Helenium bloom. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Site arrangement 13.06.2019
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Helenium autumn- Helenium autumnale L.

Motherland - North America where it is found in wet meadows and swamps.

Perennial rhizomatous plant. Stems erect, branched, up to 160 cm tall, strong, woody, leafy. The leaves are small, sessile, with a finely serrated edge. Inflorescences - baskets 3-5 cm in diameter, collected in large apical corymbose inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter. Reed flowers are yellow, reddish, tubular - dark yellow. Blossoms in July - September 60 days. In culture since 1635.

It has numerous garden varieties with yellowish-red flowers of various shades:

"Altgold"("Altgold"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow golden, orange-red on the outside, with a red border around the edges, tubular. Colors yellow with brown. Growth. Height up to 90 cm. Blooms profusely with 1-3.VIII within 40-45 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Augustsonne"("Augustsonne"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are sulfur-yellow, tubular, color yellow. Plant strongly leafy, high up to 90 cm. Blooms profusely from 2-5.VIII for 45-48 days Boarding and single planting, cutting.

"Biedermeier"(" Biedermeier "). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow with a bright red stroke but in the middle, tubular. Color yellow. Growth up to 80 cm. Blooms profusely from 1-3.VIII during 40-45 days Board and single planting, cut.

"Gartensonne"("Gartensonne"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow with a reddish bloom, tubular flowers. yellow with brown. Growth up to 120 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 35- 40 days Boarding and single planting, cutting.

"Herbstroth"("Herbstrot"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues variegated brown-orange; tubular flowers. yellow with brown. Growth up to 85 cm. Blooms profusely from 4-9.VIII for 44-48 days Bordeaux and single landings, cut.

"Glotauge"("Glotauge") - Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues brownish-red, tubular dark brown. Plant height up to 80 cm. Blooms profusely from 28.VII-5.VIII for 40-42 days Groups, and single landings, cutting.

"goldlakzwerg"("Goldlackzwerg"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are brownish-orange, yellow at the edges, lighter outside; tubular flowers yellow with brown. Growth up to 80 cm. Blooms profusely from 1-5. VIII within 40-42 days Board and single planting, cut.

"Goldfux"("Goldfucks"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright brown-orange with yellow strokes, tubular. Color brown. Growth up to 105 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 45- 50 days Board and single planting, cut.

"Goldfouchefrue"("Goldfushefruhe"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues light orange-brown, tubular yellow. Plant slightly leafy, height up to 100 cm. Blooms profusely from 3-4.VIII for 40- 45 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Granatstern"(" Granatstern "). Baskets up to 5 cm in diameter; tongues brown-red, tubular colors. yellow with brown. Plant height up to 150 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 54 days. Board and single planting, cutting.

"Sommersonne"("Sommersonne"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow, reddish on the outside; tubular flowers. yellow. Plant height up to 82 cm and up to 80 cm wide. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII within 45-52 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Sonnenberg"("Sonnenberg"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter, bright yellow tongues, tubular flowers. yellow. Plant height up to 70 cm. Blooms profusely from 1-3.VIII for 40-45 days. Board. and single planting, cutting.

"Katarina"("Katharina"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; pomegranate-orange tongues, tubular yellow with brown. Plant strongly leafy, up to 75 cm high. Blooms profusely, from 25-30.VII within 45-50 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Cockade"(" Kokarde "). Baskets up to 4.5 cm in diameter; tongues are scarlet-red, with a brown tint, yellowish at the edges, almost red towards the center; tubular. Colors yellow with brown. Plant height up to 120 cm. Blooms profusely from August 1-5 for 45-50 days Bordeaux and single plantings, cut.

"Kupfersprudel"("Kupfersprudel"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are red with an orange-brown tinge, tubular flowers are yellow with brown. Plant out. up to 120 cm. It blooms profusely from 1-5. 35 days Board and single planting, cut.

"Lichtgettin"("Lichtgottin"). Baskets up to 4.5 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow; tubular flowers. yellow. Plant out. up to 90 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 40-45 days. Board and single fit, cut.

"Rotgout"("Rothaut"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; brown-red tongues; tubular flowers. yellow with brown. Plants height up to 70 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 40-45 days. Board and single planting, cutting.

