Early crocuses. The reason for this is diseases and pests

Garden technique 13.06.2019
Garden technique

Crocus, or saffron - a long-term elegant flower plant. Depending on the variety blooms in spring and summer. Crocus is distinguished by magnificent flowers predominantly yellow, white, light purple and purple, which makes it very attractive for growing in pots on the windowsill, in flower beds, mixlers, rabids, in flower beds and even on the edge. In the article we will tell how to grow crocuses in the garden or in pots, we will give recommendations for care.

Crocuses are combined with all overlapping miniature plants. Bloom only in the presence of sunlightClose weather closed in cloudy weather.

Crocus - a tuberous low plant, reaches a height from 10 to 20 cm. Spring grades Crocus is grown in mid-September, autumn varieties - in April. Crocuses breed in vegetative way (tubers) and seeds.

In what cases and how crocuses are grown by seeds

Crocuses breed seeds in autumn and in early spring. Despite the fact that crocuses seedlings bloom for 4-5 years, this planting method is widely used:

Early spring seeds are produced in mid-March or early April. Seeds for sowing use fresh, such planting material It has a large percentage of germination, and form stronger and healthy seedlings. The following procedures are carried out before sowing:

  1. Seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator solution for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Seeds are disinfected by immersing in a weak solution of manganese.
  3. Seeds are stratified - placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

Flowers noted that the bubbling procedure can be skipped if the shelf life of seeds is no more than a year.It is not recommended to disinfect seeds without a prior procedure for soaking seeds, dry crocus seeds are burned even in a weak solution of manganese.

Consider the stratification procedure:

  1. Seeds are sulking in a walker in which wet sand is.
  2. The seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the soil, without dust.
  3. The tire is covered with a film and remove in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.
  4. After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings are cheered in the garden along with a blue, which will serve as protection from weeds.
  5. Before the seedlings are covered with spunbond. The first watering is carried out as soon as seedlings appear. Water with a pulverizer.

Crocuses reproduction with seeds in open ground:

  1. IN open sad Seed seeds of spring-breathing crocus varieties. Sowing is produced in mid-September. For such seeds, stratification is not required.
  2. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a solution of growth stimulator and disinfect in a weak solution of manganese.

Sow seeds in light and loose soil. So that the soil turned out to be porous and was not formed in lumps, sand is added. A peat is added as a tearful component of the soil, which will make the soil porous, breathable and moisture - what is needed for easy seed germination. "

Growing spring-breathing crocuses of tubers

Spring-driving crocuses plant in the open ground in the second half of September. Such crocuses will bloom in early April or in mid-May. Before boarding, you need to select the highest quality bulbs. Clubneelukovitsa suitable landing:

  • whole tubers, dense, without damage;
  • with dry scales;
  • without roots and stems;
  • size of at least 5 cm.

The bulbs are broken, soft, with stains and other inclusions are not suitable for landing. Such a landing material begins to be installed in the ground in 5-6 days. Studelukovitsa before landing should be disinfected in a weak solution of fungicides, formalin or manganese. For disinfection, Fundazole fungicides are used and soon.

The drying of bulbs in a solution of fungicidal preparations will prevent the development of the disease. The planting material is soaked for 30 minutes.

Soil preparation: The disinfailed crocus tubers are planted into a loamy fertile soil, or into a sudden drained soil. If the soil differs in a mechanical composition from the above, then such a soil should be focused. What to fertilize and in what quantity we consider in the table:

Place of landing and soil processing: Clubberukovitsa should be planted on the most sunny side Plot. In the half of the club, the crocus do not develop, and the flowers in the future will be small. Moreover, crocus flowers in the half are not disclosed. Suglinted and sampling soils do not require fertilizer, it is enough to switch to a depth of at least 25 cm.

Tip # 1. Dung, riding peat, lime in equal amounts are added to the clay soil and are drunk to a depth of 25-30 cm.

Closeing procedure: Flowers recommend landing on the bulbs in special containers, lattice or mesh. Such capacities will not allow the bulbs "sprawling" in the open soil.

The optimal distance between the bulbs is 3-5 cm, the depth of planting tubers must correspond to the height of 3 bulbs located above each other. Small bulbs are planted at a depth of 6-7 cm, large - by 9-10 cm. Selected tubers must be the same as possible in size.

Board # 2. In winter, upon the onset of stable negative temperaturesThe landing should be covered with foliage. The bulbs are able to transfer long severe frosts.

