Wars waged by Peter 1. Battle of Poltava: how Peter I defeated Charles XII

Landscaping and layout 22.09.2019
Landscaping and layout

The Northern War, which broke out in the 18th century between Russia and Sweden, became a significant event for the Russian state. Why Peter 1 started the war with the Swedes and how it ended - more on that later.

Russian state under Peter 1

To understand the reasons for the Northern War, you need to know what Russia was like at the beginning of the conflict. The 18th century is a time of tremendous changes in the economy, culture, politics and social relations. Peter the Great is known as a reformer tsar. He inherited a huge country with an underdeveloped economy and an outdated army. Russian state lagged far behind in development from European countries. In addition, it was weakened by the long wars with the Ottoman Empire, which were fought for domination in the Black Sea.

Considering the question of why Peter 1 started the war with the Swedes, one must understand that there were the most compelling reasons for this. The Northern War was fought for access to the Baltic coast, which was vital for Russia. Without trade relations With Western countries she could not develop her economy. The only port at that time through which Russian goods were delivered to the West was Arkhangelsk. The sea route through was difficult, dangerous and irregular. In addition, Peter 1 understood the need for the urgent development of his fleet in the Baltic and the Black Sea. Without this, it was impossible to create a strong state.

That is why the war with the Swedes under Peter 1 was inevitable. The previous rulers of Russia saw the main enemy in Ottoman Empire, which constantly carried out attacks on the Russian border territories. Only such a far-sighted politician like Peter the Great understood that it was more important for the country now to be able to trade with Europe by means of and the struggle for the Black Sea coast could wait for now.

Charles XII

The northern country during this period was ruled by such a young and extraordinary monarch as Peter 1. Charles XII was considered a military genius, and his army was invincible. The country under him was considered the strongest in the Baltic region. By the way, his name is Karl in Russia, and in Sweden the king was known as Charles XII.

He began to rule, like Peter, at a young age. He was 15 years old when his father died, and Charles succeeded to the throne. Possessing a hot-tempered character, the king did not tolerate any advice and decided everything himself. At the age of 18 he made his first military expedition. Announcing at the court that he was leaving for fun in one of his castles, in fact, the young ruler with a small army went by sea to Denmark. With a quick march, finding himself under the walls of Copenhagen, Charles forced Denmark to withdraw from the alliance with Russia, Poland and Saxony. Almost 18 years after that, the king spent outside his native country, participating in various military campaigns. Their goal was to make Sweden the strongest state in Northern Europe.

Peter 1 and the Swedes: the reasons for the military conflict

Russia and Sweden were adversaries long before the birth of the reformer tsar. The Baltic coast, which was of no small geopolitical importance, has always been of great interest to many countries. Poland, Sweden and Russia have been trying for many centuries to increase their influence in the Baltic region. Since the 12th century, the Swedes have repeatedly attacked northern Russia, trying to capture Ladoga, the coast of the Gulf of Finland and Karelia. By the beginning of the 18th century, the Baltic countries were completely subordinated to Sweden. August II, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, Frederick IV, Ruler of Denmark and Peter the Great formed a coalition against Sweden. Their hopes for victory were based on the youth of Charles XII. In case of victory, Russia received the long-awaited access to the Baltic coast and the opportunity to have a fleet. It was main reason why Peter 1 started a war with the Swedes. As for the rest of the members of the alliance against Sweden, they sought to weaken the northern enemy and strengthen their presence in the Baltic region.

Great: The Northern War with Sweden proved the talent of the Russian Tsar

The union between the three countries (Russia, Denmark and Poland) was concluded in 1699. August II was the first to oppose Sweden. The siege of Riga began in 1700. In the same year, the Danish army launched an invasion of Holstein territory, which was an ally of Sweden. Then Charles XII made a bold march to Denmark and forced her to withdraw from the war. Then he sent troops to Riga, and not daring to join the battle, he withdrew his troops.

Russia was the last to enter the war with Sweden. Why did Peter 1 start the war with the Swedes not at the same time as the allies? The fact is that the Russian state at that time was at war with the Ottoman Empire, and the country could not participate in two military conflicts at once.

The very next day after the conclusion of a peace treaty with Turkey, Russia entered the war with Sweden. Peter 1 began his march to Narva, the nearest Swedish fortress. The battle was lost, despite the fact that the troops of Charles XII were far outnumbered by the poorly trained and insufficiently armed Russian army.

The defeat at Narva led to a rapid transformation of the Russian armed forces. In just a year, Peter the Great was able to completely transform the army, equipped with new weapons and artillery. Since 1701, Russia begins to gain victories over the Swedes: Poltava at sea. In 1721 Sweden signed a peace treaty with Russia.

Results of the Northern War

After the conclusion of the Nystadt Peace Treaty, Russia firmly established itself in the Baltic region and Courland.

(November 1699).

Peter's allies soon began military action against the Swedes. But success

did not accompany them. August II, King of Poland and Elector of Saxon, sent

an army led by Fleming to Riga. But, having received from its inhabitants one and a half

million thalers, lifted the siege and withdrew his regiments from the city. Deal with Denmark

the situation was even worse: a young Swedish king, a bully and a swordsman, landed on

its territory with a fifteen thousandth corps, and Copenhagen was under

years), his country withdrew from the Northern Union. Peter stayed with August II,

an ally weak, insidious, prone to betrayal.

But here, too, Peter does not give up in powerlessness. Continues to work towards

fight with Charles XII for access to the Baltic.

Prepare everything you need to fight the first-class Swedish army

it was not so easy. According to the plan developed by Peter and his advisers,

the Russian army was to head for Narva and Noteburg (ancient Russian

Oreshek) - Swedish fortresses on the Narova and Neva rivers. With intelligence

the transfiguration officer Vasily Korchmin was sent to both fortresses,

who, having received an engineering education abroad, owned a science

fortifications. On March 2, 1700, Peter wrote to F.A. Golovin, what is needed

send Korchmin first to Narva, ostensibly to buy Swedish guns for

Russian needs, and then to Noteburg:

"Also, if it is possible for him to find business there, so that he can visit Oreshka.

if it is impossible to enter it, although near it. And the place is very necessary: ​​a channel from

Lake Ladoga (look at the maps). And the fellow seems clever and a secret

that Korchmin is learned. "

The training of recruits proceeded at a rapid pace. A new one was born before our eyes

army. Experts gave her the highest mark. Heine, the Danish ambassador, even

admired the soldiers' skills:

The new shelves are wonderful. They are equally good at training and at the parade.

He also called the Russian artillery "exemplary", the infantry - "perfect",

"highly disciplined". Peter, obviously, has heard similar reviews more than once and

was satisfied. He was impatiently awaiting news from Constantinople about the results

negotiations with Turkey in order to move troops to the Swedes as soon as possible, to join

to allies:

I am a person whose word you can rely on. I will not resort to

verbosity; but my allies will see in practice how I fulfill my obligations and

I will do more than I am obliged to.

receives the long-awaited news - an agreement with Turkey has been concluded. Untied my hands

in the south, the next day Russia declares war on Sweden "for many

(Swedish. - In B.) untruths ", including - for a grave insult,

inflicted in 1697 by the Swedes during the stay of the "great embassy" in

Riga "to the very person of the tsarist majesty", although officially, formally Russian

the tsar was absent from the embassy; there was, however, a certain sergeant Pyotr Mikhailov,

but - who then in Riga knew about it? Yes, even if they had guessed, then after all, Peter

vigilantly monitored the observance of his incognito, did not tolerate its violations,

especially at the beginning of the mission.

This motivation is a tribute to old Moscow diplomacy with its grievances over

about real and imaginary insults against the Moscow autocrat,

the "bailout" of his honor and thus of Russia. Diplomats of other countries at that time

were also picky about such things.

On August 22, the Russian army set out on a campaign. North

the war has begun. The sarcastic Klyuchevsky sneers at Peter in connection with

the results of the southern enterprise: the tsar "found himself in an awkward position" - the fleet,

built with such torment and costs, "was left to rot in the Azov

harbors "; it was not possible to gain a foothold in the Crimea; the channel between the Volga and the Don, which

they began to dig on the orders of Peter, abandoned; everything else concerning the "eastern

issue "(security from Crimean raids, expectations of Balkan Christians),

also put it aside; Peter turned sharply from south to north; "new

the European conjuncture threw him like a toy ball from the mouth of the Don to

Narova and Neva, where he had nothing prepared; he himself, so much

preparing for the Black Sea sailors, with all their Pereyaslavl,

White Sea, Dutch and English navigation knowledge is forced

was for many years waging a land war in order to break through to a new, alien

The historian has greatly exaggerated the colors. He does not show sympathy either.

feverish measures and throwing of the king, does not fully appreciate their significance.

But still, there is a lot of truth in his reasoning. Peter himself pretty soon

will sober up from his hopes of that spring-summer time of 1700, when he almost

as a youth he was eager to fight, dreamed of quick and bright victories. As it turned out,

Narva is neither Azov nor Kazykermen. But at that time he did not know any of this

and, full of ideas, he hurried to breathe deeply the salty air

Baltic ...

The beginning of the war with Sweden was unsuccessful not only for the allies

Russia, but also for itself. On November 19, 1700, the army of Peter,

cobbled together from the old rifle regiments and the noble militia, as well as from

poorly trained recruits, was defeated by the army of Charles XII,

then considered one of the best in Europe. Only guardsmen and Lefortovo men

showed themselves from the best side, repelling many attacks of the enemy. But they

one could not, of course, save the situation. Besides the sad role

played the trust of Peter in the commanders of the foreigners. It ended up being

the capitulated Russian army, having lost up to six thousand soldiers, left

the western bank of the Narva River and crossed to its eastern side, leaving the Swedes

one hundred thirty-five guns.

The victory at Narva over the tsar "barbarian" was triumphed not only in

Sweden, but almost all over Europe.

Russian representatives at European courts soon received

dispatches with reports of contempt and ridicule of the rulers and nobles there

to the address of the Russian army, the tsar himself. A.A. Matveev, for example, wrote from The Hague:

"The Swedish ambassador, with great curses, himself visiting ministers, did not

only blasphemes your troops, but also slandered your very person, as if you,

frightened by the arrival of his king, two days (before the arrival of the Swedes near Narva and

battles. - VB) went to Moscow from the regiments. "

The Swedish king, having defeated Denmark and Russia, took over Poland and Saxony,

who had one ruler. He did not hide his feelings for him:

His behavior is so shameful and vile that it deserves vengeance from God and

contempt of all good-minded people.

The Swedish king began, according to Klyuchevsky, to help Peter, as

only could, chasing Augustus II. And the king took advantage of the respite,

provided by Charles XII, in full. Not in his habits to grieve for

about failures. He immediately understood the root, the essence of what happened near Narva.

Later, in the "History of the War of the Sweys", it is written about this very correctly:

"The Swedes over our army got Victoria, which is indisputable. But

it is necessary to understand - over what army this was done, for only one old

the Lefortovsky regiment was (which was previously called Shepeleva); two regiments

the guards were only on two attacks at Azov; field battles, and especially with

regular troops have never been seen. Other shelves, except for some

colonels, both officers and privates, were the most recruits ... Besides, for

late time there was a great famine, after the great mud of food

it was impossible to bring. And, in one word, to say, the whole thing is like

baby playing was, and art is lower than the species. What a surprise to this

old, trained and practiced army (Swedish - VB) over such

unskilled to find Victoria? ... But when this is not the case (or, better to say,

great happiness) received, then captivity drove laziness away from hard work and

art forced day and night. "

Such is the frank and self-critical, as they say now, the judgment of the king about

the Narva catastrophe. Its size, by the way, was greatly exaggerated by itself.

Peter, and his contemporaries, Russian and foreign, as well as present


Peter, straining his strength even more, does everything possible to continue

war, take revenge for defeat. IN. Klyuchevsky, who never missed a chance

hurt the king, gives him his due: "

generals and admirals, Peter took over the less prominent technical part

war: he usually remained behind his army, arranged its rear, recruited

recruits, made plans for military movements, built ships and military factories,

prepared ammunition, provisions and live ammunition, stored everything, encouraged everyone,

pushed, scolded, fought, hung, galloped from one end of the state to

the other, was something of a general-feldzheichmeister, general-food master

and the ship's master master. "

I had to rely primarily on my own strength. Allies, by

in essence, they led matters to the disruption of the military plans of Peter, in whose friendship

crucified in any case, August II. Hence - and de Croa's betrayal and dozens

other foreign officers near Narva, and the end of the siege of Riga, and

separate negotiations between the Saxons and the Swedes, and other intrigues. And the king, oh

who guessed something, but did not know everything (for example, about secret letters

de Croa to Augustus II, who sent him to the Russian army, on considerations

the king himself and his adviser, the rascal Patkul), continued to believe so

called an ally. When, instead of a garrison of one fortress, unexpectedly

had to deal with a well-trained regular army - the consequences

turned out to be very deplorable for him and joyful for the Swedes. No wonder their

the king was triumphant, it was not for nothing that he awarded the Russian commander-in-chief, so

shamefully deserted to his camp, one and a half thousand ducats and planted him

eat at the royal table.

And Peter and his assistants are putting in order the shelves, shabby under

Narva, form new ones. More than three hundred guns are cast - new Ural

factories are operating at full capacity; bells are removed from churches for

making guns. All this bears fruit. At the end of January 1701, the year from

a little after the failure at Narva, Player, the ambassador of the empire in Moscow,

informs his potentate that the Russian army has become three times stronger than

the same. But the blinded Karl finally loses his sober understanding.

setting. He considers Peter's army unworthy of the attention of the great


There is no pleasure in fighting the Russians, because they are not

resist like others, but flee.

But not everyone thought so. Even one of his closest aides, General

Stenbock, anxiously watching his patron:

The king thinks of nothing more than the warrior; he's already bigger

does not listen to other people's advice; he pretends to be like God

directly inspires him with what he should do.