"Septemberzone"("Septembersonne"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; uvulas sulfur-yellow, tubular yellow. Plant very powerful, strongly leafy, height up to 150 cm. Blooms profusely from 4-5.VIII in within 45-50 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Shpetgoldkuppel"(" Spatgoldkuppel "). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are dark yellow, red on the outside; tubular flowers. yellow. Plant height up to 80 cm. Blooms profusely from 10-15.VIII for 45-50 days .Board and single landings, cut.

"Moerheim Beauty"("Moerheim Beauty") - a plant 90-150 cm high, bronze-red inflorescences, blooms in July - September.

"Bootgerpad"("Butterpad") - a medium-sized plant, golden yellow inflorescences.

"Chipperfield Orange"("Chipperfield Orange") - plant 150-180cm tall, inflorescences are large, orange, blooms in August - October.

Photo left EDSR
Photo right Olga Bondareva

Gelenium - beautiful and unpretentious perennial Astrov family, native to North and Central America. It looks like a rather lush shrub, from 80 cm to 160-170 cm high. In fact, the gelenium bush consists of several densely growing independent plants. There are more than 30 varieties and types of gelenium.

The stems are branching, thin and tall. The leaves are small and sharp. Inflorescences are in the form of a basket, and the flowers themselves are shaped like small daisies. The color of flowers varies from pale yellow to dark red, brownish. The special charm of gelenium flowers lies not only in their bright color, but also in their strong pleasant aroma.

Gelenium does not have perennial roots. In late autumn, they die off, along with peduncles and stems. On the underground part of the stem, a small leaf rosette with a rhizome is formed. From it in the spring a new plant is formed.

Common and popular types and varieties of gelenium with a photo

Of all the varietal diversity in cultural floriculture, only 5 types of gelenium are grown. They, in turn, are divided into many varieties.

Helenium Gupes (Heleniumhoopesii) – This is a perennial plant growing in the mountainous regions of North America, about 1 meter high. The leaves are sharp, lanceolate, gray-green. Peduncles are long. Inflorescences solitary, bright yellow flowers, up to 9 cm in diameter. Blooms in June-July.

Helenium Bigelow (Heleniumbigeiovii) rather rare plant species. The stems are straight, up to 80 cm high, the leaves are whole, sharp. Inflorescences are tubular, about 6 cm in diameter. The flowers are dark brown with yellow tongues. Flowering time: June-July.

Helenium spring (Heleniumvernalis) has straight tall stems (up to 1 m), green lanceolate leaves and large inflorescences. Flowers with thin orange petals and a brown center. It starts blooming in May.

Heleniumhybridum) is the species that includes the majority garden varieties and hybrids, as well as forms of gelenium of uncertain origin. All of them are absolutely different both in size, and in the color of the flowers, and in the timing of flowering.

The following varieties are most common:

  • Gartensonne (up to 130 cm high, with red yellow flowers);
  • Rotgout (red-brown flowers, plant height 120 cm);
  • Goldclatzwerk (orange-brownish flowers, grows up to 100 cm).

Helenium autumn (Heleniumautumnale) is the most common garden variety. The stems are thin, long (up to 160 cm), the leaves are small, serrated along the edges. Baskets are small, collected in corymbose inflorescences. Flowers with yellow or red petals and a yellow center. Blooms from late July to September. Seeds ripen in October.

Varieties of this species differ in both height and color of flowers.

Popular varieties with yellow petals:

  • Solar hill (tall, about 160 cm);
  • Magnificum (undersized, up to 70-80 cm);
  • Superboom (170-180 cm high);
  • Katharina (height 140 cm);
  • Septembersonne (up to 160 cm).

Varieties with variegated, red-yellow petals:

  • Goldfux (plant height 140 cm);
  • Altgold (undersized, up to 80 cm);
  • Altgoldrise (about 110 cm high).

Varieties with red flowers:

  • Glutauge (up to 90 cm);
  • Di blonde (tall, up to 170-180 cm).

All of them bloom for quite a long time, and go well with many plants in landscape design.

Growing gelenium from seeds in open ground

Before planting, the seeds are placed in wet sawdust and refrigerated for two weeks.

Helenium seeds germinate very poorly. But if you follow the rules of planting, then growing a plant will not be difficult. Seeds can be sown both in seedlings and directly in open ground, at the end of autumn. It is worth noting that reckless way planting is best used only in warm, southern regions. In mid-latitudes, the most reliable method of cultivation is sowing seeds for seedlings.