In the spring, when young crocus sprouts appear, it is necessary to hold the first feeding. Food should enter phosphate and potash fertilizers. Such fertilizers are necessary for the formation of large clubnelluca. After feeding, the sprouts are watered with a warm water with a spray with a spray. Subsequent watering is carried out as the soil drying.

The second feeding is a period of bootonization, only phosphoric fertilizers contribute. Potash and nitrogen fertilizers do not contribute. The third feeder is carried out after flowering ends. The fertilizer includes potash and nitrogen impurities in equal amounts. Such fertilizers will contribute to the attachment of future flowers throughout the summer peace.

For landing crocuses in open ground, you should choose varieties with large flowers. It should not be planted in one place different varieties of crocuses, because the development of each variety is different, as a result, low crocuses can be lost in the leaves. high varieties plants. "

Mineral fertilizers for growing crocuses

Mineral fertilizers for crocuses, the same as for most garden flowers. Crocuses are fed three times a year - early spring, during the bootonization period and after only crocuses are swinging. Consider the most suitable fertilizers with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen content:

  • "Nitroammofoska" is a universal fertilizer, improves the development of the plant, increases the number of buds and the term of their flowering. It is recommended to add early spring and during the bootonization period.
  • "Caulifos-N" is a mixed type of fertilizer, the optimal period of application is a period of vegetation. Improves the development of the plant and increases resistance to fungal diseases.
  • "Azophoska" - complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potash fertilizer for all species flower cultures. Used on any soils. Increases the stability of flowering plants to disease, improves decorative features plants.
  • Superphosphate is a highly concentrated phosphoric fertilizer. Used for all types of soils and crops. Improves the development of the plant and increases resistance to fungal diseases. It is recommended to add early spring and during the bootonization period.
  • Kemira is a mixed type of fertilizer, stimulates plant growth, increases disease resistance.

Diseases affecting crocusball clubnelluca

The main diseases of crocuses are associated with viral and fungal infection. Source viral infection There are nematodes and rodents. Fungal diseases are observed more often than viral. The causative agents of fungal diseases include:

  • rot;
  • chlorosis,
  • rust;
  • mosaic.

Fungal diseases are striking clubnelluca, leaves and flowers. The affected plants develop poorly, there is premature flowering, fading. What damages do fungal diseases, who and what is a source of infection, as well as what drugs are able to destroy the disease Consider in the table:

Diseases Causes of occurrence Amazing Carriers and pathogens Fonggicides.
Chlorosis Lack of phosphate fertilizers, iron and boron. Leaves, buds. Leaves twist, color light yellow. Deformed the shape of buds, premature dedication of petals. Weighing plants. Phytosporin, Gamair.
Rust Wrong watering, raw and wet soil. Excessive content of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. Clubneelukovitsa and leaves. On flakes of bulbs - orange stains. On the leaves - orange pads. Spore fungus can affect and fleshing tubers. Disputes spread the fault, wind, rain. Bordeaux liquid, copper vigor.
Root rot Heavy and dense soil, violation of soil aeration excess water, dampness. Tubers. On the tubers are formed brown ulcers. Spore fungus fall into the soil with contaminated clubnellukov.
Mosaic Mechanical damage to tubers. Violation of soil aeration. Flowers and leaves. A gray bloom appears on the flowers, on the leaves of a light yellow painting spots, leaves and flowers are deformed. TLL, wind, rain.

To prevent the development of the above diseases, it is necessary to process the soil correctly and timely and make fertilizers. Make a weeding and loosening soil, destroy the weed plants, as well as prevent abundant irrigation.

Large varieties of spring crocus

Crocus Spring (Crocus Vernus) - many years of appearanceDifferent with large-scale crocus varieties. Grown on light, neutral or weakness soils. All varieties of this species are characterized as winter-hardy. Large tuberukovitsa form 4-5 flowers. Clubneelukovitsa begin to bloom for 3-4 years. Seedlings bloom for 5 years.

Several varieties are isolated:

  • "Joan of Arc";
  • "Grand Master";
  • Pickwick;
  • "Beauty Strape."

Crocus sowing (Crocus sativus) - a long-term view, prefers drum and sandy soils. This species Crocus multiplies only by the clubnellukov. Flowers in autumn, winter-hardy. Spread to receive seasonings and medicinal raw materials. Crocus flowers sowing average - 3-4 cm.

Crocus Golden-color (Crocus Chrysantus) - a long-term view, grown on light, neutral or weakly acidic soils. Winter hardy. Flowers of the golden-color crocus are large, with a diameter of 4-5 cm. Several varieties are isolated:

  • "Blue Parl";
  • "Saturnus";
  • "Prince Claus"

Crocus Siberi (Crocus Sieberi) - cultivated as annolete plant, loves light and neutral soils. Winter hardy. Several varieties are isolated:

  • "Albus";
  • "Fire Fly";
  • "Purple Queen."

