When the peach blooms. Caring for a young peach

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

Purchase sapling fruit tree It always carries the hope that in a few years it will be plentiful, and after it will be covered with juicy fruits. Persix is \u200b\u200bnot an exception.

When the period of "horticultural expectation" passes, and we see that a peach or did not bloom at all, or it blooms extremely weak (and therefore the fruit will give it even less) it's time to take action. After all, it is impossible to wait for a peach tree - to transplant it, then you can't, but as practice shows if the fruiting is originally bad, then the time (the age of the tree) corrects it extremely rare.

1. To start, look at the site where the peach is planted. Ideally, this is a sunny windless place (the southern side of the estate), in no case on the open shore of the reservoir. Well, if the tree grows near the wall of the house or fence, which reflect additional heat and protect it from the wind. Saplings of "Persian Plum" (so peach translates from Latin) suitable sugal and thin soils, and peatlands and clays them are completely contraindicated.

2. High trees should not shade your sapling, since the wood in young shoots do not have time to grow over the summer, and flower kidneys are poorly laid on the tree (future harvest depends on it).

3. Each year, during the spring resistance to the rolling circle, nitrogen mineral fertilizers should be made - 70 g of ammonia nitrate or 50 g of urea. In the fall, 40 g of phosphate and 50 g of potassium are contributed. Organizer is needed (manure or humus) every 2-3 years, it can be replaced by Siderats (surepitsa, radish Oilseed, lupine or rape), to highlight them into the aisle.

4. Announced annual trimming (from March to mid-April) - the height of the tree should not exceed 2.5-3 m, and the diameter of the crown is 2-2.5 m. In order for the peach krone to be thicken, it is necessary to carry out, removing from Center shoots growing vertically and appearing on inner side branches.

Cropped with fruiting branches, leaving 3-4 well-developed kidneys on them. It stimulates the future conciliation and protects the tree from the bare.

1. In case of abundance, zovati so as not to drain the tree, after flowering, only the largest (2-3 cm) leave, and small and weak break. From groups of 2-3 flower leave the largest. After squeezing, a part of small fruits is also removed.

2 in the summer, at the end of June - early July, the tips of young branches made up by 30-40 cm should be held (repeated). They are still grassy and easily jerked with fingers.

Picked branches normally mature and do not frozen in winter, flower kidneys are well laid on them.

3. In the fall, the trunk and the skeletal branches of the peach should be cooled with a solution of lime with the addition of copper sulfate and liposama (glue from natural components). Such autumn whitewash protects peach from Morozoboin and sun burns In winter, which usually happens during thaws.

When trimming a peach to easily distinguish the fruitless shoots (they should be left) from "drutones" (delete), you need to adhere to the "pencil rule".

Apply the usual pencil to the branches and remove all the shoots thinner, that is, all second year's processes should not be thinner than a pencil. They will bring you first peaches.

4. To achieve good results during the cultivation of peach allows forming crown curving crown.

To do this, it is necessary to leave 3-4 well-developed young escapes on the bush, which grows out of the lower kidneys.

After 2-3 years, the full branches are developing, which begin to be fruitful for three years (after they begin to be amazed).

After this period, in the spring, all replicating branches should be cut at the root neck at the level of the root cervous, and a bush of 7-8 developed branches (5 fruiting and 2-3 young escapes to substitution), which will be froning over the next 2 years.

Trimming branches are not produced.

Below the other entries on the topic "Dacha and the Garden - do it yourself"

  • : Peach: landing and proper cut-free ...
  • Peach seedlings belong to the drain clan, but the country of origin of the fetus was not yet able to anyone. His taste qualitiesThe properties of therapeutic nature and decorative exceeded many fruit trees and fruits, increased its popularity.

    Choosing a peach sapling

    To obtain a good crop peach tree, it is necessary to choose and land in the ground. It is enough to pay attention to several recommendations.

    1. Before purchasing a seedling, it is strongly recommended to ask the realizer about its origin, adaptation features according to the composition of your soil.
    2. It is worth paying attention to the age of seedling. The most favorable age is 1 year.
    3. Check out root system. Inspiring nonsense a large number of Cores from the root system you should see a layer of green, which indicates the health and fertility of the tree. Brown shade speaks absolutely about the opposite.

