade the remaining population on poverty, hunger, extinction. But the Nazis once again calculated.

The Soviet state found strength and means to begin restoration work already during the war. In August 1943, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) adopted a special decision on the restoration of the economy in the Smolensk region. " In the same month, the USSR SCC and the CPSU Central Committee (b) adopted a resolution "On urgent measures to restore the economy in areas liberated from German occupation." In the fields of the region, there were still fights, and echelons with construction materials and equipment for plants and vehicles, agricultural equipment, equipment for utilities, hospitals, schools, clubs, and textbooks, homemade utensils, schools and clubs, and textbooks were already walked from the depths of the country. Circumcisive, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, Moscow, Kuibyshev, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, were provided to the recovery of destroyed farm and culture in the restoration of destroyed farm and culture, Kostroma regions. Smolyan under the leadership of the regional party organization showed tremendous efforts to revive the economy and culture. People lived in dugouts, basements, shacks, and in Smolensk, even in the niches of ancient fortress walls. In collective farms lack of cars, horses, seeds, labor. The fields were rumpers with the trenches, stuffed with mines, thickets with weeds and shrubs. But the working people overcame all difficulties. In the entire Smolenc region, the movement of workers for mastering construction professions was launched. According to the example of Stalingraders in Smolensk, Vyazma, Roslavl, and other cities and settlements organized volunteer building detachments. Smolyan was restored, repaired and built housing, cultural and household institutions, industrial premises, sowed the fields, removed the crop (see the restoration of the national economy of the region.). Workers paid special attention to the comprehensive support of the Soviet Army and the Navy. The recoverable local industry immediately included in the execution of urgent orders for the existing army. Smolyan was transferred to military units of the Western and Kalinin fronts millions of poods of grain, potatoes, vegetables, etc. products. Successfully passed both in the liberated areas and in the rear of the enemy, the subscription to the military loan, the tickets of the monetary lottery, the collection of funds for the construction of the Tank Column "Smolensk Partizan", Aviation Squadron "Smolensk".


In the entire centuries-old history of the city, there was no such century, whenever the Smolyan had to take on the weapon. They participated in many campaigns against the Polovtsy who attacked the southern lands of Russia. The author of the "Words about the regiment of Igor", calling the Russian princes to unity to unsubsion by enemy invasions, calls Smolensk Prince Davyd fearless, his squad - brave. Smolyan steadfastly fought with the Reli of the Golden Horde near the river Kalka, the rivers have risen at the walls of their city, heroically restrained the onslaught of Lithuanian feudalists, giving the opportunity to Moscow to gather forces and begin the unification of the Russian principalities. Three Smolensk regiments participated in the brutal Grunwald battle with the Knights of the Teutonic Order.

The most severe tests fell to the share of Smolensk during the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against fascist Germany. On distant and near approaches to the ancient city, on its streets and squares, on the entire neighboring land, two months threatened the largest battle of the initial period of war - Smolensk battle, destroyed by Hitler's plans "Blitzkrig". When the city was in the temporary occupation, the population remained in it continued to fight the enemy.

September 25, 1943 Smolensk was released. Ruins of buildings, mountainous brick mountains, charred trees and chimnery At the site of the former housing, the soldiers of the Red Army saw, joining the city. A new heroic feat was required to defend the destruction, revive life on the ashes and ruins. And this feat was perfect.

Today's Smolensk is one of the most beautiful cities in the country. In it, the gray-haired old man is adjacent to modern buildings, the revived buildings please the eye with their architectural appearance. The story here reminds itself by the earthwork defensive shaft, then the ancient temple, then the fortress tower ... Smolyan is proud of its heroic past, building a new life.


1. Belyaev I.N. Memory of fiery years. Smolensk 2000.

2. Ivanov Yu.G. Pages of the history of Smolensk region. Smolensk 2007-12-16

3. Rostersov A.N. Morally - patriotic education M.1990

4. Demin L.M. According to the laws of beauty. M.2000

5. Lutovinov V.I. On patriotic education of young people. 1994 №34.

The oldest history of Smolensk Land is known to us mainly according to not written sources, but archaeological excavations. About two and a half thousand years ago, the territory of the top flow of the Dnieper - the neighborhood did not arise then as yet Smolensk - it was inhabited mainly by the tribes of the eastern balt and a little resembled the current landscape. The endless forests stretched around, in which only the places of cultivated lands were engaged in places.
On the fields, local residents grown wheat, barley, millet, on the floodplain meadows grazed cattle. Robulls on which the Balti built their settlements, they supplied them all year round. In the spring, during spawning, the fish was hit by harpunas in small water bodies, in the summer used networks, ingenious wooden traps, closer to autumn practiced "Right" - Poly Fish at night, attracting it to the surface with light torches. In winter, drove the hole and pulled out fish by the battle. In the forests collected honey, nuts, mushrooms, berries, hunted. Food used sorrel, nettle, in hungry years - acorns.
The upper subseposition has long been the crossroads of the river paths, bonding the East Slavic south with the Northern and northeastern lands. Later later, the chronicler will write: "The Dnipro follows from the Okovsky forest and flows to the south, and Dvina from the same forest those emphasic, and goes to the north, and flows into the sea Varyazhskoye. From the same forest the Volga flows to the East and flows semi-ducts to the sea Hawva. " Balts were traded with the peoples of the Carpathians, the Caucasus (through Scythians), the Urals. Bought copper, bronze and bronze products. Iron melted and treated themselves, producing it from local marsh deposits.
Fearing the attacks of warrior neighbors, the Balts avoided settle on open places, preferring the high shores of small rivers and streams, covered from foreign explosions by forests. At the same time, not satisfied with natural obstacles, they surrounded their villages whole system Strengthening: shafts, Rips, hedges, and often more powerful wooden walls. In the first centuries, our era, such fortified settlements appeared on the territory of the current Smolensk.