The table presents the timing of flowering and disadvantages of the above crocus species:

View of crocus Duration of blossom disadvantages
Crocus Spring Mid-April - beginning of May. Flowers 25-30 days.
Crocus sowing At the end of August - mid-September. Flowers 15-20 days. Does not forms seeds short term flowering.
Croquus goldencellular In the beginning of April. Flowers 15-20 days. Low resistance to fungal diseases. In the shade, the flowers are disclosed partially.
Crocus Zibera In April, as soon as snow comes down. Flowers 12-15 days. Short flowering time.

Crowing crocuses in pots throughout the cold period

Crocuses, thanks to the early blossom and diversity of the palette of flowers, are loved by expensive indoor plant. For pastures are used large-flowered varieties Crocus. Crocuses are grown in pots from August - to December. For proper landingCrocuses can bloom all winter. To distill the plant, the clubs of crocuses are planted into a light and loose soil. Landing container - a bash. The container is disinfected and filled with finished soil. The tubers are planted into the wet soil at a distance of 3-5 cm and at a depth of 8-10 cm.

After planting, water with warm water, and remove into a cool place to root for 3-3.5 months. As soon as the sprouts stretch on 4-5 cm, the flame is moved to a warmer place. The temperature rise should be gradually. To begin with, the plant should be kept in a cool place, then transfer to the room with a temperature in the range of + 14 ° C - + 15 ° C. After 2-3 weeks, buds appear. Blooming begin in 2-3 days. "

Board # 3. It is possible to extend the flowering period of the pasture crocus for 5-6 days if it is transferred to a cool room with a temperature below + 10° C. During the formation of buds.

Growing crocuses in landscape design

Crocuses are successfully used to design mass compositions on garden sitesFor this, crocuses are grown on flowerbeds, chapets or mixlers. Flowers recommend landing crocuses in groups with daffodils and tulips. Such a combination looks expressively at the foot of the stone compositions, and also perfectly fits into the composition with coniferous plants.

Frequent errors when growing crocuses

Experienced gardeners identify several common mistakes, which are often allowed when growing crocuses:

  1. Abundant irrigation leads to the boost of tuberukovol and the development of diseases.
  2. Before planting tubers and seeds do not disinfect, which leads to fungal diseases.
  3. Extradition crocuses contain at room temperature above + 16s, such crocuses are flowing during the day.

Crocuses excellent stony compositions and look even more expressively on a beige stone background.

Frequently asked Questions

Question number 1. Do you need drainage in the soil when landing crocuses in open ground?

Need, it is best to use large clay and sand for drainage.

Question number 2. How many days blooms the reversing crocus?

Blooms from 8 to 10 days at temperatures below +14 s

Question number 3. What varieties are well served forcing?

For distortions, spring-driving crocuses are used - Blue Parl, Prince Claus, Saturnus.

Question number 4. What temperature should be when stratifying seeds?

How to plant crocuses

Crocus's clubnewukovitsa are located in the soil near each other, because they are small in size, and the flowers are richer in dense groups. But keep in mind that the clubnellukovitsa build up children, therefore the optimal distance between them is 3-5 cm. Landing crocuses big groups It gives the opportunity to get a charming blooming flunk-flowerbed, which in the spring decorates a plot or garden. After fading on the site of crocuses, you can sow annuals.

The depth of planting crocuses depends on the size of the tuberukovitz. Little plug on 4-5 cm, and for large clubnelluca, it will take a hole of 10-12 cm deep. Do not immerse them too deeply: crocuses have retractive roots, which, after fading the plants, pull the tuberukovitsa deeper into the ground.

Place for landing crocuses

The plot on which you will land the crocus flowers should be well lit and drained. A good outflow of water is especially important, because its stagnation leads to the fact that the bulbs are sick and rot.

Therefore, the plot with suesy light soil is most suitable. If it is too dense, crumble on the surface of the soil with a smooth layer of coarse sand and redo the plot - so you will improve the state of the soil.

The soil fertilizes in advance for which compost or mineral fertilizers with high potassium and phosphorus are introduced into it, but not nitrogen, since nitrogen crocuses are harmful.

It is very important that crocuses do not have a lack of light, so choose an open, not shaded by trees. In the shadow, crocuses are badly flourished and can be faded directly in buds.

It will be not bad if the site will be protected from a draft and wind with a leeward side, otherwise the delicate flowers are blonde, losing petals.

