The battle near Narva was lost because. Attack of the Swedish Calps

Garden technique 22.09.2019
Garden technique

At the time of the entry of Russian troops in Ingrius and Estlandia, the Swedish troops were few in the region. In addition to 2 thousand garrisons, defending Narva, there was a Swedish corps - up to 8 thousand soldiers, under the command of General Governor Ingermanland, Count Otto Velling, who was located southeast of Pernova (Pärnu).

Otto Welling

In addition, small garrisons were in cities and fortresses. In a direct battle, these forces could not join the Russian army.
Karl XII. He sent additional forces to Estlandia and Ingeria (about 10 thousand soldiers), which landed in Repel and Pernov. The Swedish King himself also arrived in Pernov together with his troops 5 (16) of October.

Karl XII.

He gave his forces a rather long holiday. 12 (23) October Karl came to Revel and gave an order Otto Velling with the main forces of his corps to nominate to the Nessenberg. October 25 (November 5) Karl XII came to Revel, where he held a meeting with local populationHe promised people additional privileges as part of the Swedish Empire.

Purets collision (Purtsy)

Peter I, having received the news of the landing of the Swedish troops in Perne, September 26 (October 7) sent a 5-thousand cavalry detachment of Boris Sheremetyeva on the Revel-Road.

Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev

The distance from Narva to Revel was about 200 wool, the road was going through the swampy terrain along the coast of the Gulf of Finland, and the village of Pyuchai, the strengthening of the PURTS and Vessenberg were on the way. Small connections to the Swedes retreated to Reel. Schemetyeva detachment, not meeting resistance, by 3 (14) October was 100 worst and took the position of Lenserberg.

On October 25 (November 5), the detachment of General Wellling came to Wenberburg from the south. Having learned about the approach of the Swedish troops, Sheremetyev decided to step by 36 Wool back to strengthen the PURTS and dispersed his squad for several settlements In a swampy terrain to the east of the Purtse, to overlap all the roads leading to Narva. And the Count of the main forces itself stopped in the village of Powedda.

Swedes, taking advantage of the carelessness of Russian soldiers who were not wanted, on October 25 (November 5), PURTS was contlected, and on October 26 (November 6) Villais village. Sheremetyev, having learned about it, sent a large detachment, the Swedes in Variley were surrounded, but the battle broke out and retreated. Captured Swedes reported false information about the approachment of the Big Swedish Army (30-50 thousand people).

Count Boris Petrovich Sheremetev will be one of the best commander of the Northern War, but one of his traits was greater caution. He makes a decision not to keep the frontier of the Purez and move away for another 33 versts back to the village of Pyuchai. Sheremetev quite wisely believed that his Connection would be difficult to restrain the onslaught of the Swedish forces in a swampy and wooded terrain.

Vessenberg surroundings and the path of retreat Boris Sheremetev.

Next steps Party

Initially, Karl did not focus all his strength for the battle with the Russian army under Narva, since he saw a danger in southern Estland. IN Novgorod land There was a division under the command of Anynicat Repnin and the detachment of Cossacks Ivan Obidovsky. In addition, the likelihood of new actions on the part of the Saxon Kurfürst of August II remained, which, although he removed the siege from Riga, but could join the Russian forces from Pskov and hit the Derpta direction.

Friedrich August II.

Karl XII left several thousand regular soldiers and militia for the defense of the Revel, and for action on southern direction Allocated a thousandth regiment of Ratar under the command of General Volmar Anton von Schlippenbach. October 26 (November 6) Raitara Shlippenbach defeated 1.5 thousand detachment of Pskovsky militias from Ilmen's lake. In this battle, more than eight hundred Russian militias were killed, besides, Schlippenbach soldiers seized a dozen Russian courts and the banner of the Pskov province.

Attack of the Swedish Calps

Karl, having learned about the results of collisions from the PURETS, makes a decision to move with a relatively small detachment of 4-5 thousand soldiers to Wenberg. There, his detachment was connected with the forces of General Velling. 12 (24) November Swedish king, contrary to the advice of part of his general student, made a decision on march to Narva.

Sheremetyev did not consider his previous mistakes - intelligence was poorly organized and the approach of the Swedish forces actually missed. In addition most of His forces were busy searching for a provisional and forage. In the key paragraph of his defense there were only 600 people. Karl did not neglect the same intelligence and knew about the situation of Russian forces. The Swedish army walked two parallel roads, shot down by suddenness and organization of small Russian cavalry detachments. As a result, 16 (27), Sheremetyev could not organize resistance at the turn of the village of Pyuchai and retreated, causing the anger of Peter.

Check out Peter, plans of the Russian and Swedish command

Peter, appreciating the situation, 18 (29) left in Novgorod, leaving the command of Field Marshal de Crook (although he refused such honor).