    When choosing a sapling costs special attention Perform the factors described above, which will result in a delicious and useful peach in large quantities.

    Flowering period

    Blossom begins from the beginning of April, with the first rays of a warm sun, and its duration is approximately 2 weeks. Peach blooms, in most cases, one inflorescence. They are divided into:

    • flowers of large size, the diameter of which reaches 3.5 cm, wide;
    • fine-size bells, with a diameter of not more than 1.5 cm, assembled into one cup.

    Blooming peach, or rather his branch, sleeping large quantity Buds, which subsequently form a ovary. Subsequently, from 80 to 150 days, large, juicy fruits ripen from them. Ripening time depends not only on weather conditions, but also from the variety.

    Peach blossom is quite strongly depleted, so it is recommended to make feeding. Main, choose right time And know what culture is required during a certain period of development.

    For example, after flowering, it is necessary to use fertilizer - 70 g of ammonia or urea nickels 50 g, which are diluted in 10 liters of water, one culture. Fertilizing mineral origin, so you need to make it in the rolling circle.

    Causes of lack of flowering

    Often, when purchasing a realizer, telling how the peach blooms, promises a quick fruit. If peach does not bloom, then the problem is in:

    If the above signs are not found in the inspection, it is worth understanding this situation in more detail. One of the more global causes is incorrectly selected location for planting a seedling. Peach tree should be located on a plot with good lighting, in comparative remoteness from other trees.

    If the peach tree is located in a shady, swamp plot, bloom is simply impossible.

    It blooms peach, only when it is healthy and high quality, it is properly fertilized. Each year there is a need to feed it with nutrients, which significantly stimulates the development of the root system.

    You can speed up and improve bloom with fertilizer, which will not be difficult. Enough enough:

    • 70 g of urea or nitrate ammoniac;
    • 40 g of phosphorus;
    • 50 g potassium.

    Another reason for the absence of peach blossom is the absence of trimming. Removing the branches, you stimulate the development of the kidneys, by removing old shoots.

    Pruning must be carried out annually, in the first half of spring. During trimming, you need to shoot in the center, vertically growing branches. Cut is needed and fruitless shoots, leave no more than 4 kidneys. Fully shake the tree on the eve of flowering is impossible.


    The peach tree is very picky, which requires a lot of attention, forces and means. Only as proper care You will receive a really worthwhile, rich harvest as a result.

    Among the many fruit peach trees is one of the most popular. This tree gives sweet fruits, which contain many useful elements. Many are interested in how blooms peach. It depends on the grade and conditions of cultivation.

    Characteristics of peach trees

    All popular peach varieties are similar, they have one common genetic structure of the tree and fetus. Medium weight The fruit is approximately 150-200 g, they have the flesh of yellowish and sweet taste. Sometimes the peel has a slight fluffy coating. Depending on the compliance with the rules of growing, the taste can be shrouded-sweet or have acidic notes. The juicy of the ripe fetus is also directly dependent on the method of growing and irrigation frequency.

    The flowering of peach begins in April, and the period of fruiting - at the end of July and lasts until the end of August. But for a good harvest, the plant is warm. If not provide right conditions, the quality of fruits will be low.

    Early peach varieties have their own flowering features. Their flowers are solitary, less often meet pair. The form resembles a glass, actinorphic. All the flowers are only sitting and are collected in small inflorescences. Their color may vary from light pink to saturated.

    Peach tree flowering period for most varieties begins to dissolve the leaves. When landing it is better to plant several varieties.

    Also these plants are distinguished by the degree of terrain of the petal:

    • prone to terrain - 7-13 petals;
    • half terry - 15-23 petals;
    • terry - 24-30 petals;
    • in the form of a pompon - 40-50 petals.

    Decorative types of culture

    There are a large number of decorative types of peach tree. These trees are not fruiting, but are used only to decorate the site. They differ in early bloom. In the southern regions, the first inflorescences are dissolved at the end of March.

    Decorative peaches are used to decorate the garden, as it bloom very beautifully

    Eliminate such well-known varieties of early peaches:

    • Manifik - has dark red flowers;
    • Clara Meyer - Light Pink;
    • Iranian - purple.

