Bulk perennials for the garden: colors catalog. Video: How to plant melluccic flowers

Garden technique 05.06.2019
Garden technique

This article discovers the rather rare bulbous plants with which most of our gardeners are not yet familiar. Meanwhile, these flowers are distinguished by exotic beauty, unpretentious and decorate any garden.

Below the listed plants are great for growing in containers. The only difficulty is that all these bulbous flowers came from the tropics and do not tolerate cold winters. IN open soil round year May grow only in southern regions.

Where the frosty winter, the bulbs dig up and stored until spring indoors. Storage conditions are the same as for Georgin, gladiolus. It is a bit troublesome, but your garden, spilled in summer by all the colors of the rainbow exotic colors, will delight the neighbors and acquaintances.

The touching beauty of bulbous as if created for romantic gardens ...

Along with lilies, tulips and daffodils, hyacinths, muskari and crocuses, the irises for the class "Lukovichny" are calculated completely inimitable in the form of blossom, almost fabulous, rare beauty flowers.

  • Himenokallis, or Isman (Hymenocallis),
  • Kamasia Blue Lily (Camassia),
  • Pamianthe Peruviana,
  • Tigridia Pavonia (Tigridia Pavonia),
  • Rye thri! (Brodiaea Laxa),
  • Ovularia Grandiflora (Uvularia Grandiflora) and others.

Rare representatives of the bulbous rarities comfortably feel in the garden and as a pot culture. Next, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the description and photos of certain types of colors ...

(Tigridia Pavonia) is known as a tiger iris with an unusual pattern, reaching half-meter height. From each clubnelluca appears up to six beautiful double bowls bright flower Surrounded by three large red, white, yellow petals-perianthrs. You can admire them for only 8 hours, revealing in the first half of the day, but all new buds with enviable constancy are dismissed for almost two months.

It is planted by Tigridia in the month of April to a pot, transferring to a flower garden only with the arrival of the June heat. When drought, you have to water more often. They also appeal as with gladiolus, digging the clubnelluca in the fall after the complete yellowing of the leaves, drying and placing for storage. In the regions of S. warm winter grown without digging.

Native South Africa. Belongs to the Iris family. It blooms with abundant openwork star flowers of a wide variety of colors, up to 6 cm in diameter. Sparaquisis look very impressive when they are planted big groups - Not less than 20 pieces in each. Loves nutritious soils, he needs a lot of sun, abundant watering.

Under such conditions this species Sparaxis will blossom to blossom and actively multiply, forming many small bulbies. It can also be successfully breeding with seeds.

Another representative of the Iris family. A bright, fragrant frequency is gorgeous in the cut, it stands for quite a long time in the water, filling the room wonderful aroma. The thin and gentle aroma is so pleasant that this flower has long been using perfumers. Flowers of a variety of paints, simple and terry.

Unlike Sparaxis, it does not like direct sun rayTherefore, it will have to plant it in half. The landing site should be protected from the wind, since the blurry with clusters of heavy buds is rather fragile and easily break from the gusts of the wind. Freesia needs frequent irrigation, but does not carry out stagnation of water in the soil. It is multiplied by children-bulbs and seeds, and seedlings can flourish in the year of sowing, by autumn.

Himenokalles, or Ismene (Hymenocallis) - refers to the amarylline family. Flowers are very unusual, a little resemble daffodils, but much more bizarre, original shape. The bulbous plant is very beautiful, its name in Greek does not mean "anthem beauty."

Grows quickly, blooms abundantly ( adult plant It may throw out 2-3 arrows with 6-8 flowers on each), so the isman needs fertile soils and regular feeding. Overhast, the plant is very unpretentious, can carry the drought, no one is sick. Every year gives a lot of kids, which, after fishing, the bulbs are carefully separated. Himennocalis easily tie seeds, but after flowering, the blooming is better removed, so as not to exhaust the flower.

Pamiant Peruvian (Pamianthe Peruviana) from the Amaryilice family has a lot in common with other bully. It is very similar to the Ismene, eukharis and our usual gardening daffodils, but it is distinguished by the more impressive dimensions of the flower, a mold of a bulb and a whimsical temper. They grow almost as well as hypipers, but it is more capricious.

Very rarely found plant from the Amarillix family. Mainly on sale you can see TRISTAGMA Uniflorum with gentle blue flowers. Beautiful looks on alpine Gorki. It feels well both in the sun and in a half.

KAMASSIA (Camassia) - one of the hardest bulbous families Lily unusual shape... The second name is the bow of the Indians. Candle inflorescences made of star florals on straight flowercams of a magnificent blue-purple palette with a variety of nuances turn blue lily into the original alternative to hyacinth. Flowers in this "lily" can be white, blue, bluish-lilac.