Charles-Eugene De Cro

After her victory in the Narvian battle, the Swedes spread the version that the Russian king escaped due to cowardice. In Sweden, they even released a medal with a picture of the crying Peter, running from the fortress, the inscription on it was a quotation from the Bible: "Iced Won, crying bitterly." The same hypothesis then repeated some Russian historians. But, apparently, this is an erroneous opinion. More serious historical research Do not support it. Petra's biography speaks of his personal courage, this man was not afraid of difficulties, repeatedly turned out to be in the thicker battles, put on his life. Apparently, we can talk about the underestimation by Peter Demanding Karl and the possibilities of the Swedish army. The king, having received information about the small number of Swedish troops, did not assume that Karl will decide to attack the Russian fortified camp, where the most numerous Russian army was located, before the reinforcement approach. Therefore, this time the king decided to use, having accelerating the arrival of additional forces, delivery of ammunition and food, for negotiations with the Polish king on the interaction of forces to strike at the Swedish army.

Peter I.

The generals, receiving from Sheremetyeva a message about the approach of the Swedish army, did not know what to decide. At the Military Council, Sheremetyev proposed to get out of fortifications and to attack the Swedes himself, but most generals decided to adhere to defensive tactics by using the presence of fortified positions.

The dear determination of the Swedish king overturned the calculations of Peter: "Will the Swedam be afraid of Moscow men?" Said Karl and on November 19 he led the troops in the attack. The Russian camp guard was so bad that the Swedes easily made a reconnection of positions. Carl chose the tactics traditional for the Swedish army: to hit the center of Russian positions by the main forces, break through them, and then destroy both wings separately.

The execution of the plan facilitated the fact that the Russian positions were poorly ready for defense. Russian troops were very unsuccessfully located, it was difficult to protect the fortifications, since there was no depth of construction (all the forces were located in one line) and reserves that could be easily transferred to the threatening area. There was no opportunity to maneuver with their superior forces, to provide each other mutual support. In addition, the enemy fortress was located in the rear, for which it was necessary to look. Communication with another shore could be implemented only through one floating bridge on the right flank defense.
The left flank defended Division Weide and the cavalry of Sheremetyeva, in the center, occupying a part of the height of Germansberg, the joints of Prince Trubetsky, on the right flank golovin division, including Semenovsky, Preobrazhensky, Lefortovo shelves. The headquarters of the Russian army was at the extreme right flank, on the island of Kampergolm. The total number of Russian forces is estimated at 34-40 thousand people, including irregular troops. 22 guns and 17 Mortira were delivered along the shafts, the rest of the artillery was located at Ivangorod.

The Swedish army consisted of up to 12 thousand bayonets and a saber (21 battalion of infantry, 46 kavalry squadrons and 37 guns).

Fortress Narva


At night 19 (30) November 1700, the Swedish army is secretive, forest trails, approached the center of the location of the Russian army, and where they were not waiting for them. After rest, about 13 o'clock in the afternoon the Swedes went to the offensive. They attacked by two groups: the Welling Column (11 battalions and 22 squadron) went to the right of the height of Germansberg, the other, Renshild (10 battalions, 12 squadrons, 21 instruments), to the left of this hill. Before the columns they walked shock five-hundredthly troops Grenador with fascines (bunch of twigs, a beam of the twig), in order to throw ditch. On the ridge of heights set the battery under the command of Baron Shablad of 16 guns, she opened fire in the center of Russian positions.

12 squadrons remained in the reserve.

The weather favored the Swedish king, a strong wind with dense snow beat into the eyes of Russian soldiers (visibility was no more than 20 meters). Russian compounds managed to become in a gun, but the shafts were protected only by a rare chain of shooters who defeated the front in 6 wool. Fight began at 2 o'clock. The Swedes were able to use the sudden factor, threw fascins, climbed to the shaft, and after half an hour, defense in the center was broken in two places. First, we retreated parts of Trubetsky, and behind them and the left flank Wade and the right head. The army turned out to be cut into two parts, artillery was lost, one began to be crowned south, the other to the north.

Began confusion, many were considered that foreign officers betrayed them, soldiers with a cry: "The Germans changed us!", Tried to kill them. Foreign generals and officers, saving their lives, surrendered to the Swedes in full. The location of Sheremetyeva's local cavalry tried to retreat for the Narov River. Sheremetyev himself successfully moved to the other side, but about 1 thousand people drowned in an ice river.

But the battle has not yet been lost. The Swedish army took possession of Germansberg, the center and key of Russian defense, and began to be crowded into flanks both wings of the Russian army. The main efforts of the Swedish command focused against the "Northern Group", separated by the Russian army. Initially, the tipped forces of Trubetskoy and grub in disorder ran to the bridge, he could not stand the crown and collapsed. There was nowhere to retreat, the digestible powers of the head began to line up together with the Preobrazhensky, Lefortovo and Semenovian regiments, who were not amented to the universal panic and took the premissive strengthening - "Vengburg" (or a gulya-city, mobile field strengthening in the XV-XVIII centuries). Guards Peter and Golovin compounds beat off all the attacks of Renshild forces. The Swedish king, ordered Velling to allocate several battalions in reinforcement Renshild, and he himself put forward with selected troops to help. Carl personally led the Swedish troops in the attack, but former "funny" sustained the blow and did not give a step of the Swedes. Carl said in admiration: "What are the men!" Swedes suffered significant losses here.