    These varieties are distinguished by the form of flowers. The peach manifik, they look like chrysanthrom or a bowl, have about 20 petals. There are also decorative hybrids with conventional flowers. They can be in the form of a pomp or dense and terry.

    Also these plants are divided into three large groups.

    1. High. Have small flowers, a diameter of 40-45 mm, light pink.
    2. Average. This peach blooms with denselyah wine inflorescences.
    3. Shorty. These varieties have white or pink flaile form flowers.

    Decorative peaches are often used to design gardens, they can be planted near retaining walls, terraces or lawn. To decorate the site it is better to use strambed crops.

    Causes of lack of flowers

    The reason for the lack of peach blossom can be several factors:

    • early frost;
    • lack of feeding in the previous year;
    • lack of moisture;
    • defect of the tree itself.

    Early frost

    If there was an early spring, and the kidneys are too early swolley, the last frosts can damage the tender kidneys. They lose the ability to born inflorescence, so the tree does not bloom.

    Lack of regular subordinate

    The feeding provides a plant quality growth and rapid development. If a nutrients Not enough, the tree does not have forces for the birth of flowers. In this case, the bloom is scarce or not at all.

    Defect of a tree

    If the plant itself initially has a defect, it will not be able to fully develop and does not give colors. Even the feeding does not help, the plant needs to be removed from the site.


    Peaches are a famous fruit tree. It is often grown in their sites many gardeners. This plant not only gives fruit, the blooming peach tree also effectively decorates the plot.

    In addition to traditional fruit varieties, there are decorative specieswho are not fruiting. They differ in the size of the colors, their shape and color.

      Probably it depends on climatic zone and topical weather conditions. Last Saturday (April 11) were in one of the Garden Centers (a store similar to the Russian Armed For Garden and Garden;) - Saplings in the pots are already exhibited on the street and luxuriously bloom.

      I did not hold, made a snowmobile.

      So far, the peach did not appear leaves after the winter season he begins to bloom. And this flowering falls on the middle and the last months of winter. Already from spring, the peach appears leaves and flowers fall.

      The most flowering peak when we can observe pink flowers On peach trees, falls in February, so now the right time to enjoy the blossom of peach.

      The bloom of peach depends on its type, from the placement of the tree too. If your peach grows in the shade, then, accordingly, it will bloom later than peach in the sun.

      On average, it is already in mid-April, you can see the bloom of peach. Highly beautiful flowers Peach with a pink shade, large in size, similar to Apricot.

      Flowering peach gardens, it's just a paradise for bees. It is still very beautiful if you get into such a garden while flowering. The biggest I. beautiful gardens Peaches can be seen in the Crimea.

      It is a shame that just during the flowering of peach, you need to crop his branches, in order for the peach harvest to be large and sweet, so sorry these blooming branches cut and throw on the ground.

      This year, the first time was bloomed by Peach, a young seedling, yesterday only noticed flowers on it (late April, Western Belarus). What are they beautiful! Previously, I admired the blooming cherries and apricots, but the peach surpassed them in beauty.

      In warmer regions, of course, he blooms before.

      Perch blossoms are divided into three types: early, medium and late flowering period. The difference between the flowering periods of different peach varieties is about 2-2.5 weeks (16-17 days).

      The early varieties of peaches in the Crimea are already blooming in March, in the central part of Ukraine, peaches bloom much later by Apricot, at the end of April (with good weather), and mostly peaches in Ukraine bloom in May.

      How many days blooms peach? Peach blooms to two weeks (10-12 days).

      I lived in sunny Georgia for several years, where persician blossom Every time he plunged me into a huge admiration. Peach is actually a very ancient plant, his homeland is China.

      Peach actually applies to pink family and includes two types: ordinary and smooth, that is, nectarine. It is best to peach in the TPL subtropical climate, as it does not take place the temperature below -25 degrees Celsius.

    • peach seedling or bone
    • garden tools: shovel and hoe
    • fertilizers
    • persistence

    Peach is a very ancient plant, known for another 3 thousand years ago. China's homeland is considered China, where he was transferred to the Middle East. Peach refers to the family of pink and has two types - ordinary (skin is covered with a light flush) and smooth (nectarine). On average, peach tree can bring harvest to 120 kg within 15 years. The best peach grows in a subtropical climate, where its height reaches eight meters. Peach is thermally loving and does not tolerate temperatures below -25 ° C.