This rare flower It is capable of multiply by self-sowing and "Digin", if you plan it on a dry and brightly lit plot. As a shelter for the winter, it is enough to make a thick layer of mulch.

This plant is familiar to many, refers to the Amarillix family. Loves bright light and sun, abundant watering. It looks most advantageous if the group is planted. Leaves are narrow, removal, flowers are white, pink, yellow, resembling large crocuses.


Nerine is an extensive genus of the Lukovichny, the family of amarylicistic, the birthplace of which is Africa. Thanks to its bizarre bent back petals, Narina is called - PUU. The plant blooms with all the shades of pink, there are white, raspberry and red-orange flowers. Flowering time - autumn, when there is no little blooming in the garden, and in the summer, the bulb is at rest.

Beauty Nerine recommended landing on the southern, well-lit plots. Watering is moderate, especially in the cool period, and after moving the leaves at the beginning of the summer it should be stopped at all before the beginning of autumn vegetation, therefore, the place for Nerine must be chosen in such a way that there are no plants next to the flower that requires abundant watering in the summer.

This flower resembles a crocus, but unlike him, thin leaves appear along with the flowers in the fall, and sometimes the flower appears first, and then the leaves grow.

Sternbergya loves warm, sunny places. The flower is not frosty, but it can be quite grown in middle lane Russia is in the open soil, if the bulbs in the winter are covered with a thick layer of snow, but it is best to dig and store them in a dry cool place.

The plant is called rain lily. Motherland Zephiranthes is North and South America. Flowers are quite large varied shades of white and pink flowers. Like other exotic bulbous, he prefers to grow in a dry and hot spot.

We will be realistic - it is impossible to abandon perennial bulbies in the garden and on cottage plot! After all, they are not only the first to make gaze in the spring, but also continuously create a magical beautiful and harmonious ensemble in summer and in the fall in force. different times flowering. In addition, they do not require particularly difficult care. With names I. external species (PHOTO) The most popular garden perennial bulbs you can get acquainted next.

Bulbous flowers: the choice of bulbs, its preparation and the right landing

When buying bulbous flowers, it is very important to choose a high-quality bulb: it must be dense (especially in the Donets), not to have damage (scratches, cracks) or any rot or plaque. In addition, the bulbs in the package must be all about the same size. More from the size of the bulb depends on blossoms: if the bulb in tulips or daffodils will be shallow, then blooms this year you can not wait.

Note! If you want to make a bulbous flower, then you need to plant finely bulbous plants (As a rule, they are not high), for example, freesy or muscari, and on the second - large-rolling, which are longer in height.

Tulips of different varieties and muscari

It is equally important to correctly treat the bulbs before landing, for example, such a popular tool as "Maxim", or the most ordinary manganese.

Recommendation! Try not to plant bulwing alone. It is hardly beautiful when it grows only 1 or 2 tulips. On the other hand, it is incredibly effectively when a lot of bulbs are located at once (10-15), and better than different colors.

The main rules for planting all the bulbs are to be planted at a depth of 3 more than the bulbs, in other words, at 3 her heights.

Important!No need to be afraid to plant bulbous flowers under large and branched trees. After all, the spring trees have not yet been covered with dense foliage, so bully plants will accurately get a sufficient amount of light and nutrition.

Popular Lukovichny for Garden: Top 17

Large-rolling and tuberukovichi flowers

Large-rolling and tuber flowers are the most popular bully plants in our gardens. These flowers differ enough big sizes and demanding care. Most often, they begin to bloom from the second half of April and have long blossoms. The diameter of the bulbs in such cultures more than 3 centimeters.

By the way! For the winter every fall, it is necessary to dig up the following bulbs: Begonias, gladiolus and dahlias. But, for example, lilies, as a rule, can winter in the open soil.




By the way! If you decide plant anemoneYou will use it useful for your plot.


Important!Information about when and how to plant and grow daffodils in open soil you'll find .



Note! About, how to grow freesia In your garden, you will learn


Note! Find out more detailed information About, when and how to plant and grow tulips, you can



Video: How to plant and transplant bulbous plants

Mellukovic flowers for summer cottages

As a rule, melluccic plants are more unpretentious in care. It is desirable to plant them more tight. Once again it is worth repeating the fact that these bulbous flowers, so to speak, are lost on large flower beds. That is why they are better to always plant on or among other low-layer plants. They begin to bloom, they are much earlier than others: in fact, as soon as snow comes down on the site (except Muskari and Ryabik - only from April). This is due to the dimensions of the bulbs - Melcukovic, need significantly less time for awakening. The diameter of the bulbs in such cultures are about less than 3 centimeters.