The commander of the "southern grouping" Wade was able to collect the part upset at the beginning of the battle, stopped the offensive of the Welling column and even pushed the Swedes. But since local cavalry I ran away and could not support his counterdaddar, could not do more. The night stopped the battle.

There was a patent situation. Karl cut the Russian army, defeated her center, the Russians lost artillery, all foreign officers were transferred to the side of the Swedes, the Supreme Command in the face of De Cru. But no Russian regiment folded the weapons, each of the two Russian groups was equal to the Swedish army. The impossibility of retreat could generate the desperate determination to attack the enemy, and the simultaneous blow of Russian forces on both sides could lead to the victory of the Russian army. Part of the Swedish infantrymen, capturing in the Russian camp, loosened it and came up. There was a case of "friendly fire", characteristic of Western armies - two Swedish battalions in the dark took each other for the Russians and began the battle.

The main problem of Russian forces was the lack of a clear command and communications among themselves. The remaining Russian commanders, having accurate information about the situation, could well reflect the outcome of the battle in their favor.

Picture A. E. Kotsebu "Battle of Narva".


Russian generals - Prince Yakov Dolgorukov, Automon Golovin, Ivan Busurlin, General-Feldsuchmeister Tsarevich Alexander Imeretsky, Adam Weide, having accurate settings about the situation, decided to start negotiations. Karl, understanding all the sharpness of his position, wouldingly went to meet their initiative.

In the course of the negotiations began, an agreement was reached, according to which Russian troops could lead to the other coast of the river, leaving their weapons and banners, the Swedes received artillery and travel. Night from 19 to November 20 (from 1 to December 2), 1700, Russians and Swedish sappers restored the crossing. On the morning of December 2, the parts of the Northern Group began to transfer to the other side. Parts of the Division of Golovin with Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky, Lefortovo regiments were unhindered by the river. But then Karl violated the agreement: the Swedes demanded the joints of Division Wide to fold the weapons and banners, in addition, the Russian command and officers were captured. Soldiers of the Vase Division were forced to give weapons and banners and with "Great Brand", a shorter Swedes and command, passed through the bridge.

Causes of defeat

Bad organization of intelligence and actions of the local cavalry. More successful actions of the Terminal Sheremetyeva Copyright against General Velling could delay Charles time before the spring-summer of 1701, more convenient time for hostilities.

The pre-war reorganization of the Russian army temporarily weakened it, the new standards were not yet entrenched, and the old mechanisms were broken.
- Formation of the Russian army

Ideally, Peter and his commanders needed several years of fighting with a random opponent to consolidate positive beginnings, discard erroneous. And the Russian army almost immediately collided with the first-class, "invincible" army of the Swedish Empire. The exam was very tough. I must say, despite the general defeat, Russian soldiers and part of the commanders showed themselves with best side, having stressed under the blows of the challenged soldiers of Charles.

Some authors believe that the main reason The defeat was the disorganization of the command. The Supreme Command was passive, the use of foreign military specialists did not meet.
- Bad defense organization. The place for the battle was extremely unsuccessful: the troops were clamped between the two lines of the shafts, could not maneuver, build a deeper defense, to help each other, transfer reserves, there was a strong enemy fortress in the rear.

Spellite use by the Swedish command of the weaknesses of Russian defense - the Swedes managed to hit Russian divisions into the joint, dismember the Russian army into two parts.


- The Russian army lost 7 thousand killed, drowning, deserted. The Swedes, violating agreements, captured 700 people, including 10 generals, 56 officers (including A. Weide, A. Imeretinsky, I. Buturlin, Ya. Dolgoruky - they were held in captivity until 1710, I. Trubetsky, and . Golovin - exchanged on the Renshild Graph only at the end of 1718, etc.). Swedes captured 195 guns, 20 thousand muskets, 210 banned, the royal treasury at 32 thousand rubles.

Swedish losses amounted to 2 thousand people killed and wounded.

It was a severe defeat of the Russian army: severe human losses suffered, the army was actually decapplerated by the passing of foreign officers and the treacherous captivity of the most talented Russian commanders, a significant amount of artillery was lost. IN Western Europe After the Narvian battle, the Russian army has ceased to perceive as serious strength for several years. European print hotly supported this idea, foreign diplomats laughed at Russian messengers. Even rumors about the new heavy lesions of Russia and the seizure of the power of the princess sofia have come. Narva defeat was considered an irreparable catastrophe in Europe.

Swedish king received the glory of the great commander. But, on the other hand, this victory sown seeds of the future defeat of the Swedish Empire - Carl believed that the Russians broke armed forces For a long time and did not develop my success, deciding to focus on the succons. Played a role and such personal factorAs Charles's hatred to the Saxon ruler, the Swedish king considered him the initiator of the Antiswalie Union, the main conspirator who should be very punished. "The behavior of it is so shameful and vulno," said Karl about Augustus, - that he deserves vedders from God and the contempt of all boned people. " He strongly underestimated the Russian army until the Poltava battle. Karl did not go to the world, although Peter, with the mediation of Austrian and French diplomats, was ready for negotiations. The Russian king, on the contrary, after a crushing defeat, developed violent activities, carried out work on mistakes, focused on the preparation of Russian officer's personnel.