Many in Europe look at events related to,

through the eyes of Charles XII. The rulers of England, Holland, France are vying with each other to try

make the king their ally, admire victories, exalt him

military genius. The Duke of Marlborough and

Eugene of Savoisky, great military leaders, English and Austrian. Remember

Gustav Adolf, great-grandfather of the Swedish king, victorious commander and

hater of Russia.

The leaders of Swedish and European diplomacy in general believed that

Russia, defeated and defeated, should almost fall to its knees before

victorious king. According to the same Matveyev, who was in the Netherlands,

"the local gentlemen are waiting for peace, because your best (Peter, - VB) troops

beaten ... and it will soon be impossible to train such soldiers. "Peter has already learned something

about the morals of this diplomacy. The "Great Embassy" opened the king's eyes to many things,

then still an inexperienced and trusting diplomat. Experience was gained in

diplomatic struggle with its overt calculations, cunning, intrigues and

everyone else. As a pragmatist, he learns some of these methods, but

often still admits naive gullibility and observes elementary

rules of decency, legal principles violated by others. So when did it begin

war with Sweden, Peter allowed her diplomatic representatives to travel to

homeland. And Charles XII decided differently - by his order, he was imprisoned

Russian ambassador Khilkov, employees and servants, as well as all Russian merchants.

This fact is noted by Henri Troyat in his book, published in France in

Peter continues to build up his forces for the upcoming battles with the "Swede". A

the king, his opponent, travels with an army west of the Russian borders, in

Poland. Smashes the Saxons near Riga. Thinks already, after victories over more

strong enemies, about a campaign against the Russians, whom he considers much more

weaker than the Danes, Poles and Saxons. "August, - according to apt remark

CM. Solovyov, - was a precious ally for Peter not by force of arms, but by

that he aroused such hatred and such distrust of the Swedish king; he

distracted this terrible enemy at that time from the Russian borders and gave time to the tsar

cheer up your troops and learn to defeat the Swedes. "

Karl got stuck in Poland - he could not fight on two fronts. Peter continues

strengthen the army, mobilize all the country's resources. He and Russia needs

victory, at least for a start and a small one, so that the Russian people, the army in

features, perked up, and Europe changed its mind about the eastern

"barbarians". His diplomats wrote about this, in particular Golitsyn from Vienna in the fall

"By all means one must seek to obtain over the enemy

victory ... Although we conclude eternal peace, how can we atone for eternal shame?

Our sovereign certainly needs at least a small victoria, which would be his name

was still famous throughout Europe; then peace can be concluded. And then

now our troops and military command only laugh. There's no way I can

see the ministers, no matter how much I look after them: everyone runs from me and does not want


The Swedes are quite successful in Poland. But not only there - they try to

the sea to break through to Arkhangelsk in order to burn the only port connecting

Russia with Europe. There they repulsed the attack of the Swedish ships with a considerable

damage. Peter is in a hurry there to take urgent measures, to strengthen the city, so

important for the state.

Simultaneously with the worries in the north, I had to think about the south - keep

the fleet is ready, build new ships near Voronezh in case of hostile

actions by Turkey. But it was calm here so far.

They were constantly overwhelmed by worries about making money, which are always not

enough. Once he shared with Romodanovsky (according to other sources, it was


There is no money in the treasury, there is nothing to give to the troops. There is no artillery either, but this

needed soon. What to do? Maybe reduce the treasures in the monasteries in

gold and silver and get money out of it?

This thing is ticklish. I must come up with something else.

The interlocutor took the tsar to a secret storeroom in the Kremlin. There were heaps of

silver and gilded harness and dishes, small silver coins,

Dutch Joachimsthalers (in the Russian manner they were called Efimki). Shocked

the king heard the following story from the prince:

When your parent, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, at different times

went on hikes, then by proxy to me money and treasures

gave it to me to save. At the end of his life, calling me to him,

bequeathed that I should not give these heirs to any of these heirs until then, unless

there will be dire need for money in war.

One way or another, it happened that day in a secret Kremlin closet -

It is difficult to say, how to conclude whether such a conversation took place at all. In

in any case, the "dire need" for money did come.

Mint did the best he could. Reduced, in particular, weight

silver coins, minted first hundreds of thousands, then millions of rubles.

There appeared "profit-makers" - officials who came up with new taxes. Soon

Russian regiments began to gain their first victories. At the end of December 1701 in

Livonia, near the village of Erestfer near Dorpat, Sheremetev at the head

seventeen thousandth corps attacked the seven thousandth corps of Schlippenbach. Swedes

lost three thousand people. Three hundred and fifty were captured by the Russians. V

Moscow celebrated the victory with fireworks. All received awards participants in the battle,

down to the soldiers; Sheremetev - the rank of Field Marshal and the Order of Andrey

Of the First-Called. Peter triumphed:

We can finally beat the Swedes!

Sheremetev again smashes, this time at Gummelshof, Schlippenbach, who

loses five thousand killed, three hundred prisoners and all the artillery.

From the autumn of the same year, Peter personally led the military operations in Ingria.

First, his regiments storm the Noteburg fortress at the source of the Neva from

next year, Peter and Menshikov attacked two Swedish naval

ship and won the battle. The victory was entirely his merit, and he, like him

favorite of Menshikov, received the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

As a result of the victorious outcome of the military campaign of 1701-1703, all

the lands along the Neva, from source to mouth, were in the hands of the Russian victors. V

this is a considerable merit of the tsar, although he does not in the least emphasize his role, more

that - even hides, obscures it, says "we", "our troops", etc.

Victory, in his opinion, is the result of the common efforts of the army, from soldiers to

field marshal.

In the annexed land, where once Alexander Nevsky thundered

lays at the mouth of the Neva, on the island of Lust-Eiland (Merry Island), a fortress

The future new capital of Russia. Wooden fortress,

built by soldiers, it had six bastions. They put next to her

wooden house Peter, who still stands there, attracting crowds


In the newly built fortress, Peter appointed a governor - all the same

Menshikov. He is not embarrassed by either swamps or a bad climate. Moreover, he

rejoices that he lives in such a paradise as, without a shadow of doubt or humor, writes

to their correspondents:

"It is true that we live here in paradise."

"I cannot but write to you from the local paradise."

"One should not doubt about the local behavior, for in the paradise of God there will be evil

can not".

"Paradise", with which Peter is downright in love, should become, according to his

thoughts, the gateway to the Baltic, to Europe; the right people will come here from all sides

products. But not only the role of a commercial port is destined for St. Petersburg.

founder, history. A year later, the tsar, in a letter to Menshikov, calls a new

fortress and port "capital". To protect her from the sea, he orders in 1704

to lay a sea fortress. It was Kronshlot (Kronstadt) on the Kotlin island, in

thirty versts west of Petersburg. Often sails here, follows

the construction of fortifications.

Now in such a state that the enemy at sea

does not dare to appear close. Otherwise we will smash the ships into chips. Sleep in Petersburg

will be calm.

The subject of his particular concern and concern is the construction of a fleet on

For the Baltic and for the Baltic. Without him, he is sure of this, it is impossible to protect,

hold on to what has been obtained:

Every Potentate, which has a single army of land, one arm

It has; but he who has a fleet also has both hands.

At the Olonets shipyard in 1703, under the leadership of the tsar, construction begins

forty-three ships. Then, at the mouth of the Neva, he laid another shipyard -

the famous Admiralty, which later played such a big role in the development

fleet of Russia. Her work begins in 1705, and in April of the next with

the first ship descends on the slipways.

On the banks of the Neva, Russia began to truly transform into a sea

power. It was here that Peter opened that "window to Europe", about which the century since

more than Pushkin will write later. He built both for the present and for the future.

There is a story about how he planted acorns in St. Petersburg. Someone from

the nobles who were with him smiled ironically and thus caused an angry

tirade of the monarch:

Understand! Do you remember: I will not live to see the hardened oaks. Truth! Notes -

fool! I leave an example for others to do the same, descendants over time

will build ships from them. I'm not working for myself, it's good for the state

Peter, like no one, perhaps another, knew how to look into the future:

If God prolongs life and health, St. Petersburg will be another Amsterdam.

Peter rejoiced at any success, even the smallest at first. Also

were tested by his assistants. When in the autumn of 1703 he sailed at the mouth of the Neva

foreign ship loaded with salt and wine, Menshikov, St. Petersburg

Governor, bestowed on his entire team.

Peter's troops continue to defeat the Swedes. Then Peter himself smashes

their detachment near St. Petersburg. Then Sheremetev takes Koporye and Yam by storm, the ancients

Russian cities (1704). Then comes Dorpat's turn - also Old Russian

St. George's, founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1030. Finally, Peter took

revenge and near Narva. On August 9, 1704, he took Narva during

short but fierce assault. During the battles, the Swedes lost thousands

soldier, a lot of equipment. Peter does not miss an opportunity to lead the captured Swedes through

streets of Moscow.

The capture of Narva, the ancient Russian Rugodiv, was a weighty revenge for

defeat at the beginning of the war, marked the milestone in its initial stage. Peter and

Russia quickly recovered from the first setback, thanks to vigorous efforts

won a number of victories and gained a foothold on the shores of the Baltic. It could be

take a break, but Peter, unstoppable and active, hurries from Narva to Dorpat,

to the generals and ministers accompanying him, he shows the fortifications, tells

about the course of the assault. From there, through Pskov and Novgorod, he goes to the Olonets shipyard: how

are ships built there? Then - to Petersburg: how is it here, in the "paradise"

dealing with the construction of buildings? Back to Narva, where he gives a farewell audience

Ambassador of Turkey, for whom it is interesting to see how powerful

the fortresses are stormed and captured by the Russians. Further, on the way to Moscow,

inspects in the area of ​​Vyshny Volochek the junction of the rivers Tvertsa and Meta,

determines: here to dig the Vyshnevolotsky canal.

Victories in the Baltics not only made the Russians believe in themselves and

opportunities on the battlefield, but also led to the liberation of a number of lands from the Swedes

along the eastern and southern coasts of the Gulf of Finland, intensified restructuring

army and state apparatus, the creation of a fleet in the Baltic. The beginning was laid

business that promised to bring in the future, and quite close, considerable

successes - military, political, economic.

All these years, Peter and the diplomats tried to get mediation

Western states to make peace with Sweden. But there they saw in

such attempts are signs of Russia's weakness and did not want to help her in

negotiations with the Swedish king. Charles XII does not want to hear about the world - not with

August, and even less with Peter.

Charles's army, despite easy victories, was exhausted in Poland, and in

strategically lost continuously. Russia has not only acquired

successes in the Eastern Baltic States, but also, most importantly, acquired,

it was still far away.

It was felt throughout that new battles with the army of

"Swede" - King Charles. At the beginning of 1706, he almost blocked

the main Russian army, which was stationed in Grodno. Its commander-in-chief

field marshal of the Germans G.B. Ogilvie essentially sabotaged the orders first.

Peter on the withdrawal of the army to the east. And only the most energetic intervention of the king,

who sent Menshikov to Grodno, saved the army, preventing the disastrous

the consequences of Ogilvy's inaction, bordering on treason.

He was saddened by the news of another defeat of the Saxons by the Swedes.

(the first were thirty thousand, the second - eight!). August II, moreover, secretly

contract with Karl. In fact, he capitulated - Poland ceded to King S.

Leshchinsky, "cooked up" by Karl (in his own words), broke with

allies. Although, hiding his baseness and betrayal, not long before

participated in the army of Menshikov in the defeat of the Swedish army of Mardefeld

At the same time, Peter has to solve many other things. In addition to

current worries about raising money, supplying the army with everything necessary, he again

is faced with popular discontent - the flight of the muzzled "mean

little people "from a heavy yoke on the outskirts, unrest, open, sometimes powerful,

uprisings. Governors, profit-makers, detectives are rising to fight the violence

(who caught runaways and serfs, etc.) residents of the Volga region (1704-1711),

Astrakhan (1705-1706), Don and dozens of neighboring counties of Southern Russia,

Volga region, etc. With usually "cruelty and ruthlessness, Peter suppresses

uprising, sends against them a large army and his best commanders, up to

to Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev.

At the same time, Peter is preparing to fight the main army of Charles XII. With

his associates, he is developing in Zhovkva, near Lviv, a strategic

plan of war in case of Karl's invasion.

Peter constantly makes sure that his army is not taken by surprise

the enemy did not impose a battle in unfavorable conditions for her. About this he

constantly repeats in decrees, letters, orders, and it was his thoughts that formed

the basis of the Zhovkva strategic plan. This was the course for general

a battle that should have been carefully prepared, given when

there will be the right odds of winning. Made a decision:

"It is supposed that in Poland there should be no battle with the enemy, even if

If such a mishap happened, then it would be difficult to have a retreat. And for this it is necessary

to give battle at their borders, when the necessary need to demand

will. And in Poland, at the crossings and in batches, also by the retirement of provisions and

forage to torment the enemy, which is why many Polish senators

agreed. "

According to the plan, on the way of the Swedes to Russia through Belarus or

Ukraine they will be met by fortified fortresses, defensive barriers, raids

light cavalry, resistance of local residents (shelter, destruction

food supplies, etc.). Exhaustion of the enemy, his weakening must

end with a general battle, which will be given on the territory of Russia in

the right moment, given the necessary military forces.

Peter again and again, through his diplomats, offers peace to Sweden. But her

the arrogant king rejects all proposals from the doorway and, in essence,

traps himself. Some of his contemporaries were already starting this.

understand. Baron Heinrich Huysen, then the Russian ambassador in Vienna, honestly, by the way

speaking, serving Russia, reported to Moscow in September 1707:

"The Swedes go to Russia reluctantly and they themselves say that they have almost completely lost the habit of

war after long peace and luxurious living in Saxony. So

some predict the victory of Peter if he enters the battle with Charles. "

The French ambassador Bazenval makes an even more definite conclusion:

"The campaign against Russia will be difficult and dangerous, because the Swedes

taught Muscovites the art of war, and they became formidable

enemy. Moreover, it is impossible to crush such a vast

a powerful country. "

Karl, in response to a request for possible conditions made peace with Russia

convey to the French ambassador in Stockholm:

"The king will make peace with Russia only when he arrives in

Moscow, the Tsar will be overthrown from the throne, the state will divide him into

small principalities, will convene the boyars, divide them the kingdom into

voivodeship ".