In order for the seeds to sprout faster, they must be subjected to long-term stratification. To do this, the seeds are mixed with wet sawdust and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. Then they can be planted for seedlings. It is better to carry out this procedure at the end of February, and the plant will begin to bloom only after 2-3 years. Soil for planting is better to buy ready-made, with a high content of peat. It is well moistened, and the seeds are sown superficially, without deepening. The container with landings is covered with glass and placed in a well-lit place. Periodically ventilate and lightly spray with water. When two true leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate containers.

How to plant gelenium

The grown seedlings are sown in fully warmed soil at the end of May. The site is chosen well-lit, with neutral fertile land. In partial shade, only gelenium varieties with yellow flowers can grow. Undersized seedlings should be placed at a distance of at least 35 cm from each other, and tall ones - up to 70-75 cm.

Before planting, the soil is carefully dug up and fertilized with humus or compost. If the ground is heavy, then you can add a little sand. The plant is carefully removed from the container and the roots are lowered into the water for several minutes. Then they are planted in a permanent place and watered well. The land around the plantings is mulched with peat. It is important to remember that for all its unpretentiousness, gelenium is very demanding on lighting, moisture and heat.

Gelenium: outdoor care

It is necessary to water the gelenium 2 times a week

Gelenium care consists of watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening the soil. This plant is very fond of moisture, so watering should be done at least twice a week. In dry and hot weather, it is necessary to water daily. After each watering, carry out a neat shallow loosening of the soil. If the soil is acidic, then it must be limed before planting.

To get a beautiful and lush bush, formative pruning is carried out. To do this, several lateral shoots are cut in mid-June, and in the spring they must pinch the tops of the plant. It is important to remember that every three years the bushes must be divided and seated, otherwise they quickly age. Tall varieties require garters to stakes.

Fertilizer and top dressing

The first feeding is carried out in May. To do this, you can use this solution:

  • 1 st. l. urea;
  • 1 st. l. potassium sulfate;
  • 1 st. l. finished biological fertilizer "Effekton";
  • 10 l. water.

per sq. m. spend about 4 liters. such a solution.

The second dressing is carried out at the beginning of flowering. In this case, a solution of a liter of slurry, 1 tbsp. l. fertilizer "Agricola-Fantasy" and the same amount of "Agricola-7" per bucket of water.

The third dressing is carried out immediately after flowering, in early October. For fertilizer take 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and superphosphate per 10 liters. water.

At the beginning of tying buds, foliar top dressing with any growth stimulator helps well.

Pests, diseases and what you need to know to avoid their appearance

If a chrysanthemum nematode appears on the gelenium, it is necessary to cut off the infected leaves

Gelenium almost does not suffer from diseases or pests. The exception is the chrysanthemum nematode, which damages leaves and flower buds. You can cope with it only by cutting and burning the affected areas of the plant. To avoid this occurrence dangerous pest, it is advisable to add a little slaked lime to the soil before planting. To avoid infection with fungal diseases, it is necessary to avoid excessive waterlogging of the soil.

Gelenium in combination with other plants

In bouquets, gelenium flowers will look great with asters and chrysanthemums. But we must remember that you can cut the gelenium only after it finally blooms. Pre-cut flowers do not bloom in water.

Autumn gelenium varieties coexist well with purple asters, monards, delphinium, dahlias, stonecrop and verbena. A flower bed with gelenium, marigolds, goldenrod, phloxes, geyhers, garden yarrow and vines will look very beautiful. You can plant any perennials with white flowers nearby.

Gelenium in landscape design

Gelenium can be used to decorate ponds, fences or households. buildings. It well masks irregularities and defects in the relief. It will look very nice in the background of flower beds, next to low ornamental shrubs. You can plant several varieties of gelenium on the site at once, with different terms flowering. In this case, it will be possible to admire its beauty from the very beginning of spring until late autumn. It will look great against the backdrop of cascading flower beds.

harvested seeds after the flowering of gelenium, it is quite difficult to grow, so many of them do not collect and buy

To make the flowering lush and beautiful, wilted flowers are removed. When the plant has completely faded, you can collect the seeds. It is better not to propagate varietal gelenium with seeds. To preserve all varietal features, seed material will have to be bought. And growing a plant from your own collected seeds is very difficult.

