How to make a wither boss in minecraft. Making a Wither Skeleton in Minecraft - Necessary Manipulations and Battle

The buildings 03.07.2020
The buildings

An impressive part of your time spent in Minecraft will be spent fighting mobs that will seek to destroy you. Therefore, you will need serious weapons, as well as knowledge of which mobs are stronger, which are weaker, which have immunity or weakness to any items, potions or spells. But among the usual mobs, bosses stand out, which are much stronger and more dangerous than the usual representatives of the opponents. They have more health, they deal terrifying damage and have several dangerous attacks at once. One of the most intimidating bosses can be called the Wither - in fact, you can not fight him, but then you will not get an incredible trophy, the Star of the Nether, thereby depriving yourself of the opportunity to craft some unique items. And this means that you still need to know how to summon the Wither in Minecraft.

What is a Wither?

Wither is a boss that intimidates both with its appearance and with its attacks. You should know how to summon the Wither in Minecraft, but at the same time, you should also imagine what you are going for. This boss looks like a huge black skeleton without arms and legs, but with three skulls, he has the ability to fly, which makes him very dangerous. When you first summon him, he does not look very impressive, while having only half health. But don't think that this is a chance for you to kill him quickly - while he is passive, you won't be able to attack him. He will slowly gain his missing health, grow in size, and when he reaches his peak, he will release an explosion that will damage everything that is near him. Therefore, it is worth choosing the place of summoning wisely - as you can see, knowing how to summon the Wither in Minecraft is not enough. Other factors must also be taken into account.

The call process

You have already learned about what this boss is - it's time to move on to the main question of how to summon the Wither in Minecraft. You can only do this if you create the right altar. To do this, you will need soul sand and skulls of wither skeletons. You can find this sand in the Nether. You will also find wither skeletons there. You will have to kill at least three to achieve the result you wanted. At the same time, not every mob can drop a skull, and you will eventually need three of them.

When you have the right ingredients, choose a place and lay out the altar. Remember that one of the skulls must complete the construction of the altar, otherwise it will not activate. Therefore, first lay out three blocks of soul sand, then place another one on the side of the central one. Skulls you need to lay out on the other side along three blocks of sand. When the last skull becomes part of the structure, the wither summon will activate. It is better for you to move away so that you are not hurt by a powerful explosion, and also take the most advantageous position for attack and defense, since the blows of this boss can cause serious damage to you. The wither skeleton in Minecraft is a much easier opponent, although it is much stronger than ordinary skeletons. In general, all this means that the Wither is one of the most difficult opponents in the game, and you need to follow specific tactics against him.

How to deal with the Wither?

It is worth rejoicing that you do not need to think about where to find the Wither in Minecraft. Since you summon him, and at the same time he remains in a passive state for some time, replenishing his health, you find yourself in an advantageous position. You can choose your own location, create traps and all the conditions for a comfortable battle. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is most convenient to attack the Wither with arrows, keeping a safe distance. But there is one nuance here - when the boss's health reaches the level with which he arrived in this world, he will have new armor. She will protect him from arrows and others, so here you have to take up the sword and go to fight face to face with the enemy. Here it is important for you to pay attention to the skulls that the Wither throws at you - they can be dangerous. The black variant, although it does not do much direct harm, is poisonous, so you will lose health gradually. Blue skulls do more damage and have a wide blast radius.

Drop from the Wither

You do not have to directly fight the boss - he is aggressive to all creatures except the undead. Therefore, you can witness the great battle "Minecraft": Wither vs. Dragon. You will be able to finish off the Wither and collect a drop from it - Nether Star, a rare material that will come in handy for making incredible things.

Wither is the second and final boss in Minecraft Pocket Edition. Unlike the Dragon of the Edge, it has much more interesting features. It is stronger and more dangerous than a dragon, but it drops incredibly cool loot. Let's take a closer look at all this and start with the summoning of this boss, which first appeared in mobile Minecraft 0.16.0 for Android.

It is not necessary to call, but if you want to collect all the achievements, then you will have to kill him. To kill you will have to prepare a little. To begin with, we go to the Ender World in Minecraft and find an infernal fortress there, where there will be wither skeletons, which we will have to kill for a very, very long time.

Just imagine: head drop chance is 2.5% on an unenchanted sword and 5.5% on a sword enchanted with Luck 3. And we need 3 of these heads! Therefore, enchant the sword for luck 3, so the chance will be at least a little more than with the "stock" sword.

After this tedious process, when you return to the normal world, grab 4 soul sand from hell. Now you are ready to summon the boss and you can spawn it, but for this it is worth finding a suitable place. If you call him near the buildings, he will immediately smash them.

Choose an empty, deserted place, preferably deep underground. In this case, you will also get a lot of resources that the Wither will destroy in the process of fighting you. Now place the soul sand in a T shape and place the three wither skeleton skulls on top. After that, the recruitment process begins.

How to kill the Wither?

Initially, he will have little HP and he will gradually gain them, you should not fall for this trick, it is better to run away and wait for the moment when he restores his HP and explodes. After that, you can safely proceed to the war with him. And if you hurry up and approach him before full regeneration, you will simply die in the explosion and lose all your things.

What things will be needed?

In addition to a sword and a bow, you will need a couple of buckets of milk to remove the withering effect that will be applied to you if our evil hero hits you. As soon as you remove half of his HP, he will call wither skeletons to his aid. If possible, do not pay attention to them, try to finish off the Minecraft PE boss, if you are distracted by skeletons, then he will have time to regenerate his HP.

What is the health of Minecraft main bosses?