The development of the Balt tribes went very slowly: they lived in the age of the century on the settlements founded by their great-grandchildren, the farm was led by the covenants of the ancestors. However, at the beginning of our era, such a leisurely existence was violated by the aliens from the south - standing at a somewhat higher level of development of the Slavic tribes. In archeology, they are known as Zarubinsky tribes, by the name of the Ukrainian village, where their settlement was found for the first time.
Zarubinitsa preferred to shave on the shores of large rivers, on comfortable places. They brought with them a completely different dwelling type: Long terrestrial dwellings of the Balts, in which large families consisting of several generations were replaced by square hedgeons, explicitly designed for one small family. Next to the houses, Zarubin residents arranged pits for storing products - grains, rootepodes, dried fish. These pits had a somewhat unusual, expanding the bottom in the bottom, thanks to which they received the name of the bell-haired. The settlements of Zarububtsev were much crowded than that of the Balt, and resembled later villages, near which extensive curved cemeteries were invariably.
With the arrival of Zarubtsev, part of the Balts left north, but many remained living in former places. About five centuries lasted a period of relatively peaceful coexistence of two crops on Smolensk region. The Balts adopted the ceramics modeling techniques and methods for processing metals, and the Bapti fashion for bronze jewelry, enveloped by enamel, spread among the Zarubets.

And in the second half of the 6th century, another wave of Slavic-colonizers comes to the territory of the Upper Podneprovye - Curvich tribes. Unlike Zarubtsev, Crivichi, apparently, were configured militant. It is with their appearance to scientists associate traces of numerous fires in the Balt asylum cities and the final assimilation of the Balt Slavs. After several centuries, the author of the "Tale of Bygone Years" Monk Nestor, who had a well-broken situation in the ethnographic situation in Kievan Rus, mentioned the first statements of many Slavic lands, but did not mention the Eastern Balts in any word - these tribes were so firmly forgotten.
Like the Balts, Curvic attracted a place on the left, the sublime bank of the Dnieper occupied by the current Smolensk. Next to the settlement of Curvichi, the Kurgan cemetery was arranged for the pagan Slavic tribes. Now this is the famous nesting burial ground, which scientists date the X century. But by the end of this century, under the influence of spreading Christianity, more and more Smolyan began to abandon cremation - an important part of the pagan funeral ritual. With the baptism of Smolensk in 1013, the nesting burial ground ceases to replenish.
The history of the city name is still not quite clear. One of one existing legends, the founder of Smolensk was a certain leader Smolich, who inhabited the city and called him his name. Others lead the name from the River Small, at a later time known as Egoryevsky stream, and even from Smoligov, the well located within the city. There is a more prosaic version: rich pine forests in the vicinity ancient City There were a rich source of resin, which traded locals.
It is known that Smolensk has not had his prince for a long time and managed by elders and events. For the same reason, there was no gentleman in him - the princely fortress, and urban fortifications covered the whole city, including the trade and handicraft part of it - Posad. For old Russian city It was not quite usually, and therefore, according to legend, the governors of the Novgorod Prince Rüric Askold and Dir, in 863, in 863, after his campaign at the Tsargrad (Konstantinople), passing by Smolensk, did not dare to attack him "in the city of Grad and many people ".
The next mention of Smolensk is associated with the name of Prince Oleg, who, heading from Novgorod to Kiev after the death of Rurik, subjugated Smolensk. One of the chronicle versions of this event says that he did not precipitate Smolensk, but spread the camp under the city with multi-colored tents. And when Smolyan's amazed with this magnificence came out of the city, asking what great king He came to them, Oleg made them the young prince Igor, whom Smolyan and recognized as his state truck. But, apparently, it was not possible for a long time in Smolensk, Oleg failed: the reference to the city is missing in the Oleg Treaty with the Greeks concluded after the brilliant campaign of the Russian prince at Constantinople in 907, although it lists all those recognizing the power of Oleg City. After 882, Smolensk disappears almost a half century and from the chronicles.
The final submission of Smolensk Kiev occurred at the end of the 15th century. In 990, Prince Vladimir Saint divided the entire territory of the state between 12 sons, one of which - Stanislav - went to Smolensk. With his sons, he sent the priests, "Commanded with his son, yes, everyone in its area commands to take into account and baptize people and put the churches." In 1054, after the death of Yaroslav Wise, the city entered the complex distribution system of the princely "tables" between the numerous descendants of this famous sovereign.
And in the XII century one old Russian state, like many other European countries, broke up into separate principalities, joining fragmentation. Each of the "lands", by adding from Kiev, acquired his own dynasty. Not exceptional and Smolensk. A large and rich city, he became a center for the size of the principality.