The Tsar expects decisive events in 1708:

I pray to God that this year he will grant successful outcome Affairs

Pursued by a host of worries, Peter often breaks down, breaks down,

scolds helpers. So, he was pleased to learn that the fortifications

in the Kremlin and Kitay-gorod, new ones are being repaired and built. But it turns out

the Moscow authorities did not expel from Moscow, as he once ordered,

Swedish resident Knipperkron, who oversaw the work in Moscow and

considered this issue at the meeting, were not even written down, the decision was not

recorded. I.A. Musin-Pushkin, responsible for the repair and construction

fortifications, received from the tsar a cruel attack, and the prince-Caesar Romodanovsky -

"Please declare to all ministers that they are great deeds, about which

consult, write down, and each minister would sign the adopted

the decision that it is very necessary; and without that, by no means determine anything,

for by this every foolishness will be revealed. "

Thinking about the future, Peter did not exclude the possibility of his own death. On the

he ordered this case to be issued in the event of his death three thousand rubles

Ekaterina Vasilevskaya, her de facto wife. Having given orders, into the night

in Zenziola, where the Russian army was stationed in winter quarters, led by


Charles XII finally moved with his army (sixty-three thousand

soldier) to the east. Russian army (one hundred thousand people), performing Zholkvensky

plan, retreated. The Swedes suffered great hardships, finding neither bread nor

livestock, no fodder. We therefore walked slowly, with frequent and long stops.

The forces of the invading army were dwindling. But still the king walked thirty-five thousand

experienced, seasoned warriors. After her from Riga, Levengaupt led sixteen thousand

a soldier and a huge baggage train with supplies.

The Russian army covered the roads to Mogilev, Shklov, Kopys. On the right

flank was Sheremetev with thirteen infantry regiments and Menshikov with

eleven dragoon regiments; in the center - Repnin with ten regiments of soldiers

and dragoons; on the left flank Golitsyn with ten dragoon regiments. All of them

were cut off from each other by swamps. On the twenty-fifth of June, the king leaves for

army. Sends letters to Sheremetev:

"Soon I will be with you. And I ask, if possible, before me the main battle is not

Charles XII resumed his movement to the east, with the aim of taking Moscow. He

still planned the overthrow of Peter, whom he should, in his opinion,

replace Yakov Sobieski. North and northwest of Russia, including Novgorod and

Pskov, will go to Sweden; Ukraine and Smolensk region - to Leshchinsky, and in Kiev

the vassal of the last "Grand Duke" Mazepa will sit; russians southern lands

intended for the Turks, Crimeans and other supporters of Charles. In Russia,

said Karl Leshchinsky, all reforms will be canceled, a new

army, the old order will reign; here he is adamant:

The power of Moscow, which has risen so high thanks to the introductions

foreign military discipline must be destroyed.

The king dreamed that Russia would be reversed - it would be taken apart by

pieces will be thrown away from the Baltic (Petersburg - wipe out!), and he himself

will be the supreme judge in everything that happens from the Elbe to the Amur.

Thus, it was about the national existence of Russia as

state, his life or death. Until now, Peter, his commanders and troops

acted successfully, prudently, although there were failures. But here

Repnin was attacked by Karl's army. First, the artillery opened a hurricane fire

enemy. Two hours later, the Swedish infantry went on the attack, having crossed

wade across the Babich River. Repnin's warriors resisted heroically, desperately,

but the superior forces of the enemy broke their stubbornness. Having received no help, Repnin

retreated, and both flanks retreated. On July 5, all Russian troops crossed the Dnieper,

and three days later the Swedes entered Mogilev. Of the eight thousand Russians who fought

many soldiers remained on the battlefield; the Swedes, who acted more successfully,

lost less. Repnin retreated, although he did not suffer defeat. Peter soon

learned that a number of Russian regiments had retreated in disarray during the battle, their

the guns went to the Swedes. Others resisted the enemy, but fought

"Cossack, not soldier" custom. The king showed no condescension to

to their commanders - the enemy approached Russia with the main forces, and

negligence, inability could be very costly. He ordered to betray

the military court of Repnin and Chambers - military generals, to whom until now

treated with respect, considered their opinion. Only the courage shown

Repnin during the battle, saved him from death - general by decision

court martial was demoted to soldiers (soon, in the battle at Lesnaya, he again

will show himself to be a brave man and will regain his rank and position). Chambers suspended

from office, but the rank of general for him, an elderly man, was kept.

The Battle of Golovchin was not a great success for the Swedes, either

suffered heavy losses, But for the Russian army it was a useful lesson, and Peter

got everything out of it. He arranged a show trial of

generals. Then he drew up the "Rules of battle" - they were about

interaction of different types of troops in battle, fortitude and mutual assistance

"Whoever leaves his place or betrays one another and makes a dishonorable run,

it will be deprived of belly and honesty. "

Despite all his displeasure, Peter was aware that

what happened near Golovchin is not such a strong defeat, moreover, it

showed the increased strength of the Russian army:

"I thank God very much: before the general battle I saw

enemy well, and that from this army of his one third of us withstood

and walked away. "

After this battle, the initiative completely goes to Russia. Karl

begins to hesitate, shows a certain caution. In Mogilev he stands

by the army of the king.

Unable to withstand the wait, Karl nevertheless left Mogilev. But I didn't go for

north, towards his general, and south, to Propoisk, then - to

northeast, towards Smolensk. Peter is closely watching the actions of the king,

unexpected and unpredictable, complies with them the maneuvers of his troops.

The points of the Zhovkva plan are being fulfilled - the Russian regiments are retreating, luring

enemy, drain him. Then they begin to destroy it piece by piece.

The king in August orders:

Look at the enemy turnover: and where will he turn - to Smolensk

or to Ukraine - to work to forestall it. The enemy moved miles away from Mogilev

with five, against which we also advanced. And our vanguard is gaining

three miles from the enemy. And where is their intention, God knows, but they are more guessing

to Ukraine.

Karl often did not inform even his closest about his intentions.

assistants. Nevertheless, the advance of the army, its general direction Peter and

the other commanders guessed right. At a council of war held for 6 more

July in Shklov, they envisaged possible options for the movement of the Swedish

The Russian army continues to march in front of the Swedish, destroying everything along the way.

"Provisions and fodder, as well as standing bread in the field and in the threshing floor or in

granaries in the villages ... to burn, not sparing the building. "

Everywhere he orders to destroy bridges, mills. Residents taking with them

livestock, moved into the woods. The measures, rigorous but necessary, were successful.

Peter was told:

Ordinary soldiers approached the king, asking that he provide bread for them,

People, on the other hand, are so swollen from hunger and disease that they can hardly march.

Swedish soldiers, hungry and skinned, rummaged through the villages in search of

food, deserted. Russian dragoon regiments and

the irregular cavalry was vexed with continuous attacks and skirmishes;

Peter's order was in effect:

To tire the main army with burning and ruin.

On the thirtieth of August, a larger fight takes place near the village of Dobroe -

five regiments of "natural Swedes" were completely defeated by the attacker

them, a Russian detachment led by Prince M.M. Golitsyn. Swedes lost three

thousands of people were killed, Russians - three hundred and seventy-five people. After

the Russians withdrew victories, having fully completed their task. But Karl,

observing the course of the battle, the unfavorable outcome for the Swedes did not prevent

portray the battle as your new victory. Peter was sincerely happy:

This dance was pretty much danced in the eyes of the hot Karlus. I like it

serve, such fire and decent action from our soldiers did not hear and did not

I've seen (God forbid, continue so!). And even in this war, the king of Sweden

from whom he himself has not seen.

Karl, despite all his porcelainism, was very upset. Still would -

the defeat was complete, only the swamps saved his army from the final

death. He is already beginning to think about the fate of the Russian campaign, to consult

with the generals. At the beginning of September, he invites to himself and asks their opinion:

notes: in order for them, the generals, to give an answer, you need to know that

intends to make the king. Karl's answer probably couldn't help but stun him.

assistants and advisers:

I have no intentions.

The king did not bother to develop a plan of war, to discuss it with

generals. It seemed to him that crushing Russia would be an easier task,

than to smash Saxony. This time, after the Good, he deigned to ask the opinion

their generals. At the council, they decided: to go not to Moscow, but to Ukraine. Meaning

of this sharp turn in the movement of the Swedish army was well explained by Matveyev from

The Hague, where he managed to find out the Swedish "secret":

"From the secret of the local Swedish minister, it was reported to me from friends that

Swede, see the caution of the tsarist troops and the impossibility of going to Smolensk,

also due to a lack of food and feed, he decided to go to

Ukraine, firstly, because this country is populous and abundant and there are no

does not have regular fortifications with strong garrisons; secondly, the Swede

hopes to gather many people among the free Cossack people who spend it

straight and safe roads to Moscow; thirdly, nearby may have

convenient shipment with the Crimean Khan to call him into an alliance and with the Poles,

who are on the side of Leshchinsky; fourth, finally, will have

the ability to send Cossacks to Moscow to indignate the people. "

On the tenth of September, a regiment of Swedish cavalry, led by the king himself,

the village of Raevka suffered a new and powerful defeat. Underneath was killed

horse, and Karl was nearly captured. All this happened in front of Peter's eyes,

who participated in the battle. The king decided not to wait after another affront

Levengaupt, who hurried to him from Riga: quickly went south - this step,

inexplicable and ridiculous, allowed the Russians to win another victory, this

times much more impressive and serious, such that Peter will call her

"mother" of Poltava Victoria.

The Tsar, having received news of Karl's intentions and Levengaupt's march, convened

advice. According to his decision, the main forces of the Russian army, led by

Sheremetevs should go to Ukraine, "accompanying" Karl; and the corvolant

(flying squad) of eleven and a half thousand people with Peter at the head

should have stabbed Levengaupt. The latter led an army of sixteen

thousands of soldiers and a wagon train with provisions and fodder. Twenty-eighth of September in the morning

Peter overtook him near the village of Lesnoy. The appearance of the corvolant was for the Swedes

a complete surprise - dense forests stretched around, impassable

swamps. The battle lasted for several hours. The soldiers on both sides are so tired

that they fell to the ground (the Swedes - at their convoy, the Russians - on the battle

positions) and "had a good time resting", and at a distance of half

cannon shot from each other. Then the battle resumed. Towards its end

the appearance of Bour's Russian cavalry decided the case in favor of the attackers. Swedes

suffered a complete defeat, only the night and the blizzard saved the remnants of their troops,

fleeing in the dark. Levengaupt left eight thousand dead on the battlefield

and the whole train, so necessary for the starving army of Charles. The king learned about

brought to him six thousand seven hundred hungry and ragged soldiers - all that

left of the "sixteen thousandth army. At the first news, the king did not sleep

all night, walked sad and silent; now, after the story

the defeated general, sent a report to Stockholm about a new Swedish victory

and continued the march to Ukraine. True, from now on he begins to doubt

his final victory, but carefully hides it.

The victory at Lesnoy breathed confidence in the Russian army, and about this

Peter himself, who won this battle, says well:

This victory for us may be the first to be named, before the regular

an army has never been like this; moreover, a much smaller number being

before the enemy. And truly, this is the fault of the successful followings of Russia,

the first try of a soldier was here before, and of course it encouraged people; and mother

The Battle of Poltava, both by the encouragement of the people and by the time, for by

The nine-month time baby of happiness has produced.

The news of the brilliant success made an impression in Russia and for

abroad. Peter could be pleased - the victory was won, and with a smaller number

a soldier, over a hardened army of Swedes; Karl's main army was now

cut off from the rear supply bases, in a strategic encirclement. In battle

under Lesnaya, Peter showed himself to be a bold innovator, an outstanding commander -

organized a corvolant of infantry soldiers mounted on horses; place

chose not open field a closed rough terrain; finally,

built his army not in one line, as was then customary, but in two.

Soon after Lesnaya, in October, the Swedes suffered another defeat:

the thirteen thousandth corps of Lübecker approached Petersburg from the side

Finland. Admiral Apraksin with a garrison defeated the Swedes, who had lost up to

third of its personnel, six thousand horses. After such an affront

the enemy never made an attempt to approach Peter's "paradise". V

the honor of victory was knocked out by order of Peter; on one side there is a portrait

the winner and the inscription: "Imperial Majesty Admiral F. M. Apraksin"; on the

the other - ships lined up and words around a circle; "Keeping this,

does not sleep; better death than infidelity. 1708 ".

While in Smolensk, where on arrival he was greeted with firing from cannons and

guns, in an aura of success and glory, Peter experienced a strong blow - he was informed about

betrayal of the Ukrainian hetman Mazepa, who deserted to Charles XII. Peter,

who trusted the hetman, was amazed and took urgent measures. To Baturin, the rate

hetman, Menshikov is in a hurry with the army, and on the other side Mazepa is moving with

Swedish shelves. The haste is understandable; in the hetman capital

stored huge reserves of food, gunpowder, supplies for artillery.

Menshikov got ahead of the enemy, and everything that was possible was taken out of Baturin, the rest

set on fire, destroyed the fortress.

For Mazepa, this was a heavy blow, but not the only one and not the main one. Per

others followed. It began with the fact that they did not follow the traitor hetman

Ukrainian Cossacks, he brought not a large Cossack army to Karl's camp, as

promised and what the king hoped for, but a pitiful two or three thousand people. Yes, and those are not

knew his true goals, expecting them to join Sheremetev's army; when did

everything became clear, they secretly began to leave the Swedish camp. Further, in Ukraine,

who learned from Peter's decrees that Mazepa wants to return his motherland

Polish Panamas, a people's war began against the Mazepians and Swedes.

Meanwhile, in Europe after the Forest, fear of Sweden with its

unbalanced ruler gives way to fear of the power of growing Russia

led by energetic, brave and wise, as they now begin to believe,

sovereign. The change in the situation affects, among other things, the fact that Peter,

who previously raised the question of Russia's entry into the Great Union, now withdraws

his. This was announced publicly in the fall of 1708 by his ambassador to the Netherlands.