The process of distillation of clubnelluckers crocuses in pots takes about 3.5 months or 15 weeks, so if you want to get crocuses for the new year, their landing is made in mid-September, and if for Valentine's Day, then in the first days of October. And for the gift for March 8, crocuses should be planted approximately November 15.

Before landing for pastures, tuberukovitsa must be held in the cold. That is, you can buy crocuses in summer and then 1 week to store them at a conventional summer temperature (30-35 ° C), then 2 weeks - in a colder room, and until August 10 - in the cellar or basement at a temperature of 17 ° C. And then until the landing - in the refrigerator at a temperature of 9 ° C.

Then crocus bulbs need to land into the vase with large quantity drainage. When trampling, the bulb is the only power supply of the plant. Sand is used as ground for distances.

The clubnellukovitsa in the pots are very tight to each other, because they, as in the garden, will not grow and form children. In addition, the dense planting of the bulbs in the vases gives a beautiful, dense, rich bouquet, which is not ashamed to be presented to any holiday.

Read about the care of crocuses after landing - both in the garden and at home.

Early spring, barely comes up, the crocus is blooming - flower, the second name of which Saffron.

This is a bulbous plant of the family of iris originally from the tropics, but he feels great in a more severe climate.

Gentle, exquisite flowers appear almost the first on solar sites freed from snow.

But they bloom not only in spring, as well as in the fall. Caring for crocuses does not require special skills and skills.

This plant will suit those gardeners who live outside the city and have the opportunity to admire it early blossoms. After all, it blooms at all not long - no more than 7 - 10 days.

It is difficult for urban residents in such a short period to get to the cottage in order to catch the flowering of saffron. Crocuses, landing and care in open soil will not require special efforts, are unpretentious and sustainable cultural diseases.

In the early spring period, the plant does not need concerns of flower water. However, a number of features of agrotechnology will have to be observed, otherwise flowering can not be waited.

Saffron prefers solar places, whenever possible protected from cold winds. Crocus cultivation is reduced to a successful selection of landing sites.

The more illuminated area is provided by the plant, the greater the largest flowers.

Soil Plant prefers fertile with a neutral reaction. Lightweight loams are best for them, but crocuses are transferred to more heavy soils. The main thing is that there is no stagnation of moisture.

Crocus reproduction

The culture is multiplied most often by the daughters. They are formed from sleeping kidneys that are available in sneakers of scales covering crocus bulbs.

The vegetative method of reproduction is most preferable, since it saves all varieties.

Young bulbs annually grow near the old uterine plant. Depending on the varietality, the amount of them may vary from 1 to 10 pieces. Blooming subsidiaries of clubnelukovitsy across the season.

Seeds can be used for growing crocuses in the open ground. But this method is much more laborious.

It is often used by professional flowers when removing the latest grades and hybrids, as well as for the reproduction of rare varieties and producing a large number of bulbs.

Colors from plants grown seed fashion, It is possible to wait only after 4 - 5 years.

Rules for landing crocuses in open soil

The best period for planting spring-breathing varieties is August. During the time remaining before the onset of cold weather, the bulbs will have time to root.

But sometimes, when it is warm and dry weather, landing crocuses in the fall is admissible and in early November.

Ossennetsnets launched from early July to early August.

The bulbs are planted according to the following rules:

  • large copies close in the soil at a depth of 12 cm;
  • medium lows are deepened by 4 - 6 cm;
  • lukovka small - no deeper 2 - 3 cm;
  • the distance between the individual clubnevukov should not be less than 3 cm (it is better to leave about 10-15 cm, since the landing is quickly thickened).

Crocus bulbs have the ability to plunge into the soil on their own by forming retractive roots. Therefore, too strictly observed the depth of the seal is not necessary.

The material of the seed (from seeds prepared at the beginning of the summer) is driving directly into the soil in the fall. During the winter months, the seeds pass natural stratification, in the spring of their germination will be better.

Crowing crocuses

Crocuses, like many bully, often grown in room conditions By distillation. Easy enough can be obtained flowering plant to the desired date (Christmas, March 8, etc.).

It is necessary to pick up the bulbs of one variety and about the same size, since they will bloom at the same time and the stems will be the same height. The larger the lows, the larger flower Crocus and the earlier it will bloom.

Approximately 3-4 months before the alleged duty of the bulbs are planted into wide plates with a soft, loose and water-permeable substrate so that they do not touch the walls of the capacity and each other.

Then the pots with crocuses need to be stored indoors with a temperature of + 5 ... + 8 ° C. It can be a cellar, basement or even a refrigerator.