Located quite far to the west of steppe areas, Smolensk felt the heavy hand of the Golden Changs. During the devastating campaign of Mongol-Tatars on Russia in 1238, he turned out to be the only city, to take which nomads never succeeded, and only in 1274 Smolyan were forced to agree to pay tribute to the invaders. By this time, both the territory and the political importance of Smolensk were significantly reduced. And his western neighbor was played a considerable role in this - the Grand District Lithuanian.
Lithuanian tribes inhabited the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea from the turn of the HI Millenniums of our era. Once, during the time of Yaroslav Wise, they were the danutrics of Russia, and in the XII century, the Knight's Order came to the Baltic States. In the fight against knights and the Lithuanian state was selected, which was arranged for the middle of the XIII century. Western Russian lands became the natural object of expansion of the young state. More than once they attacked both Smolensk. For the first time, Lithuanian detachments appeared here in 1171: a few villages burned, captured that they could have disappeared. About half a century passed before they appeared on Smolensk again. Seven thousandths, who came to Russia in 1225, a little reminded the military of half a century ago. This time, to make them go, it was already required by the intervention of one of the most authoritative princes of Russia - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Pereyaslavsky, the father of Alexander Nevsky.
Over time, the Lithuanian principality has increasingly expanded at the expense of Russians, including Smolensk, lands. Already in the first half of the XIV century, this provision was recorded in the title of "Grand Prince Lithuanian, Zhmudsky and Russian." With the wearing the Lithuanian throne of the Orthodox Prince Olgere, the expansion of the East becomes the most important component of the state policy of Lithuania. By the end of the century, the supremacy of the Lithuanian Great Prince was already recognized as Kiev, Chernigov, Severskiy, Podolsk Principality. Smolensk remained a controversial city, while maintaining its independence and balancing on the collision of the interests of two rapidly growing young states - Lithuania and Moscow. Ultimately, Moscow, focused on holding in the sphere of its influence of Novgorod and Pskov, did not have enough strength to counteract Lithuania and in the West, especially since Lithuanian princes became increasingly popular in Western Russian lands.
The fact is that joining a strong western State, not subject to the Golden Horde, delivered not only from the Mongolian yoke, but also from endless gravestics and wars between Russian princes. There were no national cultural retail between Lithuanian and Russian lands. By the beginning of the XV century, when Lithuania was at the peak of his power, the Lithuanians themselves constituted only 1/12 of its population! The overwhelming part of the subjects of the Lithuanian Prince professed Orthodoxy, spoke in Russian. Russian truth has become the state law of Lithuania. In the future, the final merger of Lithuania and Russia seemed inevitable. And no wonder the Grand District Lithuanian until the unification with Poland was called the Lithuanian-Russian state in 1569.
The growth of the Politov Party in Smolensk was also facilitated by a more suspended policy of Lithuanian princes. Meanwhile, with Eastern neighbor in Smolensk, there were much more intense relationships. The struggle for the supremacy in the Russian lands together with the dependence on the Golden Horde forced the Moscow sovereign to hold a tough power policy towards competitors, which could not not cause opposition. As a result, the efforts of the Grand Duke Vitovt at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries, after a month and a half after the emergence of Lithuanian statehood and after the long-term struggle of the "Lithuanian" and "Moscow" parties inside Smolensk, the city entered Lithuania. The then Moscow Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich, married to the daughter of Vitovt, did not consider Moscow strong enough to resist the great principality of Lithuania. In the life of Smolensk region, a fundamentally new page opened.

Natalia Chernikov
Magazine "Favorite Russia", № 2 (3), 2006

Section 1. Surnames as a special kind of human naming: Section 2. The history of the names of Smolensk Territory in an ethnosocial aspect:

§ 1. Historical and geographical essay about Smolensk Territory (You are now on this page)

§ 3. The names of Smolensk Nobility:

3.3. Smolensk noble childbirth in the historical and cultural range:
Section 3. The names of modern Smolensk region:

§ 1. Surnames formed from rare forms of baptismal names:

§ 2. The surnames formed from non-residential names:

§ 7. Structural features of Smolensk surnames read
Section 4. Surnames with dialectage bases:
- letters a-in read
- letters Mr read
- letters Mr read
- letters Mr read

1. Emphasis in the names

2. Declination of the names

List of dictionaries and cuts
List of sources and abbreviations
Signpost Family read

Smolensk. Fortress Wall with a Tower of Vezelukha in 1912
Photographer: S. M. Prokudin-Gorsky

The history of the formation and development of the names of Smolensk Territory can objectively imagine only against the background of the history of the development of this territory.

The history of Smolensk region, according to scientists, includes several periods: 1) from ancient times to 1404, i.e. of the time when Lithuanian Prince Vitovt conquered Smolensk, 2) Lithuanian - from 1404 to 1514, the time of liberation of Smolensk land and entering them into the Moscow state, 3) Moscow - from 1514 to 1611, the year of the seizure of the edge by Poles, 4) Polish - from 1611 to 1654 (and separate territories - to 1686), 5) Great Russian - until 1812, when the entire Smolensk region was covered by the Patriotic War, ruined and devastated (Bugoslavsky, 1914, p.1). Periodization can be continued: 1) The period from 1812 to 1861, the year of the abolition of serfdom, 2) pre-revolutionary (from 1861 to 1917), 3) post-revolutionary (from 1917 to the present).