Matveev. And at the beginning of winter, he also declares to his overlord that the Danish king

Frederick IV is about to negotiate with the Saxon Elector August II

on the resumption of hostilities against Sweden. And negotiations really

began, they were then joined by the Prussian king. Thus, the

foreign policy isolation of Sweden. Things were moving towards the revival of the Northern Union.

Such was the influence of what happened under Lesnaya.

And Karl's position became more and more deplorable (frost, hunger,

hostile attitude of Ukrainians, etc.). True, some kind of gap flashed, a ray

hope - Koshevoy Gordienko with his Zaporozhye Cossacks, too, following the example

Mazepa, opposed the Russians, launched attacks on their military units. Peter

acts decisively and abruptly - in the spring of 1709, his army takes by storm and

ravages the Zaporozhye Sich to the ground. Cossacks Gordienko go to Karl, but

this acquisition is not a serious one. This, in particular, is understood by Mazepa and

rushes in search of a way out: then he offers Karl to do, following the example

Alexander the Great, a campaign to the east, to Asia (that is, deep into Russia),

then unite with Bulavin (in the south of Russia, in the Don and Don region,

the popular uprising is spreading), then he sends his friends - colonels

Apostle and Galagan - with a proposal to extradite him the Swedish king and his

the highest military leaders.

Karl also rushes about - and not only through hostile Ukraine in search of food and

apartments, but also in the capitals of the allied powers, asks them for help if not

troops, then money, trying to establish relations with Turkey and Crimea, but those

they wait, they are afraid. In Ukraine, towns and fortresses encountered on the way

Swedes, defended heroically, inflicting considerable damage on them. Ukrainian residents

and Russian military detachments deprived them of not only provisions, but also rest and housing.

Once (it was in February 1709) the king with an army was in

Kolomake, within the Sloboda Ukraine. Mazepa, riding next to him on

horses, flattered him, spoke of the nonexistent military successes of the Swedes. Then

from Asia. The Swedish candidate for Alexandra the Great immediately ordered his

Secretary de Guillencrock to inquire about the roads to Asia. He replied that to Asia,

they say, it is still far away. Karl disagreed:

But Mazepa told me that the border is not far from here; we should go there

pass to be able to say that we were also in Asia.

Your Majesty, if you please joke, and of course, you do not think about such

things seriously.

I'm not kidding at all. So go there immediately and inquire

Gillenkrok headed, but not towards Asia, but towards Mazepa. Did

reprimand him:

Your Excellency from here you can see how dangerous it is to joke with such

way with our king. After all, this is the lord who loves fame the most

in the world, and it is easy to induce him to move further than would be appropriate.

The Swedish army continued to be attacked by Russian troops and Ukrainian

partisans. As before, there was a shortage of provisions, diseases overcame. But

the winter ended, and with the beginning of spring the hopes of the Swedes were revived.

On April 1, Karl approached Poltava with his army, decided to storm -

again Mazepa whispered to him that with her capture Ukraine would pass under his high

hand. From Poltava there were roads to the south, to the Crimea. And with the khan and the sultan, the king is like

once during this time he negotiated joint actions against Russia. But

the three-month siege of the city was unsuccessful. Its four thousandth garrison

fearlessly repulsed all the assaults.

Peter immediately understood the strategic importance that

sought to take Karl. In a letter to Menshikov, who stood with the army

descended on Opishnya, where the Swedes had settled, interrupted them. Karl hurried there, but

the Russians calmly and orderly retreated to the other side of the Vorskla. And on the night of

On the fourth of June to Poltava, near which the entire Swedish army stood,

Peter arrived. Three days later, having assessed the situation on the spot, the balance of forces

(Russian troops also approached here), he informs Apraksin of his decision:

We got close to our neighbors, with the help of God we will certainly be in this

month the main thing to have with them.

The Swedish army found itself near Poltava in a strategic encirclement, was

severely weakened by defeats, sieges, marches, hunger. The Russian army,

on the contrary, it has become much stronger, more combat-ready. May twentieth she

crossed the Vorskla, and immediately began work on the construction

field fortifications at the position chosen by Peter for the future general

battles. As in Lesnaya, Russian troops were stationed in a closed area, its

the flanks rested against the forests, behind - the high bank of the river, across which

built bridges. In front of the front lay an open plain, from where they should have

the Swedes to advance; there they prepared six redoubts, where the arrows sat down.

On June 25, Peter holds a council of war, which developed

the disposition of the battle. Makes a review of the troops. Distributes generals to divisions,

the cavalry subordinates Menshikov, the artillery - Bruce. Field Marshal and

the generals, according to the "History of the Sweyskoy War", asked him to

majesty, so as not to join the battle, to which the emperor deigned to say,

so that they would not tell him more about it. For Peter, personal participation in the battle, as

we see, it was implied by itself.

The next day he was informed that a non-commissioned officer from

Semenovsky regiment. The traitor probably informed the enemy about the weak points of the Russian

positions, in particular about one of the regiments, which consisted of non-fired

recruits. Peter immediately ordered them to take off their uniforms and dress the soldiers in it.

Novgorod regiment, experienced and brave soldiers. He went round and round again and again

shelves in positions, took last steps, encouraged. Guards officers

regiments heard from him the call:

You know that the arrogant and perspicacious king of their army

painted apartments in Moscow; General Shparr has already granted

Governor of Moscow and our dear Fatherland decided to divide into

small principalities and, having introduced into it the heretical faith, completely exterminate. Let's leave

Are our curses and contempt without vengeance?

Lieutenant General Prince M.M. Golitsyn answered him on behalf of everyone,

giving an example of the battle at Lesnaya:

You saw our labor and faithfulness, when through the whole day they stood in fire,

the ranks did not interfere and did not yield an inch of space to the enemy; four times from

the firing of the rifle flared up, four times the bags and pockets were filled with cartridges.

Now the troops are the same, and we, your servants, are the same. We hope to have a feat now, as

Charles, a few days before the battle, received information that Turkey

is not going to start a war with Russia, and the troops of Crassau and Leshchinsky are not

can come to his aid, since the cavalry of Goltz, the general of the Russian

army, continuously haunts them. In addition, to the Russian tsar, by

according to the defector, the irregular cavalry, numbering in

general battle. A few days before that, during a cavalry

reconnaissance stumbled upon Russian Cossacks at the fire. The king was wounded

bullet in the leg. The camp doctor cut the bullet out, but Karl could not walk.

army. In his speech to the soldiers and officers, he called for the conquest of Russia,

mastering her wealth. He invited the officers to dinner at the tents of the Russian tsar:

He prepared a lot of food for us. Go tomorrow where it leads you

Peter, unlike his rival, in his speech to the soldiers spoke of something else - about

the defense of the Fatherland, the "nation of all Russia."

Warriors! The hour has come, which will decide the fate of the Fatherland! So don't

you should think that you are fighting for Peter, but for the state, Peter

entrusted, for your family, for your Fatherland ... You should not also be confused by the glory

enemy, seemingly invincible, to which you yourself lie with your victories over

it has been repeatedly proven. Have the truth in battle before your eyes ...

Peter, know that his life is not dear to him, if only Russia lived in

bliss and glory for your well-being.

the cavalry was met with a counterattack by Menshikov's cavalry. Somewhat displaced

Russians, the Swedes came under terrible artillery fire and retreated. Renschild,

commander of the army because of the injury of Charles, sent his cavalry to the left

flank, bypassing the Russian right flank. But it was thrown away by Menshikov and Bruce; on the

the battlefield, the superiority of the Russian artillery was overwhelming.

By order of Peter, Menshikov withdrew his cavalry. Swedes, having taken the maneuver for

retreat, rushed after, but again came under fire from guns and guns.

They fled from him in the forest, but even here death awaited them from the Russian regiments.

Peter still held the main forces in the camp, at about 8 o'clock in the morning he withdrew

them from there. He pulled back six of Sheremetev's dragoon regiments from the front line and put

them aside, together with the Skoropadsky Cossacks, ordered to wait for instructions about

entering the battle. Sheremetev and Repnin urged the tsar not to withdraw their units:

It is safer to have a battle with a superior number than an equal one.

Reason and art conquer more than multitudes.

Peter was, of course, right. He built an army in battle formations: infantry in

in the center, between its regiments - artillery, along the flanks - cavalry. Swedes hit

to the very center of the formation of the Russians, where the Novgorod regiment was stationed. First it

the battalion began to retreat, unable to withstand the powerful onslaught of the enemy. Peter at the head

the second battalion went on the attack and drove the Swedes back. At this time the Russian

the cavalry during the attack drove the Swedish cavalry back.

Buckshot and fire from Russian guns suffered huge losses to the Swedes:

"The first salvo, according to a contemporary, was fired from the tsar's majesty so

strong that in the enemy army from the fallen bodies on the ground and guns from the hands

of those killed, a loud sound was made, which inspired the supposedly huge buildings

collapsed. "

At the signal of the tsar, the Russian regiments began a general attack. The Swedes ran, their

panic swept through the ranks. They did not listen to the calls of the king who had been raised to

hands, and he shouted unsuccessfully, convincing his defeated army.

The victory was complete. Peter, who had not known fatigue all these days, immediately

writes to Moscow, reports on "a very great and unexpected Victoria." To him in

the tent brought the captured generals and ministers of Sweden. The king asked:

Can't I see my brother Karl today?

The king was found neither alive nor dead. The Swedish army escaped

flight to the west, to the Dnieper. Peter's cavalry pursued her, but soon

the tired horses stopped. In the evening of the same day, the king sent in pursuit of the regiments

guardsmen and dragoons. And before that, in the middle of the day, he arranged in his tents

lunch for the winners. The captured generals and ministers were also invited. This case

very indicative - Peter, as a truly Russian person, was merciless with

enemy during the fight against him, but to the defeated he showed a knightly

generosity, Field Marshal Renschild was even praised for his bravery. Everything

those present heard a remarkable speech by the Russian tsar-commander:

Yesterday my brother King Charles asked you to come to my tents for dinner,

and you, according to the promise, arrived in my tents, and my brother Karl to me with you in the tent

did not grant, in what password (words, promises. - VB) did not keep his. I AM

I greatly expected him and cordially wished him to dine in my tents. But when

his majesty did not deign to come to me for dinner, then I ask you in tents

my dine.

At lunch, Peter offered his famous toast:

To the health of teachers, to the Swedes!

Well, your majesty, - Pieper immediately answered, - thanked

their teachers!

While talking with the prisoners, Peter heard from the same Pieper and Renschild that

they had long been convincing the king to make peace with Russia, and declared:

Peace be with me more than all victories, dearest ones.

During the battle, the Swedes lost more than eight thousand Killed, three thousand

prisoners, Russians - one thousand three hundred and forty-five killed. Into the hands of the winners

Carl, Mazepa and a small number of their companions crossed over to

west bank and fled towards the Turkish possessions. Both are at the end of July

rushed to Bendery, where soon the traitor Mazepa died - either his

death, or poisoned. The army abandoned by the king - more than

sixteen thousand soldiers, hungry and demoralized, led by Karl

left Levengaupt, - surrendered to Menshikov's nine-thousandth corps. So

occasionally Peter orders his field marshal:

Please send us, without hesitation, five hundred horses with carts, on

which to take the enemy gun and ammunition to the baggage train.

The army of Charles XII ceased to exist. Russia's positions immediately

have noticeably strengthened, and Peter understands this very well. Hastens his generals

demands that they knock the Swedes out of the cities and fortresses of the Baltic states.

Informs August II about his forthcoming arrival with the army in Poland. WITH

Apraksin discusses the plan of "fishing" near Vyborg, the capture of Revel (Tallinn).

Prince Caesar rejoices:

Now, without hesitation, the desire of Your Majesty, I am your residence

to have in Petersburg, was accomplished through this final decline of the enemy.

For the victory at Poltava, all its participants were awarded medals -

silver (soldiers) or gold (officers); all soldiers were given a reward in

the amount of a monthly or one and a half month salary. Ranks, orders, lands

received by generals and officers. Menshikov became a field marshal, Golovkin -

Chancellor, Shafirov - Sub-Chancellor, Prince G. Dolgoruky - Privy Councilor.

Five months later, at the suggestion of Kurbatov, chief pribylytsik, by decree of Peter

have written off arrears from peasants for all past years, excluding the last two.

Finally, Peter submits a petition to Sheremetev with a request to note his

merits, by the way, are considerable:

both of my service, so that the rank of ryr- (counter - VB)

admiral, or shaunbeinacht, but here in the army, the rank, not the rank of senior

lieutenant general. And about the first, how will a decree be sent to you from Moscow, then

b and to the admiral about my rank the decree was sent from their majesty.

For a humorous form of address, for references to "sovereigns", "their

majesties "(Prince-Caesar F.Yu. Romodanovsky and the head of the Zemsky Order

cases I.I. Buturlin) hides Peter's idea of ​​his service to the Fatherland,

his tireless labors on the battlefield. Romodanovsky informs him about the promotion

in ranks for "brave cavalry exploits and in military affairs courageous

art "- the tsar really showed during the Battle of Poltava

high skill as a commander, endangered as a soldier: one

an enemy bullet hit the bow of his saddle, another in his hat. To the prince-caesar the king

replies with gratitude:

And although I have not earned it yet, but for the sake of your only welfare

this has been granted to me, in which I pray to God of strength so that your mercy could continue


Soon Peter arrives in Kiev and here hears the sermon of the prefect of Kiev

Academy of Feofan Prokopovich, a brilliantly educated person (studied at

Kiev, Lvov, Krakow, Rome), an excellent speaker and publicist. She

dedicated to Poltava Victoria, Peter, its organizer, commander:

You not only sent the shelves to battle, but you yourself became disgusting with the enemy,

he himself rushed to the first swords and a copy.

Peter listened with pleasure to the preacher, and in his thoughts, probably,

there were pictures of past battles, especially the one that had just died down,

glorious and has already become the property of the history of the Fatherland.