Within 8 - 10 weeks, rooting occurs and sprouts appear. When they reach a height of 4 - 6 cm, the pots are entered into a cool room with a temperature of about + 10 ... + 15 ° C and are dialed with paper caps.

After 5 - 7 days, the coating can be removed and expose crocuses on the window sill in a warm room. Than better lighting, the larger the flowers.

If there is too warm in the room, then crocuses will flash quickly. To extend flowering, the temperature should be maintained not higher than + 15 ... + 20 ° C.

After 2 - 3 weeks, the blooms will disappear, and the leaves are taped and gradually dried. After full fading of the foliage of the bulbs, you can remove from the ground and, giving them to relax 2 months, planting again.

How to care for crocuses

Caring for these onions is a successful choice of landing site, timely weaplation, loosening, regular watering and.

Selection of places for landing and transplantation

A place intended for crocuses should be as sunny as possible. On strongly shaded areas, flowering will be weak.

If the landing and transplanting of crocuses is made in too heavy and poorly absorbing the water soil, then the earth must be drained.

To do this, in the soil you need to make a small grainzit or large river sand and breathe well. Excess and stagnation of moisture extremely negatively affects plants.

Preferably the territory to upset the low chief or decorative curbstone, so as not to forget this place.

The fact is that when the foliage dries completely, the bulbs are quite difficult to find. Moreover, over time they go deep into the ground.

Fertilizer and subordinate

Immediately immediately after landing in a well-prepared land, clubnewing crocuses fertilize no need.

However, if the bulbs do not dig up, then the soil is gradually depleted, and the introduction of mineral potash-phosphoric feeding is required.

Phosphorus has a positive effect on flowering, buds will be greater and they will be larger. Potassium helps the formation of healthy and large bulbs.

Nitrogenous fertilizers adversely affect crocuses, since they are able to provoke the development of fungal diseases.

During the growing season, the culture is fed 3 times:

  1. With the appearance of the first sprouts, a potash-phosphoric complex is introduced in the proportion of 1: 2. Granules are simply scattered by the snow that has not yet become snow.
  2. During mass discharge of buds - in proportion 1: 1.
  3. At the end of flowering - in proportion 1: 1.

Crocuses do not tolerate fresh organic matter, but the use of humus and peat is allowed.


In the period of active growth, plants require a lot of moisture. But, since crocuses bloom early in spring, nature itself cares about it, providing landing with melt snow water.

It is not necessary to water them, because culture is enough drought-resistant. In the future, watering is produced only when dried up the top layer of the soil and as needed.

Why do crocuses do not bloom

The reason for lack of flowering is often the wrong culture care. The reasons may be the following:

  1. Long cultivating crocuses in one place. The clubnellukovitsy too grow up, they are smaller, they are closely, and they cease to bloom.
  2. Previously, pruning foliage after flowering, or the bulbs were dug up to the whole drying of the leaves. The plant does not have time to gain enough nutrients.
  3. The bulbs are too deeply planted or they themselves left deep into the ground (if they do not change them for a long time), and they lack strength to flowering.
  4. Sleeping ground.

Diseases and pests

For proper care Crocuses are extremely rarely sick and damage insects. In case of errors in the content, they may be affected by fungal infections: rot with gray and white (sclerocial), fusariasis.

All the affected material is to be destroyed, and in order to prevent the tubnelukovitsy are soaked for 20 minutes in a fungicidal solution.

It is necessary to carefully select the planting material and when digging began to try not to damage the bully. Damaged areas are processed with crushed ash.

Plants occasionally damage to the wire (larvae of the beetle-shortcut).

For the collection of pests, traps are arranged from the wet grass paunters, hay or straw, covered by boards.

After a few days, the traps are burned with cassed larvae. With excessive moisture on culture there may be slugs that are simply collecting manually.

Often, hares, mice and other rodents are attempted on the lows of crocuses.

Caring for crocuses after flowering

Crocuses fight fast, but leaves remain green for some time. Coloros can be cut off at once as soon as the flowers are twisted if the seed collection is planned.

The foliage does not touch until complete drying. At this time, inside the bulbs, the renewal kidney is laid and formed. If you cut off the leaves ahead of time, then this process will be disturbed.

If this is not required yet, the flowers leave in the ground without any care. Dropping crocuses after flowering is also needed if the landing is provided in autumn to another place.

The bulbs are removed from the ground, dried in a shaded place, purify from the remnants of the earth, scales and old roots.

Patients, damaged instances are relected. Healthy bulbs are stored until autumn at a temperature of + 18 ... + 22 ° C in a regular ventilated room.