There was a serious danger of the invasion of the Swedish army, in the domestic regions of Russia in 1701. The Russian king had to hastily strengthen the North-Western frontiers of the powers left at his disposal for the troops under the fear of death, it was forbidden to retreat from the border of the defense of Pskov - Novgorod - Arkhangelsk. The construction of new fortifications and repair of old, mobilization for the work of the population begins.

The battle of Narva ended the campaign of 1700. She was unsuccessful for the allies. Swedish troops have achieved major strategic success: Denmark was derived from the war, the Saxons took the siege from Riga and retreated, the Russian army was defeated by Narva.
Monument to Russian soldiers. In 1900, by the 200th anniversary of the first battle under Narva, on the initiative of the Preobrazhensky, Semenov Regiment and the 1st Battery of the Life Guard, the 1st artillery brigade near the village of Vepskul, a monument to the fallen Russian soldiers was built.

Monument in Vepskul

Application. Evaluation of the battle of Peter.

"Swedes for Narvivo on our army Victoria (victory) received that there is undoubtedly; But it should be intelligent, over what the army they got: Only one old Lefords regiment was, and two regiments of the guard (Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky) were only in two attacks from Azov, and those field fights, but the Napa with regular troops, never.

Other shelves such as officers, and ordinary, most recruits; Yes, and besides, in late time, the great hunger was, in short, it was impossible to bring in the great mud of the provinet. You can say a single word: all that matter of Yako infant play was, but art - below the view. What is the surprise of the old, trained, practiced troop over such inexperienced Victoria? True, this victory at that time was sadly sad and sensitive, and a desperate all sorts of hope of hopes. But when you think about it, then ... If we were then on the Swedes, Victoria got, formerly in such an insolebility in all matters, both military and political, in which misfortunes of our happiness could be long as the Swedes, already For a long time in all trained and glorious in Europe (which the French called German Beach), under Poltavaya so severely navigated that all their maxima (greatness) reached the bottom. But when we are unhappiness (or, it is better to say, great happiness) was received by Narva, then unwinding was drunk and diligence and the day and night arrived at the art, and the war would already lead the war with fear and art. "

Narva, Gustav Olaf Cedrere

  • Date: 30 (19) November 1700.
  • A place: Next to the fortress of Narva.
  • Opponents: Sweden is the Russian kingdom.
  • Commander of Russia:Karl-Evgeny de Croa, I. Yu. Trubetskaya, Ya. F. Dolgorukov, A. M. Golovin, A. A. Weide, I. I. Buturlin, B. P. Sheremetev, A. A. Imereti.
  • Forces of Russia:from 34 to 40 thousand people (according to various sources), 195 guns.
  • Commander Sweden: Karl XII, K. G. Renshild, O. Welling, Yu. Shebelad, A. Gorn.
  • Sweden forces:the Army Charles XII was about 9 thousand people and 37 guns, the garrison of the fortress - 1900 people.
  • Military conflict: .
  • Outcome: The victory of the Swedish army.

Narva Battle: Prehistory

Narva battle is the first large battle During the Northern War. It took place near Narva 30 (19 s. Art.) November 1700 between the Russian army, under the command, and the Swedish army, who was commanded by Karl XII.

In front of Russia at the time was the task of obtaining a yield to Baltic Sea.. Peter I decided to win the Narva and Ivangorod from Sweden. The siege of fortresses began 27 (16) September 1700. The number of Russian troops was about 35 thousand people: of which 7 thousand were infantry, 1500 dragoons and 6500 local cavalry, as well as 173 guns. The number of the garrison of the Swedish troops was about 1.9 thousand people. The garrison also had about 400 guns at its disposal.

Battle of Narva: the fight

Army of Peter I 31 (20) of September was carried out art. Bombardment in the hope that the garrison capitulate. However, the artillery shelling did not give the desired result, in particular because of poor state Artillery (she was outdated at that time), as well as due to lack of ammunition. The Army of Sweden, taking advantage of the absence of the help of the Russian army by the Polish king of Augustime, went to the rescue of the precipitated garrison.

At that time, Peter I was forced to leave in Novgorod to speed up the approach of reinforcements and accessories. The command of the Russian army was entrusted to the foreign duke K. de Croa.

In the morning of 30 (19) November, after two hours art. Shelling from the Swedish army, Karl XII decided to go to the attack. The main strategy of Karl XII was to disconnect the Russian army and then destroy it in parts. In addition, Carl also had accurate data on the location of the Russian troops, which he received from the defector. Strategy of impact implied the concentration of effort against the right flank of the Russian army. It was done in order to deprive the opponent of the only crossing, namely the bridge from about. Kampergolm. By noon, the Swedes managed to break through the Russian army in two places, in addition, many commanders of the Russian army, including the Duke de Croa, fled to the Swedes. Low before that Shelves of the Russian army, who remained without command, began retreat to the bridge.