It has 6 times more HP than the Ender Dragon (600), while the wither in the Java version has only 300HP, apparently Mojang thinks that mobile gamers in Minecraft are stronger than PC ones. Thus, killing him may take longer than killing the Dragon. But it's worth it: after the kill, you have a 100% chance to get the Star of Hell - an extremely useful item that is required to create a Lighthouse.

The Beacon is a special construct that, if set up correctly, will give you positive buffs all the time.

The Wither must be killed after the Ender Dragon, otherwise you will not be able to get the Achievement for killing him.

Thus, we dismantled the wither skeleton and can easily kill it. Unfortunately, our hero was deprived of fame, at the mention of the boss in Minecraft PE, the Dragon comes to mind, but nevertheless, he also enjoys some kind of popularity. So for example, who wants to get the Wither in real life, then a toy is sold on AliExpress for $ 5.

On our site, the site has both skeletons and the wither boss itself, so you can easily surprise your friends with such a skin.

Attention! To our site:

Minecraft game attracts a large number of gamers around the world. Every day the number of players increases. In order to develop your abilities, it is recommended to read the tips for creating one or another Wither is a boss mob. Minecraft game how to make a wither skeleton?

In order to summon this character, in the first line of crafting you need to place 3 blocks of the skull of the skeleton, in the second line 3 blocks of sand, and in the third line place one block of sand in the middle. Following this design will allow you to create the necessary bot without errors. Immediately after the assembly of such a mob, the boss will only have half health, but then it becomes 100%. The boss is very dangerous, so you have to act really smart.

Make a Wither in Minecraft

It is noteworthy that the last block to spawn must be one of the skulls, so you cannot assemble a wither with the help of pistons. Now you know how to make a wither in Minecraft, so you have all the cards in your hands! Try to make and beat this mod, get great experience and learn the art of building and fighting! You will also be able to think over your tactics of warfare. The level of difficulty will be high, but you are taking part in this game not only to complete easy tasks. Difficulties build character, improve maneuverability and skills of your character.
In order to get detailed information, you can watch a minecraft video on how to make a wither. To do this, follow the link how to make a wither in Minecraft.

Hello minecraft players. With you sailor and now I will tell how to make a wither in minecraft.

Bosses in minecraft

Many games have bosses. They are much stronger and larger than normal enemy mobs. Minecraft is no exception. And although in this game there is no plot, the bosses are still present. And so, today I will tell you how to make one of them.

First we need to get into the lower world. To get there we need a portal. About how to do it, you can find an article on our forum. Don't forget to bring your shovel and sword with you. We are looking for sand of souls and get four pieces. You can take it home. Now it will be more difficult. You need to find the skull of the wither skeleton. It is very difficult to search for it. You will need three skulls.

Let's move on to creation. It is best to create a wither underground. We dig a room about sixteen by seven blocks. We put one block of sand of souls. There is another one on it, and from the one that we put one more block of soul sand on top to the side. It turns out something similar to the body. We put skulls on the top three blocks and the wither is ready. Then we wait until health appears and we can start the battle.

There was a sailor with you. Today we talked about the bosses in our favorite game. Until we meet again on the Play`N`Trade portal, as well as have a nice game!

Wither is one of the bosses Minecraft, which is now available in Minecraft Pocket Edition with an update 0.16.0 .

Below you can see a list of exclusive features for the Wither in Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Exclusively for Minecraft PE:

  • When it appears, it turns white and spins.
  • At half health, it explodes (not as much as when spawned) and spawns wither skeletons.
  • When destroyed, it starts spinning for a few seconds and explodes violently.
The Wither has 300 health, and it also has fairly high damage:
  • Easy mode: 5 damage
  • Normal mode: 8 damage
  • Hard mode: 12 damage


Wither can be summoned using a special construction of soul sand and a wither skeleton head in both the Nether and the regular world. All this can be obtained in the Lower World (Hell). Next, you need to make a construction as in the screenshot below (the level of difficulty of the game must be higher than peaceful).

It can also be summoned with the command: /summon wither.boss ~ ~ ~. To do this, do not forget to enable the option "cheats".

The boss will immediately appear, which will first spin for a few seconds, and then there will be a small explosion and the boss will finally appear. It will only attack you and fly if you are in survival mode.

Wither can throw exploding skulls that will apply the effect to you "Sear II" duration 10 seconds on Normal difficulty or 40 seconds on Hard. This effect causes a gradual loss of health, similar to poisoning, but can kill, and at the same time restores the boss's health.

  • Using a Sword: Use a sword enchanted with Heavenly Punishment and Knockback. This will be especially useful after the boss loses half of his health and the bow will be useless at that moment.
  • Using a Bow: For the first half of the fight, you can use a bow against the boss, but after that, it will be useless, as the boss gains protection against arrows.
  • General Tactic: Carry Enchanted Armor "Protection" to effect "Sears" did not impose on you. We advise you to use only diamond armor and a diamond sword. Against the boss, various potions will also be useful, such as an explosive healing potion.
We advise you to make a long hallway 1x2 blocks in size, just remember to make a small room for the boss to summon. The Wither will have to blow up blocks to get to you. At this time, use a bow and arrows to damage him, just before starting, move away to a distance of 25-40 blocks and move back gradually.

To make the fight easier, you can also eat an enchanted golden apple. After defeating the Wither, you will receive a valuable item - a Nether Star, which is used to create a beacon.

As we said earlier, after death, the Wither begins to spin for a few seconds and "inflate", and then it explodes, leaving behind a small hole and a drop.

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