    It is worth knowing when and how the peach blooms. Usually in mid-April, the tree branches are covered with pale pink or white solitary flowers, large or small, depending on the variety. The feature of the flowering process is the appearance of buds to the first leaf. The flowering period lasts up to 12 days. The first fruits appear on average after 120 days. It is recommended to break the ovary of less than 2 cm long.

    Often the question arises - how to grow peach from the bone? The answer is simple: in the fall, an exhaustive bone of ripe fetus is taken from the core (unmet) tree, put on a week into the water that needs to be changed every day. Next, it is necessary to dry the bone and, putting it on the edge, carefully to put it out, without damaging the sprout inside. The bone is planted into the ground to a depth of 8 cm at a distance of a pair of meters from adult trees. In the spring it is better to abundantly water the sprout and feed in humus. Upon reaching a height of 70 cm, it is recommended to produce a small trimming of the branches, and the next year you can safely form a crown of wood. The first crop is expected on the third year after the bone landing.

    If it seems to be waiting for the first fruit for three years, then you can use seedlings. Here are the main tips, how to plant a peach. Choose a south, necessarily a well-lit side, at which the previous years was not grown strawberry, Bakhch, and there was also no clover and passic crops. The depth and width of the pit about 50 cm, the fertilizer is put on the bottom, then the seedling and the roots of the tree are falling asleep with loosening soil. From above you need to pour down the manure, 300 gr of charcoal, 50 Gy of superphosphate or potassium chloride and pour three buckets of water. The landing time can be both spring and the beginning of autumn. In winter, the seedling is worth covering a bag with straw or cardboard box. In the summer, the tree is watered with 2 water buckets per 1 sq. Meter.

    When growing this fruit tree It is important to know how to trim a peach. The first time this procedure is produced when the height tree is reached at 70 cm. Next, it is recommended to trim every spring old and dry branches, and the sections of the sections to handle the garden harder. This allows you to rejuvenate the tree and increase its viability. Autumn pruning characteristic only for southern regions. Also when choosing a variety, do not forget that it is best to plant a tree of local varieties, which will increase your chances of receiving good crops. Do not regret the work to in early spring To admire gentle flowers, and in the summer to enjoy the subtle aroma and the natural beauty of the taste of this fruit delicacy.

    Peach blossom


    Since ancient times, a peach tree was revered as sacred. Beautiful tint The blooming peach has its own, different from plum and others fruit crops Charm. The terrain, famous for the cultivation of these fruits, is beautiful at any time of the year, especially in the spring. They can be called a real peach kingdom.
    The flowering time will not come soon, but why not study the taking pictures in advance, so that when the moment comes, without losing time to take pictures, using the received tips not only for shooting flowering peaches, but also for any other flowering garden plants.

    Photographic techniques:

    1. Try to show the beauty of the "Peach Kingdom" by photographing a wide-angle lens.
    2. Take a picture of a separate branch or peach flowers close-up.
    3. Use the polarization light filter to increase the saturation of the color and more clearly display the line of the mountains.
    4. Make a negative exposure compensation so that the color of the petals is deeper.
    5. Experiment with the multi-exposure - this will create an interesting emotion effect.
    6. Try to create photos with spring scenery by placing other objects in the frame, in addition to the blooming peach.

    You will need:

    It is best to have not only a wide-angle lens, but also a lens for macros

    Tripod and trigger
    Help to avoid blur pictures due to hand trembling

    Polarization light filter
    Used to add color saturation and contrast. In the chambers with automatic focus, use a circular polarization light filter (C-PL Filter)

    1. Try to show the beauty of the "Peach Kingdom" by photographing a wide-angle lens.

    In the photo 35th, the author wanted with the help of a camera with a wide-angle lens to show a wide-spreading field of peach trees, real kingdom. Snapshots made horizontally and vertically produce often very different impression, so try to take pictures in two versions, and then compare the results.