The Poltava victory radically changed the course of the war put a sharp edge

between what came before her and subsequent events in the theater of military

action. And Peter, like all Russian people, understood this very well. As well

became a tradition at the time of the success of Russian weapons, a new and such brilliant

Victoria was celebrated magnificently and solemnly, with an invention, for which there was a great

the master is the king himself. According to his plan, they passed through the streets and squares of Moscow

troops of the victors, held more than twenty-two thousand captured Swedes (taken

near Lesnaya and Poltava) and countless trophies. Walked among the prisoners

the first minister of the king, Count Pieper, and among the trophies they carried a stretcher,

which Karl was during the battle. For the new year 1710, residents of Moscow

saw another, no less magnificent performance - after the solemn prayer in

The Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral lit a huge fireworks on the occasion of the same Poltava


In Europe, disdain for Russia was replaced by shock, respect,

mixed with fear of her power.

Peter is still ready to make peace, but, of course, on acceptable

Russian conditions. However, Karl again rejects reasonable proposals.

The ruler who ruined the country and destroyed the army, who himself found himself in a position

a freeloader in a foreign country (in Turkish Bender), is self-confident, a little

whether not as a winner. He sends one set order after another to Sweden

soldier for the continuation of the war, although its one and a half million people are already groaning

from exhaustion. But the king doesn't want to hear anything; requests and reports from

Stockholm, he simply does not take into account, he orders them not at all

send. And the Stockholm authorities blindly follow his orders, thank

Lord for the salvation of the king; as for what happened near Poltava, then

spread a ridiculous version: there are ten twenty thousand Swedes suffered

defeat by two hundred thousand Russians!

True, Sweden retained some hopes - it had a strong fleet

in the Baltic, its territory remained unaffected by the war, and the Swedish troops,

in addition to Sweden itself, they were in the Baltic States and Finland, Pomerania and

Norway. In addition, there were reasons to expect military assistance from states

Western Europe, for example England, Holland, Austria on the one hand,

France - on the other. Their rulers, based on their interests, counted

win Sweden over to your side. Now these plans were crumbling. Had to

urgently rebuild foreign policy combinations. According to Robert Massey,

American historian, Poltava became a "formidable warning" for everything

peace, and "European politicians who used to devote the affairs of the king to a few

more attention than the Shah of Persia or the Mughal of India, have learned from now on

carefully consider Russian interests. The new balance of power established by the

in the morning Sheremetev's infantry, Menshikov's cavalry and Bruce's artillery,

led by their two-meter ruler, will be preserved and developed in the XVIII,

XIX and XX centuries ".

The direct result of Poltava is the revival of the Northern Union of Russia, Denmark,

Commonwealth. But Peter's allies are again defeated by the Swedes. Russia

on the contrary, he is gaining new victories - Sheremetev in the Baltics, Menshikov in

Poland: in 1710 Russian troops took Riga, Vyborg, Revel, Kexholm

(Korela) and other cities. The trip to Vyborg was led by Peter himself. He also made

plan for his siege. In 1710 he led two hundred and fifty transport ships to him.

with soldiers, artillery, supplies. The hike took place in very difficult

conditions - the sea was not yet free of ice, the powerful fortress had a strong

garrison, artillery. To deceive the besieged, the king ordered the sailors

put on a Swedish uniform, and raise Swedish flags on ships. He detail

examined the fortress from sea and land, outlined a plan of action. Apraksin ordered:

How gaps and other things, according to my disposition, will be ready, and from which

should shoot at least a week and storm.

the next day, Peter entered the fortress at the head of the Preobrazhensky regiment. Three days

he studies the fortifications. He celebrated the victory first here, then in

Petersburg, where the tsar-colonel and his guards carried trophies through the streets -

Swedish banners.

Peter had every reason to express feelings of joy and satisfaction in

about the successful campaign of 1710:

"And so Livonia and Estonia are very much from the enemy

cleansed, and, with a single word, declare that the enemy on the left

side of this Eastern (Baltic. - VB) sea not exactly

cities, but below the degree of land has no ".

Thus, the Russian troops cleared the Eastern Baltic from the Swedes.

On the occasion of this in Petersburg, for three days they fired from cannons and rang the bells;

illumination was arranged on the ships at the Neva roadstead.

It seemed that nothing could prevent Russia in her victorious step against

"Swede". But, as once not so long ago (in the summer of 1704) the king wisely

warned his first field marshal: "The everlasting good fortune of many people

led to destruction, "and now, just some seven years after

of this teaching, the same happened to him. Suddenly declared war

Russian Ottoman Porta. In 1711 P.A. Tolstoy, who had been in prison for many years

ambassador in Istanbul, informed his superior in the Ambassador's order:

"Do not be surprised that I, as the king of Sweden, was in the great

strength, informed about the peacefulness of Porta, and now that the Swedes are defeated, I doubt it!

The reason for my doubt is this: the Turks see that the royal majesty now

the winner of the strong Swedish people and wants to soon arrange everything in his own way

desire in Poland, and then, having no longer any obstacle, he can start

war with them, the Turks. So they think and do not at all believe that it

Majesty did not start a war with them when he was free from other wars. "

Intrigues of European diplomats in Istanbul, Charles XII and his

advisers, Mazepa's money. Turkey, which dreamed of returning Azov, to resume

relations with Russia.

This turn of events meant the prospect of a war on two fronts. But Petra

this, apparently, did not bother, especially after Lesnaya and Poltava. Difficulties like

always, he is only spurred on. Apraksin, the governor of Azov, he sends

orders: prepare the fleet for battles, planes and boats - for the Don

Cossacks, and invite Kalmyks and Kuban Tatars to fight the Crimeans.

Sheremetev is in a hurry - the one from the Baltic had to go south, to a new

theater of operations. The field marshal is different, as usual,

slowness, and the king hastens him, expresses obvious impatience in his letters:

"Go with haste."

"So that you immediately send the regiments on the march to the designated places."

"And it is very necessary to march, even if the infantry does not keep up,

the enemy will attack one cavalry, then not without Velikov's fear. "

"To teach the dragoons with fire, both mounted and on foot, give the broadswords peace, for with

the Turks zelo inako should fight and more infantry approver with

slingshots ".

On March 6, the tsar leaves for the active army. A few days before

the state; according to the founder-king, the Senate was created at the time of his


"Determined to be absent from our Governing Senate for

management ".

Created as a temporary body, the Senate existed for more than two

centuries. The king left strict orders regarding duties,

limits of power of the new institution:

"Each of them (senators, a list of which, of nine people, he also

made up. - V.V.) let him obey the decrees as we do, under cruel

punishment or death, depending on the fault ".

Petr Alekseevich entrusted the Senate with the highest supervision over court cases and

spending funds, multiplying them, for, as he wrote, "money is

artery of war ".

Then, on the day of departure, the king announced his legal wife

Catherine, a former servant of the pastor, with whom, in contrast

from his first wife, he had the kindest relationships, there were also children -

daughters Anna and Elizabeth. The marriage in the church took place back in February. He cares

the future of the wife and children. Menshikov, he confesses about the reasons for the marriage:

"I am forced to commit a hedgehog for this unknown path, so that if orphans

will remain, it would be better if they could have their own life. "

The Russian and Turkish armies met on the Prut River in early July.

Terrible heat, thirst weakened Peter's soldiers - many went crazy,

committed suicide.

army. Vezir had one hundred thirty-five thousand (and together with the Tatars - one hundred

eighty thousand). The Janissaries began the attack. Their brutal onslaught described

Poniatowski, acting as a military adviser to the vizier:

“The Janissaries ... continued to advance without waiting for orders.

screams, calling out to God according to their custom with multiple "alla", "alla", they

rushed at the enemy with sabers in their hands and, of course, would have broken through the front in

this first powerful attack, if not for the slingshots that the enemy threw

In front of them. At the same time, a strong fire almost point-blank not only cooled the ardor

Janissaries, but also confused them and forced them to a hasty retreat.

Kegaya (that is, the assistant to the great vizier) and the chief of the janissaries chopped with sabers

fugitives and tried to stop them and put them in order. The bravest

resumed their shouts and attacked a second time. The second attack was not like that

as strong as the first, and the Turks were again forced to retreat. "

The enemy, who lost up to seven thousand killed, was stunned by the resilience

Russians, whose losses were much less. Moreover, at the moment

the retreat of the enemy, according to the compilers of the History of the Sweyskoy War, Peter could

win a "full Victoria" if I could properly organize

the pursuit. But he and his generals feared, and not without reason: Russian

They did not even have time to dig in the wagon train, the soldiers were exhausted by thirst, heat, hunger.

The condition of the Turks was not the best, although Peter did not know about it. On the

the next day, the Janissaries refused to repeat the attacks, despite orders

vizier. Sutton, the British ambassador, in a report informed his

to the superiors:

"Sane people, eyewitnesses of this battle, said that if

Russians knew about the horror and stupor that gripped the Turks, and could

take advantage of the continued shelling and

having made a sortie, the Turks, of course, would have been defeated. "

Peter the situation of himself and the army seemed hopeless. July tenth

the tsar writes a letter to the Senate:

"Lord Senate! I inform you that I, with all my army

without our guilt and error, but only by false

to the news, seven times the strongest Turkish force was so surrounded,

that all the paths to the suppression of food are cut off and that I am without

special God's help I can not foresee anything else, except

complete defeat or that I would fall into Turkish captivity. If

this last happens, then you must honor me as your king

and the sovereign and do nothing that I, at least for

to our own command, it was required, while I myself did not

I will appear between you in my face. But if I die and you are faithful

you will receive the news of my death, then choose between you

most worthy to be my heirs. "

negotiation; if they do not agree, then burn the train and attack the enemy.

After some delays, negotiations began, and Peter rushes to

the other extreme: if earlier he clearly underestimated the strength of the enemy and

overestimated his own, now, on the contrary, exaggerates the power of the Turks, is ready to go

on maximum concessions in order to wrest the world even at a very high price.

Vezir, an inexperienced man in military affairs, inclined towards peace in many

reasons. First of all, the Turks were afraid of Russian soldiers, the regular army

Petra looked incomparably better than the crowd, even if huge, which

represented the Turkish army. Not all Russians stood on the Prut

forces, and the enemy knew it - the actions of Renne at Brailov produced on him

strong impression; and on the Prut, he did not consider his choked

attacks as victory. Moreover, the Turks were afraid of some kind of military trick.

Russians - did not believe that they seriously wanted peace, on the conclusion of which,

by the way, the vizier received the sultan's sanction.

Peter, sending P.P. Shafirov, cunning and careful

diplomat, agreed to sacrifice everything in the south and in the north, just to get away from

shameful captivity and slavery.

But it didn’t come to extreme conditions. The vizier and the sultan were not inclined,

as it turned out, to stand up for the interests of Sweden. Regarding their requirements

also showed moderation, based on the current situation (they in this

the case took into account the power of Russia even more than Peter).

On July 12, Shafirov and M.B. Sheremetev (general, son of a field marshal)

signed a peace treaty with the great vizier Baltadzhi Mehmed Pasha. According to him

Turkey got Azov back, Russia promised to destroy the Taganrog fortress on

Sea of ​​Azov and Kamenny Zaton on the Dnieper, do not keep troops in Poland, do not

interfere in her affairs, "take away the hand" from the Cossacks, that is, do not support

them, have no connection with them.

Peace conditions cannot be called difficult and humiliating for Russia, although

she lost what she had won at a high price in her time. But persisted

army, artillery (the Turks were given only those guns that were in Kamenny

Zaton), conquests in the Baltic States (they were not even discussed during

negotiations). Devlet-Girey's demands to resume the payment of tribute by Moscow

Crimea was left in vain.

Both sides were happy with the peace concluded. Karl was dissatisfied

XII, who dreamed of taking revenge over Russia with Turkey's help.

The feeling of bitterness did not leave Peter for a long time after the Prut. Upon arrival at

Warsaw in response to congratulations on the happy deliverance on the Prut

the king frankly admitted:

"My happiness is that I should have received a hundred blows from the stick, and

only got fifty. "

Peter learned a subject and memorable lesson on the Prut - loss of feeling

caution, prudence, prudence almost turned

a disaster for him and the country. It was not for nothing that he experienced his failure, spent in

thinking of an inglorious campaign sleepless nights.

But Peter is called by all the new deeds that cannot be delayed. He leads

strengthening the army, building a fleet, fighting, drawing up

new civil laws. Administrative transformations continue:

clarification of the functions of the Senate and the establishment of provinces, the construction of manufactories and

printing of books, simplification of type and improvement of "paradise", construction

ships and sailors training and much more.

in Leipzig (1713) brochure "Description of St. Petersburg and Kronstadt in 1710

and 1711 ", does not hide his surprise and admiration:

"He spends his day, avoiding all idleness, in constant

labor. In the morning, His Majesty gets up very early, and I have met him more than once in

at the earliest time on the embankment going to Prince Menshikov, or to the admirals,

or to the Admiralty and the cable car yard. He dines around noon, it doesn't matter

where and from whom, but most willingly from ministers, generals or envoys ...

After dinner, having rested according to Russian custom for about an hour, the tsar again

goes to work and goes to rest late at night. Card game,

he does not like hunting and the like, and his only amusement, which he

dramatically different from all other monarchs, is floating on water. Water,

seems to be his real element, and he often rides all day on the ice

or a boat ... This passion reaches the king to the point that from walks on

The river is not held back by any weather: neither rain, nor snow, nor wind. One day,

when the Neva river had already become and only in front of the palace there was still a hole

circle of no more than a hundred steps, he rolled back and forth on

tiny geek. "

Even in winter, Peter continued his boat maneuvers, putting them on skates

and runners, saying:

We float on the ice so that we don't forget the marine exercises in winter!

In the same year and the following year, Peter pays a lot of attention to relations with

Turkey, which insists on strict compliance with the conditions of Prutsky

agreement, with Poland, where the locals were greatly annoyed by the Saxons of Augustus

II. The tsar made sure that his unreliable ally took away his

marauder soldiers to Saxony (1716).