Immediately, we point out that the difficult historical destinies of the region (it is well known that Smolensk is a "key-city", "Forppost of Moscow", on his coat of arms - Phoenix bird, more than 20 times reviving the city from the ash) found a direct reflection as in the geography of Smolensk region, so and in the history of Smolensk loving and the Smolensk family system.

It is interesting to note that during his heyday - XII century - the Smolensk principality in its territory halved exceeded the territory of the modern Smolensk region, included part of Mogilev, Vitebsk, Moscow, Kaluga, Bryansk, Pskov, Oryol and Tver lands. But by the beginning of the XV century, the principality lost its former power, it was noticeably narrowing his territory and was conquered by Lithuania. In the XV century, a new elevation of Smolensk region begins in the Lithuanian state: Vyazemsky, Doroguzhny, Beliek, Gzhatskiy, Velikolukovsky and some other territories are reappeared. However, since the second half of the century, the Russians retain one after the other lost regions, the integrity of the Smolensk region is again violated, and by 1514, when the Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich finally joined the Smolensk Principality to Moscow, it had about the same land in its composition that And at the beginning of the century.

The XVI century - the period of entry of the Smolensk region into the Moscow state was a century of strengthening boundaries, expanding the territory of Smolensk region. So, from 1596, a genuine document was preserved - "The case of the building of the fortress wall", which allows not only to fully imagine all the stages of the construction of this unique structure, the "All Rus Necklaces of Great", but also to determine the territorial borders: in the case preserved A document containing painting villages of Smolensk region.

Gravy "Siege Smolensk in 1609-1611"

However, S. early XVII The century Smolensk land again exposed invasion - this time Polish. It is in this "Polish" period, the most close connections of Smolyan with Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles. The entire territory of the region became part of the Commonwealth.

After the new accession of Smolensk region to Moscow Rus in the eternal world of 1686, Smolensk land received territorial integrity and certain boundaries for some time. First, Peter I, and then Catherine II tried to strengthen and legitimize the borders of the province, which was preserved up to the 1917 revolution. The composition of Smolensk region included ancient lands, such as Belsky, Vyazemsky, Gzhatsky, Dorogunovsky, Okrug, Yelninsky, Krasninsky, Porechvsky, Roslavl, Smolensky, Sychevsky, Yukhnovsky district.

We do not aim in detail, by year, to point into accession or yield from the composition of Smolensk region of some small specific territories: we only give a particular example.

The District Center is red, who was still a great city with Rostislav from 1155, then he became a place, a working village, and now is the village of urban type, more than once switched from hand to hand. His name changed - red - red - red.

Separate territorial changes in the region took place throughout the XIX century until the mid-30s of the twentieth century: some areas were part of the Smolensk region, then they came out of it, the border with neighboring Belarus, Russian regions (Tver, Kaluga, Pskov, Bryansky changed ). In the 30s of the twentieth century, the process of "cutting and sewing" of the territory, the rationale that was, as they said, "the adaptation of old administrative-territorial units to new economic and political needs", separated from the Smolensk region some Icestari Smolensk and important regions (Belsky and Yukhnovsky).

As you can see, the history of the Smolensk Territory is complex and contradictory. Not once and not two Smolensk lands passed from hand to hand, falling into a circulation of military and political events, changing borders, an administrative designation.

How does the history of the region and its geographical situation affect the development of the family sinking system?

Even in the era of the existence of the Smolensky Principality developed trade relations With the Baltic States, German lands (we will point out the leaders of the XII-XIV centuries to well-known historians and linguists). The study of anthroponymy of that period indicates a rather broad interaction of the anthroponymic vocabulary of the Smolensk Territory and the marked territories.

The Lithuanian period in the history of Smolencins is estimated by the researchers ambiguously, but in the language relations immediately note that the XV century did not seriously affected Smolensk proveants of the past. Although it is impossible not to say that such a long entry of the Smolensk region, together with other Western Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian lands, the composition of one state, naturally, should have an impact on the naming of Smolyan. In our opinion, first of all it is due to the migration of the population of Lithuanian-Russian territories. In addition, according to A.I. Sobolevsky, "Smolensk was an intermediary between Russia and the rest of Europe, in Smolensk and then the European Education and Culture was poured into Russia (1909, p. 109).

But the Polish period very seriously affected the fate of Smolensk Territory. The terrible picture was represented by Smolensk - the center of the region - after it captures the Poles. The city was empty and was his destroyed unoccupied space, fenced by the wall (Pisarev, 1898, p. 46). This space began to rejuvenate and settled with new people, leaving Lithuania and Poland. A new estate was formed - the landowners. The Russian language was abolished from the office work, all documents were compiled in Polish or in Latin. Thus, the finding of the Smolensk region as part of the Polish-Lithuanian state, in the opinion of the historians of the language, serious influence both on the fate of the Smolensky dialect of the pore and the naming of the inhabitants of the region.

After the final accession of Smolensk to Moscow in 1654, the edge reorganization began. Migrants from different Russian regions were hung with a wide stream. There were many Moscow seruners, attijah, scribes. The policy of assimilation of a special noble privileged class - Smolensk gentry - with visitors.