Spring-winding varieties of crocus are digging around the second half of June to mid-August.

The plants blooming in the fall should be removed from the soil from the end of May until the end of July, since they have another vegetative cycle, and the sleep period begins earlier.

It must be remembered that all manipulations with the clubnellukovitsa (digging, landing) is better to produce when they are at rest.

Crocus wintering

For the winter months, crocus bulbs remain in the ground, they are fairly easily withstanding frosts up to -20 ° C.

In regions with more severe climatic conditions They are advised to cover the sweetheart, branches or dry leaves.

The best varieties of crocuses

Many crocus varieties and varieties. Especially popular hybrids with large flowers.

Below will be considered some of them:

  1. Albus. Snow-white flower with a diameter of up to 7 cm, with a cream middle. Flowers in September - October.
  2. Artabir. Plant up to 18 cm high, with a large (about 12 cm) flowers of the sky blue shade. Blooming is autumn.
  3. Pickwick. Flowers in size about 4 - 6 cm, light-purple shade with purple stripes, with large yellow stamens. Flowers in spring enough late.
  4. Grand Materia. The flowers of a glassworm form up to 4 cm in size, the petals of a saturated dark purple color are pointed from above. Springtails.
  5. Saturnus. Flat, wide open, creamy-yellow flowers with bright orange stigs, in pickup up to 3.5 cm. Hybrid, blooming in spring.
  6. Marietta. Spring Flower Lemon or light yellow color, oval petals outside are made by thin brown stripes.
  7. Blue Pearl. Mine (about 2 cm) Gentle white-bluish flowers with a yellow middle. Flowers early in spring.

Crocus Saffron himself, whose stamens are manufactured by a spice, called sowing (sativus). It refers to the OssennetsNews.

Early spring, when the snow was melted, one of the first in the garden bloom crocuses. These beautiful bulbous flowers personify the arrival of spring. They look spectacular on lawns and flower beds, suitable for the alpine slides and can be decorated with any flower bed. The cultivation of crocuses in the open soil is not difficult even for inexperienced gardeners, so they can often be found in country and household plots.

Description, varieties and photos of crocuses

Crocus or Saffron refers to the Iris family and he is a tuberukovic plant. This low-speed primrose in height reaches 10 cm. Wine-shaped crocus flowers are blooming on a short blurry and can be orange, yellow, purple, purple, blue, cream or white color. Czech covered and assembled in a bunch of roasting narrow leaves appear before or after flowering.

Crocuses are divided into spring-blooming and autumn-blossoming species. Recently, among the gardeners the most popular are the varieties of Dutch hybrids.

Spring-blooming crocuses

Among the spring primroses can be allocated four most famous types:

Autumn-blossoming crocuses

Among the blooming in September or October plants the most popular three types:

  1. Crocus Banatsky has flowers of light lilac color, the height of which can be up to 14 cm. Linear leaves of the plant grow up to 15 cm, and have a gray-silver shade.
  2. The crocus is a pretty height of 7-10 cm and a diameter of 6-8 cm is distinguished by light flowers with dark lilac stripes. The plant is not afraid of light frosts and on one tuberukovice forms from 5 to 10 colors.
  3. Crocus is excellent known for its light purple, lilac, blue, white and dark blue colors. Its leaves in length reach 30 cm.

Crocuses: landing and care in open soil

Crocuses relate to light-loving plants, so they are recommended to grow on well-lit, warmed up sunny rays place. For free growth, they need provide a spacious land.

How to choose healthy clubnelluca?

The success of good growth and abundant flowering Crocuses is a healthy planting material. When gaining clubnellukovits in flower stores, nurseries or markets should carefully consider bulging eggs. They should not have:

  • dark spots;
  • rot;
  • mechanical damage.

Any defects of clubnelukovitz must be eliminated by freeing them before roots and scales. Thereafter damaged places sprinkled with brilliating coal or ash.

In some flower shops, crocuses are sold already blooming. Such a plant may not take care, but just dried. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to cut flowers, leaves and leave the plant alone. In this case, the Crocus will bloom for the next year, however, it will be fully recovered only in two years. Therefore, buying the planting material is needed before it bloom.

Features of planting crocuses

Spring plant species in open soil are planted in autumn, and blooming in autumn - in summer.

When landing crocuses should be borne in mind that they do not like wetlands and acidic soils. They prefer nutrient, loose, dry, light soil.

Preparing a plot for landing crocuses, in the soil you need to make:

  • large river sand or small gravel;
  • peat with lime or overwhelmed manure;
  • ash, if the soil is clay;
  • drainage layer of gravel or rubble, if the soil is wet.