How and when to collect seeds

Seeds are harvested before the onset of prolonged autumn rains so that they do not rot. The first sign that the seeds are ripe is the blackened center of the flower and dark petals. The collected seeds are thoroughly dried in a dark and cool place.

Helenium reproduction

The simplest and effective way reproduction is considered the division of the bush. This procedure must be carried out in the spring, in May. For this, an adult gelenium is dug up and several leaf rosettes with roots are carefully separated. The dug out plants are placed at a distance of about 30-50 cm from each other. It is necessary to divide the bush every 2-3 years.

You can learn more about this in the video below, we wish you a pleasant viewing.

Helenium in winter

The roots of the gelenium are located very close to the surface, which often leads to freezing and death of the plant. Therefore, before the start of frost, all stems are cut almost at the level of the soil. After that, the area is sprinkled with a thick layer of sawdust or moss and covered with dense lutrasil.

Among the palette of bright colors in the autumn garden, chamomile gelenium is graceful, modest and beautiful ... Lost in the summer against the background lush flowering roses, gladiolus, lilies and dahlias, the autumn gelenium manifests itself in all its glory at the end of the hot season, when the main riot of colors in the garden gradually fades. The plant blooms for a long time and steadfastly keeps in any bad weather.

For reference. Helenium flowers owe such an interesting botanical name to the wife of King Menelaus, abducted by Paris - Beautiful Helen, who became the unwitting cause of the long Trojan War.

External characteristics

Autumn gelenium is quite high (up to 160 cm); the stems are strong, branching, woody by the end of autumn. The leaves are small, light green, serrated along the edges. Chamomile-shaped baskets, with a convex middle, are 3-6 cm in diameter. The edges of the petals are curly, as if cut with scissors. Coquettishly splayed to the side, they resemble. The core of the gelenium is convex, during flowering it is covered with bright yellow anthers and takes on a spherical shape. On each stem of the plant in its upper part, 15-20 flowers bloom at the same time. Their yellow-orange palette fully corresponds to the current season and fits optimally into the days.

How to prolong the flowering of gelenium?

You can admire the flowering of a modest garden decoration, during which many varieties tend to change color, from July until the first frost. The abundance of flowering is easy to ensure by pinching off the tops of the shoots, and you can extend the charming action by removing wilted inflorescences and a small piece of the stem on which they are located. Such manipulation activates branching and the formation of new shoots that will bloom after a short time.

Plant in the garden landscape

Autumn gelenium is beautiful in the cut. Plucked unblown, it will still bloom and will stand in a vase for a surprisingly long time without fading.

Perennial is often used to decorate unpresentable fences and revitalize the landscape on old sites. Gelenium cannot be called an individual flower, like, for example, a tulip or a rose. Most often it is an addition to the overall composition. On the garden plot undersized varieties look chic in the foreground of the flower garden, they can be planted as border plant. Tall geleniums are an excellent backdrop for large flower beds, good neighbors for ornamental shrubs, excellent "partners" for perennial autumn-flowering asters, ornamental grasses, rudbecky.

In one place, the plant can grow for 3-4 years, during which a large number of basal rosettes develop, rising higher and higher to the surface of the earth every year. In the future, such a process can lead to freezing of the plant. Therefore, the location of the gelenium should be changed periodically.

Popular varieties of autumn gelenium

Helenium autumn (photos are presented in the article) in cultural cultivation known since the 17th century, is the most popular species among its counterparts and fundamental to the breeding of a large number of varieties. Many of them are used by flower growers to decorate their plots and plant out for the purpose of aesthetic pleasure.

In July-September, helenium autumn Moerheim beauty blooms profusely. The plant is undemanding to soils, the optimal location for it are sunny areas. Also, this variety can be planted in partial shade. A bush with a height of 90-150 cm has strong stems; it does not require a garter. Resistant in windy conditions. Externally decorative. Flowers play with a diverse palette: red, golden, orange, yellow, copper; when blooming, they take one shade - dark brown.

The description of the autumn Pip squeak gelenium causes an irresistible desire to acquire such a variety at their summer cottage. An unpretentious autumn-flowering plant is characterized by low growth, up to 60 cm. It has a large number of strong straight stems with bright yellow flower baskets with a brown center and a mass of narrow leaves. Flowering begins in July. The plant is beautiful in group plantings, unpretentious in care.