Until 1812, the coupling of the Smolensk Territory with the Baltic States, Polish and German lands are still active, trade is developing, as the boundaries have become safe. In 1708, Smolensk Voivodeship was transformed into the province, and since 1719, the province was made by the Riga province with 5 major counties by the number of major cities. At this time is observed big number mixed marriage, which is undoubtedly reflected like on ethnic composition The edges and on his anthroponymy. In 1775, the Smolensk province with 12 counties is reiterated, but trade decreases, the significance of the region falls, the migration of the population decreases markedly, which leads to a certain stabilization of the born of residents.

Here we will restrict ourselves to the relatively detailed characteristics of individual historically complex periods In the fate of the Smolensk Territory, which made certain, sometimes quite serious changes in the development of the anthroponymic system of the region. Although we immediately point out that the subsequent epochs had their own characteristics: as already noted, until the 30s of the twentieth century, there was no complete completion in the formation of the territorial boundaries of the Smolenc region, serious extralyinguistic factors were October Revolution 1917, the Great Patriotic War and some other events. The limitations in the description are primarily associated with the amount of work, as well as in the fact that by the beginning of the XIX century, the hull of the names of the Smolensk region was mainly formed - this is the main component of the three-mended formula of the naming of the Russian person. But, of course, all historical factors affecting the development of the surname system of the Smolensk Territory in the period after 1812, we are taken into account.

Currently, the territory of the Smolensk region includes 25 districts: Velizky, Vyazemsky, Gagarinsky, Glinkovsky, Demidovsky, Dorogoguzhsky, Okrugovsky, Yelninsky, Ershich, Kardimovsky, Krasninsky, Monastichensky, Novo-Doginsky, Pozyinkovsky, Roslavl, Rudnyansky, Safonovsky, Smolensky, Sychevsky, Temkinsky, Ugransky, Hislavich, Hill-Zhirkovsky, Shumyachsky, Yartsevsky.

Rights Smolenshchina with the Bryansk, Kaluga Moscow, Pskov, Tver regions of Russia, Vitebsk and Mogilev regions of Belarus.

Especially it should be said about the former Belsky county, which is currently included as an area in the Tver region. In the history of the region, this territory, original Smolenskaya, repeatedly changed its administrative activity. Not exception is the last time when Belyan raised the issue of transition to the Smolensk region (1992), which is not yet resolved, but a positive result is also possible.

Smolensk is one of the oldest Russian cities. The history of the city originates from the first dated mention in the annals in 863. In the history of the Russian state, Smolensk always played an important strategic role, so Russian state trucks took care of its strengthening. Being in ancient times the center of the principality, Smolensk later repeatedly entered the Grand Principality of the Lithuanian, Moscow Principality, Commonwealth. In Russia, Smolensk land entered in 1654. Smolensk call the "key city".

Smolensk eclectic

At various times, it was held through it to Moscow from the west of the Horde of the conquerors, and then, broken, returned the ravis. Some conquerors were delayed for a long time in Smolensk, introducing elements of their western culture. Smolensk absorbed, it seems, only the best, remaining at the same time. There is a Polish church, German Kirch, in the city center there are French cannons. Numerous monuments glorify defenders with such names as Barclay de Tolly and Bagration. Even inner decoration Assumption Cathedral Wears clearly pronounced eclectic traits, strangely connecting elements of Orthodoxy and Catholicism in itself. It is in Smolensk the West merges with the East.

The second millennium is unshakably worth Smolensk on the steep Pridneprov hills, at the crossroads of many roads, honestly and courageously taking on all that the story took him. In the entire centuries-old history of the city, there was no such century, whenever the Smolyan had to take on the weapon. Today, Smolensk, in its harsh beauty of the city-warrior, as a living witness of the experienced tests. He repeatedly buried the duck and was empty, standing on the path of ingenic invasions, rushing to Moscow and Russia. The ancient fortress walls of Smolensk and to this day stored the memory of the great events of history.

Smolensk fortress wall - then and now

Travelers who have seen Smolensk in the second half of the XVI century, noted that the fortress defended the city was built of oak and protected by deep Ravs. In 1593, one of the foreigners who visited Smolensk, called him the "most famous border city" and noted that his fortress was "very high, only the whole wooden." At the end of the XVI century, the question arose about the replacement of the old urban fortress from the tree and the land on the stone. Why did such a need arose? The fact is that by this time they learned to cast guns, which could easily destroy the walls of wood and clay. The royal decree and under the control of Boris Godunov decided to build a stone fortress.

The wall was erected under the leadership of the outstanding Russian architect Fedor Savelich Kony. There was a wide mobilization of all masters of bricklayers, bricks and even potters who were poured into Smolensk with a wide stream. Some monasteries were attracted to the works; They not only gave people to Smolensk and the veil, but also delivered stone, barrels with lime and other building materials. They were brought from everywhere where they only had. Equal construction country at the end of the XVI century did not know. The fortress became the largest and volume of the work carried out, and by the number of busy labor. The city was turned into a gigantic, unprecedented construction site, on which the huge masses of "Black Luda" worked, collected from all cities of the state. She had six years to build a fortress wall that had become proud of Russia. In 1602, the construction of the fortress was completed. So, at the price of many human lives in a short time around Smolensk, an impregnable fortress was erected at the site of ancient fortifications.