Under the weight of retreating units, the bridge across Narva collapsed. Those troops that have not managed to cross, joined the Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments who resist the position and kept the opponent's offensive. The left flank was still kept by a division under the command of General A. A. Weid. However, the Russian army failed to break through the environment and organize effective defense due to the lack of a single command, as well as the isolated of its two parts. The Russian army capitulated on the conditions of conservation of weapons (excluding banners and artillery). Nevertheless, later December 1 (November 20), the Swedes violated their agreement. After crossing the divisions and the Guards regiments under the command of A. I. Golovin through Narva, the Swedes disarmed divisions I. Yu. Trubetsky and A. A. Veid.

Narva Battle: Results

Narva Battle turned to the Russian army of loss of 8 thousand people and 145 guns. The enemy lost about 3 thousand people in this battle. The defeat of the Russian army was the first big failure during the Northern War. Peter I also seriously perceived this failure: the construction and training of the regular Russian army was accelerated, it was also equipped with the most modern artillery at that time.

Siege of Narva Russian troops is the first step of fighting Peter I for entering the Baltic Sea. On September 8, 1700, after imprisonment with Turkey, Russia's truce announced the War of Sweden. In the first days of September, the Russian army, numbering 35 thousand people nominated and soon besieged Narva.

The choice of Narva was not accidental. The geographical location of the city allowed those who owned them, to carry out control not only in the Neva River basin, but also in the Gulf of Finnish bay, and therefore the entire Baltic States. Taking the Narva, Russian troops were easier to return lost ingrius and Ingermanland.

After a triumphal victory over the Denmark and the signing of the Travental world, Karl XII returned to his homeland, making a decision to deal with August next spring. The unexpected news of the invasion of Russian troops in the Swedish provinces led the king to rabies. The indignation of Charles did not know the limit due to the treachery of Peter, who even recently swore in his sincere friendship and good neighborliness. The king furnished 16,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalrymen, and himself headed by the army to the Livonia.

Narva was a fortress that about 2,000 soldiers were defended under the command of Gorna. The approach to the fortress of Russian troops, forced him to organize a militia in which about 4,000 armed citizens entered. Narva defended 400 guns.

Strong autumn storms and bad weather prevented the Swedes in the concentration of forces and means. Peter understood that the arrival of Charles with the army could sharply complicate his plans, so rushing with storm. On October 20, the bombardment of Narva began from all 173 guns. The fire did not bring the desired result, besides, the Russians ended the gunpowder.

Customized by news about the approach of Karl, the king is making decisive actions. Unexpected for advocates of the attack of two shooting regiments, allowed the Russian to gain himself near the fortress walls. However, success was temporary - the next morning, without receiving reinforcements, the Archers fled. Peter's rage managed to pay off, only after each tenth receded. However, the first dips in the assault and the inadequate reaction of the king on them were affected by the Russian army. It turned out that the troops are completely not trained by the rules of siege and do not know where to start the assault.

Meanwhile, it became known that Karl from the army landed in the Riga Gulf in Pernau and are on the march towards Narva. Soon I did not come about the next failure. Not far from Narva stood the city of Lenberg. His capture would allow Russian to block the road with Swedish troops. Sent by bp Sheremetev with Connection could not knock the Swedish garrison from the city. Moreover, the Russian military camp deployed in the vicinity of Wenberg was unexpectedly attacked by the Swedes hiddenly approached combat. Russian cavalry fled, opening a direct road by the main forces of Charles XII.

Inappropriate and confusion in Russian troops further aggravated, after Peter left the Russian position, leaving the troops under the command of the duke of Charles de Crook, whose shoulders were mainly in the Austrian army. The trust of the king to foreign general and the officers further affected the outcome of the battle. There was no prepared Russian team building, and foreign military specialists did not hurry to shed blood for someone else's and, from their point of view, the "barbaric" country.

Why, at the time of the extreme tension, Peter left the army, entrusted to the command of an alien duke? In the cowardice to blame Peter absurd, throughout his battle life, he has repeatedly proved enviable courage and courage in the most dangerous moments. The historian S.M. is responsible for this question. Solovyov, who wrote: "Reckless delets, the desire to be dangerous was useless not at all in the nature of Peter, which he was so different from Charles XII. Peter could leave the camp if Carla's approach, making sure that it remains dangerous and it is useless that the presence of it can be useful elsewhere. It was a person who was least able to be guided by a false shame. "

November 19, 1700 occurred home battle. Crook deployed Russian troops into a long 7-kilometer line. It was not left unnoticed in the Swedes camp, as well as the fact that Russian construction did not cover the artillery, which remained in the previous positions opposite Narva. Assessing the situation, Karl organized shock fists, having built his infantry into narrow columns, placing them opposite the center of the Russian position. Thus, the king provided the numerical advantage of the Swedes towards the main strike. Swedish infantry according to the plan was supported by artillery. The plan also assumed the capture of the bridge across the River Narva and blocking ways to retreat Russian troops. Swedish cavalry had the task to break into the rear of the enemy and complete the operation.

On the day of the battle, a thick wet snow with piercing wind. Well trained and hardened in battles Swedish Grenadiers rushed to the position of Russians. Bad visibility allowed Karl's soldiers to suddenly appear in front of Russian positions. Draining the Swedes' firmware rushed in the sricook, in which they were unsurpassed.