With velvety warm tones, helenium autumn Jazz delivers aesthetic pleasure to gardeners. The flowers of this variety are characterized by a red-yellow palette, basket-inflorescences are 3-5 cm in diameter.

Landscape autumn garden the autumn Rubinswerg will perfectly decorate the helenium (translated from German - “ruby gnome”). Against the background of other plants, the perennial culture stands out with ruby-red flowers with a convex dark middle. The variety is low, about 70 cm. The bush is sprawling, with rapidly growing new shoots.

Helenium autumn Waltraut will enrich the territory of the garden with red-copper-yellow flowers. The bush is low, up to 80 cm. Flowering occurs in July-August.

Gelenium feature

Autumn helenium bushes can only be called such conditionally. In fact, this is a colony of independent plants, the flowering stems of which live only one season.

From the “It's interesting” section: there is a belief that gelenium petals were previously used instead of tobacco. Inhaling them, the person sneezed, thus getting rid of the evil spirits present in the body.

Helenium autumn (Helenium autumnale) has one specific feature: the absence of a wintering rhizome. At the end of flowering, the stems die off along with the roots, giving way to new rosettes that form from renewal buds at their base. These are independent having their own root system. Each of them gives full-fledged flowering shoots, which, despite their defenseless appearance, are able to withstand fairly severe frosts in snowless winters.

The subtleties of caring for gelenium

Autumn gelenium care is absolutely non-capricious. When acquiring such a plant on own site you should know that it does not tolerate drought. Therefore, on dry days, it is necessary to water the gelenium abundantly and often. Periodically it is recommended to carry out weeding and shallow loosening of the soil. Weed control can be minimized by mulching the area with peat or rotted leaves.

To prepare for winter, the stems of gelenium must be cut almost to the surface of the earth, leaving 10-15 cm. After this operation, the area must be mulched with sawdust or moss and covered with lutrasil from above

Feeding activities

To activate growth at the beginning of the growing season, autumn gelenium will not be superfluous to treat with the Bud growth stimulator at the rate of 10 grams of the product per 10 liters of water.

  1. May. For a 10-liter bucket of water - potassium sulfate, urea and the organic preparation "Effekton" (a tablespoon). The consumption of the resulting solution per 1 sq. meter - 3-4 liters.
  2. During flowering. In 10 liters of water, dilute a tablespoon of Agricola 7 and Agricola Fantasy. Add 1 liter of liquid manure to this. Consumption per 1 sq. square meter - 2-3 liters of the finished solution.
  3. The end of October. For 10 liters of water - a tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. The consumption of the drug per 1 sq. meter plot - 5 liters.

Propagation of helenium autumn vegetatively

Helenium autumn, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult, propagates in several ways, the easiest of which is dividing the bush. The optimal period for this operation is May-month, but if necessary, it can be carried out at any other time, even at the flowering stage.

The bush needs to be dug up and divided into parts, each of which is cut low before planting - up to 10-15 cm from the soil level. By dividing the bush, it is recommended to propagate varietal plants in order to preserve characteristic features.

cutting method

No less popular among flower growers is propagation by cuttings. In the spring, you need to cut a few branches you like and put in water. As soon as the roots appear, young shoots can be planted in the soil. For better rooting, young cuttings are recommended to be covered with banks or plastic bottles. You can remove the containers when the first leaves appear. A plant planted by cuttings will delight in flowering a year after planting.

seed method

The seed propagation method is less popular due to the low percentage of germination and the laboriousness of the planting process. In open ground, seeds can be sown in late autumn or in May, in well-warmed soil. To protect against possible frosts, it is recommended to cover the area with plastic wrap.

For growing seedlings of gelenium, sowing seed produced in spring (April-May) in planting containers. The seeds should first be stratified by mixing them with wet sawdust and leaving for 3 weeks at a temperature of +3 ... +5 ° C.

It is required to germinate seeds at a temperature of +18 ... +22 ° C. The appearance of 2-3 full-fledged leaves will indicate the need for picking (seating) young plants. In open ground, seedlings should be planted in May. Before immersing in the hole, the plants should first be lowered with roots into the water in order to saturate with moisture. number of plants per square meter there should be no more than 4-5 pieces due to the active growth of the bush.