    The basic setting for the landscape shooting (landscape shooting) is a closed diaphragm, and, consequently, the maximum depth of the sharply depicted space throughout the field, to infinity. The depth of the sharply depicted space before and behind the focus point is correlated as one to two, so that all frame objects will be clearly, hover the focus window to the point at about one third behind the shooting object. If you have a preview mode on your camera, use it before triggering the shutter to make sure that all the necessary objects in the frame fall into the area of \u200b\u200bthe sharply depicted space.

    If the weather is clear, we advise you to take a picture of a blooming peach with a low point, against the blue sky. Photo 35-in was done from the very base of the tree, from the bottom up, most The frame occupies a blooming peach, which is the main object of the picture. With such a composition, you can take pictures with automatic focus, but it's better to quickly bring the focus to the object in the foreground.

    For shooting gardens of peach trees is best suited early morning. In addition, the lateral lighting will evillitize the vertical planes of tree trunks and give the image compound, early shooting will also avoid in the field of view of a large cluster of people, which usually happens later in popular tourist destinations.
    It is also important to observe the norms of behavior when shooting. If you are photographing during work, warn the people who are nearby and enlist them to consent, so as not to harm them.

    2. Take a picture of a separate branch or peach flowers close-up.

    When shooting a separate branch, a balance of the number of colors is important. In the photo 35-with decorative peach. Two hanging branches were chosen, so the snapshot was made vertically. Two color branches complement each other, creating a balanced shot.

    When macroeoms, choose from a variety of applicants particularly impressive sample form. The peach has a more rich color of the branches in comparison with the drain and cherries, and if there are many of them, the flowers may look pale, so try to choose the composition so that the branches are not too rushing into the eyes in the frame.
    It is also important to choose the right light to look like the flowers most beautifully. If, for example, the flowers are in the shade, you can send light to them using the reflector, and show the entire charm of the color shades. Photo 35-D Made with practically plumbing oncoming rays. Young leaves bring in the frame of greens, shading flowers.

    3. Use the polarization light filter to more clearly display the mountain line.

    In localities in which the cultivation of peaches, it is possible to find views where the mountains are towering behind the fields of peach trees. A widely spread peach grove against the background of a majestic mountain ridge is a picture that is determined to capture in the pictures.

    At the time, when peach trees are in full bloom, even in clear weather, the mountains are often shrouded in a haze, and therefore in the photo are odds. In such situations, a polarization light filter is very useful. Its use slightly increases the contrast and saturation of the color, allowing you to achieve a clearer image on the pictures of the mountain ridge. The combination of colors - the residues of snow hats on the vertices, the blue sky and the rich pink shade of peach colors thanks to the filter looks particularly bright (photo 35th).

    4. Make a negative exposure compensation so that the color of the petals is deeper.

    As a rule, it is possible to photograph with automatic measurement of exposure, however, in the cases described below, there is a need for compensation. Depending on the situation and the conditions of shooting, determine what is the necessary degree of exposure compensation. In modern digital cameras, this is not at all difficult!

    To the shade of flowers turned out to be more saturated, try to make a small negative exposure compensation. Optimal values \u200b\u200bin the range -0.5 ~ -1.0. Photo f Made with automatic measurement, photo 30-G - with exposure compensation -0.7. When comparing them, it can be seen that in the second shot, the shades of red are more saturated, and it enhances the impression of the photo.

    If the background for the picture serves as a clear sky, its brightness may be expressed in insufficient exposure (photo 35-H), so positive compensation is required. Photo 35-g Made with payment +1.5, and therefore it turned out lighter, and the shade of colors is more impressive. Experiment with the exposure correction bolder and choose the best!

    5. Experiment with the multi-exposure - this will create an interesting emotion effect.

    In the shooting of colors to create a small blur is often used by the filter, but it is curious to try to photograph and using multi-exposure. An example can serve as a photo of 35-j: the focus blur effect is somewhat different from what is created by software filters, and if your camera allows you to take pictures with multi-exposure - be sure to try it when shooting.

    Focus manually, make a negative exposure compensation for one step. Compensation must be done as many times how many times you exhibit a frame (in this case, twice). Turn on the multi-exposure mode and click the shutter with the usual focus on the object. With the second exposure, shift the focus using the focus ring closer to the fore, it will lead to the desired blur. Be careful - if the focus is moving on the contrary, for the object, the proper effect of mitigation will not be.