Meanwhile, during these years, Russian troops beat the Swedes in Pomerania, in the southern

the coast of the Baltic Sea. Petra is oppressed by a lack of coordination

allies. Moreover, the Danish and Polish kings once again lead

his back is the treacherous separate peace negotiations with the Swedes.

In his hearts, Peter declares that he will withdraw his troops from Pomerania. Later

cools down - after all, but the war with Sweden must be brought to an end; what

do if you have such allies. Sending a letter to Copenhagen again

expounds to the king a plan of military action, assures him:

"I have no interest of my own in either place; but what

here I am doing, then for Your Majesty I am doing. "

But all the same, there are no guns from Denmark, the troops are fruitlessly marking time.

It is clear to Peter that Russia again needs to rely on its own forces, and he will soon

will do whatever is necessary for this. He hides irritation, discontent

allies. Menshikov, who under Stettin spoke to him, undoubtedly

a lot of things that are unflattering about the Danes, it calms, cools:

With the Danish court, as possible, to act kindly, for, although the truth

you will speak without bias, they will accept it for evil. True, their actions are too grave

are wrong, but what to do, and annoying them is unnecessary for the Swedes, and especially

on the sea. If we had contentment at sea, then it would be a different matter; and when not

we have, - the need for these to flank (to flatter the Danes. - V.V.), although that

the opposite to see, so as not to drive away.

The Tsar, giving lessons to his Highness Prince in diplomatic subtlety and

restraint, apparently hoped for the Danish fleet.

In 1713, Russian troops made successful campaigns in Finland,

which then belonged to Sweden, were taken by Helsingfors, Borgo, Abo and others.

Pomerania near Toningen surrendered to the allies eleven thousand Swedes general

Stenbock. But Sweden still had a very strong fleet - her last

hope ", according to Peter. Although through the efforts of himself and many of his assistants

from year to year, new ships of the Baltic Fleet were built, the tsar for the time being

the tsar informs Shafirov in Istanbul:

"Our fleet, thank God, is a multiplier, we are already thirteen line

We have ships from 50 guns and more, and we are still waiting for a good number of ships. "

Successes are evident, but this is not enough for the tsar:

"And we are not strong with big ships."

And here Peter finally gets his way. Besides construction

ships at Russian shipyards, buys them abroad. Himself trains officers and

sailors driving ships in Kronstadt. Organizes and heads flotillas in

hiking to the Finnish coast. Constant effort pays off. Twenty

July 7, 1714, the Russian fleet defeated a large Swedish squadron near

cape. It consisted of sixteen ships of the line, eight galleys and

five other vessels. First to the frigate "Elephant" and nine smaller

ships were attacked by the Russian avant-garde led by Peter Mikhailov.

Despite the advantage of the Swedes in guns (one hundred and sixteen against twenty

three Russians), the Russian ships boldly launched an attack that ended

boarding. Peter then admired the courage of his sailors:

"Truly it is impossible to describe the courage of ours, both beginners and privates,

before the boarding had been so brutally repaired that the enemy's guns

several soldiers, not with cannonballs, but with the spirit of gunpowder, were torn apart by cannons. "

The entire detachment, led by Vice Admiral Ehrenschild, was captured by

Russian. The rest of the ships of the squadron, due to the complete calm, could not provide him

This victory, this time at sea, and even in the Baltic, struck like a thunderbolt

Europe; panic began in Stockholm - the royal court hastily leaves

captured Swedish ships. And happy people walked the streets of the city

winners with trophies and prisoners, among whom was Ehrenschild.

In the Senate, Prince-Caesar Romodanovsky greeted Peter:

"Hello, Vice Admiral!"

So Peter received a new rank and thus an increase in salary, which he

neatly took away, signing the statement. The new vice admiral with full

the basis compared the Gangut battle with the Poltava victory, Indeed

the glory of Russian weapons thundered not only on land, but also at sea, on the very

The Baltic, which Peter has dreamed of for a long time.

Once Peter, in words addressed to Catherine, briefly and aptly defined

circle and essence of their duties:

"We, thank God, are healthy, but it’s hard to live, because I don’t know how to be left-handed.

to own, but in one right hand he is forced to hold a sword and a feather; and helpers

how much, you yourself know. "

The same, but in different words, he inspires the negligent son:

"... This (military affairs. - V.V.) is one of the two necessary

board, hedgehog routine and defense. "

So - internal management ("routine"), for which the "pen" is suitable

(drafting decrees, regulations, instructions), and foreign policy, topics

most - military affairs ("defense"), here a sword is already needed. Two hypostases;

sovereign "legislator" and military leader-diplomat, and in both Peter did a very

Peter himself worked day and night, not knowing fatigue - as the ancients said

chroniclers, wiped sweat for the Russian land and managed to raise all of Russia, so that

to get access to the Baltic, which is necessary for a growing state, in order to finally

defend the national independence of the country.

Peter's sword, whose actions relied on the power of the Russian army and

fleet, led the country to brilliant victories on land and at sea. Russian

The St. Andrew's flag has established itself on the fields and waters of the battles. He became

a symbol of internal transformations, success in the "routine" to which

Peter taught Russia.

Peter I Great

Peter I the Great (Peter Alekseevich Romanov). Peter was born on the night of May 30(June 9) 1672 in the Terem Palace of the Kremlin (in 7180 according to the then accepted chronology "from the creation of the world"). He died on January 28 (February 8) 1725 in St. Petersburg. Buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Peter I - Russian Tsar since April 27, 1682, the first All-Russian Emperor since October 22, 1721.

Statesman and military leader, commander and diplomat, founder of the regular Russian army and navy.

Father - Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov - had numerous offspring. Peter was 14 children, but the first from his second wife, Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina. On June 29, the day of St. Peter and Paul, he was baptized in the Chudov Monastery (according to other sources, in the Church of Gregory of Neokesariyskiy, in Derbitsy, by Archpriest Andrey Savinov) and named Peter. In the 4th year of Peter's life, in 1676, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich died. The prince's guardian was his half-brother, godfather andthe new tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. Clerk N. Zotov taught Peter to read and write from 1676 to 1680.

Pedigree of the Romanovs

Death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and accession of his elder brother Fyodor(from Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya) they pushed Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna and her relatives, the Naryshkins, into the background. Tsarina Natalya was forced to go to the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow.

On April 27 (May 7), 1682, after 6 years of reign, the sickly Tsar Fyodor Mikhailovich died. Enlisting the support of Patriarch Joachim, the Naryshkins and their supporters elevated Peter to the throne on the same day. The Miloslavskys, relatives of Tsarevich Ivan and Tsarevna Sophia by their mothers, saw in the proclamation of Peter as tsar an infringement of their interests. The Streltsy, of whom there were more than 20,000 in Moscow, incited by the Miloslavskys, on May 15 (25), 1682 came out openly: with shouts that the Naryshkins had strangled Tsarevich Ivan, they moved to the Kremlin. Natalya Kirillovna, hoping to calm the archers, together with the patriarch and the boyars, led Peter and Ivan to the Red Porch.

Natalya Kirillovna on the Red Porch with Peter and Ivan

However, the uprising was not over. In the first hours, the boyars Artamon Matveyev and Mikhail Dolgoruky were killed, then other supporters of Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna, including her two brothers Naryshkins.

The murder of Artamon Matveev

On May 26, electives from the rifle regiments came to the palace and demanded that the elder Ivan be recognized as the first tsar, and the younger Peter - the second. Fearing a repetition of the pogroms, the boyars agreed, and Patriarch Joachim immediately performed a solemn prayer for the health of the two named tsars in the Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral, and on June 25 he crowned them king.

On May 29, the archers insisted that Princess Sophia Alekseevna take over the government (regent) with the brothers.

Princess Sophia

Already in his youth, Peter's character traits, outstanding abilities, interest in military and especially in naval affairs were clearly manifested. For the war games of Peter near Moscow in the village of Preobrazhenskoye on the banks of the river. Yauza, a “funny fortress” was created and “amusing” regiments - Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky - were organized, which later became the nucleus of the Russian regular army. The aggravation of relations between various groups that fought for power led to the preparation of Sophia's military action against Peter in August 1689. Warned by his supporters, Peter hastily left for the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, where the troops loyal to him were gathered. As a result of the decisive actions of Peter's supporters, Sophia was exiled to the Novodevichy Monastery under strict supervision, her closest followers were executed.

Execution of archers in Moscow

After the death of Tsar Ivan Alekseevich on January 29 (February 8), 1696, Peter I became the sole ruler. Subsequent attempts by the followers of Sophia to overthrow Peter I by organizing a new reactionary rifle rebellion ended in failure, and the rifle army was eliminated.

The priority of Peter I's activity in the first years of autocracy was the continuation of the war with the Crimean Khan. Since the 16th century, Muscovite Rus fought against the Crimean and Nogai Tatars for the possession of the vast coastal lands of the Black and Azov Seas. In the course of this struggle, Russia collided with the Ottoman Empire, which patronized the Tatars. One of the strongholds on these lands was the Turkish fortress of Azov, located at the confluence of the river. Don to the Sea of ​​Azov and The Azov sea.

To accomplish this task, Peter I formed an army of about 31,000 people, with 114 mortars, 12 howitzers, 44 pishchals. To master military equipment, Peter I conducted maneuvers near Kozhukhov, near Moscow. To divert the attention of the Turks and Tatars from the impending attack on Azov, cavalry under the command of B.P. Sheremetyeva.

B.P. Sheremetyev

In the spring of 1695, Russian troops were moved to the Azov fortress. “They joked under Kozhukhov, - wrote Peter I, - now we are going to play under Azov.” The vanguard of the Russian army set out from Moscow in early March and on June 27 camped at Azov. On the way, the Don Cossacks joined him. On April 28, the main forces moved on ships "smoothly" (along the Volga, then along the Don). They were accompanied by Peter I and his military consultant F.Ya. Lefort. On July 5, the entire army was concentrated in the Azov region. Peter I decided to take the fortress by storm. On August 5, the first assault on Azov took place, but was repulsed. The second assault on 25 September was also unsuccessful. Heavy losses and the approaching autumn forced Peter I to lift the siege of Azov and return. The outcome of the unsuccessful actions was largely influenced by the lack of a Russian fleet in the Sea of ​​Azov, as a result of which the fortress was not isolated from outside help and received reinforcements from Turkey by sea.

F.Ya. Lefort

The failure did not break the will of Peter I. It was decided to act against Azov not only with ground forces, but also with a fleet that could cut off the fortress from the sea. For this, it was decided to build a fleet. The Boyar Duma, at his request, decided: "there will be sea vessels." This was the basis for the creation, for the first time in Russia, of a regular Navy. Construction was carried out at the established shipyards in Voronezh, the village of Preobrazhenskoye, Kozlov and other places. The Admiralty was transferred to Tavrov on the Sea of ​​Azov, a port was created in Taganrog. Most of the ships were built flat-bottomed; these included various ships, including those with weapons from 44 to 58 guns. 2 ships of the line were built, 4 fire ships, 23 galleys, a large number of transport ships. Flagship - 36-gun ship "Apostle Peter"

Fleet under Peter I

Simultaneously intensified ground troops... The number of the army prepared for the new campaign was 75,000 people under the command of Generalissimo A.S. Shein (the first generalissimo of Russia, the title was awarded after the successful capture of Azov).

In the spring of 1696, the 2nd Azov campaign of the army and navy under the general command of Peter I began, were concentrated in Voronezh. At the end of April, 8 regiments, including the guard, went to Azov on transport ships. The rest of the troops moved overland. Sheremetyev's cavalry (70,000 people) was again directed to the lower reaches of the Dnieper. On May 3 (13), the galley flotilla sailed in detachments of 5-8 ships. The Russian fleet (under the command of Admiral F.Ya. Lefort) went to sea to blockade Azov. Peter I took part in the blockade with the rank of captain of the Principium galley.

A.S. Shein

On May 27, the Russian fleet entered the Sea of ​​Azov, threw off the Turkish ships and at the beginning of June blocked Azov from the sea. The Russian army laid siege to the fortress from land. By the joint efforts of the army and navy, on July 18, Azov was taken by storm.

Storming the fortress of Azov

The Azov campaigns hastened the end of the war between Russia and Turkey and the conclusion of the Peace Treaty of Constantinople in 1700. They fortified the southern borders of the country. The experience of the Azov campaigns was used by Peter I during military reforms and reorganization armed forces Russia, showed the increased role of the fleet in the war and were the beginning of the transformation of Russia into a naval power.

In March 1697, the Great Embassy was sent to Western Europe through Livonia, the main purpose of which was to find allies against the Ottoman Empire. Admiral-General F.Ya. Lefort, General F.A. Golovin, head of the Ambassadorial department P.B. Voznitsyn. In total, the embassy included 250 people, among whom, under the name of the police officer of the Preobrazhensky regiment, Peter Mikhailov, was Tsar Peter I. For the first time, the Russian tsar took a trip outside his state. Peter visited Riga, Koenigsberg, Brandenburg, Holland, England, Austria.

Peter I in Holland

The embassy recruited several hundred specialists in shipbuilding to Russia, purchased military and other scientific equipment. In addition to negotiations, Peter devoted a lot of time to the study of shipbuilding, military affairs and other sciences. Peter worked as a carpenter at the shipyards of the East India Company, with his participation a ship was built“Peter and Paul“. In England, he visited a foundry, an arsenal, parliament, Oxford University, the Greenwich Observatory and the Mint, of which Isaac Newton was the caretaker at the time.

The Grand Embassy did not achieve its main goal, but as a result,Peter I, there was a reorientation of Russia's foreign policy from the South to the North.

After returning from the Grand Embassy, ​​Peter I began to prepare for a war with Sweden for access to the Baltic Sea. In 1699, the Northern Alliance was created against the Swedish king Charles XII, which, in addition to Russia, included Denmark, Saxony and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Military weakness and lack of coordination of actions at the beginning of the war doomed the Allies to major defeats. Charles XII one by one defeated the opponents with the help of rapid amphibious operations. Shortly after the bombing of Copenhagen, Denmark withdrew from the war on August 8, 1700. The attempt of the Polish king Augustus II to seize Riga ended in failure. Peter I only 19 (30) August 1700, after the conclusion of peace with Turkey, was able to declare war on Sweden and send troops (35,000 people, 145 guns) to Narva, the siege of which dragged on until late autumn. Upon learning of the withdrawal of the troops of August II from Riga to Kovno, Charles II landed about 32,500 people with 37 guns in Pernov and on November 19 (30), 1700, with 8,500 soldiers, attacked the camp of the Russian troops, and completely defeated it. Peter I himself left for Novgorod two days before.