The response volley of the Russians was not effective in order to stop the onslaught of attackers. Worsely prepared for hand-to-hand combat and not having combat experience of the Russian after a short contractions could not keep the head of the Swedes. The power of foreigners' officers over the soldiers has fallen. The troops have become unmanageable. Foreign officers surrendered and moved to the side of the enemy. Panic mood with lightning speed has spread to Russian parts. Unmanaged crowds soldiers rushed to the bridge, which under the weight of the runners collapsed into the student waters of the river. Cornia Sheremeteva, who had a chance to hit the flange of a buffet building and turn the battle's move, treacherously rushed to flee. Having lost the courtyard of the Spirit and the management of the troops surrendered to the Duke of Crook. Thirty officers followed his shameful example. Only two regiments - Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky - preserved courage and durability. Their stubborn resistance caused the alarm of Karl. Despite the fact that their commander Colonel Blumberg at the beginning of the battle was moved to the Swedes, the shelves did not flinch. Were overwhelmed with slingshots and wagons, they persistently defended and beat off all the attacks of the Swedes. Definable leadership, the disorganized army lost the disability. The remaining at the Russian parts of Generals A. Golovin, Prince Ya. Dolgoruky and I. Bugorlin were forced to join Carl to negotiations.

The Agreement of the Parties assumed the cessation of fire and the removal of Russian parts with the preservation of light small arms. Artillery got the Swedes. However, the Swedish side violated the terms of agreement and disarmed some compounds of Russians. A part of the officers was taken captured, which also contradicted the agreement. Russian losses amounted to 8,000 people. The highest officer, including 10 generals and the most herself, was in captivity.

On November 21, the solemn entry of the Swedish troops in Narva took place. On the occasion of victory in the temple, thanksgiving prayer was held. Celebrations were accompanied by a rumble of guns. Commander of Narva Garrisona G.R. Gorn received general chin. The victory was immortalized in 14 commemorative medals.

The defeat of Russia in Narva had a tremendous foreign policy value, from which the country could not recover until 1709. For Europe, Russia has ceased to exist as mighty powder. Russian ambassadors were subjected to all sorts of smiles and humiliation. Satyric medals were transferred from hand to hand, in which the Russian king was depicted in a panic running and throwing weapons. Carl, the same European poets compared with Alexander Macedonian and left him great feats, and artists and medalists glorified the hero on the canvases and in plastic.

The defeat under Narva had a great instructive meaning. Battle showed weak sides Russian army, its bad studies of the rated case, the absence of a prepared middle and senior officers, inorganized supply and so on.

The victory of the experienced and excellent trained Swedish army was natural.

The defeat gave a powerful impulse to transformations and prompted the titanic work. In the consequence, Peter wrote: "When this misfortune was received, then unwinding was drunk, and forced to hard work and the art of the day and the night."

The beginning of the Northern War

At $ 1697-1698 $. Peter I spent Great Embassy According to European countries. As a result, a coalition was created against Sweden, which was then the strongest northern country. Coalition received name Northern Soyuz. Russia intended by war to access Baltic and return the Baltic lands, and also hoped to get Swedish Ingermanladia. The largest fortress in this region was Narva. According to the agreement in the Northern Union, Russia announced the War of Sweden immediately after imprisonment of the truce with Turkey at the end of August $ 1700 $ G. In the Northern Target, the main target became just Ingermanlandia.

Preparation for the battle of Narva

The Russian army had a sufficient number, but the reforms started by Peter I demanded a continuation.

Example 1.

So, in particular, the troops lacked the discipline and the necessary military knowledge, as well as to ensure.

However, the young Peter I believed that the army was ready for war, he planned to bring $ 40 $ thousand to the Narva. Infantry, $ 10 $ thousand people of the noble cavalry and $ 10,000 thousand Cossacks. The Swedish army was better organized.

The trip to the Narva of the Russian troops was quite long, because The movement slowed down the travel with equipment, ammunition, etc., as well as rains. The advanced shelves approached the fortress at $ 2 $ of a week after the start of the war - to $ 10 $ September $ 1,700 $ G. And the last at all did not have time to battle: so, $ 10 thousand thousands of Cossacks were in Pskov, the Pskovo-Pechora monastery and Gdow, and $ 10 $ thousand soldiers led by Repnin A.I., were still in Novgorod.


The garrison of Narva was about $ 2 $ thousand. Narva was located on the West Bank of Narva River (Narov), and Ivangorod - on the eastern shore. Between these fortresses was a bridge, which greatly made the siege. The siege was headed personally Peter I. In the second half of October, the shelling of the Narva of Russian artillery began, but the guns had enough for a couple of weeks only, and the effect did not reach the effect at all (the guns were small-caliber). Thus, the actuator fell.

In the current situation, the Northern Union showed his inconsistency: Denmark capitulated, the King of the Commonwealth August II. retreated from Riga. But Karl XII, the King of Sweden, sent extra forces to Ingermanland and arrived himself.

In early November, a Russian squad Sheremetev The defeat under the fortress of Purtz (in a swampy terrain on the coast of the Finnish bay between Narva and Revel, i.e. Tallinn). Sheremetev managed to capture two officers who, following the instructions, strongly overestimated real information about the number of Swedish troops.