September 13, 1609, seven years after the end of the construction of the fortress, the Polish king of Sigismund III with a huge army approached Smolensk and besieged him. Defenders of the city, all his population of more than twenty months selflessly held back on the Natisk of the well-armed army. In the summer of 1708, the troops of the Swedish king Kola Karl XII approached the southern borders of the Smolensk Land, it was precisely through Smolensk, he threatened to go to Moscow. But Peter I arrived in the city, the most energetic measures were taken to repair the fortress and meeting the enemy on distant approaches. Introducing well-equipped fortifications, the victims of a major defeat under the forest, Karl XII realized that it was impossible to break through Smolensk, his troops turned to the south, to Ukraine, where in 1709 the famous Poltava battle occurred.

Smolensk in the Patriotic War of 1812

The ancient city added his delicate merit in the Patriotic War of 1812. Without any declaration of war, on June 12, 1812, Napoleon moved the River Neman, our border, and the Patriotic War began. Napoleon led with a 600-thousand army with almost 20 nations of Europe. Our troops numbered only 250 thousand people and were divided into three armies who were far from each other. The two Western armies began to retreat before Napoleon's troops to connect to Vitebsk.

But when Napoleon was ahead of the second Russian army, it was decided to connect under Smolensky. In the summer of 1812, the Russian armies - Barclay de Tolia and Bagration and Bagratione "came together" in Smolensk Earth. It destroyed the strategic idea of \u200b\u200bNapoleon to break them apart. French soldiers, by all means, wanted to enter the city on the birthday of the emperor - August 4. And now the walls of the Smolensk Fortress 4-5 August 1812 occurred a fierce battle. The city was mowed by hundreds of nuclei and a grenade of 250 guns and thousands of bullets. The French almost mastered the milk gates, but the help arrived, and the Russians, ran out for the wall, kicked the French from the fortress RVA. The attacks were also repulsed in other places. Many citizens took part in the battle, feeding the soldiers of the nucleus and carrying the wounded to the city. Women, without fear of nuclei, brought water with tired soldiers. The French rushed at the storm in the city again and again, but every time without success. Then Napoleon ordered to light the city by bombs, and Smolensk died on fire. On the morning of August 6, the French were not without fear entered the empty Smolensk. Napoleon drove into Nikolsky gates. After 4 days, Napoleon's troops went to Moscow.

But our armies have already connected and retreated together. On the Borodino field, the Russian troops inspired by the presence in their ranks of the garment icon God's MotherWhich before the battle was worn around the camps, reflected the attacks of the French, and Napoleon understood the strength of the Russian spirit. After 2 months, after the capture of Smolensk, Napoleon with his hungry army fled back and on October 28, he entered the Dnieper Gate to Smolensk on foot, on an icy road, without any solemnity. Smolensk was still empty. Cold and hunger and expect the remains of the French army here. The wake-up conqueror ordered the walls of the fateful walls for him and left him to run on. The nine towers of Smolenski took off into the air, and from under the rest of the phytili were taken out by the Russian huntsmen.

Smolensk during the Great Patriotic War

The most difficult tests fell to Smolensk during the Great Patriotic War. Of all the strategic directions on which fascist troops, the most important was Smolensk. On the night of July 29, 1941, Smolensk was subjected to bombardment. On distant and near approaches to the city, on its streets and squares, the largest battle of Smolensk battle thundered throughout the neighboring land. In mid-September, the first year of war german troops occupied Smolenc region. When the city was in the temporary occupation, the population remained in it continued to fight the enemy.

In two years, September 25, 1943 In Smolensk over the building of the central hotel, the fighters of the Soviet army was omnuned to the Red Flag. And only a few weeks later, during the operation under the code name "Suvorov", the entire Smolensk region was released from the oppression of the fascists. Ruins of buildings, mountains crushed bricks, charred trees, brick pipes on the site of the former houses saw the warriors of the Red Army, joining the city. It is believed that for the period of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. During the fascist occupation, two towers of the Smolensk Fortress were blown up. A new heroic feat was required to defend the destruction, revive life on the ashes and ruins. And this feat was perfect.

After passing through the harsh tests, Smolensk retained his unique appearance. The ancient temples and fortress towers, majestic monuments and modest obeliski are like milestones in his historical fate, inextricably connected with the fate of our Motherland. Having survived the invasion of the enemy, the lights of fiction and destruction, Smolensk found the glory of the city of the guardian of the Russian state, became a symbol of Russian durability and patriotism.

Welcome to our city-hero Smolensk!

The history of Smolensk is of interest not only for residents and guests of this city. It is marked by many events that have all-Russian importance. The diamond capital spread on 7 hills ... When they talk about Smolensk, they talk about the history of all Russia, since it was here that fates and ways of our Fatherland were often crossed.

Before starting a story about the history of the city, let's say a few words about where Smolensk is. It is located north-west of Moscow, 378 km from it, in the upper course of the Dnieper. About 330 thousand people live on its territory. The Smolensk region marked on the map.

Curious features of the city of Smolensk

Smolensk is one of he is the peer of Novgorod and Kiev, older than Moscow. The history of Smolensk began in 863, when this city was erected on the way "from Varyag in the Greeks". She reminds of themselves by the ancient temple, then a defensive earth shaft, the fortress tower. These monuments and structures witnessed the emergence and development of Smolensk, and with him and all of Russia. It is the Smolensk region that is home to Gagarin, Azimov, Glinka, Przhevalsky, Twardovsky and other people who are known outside our state.