Great Northern War Map

The defeat of the Russian army at Narva

Charles XII

However, with energetic measures, Peter I restored the regular army (up to 40,000 people, 300 guns) according to the European model, created a navy, and took urgent measures to develop industry.

Peter I nominated talented Russian military leaders: A.D. Menshikov, B.P. Sheremetev and others.

HELL. Menshikov

In 1701, active operations of the Russian troops in the Baltics resumed.

On December 9 (21), 1701, the dragoon regiments of B.P. Sheremetev won the first victory over the Swedish corps of General V.A. Schlippenbach at Erestfer and a larger defeat at Gumelsgorf on July 18 (30), 1702, the remnants of the Swedish troops took refuge in Pernov. At the same time, the troops of F.M. Apraskin pushed the Swedes away from the Russian base - Novaya Ladoga, breaking them on the river. Izhora and forcing them to retreat to the Nyenskans fortress at the mouth of the Neva. The flotilla of ships under the command of I. Tyrnov twice defeated Swedish ships in Lake Ladoga, near Kexholm and forced them to leave for Vyborg. On October 11 (22), Peter I took possession of the Nottenburg fortress (Shliselburg). In the spring of the following year, he occupied Nyenskans, Yamburg and Kopor'e.

Storming of Nottenburg

Blocking the way to the Neva for the Swedish fleet, Peter I erected the mouth of the river near the southern navigable channel, near about. Kotlin, fort Kronshlot (Kronstadt). In 1703, at the mouth of the river. The city of St. Petersburg was founded on the Neva River, and since 1712 it has become the capital of Russia.

Peter I in St. Petersburg

In 1704, Dorpat, Narva and Ivan-gorod were taken, which led to the consolidation of Russia on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

After the deposition of the Polish king August II in 1706 and his replacement by Stanislav Leshchinsky, Charles XII in the summer of 1708 began his fateful campaign against Russia, intending to reach Moscow through Smolensk. However, meeting resistance from the Russian troops, Karl turned from the Starish region to Ukraine, where he hoped to receive help from the traitor of the Ukrainian people, Hetman I.S. Mazepa.

Karl XII and hetman I.S. Mazepa

At the end of September, the Swedes reached Kostenichi (on the road to Starodub) and stopped in anticipation of A. Levengaupt's corps. However, in the battle near the village of Lesnaya on September 28 (October 9), 1708, Peter I (16,000 people and 30 guns) utterly defeated Levengaupt's corps (16,000 people and 30 guns, a wagon train with food and ammunition - 7,000 carts). Peter I sent A.D. Menshikov, consisting of 10 dragoon and 3 infantry regiments, mounted on horses (a total of 11,600 people). Russian troops threw back the Swedish vanguard. Corvolant in 2 lines attacked the main forces of the Swedes. A stubborn battle lasted for several hours, but in the end the Swedes, having suffered heavy losses, retreated to Wagenburg. As Bour's cavalry approached the Russians, the Russians attacked again. At night Levengaupt, abandoning all the artillery and the convoy retreated down the river. Sozh. The Swedes lost 8,000 killed, 1,000 prisoners, wagon train, banners. Russian troops lost over 1,000 killed and 3,000 wounded.

Battle of Lesnaya

The defeat of A. Levengaupt's corps deprived Charles XII of the reinforcements and provisions he needed, and thwarted his plans for a campaign against Moscow.

An acute shortage of food and fodder forced Charles XII in the spring of 1709 to turn south to the Poltava region, which was not yet devastated by the war. In April 1709, the Swedish army concentrated in the Poltava region.

The general battle between the Russian and Swedish armies during the Northern War took place near Poltava on June 27 (July 8) 1709.

In the spring of 1709, after an unsuccessful winter campaign in Ukraine, Charles XII(35,000 soldiers and 32 guns) laid siege to Poltava. In April-June, the garrison of Poltava (4200 soldiers, 2500 armed citizens, 29 guns), headed by the commandant Colonel A.S. Kelin, supported from outside by the approaching cavalry of Field Marshal A.D. Menshikov, successfully repulsed several enemy assaults. On June 16 (27), at a military council, Peter I made a decision for a general battle. On June 20 (July 1), the main forces of the Russian army (42,000 soldiers and 72 guns) crossed to the right bank of the river. Vorskla. On June 25 (July 6), Peter I placed the army in a position near the village of Yakovtsy (5 km north of Poltava), placing it in a fortified camp.

The field in front of the camp, about 2.5 km wide, covered from the flanks by dense forest and thickets, was fortified by a system of field engineering structures of 6 frontal and 4 quadrangular redoubts perpendicular to them. The redoubts were at a distance of a rifle shot from each other, which ensured tactical interaction between them. In the redoubts there were 2 battalions of soldiers and grenadiers, behind the redoubts - 17 cavalry regiments under the command of A.D. Menshikov. The plan of Peter I was to wear down the enemy at the forefront of the redoubts, and then defeat him in an open field battle.

June 27 (July 8) at 2 am the Swedish army under the command of Field Marshal K.G. Renschild (Karl XII on June 17 (28) was wounded in the leg during a reconnaissance) numbering about 20,000 people and 4 guns (28 guns without ammunition were left in the train, and the rest of the troops - up to 10,000 people were in reserve near Poltava and protecting communications) 4 columns of infantry and 6 columns of cavalry moved to the position of the Russians. At the first stage of the battle, battles were fought for the forward positions. At 3 o'clock Russian and Swedish cavalry struck up a stubborn battle at the redoubts. By 5 o'clock the Swedish cavalry was overturned, but the infantry following it captured the first two redoubts. Menshikov asked for reinforcements, but Peter I, adhering to the plan of the battle, ordered him to retreat behind the line of redoubts. At six o'clock, the Swedes, advancing behind the retreating Russian cavalry, came under cross fire from the Russian fortified camp with their right flank, suffered heavy losses and fled in panic to the forest near Malye Budishchi.

Russian artillerymen near Poltava

At the same time, the right-flank Swedish columns of Generals Ross and Schlippenbach, cut off from the main forces during the battle for redoubts, were destroyed by Menshikov's cavalry in the Poltava forest on the orders of Peter I.

Poltava battle

At the second stage of the battle, the struggle of the main forces unfolded. At about 6 o'clock in the morning, Peter I built up an army in front of the camp in 2 lines, placing the infantry in the center under the command of General R.Kh. Bour and Field Marshal A.D. Menshikov, artillery deployed in the first line of infantry under the command of General Ch. Bruce. A reserve was left in the camp - 9 battalions. Part of the infantry and cavalry Peter I sent to reinforce in Malye Budischi and the garrison of Poltava, in order to cut off the path of retreat to the Swedes and prevent them from capturing the fortress during the battle. The Swedish army also lined up against the Russians in a linear order.

At 9 o'clock the Swedes went on the offensive. Met with heavy fire from Russian artillery, they rushed into a bayonet attack. In a fierce hand-to-hand combat, the Swedes pushed the center of the first line of the Russians. But Peter I, who was observing the course of the battle, personally led the counterattack of the Novgorod battalion and threw the Swedes back to their original positions. Soon the Russian infantry began to push the enemy, and the cavalry began to cover his flanks. By 11 o'clock, the Swedes began to retreat, which turned into a stampede. Karl XII with Hetman Mazepa, leaving the troops, fled from the battlefield (to the Ottoman Empire). The remnants of the Swedish army retreated to Perevolochna, where they were overtaken and laid down their arms. In the Battle of Poltava, the Swedes lost more than 9,000 people killed, over 18,000 prisoners, 32 guns and the entire train. The losses of the Russian troops amounted to 1345 people killed and 3290 people wounded.

The beginning of the Battle of Poltava

Captured Swedes near Poltava

The Battle of Poltava predetermined the victorious outcome of the long Northern War and raised the international prestige of Russia.

Having defeated the elite troops of Charles XII in Ukraine, Russian troops in 1710 captured Riga, Revel, Kexholm, Vyborg and Fr. Ezel. With the help of British and Austrian diplomacy, Charles XII managed to draw Turkey into the war, which in 1710 declared war on Russia. Despite the failure in the Prut campaign of 1711, Peter I achieved an armistice with Turkey at the price of a concession to Azov.

In 1713, Peter I, with the help of a special Ingermanland corps (over 65,000 people), with the assistance of a galley squadron (over 200 ships with 870 guns) and a sailing fleet (7 battleships, 4 frigates with 900 guns) launched a decisive offensive against the Swedish troops in Finland. During the summer of 1713, Helsingfors and Abo (Turku) were occupied, a major defeat was inflicted on the Swedish troops in the battle on October 6 (17) near Pelkin. In February (March) 1714 M.M. Golovin defeated the Swedes at Lappala and occupied the city of Vaza.

Thanks to the Swedish domination of the Baltic Sea, the Great Northern War dragged on. The Baltic Fleet of Russia was just being created, but managed to win its first victory in the Gangut naval battle.

Gangut naval battle

The Gangut naval battle between the Russian and Swedish fleets took place on July 26-27 (August 6-7) north of the Gangut (Hanko) peninsula on the Baltic Sea. At the end of June 1714, the Russian rowing fleet (99 galleys and a scampway with 15,000 troops) under the command of General-Admiral F.M. Apraksina concentrated off the eastern coast of the Gangut peninsula in order to break through to the Abo-Aland skerries and land troops to strengthen the Russian garrison in Abo (100 km north-west of Cape Gangut). The path of Apraksin's fleet was blocked by the Swedish fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Vatrang (15 battleships, 3 frigates and a detachment of rowing ships), which took up a position at the southwestern tip of the Gangut Peninsula. Peter I made reconnaissance and ordered to build a passageway (wooden deck) across the narrow isthmus of the peninsula (2.5 km) for the transfer of galleys along it to the skerry area located north of the Gangut Peninsula. The sudden actions of these ships behind enemy lines were supposed to divert his attention from the breakthrough of the main forces of the Russian fleet. Learning about the construction of the crossing, the commander of the Swedish fleet immediately sent a detachment of ships (1 frigate, 6 galleys, 3 skerboats) to the northern coast of the peninsula under the command of Rear Admiral N. Ehrenskjold. At the same time, he sent a detachment of Vice Admiral Lille(8 battleships and 2 bombardment ships) to strike at the main forces of the Russian fleet in the area of ​​its concentration. The enemy forces were dismembered. Peter I immediately took advantage of this. On the morning of July 25 (August 6), when, due to the lack of wind, the Swedish sailing ships could not maneuver, the vanguard of the Russian fleet was 20 scampway) under the command of Captain-Commander M.Kh. Zmaevich began a rapid breakthrough, bypassing the seaward Swedish squadron out of the reach of its artillery fire. Following him, a guard detachment (15 scampaways) made a breakthrough to the western part of the passage. The daring actions of the Russian rowing ships caught the Swedes by surprise. Bypassing the Gangut Peninsula, Zmaevich's detachment met and fired at the Shautbenakht Taube detachment (1 frigate, 5 galleys, 6 skerboats), going to join the main forces of the Swedish fleet. Finding the Russian ships that had broken through, Shaktbenakht Taube turned to the Aland Islands. On the same day, Russian ships blockaded Ehrensjold's detachment. Believing that the next detachments of Russian ships would continue to break through the previous route, the commander of the Swedish fleet withdrew Lille's detachment, and he himself withdrew from the coast, freeing the coastal fairway. Apraksin took advantage of this, breaking through the coastal channel with the main forces of the rower to his vanguard, which continued to block the Swedish ships. Ehrensjold refused the offer to surrender. Then the vanguard of the Russian fleet attacked the Swedes. The first two attempts were repulsed, but the third was crowned with success. All 10 Swedish ships led by Ehrensjold were taken prisoner. The Swedes lost 361 people killed, 350 wounded, 237 prisoners, 10 ships with 116 guns went to the Russians as trophies. The Russians lost 127 people killed and 342 wounded.

The victory at Gangut (the first victory of the Russian regular fleet) had a large military-political significance... She ensured the successful actions of the Russian troops in Finland and created the conditions for the transfer of hostilities to the territory of Sweden.

The brilliant victories of the Russian fleet in the Ezel naval battle on May 24 (June 4) near about. Ezel (Saaremaa) and about. Grengam July 27 (August 7) ​​1720 showed the complete superiority of the Russian Navy over the Swedish.

Ezel Naval Battle

In 1720, Sweden began peace negotiations with Russia, culminating in the Nystadt Peace Treaty of 1721. The victory in the Northern War crowned the age-old struggle of Russia for access to the Baltic Sea and, together with the major internal transformations of Peter I, contributed to its transformation into one of the great powers.

The largest foreign policy event of Peter I after the Northern War was the Caspian (or Persian) campaign of 1722-1724. On June 18, 1722, after the Persian Shah Tohmas Mirza asked for help, a 22,000 Russian detachment sailed across the Caspian Sea. Derbent surrendered in August, after which the Russians returned to Astrakhan due to problems with food. In 1723, the western coast of the Caspian Sea was conquered with the fortresses of Baku, Rasht, Astrabad. On September 12, 1723, the Petersburg Treaty was concluded with Persia, according to which the Russian Empire included the western and southern coast of the Caspian Sea with the cities of Derbent, Baku and the provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran and Astrabad.

Persian campaign of Peter I

During his reign, Peter I showed a deep understanding of the state tasks facing Russia, and carried out major reforms aimed at overcoming the backwardness of Russia from the advanced countries of Europe and the use of its vast natural resources. His activities to restructure the state apparatus were aimed at strengthening the absolutist state, strengthening the feudal-serf system, the rule of the nobility class and the nascent bourgeoisie.