Muscari(mouse hyacinth)

Crocus (Saffron)

Important!Information on landing and growing crocuses Presented.

Iris bulb or mesh (iridodikim)

Ryabchik ( freethylene)

But it is worth noting that the Ryabik imperial Lukovitsa very big.


Decorative Luc


Snowdrop (Galantus)


Video: How to plant melluccic flowers

Exactly bulbous perennials Head popularity rating among colors in the country in the spring. And thanks to unpretentiousness in the care and cheerful shades of their colors, which are the first to appear in the garden and create an indescribable rainbow mood.

Video: Top 10 best bulbies for spring for a cottage

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Our grandmothers, grown with a strawberry garden, or strawberries, as we used to call it, not particularly worried about mulching. But today, this agroprium has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reduce crop losses. Someone can say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case Paying for a hundredfold. In this article, we suggest you would like to meet the nine best Materials For mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that more fashionable always considered "kids", to the assortment of succulents, with which you can decorate modern interior, It is worth looking attentively. After all, the sizes, sizes, patterns, the degree of thoroughness, the effect on the interior is only a few of the parameters for which you can choose. In this article, we will tell about the five most fashionable succulents, which in an amazing way transform modern interiors.

Mint used the Egyptians for another 1.5 thousand years before our era. It is characterized by a strong aroma due to the large content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, in decorative gardening, in the confectionery industry. In this article, consider the most interesting varieties Mint, as well as tell about the peculiarities of growing this plant in the open soil.

People began to grow crocuses for 500 years before the onset of our era. Although the presence of these colors in the garden is fleeting, we are always looking forward to the return of spring of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins, as soon as snow comes. However, flowering time may differ depending on species and varieties. This article is devoted to the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom at the end of March-early April.

Soup from the early young cabbage on the beef broth - satisfying, fragrant and simple cooking. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and make light soup on this broth. Early cabbage is boiled quickly, so it is put in a pan simultaneously with the rest of the vegetables, unlike the autumn cabbage, which is preparing somewhat longer. Ready soup can be stored in the refrigerator a few days. Turning sch are tastier just cooked.

Blueberry - low-prolonged promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberry berries are the source of biologically active substances and vitamins, possess anti-cutting, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, well-fascinating properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyans, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberry berry flavor is reminiscent of a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to be confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced Gorodnikov He is sometimes confused! However, to understand the basics of the selection of varieties "for themselves" is not difficult. The main thing is in particular culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest to grow groups of tomatoes is grades and hybrids with limited growth. They always appreciated by the gardeners who do not have a lot of strength and time to care for the beds.

There are no time very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten, the coles today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain are considered the stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking for above all non-standard colors. Simple in cultivation, but not so comprehensive to approach everything, the cakes require constant control. But if you care about them, bushes from velvety unique leaves easily eclipse any competitor.

Baked salmon ridge in olive herbs - "Supplier" delicious pieces Fish pulp for light salat With fresh leafs of the abraise. Champignons slightly roasted in olive oiland then watered with apple vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary marinas, and they are better suited for baked fish. The shortcut and fresh dill get along perfectly in one salad, emphasizing each other's fragrance. Garlic acuteness of the abrade is impregnated and the flesh of salmon, and pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree Or a shrub on the plot is always great, and a lot of conifers - even better. Emerald needles different shades Decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, isolated by plants, not only flavory, but also make air cleaner. As a rule, most of the zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy flowering trees It has long been an integral attribute of the Spring meeting in the country of the Rising Sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how tastes and addictions of people have changed to one or another food products over the centuries. The fact that was once considered delicious and was the subject of trade, over time he lost its value and, on the contrary, new fruit cultures conquered their markets. Quince has already been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century d. N. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known and then the ways of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Please make your household and make thematic curd cookies in the form of Easter eggs! Your kids will gladly take part in the process - ascend to flour, connect all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut the intricate figures. Then, with admiration will be observed as the pieces of the dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same inspiration they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

Among the tuber cultures of decorative-deciduous favorites are not so much. And Caladium is a true star among the volatile inhabitants of the interiors. It may not be decided to start the caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of Caladiums never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties in the cultivation of caladiums. And forgive small mistakes, the plant can almost always.

Retooth, incredibly appetizing and just elementary in the cooking dish we prepared for you today. This sublime is one hundred percent one hundred percent, as it is suitable for each side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Pouring with chicken and mushrooms will save you at moments when there is no time or I do not want to think about what to cook. Take you a favorite side dish (you can do it in advance so that everything is hot), add a gravy and dinner ready! Recine chopstick.

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