Main Battle

Fearing possible actions of Augustime, as well as the Cossacks and in the Pskov and in Novgorod, the soldier repfon, Karl II did not compare the number of troops with Russian. Soon the Swedes broke the Sheremetyev in the pihuyogi, because He distributed a detachment for finding a found.

$ 10 $ November Captain Preobrazhensky Regiment Yakov Gummert. Routed to the side of the Swedes. It strongly undermined the attitude to foreign officers.

Having learned from Sheremetev about the approach of the Swedes, Peter I went to Novgorod. Command Tsar handed the duke de crook. As a result, the general battle of $ 30 to November has passed without the king. The Swedes attacked unexpectedly thanks to strong snowfall and counterfeit for the Russians. Panic began in Russian troops from surprise: someone tried to flee, many drowned, part of the Bila Foreign Germans, accusing them. De crook surrendered to the Swedes. But a $ 3 $ of a new building regiment fought desperately. By night, the riots intensified. In the morning next day Tsarevich A. Imeretsky, A. Golovin, Prince Ya. Dolgorukov and I. Bugorlin Started negotiations on the surrender.

Note 1.

Russian army Abandoned Narva without banners and weapons.


It was a heavy defeat for the Russian army: the set of warriors lost, including the team composition, artillery, collapsed the reputation of the army. But Karl Xii rashly decided that he broke Peter I for a long time, while the Russian king began to actively hold military reformIn an effort to rely now on compatriots in senior positions.

Attempts by Peter I to conclude the world with Karl XII were unsuccessful, so Russia closed closely with August II.

Taking Narva Peter occurred at $ 1704 $ in the second battle.

It became the first serious exam for the Russian army in the Northern War. At that 1700, no one assumed that the campaign would last two dozen years. Therefore, the Narva Confuccia seemed to many of the fatal failure.

Battle background

The Northern War began due to the fact that Peter tried to get comfortable harbor on the Baltic Sea. These lands once belonged to the Russian kingdom, but were lost during the University of the XVII century. What year did the Narva Confuciage occurred? In the 1700th. At this time, the young Russian king built many plans for the transformation of Russia into the real world power.

In 1698, Peter I was able to achieve diplomatic success. The King of Poland and Kurfürste Saxony August II concluded a secret union against Sweden. Later, the monarch of Denmark Frederick IV joined this agreement.

Having such allies behind his back, Peter hoped to act freely against Sweden. King of this country Karl XII joined the throne in a very young age and seemed a weak opponent. The initial goal of Peter became Ingermanlandia. This territory is modern Leningrad region. The largest fortress in the region was Narva. There were Russian troops there.

On February 22, 1700, Peter declared War of Sweden, immediately after he learned about the conclusion of a peace treaty with Ottoman EmpireThat saved him from the conflict on two fronts. Nevertheless, he has not yet known that the Narva Confucius is waiting for him.

State of the Russian army

To war with the northern neighbor was preparing in advance. However, this did not guarantee success. The Russian army still lived in the XVII century and lagging behind European in technical terms. In total, about 200 thousand soldiers were listed in her ranks, which was a lot. However, all of them lacked material support, training and reliable discipline.

Peter tried to organize an army on the Western modern model. For this, he invited from European countries of various specialists - mostly Germans and Dutch. The vector was chosen correctly, but by 1700 only two regiments correspond to all standards and requirements. There was a lot of time on modernization and retraining, and Peter hurry to end with his enemies, hoping that it was just sudden to give him an advantage.

By the beginning of the Northern War, Russia still did not produce their own muskets. In addition, the army from the very beginning faced with such a problem as weakly mastered transport system. In the bad weather, the road in the northern regions became a real test for soldiers who had to overcome more than a thousand kilometers. These factors also contributed to the phenomenon that was called Narva Confucius.

State of the Swedish Army

The northern neighbor of Russia, on the contrary, was known to all Europe with its well-organized army. Her reformer was the famous king that was horrified on his enemies during the thirty-year-old war (1618-1648).

Swedish cavalry consisted of contract soldiers who received a large salary. The infantry was recruited on a compulsory appeal with a particular province, however, the infanorium earned well. The army was divided into squadron and battalions that effectively interacted on the battlefield. Each soldier struck towards harsh discipline, which helped him during the battle. Over the past century, the Swedish army tried only victories, and it was thanks to her the country began his expansion in Northern Europe. It was a formidable opponent, the underestimation of the power of which turned fatal error.

Events on the eve of battle

On November 17, he told the king that the Swedes compete and are very close. Nobody spent normal intelligence, and in the Russian camp near Narva did not know about accurate size enemy troops. Peter I, having learned about the approach of the enemy, went to Novgorod together with Alexander Menshikov and Fedor Golovna. Feld Marshal General Kra is left to command. The duke (this was his title) tried to resist this decision of the king, however, could not convince Peter.

Later, the sovereign explained his act that he needed to meet with the Polish king, as well as replenish the summies and reserves. At the same time, the Swedes after their victory tried to interpret this episode as the cowardice of the king. The Narva Confucalus of the Russians served as a reason for the issue of commemorative medals, which was depicted sobbing Peter.