Instead of the Boyar Duma, the Governing Senate was created in 1711, to which the collegiums were subordinate. The independent position of the church was largely limited: the activities of the created synod were controlled by a government official - the chief prosecutor, the patriarchate was liquidated in 1721. Instead of the previous division of the country into counties and provincial administration, 8 provinces were created at the head of the governors. The provinces were divided into 50 provinces. Area transformations government controlled ended in 1721 with the proclamation of Russia as an empire.

As a military leader, Peter I is among the most educated and talented builders of the armed forces, generals and naval commanders in Russian and world history of the 18th century. The work of his entire life was to strengthen the military power of Russia and increase its role in the international arena.

Under Peter I, the army and navy received a uniform and harmonious organization, regiments, brigades and divisions were formed in the army, squadrons, divisions and detachments were formed in the navy, and a single dragoon-type cavalry was created.

The basis of the structure of the armed forces was the recruitment service introduced by him (1705) and the compulsory military service of the nobles. To manage the army in the field, the post of commander-in-chief (general-field marshal) was introduced, in the fleet - general-admiral. At the field headquarters, a council of war ("consilia") was established as an advisory body. In the period 1701-1719, navigation, artillery, engineering schools and a naval academy were opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Military regulations, military ranks were approved, orders and medals were established.

Weapons of the army of Peter I

Grenadiers and Dragoons of Peter I

For all the contradictory nature of his nature, Peter I entered the history of Russia as a progressive statesman and military leader who was able to deeply and comprehensively understand the pressing problems of Russia's development and did a lot to turn it into a great world power.

Monuments to Peter I have been erected in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Arkhangelsk, Taganrog, Petrodvorets, Tula, Petrozavodsk.

Monument to Peter I in Moscow

Monument to Peter I in St. Petersburg (Bronze Horseman)

Started Peter I the struggle for Russia's access to the Baltic Sea and fortification on these borders was hard and lengthy. The Great Northern War, in which Russia and Sweden were the main opponents, stretched out for 21 years.

However, the decisive battle, which predetermined the outcome of the confrontation, took place on June 27 (July 8), 1709, six miles from the city of Poltava.

The Northern War began disastrously for Russia - with a crushing defeat at Narva in 1700.

The defeat at Narva caused Russia not only material, but also political damage - the power of Peter I in Europe was no longer taken seriously, while the Swedish king Charles XII, the winner of the "Russian barbarians", was treated with undisguised sympathy.

However, the discouraging start of the war did not break either the will or the political aspirations of Peter. Guided by the principle "for one beaten two unbeaten give", the Russian tsar, avoiding a general battle with the Swedes, again proceeded to seize their fortresses on the shores of the Baltic.

Charles XII himself contributed to this. The Swedish king, endowed with undoubted military talents, was at the same time endowed with excessive self-confidence. It was she who made the Swedish king consider Russia completely defeated and completely concentrate on the fight against the ally of Peter I, King of the Commonwealth August II.

The pursuit of the quirky Augustus stretched over several years, which the Russian tsar successfully used to reform and re-equip the army, as well as for the gradual conquest of Ingermanland. In 1703, St. Petersburg was founded at the mouth of the Neva, after which the Russians continued the tactics of a leisurely "weaning of the Swedish lands."

Charles XII decided at the end of the war with August II to invade Russia, capturing and setting Moscow on fire, thereby putting an end to the claims of Peter I.

Charles XII's route during the Northern War. Photo: Public Domain

About the dangers of self-confidence

In 1706, August II was done away with, and Charles set about preparing an invasion of Russia.

True, the factor of surprise was not an ally of Charles XII - all his plans and intentions were clear to Peter I and his military leaders.

The Russian tsar dragged his opponent into a war of attrition, and soon the Swedish army, which invaded the Russian possessions, began to experience problems with food and ammunition.

Charles XII seriously relied on the help of the Swedish king who had defected to the side Hetman of Little Russia Ivan Mazepa, who promised the Swedes 50 thousand Cossacks, food and a comfortable winter.

In practice, however, together with Mazepa, about 10 thousand Cossacks went over to the side of the Swedes. At the same time, Charles XII, not relying too much on their loyalty, did not use the Cossacks in the Battle of Poltava. It is curious that for exactly the same reason, fearing treason, Peter I refused to use the Cossack units near Poltava.

Martial happiness began to betray Charles XII. The three-month siege of Poltava, which the Swedes initially considered an easy prey, ended in nothing.

Charles XII, having learned about the approach of Peter I with the army, intended to give his enemy a general battle, despite the weakened state of his own troops and the great advantage of the Russians in the number of the army.

Swedish generals, based on previous experience, believed that the Russians would behave passively in battle, which would enable the Swedes to overturn Russian army and put him to flight.

Unlike Charles XII, Peter I did not rely on luck and military happiness, but prepared for battle carefully, building defensive redoubts in the path of the enemy's movement. In addition, the Russian tsar managed to achieve an overwhelming advantage in artillery, which would become one of the decisive circumstances in the battle.

On the eve of the battle, the situation was extremely unfortunate for Charles XII. He did not receive reinforcements, he was not supported by the Ottoman Empire, on whose entry into the war he hoped.

In addition, the "easy catch" Poltava never passed into the hands of the Swedes.

Denis Martin. "Battle of Poltava" (1726). Photo: Public Domain

Despite all this, Charles XII accepted the plan of the general battle. The essence of the Swedes' plan was a surprise attack by the infantry at dawn with a breakthrough into the Russian rear, which was supposed to throw the Russian army into confusion, after which the cavalry had to finish the job.

Of the 37 thousand people of the army of Charles XII in the Battle of Poltava, he had 8000 infantry, 7800 cavalry and about a thousand irregular cavalry. Peter I had an army of 60,000 at his disposal, of which 25,000 infantry and up to 12,000 cavalry participated in the Battle of Poltava. And all this, not counting the superiority of the Russians in guns, which, according to various sources, they had from 100 to 300, while the Swedes had no more than 40 guns, which, moreover, did not have ammunition in abundance.

Knowing about all this, the self-confident Charles XII decided to nevertheless give a decisive battle.

Swedish crash instead of Russian

The Swedes' plan for battle began to crumble at the very beginning, when the regiments, intending to take the Russians by surprise, stumbled upon redoubts at night, the construction of which was not even suspected.

The stubborn battle ended with the planned retreat of the Russians to the main positions, but in the Swedish camp the impression was that the enemy had fled.

The illusion turned out to be so strong that those close to him began to congratulate King Charles on his victory.

While the Swedes were preparing for the holiday, a disaster was brewing. Carried away by the storming of the 3rd redoubt, the column of the Swedish General Roos broke away from the main forces and was defeated by the Russians. The same fate befell the cavalry detachment. General Schlippenbach... Volmar Schlippenbach himself became the first Swedish general to be taken prisoner by Russia that day.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the main battle of the main forces began. The Swedish infantry attacked the Russian formation, and a fierce hand-to-hand fight ensued. The critical moment for the Russian troops came when, on the left flank, the Swedes overturned the 1st battalion of the Novgorod regiment with a bayonet attack, capturing over a dozen Russian guns.

The authority of the Swedish army was extremely high. The breakthrough of the Swedes threatened to bring confusion and panic into the ranks of the Russian army. However, here Tsar Peter himself intervened in the matter, at the head of the 2nd battalion of Novgorodians, who stopped the enemy's offensive.

L. Karavak. "Peter I in the Battle of Poltava" (1718). Photo: Public Domain

Meanwhile, the Russian right flank infantry under the command of General Mikhail Golitsyn put to flight the opposing Swedish battalions. The cavalry tried to come to the rescue, but was thrown back by the Russian cavalry.

Here the superiority of the Russian troops in numbers began to affect. Having failed to achieve rapid success, the Swedish regiments were exhausted, gaps appeared between them, which led to their encirclement. In the center, the battalions of the Uppland regiment were almost completely destroyed, where less than two dozen of 700 soldiers survived.

By 11 o'clock in the morning, the worst thing happened for Charles XII - his brave and invincible soldiers fled in disorder.

Feast and surrender

The king himself had to flee, suffering losses among his inner circle.

The defeat of the Swedes was complete: the Russians got 137 of the standards and banners of the enemy, the generals and field marshals of the Swedish king and even the first minister Charles XII were captured.

In the evening of the same day, Peter I celebrated the victory in his tent, where captured Swedish generals were also invited. The Russian tsar drank to the loyalty and courage of the Swedes and to the health of his teachers in the military field.

Personal standard of Charles XII, captured during the Battle of Poltava. Peter-Pavel's Fortress. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / A. Sdobnikov

Despite the celebration, Peter sent part of the troops in pursuit of the retreating. The end of the Swedish army came two days later at the town of Perevolochna. Russian troops drove the Swedes into the arrow of the Vorskla and Dnieper rivers, blocking their escape routes.

Only Karl XII himself, Mazepa, a small number of confidants and a guard detachment managed to cross the Dnieper and escape the pursuit. This happened a few hours before the approach of the Russian troops.

When the pursuers, led by Menshikov, the broken Swedes capitulated. 16 thousand people were captured, including 3 generals, 11 colonels, 16 lieutenant colonels, 23 major, 1 field assistant, 12,575 non-commissioned officers and privates.

The losses of the Swedes directly in the Battle of Poltava amounted to 9224 killed and 2973 taken prisoners.

The losses of the Russian troops were 1345 killed and 3290 wounded.

Poor Karl, poor Sweden ...

The defeat at Poltava turned out to be much more terrible for Charles XII than the defeat of Peter I at Narva. Poltava not only destroyed the military authority of the Swedish king, it dealt a decisive blow to the Swedish army, which never regained its former power.

The war with Russia lasted another 12 years, but it was, figuratively speaking, a delayed defeat. Russian troops gradually finished off the Swedes, occupying more and more new territories, in the end, bringing the matter to ruinous landings, operating almost in the vicinity of Stockholm. The Swedes could no longer oppose this with something other than unwillingness to admit defeat.

The fate of Charles XII himself turned out to be even more deplorable. Hiding in the possessions of the Ottoman Sultan, the former idol of Europe spent several years in Bendery, having no real strength to continue the war and at the same time losing power in his homeland.

In 1713, the sultan literally expelled the "inmate" from his possessions, and he hardly, almost secretly, made his way to the lands belonging to Sweden. True, he never returned to Stockholm - there Charles was no longer perceived as a king. The Swedish nobility was utterly irritated by the unsuccessful and ruinous war, which literally destroyed the country's influence in Europe.

In 1718, Charles XII, resigned to the obvious, tried to make peace with Russia, recognizing most of the conquests of Peter I in the Baltic. The parties, however, did not come to an agreement.

In November of the same year, the king of Sweden, during his last campaign in Norway, which at that time was owned by Denmark, was killed by a stray bullet during the siege of the fortress of Fredriksten.

There is a version, however, that Charles XII fell victim to the Swedish elite, who decided that they no longer needed such a loser monarch.

But the "shadow of Poltava" hovered over the heirs of Karl. Three years after his death, in 1721, Sweden concluded the Treaty of Nystadt with Russia on conditions much more difficult than those that Charles XII refused in 1718.

Before Peter I, large warships did not exist in Russia, therefore, there was actually no outlet to the sea. The first Russian sailing ship "Eagle", intended for military needs and created in 1669, accommodated a crew of only 35 people and was intended for the landing of troops and boarding crew, that is, for close combat, but not for operations in the open sea.

Having studied shipbuilding abroad, the emperor came to the conclusion about the need for a serious reorganization of the naval business in Russia and began shipbuilding. The result of such an extensive reformatory activity was the first victories won by the Russian fleet during his reign. For the first time, the Russian fleet proved itself in the Azov campaigns, after which it was tested in practice during the Northern War.

Fleet under Peter I

One of the first large and successful battles of the sailing navy of Russia under Peter the Great took place, oddly enough, not at sea, but on the Pelkina River on October 6, 1713. The battle was attended by the galley fleet of Commander-in-Chief Apraksin with a landing of more than 16 thousand marines on board and a ship fleet commanded by Peter himself. Russian troops attacked the enemy positions, outflanking them, and after a short resistance won a crushing victory.

On May 27, 1714, another decisive naval battle of the navy took place - the Gangut sea battle, in which grenadier, infantry, guards and galley regiments and battalions took part. The Gangut battle took place in the open sea and superior enemy forces, since the Russian naval squadron, consisting of a rowing fleet, fought with 15 battleships, 3 frigates, 2 bombarding ships and 9 galleys of the Swedish fleet, commanded by G. Vatrang.

Gangut sea battle

Realizing that the Russian ships had no chance of winning such a huge and well-armed fleet directly in battle, Peter decided to transfer part of the fleet across the isthmus north of the cape itself, for which it was planned to fight, for which a whole transshipment bridge was built, along which the galleys had to be pulled to the other side. The Swedes, having learned about such a cunning maneuver, divided their fleet and threw it across the ships that had just been ferried, which were not there, since all the actions carried out by Peter were nothing more than a military trick, as a result of which they managed to divide the large fleet and gain a noticeable advantage ...

A detachment of the Russian fleet consisting of 20 ships, headed by Commander M.Kh. Zmaevich began to break through the Swedish fleet, while remaining out of the line of fire, while another detachment of 15 ships was in reserve for a certain time, which saved Peter from the need to drag ships, but put the Swedes at a standstill. The Swedes tried to attack three times, but were repulsed and after the surrender of the main flagship were forced to admit defeat. Only a small part of the Swedish ships managed to escape.

Admiral of the Russian fleet M.Kh. Zmaevich

Another battle that glorified the Russian fleet and put it on a par with the best fleets of European countries took place on July 27, 1720 near the Grengam Island, which is part of the Aland Islands group. The Russian fleet, consisting of 90 ships, was commanded by M. Golitsyn, the Swedish fleet by K. G. Sheblad. As a result of the battle, Russian galleys and boats that did not require great depths managed to lure the Swedish fleet into shallow water, where it was defeated.

The naval battles under Peter I put an end to the domination of the Swedes in the Baltic Sea and showed that Russia is becoming a serious rival not only on land but also at sea.

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