After planting, the site must be mulched with peat or humus.

Seed harvesting

Seeds should be collected before prolonged rainfall, characteristic of the autumn season. Otherwise, they will rot on the plant itself. Maturity seed material can be identified by darkened reed flowers and blackened tubular ones. However, the most the best option is the purchase of seed in specialized stores.

Diseases and pests

Also, the growth of gelenium is negatively affected by stagnant moisture, which can be formed from a close occurrence. ground water. Therefore, when planting plants, you should be responsible for choosing a planting site in order to avoid negative consequences in future.

In the Astrov genus there is an annual and perennial plant Helenium. The root system of the plant is not perennial, in late autumn it completely dies off in a place with flowers and stems, while leaving a small leaf rosette with a rhizome in the ground, which will subsequently turn into a new plant in spring. America is considered its homeland, its north and center. IN vivo grows on wet soils in marshy area. Outwardly, the culture does not have the form of a clearly defined bush. It has many single-stemmed shoots, more like several plants that are completely unrelated to each other.

spring bright flower revived thanks to the kidneys (leaf box with a rhizome). In height, it can reach up to 150 cm. The erect stems are woody and densely covered with oblong foliage. Each of the stems adorns many thyroid inflorescences. Flowers are outwardly similar to chamomile, but with a convex core. IN varietal diversity there are terry and semi-double specimens. The color palette is varied:

  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • Brown;
  • Orange.

Gelenium is a well-known honey plant that attracts striped workers with its exquisite aroma. The flowering period is long: from August to November. The fruit is an oblong box with seeds.

Use in landscape design

Gelenium, like no other, is able to turn the most nondescript garden into a bright, juicy landscape. Thanks to its long flowering from the end of August, it seems to prolong the summer when most plants have long lost their decorative look. Solar inflorescences blazing in the garden are actively used by gardeners to create luxurious and solo plantings (). A tall perennial is planted as a bright background for more restrained flowers. Or occupies a central place in the group ensemble, and “neighbors” are selected under its color palette.

In addition to the decorative function, the perennial also performs camouflage. It is planted to hide traces of communications, few aesthetic buildings, etc. Undersized representatives decorate, as a border, garden paths.

Combination with other plants

The sunny representative of the flora perfectly coexists with many perennial crops that share his love for abundant watering and sunlight. When choosing plants, do not forget about the height of the gelenium. Its high growth can cause unwanted shade for sun-loving undersized flowers.

The most harmonious partners:

  • marigold;
  • yarrow.

Plant propagation


Difficult method with average efficiency. They are planted in open ground in regions with a mild climate and warm winter, in April. Middle latitudes pre-grow seedlings. Before planting, the seeds are stratified for a long time. This improves germination. The process begins in February with the mixing of planting material and moistened sawdust. The resulting mass is placed in refrigerator compartment for 15-20 days.

The easiest way to purchase soil is in a specialized store. It must be high in peat. Seeds should not be deepened. It is enough to evenly distribute them over the surface of highly moistened soil. Cover the pot with glass or film. Shelter is systematically removed for spraying and ventilation.

Seedlings appear after 4 weeks. After the appearance of 2 leaves, you can dive into separate containers.

Landing and care

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Planting material is safer to buy in a specialized store. It must be in a separate container. In the market or a stranger might have defective goods. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features of the selected variety. The seedling must be strong, healthy, without damage, with moist soil in a pot.

Choosing a place for planting, preparing the soil

The most favorable for lush and long flowering will be a well-lit area. Slight penumbra is acceptable. When choosing a site, it is important to consider the future role of perennials in landscape design.

Best of all, the culture grows in permeable, light and fertile soil. The reaction is optimally neutral or slightly acidic. Although the garden planting is not capricious, preliminary preparation is still necessary. The site is dug up to a depth of at least 30 cm. When moisture stagnates, the root system begins to rot. A thick drainage layer is introduced into the planting pit. Fragments of brick, small stones, pebbles, sand are suitable for it. After it is entered a large number of compost.

Landing Requirements

The most suitable the period for carrying in open ground is the end of May, the beginning of June. Frost on the ground is unacceptable. Seedlings are pre-soaked in water for 10-15 minutes. The root system must absorb enough moisture. The size of the hole should exceed the parameters of the root system with a clod of earth by 2 times. The depth is the same as it was in the container. The optimal distance between the planting holes is 35 cm. The process is completed by mulching with humus or dry peat.