Building a Russian army

Troops under the leadership of Crook did everything to strengthen on the banks of the River Narva. To do this, fortifications were built on the west. All the army was divided into three parts. The right flank occupied part of a car with a number of about 14 thousand people. In the middle stood Prince Trubetskoy with his squad. Under his boss was 6 thousand people. On the left was the cavalry, which was subordinate to Sheremetev.

When it became clear that the Swedes were already quite close, de Crup ordered the army to take a combat position. Communications were stretched by seven kilometers. At the same time, the troops stood a thin strip. There was no reserve or spare shelf behind their back.

Strategy Karla

On the morning of November 30, 1700 came to Russian positions. Narva Confucay region approached. The battle date is known for three sources. If you refer to the pre-formed calendar, then the battle took place on November 19, in the Swedish - November 20, according to the modern - November 30th.

The appearance of the Swedes turned out to be unexpected, despite all previous preparations. At the Military Council Sheremetev offered to divide the army. Part of it was supposed to go to the blockade of Narva, and the other to give the general battle of the Swedes in the field. Duke did not agree with such a proposal and decided to leave the initiative to the young Swedish monarch, who himself led his troops. De Crup believed that the Russian army would be more efficient if it remains at the old positions.

The Swedes knew perfectly on the state of the enemy, so they were able to develop the most efficient strategy. Karl Xii decided to press the flanks of the Russians, since the center of the troops was most fortified and could defeat the king. So the Narva Confucays happened. The Great Northern War, may have had other results if not the best Swedish strategic strategies - Carl Renshild and Arvid Gorn. They gave wise advice to the young monarch who was a brave, but without the support of military leaders could allow a mistake.

Attack Swedov

Narva Confucius is not only bad training of Russians to battle, but also a lightning strike of the enemy. Swedes wanted to press their enemy to the fortress. So almost disappeared space for the response maneuver. The only way to retreat led to the cold river Narva.

The infantry was covered with fire artillery, which the Swedes installed on the nearby hill, from where it was opened good review terrain. Snowfall has become another reason for which Narva Confucias occurred. It was luck of the Swedes. The wind blew in the face of Russian soldiers. Visibility did not exceed a dozen steps that terribly prevented the retaliatory fire.

2 hours after a day, two deep Swedish wedges hit the flanks of the stretched Russian army. Very soon there were bars at once in three places, where Karl's blows could not be reflected. The coherence of the Swedes was exemplary, became an imminent Narva Confucia. Its value is difficult to overestimate, because after a couple of hours the enemy broke into the Russian camp.

Panic and desertion began. The fugitives did not remain anything but to try to pass the Narva Vyod. IN ice water Thorough about a thousand people drowned. Before that, a small river was transformed through the river, which could not stand the onslaught of fugitives and collapsed that only increased the number of victims. Narva Confucius, the date of which turned out to be a black day for domestic military historywas obvious.

Foreign generals put by Peter at the head of the troops, also began to retreat, which led to the rage of Russian officers. Among them was the de Croa himself, as well as Ludwig Allart. They surrendered to the Swedes, fleeing their own soldiers.

The greatest resistance was rendered on the right flank. Here, Russian soldiers were pregnant from the enemy with slingshots and voices. However, this could no longer change the outcome of the battle. With the onset of the night, the situation was aggravated. The episode is known when two Swedish detachments in the dark took each other for the Russians and opened fire in their own. The center was broken, and because of this, two protected flank could not contact each other.


Such was the beginning of the Northern War. Narva Confuciazia was an unpleasant, but inevitable fact. With the onset of the morning, the Russian detachments remaining in positions, they decided to start negotiations on the surrender. The main parliamentary was the prince of Yakov Dolgorukov. He agreed with the Swedes about the free passage on the opposite shore. At the same time, the Russian army was deprived of cross and artillery, but she had banners and weapons.

The Swedes got significant trophies: 32 thousand rubles from the royal treasury, 20 thousand muskets. Disproportioned losses. If the Swedes lost 670 people killed, then Russians - 7 thousand. 700 soldiers remained in captivity, contrary to the conditions of surrender.


What turned for Russians Narva Confucius? The historical significance of this event had perennial consequences. First of all, the reputation of Russia was injured. Her army ceased to perceive seriously throughout Europe. Above Peter was openly mocked, and the glory of the brave commander was entrenched behind Carl.

Nevertheless, time has shown that it was Pierry Victory Swedes. Karl decided that Russia was not dangerous, and began to fight with Poland and Denmark. Peter took advantage of the response provided by the respite. He engaged in military reforms in the state, transformed the army and put in it a colossal amount of resources.

It brought its fruits. After a few years, the world found out about Russian victories in Baltik. The main battle occurred under Poltava in 1709. The Swedes were defeated, and Karl fled. It became clear that for the whole of Russia, oddly enough, it turned out to be useful Narva Confucius. Finally deprived the Sweden of the secured status of the dominant power in the Baltic Sea. In 1721, a peace treaty was signed, according to which Russia received many land and ports in the region. The St. Petersburg was founded here - the new capital of the country. Poltava battle, Narva Confucius, Greengam Battle - All these events became a symbol of a bright and complex Petrovsky era.

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