    6. Try to create photographs with spring landscapes, placing in the frame of different objects, in addition to the blooming peach

    At the time, when the peach trees in full bloom, many other colors are blocked around. Try to capture the rust spring blossom, creating compositions from peach trees and growing next to flowers.

    Photo 35-L, as well as the previous one, was done in accordance with the "Two-Three" rule. Field Green Competition yellow color Dandelions, blue - Veronica Persian and rich pink peach shade served to create an excellent picture.

    Also, probably an interesting plot for shooting will be a peaceful spring picture of working farmers, or tourists enjoying the view flowering trees. Photo 35m transfers the output atmosphere spring Day: People make sketches of peach groves in full color on the background of mountain ridges, still covered with residues of snow.

    Photography: Nikon Support Center, Sadao Tomia.
    Russian edition: Evgeny Swede, Member of the Guild of Advertising Photographers, Moscow


    Description and features of a peach variety Donetsk yellow

    The fruits of all varieties of peach are valued for a juiciness, amazing taste and aroma, they are used not only in the fresh form, but they do delicious jams, jungle, jelly, candied, add to cakes and pastries. And the benefits of peach can be said very much - it helps to improve activities of cardio-vascular system, normalize the work of the liver, contributes to the formation of hemoglobin, has a cleansing property, is widely used in diet nutrition and as a tousing agent.
    All these qualities are inherent and such a beautiful variety of peach, like Donetsk yellow. This high-yielding gradewhich appeared in the Donetsk representation of the Gardening Institute. It was brought by the efforts of the breeder L.I. Taranenko in 1960. The specialist was able to create a new qualitative grade of peach from those seeds that were brought from Gelendzhik city. A long period of time the variety multiplied by the specialists of the Donetsk nursery, and a little later became popular not only in the territory of Donbass and other regions of Ukraine, but also in Russia.

    Fruit tree type Donetsk yellow is a tall culture having a sufficiently thick crown of a round shape. The leaves are also characterized by a large size, have a beautiful dark green shade, and annual shoots on the contrary light green, however, you can see an interesting carmine tan. Peach flowers are also very large, have a pleasant pink shade. Donetsk yellow is a self-class variety, its fruits have a weight to approximately 150 g, some can reach 220 g.

    For fruits characteristic round formSometimes they are forms of wide oval, somewhat alone on both sides, is also visually visually on the surface of a specific abdominal seam. The fruits have a peel of a pale yellow shade with an exquisite blurred blush on the surface. In unimported peaches, the skin color is greenish yellow - the same as the flesh of the fruit. According to the consistency, it is dense, directly near the peel has yellow-orange color. The taste of Donetsk yellow can be called sufficiently sweet having a pleasant acid. Bone in fruit large sizesFrom the pulp it is almost impossible to separate it. When tasting specialists, this peach variety received good mark 4, 9 points.

    By the duration of the vegetative period, this variety of fruit trees is very close to Kiev early, but its need for the presence of heat at this time is greater. Just like the control grade Kiev Early, Donetsk yellow begins to fruit no earlier than the third year after disembarking, and maximum amount Harvest can be expected for the fourth year. Spearness is average, in favorable for wintering flowering kidney, the amount of crop collected from each fruit tree can be about 50 - 60 kg.

    Pros and cons

    Most of the varieties of peaches today are adapted to our climatic conditions.
    But still before purchasing for your garden plot There is some kind of peach tree, you should familiarize yourself with its features. Variety Donetsk yellow has a lot of indisputable advantages, for which he has been loved by experienced and beginner gardeners for many years.

    Among them are good stability of culture to strong frost. As the experience shows, in one of the years, the trees of Donetsk yellow peered to 1, 7 points, whereas at the varieties of Kiev Early and Redcheven, this figure amounted to more than 2 points. In addition, the variety us described by us has excellent rehabilitation properties - even those trees that freeze the level of snow, the next year they are able to fully restore the strength and give good harvest. If we talk about the winter hardiness of the flower kidneys, then the Donetsk yellow has higher rates, rather than most of other large-scale varieties.

    Has major high quality fruits that are characterized by good taste properties. Also, fruits normally tolerate transportation, but only if they are unprofitable, because with complete aging capable of turning unpleasant dark spots.