Loosening is carried out after each watering, no more than once a day. Get rid of weeds at the same time. They can deprive plants of much-needed minerals. The soil is not deeply loosened and mulched with sawdust.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering is the first necessity. In dry soil, perennial gelenium may die. IN summer period, with a long absence of natural precipitation, moistening can occur twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. It is important to use not cold, and settled water. A sufficient amount of moisture is the key to lush flowering. Drip irrigation works well.

Mineral and organic complex fertilizers applied three times during the growing season May, August and October. Top dressing is diluted in water and applied during irrigation. For application nutrients representative of the flora responds well.

Diseases and pests

High resistance to various diseases and does not interfere with insects chrysanthemum nematode attack the bush. The signal of the appearance of a dangerous enemy is the yellowing of the leaves. The insect is too small and can only be seen with a microscope. To get rid of it, the affected leaves are cut and burned away from the flower bed. As a preventive measure, lime is added to the soil.

Shelter for the winter

The perennial must be protected from the approaching cold weather. The stems are cut, leaving only 10 cm above the ground, and covered with spruce branches, dry leaves or sawdust. For greater moderation, you can use a special material.

It is easy to survive a long and cold season with a thick layer of snow.

Species and varietal diversity

The most decorative and popular types:

  • autumn. Is the progenitor of all known species. A tall specimen, reaches 140 cm. The petals are yellow, the core is red or brown. The flowering period lasts from July to September. The most decorative varieties: Buterpatt, Pumilum.
  • spring. Height 100 cm. Early flowering group. The color of the inflorescences is orange, the core is brown. The flowering period is long: from late April (May) to June (July). unpretentious look tolerates winter very well.
  • hybrid. Includes many subspecies and varieties. They differ significantly in shape, height and color. The most famous varieties: Rose, Gartson.
  • Gupes. Reaches 80 cm in height. The flowers are large, similar to chamomile, up to 12 cm in diameter. The color is bright yellow.

For those who first decided to grow this attractive chamomile-like flower on the site, recommendations will be of interest: gelenium - planting and care. By the way, this is a favorite of gardeners and landscape designers all over the world a plant that fits well into any design of plots, gardens and even individual flower beds.

Photo 1. Helenium is native to Central and North America.

Description of gelenium

Geleniums (a genus of annuals and perennials of the Compositae family) has more than 30 species. Their homeland is Central and North America. There is a legend according to which the beautiful Helen, the wife of King Menelaus, abducted by enemies and imprisoned in a tower, cried about her grief, and her tears, falling to the ground, flared up with a bright flame and turned into golden flowers. They were called geleniums. Modest and unremarkable until a certain time, at the end of summer they bloom with warm and velvety flowers and captivate with their unusual beauty.

Roots perennial gelenium they die in winter, but underground buds remain.

Perennial gelenium is not what we used to consider perennial flowers. Plants die off with the roots to the cold, but they have already formed leaf rosettes from underground buds, which will give new shoots in the spring. What appears to be a bush from a distance is actually a set of close-growing, upright peduncles branching at the top. The height of the "bush" can reach up to 1.5 m, although there are also undersized varieties. The plant has lanceolate, alternate leaves. Flower baskets can be single or collected in corymbose inflorescences. Baskets are painted in yellow, orange, red, brown and purple tones, there are also two-tone ones. The fruit is a pubescent achene with elongated shape. Gelenium has an interesting property to change color during the growing season. Yellow bushes turn orange, red bushes turn brown.

A photograph of a gelenium conveys the beauty and unusualness of a flower much better than words (photo 1).

Reproduction methods

A decorative flower is propagated in two ways: by seeds and vegetatively - by branching rosettes and cuttings.

Seeds from gelenium must be collected in the fall.

Seeds from gelenium are harvested in autumn. This must be done before the long autumn rains begin. As soon as the cone turned black and the reed flowers darkened, the seeds ripened. But it is not a fact that a plant grown from collected seeds will be a copy of its "parent". In addition, the germination rate of freshly harvested seeds is quite low. Therefore, it is better to purchase seeds in a specialized store, where gelenium is represented by various varieties.