Very beautiful today center Smolensk. This city was able to combine the spirit of antiquities and a bright dynamic atmosphere of modernity. He lives today saturated youth life. There are fashionable nightclubs, many universities and cinemas. In exotic tea, cozy coffee houses and noisy bars, on the squares covered with the Sun, the rhythm of the city, its ripple and breathing are felt in green parks and shady corners.

Speaking of Smolensk and the Smolensk region, it is impossible not to note the nature of nature reserves and parks, the beauty of the mirror stroit of lakes and green forests. Nature lovers will be able to breathe forest air, to visit the untouched corners of nature, which can be found in Smolensk Posaire - National Park.

By changing over time, this city was still able to maintain provincial charm, ancient traditions and a unique culture. The atmosphere of the identity of Smolensk gives the eclectic to youth life, driving the key, and old customs.

The emergence of Smolensk, the first story pages

This city originated in the upper reaches of the Dnieper as the center of the tribe of Slavic-Crivic. The history of Smolensk begins with the first mention of him in the Ustyuzhsky chronicle, which dates back to 863. In a story about how the squilder and Dira squold went hiking to Tsar-Grad, it was said that the city of Smolensk at the time was "Grad great and many people." In 882, she took by Prince Oleg of this settlement, which is mentioned in the first Novgorod chronicle. The history of Smolensk was noted by the fact that he was in the end of the IX century to enter the Kiev Rus, but he was managed by the veche for a long time after that. In the notes of Konstantin Bagryanorovnoe (Byzantine Emperor), belonging to the middle of the X century, this city is called, along with Kiev, a fortress.

Smolensk in the XI-XII centuries

After Yaroslav Wise died in 1054, for some time the younger sons were contacted in Smolensk: at first Vyacheslav, and after him - Igor.

The city of interest to us at the end of the XI century becomes the specific city of Vladimir Monomakh, who received him in addition to re-paint the southern, his old Votchin. The Smolensk Principality achieved political independence at Rostislav Mstislavovic, the grandson of Monomakh. Rostislav in 1134 will acquaint Smolensk Posad Strengthening. At that time, this city was already very large. It began to be intensive stone construction, continued and with the sons of Rostislav Mstislavovich - Roman, with a slight break of the shorten from 1160 to 1180, and David (from 1180 to 1197). In Smolensk, by the end of the XII century, an independent architectural school appears.

At favorable points of relief, along the Dnieper, large city and monastic cathedrals, possess and princely churches, as well as the bishop temples were located. This created a picturesque panorama of Smolensk, who produced on trading people who came from abroad, an indelible impression.

Intellectual life of the city

Writing and culture at the time reached a high level. During the temples, workshops were created, in which books were rewritten, as well as schools with Latin and Greek learning. Such great enlighteners were immigrants from Smolensk Earth, as Clement Smolyatich, a scribe and a philosopher, elected by Kiev Metropolitan in 1147, and Rev. Abraham Smolensky, "Gifts of shepherds" and "the scholarship" of which were marked by various contemporaries.

Development of crafts and trade, the invasion of Batya

Crafts and trade developed. In 1229, a contract with Gotland, Riga and North-German cities were concluded. This contract is known as the "Smolensk trading truth". By defeating the Batya detachment in 1239, the Smolyan was escaped to the Tatar-Mongolian ruin, although they subsequently had to pay the Golden Horde tribute. Nomads in 1339 tried to capture this unknown city again, however, having seen powerful strengthening on the spot where Smolensk is, retreated.

Smolensk in the Lithuanian Principality

This city from the XIV century experienced pressure on the part in 1404 treacherously captured Smolensk after a two-month siege. In 1410, Smolyan, being already in the composition Lithuanian PrincessParticipated in the Grunwald battle. The main strike of the Teutons took on three Smolensk regiments who were in the center of the army slavic peoples. They stood to death, deciding, in fact, the outcome of this battle.

Liberation Smolensk, city development in the XVI century

For Prince Vasily III. In 1514, Smolensk was released. He became part of the Moscow state. With Ivan Grozny in the middle of the XVI century, a new oak fortress is being built in it. Posad for Dnipro is significantly expanding, two new settlements appear in the left bank - Churilovskaya and Rachevskaya. A foreigner John Kobenzel, who in 1575 visited the city, compared his magnitude with Rome. Polish-Lithuanian detachments, having lost the fortress, strategically important for them, have repeatedly made attempts to seize the city. The decision to strengthen the outpost of the Western line of the country was taken at the end of the XVI century. In Smolensk in 1596-1602, a powerful fortress wall was erected.

The invasion of Polyakov

The city is withstanding in 1609-1611 by a twenty-month siege, which he subjected to the Army of the Polish king. In one nameless letter, which called on to fight the interventory, it was said that if in the Russian state there were at least a few such "taking cities", then the enemies would be no promotion to enter Russian land. Dramed Smolensk in June 1611 fell. Only after 43 years later, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, he was freed from the Poles and he entered the Russian state.