Autumn planting

In order for the primroses to please you with their flowering in the spring, they need to plant them in autumn for a permanent place of cultivation. It is best to do this from mid-September to mid-October.

To the peculiarities of planting clubnellukovits can be attributed:

Crocus Care Rules in the Garden

The cultivation of primroses is an easy thing. So that they grow well, develop and bloom, you just need observe some recommendations:

  1. Since the appearance of plant shoots need regular irrigation. Despite the fact that crocuses relate to drought-resistant cultures, lack of moisture during the actual growth can lead to the grinding of clubnelukovitz.
  2. It is impossible to remove leaves from the plant until their overall drying. Otherwise, the flower can relax.
  3. To form new buds, and crocuses bloom longer, faded flowers It is recommended to delete.
  4. After the leaves are faded, the departure care is to mulch the soil between them with dry leaves or a thick layer of peat.
  5. Every three or four years, primroses need to be searched. During this period of time, many kids will grow on the clubnewukovice. Autumn-blooming crocuses can be searched throughout the summer, and spring-blooming - from mid-summer until late September.

When can I dig crocuses?

Spring-flowering plants begin their active growth at the end of winter or early spring. By mid-June, the primroses comes resting period. And in the fall, when crocuses are activated again, they begin to accumulate food, grow roots, form kidneys. That is why digging and landing spring plants It should be done during the period of rest, which usually lasts almost all summer, starting from mid-June.

In August, active flowering of autumn-flowering crocuses begins. At this time, they are actively forming new lows and grow leaves. Their period of rest begin in the late spring. Fleet and landing blooming autumn Plants can be made from the beginning of summer until mid-August.

Lowings extracted from soil purchased from husks and dead roots. Then they need to dry, decomposing to this in one layer in the appropriate capacity. At home, the landing material must be contained in a dry, dark room with good ventilation and room temperature.

Pests and disease crocuses

Growing bulbous plants In compliance with all the recommendations, there should be no problems with pests and diseases.

The most important enemies are rodents who love to eat bulbs. Therefore, the landing material laid out for drying without supervision is not recommended.

The same rodents, wave or trips May be posts viral disease. The patient plant can be found on the surced flowers in the stains of gray. Until other flowers have become infected, the culk plant needs to dig and destroy, and the soil shed a hot heatmanship solution.

During crocus care, in the bulbs you can find holes that have done wires. If these tough on the touch of yellow larvae on the plant is much, then they need to get rid of them. For this you can take advantage of homemade traps:

  1. In the spring, to decompose the beams of straw, hay or grass, beveled last year.
  2. All moisturize and cover with boards.
  3. After the larvae will move into these traps, the grass beams will need to be assembled and burned.

Incorrect care and crude weather can lead to fungal diseases of primroses. You can hit them fusariosis, sclerocyl or penicilosis rot, gray fungal disease. So that such a problem does not occur, the planting material must be carefully inspecting. Before planting it is recommended to be used in a solution of fungicide.

Looking in the fall of primroses in his site, early spring you can enjoy their bloom. But that the plants are really spectacular and beautifully bloomed, when landing, growing and careing, it is necessary to comply with simple recommendations of experienced gardeners.

Flowers crocuses

Crocuses - Early Lukovichny Perennial Plants. Combinations of paints of these spring colors admire and please the tired eyes and heart after a long winter. IN natural conditions The cultivation of these bulbous perennial plants is carried out on sandy, stony and loose soils. Landing and care is carried out on sunny plots in the open soil.

Crocuses: varieties and varieties

The birthplace of these perennial colors is European countries, North African states and the West Asia. In addition to the wonderful properties to please the eye, the scope of this plant is wide: crocus (or saffron) is used in cooking as seasoning, as a dye and medicine. Selection of varieties with large inflorescences, differing in the color, are striped, spotted, two-color, with a contrast pattern. The method of reproduction to preserve the variety of this plant is easy and is quite accessible to gardeners.

Crocuses bloom among the first after winter

Crocuses whose cultivation in modern conditions It made it possible to obtain more than 250 species, differ not only in color, but also the size of the stamens and pestles.

At the end of the 19th century in the Holland, the reproduction of species contributed to the appearance of a crocus sowing variety, but interest in it, as in decorative plant, it appeared much later. Together with this variety in the Gardens of Europe, such varieties were introduced as a narrow crocus, crocus yellow and crocus spring. Thanks to these varieties appeared dutch hybrids.