Seeds are sown in the ground in autumn, and by the summer young flower bushes will already take shape. BUT in early spring(in late February - early March) you can sow them in containers for seedlings. After the seeds are sown, the container is wrapped in polyethylene and placed in the refrigerator in the vegetable section for 1-1.5 months. This process is called stratification. Then the container is placed in a warm place with good lighting. The air temperature should be + 18-22 degrees. Seedlings dive with 2-3 real leaves, and gelenium will bloom only after a year.

The most effective way to propagate a flower is the separation of rosettes. They are planted in May, when the probability of night frosts will be reduced to zero. You can propagate gelenium and stem cuttings during stem growth. The cuttings are cut and rooted in the soil. You can pre-hold them in a mixture for rooting. The optimal planting density of rosettes and cuttings is 4-5 per 1 sq. m.

Planting and caring for an ornamental plant

Watering the gelenium should be frequent and fairly plentiful.

It is better to choose a sunny area, but in the shade, geleniums grow and bloom well. The soil should be well-drained, neutral, light and nutritious. Before planting, the soil is dug up with compost on a shovel bayonet.

Pits are prepared for planting, 2 times larger than the root ball of the plant. The roots of the gelenium are immersed in water for several minutes to soak in moisture, then planted at the same depth at which the plant grew in the box. The minimum planting pattern is 30x35 cm. Then the soil is mulched with humus or peat.

The peculiarity of gelenium is that dry soil depresses it. Watering should be frequent and plentiful, especially on hot days. At the same time, the plant does not tolerate too wet soil. Regular weeding and shallow (to a depth of 7 cm) loosening are required. Mulching the soil after planting will make it easier to kill weeds.

Top dressing is carried out 3 times with mineral and organic fertilizers:

  1. In May. For 10 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. l. organic fertilizer Effecton, potassium sulfate, urea. Consumption - 3-4 liters per 1 sq. m.
  2. Late August - early September. For 10 liters of water, take 1 liter of liquid mullein, 1 tbsp. l. liquid Agricola-fantasy and Agricola-7. Consumption - 2-3 liters per 1 sq. m.
  3. At the end of October. For 10 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Consumption - 5 liters per 1 sq. m.

Photo 2. Bright flower bushes of geleniums will decorate any area in the country.

You can spray the plant for better budding with Bud growth regulator (take 10 g per 10 l).

For more lush flowering, wilted inflorescences must be removed. Pinching the tops, increase the branching and density of the bushes.

Before the onset of winter cold, the stems of the plant are cut off, leaving small tails above the ground. Then the place is mulched with sawdust or moss and covered with lutrasil in case of a snowless winter or severe frosts. If the winters are mild, the plant will survive them well even without shelter. Over time, the gelenium loses its frost-resistant properties, and the land under it is depleted, so it must be replanted every 4 years.

Geleniums in the design of plots

Bright flower bushes can decorate any area (photo 2). From tall plants, monoplants are made that perfectly mask fences and buildings that have an unpresentable appearance. In the flower bed, the gelenium is placed in the center so that shorter plants are not obstructed by spreading tall flowers. From undersized varieties make picturesque borders.

Photo 3. Very beautiful decorative flower is Helenium hybrid.

Geleniums are very beautifully combined with asters, rudbeckia, stonecrops and ornamental shrubs. They look no less impressive in bouquets, however, it should be borne in mind that incompletely opened flowers will not bloom in water.

Some types of gelenium are designed specifically for garden decoration. For example, the autumn gelenium, popularly referred to as the "sneezing plant", and the bigelow gelenium. In the old days, dry leaves of helenium autumn were used in the manufacture of tobacco, which, when inhaled, caused sneezing, thereby expelling evil spirits from the body. Usually the plant grows up to 1 m, but there are species that reach 2 m. Geleniums can vary in color: yellow, red-brown, orange. The flowering period is from August to October. The flower does not like a large number of dressings.

And gelenium bigelow blooms in June-July, the median flowers have Brown color, reed - yellow. Plant height - 80 cm. At the same time, helenium gupes blooms.

There are plants blooming in spring. The flower is called so - spring gelenium. Its height reaches 1 m, from mid-May to mid-June it pleases the eye with orange-brown flowers.

A very attractive decorative flower is hybrid gelenium (photo 3).

There are a lot of plant varieties, and everyone can choose their favorite gelenium and use it in landscaping their site, creating beautiful and intricate flower beds and green hedges.

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