    The disadvantages should be attributed to the unlimited ripening of the pulp of fruits, as well as a possible defeat muced dew and curly leaf.

    In order to prevent curlyness, which most often leads to twisting and eliminate the leaves in early May, makes the fruits of small and inhibits their normal ripening, takes the strength for the right growth and development of the tree itself, should be carried out preventive processing special preparations.

    Video "Pruning Peach"

    The video demonstrated how to properly trim the peach and which tools are needed for this.

    When blooms peach?

    persician blossom Peach actually applies to pink family and includes two types: ordinary and smooth, that is, nectarine. It is best to peach in a warm subtropical climate, as it does not take place the temperature below -25 degrees Celsius. In Georgia peach trees covered with beautiful and delicate flowers pale - pink or white color about in the middle of April. Once, I remember Peaches bloomed on April 8, because it came to the very warm early spring. The flowering period of peach trees lasts somewhere until 12 days.

    The bloom of peach depends on its type, from the placement of the tree too. If your peach grows in the shade, then, accordingly, it will bloom later than peach in the sun. On average, it is already in mid-April, you can see the bloom of peach. Very beautiful flowers in peach with a pink shade, large in size, similar to Apricot. Flowering peach gardens, it's just a paradise for bees. It is still very beautiful if you get into such a garden while flowering. The biggest and beautiful peaches gardens can be seen in the Crimea. It is a shame that just during the flowering of peach, you need to crop his branches, in order for the peach harvest to be large and sweet, so sorry these blooming branches cut and throw on the ground.

    When blooms peach?

    It is likely that it depends on the climatic zone and topical weather conditions. Last Saturday (April 11) were in one of the Garden Centers (a store similar to the Russian Armed For Garden and Garden;) - Saplings in the pots are already exhibited on the street and luxuriously bloom.

    I did not hold, made a snowmobile.

    So far, the peach did not appear leaves after the winter season he begins to bloom. And this flowering falls on the middle and the last months of winter. Already from spring, the peach appears leaves and flowers fall.

    The peak of flowering when we can observe pink flowers on peach trees, falls for February, so now the right time to enjoy the peach blossom.

    The bloom of peach depends on its type, from the placement of the tree too. If your peach grows in the shade, then, accordingly, it will bloom later than peach in the sun.

    On average, it is already in mid-April, you can see the bloom of peach. Very beautiful flowers in peach with a pink shade, large in size, similar to Apricot.

    Flowering peach gardens, it's just a paradise for bees. It is still very beautiful if you get into such a garden while flowering. The biggest and beautiful peaches gardens can be seen in the Crimea.

    It is a shame that just during the flowering of peach, you need to crop his branches, in order for the peach harvest to be large and sweet, so sorry these blooming branches cut and throw on the ground.

    This year, the first time was bloomed by Peach, a young seedling, yesterday only noticed flowers on it (late April, Western Belarus). What are they beautiful! Previously, I admired the blooming cherries and apricots, but the peach surpassed them in beauty.

    In warmer regions, of course, he blooms before.

    Perch blossoms are divided into three types: early, medium and late flowering period. The difference between the flowering periods of different peach varieties is about 2-2.5 weeks (16-17 days).

    The early varieties of peaches in the Crimea are already blooming in March, in the central part of Ukraine, peaches bloom much later by Apricot, at the end of April (with good weather), and mostly peaches in Ukraine bloom in May.

    How many days blooms peach? Peach blooms to two weeks (10-12 days).

    I lived in sunny Georgia for several years, where persician blossom Every time he plunged me into a huge admiration. Peach is actually a very ancient plant, his homeland is China.

    Peach actually applies to pink family and includes two types: ordinary and smooth, that is, nectarine. It is best to peach in the TPL subtropical climate, as it does not take place the temperature below -25 degrees Celsius.

    In Georgia peach trees covered with its beautiful and delicate flowers pale pink or white color approximately in the middle of April. Once, I remember Peaches bloomed on April 8, because there was a particularly broken early spring. The flowering period of peach trees lasts somewhere up to 12 days.

    Peach blooms pretty early, but again it all depends on the region of residence and from climate. In the northern regions, the peach is not growing at all, as he loves warmth very much. And it begins to bloom as a rule in April, somewhere can later bloom.

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