Crocuses in the open soil begin blossom in late April - early May. These are cold-resistant plants, they carry freezes to minus 5 - 7 degrees. Bright flowers Each variety is pleasing to the eyes for 10-15 days. To extend the flowering period, it is recommended to use different varieties - early, medium, late. For example, in landscape design now the most popular Spring Species:

Plant landing

Spring crocuses are planted at the beginning of autumn (at the end of August - early September) at a distance from 7 to 10 cm from each other. Crocuses lined in September are not enough to winter-hardy, so they are covered by winter to avoid freezing bulbs, which is quite dangerous on clay soils and loam. For insulation, dry foliage, peat and humus will be useful.

On the site for planting prepare the deepening of such sizes in order to freely fit the bulb. Soil when planting tubers, it is necessary to fit well with a compost. Drainage is placed at the place of disembarkation, in order to avoid clusters of stagnation of water and highlighting the bulbs. The drainage uses ceramzite, dropping, large sand. Then beats from above fertile layerMixed with a compost.

Crocus bulb

If the soil is fertile and well fertilized with a compost, then in the first year after planting fertilizer is not added, the next year potash and phosphoric additives contribute to the ground. After planting the root is covered, mulching the soil.


Care for a plant with proper landing is easy. Crocuses - Sunconium Flowers, growing them in the open ground in the shaded places leads to chopping colors or their absence. Pretty resistant to drought: in spring, during flowering, moisture in flowers is enough, and in the summer it is necessary to irrigate.

Home Your task is to plant crocuses on the sunny plot, and they will actively bloom

Some amateur gardeners dig crocuses every year, dried and stored them in a cool place. This allows the selection of the largest perennial plants, such a care saves bulbs from rodents and posting.

Reproduction of the plant

Crocuses breed mostly kids. Large daughter bulbs are carefully separated and planted separately. This allows you to preserve the types of perennial. To accelerate the process of breeding the bulbs, it is necessary to dig up annually, since their replacement takes place every season: the old dried up, and it grows up to five new tubers.

For the landing of the bulbs, choose more, old dried and rotten shares cut off. In general, crocuses are unpretentious, you can not dig them every year, but longer than five years old do not need flowers in one place, the landing is growing and blooming badly.

Crocuses reproduction by subsidiaries

They dig out the blurred plants in July, after drying foliage. The reproduction of saffron is carried out and seeds, but then the flowers will have to wait only for the third year. With this method of reproduction, varieties are not always preserved.

Diseases and pests

The derived varieties and hybrids of crocuses are resistant to diseases, but in wet soils are exposed to various viruses and fungal diseases. With disease, it is possible to fight only, unfortunately, the destruction of the affected bulbs, the land is shed with a special solution. After the detection of sick bulbs, the cultivation of colors must be produced elsewhere.

Crocuses suffer from the invasions of moles and mice, but if it is planted to produce colors on alpine rolsters and rockers, then protection against rodents is pre-installed. Also, crocuses are susceptible to attacks of slugs and butterflies-scoop, to get rid of insects, insecticide spraying is regularly performed.

Attention! For incorrect leaving Crocus flowers become smaller, lose the color intensity or do not bloom at all.

Application of saffron in landscape design

Crocuses, landing and care for which they do not represent great difficulties, have now found wide application In mass compositions when creating beautiful landscapes of gardens - in a mixborror, Rabatka or at the flower bed.

Monoposed Crocus

Crocuses in groups with tulips, hyacinths and daffodils are simply indispensable for decoration spring landscape. In the landscape design of the receiving sites, very expressively crocuses are shaded by stone compositions in rockers and mountaineers, where they are bright flowers Stone on a beige background of stones.

In rockers and ramids crocuses fit perfectly in the composition with low shrubs. A bright spring accent will land these perennials with coniferous and winter green plants, for example, in English-style rockers.

Crocuses in landscape design

You can land crocuses and on lawns, the combination of their gentle glasses with emerald grass looks good on the lawn, however, it will be possible to mow such a lawn after the foliage of the foliage of saffron, otherwise the colors on the crocus will be less and less. These plants are designed for growing in an open ground, but they are wonderful and blooming on the windowsill apartments.

Tip! If the crocus flowers appeared on the windowsill appeared in the spring, then it is quite possible to extend their life by landing on the plot and excellent use in the landscape design of the garden, but to start landing in an open ground no earlier than in late May - early June.

Numerous photos of crocuses in group compositions with shrub plants or other perennial bulbous representatives Can be seen in a variety of literature on the design of garden landscapes.

Crocus Growing: Video

Varieties of crocuses: photo

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