Northern War in the history of the city

Smolensk during the Northern War again turned out to be on the path of conquerors. Peter I came repeatedly here, in case of invasion of the Swedes, strengthened the city. This sovereign in October 1708, the city troops solemnly met Russian troops, who defeated the village of Forest to the rescue of Karl XII, the Swedish corps under the leadership of General Levenga Paul.

New status

The city of interest to us in 1708 receives a new status - the status of the provincial city. The vintage coat of arms Smolensk, which shows the gun and the paradise bird sitting on it, is approved in 1780. At the bottom of the silver tape today the motto was written: "placed the fortress." Modern coat of arms Smolensk is presented below.

In Smolensk K. end of XVIII There are 11,579 inhabitants.

Historical reunion of two armies near Smolensk

In the history of Smolensk, the heroic page fitted 1812. The 1st and 2nd Russian army, which resulted from Western borders after the invasion of Napoleon, were connected under Smolensk. The French here met from Russian fierce resistance: on the fortress walls and bastions, the attacks of the enemy courageously reflected Russian soldiers. The connection of the Army of Bagration and Barclay de Tolly under Smolensk disbelled alone to defeat them. In many ways, it was this that determined the outcome of the Borodino battle (Commander-in-Chief - Kutuzov).

Smolensk Battle: Details

French soldiers wanted by all means on the birthday of their emperor (August 4) to enter this city. And on August 4-5, a battle occurred near Smolensky. Hundreds of grenades and nuclei, thousands of bullets were mowed the city. The French almost mastered the mowhek gates. However, the help arrived on time and ran out for the wall, the Russians were kicked out of the fastener RVA French. Also in other places, the heroes of Smolensk beat the attack. Participation in the battle took many townspeople, carrying into the city of the wounded and feeding the nucleus to soldiers. Not afraid of cores, women brought water buckets with tired soldiers. For a long time, Smolensk defense continued. The French again and again rushed to the storm in the city, but always unsuccessfully. Then the emperor Napoleon ordered to light his bombs, and the city was dragged on fire.

On August 6, the French were not afraid of the French in the empty Smolensk. Napoleon drove into Napoleon. Emperor's troops after 4 days went to Moscow. However, the army of Russians have already connected and together retreated. Russian troops on the inspired by the presence of the proprietary icon of the Mother of God in their ranks (she was worn around the camps before the battle), reflected the attacks of the French. Bonaparte understood the strength of the Russian spirit then.

Return of Napoleon

Napoleon 2 months after the capture of Smolensk fled back with his hungry army. He entered on foot to Smolensk on October 28 through the Dnepropetrovsk gate without any solemnity, in the icing road. Still the city was empty. Hunger and cold and here met the remnants of his army. Napoleon, having risen by this, ordered to blow the walls of the city, the fateful for him, and left him in order to run on. 9 Smolensk towers took off on the air. From under the rest of the orders, Russian huntsmen managed to remove the phytili.

Smolensk at the beginning of the XX century

Smolensk at the beginning of the 20th century was a provincial wooden city. Only 283 of the 2698 buildings were stone. In this city, according to the 1881 census, 33.9 thousand people lived. 40 temples and monasteries operated in Smolensk. On the night of October 31, 1917, the pre-revolutionary history of this city was completed. The new her page began - Soviet Smolensk. It was then that local Bolsheviks announced the establishment of Soviet power in this city. Destroy, and then restoration of the farm, monstrous stalinist repressions, years of fascist occupation.

Great Patriotic War in the history of the city

Smolensk in June 1941 was on the path of the main strike german armies. Stubborn battles for this city last two weeks. The long defense of Smolensk led to the plan for the lightning seizure of the capital was ripped. Here, German troops for the first time during World War II were forced to go to defense.

In 1943, September 25, a battle occurred near Smolensky, as a result of which this city was released. The war brought innumerable suffering on this land. Military Smolensk suffered a big loss. Almost to the very foundation, the enemy destroyed the city. Only 13 thousand people waited for their liberators of 157 thousand residents who lived here in pre-war time.


Smolensk, passing through all the harsh tests that have fallen into his share, retained a unique appearance. Fortress walls and the ancient temples, modest obeliski and majestic monuments are like milestones in his fate, closely related to the fate of our country. Smolensk, having survived the lights of the fires, the invasion of the enemy, destruction, gained the glory of the guardian of the state of the Russian state, became a symbol of Russian patriotism and durability. It is not in vain called the city key.

Historical Museums Smolensk

Today with the history of the city you may be introduced to the museums. This is a historic museum, the Smolensk - Shield of Russia (in the photo below), "Smolenshchina during the years of 1941-1945". Each of them is interesting in its own way. The historical museum will tell you about the past of this city from prehistoric times until the 20th century. "Smolensk - the Shield of Russia" is located in the Thunder Tower, which is part of the Smolensk fortress wall.

Visiting this place, you can see with my own eyes unique interior towers, climb on its steep narrow stairs, from the inside to admire the wooden tent, and also learn about the wars that took place here in XVI-XVII centuries And about the construction of a fortress wall.

"Smolenshchina during the Second World War" is a museum located in a building belonging to the previously urban national school, built in 1912. The construction of this building was dedicated to the Town Anniversary of Victory over Napoleon. On May 8, 2015, the museum was opened after reconstruction.

By visiting these museums Smolensk, you will touch the history of the city, learn a lot of new and interesting about him.

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